Biden And Harris Treat Catholics Like Racists To Smoke Out Of Public Life
who value their liberty will work to keep Biden and Harris — their
betrayer and their persecutor — away from the White House.By Matthew Schmitz
SEPTEMBER 28, 2020
Vote launched a $350,000 ad campaign against Democratic nominee Joe
Biden this week in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan
because the former vice president continually betrays Catholics and his
claim to the faith. “Joe Biden would force American Catholics to pay for
abortions, sacrificing his Catholic values to kneel before the leftist
mob,” the advertisement
said. In one particularly egregious betrayal, Biden selected Sen.
Kamala Harris to be his running mate, making this Democratic ticket
radically pro-abortion and anti-Catholic.
Harris treats
membership in Catholic organizations as disqualifying for public office
and describes believing Catholics as national security threats. She
targets Catholic journalists with political prosecutions. Along with the
rest of the Democratic Party, she wants to force the Little Sisters of
the Poor to pay for abortion-causing drugs. Harris goes even beyond the
rest of the party in her opposition to the Catholic faith.
course, that is only one way of seeing things. If Catholicism is
nothing more than an unusually fusty and ritualistic way of affirming
progressive pieties, Harris is its friend and champion. She is happy to
embrace Catholics — including her running mate — as long as they ignore
their church’s teachings and instead bend the knee to the latest notions
of diversity, inclusion, and equality.
In 2019, Harris suggested
that Brian Buescher, a nominee for a district court seat, was unfit for
service because of his membership in the Knights of Columbus, a
Catholic fraternal organization. As part of his Senate confirmation, she
asked Buescher whether he knew that the Knights “opposed a woman’s
right to choose” and “opposed marriage equality.”
Of course, the
Catholic Church, like many other religious groups, opposes same-sex
marriage and abortion. To treat membership in a Catholic organization as
potentially disqualifying, precisely because that organization upholds
Catholic beliefs, amounts to a religious test for public office.
Catholics are faithful to Christian teaching, especially on abortion
and sexuality, Harris believes they have no place in our politics.
“Russia was able to influence our election,” she wrote
in 2019, “because they figured out that racism, sexism, anti-Semitism,
homophobia, and transphobia are America’s Achilles heel. These issues
aren’t only civil rights — they’re also a matter of national security.
We have to deal with that.”
With these words, Harris lumped
believing Catholics in with antisemites. If you believe marriage is
between a man and woman, if you think boys should not be allowed to
compete in girls’ sports, Harris thinks you might be a tool of our
nation’s enemies.
Catholics should take Harris at her word. She
has a history of bringing criminal charges against her political
enemies. As attorney general of California, she prosecuted
David Daleiden, a young Catholic investigative journalist who had
exposed certain dark practices of Planned Parenthood, such as the selling of baby body parts. As part of the prosecution, Harris raided
Daleiden’s home, an unnecessary act designed to punish and intimidate.
Daleiden said he relied on “the church, the faith of the church, the
ancient ritual of the church” during his ordeal.
collaboration with Harris is shameful but not surprising. He would not
directly question whether a member of the Knights of Columbus could
serve as a judge, but he has always gone along with the kind of people
who do.
Just as Biden’s working-class background has not
prevented him from shilling for credit card companies or supporting the
outsourcing of American jobs, his Catholic identity has not inspired him
to oppose the evil of abortion. In fact, Biden supports taxpayer funding of abortion and has said he would reject a Supreme Court ruling that protects nuns from violating their firmly held religious beliefs about birth control and abortifacients.
one wants to understand just how self-defeating and misguided Catholic
liberal politics has become, one needs only to consider that its most
prominent representative invited the country’s leading anti-Catholic
politician to be his running mate. Catholics who value their liberty
will work to keep Biden and Harris — their betrayer and their persecutor
— away from the White House.
Matthew Schmitz is deputy editor of First Things.
