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Director's Lecture Series (June)
Series Title “Wonders of Creation..Soaring in Splendor"
Day: First Saturday of Every Month
Time: Starts at 11:00 am and again at 2:00 pm
Dinosaur Excavations
Creation Evidence Museum will be holding the annual Public Excavation. Experience the fun of a real archilogical excivation. For information see below.
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Day & Time: June 29th - July 3rd from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
1. North Korea
2. Somalia
3. Iraq
4. Syria
5. Afghanistan
6. Sudan
7. Iran
8. Pakistan
9. Eritrea
10. Nigeria
11. Maldives
12. Saudi Arabia
13. Libya
14. Yemen
15. Uzbekistan
16. Vietnam
17. Central African Republic
18. Qatar
19. Kenya
20. Turkmenistan
21. India
22. Ethiopia
23. Egypt
24. Djibouti
25. Myanmar
26. Palestinian Territories
27. Brunei
28. Laos
29. China
30. Jordan
31. Bhutan
32. Comoros
33. Tanzania
34. Algeria
35. Colombia
36. Tunisia
37. Malaysia
38. Mexico
39. Oman
40. Mali
41. Turkey
42. Kazakhstan
43. Bangladesh
44. Sri Lanka
45. Tajikistan
46. Azerbaijan
47. Indonesia
48. Mauritania
49. United Arab Emirates
50. Kuwait
Brunei Darussalam
Central African Republic
Eastern Europe And Eurasia
Kenya (north-east)
Middle East
Nigeria (north)
North Korea
Other Africa
Other Asia
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Other Middle East
Palestinian Territories
Russian Federation
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Sri Lanka
Sudan (north)
United Kingdom
[unius rei] said ""amen" in Jesus's name! criticizes you all the Holy Spirit!! Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on Which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, Which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal That we make of That holy and terrible name of Jesus ♰ CSSML Crux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me to light). ★ ♰ alleluia REI unius Mahdi ♥ ★ ♥ ★ hallelujah King of Israel! ♰ Draco Sit Mihi Dux not NDSMD not (Let not the dragon 666, be my guide). ★ ♰ [I do not think your interest in me, it's just pure love.. I know you well priest of Satan] 666 parentsatan IMF -- go stupid, or I increase my intensity metaphysics, all over the world!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 ora fa
King of Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, Israel, bitches! could not have been our Father Abraham, to make you a murderess hypocrite, parasite, thief, predator and slothful, but, it was your brother Pharisee Rothschild IMF 666 for talmud satanic, and occult and magic kabbalah, how to teach to you, how you can be a hypocritical murderess of innocent people (the Christian martyrs, ecc..), which you call idolaters, only in your wickedness! as you learned to suck too, and, in this science of sucking? you're the two most talented suckers in the world! as you can succhiare strong, even the lives of all peoples? .. but, is come, also, for you two piattole, the right time to earn your bread, honestly, that is, with the sweat of your brow!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 4
parasites, usurers, of all Peoples, ie, false Jewish-Masonic criminals ie, all Democracies of the seigniorage banking for do the strangulation of all the peoples, thanks to King of Saudi Arabia, Arab League terrorists, Israel, bitches! - And why, God should be with you, for become, Also him the accomplice of all your crimes of animalism, with every sexual perversion, human sacrifice on the altar of Satan, nihilism, relativism, evolutionism, materialism, and freemasonry Satanism, 11-09, other auto attacks, lies, horror sharia and all crimes against Christian martyrs? just you, with all, the your religious whores silent accomplices the banking seigniorage that ye rejoice in seeing strangle the peoples! Who have interest in hiding, too, all these crimes, because, all of you together? you are one only Satanism ideological and practical all the demons of Rothschild FMI FED ECB NWO 666 322! you are all Satanists against God JHWH
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5
King of Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, Israel, bitches! - I have "seen" 200.000.000 of Chinese soldiers, which can not be stopped by anyone, in any way, in a continental context. they do of you all, one only and the same shit. who, then, is just, that, you are: and that you deserve to be, and, will become. to have turned youe shoulders to me, unius REI, which I represent justice policy the Kingdom of God! you did of yourself the accomplices of Rothschild Pharisee the vampire of all peoples through seigniorage banking stolen through freemasonry and in total contempt of every Constitution! 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 Bush, NWO? that they themselves are like so the big Nazis and Satanists, to the point that they are waiting for:of the time, to be able to laugh at you, and against the whole human race. Satanists Americans? not have, only one hope to win this war! and, if they win? you would be dead, however, equally, however
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5
@King Saudi Arabia, lega araba, Israele, puttane! -- io ho "visto" 200.000.000 di soldati cinesi, che, non possono essere fermati da nessuno, e in nessun modo, in ambito continentale, fare di voi tutti, una sola ed unica merda. che, poi, è proprio quello, che, voi siete e, che, voi meritate di diventare, per avere voltanto le spalle a me, Unius REI, che, io rappresento la giustizia politica del Regno di Dio! voi avete fatto di voi stessi i complici del fariseo Rothschild il vamiro di tutti i popoli, attraverso, il signoraggio bancario, rubato, attraverso, massoneria ed in totale disprezzo di ogni Costituzione! 666 FMI FED BCE, 322 Bush, NWO? che, proprio loro sono, così nazisti e satanisti, al punto che, loro sta aspettando il momento di poter ridere su di voi, e contro tutto il genere umano. i satanisti americani non hanno una sola speranza di poter vincere questa guerra! e se la vincessero? voi sareste morti, comunque, ugualmente
