teologia vs fatture Rockefeller Spa & Co


Le “fatture” esistono? FATTURA

The “invoices” they exist?
Nell’87 sono stato a Napoli per un anno, dove ho frequentato la comunità “Eureka” di Pianura, una comunità del Rinnovamento dello Spirito.
In the 87 I have been in Naples for one year, where I have frequented the community “Eureka” of Lowland, a community of the Renewal of the Spirit.
In questa comunità, ho incontrato un giovanottone che dopo aver partecipato alla struttura operativa dei satanisti era riuscito ad uscirne, cosa peraltro che non riesce a tutti….
In this community, I have met a giovanottone that after having participated in the operational structure of the satanistis you/he/she had succeeded in going out of it, thing besides that he/she doesn't succeed to all….
Questo uomo aveva compiti di “manovalanza”, altri preparavano attraverso un elaborato rituale (a cui lui, non aveva il privilegio di poter assistere) diverse fatture atte a uccidere diverse persone, lui come fattorino le portava a domicilio.
This man had performed of “manovalanza”, others prepared through an elaborate ritual (to which he, didn't have the privilege to be able to assist) different fit invoices to kill different people, him as messenger you/he/she brought her home.
Un po’ per scetticismo, un po’ per quel maledetto senso di umanità che i sacerdoti di satana si dannano letteralmente nel tentativo di estirpare dai loro adepti.
A po for skepticism, a po for that accursed sense of humanity that the priests of satana are literally damned in the attempt to eradicate from their followers.
Questo uomo, quindi, “consegnava” le fatture affidategli per delle persone, ai conigli che allevava sul terrazzo, per vederli morire di cancro, ecc… Gonfiava la testa o altre parti del corpo… poi morivano.
This man, therefore, “it delivered” the invoices submitted him for of the people, to the rabbits that he/she raised on the balcony, to see to die them of crab, etc… it Inflated the head or other parts of the body… then they died.
Proprio la gravità morale della sua complicità con i satanisti lo portò ad abbandonarli!
Just the moral gravity of its complicity with the satanistis brought him/it to abandon them!
Ve lo immaginate un tribunale che commina l’ergastolo ad un tizio, per aver causato attraverso il “male malefico”, un tumore ad un cittadino? Quando è stupida ed impotente la nostra società!
Do you imagine him/it to you a court that inflicts the life sentence to a guy, to have caused through the “badly malefic”, a tumor to a citizen? When our society is stupid and impotent!
Dico molto brevemente, che queste “fatture” possono attecchire, sulle brave persone e anche su quelle molto religiose.
I very shortly say, that these “invoices” you/they can take root, on the good people and also on those very religious.
Scivolano addosso, letteralmente, a coloro che, oltre o al di la, della sfera del religioso hanno una spiritualità, ovvero una relazione personale con la divinità.
They slip I set, literally, to those people that, over or to the of the, of the sphere of the religious they have a spirituality or a personal relationship with the divinity.
Coraggio, è facilissimo amare il Padre e da Lui essere subito corrisposti, tutto quello che Lui ci chiede soavemente e delicatamente ci fa bene e ci è utile!
Courage, is easy to love his/her Father and from Him immediately to be corresponded, what He asks us softly and gently us ago well and there is useful!
Lui non da nessuna importanza ai tuoi peccati, perché non è l’accusatore, ti ama come sei per portarti alla perfezione, non aspetta che sei perfetto per poterti amare!
Him not from any importance to your sins, because is not the accuser, loves yourself as are for bringing you to the perfection, don't wait that are perfect to be able you bitter!
Lui non ti chiede se sei stato alla messa o di che religione sei o se sei scettico!
He doesn't ask if have been to the mass or of what religion are or if are sceptic!
Poiché tutti, siamo in una condizione iniziale di rivolta e di ribellione a Lui, …lo abbiamo offeso, lo abbiamo insultato, lo abbiamo fatto piangere nei suoi figli e nostri fratelli.
Since all, are in an initial condition of revolt and rebellion to Him,… we have offended him/it, we have insulted him/it, we have done him/it cry in his/her children and our brothers.
Ma lui, non pensa a tutto questo, si commuove profondamente per te nel vedere in che condizione disperata ti sei ridotto, proprio tu che nell’atto creativo sei uscito nello splendore della sua immagine – una effluorescenza di luce e gloria ora annientata, ma immediatamente risuscitata, in un attimo, solo se tu lo vuoi in un solo istante rinasci nel Suo amore.
But he, doesn't think about everything this, it is moved deeply for you in to see in that desperate condition you have been reduced, really you that in the creative action you have gone out in the shine of his/her image-an effluorescenza of light and glory now destroyed, but immediately resuscitated, in an instant, only if you want only it in an instant you revive in Your love.
Mi fa una grande pena vedere affianco a me persone che non sanno credere positivamente o attivamente, hanno al massimo una credenza religiosa che non produce effetti salvifici… e che sono vittime del maligno, da lui aggrovigliate in una rete da cui non riescono più a districarsi, così muoiono milioni di uomini al giorno!
Me ago a great punishment to see I place side by side to me people that don't know how to positively believe or they have at the most actively a religious belief that doesn't produce effects salvifici,… and that they are victims of the malignant one, from him tangle in a net from which don't succeed in disentangling himself/herself/themselves anymore, so million of men die a day!