Abortion Birth Control Catholic Church Catholic vote Catholics church David Daleiden Joe Biden Kamala Harris Knights of Columbus Little Sisters of the Poor Planned Parenthood Religion
Copyright © 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Rese
Xi-Jinpig comunista pazzo veramente, tu hai fatto una cosa così insana
da essere incredibile? Chinese textbook rewrites Bible, claims Jesus
stoned woman to death A communist textbook that's being used in Chinese
schools falsifies the biblical account found in John 8:3–11. The
textbook claims that Jesus murdered the woman who was found in adultery
and said He, too, is a sinner. Il libro di testo cinese riscrive la
Bibbia, afferma che Gesù ha lapidato a morte una donna Un libro di testo
comunista utilizzato nelle scuole cinesi falsifica il racconto biblico
che si trova in Giovanni 8 3–11. Il libro di testo afferma che Gesù ha
ucciso la donna che è stata trovata in adulterio e ha detto che anche
lui è un peccatore.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
24 minuti fa
Salman Riyad Rockefeller Kissinger Merkel ] Damn adrenochrome side
affects mixed with juicers shhhiiit backfired on you when you need it
most Maledetti effetti collaterali dell'adrenocromo mescolati con
meeerda di spremiagrumi che ti si ritorce contro quando ne hai più
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
43 minuti fa
Palestinian Authority may unite with its Hamas rival? DEMENTIAL
QUESTION !! only one is the Umma of genocide, only one the killer Koran
is only one is the devil Allah! DOMANDA DEMENZIALE!! una sola è la Umma
del genocidio, uno solo il Corano assassino e uno solo è il demonio
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
46 minuti fa
Appalling Attack Against SCOTUS Nominee Curiously, in a day and age when
the fake news media blasts, “Believe all women” and that “All women
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
to call Islamic soldiers or terrorists martyrs it is a islamic demonic
perversion martyrs are only peaceful people who suffer violence, of any
people and religion !! chiamare martiri i soldati o i terroristi
islamici è una perversione demonica martiri sono soltanto le persone
pacifiche che subiscono violenza, di qualsiasi popolo e religione!! 🕎
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Il Tweet a cui stai provando a rispondere è
stato eliminato o non puoi più vederlo. @AlaaddinMertYl1 ¹ ⁹ ⁰ ⁵
Muslera ile orta saha beklemece LO HA ELIMINATO @AlaaddinMertYl1 Sei
stato bloccato Non puoi né seguire @AlaaddinMertYl1 né vedere i suoi
Tweet. Scopri di più
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Il Tweet a cui stai provando a rispondere è stato eliminato o non puoi
più vederlo. @AlaaddinMertYl1 ¹ ⁹ ⁰ ⁵ Muslera ile orta saha beklemece LO
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH @AlaaddinMertYl1 ¹ ⁹ ⁰ ⁵ Muslera ile
orta saha beklemece [[ Arabs turned their backs on us, but we've had a
lot of help (some countries did not oppose us) there is war in Libya,
Turkey sent troops sent troops to Turkey. How many soldiers were
martyred.]] ANSWER to call Islamic soldiers or terrorists martyrs it is a
islamic demonic perversion martyrs are only peaceful people who suffer
violence, of any people and religion !! chiamare martiri i soldati o i
terroristi islamici è una perversione demonica martiri sono soltanto le
persone pacifiche che subiscono violenza, di qualsiasi popolo e
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH a few seconds ago @AlaaddinMertYl1 ¹ ⁹ ⁰
⁵ Muslera ile orta saha beklemece [[ ]] which Christians have survived
in Turkey? how many in the ARAB LEAGUE of cruel horror? here in the
ARAbA LEAGUE there is THE sharia with death penalty for apostasy
blasphemy there is no freedom of religion! and there is dhimmitude which
is the dhimmis minority and enslavement of Christians che cristiani
sono sopravvissuti in Turchia? quanti nella LEGA ARABA dell'orrore
crudele? quì nella LEGA ARAbA c'é LA sharia con pena di morte per
blasfemia apostasia non c'é la libertà di religione! e c'é la
dhimmitudine che è la minorità e riduzione in schiavi dhimmis dei
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
if, the sharia without secularism and without reciprocity and without
human rights were condemned? then, of course, Constantionople could
legally be called Istanbul but, until the sharia is condemned by the
ARAB LEAGUE all the Islamic genocides of 1400 years are still waiting to
be avenged all se, la sharia senza laicità e senza reciprocità e senza
diritti umani fosse condannata? allora, certo, Costantionopoli potrebbe
chiamarsi legalmente Istambul ma, finché la sharia non viene condannata
dalla LEGA ARABA tutti i genocidi islamici di 1400 anni, attendono
ancora di essere vendicati tutti
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
"Costantinopoli is another jihad sharia genocide bizantini christian" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH Costantinopoli is another jihad sharia genocide bizantini christian
