DISTRUGGERò IL GENERE UMANO PIUTTOSTO CHE DARLO AD ISLAMICI O FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI! come io ho fatto questa dichiarazione? [ ERDOGAN TAKFIR SALMAN ] voi non avete le palle atomiche, per venire in Siria e Iraq, ed io credo che, io vi dovrò attendere inutilmente, perché voi siete due codardi! SUBITO I SAUDITI HANNO DETTO: "NOI ABBIAMO LE ATOMICHE DA DUE ANNI! " .. ed io adesso darò le atomiche anche ai pirati pescatori somali! .. e farò "bombe H" ad alto potenziale per distruggere tutte le città sotterranee dei satanisti alieni mutanti ibridi Gmos Talmud agenda! DISTRUGGERò IL GENERE UMANO PIUTTOSTO CHE DARLO AD ISLAMICI O FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI!
NO COMMENT! Synnek1 SPA FED SPA FMI NWO CIA NATO SAID: [ We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. I AM: [ANONYMOUS]
TU PUOI LEGGERE QUESTO A: http://deiverbumdei.blogspot.com/2012/11/cute.html
la LEGA ARABA A GUIDA SALAFITA SAUDITA WAHHABITA, prima di essere messi sotto inchiesta: DA QUALCUNO DI NOME UNIUS REI, per il loro NAZISMO SHARIA, LORO HANNO DECISO di GIOCARE DI ANTICIPO, ED HANNO DECISO COSì DI SCATENARE LA TERZA GUERRA MONDIALE PREVENTIVA: PER ROVINARE TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO! Pavel Krasheninnikov, un parlamentare della Duma, ha mandato un messaggio forte e chiaro all'Arabia Saudita: "Qualunque operazione militare di terra in Siria senza il consenso di Damasco, sarà considerata una dichiarazione di guerra". Ma a fare veramente paura sono le parole del primo ministro russo, Dmitry Medvedev, al giornale tedesco Handelsblatt, commentando le esercitazioni programmate dall'Arabia Saudita: "tutte le parti devono obbligarsi a sedere al tavolo dei negoziati, invece discatenare un'altra guerra sulla Terra. Qualunque tipo di operazioni di terra — è una regola — porta ad una guerra permanente. Guardate cosa è successo in Afghanistan e in molte altre zone. E non sto nemmeno a parlarvi della povera Libia. Gli americani e i nostri partner arabi devono pensarci bene: vogliono davvero una guerra permanente? Pensano sul serio che potrebbero vincerla rapidamente? È impossibile, specialmente nel mondo arabo, dove tutti combattono contro tutti": http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2149294/putin-terza-guerra-mondiale-arabia-saudita-invasione-in-siria.html#ixzz40vei6FVp
questa dichiarazione di Al-Assiri afferma che, Assad ha pagato: la galassia sunnita, ed ISIS per ucciderlo! Mentre tutti sappiamo quello che Erdogan ha fatto e sta facendo per tutti loro! QUALCUNO MI DEVE SPIEGARE COME POTREBBE, mai PIù ESISTERE UNA QUESTIONE MORALE all'interno della NATO ADESSO: SU QUESTA MENZOGNERA E PLATEATE AFFERMAZIONE criminale? Quindi ora, adesso: TERMINA LA VERGOGNOSA ESPERIENZA DI QUESTI SATANISTI FARISEI MASSONI Bildenber Spa FED, FMI PER SEMPRE! Al-Assiri ha anche aggiunto che se l'Iran vuole unirsi alla coalizione per combattere l'Isis, deve prima "smettere di finanziare i terroristi in Iraq, nello Yemen e in Siria" (ma ci sono prove governative che a finanziare l'Isis siano stati proprio gli alleati USA come l'Arabia Saudita): http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2149294/putin-terza-guerra-mondiale-arabia-saudita-invasione-in-siria.html#ixzz40vd8TA7B
22.02.2016. Putin non ci sta alla aggressione Sunnita di Siria e IRAQ. ed è pronto ad usare missili a testata termo nucleare. quindi, La guerra in Siria potrebbe presto degenerare nella terza guerra mondiale. Le grandi potenze, questa volta, stanno seriamente scaldando i motori: l’Arabia Saudita e i suoi alleati stanno per invadere la Siria. Scatenando un conflitto di portata inimmaginabile: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2149294/putin-terza-guerra-mondiale-arabia-saudita-invasione-in-siria.html#ixzz40vcTl8ll
REALLY? ALLORA, TU OBAMA SARAI IL VERO RESPONSABILE PER OGNI VIOLAZIONE DELLA SOVRANITà SIRIANA ED IRACHENA! Usa e Russia hanno annunciato in una dichiarazione congiunta di aver raggiunto un accordo per proporre un cessate il fuoco in Siria a partire dalla mezzanotte di sabato 27 febbraio, ora di Damasco. La tregua esclude gli attacchi all'Isis, a Jabhat al-Nusra, l'affiliata locale di Al Qaida, e ad "altre organizzazioni terroristiche designate dal Consiglio di sicurezza dell'Onu". Inoltre, Usa e Russia prevedono di condividere informazioni sul rispetto del cessate il fuoco.
AL-SISSI TU SEI un vigliacco BASTARDO, un TRADITORE: tu sei degno del tuo falso profeta! Egitto sharia si è trasformato in un incubo nazista, una minaccia mortale per ISRAELE! ISLAMICI SONO DIVENTATI UNA MINACCIA PER IL GENERE UMANO! http://www.ladige.it/news/mondo/2016/02/14/egitto-poliziotto-assolto-luccisione-shaimaa
Video Shows Police Shot Shaimaa al-Sabbagh. ISLAMICI SHARIA MANIACI RELIGIOSI SONO FAZIOSI E NON POSSONO AMMINISTRARE LA GIUSTIZIA. Egitto, poliziotto assolto. per l'uccisione di Shaimaa Dom, 14/02/2016 - Mentre si cercala verità sulla barbara uccisione del ricercatore universitario italiano Giulio Regeni, torturato e ucciso in Egitto, arriva la notizia dell'annullamento della condanna a 15 anni di reclusione inflitta a un agente di polizia riconosciuto colpevole della morte di Shaimaa El-Sabbagh, l'attivista di sinistra del partito socialista uccisa l'anno scorso durante un pacifico corte al Cairo e divenuta un'icona della repressione delle manifestazioni in Egitto. La sentenza è stata annullata dalla Corte di Cassazione che ha ordinato un nuovo processo presso un altro tribunale. L'agente, Yassin Mohamed Hatem Salah Eddine, condannato nel giugno scorso, ha presentato ricorso vincendolo nel secondo grado di giudizio dell'ordinamento egiziano (la Cassazione).
Sabbagh, 32 anni, madre di un bimbo, dirigente locale del Partito dell'alleanza popolare socialista, secondo l'autorità di medicina legale era morta per proiettili di gomma sparati da otto metri di distanza che l'avevano raggiunta alla schiena procurandole un'emorragia interna, lesioni cardiache e polmonari. I colpi erano stati esplosi per disperdere un piccolo corteo formatosi nel centro del Cairo alla vigilia del 25 gennaio, l'anniversario della caduta del regime di Hosni Mubarak. L'immagine della ragazza sanguinante fra le braccia di un compagno che la sorregge stringendola alla vita era divenuta virale sui media l'anno scorso.
Il presidente egiziano Abdel Fattah al Sisi aveva mostrato di aver preso a cuore il caso di Sabbagh: "E' una figlia dell'Egitto e tutti i figli dell'Egitto sono miei figli", disse Sisi formulando le proprie "condoglianze alla sua famiglia e a tutti gli egiziani che soffrono per la sua morte". La sua morte aveva messo in evidenza che la draconiana legge egiziana che limita il diritto a manifestare non colpisce solo i Fratelli musulmani dichiarati terroristi ma di fatto anche altre formazioni legittime. http://www.ladige.it/sites/www.ladige.it/files/styles/798x457/public/Shaimaa-al-Sabbagh2.jpg?itok=z1SzYbtO
DUBITO CHE CI SIA UN SOLO COGLIONE, IN TUTTO IL MONDO CHE POSSA RITENERE: LEALE SINCERA E CREDIBILE UNA QUALCHE PROPOSTA CHE PROVENDA DAI SACERDOTI DI SATANA DELLA CIA! è PREFERIBILE LA CATTIVERIA ALLA IPOCRISIA! Accordo tra USA e Russia sul cessate il fuoco in Siria. 22.02.2016 (Dalla bozza dell'accordo, in base al quale in Siria la tregua entrerà in vigore il 27 febbraio, sono state escluse le azioni militari contro i terroristi del Daesh e di Al-Nusra. La Russia e gli Stati Uniti hanno firmato un accordo in base al quale il cessate il fuoco in Siria entrerà in vigore il 27 febbraio, segnala l'agenzia "Reuters" riferendosi a fonti diplomatiche occidentali. Gli interlocutori dell'agenzia hanno confermato che nell'intesa raggiunta sono state escluse le azioni militari contro i terroristi del Daesh e di Al-Nusra: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2150574/Nusra-Daesh-Terrorismo-Opposizione-Assad.html#ixzz40vNRm8R9
NELL'OPERA DI DEMOLIZIONE DELLA SIRIA, E DI GENOCIDIO DEL POPOLO SIRIANO I TERRORISTI GALASSIA JIHADISTA HANNO FALLITO, ED ECCO PERCHé, SI RENDE INDISPENSABILE, UN ATTACCO DI TERRA DA DUE FRONTI, I VIGLIACCHI, INONDERANNO CON DIVISIONI CORAZZATE, CONTEMPORANEAMENTE, SIA DALLA TURCHIA CHE DALLA ARABIA SAUDITA! SE ESISTE ANCORA, UN MONDO CIVILIZZATO, FATTO DI SATANISTI CANNIBALI FARISEI MASSONI D'ALEMA BILDENBERG, DELLA CIA E DELLA NATO? LORO DOVREBBERO IMPEDIRE TUTTO QUESTO! “La Turchia di fatto è in stato di guerra”, 22.02.2016 Con le sue azioni Ankara rafforza la sua immagine di "piantagrane" tra la comunità internazionale e dimostra la sua incapacità di instaurare una collaborazione costruttiva e di essere una pedina importante sulla scena mondiale, scrive l'editorialista del giornale turco “Hurriyet” Nuray Mert. La Turchia si trova di fatto in uno stato di guerra, anche se ancora ufficialmente dichiarata. I falchi militari che sostengono il governo hanno già ha cominciato a celebrare la "nuova guerra di indipendenza" nel nome della "vendetta per l'esautorazione dei turchi dalla leadership del mondo musulmano", scrive l'editorialista di "Hurriyet" Nuray Mert. La guerra per procura della Turchia è cominciata con il conflitto in Siria, ma solo recentemente ha preso essenzialmente la forma di un confronto militare a tutti gli effetti. Fin dall'inizio del conflitto i membri della cosiddetta opposizione siriana erano autorizzati a passare attraverso il territorio della Turchia. Da poco alcuni cittadini siriani hanno iniziato a ritornare in Siria per combattere tra le fila dell'opposizione. Inoltre le autorità turche hanno dichiarato ufficialmente di bombardare nel territorio siriano le unità curde che sono alleate dell'Occidente nella lotta contro i terroristi del Daesh. Come cittadini non sappiamo se ci troviamo o meno in stato di guerra: il nostro governo fa parte della coalizione contro il Daesh insieme ai suoi alleati occidentali? Ma allora gli amici curdi dei nostri alleati sono nostri nemici? Per dirla breve, siamo in un limbo," — scrive l'editorialista. Il conflitto con i curdi ha rafforzato negli occhi degli alleati della Turchia l'immagine di "piantagrane" che sta facendo di tutto per complicare la situazione e impedire la lotta contro il Daesh, si afferma nell'articolo. Tutte le azioni delle autorità turche dimostrano l'incapacità di essere un alleato affidabile e minare l'immagine di Ankara come attore serio sulla scena internazionale. Sembra che conduca "troppe guerre contro troppi nemici," riassume Nuray Mert: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2151338/Curdi-Daesh-Islam-Erdogan-Siria-Terrorismo.html#ixzz40vLIA2lL
LA MERKEL PRAVY SECTOR HITLER BILDENBERG REGIME MASSONICO SPA ROTHSCHILD BCE FED CIA: HANNO ORDINATO ALLA UCRAINA DI INIZIARE LE OPERAZIONI MILITARI CONTRO LE POPOLAZIONI INNOCENTI DEL DONBASS: LA TREGUA è SALTATA! Donbass, attacco forze di sicurezza ucraine a posto di blocco: 3 filorussi DNR uccisi, 22.02.2016, Le forze di ricognizione della DNR continuano a registrare scontri a fuoco tra i battaglioni paramilitari e le forze di sicurezza di Kiev, ha riferito il vice comandante delle milizie DNR Eduard Basurin. Le forze di sicurezza ucraine hanno cercato di penetrare nel territorio dell'autoproclamata Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk: sono rimasti uccisi 3 filorussi, ha riferito ai giornalisti oggi il vice comandante delle milizie DNR Eduard Basurin. "Le unità di sabotatori e di intelligence delle forze armate ucraine continuano a condurre attività terroristiche sul territorio della nostra Repubblica. In condizione di superiorità numerica hanno attaccato un punto d'osservazione dell'esercito DNR. Sono morti 3 dei nostri soldati", — ha detto Eduard Basurin. Ha aggiunto che le forze di ricognizione DNR continuano a registrare scontri a fuoco. "In una sparatoria nei pressi dell'ospedale del centro Granitnoye c'è stata una sparatoria tra l'esercito e i battaglioni paramilitari: 5 vittime e 7 soldati feriti sono stati portati all'ospedale di Mariupol", : http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2151173/Donetsk-Basurin-Ucraina.html#ixzz40vK0S62v
c'è un PATTO SEGRETO DELLA CIA, PER SOSTENERE economicamente la UCRAINA, SOTTO costrizione e RICATTO di portare una continua aggressione al DONBASS! e la UCRAINA è ECONOMICAMENTE COSTRETTA A CEDERE AL RICATTO DELLA CIA! ] [ Svenska Dagbladet: Occidente stufo del caos in Ucraina, 22.02.2016, Se l'Ucraina non inizierà a combattere seriamente contro la corruzione, rischia di rimanere senza i soldi e gli aiuti dell'Occidente, la cui fiducia potrebbe presto svanire completamente, scrive il giornale svedese.
I leader occidentali sostenitori dell'Ucraina sono oramai esausti del caos che regna a Kiev, scrive "Svenska Dagbladet". Il Paese non reclama nuove iniezioni di liquidità, mentre il Fondo Monetario Internazionale, infelice di come si sta evolvendo la situazione, ha minacciato di bloccare la prossima tranche di prestiti a Kiev. Allo stesso tempo l'economia ucraina è sull'orlo del baratro. "Senza una decisa lotta contro la corruzione che esiste a vari livelli della società, la credibilità dell'Unione Europea potrebbe presto svanire completamente", — si legge nell'articolo. La scorsa settimana il presidente ucraino Petr Poroshenko aveva chiesto un "azzeramento completo" del governo. Il giornale svedese ha osservato che questo è il secondo caso della storia post-sovietica ucraina in cui il presidente cerca di sbarazzarsi del governo che è salito al potere dopo le proteste. Nel 2005 l'Ucraina si era trovata nella stessa situazione, in balia dello scontro tra il presidente Viktor Yushchenko e il primo ministro Yulia Tymoshenko, che aveva portato ad un aumento della corruzione nel Paese: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160222/2150905/UE-Corruzione-Crisi-FMI.html#ixzz40vIyPi1z
cordone sanitario della NATO contro, il confine Turco, per arginare la invasione islamica dei profughi! Berlino alza la voce: difesa delle frontiere con la Turchia obiettivo primario della UE: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160222/2150750/Germania-Profughi-Immigrazione-Schengen.html#ixzz40vILoPyH
i satanisti Farisei Massoni Darwin GENDER, e i loro complici takfiri Erdogan e Salman: dopo avere dissanguato Siria e Iraq, attraverso, il terrorismo islamico: si metteranno IL PRESERVATIVO ELMETTO IN TESTA, E prenderanno queste due nazioni DILANIATE da loro, stritolandole, su due fronti, con una guerra lampo! IRAN DEVE SCENDERE IN IRAQ IMMEDIATAMENTE CON LE SUE DIVISIONI CORAZZATE! Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan sta preparando l'invasione della Siria e le sue dichiarazioni sul diritto di combattere il terrorismo all'estero non sono altro che un tentativo di giustificare l'opzione militare, ha affermato il vice presidente della commissione Difesa e Sicurezza del Consiglio della Federazione (camera alta del Parlamento russo) Franz Klintsevich. Erdogan ha dichiarato di avere il diritto di colpire i terroristi del Daesh e le forze curde dell'Unione Democratica in Turchia e all'estero, ha segnalato l'agenzia "Anadolu". Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama ha già esortato la Turchia a fermare gli attacchi contro le milizie curde nel nord della Siria. "Le affermazioni di Erdogan sul diritto del suo Paese di combattere il terrorismo all'estero non sono solo parole, ma fanno parte di una massiccia campagna mediatica aggressiva contro la Siria, sono un tentativo di presentare la possibile invasione turca di questo Paese come un atto di ritorsione. Dalla storia sappiamo che l'aggressione è quasi sempre preceduta dalla cosiddetta giustificazione ideologica", — ha detto ai giornalisti: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160222/2150406/Turchia-Curdi-Daesh.html#ixzz40v3gLlmj
IN QUESTI 5 ANNI DI AGGRESSIONE DELLA SIRIA, QUANDO I LORO JIHADISTI MACELLAVANO TUTTO E TUTTI .. OK ANDAVA BENE! MA, COME ASSAD GRAZIE AI RUSSI HA RIPRESO IL CONTROLLO DELLA SUA NAZIONE, ECCO CHE ADESSO PER SOsTENERE I LORO TERRORISTI DEVONO FARE L'ATTACCO DI TERRA! QUESTA SITUAZIONE è COSì CRIMINALE, VILE E INAMISSIBILE, CHE NON MERITA ULTERIORI COMMENTI! “Erdogan sta cercando giustificazioni per l'invasione della Siria”. 22.02.2016 La Turchia sta conducendo un attacco mediatico su larga scala contro la Siria, cercando di immaginare una possibile invasione come azione di ritorsione, ritiene il senatore russo Franz Klintsevich: http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160222/2150406/Turchia-Curdi-Daesh.html#ixzz40upABCwc
Arabia Saudita pronta a inviare le forze speciali in Siria.
I giochi pericolosi di Erdogan in Siria
Siria, Erdogan: Non fermeremo gli attacchi contro le postazioni curde
L'operazione di Putin in Siria è il peggior incubo di Erdogan
The Independent: Erdogan è imprevedibile e può invadere la Siria
Conflitto Iran-Arabia Saudita, Erdogan giustifica le condanne a morte di Riyadh
http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160222/2150406/Turchia-Curdi-Daesh.html#ixzz40up3weZ4 22 Febbraio 2016
Assad accusa, coalizione di 80 Paesi a sostegno dei terroristi in Siria: http://it.sputniknews.com/#ixzz40uoqtTCs
Assad: rischio invasione Siria di Turchia e Arabia Saudita, ma resisteremo
L’Arabia Saudita non riesaminerà la decisione sull’operazione terrestre in Siria: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2149294/putin-terza-guerra-mondiale-arabia-saudita-invasione-in-siria.html#ixzz40uoc456w
PUTIN DICHIARA,GIUSTAMENTE, che fermerà, con ogni mezzo, anche con tecnologie militari atomico nucleari tattiche, la invasione di terra della SIRiA, da parte della LEGA ARABA! ma, la necesità della guerra, che diventerà mondiale, è per mettere a tacere: sotto terra i correntisti, perché il FMI SPA FED BCE, sta collassando: ] [ In realtà, sebbene possa apparire cinico e amaro, quello che sta accadendo potrebbe essere un diversivo per distrarre l'opinione pubblica dalla crisi economica. Le banche europee stanno fallendo a causa dei debiti. Deutsche Bank ha perso il 5o% del suo valore, di cui almeno il 40% dall'inizio dell'anno. Se Deutsche Bank fallisce, i 50 mila miliardi di titoli derivati che si porta dietro, venti volte il Pil della Germania, travolgeranno a catena le altre banche. Negli Usa, le banche "too big to fail" sono a rischio, perchè dopo i salvataggi governativi del 2008 hanno continuato a fare quello che facevano. E ora sono ancora più indebitate. Quindi una guerra nucleare leggermente depotenziata potrebbe certamente rappresentare una strategia diversiva per contenere la reazione dei risparmiatori al dissolversi dei loro conti correnti: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160222/2149294/putin-terza-guerra-mondiale-arabia-saudita-invasione-in-siria.html#ixzz40unMvocP
+Moshe Cohen ] [ KINGDOM UNIVERSAL REI in ISRAEL1 mese fa google ha chiuso questo bellissimo canale perché in opposizione a youtube non consente più canali youtube nello stesso account, eppure blogger concente più blog nello stesso account! Questo account è stato chiuso a causa di continue violazioni delle norme di Google. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC72EiuEagyzKc5VZdmFsKag
+Moshe Cohen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WtSqU4DPnCpyDxVRXWFJw +Moshe Cohen ] ho scritto circa 50 articoli ogni giorno, anche di domenica, in questi ultimi 7anni, ed, io ho sempre detto la verità, perché, questa è una mia esperienza di fede: nel Regno di Dio che coincide con il regno di Israele, tutto attraverso, una visione, unicamente politica, laica razionale della: 1. legge naturale e della 2. legge universale, e politica! lorenzoJHWH è il messia ebreo; lorenzoALLAH è il Mahdì; humanumGENUS è una entità metafisica di strutture razionale agnostica; Unius REI è il governatore universale di tutti i popoli del pianeta! non esiste conflitto o contraddizione tra queste figure politiche, e tra nessuno dei miei articoli, per questo io sono un politico del Regno di Dio, quindi anche la mia parola è legge!
I wrote about 50 articles each day, even on Sundays, in the last 7 years, and I've always told the truth, because this is my experience of faith: the Kingdom of God, which coincides with the kingdom of Israel, all through , a vision, only political, rational secular of: 1. natural law, and 2. universal law, and politics universal! lorenzojhwh is the jew messiah; lorenzoALLAH is the Mahdi; humanumgenus is a metaphysical entity of rational structures agnostic; Unius REI is the universal Governor of all peoples of the planet! there is no conflict or contradiction between these political figures, and among any of my articles, so I'm a politician of the Kingdom of God, so also my word is law!
+Moshe Cohen ] [ Zahava Gal On, la presidente del Meretz (sinistra sionista). LUI NON CREDE A QUELLO CHE DICE, PERCHé, IN QUESTO MOMENTO, LUI STA FACENDO UNA CAMPAGNA ELETTORARE ED ATTrAVERSO, IL TERRORISMO PSICOLOGICO LUI VUOLE CATTURARE GLI ELETTORI! [Eretz Israel o Medinat Israel] Certo, Netanyahu sa che a sinistra non ha rivali all’altezza e che il centro è diviso non tanto sui programmi quanto sulla leadership. Ma questi calcoli appartengono alla dimensione tattica della politica. In questo caso lo scontro investe come mai in passato la sfera dell’ideologia, del senso di sé, della “missione” di un popolo. “A questa destra fanatica e irresponsabile [( NO, SOLTANTO L'ISLAM SHARIA, è DOGMATICO RELIGIOSO, SENZA DIRITTI UMANI, UN GENOCIDIO NAZISTA LEGALIZZATO DA ONU, CONTRO, TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO)] non basta aver creato un regime di apartheid nei Territori occupati (IN NESSUNA PARTE DEL MONDO, GLI ISLAMICI SALAFITI WAHHABITI POSSONO VIVERE PACIFICAMENTE CON QUALCUNO), ora ha deciso di spingersi, se era possibile, oltre, con una proposta di legge [( IL REGNO DI ISRAELE SONO IO: lorenzoJHWH, a Netanyahu non sarebbe venuto in testa questa proposta di legge, se lui non leggeva i miei articoli )] che rappresenta un vero e proprio crimine contro la democrazia israeliana [(NO IO SONO LO STATO LAICO SU FONDAMENTO TEOCRATICO, PERCHé NESSUNA AUTORITà POLITICA PUò ESSERE LEGITTIMA SE NON è TEOCRATICA: infatti, NEL RELATIVISMO di SpA FMI, gli USURAI FARISEI CRAPULANO! )]. Siamo al fanatismo che si fa Stato”, dice Zahava Gal On, la presidente del Meretz (sinistra sionista).
Livni è un IGNORANTE, CHE, LEI NON SA QUELLO CHE DICE! SIONISTA, VIENE DA SION CHE è GERUSALEMME, E GERUSALEMME è IL TRONO DEL RE DAVIDE, ED è IL TRONO DEL SUO DIO JHWH! QUINDI, SENZA TEOCRAZIA NON PUò ESISTERE IL SIONISMO! Nelle elezioni di primavera, afferma Livni, “dovremo scegliere se Israele vuole essere uno Stato sionista, o uno Stato estremista” LE SUE CALUNNIE NON TROVANO UN RISCONTRO POLITICO, IN QUELLO CHE, è STATA LA AMMINISTRAZIONE ATTUALE DI ISRAELE SOTTO IL GOVERNO Netanyahu, PERCHé, SE LE SUE CALUNNIE FOSSERO VERE? LEI NON SI POTREBBE NEANCHE LAMENTARE, E NEANCHE POTREBBERO ESISTERE I DIRITTI CIVILI, E NEANCHE POTREBBE ESISTERE UNA OPPOSIZIONE!! Le elezioni anticipate, insiste la leader del partito centrista Hatnua, serviranno a rimpiazzare un governo fatto di “estremismo, volontà di provocazione e paranoia”. Un governo, aggiunge Livni, che non sa combattere il terrorismo sostenendo al tempo stesso “sionismo e libertà”. Netanyahu mette “parti di Israele l’una contro l’altra”. NO, LORO SONO I PERDENTI, DI UNO SCONTRO POLITICO, E SI DEDICANO ALLA CALUNNIA: perché non hanno un progetto culturale alternativo, infatti, LORO SONO IL RELATIVISMO E NON POSSONO AVERE UN IMPIaNTO culturale AL DI FUORI delle menzogne DARWIN GENDER CHE PORTAno tutte a SODOMA!
dalla fondazione della criminale SpA Rothschild della BANCA di INGHILTERRA (ct: 1600 dC ) alto tradimento, il disastro che il sistema massonico Talmud Kabbalah hanno fatto contro la semantica, e contro il concetto di virtù, è qualcosa di compatibile con la "BIBBIA di SATANA!" ] [ Riflette in proposito lo scrittore Meir Shalev: questa legge e l’affermarsi dell’oltranzismo dei coloni sono “l’espressione più aggressiva e militante di un filone ideologico che può essere fatto risalire, per l’appunto, al revisionismo sionista di Jabotinsky: un mix di messianesimo e di ultranazionalismo, dove il centro è Eretz Israel (la sacra Terra d’Israele) ] come scrittore Meir Shalev LUI PUò PARAGONARE LE CONQUISTE OCCIDENTALI, DI CUI GLI EBREI SONO STATI ARTEFICI DI CIVILTà EBRAICO-CRISTIANA, associato tutto così, in modo assurdo, alla ESPERIENZA DELLA LEGA ARABA? [ e ciò che conta, sopra ogni altra cosa, è la legge della Torah e non quella dello Stato ] NO! LA TORAH è PER LA COSCIENZA RELIGIOSA della morale INDIVIDUALE, MENTRE, L'ETICA è PER LO STATO LAICO, ANCHE IN UNA TEoCRAZIA POLITICA: che, non porta in se la vulnerabilità del relativismo. ] [[ ovviamente: QUESTE CALUNNIE NON POSSONO ESSERE DIMOSTRATE! anche perché, noi non stiamo facendo una società teocratica, sulla rappresentazione, schizofrenica, di certi rabbini, che non spingono l'interruttore della luce, in giorno di sabato! ]] [ Ora, la destra ha operato la quadratura del cerchio: la Torah che si fa Stato. Ciò che dovrebbe destare allarme è l’arroganza culturale di questa destra, la sua idea che deve esistere comunque e sempre un ‘nemico’, o comunque un altro da sé, contro cui esercitare la forza, militare o politica” ]] mi DISPIACE CHE, IDEOLOGIE COMUNISTICHE, RELATIVISTE, EdONISTICHE, PORNOCRATICHE, ANARCHICHE, NON AVENDO UN PROGETTO CULTURALE ALTERNATIVO (perché è nella loro genetica maligna, il non poter avere un progetto culturale), LORO POSSANO SOLTANTO VOMITARE CALUNNIE, IN MALA FEDE, non supportate da fatti concreti, quindi, loro agitano soltanto fantasmi, di un futuro di civiltà, e diritti umani, che, loro non possono nemmeno immaginare, dato che, oggi i ricchi hanno tutto, e i poveri di fatto non hanno niente: perché, i poveri non hanno le potenzialità per far rispettare i propri diritti, che, si, sono soltanto sulla carta per loro: perché, oggi lo Stato è uno stato SpA massonico ed usurocratico: l'aguzzino dei cittadini!
perché la Turchia ISLAMICO NAZISTA SHARIA: DEI TERRORISTI ERDOGAN, sta facendo gravi violazioni territoriali e deliberati atti di bullismo contro la GRECIA? se, non c'è dignità per le Nazioni della UE? questa unione europea di massoni anticristi, sodomiti farisei usurai regime Bildenberg? NON DEVE SOPRAVVIVERE UN ALTRO GIORNO SOLTANTO, ALLA SUA BESTIALITà!
è il genocidio dei greci, che è offerto dalla UE MaSSONICA AD ERDOGAN! ] 1/2 [ Unione Europea: con la Turchia e i Saud. Fino all’ultimo greco. 23.02.2016( “Se le frontiere interne si chiudono, se Schengen non è più applicata, questi rifugiati resteranno in Grecia, un paese che ha considerevoli difficoltà economiche … cosa si fa?”. Sembra incredibile, ma è stato Hollande a porre il problema in quel gabbione di cani ringhianti chiamato pomposamente "summit europeo sui migranti" o "Consiglio europeo di capi di stato e di governo". E' arrivato persino a pregare: "Ragioniamo da europei, non rigettiamo su un paese, la Grecia, la responsabilità che è la nostra". Merkel: Europa e Turchia devono rispondere insieme della crisi dei migranti, Responsabilità che è la nostra: par di sognare. Mai Angela Merkel ha pronunciato un'ammissione del genere; ha avuto solo minacce per Grecia, Ungheria, Polonia. Il che fa' intuire quanto poco basterebbe, nella UE, per apparire degli statisti: in confronto a tali nani morali…fra cui non poteva mancare Renzi, che ha posto all'Ungheria l'aut aut: "O accettate i migranti o noi vi bloccheremo i fondi", tanto per imitare in bassezza i tedeschi. E per cosa? Per stare al servizio della Merkel, che pensa solo a sé, preoccupata solo delle elezioni locali che la aspettano fra qualche settimana; del resto se perde, per lei è già pronto il posto di segretario dell'Onu — premio di consolazione perché ha ben servito, e che è riservato rigorosamente a nullità di paesi insignificanti. Servire la Merkel per ottenere un po' di flessibilità non è un buon investimento. Lei ora ha aggravato — a nome nostro e a nostre spese — il suo accordo già disperato sul contenimento degli emigranti con Erdogan: un Erdogan che si prepara davvero alla guerra con la Siria (con l'appoggio di Obama: "La Turchia ha diritto all'autodifesa", gli ha detto al telefono), con le armi, i soldi e i missili terra-aria che la Casa saudita ha promesso di dare ai jihadisti: evidentemente per abbattere gli aerei dell'aviazione di Mosca. Il Presidente della Comissione Europea Jean-Claude Juncker
In questo modo, Merkel ha intrecciato in modo sempre più inestricabile i destini d'Europa agli interessi della Turchia e dei Wahabiti, potenze in pieno delirio.
L'Arabia ha la bomba. Attenzione a Casa Saud, se entra in questa guerra: da anni, paranoica per la sua stessa esistenza, la dinastia sta facendo capire che — se dall'Iran sale il fungo di un test nucleare — anche lei può procurarsene quante ne vuole in un attimo. Purtroppo, non è una vanteria. Ryad ha pesantemente finanziato il programma nucleare del Pakistan, che è molto ben fornito contro per equilibrare la potenza nucleare dell'India. E' chiaro che c'è un patto sottinteso, per cui i Saud considerano proprie alcune di queste testate. Dal 2014, terrorizzata dalla riconciliazione in vista tra Teheran e Washington, Casa Saud sembra faccia crescenti pressioni sul Pakistan in questo senso. Fino ad oggi, paradossalmente, la resistenza è venuta dagli alti gradi militari pakistani, esitanti, vista la composizione del loro esercito, a inimicarsi la minoranza sciita; oltre naturalmente la pressione di Washington per la non-proliferazione. Adesso con Obama la superpotenza, in piena deliquescenza della sua leadership, si è schierata (ma tentando di farlo di nascosto) con Erdogan, con l'Isis, dunque con i paranoici Saud.
è il genocidio dei greci, che è offerto dalla UE MaSSONICA AD ERDOGAN! ] 2/2 [ Unione Europea: con la Turchia e i Saud. Fino all’ultimo greco. 23.02.2016( C'è qui una zona d'ombra, dice il sito Strategika, "che resiste ad una analisi razionale. Ma l'influenza dei Saud sul Pakistan è tale, che vari analisti ritengono che l'arma nucleare può essere a disposizione di Ryad in ogni momento". E' per questo che — come ha reso noto il grande giornalista Robert Parry citando una fonte "vicina al presidente Putin" — che i russi hanno avvertito il presidente Erdogan: "Mosca è pronta ad usare armi nucleari tattiche se necessario per salvare le proprie truppe dall'aggressione Turco-Saudita".E' un leale avvertimento ed una dottrina militare legittima in questa nuova situazione, di possibile incontrollata disseminazione delle Bombe in mano a paranoici. Come ha notato William Perry, che è stato ministro del Pentagono (1994-97), il rischio di guerra nucleare oggi è più alto di quanto fosse nell'era sovietica, quando i blocchi atomici erano due soli, e comunicavano tra loro col leggendario telefono rosso per scongiurare incidenti ed errori in extremis.
Secondo Assange abbattuto jet russo Su-24 per le elezioni in Turchia, Oggi, secondo l'ex generale lanciatore di missili nucleari Bruce Blair, l'abbattimento dell'aereo russo da parte dei turchi "ha aperto ad una successione di azzardi e inavvertenze che fanno aumentare la sfiducia tra la Russia e la NATO a guida americana…La storia dimostra che queste reciproche risposte alle crisi, una volta innescate, assumono vita propria. Gli affronti militari si moltiplicano, diventano più decentrati, spontanei ed intensi. Le salvaguardie sono allentate, gli ambienti operativi insoliti causano incidenti ed azioni non autorizzate. Errori di calcolo o di interpretazione, perdita di controllo causano una "nebbia di crisi" da cui facilmente emerge la "nebbia della guerra" (fog of war: la poca leggibilità del campo di operazioni). Tra gli scontri militari di basso livello e la dimensione nucleare c ‘è un piano inclinato scivoloso. E molto ripido". Forse che la UE contribuisce ad allentare questa pericolosa tensione? Al contrario: in obbedienza a Washington — che deve mostrare ai piccoli baltici e ai polacchi la sua prontezza a difenderli dall'aggressione di Mosca prossima ventura — lo svedese Stoltenberg moltiplica le minacce, fa' (anche per conto nostro) la faccia feroce, approva senza condizioni l'ammassamento di forze ed armamento NATO ai confini della Russia. In pochi mesi, "le forze NATO e americane a ridosso della Russia sono quadruplicate", ha avvertito Stephen Cohen, già docente di studi russi alla New York University e a Princeton:
"L'ultima volta che la Russia s'è vista sulle sue frontiere un simile accumulo di uomini e mezzi, è stato quando l'hanno invasa i nazisti". Come noto (o dovrebbe essere noto) gli americani — con la scusa di difenderci da un bombardamento atomico iraniano — hanno installato sistemi missilistici a ridosso di quei confini, che hanno l'effetto di accorciare il preavviso di un eventuale attacco atomico della NATO. Un tempo molto più breve di quello concordato con l'URSS durante la guerra fredda, quando i missili balistici intercontinentali davano una mezz'ora di tempo a Mosca. Mosca quindi è stata obbligata "ad accorciare il tempo di lancio rispetto ai tempi della guerra fredda", ha spiegato il già citato Blair: "Oggi, i comandi supremi a Mosca possono scavalcare l'intera catena di comando umana e sparare direttamente, missili in silos e su autocarri situati in Siberia, in soli 20 secondi". In soli venti secondi.Siria, contrattacco forze di Assad: ripreso controllo della strada per Aleppo
E' per questo che nei giorni scorsi Mosca ha fatto pressione su Assad — che ha enunciato la volontà di liberare l'intera Siria — ad aderire alla tregua d'armi che Staffan De Mistura sta cercando di realizzare, per poi arrivare ai negoziati di transizione. L'ambasciatore a Damasco Vitaly Churkin è giunto a distanziarsi pubblicamente dalla dichiarazioni di Assad ("Le ho viste in tv; non corrispondono agli sforzi diplomatici che affronta la Russia"), mentre il viceministro degli esteri Bogdanov con infinita pazienza ha cercato di rabbonire i sauditi e Putin stesso, dopo una lunga telefonata a Salman (il demente senile?) ha annunciato che "entrambi i nostri paesi sono interessati ad una soluzione della crisi siriana".
Tutti sforzi che dimostrano il realismo, la moderazione e la volontà moscovita di evitare quel piano inclinato ripido e scivoloso che va' dalle provocazioni irresponsabili verso il conflitto generale ed atomico di cui parla Blair. Ovviamente Washington moltiplica le provocazioni irresponsabili (cercando di farlo per mezzo di Erdogan e dei Sauditi); l'Europa dovrebbe essere la potenza stabilizzante e moderante. Invece è in pieno scollamento, sprofondata in una miopia a stupidità, furbizie, ottusi egoismi, un tutti contro tutti pieno di minacce reciproche. La sua incapacità mentale prima che politica è esemplificata dalla situazione in cui lascia la Grecia. Atene è da giorni incendiata da scontri di piazza, le categorie non possono più sopportare gli ulteriori aggravi di tasse e di tagli che impone la Troika per "pagare i debiti" (alla Germania); l'economia è crollata (il Pil ellenico: —1,9 per cento), la gente davvero muore di fame…e Berlino (Bruxelles non trova di meglio che minacciare questo povero paese di chiuderlo fuori da Schengen ossia a tenersi dentro, ospitare e sfamare il milione di profughi che Erdogan gli sta mandando, e che la Germania non vuole più. E' appena da rilevare il livello intellettuale della scelta di Merkel: ad Erdogan 3 miliardi l'anno per dieci anni, ad Atene forse qualche aiutino per i profughi ma forse no, meglio la sua espulsione da Schengen e dall'euro. Persino Le Monde si accorge che la Grecia viene spinta "in tre catastrofi ad un tempo". Oltre la catastrofe finanziaria ed economica indotta dall'austerità dettata da Bruxelles, si profila la catastrofe umanitaria, essa stessa doppia: il paese saccheggiato dai creditori non può insieme alloggiare e nutrire le centinaia di migliaia di profughi che la UE vuole intrappolare dentro i suoi confini, e i cittadini: già Atene non è in grado di attuare la "forma delle pensioni" (leggi: tagli disumani) che gli impongono i creditori internazionali, e per cui le piazze si sono sollevate. Presto i greci meno favoriti rischiano di morire di fame, nella splendida Europa. E la terza crisi che si profila? quella politica: il governo Tsipras non ha che una maggioranza risicatissima, può cadere da un momento all'altro; che poi i greci siano in gado di darsi un altro governo, è meno che probabile. Un vuoto di potere che si trasformerà in marasma da stato fallito.
Ovviamente il nostro nuovo grande alleato, Edogan, ci sta mettendo del suo. La settimana scorsa Tsipras, sull'aereo di Stato, stava recandosi a Teheran (la visita d'affari che tutti i governanti fanno di questi tempi): Ankara gli ha vietato non solo il sorvolo nello spazio aereo turco, ma anche l'atterraggio a Rodi, necessaria per il rifornimento dell'aereo di Tsipras, che è un modesto Embraer fabbricato in Brasile. Ma Rodi non è un'isola greca? Sì, ma Ankara ha sancito che essendo Rodi una zona de-militarizzata, non permetteva che un aereo pilotato da militari greci vi scendesse. L'aereo di Tsipras ha dovuto raggiunger Teheran attraverso l'Egitto e l'Arabia Saudita. Una provocazione insensata, "una misura senza precedenti — secondo il governo greco — con cui la Turchia vuol mostrare le sua egemonia nell'Egeo": http://it.sputniknews.com/politica/20160223/2151989/ue-turchia-assad-merkal-erdogan-siria-migranti.html#ixzz40zrSeEat
Tregua in Siria il Pentagono rema contro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBbBz4A6qfo Erdogan chiede che le milizie curde vengano equiparate a Daesh ISIS Al-Nusra, mentre, l'opposizione sunnita non ha ancora deciso se partecipare al cessate il fuoco, perché, Riad non gli ha detto ancora di poterlo fare, https://youtu.be/BBbBz4A6qfo PTV news 24 febbraio 2016 - Tregua in Siria il pentagono rema contro MA MENTRE IL DIPARTIMENTO DI STATO CON KERRY ED OBAMA, INVITA I GRUPPI DI OPPOSIZIONE A PARTECIPARE AL CESSATE IL FUOCO, MA IL MINISTRO DELLA DIFESA CARTER, IL MINISTRO DI CAPO MAGGIORE E DEL DIRETTORE DELLA CIA SONO LORO CHE SI OPPONGONO AD UN CESSATE IL FUOCO.
https://plus.google.com/u/0/100700898375986556702 everyone is a zombie 21:44 PARLA INGLESE https://translate.google.it egoista ritardato stronzo conformista fascista ] ANSWER [ allah akbar] [Jezebel sharia, QUEEN ELIZABETH UK, WHY, Your PHARISEES SPA, FED, SPA CENTRAL BANKS: satanic Talmud KABBALAH, ROTHSCHILD, SPA BANK OF ENGLAND, THEY HAVE LEFT TO SURVIVE, OWN, YOUR demonic MONARCHIA masonic: l 'antichrist? Elizabeth II is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. BUT, THEY SHOULD BE ALMIGHTY GOD, TO PREVENT YOUR CURSE: CONSTITUTIONAL HIGH TREASON: bankING seigniorage, that your all FAILS, never DESPERATELY END ONE DAY!
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI6 ore fa
Marduk Belzebull Satana, JaBullOn è NUOVO Dio occidente Satana
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI7 ore fa (modificato)
ALLELUIA ] [ Belzebull Carlo principe PIPISTRELLO di Galles SHARIA
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI8 ore fa
C'è QUALCOSA DI IMPOSSIBILE PER UNIUS REI? anche se i Palestinesi non possono avere una identità specifica, e neanche, una legittimità giuridica e storica? QUESTO NON è IMPORTANTE PER ME, IO LI POSSO LEGITTIMARE: in qualsiasi momento, SE LA LEGA ARABA SMETTE DI ESSERE UN OMICIDIO sharia NAZISTA CONTRO, tutto il GENERE UMANO! [ Sbagliato riscrivere il passato, sbagliato negare il presente ] L’identità nazionale arabo-palestinese è un’invenzione recente, ma oggi esiste, Storicamente non esiste un popolo palestinese, ha detto di recente la parlamentare israeliana Anat Berko scatenando un piccolo putiferio. Prima di lei la stessa cosa l’aveva detta la compianta Golda Meir. In effetti si tratta di un tema spesso ripetuto nei decenni scorsi. Lo stesso ex parlamentare arabo-israeliano Azmi Bishara disse in un’intervista: “Non credo che ci sia un popolo palestinese. C’è una nazione araba. La nazione palestinese è un’invenzione del colonialismo. Quando mai sono esistiti i palestinesi?”. Sul piano storico Anat Berko ha ragione: non esisteva nessun popolo palestinese. Il nome “Palestina”, con la lettera P che – come ha ricordato Anat Barko – nell’alfabeto arabo non esiste nemmeno, è stato attribuito al paese dai conquistatori romani riprendendolo dal nome dei Filistei, che non erano nemmeno semiti, al solo scopo di punire gli ebrei. In seguito il nome venne adottato dai cristiani, ma non dagli ebrei. Con la conquista musulmana, venne istituito il “Jund Filastin” (distretto di Palestina), con capitale a Ramle, non a Gerusalemme. A partire dall’XI secolo non era più nemmeno questo. Il nome “Filistin” o “Filastin” veniva usato ogni tanto, ma non connotava una identità nazionale. L’intera area veniva considerata parte di A-Sham, il Levante o Grande Siria (la stessa Sham che compare oggi nella sigla ISIS o Daesh). Nel 1911 due membri di famiglie cristiane crearono il quotidiano Filistin che propugnava l’annessione dell’area alla Grande Siria. La voce “Palestine” dal Petit Larousse Illustré, Parigi, 1924: “Paese della Siria, fra la Fenicia a nord, il Mar Morto a sud, il Mediterraneo a ovest e il deserto di Siria a est, bagnato dal Giordano. E’ una stretta striscia di terra compresa fra il mare e il Libano, attraversata dal Giordano che si getta nel Mar Morto. E’ chiamata anche, nelle sacre Scritture, Terra di Canaan, Terra promessa e Giudea. Oggi è uno stato ebraico custodito dall’Inghilterra. Capitale: Gerusalemme”. Nella Palestina Mandataria solo istituzioni ed enti ebraici usavano il termine “Palestina-E.I.” (dove E.I. stava per Eretz Israel, Terra d’Israele). L’ebraica “Anglo-Palestine Bank” sarebbe poi diventata la Bank Leumi (Banca Nazionale), e il “Palestine Postal Service” sarebbe diventato il servizio postale israeliano. Al contrario, per tutto il periodo del Mandato Britannico gli arabi non chiamavano se stessi palestinesi, e nessuna istituzione araba si definiva palestinese. La loro massima rappresentanza prese il nome di Alto Comitato Arabo, non Alto Comitato Palestinese. Alla testa della lotta contro il sionismo c’erano degli arabi non necessariamente originari della Palestina Mandataria. L’identità che si veniva sviluppando, nella misura in cui si veniva sviluppando, era araba e nient’altro. Il mufti si considerava un leader regionale, non un leader locale. Fawzi Kaoukji, in prima linea nella rivolta contro gli inglesi e contro Israele, era nato da famiglia turcomanna nella città siro-libanese di Tripoli. Ahmad Shuqayri, il primo presidente dell’Olp, era nato da una famiglia libanese emigrata nella Palestina Mandataria, ed era stato persino ambasciatore saudita presso le Nazioni Unite. Lui e i suoi compagni combattevano contro il sionismo per impedire il progetto di uno stato ebraico in Palestina, ma non si definivano palestinesi. Questo stato di cose continuò per decenni anche dopo la nascita di Israele. Dal 1949 al 1967 non ci fu né dominio britannico né dominio israeliano in Cisgiordania e nella striscia di Gaza. In quei due decenni, che non sono storia antica ma assolutamente contemporanea, non si formò nessuna distinta identità palestinese. Le più stabili istituzioni palestinesi furono sponsorizzate dagli stati arabi come parte delle lotte tra di loro. Inutile dire che non venne istituito nessuno stato palestinese. Come mai? Eppure non c’era l’occupazione. Lo stesso re Hussein di Giordania ebbe a dire chiaramente, in quegli anni, che “la Giordania è la Palestina e la Palestina è la Giordania” e che “la Giordania con le sue due parti [a est e a ovest del Giordano] è la patria di tutti i palestinesi”. Francobollo giordano del 1964 ] [ In realtà, il grande catalizzatore per lo sviluppo di un’identità nazionale palestinese indipendente è stata la guerra dei sei giorni del ’67 e la conseguente conquista di Cisgiordana e Gaza da parte di Israele. Il fatto che in passato non esisteva un popolo palestinese non significa che non esista oggi. In effetti, non è affatto chiaro quale sia la differenza tra i giordani, i palestinesi e gli stessi siriani: hanno la stessa lingua, stessa religione, stessa cultura e spesso sono parenti che appartengono allo stesso clan familiare o alla stessa tribù. Ma l’identità è, a volte, una materia elastica. E in ogni caso, si autodefinisce. Vale per i palestinesi di ieri, che non si definivano popolo; vale per quelli di oggi, che invece lo fanno; vale anche per gli ebrei, che si definiscono popolo e i palestinesi dovrebbero farsene una ragione. Secondo logica non vi sarebbe alcun bisogno di uno stato palestinese indipendente. Esiste già la Giordania (creata su una parte della Palestina storica per dare indipendenza agli arabi di Palestina). Ma la soluzione a un unico stato non è adatta né agli ebrei, né ai palestinesi. Tuttavia i capi palestinesi, anche negli ultimi due decenni, hanno fatto di tutto per impedire la creazione di uno stato palestinese. Dunque Anat Berko ha ragione per quanto riguarda il passato. Ma oggi non si deve negare il nazionalismo palestinese, perché chi oggi lo nega si ritroverà in futuro in un (insostenibile) stato bi-nazionale. (Da: YnetNews, 15.2.16)
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI
Mr Universal Metaphisics Unius REI8 ore fa
IO COME UNIUS REI, IO CREDO CHE IL PIANETA SIA LA TENDA DELL'UOMO: umanistico, METAFISICO, TEOCRATICO, LIBERALE LAICO, PLURALISTA: ma, non dell'uomo nazista sharia farisei massone, islamico: razzista dogmatico, ecc.. Per me i palestinesi esisterebbero come persone e anche come popolo: se potesse esistere una legittimità giuridica IN TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA! ] [ Durante un recente discorso alla Knesset, la parlamentare del Likud Anat Berko ha osservato, di passaggio, che in arabo non esiste nemmeno la lettera P di Palestina, tanto è vero che il termine è stato importato. Ed ha immediatamente aggiunto: “Ma oggi c’è un’entità palestinese accanto a noi, e noi non ne neghiamo l’esistenza e le tendiamo la mano in pace”. Anat Berko si riferiva al nome che l’imperatore romano Adriano impose al paese nel II secolo e.v., dopo aver debellato la rivolta di Bar Kokhba, nel tentativo di troncare il legame fra i ribelli ebrei e la terra di Giudea. I romani scoprirono che lo storico greco Erodoto aveva usato il termine “Siria-Palestina” (dove Siria deriva da Assiria) per indicare quella che gli ebrei chiamano Terra d’Israele. Il termine “Palestina” derivava dal nome dei Filistei, un popolo di cultura non semitica ma indoeuropea, che era giunto dal mare intorno all’XI secolo a.e.v., si era insediato sulla fascia costiera meridionale e all’epoca di Adriano era scomparso da centinaia di anni. Nel XX secolo, dopo la prima guerra mondiale, il Mandato Britannico decretato dalla Società delle Nazioni per “favorire la nascita di un focolare nazionale ebraico” adottò il nome di Palestina. A quel tempo gli arabi della regione si rifiutavano di accettarlo. Amin al-Husseini si mise a capo dell’Alto Comitato Arabo, non di un Alto Comitato Palestinese. Da questo punto di vista ha perfettamente senso considerare come il nome stesso del paese, che successivamente ha dato il nome al popolo arabo che vi abita, non può nemmeno essere pronunciato correttamente nella lingua di chi reclama diritti di proprietà su di esso. Ma non appena Anat Berko ha parlato, dai banchi della parte avversa sono partiti tweet che, tra insolenze varie, dicevano: “Berko ha sostenuto alla Knesset che, siccome l’arabo non ha la P, allora non esiste alcun popolo palestinese”. In realtà, come abbiamo ricordato, Anat Berko non ha detto “non esiste il popolo palestinese”, ma proprio il contrario. Chi lo ha detto, piuttosto, è Azmi Bishara, il fondatore del partito nazionalista arabo-israeliano Balad, che in un’intervista della fine degli anni ’90 al giornalista Yaron London di Canale 2 disse: “Non credo che ci sia un popolo palestinese, non credo che esista nessuna nazione palestinese. C’è una nazione araba e ho sempre pensato così, non ho cambiato idea. Penso che la nazione palestinese è un’invenzione del colonialismo. Quando mai sono esistiti i palestinesi? Fino alla fine del XIX secolo ‘Palestina’ era la parte meridionale della grande Siria”. (Da: Israel HaYom, 16.2.16)
EGITTO, ARABIA SAUDITA ] soltanto dando reciprocamente una parte della vostra terra, soltanto in questo modo voi potete dimostrare di non essere parte di un antico complotto per uccidere ISRAELE
SALAM SAUDI ARABIA ] smettila [ è da vigliacchi far pagare a ISRAELE tutto il male che i farisei massoni vanno facendo nel mondo! Piuttosto tu ed Egitto? voi date la terra perché israele possa vivere!
pharisees NO men: ARE DEMONS
Senior Palestinian official: We will never negotiate directly with Israel again
Apparently seeking an eternal war against Israel, Palestinian foreign Minister Al-Malki said the Palestinians will never again engage Israel in direct negotiations.
Netanyahu http://worldisraelnews.com/latest/
Netanyahu: Time for countries to go public over ties with Israel, show support
Israel encounters bias at international forums, while simultaneously forging new ties with many countries - especially Arab ones. Netanyahu says this must change, and they must publicly support Israel. http://worldisraelnews.com/latest/
Military Intelligence Director Brig. Gen. Herzl Halevi
IDF intelligence chief: Iran funding Palestinian terror attacks
Addressing the many regional threats Israel faces, Brig. General Herzl Halevi stressed that Iran was the driving force behind multiple forms of terrorism in Israel, Gaza and Syria.
come il FILOSOFO MINISTRO PINOTTI ha gustificato filosoficamente la vendita di armi alla ARABIA SAUDITA? e le stragi di civili nello Yemen?: la MINISTRa PINOTTI ha detto: "non facciamo diventare gli Stati che sono nostri alleati nella battaglia contro ISIS: "i nemici" sarebbe un errore molto grave! " MA, PROPRIO I SAUDITI SONO ISIS E TUTTA LA GALASSIA JIHADISTA NEL MONDO! ] [ La Notizia di Manlio Dinucci - Allarme nucleare: l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba Pubblicato il 23 feb 2016. Allarme nucleare: l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba e noi forniamo i bombardieri. Il futuro della finmeccanica passa per 3 parole , Crimini di Guerre. NATO fuori di testa completamente. Per qualche commessa di armi oggi, si condanna il futuro delle generazioni a venire. Incredibile. Hanno letteralmente asfaltato la nostra costituzione. Questo fà capire che se posso passare sopra ad un pezzo di carta, figuratevi cosa possono fare alle persone... [ FINMECCANICA in borsa ha guadagnato il 67% ] "l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba, noi forniamo i bombardieri". Mancano solo i morti ammazzati e le città da distruggere ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5gDH_RgX2k
come il FILOSOFO ENLIGHTENED SPA FED FARISEI TALMUD KABBALAH, 666 MARDUK BAAL JABULLON: MINISTRO DELLA DIFESA PINOTTI, giustifica filosoficamente gli orrori islamici della Arabia SAUDITA? ] lei dice: "la QUESTIONE DELLA LEGALITà DEI CONFLITTI, E NEI CONFLITTI è DA SEMPRE AL CENTRO DEL DIBATTITO POLITICO, FILOSOFICO E DOTTRINALE E TOCCA NEL PROFONDO IL TIPO DI SOCIETà INTERNAZIONALE CHE ALLAH AKBAR INTENDIAMO COSTRUIRE!" sintentizzando significa" "TUTTINCULO AI MARTIRI CRISTIANI IN TUTTO IL MONDO!" [ La Notizia di Manlio Dinucci - Allarme nucleare: l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba, PandoraTV https://youtu.be/g5gDH_RgX2k Pubblicato il 23 feb 2016. Allarme nucleare: l’Arabia Saudita ha la Bomba e noi forniamo i bombardieri
Israel warned Hamas against its exploitation of building materials meant for Gaza's residents, which they steal and use for their terror infrastructure.
US court http://worldisraelnews.com/latest/
US puts 4 on trial on charges of violating Iran sanctions
US authorities have put four people on trial for breaching international sanctions against Iran and aiding its military development.
IDF counter terror http://worldisraelnews.com/latest/
Israeli forces thwarted 29 major terror attacks, hundreds of smaller attacks, in 2015
Hamas is demonstrating a high level of sophistication and motivation in its planning of devastating attacks against Israelis.
voi siete tutti testimoni: "PER AVERE DENUNCIATO I DELITTI DELLA SHARIA? AdSense: 1. NON MI HA MAI PAGATO in blogger; 2. MI HA MINACCIATO perché io ho una ragazza siriana che ERDOGAN cannibale si è mangiato in Siria (e difendere i martiri cristiani è contro la politica di adsense); E quindi, CIA MI HA BLOCCATO I SITI, con i filtri, PERCHé TUTTE LE VISUALIZZAZIONI dei miei blog: SONO FATTE DAI COMPUTER DELLA NSA" ma, tutto questo non è un problema per me, cioè, dal punto di vista del mio ministero politico universale, perché, soltanto Dio JHWH vi può #rompereilculo! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA [ about adsense SAID ME: said her [ qualcuno CIA mi ha cancellato questoo commento sul mio canale di: https://www.youtube.com/user/humanumgenus/discussion
humanumgenus6 ore fa ] [ +everyone is a zombie ] answer [ allah akbar] [Jezebel sharia, QUEEN ELIZABETH UK, WHY, Your PHARISEES SPA, FED, SPA CENTRAL BANKS: satanic Talmud KABBALAH, ROTHSCHILD, SPA BANK OF ENGLAND, THEY HAVE LEFT TO SURVIVE, OWN, YOUR demonic MONARCHIA masonic: l 'antichrist? Elizabeth II is the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. BUT, THEY SHOULD BE ALMIGHTY GOD, TO PREVENT YOUR CURSE: CONSTITUTIONAL HIGH TREASON: bank seigniorage, that your all FAILS, never DESPERATELY END ONE DAY!
Il grande spirito russo e il vuoto dell’Occidente ] soltanto il cristianesimo può rappresentare la identità europea, ecco perché, questa UE: di farisei SpA Banche CENTRALI, alto tradimento: signoraggio bancario, relativismo crimini ideologici GENDER DARWINe e di traditori: occulti satanisti della CIA? è destinata al collasso sociale! [ 24.02.2016, 70 anni di ateismo di Stato non sono riusciti a cancellare la fede che custodivano nella propria anima i russi, per i quali secondo Pietrangelo Buttafuoco “la religione è legata all’identità a cui partecipa un intero popolo” e non si tratta di “quello che in parametri occidentali potremmo definire folklore”.
Dopo decenni di ateismo di Stato, la Russia ha visto una rinascita della religione e sono sempre più numerosi i russi che si identificano come cristiani ortodossi. Ma, visti dall'Italia, come vivono la fede i russi rispetto agli occidentali? Sputnik Italia ha raggiunto per una riflessione in merito lo scrittore e giornalista Pietrangelo Buttafuoco.
— Lei ha scritto di una percezione diversa della religione per i russi e gli occidentali. Quali differenze ha notato?
— La differenza è innanzitutto nella coralità e soprattutto nel sapere offrire un'identità a cui partecipa un intero popolo, non quello che in parametri occidentali potremmo definire "folklore". Qui si tratta di un'esperienza vissuta e diidentificazione totale con quello che da sempre ha accompagnato la sensibilità e il percorso del popolo russo, che riesce ad essere non univoco, ma plurale. Basta pensare che nella grande storia dell'identità russa trovano rifugiol'ebraismo e le altre tre grandi religioni universali: la cristiana, l'islamica e quella lamaista tibetana. Quest'ultima ha consegnato alla memoria della storia figure di assoluto rilievo, basti pensare alla percezione che anche in Occidente si è avuta di un personaggio come Ungern Kahn, raccontato con la matita di un grandissimo artista che è Hugo Pratt.
— "La religione per i russi non è una consuetudine, bensì un abito mentale e carnale" ha scritto in un suo recente articolo. Che cosa intende? [ Madonna di Kazan, una delle più celebri icone russe. Сергей Кузнецов L’icona, tesoro della cultura russa ]
— Intendo dire che a differenza dei canoni occidentali, dove la religione è vissuta come un esotismo o al più come una vicenda privata, qualcosa che va a confinare persino con la psicanalisi, la religione nel tratto più specificatamente russo è legata ad un'identità. La religione per i russi è legata a quello che nella letteratura e nella storia abbiamo definito come "componente spirituale" forte, che è riuscita ad essere presente anche a dispetto di immani tragedie.
— Dopo 70 anni di ateismo di Stato, la religione in Russia è rinata. Forse i russi erano assetati di fede, ecco perché vivono così profondamente la religione?
— Certo, anche per questo, ma soprattutto ritengo perché i 70 anni di materialismo scientifico e 70 anni di ateismo di Stato non sono riusciti a cancellare quello che da sempre è custodito nel segreto cuore dell'identità russa. Lo stesso materialismo scientifico e l'ateismo di Stato si ebbe in grandi parti delle popolazioni europee, la DDR soprattutto. Eppure i tedeschi quando vedono crollare il muro di Berlino, non conoscono questo riaffiorare dell'identità spirituale, al modo con cui i russi lo hanno vissuto.
— Lei confronta spesso l'islamofobia alla russofobia. Quali sono i tratti simili di queste due paure dell'Occidente?
— Innanzitutto c'è diffidenza per qualsiasi cosa sia radicata nel sacro o in un forte contenuto culturale spirituale. È l'atteggiamento di difesa del vuoto nei confronti di ciò che è pieno. L'Occidente si è svuotato di qualunque bagaglio spirituale e per questo teme, non sa gestire né reggere il confronto con due potenze spirituali che rappresentano questa pienezza: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160224/2160815/russia-religione-cristiani-spuruto-russo.html#ixzz416zzKJNL
KINGDOM UNIVERSAL REI in ISRAEL [ 1 mese fa ] canale cancellato senza motivo: perché google ha detto che, io non dovevo fare un canale youtube aggiuntivo! ] [ NON appena metto in ordine i miei blogspot? se Dio vuole? io esco da internet! ] [ COSì dimostriamo: ai cadaveri cancerogeni; di quei superstiziosi: sodomiti, evoluzionisti islamici: Darwin GEnder sharia culto talmud: JabullOn è Allah Akbar, e ai loro sacerdoti di satana Bush Rothschild BILDENBERG: che sono nella "teschio con le ossa" a fare sempre le cose sporche e ripugnanti: con la MERKEL Anticristo, tutta la MAFIA SPA BANCHE CENTRALI, come il mio potere politico universale non dipende da internet, o dai siti! [ NON appena metto in ordine i miei blogspot? se Dio vuole esco da internet!
La CIA mi ha Cancellato questo commento sul mio canale di: user / humanum genus / discussione] contro 666 NWO [+ ognuno è uno zombie] risposta [Allah Akbar] [sharia Jezebel, la regina Elisabetta Regno Unito, perché, il tuo FARISEI SPA, FED, SPA BANCHE CENTRALI: sataniche Talmud Kabbalah, ROTHSCHILD, SPA Banca d'Inghilterra, che hanno lasciato per sopravvivere, personali, le demoniaca MONARCHIA massonica: vale a dire, l'anticristo? Elisabetta II è la Regina del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord. MA, dovrebbero essere Dio Onnipotente, per evitare che la sua MALEDIZIONE: un COSTITUZIONALE ALTO TRADIMENTO: signoraggio bancario, che il tutto DISPERATAMENTE finirà un giorno: la sua dinastia!
La CIA mi ha cancellato questo commento sul mio canale di: / humanumgenus / discussion] contre 666 NWO [/ canal / UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA + tout le monde est un zombie. ] Répondre [Allah Akbar] [charia Jézabel, la reine Elizabeth Royaume-Uni, POURQUOI, Vos PHARISIENS SPA, FED, SPA BANQUES CENTRALES: satanique Talmud Kabbale, ROTHSCHILD, SPA Banque d'Angleterre, qu'ils ont quitté pour survivre, PROPRE, VOTRE monarchie démoniaque maçonnique: à savoir, l'antéchrist? Elizabeth II est la reine du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord. MAIS, ils devraient être Dieu tout-puissant pour éviter que votre MALÉDICTION: HAUTE TRAHISON CONSTITUTIONNEL: banque seigneuriage escroquerie SpA FED Rothschild Bildenberg OTAN, que votre tout échoue, ne finissent jamais DÉSESPÉRÉMENT un jour!
La CIA mi ha cancellato questo commento sul mio canale di: / humanumgenus / discusión] contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial 666 [/ canal / + UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA todo el mundo es un zombi. ] Contestar [Alá Akbar] [sharia Jezabel, la reina Isabel Reino Unido, por qué, Sus FARISEOS SPA, alimentado, SPA bancos centrales: satánico Talmud KABBALAH, Rothschild, SPA Banco de Inglaterra, que les queda para sobrevivir, los propios, su demoníaca masónico monarquía: es decir, el Anticristo? Isabel II es la Reina del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte. PERO, deben ser DIOS TODOPODEROSO, para evitar que su maldición CONSTITUCIONAL DE ALTA TRAICIÓN: banca señoreaje estafa SpA FED Rothschild Bildenberg la OTAN, que, a su todo falla, nunca terminan DESPERATELY UN DÍA!
la CIA mi ha Cancellato questo commento sul mio canale di: / humanumgenus / Diskussion] gegen 666 NWO [/ Kanal / UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA + jeder ist ein Zombie. beantworten] [Allah akbar] [Jezebel Scharia, Königin Elizabeth Großbritannien , WARUM, Ihre PHARISÄER SPA, FED, SPA ZENTRALBANKEN: satanische Talmud Kabbala ROTHSCHILD , SPA Bank von England, sie müssen ÜBERLEBEN LINKE, selbst, ihre dämonische Monarchie masonic: dh, Antichrist ? Elizabeth II ist die Königin des Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland . ABER, sollten sie ALMIGHTY Gott, dein Fluch zu vermeiden: VERFASSUNGSHOCHVERRAT: Bank Seigniorage Betrug SpA FED Rothschild Bildenberg NATO, dass Ihr alle Stricke, nie DESPERATELY ONE DAY zu Ende!
ла ЦРУ мили га cancellato Questo commento суль млн Canale ди: / humanumgenus / обсуждение] против 666 NWO [/ канал / UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA + каждый зомби. ] Ответ [Аллах Акбар] [Иезавель шариат, Queen Elizabeth Великобритания, почему, Ваш фарисеи SPA, FED, SPA центральные банки: сатанинская Талмуд Каббала, РОТШИЛЬД, SPA Банка Англии, они не оставили, чтобы выжить, собственный, Демонический монархия масонская: т.е. антихрист? Елизавета II является Королева Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. НО, они должны быть Всемогущий Бог, чтобы Ваш CURSE: КОНСТИТУЦИОННЫЙ измены: банковская сеньораж афера SpA FED Ротшильд Bildenberg НАТО, что, все ваши НЕ, не ОТЧАЯННО END ОДИН ДЕНЬ!
ラCIAマイルヘクタールcancellato questo commentoスルMIOカナーレディ:666 NWO[に対する/ humanumgenus/ディスカッション]/チャネル/ UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA+誰もがゾンビです。 ] [アッラー・アクバル] [イゼベルのシャリアに答える、エリザベス女王イギリス、あなたのパリサイ人SPA、FED、SPA中央銀行WHY:悪魔タルムードカバラは、ROTHSCHILD、イングランドSPA BANKは、彼らが生き残るために残っている、OWN、あなたの悪魔の君主制のフリーメーソン:すなわち、反キリスト?エリザベスIIは、グレートブリテン連合王国の女王、および北アイルランドです。しかし、彼らはあなたの呪いを防ぐために、全能の神をする必要があります:憲法大逆:銀行シニョレッジ詐欺SpAのFEDロスチャイルドBildenberg NATOは、その、あなたのすべてが失敗、必死ONE DAY ENDことはありません!
라 CIA 마일 하 cancellato questo commento 술 미오 카 날 리 디 : 666 NWO [대한 / humanumgenus / 토론] / 채널 / UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA + 모든 사람들이 좀비입니다. ] [알라 아크 바르] [이세벨의 샤리아에 대답, 퀸 엘리자베스 영국, 당신의 바리새인 SPA, FED, SPA 중앙 은행 이유 : 악마 탈무드 밀교는, ROTHSCHILD, 영국 SPA BANK는, 그들은 살아남을 왼쪽으로 한 자신, 당신의 악마 군주의 프리메이슨 : 즉, 적 그리스도? 엘리자베스 2 세 영국의 영국의 여왕, 북 아일랜드이다. 하지만, 그들은 당신의 저주을 방지하기 위해, 전능하신 하나님을해야합니다 헌법 반역죄 : 은행 군주의 특권 사기 온천장 FED 로스 차일드 Bildenberg 북대서양 조약기구, 즉, 당신하지 못한 모든 필사적 ONE DAY END 없다!
لا CIA ميل هكتار cancellato QUESTO commento سول ميو ... الصديق دي: / humanumgenus / مناقشة] ضد 666 NWO [/ قناة / UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA + الجميع غيبوبة. ] الإجابة [الله أكبر] [الشريعة إيزابل، الملكة اليزابيث المملكة المتحدة، لماذا، يا الفريسيين SPA، FED، SPA البنوك المركزية: شيطانية التلمود الكابالا، روتشيلد، بنك SPA انجلترا، وقد غادر البقاء على قيد الحياة، OWN، ك شيطاني الملكي الماسونية: أي المسيح الدجال؟ إليزابيث الثانية هي ملكة المملكة المتحدة لبريطانيا العظمى وأيرلندا الشمالية. ولكن، وينبغي أن الله سبحانه وتعالى، لمنع عنة الخاص بك: الدستورية العليا خيانة عظمى: الأعمال المصرفية رسوم سك العملات احتيال سبا FED روتشيلد Bildenberg منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي، أن كل ما تبذلونه من فشل، لا تنتهي أبدا جاهدة يوم واحد!
la CIA מיל חה cancellato קווסטו commento סול mio Canale di: / humanumgenus / דיון] נגד 666 NWO [/ ערוץ / UC3KGaSpKfJ6T7MlUMcmZXYA + כולם הוא זומבי. ] לענות [אללה אכבר] [השריעה איזבל, המלכה אליזבת בבריטניה, למה, SPA הפרושים שלך, FED, הבנקים המרכזיים SPA: הקבלה התלמוד השטני, רוטשילד, SPA הבנק המרכזי של אנגליה, הם עזבו כדי לשרוד, OWN, הבונים החופשיים המלוכה הדמוני שלך: כלומר, אנטיכריסט? אליזבת השנייה היא מלכת הממלכה המאוחדת של בריטניה הגדולה וצפון אירלנד. אבל, הם צריכים להיות אלוהים אדיר, כדי למנוע קללה שלך: בגידה חוקתית: הונאת seigniorage בנקאות SpA FED רוטשילד Bildenberg נאט"ו, כי, שלך הכל נכשל, לא נואש קצה אחד DAY!
non si tratta di passare il softwar per decriptare: tutti gli strumenti APPLE: INDISCRIMINATAMENTE, alla NSA FBI, ma, noi chiediamo soltanto: i dati sensibili contenuti nello SPECIFICO ifhone, caso per caso: Dietro richiesta del Giudice! A questo rifiuto: deve seguire: la confisca della azienda e devono finire tutti in carcere! SE LA APPLE MILLANTA DI ESSERE UNO STATO MASSONICO OCCULTO, NELLO STATO POTERI OCCULTI SPA FED BILDENBERG ESOTERICI DIO è IL GUFO NWO CIA NATO ] [ WASHINGTON, 25 FEB - Apple alza il tiro della sfida nella battaglia sulla privacy contro il governo Usa dopo il suo rifiuto di sbloccare l'iPhone di uno degli autori della strage di San Bernardino: i suoi ingegneri hanno cominciato a sviluppare nuove misure di sicurezza che renderanno impossibile accedere ad un iPhone bloccato usando metodi simili a quelli al centro della controversia legale pendente davanti alla magistratura californiana. Lo scrive il New York Times citando fonti vicine alla società ed esperti del settore.
QUESTO è VERO: SIAMO DIVENTATI MINUSCOLI: piccoli piccoli, CONTRO IL GIGANTE LEGA ARABA sharia: Allah akbar: morte a tutti gli infedeli. tutti, apostati blasfemi: eretici, che, loro non hanno le nostre perversioni sessuali: di: pedofilia e poligamia, di maniaci religiosi nazisti, senza pietà e senza reciprocità: morte a tutti i martiri cristiani innocenti, in tutto il mondo, ha detto: il ministro IMAM della difesa Pinotti: "noi diamo le armi alla ARABIA SAUDITA!", IN REALTà, SONO LORO LA nuova SUPER potenza, la PRIMA occulta piramide islamica: a guida saudita, SHARIA: la NUOVA SUPER POTENZA NUCLEARE nazista, ALLAH è AKBAR per dare la MORTE, la morte di TUTTI GLI INFEDLI COME: SODOMA, OBAMA, GeNDEr, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, Trilaterale, le scimmie, ecc.. per il trionfo di Rothschild SpA FED NWO NATO! MA, VATTIMO HA DETTO, CHE, PUR DI STERMINARE TUTTI GLI ISRAELIANI? LUI è PRONTO A RINUNCIARE AI SUOI DIRITTI anali OMOSESSUALI, ECCO PERCHé, ISRAELE, LE PRENDE di santa ragione, sempre A QUEL POSTO: fondo schiena, da tutti, e, TUTTe LE VOLTE: tutti lo calpestano, PERCHé, I GAY LO ODIANO! ed infatti, i FARISEI Enlightened SpA FMI? loro sono GAY! ] [ TEHERAN, 24 FEB - Un duello ridicolo a distanza tra la Guida Suprema religiosa dell'Iran, l'ayatollah Ali Khamenei, e il presidente della Repubblica, Hassan Rohani, La risposta di Rohani è arrivata in forma indiretta: il presidente ha polemizzato contro chi, in campo conservatore, vede dietro ogni angolo, ed anche dietro al voto per il Majlis, interferenze straniere. "Dovete smettere - ha detto - di esagerare l'influenza delle vecchie, obsolete potenze coloniali, sottostimando la nazione iraniana". State facendo un errore".
THIS IS TRUE: WE BECAME A TINY: small small, AGAINST THE GIANT ARAB LEAGUE Golia sharia: Allah is akbar: death to all infidels. all, apostates blasphemous: heretics, that they do not have our sexual perversions: of: pedophilia and polygamy: population bomb, religious maniacs Nazis, without pity and without reciprocity: death to all innocent Christian martyrs, around the world, destruction of all human rights: without mercy, against the freedom of religion, said: the minister of defense IMAM Pinotti: "we give the weapons to SAUDI ARABIA!", iN rEALITY, THEY aRE tHE SUPER new power Hitler sharia: genocide at all, be, BEFORE occult Islamic pyramid: a Saudi driving SHARIA: nEW agenda: SUPER pOWER NUCLEAR Nazi, ALLAH is AKBAR to give dEATH, the death: of ALL infidels HOW: SODOM, OBAMA, gender, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, Trilateral, monkeys, etc .. for the triumph of Rothschild SpA FED NWO Owh Maduck NATO! MA, VATTIMO SAID, THAT, ALTHOUGH, he can to exterminate all ISRAELIs? HE is READY TO GIVE UP, all ITS anal HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS, THAT'S WHY ISRAEL, THE TAKES thrashing, always in his THEN PLACE: his lower back, by all, and, as often: everyone trample him: also, WHY, HATE GAYS to ISRAEL! and in fact, the PHARISEES Enlightened SpA IMF? they are ALL TALMUD cannibals CIA, SPA MONSANTO GMOS KABBALAH GAY! ] [TEHRAN, FEBRUARY 24 - A ridiculous duel to the distance between the religious Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President of the Republic, Hassan Rohani, Rohani The answer came in an indirect way: the president polemicised against those who, in the conservative camp, sees around every corner, and even behind the vote for the Majlis, foreign interference. "You have to stop - he said - to exaggerate the influence of the old, outdated colonial powers, underestimating the Iranian nation." You are making a mistake. "
BU DOĞRU: DEV ARAP BİRLİĞİ Golia şeriata KARŞI küçük, küçük: Allah ekber: tüm kâfirlere ölüm BİZ KÜÇÜK OLDU. küfür, tüm mürtedler: sapkınlar, onlar bizim cinsel sapıklıkları yok: of: pedofili ve çok eşlilik: Nüfus bomba, dini manyaklar Naziler, merhamet olmadan ve karşılıklılık olmadan: tüm insan dünyadaki tüm masum Hıristiyan şehitlere ölüm, yıkım haklar: merhamet olmadan, din özgürlüğüne karşı, şunları söyledi: savunma İMAM Pinotti bakanı: "biz SUUDİ ARABİSTAN silah ver!", gerçekte, onlar SÜPER yeni güç Hitler şeriat şunlardır: soykırım hiç olmak, ÖNCE gizli İslami piramit: Suudi sürüş ŞERİYE: yeni gündem: Süper Güç NÜKLEER Nazi, Allahu Ekber ölüm, ölüm vermektir: TÜM kâfirlerin NASIL: Sodom, OBAMA, cinsiyet, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, Üçlü, maymunlar, vb .. Rothschild SpA FED NWO Owh Maduck NATO zaferi için! MA, Vattimo, BU, DEDİ HALDE, o bütün İsraillileri yok etmek mümkün? kadar sık, herkes tarafından, geri onun alt ve: HE, tüm ITS anal homoseksüel hakları vazgeçmeye hazır olduğunu, BU İSRAİL, onun SONRA YERİNE her zaman, dayak ALIR NEDEN'S herkes onu ezmek: ayrıca, NEDEN, NEFRET GAYS İSRAİL! ve aslında, Ferisiler Aydınlanmış SpA IMF? Onlar TÜM Talmud yamyamlar CIA, SPA MONSANTO GDO Kabala GAY vardır! ] [TAHRAN, 24 Şubat - cevap dolaylı bir şekilde geldi dini İran'ın dini lideri Ayetullah Ali Hamaney ve Cumhurbaşkanı Hasan Rohani, Rohani arasındaki mesafeye bir saçma düello: Başkan, bu kim karşı polemik muhafazakar kampında, her köşede görür ve hatta Meclis, yabancı girişim için oy arkasında. "Sen durdurmak zorunda - dedi - İran milleti küçümseyen, eski, modası geçmiş sömürgeci güçlerin etkisini abartmak." Bir hata yapıyoruz. "
Das gilt: Wir wurden ein winziges: klein klein, gegen den Riesen Arabischen Liga Golia Scharia: Allah ist akbar: Tod allen Ungläubigen. Abtrünnige alle, blasphemisch: Ketzer, dass sie nicht unsere sexuellen Perversionen haben: von: Pädophilie und Polygamie: Bevölkerungsexplosion, religiöse Maniacs Nazis, ohne Mitleid und ohne Gegenseitigkeit: Tod für alle unschuldigen christlichen Märtyrer, auf der ganzen Welt, die Zerstörung aller menschlichen Rechte: ohne Gnade gegen die Religionsfreiheit, sagte: Verteidigungsminister IMAM Pinotti: "wir haben die Waffen nach Saudi-Arabien geben!", in Wirklichkeit sind sie die SUPER neue Kraft Hitler Scharia: Völkermord überhaupt sein, vOR okkulten islamischen Pyramide: ein Saudi Fahr SHARIA: neue Agenda: SUPER Kraft Kern Nazi, Allah ist AKBAR zu geben, Tod, Tod: von allen Ungläubigen WIE: SODOM, OBAMA, Geschlecht, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, Trilaterale, Affen, etc .. für den Triumph des Rothschild SpA FED NWO Owh Maduck NATO! MA, VATTIMO sagte, dass obwohl, kann er alle Israelis zu vernichten? ER ist bereit, aufzugeben, werden alle seine anal Rechte Homosexueller, deshalb Israel, der Prügel stattfindet, immer in seiner damaligen ORT: unteren Rückenbereich, die von allen, und wie oft: jeder ihn mit Füßen treten: Auch, warum hassen Schwule ISRAEL! und in der Tat, den Pharisäern Enlightened SpA IWF? Sie sind alle TALMUD Kannibalen CIA, SPA MONSANTO GVO KABBALAH GAY! ] [TEHERAN, 24. Februar - Ein lächerliches Duell auf den Abstand zwischen dem religiösen Oberste Führer des Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, und der Präsident der Republik, Hassan Rohani, Rohani Die Antwort auf indirekte Weise kam: der Präsident polemisierte gegen diejenigen, die, im konservativen Lager, sieht jeder Ecke, und auch hinter der Stimme für die Majlis, ausländische Einmischung herum. "Du musst aufhören, - sagte er - den Einfluss der alten, überholten Kolonialmächte zu übertreiben, die iranische Nation zu unterschätzen." Sie machen einen Fehler. "
Esto es cierto: nos convertimos en un diminuto: reducir reducir, CONTRA EL GIGANTE sharia LIGA ÁRABE Golia: Allah Akbar es: la muerte de todos los infieles. todos, apóstatas blasfemas: herejes, que no tienen nuestras perversiones sexuales: de: la pedofilia y la poligamia: bomba demográfica, maníacos religiosos nazis, sin piedad y sin reciprocidad: la muerte de todos los mártires cristianos inocentes, todo el mundo, la destrucción de todos los seres humanos derechos: sin piedad, en contra de la libertad de religión, dijeron: el ministro de defensa IMAM Pinotti: "damos las armas a Arabia Saudita!", en realidad, son la nueva súper potencia sharia Hitler: el genocidio en absoluto, ser, ANTES oculta pirámide islámica: una SHARIA Arabia conducción: nuevo programa: SUPER energía nuclear nazi, Allah Akbar es para dar la muerte, la muerte: de todos los infieles CÓMO: SODOMA, OBAMA, género, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, trilateral, monos, etc .. por el triunfo de Rothschild SpA FED NWO OWH Maduck la OTAN! MA, VATTIMO dicho, que, si bien, lo que puede para exterminar a todos los israelíes? Él está dispuesto a renunciar, todos sus derechos de los homosexuales anales, por eso ISRAEL, LA TOMA golear, siempre en su entonces LUGAR: su baja de la espalda, por todos, y, como a menudo: todos lo pisotean: también, por qué, GAYS Odio ¡ISRAEL! y, de hecho, los fariseos Iluminado SpA FMI? Todos ellos son caníbales Talmud CIA, SPA MONSANTO OMG KABBALAH GAY! ] [TEHERAN 24 de febrero - Un duelo ridícula a la distancia entre el líder religioso supremo de Irán, el ayatolá Ali Jamenei, y el Presidente de la República, Hassan Rohani, Rohani La respuesta vino de una forma indirecta: el presidente polemizó contra los que, en el campo conservador, ve en cada esquina, e incluso detrás del voto por el Majlis, la injerencia extranjera. "Usted tiene que parar - dijo - a exagerar la influencia de las antiguas potencias coloniales, obsoletos, subestimando la nación iraní". Usted está cometiendo un error. "
هذا صحيح: أصبحنا TINY: صغير صغير، ضد الشريعة عملاق جامعة الدول العربية غوليا: الله أكبر: الموت إلى جميع الكفار. كل المرتدين كفرا: زنادقة، وأنهم لم يكن لديك الشذوذ الجنسي لدينا: من: الاعتداء الجنسي على الأطفال وتعدد الزوجات: الانفجار السكاني، مجانين الدينية النازيين، دون شفقة ودون المعاملة بالمثل: الموت إلى جميع الشهداء المسيحيين الأبرياء، في جميع أنحاء العالم، وتدمير كل البشرية حقوق: من دون رحمة، ضد حرية الدين، وقال: وزير الدفاع الإمام بينوتي: "نعطي أسلحة إلى المملكة العربية السعودية!"، في واقع الأمر، فهي قوة هتلر اسلامية جديدة سوبر: الإبادة الجماعية في كل شيء، أن يكون، قبل غامض الهرم الإسلامي: السعودية شرعا القيادة: البرنامج الجديد: سوبر الطاقة النووية النازية، الله هو AKBAR لإعطاء الموت، والموت: من جميع الكفار كيف: سدوم، أوباما، بين الجنسين، LGBT، داروين Bildenberg، الثلاثية، والقرود، وما إلى ذلك .. من أجل انتصار روتشيلد سبا FED NWO OWH Maduck الناتو! MA، سعيد VATTIMO، أنه على الرغم من أنه يمكن أن تبيد كل الإسرائيليين؟ انه مستعد للتخلي، كل في مجال حقوق مثلي الجنس الشرجي، هذا هو السبب في اسرائيل ويحيط سحق، ودائما في حياته ثم ضع: أسفل ظهره، قبل كل شيء، وكما في كثير من الأحيان: الجميع تدوس عليه وسلم: أيضا، لماذا، مثليون جنسيا الكراهية ل إسرائيل! وفي الواقع، فإن الفريسيين المستنير سبا صندوق النقد الدولي؟ هم كل أكلة لحوم البشر التلمود وكالة المخابرات المركزية، SPA مونسانتو الكائنات المحورة جينيا الكابالا مثلي الجنس! ] [طهران، 24 فبراير - مبارزة مثيرة للسخرية لبعد المسافة بين المرشد الديني الأعلى لإيران، آية الله علي خامنئي ورئيس الجمهورية، حسن روحاني، روحاني وجاء الجواب بطريقة غير مباشرة: polemicised الرئيس ضد أولئك الذين، في المعسكر المحافظ، يرى في كل زاوية، وحتى وراء التصويت للمجلس، والتدخل الأجنبي. "عليك أن تتوقف - قال - المبالغة في تأثير القوى الاستعمارية القديمة، التي عفا عليها الزمن، التقليل من شأن الامة الايرانية." كنت ترتكب خطأ. "
마찬가지입니다 : GIANT 아랍 연맹 Golia의 샤리아 반대, 작은 작은 : 알라는 위대하다 : 모든 이교도 죽음 우리는 TINY되었다. 불경 모든 교자 : 이단자, 그들은 우리의 성적 타락을하지 않아도 :의 : 소아 성애와 일부 다처제 : 인구 폭탄, 종교 마니아 나치, 연민없이 상호없이 모든 인간 세계의 모든 무고한 기독교 순교자 죽음, 파괴 권리 : 자비없이, 종교의 자유에 대해 말했다 : 방어 이맘 Pinotti 장관 : "우리는 사우디 아라비아에 무기를 줘!", 현실에서, 그들은 SUPER 새 전원 히틀러 이슬람은 다음과 같습니다 대량 학살이 전혀 될 전 신비로운 이슬람 피라미드 : 사우디 운전 샤리아 : 새로운 의제 : SUPER POWER 핵 나치, 알라는 위대 죽음, 죽음을 제공하는 것입니다 : 모든 이교도의 방법 : 소돔, 오바마, 성별, LGBT, 다윈 Bildenberg, 국, 원숭이, 등 로스 차일드 온천장 FED NWO OWH Maduck NATO의 승리를위한! MA는 VATTIMO, 즉 말했다 있지만, 그는 모든 이스라엘을 없애기 위해 할 수있는? 자주 모든으로, 다시 그의 낮은, 그리고 : HE는, 모든 ITS 항문 동성애 권리 포기 READY, 즉 이스라엘이 그의 THEN 장소에 항상 대패 소요 이유 모두가 그를 짓밟 님도, 왜, 증오 게이 이스라엘! 그리고 사실, 바리새인 계몽 온천장 IMF? 그들은 모든 탈무드의 식인종 CIA, SPA MONSANTO GMOS 밀교 게이 있습니다! [테헤란 년 2 월 24 일 - 대답은 간접적 인 방식으로 제공된 종교이란의 최고 지도자 아야톨라 알리 하메네이와 공화국의 대통령, 하산로하니로하니 사이의 거리 말도 결투 : 대통령은, 그 사람을 대해 polemicised 보수적 캠프에서, 구석 구석의 주위에보고, 심지어 집회, 외국 간섭에 대한 투표 뒤에. "당신은 중지해야 - 그는 말했다 -이란 나라를 과소 평가, 이전, 오래된 식민지 권력의 영향을 과장 할 수 있습니다." 당신은 실수를하고있다. "
這是真的:我們成了一個微小的:小小的,反對GIANT阿盟Golia伊斯蘭教:阿拉是阿克巴:死亡的所有異教徒。總之,叛教者褻瀆神明:異端,他們沒有我們的性變態:組成:戀童癖和一夫多妻制:人口爆炸,宗教瘋子納粹,沒有憐憫,沒有互惠:死亡的所有無辜的基督教殉難者,在世界各地,所有人類的毀滅權利:毫不手軟,打擊宗教的自由,說:防禦IMAM Pinotti部長:“我們給武器向沙特阿拉伯!”,在現實中,他們是中超新的力量希特勒伊斯蘭教:種族滅絕可言,是,BEFORE神秘的金字塔伊斯蘭教:沙特伊斯蘭教駕駛:新的議程:SUPER動力核納粹,真主是AKBAR給死亡,死亡:所有異教徒HOW:SODOM,奧巴馬,性別,同性戀,達爾文Bildenberg,三邊,猴子等。羅斯柴爾德為FED SpA的NWO OWH Maduck北約的勝利! MA,瓦蒂莫說,那,雖然他能消滅所有以色列人?他準備放棄的時候,所有的肛門同性戀權利,這就是為什麼以色列,在他然後把TAKES顛簸,總是:他的后腰,所有和,經常:每個人踐踏他:還有,為什麼恨同性戀者以色列!而事實上,法利賽人開明SpA的IMF?他們都是猶太法典食人族CIA,SPA MONSANTO GMOS KABBALAH GAY! ] [德黑蘭2月24日 - 一個荒謬的決鬥伊朗宗教最高領袖哈梅內伊,和共和國總統哈桑魯哈尼,魯哈尼之間的距離,答案就以間接的方式:總統polemicised對那些誰,在保守陣營,每一個角落看到身邊,力挺投票選出議會,外國干涉。 “你必須停止 - 他說 - 誇大的舊的,過時的殖民大國的影響,低估了伊朗的國家。”你犯了一個錯誤。 “
זה נכון: הפך זעיר: קטן קטן, נגד השריעה GIANT הליגה הערבית Golia: אללה הוא אכבר: מוות לכל הכופרים. הכל, כופרים נאצה: כופרים, כי אין להם סטיות מיניות שלנו: של: פדופיליה פוליגמיה: פצצת האוכלוסין, מטורפים דתיים הנאצים, ללא רחמים וללא הדדיות: מוות לכל קדושים נוצרים חפים מפשע, ברחבי העולם, השמדת כל אדם זכויות: ללא רחמים, כנגד חופש הדת, אמר: שר הביטחון האימאם Pinotti: "אנחנו נותנים את הנשק לסעודיה!", במציאות, הם הכוח החדש SUPER השריעה היטלר: רצח עם בכלל, להיות, לפני פירמידה האיסלמית נסתרת: א השריעה נהיגה ערב: סדר יום חדש: SUPER כוח גרעיניות נאצית, אללה הוא אכבר לתת מוות, המוות: של כל כופרים מתבצע באופן בא: סדום, אובמה, מין, להט"ב, דרווין Bildenberg, משולשת, קופים, וכו .. עבור ניצחון של רוטשילד SpA FED NWO Owh Maduck נאט"ו! MA, VATTIMO אמר, כי, אמנם, הוא יכול להשמיד את כל הישראלים? הוא מוכן לוותר, כל זכויות ההומוסקסואלים פי טבעת שלו, זו הסיבה שישראל, לוקחת חבטה, תמיד במקומו ואז: גבה תחתונים, על ידי כל, וכן, לעתים קרובות: כולם לרמוס אותו: כמו כן, מדוע, שונא הומואים יִשְׂרָאֵל! ולמעשה, ה- IMF SpA פרושים הנאור? הם כולם קניבלי תלמוד CIA, SPA מונסנטו ההנדסה הגנטית קבלת GAY! ] [טהראן, פברואר 24 - דו קרב מגוחך המרחק בין המנהיג העליון הדתי של איראן, האייתוללה עלי חמינאי, ונשיא הרפובליקה, חסן רוחאני, רוחאני התשובה הגיעה בדרך עקיפה: הנשיא polemicised נגד מי, במחנה השמרני, רואה בכל פינה, ואפילו מאחורי ההצבעה במג'לס, התערבות זרה. "אתה חייב להפסיק - אמר - להגזים ההשפעה של המעצמות הקולוניאליות הישן, מיושן, להמעיט את האומה האיראנית." אתה עושה טעות. "
CECI EST VRAI: nous sommes devenus une minuscule: petit petit, CONTRE LE charia GIANT LIGUE ARABE Golia: Allah akbar est: la mort de tous les infidèles. tous, apostats blasphématoires: hérétiques, qu'ils ne disposent pas de nos perversions sexuelles: de: la pédophilie et la polygamie: bombe démographique, maniaques religieux nazis, sans pitié et sans réciprocité: la mort à tous les martyrs chrétiens innocents, partout dans le monde, la destruction de tous les droits droits: sans merci, contre la liberté de religion, a déclaré: le ministre de la défense IMAM Pinotti: "nous donnons les armes à l'Arabie Saoudite!", en réalité, ils sont la nouvelle super puissance charia Hitler: le génocide du tout, soit, AVANT occulte pyramide islamique: un SHARIA Arabie conduite: nouvel agenda: SUPER énergie nucléaire nazie, ALLAH AKBAR est de donner la mort, la mort: de tous les infidèles COMMENT: Sodome, OBAMA, le sexe, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, trilatérale, singes, etc .. pour le triomphe de Rothschild SpA FED NWO Owh Maduck OTAN! MA, VATTIMO dit, que, si, ce qu'il peut pour exterminer tous les Israéliens? Il est prêt à abandonner, tous ses droits HOMOSEXUELLES anales, voilà pourquoi ISRAEL, LE PREND volée, toujours dans son PUIS PLACE: le bas du dos, par tous, et, le plus souvent: tout le monde le piétinement: Aussi, pourquoi, la haine GAYS à ISRAËL! et en fait, les pharisiens Enlightened SpA FMI? Ils sont tous des cannibales Talmud CIA, SPA OGM de Monsanto KABBALAH GAY! ] [TEHERAN, 24 février - Un duel ridicule de la distance entre le chef religieux suprême de l'Iran, l'ayatollah Ali Khamenei, et le président de la République, Hassan Rohani, Rohani La réponse est venue d'une manière indirecte: le président polémiqué contre ceux qui, dans le camp conservateur, voit dans tous les coins, et même derrière le vote pour le Majlis, l'ingérence étrangère. "Vous devez arrêter - dit-il - à exagérer l'influence des anciennes puissances coloniales, obsolètes, sous-estimer la nation iranienne." Vous faites une erreur. "
Αυτό είναι αλήθεια: γίναμε TINY: μικρό μικρό, ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟ GIANT ΑΡΑΒΙΚΗ LEAGUE Γκόλια σαρία: Ο Αλλάχ είναι Akbar: ο θάνατος σε όλους τους άπιστους. όλα, αποστάτες βλάσφημο: αιρετικούς, ότι δεν έχουν σεξουαλική μας διαστροφές: από: παιδοφιλίας και της πολυγαμίας: βόμβα πληθυσμού, θρησκευτικές μανιακοί Ναζί, χωρίς οίκτο και χωρίς αμοιβαιότητα: ο θάνατος σε όλους τους αθώους χριστιανούς μάρτυρες, σε όλο τον κόσμο, την καταστροφή όλης της ανθρώπινης δικαιώματα: χωρίς έλεος, ενάντια στην ελευθερία της θρησκείας, είπε: ο υπουργός άμυνας IMAM Pinotti: "δίνουμε τα όπλα στη Σαουδική Αραβία!", στην πραγματικότητα, είναι το SUPER νέα εξουσία του Χίτλερ σαρία: γενοκτονία σε όλα, είναι, ΠΡΙΝ απόκρυφη Ισλαμική πυραμίδα: α Σαουδική Σαρία οδήγηση: νέα ατζέντα: υπερδύναμη ΠΥΡΗΝΙΚΗ ναζιστική, ο Αλλάχ είναι AKBAR να δώσει το θάνατο, το θάνατο: ΟΛΩΝ των απίστων ΠΩΣ: δοοοΜ, ο Ομπάμα, το φύλο, LGBT, ο Δαρβίνος Bildenberg, Τριμερής, πιθήκους, κλπ .. για το θρίαμβο της Rothschild SpA FED NWO OWH Maduck ΝΑΤΟ! ΜΑ, Vattimo είπε, ότι, παρόλο που ο ίδιος μπορεί να εξολοθρεύσει όλους τους Ισραηλινούς; Είναι έτοιμος να παραιτηθεί, όλα πρωκτικό ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΑ ομοφυλόφιλος ITS, γι 'αυτό ΙΣΡΑΗΛ, ΤΟ ΠΑΙΡΝΕΙ αλώνισμα, πάντα σε συνέχεια τοποθετήστε του: του κάτω μέρος της πλάτης, από όλους, και, όπως συχνά: όλοι τον ποδοπατούν: Επίσης, ΓΙΑΤΙ, ΜΙΣΟΣ ομοφυλόφιλοι να ΙΣΡΑΉΛ! και στην πραγματικότητα, οι Φαρισαίοι Φωτισμένο SpA ΔΝΤ; Είναι όλα TALMUD κανίβαλοι της CIA, SPA MONSANTO ΓΤΟ Καμπάλα GAY! ] [ΤΕΧΕΡΑΝΗ, Φεβρουάριος 24 - Ένα γελοίο μονομαχία με την απόσταση μεταξύ των θρησκευτικών Ανώτατου Ηγέτη του Ιράν, Αγιατολάχ Αλί Χαμενεΐ, και ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας, Χασάν Ρουχανί, Rohani Η απάντηση ήρθε με έμμεσο τρόπο: ο πρόεδρος polemicised ενάντια σε εκείνους που, στο συντηρητικό στρατόπεδο, βλέπει γύρω από κάθε γωνία, ακόμη και πίσω από την ψηφοφορία για το Majlis, ξένες παρεμβάσεις. "Θα πρέπει να σταματήσει - είπε - να υπερβάλλει την επιρροή των παλαιών, ξεπερασμένη αποικιακές δυνάμεις, υποτιμώντας το ιρανικό έθνος." Κάνεις λάθος. "
Isto é verdade: nós nos tornamos um minúsculo: pequeno pequeno, contra a sharia GIANT LIGA ÁRABE Golia: Allah akbar é: a morte a todos os infiéis. todos, apóstatas blasfemas: hereges, que eles não têm os nossos perversões sexuais: de: a pedofilia ea poligamia: bomba populacional, maníacos religiosos nazistas, sem piedade e sem reciprocidade: a morte a todos os mártires cristãos inocentes, em todo o mundo, a destruição de todos os seres humanos direitos: sem piedade, contra a liberdade de religião, disse: Ministro da defesa IMAM Pinotti: "damos as armas para a Arábia Saudita!", na realidade, eles são o SUPER novos power Hitler sharia: o genocídio de todo, ser, ANTES oculto pirâmide islâmica: a Arábia SHARIA condução: Nova agenda: SUPER energia nuclear nazista, Alá é AKBAR para dar a morte, a morte: de todos os infiéis COMO: Sodom, OBAMA, sexo, LGBT, Darwin Bildenberg, Trilateral, macacos, etc .. para o triunfo do Rothschild SpA FED NWO Owh Maduck NATO! MA, VATTIMO dito, que, embora ele pode exterminar todos os israelenses? Ele está pronto para desistir, todos os seus direitos homossexuais anal, é por isso ISRAEL, O TOMA surra, sempre em sua então LOCAL: parte inferior das costas, por todos, e, como muitas vezes: todos atropelar ele: Também, por que, GAYS odeio ISRAEL! e, de fato, os fariseus Enlightened SpA FMI? todos eles são canibais Talmud da CIA, SPA MONSANTO OGM KABBALAH gay! ] [TEERÃ, 24 de fevereiro - Um duelo ridículo a distância entre o líder supremo religioso do Irã, o aiatolá Ali Khamenei, eo presidente da República, Hassan Rohani, Rohani A resposta veio de forma indireta: o presidente polemicised contra aqueles que, no campo conservador, vê em cada esquina, e até mesmo por trás do voto para o Majlis, interferência estrangeira. "Você tem que parar - disse ele - a exagerar a influência das antigas potências coloniais, desatualizados, subestimando a nação iraniana." Você está cometendo um erro. "
Synnek1 said: hahahaha, I love to text while driving! I love to drink while driving! ] [ questo invece è il "capo dei capi" ex-Direttore cannibale di: YOUTUBE, di "cosa nostra" la CIA mafia nella NATO, che, lo SPirito Santo ha fatto impazzire, e oggi, alla guida di youtube, lui è stato sostituito, da una strega che, per amore di satana e del NWO SpA FARISEI ROTHSCHILD, lei mi voleva dare la sua passera!
Synnek1 said: hahaha, I love to text while driving! I love to drink while driving! This however is the "boss of bosses" ex-Director Cannibal: of YOUTUBE, "cosa nostra" the CIA Mafia in NATO, that, the Holy Spirit drove him crazy, and today, the youtube guide, he was replaced by a witch who, for the love of Satan and the NWO SpA PHARISEES ROTHSCHILD, she wanted me to give her cunt!
Abu Antar 3 ore fa [ IRAN & SIRIA: questo è il vostro agente segreto sharia assassino, che fa l'amico con la CIA 666 i sacerdoti di satana e finge di essere un cristiano contro di me! ] Lorenzo, that wasn't a very nice thing to say to me. Eat your spam posted by yourself!
SALMAN TAKFIR ERDOGAN ] dove eravate voi mentre io, in questi 7 anni, io combattevo contro i sacerdoti di satana della CIA? VOI ERAVATE A RIDERE INSIEME A LORO, COME DEI COGLIONI! e se oggi, voi non siete i cadaveri, e tutto il pianeta non è stato incenerito? questo, voi lo dovete soltanto a me!
ma Erdogan ISIS Sultanato sharia, 666 SpA McCain hanno detto che: "i CURDI sono terroristi!" ] [ Le forze militari kurde “salvano” una ragazza svedese dallo Stato islamico
27/06/2015 ISLAM, M.ORIENTE, e sua galassia jihadista ] un complotto massonico SpA FED USA per sterminare UE RUSSIA E ISRAELE ] [ Al Azhar e il Vaticano sul terrorismo. Le ambiguità della comunità internazionale. L’autorevole università sunnita denuncia le violenze “odiose” dello Stato islamico e domanda al mondo di sconfiggere questo gruppo “attraverso ogni modo possibile”. Vaticano: il terrorismo è una minaccia per l’umanità intera. La Francia dice di combattere il terrorismo, ma poi vende armi, aerei, elicotteri da guerra all’Arabia saudita, che sostiene il fondamentalismo islamico. Il Kuwait lascia vivere i salafiti che appoggiano al Nusra e lo Stato islamico. La Turchia contro i kurdi; gli Stati Uniti contro Iran, Russia e Cina.
24/02/2016 - LIBANO ARABIA SAUDITA ] Lettera aperta al re saudita Salman sul destino del Libano. SALMAN PUNISCE IL LIBANO CHE NON ACCETTA IL SUO PROGETTO DI REALIZZARE IL GENOCIDIO DEGLI SCIITI! Il ritiro della donazione di 4 miliardi di dollari all’esercito libanese; la messa in guardia dei viaggiatori sauditi, del Bahrein e degli Emirati a non recarsi in Libano; la probabile espulsione di circa 400mila libanesi dai Paesi del Golfo sono alcune delle “vendette” del re Salman che non si sente appoggiato nella sua guerra contro l’Iran. In realtà, il Libano è un luogo di riconciliazione dell’islam diviso fra sunniti e sciiti ed è il luogo dove si educa a una modernità senza ateismo. L’analisi e l’appello di Fady Noun, vice-direttore dell’Orient-Le Jour e nostro collaboratore.
19 ore fa - Un vescovo cattolico delle Filippine tuona contro Madonna, "sottile attacco del maligno" in EFFETTI, OGNI TANTO, UN VESCOVO CORAGGIOSO, CHE NON SIA UN MASSONE CULTO? SI PUò ANCHE TROVARE!
TUTTI GLI ALLEATI SHARIA DI PINOTTI, NWO 666 CIA NATO GMOS AGENDA TALMUD SPA FED BANCHE CENTRALI SPA FMI! 23/02/2016, PAKISTAN: GLI ASSASSINI SERIALI DI PERSONE INNOCENTI: I MARTIRI CRISTINI! BY MERKEL L'ANTICRISTO! Pakistan, massima tensione per la sentenza di grazia per l’assassino di Salman Taseer. La decisione del presidente Mamnoon Hussain è attesa nei prossimi giorni. Egli deve decidere se accogliere o rigettare l’appello alla grazia presentato dai legali di Mumtaz Qadri. La famiglia presidenziale teme ritorsioni e si rifugia nella residenza ufficiale. Uno dei tre figli scampato di recente ad un attentato. La polizia pronta a elevare il livello di allerta nel Paese e rivedere l’intero sistema di sicurezza a Islamabad. Islamabad (AsiaNews) – Il livello di tensione in Pakistan è salito ai massimi livelli, con le forze di sicurezza pronte a rivedere tutto il sistema di difesa della capitale. Nei prossimi giorni è attesa la decisione del presidente Mamnoon Hussain che deve esprimere il suo parere sulla condanna a morte di Mumtaz Qadri, l’assassino reo-confesso dell’ex governatore del Punjab Salman Taseer, e accordare o meno la grazia. Gli esperti temono che si scateni la violenza dei radicali islamici in caso di conferma della condanna a morte. Intanto nei giorni scorsi i membri della famiglia del presidente – tra cui uno dei tre figli scampato ad un attentato –, per paura delle possibili ritorsioni hanno abbandonato le proprie case e si sono rifugiati nel palazzo presidenziale. La decisione del presidente Hussain sarà presa al termine di un percorso giudiziario lungo e segnato da minacce. Solo qualche giorno fa il professor Ibrahim, ex emiro provinciale del Jamaat-e-Islami (partito confessionale islamico), ha minacciato ritorsioni contro il governo se Qadri non verrà rilasciato subito. Il leader islamico ha messo in guardia il presidente e il premier Nawaz Sharif: “Proteggete voi stessi dalla collera del popolo”. Il 4 gennaio 2011 Qadri, una delle guardie del corpo di Taseer, ha ucciso il governatore all’uscita da un ristorante di Islamabad, per le sue posizioni contrarie alla legge sulla blasfemia, che prevede il carcere a vita o la condanna a morte per quanti profanano il Corano o dissacrano il nome del profeta Maometto. L’uomo ha sempre rivendicato la paternità dell'omicidio e di voler punire il governatore, che si era espresso in favore di Asia Bibi, la madre cristiana detenuta con l’accusa di aver offeso il Profeta. Per questo è stato esaltato come “eroe nazionale” da parte degli islamici. La difesa di Qadri ha sostenuto che il caso dovesse passare nelle mani della Corte federale della shari'a, poiché il delitto commesso dall’assistito riguarda l’islam e la sua difesa. Gli avvocati hanno sottolineato che l’imputato ha assassinato Taseer perché quest’ultimo si era espresso contro la legge sulla blasfemia definendola “legge nera” e, pertanto, era da considerare un blasfemo. Nell’ottobre 2011 Qadri è stato condannato a morte in primo grado dal Tribunale antiterrorismo pakistano. Nel febbraio 2015 l’Alta corte di Islamabad ha confermato la decisione, sostenendo che “nulla può giustificare l’omicidio della vittima”. I legali hanno fatto ricorso presso la Corte suprema del Pakistan, che a ottobre dello stesso anno ha rigettato la richiesta di assoluzione. L’ultima speranza di veder salva la vita risiede nel pronunciamento del presidente Hussain. Su di lui i sostenitori del terrorista stanno facendo grandi pressioni, ma non trapela alcuna indiscrezione. Nel frattempo i rigidi protocolli di sicurezza attorno alla persona del presidente sono stati inaspriti ancora di più e la sua famiglia è stata rinchiusa nella residenza di Stato. Salman Mamnoon, uno dei figli, a maggio 2015 è stato l’obiettivo di un attacco dinamitardo vicino Karachi, ma è uscito indenne dall’attentato.
SIRIA IRAQ ISRAELE IRAN ] è stato profetizzato che, il regno del mahdì, andrà dal fiume Nilo al fiume Eufrate! QUESTO SIGNIFICA CHE, noi STERMINEREMO I SUNNITI!
SYRIA IRAQ IRAN] no problem [IF, YOU CONDEMN THE SHARIA law, AND you give me the STATE THEOCRATIC LAY? I become the enemy of the Masonic State of Israel, ie fake NWO 666 false democracy Masonic, without, monetary sovereignty: cult Talmud JabullOn, SpA FED Owl Baal Kabbalah? I become ENEMY of ISRAEL, IMMEDIATELY!
سوريا العراق إيران] لا توجد مشكلة [إذا، أنتم تدينون الشريعة، وكنت تعطيني دولة دينية LAY؟ أصبح عدوا للدولة الماسونية إسرائيل، أي وهمية NWO 666 ديمقراطية زائفة الماسونية، دون والسيادة النقدية: عبادة التلمود JahbulOn م واس FED البومة بعل الكابالا؟ أصبح عدو إسرائيل، فورا!
SURİYE IRAK İRAN] hiçbir sorun [IF YOU şeriat kanunlarının KINIYORUZ VE bana DEVLET teokratik LAY verir? İsrail Masonik Devleti'nin düşmanı haline, parasal egemenlik olmadan, sahte NWO 666 sahte demokrasi mason yani: kült Talmud JahbulOn, SpA FED Baykuş Baal Kabala? Ben DERHAL, İSRAİL DÜŞMAN haline!
SYRIEN IRAK IRAN] kein Problem [IF YOU verurteilen die Scharia, und du gibst mir den Zustand theokratischen legen? Ich werde der Feind des Freimaurer Staat Israel, also gefälschte NWO 666 falsche Demokratie Freimaurer , ohne Währungshoheit : Kult Talmud Jahbulon, SpA FED Owl Baal Kabbala? Ich werde Feind Israels, SOFORT!
SIRIA IRAK IRÁN] ningún problema [SI, USTED condenar la ley de la sharia, y me das el estado teocrático Lay? Me convierto en el enemigo del Estado masónico de Israel, es decir, falsa NOM 666 falsa democracia masónico, sin que, la soberanía monetaria: culto Talmud Jahbulon, SpA FED búho Baal Cabalá? Me convierto en enemigo de Israel, inmediatamente!
SÍRIA IRAQUE IRÃ] nenhum problema [IF, você condena a lei sharia, e você me dá o estado teocrático LAY? I tornou o inimigo do Estado maçônica de Israel, isto é falso NWO 666 falsa democracia maçônico, sem, soberania monetária: cult Talmud Jahbulon, SpA FED Owl Baal Kabbalah? Eu me tornar INIMIGO de Israel, imediatamente!
СИРИЯ ИРАК ИРАН] без проблем [IF, вы осуждаете законам шариата, а ты мне Государственного теократического LAY? Я стал врагом масонской государства Израиль, то есть подделка НМП 666 ложно демократия масонская, без, денежной суверенитета: культовый Талмуд яхбулон, SpA FED Сова Ваал Каббалу? Я стал врагом Израиля, немедленно!
SYRIE IRAK IRAN] aucun problème [SI, vous condamnez la loi charia, et vous me donnez l'Etat théocratique LAY? Je deviens l'ennemi de l'Etat d'Israël maçonnique, soit faux NWO 666 fausse démocratie maçonnique, sans souveraineté monétaire: culte Talmud jahbulon, SpA FED Owl Baal Kabbale? Je deviens ennemi d'Israël, IMMEDIATEMENT!
USA ONU e Unione Europea chiudono gli occhi sui diritti umani sharia ] PERCHé SONO LE TROIE DI SATANA ANTICRISTO!
סוריה עיראק איראן] שום בעיה [IF, תגנו חוק השריעה, ואתה נותן לי את LAY מדינה תיאוקרטית? אני הופך לאויב של הבונים החופשיים למדינת ישראל, כלומר דמוקרטיה מזויפת מזויפת 666 NWO בונים חופשיים, בלי, ריבונות כספית: כת התלמוד JahbulOn, SpA FED ינשוף בעל קבלה? אני נעשיתי אויב ישראל, מייד!
NON VOGLIO PIù SENTIR PARLARE DI SALMAN E ERDOGAN CHE MANDANO TERRORISTI IN SIRIA! Per diplomazia russa avviata l'implementazione pratica dell'accordo sulla Siria 24.02.2016 (E' iniziata l'attuazione pratica dell'accordo tra la Federazione Russa e gli Stati Uniti sulla Siria, ha rivelato una fonte nel ministero degli Esteri russo. "L'implementazione pratica è iniziata," — ha detto la fonte. Tutte le forze devono essere concentrate sulla realizzazione del piano "A" sulla Siria, che è stato concordato e firmato, ha aggiunto la fonte. La dichiarazione congiunta da parte di USA e Russia sulla Siria è stato diffusa il 22 febbraio. L'accordo prevede che in Siria a partire dal 27 febbraio entri in vigore una tregua, tuttavia non riguarda il Daesh, Al-Nusra ed altre organizzazioni, che le Nazioni Unite riconoscono terroristiche.
Siria: attivato il centro di coordinamento per la riconciliazione
Accordo tra USA e Russia sul cessate il fuoco in Siria: http://it.sputniknews.com/mondo/20160224/2156087/Russia-USA-tregua.html#ixzz41AKABWWi
SE alcuni bambini possono essere santificati nel seno materno? poi, ovviamente ci sono bambini che vengono maleficati nel seno della Madre! Con un mondo nelle mani di: SpA NWO satanisti CIA farisei SPA FED, Massoni e salafiti? LA MAGGIOR PARTE DEI BAMBINI DI QUESTO PIANETA NASCE MALEFICATA! ecco perché, "bisogna distruggere il genere umano": hanno detto i farisei bildenberg spa Banche CENTRALI", che hanno fatto un buon lavoro Darwin GENDER GAY LGBT SODOMA a tutti i dhimmi pedofilia poligamia con Maometto in una fica di argento troia alla MECCA CAABA! così SI SONO RALLEGRATI, NELLE LORO CITTà SOTTERRANEE ABITATE DAGLI ALIENI CON I LORO DISCHI VOLANTI!
SALMAN TAKFIR ERDOGAN ] le vostre atomiche, missili balistici, ve li potete mettere tutti nel culo, insieme a tutti i vostri bombardieri: perché, voi non potreste mai riuscire a violare lo scudo raggi laser spaziale: difesa missilistica aereo spaziale! VOI SIETE DEI COGLIONI SENZA COSCIENZA E REALISMO.
SALMAN TAKFIR ERDOGAN ] VOI volete fare allah akbar: sharia morte a tutti gli infedeli genocidio nazista? [ ok! SI PUò FARE! voi dovete militarizzare lo spazio cosmico, e vi dovete "allevare" i demoni GMOS A.I., tuttI gli alieni (ex-9 cori angelici decaduti: OGGI, 9 razze aliene) con i loro rispettivi dischi volanti che volano utilizzando la energia l'anti-materia gravitazionale, come la NATO CIA NWO BUSH MARDUCK hanno fatto!
187AUDIOHOSTEM has posted a comment Dear kingIsraelUniusREI: [Join U.S.] -ANSWER - OK! FAI LA TUA OFFERTA.. TU PROVA A CORROMPERMI!
Psalm 11:17. The Lord's presence, did justice to the wicked fell into the net, work of his hands. 18. return the wicked in hell, all the nations that forget God. 19. For the poor will not be forgotten, the hope of the afflicted will not be disappointed. ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27; by ✡ ReiUnius ♰ ♥ King ♥ ♥ Israel Mahdi
Psalm 11: 20 Arise, O Lord, not man prevail: in front of you people are judged. 21. Fill them with fear, O Lord, know the people who are deadly. ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27; by ✡ ReiUnius ♰ ♥ King ♥ ♥ Israel Mahdi
INDIA:Indian police forces to silence the sisters of Mother Teresa. They are the ones accused of kidnapping and conversion of children. Disprove the allegations, the children were returned to the nuns. The Sangh Parivar organizes tomorrow a demonstration against the nuns and their "child trafficking". Insecurity also in Karnataka where some Pentecostal churches were closed, while in good standing with the documents.For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[Muslims as Satan & the law against blasphemy]. Pakistan: protests around the world for the death sentence of Asia Bibi. Exclaimed Ali Dayan Hasan - It is used especially against vulnerable groups who suffer discrimination: social and policy. " Sadiq Masih, a relative of the family, states: "Asia is innocent. The villagers are taking a personal vendetta. " Intolerance, Violence Against Women, and Lack of RESPECT, human rights mean in the world, there are many similar cases, the Iranian That Sakineh. The story of 37 year-old Pakistani Asia Bibi, Who Was Sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy, does not Differ from His Iranian counterpart, the number of people Mobilized Around The World In Its favor.
ENCYCLICAL "Humanum genus" of S.S.Leo XIII: vs Freemasonry, --> The human race, after that, to the envy of Lucifer walked away, miserably from God the Creator and giver, of things supernatural, split into two different fields and among their enemies; of them, a fight without rest: for the triumph of truth and goodness, the other: for all that is contrary to virtue and truth. The first is the kingdom of God on earth ... the other is the kingdom of Satan, and are under its domain superb people, ... refuse to obey the eternal and divine law and try to obtain their goals, regardless of God and against God often these two realms, like two cities, with opposing laws, shall, at opposite ends,[PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
INDIA. Orissa: killing Christians to stop development and dignity of tribals and Dalits: An expert sociologist talks, the reasons, the applicants' violence against Christians converting to Christianity, education and emancipation allow Tribals and Dalits, in slavery. Hindu fundamentalism hinders the search for greater justice, and social transformations taking place. For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
Orissa: thousands of refugees and new victims, massacre of Christians continues. At least 10 thousand people. requesting assistance. in shelters, too. seek refuge. in the forests to escape the violence by Hindu fundamentalists. According to "reliable sources" presented by a Christian activist, there would be "at least 100 deaths." For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
INDIA: Orissa: no peace for Christians even in refugee camps. Even in the camps, the faithful find fundamentalists who force them to convert to Hinduism. Priests also threatened and abused. Orissa: six more churches burned, hundreds of homes destroyed. More and more Christian villages suffer from looting and fires, while the police remained inactive. The faithful are threatened with death if cristianesimo.lol practice. but, for the government of Orissa, the situation was "under control".
ORISSA: satanic nightmare of India: founded on a lie of reincarnation, which is the foundation of the Hinduism, that is ruthless racism against the lower classes & female inferiority. The anti-Christian phobia (which with its splendor undermines all these lies) orchestrated by the government in New Delhi by Hindu & "VHP". For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists&Israel->. I denounce you for being so: criminals ideological & practical, your hate & envy is the source of all evil & racist. This wave of your murderer? I reject your hate and your racism: in the name of God the merciful and holy. Who gives you: permission to kill, rob, humiliate the Christians? You have opened the mouth of hell beneath your feet! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists->. The face of this persecution, mass planned & organized by governments: to expense of innocent Christians. The kidnapping & rape of Christian girls, etc. .. we look powerless, the destruction of the last vestiges: this to be in the words of His Holiness Benedict XVI, "the last remnants, of the Eastern Churches, which have done so much for the spiritual richness of humanity, suddenly, there is no one to raise your voice! "-ANSWER->is the Satanism of Muslims, before the arrival of this cursed scum of Muslims, who desecrated the sanctity of my Islam.
[Christian slave trade between Sudan and Saudi Arabia] Having exterminated the Christian parents in Sudan, the children become slaves in Saudi Arabia. Where the fundamentalists, that are operated by the Sudanese government, have wanted to murder, during mass, in Khartoum, of the Cardinal Archbishop: Gebriel Zubeir Wako.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
ENCYCLICAL "Humanum genus" of S.S.Leo XIII: "Freemasonry, solidly structured and largely, widespread. In fact, no longer conceal their intentions, they rise up boldly against, the majesty of God in public and openly, they are plotting to overthrow the holy Church, for the purpose of depriving: completely, if possible, the Christian peoples of the benefits went to Jesus Christ the Saviour. us moaning, these evils, we, motivated by charity, we are often forced to rely on God in these terms: "Look, your enemies great clamor arose, and those who hate you have raised their head. Against your people, harbored evil intentions, and have conspired against your protected. They said, 'Come and throw her, from the category of nations "(Ps 82.2-4).
1/4.[sharia in US]: Oklahoma bans stonings, amputations for theft, death for apostates, Muslims cry "Islamophobia". A Muslim activist in Oklahoma City filed a lawsuit last Thursday challenging a voter-approved measure that bars Oklahoma state judges from considering Shariah, the Islamic religious code based on the Koran and the Prophet Mohammed's teachings, in formulating rulings.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
2/4.[sharia in US]:State Question 755, which passed last Tuesday with 70% of the vote, declares "the legal precepts of other nations or cultures" off-limits to Oklahoma courts. "Specifically, the courts shall not consider international law or Sharia Law," it reads. The suit, filed by Muneer Awad, director of the state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), asks the federal district court to block officials from certifying the referendum.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
3/4.[sharia in US]:Mr. Awad says the measure violates the First Amendment, which protects "free exercise" of religion and prohibits official "establishment of religion." A hearing was set for Monday. The complaint alleges Oklahoma has singled out Islam for "profound stigma," consigning Muslims such as Mr. Awad "to an ineffectual position within the political community." Sharia law is used to govern some Muslim countries and is based on the teachings of the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
4/4.[sharia in US] This is the true face of Fundamental Islam. This represents a classic case of the radical Islamists imposing Sharia Law in America. Sharia is a law practiced in the Islamic country. Sharia is incompatible to any law to Western society, especially in America! NO...NO....NO. Say NO to Sharia. We already have our State Law and Constitution Law. We don't need any other Law that is foreign introduced in our courts. We keep Sharia out of American court! Unite all States of America! -ANSWER-> Sharia is satanism.You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists&Israel->.God of Abraham, in the name of Jesus, are cursed & affected: from the demons, all those countries & nations, which along with Israel, have made their religion, a sense of national identity, since in this context, the Christian is automatically the traitor and an enemy to be killed. God hit to death and misfortune, all those who insist on keep the law against blasphemy, sharia, and religious identity in the ID. for the destruction of these criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@:Israel->. too, & many acts of hostility committed in Israel Have Been Against the anti-Zionist That Are: Jews & Christians. Being a Christian in Israel? Means to be persecuted for sure! I curse the name of Jesus to the anti-Semites, and ferocious anti-Semites The Most Of Them, That Are the Zionists & Masons enlightened of seigniorage banking & IMF: of the Kabbalah and the Talmud. For The Destruction Of These Criminals? we thank you. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@:Hindus&Muslims&Communists->.today, Christians are the largest community in the world that is unjustly persecuted with impunity! You should not be surprised, if I with my divine ministry will hurt you!I love those of you who are honest and peaceful, I am the universal brotherhood of peace=. shalom +. salam. But I have a duty to do evil to criminals and their children. You do not have to accept money from these criminals of Saudi Arabia, which exploits my "holy Islam", for political ends to conquer the world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
In the name of Allah, YHWH & Jesus of Bethlehem, I lorenzojhwh, I curse the sharia, and all: Muslim criminals of Saudi Arabia & world, that they have turned the my holy Islam, in one ideology of imperialism and of satanism, to destroy my universal brotherhood and to do slide so much blood of innocent Christian martyrs. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
[Horror? at school of Satanism!] in Holland of the Monsters Of His political party of pedophiles (NVD). to make child porn and sex in 12 years. Actors porn in 16 years, legalizing sex with animals, run naked anywhere, Any legalization of drugs, etc... Came out a horror movie, directed by Dick Maas, against: St. Nicholas, that inspired the figure of "Santa Claus". to eradicate & profane, the values of the beloved saint of future generations. Too much horror, Also in the last movie of Harry Potter. What Happens When do damage your Christianity? The Curse is for all those, who for whatever reason are the accomplices of this negative & vandalization of human feeling. You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.->. you are pathetic & childish, with this history of antisemitism. every Christian biblical fundamentalist, like me, he knows of to be the most perfect jew. while with all his being he lives in the Jewish temple. Israel is everything to me! You are all sons of the devil, you are Destined for Hell! [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX-> 1. why are you so obstinate against the truth? 2. because we must lose our sovereignty and our money paid to private individuals SpA (seigniorage banking)? 3. because we also have to pay interest called (debt: public); 4. with the fractional reserve, commercial banking is the creation of money out of nothing, ie, that we get a mortgage, we arrive at a cost of borrowing 270%; 5. not there is a Christian project for world domination; 6. if there? would be a form of Satanism! In fact, I am for the refreshment of sovereignty: because happiness can only exist outside of an ideology, that is in universal brotherhood; 7. it's because of this system, that: 50 million people a year die of hunger, etc ... 1% of the population owns 50% of the planet's resources. as you can be complicit in all this? certainly you're going to hell!
we are going down by a long time: more and more, it is the Object of enlightened. We have since then fallen down more of the metal with Satanic rock and after, What We Have Left of Satan, in order to Improve or go on? the 3rd WWnuclear remains under the your descent. before rising again. You are all dead in 2013. you are all lost! ipse Venena Bibas! I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ✡ ✡ Techel PERES] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ✡ ReiUnius ♰ ♥ King ♥ ♥ Israel Mahdi
(Timothy 2, 3): 1 You should also know that in recent times will be difficult moments. The two men are selfish lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, irreligious, 3 without love, unfair, false accusers, incontinent, intractable enemies of good, 4 treacherous, shameless, blinded by pride, attached to the pleasures rather than God, 5 with the appearance of godliness, but denying the power within. I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ MENE ✡ ✡ Techel PERES] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" by ✡ ReiUnius ♰ ♥ King ♥ ♥ Israel Mahdi
TheMrPantokrator SAID: Well, I have not studied theology ... It'll take me a little ', to explore the Scriptures completely. - Answer-> is the Holy Spirit, that is in you, common sense, which is a reflection of "infused knowledge", the absolute knowledge that the man had in the earthly in paradise before the fall. So it is: when we serve God and forsake sin, with self-centered world view: this knowledge is given, back to us here in your intuition because you're infallible! why it is **** a beast absolute, for as he is ignorant!
@:LiveLongPakistan:-> [culture is essential for survival] before speaking in Scripture, God speaks to the humanity, intelligence & kindness, of every man. But who does not listen to God in his heart, as will he listen to God in Scripture? That's why all the Muslim nations is a nightmare monster, a ruthless criminal system. Since it is in their laws, they bear the discrimination between citizens on religious grounds. Here, as they are, Muslims & those responsible for heinous crimes & of all violence, that the most ignorant, vicious and bigoted among them, and they can do against Christians. God curse these fools. No Muslim who does not want to publicly recognize the right to freedom of religion, will enter paradise. In fact, hell is full of the number of them.
Glorious prince of the heavenly militia, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against all the powers of darkness and their spiritual wickedness. Come to the aid of men created by God in His image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. You are revered by the church as its guardian and patron, and to you the Lord has entrusted the souls that one day will occupy the seats of heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to hold crushed Satan beneath our feet, so it can continue to hold slaves for men and damage the Church. Presents the Most High with your prayers, because as soon descend, upon us His divine mercy, and you can chain up the dragon, that ancient serpent, Satan, and chained to push it into the abyss, from which it can no longer seduce the souls. [ ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB IV B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself.
exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and evil sects, in the name and power, and of our Lord Jesus Christ +: be eradicated: by the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed: by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb +. From now on, not daring, cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God + commands it to you, Almighty God . [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ✡Rei Unius Re di Israele✡alleluia!♰
Stands the Lord, and his enemies be scattered; flee before him, those who hate him. Vanish as the smoke fades away: as wax melts in fire, so, the sinners perish before the face of God exorcise you, unclean spirit, satanic power, invasion of the infernal enemy, with all your legions, meetings and satanic cults in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ: [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ✡Rei Unius Re di Israele✡alleluia!♰
Satan, you may be eradicated from the Church of God, turn away from the souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Divine Lamb. From now on, do not dare, cunning serpent, to deceive: the human race, persecute the Church of God, and to shake and riddle, such as wheat, the elect of God the Most High God commands you, [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ✡Rei Unius Re di Israele✡alleluia!♰
Thus, cursed dragon, and the whole diabolical legion, we break you for the Living God, the True God, the Holy God, for God who so loved the world that sacrifice to it his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life; ceases to deceive human creatures and pouring them, the poison of eternal damnation, ceases to be harmful to the Church and to put obstacles to his freedom. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ✡Rei Unius Re di Israele✡alleluia!♰
Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal that we make of that holy and terrible name of Jesus: that shakes the hell, to which the Virtues of Heaven, Powers and Dominions: they are submitted, that the Cherubim and Seraphim praise: incessantly, saying, Holy, Holy, holy, Lord God Sabaoth. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. ✡Rei Unius Re di Israele✡alleluia!♰
✡ReiUnius♥Mahdì♥King of Israel✡alleluia!♰ C.S.S.M.L.Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me a light).
✡ReiUnius♥Mahdì♥King of Israel✡alleluia!♰N.D.S.M.D.Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux (Let not the dragon be my guide).
✡ReiUnius♥Mahdì♥King of Israel✡alleluia!♰C.S.P.B.stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The Cross of the Holy Father Benedict).
✡ReiUnius♥Mahdì♥King of Israel✡alleluia!♰V.R.S.N.S.M.V.Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana (Begone Satan! Suggest not to me thy vain things)
✡ReiUnius♥Mahdì♥King of Israel✡alleluia!♰S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas (The drink you offer is evil; drink that poison yourself)
@XXXxThemessiahxXXX.->. as always to support Israel and to protect the world from terrorism. -RESPONSE->. you are the true terrorist! real terrorists are the Jews of the International Monetary Fund: that is, Rothschild and Rockefeller. that the Jewish lobby of the enlightened, which is the scum of Satan. If you were not so perverse? Maybe Muslims would be more good! You'll end up in a early destruction: you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
This is: the cost of our money paid to the Jews: satanists [(1)] 100%: banking seigniorage: destruction of sovereignty☠] pays Euro or Dollar. with Bott and CCT) + [(2)] ☠ public debt of 100% (interest). + [(3)] x ☠ cost fractional reserve is 70% to generate a loan from: the bank. + [(4)] ☠ inflation. + [(5)] ☠ recession. + [(6)] ☠ monetary rarefaction. + [(7)], 3rd WW nuclear ☠ inevitable and essential to regenerate this IMF, in deed, Nations are exhausted: on based of: seigniorage and debt. "Is the war: is the biggest business of all time. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is capitalism, welcome to our world of Satan + [(8)] ☠ the satanic NWO enlightened Jew-RESPONSE->. ☠ This system is rotten! is about to collapse on you all, that's welcome all you at to hell ☠ ☠3°WWnuclear ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Illuminati, Freemasonry jew nwo imf@XXXxThemessiahxXXX->. God is in control, but this is not good news for you &all the men of the NWO, that's Satanists, Freemasons, like you, the synagogue of Satan, everyone knows: that ECB and FED: are privately owned of central banks: SpA, and do not you? we are dying for this! as you can lie to the Holy Spirit and say: "I think you too believe in conspiracy theories. Hitler's Nazi Germany's own used to ride to power, saying the Jews had too much power." but, He was no less racist in your Talmud! Hitler was a criminal, but it was not a liar, like you. I curse you, in Jesus' name, along with all the Satanists: your entire breed of moneylenders. is for to be liars,for be murderers: also. [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
MAKE YOUR DECISION TODAY! THIS IS A DAY VERY GLORIOUS, because are SLAUGHTERED many satanists [✡♛♰][For my life] thanks: My Father, in the name of Jesus: my Lord and King for:the criminalization &:the destruction any form of Satanism and opposition: at my kingdom: thanks! We thank you in behalf of :the Church, in Jesus Christ, true God and true man: Thank you for :the Holy Spirit on all over :the planet. you are all lost! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ CSPBCS SMLNDSM DVRSN SMVSMQLIVB alleluia♛♰ satan is frocio=faggot. In the name of Jesus: satanist, go away! God has dedicated you at the slaughter. Judges 1-5 When your carrion is dissolved, what remains? don't cancel your youtube, so will remain here at least your shame and God will make a terrible example. seem sweet the temptations, but :they have claws to rip :the soul. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
@ultimatum to all satanists-->. I are armed by God to kill Satanists, but many things your belong to Satan :the fact that you're young? is slow down :the wrath of God upon you! then remove all traces of Satan in you! Satan is no joke. Satan is a usurper of our royalty and we can no longer be slaves of his lies! One in me: Holy Spirit is bigger than anything. I'm happy: I've already won! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
the Holy Spirit that in me is :the same Spirit of :the burning bush of Moses, that can not be controlled; that can not be sustained: :Satanists enlightened&:their accomplices NWO, have no hope Only God and lorenzojhwh "ReiUnius can kill.. but any murder is a crime of "high treason": against my kingdom, whoever kills by today (27-06-2010) he will must die! for the Holy Spirit that in me : the rebels: sharia, Satanists sionism:& their accomplices have no hope against me, for the 3rdWWnuclear? I am last hope! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
@satanist sharia zionist[✡:PAX♰]Happiness! I have :the power to realize your dream of love! Soon you'll be with your Satan! From :the hell: thousands of your friends tell you: Come to me, in unquenchable fire, in absolute despair!John 8.44 says: "you are of your father:the devil and you want to do:the desires and works of your father. He is murderer and a liar from :the beginning and not stand in the truth, why, there is no truth in him. When he lies? speaks of him! why he is a liar murderer, the father of lies". ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
@satanist sharia zionist[✡:PAX♰]Happiness! you're gonna die of misfortune distress tumor accidents diseases for those who have in web: all forms of sex; horror; satanism; metal; vulgarity. I'm "ReiUnius" in Jesus' name: I command that,the first dangerous disease, that will to which their thinking think? is own which by receive: that leading to death! you have loved:the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself: AMEN. ✙Halleluja✙♥.♔consecration at Heart of the whole human race. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
are all curses: made by God to protect this ministry? Alleluia :these are comments that are scary to you? But you will read of worst: now! flying saucers are prototypes! aliens are genetically modified, that have given a body to the demons: this is a red herring of "enlightened"that distracts us from real problems. Stop: porno horror, seigniorage banking .. is in preparing :the 3°WWnuclear! because the IMF can not be fall, out: of the war, why, this is his nature for its regeneration. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Many here have already taken away: erased :their video unfit! And you? I have prophesied against you, in the name of Jesus, to protect children who are here. you want to continue to go from bad to worse? You can fight you with God? Now I want to meet you to a universal and permanent prayer all you, for:the good of the world: every Monday of your life, from 20 to 21 I will be with you, in faith, on the Mount of Olives: forever! no matter your religion or your atheism, lorenzojhwh is still near you! anyone reads this exorcism St. Benedict, of :the fifth century prayer for receives the freedom: ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
God bless and assists you!:the rebels will be punished if not removed from youtube&web :the videos not suitable for children. In the name of Jesus: I have commanded, to every spirit: jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! GO! Terror takes possession of :the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
You are Satanist? you're a scandal to children? lorenzojhwh: in :the name of Jesus, decided that youtube is not good to your health: begone! you can count those who have already died here? you want to believe at the lies of Satan? everyone knows that he is a liar! You cancel your channel bad? Or your youtube remain in your eternal shame as a tombstone? Blood of Jesus on you to save or destroy. How many people have you seen that have been sacrificed to Satan? Of :these victims, what did you eat?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
In the name of Jesus: I have ordered :the destruction of bad videos, in youtube& all web.. rebels? they will be subjected to destruction. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]surely, the hell is began on earth, when one shuts himself up in selfishness and rejects :the love of God. so is that starts :the process of its self-destruction: the sense of guilt: hatred, violence, humiliation. that you receive to offend others,& to violate their freedom of religion. Hell is an extreme possibility of human freedom, it destroys any&all, the attempts made by God to save one of his creatures. lol. the 2/3 of mankind? are to end up in hell! alleluia! [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[Hell:Mt.18.8;5,22;5.30,]Satan laughs and thanks. knowing that little remains to him still by living. Satan is also, the banker jew of IMF, that Laughing still for the 11-09! they are having fun on you still. why, you are dying of bank seigniorage! JHWH "Be known on earth and among all Nations, before our eyes: the your revenge for the blood of your servants. Finally rise up to you: JHWH:the groans of the prisoners, with the power of your hand. ALMIGHTY: You save those who are were destined to die! "✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ♥. ♔[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
how Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill again, before being considered? [For all mankind]. to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? you are MURDERERS, as "accomplices"? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross :the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell: "You have the mark of Cain, into your body cursed & in your soul!" In fact, your spirit is dead, collapsing in your soul. Alleluia! you'll have a verminous plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! until you will not be a corpse. AMEN. Alleluia CSPB CSSMLNDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVBpax" "Drink your poisons made by yourself
for the precious name & Blood of Jesus of Bethlehem: 1. go at the foot of the Cross of the Innocent Lamb, all of you "enlightened". 2. begone Satana! go in hell! 3. on you and on everything is yours: cancer, leukemia and all diseases of hell. AMEN! Alleluia! 4. infestation, obsession, oppression on you and yours. AMEN. Alleluia! 5. God's wrath is upon you: it is an unbearable burden. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
"Drink your poisons made by yourself". I broke in :the name of Jesus every: Fortress, principality, power, domination, power occult, secret societies, secret services, bank seigniorage, Freemasons, aliens, UFO, Satanism, SpA, IMF, NWO, Net Work, subliminal language, porn , horror, begone Satana! I order in the name of Jesus to all :the demons of hell to aggression against you and against all your accomplices. AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[Psalm 67] God arise& His enemies be scattered and flee before Him those: who hate him. As :the smoke dissipates? you disperse them! As wax melts before the fire? So perish the wicked, before God. the rejoice instead is of the righteous :they exult before God and sing for joy. In Jesus' name, I have bind now: :the foot of the cross, all the living, of the solar system. I pour :the blood of Jesus: "Innocent Lamb" on all. Every evil will receive his immediate punishment.AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
In the Lord's hand: is a cup filled with wine junkie. He pours! up the dregs :they must put up with all the wicked of the earth! AMEN. Alleluia". Revelation 1.5. "Yes, AMEN. I am the Alpha & the Omega, saith the Lord. "One who was, is, and that will:the Almighty!" Wooow!!! ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! AMEN. Alleluia. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
also a form of carnival, that will involve as a character to represent, has its own responsibility, if he is bad. but a religious symbol is something much stronger. You're doing advertising for Satan. and here, :there are many kids who think this is a game. while, it can become something very dangerous of which, you make yourself responsible. also agnostican(wood) burn. not only burns the idolatry (straw). If Revelation says, of a grain of rice [micro chip]? you will not enter in :the sky! but you have much more than a grain of rice.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
1[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]:the earth shook & appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at :them with his arrows! Because JHWH save :the humble people. With you, I can break any barrier. With my God, I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies, I leave behind me! (psalm110). you have trained the my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
2[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength]: YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know, they have served me. to hear me? immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried :the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to be: until at the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: sharia & zionism: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness: on all mankind. Alleluia! begone satana!ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Mary Immaculate Conception SAID: Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pick up your cross and follow Me. I have wandered back and forth across your earth crying to you , begging that you listen to the counsel from Heaven. And I say this to you, for many of you are listening to the father of all liars, satan. Your world has become a playground for satan and his agents, for sin has become a way of life upon earth.ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 - Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here, and slay them before me" Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Revelation of St. John says: "those who take :the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink :the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into :the body. But looking at you, one sees :the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus. AMEN Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth that is in your life. I have atheist friends in my lists, why i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. but you are filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now. You will not see the 2013! your life is in danger. I command in Jesus' name :the destruction of all Satanism, sharia sionism. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
throughout :the world. Satanists of all of your lists? :the doctor is calling :them! satan-is-faggot. God has programmed me to win.
I have :the right medicine for you, the fire of Sodom! AMEN! Alleluia! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call o:thers crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? ibex mountain goat you pervert. You will stand in judgment of you himself? my father God has already defeated your father: satana devil, on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a real loser. How crazy is that? "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27] Alleluia! Even a child can tell you: "You go strong, like a damned soul!" All the fortresses were broken! if still standing? Because is they Kill each or is in 3rdWWnuclear for blame of the collapse of IMF with all the slaughter of all mankind. On this planet, no one can live according To Natural Laws: I know all: the enemies of God will die! ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[end game: the name of Jesus: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27]
now satanists or atheists, believe However, You Have only this life to "enjoy" = lol. but you do not look happy. lol. all together go in a mass protest: against seigniorage banking. this is not a request: for your conversion: no! But, you can continue to do the pig again! Ok?ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
theory of evolution? a tale of 150 years, that Darwin said he could not work, why were not found of transitional fossils. but enlightened have transformed in ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance, ie in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. ipse venena bibas! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
theory of evolution? Sure, we have :the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is :the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We have: refined metallurgical findings in the "coal fossil"; "polistrate fossil"; the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. Flood. 2. existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among :the hundreds of surveys, measurements Share Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: also the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
@rrmbgpym->.For the God of Abraham: JHWH on his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: a power spiritual and political, authority: metaphysics Universal ofthe human race. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for :the natural law, will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened".
✙ ♥. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
On all those who are responsible&accomplices in the bank seigniorage? for having innocent blood shed, as seal of his power: lorenzojhwh imposes the damn symbol of Cain on :the murderers. This is decreed in :the name of Jesus for :the blood of Jesus every demon and man is bound at foot of the cross.
✙ ♥. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
how many many: Satanists Freemasons, bankers, politicians and enlightened I must kill before being considered? to all those who have :their hands stained with innocent blood? MURDERERS! As accomplices of IMF-NWO? For the blood of Jesus on the Cross: the innocent victim perfect, I order on you: a plague of evil spell! I order in the name of Jesus: "You have the mark of Cain cursed! [♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Alleluia". Alleluia! you'll have a plague, a painful thorn in your flesh damn! AMEN. Alleluia you will be punished soon your own life is now in danger! God is stronger than anything and its time for you? may have expired ✙ ♥. ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥. This is :the victory that has conquered :the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
there is a power: 1. human, 2. supernatural, 3. super natural, 4. divine the my. I always to attack the summit! I go immediately to trample Satan and so in hell is spread :the terror. So will in the world of men. I'm learning to perfect my faith in this recent days. So you can see :the excellent victims that I will do for you, so that :the project of our Jew TEMPLE can be accelerated.& Obstacles be broken! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Obstacles? will become dust! the Lord raises his Torah, against talmud,& all those who dare challenge his authority supreme. I repealing :the right of Jews to lend money to wear! to anyone! AMEN. Alleluia! All you have make against Jesus? inverted cross? are a lock for you! You can not enter in the Kingdom of God, but so you go to hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[This is a threat: I do not want to see Satanists, vulgar, evil, horror and porn on youtube, and this ordered in the name of Jesus] Don't take the teachings lightly. Please know that :these teachings are in all the religions
1. Have no other gods before YHWH (the Creator); 2. Don't make and worship "things" as gods; 3. Don't use God's name in vain; 4. Honor the Sabbath; 5. Honor the Father & Mother; 6. Don't murder; 7.Don't commit adultery; 8. Don't steal
9. Don't bear false witness; 10.Don't covet.
[freedom of God's children]. You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid". you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain: Jesus is already on your side. 1 break with Jesus. very soon all your chains will fall. I have the power, of promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you.
[freedom of God's children]. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son, delete your site bad: immediately. for the love of God Holy, all saints, good souls for the salvation of mankind, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get, the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can to go all to hell? to millions?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that :the unrighteous shall not inherit :the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of :themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit :the kingdom of God. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
REPENT OR PERISH. Revalation.22:15. without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for :the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
REPENT OR PERISH. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Matthew 10:28. And fear not :them which kill :the body, but are not able to kill :the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in :the dark or perhaps you are: :the dark?! God has programmed me to win:♛♰♛ :the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name"YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. I lorenzojhwh: decrees, all :the curses on all Satanists and :their accomplices, forever: I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
"AMEN. Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "AMEN.. Hallelujah."I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? :then all you die because this is what the international jew banker decided much ago long, as did :the 11-09. his is true: he does a good job, for to kill you. But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? the power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[sharia & zionism]But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all are farmers of love? you have a weight! I'd enough - alone - to sink all you, in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei♥.Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? :then :the enlightened come to me!I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@rebel->. for how long: still? falling down like hail to hell in: the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly AMEN. CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙ drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against: at the Kingdom of God, for those? Satan? But he has nothing to lose! But you will lose your soul! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@enlightened--> There is No Proportion between: the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked with Christ Himself. But Because Christ is Risen? then, everything has already been Established and: then your lives are really in danger. My position is for Satanists all in: the world: a real threat. as, You Have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? useless! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@rebel->. now, If I Had a passive attitude against You? this should not deceive you, because the Holy Spirit does not need my permission, to rise up against you! The Holy Spirit, that is inside me, rise up against my enemies: spontaneously: The Bible is not a book to read, as: the Koran: The Bible is God: the Word, wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN. There is not a future for Satan,& for you. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
freemasonry SAID: "hell is on earth, i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of :the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!"-ANSWER->. no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that :the occult powers of the IMF-NWO, dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death
@freemasonry-> I have the joy, even now, Happiness is in my being, but pain is to relieve the despair of the world. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down, in the drain. we are at final stages of Satan's breath: blessed my friends, but more curse my enemies, for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
enough: Cancer now for those who have in youtube: animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children. I'm Rei Unius :the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous that will disease to which, their thinking think? is own one that should receive: a invincible disease that leading to death: loved :the curse? Falls on him! AMEN. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@sinners-->If You Have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you That Jesus loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His life for you. God Father: There also loves you. He loves you so much That He Gave His only Son for you by sending to Him: the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking all of your sins upon Himself and all of my sins. He Was Judged for Our sins and paid: the price for all our sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@sinners-->.Therefore Our sins will never be Held Against us. right where You Are, you now have: the opportunity to make: the greatest decision in your life. To accept: the free gift of eternal life by truly believing That Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to Reflect on what: Christ has done for you and to say: "Father, I Believe That your Son, Jesus Christ, is died on the cross: for the forgiveness of my sins.Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud: Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to your Satan. Alleluia! AMEN. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are :the wicked for Glory of :the Lord. Sons of darkness "lorenzojhwh", tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan begone! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud: for the destruction of your: satanic, alien, SpA, Freemasonry, seigniorage banking. for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
@muslim of sharia, @jew of Talmud, @Communists: Elijah is back and you'll need to get off : with me &with him, at the river Kishon, where you will be executed: with your boss jew enlightened, belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to :the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, for to knowledge of your opinion of damnation. AMEN. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
enlightened SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code. -ANSWER->.You're crazy! unique character of Satan is :the breaking of all morality, that exalt :the freedom for to bring at :the idolatry of himself: & all lies of satanists? can never deceive me, that are an exorcist! EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! only medicine to eradicate it? is to be, back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena & then, they deny God or Satan? This is absurd! I will ruin you & certainly have the power to do so. ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì We love: we are all equals & brothers
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown :their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on :the mouth of hell. curse are cursed, all Muslim nations, who do harm to the innocent Christians. The blood and horror, that they have given, will soon to ricare on their children, blood flow and despair on all their roads. Alleluia I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king, the sons of Zion. they praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. the Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. the praises of God in :their mouth and two edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on :the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful. ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen] God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all :the galaxies and all :the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed :the cross, which is why that :there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into :the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen] If you have sold your life to Satan for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ♥. ♔ is virus deadly AMEN. "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order, in :the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES♰ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
[ultimatum to all Muslim nations] for :the sanctity of Allah and Islam :the Sharia is bad, criminals satanist racist even if the Holy Quran is the word of God to 95%, Mohammed, that prophet is? I am lorenzojhwh, the Imam Mahdi and for the Holiness of Allah, for Abraham all :the saints and prophets for :the name of Jesus Christ: I order the secularization of all government, to starting by criminal Saudi Arabia, I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
[ultimatum to all Muslim nations] I have ordered the removal of religious identity, by document and every discrimination between citizens. i ordered to St. Michael :the Archangel and all my angelic divisions :the death and destruction all :the rebels. AMEN.hallelujah! ♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN., hallelujah! ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ ♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♰ AMEN., hallelujah!
YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his blood, I have bind the foot of :the cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrow :the cross, symbol of the greatest love? I love his funeral! I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
@Jewish lobbies->. what?:the Constitution decided that :the people had to be a subject of banking seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power, like: Satanism, Freemasonry, intimidation, corruption? Because ideologies: kabbalah, Zionism, Sharia, idolatry, witchcraft, porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
@Jewish lobbies->. Who destroyed :the Christian civilization and imposed the evolutionism? human life is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. JHWH, Jewish lobbies have destroyed: your dignity in all the man. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners: all evil of evil. they have: the first disease dangerous that is in :them mind: in this year, not accounting funeral :the misfortunes of all kinds: accidents, :the shame and dishonor on their children: oppression, despair, anguish and tribulation infestation.I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
YHWH thou hast made man in Your image, but Jew: son of a dog: the devil "enlightened", have usurpers of power with :the banking seigniorage, they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices, not until :they see the destruction of all :their children with :their eyes. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
God of Abraham: exterminate these evil of illuminated by :the earth face, I can see :their ruin, that :they can get all :the depths of hell/ geenna in this year. I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ✡TECHEL ✡PERES] ♰ PAX ♰CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰by✡ReiUnius♥King♥Israel♥Mahdì
That's enough! for all those who have in youtube: 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact, that is not suitable for children? I Rei Unius :the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous che will disease to which :their thinking think? is own :the one that should receive, an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved:the curse? Falls on him! AMEN, hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰ PAX
nargargoole" SAID: i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is like :the Devil doing you a favor..learn it. :then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay --ANSWER->. That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command: i orders destruction of all satanism institutional: government, secret services, military, religion, youtube, aliens, administrative, ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan begone! Drink your poisons made by yourself. enough: Cancer now: for blood of Jesus Christ, I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross, for their immediate process. for their internal, demons, and angels from the outside: hit hit hit all :them until :the onset of insanity, consumption & death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27
i am Rei unius [✙ ♔ ✙] God is ♥. + God is ♥. + God is ♥. [✙ ♔ ✙] ♛ ♛ planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again: the experience of happiness. a new life. I can not let Satan in my kingdom: Therefore, all Satanists Should Be Killed in a supernatural mode ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥. ♔ I am: the door Metaphysics, natural positive secular, rational justice, to open to all honest men, from first to last atheists: the heaven in Jesus' name. AMEN. Hallelujah God Gave us men to Our love, Our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve: the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙ ♥. ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE!
kneel! can not you see? passes :the Lord! AMEN. alleluia. what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me, all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to youtube you destroy this abomination of Satan. You're Already at :the cemetery You're About to Lose His senses Satan is your destruction! now? burn! in the name of Jesus: now you must burn! AMEN, hallelujah! in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan begone! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for your destruction as is the cemetery? what the hell you feel at the hell? AMEN. hallelujah! MENE♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of the children of darkness.
[109 Ps] God of my praise, you will not be silent, as against me: :they open :the mouth of the wicked man and of fraud; speak against me with a lying tongue. they invest me with words of hatred, they fight against me, for no reason. In return of my love, I move :the accusations, while I am in prayer. Make me evil for good and hatred with love in return. Raises a villain against him. an accuser is always to his right. He is convicted and his appeal is terminated: in sentencing. Few are his days and his place be :the deal another. His descendants will be devoted to destruction. the iniquity of his father and his mother is mentioned continually to :the Lord. Because he refused to show mercy and persecuted :the poor, to kill those who are broken-hearted. Loved :the curse? Falls on him! AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE TECHEL ♛ ♛ ♛ PERES ♰ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB
♰ ♔ ♥.lorenzojhwh:ReiUnius&King of Israel, from: the throne of God & for: the glory of His throne,& who is sitting: God of Abraham and Melchisek, Our patriarchs and prophets, who Revealed to His Name Holy to Moses: YHWH: the big name of: YHWH & for all: the churches land, the heavenly church and purgative: the Kingdom of God, for all pure souls and prayers of all saints and heavenly and divine creatures, for all mankind and in: the name of Jesus: the power of the Holy Spirit binds, with and through all creatures: is for the blood of Jesus all at the foot of the cross and for all: the martyrs: The order to St.Michael: the Archangel and all: the immediate removal for fire angelic: the destruction of Satan and all of His satanic symbol on this planet with immediate effect ✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✙ Halleluja✙MENETECHELPERES♰
AMEN.hallelujah! ♚♰. God can close your life now! But for what: will go on your damn life? You snake will live forever under: the gaze of my Spirit. When I Shall see thee to descend into the abyss? then, I will let you go! accuses you: the Holy Spirit. You have loved: the curse? Falls on you! AMEN. hallelujah! Took possession of Terror: the children of darkness. The order at Saint Michael Archangel and to all my angelic divisions to proceed to slaughter of all: the Satanists of all: the world AMEN. Alleluia. You Have Loved: The Curse? Falls on you! AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ✙ AMEN. hallelujah! ♚ MENE Techel ♛ ♛ PERES ♰
[✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
@Youtube ->. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of : all the world: the blood of Jesus is all about on: channels, web sites, videos, comments, users and all people of the world &web. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect, heal, heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan, principalities, powers, powers, thrones, dominations, demons, devils, aliens, Illuminati, Masons, Satanists, banks, SpA, web, occult powers, network, politics, religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! die![✡♰ PAX♰✡]♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia
La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti, in cui, sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: “tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!” 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? -ANSWER->. Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli: ebrei, massoni, politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: “terrore”, infatti, i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:
I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
[✡♰PAX♰✡] :the time of hope has expired: you wait for :the collapse of :the IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given: by God
You have your legacy: is infinite despair. I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for hell! ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject of :the jew banker who decided to kill you: 3° WW nuclear: die! -->. What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel Peres: the weed bad, is burned with fire:"You must burn in :the name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" AMEN.. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!:the traitor is sentenced to death"In :the name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! AMEN.. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself) ♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia AMEN. ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ i am from God. iI do evil to bad & selfish like you I kill, Satanists and all:the accomplices of :the IMF-NWO: only ie 500 million people for I am Rei Unius
[✡♰PAX♰✡]you've wasted your life given: by God you have been rejected: by God You have your legacy: is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that :the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of :the world: :the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of :the devil, you are destined for ****! ♰ I have done :the wrong to all those criminals who toppled :the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰
MARANATHA! Come Holy Spirit, sent to us from heaven a ray of your light, come father of the poor, come giver of gifts, light hearts Come, comforter, sweet guest of the soul, sweet relief, safe in the heat, solace in sorrow, infuse your intimate peace, without your strength? man is nothing, nothing without force, lava that is sordid, warm what is cold, halyard that is crooked, your faithful that only gives you trust in your holy gifts, gives reward to virtue, gives death saint, gives eternal joy. AMEN. Hallelujah! vieni Spirito Santo, manda a noi dal cielo: un raggio della tua luce, vieni padre dei poveri, vieni datore dei doni, vieni luce dei cuori, consolatore perfetto, dolce ospite dell'anima, dolcissimo sollievo, nella calura riparo, nel pianto conforto, infondi nell'intimo la tua pace, senza la tua forza? nulla è nell'uomo, nulla senza forza AMEN. ALLELUIA!
[This is for your miracle] YHWH: the God of Abraham and Moses must humiliate all enemies of ReiUnius: lorenzojhwh. Thanks for me, created HAVING me, Have Sacrificed your only son Jesus Christ: the Messiah King of Israel, for me! Is for the Blood of Jesus on: the cross, Which I am now in your presence as a angel! Is for Body Wounds of Jesus on: the cross, Which I destroy / to order all my diseases and all my problems, "Satan begone! drink your poisons made by yourself!" Jesus is: the innocent lamb slain for me, that's why: I Can Be: happy, feel good, victorious, No have financial problems. AMEN. Alleluia. I proclaim before: angels, saints to: The World That "Jesus is my God, my only Lord and Savior's. Why, I am Entitled To receive all the fullness, Because my debt is paid I am divine, immortal, Transfigured and glorified. Glory to JHWH, in the name of Jesus: the Holy Spirit! This is the miracle that, I want to give Public Testimony HALLELUJAH
"If you confess with your mouth: 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from :the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9,10 Dear God, I realize I am a sinner and that my sin will keep me from Heaven. I believe Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid for my sins by dying on the cross and that He can forgive all my sins. I now trust Him alone as my ♥.Savior. Thank you for your gift of love and of eternal life♥. Some Bible Verses that say >Jesus is God<<< Atheist people claim to believe that Jesus was a good prophet, but, they deny that Jesus is God. If that is you, I would like to encourage you to consider some Bible verses:
We have to go through things before we are saved. It is called going through trials. It is a test to see if we can make it untill Jesus returns. If we make it :then we will go to be with him. Get in an Apostolic Church and get baptized in :the name of Jesus Christ and recieve :the holy ghost. Read Acts 2:38, it is :the right way and :the only right way to be baptized.
Objet: I would cry for :the 3rd skyscraper that fell to 11-09 TECKMASSE said: "Yes I cry too, but love is in our children and we must be strong for :them ... Listen children say and forward please."-ANSWER->. You OWN FOR YOUR CHILDREN, THAT YOU MUST LEARN TO PULL :the FINGER, life of all peoples of :the world? is in extreme danger!
@Rrmbgpym->.[:the biggest abomination] :the king of Israel that built the Temple? has always been :there! In fact it is :the king of the world: NWO. ie, what controls :the world bank: IMF. However, it is unfortunate that he is a banker jew illuminated by Satan. That is :the greatest murderess and criminal of history of all mankind. :the good boy of YHWH? This offense did not deserve! Since it is written: "Thou shalt not kill! Not steal! Prisoners free", then you must first surrendered monetary sovereignty to the people, thief of a murderess and then you can build the Temple! that you are celebrating :the triumph of Satanism? History has taught you nothing? these bankers are preparing a new holocaust of Jews!
@Rrmbgpym->.Jews can not build a Jewish temple as :there is :the satanic domain, of :the Enlightened Jews that have created a virtual dictatorship: this corporatocracy/multinationals: seignorage banking are at act with :the same unitary identity of Satan is :the most clandestine empire whereby have subjugate to slavery all peoples, whose only goal is to maximize profits, with no respect for the environment and humans. "No one shall be enslaved more distressing to those who believe to be free"-Goethe. This is an extermination against all :the peoples who are doing :the World Bank-IMF NWO: satanic empire. Before it is too late: you withdraw your money from :the bank. But, since we missed :the "purpose of :the contract", :the contractor no longer has to repay/mortgage loan to :the bank. so you not pay :the mortgage[/watch?v=CP9-CzBkiIA]
Re:Leave :the old ideas sami7002 SAID: O Abdullah. One god is not a partner in :the King and all :the jinn are all servants of God. I love Jesus peace be upon him (284):the messenger believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers - We make no distinction between any of His messengers -and :they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto :thee is :the journeying.(285)--ANSWER-->. friend! God is much bigger than one religion and also of all religions put toge:ther. he is always bigger! I love ♥.ISLAM♥.holy - I love YOU: peace be upon YOU! What you have said is too precious! Islam holy for my not is religion, but is spirituality: high mystical level of adoration of :the infinite beauty:♥.Allah♥.!!there is still hope in :the world: :then! no violence on religion: then!
this is :the cost of our money: [(1)]☠ 100% bank seigniorage (Euro Dollar vs bills: Bott & CCT) +[(2)]☠ 100% debt public (interest required to bill) +[(3)]☠ 70% fractional reserve is required when a mortgage is asked at :the bank. +[(4)]☠ inflation. +[(5)]☠ recession. +[(6)]☠ rarefaction monetary. +[(7)]☠ 3°WW nuclear inevitable and essential as stated ":theElectroAllstar": "Dalai Lama. Give peace a chance! But, between ourselves: Who :the fuck gives peace really a chance? War is :the greatest business of all times. And business is war. Yeah, ladies and gentleman, that's capitalism, welcome to our world. +[(8)]☠ W JEW satanic x NWO perfect! -ANSWER->.☠ This system is rotten! it is about to collapse on you, that's why you will die like rats crushed ☠pax☠ + good 3° WW x you
@Enlightened, what is the thing that you have afraid more of best?
is JESUS is Him: ALLELUIA! 1. King of kings; 2. Messiach; 3. Savior; 4. Lord; 5. Emmanuel 6. Anointed 7. One; 8. Prince of peace; 9. Light of the world; 10. wai, truth, life; 11. Son of God & man; 12. the Word; 13. Mornig star; 14. Alpha & omega; 15. Name above all name.
--- ANSWER ->lol. stingy ugly: put the hands in their pockets or around the world will become one Christianity very soon!
by your ✡King-of-Jerusalem✡&Palestine♥.♰ReiUnius
Yahushua Messiah bless you too!
I am King of Israel & ReiUnius! God is Awesome!
a great victory for the Lord our God: Yahushua Messiah. Bless you!
[perpetuates curse on this page] against: Racism Satanism, to bring hatred and vulgarity on world, do for an abuse of That page of YouTube, against: Sharia Zionism cowardly abominable killers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters masonry liars horror porn enlightened leaders lobby Governments IMF NWO elite Corporations SpA: Have taken on this page, the disease that they fear. That is established in the name & blood of Jesus: amen. I am the metaphysics of natural law: universal brotherhood. hallelujah. if you do not stop your spam against people? I exorcise in all youtube again, But of your death? only you will responsible!♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who Toppled the cross CSPBCSSML NDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♰ I am Rei Unius & king of Israel:.alleluia!♰Begone Satan!♰!Their part is in lake sting at fire & brimstone, very soon be dead! [MENE✡Techel✡PERES]♰ pax "Drink your poisons made by Yourself".♰amen
[Psalm17 I love you JHWH my strength] the earth shook appeared the seabed. For the spirit of your fury from his mouth came a devouring fire: he flew coals. glared at them with his arrows! Because JHWH save the humble people. With you I can break any barrier. With my God I can scale the walls. an expanse of dead bodies I leave behind me! (110) Because you have trained my hands for battle, my arms to stretch: a bow of bronze. YOU have put me in charge of Nations. A people who did not know I was served; to hear me? they immediately obeyed me! Foreigners tried the my favor, paled foreign men and come trembling out of their hiding places. In the name of Jesus: order at my Spirit to make: until the end of the world: slaughter of the satanists: Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness on all mankind. Alleluia!Go satana!"Drink your poisons made by yourself"CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰♛
Sure, God loves all his children. But you are a child of Satan and when with your bloody death will end your fucking life. It'll finally mercy for you will end. In fact, in Luke 19.27 - Jesus says: And those enemies of mine who did not want me for their king, bring them here and slay them before me" Alleluia! Revelation of St. John says: "those who take the mark (666 or micro chip) will have to drink the cup of God". We're talking about something that is: 1. size of a grain of rice 2. invisible because it is put into the body. But looking at you, one sees the spectacle of Carnival of an entire city. You and this joker of Satan, you are both whit serious psychological problems: I have the right medicine for you: the fire of Sodom! Amen! Alleluia! /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
I prophesied about you misfortune, in the name of Jesus, throughout 2010. Amen. Alleluia. Now go to die or remove your filth, from the world. I have many atheist friends in my lists, because i have love and esteem for them: they are dignified positive honest. you: filthy. You will can not overcome, the test of fire! You remove this site blasphemous, now?You will not see the 2013! Throughout 2012? your life is in danger you must be careful at all odd days but are those par: that want kill you:will be alive in 2013? I command in Jesus' name the destruction of all Satanism, throughout the world. Satanists of all of your lists? The doctor is calling them! ✙ CSPBC SSMLNDS MDVRS NSMVSMQLIVB this
is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself" http://satan-is-faggot.blogspot.com God has programmed me to win. /watch?v=HBkTnaP0AWU * /watch?v=bct4A70HLC4 * /watch?v=VCuTWA9ucy8 */watch?v=Wk_5AxLjX50 * /watch?v=-WA7T7yIgSA * /watch?v=41D9hF9lcDc amen
satanist you're to listen to them rant and rave through programmed fake electronic music over and over and over again (broken record); and you and the illuminati use the same baphomet signs and worship the same lucifier. you should be a little bit more honest when you call others crazy, I mean really, especially with the things you do in the dark? And when you think no one can see you? those are the most crazy. You don't have to get all defensive towards Jesus or God; cuz the ibex mountain goat you pervert and use as a familiar object to represent satan without justification or authorization.You will stand in judgment of you himself? as he does on this page. Hard Its not a question of
cosa dad can beat whos dad up.CSPBCSSML NDSMDVR SNSMVSMQLIVB my father God has already defeated your father the devil on the cross over 2000 years ago. you verminous worship so a REAL LOSER. How crazy is that?"Drink your poisons made by yourself"
alleluia!God has given me all right!Even a child can tell you:"You go like a soul damned!"all the fortresses were broken! if still standing? is because they kill each other in 3rd WW Nuclear which is for given the blame of the collapse of IMF and the planned slaughter of all mankind. I know every secret, even yours! On this planet, no one WILL can live according to natural laws: so all the enemies of God will die: everywhere! now you satanists, whether if they be atheists or believe however, you have only this life to "enjoy"=lol. outputs then, go away from all together in a mass for protest. because this will be noticed and may be a solution, to extend the your life.this is not a request: for your conversion:no! But you can continue to do so the pig again!ok?✙ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL IVB Drink your poisons made by yourself ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ end game in the name of Jesus:"You are all lost!"Luke19.27
bless! as a whole: the theory of evolution has transformed the ideology of the NWO, international Jewish finance in an ideological crime: that is, proof against God lol. while it is against logic, since God is timeless. Sure, we have the evidence of evolution in the same species, but we do not have a single fossil that is the passage from one species to another. All those shown? Have been portrayed as false: after. We, refined metallurgical findings in the "coal" and "polistrate fossil", the nephillim, all these tests prove it: 1. the Flood. 2. the existence of advanced antediluvian civilization. among the hundreds of surveys, measurements and finds pictures of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat: we also had the inspection: Russian army at the time of Tsar Nicholas II
@rrmbgpym->For the glory of God of Abraham & his Throne: lorenzojhwh is the ReiUnius: the best power spiritual & political & authority metaphysics Universal of human kind. anyone who opposes his authority? he no has love for the natural law, ie will be punished as Exodus 20.12 says: "his life will be shortened". On all those who are responsible for having innocent blood shed, I put as seal of my power the damn symbol of Cain, on all murderers. This is decreed in the name of Jesus for the blood of Jesus every demon & man is bound at the foot of the cross. ✙ ♥ ♔WELCOME in my LIVE!✙ ♥ ✙CSPBC SSMLND SMDV RSN SM VSMQLIVB ✙ MENE TECHEL PERES✙ AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ *This is the victory that has conquered the world; the Our Faith! 1 Giov5,4
the power that was given to me by God? is awesome, terrible: the love! can not be contained and can not be supported in any way by men. I'm learning to use this power in this days. Indeed, the terror is spread among Satanists, and among all the children of darkness! I received all the powers of representation of the Kingdom of God: justice, truth, humility, love, forgiveness. What I establish on earth? Is immediately written and ratified in heaven! I'm like a rod of iron, and in fact, everything I have by shatter? I will shatter! as the various of clay. Re: http://www..com/watch?v=KrM0dAFsZ8k Arabs do not know that for to do: the 11-09 were the Jews satanist of the IMF, called "enlightened" or Masons to destroy Iraq and to reduce the constitutional liberties and better to damage:
of the whole human race: NWO
You are already free, if you want to be free: is the truth!"all your debts have been paid" and you will not be found guilty. you will free and happy? you'll be full of power of the Holy Spirit, just like me. you can get out of this prison you can break every chain:Jesus is already on your side. first break the chain with Jesus. very soon all your chains fall. I have the power, promise to you on behalf of God that no one can hurt you. I promise you in Jesus' name You'll be blessed happy protected! son delete this site immediately. for the love of: God saints, good souls for the future of mankind for your salvation now, now destroy this site! I'm on your right while Jesus is on your left. Immediately delete this nightmare and you get the freedom of God's children you can do. your example will be followed by millions of kids! you become famous: for better or for worse? how you can take to go all to hell? millions of children?
REPENT OR PERISH. 1Corinthians 6:9-10.Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Revalation 22:15.For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Galatians 6:7. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Matthew 10:28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Seek Forgiveness and Redemption Through Your Saviour Jesus Christ. Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (spread this message)
Investigate! never forget 9✈11. Inform yourself or stay in the dark or perhaps you are: the dark?! God has programmed me to win:♛♰♛ the fortresses have been broken; hell is in most total despair, all Satanists are lost! For the holiness of: 1. God of Abraham, 2. His Throne, 3. His name "YHWH", 4. angelic choirs. lorenzojhwh decrees, all the curses on all Satanists and their accomplices, forever: "Amen.CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB Hallelujah." can not be counted: dead, disease, illness, accidents, infections obsessions, possessions, anxiety, depression, disorders, insomnia, despair, madness: "Amen. Hallelujah."Mene Techel Peres PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB Drink your poisons made by yourself! this is virus deadly - AMEN - Alleluia "Drink your poisons made by yourself"
[to all Satanists]if I not build a Jewish temple? then all you die because this is what the international jew banker. decided for many of you much ago long in short, as did the11-09.this is true: he does a good job, for to kill you.But you are not prepared for death, because: of course you go into a hell of fire and desperation. your company is self-destructive! because you breed+spread hatred? The power and security that come from fear? are: 1. only for few; 2. very fragile. But, Love, beauty, wisdom, do not fear confrontation, not weaken in Division: are strongest! love has already won over death! If all farmers of love, did not have a weight? I'd enough - alone - to sink you, in what you all want to give to others. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! LOVE!✙ Rei♥Unius♔ Each demon is forced to go by his exorcist? Then the enlightened come to me! ✙ ♥ ♔ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. We love: are all equals and brothers
@crippledfonz--> you got to keep moving? for how long: still?falling down like hail to hell in the fire of infinite despair: a day endless tirelessly ceaselessly rest AMEN CSP BC SSM LNDS MDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ✙drink your poisons made by yourself. this is pathetic for you. a colony: the planet earth is rebel against the Kingdom of God from which is? there is no proportion between the spiritual energies into play! Truly God has staked himself with Christ. But because Christ is risen then, everything has already been established and then your lives are really in danger. My position is for all Satanists in the world: a real threat. you have not tried: a satanic ritual on me? now if I had a passive attitude against you? The Holy Spirit inside me that did not is for rise up against my enemies: spontaneously? the Bible is not a book to read, as the Koran. the Bible is God; the Word; wisdom. That is Christ. AMEN there is not a future for Satan, for you
Re:✙drink your poisons made by yourself. "HipHopMessiah09" SAID: "hell is on earth and i'm serving my life sentence, death will set us both free of the chains that are here to bind us from being free on earth! i know life and death, can create life and take it away, does this make me a god? i fear only my own actions and what this cold world has made me capable of doing! but don't hate me, i am just a reflection of yourself!" -ANSWER-> no! You are a reflection of Satan, but I am a reflection of God! himself You say that it is a failure, cursed, unhappy now that the occult powers of the IMF dominate the entire planet, as then your situation will be desperate for you, after death. while I
have the joy, even now. I Decided to pull "discharge" of water and you go down. @Rrmbgpym-> we are at final stages Satan's breath blessed my friends + Curse my enemies for I am invincible.Alleluia: the kingdom of Satan now: falls is crumbling Amen Alleluia
enough:Cancer. now. for those. who have in : animal sex; porn; horror; Satanism; kisses with tongue; vulgarity; negative educational impact for children? I'm Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous che will disease to which their thinking think? is own one that should receive: invincible disease that leading to death: loved the curse? Falls on him! Drink your poisons made by yourself CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVBMENETECHELPERES♰PAX
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His life for you. God the Father also loves you. He loves you so much that He gave His only Son for you by sending Him to the cross. At the Cross Jesus died in your place. Taking upon Himself all of your sins and all of my sins. He was judged for our sins and paid the price for our sins. Therefore our sins will never be held against us. Right where you are, you now have the opportunity to make the greatest decision in your life. To accept the free gift of eternal life by truly believing that Jesus Christ died for you. So wherever you are, pause to reflect on what Christ has done for you and say to the Father, "Father, I believe that your Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins."
Your time is near, time to show your extreme loyalty to Satan.Alleluia! +Mene+ Techel +Peres + ->PAX. Amen. rises YHWH and His enemies be scattered! like chaff scattered by the wind, like burning wax so are the wicked for Glory of the Lord. Sons of Darkness "lorenzojhwh" tells in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!" STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go! CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for the destruction of your: satanic alien SpA Freemasonry seigniorage banking for you: fire food is harmful diseases shame Dishonor depression obsessions infestation Cloak of lead. Woe to you cursed.Elijah is back and you'll need to get off the river Kishon with him where you will be executed: and your boss jew belonging to Marduk. with this ceremony, I hit your ascending hierarchy (up to the enlightened) and descended. I linked you, to the foot of the cross, to knowledge of your opinion of damnation.Amen
SAID: most satanists do adhere to a Moral Code-ANSWER->You're crazy! The unique character of Satan is the breaking of all morality, that exalt the freedom for to bring at the idolatry of himself: all the lies of satanists? can never deceive me that are an exorcist! but I'm back for this extraordinary words of MrAndocalrisian said: " I've needed a good laugh, because I've had this spiritual tumor growing inside me. I think the only cure for spiritual tumors is a good laugh" -ANSWER-> EVERY CANCER SPIRITUAL is inevitably destined to become physicist! the only medicine to eradicate it? is back in communion with God here all admit supernatural phenomena and then deny God or Satan? This is absurd! then if I say: I know them both?" you do not believe to me and continue to take in so much filth to ruin the children? I will ruin you and certainly have the power to do so.
[Psalm 140] from the rock were thrown their leaders, that I had heard sweet words by me. As cracks the open is of land, their bones were scattered on the mouth of hell. [Psalm 149] Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in assembly of the faithful, Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, they must exult in their king the sons of Zion. They praise his name with dancing with drums and harps, they sing hymns to him. The Lord loves his people. He crowns the humble with victory. Should exult: the faithful in glory to glad arise from their beds. The praises of God in their mouth and two-edged sword in their hands, to carry out vengeance to the nations and punish people: Hallelujah to tighten the their heads in chains, their nobles in fetters of iron; to perform on the sentence already wrote on of their: This is the glory for all his faithful.
[Ultimatum to the Satanists and their protectors: mason elite leader statesmen]God has put more energy and love to create you, that not to create all the galaxies and all the angels. you instead for gratitude, you have reversed the cross, which is why that there is no remedy for your downfall and your desperation is without no relief. lorenzojhwh you puts to head down into the abyss, you will have agonizing days and your life miserable must end in dramatically in nuclear 3WW: before and not after. If you have sold your life to Satan in for metal, horror, porno, ecc. if you have had an old site: this you Need to Know, who he was before of you is died: I killed him, so I kill also you! ✙ ♥ ♔ is virus deadly AMEN "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ I order, in the name of Jesus: immediate destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol ✙Halleluja ✙MENE ✙TECHEL✙ PERES♰ "You are all lost!"Luke19.27♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
YHWH Father in Jesus' name with the his Blood bind the foot of the cross all men and all the demons of this world. Who dared to overthrow the cross, symbol of the greatest love? What the Constitution decided that the people had to be a subject of bank seigniorage? and all his institutions of hidden power, like: Satanism, Freemasonry, intimidation, corruption? Because ideologies: kabbalah, Zionism, Sharia, idolatry, witchcraft, porn horror. Who has allowed corruption and Halloween in all world? Who destroyed the Christian civilization and imposed evolution? human life in is profaned and man is now considered as an animal. has been destroyed: your dignity in him. Which politician has legalized this abomination? is for sinners: all evil of evil. They have the first disease dangerous that is in them mind: in this year, not accounting the misfortunes of all kinds: accidents, the shame and dishonor on their children: oppression, despair, anguish and tribulation infestation.
YHWH thou hast made man in Your image but Jew: son of the devil "enlightened" usurpers of power with the bank seigniorage, they have made man in the likeness of an animal. I curse him with all his accomplices, not until they see the destruction of all their children with their eyes. God of Abraham exterminate these evil of illuminated by the earth face, I can see their ruin, that they can get all the depths of hell in this year. That's enough! for all those who have in : 1. animal sex 2. Porn 3. horror 4. Satanism 5. kisses with his tongue 6. vulgarity; 7. negative educational impact, that is not suitable for children? I Rei Unius the King of Israel in Jesus' name I command that: the first dangerous will disease to which their thinking think? is own the one that should receive, an unconquerable disease that leading to death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen, hallelujah! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰
Re:Amen hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰pax "nargargoole" SAID: i am going to help you make your game stronger.. or you will die soon.. or someone very close to you will. so this is like the Devil doing you a favor..learn it. then come back when you are not so weak and inputent. okay --ANSWER-> That's it? I can do more! tout est sous contrôle:"Jesus live!"This ministry can not be faced! lorenzojhwh in Jesus' name i command: i orders destruction of all satanism institutional: government, secret services, military, religion, aliens, administrative, ideological. Alleluia Begone Satan:go! Drink your poisons made by yourself enough: Cancer now: for blood of Jesus Christ, I bind all Satanists at the foot of the Cross, for their immediate process. for their internal their demons, and angels from the outside: hit hit hit all them until the onset of insanity, consumption and death. Loved the curse? Falls on him! end game: "You are all lost!" Luke19.27
i am Rei Unius [✙ ♔ ✙] Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ + Dio è ♥ [✙ ♔ ✙]♛♰♛ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself)pax ♛♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES ReiUnius ♥ king x Israel ♔ ♛♰♛ planet earth? this is my kingdom! If you let Satan you will do again the experience of happiness .. a new life.I can not let Satan in my kingdom: Therefore, all
Satanists should be killed in a mode supernatural✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE! ✙ ♥ ♔ I am the door metaphysics, secular positive natural, rational justice, to open to all honest men, from first to last atheists: the heaven in Jesus' name. Amen Alleluia God gave us men to our love, our sense of justice and equality, the universal ability to relieve the pain of men of all the our brethren of all mankind. ✙ ♥ ♔ WELCOME in my LIVE!
kneel! can not you see? passes the Lord! amen alleluia + love + shalom +salam..what is it made? is received! we collect all that we will have sown! vas a que destruir esta abominación de Satanás I have news for you: amen "He who is in me? is stronger than him: Satan that is in the world. All hell? is powerless against me! " you are completely helpless against me. you can not defend yourself from me, all hell with Satan can not. you're lost. you go to you destroy this abomination of Satan. You're Already at the cemetery You're About to Lose His senses Satan is your destruction! now? burn! in the name of Jesus: now you must burn! Amen, hallelujah! in the name of Jesus: "Now you must burn!"
STOP: halloween antichrist pride slavery blindness Satan Go!CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB for your destruction:as is the cemetery? what the hell you feel at the hell? Amen, hallelujah! MENE♛TECHEL♛ PERES♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of the children of darkness.
1/2[109 Ps] God of my praise, you will not be silent, as against me: they open the mouth the wicked man and of fraud; speak against me with a lying tongue. They invest me with words of hatred, they fight against me, for no reason. In return of my love, I move the accusations, while I am in prayer. Make me evil for good and hatred with love in return. Raises a villain against him. an accuser is always to his right. He is convicted and his appeal is terminated: in sentencing. Few are his days and his place be the deal another. His descendants will be devoted to destruction. The iniquity of his father and his mother is mentioned continually to the Lord. Because he refused to show mercy and
persecuted the poor, to kill those who are broken-hearted. Loved the curse? Falls on him! Amen, hallelujah! ♚ MENE TECHEL PERES ♰ PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB
♰♔♥♔lorenzojhwh the Rei Unius King of Israel, from the throne of God and for the glory of his throne and for who is sitting: in the name of the God of Abraham and Melchisek, our patriarchs and prophets, who revealed his name Holy to Moses: YHWH: in the name of: YHWH and of all the churches land, the church purgative and heavenly: the Kingdom of God, for all pure souls and prayers of all saints and heavenly and divine creatures, for all mankind and in the name of Jesus the power of the Holy Spirit through all creatures and binds with the blood of Jesus at the foot of the cross and for all the martyrs: I order to St.Michael the Archangel and all the angelic of fire immediate removal and the destruction of Satan and of all his satanic symbol on this planet with immediate effect ✙CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSM VSMQLIVB ✙Halleluja✙ MENETECHELPERES♰
Amen, hallelujah!♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♰.God can close your life now! But for what will go on your damn life? You snake will live forever under the gaze of my Spirit. When I shall see thee to descend intotheabyss? Then, I will let you go! you accuses the Holy Spirit. you have loved the curse? Falls on you! Amen, hallelujah! ♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES ♰ PAX CSPBCSSM LNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙Amen, hallelujah! MENE♛ TECHEL♛ PERES ♰ PAX♛ Terror took possession of the children of darkness. I order at Saint Michael Arcangel and to all my angelic divisions to proceed to slaughter of all the Satanists of all the world Amen Alleluia. you have loved the curse? Falls on
you! Amen, hallelujah! ♚MENE ♛TECHEL♛ PERES ♰ PAX CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself"✙ Amen, hallelujah! ♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♰
[✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your
poisons made by yourself" ♰
I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of the world: the blood of Jesus is all about on: channels, web sites, videos, comments, users and all people of the world. Glory to God for this precious blood of Jesus for protect, heal, heal and release prisoners. Blood of Jesus over Satan, principalities, powers, powers, thrones, dominations, demons, devils, aliens, Illuminati, Masons, Satanists, banks, SpA, web, occult powers, network, politics, religion and institutions of this dark world. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia
La cosa peggiore non è la 3°WW con 5 miliardi di morti, in cui, sarà fatto cadere il FMI. Un satanista ha detto a me, lorenzojhwh: “tu hai bloccato l'evoluzione del genere umano!” 1. Chi ha dato a questi mostri, l'obiettivo di conquistare, tutto il genere umano? 2. Chi ha dato un corpo ai demoni, realizzando gli alieni e i dischi volanti? Solo gli ebrei illuminati potevano commettere questa mostruosità! 1. Questo messaggio è per 10.000 indirizzi; 2. QUESTO è per la vergogna di tutti gli: ebrei, massoni, politici del mondo. Ma ho una notizia per tutti loro: “terrore”, infatti, i capi del satanismo hanno imparato a bloccarmi:
I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of the world: the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰[♚MENE ♛TECHEL ♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
[✡♰PAX♰✡] the time of hope has expired: you wait for the collapse of the IMF in 3°WW. you've wasted your life given: by God. You have your legacy: is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all. You are all sons of the devil, you are
destined for hell! ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
you have betrayed God and the people you are a subject of the jew banker who decided to kill you: 3° WW nuclear: die! --> What you have done to others? Now i will do to you! +1.Brucia!Mene Tekel PeresThe weed bad, is burned with fire:"You must burn in the name of Jesus Burn!Burn!Burn!" Amen. Alleluia. +2. Muori!Mene Tekel Peres Die!The traitor is sentenced to death"In the name of Jesus you must die! Now! Die!Die!Die!" +3. Grida! you have to scream!Mene Tekel Peres. Screaming bloody his despair. You have to scream now your desperation on my channel:cry! cry! cry! Amen. Alleluia! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMV SMQL(IVB=drink your poisons made by yourself) ♰♛ MENE TECHEL PERES
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia amen ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰ i am from God. I will do the evil at bad & selfish like you. I kill, Satanists and all the accomplices of the IMF-NWO: only 500 million people, why I am Rei Unius [✡♰PAX♰✡]you've wasted your life given: by God. you will rejected by God. You have your legacy is infinite despair I command in Jesus' name, that the blood of Jesus be upon you, and all men and women of the world: the blood of Jesus is on all. You are all sons of the devil, you are destined for hell! ♰ I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♛MENE ♚TECHEL ♛PERES♰ PAX] ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰
Why lorenzojhwh: Is Convinced that: the monarchy is the best form of government? ♔ [✡ ♰ ♥ ♰ ✡] ♔
The lorenzojhwh the "Rei unius" I can go down to hell, as to climb, the Throne Room of the One: YHWH, for to take it. I Had legal rights. The order at the "enlightened" in the name of: YHWH God of Abraham: of return to me: the King of Israel the Monetary Sovereignty, That You Have stolen to all the peoples. [PAX ♰ ✡ ✡ ♰] I ♰ Have the wrong done to All Those Criminals, who Toppled the cross. ♰ [♚ MENE ♛ ♛ Techel PERES ♚] PAX ♰ ♰ ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself" ♰
we can propel America's growth and prosperity to steal the world! No! God has cursed the United States of America! the FED-IMF-masonry satanism have betrayed. the seigniorage bank has violated all law, the Jews banking have steal all the sovereignty of the people
@satanist enlightened freemasonry&all forces occult of NWO-IMF --> I would have saved you, but you did? sacrilege desecration contempt scandal insult blasphemy. You are a criminal! you have no respect for the noblest ideals & of the crucifix that is a symbol of the greatest love! I condemn you to death in the name of Jesus: you are a child of the curse for burn in hell, but now, you will die desperate. I command the demons of hell to torment you and the angels to hit you, with any punishment. I am "Rei Unius" the metaphysics, my kingdom is the universal brotherhood! ie is the only chance of survival in this time! My Ministers "angels"? will kill you for impose my kingdom: I decree: curses & punishments: in Jesus's name, against you. [✡♰ PAX♰✡] I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENE TEKEL PERES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰
[ultimatum to all Muslim & Comunist country]will be destroyed by God: why you kill 260,000 innocent Christians every year! You never get out from yours curse of blood, as is to Jews for seigniorage banking of IMF-NWO for to be bad with Them. for the sanctity of Allah and Islam holy: Sharia Talmud Zionism, capitalism, communism? are convicted! I order the secularization of all government, to starting with Saudi Arabia to removal of the religious by document identification and every discrimination between citizens. I ordered to St. Michael the Archangel and all my angelic divisions the death and destruction all the rebels. Amen, hallelujah! ♚ Terror took possession of the children of darkness. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰ ♚MENE ♛TEKEL ♛PERES♰ Amen, hallelujah! too naive, the Jewish lobby, that are attracting the hatred of Christians to make the agenda of the enlightened to create a new holocaust! STOP: PORNO HORROR HALLOWEEN!
I has prophesy in the name of Jesus, your tragic death in 2011, your blood will be paid on the asphalt: [✡♰ PAX♰✡]I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENETECHELPERES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself we bet that you'll be dead in 2011? you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"
Satanism is in too with every perversion with all people of good we will migrate of all to another server that has moral commitments. you find it for me and if there is not? you have to work to create it! You have to work for the survival of mankind! and to defend the Christian faith, menaced by the Masonic and Jewish lobby
atheists are religion have decided to "not believe in the existence of God." is how to think for a fart (Big Bang) without the ass that produced it (God). I'm angry with God because yesterday, he killed only few people for me! Big Bang has never existed, the only noise is the sound of bouncing of the heavenly bodies. it is tragic as we have all become victims of dreamers & storytellers, against all scientific process of reasoning. With lockers that are full of "fossils" that deny evolution
@Cowards @Incredulous @Abominable @murderers @Fornicators @Wizards @Idolaters @Liars @masonry @seigniorage banking @NWO.: -> Their part in the lake of burning fire & brimstone, then? will be the second death: the disintegration of 21.8-Apocalypse very soon you'll be dead! amen Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux stand for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti Vade retro Satana; nunquam suade mihi vana Sunt mala quae libas; ipse venena bibas I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross ♰ [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰"Drink your poisons made by yourself"♰
I has prophesy in the name of Jesus, your tragic death in 2011, your blood will be paid on the asphalt:
[✡♰ PAX♰✡] I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENETECHELPERES]CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself
we bet that you'll be dead in 2011? you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"
@jew->Leviticus25.44 allows the Jews to kill all of the people through the slave trade and usury banking, but for what we know of God from Adam, this can only be Satanism, the priests of the Jewish Temple, when they came from Babylon, but they hates Jesus that died loving his killers. Jews, why do you hate Jesus and hate, the Christian love? In fact, The Jewish Talmud, claims to boil, in extrement Christ? Do you want to kill also me, how did you kill Zerubbabel and Jesus? It would not be new to you, the one to kill your king, As Babylon hath made you the Satanists! for then end it in Auschwitz: again? This is the power of enlightened, that they kept for 500 years. for controlling the money then all other the institutions are been involved or manipulated. How to make understand this trap of the Jewish lobby to my people jew?
✡ by your King-of-Jerusalem. ✡ &. ♥ Palestine. ♰ ReiUnius. for. Yahushua Messiah. bless you too! I am King of Israel! God is Awesome! a great victory. for the Lord. Our God: Messiah Yahushua. Bless you! Yahushua is the Messiah and Savior! Light of the world!
Bless you. nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio, e dello Spirito Santo
vattene satana! nel nome di Gesù: vattene satana! in the name of the Father and the Son, and Holy Spirit. Begone, Satan!
in the name of Jesus: Begone, Satan! the name [Yahushua]
is the name above every name
Jehovah-rapha (the Lord who heals)
Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord Our Banner)
Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord Our Peace)
Jehovah-ra-ah (the Lord my shepherd)
Jehovah-shammad (the Lord is present)
Jehovah-Elohim (the Lord God)
El Elyon (the Most High God)
Adonai (our master)
El Olam (Everlasting God)
El Shaddai (Almighty God, Who Gives me my strength)
@jew Zionist sick-->. Talmud is all for:. Homosexuality, pedophilia, hatred of christianity, atheism, war, Freemasonry, pornography, violence, drugs, loss of freedom of speech, the financial crisis around the world for seigniorage banking IMF, the wars in the middle east, most of the diseases the human race now suffers from, the list is endless and I can prove almost all of it. Pray and educate. almost all of the blood rituals performed by the Illuminati are the same as the ones from the ancient Cabala that the Talmudists STILL practice. Many human sacrifices will be offered tonight. Why they are satanists! [✡♰ PAX♰✡] I have done the wrong to all those criminals who toppled the cross [MENETECHELPERES] CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself. we bet that you'll be dead in 2011? you will not be alive in 2012 to say "you wrong!"
Is God a Being Merciful! The Lord is pitiful, and full of mercy (Jas: 11) His tender mercies are over all His works (Psalms)
But You are evil! In deed:
[14] Then smash, against each other, fathers and sons together - says the Lord-, I will not have mercy, do not spare them no mercy I will use in destroying them. " (Jer 13:14)
Have no pity on Them, But slay Both man and woman, infant and suckling (Sam 15:2)
☠pax☠ +++ ☠pax☠ alleluia
As I said before. Muhammad carried out apostasy killings and so did all 4 califfs. It also says that in the hadith. Along with adultery and many other horrid reasons to kill people.
tell me what you know
Gli antichi uomini giganti, descritti dalla Bibbia, esistettero.
Gli uomini giganti (descritti dalla Bibbia) esistettero.
Genesi 6:4; Deuteronomio 1:28; Deuteronomio 2:10-11,20-21; Deuteronomio 9:2; Deuteronomio 3:11; Numeri 13:33; 1Cronache11:23; 1 Samuele 17:4; ecc..
Thus, cursed dragon, and the whole diabolical legion, we break you for the Living God, the True God, the Holy God, for God who so loved the world that sacrifice to it his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life; ceases to deceive human creatures and pouring them, the poison of eternal damnation, ceases to be harmful to the Church and to put obstacles to his freedom. [♚MENE♛TECHEL♛PERES♚] ♰ PAX ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB ♰ Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. Rei Unius Re di Israelealleluia!♰
Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal that we make of that holy and terrible name of Jesus: that ...
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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