Aspetti legali e giuridici del Satanismo
of Lucy Musti
Substitute Attorney of the Republic near the Court in Bologna
N.B. this is one of the 4 fileses entitled to the name of Satan on the server of the observer Romano
Even a seven phenomenon least legal analysis in Italy asks for a reflection on the few principles founded by the Constitution of the Italian Republic, the so-called Fundamental Paper, and found in the articles 17, 18 and 19.
Fundamentally, for law, the citizens have the right to reunite himself/herself/themselves " ", they has the right to freely associate himself/herself/themselves, without authorization, for purposes that are not forbidden to the individuals from the Italian law.
They has the right to profess their his/her own religion, in any form, alone or with others, to publicize her/it and to practise her/it in private and in public, fintanto these rites are not immoral.
With this premise, it achieves of it that the seven in how much such they don't concern the judicial system; , the intervention of the court is necessary when a sect, satanic or less, it commits, through its founders, or affiliate, actions that are punishable for law, for example crimes.
When such situation happens, the detective and repressive car of the state inevitably comes mass in motion, through the action combined of the Judicial Police and of the court.
This intervention is justified from a fundamental principle of our code, facing to guarantee the right of equality among all the citizens, according to which the District Attorney is forced to undertake the penal action, obviously, if it seems that a crime has possibly been salesclerk.
The seven o'clock illegal aspect includes, to a large extent, different types of crimes that, from , we can divide in crimes against the patrimony, sexual crimes, and, more generically, pertinent crimes the sphere of the personal liberty and crimes against the respect for the dead one.
The seven rages in fraud and subterfuge
The minimum commune denominator in the categories on you mention it is the correspondence among the behavior in action and the normative clause or the legislative paradigm foreseen by our system of fundamental law penalty.
The positive affirmation from the District Attorney that exists this correspondence requires that is started the detective and repressive procedures of which above.
The satanic seven complete their illegal activities of so-called economic nature perpetuating the fraud, through consistent actions of deception e/o stratagems from an agent that conducts the injured person in error, inducing to fall to pieces her/it him of its ownership so that brings an unfair profit to the .
The crime of fraud is a logical consequence of the offer, served as the sect, of magic practices to get a big quantity of results in the fields of the love, of the family, of the job, et cetera.
The fraud is very often followed by more serious crimes, as extortion accompanied by violence and threats, forcing the victim to do or to get something that realizations an unfair profit for the agent, with damage corresponding to the injured person.
This type of crime happens when the victim, discovering to have been tangled, refusals to pay the agreed upon sum for the promised magic but not gotten. In such circumstances, the dangerous nature of the sect is revealed by an application violent for a sum of money, causing in the subject a real situation of toward the Satanistis.
To the respect you/he/she must be emphasized that those people that belong to a sect son people of great weakness.
They are often of young age, smaller inclusive, that are maturing still and, in greater part I am , that is needy of suitable family support.
Even when they is of adult age, their personalities are underdeveloped and it miss even above all them a minimum of appropriate values.
The seven o'clock fear hampers the criminal investigations.
The total intrinsic weakness of those people that you/they come in contact with a sect implicates, as the other face of the same coin, a greater criminal potential for the same sect, that, accordingly it has advantage in to conduct its dangerous illegal activity.
The weakness of his/her members that, as says above, it makes them easy prey for the Satanistis, it has a big negative consequence for the following investigations. Since we are dealing with tied up people to a sect from a very strong pact (sometimes even a pact of blood), the cooperation with the Court, and, in general, with the detective bodies you/he/she is reduced to the least one thing that prevents the course of the investigation and the harvest of the tests to use against the Satanistis.
Obviously the being been victims of a crime is not enough to persuade such weak individuals to introduce report to the detective authorities. This way, respect to the investigations on the Satanismo, meets a real , similar to that that is found in the correlated crimes to the Mafia, with negative consequences absolutely for the investigation.
This threatening power of the pact of affiliation and the condition of subjugation with the resultant silence, to commit crimes, sentence taken by the art.416 second of the Penal Code (association of die mafioso), it seems to be also applicable to the Satanismo, when the particular condition of its members is considered, that are tools in the hands of the satanistis, as already says above.
Other types of crimes risalentis to a sect have to whether to do with the personal sexual liberty, in the sense that is necessary to perform during the rite determined sexual actions with consequent ejaculation, to the purpose to establish a relationship with Satan.
The victims of such actions are usually women, made very often incapable to intend and to want through counterfeit or amazing drinks, or they are under age, even in tender age. These last ones have a particular meaning in the satanic rituals, in which the painful maltreatment of a baby, that is pure for definition and next to God, it means to cause suffering to same God and, so, to like to Satan.
Obviously in these cases, if there is enough ground to proceed, the intervention of the Judicial Police and the Court, it immediately begins, from the moment that it is had to whether to do with criminal serious.
Another type of crime that can be committed by the Satanistis is included in the Book II of the Italian Penal Code as:
" "
Particularly we report there to the art.407 (desecration of graves), 408 (irreverence for the graves), 409 (irreverence for a dead body); 411 (destruction, elimination or removal of a dead body). The use of the dead bodies is essential to the satanic ritual. Then these cases ask also for them the repressive and punitive intervention of the Court.
Although in Italy alarming demonstrations as the suicide have not happened in mass of the members, without less the seven o'clock phenomenon represents a serious danger for the deleterious effects that can cause to his same adherent, and for the crimes that naturally derive from the activities of the seven themselves.
In front of this situation, the author thinks that the heaviest assignment is not that of the Court and of the Judicial Police, whose role is limited to investigation and repression, but rather that of the family and of the society, that you/they owe in some way to give support to the young people, and, in general, to those people in difficulty, to avoid the useless and deleterious appeal at seven o'clock satanic.
Texts in English:
- 1 satan
- 2 satans
- 3 satans