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
@armenia (ERDOGAN il BOIA dei cristiani martiri) #OTD 151 years ago, Bandiera dell'Armenia's most treasured composer #Komitas was born. Being a survivor of #Genocide he carried the pain of his #nation w/ an unwavering patriotism. His efforts were pivotal in preserving our national #music. Komitas & his "Kousan" Choir. Constantinople, 1913. #OTD 151 anni fa,Bandiera dell'Armenia è il compositore più apprezzato #Komitas sono nato. Essere un sopravvissuto di #Genocide portava il suo dolore #nation con un patriottismo incrollabile. I suoi sforzi sono stati fondamentali per preservare la nostra nazione #music . Komitas e il suo coro "Kousan". Costantinopoli, 1913.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Beijing calls the island of Taiwan "sacred" Chinese territory, and after all, the communists #DEM #Mohammed #Corano #Pd #lgbtq
Riyad Erdogan Sharia they are all Darwin monkeys they were born from
the satanic talmud and have nothing sacred about them! Pechino chiama
l'isola di Taiwan "sacro" territorio cinese, e dopotutto, i comunisti #DEM #Mohammed #Corano #Pd #lgbtq Riyad Erdogan Sharia loro sono tutte scimmie Darwin che sono nate dal talmud satanico e non hanno nulla di sacro!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
China has no reason to be hostile to Taiwan's sovereignty, which must
be recognized! in this way, naive, only legitimate, the consolidation of
the US enemy on the island bullying against Taiwan will lead to a
global embargo against China these Chinese schizophrenic provocations
must stop immediately! la Cina non ha nessun motivo per avere un
atteggiamento ostile contro la sovranità di Taiwan, che deve essere
riconosciuta! in questo modo, ingenuo, legittima soltanto, il
consolidamento del nemico USA sull'isola il bullismo contro Taiwan
porterà ad un embargo mondiale contro la Cina queste provocazioni cinese
schizofreniche devono cessare immediatamente!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Alice Brignoli arrested in Syria by the carabinieri this is who is
"Erdogan's aunt" and "Isis mother" 1 million jihadists? all from Turkey
have passed yet after the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians, #Erdogan ordered #Erevan to immediately abandon #Nagorno #Karabakh
Alice Brignoli arrestata in Siria dai carabinieri ecco chi è la "zia
di Erdogan" e la “mamma dell’Isis” 1 milione di jihadisti? tutti dalla
Turchia sono passati eppure dopo il genocidio ottomano degli armeni, #Erdogan ha ordinato a #Erevan di abbandonare immediatamente il #Nagorno #Karabakh
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan is 'Morally Justified' all
nonsense! the chinese will never invade taiwan before the world war has
broken out saudi wahhabi iranian jihad umma caliphate erdogan China Says
Killing Americans over Taiwan is 'Morally Justified' tutte sciocchezze!
i cinesi non invaderanno mai Taiwan prima che sia scoppiata la guerra
mondiale saudita wahhabita jihad iraniana il califfato UMMA erdogan
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
Alert IDF troops nab 4 Palestinians with firebombs
how do you recognize a Palestinian state if, after 1400 years of
sharia genocide, not even the ARAB LEAGUE can be recognized? the most
they can get is that I destroy the big (USA) and the little Satan (Blue
and White) all alone by myself, and all alone! come fai a riconoscere
uno Stato palestinese se, dopo 1400 anni di genocidi sharia, neanche la
LEGA ARABA può essere riconosciuta? il massimo che possono ottenere è
che io distrugga il grande (USA) e il piccolo Satana (Blu e Bianco)
tutto da solo, e soletto!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
An ultra-Orthodox Jewish usurer totally hypocritical satanist of the
Talmud, whips another with a small latex watch belt, as a symbolic
punishment for his infinite sins neoliberalism, technocracy,
bureaucracy and Masonic parasitism Baal Peor JaBulOn Aru Mazda OWL
lilit Marduch, and after that, he stole bank seigniorage from all the
peoples of the world by throwing them into despair devitalization
suicide and satanism of the Democratic Party Bilderberg Deep Stare lgbtq
Bin SALMAN also said he wants to be whipped Un uomo usuraio ebreo
ultraortodosso totalmente ipocrita satanista del talmud, ne frusta un
altro con una piccola cintura di orologio in lattice, come punizione
simbolica per i suoi infiniti peccati peccati di neoliberismo
tecnocrazia burocrazia e parassitismo massonico Baal Peor JaBulOn Aru
Mazda OWL lilit Marduch, e dopo che, lui ha rubato il signoraggio
bancario a tutti i popoli del mondo gettandoli nella disperazione
devitalizzazione suicidio e satanismo del Partito Democratico Bilderberg
Deep Stare lgbtq anche Bin SALMAN ha detto che vuole essere frustato 🕎
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
4 ore fa
Joe Biden once threatened Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begins with
cutting US aid on right-wing government settlement-building policy.
