lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, OCI UN Russia China India EU UK USA
the rational agnostic "lorenzoJHWH Unius REI" is the most powerful creature made by God Almighty:
in him there is every sovereignty, every kingship, every jurisdiction, and every priesthood in every domain that exists and that can exist.
his is an eternal and universal power
What if, you don't want to be destroyed by world war?
you can do it
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 37 minutes ago
stop this horror pedo-movie #DEM
Lowering Penalties for sS e xxxxx with Minors Introduced by #democrat Senator Wiener, little girls can have s e xxxx with adults, the sickness law was signed by #california Mayor #GavinNewsom protecting Ped0philes to be tagged as sss e xxxx offenders, meet the senator #savethechidren #WalkAway
NoahTheNephilim an hour ago
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
yes, I know that the abomination of desolation is born in the USA FED #DEM Deep State, and Riyadh?
but this is not an alibi for any of the universal sharia genocide crimes!
when will you be killed? you will not die as an innocent
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
si, io lo so che l'abominio della desolazione nasce in USA FED #DEM Deep State, e Riyad?
ma questo non è una alibi per nessuno dei delitti universali di genocidio della sharia!
quando sarai ucciso? tu non morirai come un innocente
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom an hour ago
I see Netflix #DEM #Biden #FED #Bilderberg #lgbtq is in hot water.. The sad thing is that this happens every day though... go to YouTube and watch a competitive dance competition and you will see girls as young as 4 in skimpy costume twerking and acting triflin... Netflix just became netFLOP
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom an hour ago
condolences! Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, weeps over the coffin of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in Iraq on Jan. 6, 2020.
sorry, for the delay of my condolences!
for the terrible loss of your terrorist assassin brother
scusami per il ritardo delle mie condoglianze!
per la terribile perdita del tuo fratello assassino terrorista
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom an hour ago edited
quando Biden ha condannato la pedofilia?
Netflix 666 Satana CEO gets BUSTED with 13000 files of Child p0rn0graphy-pedophilia (warning fonte inattendibile
warning unreliable source)
#AmericaWakeUp this is what the extreme socialist Devilcrat party liberals have turned into “Pedophiles” !! But remember God is not Dead
when did Biden condemn pedophilia?
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shaongaon 6 hours ago
Iran is furious. This is just another day for them, then. Another day, another outrage.
It's what makes them happy. No-one else, mind, but they are so comfortable in their blanket of hate/self-righteousness. They can't rule from the stone age with a bullying 'religion', but don't tell them that.
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George Parker shaongaon 6 hours ago
On the contrary, we should be telling them frequently and loudly. Punctuated with explosions when deemed appropriate.
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jkman 7 hours ago
Iran can eat Pig S#it!!
No one care what these Idiots Think...
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George Parker jkman 6 hours ago
The Persians are an ancient people, held back by a backward ideology that conquered them many centuries ago. Islam is just a hole in the road to the future. I know ideologies are simply ideas inhabiting ( infecting) the minds of people, without whom they would be meaningless words. However, social change can completely alter the mindset of a race of people in two generations.
I'm optimistic for the long term future. Short term not so much.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 2 hours ago
On Fox News Trump accuses Biden of using drugs
ah ah ah it's true Biden is doped, but after all a senile demented person needs it !!
but, the worst part is that the applause is fake,
his election campaign is doing Hollywood
Su Fox News Trump accusa Biden di usare droghe
ah ah ah è vero Biden è dopato, ma dopotutto un demente senile ne ha bisogno!!
ma, la cosa peggiore è che gli applausi sono finti,
la sua campagna elettorale la sta facendo Hollywood
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CK 6 hours ago
Leadership of the Islamic hellhole is incensed. Too bad?
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George Parker 7 hours ago
"Iran blasts Bahrain." Freudian slips like that have caused wars. Try scolded or used harsh words. Thrown their teddy bear out of the cot would be more appropriate.
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alpcns . 7 hours ago
That picture made my day. I think I will download it, print it, and frame it.
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shaongaon alpcns . 6 hours ago
I think that one's from Suleimani's funeral.
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George Parker shaongaon 6 hours ago
It's the thought that counts. I'm a sentimental old fart when it comes to the suffering of enemies.
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J. Rochotte George Parker 4 hours ago
Brilliant sarcasm, old fart.
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alpcns . shaongaon 3 hours ago
That's correct. Not to worry. He'll have plenty else to sob and slobber about soon.
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Maurice H shaongaon 5 hours ago
I am looking for Democrats at the funeral!
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George Parker alpcns . 7 hours ago
Me too.
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alfredo dizon alpcns . 5 hours ago
Too bad I didn't help press the button to remove another imbecile out of a bunch of cowards from this world.
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alpcns . alfredo dizon 3 hours ago
I have absolutely no problem with less imbeciles.
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NoahTheNephilim 2 hours ago
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
a single ideological error is sufficient
to end up in hell (this is your faith, and this is also true)
but how can you save those who kill God's Saints (Christians and Israelis) for sharia?
1. financial technocratic Masonic Jewish conspiracy, (Satanism)
2. Islam (Satanism),
3. communism (Satanism),
they are the domination of satan and the antichrist because they are anti-Zionists ..
but, you in my kingdom of ISRAEL
you can find a political salvation / solution
and a theological salvation to your soul
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
è sufficiente un solo errore ideologico
per finire all'inferno(questa è la tua fede, e questo è anche vero)
ma come si può salvare chi uccidere per sharia i Santi di Dio (i cristiani e gli israeliani)?
1. congiura ebraico massonica tecnocratica finanziaria, (satanismo)
2. Islam (satanismo),
3. comunismo (satanismo),
loro sono la dominazione di satana e dell'anticristo perché sono antisionisti..
ma, tu nel mio regno di ISRAELE
tu puoi trovare una salvezza /soluzione politica
ed una salvezza teologica alla tua anima
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Joe Cohen 6 hours ago
Iran needs to go the way of the ancient Persian Empire, and the Fakestinians need to go the way of Amalek!!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Joe Cohen 2 hours ago
perché hai ammazzato quella donna terrorizzata alle tue spalle?
che ti ha fatto?
come l'hai portata sull'altare di satana di Biden e della CIA?
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NoahTheNephilim 2 hours ago
Netflix 666 Satana CEO gets BUSTED with 13000 files of Child p0rn0graphy
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 NoahTheNephilim 14 minutes ago
fonte inattendibile!!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
a single ideological error is sufficient
to end up in hell (this is your faith, and this is also true)
but how can you save those who kill God's Saints (Christians and Israelis) for sharia?
1. financial technocratic Masonic Jewish conspiracy, (Satanism)
2. Islam (Satanism),
3. communism (Satanism),
they are the domination of satan and the antichrist because they are anti-Zionists ..
but, you in my kingdom of ISRAEL
you can find a political salvation / solution
and a theological salvation to your soul
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alfredo dizon 5 hours ago
Great job President Trump in helping to make this all possible. Another vote for a Nobel Peace for President Trump from Guam, USA. (I may not have any standing in the community, but I know a GREAT deed when I see one...)
It is quite an accomplishment of President Trump, and he didn't even have to send millions if not billions in cash on a plane to Iran to buy their favor, unlike the pushover Obama and all his Antifa and BLM supportors.