The satanista - amiss - it believes that there are two equidistant principles and equipotenti:
- that of the good and that of the evil -.
- The principle of the evil is destined to triumph!
This seems true solo if reality is considered by the part of the man, which to be able to practice the free will must be sets in a condition of equilibrium between the good and the evil.
Only through the free will there is the love and the dignity (of God as of the man).
Nevertheless, the methods between God and satana are contrasted, satana has the tendency to make enslaved, God imposes the liberty to the man.
God turns all to the good, while satana turns all the lived and the experience to the evil.
It seems a clash you learn date the brittleness of the man… but God believes in the man and in his/her possibilities, besides you/he/she hocks him to assist him/it in every necessity of his, particularly when the test they had to be superior to his/her possibilities.
But as today, in the world it dominates her/it “meat” in terms paolini, one day, God's day, it will dominate him/it “Spirit”, because: “it is the Spirit that gives the life, the meat doesn't benefit to anything.”
In fact, ontologicamente, or really, “only the being is, the not to be is not”, or only the Good is real! The shade more than to point out the subsistence of the darkness, points out the subsistence of the light, who momentarily escapes the light one day it won't hesitate anymore, because negation is made, or not to be.
The international satanismo more than to be the negation of the Christianity is the negation of the Catholicism, or it is the precise overthrow of it both on the organizational plan and sacramental. The objective of the international satanismo is not that to emerge from the clandestinity, but that to dominate the social body dominating him/it, just as ago a virus that even though invisible you/he/she can cause the paralysis of the organism and also its death. The true problem of the satanismo is not its recognition but the control of all the most important institutional structures or all the centers of power to have on the social organism a real power.
These three chapters are not of easy reading but this inevitable suffering besides bringing in if a pedagogy, allows to glimpse the composition of the document-or its exegesis-it points out, that genuine intellectual honesty that he/she clearly sees the concrete reality of this secret organization, justified besides, from more plans and from more methods of investigation, in all of its reality of hate and desperation.
“In as for me, for me way of living is Christ and the to die a profit.”
Do I want to say that my affections are already for the most greater part with the Lord that not in this world, would not my killing still benefit besides, more to the truth? To this point it would not highestly be more useful my death to guardianship of a good more jewel?
Before warmly reading this chapter suggestion to put on in prayer, if you are not believing to take some precautions however, because also in the best hypothesis this article will result a true suffering.
Who decides then not to read ago it very wise thing!
Remember you every day in his/her brothers' prayer misled by the satanismo.
Lucas, Four Years Á. the hell,
And. Mondatori S.p.A. Milan on license TEA S.p.A.
Original title: Vier Jahre Holle und zuruck,
1995 by Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach 1999 TEA S.p.A.
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Who Reads This Document Knows That His/her Life will Irremediably Come From there And Irreversibly Conditioned.
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The smaller ones don't read this document!
The smaller ones are not conceited,
before makes to read this article to an adult and then verifies with him the opportunity of the reading.
Only God knows how much I have suffered in the construction of this Document that has definitely changed my life.
- When he/she is known, he cannot do falser than not to know. -
Only the irresponsible dizziness and the irresponsible forgetfulness, can make only to return you to be what you were before.
The reflexive reading of this book will overcome every production of the imagination of the horror because it is the reality of hundreds of thousand of people, in prevalence Adults in every nation, while in the whole west, so-called civilized, we are already to some million followers.
To underestimate this phenomenon is already bringing to terrible consequences.
What you have decided to read seems difficult to think himself/herself/themselves, and it is unbelievable to think himself/herself/themselves indeed.
The satanismo is the factory of the maniacs, of the monsters and of the serial Killer.
To a satanista you/he/she can be ordered of everything, understood the infanticide of his/her own child.
The satanismo is a fruit diverted of our western society it is the overthrow of the biblical mentality and the liturgical and sacramental action of the Church of Christ one and holy.
In order to the sources, I have to specify that nothing of what is affirmed esula from:
----Lucas, Four Years Á. the hell, And. Mondatori S.p.A. Milan on license TEA S.p.A.
Original title: Vier Jahre Holle und zuruck, 1995 by Gustav Lubbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach 1999 TEA S.p.A.
--- rather, a lot of details and a lot of important realities have been sottaciute because it is correct to buy the book.
In order to the sources of verification and confirmation than affirmed in the sources expressly quoted I have to declare that I am segretate because the risk is tall of whom has furnished her to me.
It becomes ours the indelible play of Lucas, that has risked to go crazy.
Paradoxically has been really the madness to save him/it! Madness has deprived him/it of the jail of his/her own mind and hidden for years in a psychiatric clinic you/he/she has been able to reconstruct him, so it is accidentally alone that you/he/she has been able to free himself/herself/themselves some sect.
Nevertheless alive in anonymity and in continuous danger of life. Danger that we have to share so that the humanity goes out of this nightmare.
To rape and to also kill the human victim in numerous community with hundreds of participants (what they are not known between them), to drink the blood mixed with drugs of it, to eat its raw heart to bites, and immediately after the cannibalism to complete an orgy in honor of Satan, to do the I tread of chalk of the killed one so that can make show of if in the pubs satanisti (to loosen the dead body with the sulphuric acid and to pour him/it in the sink all of this can be prepared from also two hours of devoted prayer in Latin) it asks for such a complex and powerful organization to make to blush the so-called west civilized in front of the rest of the world for the whole eternity.
But from a dead body, before destroying him/it, so many things can be gotten, I spare you her....
Shame, United States of America! Shame England! Shame, Germany! Shame, France! Shame, Italy! Shame, West!
To stop these criminals the secret services, the most advanced technologies and experts it are needed (judges, police officers, jails, institutes, personal psychiatric, etc.) specific and entirely devoted.
Don't you believe me? How much am I, according to you, the people that can disappear in the nothing? If knew the numbers and the statistics of the disappeared in the nothing, this would impress you!
Certainly it is my conviction, after having read this book, that in America a bystander of these disappeared, has been immolated on the altar of satana. A lot of victims, unaware, they knew only to approach himself/herself/themselves to a party, when they welcomed the invitation of a known friend a few days before, even in the beach. To this party there would have been to have a good time him and to eat free.
The victim some is unaware of the fact that all would be him "had a good time" on him and on his/her terror, you/he/she would have been "tortured and tortured" without having the possibility to howl, but being perfectly shiny, then with great mastery you/he/she would have seen with his/her eyes his/her heart among the hands of another, there are no words to be able to describe what happens and what tries him.
Not hardly dead, some would be fed devouring raw his/her heart and all dissetati they would be him still drinking his/her warm blood frammisto to a liqueur, everything of his/her fool you/he/she would be consumed in honor of Satan.
Too late, however, to discover that object of other people's fun would have been its horror and its desperation. The victim is drugged and tied up on the altar with chains to the braccias and the wide apart legs, you/he/she is raped, you/he/she is him open the chest with great mastery without hurting the heart that is torn in a second moment.
You dies, I said, seeing to pulsate his/her own heart in the hands of another.
Premised from: “The cult of Satan today” of Mr. Jurgen Hauskeller
