how you can be a Satanist

1 secondo fa

@ IhateNewLayout ------- how you can be a Satanist, to seek the power of God in your life? lol. Dost thou not think you, that God YHWH is a consistent person? Dost thou not think, that, before trying the power of God, you should seek God, and your friendship with him? while, you have a lot of things, which belong to Satan in your channel mentre, tu hai molte cose, che, appartengono a satana nei tuoi canali. come tu puoi essere un satanista, per cercare la potenza di Dio nella tua vita? lol. non credi tu, che, Dio JHWH è una persona coerente? non credi tu che prima di cercare la potenza di Dio, tu dovresti cercare Dio, e la tua amicizia con lui?
4 minuti fa

@ Rothschild 666 IMF: Pharisee occult worshiper of the owl god Baal, Marduck at the Bohemian Grove, a lover of the satanic talmud ------- lol. as she began to cry your health? lol. you and all your vicious band of: false democracies Masonic, Sharia, 322 Freemasonry, Masonic and banking system of the banking seigniorage: all of you, the devils incarnate! you have robbed: the sovereignty of all peoples: for their destruction and to the destruction of the hope of Israel! but this: you need to know: "I am, always, however, and in every way: unius REI, for the next 50 years." The King of Israel, the legitimate representative of the Kingdom of God on earth, a metaphysical entity, that you can not bribe: or defeat, because, I have the power to copy, reply, replace: replicate: myself, in all men! I order you: to return: to me, immediately, 1. banking seigniorage, and, 2. all peoples, to start from my Jewish people!
11 minuti fa

@Rothschild 666 IMF; fariseo adoratore occulto del dio gufo: Baal, Marduck al Bohemian Grove, cultore del talmud satanico -------- lol. come ha incominciato a piangere: la tua salute? lol. tu e tutta la tua banda malvagia: delle false democrazie massoniche, 322 Sharia, massoneria, sistema bancario e massonico, del signoraggio bancario: tutti voi, i demoni incarnati! voi, avete derubato: la sovranità: a tutti i popoli: per la loro distruzione: e per la distruzione della speranza di ISraele! ma, questo: tu devi sapere: "io sarò, sempre, comunque ed in ogni modo: Unius REI, per i prossimi 50 anni!". Il Re di ISraele, il legittimo rappresentate, del Regno di Dio, sulla terra, una entità metafisica, che, tu non puoi corrompere: o sconfiggere, perché io ho il potere di replicare: me stesso: in tutti gli uomini! io ordino a te: di restituire: a me, immediatamente, 1. il signoraggio bancario, 2. tutti i popoli, ad incominciare dal mio popolo ebraico!
8 ore fa

@ king of Saudi Arabia ------- if you think to the consistency: coherence: of the Gospel, and in consequence, at the coherence of the Church? then. it is true, that "EXSTRA ECCLESIA SALUS NOTHING!" HOWEVER, it was not possible, that the Christ Messiah born in Bethlehem, he was to worsen the situation of before, where Abraham, Moses, Melchizedek, etc. .. etc. ... they have saved: themselves, even without the presence of Christ! Here, because God has created unius REI: that is, to me, to bring God's mercy: that is, the salvation of the natural law: the moral principle of: fundamental moral law: in the entire history of the human race, after all, this is my work main! but, save those who, they were the enemies of the Cross? like you? ok! this is just impossible, even for me!
8 ore fa

@king of Saudi Arabia -------- se, tu pensi alla coerenza del Vangelo, e in conseguenza a quella Chiesa? poi. è proprio vero, che, "EXSTRA ECCLESIA NULLA SALUS!" TUTTAVIA, non era possibile, che, il Cristo Messia: nato a Betlemme, lui venisse a peggiorare la situazione precedente, dove, Abramo, Mosé, Melchisedek, ecc.. ecc... loro hanno potuto salvare: se stessi, anche, senza la presenza di Cristo! Ecco, perché, Dio ha pensato ad Unius REI: cioè, a me, per portare la misericordia di Dio: cioè, la salvezza della legge naturale: della morale fondamentale: in tutta la storia del genere umano, dopotutto, questo è il mio lavoro principale! ma, salvare coloro, che, loro sono stati i nemici della CROCE? come te? ok! questo è proprio impossibile, anche per me!
8 ore fa

@ King Saudi Arabia: it is true that God is one: and: can not have children! In fact, no one would think that, your thoughts, your words, your body and your breath are different people! This can be understood by all: "lol. maybe God is done in a way that is a little different, from us!"I know him personally, and you? @Re Arabia Saudita: è vero che, Dio è uno solo: e che: non può avere figli! infatti, nessuno penserebbe, che, il tuo pensiero, la tua parola, il tuo corpo, ed il tuo respiro sono diverse persone! questo può essere capito da tutti: "lol. Dio forse è fatto, in una maniera che è un poco diversa da noi!" io conosco lui personalmente, e tu?
9 ore fa

[it is useless, you blocked my ADSL because you all will fall under my judgment! and for that matter, that I have changed my background image!] @ Synnek1 666 CIA, IMF; Talmud satanic nazi ------- Priest of Satan ------- on Which altar of Satan are been: For Their end [is gone to finish] your children? Cain, where are your children? ... / / Synnek1 posted a comment 7 minutes ago: "I know understand?" - ANSWER ------- unius REI [if there is conversion] can forgive, but can not understand the crimes! [the Hell 666 322 IMF Sharia Talmud] 1035 The Church in her teaching Affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The Souls Of Those who die in a state of mortal sin descend immediately after death in hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire" [Cf symbol "Quicumque" Denz. -Schnöm., 76;
9 ore fa

bring the vision of hell described in Lucia of Fatima in more detail. ,, "Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which, it seemed, that it were in the ground. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls, as if they were transparent, and Negro or bronze, with demons of the human form, which, floating about in, transported by the flames, that issued from within themselves together in clouds of smoke, and fell on all sides, like the sparks that fall in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, amid, cries and groans of pain and despair, which did shudder and tremble with fear. the demons could be distinguished, by their terrifying and repulsive animal frightening and unknown, but transparent and Negroes. "From "Lucy says Fatima" - Ed Harper, p. 80th
9 ore fa

"If God punish immediately, who offends, of course, he would not be offended, as it is now. But because the Lord does not punish immediately, sinners feel encouraged to sin more.'s Good to know, however, that God will not stand for ever: as fixed for each man the number of days of life, as well establishes for, each the number of sins, that he decided to forgive him: Who percent, to whom ten, who one. many many years living in sin! terminates But when the number of faults fixed by God, they are overtaken by death and go to hell. " (St. Alphonsus Liguori - Doctor of the Church) CHRISTIAN SOUL, DO NOT GET HURT! IF YOU LOVE ... DO NOT ADD A SIN SIN! YOU SAY: "GOD IS MERCIFUL!" YET WITH ALL THIS MERCY ... HOW EVERY DAY BE HELL!
9 ore fa