ANSWER What's wrong? I told my demonic trinity Rokefeller Morgan
Rothschild, they would come with me to plant onions in the Saudi desert
of MADiANA and it is normal for them to be afraid now! Joe Biden una
volta ha minacciato il primo ministro israeliano Menachem Inizia con il
taglio degli aiuti americani sulla politica di costruzione degli
insediamenti del governo di destra. ANSWER cosa c'é di strano? io ho
detto alla mia trinità demoniaca Rokefeller Morgan Rothschild, che
sarebbero venuti con me a piantare le cipolle nel deserto saudita della
MADiANA ed è normale che loro abbiano paura ora!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Immigrazione jihad, Meluzzi “sarà una catastrofe sharia terristica assoluta e soprattutto economica!”
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
Russian military publish videos on how Turkey helps ISIS and Al-Nusra
rebels in Syria Militari russi pubblicano video su come la Turchia
aiuta i ribelli ISIS e Al-Nusra in Siria
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 really, should we stop welcoming
Israeli colonial settlers? then, Riyadh has decided that my
anglo-american desperate demoniac cannibal jewish satanist monsters and
lost souls, they must be forced to unleash world war. this is evident
the SpA OCi fulani ARAB LEAGUE Boko Haram they think they can make a
profit in WW3nuclear! really, noi dobbiamo smettere di accogliere
coloni-colonialismo israeliano? allora, Riyadh ha deciso che i miei
mostri satanisti ebrei cannibali anglo-americani disperati indemoniati e
anime perdute, loro devono essere costretti a scatenare la guerra
mondiale.. questo è evidente la SpA OCi fulani LEGA ARABA Boko Haram
loro pensano di guadagnarci nella WW3nuclear! im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
🕎 the Nagorno-Karabakh region is ARMENIA by right of compensation
for the Armenian genocide 🕎 i am israeli Mahdì Messiah 🕎 im Yitzchak
Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 10 minutes ago free ARMENIA
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
the Nagorno-Karabakh region is ARMENIA by right of compensation for the
Armenian genocide free ARMENIA la regione del Nagorno-Karabakh è
ARMENIA per diritto di compensazione genocidio armeno
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
5 ore fa
the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh It would NEVER have happened if Turkey
and the cursed ARAB LEAGUE OCI Iran had thought of compensation for the
ARMENIAN genocide as a compensation for a billion innocent people who
have been killed by sharia law! il conflitto in Nagorno Karabakh NON si
sarebbe mai realizzato se la Turchia e la maledetta LEGA ARABA OCI Iran
avessero pensato a un risarcimento per il genocidio ARMENO come a un
risarcimento per un miliardo di persone innocenti che la sharia ha
ammazzato! 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
Rosa Ingargiola in Quarta Repubblica "Conte and Di Maio where are you?
They have abandoned us". Fishermen kidnapped in Libya, the attack
"Conte e Di Maio dove siete? Ci hanno abbandonato". Pescatori rapiti in
Libia, l'attacco
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
#StopAzerbaijaniAggression #StopAzerbaijaniAgression #StopTurkey
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
#Mattarella #Merkel #M5S #Pd #Bilderberg
] [ you have imposed your criminal presence on your much hated Italian
people voi avete imposto la vostra criminale presenza al vostro tanto
odiato popolo italiano
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
covid-that-have-banned-in-italy / But there is only one big problem it
costs little and can cure various diseases, which is why it is not
worth sponsoring it for the great elite of pharmaceutical companies ”.
Ma c’è un unico grande problema costa poco e può curare diverse
patologie, per questo alle grandi élite delle case farmaceutiche non
conviene sponsorizzarlo”.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
"The left is crying like a byjiyijtch!yes Pelosi and illary Clinton are withches" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH The left is crying like a byjiyijtch! yes Pelosi and hillary Clinton are withches
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
#Isis #Morocco #Allah uh akbar sharia Riyad Iran OCI jihad #UMMA #Erdogan. Arrested by Ros in #Siria, Alice Brignoli she is the wife of the Italian ISIS militant of #Moroccan origin #Mohamed #Koraichi, she was arrested in Syria by the Carabinieri del Ros, on charges of criminal association and terrorism. Arrestata dal Ros in #Siria, Alice Brignoli è moglie del militante dell’Isis italiano di origine #marocchina #Mohamed #Koraichi, è stata arrestata in Siria dai carabinieri del Ros, con l’accusa di associazione a delinquere e terrorismo.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
Inps, Di Maio “Non perdo la fiducia in Tridico” MA CHI T'HA MAI DATO LA FIDUCIA A TE? se pentito subito!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
7 ore fa
32000 medici “corrotti” da case farmaceutiche il nuovo scandalo
3.044 medici operanti a Roma. Finanziamenti che ora finiscono
all’attenzione dell’Autorità Anticorruzione, attraverso un esposto
dell’associazione in cui si chiede di aprire una istruttoria
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
expressly speaks of "probable laboratory error". And he tells us that
it has already happened to him in recent months to see this kind of
errors. Ah! Tampons aren't that reliable. Really?! SO IS THE VACCINE
Dunque... 14 tesserati del #Genoa sono positivi, MA NON è VERO. Massimo #Galli
parla espressamente di “probabile errore di laboratorio”. E ci dice che
gli è già capitato in questi mesi di vedere questo genere di errori.
Ah! I tamponi non sono così affidabili. Ma dai?! QUINDI IL VACCINO è
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Antonio Socci against Giuseppe Conte Dracula BIS the chameleon of
MERKEL Bilderberg INFAME Antonio Socci contro Giuseppe Conte Dracula
BIS il camaleonte della MERKEL Bilderberg sono solo parole attaccate
alla poltrona.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
Antonio Socci against Giuseppe Conte Dracula BIS the chameleon of
MERKEL Bilderberg "Shall we change capitalism? By now we believe we are
Pope Francis" But, of course, those of the premier are just words
attached to the armchair. There is no rigor of a thought. Antonio Socci
contro Giuseppe Conte Dracula BIS il camaleonte della MERKEL Bilderberg:
"Cambiamo il capitalismo? Ormai si crede Papa Francesco" Ma,
naturalmente quelle del premier sono solo parole attaccate alla
poltrona. Non c'è il rigore di un pensiero.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Pedo DEM Pd Antifa lgbtq] [we are all the "flesh of the devil" because
of original sin, but homosexuals are twice and LGBTQ are the triumph of
the demons of hell FED IMF Rockefeller Talmud in our dimension! Sodom
has already been burned once, and none of you will stand in the world
war! Pedo DEM Pd Antifa lgbtq ] [ noi siamo tutti la "carne del diavolo"
a motivo del peccato originale, ma omosessuali lo sono due volte ed
LGBTQ sono il trionfo dei demoni dell'inferno FED IMF Rockefeller Talmud
nella nostra dimensione! Sodoma è già stata bruciata una volta, e
nessuno di voi rimarrà in piedi nella guerra mondiale!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
The Dems are all antizionist like your 666 FED IMF ECB NWO
neoliberalists USURES scam banking seigniorage SpA coorporations
monopoly Deep State and central banks shareolders dracula Jews only for
kill Israel. I Democratici sono tutti antizionisti come i neoliberisti
666 FED FMI ECB NWO USURES truffa signoraggio bancario monopolio delle
società SpA Deep State e azionisti delle banche centrali dracula ebrei
solo per uccidere Israele.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
@Ozkok_A what reciprocity or laicity? Are all ISLAM wars holy religious
sharia wars? you have become a mortal threat to the survival of
mankind! @Ozkok_A che reciprocità o laicità? tutte le guerre dell'ISLAM
sono guerre sante religiose sharia? voi siete diventati una minaccia
mortale per la sopravvivenza del genere umano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 ore fa
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH #resourcesINPS #RadioSavana This is a #Cgil rally there are only immigrants (VIDEO) #stopcensura this criminal drift of the left is a very dangerous spiral in the #Pd #DEM #BLM they suck immigrants so as not to sink and thus they consume their supreme betrayal! #risorseINPS #RadioSavana Questo è un comizio #Cgil ci sono soltanto immigrati (VIDEO) #stopcensura questa deriva criminale della sinistra è una spirale molto pericolosa nel #Pd #DEM #BLM succhiano gli immigrati per non affondare e così consumano il loro tradimento supremo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
9 ore fa
#ProclaimLiberty [ #DEM
is SATANISM Rockefeller ] The interviewer referred to Biden's record to
show he's not a socialist. That ignores entirely the shift in the
entire Democrat party which is now filled with vociferous socialists.
Biden is thus a mere figurehead representing a time when socialist ideas
were kept out of the public consciousness even while they were quietly
implemented in a number of ways. However, Obamacare was very forcefully
thrust upon the American public, and it is a classic example of
socialized healthcare. Biden acquiesced to that, and would similarly
acquiesce to any other socialistic legislation or policy advocated by
ostensibly-subordinate Democrats. His record is not one of leadership or
initiative, but of following others. So he will undoubtedly not
contradict or resist the powerful socialists around him, but easily
slide along the path they pave for him to follow. Thus he would become a
most blatantly socialist president over a rampantly-socialist
deconstruction of the principles upon which the USA was founded, likely
even surpassing President Trump's current rhetoric. #ProclaimLiberty [ #DEM
is SATANISM Rockefeller ] L'intervistatore ha fatto riferimento al
record di Biden per dimostrare che non è un socialista. Ciò ignora
completamente il cambiamento dell'intero partito democratico che ora è
pieno di rumorosi socialisti. Biden è quindi un mero prestanome che
rappresenta un tempo in cui le idee socialiste erano tenute fuori dalla
coscienza pubblica anche se venivano implementate in silenzio in diversi
modi. Tuttavia, Obamacare è stato imposto con molta forza al pubblico
americano ed è un classico esempio di assistenza sanitaria socializzata.
Biden acconsentì a ciò, e allo stesso modo acconsentirebbe a qualsiasi
altra legislazione o politica socialista sostenuta da Democratici
apparentemente subordinati. Il suo record non è di leadership o
iniziativa, ma di seguire gli altri. Quindi senza dubbio non contraddirà
né resisterà ai potenti socialisti che lo circondano, ma scivolerà
facilmente lungo il percorso che gli hanno aperto. Così sarebbe
diventato un presidente più sfacciatamente socialista per una
decostruzione socialista rampante dei principi su cui erano fondati gli
Stati Uniti, probabilmente superando anche l'attuale retorica del
presidente Trump.
@Musumeci_Staff I hope you will be present at #Catania on October 3rd @matteosalvinimi defended not only the borders of Italy You will understand to that turncoat that #gnenefotte #processWEall the corrupt #Pd #ANTIFA judge crazy he judges #Salvini @Musumeci_Staff mi auguro che Lei sia presente a #Catania il 3 ottobre @matteosalvinimi ha difeso non solo i confini dell'Italia Capirai a quel voltagabbana che #gnenefotte #processatecitutti il giudice Pd corrotto giudica #Salvini
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Texas pastor, wife killed in head-on collision; couple’s 3 children survive
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coming soon to the United States?
Natalie Grant says many American churches are blinded by religion; God’s presence must be made known
Christian singer Natalie Grant has a message for Christian churches in
America who have allowed religion and politics to lead them, the
award-winning singer says it’s time Christians press into the presence
of God.
Mike Pence at Franklin Graham's Prayer March 'America is a nation of believers'
President Mike Pence addressed a crowd of tens of thousands of
Christians from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Saturday at one of two
events in the Nation’s Capital calling on Americans to come together in
repentance and prayer.
DOJ warns San Francisco’s mayor that 1-person limit on church attendance is unconstitutional
Justice Department has warned San Francisco Mayor London Breed that the
city’s limitations on indoor worship to one congregant at a time in
response to the COVID-19 pandemic “is contrary to the Constitution and
the nation’s best tradition of religious freedom.”
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Chinese textbook rewrites Bible, claims Jesus stoned woman to death
communist textbook that's being used in Chinese schools falsifies the
biblical account found in John 8:3–11. The textbook claims that Jesus
murdered the woman who was found in adultery and said He, too, is a
Dear Friend,
Together How the Body of Christ is Finding Hope through the Pandemic
is a free book that we are offering to subscribers of The Christian
We endeavored to launch a free book because we witnessed
the hardships and fears that many people faced during this pandemic. So
we reached out to pastors and Christian leaders who donated their time
and a chapter each for this book, for which we are grateful. And we
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We sincerely hope that this book
will be a source of encouragement for so many in the time of suffering
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Media Launches Appalling Attack Against SCOTUS NomineeBY FREEMANNEWS SEPTEMBER 28, 2020
in a day and age when the fake news media blasts, “Believe all women”
and that “All women should be heard,” despite rather transparent
financial or political motivations in more than one case (oftentimes
both), the same overly generous treatment does not seem to be awarded to
women who upset the fake news media’s increasingly twisted narrative.
From Tara Reade to Candace Owens, not to mention legions of other women,
the fake news media either largely silences them, in the case of Reade,
or openly attacks them, in the case of Owens.
Now that Trump has
selected a phenomenal, proudly constitutionalist, female appointee for
the Supreme Court, as promised, the fake news media has unsurprisingly,
yet unfortunately, launched a full on assault of Amy Cony Barrett. While
some of these attacks have predictably targeted Barrett’s strong faith,
others are more surprising, even for the fake news media.
perhaps one of the more egregious, not to mention openly biased attacks
on Barrett, a self-proclaimed “antiracist,” Ibram X. Kendi, accused
Barrett’s adoption of two Haitian children as racist.
White colonizers ‘adopted’ Black children. They ‘civilized’ these
‘savage’ children in the ‘superior’ ways of White people, while using
them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the
biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity,”
Kendi wrote Saturday.
“And whether this is Barrett or not is not
the point. It is a belief too many White people have if they have or
adopt a child of color, then they can’t be racist,” Kendi continued.
challenging the idea that White parents of kids of color are inherently
‘not racist’ and the bots completely change what I’m saying to ‘White
parents of kids of color are inherently racist.’ These live and fake
bots are good at their propaganda. Let’s not argue with them.” [Source Fox News]
ok, Kendi. How about questioning the bots a little less, and yourself a
little more for such open ignorance? So, according to your “theories,”
children should senselessly suffer, rather than have white parents
willing to love and care for them?
The Democrats’ and
fake news media’s other attacks have also argued, with zero evidence,
that Trump’s relatively quick nomination is “illegitimate.” Only
ultra-leftists would label Constitutional doctrine as “illegitimate.”
bad the fake news media is so opposed to real history, as some simple
fact checking would reveal that eight Supreme Court justices were
appointed in just 15 days or less since 1962. Some simply fact checking
would also lead to many other self-corrections (before publication) on
the media’s part.
In more than one case, the media’s rabid hatred
of Trump has blinded them to the facts they are so quick to accuse
Trump of obscuring, despite the fact that they themselves have now been fact-checked
at least twice First, Newsweek had to issue a pitiable retraction
regarding Barrett; second, California Governor Gavin Newsome was also
fact checked by The Washington Post. When one of the ultimate fake
news media outlets actually fact checks a leftist governor, that shows
just how unhinged the Democrats have truly become.
no matter how much the fake news media screams and shouts, not to
mention the equally intolerant, vastly overprivileged “stars” in
Hollywood, Trump has largely blown off their hysterics, just as he’s
done all along while acting towards, rather than talking about, fixing
serious issues within the United States and abroad. Not only did Trump
steward the economy towards the highest point it had been in years, but
he also achieved truly unprecedented success abroad in one of the most
difficult, perpetually warring regions on the planet.
zero media attention has been paid to Trump’s landmark peace deals in
the Middle East, either out of blind hatred for Trump, or, for the
slightly more internally honest, the reality that Obama, along with
henchman Hillary, did nothing but develop massive problems and massive
enemies. These problems ranged from allowing ISIS to explode, directly
contributing to mass terrorist attacks in Europe, to Putin playing Obama
like a chump over Syria.
Given the above, along with many more
examples, it is highly likely that Trump will secure Barrett’s official
appointment to the Supreme Court before the November election. In
addition, it is hopefully likely that those who still choose to think
should realize that for such a “misogynist,” Trump has demonstrated
awfully strong confidence in filling one of the most important seats in
the judicial system. He pledged to nominate a female, and he followed
through on that promise.
Since the fake news media is now in
full-on panic mode over November (why else be so openly desperate to the
point that THEY are fact checked?), the more sane realize that their
assaults are unlikely to stop anytime soon. Rather than wishing for a
cessation of the relentless attacks, the continued assaults will likely
serve as another boon to the Republican Party, most of all President
When Cruz informed
the media that it would be an “excellent idea” for the Senate to
attempt to obstruct Barrett’s inevitable nomination, he clearly knew
exactly what he was talking about.
Too bad the Democrats don’t.

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