We have a subculture of the ideology of the satanismo made of video, literary works and music, addressed above all to a juvenile public, that in the period of the spiritual and intellectual development, being to the search of the sense of the life, you/he/she can easily be moulded for becoming perfect tools of the secret organization, so much secret to the outside as inside his/her hierarchical structure.
It structures estate united by the blackmail, from the hate and from the fear and from the personal profit (sex, money, power and impunibilità without limits). certain and real Fear, of the infallible impunibilità of the organization and the impossibility to escape her.
The almost capillary presence of the groups satanisti in the most greater part of our communes (as unfortunately they are us to show some facts of black chronicle) where gli/le omicidi/e improvvisati/es come catturati/e but nothing him he/she ever succeeds in knowing about the other components of the group in any case.
Unfortunately The chronicle cannot talk us of the collective rites to orgies and sacrifices of small animals, of thing it happens during what it behaves.
Unfortunately, the crimes and the homicides can be also present when the satanismo is in an initial form.
Also in this initial and little stadium professionistico, these groups are potentially always dangerous. From a search conducted in 1994 - from the institute of psychology of the university of Friedrich Schiller of Jena, it results, in base to a questionnaire that the 35,3% of the students have had practical experiences in the field of the occultism (cartomancy, sways, sat spiritiche) while him 1% have had experiences with the black masses.
The situation should not be very different from other parts of Germany and the rich world. The charm of the magic, the strength of attraction of the bad actions, an ideology that guarantees strength, demands hardness and exalts the violence as I orchestrate that it represents an exciting and mysterious reality, they are all factors that practice on certain young people a great power of attraction.
In Germany a strong devoted organization exists to the cult of Satan, that structured in the form of loggias, similar to those Masonic, and it enjoys of a sharp pain net of international connections. The level of secretiveness of the groups satanisti is absolute, usually who decides to go out it has to do its accounts with the almost certainty to be killed or to see killed his dearrest relatives for retaliation. By law the state advances very demanding applications in fact of elements of test, victims and witnesses, and it is for this that till now the attempts to pursue are them bankrupt.
1. 1. 1. The word impotence is perhaps the most fitting definition of the actual situation of this phenomenon.
2. 2. 2. besides the police officers don't give generally credit to these stories, because they hold not her worthy of faith.
3. 3. 3. misinformation, indifference and unpreparedness to compare him with such a terrible reality, go together. There are certainly single cases that arouse sensation, but then everything falls in the forgetfulness. Only in England, behind parliamentary debate the institution of a special errand of Scotland Jard is had.
4. 4. 4. and necessary a specialized personnel is of police, that of magistracy to embank and to oppose this that represents one of the most anxious contemporary phenomenons.
We are of forehead to a sect with world ramifications and whose vertex is in the United States of America, where the satanistis are free to publicly profess their faith.
Attention the great priest, the great assassin travels in cadillack with the darkened glasses. Often to the tallest vertexes of the organization this type of car is chosen with villas strengthened in inaccessible places, etc…
The satanistis are held an only family founded on the hate and on the absolute subjugation to satana. For them, they are ridiculous and fruit of weakness the feelings, the compassion and the love. to kill the humanity and to become the terrorized neophytes bad and plagiarized they are forced to ask the blood to the butcheries and they drink him/it in the certainty to be tagged after, then this results truthful because a great attention is given to the neophyte, that in the case of Lucas, you/he/she has been introduced in the sect with deception.
To kill the Christian spirit, drinks united raw blood to amazing substances during the rites, where they also kill human being abducted or attracted with deception. The dead bodies end loose in the acid and they disappear in the sink.
The catechesis, the isolation from the social context, the crime, the rape, the orgies, the ritual homicide I am intrinsic reality. The destruction of the Christianity and the humanism is the consequent objective.
For this you/they cannot bear the maternity in their group, only his/her children had by a great priest as children of satana are grown, the other children are secretly born with the assistance of the gynecologists of the organization and they are immolated to the birth or also after six months to the indifferent presence of his/her/their mother, according to the indications that satana from to the priest, you/they cannot exist affective bonds.
A mother that enters the sect has to show his/her fidelity to satana, killing or letting the smallest child killing. To get the objective to conquer the world and to be able to subdue the Christians to slavery and every torment, in the absolute certainty of the final victory of Satan, ladies of the world, have impressive and huge financial resources, many among the most powerful and rich men of the west, belong already to the organization.
You/they can manage pharmaceutical multinationals and therefore, to manipulate medicines that in association with other medicines they determine the death, so that satana is glorified and they can show him their believer subjection.
Satan is knowingly the gentleman of their life, while it is being the unaware gentleman of the most greater part of the men that I/you/they are subdued because of the sin to him.
For these finalities, for the triumph of the sex, of the wealths and of the power in their life, they sells their souls to satana and they is made his docile and aware tools, in the certainty to reign with him in the glory.
From the analysis of this book it is deduced as the most flourishing communities is found in Germany, France, England and in America, where the most zealous followers, bring him to make the apprenticeship, Lucas it was predestinate or to become priest or to die. I am really the United States of America the spiritual country of the satanistis. The present groups here, almost every evening they offer an abducted human being to Satan or with deception guest to a party and solo rarely they are forced to refold on the sacrifice of a lamb circumstance that is capsized in the European groups instead.
It is impressive to know the statistics of the people that I disappear in the nothing, it is not absurd to hold - from the puzzling testimony of this document - that an impressive number of men can have been victim of this powerful, international and rich secret organization.
Many are killed, because held guilty to hamper the organization, you/they are killed because coming to knowledge of a friend satanista you/they have tried to dissuade him/it and you/they have tried to help to go out him/it of the organization.
The structure satanista is pyramidal, the world vertexes of the organization are found in the United States of America, where they have a juridical status and they pay the taxes.
The resolution of these problem list can never be faced if not from powerful government organizations.
Certain homicides, have besides to be salesclerks to show to be worthy of an advancement in the organization, that prepares of economic means and of coverages to all the levels of the civil society, politics, soldier and religious, thing ì as besides it is for the freemasonry.
Only two thin cracks make to slip out the eyes, in the organization they are not known, they know what it will happen subsequently in the walk of their apprenticeship. They feels inserted in a situation without exit! Be able to save the skin become essential! The best way to save is to gain ground with crimes and with proselytism and making the spies of his/her own companions of bad luck.
To enter an only time a meeting of this type, also with deception, you/he/she can mean for some as Lucas not to be able of it more to go out, to remain traps forever of it, punishment the death for if or for his/her own darlings. Just to prevent retaliations his/her own darlings is forced to participate. Also the suicide would be a liberation, but this is prevented really from the certainty that some relative will have to die on the altar of the sacrifice for "to punish" the coward and suicidal traitor.
After having been forced, from the sgherris, (teachers of arts martial, and perfect war cars) to drink some blood with drugs, orders him to kneel, Lucas it understands that the resistance will be him useless, he/she drinks, etc....
Lucas, aspirant priest, in four years and after so many seminars in America as aspirant priest, has been able never to look at the face of his/her priest-jailer.