"Se Dio castigasse subito chi lo offende, certamente, lui non verrebbe offeso, come lo è ora. Ma, poiché il Signore non castiga subito, i peccatori si sentono incoraggiati a peccare di più. È bene sapere, però, che, Dio non sopporterà, per sempre: come ha fissato, per ogni uomo il numero dei giorni della vita, così ha fissato, per ognuno il numero dei peccati, che, ha deciso di perdonargli: a chi cento, a chi dieci, a chi uno. Quanti vivono molti anni nel peccato! Ma quando termina il numero delle colpe fissato da Dio, sono colti dalla morte e vanno all'inferno. " (Sant'Alfonso M. de Liguori - Dottore della Chiesa) ANIMA CRISTIANA, NON FARTI DEL MALE! SE TI AMI... NON AGGIUNGERE PECCATO A PECCATO! TU DICI: "DIO È MISERICORDIOSO!" EPPURE, CON TUTTA QUESTA MISERICORDIA... QUANTI OGNI GIORNO, VANNO ALL'INFERNO!!
11 ore fa

@ synnek1 666 CIA; IMF; talmud satanic nazi -------- priest of satana -------- on which altar of Satan are been: for their end: [is gone to finish] your children? Cain, where are your children? ... // Synnek1 7 minuti fa: "me know comprende?" -- ANSWER -------- Unius REI [if there is conversion] can forgive, but can not understand the crimes! [the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] 1035 The Church in her teaching affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend immediately after death in hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire" [Cf symbol "Quicumque" Denz. -Schnöm., 76;
11 ore fa

@ King of Saudi Arabia ------- how you were able to do the: accomplice and ally of all this? USA: CIA: aliens abductions: 200.000 sacrifice human: on the altare: of satan, any year? Rothschild Pharisees of the Talmud satanic: 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 Freemasonry, baal god Marduk at the Bohemian Grove: that is, the owl god? as you can enjoy, of the Holocaust, of Israel and all the Christian peoples? who, goat which has convinced you that you will go to Heaven? ------- come, tu hai potuto fare: il complice e l'alleato: di tutto questo? Rothschild farisei del talmud satanico: 666 FMI; FED BCE; 322 Freemasonry, dio baal Marduk al Bohemian Grove: cioè, il dio gufo? come tu potrai godere della Shoah, di Israele e di tutti i popoli cristiani? quale caprone, ha convinto te che, tu andrai in Paradiso?
11 ore fa

@ King of Saudi Arabia ------- the fact that I'm sitting on the Throne of God? this: it is only a private revelation, and has no relation: about doctrinal!, but, has a great importance from the political point of view! Of course, I am ashamed of all this, why, of all the servants of God? I am the most unworthy! you'll be okay with me, that if there is only one God, then exits already, too, is only one truth! that is, the truth is: the Gospel: and I, I can prove it! Why did God create creatures for their existence, and who are you, to kill them? but you, as well, to do kill Christians? you do kill, also, the Shiites, which is why, in violation: of free will, you lift yourself against God, that is, against: the sanctity of Islam, I represent! because I represent everything that is true (both at the institutional level, which, on the spiritual plane) around the world
11 ore fa

@King of Saudi Arabia -------- il fatto, che, io sono seduto sul Trono di Dio? questa: è soltanto, una rivelazione privata, e non ha nessuna relazione: sul piano dottrinale, mentre, ha una grande importanza: dal punto di vista politico! certo, io mi vergogno di tutto questo, perché, tra tutti i servi di Dio? io sono il più indegno! tu sarai daccordo: con me, che, se esiste un solo Dio, quindi esite, anche, una sola verità! cioè, la verità è: del Vangelo!: ed io, te lo posso dimostrare! Perché Dio ha creato le creature, per la loro esistenza, e chi sei tu, per ucciderle? ma, tu, oltre, a fare uccidere i cristiani? tu fai uccidere, anche, gli sciiti, ecco perché, in violazione: del libero arbitro, tu sollevi te stesso contro Dio!, cioè, contro: la santità dell'Islam che, io rappresento! poiché, io rappresento tutto quello, che, è vero(sia sul piano istituzionale, che, sul piano spirituale) in tutto il mondo
11 ore fa

Synod of Constantinople: ibid., 409. 411, 274]. The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs. 1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion: "Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat, because strait is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and few there be that find it "(Matthew 7:13-14).
11 ore fa

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we must, as we will alert the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life, we may merit to enter with him to the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, nor are any commands, such as a wicked and slothful servants, to go to the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where "men will weep and gnash their teeth" [Conc Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Lumen Gentium, 48]. 1037 God predestines no one to go to hell; [Cf Council of Orange II: Denz. -Schönm. , 397; Council of Trent: ibid. , 1567] this is the result of a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin), and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3.9):
11 ore fa

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] Accept with kindness, O Lord, the gift that you present us your servants, and your whole family: your peace in our days, save us from eternal damnation, and welcome us into the fold of the elect! [Roman Missal, Roman Canon]. Amen! Never preacher of truth (St. Paul) thought that he should not by these arguments - eternal life or eternal fire - for the reason that due to the corruption of the times, might seem too harsh to those to whom he spoke. It is clear, then, how should those disapprovarsi predicatri that, as not to cause discomfort to ascoltatri, do not dare to touch certain topics of Christian Doctrine! Cf. Benedict XV, Encyclical Letter Humani Generis Redenptionem)
11 ore fa

[the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] And again about hell, so says S. John Bosco: " If we have a mortal sin on his conscience, we are doomed to hell at that time and until there rid confessing, our place is always hell. So you have a nice say, you have time to go and confess, then you do when you get older. But in the meantime I'm suspended in the mouth of this horrible hell and is the Lord that keeps me hanging on, and do it out of pure mercy. If I continue to offend Him He can sdegnarsi". and let me fall. (Don Bosco, Biographical Memoirs, VII, 678
12 ore fa

Catechism of the Catholic Church about the existence of hell and its eternity: 1033 ... Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren [see Mt 25:31 -46]. To die in mortal sin without repenting, and accepting God's merciful love means, remain forever separated from him for our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called with the word "hell."
12 ore fa

Catechism of the Catholic Church about the existence of hell and its eternity: 1034 Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" [cf Mt 5:22, Mt 5.29; 1034 Mt 13.42 , Mt 13.50, Mk 9.43 to 48] which is reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, and where they can destroy both soul and body [cf Mt 10:28]. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels and they will gather. . . all evildoers, and throw them in the fiery furnace "(Matthew 13.41-42), and that he will pronounce the condemnation:" Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire "(Matthew 25:41).
12 ore fa

