tecnocrazia lgbtq diritti Satana UE anticristo commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi(sharjah) e goyim(Spa$Co), Jabull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME
Left-wing British Jews demand UK reject new Israeli ambassador
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 9 minutes ago
☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️
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Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Bolton Trump was ready to support Israeli attack on Iran
lorenzoJHWH_Messia Vita 2 hours ago
UMMA OCI sharia ISLAM ISIS Jiahd Erdogan Riyad Iran are our enemy
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Vita 2 hours ago
chinese & russian peoples are our allies
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Alan Cahn 3 hours ago
punishing IRAN would never have accomplished
that world war against Russians and Chinese that your democratic party is desperately looking for
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Alan Cahn 3 hours ago
i am jewish messia am i lorenzoJHWH
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
DAILY RECAP Vaccine Breathrough; Israel Demonizer Dies; 2nd Wave Is Here More Top News
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 hours ago
It is an official, to slaughter three whites, yesterday evening shortly after a demonstration by the black supremacists of Black Lives Matter in a suburb of London, it was an Islamic. To be precise a Libyan refugee.
The individual arrested on the scene is Khairi Saadallah, a 25-year-old Libyan refugee.
Witnesses claim that he approached a group of white men who were sitting drinking in the park and suddenly stabbed them. Three died in the attack.
It appears that Saadallah arrived in Britain several years ago as an asylum seeker. In short, thanks to the notorious humanitarian corridors.
First the statues, now the men in flesh and blood the target of these criminals is the white Christian man.
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 hours ago
Russia Cina India UE USA UN ] [ get the whole package OCI Riyadh Iran don't leave anyone alive!
prendi tutto il pacchetto OCI Riyadh Iran non lasciare in vita nessuno!
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 hours ago
every sharia is a deadly jihad galaxy UMMA Mecca idol 🕋 Kaaba demonic islamic possessed, Erdogan suprematist threat to all mankind
these beasts of allah and Talmud FED IMF ECB Bilderberg, lgbtq democratic party, and UMMA OCI UN
they have forced me to do the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 hours ago
i am lorenzoJHWH Messia jewish kingdom Israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments
Bay of pigs Haifa overrun by wild boars
lorenzoJHWH_Messia Cyprus Satnav 3 hours ago
becouse you worschip lgbtq?
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia stevealevine 3 hours ago
becouse you worschip Satana & Rothschild?
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Cyprus Satnav 2 days ago
every 5 minutes Muslims kill an innocent Christian:
because Muhammad Rothschild Erdogan BIDEN Merkel Macron Trudeau Bilderberg, is the antichrist.
there is no time to waste! many innocent people have died and others are about to die
and for each of them
this perverse and evil generation will be asked for the bill.
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Lonewolf 2 days ago
all those who have abandoned the sanctity of Zionism?
they certainly betrayed the Torah
to follow Rockefeller's talmud
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
Bolton Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns
in fact, with the Obama Satanists Imam ISIS, FED Deep State?
this type of accident they could not happen
because Obama is a perfect puppet and actor mannequin:
Obama pleaded with the Russians in front of the cameras saying he "has an election"
4 2EditView in discussion
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
i am Jewish Messia
becouse Rockefeller is pig goyim animal in human form
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Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
Breakthrough at Israeli lab as coronavirus vaccine passes first stage
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 hours ago
i am jewish messia am i lorenzoJHWH
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Discussion on World Israel News 32 comments
Bolton Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
the antichrist European Council, of the criminal Gentiloni "Without common debt, single market, and euro at risk"
For the European Commissioner for the economy, the common debt recovery plan will arrive in July, not tomorrow's meeting, to be considered a step towards bringing the positions of the member countries closer together.
speak a dishonest speak? it becomes incomprehensible!
but, we can't do the EU
if we don't first do it for the first time after the war
the sovereignty of the Italian people
betrayed by Masons of order and Satan race
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
Bolton Trump moves in office guided by reelection concerns answer
in fact, with the Obama Satanists Imam ISIS, FED Deep State? this type of accident they could not happen
because Obama is a perfect puppet and actor mannequin Obama pleaded with the Russians in front of the cameras saying he "has an election"
in effetti, con i satanisti di Obama Imam ISIS, FED Deep State?
questa tipologia di incidenti non potevano avvenire
perché Obama è un manichino di pupazzo e attore perfetto:
Obama ha supplicato i russi davanti alle telecamere dicendo di "avere le elezioni"
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
Jews most targeted group for hate crimes in Toronto
Most targeted Jews hate crime group in Toronto
globalist Satanist Jews NEOLIBERISTS
they took control of politics and economics
but to protest? it's just me!
it is clear that the victims of hatred then, always the most innocent, has always been so, in fact from Hitler's Germany?
the chief KAKAM ENLIGHTENED ROTHSCHILD rabbis had already run away!