Hypnotized, turned into a zombie to make things of which it is not aware, but unequivocally testified by photos, him rifugerà in a psychiatric clinic to hundreds of kilometers of distance and it will need many years of therapy that unfortunately they won't be able him more ridonares his/her equilibrium and his/her normalcy.
When to Lucas, they show him the photo of a teen-ager that to distance of a week you/he/she would have had to sacrifice, definitely consecrating him/it as priest of satana, after having had to participate his although to hundreds of human sacrifices and to have brought the death and the destruction around his/her human, affective and social community, squirt. It squirts and it loses the control of his/her psyche, but really this, will be his/her salvation.
In fact it is really the brain the infallible jail of the satanistis. Their nightmare if forced or their heaven perverse and diabolic if acquiescent.
An American priest, to the vertexes of the world structure of the organization, come in trasferta in Germany, it checks the preparation of the followers priests and question to Lucas: "To that religion you belong? ",
to the intimidated answer and for this wrong of Lucas: "I don't have a religion"
you/he/she is beaten and correct: "YOUR RELIGION IS THAT SATANISTA, REMEMBER WELL IT! ".
Subdued to hits, Lucas surrenders and among if he/she thinks:
"It is all right, I am a demon."
The American takes back him/it: "You are not a demon, you are only a child of the demon."
- The American had the power to read in the thought -
In fact, some of them have the power to see to distance, the hypnosis and other superhuman possibilities.
The ambition of a satanista is to die in way worthy of satana, in other words dramatically.
The terms as love and friendship are replaced by the word association.
This way it is unlikely, that a satanista is submitted to structures of recovery and rehabilitation, because they are of fact inadequate. The satanista knows well that in its situation they are useless and inadequate entirely the actual structures. Its condition is that not to be able to escape the revenge of same satana, that he/she knows well a lot where he hides.
To face this reality that to define her/it criminal is to define her/it riduttivamente institutions, laws and structures it are needed that are not been thought yet.
This atrocity that he invisibly goes spreading is as the most dangerous crab of the western society. Currently this social crab is irrisolvibile from the so-called world civilized of which you/he/she is the logical fruit of it from the moment in which there is not in our west an univocal definition of the concept of truth or the correspondent layman of the sense of God.
I am ashamed to belong to this so-called civilization! The satanistis, are deforming irreversibly invisibly our society, and they will always bring greater disasters, before someone finds the way of able them to stop. Many aberrant crimes that justly shake the public opinion, have behind the phenomenon of the satanismo.
This whole error has been made possible by the fact that our society is not:
neither ethics,
neither personalistica,
neither humanistic and
neither metaphysics.
With our cultural revolution it will open a new future of peace and civilization.
Our revolution is initiated and more nobody can arrest her/it. I don't know if we will win (the book of the apocalypse says that in the last times the wickedness will be soverchiante), but of certain we will beat there, they will have to make the accounts with us, in our total war to the moral evil.
I imagine now that a reader has read and has given credit to what I have told him. Well!
This reader is away from to understand the experience of a satanista however, because the words don't have some power to explain this reality.
Only a satanista knows what it tries him to be flooded by the hate to the pure state.
The problem of the satanista is not what the others don't want to understand him/it, but that you/they can never understand him/it and that for him more nobody can do something. He knows that is found to the hell and that from cannot go out them anymore of it!
He/she knows that also in his/her thoughts it is not to the sure one anymore and then it enjoys more than it is able, the whole dessert that the blood of the other ones can give him takes.
Before reading this article it is to put on well in prayer, and to offer supplications and sacrifices to God for these really unfortunate brothers, but the prayer is also necessary to be protected in the reading of this article being well aware that the Light has won the darkness in the moment of the Resurrection and once and for all. The logic of the free will is lunica that makes possible also the love.
The satanistis of the "you do from you" as Seans, are the only ones that could escape the taking infallibbile of the malefic organization, really because they don't make part of it.
Sean Seller was 16 years old when killed both the salesclerk of a shop and his/her parents.
It was certain that the homicides made pleasure to he who he/she adored.
Sean him autoproclamava a satanista. Today it is a believer in Christ (perhaps you/he/she has already been executed on death row)
Video - Copyright by Gosplel FILMS, Inc. USA - VHS 30 mins.
Distribution in Italy and to the foreign countries:
FEDEFILM - Association of service for the diffusion of the Gospel
Street XXIV Maggio, 3 - 00048 Neptune (Rome) tel. (06/988.87.30) fax 988.87.31
In this unbelievable video, Sean tells of his/her miraculous happened change while it was being in the jail, of his/her horrendous crimes, above all it clearly reveals as the traps and the seduction of the hidden one, can be avoided.
Sean is death row inmate in the jail of state to Mc. Alester, Oklahoma.
Its history is an interview detector, at times also spine-chilling, that the spectators will never forget.
Sean was an independent and solitary boy to which it didn't like to lose and the religion had never had a remarkable place in its life. Sean belonged well a great deal to a family for and was sure of the love of his/her parents.
The school was a great deal few binding and was enough for him little to be good, so it had available a lot of time to be able to have a good time.
To 13 it falls in love him for the first time, but not being corresponded, first it negotiates with God and then it holds guilty God, so mature an increasing grudge toward God. It increases his/her interest for the essoterismo and a video game it begins him/it to the witchcraft because it increases in him the attraction to the mystery and the power.
"It praises satana! " a sorceress answered him that held a lecture in his/her classroom of school and she answered so to his/her application - formulated in private - to become satanista.
Subsequently the sorceress instructed him/it on the ritual and taught him a magic formula but the satanic name of "..... " you/he/she would have represented the password with which you/he/she would have been able to directly have access to the demoniac contacts.
Sean kneels and completes the renouncements to God and it invokes, he/she calls and it praises satana, besides performance the magic formula and it repeatedly pronounces the name of ".... " what it represents the key of access.
Suddenly the room did him of ice, it felt him leaven from earth, and in a situation of great relaxation he abandoned to a situation of great passivity, while a lot of hands and fingers touched him/it for the whole body escaping him heat.
This way he/she hears a separate voice: "I love you! "
It opens the eyes, but it perceives only around him some stains.
And he again surrenders to that sweet and glacial passivity.
Sean is by now obsessed by the satanismo and well soon deep it congregates her/it of the "elimination" a group of 13 boys that you/they are established to destroy with all the means (sacrileges, profanations and violences) the Christianity.
Two books that it will literally learn to memory will represent its inspiration:
• the satanic bibbia
• I hover some corpses (negron - negron) that it introduces in the unknown world of the spirits of the dead ones.
The spiritual superiority of a satanista on a Christian is overwhelming, according to their calculations a satanista is worth at least 10 Christians, in fact the satanista is ardent and ago seriously while the Christians are lukewarm and indifferent.
Times of adoration and prayers to satana, rites, sacrifices, magic, profanation and crimes nourish their exaltation.
Sex orgiastico, to drink blood, to engrave him and to mix their blood for then to drink him/it to him, all to continually show their fidelity to satana.
This way following the suggestions of the satanic bibbia they are had to violate all and ten the commandments: "nothing easier". "But we stopped there in front of the choice of a human sacrifice."
The bibbia satanista has well two chapters that treat of the choice of a human sacrifice. It needs to choose a person that doesn't bring any benefit to the humanity, a solitary person whose disappeared it won't bring a social void.
This way they decided to kill a salesclerk of a supermarket that you/they knew well, in the rite they gave him/it for him to satana and then they went out for committing the homicide.