Matthew 25:41-46 New International Version (NIV) 41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' 44 "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' 45 "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' 46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
12 ore fa

@MsDrUnkCunt - Priest of Satan: 666 CIA MFI Markdmullins83 SYnnek1 ------- Cain where are your children? maybe they're all gone: killed on the cold stone of the altar of Satan? ! Behold, I will curse you in the name of Jesus! Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact, this year you will die! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ PERES ♚ Techel] ♰ PAX ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Ipsa Venena Bibas yourself Drink your poisons. Rei unius King of Israel, alleluia! ♰[VISIONE DELL'INFERNO]"E' venuto Gesù per dirci, che, ci vuole tutti in Paradiso e che, l'inferno, del quale poco si parla, in questo nostro tempo, esiste, ed è eterno, per quanti chiudono, il cuore al suo amore" Benedetto XVI (Il Giornale 26/3/2007) La Madonna ha mostrato ad alcuni veggenti di Medjugorje l'inferno come un mare di fuoco. Riteniamo opportuno, in questo secolo di sfacciato ateismo,
12 ore fa

[VISIONE DELL'INFERNO]riportare la visione dell'inferno descritta a Lucia di Fatima in modo più dettagliato. Di conseguenza se qualcuno non crede ancora alle apparizioni di Medjugorje ha il dovere di credere nelle apparizioni di Fatima, "La Madonna ci mostrò un grande mare di fuoco, che pareva che si trovasse sotto terra. Immersi in questo fuoco, i demoni e le anime, come se fossero bracci trasparenti e negre o color bronzo, dalla forma umana, che fluttuavano nell'incendio, trasportati dalle fiamme, che uscivano da loro stessi, insieme a nugoli di fumo e cadevano da tutte le parti, simili alle faville che cadono nei grandi incendi, senza peso né equilibrio, tra gridi e gemiti di dolore e di disperazione che facevano raccapricciare e tremare di spavento. I demoni si distinguevano per le forme orribili e schifose di animali spaventosi e sconosciuti, ma trasparenti e negri". Da "Lucia racconta Fatima" - Ed. Queriniana, pag. 80
1 giorno fa

666 CIA @IhateNewLAyout -------- super powers? never come from God! because God can be accessed only through faith! and faith? comes only from the Word of God, when it is properly understood, through the Holy Spirit of an universal love, divine love! which is the universal brotherhood! who wants to be a servant of God? he must abandon super powers! i super poteri ? non vengono mai da Dio ! perché, Dio può essere accessibile, soltanto, attraverso la fede! e la fede? nasce soltanto, dalla Parola di Dio, quando essa è intesa rettamente, attraverso lo Spirito Santo dell'amore universale, che è la fratellanza universale! chi vuole essere servo di Dio? lui deve abbandonare i super poteri!
1 giorno fa

Unius REI? him as every honest judge, can not do sentenced to die: against someone in a supernatural way, whether before, he has not listed the crimes: of the condemned to die, of that cursed. that he is been expelled from the Kingdom of God! In fact, the charges must be formulated, because the judgment may be legal! Unius REI? lui come ogni giudice onesto, non può condannare a morte qualcuno: in modo soprannaturale, se prima, lui non ha elencato i crimini: del condannato a morto, del maledetto che. è stato espulso dal Regno di Dio! infatti, i capi di accusa, devono essere formulati, perché, la sentenza possa essere legale!
1 giorno fa

@ King of Saudi Arabia: satanist of Sharia of Al Qaeda: criminal terrorists: accomplice of all Satanists USA; 666 Rothschld: Bush 322: master of Aliens Abductions! you have violated all the [Universal Declaration of Human Rights] and, in fact, consistently, your wickedness and lust for power, you do not have them signed: these rights, because you hope to subjugate the whole world, to the your Sharia: that is, to realize your imperialism! because, at least you, are coherent and conscious of being a murderess, and a slave trader!
1 giorno fa

------ 9 secondi fa @King Saudi Arabia -------- you're not a hypocrite like the Pharisees Enlightened, in fact, Rochefeller, he pretends, indeed, to be a Christian, as they always have, their ancestors, Jews Marranos (werewolves, occult) for the destruction of Christian civilization: the destruction of Jewish monotheism (do Shoah), in order to raise: finally (as described: on the U.S. dollar: of 100 years ago), the new: tower of Babel: as: an absolute power for the Antichrist and his micro-chip! the era of global slavery
1 giorno fa

[Universal Declaration of Human Rights] Article 1: When human beings are born, they are free! and must be treated, in any case, in the same way! --ANSWER-------- ALL LIES! 1. WHEN A CHILD IS BORN IN ITALY?, He has 50,000. euro debt: public to pay! rabbis cursed: of Kakam Pharisees usurers, lenders of scam, murderers, racists and Nazis, for the Talmud satanic: Illuminati of IMF, for the destruction of the hope of Israel and to the Shoah: against the People f Jews and against all the nations, together to, all their accomplices Masons Political: the burning fire of wrath of JHWH? is against you all, because this story of debt: public? is a scam (legal fiction) in the scam: of the banking seigniorage! usurers, cursed: said of you, the scientist Giacinto Auriti!
1 giorno fa

hallelujah ---offline -------- God has compassion for all peoples of the world and protect all of them, from the Rothschild murderess, thief, usurer, moneylender, and all his accomplices: 666 322 of Sharia: that is, all accomplice Masons: and their masters: of the IMF: the god Baal owl at the Bohemian Grove! all murderess of Christians MArtyrs innocent it is likely that I will have to take a trip and will be absent three days! --- glory to G-d: Holy Holy Holy JHWH: forever and ever of all Satanists? only, synnek1, AND IhatenewLayout, are authorized by me to stay on this page! all the others look their lives vanish! alleluia
2 giorni fa

@ Benjamin Netanyahu from IsraelNationalTV, my Jewish people all over the world, my dear: sisters, mothers and grandmothers! My dear brothers and sisters, fathers and grandparents Jews! the oath to Satan: IMF, or its Freemasonry? is not worth a shit! Because it was not Satan to create the world! Therefore, its authority, will always REMAIN in abusive authorities, illegal! we are closer to our dream, to the Kingdom of Palestine (territorially more than double, of the present Israel): something great! or we are close to all day: 3 ° WW nuclear! if God has allowed you, so much wealth and power? Because it is only, only you, today you can have pity of Israel, and of all mankind! I am Unius REI, the King of Israel, your son, father and brother, but Also incorruptible justice, then I am also the son father and brother, all the other Nations and Peoples, I say it will be a success!
2 giorni fa