Ebrei più mirati gruppo per i crimini d'odio a Toronto
ebrei satanisti mondialisti
hanno preso il controllo della politica e della economia
ma a protestare? sono soltanto io!
è chiaro che le vittime di odio poi, sempre i più innocenti, è sempre stato così, infatti dalla Germania di Hitler?
i rabbini capi erano già scappati!
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
China rightly rejects the G7 statements on the Hong Kong security law
The head of Chinese diplomacy has made it known that Beijing does not intend to re-discuss Hong Kong's security law.
ANSWER in fact democracies were born death
because deprived of the rothschild masons of monetary sovereignty and political sovereignty:
now we have a bunch of corrupt satanists and corrupt pervertics
that the talmud has transformed into slaves goyims dhimmis dalit all donkey darwin animals with a human form
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
Evidence of a signal coming from the dark age of the universe is imminent
Even if today we could not imagine the sky without the numerous stars that illuminate it, long ago, shortly after the birth of the Universe, the sky contained no stars. That dark period is full of secrets that science is trying to investigate to better understand today's universe.
YES 7000 years ago (for the Bible) there was the dark age of the Universe, then, the celestial vault was created in an instant,
but when the original sin was committed the galaxies began to flee away from the planet earth horrified!
hence the expansion of the present universe creates space and time
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
*** India-China tensions, Premier Modi orders the army to stockpile ammunition
*** Nepal, parliament approves new map which annexes territories controlled by India
The two states dispute a strip of territory in northwestern Nepal, but which India unilaterally incorporated last October, causing diplomatic tensions.
#China, #India, #Nepal
I am a GEOMETER and I am above all UNIUS REI
there is no prevalent type or form of interest in me:
perhaps it is the case that you accept my mediation.
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Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Why are generals refusing to lead HQ for Judea, Samaria sovereignty?
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 3 days ago
i am jewish messia
but my people not know me!
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Discussion on World Israel News 90 comments
Palestinian Authority starts printing passports independent of Israel
lorenzoJHWH_Messia Linda Baggio 3 days ago
natural law is eternal,
therefore human nature can only degrade into lgbtq Macron, "Beni Berith" racists, Bilderberg technocrats, OCI UN; neoliberals, wahhabites, supremacists Erdogan possessed by Rockefeller (the Marranos), Soros the plate, etc ... a bunch of criminals and satanists, one antichrist
there is no theory of evolution
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Discussion on World Israel News 62 comments
WATCH History at risk as Israeli archaeological sites to fall within Palestinian hands
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 4 days ago
se tu non sei il Tutankhamon Faraone? poi, non hai nessuna speranza di sopravvivere all'istinto ISIS di Ergan e della LEGA ARABA,
infatti i turchi hanno fatto il genocidio dei bizantini e degli armeni, ma di loro praticamente non è sopravvissuto nulla!
Erdogan stesso lo detto ""il resto della spada"" che sono delle persone pafiche che devono fingere di essere mussulmani per non essere pugnalati a morte o sgozzati dal solito malato mentale erdogan!
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Discussion on World Israel News 183 comments
Netanyahu reveals how Putin foiled Obama's anti-Israel efforts at UN
lorenzoJHWH_Messia debbieakbar 6 days ago
il fatto che Rothschild il ladro satanista
ci ha rubato il signoraggio bancario
ed ha pagato 40 "ribusciati" troll della CIA come te?
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
World Bank invests $15 million in Palestinian IT sector
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 6 days ago
si, l'idea è buona
Ma Erdogan e Bin SALMAN sharia jihad ed ISIS
loro hanno deciso
che i palestinesi devono morire tutti nella jihad
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Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Maximum v. minimum sovereignty Netanyahu-led coalition struggles internally
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 6 days ago
quando ci sono troppi galli non fa mai giorno..
ok decido io
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 6 days ago
1. Blu e Bianco hanno violato il patto di Governo
2. sono contrari alla annessione al 100%
3. pertanto dovevano essere esclusi dagli accordi!
Giudea e Samaria o MORTE!!!
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Discussion on World Israel News 90 comments
Palestinian Authority starts printing passports independent of Israel
lorenzoJHWH_Messia C.Brian Ross 6 days ago
eih tu aru mazda asta la vista ja-bull-on
quando è stata l'ultima volta, che hai fatto il giro con le corna del bufalo
intorno all'altare di Satana?
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Dajjal 6 days ago
è un vero peccato che il sommo sacerdote di Satana chiamato BIDEN detto la BALDRACCA:
ha minacciato di mettervi tutti nel suo bidone di acido solforico, se voi satanisti troll pagati della CIA, se voi osate bloccarmi
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
disqus figlio di una BALDRACCA
dove sono finiti tutti i commenti di questo canale?
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
Iran Erdogan Riyadh la feccia! but there is no point in seeking suicide right now,
JHWH the God of Abraham always remains in stock ..
yes, I know that you have offended God and that you deserve to be destroyed,
but he said he doesn't suck at you, on the contrary ..
in truth
he just sucks on Biden ..
so he told me!
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
for Muslims coronavirus it was a total failure!!
which demonstrates the non-existence of Allah as a protective demon lizart idol kaaba vagina Aisha
Even though modern science will prove the only path to prevention, millions have approached illness and fear of death through faith, prayer, and ritual.
"It is often said that Muslims in the 21st century have rejected modernity. What they are in fact rejecting is the process of suiting themselves to changing circumstances. There are two kinds of thinking one that seeks to change in order to relate to times and one that seeks to change the world to suit its tenets. " - Khaled Ahmed, journalist, Express Tribune, August 15, 2010, Express Tribune, Pakistan.
per i mussulmani è stato un fallimento totale
che dimostra la non esistenza di Allah come un demonio protettore
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
when sharia Erdogan Riyadh Iran gets your genocide !!! Attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt are common. On April 9, 2017, Palm Sunday, two Christian churches in Egypt were bombed during mass; at least 50 worshipers were killed. Pictured Local Christians at the late-night funeral of the victims of the attack on Mar Girgis Coptic Orthodox Church in Tanta, 120 kilometers north of Cairo, on April 9, 2017.
On June 1, 2020, President Trump issued a statement titled "Presidential Message on Global Coptic Day, 2020." (Copts are Egypt's indigenous Christians, now a minority.) After sending his "best wishes" to the "millions of Coptic Christians in the United States and around the world," he said that recognizing Global Coptic Day provides "an opportunity for the world to mark the contributions, legacy, and ongoing challenges facing the largest Christian group in the Middle East. " He continued:
"Today is also a time for us to acknowledge the importance of religious freedom and reaffirm our commitment to promoting and defending this core tenet of a free society. Tragically, far too many people the world over face persecution on account of their faith."
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
perché non hanno la vagina
e pretendono di essere donne con il vento in POPPA?
ci può anche stare
ma non possono imporlo a tutti (ANCHE ai bambini all'asilo per manipolarli mentalmente) con la DITTATURA del teosofia GENDER
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
President RiVLIN ] io voglio iniziare a regnare sul monte degli ulivi(giurisdizione limitata)
come Re di ISRAELE, trovami dei finanziatori
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
Cina USA Russia Israel India Riyadh ] quando io esco da un canale? disqus mi svuota/cancella tutti i commenti
Israeli government set to give final approval of 'Trump Heights' https://worldisraelnews com/israeli-government-set-to-give-final-approval-of-trump-heights/
you speak like a satanist
lorenzoJHWH_Messia Lyn Gerson Mendelsohn
you speak like a satanist
i am your MESSIA
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Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
DAILY RECAP Likud Upset At Settlement Opposition; Golan's 'Trump Heights' Approved; More Top News
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 6 days ago
ai demoni Allah jihad sharia & Satana SpA FED non piacerà
comunque io sono sempre il MESSIA degli ebrei
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Discussion on World Israel News 84 comments
Israeli government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’
lorenzoJHWH_Messia Lyn Gerson Mendelsohn 7 days ago
you speak like a satanist
i am your MESSIA
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia FuzzyAshkenaz 7 days ago
but if you don't see the next Jewish temple
which will be desecrated in 300 years
what do you say? it is not logical
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
in this channel only Comments
but this is impossible
666 disqus destroy my comment
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
lorenzoJHWH_Messia vs David i said in thisi page 2 days ago
the problem of your medicines
that's what the devil makes you hate me
but you don't have a single reason to do it!
lorenzoJHWH_Messia David 2 days ago
criminal and satanist
I don't look 60 years old
you prove 80 years old
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 2 days ago
they told me that BIDEN instead of kneeling before Satan as he always did?
now he kneels even in front of the blacks ..
and since you find that position? then, that satanist, to get one more vote, he could even suck!
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 2 days ago
the money given to that goat 666 Deep State, FED scam banking seigniorage, of an enraged lizard called BIDEN, who ran away from the cemetery?
it's all lost money!
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 2 days ago
Trump is my MAGA PATRIOT : lorenzoJHWH, Last Wednesday, I published an article in the New York Times calling for an end to violence in our streets.
Outnumbered police officers, encumbered by feckless politicians, bore the brunt of the violence. These rioters, if not subdued, not only will destroy the livelihoods of law-abiding citizens but will also take more innocent lives. The overwhelming majority of Americans are sick and tired of this violence and want to see strong action taken to restore law and order.
I caused a total meltdown from the media and radical liberals. Reporters are attacking me and going after the New York Times for having the audacity to publish a piece that doesn't fit within their liberal ideology.
lorenzo JHWH, the liberal media and the radical Left has turned their attacks towards me and they are going to do everything in their power to defeat me and President Trump in November.
In order to fight back, I just launched my Stand for Freedom action fund to counter the liberal media’s attack, will you join by making a donation of $ 5, $ 10, $ 25 or even $ 100?
As we speak, socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are attacking me and the New York Times for publishing my op-ed.
Rather than cracking down on the criminals that are looting our streets and killing police officers, radicals like AOC are trying to silence my voice.
Please join my Stand for Freedom action fund to counter the liberal media’s attack by making a donation of $ 5, $ 10, $ 25 or even $ 100.
We have seen this story before, the liberal media and their democrat cronies are trying to silence our conservative voices. But I won’t back down.
I will continue to speak out against lawlessness and work with President Trump to restore order to our streets. I need to know that you will stand with me.
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 2 days ago
i am Jewish MESSIAH
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 7 days ago
all my comments from two days ago on this page?
I don't see them anymore!
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 2 days ago
criminal and satanistI don't look 60 years oldyou prove 80 years old
David 2 days ago
As I said, take you meds, they will make you better.
David replied to you on Government set to give final approval of 'Trump Heights' 2 days ago
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 2 days ago
i am Jewish MESSIAH
David 2 days ago
Take your meds.
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia Russ Kosarycz 7 days ago
yes of course,
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Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Islamic Jihad flexes muscles in Palestinian Authority as Abbas fears to challenge
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 8 days ago
Neoliberal Jews "Beni Berith" Kissinger Morgan Rockefeller SpA FED IMF ECB Satanic Soros Rothschild Talmud,
esoteric agenda, Bilderberg regime,
have taken control of the NWO Deep State,
and out of hatred against Jesus of Bethlehem
they can't stop their instinct to destroy Christians and Israelis!
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Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments
Report US willing to consider ‘annexation-lite’
lorenzoJHWH_Messia 9 days ago
dobbiamo rovesciare il tavolo e dobbiamo negare il debito rothschild ]
the bureaucratic, technocratic, legal Masonic lobbying predatory system, state mafia and consocialism of the Churches of Satan, Merkel Bilderberg regime, Deep State, esoteric agenda:
it is the most threatening and tyrannical regime in the history of mankind
under the pretense of democracy!
il sistema burocratico, tecnocratico, legale massonico predatorio lobbistico, mafia di stato e consocialismo delle Chiese di Satana, Merkel regime Bilderberg, Deep State, esoteric agenda:
è il più minaccioso e tirannico regime della storia del genere umano
sotto la finzione della democrazia!
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
Government set to give final approval of ‘Trump Heights’
lorenzoJHWH_Messia David 9 days ago
the problem of your medicines
that's what the devil makes you hate me
but you don't have a single reason to do it!
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia David 9 days ago
criminale e satanista
I don't look 60 years old
you prove 80 years old
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 9 days ago
they told me that BIDEN instead of kneeling before Satan as he always did?
now he kneels even in front of the blacks ..
and since you find that position? then, that satanist, to get one more vote, he could even suck!
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 9 days ago
the money given to that goat 666 Deep State, FED scam banking seigniorage, of an enraged lizard called BIDEN, who ran away from the cemetery?
it's all lost money!
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 9 days ago
Trump is my MAGA PATRIOT: lorenzoJHWH, Last Wednesday, I published an article in the New York Times calling for an end to violence in our streets.
Outnumbered police officers, encumbered by feckless politicians, bore the brunt of the violence. These rioters, if not subdued, not only will destroy the livelihoods of law-abiding citizens but will also take more innocent lives. The overwhelming majority of Americans are sick and tired of this violence and want to see strong action taken to restore law and order.
I’ve caused a total meltdown from the media and radical liberals. Reporters are attacking me and going after the New York Times for having the audacity to publish a piece that doesn’t fit within their liberal ideology.
lorenzoJHWH, the liberal media and the radical Left has turned their attacks towards me and they are going to do everything in their power to defeat me and President Trump in November.
In order to fight back, I just launched my Stand for Freedom action fund to counter the liberal media’s attack, will you join by making a donation of $5, $10, $25 or even $100?
As we speak, socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are attacking me and the New York Times for publishing my op-ed.
Rather than cracking down on the criminals that are looting our streets and killing police officers, radicals like AOC are trying to silence my voice.
Please join my Stand for Freedom action fund to counter the liberal media’s attack by making a donation of $5, $10, $25 or even $100.
We have seen this story before, the liberal media and their democrat cronies are trying to silence our conservative voices. But I won’t back down.
I will continue to speak out against lawlessness and work with President Trump to restore order to our streets. I need to know that you will stand with me.
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lorenzoJHWH_Messia 9 days ago
i am Jewish MESSIA
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.