"That man had been so stupid not to be understood what was happening", and they laughed above you for a lot of time, the action you/he/she gave them a great pleasure.
"There were not us human feelings, but only the diabolic gratification."
The salesclerk, in fact he/she thinks to a robbery, having them besides recognized and so it doesn't even try to run away, but it prepares him to pass them the collection and despite has been missed from Sean a first time, meeting it practically suits him, and from distance now brought closer Sean you/he/she cannot miss him/it.
Sean describes well the absolute wickedness of a satanista the state of pure hate that devours him/it and it exalts him/it.
In that period it didn't accept any form of prohibition and so it begins to make satanic rites against his/her parents that it doesn't bear anymore by now.
You wakes up at night it enters the bedroom of his/her parents, stings the gun to the temple of his/her/their father and ago fire. Immediately point the gun where he/she knows how to be us his/her mother and it shoots, the poor girl he turns verse of him to look at him and him it again centers her/it, then it goes to make himself/herself/themselves a shower.
After the shower the room from bed of its parents is pregnant of the odor of the shot dust and the odor of the blood, so it begins to hysterically laugh on the dead bodies of his/her/their parents, then it goes out and it goes home of the friend with a great sense of liberation.
Accused of homicide of first degree begins his/her career of prisoner, from a prisoner you/he/she receives the offer of a Bible, that ax.
Through a psalm it had the certainty that God continued to love him/it and that despite everything you/he/she looked for him/it. "Mr., eccomi again to you! " You threw to earth and he/she cried for the first time after so many years.
From the jail Sean grants an interview and from of the teachings:
• Satana doesn't joke..., you begin for game or for curiosity, but then you find yourself involved in something of very dangerous when by now it is too late already.
• I believers make me become rabid, because they don't pray, they don't study the Bible, they have a very lukewarm religion. Instead the satanistis pray for times, and they know better a lot about the Christians thing is the spiritual fight.
In fact, they pray together for times satana, against also a single Christian to demolish him/it, to destroy him/it and they interrupt only the prayer and the rites when they have succeeded in their intent.
• La thing more difficult for me you/he/she has been to forgive me, but I have done him (for this story these things without
It seemed me to feel in my heart: "Hey, that happens you, have I forgiven you and you who believe yourself to be for not forgiving you? " - I didn't have before then seen the problem by his/her point of view.
• "Satan is against you! God is from your part! "
From the jail Sean us ago an admirable simple catechesis says as,:
"God has created in us an insatiable void, that the power, the sex and any thing can fill, because He is the only one that can fill this void.
I have seen people to which it didn't miss anything to commit suicide him for the boredom, He is alone the fullness of this void." ---
"By now it is time to be serious with Jesus Cristo.
Don't be afraid of God, because He doesn't want to change you in someone whom you would not outwardly recognize, to Him it interests only to change the heart, that is to void him/it from the sin."
Video - Copyright by Gosplel FILMS, Inc. USA - VHS 30 mins.
Distribution in Italy and to the foreign countries:
FEDEFILM - Association of service for the diffusion of the Gospel
Street XXIV Maggio, 3 - 00048 Neptune (Rome) tel. (06/988.87.30) fax 988.87.31
Third chapter: It considers that almost certainly the church of satana is already present in your country.
The Clot Satanismo?
Is The church of satana organized to Clot? In a country so Catholic this is possible?
What are you prepared to know or to accept?
The church of satana is organized to Clot from at least three years (it is present for 90% in all the countries of the province in Bari, inclusive Quasano) with so much of place and relative civic number.
Behind this place, almost always to the appearance, of spinellatori, in reality the adherent ones are hidden of a secret religion, boys so much fervorosi in their religion to already be counted thousand and thousand of times of prayer and adoration to make to also disfigure ours elderly more devoted!
As in the best tradition satanista, this whole prayer, in a first phase of the group, it ends in a technical use of the sex of which I will speak over.
Anybody a center of the satanismo can open (the most powerful secret organization), without being authorizes of it, without making years of apprenticeship and to overcome some tests.
Only if he is authorized by the regional or provincial heads it is possible a center to open as from three years it is open to Clot.
Drawn aside himself/herself/themselves of a world organization that has financial means, logistic and of intelligens not to be envied anything to the secret services.
The church of satana, in reality it makes head to different American multinationals and great financial groups, specialized in investments in purse and speculations.
The church of satana proposes him the conquest of the world and the destruction of the Christians through killings and the to sow hate and violence to destabilize the social fabric and to establish a climate of mutual suspect and mistrust.
In a place of this country, you/they had begun to pick up some signatures for "to send away" these boys and girls, all children and daughters of mother as him suol to say.
I look for, now, to answer to the questions that legitimately they appear on the surface in your mind and I will speak to you of a precise episode realized him in November 2001 one year ago.
At the 24, a family is back from a party, when the boy tells his/her father: "dad I go to drink to the fountain", while him disseta to the fountain, a girl goes out of one of that local that the boys use fittare to find himself/herself/themselves in winter, you/he/she directs him toward this preadolescente, a breast you/he/she shows him and she invites him/it to enter the place, as to tell him: "you come, that her inside I give you the whole rest! "
You excuse if I interrupt the story, but if I don't explain you you won't succeed in understanding nothing.
After having Begged satana for two hours and possession cursed God, to have dispatched a precise and rigorous ritual, duly hooded and bandaged, lust is by now such, in the group, not to be able him more to contain, these four boys and three girls (all children of mother), they now attend the fruit of so much devotion.
Nevertheless, they are not free to do what you/they want because a slave is not master of his/her life, you/he/she is satana person, through the priest that decides what and as you/he/she is had to act.
But through the priest, satana, also this evening, he/she wants that all the four males have to give the jewel of family to an alone of the three present girls, because satana rewards its handmaid more faithful, granting her some unbelievable sexual pleasures.
These sexual actions must be perform hooded, because it is satana that has to enjoy through the bodies of the presents, the girl doesn't give his/her body to the males of the group, but to same satana, what time you/he/she possesses completely this liturgical meeting.
Besides, if the pleasure of the senses is not strong, to the point not to be made to regret sweeps her does of it to the pineta with his ex boy, because never a girl should remain a satanista?
The other two girls remain lashes because they have been, this week, old in virtue satanista from their companion, or contrarily, really because the chosen person thought about going out of the group you/he/she is made him such a precious gift, to be able her/it condition on the multilevel physical and psychic plan.
The heroin is chocolate in comparison to the conditionings or to the dependence that produces a group satanista.
The girls, besides, prostitutes are not felt, because they feel him overhung by the spirit of satana to which their being is consecrate, they are all proud ones because they are felt superior to the other men and integral part of a grandiose project: "the subjugation to satana of the whole human kind."
Daltronde, having to roast to the hell for the whole eternity, will they have, at least now, on the earth the right to a special treatment?
I not by chance speak of companions and not of friends, because their organization is founded upon the hate, on the suspect and on the terror, when they will be ready, and satana will want him/it, you/they can eat the raw heart of their companions of today.
We don't have to think that the followers have this awareness since the beginning, because the organization ago them to know only what is necessary to the moment.
Satan is very susceptible and pretends trust in absolute and unconditional way, if they want to enjoy and to be victorious they don't have to doubt of the power and of the protection of satana.