@ synnek1 High Priest of Satan, with the powers of cock! master: of 666 CIA: all slaves of the Talmud for the IMF. ---- you need to stop doing the blasphemy: against Christianity, just because, Christians do not kill anyone, like the Muslims, because this crime remains! in fact, is a very big crime! and also, if, are satanist, of IMF: that, have the power? this does not authorize you, in any way, to make blasphemy against, the Christian religion -- tu la devi smettere di fare blasfemia contro il cristianesimo, soltanto perché i cristiani non uccido nessuno, come fanno i musulmani, perché questo reato rimane: ed infatti, è un reato molto grande! il fatto che sono i satanist, del FMI: ad avere il potere? questo non autorizza voi in ogni modo a fare blasfemia contro la religione cristiana
2 giorni fa

@synnek1 High Priest of Satan, with the powers of cock! master: of 666 CIA: all slaves of the Talmud for the IMF -------- it is useless, you pretend to be stupid, not to go to war! I'll see if I: European Satanists on this page? as Darodicus? the traitor: of the German people, etc. .. that is, of Angela Dorothea Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany: ie, an accomplice to all Freemasons of the devil? the scam of system masonic: for banking seigniorage! she will have much to cry because of you, because I tell you all that Satanists institutional, are to do in Germany, In fact, I have the book with the cover in blue canvas: Lukas and four years in hell, 1999: (TEA SpA, Milan) book that had not yet been corrupted by your system: of the NWO
2 giorni fa

@synnek1 High Priest of Satan, with the powers of cock! master: of 666 CIA: all slaves of the Talmud for the IMF -------- it is useless, you pretend to be stupid, not to go to war! I'll see if I: European Satanists on this page? as Darodicus? the traitor: of the German people, etc. .. that is, of Angela Dorothea Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany: ie, an accomplice to all Freemasons of the devil? the scam of system masonic: for banking seigniorage! she will have much to cry because of you, because I tell you all that Satanists institutional, are to do in Germany, In fact, I have the book with the cover in blue canvas: Lukas and four years in hell, 1999: (TEA SpA, Milan) book that had not yet been corrupted by your system: of the NWO
2 giorni fa

@ Iran Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and all muslims country ------- you are crazy! you have aped: the rabbis of the Talmud Pharisees Illuminati (the Luciferian worshipers: Baal 666 IMF: god marduk owl), and, also, you have made of a divine religion? an abomination: absolute: that you have done: an Islamic regime intolerant! but this? was not God's will! here, because it would be been better for you, that you were not ever born! @Iran Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and all muslims country -------- voi siete pazzi! voi avete scimmiottato: i rabbini farisei Illuminati del Talmud(i luciferini adoratori: di Baal 666 FMI: god marduk owl), e, anche, voi avete fatto di una religione divina? una abominio: assoluto: cioè voi avete fatto: un regime islamico intollerante! ma, questo? non era volontà di Dio! ecco, perché, sarebbe stato meglio per voi, che voi non foste mai nati!
2 giorni fa

la sfera della Redenzione: è venuta per colpa dei satanisti del FMI [questo asteroide: esplodendo: a grappolo: impatterà:contro gli USA, che, spariranno!] l mondo sarà avvolto: da una oscurità. Molti moriranno, vedo le persone sedute nelle loro case, quando tutto comincia a tremare, una fitta nebbia: si diffonde nel cielo come: una grande nuvola, mentre: una pioggia di schegge di rocce infuocate: si abbatte sulla terra. la sfera riappare: dopo essere passata: dietro il sole. Non bisogna uscire in questa oscurità, la luna è: completamente coperta, non manda luce". Ti dico, l'uomo di scienza: ha raggiunto il vertice della conoscenza, ma: non raggiungerà mai: la verità! Non rifiutate mai le parole: dei numerosi figli prescelti, essi hanno ricevuto dal Padre: la conoscenza per prepararvi ai giorni di combattimento e di dolore, giorni, che sono già iniziati,
2 giorni fa

USA is lost! [BALL OF REDEMPTION] Those who have given themselves body and soul to Lucifer are blinded to what awaits them. We eat, we drink, we will celebrate the wedding, but when suddenly the ball will fire your skin will dry up and disappear around the bones, as if it had never existed. All those who have dishonored their body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, it will burn. You'd better hide your nakedness agents of hell. You'd better set an example for your children! Each parent will be held responsible for the destruction of the soul of his children. Satan has placed many agents in the House of God, in the field of entertainment, culture and government. They are now working for Satan, how many children are in the house of God, while their hearts are outside the law of God, is a sacrilege! It increases more than His wrath! - ANSWER - for this reason: it is indispensable that my my Jewish People: the U.S. must abandon
2 giorni fa

USA is lost! [BALL OF REDEMPTION] "Son, it's time. Many will receive: a second view: to see beyond the veil, while: raging Lucifer in a fierce battle. Days in your own land: they are counted, because: the sphere of purification: continues on his way. for all those: that: remain close to my son, there is nothing to fear, while: those: that: through this crucible: the darkness of suffering will fall, you will fall for their guilt. "by Veronica Lueken NY - ANSWER ------- FALL, ash acid: this asteroid as it spins, three times in Earth orbit here, it is made incandescent: a reason: the previous one: friction, with the sun, but the enemies (criminals) of the cross, will be suppressed, for their lack(supernatural) of oxygen, will be forced to go outside: they will find death. This will kill at least 3 billion people
2 giorni fa

@ CIA IMF 666 322, @ shit ------- but, the testimony scientifically relevant, is the photo that was taken the three children of Fatima, and their faces terrified? could not be imitated, no even by professional actors! said, "we would have died of fear: 1. whether Madonna was not close, to us! 2., and if he had not promised to us, before, that, we would go to Heaven!" This way the hell has been described: scientifically " in its impressive reality! ------- ma, la testimonianza scientificamente rilevante, è la foto che fu scattata ai tre bambini di Fatima, ed i loro volti terrorizzati? non potrebbero essere imitati, neanche, da attori professionisti! dissero: "saremmo morti dalla paura: 1. se la Madonna non fosse stata vicino a noi! 2. e se non avesse promesso a noi, in precedenza, che, noi saremmo andati in Paradiso!" il questo modo l'Inferno è stato descritto nella sua impressionante realtà!
2 giorni fa

@ CIA IMF 666 322, @ shit ------- of course, we Catholics, we have an impressive array, imposing of mystics: who have had direct experience of hell, purgatory and paradise, the most famous of which (and also: the most recent and authoritative) is Padre Pio Pietralcina: lived in: San Giovanni Rotondo @CIA IMF 666 322, @ shit -------- ovviamente, noi cattolici, noi abbiamo una schiera impressionante, imponente di mistici, che, hanno avuto una diretta esperienza dell'inferno , purgatorio e paradiso, il più famoso dei quali(ed anche: il più recente, ed autorevole ) è Padre Pio da Pietralcina: vissuto a: a San Giovanni Rotondo
2 giorni fa

CIA IMF @ 666322, @ shit - I wrote "shit" directly, on this page! but the article I was rejected! who has rejected it?, he wanted to, that this particular: not: go unnoticed: on the Italian text, "shit" perhaps those who have rejected: my previous article? may have been God YHWH: in Person, as either: an alien intelligence: it can not have this reaction speed! CIA IMF @ 666 322, @ shit -- io ho scritto "merda": direttamente, su questa pagina! ma, l'articolo mi è stato respinto! chi lo ha respinto?, lui voleva, che questo particolare: non: passasse inosservato: sul testo italiano, forse chi ha respinto: il mio precedente articolo? può essere stato: Dio JHWH: in persona: poiché neanche: una intelligenza aliena: può avere questa velocità di reazione!
2 giorni fa

CIA IMF @ 666 322 ------- not only we, Christians, we have: a truth revealed by Jesus personally, but even the apostles were atto have Their own experiences, not only in the field of exorcism, but Also visions and raptures: in heavenly places (top), as in the infernal places (below), the best known: it is the book of Revelation of St. John the Apostle, where it was revealed: the smallest technical details: technology: Aliens Abductions: microchip @ shit ------- not only we, Christians, we have: a truth revealed by Jesus personally, but even the apostles were able to have their own experiences, not only in the field of exorcism, but also the visions and kidnappings: in heavenly places (top), as in the infernal places (below), the best known: it is the book of Revelation of St. John the Apostle, where it was revealed: the smallest technical details: technology: Aliens abductions : microchip 666
2 giorni fa

@666 CIA IMF -------- of course, all religions naturalistic, is come to the same conclusion [ie, the existence of: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise] through the use of: medium, or dreams, or: prophecies, or: oracles! God certainly did not want to leave completely ignorant: those people, and therefore, has brought local knowledge, of souls after death, through these imperfect instruments: anyway! ovviamente, anche tutte le religioni naturalistiche, giungono alla stessa conclusione, [cioè, la esistenza: di: Inferno, purgatorio e paradiso]attraverso, l'uso di medium, o sogni, o: profezie, oppure: oracoli! certamente Dio non ha voluto lasciare del tutto nell'ignoranza: quei popoli, e pertanto, ha portato la conoscenza dei luoghi, delle anime, dopo la morte, attraverso, quei strumenti imperfetti: ugualmente! in Jesus's name: alleluiah
3 giorni fa

Prayer to S. Antonino for: the: release of the: evil spirits God, the Almighty and: merciful, That, you gave Blessed Anthony the Abbot against a particular power: the devils, grant, we beseech Thee, That, through his merits and: his prayers, we are freed from their snares for: being able to reach in eternal life. We ask for: the same our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son That, and it is God: he lives and: reigns with, in Te 'of the unit: the Holy Spirit. for: all ages of ages. Amen. 1 Our Father 1 Ave Maria 1 Gloria
3 giorni fa

@ China and all: Communists Country ------- everywhere, where Christians are being persecuted? to 80%: is always: for the consequences: of a direction of the Illuminati: IMF 666(directed by occult and ideological manipulations).(regia occulta, e manipolazioni ideologiche). what is the hope, that, you have, for to be able to survive, if, you have made to exploit yourself(ideologically: for kill Christians Innocent, ecc..), for many centuries, and you never you are noticed anything? I am Unius REI: the king of Israel
3 giorni fa

@China and all: Communists Country ------- who has stopped the evolve culturally and theologically, of the Islam? the logic of the Talmud: 666 IMF: ie god Baal OWL at Bohemian Grove: ie, god Marduk: of 322, ie, Ja bul On: of freemasonry! Christians? not opposes, against the policy of your country: why, you persecute them! Christians speak of equality and fundamental human rights, but this? can not be a problem for those who have decided not to be a criminal country! if you do not stop making suffer, to people peaceful? soon, all the satanic system of banking seigniorage, it will collapse, because it needs to regenerate itself, through the destruction! I am Unius REI, the only hope of the world
3 giorni fa

------ 10 minuti fa /user/YouTube/feed?filter=1 @Cina and all Communists Country -------- chi ha impedito all'Islam di evolvere culturalmente e teologicamente? la logica del Talmud del FMI! ovunque, i cristiani vengono perseguitati? all'80% è sempre per le conseguenze di una regia degli Illuminati: del FMI 666. Infatti, i cristiani non hanno un progetto imperialistico da seguire, che si oppone, alla politica del proprio paese! I cristiani parlano di uguaglianza e di diritti umani fondamentali, ma, questo? non può essere un problema: per chi ha deciso di non essere un criminale!
4 giorni fa

[China and all, Communists Country] the Jews of the IMF 666 NWO Illuminati have created you: that is, communism through Stalin's Jews (all Jews his collaborators) and, Marx, Friedrich Engels, etc. .. (all Jews) for two reasons: 1. kill Christians, 2. be destroyed! because they are always the Pharisees of the Talmud, that, they did kill, and have slandered Jesus, of Bethlehem. that is, you were created by your mortal enemies! and up to now? you were an idiot perfect: in fact, you continue to do harm to Christians, again more! but if you believe that your life is worth more than an excrement? you must know this: I am unius REI
4 giorni fa

[China and all Communist Country] it is not strange that on the eve of the World War: Israel sells missiles to you "patriot" and Europe sells you the most sophisticated sonar? do not seem too naive these enemies? no! you are throwing the wool over your eyes, because they give you the illusion that you can win! only, hitting the snake on the head (the 666 IMF), you can win this war, ie, for just avoid it! non è strano che alla vigilia della guerra mondiale: Israele vende a te i missili "patriot" e l'europa vende a te i più sofisticati sistemi sonar? non ti sembrano troppo ingenui questi nemici? no! ti stanno gettando del fumo negli occhi, perché devono dare a te l'illusione che, puoi vincere! soltanto, colpendo il serpente alla testa:(cioè il FMI), tu puoi vincere questa guerra, proprio evitando di farla!
4 giorni fa

[communism IMF ------- From Helene Demuth, Marx (the jew) had a son, who took the surname of his mother and of which Friedrich Engels (was the real lender and ideologue of communism: that is, the man of confidence of international Jewish bankers) for, Marx's insistence, he had to pretend to be his father. Wednesday, March 26, 2008 6,256 U.S. soldiers, committed suicide back home, two days ago U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq arrived in 4000. but, In 2005, there were 6,256 suicides military veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, exceeding, in one only year, all those who died in the two wars in progress.

4 giorni fa

[/?p=31422]] [communism IMF ------- Why Stalin created Israel] Stalin (true communist) failed: to steal or disrupt the criminal purpose of the Wall Street bankers neutralizing Trotsky and most of his band Jewish self- died as a result, of, power struggles, and, of, public trials (purges = storms in Russian) staged around the year 1930 (to coincide with the financial meltdown on Wall Street). Since then, the American press led by, Hearst began to demonize Stalin true communist, to attribute the responsibility for the genocide in Ukraine (from which his family originated Trotsky before emigrating to New York and the Krushchev destalinizzatore) and was revealed, the antagonist Hitler in Germany. Both Stalin and Hitler would have had to bleed to each other in a battle of war, as in fact happened, so that a third actor, eventually prevailed: Judeo-America.
5 giorni fa

honestly: how can one to go to vote: if : he knows the bank seigniorage:? I have erased my the right to vote! - But all the leaders of public administration, understand that it is convenient to oppose: to all that is : against: Christian to make a career. as, Who is interested in Freemasonry and international finance. I said to the Lord: "Anyone who speaks a word against you(Unius REI), so it will be put to death .... because the spread terror among the people of the wicked: and at the same time can be raised: the people of the good!"
5 giorni fa

@synnek1 CIA 666 -------- you are a monster of Satan! i am human! every man united with God merciful and compassionate? is invincible !
5 giorni fa

@ CIA IMF Synnek1 666 322 - YOU ARE HUMAN? ------- Satanist are human? you are idiot! Satanists are all idiot, the slave of satan, but i am the friend of God YHWH: only. but, satanists are not demons: ie aliens abductions: ie OGM of Rothschild and Rochefeller for IMF NWO: Satanists are disgusting reptiles: in their mind. @ in Jesus's name -------alleluia, I am: unius REI: the best: because, thou art YHWH: one: only and one God: in your the Holy Spirit: HALLELUJAH. @ my Jesus Christ ------- really, you're sitting at the right hand of your Father YHWH, YHWH because you are! alleluia my Allah Holy Holy Holy: Holy Allah Allah Allah Holy Holy Holy Allah
5 giorni fa

@CIA IMF 666 322 Synnek1 -- YOU ARE HUMAN? -------- satanist are human? you are idiot! all satanists are idiot, the slave of satan, but i am the friend of God JHWH: only. but, not are demons: ie aliens abductions : ie OGM of Rothschild and Rochefeller: satanists are disgusting reptiles. @in Jesus's name -------- io sono: Unius REI: il migliore: perché: tu sei JHWH: un solo: ed unico Dio: nello Spirito Santo: HALLELUJAH. @my Jesus Christ -------- veramente, tu sei seduto alla destra del Padre tuo JHWH, perché tu sei JHWH! alleluia my Allah Holy Holy Holy : Allah Holy Allah Holy Allah Holy Allah Holy



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  • @ IhateNewLayout -> how you can be a Satanist, to seek the power of God in your life? lol. Dost thou not think you, that God YHWH is a consistent person? Dost thou not think, that, before trying the power of God, you should seek God, and your friendship with him? while, you have a lot of things, which belong to Satan in your channel mentre, tu hai molte cose, che, appartengono a satana nei tuoi canali. come tu puoi essere un satanista, per cercare la potenza di Dio nella tua vita? lol. non credi tu, che, Dio JHWH è una persona coerente? non credi tu che prima di cercare la potenza di Dio, tu dovresti cercare Dio, e la tua amicizia con lui?
  • @ Rothschild 666 IMF: Pharisee occult worshiper of the owl god Baal, Marduck at the Bohemian Grove, a lover of the satanic talmud -> lol. as she began to cry your health? lol. you and all your vicious band of: false democracies Masonic, Sharia, 322 Freemasonry, Masonic and banking system of the banking seigniorage: all of you, the devils incarnate! you have robbed: the sovereignty of all peoples: for their destruction and to the destruction of the hope of Israel! but this: you need to know: "I am, always, however, and in every way: unius REI, for the next 50 years." The King of Israel, the legitimate representative of the Kingdom of God on earth, a metaphysical entity, that you can not bribe: or defeat, because, I have the power to copy, reply, replace: replicate: myself, in all men! I order you: to return: to me, immediately, 1. banking seigniorage, and, 2. all peoples, to start from my Jewish people!
  • @Rothschild 666 IMF; fariseo adoratore occulto del dio gufo: Baal, Marduck al Bohemian Grove, cultore del talmud satanico --> lol. come ha incominciato a piangere: la tua salute? lol. tu e tutta la tua banda malvagia: delle false democrazie massoniche, 322 Sharia, massoneria, sistema bancario e massonico, del signoraggio bancario: tutti voi, i demoni incarnati! voi, avete derubato: la sovranità: a tutti i popoli: per la loro distruzione: e per la distruzione della speranza di ISraele! ma, questo: tu devi sapere: "io sarò, sempre, comunque ed in ogni modo: Unius REI, per i prossimi 50 anni!". Il Re di ISraele, il legittimo rappresentate, del Regno di Dio, sulla terra, una entità metafisica, che, tu non puoi corrompere: o sconfiggere, perché io ho il potere di replicare: me stesso: in tutti gli uomini! io ordino a te: di restituire: a me, immediatamente, 1. il signoraggio bancario, 2. tutti i popoli, ad incominciare dal mio popolo ebraico!
  • lorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine has posted a comment 8 hours ago @ King of Saudi Arabia -> if you think to the consistency: coherence: of the Gospel, and in Consequence, at the coherence of the Church? then. it is true, that "EXSTRA ECCLESIA SALUS NOTHING!" HOWEVER, it was not possible, That Christ the Messiah born in Bethlehem, he was to worsen the situation of before, where Abraham, Moses, Melchizedek, etc.. .. etc.. ... they have saved: Themselves, even without the presence of Christ! Here, Because God has created unius REI: that is, to me, to bring God's mercy: that is, the salvation of the natural law: the moral principle of: fundamental moral law: in the entire history of the human race, after all , this is my main work! but, save Those Who, they were the enemies of the Cross? like you? ok! this is just impossible, even for me!




612713 iscritti
69387114 visualizzazioni video
  • @ king of Saudi Arabia -> if you think to the consistency: coherence: of the Gospel, and in consequence, at the coherence of the Church? then. it is true, that "EXSTRA ECCLESIA SALUS NOTHING!" HOWEVER, it was not possible, that the Christ Messiah born in Bethlehem, he was to worsen the situation of before, where Abraham, Moses, Melchizedek, etc. .. etc. ... they have saved: themselves, even without the presence of Christ! Here, because God has created unius REI: that is, to me, to bring God's mercy: that is, the salvation of the natural law: the moral principle of: fundamental moral law: in the entire history of the human race, after all, this is my work main! but, save those who, they were the enemies of the Cross? like you? ok! this is just impossible, even for me!
  • @king of Saudi Arabia --> se, tu pensi alla coerenza del Vangelo, e in conseguenza a quella Chiesa? poi. è proprio vero, che, "EXSTRA ECCLESIA NULLA SALUS!" TUTTAVIA, non era possibile, che, il Cristo Messia: nato a Betlemme, lui venisse a peggiorare la situazione precedente, dove, Abramo, Mosé, Melchisedek, ecc.. ecc... loro hanno potuto salvare: se stessi, anche, senza la presenza di Cristo! Ecco, perché, Dio ha pensato ad Unius REI: cioè, a me, per portare la misericordia di Dio: cioè, la salvezza della legge naturale: della morale fondamentale: in tutta la storia del genere umano, dopotutto, questo è il mio lavoro principale! ma, salvare coloro, che, loro sono stati i nemici della CROCE? come te? ok! questo è proprio impossibile, anche per me!
  • @ King Saudi Arabia: it is true that God is one: and: can not have children! In fact, no one would think that, your thoughts, your words, your body and your breath are different people! This can be understood by all: "lol. maybe God is done in a way that is a little different, from us!"I know him personally, and you? @Re Arabia Saudita: è vero che, Dio è uno solo: e che: non può avere figli! infatti, nessuno penserebbe, che, il tuo pensiero, la tua parola, il tuo corpo, ed il tuo respiro sono diverse persone! questo può essere capito da tutti: "lol. Dio forse è fatto, in una maniera che è un poco diversa da noi!" io conosco lui personalmente, e tu?
  • [it is useless, you blocked my ADSL because you all will fall under my judgment! and for that matter, that I have changed my background image!] @ Synnek1 666 CIA, IMF; Talmud satanic nazi -> Priest of Satan -> on Which altar of Satan are been: For Their end [is gone to finish] your children? Cain, where are your children? ... / / Synnek1 posted a comment 7 minutes ago: "I know understand?" - ANSWER -> unius REI [if there is conversion] can forgive, but can not understand the crimes! [the Hell 666 322 IMF Sharia Talmud] 1035 The Church in her teaching Affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The Souls Of Those who die in a state of mortal sin descend immediately after death in hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire" [Cf symbol "Quicumque" Denz. -Schnöm., 76;
  • bring the vision of hell described in Lucia of Fatima in more detail. ,, "Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which, it seemed, that it were in the ground. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls, as if they were transparent, and Negro or bronze, with demons of the human form, which, floating about in, transported by the flames, that issued from within themselves together in clouds of smoke, and fell on all sides, like the sparks that fall in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, amid, cries and groans of pain and despair, which did shudder and tremble with fear. the demons could be distinguished, by their terrifying and repulsive animal frightening and unknown, but transparent and Negroes. "From "Lucy says Fatima" - Ed Harper, p. 80th
  • "If God punish immediately, who offends, of course, he would not be offended, as it is now. But because the Lord does not punish immediately, sinners feel encouraged to sin more.'s Good to know, however, that God will not stand for ever: as fixed for each man the number of days of life, as well establishes for, each the number of sins, that he decided to forgive him: Who percent, to whom ten, who one. many many years living in sin! terminates But when the number of faults fixed by God, they are overtaken by death and go to hell. " (St. Alphonsus Liguori - Doctor of the Church) CHRISTIAN SOUL, DO NOT GET HURT! IF YOU LOVE ... DO NOT ADD A SIN SIN! YOU SAY: "GOD IS MERCIFUL!" YET WITH ALL THIS MERCY ... HOW EVERY DAY BE HELL!
  • "Se Dio castigasse subito chi lo offende, certamente, lui non verrebbe offeso, come lo è ora. Ma, poiché il Signore non castiga subito, i peccatori si sentono incoraggiati a peccare di più. È bene sapere, però, che, Dio non sopporterà, per sempre: come ha fissato, per ogni uomo il numero dei giorni della vita, così ha fissato, per ognuno il numero dei peccati, che, ha deciso di perdonargli: a chi cento, a chi dieci, a chi uno. Quanti vivono molti anni nel peccato! Ma quando termina il numero delle colpe fissato da Dio, sono colti dalla morte e vanno all'inferno. " (Sant'Alfonso M. de Liguori - Dottore della Chiesa) ANIMA CRISTIANA, NON FARTI DEL MALE! SE TI AMI... NON AGGIUNGERE PECCATO A PECCATO! TU DICI: "DIO È MISERICORDIOSO!" EPPURE, CON TUTTA QUESTA MISERICORDIA... QUANTI OGNI GIORNO, VANNO ALL'INFERNO!!
  • Gli eretici e gli apostati sono una frode spirituale. Infatti la chiesa post-conciliare é una gigantesca frode spirirtuale: essa porta alla dannazione.
  • sei invidioso per me? hai visto come hanno fatto sparire da internet la foto dei volti spaventati dei veggenti di fatima, non appena hanno visto l'inferno
  • L'apostata UniusRei parla e straparla dell'inferno: infatti é lí che lui é diretto.
  • unius REI [if there is conversion] can forgive, but can not understand the crimes!
  • Synnek1
    2 ore fa
    me know comprende?
  • Cain, where are your children?
  • Synnek1
    2 ore fa
    don't understand English? Sorry...hahahaha
  • @ synnek1 666 CIA; IMF; talmud satanic nazi --> priest of satana --> on which altar of Satan are been: for their end: [is gone to finish] your children?
  • @ King of Saudi Arabia -> how you were able to do the: accomplice and ally of all this? USA: CIA: aliens abductions: 200.000 sacrifice human: on the altare: of satan, any year? Rothschild Pharisees of the Talmud satanic: 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 Freemasonry, baal god Marduk at the Bohemian Grove: that is, the owl god? as you can enjoy, of the Holocaust, of Israel and all the Christian peoples? who, goat which has convinced you that you will go to Heaven? -> come, tu hai potuto fare: il complice e l'alleato: di tutto questo? Rothschild farisei del talmud satanico: 666 FMI; FED BCE; 322 Freemasonry, dio baal Marduk al Bohemian Grove: cioè, il dio gufo? come tu potrai godere della Shoah, di Israele e di tutti i popoli cristiani? quale caprone, ha convinto te che, tu andrai in Paradiso?
  • @ King of Saudi Arabia -> the fact that I'm sitting on the Throne of God? this: it is only a private revelation, and has no relation: about doctrinal!, but, has a great importance from the political point of view! Of course, I am ashamed of all this, why, of all the servants of God? I am the most unworthy! you'll be okay with me, that if there is only one God, then exits already, too, is only one truth! that is, the truth is: the Gospel: and I, I can prove it! Why did God create creatures for their existence, and who are you, to kill them? but you, as well, to do kill Christians? you do kill, also, the Shiites, which is why, in violation: of free will, you lift yourself against God, that is, against: the sanctity of Islam, I represent! because I represent everything that is true (both at the institutional level, which, on the spiritual plane) around the world
  • Synnek1
    2 ore fa