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 17
Parenbot posted a comment, 19 minutes ago "Where are the other spammers Wake Up" -- and ArcticNinjaXXI is came! -- ANSWER -- HEI BUSH ROTHSCHILD 666 IMF -- WHY YOUR Satanists MUST PROTECT, THE USA, AGAINST, A CHRISTIAN CATHOLIC? MAYBE, your Satanists HAVE BECOME, THE OWNERS OF AMERICA? BUT, NO ONE HAD SAID TO ME ONE THING SUCH! Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at Yamama Palace Riyadh --- but that value can have these words, your loyal subjects have told you? if your U.S. allies have Satanists, as a spearhead of their technological strength, military and values? heroes, false grazy-demons ", Masonic, of the banking seigniorage, your subjects know that, you're going to kill them all?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 19
but, in reality, the Satanists have control of the our institutions, they can do any heinous crime, abductions for human sacrifice to Satan, about] LET 410 aircraft YV-2081, the tragedy of January 4, 2008. Plane disappears in Los Roques. This is the phenomenon of predation of the people who disappear into thin air (more, to 400,000 person, every year). certain here disappear, systematically dozens of tourists. so, as Satanists are invisible? so, in same mode, they become invisible even all of their victims! really all mankind is in great danger now
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 20
even if Satanists are very dangerous, and have a huge occult power secret institutional? However, they can not kill, outside of a regulation Masonic, that the IMF has established! because it is the IMF, because it is the International Monetary fund, the real center of power and control of all the false democracies Masonic of bank seigniorage. is clear, all Satanists who are on this page, they belong to the most dangerous and powerful organization that has never been able to exist at the world, because the true face of the Pharisees is Satanism, and their intentions are truly satanic, against all peoples, and in fact, their imperialist project, is the most concrete, that is never exist. so, they want to reduce the population of the world at 200. million, etc.. as they wrote in their anonymous millionaire monument of [this is new babilon tawer of 666 imperiliasm IMF] The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 21
Salafi Islamist Sharia horror, King of Saudi Arabia, as you're happy, when you meet your ally, [CIA FED ECB, IMF 322 666] ie, the Pharisee rabbi Rothschild What do you do together? you do the test, to see who was better brave to kill and or, do damage to the idolatrous Christians? who is better of the two, to kill the innocent Christian martyrs? because satanAllah, your stone idol moon, he sees if his horns if they have become longer, than, the horns of owl god Marduk JabulOn, at Bohemian Grove?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 21
masonería fariseos EE.UU. FMI FED BCE synnek1 322 CIA - por qué, se realizan más de 150.000 sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás, cada año (sólo en EE.UU.), pero nunca se encontrará un solo culpable? 666 UE, Unión Europea, Porque se hacen más de 30,000 los sacrificios humanos en el altar de Satanás, todos los años, pero nunca encontrar un solo culpable? Porque cuando termine matan hacer sacrificio uman de una niña, un hombre, etc.. en el altar de Satanás, entonces, hacer el molde de yeso para repetir su cara? ¿Con qué derecho, tienen los satanistas con el fin de conquistar el planeta? ¿Qué bueno puede traer, los monstruos que pisotean la cruz (el amor, la más grande), y los Diez Mandamientos de Moisés, es decir, que pisotean la ley natural, es decir: Diez Mandamientos de Moisés? por qué sus sacrificios humanos a Satanás, no son capaces de inhibir las facultades Mis mentales?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 21
la franc-maçonnerie pharisiens USA FMI FED BCE synnek1 322 CIA - pourquoi est lancée, plus de 150.000 sacrifices humains sur l'autel de Satan, chaque année (États-Unis uniquement), mais vous ne trouverez jamais un seul coupable? À 666 UE, Union européenne, Parce qu'ils sont faits de plus de 30.000 sacrifices humains sur l'autel de Satan, chaque année, mais, vous ne trouverez jamais un seul coupable? Parce que quand vous avez terminé tuent faire des sacrifices uman d'une jeune fille, un homme, etc.. sur votre autel de Satan, alors, vous faites le plâtre pour reprendre son visage? de quel droit ont les satanistes dans le but de conquérir la planète? Quel bien peut apporter, les monstres qui piétinent la croix (l'amour, la plus grande), et les Dix Commandements de Moïse, c'est à dire qu'ils piétinent la loi naturelle, c'est dix commandements de Moïse? pourquoi vos sacrifices humains à Satan, ne sont pas capables d'inhiber les facultés mentales Mes?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 21
freemasonry fariseiUSA IMF FED ECB synnek1 322 CIA - why, are made, more than 150,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan, each year (U.S. only), but you never find a single culprit? 666 EU, European union, Because they are made more than 30.000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan, every year, but, you never find a single culprit? Because when you finish do kill do sacrifice uman of a girl, a man, etc... on your altar of Satan, then, you do the plaster cast to reprise his face? what right, have the Satanists in order to conquer the planet? What good can bring, the monsters who trample the cross (the love, big more), and the Ten Commandments of Moses, That Is, they trample the natural law, That Is Ten Commandments of Moses? why your human sacrifices to Satan, are not able to inhibit the My mental faculties?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
inciucio massonico VATICANO - Mario.MONTI] I found some common principles that require an same evaluation the part of all ecclesiastical authorities. In making this statement, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith not it intended to ignore the efforts of those who, with proper authorization of this Council, sought of establishing an dialogue with representatives from the Freemasonry. but of the time that there was a possibility that it spread among the faithful the misconception that now the membership to: an Masonic lodge was lawful, it considered his duty to let them know: the authentic thought of the Church in this regard and warn against of incompatible with belonging the Catholic faith. Only Jesus Christ is, in fact, the Teacher of Truth and He only Christians can find the light and strength for to live according to the plan of God, working for the true good of their brethren.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
are secret things You know that masters of money (around the world) are few families of Jews Satanists called enlightened IMF ECB and FED they are not of owned by Governments, but are owned private is because Freemasonry has betrayed the people! 666 youtube - I remember to you, as you have closed this your page, against my "kingxkingdom" only, Because I was a little nervous and that you have closed my channel "uniusrei2" (with 400 original video: made by me) just because I translated slowly (3 hours) 75% of the biblical book of the Wisdom of King Solomon's. here's why CIA ie Satanism institutional IMF and international he said, that he make more than 100,000 human sacrifices to Satan, each year (because he never found guilty) I swear in the name living God of Israel I will hurt you in to all the name of Jesus!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
So how is this going to end up? and Would this ever be stopped? the power Of These rabbis "ILLUMINATI" masters of the world: ie THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN IMF for New World Order after, World War III? they wont kill me as they did kill Kennedy? but Jews are wonderful people, and amazing! they could decide to stop all this satanism of IMF Lucifer, first, for have may have longing of God, as in the past! 2. also why they have found my authority metaphysics that could protect Their all lives in mode Effectively! 3. But if we go to war? they too will die this time! 4. However I have faith .. Because, all of them diligently, have read my articles! 5. But, if the King of Saudi Arabia gives to us 200,000 square kilometers of its desert, then, all the Jews of the world would have to Their suited to nation, and so, everything could be settled!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
when Enlightened kakam Rabbis of Talmudic secret is the worst NAZI killers racist ie against our Christians children, for to bleed (why, they are only animals in apparent human form) for talmud of KAKAM ie, synagogue of Satan 666 IMF they Decided to start: the "products derivated banking"? is been right also, the moment They took the decision of to destroy Israel ie, only country, that today is Able to oppose to Their power. and to do 3 ° WW Nuclear! Infact, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the Bank to ask Their money (virtual) that do not exist anymore! they will be able to regenerate again, the IMF now exhausted, through a new debt! just after killed and destroyed 5.5 billion, of precious creatures of the: Lord God that they have first have corrupted between immorality, evolutionism is why, almost all of them end up in hell!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
youtube IMF 666 NWO - when will get here all Chinese nuclear missiles (WHICH ARE EXPECTED, of get, TO REDUCE drastically THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE PLANET?) for having had the Chinese by Israel and the CIA our "Patriot"? for to be also Chinese in only one Freemasonry of NWO, for to help With Their money, in Italy, to another poor millionaire a Freemason like them namely, to have Purchased in Italy A shipyard Without a economic hope ie, the super luxury boats yachts of cruise in times of crisis? with 666 Rothschild of IMF Bush and 322 of His grove owl god Baal or or Marduk god Murdok? Then, you will regret for be been here "in my office Rei unius" with all these your whores and with all these Satanists! for be you a asshole of gay! that has prevented me to moralize whole human race? is for this that thou with despair, will go down into hell in your endless pain of screaming with!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
PRODUCTS DERIVATIVES? COLLAPSE IMF for do? Or, is 3 ° WW NUCLEAR for hide your scam]] enlightened Pharisee criminal - you have no life never more! Come to me because I am "unius Rei that is, the legitimate representative Peoples of all the King of Israel!" all is mine! So, is mine also International Monetary Fund! where you want to go and hide yourself from me? but also into the hell I will come to pick you up! Because, damn All Those people of shit, like you? that I was not able to kill again in a supernatural way? then: this is obvious "God Himself is forcing me to protect you and them, and all!" Because if, I am not forced? I can not stain my hands with blood! Because God wants by me that, I must build the Jewish Temple!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
for having had, the Chinese by Israel, and from the CIA our "Patriot"? Also to be Chinese one in only one Freemasonry of NWO also them, I know if one of our nuclear missile, it Should be in place bad (for them) as in previously agreed (with CIA IMF 666)?, They too can be protected? .. Then, you will regret for to be been a coward, ie, my enemy! you have been here, "in my office Rei unius" with all these Whores and with all these Satanists! for be you a asshole! that has prevented me to moralize the whole human race? is for this that for thou despair, will go down in to hell in your endless pain of screaming with satan idiot!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[then die like a coward] why, despite knowing all these crimes? they do not speak? is obvious they are criminals, That, deserve to die also them (here's why God will hear my prayer). who has made of Himself, the accomplice of all this crime? is the betrayer of God and is the traitor of the peoples! youtube-WHO IS MY ENEMY IN STAFF your ie, masonic Government of YOUTUBE? IF HE HAS LIVER? HE CAN ALWAYS fight against ME ON THIS PAGE: but, he is so THE COWARD, TO tell backs MY SHOULDERS, [then die like a coward] only that is, behind the backs, me and backs of all peoples, to him be the slave of Rothschild, and, his IMF that is all this vulgar thief he has stolen, all from us all! but, When I get here all the Chinese nuclear missiles? (WHICH ARE EXPECTED of get, TO REDUCE drastically THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE OF THE PLANET?)[then die like a coward]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
this debt of love of Jesus and Christians saint, needs to be paid with your lives! Because When the IMF en has allowed the existence of "derivatives"? h well knew, that the scam counterfeit (bubble) would never have to be returned is why, IMF, he knew well: that all peoples would been all destroy through the 3rd Nuclear WW! Christians martyrs innocent? is no coincidence that, everyone wants to kill marginalized, the poor innocent peaceful, good merciful Christians all Christians on all world. that is, the persecuted martyrs! is clear "Jesus of Bethlehem he is truly risen!" Because there not might be another explanation, at your wickedness. is obvious you are all the Satanists, and, all who does not speak about, of seigniorage banking? or of the martyrdom of Christians? but, also, the Churches Do not speak well all of this, why?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
in what moment They took the decision of to destroy Israel (only country, that today is opposed atto at 666 IMF) and, then, do 3 ° WW Nuclear! In fact, the corpses do not have the habit of going to the Bank to ask Their money, that do not exist anymore! @-the israelnationalTV 200000 Christian martyrs of Udine and Gorizia, Istria Dalmatia (all related through wire of iron and all, precipitated in Karst sinkholes) be kill by Tito, all in the facts (after 2 ° WW) is genocide commissioned by Enlightened Americans through Communist Tito why: the Committee of the American Illuminati Bankers Jews! Because they were guilty of having saved by genocide Nazi all the Jews (200,000 Jews) who were fleeing from the Balkans? As all the others Jews hidden in convents to Rome, etc. ..? even Even Berlusconi has hidden a jew at the risk of his life! Well where is your debt of life?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
666 IMF FED NWO Bush IHateNEWLAYOUT - because on this channel you have the photo of, Saint Longo Bartolo, and, on blogtv com/people/LifeLife22, you have the mask of terror murderess criminal? the value of David and Goliath? you can see, only, on the battlefield, and our weapons in youtube, are the intensities of the Spirit, which manifests itself through, the medium of words. but, it seems that, you Satanists, you're having any problems, against me, lately
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
666 IMF - is why, Also into hell I will come pick you up! Because, damn All Those people of shit, like you? that I was not able to kill me., in a supernatural mode? then this is obvious "God Himself is forcing me to protect you and them!" Because if, I am not forced? I can not stain my hands with, blood! why God wants by me that I must build the Jewish Temple! Jews-my children, than I to you? of my political role of King of Israel? I would not never talked about Jesus Christ, or religion, why I am fredom of religion. but, but, but, you guys are doing a game too dirty and dangerous, through, your this IMF International Monetary Fund! when Illuminati kakam Rabbis of Talmudic secret ie, the synagogue of Satan IMF, they make killers Christian children to bleed (why, they are only animals in apparent human form) to wash away the sins the Jews? this is how they were Decided to start the "products derivated banking"?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
Rothschild family TALMUD 666 IMF horror Freemasonry and 322 of BUSH NWO, for destroy Israel --- why, you do not a beautiful 3 ° WW nuclear among you? Because, if we take all the money, that you have two stolen to all the peoples? then, Resolves Quickly, this monetary crisis international. When the world will understand that my power is superior to yours? they are all from me quickly, will be only a question of a moment but, in this moment I will be impossible for me to save your lives satanic! I know, for you will be a mutual family reunion in your bohemian grove " to the foot of your owl god Baal marduk for to make of yourself to perfect human sacrifice! you have no life! Come to me because I am "unius Rei that is, the legitimate representative of all Peoples the King of Israel!" So is mine the International Monetary Fund! where you want to go and hide : yourself from me?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
but the Pharisees rabbis, of IMF, they can commit any abomination, is their New Testament that is, their satanic Talmud, to enable them every crime. is a historic jew, that he has revealed, such as 80%: of all the African slave trade was done by them. but, none Satanism can be comparable to their Satanism of IMF (International Monetary Fund), that sells its own money (created out of nothing) to 270%, of its value, until the strangulation and the genocide, of all peoples (through the complicity of Freemasonry ) genocide is made, through, debt insolvent and supported with the necessary war-induced, this, he says the great Catholic scientist, Prof. Giacinto Auriti. and poet Ezra Pound
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
il FMI ha messo in genere umano su una rotta maledetta! [il satanismo internazionale istituzionale, poteri occulti del FMI? possono commettere qualsiasi crimine, in tutte le false democrazie massoniche: del signoraggio bancario rubato] Mistero Los Roques, ancora una tragedia Nel 1997 e nel 2008 altri due aerei scomparsi. 5.1.2013 Mistero Los Roques, ancora una tragedia. Nel 1997 e nel 2008 altri due aerei scomparsi. Cinque anni fa, il 4 di gennaio, un altro apparecchio da turismo scomparve con 14 persone a bordo (di cui 8 italiani). Sedici anni fa un incidente analogo sempre sulla stessa rotta maledetta. Los Roques, scomparso aereo. La rotta maledetta. 16:30 - Inutile dire che la scomparsa dell'aereo con a quattro italiani a bordo nelle vicinanze di Los Roques rimanda subito a una vicenda simile avvenuta nel 2008, quando un velivolo da turismo, nel quale viaggiavano otto italiani, sparì nel nulla.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
The IMF has put in the human race on a route cursed! [international institutional Satanism, occult powers of the IMF? can make any crime, in all the false democracies Masonic of seigniorage banking stolen] Anche quella volta lo scenario fu l'arcipelago venezuelano e il giorno è d'altra parte lo stesso il 4 gennaio. Sullo sfondo della vicenda, ancora irrisolta, lo spettro del narcotraffico. A diversi anni dalla sua scomparsa, la sorte del piccolo aereo (un bimotore Let 410 della compagnia Transaven) e dei suoi 14 passeggeri. di cui otto italiani, resta ancora un caso irrisolto. Qualche giorno fa, il settimanale Oggi ha riportato le trascrizioni del via libera al decollo da parte della torre di controllo, sottolineando che le persone a bordo erano 18 e non 14. Questo avvalorerebbe l'ipotesi che i 4 passeggeri in più sarebbero stati narcotrafficanti che avrebbero dirottato il velivolo da utilizzare successivamente per il trasporto di cocaina.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
Le FMI a mis dans la race humaine sur une route maudite! [internationale satanisme institutionnel, les pouvoirs occultes du FMI? peut faire tout crime, dans toutes les fausses démocraties maçonniques: la banque de seigneuriage volées] Fino ad oggi l'unico cadavere ad essere stato ritrovato è quello del copilota, il 37enne Osmel Alfredo Avila Otamendi. Dell'aereo e degli altri passeggeri, tra cui anche 3 venezuelani e uno svizzero, non è stata rinvenuta alcuna traccia. Sulla rotta maledetta, un altro caso nel 1997, Ma non c'è solo il precedente del 2008. Sulla stessa rotta maledetta su cui volava anche l'aereo di Vittorio Missoni, un altro caso simile si verificò nel 1997. Era il 2 marzo quando un Cessna 402 con a bordo due coniugi veneti, Mario Parolo e Teresa de Bellis, partito da Caracas e diretto a Los Roques non è mai arrivato a destinazione.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
El FMI ha puesto en la raza humana en una ruta maldito! [institucional internacional satanismo, los poderes ocultos del FMI? puede hacer cualquier crimen, en todas las falsas democracias masónicas de la banca señoreaje Stolen] Dei due italiani, che viaggiavano insieme ad altri tre passeggeri, non si seppe più nulla. In un'interrogazione parlamentare dell'epoca, la Lega Nord affermò che i resti dell'aereo non furono localizzati e che durante le ricerche fu trovato il cadavere di un australiano, morto, in base all'autopsia, non per annegamento ma di morte violenta. Il deputato Enrico Cavaliere ipotizzò dunque, oltre all'ipotesi dell'incidente, anche quella di "un atto di pirateria aerea compiuto da organizzazioni di narcotrafficanti venezuelani".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
Der IWF hat in der menschlichen Rasse auf einer Strecke verflucht zu setzen! [internationale institutionelle Satanismus, Okkultismus Befugnisse des IWF? machen kann ein Verbrechen, in all den falschen Demokratien Freimaurer von Seigniorage-Banking Diebstahl] Altri precedenti nel 2004 e nel 2006. In tutto sono 4 gli incidenti aerei che coinvolgono italiani lungo la rotta maledetta da Los Roques oltre ai casi del 1997 e 2008, spuntano infatti due episodi simili nel 2004 e 2006. Nel primo caso scomparve un Beechcraft Bonanza, guidato da Antonio Buzzi a bordo anche le due figlie, Barbara e Betty, e il genero Franco Rosetta. Nel 2006 scomparve invece un Cessna a bordo Franco Rotunno Diaz, Vincenzo Efrain Rotunno Oteiza e Gabriel Venturi Ariza. I resti del velivolo vennero ritrovati mesi dopo, nessun superstite.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] di Magdi Cristiano Allam. 28/12/2012. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. (Il Giornale) - Se le vie del Signore sono infinite resta tuttavia arduo comprendere come possano incrociarsi e addirittura sposarsi il Magistero della Chiesa, la morale cattolica, la Dottrina sociale che ispirati dalla fede in Dio e dai dogmi presidiati dal Papa mettono al centro la persona, la famiglia naturale e il bene comune, con la spregiudicata ideologia di Mario Monti che sulla scia del modello cinese coniuga capitalismo e statalismo, mettendo al centro la moneta, le banche e i mercati.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] Il monito di Gesù "Non potete servire a Dio e a Mammona" (Matteo 6,24 e nel Luca 16,13) risuona in modo dirompente nelle coscienze di tutti i fedeli e, più in generale, delle persone di buona volontà. Non si può non restare esterrefatti leggendo l'esplicito sostegno dell'organo ufficiale dello Stato del Vaticano, l'Osservatore romano, in un articolo in cui si esalta l'espressione di Monti "salire in politica", valutandola come "un appello a recuperare il senso più alto e più nobile della politica che è pur sempre, anche etimologicamente, cura del bene comune". Così come si tessono le lodi del capo dello Stato Napolitano "un'altra figura istituzionale che gode di ampia popolarità e alla quale tutti riconoscono il merito di aver individuato proprio nel senatore
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] a vita l'uomo adatto a traghettare l'Italia fuori dai marosi della tempesta finanziaria". E' stupefacente constatare che è stato un amore a prima vista. Ricevendo Monti in Vaticano lo scorso gennaio, Benedetto XVI si rivolse a lui con parole di apprezzamento "Voi avete cominciato bene in una situazione difficile e quasi insolubile". Eppure Monti, dopo essere stato calato dall'alto dei poteri finanziari forti alla guida del governo in modo più che discutibile, aveva già ripristinato la tassa sulla prima casa maggiorata del 60% dopo la rivalutazione degli estimi catastali, aveva aumentato l'età pensionabile in modo retroattivo
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] violando i patti con milioni di cittadini, aveva annunciato l'aumento dell'Iva e del prezzo dei carburanti facendo impennare il costo della vita, aveva scatenato il regime di polizia fiscale che controlla tutti i conti correnti e affida obbligatoriamente alle banche le transazioni superiori ai mille euro. Così come nel successivo colloquio il Segretario di Stato vaticano, cardinale Tarcisio Bertone, aveva espresso a Monti "attenzione e incoraggiamento per un'azione difficile, che costa sacrifici, per fronteggiare la crisi economica un impegno notevole anche dal punto di vista morale". Le basi del sodalizio tra la Chiesa e Monti furono gettate nel Forum delle associazioni cattoliche svoltosi a Todi il 17 ottobre 2011, voluto dal Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, cardinale Angelo Bagnasco, che vide la partecipazione di ben tre futuri ministri del governo Monti:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] l'allora amministratore delegato di Banca Intesa Corrado Passera, il Rettore dell'Università Cattolica Lorenzo Ornaghi e il fondatore della Comunità di Sant'Egidio Andrea Riccardi. Da allora il cardinale Bagnasco è in prima linea nella difesa di Monti, rispondendo addirittura "a chiamata" del Corriere della Sera, così come è accaduto il 10 dicembre scorso, per contrastare l'attacco frontale di Silvio Berlusconi al capo del governo "La preoccupazione più grande è la tenuta del nostro Paese e quindi la coesione sociale. (...) Il governo tecnico ha messo al riparo da capitolazioni umilianti e altamente rischiose. Non si può mandare in malora i sacrifici di un anno, che sono ricaduti spesso sulle fasce più fragili. (...) E si conferma la radice di una crisi che non è solo economica e sociale, ma culturale e morale".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] Per Bagnasco Monti sarebbe promotore di una riforma culturale e morale che si tradurrebbe anche nella salvezza economica e sociale dell'Italia? Lui che ha raddoppiato il numero degli italiani che soffrono la fame, che ha costretto 47 mila famiglie ad abbandonare la casa perché non hanno i soldi per pagare il mutuo, che ha triplicato la percentuale dei giovani disoccupati o inoccupati, che condanna a morte una media di 200 imprese al giorno? E ci si è forse dimenticati che Monti era nella Commissione Europea, presieduta da un altro cattolico caro alla Chiesa, Romano Prodi, quando quest'Europa relativista bocciò il riferimento alle radici giudaico-cristiane nella bozza della nuova Costituzione che fu poi bocciata dai referendum popolari?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[ il patto scellerato con l'Europa anticristiana. L'asse tra il Vaticano e Monti:] Che cosa è che lega la Chiesa a Monti? Il ricatto di dover pagare per intero l'Imu sui fabbricati di proprietà della Chiesa il cui valore è pari a circa un terzo del valore degli immobili in Italia e che pertanto si tradurrebbe in un salasso finanziario? E' questa l'ipotesi più accreditata. Ma anche se così non fosse, la Chiesa sappia che il sodalizio con Monti consolida il disorientamento e allontana sempre di più i fedeli. Certamente non potrà godere della comprensione e del consenso delle famiglie, degli imprenditori, degli esodati e dei giovani che sono le principali vittime della forsennata strategia dell'austerità che ha ridotto la persona a strumento al servizio della moneta, spogliando in parallelo l'Italia della propria sovranità per darla in pasto a quest'Europa dei banchieri e alle istituzioni finanziarie globalizzate in cui ha servito e che sostengono Monti. twitter@magdicristiano
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
I AM A SERIOUS MAN. MA, Satanists ARE A CURSE ABSOLUTE have been put on youtube, by the IMF, to inhibit the possibilities of democratic network while.. ,.. I have a ministry, by to protect! this is what Satanism, that the IMF has done - is the story of a complete perversion, and deceit, betrayal of all truth!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
Jman713isBack. ---- Has communism ever been Implemented correctly? Seems like there has always been tyranny along with it. And as we all know tyranny fucks everything up. I counter your spam with a heart-warming story An old Italian man lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described on his predicament 'Dear Vincent, I am feeling pretty sad Because it looks like I will not be atto tomato plant my garden this year. I'm just too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
I know you would be happy to dig up a plot for me, like in the old days. Love, Papa.' A few days later he received a letter from his son 'Dear Papa, don't dig up the garden. That's where the bodies are are buried. Love, Vinnie.' At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son 'Dear Papa, go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under these circumstances. Love you, Vinnie.' -- ANSWER --You have caught my attention, because you said to be God! then, as God, you should know that the Pharisees Satanism IMF can not be beat by anyone in wickedness!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
my doctor dentist, he follows all the apparitions of Medjugorje! but, IN THE Message, 25. December 2012. Our Lady came, this time with Jesus child in his arms and gave no message, but, baby Jesus he got up on his feet, regal look, and began to speak and said "I am the your peace, live my commandments. ". then, The Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, together, we have blessed with the sign of the cross. - ANSWER - but, because it had never happened, that the Our Lady has been silent for 30 years, then, the Seer, not stop crying, crying, crying, because it was like a scary warning for all, something very bad, that It may be, and came, in the world!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
ISRAEL my love or, YOU KILL IMF 666, or 666 FMI KILL YOU .. you come to me, your lord Uniu REI, quickly! CIA 666 322 FED ECB IMF, NATO Mossad --- Then you die beast. ♰ CSPB CSSMLNDSMD VRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Yours is dark prison, a hell of despair and destruction! drink your poison made by yourself. Satan Lord fagot shit Vermis dead-AMEN. ☠ ☠ pax Dark Prison cemetery, sickness, sin, misfortune, corruption, lies, ipocisia ☠ ☠ pax Alleluia AMEN. IMF FED ECB 666 AMEN. + Pax ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ pax + micro chip Alleluia AMEN. and if Jesus was a scam? I could never be unius REI, which is why, all the criminals will be terrified.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
IMF 666 Rothschild Pharisee rabbi --- [and so, "the Holy Spirit said to me:". you decided to cut (New Shoah against my Jewish people), that is, to cut, another one of your tentacles octopus from the Pharisees of the Talmud your satanic? that is, (Israel dies), this time? All quieted destruction, only to have your absolute power in the IMF and all, its facilities Masonic occult (to continue to do the operation of high social engineering, and to spread the bestialismo every sexual perversion, and in order to be able to lift the new era, for Satan IMF NAZI, 666 CIA NWO, 322, where finally, any idea of freedom is stifled! good micro-chip at all then!. Satanism is at its best of 666 IMF cannibal CIA you come to me with your 200,000 human sacrifice altar of Satan, each year. Drink your poison made by himself. amen in the name of Jesus!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[Bildenberg] Daniel 7:13-14. 13. "In my vision at night I looked, and behold, one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14. He was given Authority, power and glory sovereign, all the nations and peoples of every language worshiped, his power is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall never be destroyed - ANSWER - This is the obvious. the human race is heading towards its end, then, this prophecy was not made only for Jesus in Bethlehem, the Christ of God, but was also made for:his Unius REI, ie, the universal brotherhood then, you accept this prophecy.. or die all mangy dogs, of 666 322 IMF damn! children of the devil is this your world 666, that you wanted to do, in your image and likeness, "your highest development of Masonic social engineering "!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 giorno fa
[Bildenberg] Daniel 7:13-14. 13. "In my vision at night I looked, and behold, one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14. He was given Authority, power and glory sovereign, all the nations and peoples of every language worshiped, his power is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall never be destroyed - ANSWER - This is the obvious. the human race is heading towards its end, then, this prophecy was not made only for Jesus in Bethlehem, the Christ of God, but was also made for:his Unius REI, ie, the universal brotherhood then, you accept this prophecy.. or die all mangy dogs, of 666 322 IMF damn! children of the devil is this: your world 666, that you wanted to do, in your image and likeness, "your highest development of Masonic social engineering "!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
@google 666 -- I should like to thank you, also, for having sent to me, in block ubuntu? Abu Antar -- all the world is disappointed about you, to see how you use this page so irresponsible! you need to do, of course, but I do not say to you you must do as you. you can also pray the Quran for me! I call to responsibility, people, but, I do not suffocate the inspiration of the people! but you can not then use this page to spam foolishly, for you, never more! for trample all the blood, of martyrs innocent, with your bullshit was something nice, kind, for you.? you are irresponsible and harmful! scolds you the Holy Spirit! I say to you, what. you and your Satanists, are the trash Bush and Obama Rothschild, that we all see here! you'll never be my friend! our paths are divided!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
sharia 666 IMF - sorry for the massacre I'm going to do. but, the prisoners must be freed and Israel must be saved! Abu Antar criminal spammer --- everything you put on your bread? become poison! no spammer can come to this page! This is the office of unius REI. who is paying you to be here? if you have a good job, to help the human race, you can stay here, otherwise, you have to go, because, would send the Holy Spirit, against you many suffering! if you read my articles today? there are too many innocent people, that, have been killed and you with your talk? you are trampling on the blood innocent! the wrath of God's justice will blaze forth against you as well, also. if you not help? you go out! if you stay here, you have to help me and the entire human race, with compassion and love, otherwise, there could never be for you, a graduate in your life!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
666 OBAMA - who pays for these four Satanists on the page, all day? Them pay your CIA? Zeroc00l300 --- you have said on this page to be an organizer of Satanists! You have made the bully against me, thou hast Praised Satan publicly! You were not supposed to lie to me and now? you are discredited! Zeroc00l300 you said "hail satan" with another satanist shit, fake new synnek1, go away in Jesus's name, begone in your sewer light cemetery. Synnek1 posted a comment 5 minutes ago [ALLAH] - Answer - EIH, SYNNEK1 FAKE! if you will not remove all the shit of Satan, That you have on your channel?, you too will become a man too miserable, like him (true synnek1), That Is, as the criminal 666, Which, a few days ago, he left it to you, its channel, to go to die! 666 CIA IMF --- why do not you call your sample Criss Angel Shadow's Soul, against me, I know, I enjoy a little?
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155697486 visualizzazioni video [unius rei] said ""amen" in Jesus's name! criticizes you all the Holy Spirit!! Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ, on Which you have found none of your works, you give way to the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, Which Christ conquered, with his blood. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, tremble, and flee to the appeal That we make of That holy and terrible name of Jesus ♰ CSSML Crux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy Cross be for me to light). ★ ♰ alleluia REI unius Mahdi ♥ ★ ♥ ★ hallelujah King of Israel! ♰ Draco Sit Mihi Dux not NDSMD not (Let not the dragon 666, be my guide). ★ ♰ [I do not think your interest in me, it's just pure love.. I know you well priest of Satan] 666 parentsatan IMF -- go stupid, or I increase my intensity metaphysics, all over the world!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 1 secondo fa
@King SAUDI ARABIA --- non poteva essere stato il nostro Padre Abramo, a fare di te un assassino ipocrita, parassita, ladro, predatore e fannullone, ma, è stato il tuo fratellastro fariseo Rothschild del FMI 666, ad insegnare come a te, come si può essere un ipocrita assassino, di persone innocenti(i martiri cristiani), che voi chiamate idolatri soltanto nella vostra malvagità! come avete imparato a succhiare forte, e siete i due più bravi succhiatori del mondo! come, si può suchiare forte, anche la vita di tutti i popoli?. ma, è arrivato, anche per voi due, il momento giusto di guadagnare, il vostro pane, onestamente, cioè, lavorando, con con il sudore della vostra fronte!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 16 secondi fa
Parasites, usurers, of all Peoples, ie, false Jewish-Masonic criminals ie, all Democracies of the seigniorage banking for do the strangulation of all the peoples, thanks to King of Saudi Arabia, Arab League terrorists, Israel , bitches! - And why, God should be with you, for become, Also him the accomplice of all of your crimes animalism, with every sexual perversion, human sacrifice on the altar of Satan, nihilism, relativism, evolutionism, materialism , freemasonry and Satanism, 11-09, other auto attacks, lies, horror and all crimes against sharia Christian martyrs? just you, with all, your the religious Whores silent accomplices the banking seigniorage that ye rejoice in seeing strangle the peoples! Who have interest in hiding, too, All These crimes, because, all of you together? you are only one ideological and practical Satanism all the demons of Rothschild IMF ECB FED NWO 666 322! you are all Satanists against God YHWH.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 33 secondi fa
. could not have been our Father Abraham, to make you a murderess hypocrite, parasite, thief, predator and slothful, but, it was your brother Pharisee Rothschild IMF 666 for talmud satanic, and occult and magic kabbalah, how to teach to you, how you can be a hypocritical murderess of innocent people (the Christian martyrs, ecc..), which you call idolaters, only in your wickedness! as you learned to suck too, and, in this science of sucking? you're the two most talented suckers in the world! as you can succhiare strong, even the lives of all peoples? .. but, is come, also, for you two piattole, the right time to earn your bread, honestly, that is, with the sweat of your brow! King of Saudi Arabia, the Arab League, Israel, bitches! - I have "seen" 200000000 of Chinese soldiers, Which can not be stopped by anyone, in any way, in a continental context.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
they do of you all, one only and the same shit. who, then, is just, That, you are And that you deserve to be, and, will become. to have shoulders turned to me, unius REI, other vegetation Represent justice policy the Kingdom of God! you did of yourself the accomplices of Rothschild Pharisee the vampire of all peoples through seigniorage banking stolen through freemasonry and in total contempt of every Constitution! 666 IMF FED ECB, 322 Bush, NWO? Themselves That they are like so the big Nazis and Satanists, to the point they are waiting for That of the time, to be atto laugh at you, and against the whole human race. Satanists Americans? not have, only one hope to win this war! and, if they win? you would be dead, However, equally, However
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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