For them this is also correct, because old age is unbearable,... to enjoy the most possible time, in the certainty that will be however then, you participate of the triumph of satana both in the time that in the eternity.
Do you remember the fable of Pinocchio, when after days lived in dissolute and irresponsible way suddenly they found again him turned into donkeys? When they had the awareness of it, was by now too late! This is the desperation that has to experiment whoever it invests in the illegality or in the immorality.
These groups primarily orgiastici, in a first phase, I can suddenly be and unpredictably subjects to a radicalization, when the group becomes more numerous or it suffers the confluence of other groups.
The collaboration among the groups, secret the one to the other one is characterized by inevitable specializations.
You constitutes the group of the assassins, specialized in the capture or in to commit homicides on commission, they are all teachers of black belt and with the only hands you/they can kill a man in few second, they represent the private watch of the top priest.
You constitutes the group that devotes him to the black magic or the art to harm to the men with the "invoices", to give them illnesses or death.
You constitutes the group of the physicians with the gynecologists of the sect, they has a mobile surgical room to allow different types of interventions, among which to make to give birth in anonymity the females of the group to immolate its his/her children.
There is the specialized group in the manipulation of the dead body. From a dead body so many useful things can be gotten for torturing the rebels of the sect and to publicize so much the culture of the horrid one dear to the satanismo.
You tread of chalk of the "sacrificed" that they will end glued in the pabs satanisti, etc... The people loosen the dead body in the sulphuric acid and they pour him/it in the sink making to disappear every trace.
There is the specialized group in drugs and chemical materials (among which the sulphuric acid).
Some, external to the sect, or been born by a satanista inside the brotherhood, they are considered "men from the dead soul", for this it is correct to suppress these useless beings.
There is the administrative group, devoted to the onerous financial organization;
There is the group of the seminarists aspirant priests;
There is the priests' group driven by the Top priest of satana that possesses superhuman powers and that only it knows the identity of all the brothers and his/her sisters, the top priest devotes him to the preparation and the immolation of the victim.
There and the group of the political ones, of the administrators and police that plan and they create a perfect situation of conspiracy of silence and protection around the sect.
The ascent is meritocratica.
This way, if the priest of Clot appeared less satanista of a follower or an external envoy, would lose its power. To this point the competition for the power brings to a breakthrough, so the orgiastico group would find again him bloodthirsty, that is he gives to drink raw blood of animals and to animal sacrifices, inevitable itinerary for the human sacrifice.
"In the satanismo or you are a god or you are not anything",
for this the competition is violent to the such point that necessarily escapes the control of the initial wishes.
Certainly, the phase of the human sacrifice is a dangerous phase for everybody, whoever you/he/she can end on the altar of satana as victim.
They are not to the sure one the various groups that compose the external community, as they are not to the sure one the various groups that compose the inside community!
Nobody is to the sure one in the city!
In this phase, the top priest lives a moment of glory and power absolute, you/he/she becomes arbiter of the life or the death of whoever in the city.
To consolidate his/her primacy on the men and to increase the supernatural powers that satana indeed he/she confers him, it has need to increase the human sacrifices.
In this moment, you have to see how the females open the legs without the least hesitation and as in the brotherhood he breathes the hate to the pure state and every feeling of jealousy and envy, when the top priest calls to climb in the hierarchy someone who holds fitter.
In this phase the terror also prevents every least insubordination, in fact, all are afraid of everybody, all are forced to reveal the smallest sign of yelding or afterthought of the brothers.
An action of afterthought involves the inevitable and infallible punishment.
You cannot even trust your thoughts, because in this phase the top priest purchases hypnotic powers and the ability to read in the thought of the followers.
In the confraternità every component receives (as for our religious) a new name that corresponds to the name of a demon, for example a name among the as ones could be "Medea."
1) PHASE BEFORE: Group orgiastico;
2) SECOND PHASE: Use of the magic and the "Invoices";
3) THIRD PHASE: Sacrileges and profanations of cemeteries and churches;
4) FOURTH PHASE: Sacrifices of animals and to drink blood of pig to kill the humanity;
5) FIFTH PHASE: Human sacrifices.
Always, the single components of the group as splinters more or less you go crazy or you pilot they behave as maniacs, serial Killer, etc... with the purpose to destabilize the civil society And Accreditare ground Á. the inside Of the organization.
We remember Mr. Pacciani, the homicide of Nadia Rocca, etc....
But of the most greater departs some crimes from them salesclerks there is not traces or I find!
The satanismo, has stain with blood already abundantly our roads, also because, only a small percentage of the crimes of this typology you/they can be identified.
Very he would be able he/she anchors to say, but it is opportune to return to our story now.
Among the two excluded girls, one is really badly, it is envious and hot tempered to see his/her companion that one after the other... ago bellyfuls of so tasty bits.
To this girl that we will call the girl of the breast, they are about these the thoughts that get excited in his/her mind, while it is observing his/her companion go crazy for an orgasm that seems to never have term, he/she thinks: "Today is touched to that, the other time has been the turn of that other - the other time anchors - anchors to that and then to that other!
Is it to me when? When my turn will come?
This is an injustice! you Already go to seek the justice in satana! "
In front of that show, he feels really badly! Depressed it tries to recover the recoverable one to advantage of his/her frustrated excitement - he/she thinks: "The duty, for a follower of satana is "to offer" his/her own body, conquer a new follower! Here if they are not added more penises in the group, I will always go to the water, to this time of the night, besides I have good possibilities to find an available male."
This way, the hood removes from him and goes out out blinded by the lust and by the anger, guilty also the shades of the night, perhaps it doesn't realize to decoy a preadolescente of solos 12 years. - FIRST ERROR
But the preadolescente and child of M. - According to Error
Few instants serve to M. to storm in the place, literally to armed hand and them, it finds for his/her wonder all hooded ones and a girl "prepared" on the table, I wanted to say on the altar, because of altar he treats.
M. has never felt to speak of satanisti, for him I am alone of the hogs that have tried to ruin him the boy and with the blood to the eyes it says: "I don't want anymore tomorrow here to see you! "
The satanistis will be bastard, despicable and murder, but they are not stupid! There were not already tomorrow more.
Does M. know well to protect his/her children and the other children who it protects them?
You excuse, if now, at two o'clock at night, seeing that his/her daughter is not withdrawn yet, enter the conjugal thalamus of the parents of one of those three girls:
husband: "But at least you know from who if you/he/she is doing him/it lead your daughter? "
wife: "Not to worry you, does the girl know his/her fact, is this his/her life and her you/he/she has the right to live her/it, if you/he/she doesn't have a good time now that you/he/she is Miss, when you/he/she can do him/it? "
her husband cursing: "This is too much, they are at night the two! Every evening it withdraws him slow! "
wife: "Has his/her party, is good company, there are other girls! Do we want to make her/it esludere from the others and to create her an exhaustion? "
husband: "You are you that his/her children you ruin and you make me respect, you don't respect me you and they don't respect them to me."
wife: "That we can do? We are not anymore by now able to prevail on her and then it is too much great to hope to get some barrel results or punishments. You will see, the moment that he will marry will arrive and all will systematize him."
Husband and wife fall asleep after having exchanged him mutual accusations.
We have an international production of art and film satanisti, these they almost always finish with the vision of a human heart to pierce through or to crush, symbol of the triumph of the hate on the love.
For a satanista the true love doesn't exist and is therefore an illusion to be able to experiment him/it.

Dio si nasconde, perché gode di essere trovato:
sito sui 600 cristiani martirizzati giornalmente(fonte SOCCI):









tutto è per Lui o contro di Lui = " A e W "

Tu da che parte stai?

Cosa di te sarà evidente quando il Signore tornerà?

Infatti, Lui, riguardo a te, sta per tornare molto prima di quello che puoi pensare!
Lorenzo rappresentante di JHWH è disponibile per costruire il terzo tempio ebraico.
Lorenzo approfitta della presente per salutare TUTTI simpaticamente: "Pace e Gioia!"!
Lorenzo è il creatore della prima moneta internazionale l'AURO o AURITO di proprietà del portatore

Lorenzo ordina in maniera immediata, nel nome di Gesù Cristo, tutto il bene e tutto il male, secondo quello che ognuno avrà meritato: "Questo darà ancora, per l''ultima volta, spazio a una SPERANZA politica, prima che il SIGNORE ritorni".

sito sui 600 cristiani martirizzati giornalmente(fonte SOCCI):

Lorenzo rappresentante di JHWH è disponibile per costruire il terzo Tempio Ebraico sul Monte degli Ulivi come è già stato annunciato dai profeti.
Questo Tempio aprirà il più bel periodo di pace, prosperità e "risveglio" che il genere umano abbia mai conosciuto, insomma si tratta dell'ultima fase del genere umano dedicata allo Spirito Santo.

Lorenzo dedica questo lavoro al suo Dio Spirito Santo.

  • 1- saluto Nicolò Bellia e all'antropocrazia.

  • 2- saluto tutti gli uomini di "buona volontà"

  • 3- saluto tutti i servitori di Dio

  • 4- saluto tutti i figli di Dio




"Insomma, Dio per tutta l'Eternità non vuole essere lodato e ringraziato per poco, ma per molto, molto e moltissimo!
Non neghiamogli questa felicità, diamogli la possibilità di poter operare prodigi in noi." by lorenzo
Gloria a Dio per sempre!
A te, caro fratello mio, pace
da Lorenzo ,
ore serali



lorenzo , Giacinto Auriti, Gesù di Betlemme e il futuro del genere umano

il vero volto dell'istituzione
Il signoraggio bancario è il nostro
più alto simbolo istituzionale OCCULTATO disonestamente e criminosamente al popolo, questo è il VERO motivo di tutti i MALI che affliggono la nostra falsa democrazia venduta dai massoni ai banchieri ebrei dal suo sorgere.
Pertanto, tutto il Pianeta è fondato sull'immoralità ideologica quanto economica.

Questo è il più grave Delitto di LESA Maestà e violazione criminale dei principi Costituzionali di base.
Per questo, adesso si cerca di manipolare anche la Costituzione unico nostro baluardo al diritto già criminalizzato.


Il problema dei nostri giorni non è quello della complessità e che bisogna studiare molto e moltissimo per poter capire qualcosa.
Ma che bisogna saper cercare nella contro-informazione quelle fonti "genuine" che non ci facciano cadere nella "fosso" del depistaggio.
Una schiera sterminata di "mangia pagnotte S.p.A.", ovvero di: funzionari, massoni, politici e di docenti universitari collaborazionisti del signoraggio bancario, ora hanno reso davvero difficile, non solo la comprensione reale della storia nei suoi avvenimenti, ma anche e soprattutto, rendono incomprensibile la stessa realtà che ci circonda.

Allora, veniamo al dunque: "sei disposto a dare la vita come me, oppure preferisce dare un contributo?"

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica