tecnocrazia lgbtq diritti Satana UE anticristo commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi(sharjah) e goyim(Spa$Co), Jabull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME
c'é sempre il Figlio del Demonio
che mi viene dietro e mi marca come spam gli articoli
WATCH John Wayne’s son defends famous dad amid calls to rename airport
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 According to Amazon's streaming platform, the president's channel has been temporarily suspended.
TALMUD SATANISTS AND ISLAMIC SUPREMATISTS MASONIC SYSTEM ESOTERIC AGENDA DEEP sTATE live-streaming site Twitch suspends Trump's account for 'racism'
“Hateful conduct is not allowed on Twitch. In line with our policies, President Trump's channel received a temporary suspension from Twitch for streaming comments and the offensive content has been removed, "said a Twitch spokesman in a comment to CNBC.
Twitch is owned by Amazon, whose founder and CEO Jeff Bezo owns the Washington Post, a strenuously anti-Trump publication. Also as a candidate, Trump regularly selected Bezos from among the Silicon Valley CEOs for criticism, calling him "Jeff Bozo".
This happened on a day of widespread censure against the right in the United States. The owners of the social networking site Reddit, known for their strange sexual tastes, chose the same day to ban r / The_Donald, Trump's preeminent community of supporters, which had amassed 790,000 members at the time of the ban. Since the primaries of 2015, r / The_Donald has been one of the most influential hubs of Trump's support on the web, hosting Trump himself for an online Q&A in 2016.
They are making scorched earth to the president ahead of the election. And he allows it.
Here we have a shady billionaire, whose multinational corporation exploits thousands of low-cost workers worldwide, who decides what the President of the United States - and anyone else can or cannot say -, who even censures a speech promoted by American citizens, since based on that they voted for him. In practice an oligarch who intrudes on the democratic process.
Trump must understand that compromises cannot be made and that these entities must be hit hard. With all the strength of his presidency. If it's not too late.
Amazon Twitch-owned streaming service has temporarily banned President Donald Trump's official account for "heinous behavior," cutting the campaign off of an important platform he uses to stream rallies and other events.
According to CNBC, Twitch cited two Trump conduct in its decision; a 2016 retransmitted campaign rally in which then-candidate Trump accused Mexico of sending criminals to the United States, and comments from the president's latest rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he used the word "hard hombre ".
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Il sito di live-streaming Twitch sospende l’account di Trump per ‘razzismo’ https://voxnews info/2020/06/29/il-sito-di-live-streaming-twitch-sospende-laccount-di-trump-per-razzismo/
Il sito di live-streaming Twitch sospende l’account di Trump per ‘razzismo’ [[ golpe ANTIFA nazi Bilderberg Merkel Macron e Partito democratico Rothschild i sacerdoti di satana lgbtq ]]
Qui abbiamo un losco miliardario, la cui multinazionale sfrutta nel mondo migliaia di lavoratori low-cost, che decide cosa il presidente degli Stati Uniti – e chiunque altro può o non può dire -, che, addirittura, censura un discorso promosso dai cittadini americani, visto che in base a quello lo hanno votato. In pratica un oligarca che si intromette nel processo democratico.
Trump deve capire che non si può scendere a compromessi e che queste entità vanno colpite in modo duro. Con tutta la forza della sua presidenza. Se non è troppo tardi.
Il servizio di streaming di proprietà di Amazon Twitch ha temporaneamente bannato l’account ufficiale del presidente Donald Trump per “comportamenti odiosi”, tagliando la campagna da una piattaforma importante che utilizza per lo streaming di raduni e altri eventi.
Secondo la CNBC, Twitch ha citato due condotte di Trump nella sua decisione; una manifestazione della campagna del 2016 recentemente ritrasmessa in cui l’allora candidato Trump ha accusato il Messico di aver inviato criminali negli Stati Uniti, e le osservazioni dell’ultima manifestazione del presidente a Tulsa, in Oklahoma, dove ha usato la parola “duro hombre”.
Secondo la piattaforma di streaming di proprietà di Amazon, il canale del presidente è stato temporaneamente sospeso.
“La condotta odiosa non è consentita su Twitch. In linea con le nostre politiche, il canale del presidente Trump ha ricevuto una sospensione temporanea da Twitch per i commenti fatti in streaming e il contenuto offensivo è stato rimosso “, ha dichiarato un portavoce di Twitch in un commento a CNBC.
Twitch è di proprietà di Amazon, il cui fondatore e CEO Jeff Bezo possiede il Washington Post, una pubblicazione strenuamente anti-Trump. Anche come candidato, Trump ha regolarmente selezionato Bezos tra i CEO della Silicon Valley per le critiche, chiamandolo “Jeff Bozo”.
Ciò è avvenuto in un giorno di diffusa censura contro la destra negli Usa. I proprietari del sito di social network Reddit, noti per i loro strani gusti sessuali, hanno scelto lo stesso giorno di bandire r / The_Donald, la comunità preminente di sostenitori di Trump, che aveva accumulato 790.000 iscritti al momento del bando. Sin dalle primarie del 2015, r / The_Donald è stato uno degli hub più influenti del supporto di Trump sul web, ospitando Trump stesso per un Q&A online nel 2016.
Stanno facendo terra bruciata al presidente in vista delle elezioni. E lui lo permette.
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World Israel News 24 comments Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago L’estremista di Potere al Popolo che ha guidato l’assalto a Salvini – VIDEO
https://voxnews nfo/2020/06/30/ecco-lestremista-di-sinistra-di-potere-al-popolo-che-ha-attaccato-salvini-video/
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
la attitudine criminale e eversiva
ovunque si organizza un evento politico della destra, arrivano squadraccie di sardine, anarchici, ANTIFA a distruggere/provocare urlare impedire quella manifestazione..
in questo modo, il partito democratico dimostra di essere una forza eversiva!
L’estremista di Potere al Popolo che ha guidato l’assalto a Salvini – VIDEO
Potere al Popolo (?) è un’escrescenza del centro sociale di Napoli il cui nome è scritto nella maglietta di questo scalmanato. Un violento che vuole impedire agli altri di parlare. C’è qualcosa di più stupido, violento e debole che impedire agli altri di esprimere le proprie idee?
In questo filmato Giuliano Granato (Potere al Popolo di Napoli) insulta e minaccia Salvini, poi si scontra con la Polizia. #RadioSavana pic twitter com/pRNCUzIM7h
— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) June 29, 2020
Eccolo nei video diffusi dagli stessi violenti:
Posted by Potere al Popolo on Monday, June 29, 2020
Ed è sempre lui ad esultare per avere impedito il libero svolgimento di un comizio politico con l’uso della violenza:
IL COMIZIO DI SALVINI È SALTATO!La polizia ha caricato il presidio pacifico degli abitanti di Mondragone, aggiornamenti dalla piazza!
Posted by Potere al Popolo on Monday, June 29, 2020
In un Paese normale finirebbe al gabbio. E non solo per violenza, per eversione.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
the environmental wiretapping of 2013, Amedeo Franco says that if he
had known about this story, about this "filth", "I would have resigned, I
would have given myself sick. I didn't want to get involved in this. "
Franco - he feels in the interception - tells Cav that when he pointed
out his perplexities everyone pretended nothing "It is fate that
Berlusconi should be sentenced a priori. Unfortunately there is a
situation that is truly shameful. " And always addressing Berlusconi,
Amedeo Franco clearly says "In my opinion, he was treated unfairly and
suffered a serious injustice". During the interception, Franco made a
shocking revelation "All my colleagues and even his colleagues who do
not support it are convinced that this thing has been guided from
The judiciary must be politically razed to the ground.
There is no alternative. After these interceptions, broadcast on the
Fourth Republic, no one can enter a peaceful courtroom without being on
the far left. Or at least close to the oligarchy that controls the
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
A judge who condemned Berlusconi, repents and says "Berlusconi was
to be condemned regardless ... they decided it from above" ....
Could it be that he was referring to that of #NapoleCano? pic twitter com/pAZfbVFEtq
- Odnamra A. (@ LupoSol95187820) June 29, 2020
#Salvini new interceptions on "stop Berlusconi"? It's frustrating, as it was for me to read
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
The magistrate investigating Palamara was in chats with Palamara along with the grillini
Interception, judge who condemned Berlusconi "He must be sentenced a priori"
5-6 minutes
environmental wiretapping concerns a comment on the sentence that
sentenced Silvio Berlusconi to prison in 2013. Amedeo Franco - during a
telephone conversation with the Cav - admits that he was unjustly
convicted and that everything "was piloted from above". The final
sentence concerned an alleged unlawful appropriation of TV rights. But
so - and now the documents and the audios prove it - it was not.
papers published today exclusively by Il Riformista and the audio
shocks broadcast on the Fourth Republic make us shudder. The magistrate -
in his own way - apologizes to Silvio Berlusconi for that partisan
trial. “In my opinion, he was treated unfairly and suffered a serious
injustice - says Amedeo Franco -. All my colleagues and even his
colleagues who do not support it are convinced that this thing has been
guided from above. She had to be sentenced a priori because he is a
rascal. "
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
in Quarta Repubblica conducted by Nicola Porro, after the cards
revealed by Il Riformista the audio shocks of the magistrate Amedeo
Franco were made to the public. “Berlusconi must be sentenced a priori
because he is a rascal! This is the reality, in my opinion it has been
treated unfairly and has suffered a serious injustice ... the impression
that this whole affair has been guided from above. In fact, they made a
mess because what is the point of sending it to the working section? I
want to ease my conscience, because I carry this weight of ... I keep
thinking about it. I don't free myself. I was telling him that the
sentence sucked, "says Amedeo Franco.
In a second conversation
(the Cav after the sentence heard the magistrate Franco and with him
there were witnesses so they recorded everything), Amedeo Franco claimed
that "there is a bad faith of the Prime Minister, surely, he knew it".
In the conversation the Cav asks "what does the President know". Answer:
"You know it's dirty." And he reported rumors that President Esposito
was "pressed" by the fact that his son, also a magistrate, was being
investigated by the Milan prosecutor for "having been caught with drugs
at the home of ...". And then "The prejudices by force that were there
... you could do it ... you could choose ... you could ... you could try
to prevent it from ending up in the hands of this firing squad, as
happened, because worse could not happen ... This disappointed me
deeply, this ... because I spent all my life in this environment and it
made me ... I suck, I tell you the truth, why not ... not ... it's not
this, because I ... then I did the university competition, I won the
competition and I was still a professor. I would not be a magistrate if
this is the way to do, to ... hit people, political opponents. It is not
so. I have different opinions of ... of legal justice ".
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Pending
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
In the environmental wiretapping of 2013, Amedeo Franco says that if he had known about this story, about this "filth", "I would have resigned, I would have given myself sick. I didn't want to get involved in this. " Franco - he feels in the interception - tells Cav that when he pointed out his perplexities everyone pretended nothing "It is fate that Berlusconi should be sentenced a priori. Unfortunately there is a situation that is truly shameful. " And always addressing Berlusconi, Amedeo Franco clearly says "In my opinion, he was treated unfairly and suffered a serious injustice". During the interception, Franco made a shocking revelation "All my colleagues and even his colleagues who do not support it are convinced that this thing has been guided from above".
The judiciary must be politically razed to the ground. There is no alternative. After these interceptions, broadcast on the Fourth Republic, no one can enter a peaceful courtroom without being on the far left. Or at least close to the oligarchy that controls the speech.
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
A judge who condemned Berlusconi, repents and says "Berlusconi was to be condemned regardless ... they decided it from above" ....
Could it be that he was referring to that of #NapoleCano?
pic.twitter.com/pAZfbVFEtq - Odnamra A. (@ LupoSol95187820) June 29, 2020
#Salvini new interceptions on "stop Berlusconi"? It's frustrating, as it was for me to read
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago Il magistrato che indaga su Palamara era nelle chat con Palamara insieme ai grillini https://voxnews info/2020/06/29/il-magistrato-che-indaga-su-palamara-era-nelle-chat-con-palamara-insieme-ai-grillini/
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
The magistrate investigating Palamara was in chats with Palamara along with the grillini
“Out the magistrate Gaeta from the investigations on Palamara. With a question to the Minister of Justice I denounced the further scandal affecting the former PM Palamara and the Cassation. I was shocked to learn that the Attorney General of the Cassation, the magistrate Piero Gaeta, responsible for the disciplinary procedure against many of his fellow togas. To this end, Gaeta would be examining Palamara's devastating chats, which recount in a pitiless way the shameful management of appointments and careers in the judiciary ". Forza Italia Senator Maurizio Gasparri wrote in a note.
"But Gaeta, who assesses the violations in turn protagonist of 'Palamarian' chats - added Gasparri - because he wrote and met with the suspect to discuss, apparently, his career. Should Gaeta, who appears in the scandalous interceptions, judge chats in which he himself is evoked? Gaeta-Palamara meetings emerge, aimed at what? In Palamara's support for Gaeta's career or what? Moreover, the former 'honesty-honesty' grillini appear to be active interlocutors of Palamara. With him the grill already held by De Vito and the Lombardi grill met. Tell me who you are going with and I'll tell you who you are ... From the hypocritical slogan about honesty to palamarism, the painful epilogue of grillism. "
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Tom Boye 6 hours ago GANTZ is a traitor like all democratic party-rothschild bilderberg
is a GOLPE
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . 6 hours ago GANTZ IS ISLAMIC CRIMINAL ATTITUDINE
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ProclaimLiberty 6 hours ago smart acute reflection
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago perceived a slight radioactivity in Northern Europe and
as usual they slandered the Russians
but that's the truth
when the cursed soul of the antichrist satanist MERKEL
when will she descend into the atomic engine, the nucleus of our planet?
all volcanic activities will pay off a surge!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago when Gantz says it's an annexation
then he uses the same concepts as Islamic terrorists
quando Gantz dice che è una "annexation"
allora lui usa gli stessi concetti dei terroristi islamici
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World Israel News 8 comments Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 6 hours ago my holy JHWH ] [ this is a demonic invasion possessed supernatural Kabbalah UMMA sharia Erdogan BOIA jihad Islamic attitude UN OCI Russia China India EU USA] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
all of them deserve the death penalty!
this is una demonica sharia jihad islamica attitudine ONU OCI Russia Cina India UE USA ] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
tutti loro meritano la pena di morte!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 7 hours ago President RIVLIN ] [ Altro › Importa contenuti (non me lo fa fare, oppure mi tiene da 2 ore a stressarmi con il recaptcha)
Importa post e commenti da un file di esportazione di Blogger. I post importati verranno uniti agli eventuali post esistenti e ordinati in base alla data. Ulteriori informazioni
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World Israel News 24 comments Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . 6 hours ago when Gantz says it's an annexation
then he uses the same concepts as Islamic terrorists
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World Israel News 17 comments Trump deletes 'white power' tweet, Biden leaps on gaffe
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 8 hours ago China, Russia, EU, USA, India UN] open letter [Humanity that wins against Islamic Sharia barbarism (genocide and theology of UMMA substitution)
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to be harassed for his or her opinion and to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas through any medium and regardless of borders. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (art. 19)
ARAB LEAGUE can only be destroyed
and it must be done!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 8 hours ago Cina, Russia, UE, USA, India ONU ] open letter [ L’umanità che vince contro la barbarie islamica sharia (genocidio e teologia della sostituzione UMMA)
il 10 dicembre del 1948 quando le delegazioni di 50 Paesi annunciarono
al mondo la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo. In un
pianeta devastato dal conflitto più sanguinoso della storia, a pochi
anni dall’esplosione delle due bombe atomiche in Giappone, mentre la
comunità mondiale era sconvolta dalla scoperta del genocidio nazista e
milioni di persone piangevano le vittime della guerra, i delegati delle
Nazioni Unite idearono, discussero e pubblicarono un documento che può
considerarsi tra più importanti della storia dell’umanità. Fondamento
dell’identità umana, esaltazione della dignità di ogni donna e di ogni
uomo, espressione della cultura, della religione e della civiltà di ogni
popolo. Dopo aver visto il lato più oscuro del male, quei delegati
ebbero la capacità di raccogliere il meglio della civiltà umana e di
sintetizzarlo in trenta punti. È scritto all’articolo uno della
Dichiarazione «Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in
dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono
agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza». Segue
l’enunciazione di principi fondamentali come il diritto alla vita e alla
famiglia, all’educazione, al lavoro, alla casa, all’assistenza
sanitaria, alla libertà di parola, di stampa, di religione, di
la LEGA ARABA può soltanto essere distrutta!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 9 hours ago when you have little time
and copy and paste someone who was trusted in the past?
you can make involuntary mistakes ...
but it is the Democrats who once again demonstrate that they are dishonest on an intellectual level
quando tu hai poco tempo
e fai il copia incolla, di qualcuno che in passato era attendibile?
puoi commettere degli errori involontari...
ma sono i democratici che dimostrano, ancora una volta di essere disonesti sul piano intellettuale
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World Israel News 7 comments DAILY RECAP Israel Blamed For Massive Iranian Explosion; Lebanon-Israel Border Could Erupt Over Trees; More Top News
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Am Y'Ishroel Chai 9 hours ago pity that the priests of satan CIA TROLL
they cannot prove their claims
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 20 hours ago i am jewish messia
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World Israel News 9 comments 'Issue does not depend on Blue and White,' PM says after Gantz's remark that sovereignty can wait
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 17 hours ago DIO SANTO, DIO FORTE DIO IMMORTALE
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World Israel News 1 comments Danon End of UN arms embargo on Iran a threat to the region
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 20 hours ago Will BDS "Day of Anger" in the United States present Violent riots as the Palestinian counterpart?
ANSWER Masonic democracy Rothschild is no longer an adequate tool
to face the crime of ISLAM!
regime Soros Bilderberg in UE there is ISLAMIC, SHARIA, INVASION, JIHAD FROM lgbtq democratic party!
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World Israel News 25 comments Israel ‘losing control’ of virus, warns head of infectious diseases group
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Israel 'losing control' of virus, warns head of infectious diseases group
that the CIA is envious of
ISrael and Netanjahu?
this cannot be excluded!
che la CIA sia invidiosa di
ISraele e di Netanjahu?
questo non si può escludere!
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World Israel News 21 comments Local UK Labour Party branch planning no-confidence vote against Jewish MP on eve of Yom Kippur
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago i am jewish messia
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World Israel News 10 comments Facebook loses $7 billion due to ad boycotts by big names
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Moroccan bride and gives her all her money he flees to Morocco and she dies Muslims have a demon for God!
June 28, 2020
The odyssey of Emilia Bianco, a 57-year-old janitor from Vercelli. Robbed of all her savings by her Moroccan husband, she died (died of a broken heart) without receiving justice.
after a long judicial battle in the classrooms of a corrupt Rabat court.
Muslims have a demon for God!
https://voxnews info/2020/06/28/sposa-marocchino-e-le-da-tutti-i-suoi-soldi-lui-fugge-in-marocco-e-lei-muore/
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg? all social networks? deat penalty!
they are all under the control of the CIA lgbtq and satan priests the greatest social engineering specialists in history ..
and there is no one in the world who could prove it better than me!
If, governments do not take action?
the world war with 5 billion dead killed by the Saudis?
sure, it wouldn't be the worst evil!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago *** Ancona. He kills his sick wife and commits suicide
*** Three WhatsApp messages sent by Mario Bressi, after killing his 12-year-old children in their holiday home in Valsassina and before committing suicide between 2 and 3 on Saturday to his wife, Daniela, the last of which would contain a long letter in which the killer accuses the twins' mother of ruining their family.
every year there are hundreds of suicides in Italy ...
maybe thousands of suicides,
almost all of them are 90% the consequence of the Masonic and Rothschild wear system
mortgage loan, bureaucracy, recession
and Masonic consociativism of the democratic party the swamp!
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World Israel News 13 comments Egypt threatening to enter Libyan civil war, risking regional clash
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago President RIVLIN ] dear [ on the worldisraelnews page
there is a lot of xxxx junk advertising, but it is only to see for your Goyims slaves the animal by human form can see it
here for example there is a stepmother (xxxx + x)
that I don't recommend to see
she has a short skirt that tears
and two watermelons that jump on you!
https://toomics com/it/webtoon/detail
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Cash use limitation from 1st July the trick of split payments
From July 1st stop to cash payments over € 1999.99, but according to Unimpresa the limit is easily circumvented with the trick of split payments.
in the democratic party
they are doing their best to permanently kill the Italian people ..
if citizens commit crime? it's their fault only!
if there is unemployment? it's their fault only!
if there is the highest taxation in europe? it's their fault only!
if there is the most absurd bureaucracy? it's their fault only!
if the judiciary does not work? it's their fault only!
if there is no control of the territory? it's their fault only!
if our young people are without future and without hope? it's their fault only!
if we are undergoing an implacable Afro-Islamic invasion? it's their fault only!
if there is a ruthless Masonic consociativism that has divided all aspects of power? it's their fault only!
if there is a technocratic swamp? it's their fault only!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Trump denies the New York Times' alleged "Russian plot against Afghanistan in US troops"
On Friday, the New York Times released an article stating that Trump had received an intelligence report suggesting that Russia had encouraged the Taliban to attack U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan for a fee.
after shooting missiles at Assad for the chemical weapons that Erdogan had made al-nusra and the white helmets build?
TRUMP has learned that the CIA should no longer be trusted!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Rolling Stones threaten Trump Don't use our songs or sue you
The Rolling Stones tired of listening to their songs at the election rallies of US President Donald Trump and turn to lawyers to assert their rights.
It is normal for the Satanists of the Democratic Party to fight the kingdom of God!
but I don't think there could be a mad right of the Rolling Stones
if they sold the music!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago a hybrid war of the ARAB LEAGUE jihad sharia against the Europe of the antichrist Merkel-Soros-Bilderberg lgbtq a single scum of the devil! Phantom landings, arrested in the sea Tunisian smuggler in front of Licata
Ghost landing in Licata in the province of Agrigento. The hunt for 70 migrants got off a boat from Tunisia. Took the smuggler who tried to escape.
Glasgow, Scotland
a hybrid war of the ARAB LEAGUE jihad sharia against the Europe of the antichrist Merkel-Soros-Bilderberg lgbtq a single scum of the devil! Scotland second stabbing in central Glasgow in a few days
The attack occurred two days after Friday's stabbing in the Scottish city, and a week after another fatal attack in the British city of Reading which saw the death of three people and the wounding of three others.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Netanyahu Personal Request for "Just" Tax Relief of $ 290,000 Despite Crisis
Israeli lawmakers approved the Prime Minister's request for personal retroactive tax breaks worth around 1 million shekels at a time when the nation is suffering from a crippling economic crisis.
I don't know any bad things Netanyahu did to Putin
rather it is Putin who was not to give the SS200 -300 to the terrorist Shiites ..
What if the Shiites weren't a deadly threat?
certainly would not have been bombed!
this support of Putin to the Shiites against Israel?
it is the most serious crime that Russia has committed!
about taxes in Netanyahu?
Putin knows when it costs to defend himself in court
for Netanyahu from slander?
this enmity of Putin against Netanyahu?
for him it is the most ambiguous and criminal way he is going:
because the Russians have a homeland for them
then, doesn't it matter to them that the Jews lost it?
here too Putin is an Islamic terrorist sharia all things considered!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Egypt threatening to enter Libyan civil war, risking regional clash
in fact that turkey filled with jihad estrogen
through sharia silicone suppositories
among his Ottomans UMMA Hamas said in Turkey:
"how beautiful the news of the victory is!"
and then added:
"when others do it is invasion,
but when do we do it? is victory! "
and everyone is convinced that after speaking to the greatest prophet Muhammad the seal of the perfection of prophecy?
then, the angel Gabriele also started talking to Erdogan ...
and how did Merkel learn this detail from the CIA's satan priests?
she told her locksmith to prepare for her immediately iron knickers with a lock ...
then, she took the lock key and gave it to her husband and said:
"if you see Turks the Turks? change the way, and no, you don't get your head cut off"
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Researchers discover coronavirus "malevolent tentacles"
Researchers discover coronavirus "malevolent tentacles octopus Rothschild":
https://it sputniknews com/scienza-e-tech/202006289251535-researchers-discover-malefic- tentacles-of-coronavirus/that's why in the CIA, Bin Salman Morgan Soros Rockefeller Bush Biden Clinton they worship Satan
and they also wrote it in 2004
who would have done it against CHINA in 2020
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Franca Valeri I saw Mussolini in Piazzale Loreto and I felt no mercy
1. who told him to make the new Ottoman Empire Erdogan?
2. Who told him to send the Jews to gas?
3. Who told him to go and break the Ethiopian capasynes(le palle del toro)?
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World Israel News 15 comments Caroline Glick American Jews must stand up to structurally anti-Semitic BLM
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago technocrats, perverts and traitors !!! high constitutional betrayal the bank seigniorage!
moneylenders, neoliberals, masons EU killers! criminal the Islamic Democratic Party and the bilderberg Deep State regime esoteric agenda
Casellati to attack Conte and the Government 'Uncertainty has failed to take responsibility'
Senate President Alberti Casellati shakes the government by breaking the institutional silence. After the time of the small talk you have to act or there is no assumption of responsibility.
criminali tecnocrati, pervertiti e traditori!!! alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario!
usurai , neoliberisti, massoni UE gli assassini!
il partito democratico islamico e il regime bilderberg Deep State esoteric agenda
Casellati all’attacco di Conte e del Governo ‘Incertezza è mancata assunzione responsabilità’
La presidente del Senato Alberti Casellati scuote il governo rompendo il silenzio istituzionale. Finito il tempo delle chiacchiere bisogna agire o è mancata assunzione di responsabilità.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Greta Thunberg world leaders want selfies with climate activists to make a "good impression"
The Swedish teenage eco-activist, who appeared in photos with Prince Charles and Angela Merkel, believes that high-ranking figures use it to advertise themselves politically.
the Rockefellers Morgan Rothschild "Beni Berith" we could switch to hydrogen technology, already 60 years ago
but, why did the Saudis have to sell their excrements, the petrodollars?
it could not be done!
in fact they said they will switch to hydrogen technology after the third world war!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago this bad story of the democratic party SpA FED IMF ECB NWO rothschild Obama
to go and kill innocent people with their slanders?
MUST END !! Joe Biden attacks Trump on alleged "Russian conspiracy" to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan Joe Biden attacks Trump on alleged "Russian conspiracy" to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan https://it sputniknews com/mondo/202006289249821-joe-biden -attacca-trump-of-alleged-Russian conspiracy-to-murder-soldiers-used-in-afghanistan /
The denial of Moscow and the Taliban themselves
"We paid attention to another hoax, released in the media space by US intelligence about the alleged involvement of Russian military espionage in the killings of US soldiers in Afghanistan. This story vividly illustrates the low intellectual abilities of propaganda personnel of US intelligence, which instead of inventing something more elaborate brings out such absurdity, "the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry told reporters, adding that" on the other side, what more can be expected by intelligence that has miserably failed in 20 years of war in Afghanistan, "a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.
According to the diplomat, it has become a commonly known fact that American intelligence set up an entire network of alternative sources of income during the campaign in Afghanistan, including drug trafficking, extortion to guerrillas for passing vehicles and bribes on military contracts paid with US taxpayers' money.
According to the Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, all the weapons and means used by the movement were already present in the country or taken by the opposition. The spokesman stressed that the Taliban's activities are not related to any foreign intelligence agency or country.
Mujahid said the Taliban are committed to the agreement with the United States, saying that its implementation would guarantee peace and stability in Afghanistan.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago the clumsy Islamic-Saudi-Anglo-American attempt to get the world war rothschild agenda FED iMF ECB NWO NATO put in place by the CIA and its accomplices freemasons, for over a decade? it was averted by lorenzoJHWH Unius REI
A New York Times report said, citing intelligence officials, that Trump had known for months, but was unaware that Russia had offered cash prizes to Afghan militants for killing US troops. Both Russia and the Taliban have denied the claim as well as the White House.
Joe Biden, the Islamic assassin ISIS, and the Turkish Wahhabi jihadist galaxy he attacked Donald Trump on a report that the President of the United States did not act on the "conclusions" made by intelligence on an alleged Russian conspiracy against US troops in Afghanistan.
"The truly shocking revelation, if the Times report is true ... is that President Trump, the commander-in-chief of American troops serving in a dangerous theater of war, has known this for months, according to the Times, and not did nothing, "Biden said on Saturday.
The Satanist Democratic candidate, who was one of those senators who authorized Bush to invade Iraq, called the report a "betrayal of the most sacred duty we assume as a nation to protect and equip our troops when we send them in danger".
criminal slanderer Biden added that he was "frankly outraged" by the report, promising to face Russia and "impose serious costs" on the country if elected.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago NGOs ask for open ports to Italy 650 thousand ready to leave Libya
Government puts health and economics at risk in order to land immigrants
Bologna, summer at risk Covid 'thanks' to asylum seekers who work for Bartolini
PD, public money to the Coop that cheats to continue the reception
Islamic invasion, furious policemen "They invade us and government cares"
Foreigner bursts into tumors and robs hospitalized girl
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Satan Vice President Joe Biden speaks as he campaigns for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary 666 Clinton la strega, Joe Biden attacks Trump over alleged "Russian plot" to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan ANSWER
they all know that, for over a decade the Bilderberg regime, the esoteric talmud Quran agenda "Beni Berith" transnational freemasonry, lgbtq, CIA satan churches, the Rothschild-Wahhabiti Democratic Party
they try with slander to declare war on Russia and China!
so Russia and China join IRAN
and the world is about to become one world caliphate
to get the massacre of all those who are not Muslims!
everywhere the curse of Erdogan OCI and Muhammad can come.
it is I who have prevented world war in all these years!
il sacerdote di Satana Vice President Joe Biden speaks as he campaigns for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Bucks County Community College in Bristol, Pa., Friday, Oct. 7, 2016
Joe Biden attacca Trump su presunto "complotto russo" per uccidere soldati USA in Afghanistan
sanno tutti che, da oltre un decennio il Deep State, regime Bilderberg, esoteric talmud corano agenda “Beni Berith” massoneria trasnazionale, lgbtq, chiese di satana della CIA, il Partito Democratico Rothschild-Wahhabiti
cercano con calunnie di dichiarare guerra a Russia e Cina!
così Russia e Cina si stringono ad IRAN
e il mondo sta per diventare un solo califfato mondiale
per ottenere la strage di tutti quelli che non sono mussulmani!
ovunque la maledizione di Erdogan OCI e Maometto può giungere.
sono io che ho impedito in tutti questi anni la guerra mondiale!
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World Israel News 1 comments Roy Nissany looks to be Israel’s first Formula 1 racer
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Satan Vice President Joe Biden speaks as he campaigns for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Bucks County Community College in Bristol, Pa., Friday, Oct. 7, 2016
Joe Biden attacks Trump over alleged "Russian plot" to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan
they all know that, for over a decade the Bilderberg regime, the esoteric talmud Quran agenda "Beni Berith" transnational freemasonry, lgbtq, CIA satan churches, the Rothschild-Wahhabiti Democratic Party
they try with slander to declare war on Russia and China!
so Russia and China join IRAN
and the world is about to become one world caliphate
to get the massacre of all those who are not Muslims!
everywhere the curse of Erdogan OCI and Muhammad can come.
it is I who have prevented world war in all these years!
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World Israel News 14 comments Opinion Jewish critics of sovereignty more fearful of ‘optics’ than anything
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago President RIVLIN ] [ My dear
we constantly live in the presence of the absolute holiness of God.
some Jews, cursing together with the Muslims, they teach that evil can also come from God,
but is not so,
if so? neoliberals kissinger Morgan Soros, wahhabiti, Erdogan Iran they would all have already been killed!
but, we live constantly in the constant presence of a loving, merciful and just God,
to be ready to die well ..
but while 5 billion people are about to die in the World War unleashed by the Wahhabis against CHINA,
there will be no one who will die in ISRAEL !!
mio caro
noi viviamo costantemente alla presenza della assoluta santità di Dio..
alcuni ebrei, bestemmiando insieme ai mussulmani, loro docono che da Dio può anche venire il male,
ma non è così,
se fosse così? neoliberisti kissinger Morgan Soros, wahhabiti, Erdogan Iran loro sarebbero stati già stati tutti uccisi!
ma, noi viviamo costantemente alla costante presenza di Dio Santo amabile misericordioso e giusto ,
per essere pronti a morire bene..
ma, mentre stanno per morire 5 miliardi di persone nella guerra mondiale scatenata dai wahhabiti contro la CINA,
non ci sarà nessuno che morirà dentro ISRAELE!!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Walt H111
The bible says, Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. "
Lorenzo JHWH KINGDOM messiah Kaduri Israel
Lorenzo JHWH KINGDOM messiah Kaduri Israel
certainly, menzogna/lie/ is a profanation of the Holiness of God.
lying can be a mortal sin that prevents you from entering heaven.
therefore also civil society
must have a stricter morality!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 days ago Commenti su "Sharia says Throw the gays off roof"
Commento in evidenza
Walt H111 The bible says, Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM mahdì messiah Jitzack Kaduri in Israel
certamente, la menzogna è una profanazione della Santità di Dio.
la menzogna può essere un peccato mortale,
che ti impedisce di entrare in paradiso.
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World Israel News 70 comments WATCH Former Obama adviser blasts Netanyahu over annexation, Iran
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Mr. Manfredgensenden 2 days ago no, i am jewish messia, only for jews lorenzoJHWH
and i am mahdì lorenzoAllah
only for muslims...
you searc in google "Unius REI"
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 sidney weiner 2 days ago non puzzo,
io ho fatto la doccia!
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United with Israel 25 comments For the Love of Zion, Jews in the Diaspora – Come Home!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago OCI jihad sharia genocide christian martyrs becouse Rockefeller Kissinger
where the devil is called ALLAH
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago dove il demonio si chiama ALLAH!!! Ferma la Cristianofobia! Dal 2000 ad oggi i cristiani vittime di persecuzioni sono stati 160 mila ogni anno. Ogni cinque minuti un cristiano è stato ucciso a causa della propria Fede.
Tutto ciò non può essere accettato, perché costituisce un’offesa a Dio e alla dignità umana; inoltre, è una minaccia alla sicurezza e alla pace e impedisce la realizzazione di un autentico sviluppo umano integrale.
Firma la petizione!
Aderisci anche tu
4 giugno 2020
48 Chiese chiuse in Cina il Governo continua a pressare i cristiani
Secondo un rapporto del 31 maggio e pubblicato da Bitter Winter, una rivista online con sede in Italia che si occupa di diritti umani e religiosi in Cina, le autorità …
4 giugno 2020
L’Iraq ricorda don Ragheed, ucciso dall’Isis per non aver chiuso la sua chiesa!
Il 3 giugno del 2007 a Mosul, terroristi dello Stato Islamico uccisero dopo la messa il 35enne parroco della chiesa caldea dello Spirito Santo, don Ganni, minacciato da mesi, e …
28 maggio 2020
Assassinato il cognato di Asia Bibi!
Younus, il cognato di Asia Bibi, una donna cristiana condannata per blasfemia da un tribunale pakistano, è stato ucciso lunedì nella città di Sheikhupura, nella provincia del Punjab, in Pakistan. …18 maggio 2020
Pakistan, disabile cristiana rapita in odio alla fede!
una minorenne disabile, Komal Patras, è stata rapita due mesi fa vicino a Lahore. Da subito il sospetto della madre, che teme lo sfruttamento sessuale, è caduto su tre musulman
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago Bin SALMAN] the thing that makes the most stomachs, of these Jewish-Masonic-demonic sites, from Bilderberg regime, esoteric agenda, Deep State, from NWO and high constitutional betrayal the banking seigniorage, lucifer eye, on piramid masonic, etc..
is that 3000 years of Talmud Satanism, against the survival of all the peoples of the world ..
and against the survival of true Jews, the true faithful of JHWH HOLY?
are crimes that don't exist for them,
therefore it is deduced that the Satanists have always been innocent!
.. yes, but this ideological Islamic hypocrisy?
you too have to do your homework!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago Stoltemberg NATO, Russia China, EU (the infamous traitorous neo-liberal anti-Christ masons) OCI UN USA EU] THAT Erdogan activated the recovery of the new Ottoman Empire
only Greece has noticed?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Matthew Lathum 3 days ago ok racist !!! ok, ok if you don't want to be a Christian, you too will be idolized
then, not will destroying judaism!
ok if you don't want to become an idolatrous christian, you too
then, you not will be destroying judaism!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 days ago For the Love of Zion, Jews in the Diaspora – Come Home!
For the Love of Zion, Jews WELCOME Come Home!
God my JHwH bless you too
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World Israel News 14 comments Trump blames Chicago mayor and others for causing ‘living hell’
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago il regime massonico nazista dei rothschild e la mafia dei giudici!
La giustizia è morta, avvocati in piazza per il “funerale” La giustizia è morta, avvocati in piazza per il “funerale”
the Nazi masonic regime of the rothschilds and the mafia of the judges!
Justice is dead, lawyers in the streets for the "funeral" Justice is dead, lawyers in the streets for the "funeral"
"The protection of the rights and freedoms of millions of citizens has died", this is the cry that launched the order of lawyers in Rome by presenting funeral announcements in front of the Cassation of the capital during a recent demonstration.
https://it sputniknews com/intervista/202006269244373-la-giustizia-e-morta-avvocati-in-piazza-per-il-funerale/
“È morta la tutela dei diritti e delle libertà di milioni di cittadini”, questo è il grido che ha lanciato l’ordine degli avvocati di Roma esibendo degli annunci funebri davanti alla Cassazione della capitale durante una recente manifestazione.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Obama Clinton Pelosi Epstein Biden one only family of satanists
[[have Se xxxxx u al]] [[ misadventures good. There was a paternity fight with Elizabeth Hurley.
And another with the ex-wife of billionaire Kirk Kerkorian.
Shareholders' equity approximately $ 1 billion.
The youngest special friend known unknown!
Hollywood producer (and friend of Jeffrey Epstein) Steve Bing Dead after falling from a building
A tweet from the lawyer of the show "Enty" (knows what happens) on Bing
that prevents the publication of a story about Jeffrey Epstein and
Ghislaine Maxwell.
The least that can be said is that Bing was in
contact with some powerful people who are connected to elite pedophile
rings. Except for Epstein himself, Bing was probably one of the highest
profile culprits left in the wild.
Maybe Steve Bing threw himself out
of a building because he was really depressed ... or maybe he was
thrown out of a building because he knew too much.
Edit View in discussion
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago In a 2008 article titled Bill Clinton and the Billionaire Boys' Club, the
now-defunct Gawker website describes Bing in a rather unpleasant light.
The introduction of the article says:
As we learned yesterday at
Vanity Fair, Bill Clinton spent his post-presidential life browsing the
world with a small group of billionaire scammers. All the aging boomers,
all unfortunately reluctant to mature, all dependent on [[ s e xxxxx with women
of a third of their age. who are they? What do they want from us? (Hint:
if you're a 14-22 year old girl, they want to have [ s e xxxx ] with
you.) Let's meet all the crew! They are just like Entourage except the
old gross billionaires.
The section on Bing says:
Steve Bing
with Bill Clinton Bing is a big donor to the Democratic Party. Plus,
he has a private jet that Bill loves to ride on!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
all the murders around the family Biden obama Clinton and his CIA Satan priests the Deep State
Producer (and Friend of Jeffrey Epstein) Steve Bing Dead After Falling
Off a Building https://vigilantcitizen
-off-a-building /
Donations to the Clinton Foundation between $ 10 and $ 25 million. Bing is third, under the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Pending
all the murders around the family Biden obama Clinton and his CIA Satan priests the Deep State
Hollywood Producer (and Friend of Jeffrey Epstein) Steve Bing Dead After Falling Off a Building https://vigilantcitizen com/latestnews/hollywood-producer-and-friend-of-jeffrey-epstein-steve-bing-dead-after-falling -off-a-building /
Donations to the Clinton Foundation between $ 10 and $ 25 million. Bing is third, under the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In a 2008 article titled Bill Clinton and the Billionaire Boys' Club, the now-defunct Gawker website describes Bing in a rather unpleasant light. The introduction of the article says:
As we learned yesterday at Vanity Fair, Bill Clinton spent his post-presidential life browsing the world with a small group of billionaire scammers. All the aging boomers, all unfortunately reluctant to mature, all dependent on sex with women of a third of their age. who are they? What do they want from us? (Hint if you're a 14-22 year old girl, they want to have [ s e xxxx ] with you.) Let's meet all the crew! They are just like Entourage except the old gross billionaires.
The section on Bing says:
Steve Bing
Relationship with Bill Clinton Bing is a big donor to the Democratic Party. Plus, he has a private jet that Bill loves to ride on!
Sexual misadventures good. There was a paternity fight with Elizabeth Hurley. And another with the ex-wife of billionaire Kirk Kerkorian.
Shareholders' equity approximately $ 1 billion.
The youngest special friend known unknown!
Hollywood producer (and friend of Jeffrey Epstein) Steve Bing Dead after falling from a building
A tweet from the lawyer of the show "Enty" (knows what happens) on Bing that prevents the publication of a story about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
The least that can be said is that Bing was in contact with some powerful people who are connected to elite pedophile rings. Except for Epstein himself, Bing was probably one of the highest profile culprits left in the wild.
Maybe Steve Bing threw himself out of a building because he was really depressed ... or maybe he was thrown out of a building because he knew too much.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Pending
all the murders around the family Biden obama Clinton and his CIA Satan priests the Deep State
Hollywood Producer (and Friend of Jeffrey Epstein) Steve Bing Dead After Falling Off a Building https://vigilantcitizen com/latestnews/hollywood-producer-and-friend-of-jeffrey-epstein-steve-bing-dead-after-falling -off-a-building /
Donations to the Clinton Foundation between $ 10 and $ 25 million. Bing is third, under the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In a 2008 article titled Bill Clinton and the Billionaire Boys' Club, the now-defunct Gawker website describes Bing in a rather unpleasant light. The introduction of the article says:
As we learned yesterday at Vanity Fair, Bill Clinton spent his post-presidential life browsing the world with a small group of billionaire scammers. All the aging boomers, all unfortunately reluctant to mature, all dependent on sex with women of a third of their age. who are they? What do they want from us? (Hint if you're a 14-22 year old girl, they want to have sex with you.) Let's meet all the crew! They are just like Entourage except the old gross billionaires.
The section on Bing says:
Steve Bing
Relationship with Bill Clinton Bing is a big donor to the Democratic Party. Plus, he has a private jet that Bill loves to ride on!
Sexual misadventures good. There was a paternity fight with Elizabeth Hurley. And another with the ex-wife of billionaire Kirk Kerkorian.
Shareholders' equity approximately $ 1 billion.
The youngest special friend known unknown!
Hollywood producer (and friend of Jeffrey Epstein) Steve Bing Dead after falling from a building
A tweet from the lawyer of the show "Enty" (knows what happens) on Bing that prevents the publication of a story about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
The least that can be said is that Bing was in contact with some powerful people who are connected to elite pedophile rings. Except for Epstein himself, Bing was probably one of the highest profile culprits left in the wild.
Maybe Steve Bing threw himself out of a building because he was really depressed ... or maybe he was thrown out of a building because he knew too much.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago 666 lgbtq democrtic party ] it is true satan, he makes you enjoy
but it doesn't promise you a long life!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Anti-semites attack home of woman, 84, outside Paris
how the Rothschild Masons have infiltrated the Church of Jesus
and have they corrupted it?
we have a pack of heretical and modernist bishops
whose only goal is to destroy Christianity, with all the means at their disposal, even through the Islamic invasion!
There are 4434 complaints about child molestation attested in the 17th annual report presented by the Secretariat for the Protection of Children and Young People of the US Bishops' Conference.
come i massoni Rothschild si sono infiltrati nella Chiesa di Gesù
e la hanno corrotta?
abbiamo un branco di vescovi eretici e modernisti
il cui loro unico obiettivo è distruggere la cristianità, con tutti i mezzi a loro disposizione, anche attraverso la invasione islamica!
Sono 4434 le denunce per molestie su minori attestate nel 17° report annuale presentato dal Segretariato per la protezione dei bambini e dei giovani della Conferenza episcopale statunitense.
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World Israel News 39 comments White House punts on Israel annexation, more talks planned
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago I have to make a terrible complaint:
in the EU ANSA Tg network Soros Rothschild
you put Trump, always in a bad light,
the information is tense, and ideologically always in favor of the democratic party,
what TRUMP says then seems absurd and always wrong ...
yet there is never a cotradictory of the President.
it is said that he wants to abolish:
Obamacare is a health care reform strongly desired by former American President Barack Obama
but, there is never a description
of the Trump Administration's motivations and strategies!
I think he wants to give everyone a job (and he has shown he can do it)
and not to get the people used to living on parasitism and welfare
as they are doing in Italy
that we have a people of criminals and parasites,
all patrons of the democratic party,
to get the petty bourgeoisie destroyed
which preserves Christian values and its evangelical virtue ..
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago WATCH ‘We have over 120 million dead from Covid,’ Biden says
but Biden must be admired,
he has given the best years of his life to Satan Imam Obama Rothschild
and now, there is almost nothing left for him, of worth to be given again, to others and to himself!
in fact, in a little Satan FED owl IMF hell NWO he will call back soon. his faithful servant!
però Biden deve essere ammirato,
lui ha dato gli anni migliori della sua vita a Satana Imam Obama Rothschild
e ora, non gli rimane quasi più niente per lui, di valido da poter dare ancora, agli altri e a se stesso!
infatti, tra un poco Satana FED owl IMF hell NWO richiamerà, presto lui. il suo servo fedele!
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World Israel News 75 comments Belgium passes resolution to sanction Israel if annexation happens
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago the Italians little baby are killed, by the Afro-Muslims even in the stroller!
TERCASTELLI (ANCONA), JUNE 26 - Drunk and without a license, he loses control of the car and ends up against a wall, investing a two-year-old girl on the stroller. The rest of the family was unharmed, who risked being crushed. It happened last night in Passo Ripe di Trecastelli. The little girl was transported to the Ancona hospital, where she is hospitalized in a reserved prognosis. On the spot, in addition to 118, the traffic police. On board the investor car were 4 asylum seekers from the local Welcome Point, awaiting refugee status, who all denied driving. But following the investigations by the traffic police, he turned out to be a 44-year-old Pakistani, who appeared drunk and in great agitation, so much so that he was accompanied to the emergency room of the Senigallia hospital. It had an alcohol content of 1.5 g / l. He was arrested for aggravated culpable injuries. Administratively sanctioned the owner of the vehicle, a resident of Serra de'Conti, of Indian origin.
what did the neoliberals do EU satanists antichrist Kissinger Morgan Rockefeller, the Soros Bilderberg regime, technocracy, the democratic party? it is truly disturbing
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Maria Elena Boschi "I'm away for love? I work 24 hours a day"
but not even Unius REI or Putin work so much ... this side of the democratic party? it is truly disturbing
what did EU neoliberals Kissinger Morgan Rockefeller, the Soros Bilderberg regime and his lgbtq 666 demon-cratic party
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Police shut down Glasgow city center after mass stab suspicions
Scottish police say the incident is "contained at the moment and there is no danger for the general public;" Sky News says several people have been stabbed
what did the EU, the Soros Bilderberg regime and its lgbtq 666 Pd demon-cratic party
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago Bin demonic Salman Azis Saud Mohammed ] [ obviously,
Jesus of Bethlehem
rejected Satan's proposal (in the famous desert temptations)
to make him the master of the world
but, the Rothschilds and the Wahhabis?
they accepted
1 Edit View in discussion
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago criminals of the antichrist in the EU 322 Belgium passes resolution to sanction my zionist kingdom of Israel, if false annexation happens
first of all it is not a question of annexation but of legitimacy
because all Judea and Samaria were conquered in the 6 days war ..
lgbtq 666 Bilderber regime esoteric agenda Deep State FED 666 ECB 187 NWO IMF ...
have sworn in Satan Freemason JaBullOn
1. they betrayed the Constitution
2. have betrayed "God, Homeland and Family"
3. they betrayed the sovereignty of their peoples
the death penalty is the only positive prospect
against these neoliberals, technocrats, Masonic consociativism, satanists and judges traitors and sold, bureaucrats and traitors Rothschild of the antichrist?
the death penalty is the only positive prospect for them:
better for them than never were born
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 days ago President RIVLiN] Synnek1 the world director of youtube
he asked me that I could become a satanist like them,
and he wanted to buy me a coffee (in their Rothschild language it means that they had to pay me with a trillion dollars)
but then, Uncle Jesus of but said "and what is it worth, that you earn the whole world, and then, you lost your soul, with what can you redeem your soul?"
so what about that contract?
nothing was done,
so Synnek1 went crazy
and has become today, the failed 187AudioHostem,
in fact I also got him fired