The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] [message to humanity, the book of remembrance p.261] [without: the foundation of natural law, represented: by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms, to take, control of the company, society, nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie, only from my own: the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme, by criminals, legalized, institutionalized, is: always the same: 1. militarism, 2. oppression, 3. violence, 4. crime place: in a legal manner] here's how: also, the noblest of men, Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken, "with swords and staves," and he had to endure, a show trial, even, even, for the crime of the highest levels of: authority: whether religious, that policies (which they should represent, the justice). [Is evident, as the evil that: is: always been present: in the world, it was worse: by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 21 secondi fa
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance], which is a refined form of hypocrisy, because, from: their foundation: the Bank of England, (they stole to all peoples: the monetary sovereignty) then take control: of: institutions, through : their occult powers: Masonic associations, corporations, all monopolies, Bildenberg, etc. ..] to be directly involved, in their agenda: NWO, for, world wars, related Shoah. So, not only that, there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such, but, the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking, against the majority of the people. the real crime: it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system), an example is represented, from playing the stock exchange, raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial: speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 35 secondi fa
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital, adding, injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are, not, thieves and murders of the road, but, in the system of legalized "bags", financial and commercial, with speculation kill more people than all of ... however, these ideological murderers, enjoy respect and a good reputation, and have big, worldly honors, but, they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer, to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars, debts, inflations, depression, unemployment, unfair competition, etc. .. because this is the result: an IMF, which is a: private SPA, for, the impotence of the state: and its not efficient governance
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 27 minuti fa
[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità] [il messaggio all'umanità, il libro del ricordo p.261] [senza: il fondamento della legge naturale, rappresentato: dal Decalogo di Mosé] sono i satanismi, a prendere, il controllo della società! questo è: "il mistero della iniquità", cioè, solo, dal mio: punto di vista politico di Unius REI. [lo schema utilizato, dai criminali, legalizzati, istituzionalizzati, è: sempre lo stesso: 1. militarismo, 2. oppressione, 3. violenza, 4. crimine posto: in essere: in modo legale] ecco come: anche, il più nobile degli uomini: Gesù Cristo di Betlemme: è stato preso: "con spade e bastoni", ed ha dovuto subire, un processo farsa, addirittura, anche, per il crimine, dei più alti livelli: di: autorità: sia religiose, che, politiche (che, loro dovrebbero arppresentare la giustizia). [è evidente, come, il male che: è: sempre: stato presente: nel mondo, è stato peggiorato: dal satanismo dei farisei del FMI 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 28 minuti fa
[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità] che, è una raffinata forma di ipocrisia, poiché, loro dalla fondazione: della Banca di Inghilterra, (hanno rubato ai popoli: la sovranità monetaria) hanno il controllo: delle Istituzioni, attraverso: i loro poteri occulti: e associazioni massoniche, monopoli e corporazioni Bildenberg, ecc..] per essere direttamente, coinvolti, nelle guerre mondiali e relative shoah. Quindi, non solo, ci sono dei criminali, che, non vengono pubblicamente catalogati come tali, ma, le stesse strutture sociali sono inique, perché sono fondate sullo sfruttamento da parte di una oligarchia massonica, contro la maggioranza dei popoli. il vero crimine: è quindi legalizzato. per mezzo di intrighi finanziari e commerciali (il sistema massonico), un esempio: è rappresentato, dal gioco di borsa, rialzando ed abbassando artificialmente certi valori industriali e commerciali,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 28 minuti fa
[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità]si lucrano enormi guadagni dai detentori del capitale,aggiungendo così, ingiustizia ad ingiustizia (il sistema massonico del signoraggio bancario). Tali persone non sono ladri ed omicidi di strada, ma, nel sistema legalizzato delle "borse", finanziarie e commerciali, con la speculazione uccidono più persone di tutti... tuttavia, questi assassini ideologici, godono di rispetto e di una buona reputazione, e godono di randi onori terreni, ma, sono proprio loro gli artefici ed i complici: dei farisei illuminati da lucifero, per seguire la via iniqua e criminale di provocare e di fare provocare guerre, indebitamenti, inflazioni, depressioni, disoccupazione, concorrenza sleale, ecc.. perché questa è la conseguensa: di un FMI, che è una: privata SPA, la impotenza dello Stato: e la sua non efficiente governabilità
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
lol. but, lol. criminal, terrorist salafis: Al Queda: islamist: for worldwide caliphate crazy total.. ecc.. shit total! king Saudi Arabia? he is mistaken, about the fact, that I might hurt him! In fact, I will cut off, only, that his head,of cock, with, the same sword, which he gave to His Holiness, the Pope Benedict XVI .. lol. lol. but this is the truth: If we hate between us, will only be Rothschild, the Pharisee to win and celebrate .. therefore, we are all forced to forgive one another if we are to survive in this world, which has fallen under the control of supernatural and technological, of Satanists and of any satanism!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[Total unconscious] June 10, 2013 Snowden speaks:of a "mechanism infomatico", which can filter means, any communication, in any part of the world, "I had the sufficient authority: to intercept, everyone, all over the world, even the President, of the United States! gut, "The Bildenberg Emma Bonino, of course, says: "There are no legal conditions, so that Italy, may accept a request for asylum, in favor of: Snowden" (and this is true that the Kingdom of God, not has found the legal conditions to accommodate, his request for asylum to Emma Bonino Bildenberg) .. but, the asylum in Snowden, of the Masons traitors to Italy, "is not acceptable, either, on the political level." "There are (and this is, the real problem) to our intelligence services of Mongoloid monkeys, there is no: elements of espionage, in our embassy" in the United States. He said the Foreign Minister Emma Bonino monkey mongoloid, referring, of course, the story Datagate. [Total unconscious]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[Datagate: without the Revelations of Snowden? All the Secret Service, World, they were under attack, powerless! Therefore, the only possibility of survival for mankind and That: to isolate the United States of America, by every point of view (because no one can hope That the Pharisees, of the Talmud satanic, for do sacrifices Human, on the altar of Satan, might be people quiet)! Datagate, revealed, as, the technological superiority, of the U.S.: is Light Years: Cut Above the Rest of the World! What a shame, They are Satanists Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, banking seigniorage, for do 200.000: Human sacrifices on the altar of Satan: every year, and they are not, missionaries Christians! Talk to the 'sentinel' of the Guardian, Snowden: "People need to know, the real level of threat."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[Datagate: Strasbourg opens, a hypocritical, ridiculous farce of inquiry, to condemn espionage (but, of them are not even aware of this, then, all that, Obama (Satanist) say, must be accepted: on trust of criminal hacker), 1. can not do this, in mode technically, 2. do not want to do it, in mode politically, because, they are: Masons, accomplices of the Pharisees Satanists, which, they stole, the bankng seigniorage, for the Nazi regime, the occult and satanic power IMF 666 NWO, ie, one only satana synagogue]] July 4, 2013, 15:52. the ant (Europe, "target"), may not impose conditions to the elephant, because he is the predator 666! the fact disturbing, tragic, is that without the revelations of Snowden? they would not have noticed anything!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu potresti fare il mio amico: vieni da me! Datagate è soltanto: una minima parte, delle potenzialità della: "AI: intelligenza artificiale, per la schiavitù globale", i satanisti farisei ti distruggeranno! nessuno, tranne me, è in grado di fronteggiare questa potenza satanica: FMI 666 NWO, infatti io non ho bisogno di armi. io mi nutro di amore, giustizia, verità, uguaglianza! ed a questo? i satanisti non sono preparati! lol. ]] [[ Datagate: Strasburgo apre, una ipocrita, falsa indagine, per condanna spionaggio, 1. non possono farlo: tecnicamente; 2. non vogliono farlo politicamente, perché sono i: massoni, complici: dei farisei satanisti, che hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, del regime nazista, dei poteri occulti e satanici ]] 04 luglio 2013, 15:52. la formica (Europa: "target"), non può imporre delle condizioni all'elefante, perché, lui è il predatore 666! il fatto inquietante, è che, senza le rivelazioni di Snowden?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa
[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
BrotherhoodUniversal 3 giorni fa
Golpe per la democrazia: in Egitto, è stata, sospesa la Costituzione, Morsi destituito, si va verso nuove elezioni. Road map del ministro della Difesa: verso nuove elezioni. Esplode la gioia in piazza Tahrir. E l'esercito festeggia: con la popolazione, carri armati ed elicotteri al Cairo Piazza Tahrir al Cairo. Il criminale satafita nazi: presidente. Compare in video: sono stato eletto. El Sissi: 'Non ha risposto al popolo'. Imam e papa copto: appaggiano transizione. El Baradei: ora vera conciliazione. IL CAIRO, 3 LUG - ''L'Egitto è la patria di tutti, nessuno escluso. Continuiamo la nostra rivoluzione: per: pane, libertà e dignità umana''. Lo ha detto Mahmoud Badr, portavoce del movimento: dei Ribelli Tamarrod, nell'annuncio in tv: della road map: che: ha di fatto deposto Mohamed Morsi. sono state oscurate la tv della Fratellanza, Misr 25, e due emittenti vicine ai salafiti terroristi della Lega Araba nazi, el Hafez (il guardiano) e el Naas (la gente).
UniusRei3 1 mese fa
[how you can be the friend of the drama?] 666, occult power: Bildenberg, masonic system 187AUDIOHOSTEM 322 said: [UniusRei = Enemy] I Do not Care What You Believe Or say [Never Surrender] - ANSWER - I do not know if: it will never can: make a speech, fair: with a lizard, perhaps: the difficulty is all, in your forked tongue. however, I am the enemy of criminals, only, and therefore, I am your enemy .. but this you must know, the hard substance, which does not have the property of being able to fold yourself: (and the IMF-NWO: has proven to be very stiff), then it will break, dramatically, because it is impossible to survive Unius REI.. [how you can be the friend of the drama?]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
Egitto- Lega Araba- OBAMA NATO Farisei IMF-NWO "/watch?v=u4lUfrhoqQU Muslims chant "Allah is Great" during the assault on the cathedral: /watch?v=gxM7hV1yeW0" -- ANSWER -- QUESTO È GIUSTO! poiché Allah è grande? quindi il nostro Dio JHWH, per essere l'amore? lui è un pezzo di merda! Gay marriage, in France: and in all scams: of all: States, of masonic system: for banking seigniorage: 666 IMF FED ECB NWO. towards the definitive crazies (ANSAmed) - - ANSWER - GAY, are smart, they know that, do not need, of legal institution of marriage, but, criminals are only destroying the family and society .. This is another benefit, that, the Pharisees want to do to the World Caliphate, to make the most devastating possible, third world war, that, they have made inevitable: for destroy Israel! you are all die!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
KOREA. 04/10/2013[criminal communists: dead of hunger, threaten the world] KOREA Korean bishops: North threatens the world to save its economy. The President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea told AsiaNews that "tensions are designed to save face and get financial assistance. I appeal to all Koreans to pray especially for those people who cause pain and death by their actions." Seoul (AsiaNews) - North Korea "wants to get foreign financial aid without giving up its pride or sense of self-esteem. Catholic bishops are very sad about such tensions and Pyongyang's threats, which make the world more anxious and unhappy," said Mgr Peter Kang U-il, bishop of Cheju and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea. As tension mounts in the peninsula and signs of war mount, the bishops "are trying in every way to find a road to peace.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
KOREA. 04/10/2013[criminal communists: dead of hunger, threaten the world] Although South Koreans seem calm and quiet, the current situation has shaken people inside. We may be used to these threats, but no one can deny the possibility of a sudden military confrontation. " North Korea," the prelate noted, "may be in this situation in which it threatens everybody because it is not able to revitalise its economy and save itself from going over the brink. It needs foreign investment but also self-respect. It wants to save face, something we feel strongly for. In the 60 years since the war, North Korean rulers have held a sense of superiority and self-sufficiency, but this recipe has destroyed their economy." Hence, "I personally appeal to all Koreans to pray for peace in the peninsula," Bishop Kang said. With this in mind, "I wrote a prayer to ask God to show compassion for a group of fools who, by their own actions, are bringing hunger, suffering, violence.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] Coptic Orthodox Patriarch says never in two thousand years has St. Mark's Cathedral suffered such an attack. The Islamist president is not protecting Christians. The video of the assault which took place on April 7. Young Christians and Muslims take to streets in sign of the unity of the Egyptian people. Cairo (AsiaNews) - The Islamists attacks on St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo has aroused considerable concern within the Coptic Orthodox community, which for the first time has pointed the finger at President Mohamed Morsi and his entourage. The charge against the Islamist head of state was voiced by Coptic Orthodox Patriarch, Tawadros II, [OBAMA: your entire criminal administration will respond to the crime of your allies Islamists]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] who in a recent interview with the private Ontv television said: "We want facts, not just words. President Morsi has promised to do everything in his power to protect the cathedral, but in reality he hasn't". Today, hundreds of young Christians and Muslims organized a protest against attacks and to enhance dialogue and unity between the two components of Egyptian society. On 7 April, in front of St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, a group of Islamists hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at participants in the funerals of four Christians killed in sectarian clashes that took place on April 5 in the district of Khosous on the outskirts of the capital. The attack, which took place under the eyes of the police, left two dead and over 80 injured. A church building was also set on fire.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] According to the Patriarch, Morsi is responsible for what happened, "his behavior comes under the category of negligence and poor assessment of events. In two thousand years our cathedral has never suffered an attack like that." Tawadros II urges the authorities to take a clear position because "the situation has gone beyond the limits of freedom of expression and has reached an unsustainable level of chaos." After the assault Morsi said that the violence of recent days "are an attack against my own person," and proposed the revival of the defunct Committee for justice and equality. But Tawadros II has responded that " there are already enough of these committees and groups, none of them ever really worked".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] The amateur images filmed by some activists of the Maspero Youth Union show the violence of the clashes on April 7, with dozens of extremists shouting anti-Christian slogans, inciting hatred against the minority. In the video the police can also be seen throwing tear gas inside the cathedral, intoxicating even women and elderly people who had taken refuge in the church. In a video some unknown masked men are seen shooting from a terrace on the Christians below. Here are the videos of the clashes posted to AsiaNews by young activists of the Maspero Youth Union: Video of the clashes in front of St. Mark's Cathedral in the Christian quarter of Abasseya: /watch?v=m7laPVTKztA. Unknown masked shooting at the Copts: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dga0BKvjHGq8&h=KAQEhMAmu&s=1.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] Tear gas attack on the Patriarch's residence: facebook %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D28l701J5d9I&h=wAQGgCa3d&s=1. Fire in the Patriarch's residence: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJhn_MFh-gV8&h=9AQFszWTU&s=1. Tear gas used against injured people and ambulances: facebook .... Fire in a building in the complex of the Cathedral: %2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dgkk_wXpSYhk&h=tAQErMpeY&s=1. Police fire tear gas at the cathedral: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1S3mlkf_Gy0&h=kAQHWzRd2&s=1.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] Attacks against the cathedral with pipe bombs and stones: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcffaSBC70lM&h=vAQFuXCjt&s=1. Christians in front of the Cathedral in flames: facebook. com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5J7BY8gg880&h=MAQGbYlAr&s=1. Egyptians try to stop the clashes: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DtQv11xnNBrs&h=dAQGewPKb&s=1. Photo of thugs involved in the attacks: /watch?v=u4lUfrhoqQU. Muslims chant "Allah is Great" during the assault on the cathedral: /watch?v=gxM7hV1yeW0. [OBAMA: your entire criminal administration will respond to the crime of your allies Islamists]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
@ Zionists IMF: programmed to destroy Israel] the conspiracy, Jewish, Masonic, that is, to push, the Christian peoples, into anarchy, destroying the concept itself, of authority, for be better, be able to work: for do their predation, through seigniorage, banking, and through, the subsequent, occupation, of, any other, monopoly, up, to push, all peoples, in the total, deprivation, and despair, that's because, to get rid of this, exploitation, are, fate totalitarian regimes ... Any criminal, many ideological for Sharia, ie, there are many satan, as, you know, that, too, Christians are Israel. Here, because the Islamists, to hit the Jews, kill the Christians: all over the world (martyrdom, in essence, concealed, from, Jewish lobby, Zionists) [@ Zionists IMF: programmed to destroy Israel] purified yourselves, by hatred, that, the Talmud: has put in you: against: the Christians, if, it is true, that you love, the survival of Israel!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa
@sionisti del FMI: programmati per distruggere, Israele] il complotto, giudaico, massonico, è quello, di spingere, i popoli cristiani all'anarchia, distruggendo, il concetto, stesso, dell'autorità, per meglio, poter operare: la loro, predazione, attraverso, il signoraggio, bancario, e, attraverso, la conseguente, occupazione, di ogni altro, monopolio, fino, a spingere, i popoli alla totale, deprivazione, e, disperazione, ecco, perché, per liberarsi da tale, sfruttamento, sono, sorti i regimi totalitari... Tutti i molti satana hanno, capito, che, anche, i cristiani sono, Israele. Ecco, perché, gli islamisti, per colpire, gli ebrei, uccidono, i cristiani: in tutto, il mondo(martirio, sostanzialmente, occultato, dalle, lobby ebraiche, di sionisti) 1[@sionisti del FMI: programmati per distruggere, Israele] purificate, voi stessi: dall'odio, che, il talmud: ha messo, in voi: contro: i cristiani, se, è vero, che, voi amate, la sopravvivenza di Israele!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
sorry, but I can not put, the dead to work for me, (that is, and everything, is always only and for the glory of YHWH only)! that if then, I was someone, who went around killing people? then, what would be the difference between, me, and: the Pharisees, Salafi, etc. .. ? so, it is more useful transform, all the satanists, Masons, salafis, etc. .. that is, to transform all of them, even all together, that, will become all: together, all the more good guys!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
@farisei -- ragazzi, ma, non vi sembra, di essere diventati, ultimamente, un tantino egoisti? per volere avere: UNIUS REI, soltanto: per voi? voi avete fatto eliminare, anche: il link di questa pagina [/user/theyearinreview/feed?filter=1], dal sito principale di : ""YouTube Spotlight"" come, lol. i farisei, loro riescano a sopportare, laveradottrina, su questa pagina? lol. per me rimarrà, sempre un mistero! lol.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
03/09/2013. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] by Jibran Khan. The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him.". Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity. Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment. The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] "We were working like every day - Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement told AsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found. Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony. See also: 09/09/2011 PAKISTAN. Pakistani Christian killed, during pilgrimage to the town of Mary
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN. Another Christian, condemned, to death for blasphemy, without any proof. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. by Dario Salvi. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church, in Pakistan (An overview). 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN. Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment, for blasphemy. by Fareed Khan. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial vandalised in Pakistan. by Jibran Khan. The picture of the slain minister was paint sprayed and a poster ripped off. The attack occurred on the same day that scores of Christian homes were set on fire in Lahore. The Minority Affairs minister was killed on 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy law. Islamabad (AsiaNews)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Pakistan's Catholic minister of Minority Affairs murdered in 2011, was vandalised in broad daylight last Saturday. The pictured was paint sprayed and a poster honouring him was ripped off. Flowers and candles that framed the monument have disappeared. The incident occurred at the same time as a mob set fire to 178 homes in a Christian neighbourhood in Lahore. The two are connected. The Bhatti Memorial is located in Lahore's Sector I/8, one of the areas with the most traffic. And yet, no one tried to stop the perpetrators, who remain at large. Shahbaz Bhatti was killed on 2 March 2011 in an ambush by masked men. According to the investigation, the Catholic minister was killed for his opposition to the blasphemy law.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN. Another Christian, condemned, to death for blasphemy, without any proof. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. by Dario Salvi. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church, in Pakistan (An overview). 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN. Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment, for blasphemy. by Fareed Khan. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial vandalised in Pakistan. by Jibran Khan. The picture of the slain minister was paint sprayed and a poster ripped off. The attack occurred on the same day that scores of Christian homes were set on fire in Lahore. The Minority Affairs minister was killed on 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy law. Islamabad (AsiaNews)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Pakistan's Catholic minister of Minority Affairs murdered in 2011, was vandalised in broad daylight last Saturday. The pictured was paint sprayed and a poster honouring him was ripped off. Flowers and candles that framed the monument have disappeared. The incident occurred at the same time as a mob set fire to 178 homes in a Christian neighbourhood in Lahore. The two are connected. The Bhatti Memorial is located in Lahore's Sector I/8, one of the areas with the most traffic. And yet, no one tried to stop the perpetrators, who remain at large. Shahbaz Bhatti was killed on 2 March 2011 in an ambush by masked men. According to the investigation, the Catholic minister was killed for his opposition to the blasphemy law
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] He was also well known for defending Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five sentenced to death on the basis of the 'black law'. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Pakistan: Christians and Muslims protest against Lahore arson attack. by Shafique Khokhar. The final toll is 178 homes destroyed. In Karachi and Lahore Christian schools closed as a sign of respect. In Faisalabad, thousands of people demonstrate against the violent episode. Muslim activists for human rights: "The police knew but did nothing. Our political leaders have to leave."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Islamabad (AsiaNews) - Pakistani Christians and Muslims have joined together in their condemnation of the arson attack on a Christian neighborhood of Lahore, where on March 9 last 178 houses were razed to the ground. As a sign of respect, today the Christian schools of Lahore and Karachi will remain closed for the entire day. Yesterday thousands of people in Faisalabad - including women, children, priests, nuns and Muslim activists - organized a sit-in in the main street of the city, which ended peacefully with a general prayer. Meanwhile, the situation in the country remains tense. In Islamabad some people attacked Christians, but without setting fire to their homes. The fire at Lahore's Joseph Colony came after the arrest for blasphemy
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] - reported a day before - by a young Christian accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad by a local barber. Ameena Zaman, a Muslim activist for human rights, says that "the police had ordered the Christians of Joseph Colony to evacuate their homes 12 hours before the accident. If the police knew that there would be an attack, why did they do nothing to save the Christians? ". For Fr. Bonnie Mendes, the Lahore attack "unequivocally shows the evil intentions that lie behind accusations of blasphemy. This was a premeditated way to threaten, destroy and loot the property of Christians, and possibly even kill them." According to Zaman Khan, a Muslim activist, "what happened confirms that our leaders do not consider religious minorities equal citizens of Pakistan.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] We must fight against this ideology that drives people to attack their neighbor" only because they are of another religion. Another Muslim of the same opinion is Arif Ayyaz who adds "it is time to speak out against the ineligibility of our politicians." Pakistan will vote in general elections between April and May this year. See also: 02/16/2010. PAKISTAN. Christians outraged in Lahore over release of young domestic worker's murderer. by Fareed Khan. 02/02/2010 PAKISTAN. Activists warn, the murder of a 12-year-old Christian girl could go unpunished. by Fareed Khan. 12/10/2004 PAKISTAN: HUMAN RIGHTS, Religious minorities, persecuted and marginalised. by Qaiser Felix. 11/03/2004 PAKISTAN. Blasphemy law: death threats against teenage girl forces family to flee.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] 02/27/2012 PAKISTAN. Faisalabad: Christians, not Muslim extremists, behind attack against the Grace Ministry Church. by Shafique Khokhar. 10/11/2007: PAKISTAN. Lahore: extremists attack church, beat children. Armed with guns and steel rods, Islamic extremists attack the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara. A final attack is announced for the end of Ramadan, nearby mosque loudspeakers warn. Lahore (AsiaNews) -- A Muslim mob armed with guns and steel rods attacked the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara, on the outskirts of Lahore. They beat up worshippers, including a child, and damaged property. After the incident the attackers through mosque loudspeakers called on Muslims from nearby villages to gather for a "final attack" after Ramadan.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] They also urged businesses and farmers not to allow Christians on their properties or do business with them. Lahore police arrived only after the incident, but remained overnight to patrol the area around the church building. According to local political leaders, Christians will be safe until the end of Ramadan. But local police could not confirm the information. Elsewhere in the country near Peshawar Islamic extremists stormed six stores selling records and a barber shop for violating Muslim morality. One person was killed and two wounded as a result of the violence. The stores were destroyed. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] See also: 06/01/2010. PAKISTAN.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Justice and Peace: "Strong condemnation of attacks on Ahmadis"by Fareed Khan. 06/05/2009. PAKISTAN. Pakistani Catholic leaders come out against the Taliban and the imposition of the jizya. by Qaiser Felix. 05/15/2007. PAKISTAN.Peshawar bombing, a sign of anarchy and intolerance, says Church by Qaiser Felix. 11/13/2009. PAKISTAN. Double bombing in Peshawar and Bannu, 16 dead and dozens injured. 12/06/2008. PAKISTAN. Catholic Church condemns attack in Peshawar. by Qaiser Felix.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul @Saudi Arabia, Iran -- You know better than anyone else, who, are guilty, the Pharisees, ie, the Talmud, Jews, Nazi zionists. by: Illuminati IMF FED ECB, NWO, your accomplice: and their satanic Freemasons: ie occult power, (ie, the declared enemies of Christianity), that, have in control of the West, therefore, this story, which, because of them, you, the Nazis Islamists you have to kill, and to harm the innocent Christians, must end, same today ... because the Kingdom of God, which, I represent, is be arming against you! and it is because of you that I can not do evil, to Israel, as against, an another, false democracy of the Masonic seigniorage banking
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
1_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] Mar 02 2011: In Yemen, Ali Abdallah Saleh's regime has been in power for about the same length of time as Mubarak's in Egypt, over 32 years. Although governed by Saleh, the power of the regime is limited, especially in the remote regions of the country where tribal rulers control the region. If Saleh would fall, it is unclear who could take over Yemen. With the presence of Al Queda in various parts of the country, Yemen could easily fall apart similar to the situation in Iraq, or worse, in Somalia. A regime-change in Yemen could very well mean a change to no regime at all, resulting in anarchy. Yemen lacks the presence of traditional church. Islam is the state religion and Sharia law is the source of all legislation. Described as one of the poorest and least evangelized nations in the world, the constitution guarantees religious freedom but declares that Islam is the state religion.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
2_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] It has been estimated that less than 1,000 Yemenis have left Islam during the rule of Saleh, but very few have been willing to make a public statement about it due to family and social pressures. Jordan has a Christian minority of about 300,000 believers, most of them with a history going back to the 1st century. Know as one of the most Western oriented countries in the Middle East, the constitution guarantees religious freedom. As long as the churches do not evangelize, the government will not bother Christian believers; however, the state security is following the steps of church leaders closely and therefore the Jordanian evangelical movement's freedom is rather limited. In both Jordan and Yemen demonstrations have taken place over the past several weeks. In Jordan King Abdullah II remains popular and has quickly announced a reshuffle of his government,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
3_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] asking politicians to take note of the complaints of its citizens and respond to them. It is yet to be seen: what the future holds for Christians in the Middle East. As we watch from the sidelines the turmoil unfolding in Libya let us join in prayer for our brethren caught in the cross-fire and pray for a future where they can openly and freely worship our savior Jesus Christ. Father, in the midst of ongoing unrest: in the Middle East, we look to You as the one and only sovereign God. We pray that through political shifts and regime changes, Your people would be protected by Your loving mercy and grace. Despite hardship, we pray that more people would come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Your glory would be displayed throughout the region. Amen. [Jordan: it is on the 34th place: in the black list: of rogue states][Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
4_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] my friend: The Muslim "cultural mediator", of: a student of mine Muslim: has said: to me: 1. not: it's true, that in all Muslim nations: we do not have: the freedom of religion, in fact, we have the example: of Syria: and Jordan. 2. Moreover, it is the Americans who have formed, and, invented: the Islamists. Why, when I was a kid? All these terrorists do not: there! 3. That's why, they killed: Saddam Hussein: Gaddafi and Bin Laden, because: the Americans were afraid, of that: they would have said! 4. Moreover, when they arrive Western soldiers: to plunder the country's resources? It is normal for people's anger to explode! But, in no way Islam could do harm to a peaceful person, because it is written in the Qur'an that whoever kills a man? Then, he also killed, the whole human race!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
5_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] --- ANSWER --- but I know who the murderess and super predator, the sower: of death worldwide, are the Pharisees 666 Rothschild IMF, occult e masonic power: for banking seigniorage. [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: it is on the 34th: place: in the black list: of rogue states] [Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] The church landscape is comparable to pre-civil war Syria, with a certain amount of freedom for traditional Christians. There is relative tolerance for Muslim-background believers; however, leaving Islam is not officially recognised and public evangelisation of Muslims is against government policy. Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. Radical Islamists are becoming more active in society and there have been reports of violence and killings of Muslim-background believers.[Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: è al 34° posto della lista nera, degli Stati canaglia]--- ANSWER --- ma, io conosco chi è il super assassino e predatore, il seminatore: della morte per tutto il mondo, è: il fariseo: Rothschild del FMI
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
7_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [50 STATI CANAGLIA] North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Maldives, Mali, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Libya, Laos, Turkmenistan, Qatar, Vietnam, Oman, Mauritania, Tanzania, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bhutan, Algeria, Tunisia, India, Myanmar (Burma), Kuwait, Jordan , Bahrain, Palestinian Territories, China, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Kenya, Comoros, Malaysia, Djibouti, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Colombia, Uganda, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Niger.[/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] @India -- è nessuno può dire che, Unius REI è Italiano, perché, in 5 anni? io ho difeso l'Italia, soltanto, in riferimento a questa vicenda, di questa tua malvagia criminalità, evidente, a tutti.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'. New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'. 1. infatti, la nave italiana era in acque internazionali, 2. i proiettili che, hanno uccisi i pescatori, non erano quelli in dotazione dei "Marò".. 3. le lungaggini giudiziarie, erano un chiaro e losco tentativo di prendere tempo, perché l'India sapeva, che sarebbe dovuta passare sul tavolo degli imputati! 4. in realtà i delitti che l'India ha fatto contro la comunità internazionale sono molteplici e gravissimi, 5. bene ha fatto l'Italia, con questo, suo atto di dignità.. io spero che tutta la comunità internazionale ad iniziare dalla Cina, espongano formali proteste.. perché in questi casi, nessuno può dire: "è stata una fortuna, che, non sia successo niente a me!" [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto, che, erano armati ma, non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge, il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale: di Koci. Penso che: i due pescatori morti: fossero quelli. E per coprire: questo errore siamo capitati noi: di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente: di entrare a Koci: perché: loro avevano catturato due barchette: sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare: con l'inganno". La nave italiana: infatti: era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".[do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 03/11/2013. INDIA. India, images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary photo-shopped to attack "Italian" Gandhis, by Nirmala Carvalho. The faces are those of Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia (President of the Congress), alongside a photo of a group of Hindu nationalists. The image appeared on the Facebook page of a group that glorifies hatred against the ruling party. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Jesus and the Virgin Mary depicted - respectively - with the faces of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi, and a caption that reads "Italian scam". The photo-shopped image appeared on the Facebook page of the "All India Congress Haters Association", alongside a photo of a group of Hindutva supporters (a sectarian ideology that promotes a Hindus state, ed), surmounted by the words "ohm Indians "[INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] (The ohm is a sacred mantra in Hinduism, ed.) For the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), it is an "act of desecration that wounds, especially at this time of Lent." According to Sajan George, president of the GCIC, "This is the height of perversion, certainly not becoming the people of this great nation or members of any religion worth its name, using sacred pictures and symbols to settle political scores, whatever the extent of hatred with which they are filled with". "The whole Christian community - he said - is upset by this gesture and together with the GCIC ask the central government and the state governments to take the necessary measures to stop these unscrupulous gestures, and to find out who is behind them. Similar actions can threaten harmony within the community. ". See also:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 11/04/2010 INDIA. Nationalism and fanaticism the biggest challenges in India by Santosh Digal. 03/09/2005 [INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!] Falsely accused priest arrested in Gujarat. 09/22/2010 INDIA. No to more violence over Ayodhya's Babri Masjid, Hindu leader says by Nirmala Carvalho 08/24/2004 INDIA Priest seriously injured in attack against Catholic Church 12/19/2008 INDIA Minister Antulay quits, he suspected Hindu involvement in Mumbai attacks WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
[[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] System invokes the: jihad in support of the army, to defend: the people and the nation. March 12, BEIRUT - The staff of the Syrian armed forces announced today that "the state of general alert" for all military and called: soldiers and reservists: aged up to 35 years. The Syrian state television reported, without providing further details at the moment. SYSTEM CALLS, FOR THE JIHAD, IN SUPPORT, loyalist forces - Syrian authorities: have called the "jihad all Syrians: and all the Arab-Muslim" in support of the government army "engaged in the battle: to defend the people: and the nation." With: a fatwa - legal opinion: is not binding
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] - unprecedented, the Grand Mufti of Syria, Sheikh Ahmad Hassoun Sunni, called "traitors all those who oppose: the army" loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Quoted by the official Sana: and: on state television, Hassoun read: the statement of the Council Syrian fatwas, that it is the duty of every citizen of every Syrian: and: Arab Muslim to defend Syria Unified and the Syrian people. Hassoun: He called the Muslims: to "jihad for the defense of the people: and:the nation" against "the Zionists: and who: is behind them (is a disgrace to Assad, who he has not the courage: to name the Arab League, from: which he was expelled dishonestly)."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
80_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to:" Organization: for: Control: of the: Armament: and: for: Disarmament. "Well, it was stated: that means the plan of: disarmament proposed by President Johnson had: dangerous because instead: of: bring: peace, would: have destabilized: the world balance. After the inevitable scandal that: aroused: Posted: of the "Report from Iron Mountain" was definitely: Denied by: government bodies that: the study of the "Center of Washington for: the: Search: of: Politics: Foreign Policy "could:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
81_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. be state as: origin: of the: Report. It is said that: the document was prepared for: an: not: clearly specified governmental committee at the highest level, by: an equally special: Group of: Studio. The: conclusions which would be: come: the: Commission: of: Iron Mountain are: scary. Experts even say: that: the: war is: functional also: as: "stabilizer: generational" in: how much, what that: follows: is: by: raising: hair: "... the: war : to: the: old: generations (...) of:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
82_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. keep: its control over: generations: more: young people, if: must destroy them. "in the: his: conclusion: the report goes: to: look: substitutes : war: the: case improbable, but: not: impossible, would "explode: la: peace." Le: solutions that: offers: are: truly terrifying. It read that: "find: an: effective : substitute political: of the: war are: necessary 'enemies alternative', for: example: Contamination: massive: the environment: natural: it could: in: the future replace:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
83_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: option: of the: destruction: in: mass through: nuclear weapons... "More possible replacements suggested by the document:" A program of: gigantic proportions: of: searches: space, aimed to: unattainable goals. (...) A: Police: international practice: Almighty. A: Threat: extraterrestrial officially: announced: and: recognized. (...). A: shape: modern: and: advanced: of: slavery. (...) Any comment: is: superfluous. These: are: very few: citations of: what that: in the:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
84_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. his: bureaucratic cruelty, says: The Secret Report from Iron Mountain. ***. D. Because it considers: true: the: possibility that: the: CIA controls the Internet?: And: what: it means "control: of the: masses"? ***. R. Web Review, a: magazine: twice a week: online: has: revealed on September 26: 1995 that: NSI: is: was: purchased: in the: May '95 from: Scientific Applications International Corporations (SAIC) of San Diego , CA. The: magazine: fa: names: of the: members of the Board
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
85_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Directors: of the: SAIC: between: these figure: "Admiral Bobby Inman, former head: of the: NSA (National Security Agency): and: Vice: Director: of the: CIA. "This DOMINT: of the: NSA" - read by: quoted: Magazine: - "has the: capacity of: lead: of operations: covert psychological control, (...) controls : all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S., (...) provides: of: equipment: that: to analyze: distance: the electrical activity: in humans, (...) La: NSA: Records: and: Decoding: maps:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
86_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: individual brain (ie: to: hundreds: of: thousands: of: people), (...) Speeches, sound: 3D: and: audio subliminal can be: sent to: bark: hard of hearing: of the: of the brain: the subject (...): and: the images: bark: visual: the RNM can alter: the: perceptions, moods and motor control. "***. Q. What: is: the power: effective: of the: mass media? ***. R. is been: shown that: suicide, murder: and: fatalities of: auto or: aircraft reported: in: first: Page: and: are highly publicized
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
87_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. increase : considerably: after: the: their publication, similar events. This: Report: emerge: also: by: a study of the: sociologist prof. Riaz Hassan: of the: University of: Flienders (Australia). Researcher: has: analyzed about: 20 000: cases of: suicide occurred: between: 1981,: and: 1990. The result is been: amazing: the: average: everyday of the suicides salt: of: about: 10 for: one hundred in two: days of: appearance: of the: news of suicides in major newspapers.,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
88_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: not: there: is: not: from: wonder too. Others works confirm this. is: well-known fact: between: professionals (advertising, social psychologists, etc..), that: the evocative language: has: an: great: power: pushing: to: new behaviors. Skepticism of: a few: naive reader: on the: strength: picturesque: of: this: strategy persuasive: is: to put: hard: try: from: formulation, by: part: of the: sociologist David Phillips, the "Werther Effect" (1974, 1979, 1980).'s book The of the pain:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
89_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Young Werther of Goethe: in: which tells: the suicide of the: young: star: after: a: disappointment sentimental collected: an: great: success: and: the: his: disclosure: was followed: as: an: incredible number of suicides: in: all: Europe. David Phillips has: also: showed that: the "Werther effect" works: also: for: the crimes, aviation accidents: and: of: other vehicles. Vi is: also: a: relationship: between the number of: day: in: where: news: of: an: suicide appears: in the newspapers:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
90_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: the: Dissemination of ' imitation of the: gesture narrated. But: there: is: also: the 'other: stress.'s: news: gore: that: the mass media: every day we served up result in: persons: a state of: continuous discomfort , of: fear: of: all, of: mistrust: total: against: of the: other. Maybe: fa: convenient to: someone hold: the country: in: continues apprehension: and: if: all that constitutes: an: elaborate design by: forces: occult: of: power, that: have interest to: create: new
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
91_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. scenarios: and: apocalyptic, for: cause: certain changes to: them more: welcome? We would: in: this case, to: be: vulnerable targets: in: half to: a: thin: war: psychological: in: this case would include: better what that: you want: building: in the: people, scagliandole: against: mass: of: news: brutal, devastating: and: brutal, fear, despair, great: insecurity: and: of: result: a: feeling: of: be: completely: helpless that: produces: vulnerability. This: is: the purpose: of the: war:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
92_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. psychological active. guide is: the direction of the: people: towards planned objectives. in the: mind: of the: people: creating of ways: be: and: behavior different from the previous ones. process : is: thin: and: sneaky. Conditioning progressive one: time: made, can be: used: in: a number of ways: for: subject, cancel: any reactivity critical crack: the: trust: of the: city in respect of: any security acquired, emptying it of: courage: and: determination, block: or: limit: the unpredictability
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
93_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: what that: not: is: predictable in the individual: and: by: of: follow-up to : edit: the: scale of the: values, riadattarla: for an: a different way of: conceive: the: fact: and: the: life. This serves: to: create: emotions or: to: prohibit it, distract, direct them: in: conclusion, to: control: the: opinion: public opinion. e: so shall be adopted: techniques: always: more: sophisticated: and effective for: creep into the: intimacy: of the: mind: human: and: manipulate , directing:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
94_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: will,: choices, personal ideals: and: collective up to: edit: thought: of the: people. Giova: remember: what did: to: declare: Kenneth Bouldin, professor: to: University of the Michigan: "Today you can perfectly: to conceive: an: world dominated by: a: dictatorship invisible in the: which, however, were: retained: the: forms of the exterior: democratic government." ***. Q. Is there: a: 'lobby satanic' at the top of the: power? ***. R. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
95_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. a: interview: (on Theology: of: September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals: on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate : of the: very special rites. Of course nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because: of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. In the same way: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
96_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. being raped: of the: children. All this happens: in: also: background ritual: of: magic: black. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon, etc.. "In England disappear every year, about a hundred thousand: young people. Scotland Yard to London: to: deal with every day: of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenage ***. A.: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more : nothing. In the United States,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
97_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. these horrors are: more: more: frequent. Investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, pointing the finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: seven: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). Journalist: Giorgio Medail, in the: transmission: television : Arcane Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: According to reliable sources in the United States
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
98_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. each year are killed: in the: of course: Satanic rites 50,000 people for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former Director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a: episode: of the: transmission: Arcana, that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: other: has: fact: of the: fatal: complaints. says: "During: the: my: survey I discovered that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
99_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. there are organizations that: kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more: highest political level, attorneys, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: doubt: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-movie"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. Had drawn things: horrible: an: child
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
100_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the fire, fetishes, satanic, children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? ". yet: you continue: to: do little or: nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: : all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then. Dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: seven: engaged: the cult of the: devil.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
101_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Guidi had the same ex-minister: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children. "Source: Interview: nwo. it / interview... Since html: on: / / antibodies . info /
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa
CustodeDellaFede---ie, CustodeDellaBestialità, religious maniac: Criminal - about: Deuteronomy 13, 2-6: - I never said to be: a prophet, but, on the contrary, I have always said to be a universal political, from the Kingdom of God, impartial, and above, against: all partisanship, but I'm dispobile: to do this challenge deadly against you, against the Pharisees, and against, the salfiti, that is, if I do not come recognized as a minister of God, according to the universal law of nature? I agree I die, but if I am recognized as a minister of God, in any way? ... Then, you have to die!
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 mesi fa
UniusRei3 27 minuti fa Segnala spam SYNNEK1 CIA KKK NAZI: imf 666 322: NWO: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: OF GOOGLE: IE: IiiIiliil posted a comment: 15 minutes ago Report spam: "they(CIA) scan your comments no joke - ANSWER --- but, that value can have my useless life in the face of Israel's survival? ma, che valore può avere la mia inutile vita: di fronte alla sopravvivenza di Israele?
MyJHWH 5 mesi fa
liiiilliiiil: ie, Synnek1 CIA IMF --- oh, my dear: sucker 666 skeletons: decaying!, for me, dreams, visions, and all supernatural phenomena: they have no importance in politics: why: my mind, is structured: as: the mind of an atheist, here's why: I ask Rothschild and his Obama puppy "of who is, to ownership, of our money, at the time of its release?" here's why: after raping the Constitution: in the most important monetary sovereignty, etc.. etc. .. and have spread Satanism: freemasonry?, they are afraid: of the people: now! so now: they want to prevent the possession of weapons, only because, they are must finish in front of a firing squad: for high treason! (the traitors of the IMF?: in our Masonic system? they have no right: touching the Constitution)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
[came my kingdom, among the corpses of Psalm 110] What should not be forgotten, is that: the mind of Paul was corrupted: by the racist doctrine of the Pharisees NAZI 666, With Their damn talmud .. as many Islamists: to worship God, in the sharia With Their accursed Koran:? kill many Christians,! but God knows who is predestined to salvation (to have mercy on his life), and who is predestined to damnation (to ruin the man guilty)! Because the demands of justice can not be suppressed! Therefore, if Jesus Christ does not kill for me, now, all over the world, a good number of pieces of shit? then, he can not be God! Because I called Rothschild and the King of Saudi Arabia?, but they did not come: from me! I am unius REI! and since, my ministry is political: that's why, I can expect: expect from him: the my kingdom
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
[[For God so loved the world] 1 John 4.9 to 10. ]] John 3:16. [I am come that they might have life, and have it abundantly] Gv.10, 10]] you have read them all?, You also know how to read? God did not send: in the world: his son, to bless: only one religion, but He sent Jesus into the world to bless everything: that is, all religions, all Governments, all economic systems, etc.. .. ! then: just you, of: do not do to Himself, an enemy of Jesus Christ (of: do not do, of Himself, an enemy of his teaching, That Is, not to give it to contempt, of his love) to be blessed, That Is, to follow his teaching metaphysical, That Is, look to Jesus, as you can see, a teacher of secular ethics? is sufficient: to be blessed by God! I am: unius REI, the face of secular: rational: of Jesus in the world today [blessing full? because this is only true for the martyrs who were killed? who it was, so Pharisees, to destroy, the political value of this universal blessing?]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
enough, to suck the cock of Rothschild IMF 666! learn to live with dignity, like all other peoples! I will, more than 200,000, at 400.000: square kilometers of desert! all that will: abundant, even for the future expansion: in our Kingdom!! stop making babies, who are afraid to make a syringe! how? I am a goyim, that: he can not do the king of the Jews? but, 1. I am less bastard of you, because: I have more than 500 years of paternal genealogies and you do not! but, 2. without: the goodness without the protection, and forgiveness of the Catholic Monarchs? today, could not have existed: no jew in the world! this is clear: "the jew, That he does not want to come to me? he eclaring by alone: publicly, to be a murderess Satanist criminal, That Is, a socially dangerous person!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
est claire: «Le Juif, qu'il ne veut pas venir à moi le déclarant seul: en public, d'être un criminel sataniste meurtrière, qui est une personne socialement dangereuse! ist klar: "Der Jude, dass er nicht will, dass zu mir kommen erklärt ihm allein: öffentlich, um eine Mörderin Satanist kriminellen, also eine sozial gefährliche Person sein! esto es clara: "el judio, que no quieren venir a mí declarando él solos? públicamente, para ser un criminal asesina satanista, es decir, una persona socialmente peligrosa! this is clear: "the jew, that he does not want to come to me? declaring him alone: publicly, to be a murderess Satanist criminal, that is, a socially dangerous person!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
everywhere, all over the world can exist: a real jew? (and has no importance, his past criminal history, because, YHWH him the Holy One, he believes, that, only, Satan, is only responsible: alone!) he will come to me: why, the Almighty Creator, has scheduled genes, of all the Jews: for this moment! because, all his inheritance (paternal genealogies, grace, alliances, joy, freedom, truth, sanctification, restaurants, etc. ..) that is, everything that the Pharisee has stolen: to him? the time has come, that he should be returned back! That's why for the sake of the Jews, even all the nations: must be freed: from the occult powers: of banking seigniorage: the IMF! I have decided to release the prisoners, because, I am unius REI!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
I am King of Israel: ie king on all the world, because only an idiot would not want to be: my happy, subject: in fact, my subjects, do not pay taxes, because, I do not buy my money, from the Rothschild Satanic Pharisee thief 666 IMF! Ie,I am kingdom of Palestine, ie, the first man that you find on the street? what, I am: an ordinary man, because humility is truth, to be an ordinary man, so only God will be honored and exalted: he alone is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
For the act of love of the divine Bridegroom Christ?: Matthew 27.51. And behold, the veil of the Temple (the hymen of the Bride: of all: whole human race) was torn ": - 1. Then went out, the glory of grace: for to bless all peoples, 2. Then, it is true that: there is no need of a third Jewish Temple: theoretically, 3., but since the Masonic lobby: the Pharisees of shit: Neturei Karta: Enlightened by Lucifer .. and their satanic Talmud (all the worshipers of Baal : IMF FED ECB 666 322 New World Order, in secret), they enlightened, have stole everything, from, my Jewish people, in these: last: 5000 years .. (so much so that even the King Solomon was forced: to deliver the Ark of the Covenant,at the Queen of Sheba), 4. therefore, all Jews are entitled to be restored, consulates, of all: each of their lost!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
For the act of love of the divine Bridegroom Christ?: Matthew 27.51. And behold, the veil of the Temple (the hymen of the Bride:of all: whole human race) was torn! "- 5.'s Why we in the Kingdom of God, we have decided: to give this total recovery: at the Jewish people, 6., and for their love? also: a double outpouring of the Holy Spirit: will again be poured: on all mankind, and so, 7. those: that: they had any form: of loss, violence, and deprivation? 8. for the sake and love: of my Jewish people? too: they can be: all rewarded, refreshed and consulates in my Jewish Temple: also them.. 9. here as is the true meaning of the word Jerusalem: I am unius REI! all the people in Jerusalem shall be comforted!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa
Per l'atto di amore: dello Sposo divino: Cristo?: Matteo 27,51. Ed ecco: il velo del Tempio(l'imene della Sposa: tutto il genere umano): si squarciò!": --1. quindi, uscì: la Gloria della Grazia: per benedire tutti i popoli, 2. quindi, è vero che: non c'è più bisogno di un terzo Tempio Ebraico: teoricamente, 3. ma, poiché, la lobby massonica: dei farisei di merda: Neturei Karta: Illuminati da lucifero.. e il loro satanico talmud (tutti gli adoratori di Baal: FMI FED BCE 666 322 NWO: in occulto), ha rubato tutto: al mio popolo ebraico: in questi: ultimi: 5000 anni.. (tanto che, anche, il Re Salomone: fu costretto: a consegnare l'Arca della Alleanza, alla regina di Saba), 4. quindi, tutti gli ebrei: hanno diritto ad essere ristorati, consolati, di ogni loro perdita!
Per l'atto di amore dello Sposo divino: Cristo?: Matteo 27,51. Ed ecco: il velo del Tempio(l'imene della Sposa: tutto il genere umano): si squarciò!": - 5. ecco perché, noi nel Regno di Dio: noi abbiamo deciso: di dare questo recupero totale: al popolo ebraico, 6. e per loro amore? anche: una doppia effusione di Spirito Santo: sarà nuovamente, effuso: su tutto il Genere umano, e così, 7. tutti coloro: che: hanno avuto qualsiasi forma: di perdita, violenza e privazione? 8. per amore degli ebrei? anche loro: potranno essere: tutti ricompensati, ristorati e consolati: nel mio Tempio Ebraico: 9. ecco quale è: il vero: significato della parola Gerusalemme: Io sono Unius REI
[WHY: the "VEIL OF THE TEMPLE" Jewish torn: represents:the HYMEN of MANKIND, which, breaking it, make free effusion: the GRACE, of the Holy Spirit, for to bless the whole human race?] Because Jesus: in his supreme act of love, infinite, gave all of himself, which is why, his love has torn the veil: of the temple, and he brought out: that is, of all peoples: the holiness of God, that: was kept : enclosure:in the Jewish Temple, as well, on the cross, which is the nuptial love of Christ, God has enriched the Church (the human race) God has freed: his grace, and his: mercy: in Christ Jesus: our Lord, too, for the benefit of all peoples "of good will" if, there is no presence of the Holy Allah YHWH BRAMA: in your life? then, there is: bondage, and you are: the slave of all your lies! Joel 2:28-32 And, after this, will be: what: I will pour my spirit upon: all flesh;
[WHY: the "VEIL OF THE TEMPLE" Jewish torn: represents: HYMEN of MANKIND, which, breaking, do the free effusion: the GRACE, the Holy Spirit to bless the whole human race?] And your children and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. 29. And also upon the servants and upon pour out my spirit in those days. 30. And I will show wonders in the heavens and on earth: blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. 32. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD: shall be saved: for: in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as: the Lord hath said, and among: those who had escaped from WW III: that: the Lord called.
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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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TheVArious7 666 cannibal (Neapolitan) Satanist international institutional, IMF 322 NWO, Bildenberg agenda, a priest of Satan - there are many official channels, of: youtube and google. you do not dirty this my page! 666 cannibale(napoletano) satanista internazionale istituzionale FMI 322 NWO , bildenberg agenda, sacerdote di satana -- ci sono molti canali ufficiali, di youtube e di google. tu non venire a sporcare, questa pagina!
kingIsraelUniusREI 2 ore fa
but, I know your plot, against, Israel [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you are a total abomination, you do immense crimes, only because the Pharisees 666 Anglo-Americans, IMF-NWO Masons 322, they say to you: "You can do them!" @King Saudi Arabia -- tu sei un totale abominio, tu fai immensi delitti, soltanto perché, i farisei 666 anglo-americani, FMI-NWO massoni 322, dicono a te: "tu li puoi fare!"]] 07/06/2013 23:15. EGYPT. Orthodox Coptic priest killed in Sinai AsiaNews sources confirm the shooting. Fr Mina Abboud Haroan was killed by a group of armed men, probably Islamists. Cairo (AsiaNews) - A group of Islamist militants killed Mina Haroan Abboud, a 39-year-old Orthodox Coptic priest, in el-Arish, Sinai Peninsula. AsiaNews sources have confirmed the story.The murder took place today, in the early afternoon. [the real threat, which, BITES, and the League Araga, and Satanists Americans, their accomplices: they represent? Now, is evident, at all!]
kingIsraelUniusREI 2 ore fa
King Saudi Arabia - you are a total abomination, you do immense crimes, only because the Pharisees 666 Anglo-Americans, IMF-NWO Masons 322, they say to you: "You can do them!"]]A group of men, probably Islamic extremists, stepped out of a car and stopped the priest as he walked in the street. After shooting the clergyman at point blank, they fled. Fr Abboud was immediately taken to hospital but died a few hours later. Meanwhile, tensions are rising across the country after yesterday's pro-Morsi demonstrations. Sources told AsiaNews that the Muslim Brotherhood is taking its revenge. In Cairo, people are fighting on rooftops, and Brotherhood members are hunting down young organisers of the 30 June mass rally."They are going house to house, pointing rifles and machineguns. They are attacking with all sorts of weapons," witnesses said.[the real threat, which, BITES, and the League Araga, and Satanists Americans, their accomplices: they represent? Now, is evident, at all!]
kingIsraelUniusREI 2 ore fa
but, I know your plot, against, Israel [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you are a total abomination, you do immense crimes, only because the Pharisees 666 Anglo-Americans, IMF-NWO Masons 322, they say to you: "You can do them!"]] See also: 04/14/2011 EGYPT. Soul, first Mass in the Coptic church burned down by Islamic extremists. 01/16/2013 EGYPT. Egypt, Islamic extremists demolish Coptic church property in Fayyum. 04/11/2013 EGYPT. Christians and Muslims march together against Islamist hegemony. 01/07/2010 EGYPT. Nag Hamadi: armed commando attacks Coptic Christians, seven dead. and three wounded. 03/15/2012 EGYPT. Egypt's parliament describes Israel as the country's "first enemy" [the real threat, which, BITES, and the League Araga, and Satanists Americans, their accomplices: they represent? Now, is evident, at all!]
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] [[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu devi smettere, di fare il criminale della Sharia, soltanto, perché Obama, 322, e Rothschild: FMI 666 NWO, hanno detto a te: "ok, tu lo puoi fare!"]] [è molto grave, che, nella loro terminologia, i media occidentali sono ambigui, nell'identificare le colpe degli islamisti, i criminali, per fare sharia e califfato mondiale, voi state illudendo questi maniaci religiosi, soltanto per distruggere Israele] Egitto, adolescenti, si scontrano con gruppi estremisti: picchiati e buttati giù da un tetto.. Alessandria, continuano le violenze: in questo video viene mostrato l'attacco a un gruppo di ragazzi durante una manifestazione a favore dell'opposizione all'ormai ex presidente Mohamed Morsi,
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] 08:26 - Alessandria, continuano le violenze: in questo video viene mostrato l'attacco a un gruppo di ragazzi durante una manifestazione a favore dell'opposizione all'ormai ex presidente Mohamed Morsi. Il gruppo di adolescenti, circondato da militanti della Fratellanza, vengono scagliati giù da un tetto e picchiati, a colpi di bastone. Attenzione: immagini particolarmente crude, adatte a un pubblico adulto. Warning - Item 120 Christian Families Flee Egyptian Village Following Death of a Muslim might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over. 120 Christian Families Flee Egyptian Village Following Death of a Muslim.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, which took place last week in the village of Dahshur has prompted over 120 Christian families to flee their homes today after news that a Muslim man who had suffered 3rd degree burns in the incident died this morning in a Cairo hospital. Before his death, the father and brother of Moaz Hassab-Allah told the media yesterday that should he die, "the whole village will avenge his death." Coptic villagers were terrorized today after a Muslim Brotherhood cleric roamed the village vowing that the village church of St. George will be burned down, its pastor and all the entire Christian inhabitants killed and their homes torched after the burial of Moaz tonight, reportd Coptic activist Maariam Ragy.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] Coptic professional garments presser Sameh Samy accidentally burned the shirt of his Muslim client Ahmad Ramadan. "They agreed to meet after the Muslim breaks his fast and settle the damage," said father Takla of St, George's church to MidEast Christian News, "however, Ramadan came back before the appointment." He added that after breaking their Ramadan fast nearly 2000-3000 Muslims congregated; Mr. Samy locked his launderette and his home. Fighting broke out between the Muslims and Sameh's family, during which Molotov's cocktails, firearms and knives were used. The priest explained that Sameh faced this huge mob in "self-defense," threw a Molotov's cocktail which hit the passer-by Moaz.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] "This made the villagers extremely angry and they torched his home and his launderette and his brother's home after they looted the contents, a loss of nearly 400,000 Egyptian pounds. They prevented the fire brigade from reaching the fire," said Takla. The mob wounded Sameh, his father, his cousin and another Copt. Father Takla said that over 500 moderate village Muslims stopped the Salafist mob from storming the church, until security forces arrived and secured it. Prosecution ordered the arrest of five Muslims, while Sameh Samy, his father and brother were detained pending investigation on charges of attempted murder and possession of explosives.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] Today, prosecution renewed their detention for 15 days and changed the charged to contemplated murder. No Muslim has yet been arrested. In another incident in Shubra el Khayma, Qaliubya province, On July 26, Dr Maher Ghaly looked out from his window at dawn and asked a group of Muslim Salafis who have a shop in the same building not to fire their weapons in the air in celebration of another day of the Ramadan fast. He explained to them that in his household there are sick persons and children who are greatly disturbed. "Their answer was to shoot at him. One of his eyes was blown away and there is no hope of replacing the cornea in his other eye,"
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] said his brother Fayez. He said that the Muslims wanted to break the main building door and go to his flat but were unable. "Although the police issued a report, they have done nothing to arrest the culprits." Dr. Ghaly is hospitalized in the French hospital in Cairo. Two days ago, a Muslim attacked a church in the area of Sheikh Zayed, Qaliubya. Prosection did not make any charged against him as he is "mentally unstable," and was subsequently released. "Simce Morsy became President of Egypt, there is systematic persecuion of the Copts, " said Dr. Naguib Gabriel, head of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
The sectarian strife of Muslims against: Christians, [[@ King Saudi Arabia - you have to stop, to make the criminal Sharia law, only because Obama, 322, and Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, they said to you: "ok, you can do it!"]] He said that in the last ten days of the Muslim Ramadam fast, twelve incidents took place against the Copts, including the arrest of the six Copts in Dahshur, while no Muslim was arrested. "Displacement of Copts has become fashionable," said Gabriel. "Now any small melee between a Muslim and a Copt is used by Islamists, turning it into a sectarian incident, pushing for Coptic arrests, torching of their homes or enforced displacement, while not a single action is taken against the Muslim culprits."
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
[League Gianluca Buonanno: said: "Sel is sodomy and freedom,"] mentre, io ho apprezzato, due colleghi: sessantenni, che, 1. ha detto, in una riunione a scuola, "si è vero, io sono un ricchione", e, 2. di un altro, non so fino a che punto, lui stava scherzando, perché era molto serio: "tu non sei il mio tipo".. e questo, è comprensibile, perché, ad una certa età, la vagina è più impegnativa, del buco del culo. while, two colleagues, of sixties years ago, that, 1. he said, in a meeting at school, "it is true, I'm a fag," and, 2. of another, I do not know to what extent he was joking, because it was very serious, "You're not my type" .. and this is understandable, because, at a certain age, the vagina is the most challenging, of the asshole.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 ore fa
leghista Gianluca Buonanno: "Sel è sodomia: e libertà", solo a fatica, il vicepresidente Di Maio, riesce a placare le proteste, sui banchi della sinistra.3.7.2013. 17:28. A innescare la miccia una provocazione di Buonanno, impegnato in un ostruzionismo, con, il suo gruppo, e, con Fdi, che rivolto ai banchi di Sel dice: "Per loro, è più importante, se c'è il matrimonio, tra, persone dello stesso sesso, di altri provvedimenti, per cui invece, di chiamarsi Sinistra e libertà, si chiamassero, sodomia e libertà". Immediata la reazione dai banchi di Sel, con il vicepresidente Di Maio, che, fatica a riportare la calma, invitando, a usare "un tono consono, in quest'aula e senza offendere, le altre forze politiche". -- ANSWER -- QUINDI, per la Presidenza della Camera, la sodomia: è diventata un insulto, una offesa? allora, perché, voi volete dare, un matrimonio, ai gay, che, è un crimine, contro, la legge naturale, e, non potrà mai essere un diritto civile?
HellxDesPairTruction 1 giorno fa
EGYPT [islamists alafis Arab League, sharia imperialism, inciting violent revolt against the Egyptian people.] 07/05/2013. Egypt: Army gives go ahead to Muslim Brotherhood's peaceful demonstrations. Announcement comes ahead of pro-Morsi protests scheduled for this afternoon, after Friday prayers. The military and the new government headed by Adli Mansour call population to calm and reconciliation. Unknown persons attack a checkpoint near the Rafah crossing (Sinai). Cairo (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) has announced that it will ensure "peaceful demonstrations" and invited the Muslim Brotherhood to reconciliation in view of the large pro-Morsi demonstration, scheduled for this afternoon after Friday prayers.
HellxDesPairTruction 1 giorno fa
EGYPT [islamists alafis Arab League, sharia imperialism, inciting violent revolt against the Egyptian people.] In a statement, the army and the new government headed by Adli Mansour called on the population and the same police not to "use exceptional security measures against political parties." Yesterday, authorities arrested more than 300 members of the Brotherhood, including the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement, Mohammed Badie, and placed former President Mohamed Morsi under arrest. They are accused of inciting violent revolt against the Egyptian people. Meanwhile, unknown assailants attacked some roadblocks near the Rafah crossing on the border with the Gaza Strip. It is still unclear if the attacks are related to the removal of President Morsi and the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. A soldier was killed in the armed clashes.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
@Putin -- Edward Snowden non può andare in Germania, perché la Germania è piena di satanisti istituzionali internazionali ... @Emma Bonino Bildenberg 322 masonic system: 666 IMF NWO, god owl at Bohemian Grove agenda Baal JabullOn --- " tu hai visto? io non dico più le parole sporche! "
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
Il ministro degli Esteri boliviano, David Choquehuanca, ha annunciato oggi, che, il suo governo ha respinto, una richiesta di estradizione di Edward Snowden, la 'talpa' del Datagate, inviata a La Paz dalla giustizia Usa, definendola "strana, illegale, suggestiva e priva di fondamento". Datagate, la Bolivia nega agli Usa l'estradizione di Edward Snowden, che, forse è giunto in Bolivia, nel serbatoio del gasolio di qualche aereo! lol. lol. ma, Bonino Emma Bilbenderg, che lei [non ha motivo di avere segreti: per i suoi padroni farisei: FMI 666 NWO: del signoraggio bancario, rubato alla Costituzione]: pertanto dice:" nessuno spionaggio all'ambasciata, italiana negli States (tralla- allero - tralla-allahà, oh) 05 luglio, 22:49
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Otto Paesi UE rifiutano l'asilo politico a Snowden. 5 luglio 2013. Otto Paesi europei hanno rifiutato di concedere asilo politico all'ex agente della CIA Edward Snowden per la divulgazione di informazioni riservate sulle attivita' di spionaggio degli USA: Francia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Austria, Finlandia, Irlanda e Spagna hanno detto no alla talpa della CIA, riferiscono i media europei. [[Edward Snowden: eroe, traditore o freak? di: Andrey Smirnov,]] 26.06.2013, сноуден рисунок цру секреты прослушка. I maggiori media occidentali hanno pubblicato, unanimemente, la porzione dei documenti compromettenti,
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] contro, i servizi speciali americani concessi da Edward Snowden e poi altrettanto, unanimemente, si sono messi a condannarlo e smascherare i motivi segreti della sua azione. Tuttavia gli esperti seri sono convinti che un uomo che coscientemente e, per giunta, "a visiera alzata" è intervenuto contro i servizi speciali dia prova di molto sangue freddo. Edward Snowden ha tolto il velo di segretezza dal sistema di sorveglianza nell'Internet organizzato: negli USA. Il 29-enne dipendente della compagnia Booz Allen, la quale lavorava sotto la copertura dell'Agenzia per la sicurezza nazionale (ASN),
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] ha reso di pubblico dominio il fatto che le azioni degli utenti dei social network, in particolare di Facebook, Google e Skype, vengono registrate ed ascoltate. Anche alcuni operatori telefonici, tra cui la compagnia Verizon, concedono gentilmente tale possibilità ai servizi speciali americani. Si è scoperto che l'ASN non esita ad ascoltare nemmeno le conservazioni dei leader di altri stati durante vari forum e summit. I maggiori media americani ed europei hanno pubblicato volentieri i documenti messi a disposizione da Snowden aumentando in questo modo le proprie tirature ed elevando l'indice di popolarità.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Poi, dopo aver sentito i giudizi negativi al proprio indirizzo da parte degli stessi servizi speciali e dell'amministrazione della Casa Bianca, hanno cominciato a compilare il "ritratto psicologico" del fuggiasco (prima della pubblicazione delle sue rivelazioni Snowden si è rifugiato prudentemente a Hong Kong). Secondo l'ipotesi del New York Times già da giovane la futura spia dimostrava una instabilità psicologica. Veniva espulso da scuole, non era molto legato a sua madre e a volte non rispondeva nemmeno ai saluti dei vicini di casa. Da qui la conclusione: Snowden è un traditore che non capisce l'importanza della fiducia reciproca nella società.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] "Ha tradito la nostra privacy!", esclama nel suo articolo lo psicologo David Brooks, secondo il quale Snowden è un tipico freak, un solitario dotato di morale e di ragione ma con molto deboli legami sociali. Altre edizioni sono andate oltre pubblicando storie sulla malattia psichica di Snowden. Tali concluzioni non corrispondono al vero, è convinto il senatore russo Igor Morozov, membro del comitato per gli affari internazionali del Consiglio della Federazione. L'uomo che si è preparato a tale atto civile deve essere di spirito molto forte. Il passo fatto da Snowden lo caratterizza come una persona molto forte e psicologicamente stabile.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Adesso sta semplicemente attuando una linea di condotta, penso, programmata, volta a conservare e realizzare ulteriormente la propria personalità. Ha scelto Hong Kong non a caso. Ritengo che gli specialisti di WikiLeaks lo abbiano aiutato a scegliere l'itinerario giusto per la partenza. Si trova in uno stato psichico normale, come qualsiasi agente dell'intelligence che sta effettuando una nuova fase dell'operazione. Quello che viene sopportato adesso da Snowden supera le forze di molte persone psichicamente sane e preparate, sottolinea Lev Korolkov, veterano dell'intelligence internazionale russa. Il carico è straordinario.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Non ogni persona è in grado di sopportarlo. Snowden ha già fatto questo passo. Ciò vuol dire che era pronto a farlo. L'uomo che si è deciso a tale passo morale deve rendersi conto del grado di responsabilità. Altra cosa è che qualcuno lo doveva coprire. Penso che a Hong Kong lo coprissero i servizi speciali della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Nel cambiamento dell'atteggiamento verso Snowden da parte dei media americani non c'è niente di sorprendente. Si ripete precisamente la storia dello scandalo di WikiLeaks. I media hanno pubblicato con esaltazione le rivelazioni di Julian Assange e poi con lo stesso zelo lo hanno infangato.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Per quanto riguarda l'accusa di "tradimento degli interessi nazionali" mossa a Snowden, è una questione di carattere morale e la lasceremo a parte. Lo stesso Snowden definisce traditori appunto i servizi speciali che si attentano alla privacy. La stabilità psicologica il fuggiasco la dimostra in modo evidente nascondendosi efficacemente dai servizi speciali onnipontenti. Hong Kong, Russia, Cuba, Ecuador? A giudicare da tutto, non solo il largo pubblico ma anche coloro che gli danno la caccia non sanno quali siano i piani di Snowden. Secondo alcune fonti, è stato Julian Assange a consigliargli di chiedere asilo politico in paesi latinoamericani.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] La Camera Civica russa favorevole all'asilo per Snowden. by: Rita Ošun, Redazione Online. 2.07.2013, Эдвард Сноуден шпион Цру Викиликс Цру CIA WikiLeaks CIA Шереметьево © Collage: «La Voce della Russia». Edward Snowden non è un criminale, non è un traditore, ma un eroe che agisce nell'interesse della società. Per questo motivo la Russia non deve rilasciare Snowden all'America. È questo il pensiero unanime dei membri della Camera civica russa, convocata per la difesa dei diritti dell'uomo.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Edward Snowden, il quale ha svelato il pedinamento totale dei servizi segreti americani nei confronti di semplici cittadini di tutto il mondo, si trova adesso in un vuoto giuridico, geografico e di cittadinanza. Gli USA hanno invalidato il suo passaporto, ed è perciò costretto a restare nella zona di transito dell'aeroporto di Šeremet'evo in attesa dei documenti di transito da un qualche Paese disposto a concedergli asilo politico. L'Ecuador, dopo aver parlato con l'America, ci ha ripensato. E adesso l'America richiede alla Russia l'estradizione di Edward Snowden.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Il suo caso è stato valutato dalla Camera civica russa, la quale ha espresso il suo giudizio, reso noto da Mihail Fedotov, presidente del Consiglio presso il Presidente della Federazione Russa per la promozione della società civile e dei diritti dell'uomo: Il signor Snowden ha agito nell'interesse della società, e di conseguenza la società ha il dovere di proteggerlo. La prassi della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo sottolinea questo stesso obbligo. Vi è anche la Convenzione di Ginevra sui profughi e vi sono le Convenzioni europee a obbligarci a non abbandonare i profughi in nessun caso per tutto il periodo in cui si svolge la valutazione dell'istanza sull'ottenimento dell'asilo politico.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Se Snowden tornerà in America, là lo attenderà o un lungo periodo di reclusione o la pena capitale. L'ex-amministratore di sistema, che ha lavorato nei servizi segreti americani, sapeva a cosa andava incontro rilasciando quella storica intervista al giornale britannico "Guardian", ed era pronto a immolarsi per i suoi stessi ideali. Adesso tutto il mondo vuole salvare colui che ha lanciato la sfida al "grande fratello", i servizi d'intellingence degli USA. Su quale possa essere il Paese che possa salvargli la vita, riflette il direttore dell'Istituto di ricerche politiche Sergej Markov: Vi sono Paesi che non dipendono dagli USA, anzitutto Cuba e Venezuela.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Tuttavia, negli ultimi tempi è apparsa la possibilità, che, Snowden possa ricevere asilo politico in Germania: sarebbe la risposta all'affronto, e allo sgarbo di come gli Stati Uniti abbiano spiato la Germania, abbiano trattato con disprezzo, una grande potenza economica come se fosse un alleato di terza scelta. La principale rivista tedesca, "Der Spiegel", ha scritto che l'America avrebbe spiato di più tra i vari Paesi dell'Unione Europea proprio la Germania: 10 milioni di telefonate e 20 milioni di messaggi dei tedeschi, contro gli 1 o 2 milioni dei francesi. E parliamo solo dei semplici cittadini!
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] Va da sè, che, abbiano ascoltato anche i discorsi dei maggiori politici dell'Unione Europea. Ha espresso la sua opinione sulle conseguenze delle scandalose rivelazioni di Snowden per le relazioni tra USA ed Europa Pino Arlacchi, deputato dell'Europarlamento, per il Partito Democratico italiano: Si tratta della violazione totale dei diritti dell'uomo, in primo luogo degli europei, ed è anche, una grave infrazione della fiducia tra Europa e America. Fino ad ora pensavamo di essere degli amici. Personalmente dubito, che, le relazioni con l'America si riprendano, almeno, finché, essa non fermerà il programma di ascolto globale e non rifiuti in linea di principio l'idea,
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] che, gli USA siano un governo mondiale e i difensori del mondo intero. L'Europa non ha bisogno, di essere difesa. Sull'Europa non aleggia la minaccia mondiale del terrorismo. Non abbiamo nessuno da cui doverci difendere! La guerra fredda è finita. Non esiste alcuna minaccia, per la quale sacrificare il diritto fondamentale alla libertà. L'unica minaccia in Europa, è attualmente quella della crisi economica e della disoccupazione perennemente in crescita. I membri della Camera civica russa, hanno dato sostegno all'idea di promuovere la candidatura di Edward Snowden al premio Nobel per la pace,
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[i nazisti: 1. anglo-americani farisei, satanisti e massoni: FMI 666 NWO, 2. islamisti Lega Araba (sharia per califfato mondiale imperialismo), hanno gettato la maschera, nella loro congiura: di: soffocare: nel sangue: Israele, e tutto il genere umano ] [la voce della Russia] poiché questo idealista americano, non, è solo l'eroe del giorno, ma di un'epoca intera: è infatti grazie a lui che il mondo sta cominciando, a liberarsi dalle varie illusioni sugli USA come grande democrazia che protegge i diritti umani, ma che di nascosto li viola anche. Si sono sentite delle proposte anche più radicali: concedere a Snowden il passaporto russo, e assumerlo nei servizi d'intelligence russi. D'altra parte, con Gérard Depardieu si era organizzato, il tutto molto celermente: scherzi a parte, per adesso Edward Snowden è un eroe mondiale, ma senza casa né patria.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[Nazi cynicism of the Arab League: and its allies: Satanists Freemasons: Pharisees, IMF NWO 666, 322 Americans, who do not want to deal with: 1. the problem of modernity, and, 2. of secularism, could tear, Egypt, such as, Syria, while the real goal is to cut, every escape route, to Israel] President Mohamed Mursi Islamist Nazi: he was arrested. Egypt has begun, a period: transient: that: it lasted a few months. The defense minister said the Egyptian Abdel Fattah al-Sisi: We hoped: national reconciliation, confidence and stability. However: the president MORSI, has made it clear: of not to hear: their people. After consultations: with all the representatives of Egyptian society: the command of the army made the decision: on the further steps: aimed at building a cohesive Egyptian society.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[il cinismo nazista della Lega Araba: e dei suoi alleati: satanisti massoni I 666 NWO americani, che, non vuole affrontare: 1. il problema della modernità, e, 2. della laicità, potrebbe dilaniare l'Egitto come la Siria, mentre il vero obbiettivo è tagliare, ogni via di fuga, ad Israele] Il presidente islamista nazista Mohamed Mursi :è stato arrestato. in Egitto è iniziato un periodo: transitorio: che: durerà alcuni mesi. Lo ha dichiarato il ministro della difesa egiziano: Abdel Fattah al-Sissi: Speravamo: nella riconciliazione nazionale, nella fiducia e nella stabilità. Tuttavia: il presidente ha fatto capire: di non sentire: il proprio popolo. Dopo le consultazioni: con tutti i rappresentanti della società egiziana: il comando dell'esercito: ha preso la decisione: in merito agli ulteriori passi: volti a costruire una società egiziana coesa.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
Supporters of Morsi, promise to free their president, with violence - ANSWER - OK! this is consistent with the method of the Salafis, Al Quaeda, ecc.. ie, all Islamists of the Arab League Nazis! In this way, the Islamic: recognize, their sorrow, that their silent coup: for rise Nazi Sharia, their world Caliphate, which must exterminate all Christians, etc. .. was interrupted by the Army, which gave voice to the majority: of the Egyptian people. in this way: the Nazis, Arab League recognize by yourself, do not have the right to participate: to a competition electoral future. @ Egyptian army - do not be intimidated! act with determination, the dead will you, will always be less than a world war desired by the King of Saudi Arabia. you do not have to bend to the violence of the Salafis nazi.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
I sostenitori di Morsi, promettono di liberare il loro presidente, con la violenza -- ANSWER -- OK! questo è coerente con il metodo dei salafiti, islamisti nazisti della Lega Araba! in questo modo, gli islamici ricnoscono, il dispiacere, che, il loro golpe silenzioso: di nazisti della sharia, per il Califfato mondiale, che deve sterminare tutti i cristiani, ecc.. è stato interrotto dall'Esercito, che, ha dato voce alla maggioranza: del popolo egiziano. in questo modo: i nazisti della Lega Araba, loro riconoscono da soli, di non avere il diritto, di partecipare: ad una competizione elettorale: futura.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 giorno fa
[the plot,of the Pharisees Illuminati by Lucifer, JabullOn: IMF 666 NWO, 322, for: to destroy Israel] Coup in Egypt, the embarrassment of the United States: at risk, 1300000000000, of: military aid - ANSWER - WHY GIVE all these weapons: to the Egypt Salafis, to fight Israel? because, in addition to Israel? Egypt Salafis. has not, others, enemies, ... ... [il complotto, dei farisei Illuminati: da lucifero, JabullOn: FMI 666 NWO, per distruggere Israele] Golpe in Egitto, l'imbarazzo degli Usa: a rischio, 1300 miliardi, di: aiuti militari -- ANSWER -- PERCHÉ DARE tutte queste armi: all'Egitto dei salafiti, per combattere Israele? perché, oltre ad Israele? l'Egitto dei salafiti. non ha, altri, nemici,
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 giorni fa
[[the conspiracy, Giorgio Napolitano against, the prerogatives of Parliament]] F-35 crash, Defense Council-Parliament, "On the purchase of the fighterF-35, decides the government" "False, the Chambers have the right to veto" Q & A, including, the Council and the Vice-President of the House Di Maio .. Too bad, that President Napolitano, has forgotten, that the "Stability Law" for the coming years: must approve: the Parliament. So? So the Parliament, which can not decide on the programs of modernization of the armed forces, he must decide how much money can be spent, like, a puppet in the hands of Bildenberg, and their conspiracy, IMF 666 NWO: The Masonic 322 NWO, and satanic system 666: god owl Baal: at Bohemian Grove, of the Anglo-Americans? Now Italy, must be freed by American soldiers and all their atomic bombs.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 giorni fa
[[la congiura di Giorgio Napolitano, contro le prerogative del Parlamento]] F-35, scontro Consiglio Difesa-Parlamento, «Sull'acquisto dei caccia decide il governo» «Falso, le Camere hanno facoltà di veto» Botta e risposta tra il Consiglio e il vicepresidente di Montecitorio Di Maio.. Peccato, che il Presidente Napolitano, abbia dimenticato, che la "Legge di Stabilità" per i prossimi anni: deve approvarla: il Parlamento. Quindi?? Quindi il Parlamento, che non può decidere sui programmi di ammodernamento delle forze armate, deve decidere quanti soldi possono essere spesi, come dei burattini nella mani di Bildenberg, e della loro cospirazione, del FMI 666 NWO: il sistema massonico e satanico degli anglo-americani? Adesso l'Italia, deve essere liberata, dai soldati americani e da tutte le loro bombe atomiche.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 giorni fa
[this is a miracle, the military has saved Egypt, from the conspiracy of the Arab League, now, the plot of Rothischild IMF 666 NWO, to destroy Israel during World War, walks away] 03/07/2013 - Egypt, "Morsi under house arrest" . the Government of the Islamic terrorists that does not recognize, the unanimous voice of the Egyptian people, "he says, is being a military coup." but, let him be accursed for ever: and the King of Saudi Arabia maniac, the demon Salafi instead! Thousands of people to the streets to demand the resignation of Morsi: today has expired: the ultimatum, of army, to President Salafi Islamist. While the military helicopters flying over Tahrir Square, the independent el Hayat TV broke the news. the army and the police were forced to resort to violence to lay EvilBites: the conspirator of the Arab League, against the survival of the human race.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 giorni fa
[questo è un miracolo, i militari hanno salvato l'Egitto: dalla congiura della Lega Araba, ora, il complotto di Rothischild per distruggere Israele durante la guerra mondiale si allontana] 03/07/2013 - Egitto, "Morsi agli arresti domiciliari".Il governo degli islamici terroristi: che, non riconosce, la voce unanime, del popolo egiziano: " dice, è in corso un golpe militare". ma, sia maledetto in eterno: il Re maniaco dell'Arabia Saudita, il demone salafita, invece! Migliaia di persone: in piazza chiedono dimissioni di Morsi: oggi è scaduto: l'ultimatum: dell'esercito al presidente salafita islamista. Mentre gli elicotteri militari sorvolano piazza Tahrir, la tv indipendente el Hayat ha diffuso la notizia. l'esercito e la polizia, sono state costrette a ricorrere, alla violenza per deporre Morsi: il cospiratore della Lega Araba, contro la sopravvivenza del genere umano.
kingIsraelUniusREI 3 giorni fa
@ my friend King Giorgio Napolitano - the list of crimes, of which: the Communists [(who: have never been: a secret society: how: is secret, the freemasonry, both: inside as outside it (NWO) ) have been silent after the Second world War?, is too long! you have been silent: for: the 40.milioni of Christians killed, by Stalin, in them gulag: Lager .. therefore, today as freemasons? you can keep quiet about everything! 200,000 are not the martyrs of Karst, in foibe, ecc..? many of them were drowned in the sea! and yet, were 200,000 Jews, who, fleeing from the Balkans, and, that those people were rescued by ... therefore, this political system, submissive: the Pharisees of the IMF 666 nazi (the criminals robbers: of: banking seigniorage) is not a reliable system! you are not reliable! in truth, "the Anglo American Pharisees" have always prevented: that: there might be democracy: really, is because: your hatred, against: Jesus in Bethlehem, was a hate too big!
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[l'eroe della libertà e della democrazia Edward Snowden: contro i poteri occulti di FRANCIA, e del suo progetto: Aliens Abductions.. semaforo verde Parigi a Morales LA PAZ - Semaforo verde da parte di Parigi per l'aereo del presidente della Bolivia Evo Morales, di ritorno dalla Russia.] Snowden: semaforo verde: di: Parigi per consentire il passaggio a Morales. In precedenza la Francia aveva vietato il proprio spazio aereo, 03 luglio, 06:42. Lo annuncia un ministro del governo boliviano. In precedenza: la Francia aveva vietato: il proprio spazio aereo: temendo: che: a bordo dell'aereo ci fosse: Edward Snowden. -- ANSWER -- voi siete diventati i nazisti del FMI 666 NWO. vo state soffocanto tutto quelo che i valori democratici significano.. voi siete la agenda dei farisei per distruggere Israele.. @Russia, Putin, io non potevo immaginare che, anche tu eri nella merda di questi "aliens abductions" agenda..
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
EGITTO. Morsi: 'No passi indietro' Scontri al Cairo, 23 morti Il presidente: 'Resto al mio posto, sono stato eletto dal popolo (ma, il popolo mi ha dimesso, sconfessato, delegittimato). Esercito ritiri ultimatum'. Nella capitale sette morti in tafferugli pomeriggio, 16 in nottata davanti università. Forze Armate: 'Pronti a morire per il popolo'. FOTO: Egitto, la guerra delle piazze. FOTO: L'annus horribilis del presidente Morsi Video: Scontri in Egitto: 7 morti e 600 feriti. -- ANSWER--- criminal MORSI for sharia worldwide caliphate, is nazi ISLAMISTS, IS NAZISM of Arab League, l'Esercito rispetti il suo ultimatum, ora!
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
@CIA Google 666 youtube Obama 322 Rothschild CRIMINALS masonic system (demo-pluto-giudaico-massone Bildenberg ). --- HellPurgatory666 has posted a comment: 19 hours ago. "I send you PM -- ANSWER -- Your Employee satanist institutional, HE HAS SENT TO ME (in my: JewsxMessiahUniusRei ), A PORN LINKS,
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[satanic criminal in all the world] worldwatchmonitor. @my JHWH -- that we are the OMNIPOTENCE, to bring to die, crushed by their crimes too, also, Pharisee satanic Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, this time.. save my loving Israel.]] Hindu nationalists harass villages for weeks, injure 4. Published: June 28, 2013. Bethel Church Pastor Rev. Bijay Purusu, standing, and Mudha Madhi, in the Malkangiri District Headquarters Hospital. Special to World Watch Monitor. Three months of intimidation and assaults in two villages in eastern India has left four Christians ... Pakistan court throws out blasphemy charge against pastor. Published: June 27, 2013. Aasiya Noreen, more widely known as Aasiya Bibi, with two of her daughters in a 2010 photo. As a Pakistan court threw out blasphemy charges against pastor Karma Patras, Noreen remained in prison, awaiting appeal of her conviction on blasphemy charges.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[satanic criminal in all the world] worldwatchmonitor. @my JHWH -- that we are the OMNIPOTENCE, to bring to die, crushed by their crimes too, also, Pharisee satanic Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, this time. save my loving Israel.]] She faces the death penalty. Photo courtesy Open Doors International. A Pakistan court has acquitted a pastor accused of insulting Islam because the pastor's accuser has ... Algeria's Protestants want their churches back. Published: June 27, 2013 by Illia Djadi. Notre Dame d'Afrique basilica in Algiers World Watch Monitor. The Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) has reaffirmed its desire to regain control of several former ... Syrian Christians caught in crossfire. Published: June 25, 2013. Is conflict in Nigeria really about persecution of Christians by radical Muslims? Published: June 24, 2013.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[satanic criminal in all the world] worldwatchmonitor. @my JHWH -- that we are the OMNIPOTENCE, to bring to die, crushed by their crimes too, also, Pharisee satanic Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, this time. save my loving Israel.]] C. African Republic religious leaders consider plan for country otherwise 'likely to explode'. Published: June 21, 2013. Iraqi MP: Syria collapse would endanger all Mideast Christians. Published: June 20, 2013. Iran convicts six Christian converts. Published: June 19, 2013. Upsurge in attacks signals growing Islamist threat in Niger. Published: June 14, 2013. Iranians vote for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's successor Published: June 14, 2013. Syrian priest 'shot not beheaded'. Francois Murad, the Syrian priest killed during a June 23 attack on a convent, was shot not beheaded, according to the latest reports. (The Daily Telegraph)
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[satanic criminal in all the world] worldwatchmonitor. @my JHWH -- that we are the OMNIPOTENCE, to bring to die, crushed by their crimes too, also, Pharisee satanic Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, this time. save my loving Israel.]] A YouTube video appearing to show two prisoners being executed by rebels had been linked to Murad's murder, but Human Rights Watch said the video was most likely filmed in a different location several months before Murad was killed. Murad's order, The Custody of the Holy Land, said he was shot by Islamists while trying to defend nuns. Fides linked the attack to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra. Bomb kills 4 in Syrian Christian district. Four people were killed and several injured on Thursday in an explosion in the mostly Christian Bab Sharqi district of Damascus' Old City, near the Greek Orthodox Virgin Mary Church. Syrian state-run TV said it was a suicide bomb; opposition forces said it was a government-fired mortar.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[satanic criminal in all the world] worldwatchmonitor. @my JHWH -- that we are the OMNIPOTENCE, to bring to die, crushed by their crimes too, also, Pharisee satanic Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, this my loving Israel.]] No one had claimed responsibility, and it was unclear if the church was the intended target. The Associated Press said it was the first reported suicide attack inside the Old City, and that the bomb went off 50 metres from the church entrance. "A terrorist bombed himself nearby the Patriarchate, next door to the Shi'ite association. Four persons were killed and 11 injured, one of them a woman working at the Patriarchate," according to Open Doors International. But the victims most likely were Shi'ites, the organization said, because the bombing occurred at a Shia medical center next to the church. Syrian priest calls for end of 'folly'.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[satanic criminal in all the world] worldwatchmonitor. @my JHWH -- that we are the OMNIPOTENCE, to bring to die, crushed by their crimes too, also, Pharisee satanic Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO, this my loving Israel.]] A Syrian priest was killed on Sunday (June 23) in an attack on a convent by militants linked to the jihadi group, Jabhat al-Nusra, according to Fides. Another priest, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, told the Catholic Herald that Ghassanieh, the village where Francois Murad died, "like other Christian villages, has been almost completely destroyed and is almost totally abandoned". "The only thing we can do," he said, "is pray that this folly ends soon and that no more weapons are sent to Syria because that would only prolong this absurd civil war."
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
@ my YHWH - except that, for the banker Rothschild: IMF 666 NWO? wars are totally absurd, for everyone else .. therefore, all those who lend themselves, to a war (or at auto-attack of 11-09) are the servants, of the Rothschild criminal Pharisee of the satanic Talmud secret ... @my JHWH -- tranne che, per il banchiere Rothschild? le guerre sono totalmente assurde per tutti gli altri.. quindi, tutti coloro che, si prestano ad una guerra sono i servi di Rothschild il fariseo criminale del satanico talmud segreto
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[criminal nazi islamic satanism: for dhimmi slave, sharia for worldwide caliphate, will destroy Israel] She was jailed after angry crowds threatened to burn Christian homes in the sector of Islamabad where her family lived, according to press reports at the time. Her detention sparked international outcry about the application of Pakistan's anti-blasphemy laws, and prompted Pakistan President. Asif Ali Zardari to order an investigation of the case. She faced the prospect of being tried as an adult until the court ruled that she is a minor. The case against Rimsha collapsed after police were informed the cleric of the mosque in Rimsha's area had planted the burned pages on her. Pakistani courts eventually threw out the charges against the girl, citing a lack of evidence.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[criminal nazi islamic satanism: for dhimmi slave, sharia for worldwide caliphate, will destroy Israel] Bhatti led a delegation of International Christian Voice executives to an August meeting in Canada with Pakistan's consul general to "express the feelings of Pakistani Canadian Christians regarding Rimsha Masih's case," according to the organization's website. Peter Bhatti's older brother, Paul Bhatti, is Pakistan's Minister of National Harmony and Minority Affairs. Peter's younger brother, Shahbaz Bhatti, was Pakistan's federal minister for minority affairs, and a high-profile critic of the way the country's anti-blasphemy laws were being used to marginalize Pakistan's religious minorities, including Christians. Shahbaz was assassinated in 2011; a letter left at the scene said those who try to change Pakistan's blasphemy laws would be killed.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[criminal nazi islamic satanism: for dhimmi slave, sharia for worldwide caliphate, will destroy Israel] Peter Bhatti, now a Canadian citizen, said he has lived in Canada for more than 10 years. He said he approached Jason Kenny, Canada's immigration minister, to assist with the relocation of Rimsha's family. Glenn Johnson, spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, told World Watch Monitor on Friday that Canada's privacy laws forbid release of details about individual cases. Bhatti said Rimsha and her family now are living in a three-bedroom apartment. She is enrolled in school, he said.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[my YHWH: this is very patetic] youtube google 666: Ai, alien artificial intelligence: global control of big brother Satan agenda aliens abductions, to implant chips: thin 50 times smaller than the hair of a man, faithful servants of IMF 666 NWO --- in their desperate attempt, too many times before: they had to change: their softwer and their filters to adapt to my violence .. [my JHWH: love to you] google 666 youtube: Ai, intelligenza artificiale aliena: controllo globale del grande fratello satana: agenda aliens abductions, per impiantare chip: sottili 50 volte, più piccoli del capello di un uomo, servi fedeli di FMI 666 NWO --- nel loro disperato tentativo, troppe volte: hanno dovuto modificare: il loro softwer e i loro filtri per potersi adattare alla mia violenza..
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [i popoli sono in balia, di poteri occulti, massonici satanici, ed è arrivato il momento di «smilitarizzare le basi USA in Italia, e di cacciare tutti i loro ordigni nucleari»,] [ nell'era dei nazisti farisei Illuminati, commercianti di schiavi goyim: del FMI 666 NWO, è molto difficile, diventare, difensore dei diritti umani, e un combattente per gli ideali di democrazia e libertà, per la autoderminazione dei popoli, ecco perché, Israele non può sopravvivere ] [ Governo: Letta? è forte,l'imbarazzo dei complici Bildenberg] eppure, nel retroscena: è stato, spiato anche Palazzo Chigi: ma, i nostri massoni italiani, sono abituati alla sodomia: ed ad una assoluta accondiscenda: con il dio supremo del FMI-NWO' ]] ecco perché [ Il Copasir: difende i satanisti americani, snobba: la sicurezza del popolo italiano: e ridimensiona, lo scandalo, del Datagate, giustificandolo]
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [peoples are at the mercy of occult powers, Masonic, Satanic, and it's time to "demilitarize U.S. bases in Italy, and to cast all their nuclear weapons,"] [Nazi Age,Pharisees Illuminati, traders goyim slaves: IMF 666 NWO, it is very difficult to become, human rights defender, and a fighter for the ideals of democracy and freedom, for the self-determination of peoples, which is why, that, Israel can not survive!] per Giacomo Stucchi (faccia di Tonno, come: direbbe il Presidente Francesco Cossiga), presidente del comitato parlamentare di controllo: sui servizi segreti, «è tutto risolto». (02 luglio 2013). Tutto chiarito. è bastata una riunione del Copasir, il Comitato parlamentare: per la sicurezza della Repubblica, per «fugare ogni dubbio» sul 'Datagate', lo scandalo: riguardante: la sorveglianza: di: massa della National Security Agency (Nsa) scoppiato: il 6 giugno scorso.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [Les peuples sont à la merci des pouvoirs occultes, maçonnique, satanique, et il est temps de «démilitariser les bases américaines en Italie, et de jeter toutes leurs armes nucléaires,"] [Age nazie, pharisiens Illuminati, les commerçants goyim esclaves: FMI 666 NWO, il est très difficile de devenir, défenseur des droits humains, et un combattant pour les idéaux de la démocratie et de la liberté, de l'autodétermination des peuples, c'est pourquoi, qui, Israël ne peut pas survivre!] E che da allora fa discutere il mondo: non sono un problema per noi italiani. O almeno, questa è la versione di Giacomo Stucchi, che, del Copasir: è presidente. Per il senatore leghista, le rivelazioni di 'Guardian' e 'Der Spiegel' sull'Italia non devono destare alcuna preoccupazione nei cittadini. Da noi non c'è «nessun Prism», dice a 'l'Espresso'. L'ambasciatore Giampiero Massolo, nel corso dell'udienza, avrebbe fornito:
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [Los pueblos están a merced de los poderes ocultos, masónico, satánico, y que es hora de "desmilitarizar las bases estadounidenses en Italia y para echar todas sus armas nucleares"] [Edad nazi, fariseos Illuminati, comerciantes esclavos goyim: FMI 666 NWO, es muy difícil llegar a ser, defensor de los derechos humanos, y un luchador por los ideales de la democracia y la libertad, la libre determinación de los pueblos, por eso, que Israel no puede sobrevivir!] tutti i dati e le spiegazioni: che: lo dimostrano. [[ In particolare, riguardo a un accordo:tra: Stati Uniti e Italia: affinché: quest'ultima trasferisse «di continuo: e senza richiesta: tutto il traffico grezzo, le comunicazioni di intelligence (COMINT) e il materiale tecnico acquisito: o prodotto, e tutte le informazioni rilevanti: riguardo alle sue attività, priorità e strutture» all'Nsa ]].
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [Völker sind von der Gnade der okkulten Kräfte, Freimaurer, satanische, und es ist Zeit, "Entmilitarisierung US-Basen in Italien, und alle ihre Atomwaffen geworfen"] [Nazi Alter, Pharisäer Illuminati, Händler Gojim Slaves: IWF 666 NWO, es ist sehr schwierig zu werden, Menschenrechtsverteidiger, und ein Kämpfer für die Ideale der Demokratie und Freiheit, für das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker, weshalb ist, dass Israel nicht überleben können!] [[Snowden, l'eroe, il paladino della verità (che nessuno vuole conoscere) intanto, lui è sempre più solo. Si allunga inesorabilmente la lista dei Paesi, che, annunciano di non poter accogliere la richiesta di asilo di Edward Snowden. Dopo Polonia, Norvegia, Filnandia, Ecuador, anche, l'Austria ha fatto sapere: di non poter accogliere la richiesta perché, vengono sempre addotte, scuse formali, in totale disprezzo e cinismo dei valori umani fondamentali,
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [人民是隱匿性權力,共濟會,撒旦的擺佈,和它的"非軍事化美軍基地在意大利,和投其所有核武器,"][納粹時代,法利賽人的光明,貿易商goyim奴隸:國際貨幣基金組織666 NWO,這是很難成為人權捍衛者和一個戰士的民主和自由的理想,人民自決,這就是為什麼說,以色列無法生存! e del diritto di asilo, che è obbligatorio concedere quando c'è il caso di persecuzione politica ]] ["L'ambasciata indiana a Mosca (non ha sollevato ipocrite scuse, di procedura formale), ha ricevuto la richiesta, di asilo il 30 giugno, ma, dopo: un attento esame: abbiamo concluso, che, non c'è alcuna ragione di accettare la domanda" (cioè, per loro, che: sono le bestie, non esiste: un valore per la vita umana, e non ha nessun significato, se: la vita umana, può essere custodita dalla verità),
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [사람들은 신비로운 힘, 프리메이슨, 사탄의 자비, 그리고하는 그것의 시간 "이탈리아 미군 기지를 비무장화하고, 모든 핵무기를 캐스팅"] [나치 시대, 바리새인 일루미나티, 상인 goyim 노예 : IMF 666 NWO, 그것은 왜 사람들의 자기 결정에 대한, 인권 수비수, 그리고 민주주의와 자유의 이상에 대한 전투기가 될 것을 이스라엘이 살아남을 수 없다 매우 어렵습니다! ha riferito Syed Akbaruddin, uno dei portavoce del ministero degli Esteri indiano. ] [Il presidente francese Francois Hollande, ha chiesto, una posizione comune dell'Ue sulla vicenda. ma, non ha detto così, quando come uno sciacallo si è buttato con i suoi caccia: contro: la Libia]
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [folk er prisgivet okkulte kræfter, frimurerisk, satanisk, og det er tid til arisere amerikanske baser i Italien og kaste alle deres atomvåben,"] [Nazi Age, farisæerne Illuminati, handlende goyim slaver: IMF 666 NWO, er det meget vanskeligt at blive, menneskerettighedsforkæmper og en forkæmper for de idealer om demokrati og frihed, til selvbestemmelse folkeslag, hvilket er grunden til, at det, kan Israel ikke overleve!][MOSCA, "IMPOSSIBILE" ESTRADARE SNOWDEN NEGLI USA, dove c'è, ancora la pena di morte. A dichiararlo è: il portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitri Peskov, il quale ha ribadito, che, la talpa del Nsagate: si trova ancora, nella zona transito dell'aeroporto Sheremetevo di Mosca. Snowden si considera, per sua sincera convinzione, o per qualche altro motivo,
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[folk er prisgitt okkulte krefter, frimurer, satanisk, og det er på tide å "demilitarisere amerikanske baser i Italia og kaste alle sine kjernefysiske våpen,"] [Nazi Age, fariseerne Illuminati, handelsfolk goyim slaver: IMF 666 NWO, det er svært vanskelig å bli, menneskerettighetsforkjemper, og en fighter for idealer om demokrati og frihet, for selvbestemmelse av folk, noe som er grunnen, som kan Israel ikke overleve!] un difensore dei diritti umani: un combattente per gli ideali di democrazia e libertà - ha aggiunto Peskov parlando con la stampa - questo lo riconoscono anche gli attivisti e le organizzazioni per i diritti umani russi e i loro colleghi stranieri". "Quindi - ha aggiunto - l'estradizione di Snowden in un paese come gli Usa, dove e' applicata la pena di morte, e' impossibile".
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI![volkeren zijn aan de genade van occulte krachten, Vrijmetselaars, satanische, en het is tijd om "demilitarisering van Amerikaanse bases in Italië, en al hun kernwap cast,"] [Nazi Leeftijd, Farizeeën Illuminati, handelaren goyim slaven: IMF 666 NWO, is het zeer moeilijk te worden, mensenrechtenactivist en een strijder voor de idealen van democratie en vrijheid, voor het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van de volkeren, dat is waarom, dat, kan Israël niet overleven!] "La Russia non ha mai estradato nessuno e non lo fara'", ha assicurato il portavoce, ribadendo quanto detto gia' ieri dal presidente Vladimir Putin, il quale aveva garantito asilo a Snowden a patto che cessasse le sue attivita' volte a danneggiare gli Usa. Proprio questa condizione, a detta di Peskov, ha portato l'ex consulente della Nsa americana a rinunciare alla richiesta di asilo politico in Russia.]
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [peoples are at the mercy of occult powers, Masonic, Satanic, and it's time to "demilitarize U.S. bases in Italy, and to cast all their nuclear weapons,"] [Nazi Age,Pharisees Illuminati, traders goyim slaves: IMF 666 NWO, it is very difficult to become, human rights defender, and a fighter for the ideals of democracy and freedom, for the self-determination of peoples, which is why, that, Israel can not survive!] [[Spiate Nsa, l'imbarazzo di Letta. di Fabio Chiusi. Un lungo silenzio, mentre Francia e Germania già protestavano con gli americani. Poi, finalmente, anche la politica italiana ha detto qualcosa. Ma Enrichino tiene molto all'appoggio Usa e quindi non farà nulla di concreto. (01 luglio 2013). A quasi un mese dallo scoppio del 'datagate', il governo italiano ha finalmente trovato un filo di voce. Dopo un lungo silenzio, il presidente del Consiglio Enrico Letta - ultimo tra i colleghi dei Paesi tirati in causa,
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [peoples are at the mercy of occult powers, Masonic, Satanic, and it's time to "demilitarize U.S. bases in Italy, and to cast all their nuclear weapons,"] [Nazi Age,Pharisees Illuminati, traders goyim slaves: IMF 666 NWO, it is very difficult to become, human rights defender, and a fighter for the ideals of democracy and freedom, for the self-determination of peoples, which is why, that, Israel can not survive!] a partire da Francia e Germania - ha abbozzato una timida reazione. Se Barack Obama dice che giungeranno i chiarimenti richiesti dai partner europei, Letta risponde che «le parole» del presidente degli Stati Uniti «ci confortano sul fatto che possiamo avere fiducia che ci saranno dei chiarimenti. Non ho dubbi che questo avverrà».
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
fuck USA has become NAZI! [peoples are at the mercy of occult powers, Masonic, Satanic, and it's time to "demilitarize U.S. bases in Italy, and to cast all their nuclear weapons,"] [Nazi Age,Pharisees Illuminati, traders goyim slaves: IMF 666 NWO, it is very difficult to become, human rights defender, and a fighter for the ideals of democracy and freedom, for the self-determination of peoples, which is why, that, Israel can not survive!] Una (non) risposta dai toni ben diversi da quelli dei vertici delle istituzioni europee. E di Francois Hollande, che minaccia di porre fine ai negoziati sul libero scambio, e intima uno stop «immediato» alla sorveglianza di massa dell'intelligence USA in mancanza di spiegazioni. ]]
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
@Israele -- io ti ordino di custudire ::: Edward Snowden.
kingIsraelUniusREI 4 giorni fa
[[quale oscuro segreto USA e Russia: nascondono insieme? Quale segreto, non si vuole che, Edward Snowden, possa continuare a rivelare? ]] forse per gestire i dati è necessaria la tecnologia aliena? perché gli alieni collabrano anche con la Russia? [[quale oscuro turbamento: ha suscitato: le rivelazione occultate: dalla Russia sul DATAGATE, per proteggere gli USA?]] ROMA, 2 LUG - ''La mia sensazione è che: difficilmente verrà: accolta la domanda'' di asilo presentata all'Italia: da Edward Snowden, la talpa del Datagate. Lo ha detto il presidente: del Copasir, Giacomo Stucchi, intervistato da: SkyTg24. --ANSWER -- Il livello dei poteri occulti e massonici in tutte le false democrazie massoniche del signoraggio bancario, è ad un livello: troppo avanzato... ma, se tutti i Governi del mondo, hanno nascosto il crimine di Stato dell'11-09? chi può ospitare le future rivelazioni di Edward Snowden? solo Israele, potrebbe farlo!
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
666 IMF - NWO, IHateNEWLAYOUT ie, [[drink your poison made by yourself]] has posted a comment: 1 day ago,said: "Even with NSA and CIA satellite lineups we 're gonna be sifting thought millions of gigabytes of image dates .. - answer --- [I've always been: in control of my family!] also see or hear something does not always mean: to understand something, because all the women are a great mystery, in their reactions, and their motivations .. so, the real mystery of all information remains its interpretation. Datagate: Tajani, tomorrow in committee EU. Possible slowdown free trade negotiations. 01 July, But the real threat of Datagate,is not commercial: it is "the global control: of all human beings" and Obama is doing the actor in the cell-prison of Nelson Mandela, because they are were his sistemNazism, racism, misogenismo, Illuminati Pharisees IMF-NWO, that is, the Masonic system NWO, which has led Mandela in prison
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
[ma, la tecnologia USA, non ha bisogno: di nessun consenso! è una intelligenza aliena A.I. troppo avanzata, legata alla collaborazione tecnologica sovrumana: degli alieni, che, sono demoni a cui i farisei Illuminati: FMI-NWO: hanno dato un corpo: biologicamente modificato (OGM): questa è una congiura estrema, e punta a destabilizzare: tutti i Governi del mondo.. ecco perché il Re dell'Arabia Saudita è infinitamente idiota, che, infinitamente malvagio] ROMA, 30 GIU - E' falso che l'Italia passi dati personali agli Usa cosi' come scritto ieri dal Guardian che ha citato una nuova fonte della Nsa per poi rimuovere l'articolo perche' la fonte era ''inaffidabile''. Lo riferiscono fonti degli 007 italiani che parlano di collaborazione in funzione anti-terrorismo ma ''non certo per la condivisione di banche dati personali che peraltro è anche vietata dalla nostra legge'', si aggiunge.
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
[mais la technologie américaine, n'a pas besoin: des pas de consensus! est une intelligence extraterrestre A.I. trop avancée, liée à la technologie collaboration surhumain: des étrangers, qui sont des démons, qui, les Pharisiens Illuminati: FMI-NWO: Ils ont donné un corps biologiquement modifié, un organisme (OGM): C'est un grand complot, et vise pour déstabiliser: tous les gouvernements du monde .. C'est pourquoi le roi d'Arabie saoudite est infiniment imbécile, que le mal infiniment criminelle] ROMA, 30 GIU - ''I partner non si spiano l'uno con l'altro''. Lo afferma la vicepresidente della Commissione Ue e responsabile Giustizia Viviane Reding sul presunto spionaggio Usa. ''Non possiamo negoziare un grande mercato transatlantico se c'e' anche il minimo dubbio che i nostri partner fanno attivita' di spionaggio negli uffici dei nostri negoziatori''.
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
''Gli Usa devono eliminare ogni dubbio'', ha aggiunto Reding, che aveva gia' invitato gli Usa a dare chiarimenti sul sistema Prism, ma senza risposta. [but, the U.S. technology, does not need: of no consensus! is an alien intelligence A.I. too advanced, linked to technological collaboration superhuman:of the aliens, who are demons, that, the Pharisees Illuminati: IMF-NWO: They have given, a body biologically modified, an organism (GMO): This is a great conspiracy, and aims to destabilize: all governments of the world .. that's why the King of Saudi Arabia is infinitely idiot, that infinitely criminal evil] Fonti servizi,falso da Italia dati a Usa. Collaborazione riguarda terrorismo,non consegna dati personali' 30 giugno, 18:01
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
666 IMF-NWO, 187AUDIOHOSTEM lizard --- if you, and your criminal Rothschild evil master .. you do not you submit to me? I will be forced to kill you! --- se tu, e Rothschild il tuo criminale padrone maligno .. voi non vi sottomettete a me? io sarò costretto ad uccidervi! [I am Unius REI, and King of Israel, this is my world, there is no more, an place to Satanism: seigniorage banking stolen... non c'è più posto per il satanismo: del signoraggio bancario rubato]
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
Homosexuality .. are too few cases, of, homosexuality biological, therefore, it is, in essence, mainly a psychological problem (a misinterpretation: "distortion" of the complex of Oedipus and Electra). but when this phenomenon occurs in adulthood, then, we have a perversion ... a grave moral evil and Social .. but, in no event shall, the violence, may be a remedy .. rather it is indispensable the social determination .. precisely, the choice of Russia. therefore, is the optimal setting.
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
[gay, homosexuality], but the Bible says that the "" transgender ".", will into tribulations, illnesses, etc. .. much more .. that's why, we, we should not be bad: against, them, but we should not: to allow them to corrupt: the company through the clutter of their lust, or, evil gay marriage! [gay, omosessualità] ma, la Bibbia dice: che, i ""transgender".", avranno delle pene, tribolazioni, malattie, ecc.. molto maggiori.. ecco perché, noi, non dovremmo essere cattivi: contro, di loro, ma, non dovremmo nemmeno: permettere a loro: di corrompere: la società, attraverso, il disordine della loro lussuria! Abu Antar Abu Antar 8 minuti fa The word "cisgender privilege" is merely a euphemism for "sanity" used by degenerates.
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
Abu idiot Antar --- ogni odio, ogni violenza? non è intelligente, peggiora sempre, la situazione, della malattia! solo l'amore è la medicina, per trovare il superamento, del limite, nella verità! kingIsraelUniusREI kingIsraelUniusREI 11 minuti fa Abu idiot Antar --- no! You do not have to hate: gay, (stop, homophobia!) many of them are useful, brave, honest, intelligent, too: very good! what, you have to hate: it is the homosexual ideology, like every other ideology .. everyone, everywhere, need to understand that, without shame, you can not save civilization! .... no! tu non devi odiare: i gay, (stop, omofobia!) molti di loro: sono utili, bravi, onesti, intelligenti, anche: molto validi! quello che, tu devi odiare: è l'ideologia omosessualista, come, ogni altra ideologia.. tutti, in tutto il mondo, devono capire che, senza pudore, non si può salvare la civiltà!
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
In fact, my best friend in the whole world: he is a Muslim, ie, he is an agent of the secret services: in Kuwait, .. but, since: that, is started: the cowardly attack: in Syria, by the Arab League: imperialism for worldwide caliphate: criminal salafis, islamists crazy pharisees IMF-NWO scam, for destroy Israel, I interrupted to: talk to him, only, because I did not want: to expose his life to danger ... infatti, il mio migliore amico, in tutto il mondo: è un musulmano, ie, lui è un agente, dei servizi segreti: del Kuwait,.. ma, da quando: è iniziata: la vile aggressione: della Siria, da parte della Lega Araba, io ho interrotto: di: parlare con lui, soltanto perché, io non ho voluto: esporre la sua vita, al pericolo...
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
and if the devil wants to collaborate with me? he would return to become an angel, again! who, holding me, relegated: on this page? he is making his biggest mistake! therefore, he will be: the one responsible for his downfall! and since there is no hatred in my heart against: none? I am available to work: with anyone! and if all the evil that is done today, against: the Christians, it was done: against: the Muslims?, I would not hesitate: a defend, Muslims, because: the instinct to Unius REI: is to be on the side of innocent people. does not exist in me, bias: ideological or racial or religious .. indeed, I have shown, such as: the truth: it is the strategic weapon, the more powerful of the world .. That's why, the Pharisees: Illuminati 666 IMF-NWO, for do the predation: of all Peoples, overcame: all governments:in the Masonic hypocrisy, and falsehood, of banking seigniorage, ecc...
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
e se, il diavolo volesse collaborare con me? lui ritornerebbe a diventare, un angelo: di nuovo! chi, tiene me, relegato: in questa pagina? lui sta facendo il suo più grande errore! quindi, lui sarà: il solo responsabile della sua rovina! e poiché, non c'è odio: nel mio cuore: contro: nessuno? io sono disponibile a collaborare: con chiunque! e se tutto il male, che, oggi viene fatto, contro: i cristiani, fosse fatto: contro: i musulmani?, io non esiterei: a diendere i musulmani, perché: l'istinto di Unius REI: è quello di essere dalla parte delle persone innocenti. non esiste in me, faziosità: ideologica: o razziale: o religiosa.. anzi, io ho dimostrato, come: la verità: è l'arma strategica, più potente: del mondo.. ecco perché, i farisei: Illuminati 666 IMF-NWO, per fare la predazione: dei Popoli, hanno sottomesso: tutti i Governi: alla ipocrisia massonica, ed alla menzogna.
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
STOP satanists Pharisees Illuminati IMF, for destroy Israel, and spread islamism ! [why, when I said that, it is in action: the back (micro) Alien Engineering (AI Artificial Intelligence) of big brother (for the overall control: an "integrated" CHIP, in each board, and, each, telephone is, microphone, is always active, etc. ..), why, you would not believe: to me?, why?] [perché, quando io ho detto, che, è in azione: la retro(micro) ingegneria aliena (A.I. Intelligenza Artificiale) del grande fratello (per il controllo globale: "integrato" CHIP, in ogni scheda elettronica, ed, ogni cellulare, è un microfono sempre attivo, ecc..), voi non avete voluto credere: a me, perché?] BERLINO,SE SPIONAGGIO USA VERO E' COME GUERRA FREDDA - La ministra tedesca della Giustizia, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, ha reagito con sgomento alle notizie rivelate dallo Spiegel sullo spionaggio dell'agenzia Usa Nsa in Germania.
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
STOP satanists Pharisees Illuminati IMF, for destroy Israel, and spread islamism ! [why, when I said that, it is in action: the back (micro) Alien Engineering (AI Artificial Intelligence) of big brother (for the overall control: an "integrated" CHIP, in each board, and, each, telephone is, microphone, is always active, etc. ..), why, you would not believe: to me?, why?] "Se le notizie saranno confermate, la vicenda ricorda l'atteggiamento che si teneva tra nemici durante la guerra fredda", ha detto la ministra. GUARDIAN TOGLIE NOTIZIA PASSAGGI INFORMAZIONI RISERVATE PAESI EUROPEI-USA - Il Guardian ha fatto un passo indietro rimuovendo la pagina, comparsa ieri sera sulla sua pagina web, con la notizia di un accordo per il passaggio di informazioni riservate da paesi europei, Italia inclusa, all'agenzia americana Nsa. Lo segnala il Telegraph su un blog sottolineando che ciò sarebbe accaduto in quanto
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
STOP satanists Pharisees Illuminati IMF, for destroy Israel, and sprad islamism ! [why, when I said that, it is in action: the back (micro) Alien Engineering (AI Artificial Intelligence) of big brother (for the overall control: an "integrated" CHIP, in each board, and, each, telephone is, microphone, is always active, etc. ..), why, you would not believe: to me?, why?] "la fonte della notizia non risulta affidabile". In Germania il candidato cancelliere socialdemocratico, Peer Steinbrueck, ha invitato a chiarire nel più breve tempo possibile i retroscena dell'attività di spionaggio operata dall'agenzia Usa Nsa, nei confronti della Germania. "Il governo deve chiarire la questione al più presto", ha dichiarato Steinbrueck al sito dello Spiegel. "Se le notizie saranno confermate, la cosa andrebbe molto oltre i legittimi interessi relativi alla sicurezza. Ciò significherebbe che gli amici e i partner vengono spiati. E sarebbe totalmente inaccettabile",
kingIsraelUniusREI 6 giorni fa
@my JHWH -- alleluia! no! io non voglio inveire, contro, il satanista, IhatenewLayuout, un reduce della guerra dell'Irak, che, forse ha fracassato la sua mano nel blindato fer finire da vivo quella guerra.. ma, lui è diventato un satanista criminale, che è di essere: veramente, coerentemente, con il suo essere un codardo: ed un traditore, della COSTITUZIONE, come Rothschild, che, entrambi potevano: trovare un lavoro migliore.. ma. i miei traumi, esaurimenti, ecc.. sono stati superiori ai suoi! ma, è con cazzo che satana: può risuscitare: rigenerare, ringiovanire, la salute, ed i neuroni del cervello, come proprio tu mio: JHWH Santo HOLY, santo Holy, tu hai fatto con me: proprio.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
@ Cannibal Rothschild IMF 666 NWO - I must explain to you: something important: so that you will understand, for the first time in your life, something about God: YHWH. if you believe that, I am a servant? Besides, you lose: the tip money, and, I can never give: they do nothing for you, of important! but if thou believe, with all your faith, the maximum you can believe, about, Unius REI? then, you'll understand, for the first time: what it means to be a happy man! because both me, that, God? We are like two mirrors! Even Lucifer was a mirror, of the glory of God, but, he has betrayed, fell: never again will raise!, And, I have taken his place, now! so if you want to live? you can live: yet again, along with your people of the Jews, if, is true that you belong to them, really .. but, if you do not come from me, this will be the test, demonstration, that, just you: you are the real enemy of the Jews!
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
@Rothschild IMF cannibal 666 NWO, -- io devo spiegare a te: qualcosa di importante: così, che, tu capirai, per la prima volta nella tua vita, qualcosa circa Dio: JHWH. se tu credi, che, io sono un inserviente? poi, tu perderai la mancia, ed, io non potrò mai dare: e fare: niente per te di importante! ma, se tu sai credere, con tutta la tua fede, il massimo che si può credere di Unius REI? allora, tu capirai, per la prima volta: cosa significa essere un uomo felice! perché, sia io che Dio? siamo come due specchi! Anche lucifero era uno specchio, dello splendore di Dio, ma, lui ha tradito, è caduto: mai più si potrà rialzare!, ed, io ho preso il suo posto, ora! quindi se tu vuoi vivere? tu puoi vivere: ancora, di nuovo, insieme al tuo popolo degli ebrei, se è vero che tu appartieni a loro, veramente.. ma, se tu non vieni da me, questa sarà la prova, la dimostrazione, che, proprio tu: tu sei il vero nemico degli ebrei!
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
@chief youtube master 187AUDIOHOSTEM -- by them, by you, at the highest levels of the Masonic Pyramid, Babylon Tower: IMF 666 NWO, they have realized that I am that I'm making, the killing, of all your aliens? @chief 666 youtube -- I kill (all your associates CIA, friends 322, allies 666) and, you will bury, all them all! @chief 666 youtube master Rothschid 187AUDIOHOSTEM, -- no! sui numeri precisi? io non mi sono specializzato! dopotutto, sei tu, quello che è: il custode del cimitero!
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
666 CIA IMF-NWO Chief youtube, master,187AUDIOHOSTEM, said: 4 hours ago Dear "Chief" "Internet" "Evangelist" FUCK YOU BITCH!. Cocaine UP HIS nostrils! -- ANSWER -- must do a good effect, for your lizard brain: cocaine into your nose, if, I doing the "political" .. , I will became "chief Internet evangelist"! rather, in your opinion how many aliens abductions, I be able to kill, to you, within these 24 hours? the fact is: that: all lizards the boys 666? I see them already too sick! . . . -- ANSWER -- deve fare un buon effetto, per il tuo cervello di lucertola: la cocaina nel tuo naso, se, io facendo il "politico".. , io sono diventato: "chief internet evangelist"!! piuttosto, secondo te quanti aliens abduction io riuscirò ad uccidere a te, in queste 24 ore? il fatto è: che: quei ragazzi 666? io li vedo già troppo ammalati!
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
Country profile: The 50 countries where there is persecution against innocent Christians: 1. North Korea 2. Saudi Arabia 3. Afghanistan 4. Iraq 5. Somalia 6. Maldives 7. Mali 8. Iran 9. Yemen 10. Eritrea 11. Syria 12. Sudan 13. Nigeria (North) 14. Pakistan 15. Ethiopia 16. Uzbekistan 17. Libya 18. Laos 19. Turkmenistan, 20. Qatar 21. Vietnam 22. Oman 23. Mauritania 24. Tanzania 25. Egypt 26. United Arab Emirates 27. Brunei 28. Bhutan 29. Algeria 30. Tunisia 31. India 32. Burma (Myanmar) 33. Kuwait 34. Jordan 35. Bahrain 36. Territories, Palestinians 37. China 38. Azerbaijan 39. Morocco 40. Kenya 41. Comoros (Union) 42. Malaysia 43. Djibouti 44. Tajikistan 45. Indonesia 46. Colombia 47. Uganda 48. Kazakhstan 49. Kyrgyzstan, 50. Niger. @my JHWH holy HOLY holy Spirit ---- i criminali presferiscono morire, piuttosto, che, arrendersi a me: (amore puro, della fratellanza universale), allora, è questo, che, io dico: "perché, non accontentarli?"
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
[King Saudi ARABIA --- BASTA! ADESSO BASTA. noi siamo stufi di tutta questa tua merda islamica! finiscila bastardo! ] 06/28/2013. SYRIA. Strong doubts expressed about the beheading of three Franciscan friars in Al-Ghassaniyah. Both cite a video posted on Youtube by the terrorists themselves, showing Fr Franҫois Mourad, the Syrian monk killed a few days ago during an attack against the monastery of al-Ghassaniyah, and two other hostages. The agencies claim that the two other hostages are friars, including a bishop. In the video, the extremists explain in detail the identity of the three hostages and the reasons for their execution. One of the alleged friars, whom they claim to be F Mourad, supposedly had the phone number of a Syrian army officer on his mobile phone.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
islamisti e comunisti di merda --- North Korea Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Iraq Somalia Maldives Mali Iran Yemen Eritrea Syria Sudan Nigeria Pakistan Ethiopia Uzbekistan Libya Laos Turkmenistan Qatar Vietnam Oman Mauritania Tanzania Egypt United Arab Emirates Brunei Bhutan Algeria Tunisia India Myanmar (Burma) Kuwait Jordan Bahrain Palestinian Territories China Azerbaijan Morocco Kenya Comoros Malaysia Djibouti Tajikistan Indonesia Colombia Uganda Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Niger - See more .worldwatchlist.
kingIsraelUniusREI 1 sett. fa
@google 666 -- mi hai reso impossibile accedere: a: ShoahTolosa666IMFnazi @ gmail . com--- channel/UCqFAnQY60EO_Ija6sNZwWHA, quindi tu hai deciso che io non devo usare: /user/ShoahTolosaVsIMFnaz/ UniusReiOrWarW666IMF UniusReiOrWarW666IMF 2 ore fa 187AUDIOHOSTEM --- come USA e FMI: Babilonia la grande prostituta, di Apocalisse, cioè, come i farisei: ILLUMINATI, i veri padroni occulti del mondo, hanno potuto istituzionale, i satanisti cannibali, all'interno del NWO? ora, Dio è costretto a disintegrare: un miliardo di persone, in tutto il mondo, e a disintegrare gli USA, attraverso, l'asteroide chiamato "Sfera della Redenzione".. ma, noi possiamo ritardare la sua caduta! anche per questo: è indispensabile: mettere in salvo: tutti gli ebrei in Palestina, under, Prophetic Predictions by Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri
[@Cina -- oltre alla Corea del Nord?, questi del Vietnam sono gli altri pazzi, che, hanno urgente bisogno di una tua tutela] 06/28/2013. VIETNAM. Catholic lawyer in jail on false charges prays and fasts before his trial. Hunger strike is increasingly becoming a tool of civic protest against prison conditions and illegal arrests. Le Quoc Quan goes to court on 9 July on 'tax evasion' charges. For activists, this is a ploy the authorities used to imprison him. Barred from his profession, he has continued the fight for rights on his blog. Hanoi (AsiaNews/EDA) - For Vietnam's political prisoners and its prisoners of conscience, hunger strike has become the most powerful tool in the fight against abuse in prison and unjust sentences imposed by Communist authorities. After Cu Huy Ha Vu, an activist who has not touched food for 27 days, and Paul Tran Minh Nhât, a Catholic who stopped eating to protest prison conditions,
28/06/2013. CHINA - KOREA. Beijing and Seoul agree: nuclear weapons in North Korea unacceptable. Park Geun-hye begins her state visit to China with a success: Xi Jinping sides with the South against the Kim regime's nuclear arsenal. Relaunch of bilateral economic relations, Drafted to plan for a free trade agreement. Beijing (AsiaNews) - It is "unacceptable" that North Korea has nuclear weapons, and Beijing and Seoul "will do everything together, to Ensure the disarmament of the Korean peninsula and to Ensure Thus the stability of peace in the region." - ANSWER - the real problem is not the nuclear weapons (which are useless, since the Pharisees IMF-NWO, I want to deliberately destroy the entire human race), but, do not be madmen and criminals! and he who hurts innocent and peaceful people (as Christians, etc. ..) he is definitely a madman.
06/28/2013. CHINA - KOREA. Beijing and Seoul agree: nuclear weapons in North Korea unacceptable. Park Geun-hye begins her state visit to China with a success: Xi Jinping sides with the South against the Kim regime's nuclear arsenal. Relaunch of bilateral economic relations, a plan drafted for a free trade agreement. Beijing (AsiaNews) - It is "unacceptable" that North Korea has nuclear weapons, and Beijing and Seoul "will do everything together, to ensure the disarmament of the Korean peninsula and thus to ensure the stability of peace in the region." -- ANSWER -- il vero problema non sono le armi nucleari(che non servono a niente, poiché i farisei FMI-NWO, voglio deliberatamente distruggere tutto il genere umano), ma, non essere pazzi e criminali! e chi fa del male a persone pacifiche e innocenti (come cristiani, ecc..) lui è sicuramente un pazzo.
[@OBAMA 322 -- What is your role, Freemasonry in IMF-NWO, to push: the Islamization throughout the Arab League?, like, you decided to destroy Israel, and the whole human race, in World War? What, you're blowing, on these religious maniacs of sharia, to ruin the whole world?] 06/04/2013 TURKEY. Strikes and demonstrations continue. Erdogan: This is not the Turkish Spring. Death toll now stands at three. Erdogan, who came to power in 2002, has modernized the economic structures of the country and reduced the power of the military, launching his nation as a model for the entire Islamic world. He has also recently launched a number of laws on religious education and against the sale of alcohol. But part of the secular society accuses him of wanting to Islamize the country and stifle personal freedoms. Most of the protesters liken him to an authoritarian dictator. 06/04/2013 09:42
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