  • @King of Saudi Arabia --> il fatto, che, io sono seduto sul Trono di Dio? questa: è soltanto, una rivelazione privata, e non ha nessuna relazione: sul piano dottrinale, mentre, ha una grande importanza: dal punto di vista politico! certo, io mi vergogno di tutto questo, perché, tra tutti i servi di Dio? io sono il più indegno! tu sarai daccordo: con me, che, se esiste un solo Dio, quindi esite, anche, una sola verità! cioè, la verità è: del Vangelo!: ed io, te lo posso dimostrare! Perché Dio ha creato le creature, per la loro esistenza, e chi sei tu, per ucciderle? ma, tu, oltre, a fare uccidere i cristiani? tu fai uccidere, anche, gli sciiti, ecco perché, in violazione: del libero arbitro, tu sollevi te stesso contro Dio!, cioè, contro: la santità dell'Islam che, io rappresento! poiché, io rappresento tutto quello, che, è vero(sia sul piano istituzionale, che, sul piano spirituale) in tutto il mondo
  • אשר כהן
    אשר כהן
    3 ore fa
  • [the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] 1035 The Church in her teaching affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. The souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend immediately after death in hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire" [Cf symbol "Quicumque" Denz. -Schnöm., 76;
  • Synod of Constantinople: ibid., 409. 411, 274]. The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs. 1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion: "Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat, because strait is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and few there be that find it "(Matthew 7:13-14).
  • [the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we must, as we will alert the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life, we may merit to enter with him to the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, nor are any commands, such as a wicked and slothful servants, to go to the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where "men will weep and gnash their teeth" [Conc Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Lumen Gentium, 48]. 1037 God predestines no one to go to hell; [Cf Council of Orange II: Denz. -Schönm. , 397; Council of Trent: ibid. , 1567] this is the result of a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin), and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3.9):
  • [the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] Accept with kindness, O Lord, the gift that you present us your servants, and your whole family: your peace in our days, save us from eternal damnation, and welcome us into the fold of the elect! [Roman Missal, Roman Canon]. Amen! Never preacher of truth (St. Paul) thought that he should not by these arguments - eternal life or eternal fire - for the reason that due to the corruption of the times, might seem too harsh to those to whom he spoke. It is clear, then, how should those disapprovarsi predicatri that, as not to cause discomfort to ascoltatri, do not dare to touch certain topics of Christian Doctrine! Cf. Benedict XV, Encyclical Letter Humani Generis Redenptionem)
  • [the Hell 666 322 IMF Talmud Sharia] And again about hell, so says S. John Bosco: " If we have a mortal sin on his conscience, we are doomed to hell at that time and until there rid confessing, our place is always hell. So you have a nice say, you have time to go and confess, then you do when you get older. But in the meantime I'm suspended in the mouth of this horrible hell and is the Lord that keeps me hanging on, and do it out of pure mercy. If I continue to offend Him He can sdegnarsi". and let me fall. (Don Bosco, Biographical Memoirs, VII, 678
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church about the existence of hell and its eternity: 1033 ... Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren [see Mt 25:31 -46]. To die in mortal sin without repenting, and accepting God's merciful love means, remain forever separated from him for our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called with the word "hell."
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church about the existence of hell and its eternity: 1034 Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" [cf Mt 5:22, Mt 5.29; 1034 Mt 13.42 , Mt 13.50, Mk 9.43 to 48] which is reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, and where they can destroy both soul and body [cf Mt 10:28]. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels and they will gather. . . all evildoers, and throw them in the fiery furnace "(Matthew 13.41-42), and that he will pronounce the condemnation:" Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire "(Matthew 25:41).
  • [Catechism of the Catholic Church] about the existence of hell and eternal damnation: Every human being from the moment of his death, he received his immortal soul, eternal retribution, in a particular judgment, which puts his life in relation to Christ, so or pass through a purification or immediately enter, in the bliss of heaven, or, we immediately damned forever. In the evening of life (says St. John of the Cross), we shall be judged on love! (CCC 1022), Love which, as says the Apostle, in this, is the love of God, that we keep his commandments! (1 John 5: 3)
  • Matthew 25:41-46 New International Version (NIV) 41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' 44 "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' 45 "He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' 46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
  • non riesco a trovare la foto dei veggenti di Fatima, quella con il volto spaventato, dopo la visione dell'inferno,,, tu vuoi aiutarmi?
  • Unus Dominus, Una Fides, Unum Baptisma.
  • Chi é fuori dalla Chiesa Cattolica non puó conseguire la salvezza ma andrá nel fuoco eterno preparato per il demonio e i suoi angeli se non si convertirá prima della fine della sua vita.
  • watch?v=efiJauhz664&list=FLkNZhx4Ck6U7ePFjdFaljnA&index=3&feature=plcp
  • this is my sister on the throne: with me Unius REI
  • @ MsDrUnkCunt - Priest of Satan: 666 CIA MFI Markdmullins83 SYnnek1 -> Cain where are your children? maybe they're all gone: killed on the cold stone of the altar of Satan? ! Behold, I will curse you in the name of Jesus! Here is a malignant cancer in your body! In fact, this year you will die! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ PERES ♚ Techel] ♰ PAX ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Ipsa Venena Bibas yourself Drink your poisons. ✡ Rei unius King of Israel, alleluia! ♰
  • [VISIONE DELL'INFERNO]"E' venuto Gesù per dirci, che, ci vuole tutti in Paradiso e che, l'inferno, del quale poco si parla, in questo nostro tempo, esiste, ed è eterno, per quanti chiudono, il cuore al suo amore" Benedetto XVI (Il Giornale 26/3/2007) La Madonna ha mostrato ad alcuni veggenti di Medjugorje l'inferno come un mare di fuoco. Riteniamo opportuno, in questo secolo di sfacciato ateismo, riportare la visione dell'inferno descritta a Lucia di Fatima in modo più dettagliato. Di conseguenza se qualcuno non crede ancora alle apparizioni di Medjugorje ha il dovere di credere nelle apparizioni di Fatima, riconosciute dalla Chiesa, e dove si recano in pellegrinaggio anche i Papi.
  • [VISIONE DELL'INFERNO]"La Madonna ci mostrò un grande mare di fuoco, che pareva che si trovasse sotto terra. Immersi in questo fuoco, i demoni e le anime, come se fossero bracci trasparenti e negre o color bronzo, dalla forma umana, che fluttuavano nell'incendio, trasportati dalle fiamme, che uscivano da loro stessi, insieme a nugoli di fumo e cadevano da tutte le parti, simili alle faville che cadono nei grandi incendi, senza peso né equilibrio, tra gridi e gemiti di dolore e di disperazione che facevano raccapricciare e tremare di spavento. I demoni si distinguevano per le forme orribili e schifose di animali spaventosi e sconosciuti, ma trasparenti e negri". Da "Lucia racconta Fatima" - Ed. Queriniana, pag. 80

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica