tecnocrazia lgbtq diritti Satana UE anticristo commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi(sharjah) e goyim(Spa$Co), Jabull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME
AlanWH 10 hours ago
38% thinks Biden has Dementia, the other 62% Know He Does!
Biden's problem is only what he is an old criminal and a longtime satanist
Don Spilman AlanWH 5 hours ago
I like your answer too!
Tony Munro 8 hours ago
And 99% of Americans knows that joe is a Child Predator.
Don Spilman Tony Munro 5 hours ago
But around 50% of them are good with that, they would love to have a pedo as Pres.
Tony Munro Don Spilman
Yes ,I think especially among the Demonrat jews ,their excuse is that TRUMP is kkk .So even if that was true ,they would vote against him and Israel, even if seeing what Don has done a 4 Israel .Selfish dummies .
Dajjal Tony Munro 7 hours ago
So? they'd re-elect Slick Willy in a landslide.
Don Spilman Dajjal 5 hours ago
Of course! AMERICA is very very SICK.
alpcns . 7 hours ago
According to Joe, 120 million Americans have died recently. He better organize early elections or nobody will be left.
His advisors stated that it's good that he sees about 1 or 2 persons per day in his basement. Yeah, he'd make one hell of a president. With the emphasis on hell.
Dajjal alpcns . 7 hours ago
President Trump should challenge Vice President Biden to a chess torunament.
alpcns . Dajjal 7 hours ago
LOL... the "progressives" would deem that "racist", because there's an equal number of black pieces on the board.
Stafford_Lou Dajjal 4 hours ago
Well, they each have many pawns working for them.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON, JUL 1 - "As I see the pandemic spread and show its worst face all over the world, including the tremendous damage it has done in the US, I am increasingly angry with China" Donald Trump tweeted, in the midst of the storm over how his administration managed the coronavirus crisis
should be even more angry at:
Obma who exploited Chinese slaves and transferred our technologies to CHINA
to get the most deaths in the planned world war MORGAN KISSINGER.
and destroyed the world economy
with the purpose SpA FED NWO WW3nulear Rockefeller, Bin Salman
because the motto of 322 "skull and bones" is "worse is for everyone the better it is for us"
this is the deep state of the democratic party
and his Masonic judges
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alpcns . 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
Everybody should read and heed the powerful message that the great 3-star General Michael Flynn today tweeted out to the world.
https colon slash slash www dot youtube dot com slash watch?v=bZGPiJbmb0U
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . a minute ago
Biden's problem is only what he is an old criminal and a longtime satanist
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . 3 hours ago
il partito democratico è anticostituzionale e Biden è un assassino
che ha deciso di non fare più comizi fino al giorno delle elezioni!
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Tom Baker, M.D. 7 hours ago
38 to 55% polled think he has early onset dementia. 20% of Democrats believe that according to one poll. As a physician, I believe he has medical problems effecting his cognitive ability.
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Dajjal Tom Baker, M.D. 7 hours ago
It is obvious, but remote diagnosis without examination is unethical. Give him the Alzheimers test!!
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Denise Waterford 11 hours ago
Biden is just a typical Democrat. Don't laugh Republicans. Look at the last two Republican presidents.
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Dajjal Denise Waterford 7 hours ago
Bush & Shrub were losers. Trump is far superior to them and everything the 'crats have to offer.
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Don Spilman 5 hours ago
The remaining 62% are battling their own dementia!
1 1
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ArleneB 8 hours ago
All presidential candidates should undergo psychological testing for emotional and/or cognitive problems.
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Dajjal ArleneB 7 hours ago
Those tests are subjective, not 100% reliable.
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442rocketdave 10 hours ago
If that poll it true which I know its not they are all full of BS, but that means that 62% of Americans are totally ignorant and stupid!! I go with 38% think he has it and the rest knows he has it.
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Uri an hour ago
Biden's alleged dementia makes his possible election even more dangerous as he will surround himself with advisors who will actually be making all the decisions. Those 'advisors" will be untrustworthy and will merely control the country the way they want to. Wow be it to Israel if that happens.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
CHINA INDIA USA EU RUSSIA UN] [Afghanistan, 007 USA intercepted Russian funds
The Nyt writes, money from Moscow on the accounts of the Taliban
this looks like slander
but the US CIA support to world Islamic terrorism is certainly not a slander ..
now all this must end:
if the ARAB LEAGUE does not remove sharia? we have to destroy it!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
the Palestinian state is an Islamic ideological-imperialist construction
the western rothschild masonic state is also the same,
therefore the just and fair solution is my Kingdom of ISRAEL! c
but I won't, if Egyptians and Saudis don't give me part of their desert to bring back all the Jews of the world
Why did the idea of a Jewish state take hold legally in the early twentieth century?
As PLO leader Mohsen openly admitted in the Dutch newspaper Trouw in 1977:
"The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today of the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests dictate the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.
"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot claim Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly ask for Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we claim the our right to all Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. "
When international bodies legitimize Palestinian claims on the basis of such nationalism, they ignore the artificiality of the concept. Added to this is the fabricated and long perpetuated myth of Palestinian refugees.
Finally, we must examine the real clash between current international law and the Islamic equivalent. We turn to these in the second part.
Dr. Denis MacEoin is a former academic in Iranian and Islamic studies.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
the Palestinian state is an Islamic ideological-imperialist construction
the western rothschild masonic state is also the same,
therefore the just and fair solution is my Kingdom of ISRAEL! ma io non lo farò, se Egiziani e sauditi non mi daranno parte del loro deserto per far ritoranre tutti gli ebrei del mondo
but I won't, if Egyptians and Saudis don't give me part of their desert to bring back all the Jews of the world
Why did the idea of a Jewish state take hold legally in the early twentieth century?
World War I ended with the defeat of Germany, but it was the overthrow of the vast Ottoman empire that prompted the League of Nations to save their former Ottoman colonies from chaos and anarchy creating the basis for nation states throughout the Middle Orient:
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine (considered to be the modern Jewish homeland).
There had never been anything like an Arab or Islamic state known as "Palestine".
The name derives from the Latin version of the ancient Romans of the earth for the Philistines and had nothing to do with Arabs or Muslims. At that time, the Roman emperor Hadrian was trying to make it seem that the land actually called Judea was purely Roman and had nothing to do with the Jews.
The use of the word in the 1922 British Mandate for Palestine was simply based on classical learning of the British learning and government classes.
Despite this, it is common today to find references to Palestine as a mainly Muslim Arab state that was allegedly "stolen" by the Jews, or promised but not given to those people who describe themselves as Palestinians. This is an immense misunderstanding, even if it seems to influence political and juridical thought at an international level, especially among people who would like to believe it.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
It is not surprising, therefore, that the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), with its existing and blocked tendency against Israel, condemns Israel for its plan to extend Israeli right to disputed lands, in line with the peace plan of the United States revealed in 2020.
The refusal of the American plan by the UNHRC and others ignores the reality that it is one of the most balanced documents drawn up in favor of peace and the creation of a viable state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza.
Plans to bring peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinians have been manifold, yet none have succeeded - in all cases because of the Palestinian refusal. The worst case was the offer by President Clinton to the PLO leader Yasser Arafat, which would have asked the Israelis to deliver about 90% of the land to help create a state of Palestine. Arafat seemed to agree, then he left and, from 2000 to 2005, he led a terrorist campaign against the people of Israel known as the second intifada.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
Iran - with the obvious complicity of most members of the United Nations - in its expansions to Iraq, Syria, Yemen to Lebanon, as well as its 41 years of threat to annihilate another UN member state, Israel.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago
"The Palestinian people do not exist.
The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity.
In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today of the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests dictate the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism ... [T]
when to claim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. "
- PLO leader, PLO leader,
the Dutch newspaper Trouw,
31 March 1977. "The Palestinian people do not exist.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 hours ago
Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, conosciuto anche con la kunya Abū Māzen, è un criminale islamico internazionale
deve essere subito arrestato
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Abe Simhony 4 hours ago
Here we go again, a nasty, lying propaganda piece of the RJC. Is World Israel News financed by the RJC, or another group of right wing pro Trump/Netanyahu fans?
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Moshé_007 5 hours ago
maybe on top he is playing dementia il order to escape court trial !
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josemar silva 5 hours ago
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 josemar silva a few seconds ago
Biden's problem is only what he is an old criminal and a longtime satanist
il problema di Biden è soltanto quello che è un vecchio criminale e un satanista di vecchia data
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago edited
Baal Merduch Aru MAZDA ti benedica fratello!!
Richard DiBenedetto 3 hours ago
Biden knows how old he is. His popularity is based on his character in comparison with the Incumbent. His Vice President will likely be a black woman who is fully qualified to serve as President. He may even resign in a few years because of his age. Voters are focused on Trump's failures not on Biden's age.
Richard DiBenedetto You cannot reply to a post that is not active.
so in your opinion we should vote Biden
because maybe who knows His Vice President will likely could be a black woman who is fully qualified to serve as President?
Trump did in four years what Obama destroyed in 8 years (like Putin in Syria, he did in 5 months what Obama hasn't wanted to do in 5 years)
if the CIA-made coronavirus hadn't come and destroy the world's economy!
TRUMP's strength lies in its economic successes!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 5 hours ago
eih Rotschild a quando pare tutto il tuo regno di satana owl ja-bull-on e di allah è stato colpito dalla demenza anche!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Poll 38 percent of Americans think Joe Biden has dementia
to my heavenly army "no mercy against the people of the lizards! trample them!"
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
"I come to you to ask for a quick favor," Biden said in a recent campaign video, which helpfully corrected the former VP's grammar in the accompanying subtitles.
does this make you wonder how bad the outtakes must have been?
don't go there !!! we have a proverb that says:
"when the devil caresses you? he wants your soul! .. and then he will also bring your beast body of the lgbtq democratic party to hell"
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
A clear majority of the voters think Biden should publicly face his cognitive functions that deteriorate significantly.
The mainstream media FED SpA NWO have been reluctant to discuss Biden's brain health because Satan said Biden is "the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency".
in reality intelligence is not the most important value for the democratic party
but servility to the Rothschilds Morgan Rockefeller SAUD Salman the ISIS Wahhabites
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
World asteroid day, expert we have no means to defend ourselves from asteroids
On June 30, 1908, an explosion occurred in Siberia comparable to the explosion of a small nuclear bomb. The reason was the entry of a celestial body into the Earth's atmosphere although no fragments of this body have yet been discovered to date.
I am going to disintegrate the USA and Canada lgbtq
and also kill 1/3 of mankind ..
no anti-Zionist will survive!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
WHO Europe ranks first in alcohol consumption in the world
Flower Farm euphoric after cannabis sales boom, aims at crowdfunding
Rothschild gives food and drugs to his happy mice
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Conte-majority summit the amnesty rule is removed from the simplification decree
The decision welcomed by the Undersecretary for the Environment Roberto Morassut (PD), who defined the amnesty "in total contrast with the declared objective of this government to limit the consumption of soil and pursue the goal of the zero balance by 2050 ".
the Italian Merkel regime government
only condone himself!
the Italian people must always be the only culprit
guilty of surviving their ideological and constitutional crimes
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
For US communications authority Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE are threats to national security
while the silicon valley lgbtq 666 freemasons satanists cannibals facebook twitter youtube etc ..
they are all sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Verona supports Sgarbi referendum on leaving the European Union ..
UEXIT immediately!
The Municipality of Verona adheres to Vittorio Sgarbi's referendum proposal aimed at bringing Italy out of the European Union. conspirators the neo-liberal Jews Kissinger Morgan Soros Anglo-Americans through the Veronese Democratic Party the choice is indignant and considers a political error.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
The king of Belgium expresses "deep repentance" for the colonial past in the DR of Congo
In addition to expressing repentance for what his country has done in the past, the king has expressed the need to combat all forms of racism.
pity that these Rothschild satan's beasts lgbtq freemasons worship
they also caused the massacre of 2,000,000 people in Uganda Rwanda
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
MES, Salvini increases the dose "Mortgage on the future of our children"
The leader of the League on the "Corriere della Sera" responds to the letter from the secretary of PD Zingaretti on "la Repubblica". The refusal of the ESM is accompanied by criticisms for the majority "To solve some economic problems, Europe is not needed but a just decent government".
think about getting into further debt, even for the coronavirus?
it means becoming hostages of the troika!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
Sgarbi on Berlusconi trials I ask for a commission of inquiry into corrupt magistrates
Vittorio Sgarbi attacking the corrupt judiciary and defending Silvio Berlusconi after the revelations yesterday evening on the Mediaset trial.
the entire western Masonic system was corrupted by Rothschild Soros and Anglo-American Jews
high constitutional treason scam banking seigniorage
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
it is the Italian state Bilderberg Soros neoliberalism masonic system trasnational judiciary golpe.. that drives people to despair!
Retired pusher, drug dog sniffs her she arrested
Cally, the anti-drug dog of the Guardia di Finanza of Ventimiglia, discovered 8 kilos of marijuana aboard the car of an elderly drug carrier lady.
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
According to the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health, the number of cases currently positive for coronavirus in Italy has fallen below 16 thousand.
but it remains stable thanks to the constant Afro-Islamic invasion
by heaven on land and by sea
a constant flow of terrorists and sleeping soldiers
the welfare state in Italy will soon jump!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Referendum Lampedusa, Sferlazzo "The use of the island for migration management is not natural"
A Spontaneous Committee of Lampedusa has called a consultation from below with which citizens have asked that the island is no longer the center of immigration and militarization policies and to end human trafficking with the regularization of flows.
this is an extreme crime against national security:
Germany and France? they have declared us a hybrid war!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Conviction to Berlusconi, Meloni accuses politicized part of the judiciary
After the revelations on the Mediaset trial, in which the sentence imposed on Berlusconi led him to lapse as senator, Giorgia Meloni declares that "without justice there is no freedom".
take the neoliberals, the usual central bank shareholders:
Freemasons and LGBTQs and then condemn them to death
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Tax damage of about 20 million euros ascertained by the Yellow Flames of Genoa for undue payment of additional allowances to the doctors on call of the Ligurian health companies. 5 euros per hour more than due, the undue result would result from this.
in Italy the gnat is filtered and the camel is swallowed
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago
Putin invites the Russians to take part in the vote for changes to the Constitution
why it is important to condemn communism and Islam!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 6 hours ago edited
Is it good that the GOLPE crime Masonic Rothschild transnational lgbtq the Satanists?
it is good that it comes to the light of God!
Mediaset trial revelations "sentence to Berlusconi was firing squad"
The well-known Mediaset trial, which in 2013 saw a conviction for tax fraud imposed on the former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, was considered a "serious injustice", according to the words of the magistrate who was the speaker of the trial in the Cassation.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
Pentagon no evidence to confirm allegations about Russia's "pact" with the Taliban
A report from the New York Times last week said that Russia may have paid Afghan militants for killing US troops deployed in the Central Asian country. Both Russia and the Taliban have denied the accusations. The White House also insisted that Trump was not informed on the matter.
to that senile dementia of Biden?
you can make him believe anything!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
Earlier this month, an almost 11-meter sperm whale was found dead on a beach in Atrankarai in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. During the autopsy, it was revealed that the 1.5-ton whale had undergone internal bleeding and had traces of oil and wax in the jaws and intestines.
this plastic and oil technology?
must end immediately!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
China passes the national security law for Hong Kong
The Chinese parliament has approved national security legislation for Hong Kong which aims to combat subversion, terrorism, separatism and collusion with foreign forces.
slanders EU US and Satanist Freemasons of Rothschild Rockefeller Morgan on Hong Kong?
they are aberrant slanders!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago edited
He has no money to eat and a cat is cooked on the street - Video
21 years old and of foreign origins, he first killed and then tried to cook a cat on the street. He later justified himself by claiming that he had no money to buy food.
we have 2 million italian unemployed, there is no job and young people cannot marry ...
why bring to ITALY
millions of Afro-Muslims, kept in the hotel by us?
this EU must die immediately!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
The Latvian National Electronic Media Council (NEPLP) said Tuesday that it had banned seven RT channels, suggesting that they are owned by Dmitry Kiselev, who is subject to EU sanctions, although it has nothing to do with RT and is at head of another media, the international information agency Rossiya Segodnya.
nothing fears the false Jewish-Masonic democracy more without monetary sovereignty
more than a free non-Masonic rothschild press
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
Zaia, in Veneto we have 22 coronavirus outbreaks we do not let our guard down
Zaia is a little more cautious than usual after he discovered 22 outbreaks of new coronavirus in his Veneto, but reassures that health monitoring has never been interrupted.
almost all because of the afro-Islamic invasion ..
the democratic party Soros must be sentenced to death for high treason
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Dajjal 7 hours ago
it's all right, it's ok, what's it matter anyway?! Biden will not be elected!!!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
Quarrel with murder in condominium in Milan killed neighbor
Murder in an apartment building in Milan in the middle of the night. Two tenants quarrel and at the height a fatal blow kills a 68-year-old under the eyes of his wife.
if there was a first-level common sense court in each municipality?
this would not have happened.
Italy is the paradise of delinquents, and it is anarchy hypocrisy, corruption despair because the Anglo-American Jews, neoliberal Freemasons, parasites, usurers, and parasites have disabled their institutions!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
Zarif the Mad Murderer Accuses the United States of Threatening Nuclear Agreement Signatories ...
The Trump administration has increased its pressure on Iran on two roads, accusing Tehran of violating the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal (this is IRAN formally declared it) and trying to extend the arms embargo of the Security Council against the paranoid demonic theocratic Islamic Republic jihad Erdogan sharia assassinates UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba beyond the October deadline.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
Putin I will prevent the enterprise of the Soviet people from being erased from lies
Russia will not allow the enterprise of the Soviet people in the fight against Nazism to be canceled by lies and falsifications, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.
this guy is touching
pity though that does not say how ISLAM and COMMUNISM are 1000 and 100 times worse than Nazism ..
and this is what makes him an ambiguity imperfect!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
USA, poll almost 40% of voters suspect Biden is suffering from dementia
Nearly four out of 10 U.S. voters believe Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is suffering from dementia, a Rasmussen poll revealed.
when they make you drink raw blood at Satan's altar?
Besides, you can't think that the Merkel Cow virus is mad
don't hit yourself too!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 7 hours ago
by Doctors Without Borders Italy] UN CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA now help Brazil send health benefits [Hello lorenzoJHWH Messiah & Magdì, perhaps in these days you may have heard or read the latest news from Brazil. The situation in the country is catastrophic over 1 million recorded cases of Covid-19, while the death toll exceeds 50,000.
Brazil is experiencing a real nightmare. After hitting coastal cities, the pandemic is moving inland, endangering the lives of the most vulnerable, such as slum and favelas residents, the homeless and indigenous communities of the Amazon. Tests are scarce, up to 30,000 people get sick every day, many are doctors and nurses. In order to cope with the death toll in some areas, mass graves have been created while in the Brazilian Amazon the health system is collapsing.
To support the response to this emergency, we have started 6 activities in different areas of the country, but we are preparing to start others because the needs are many. After months spent fighting the virus in Italy, today our operators, Lorenzo, need your help.
If you can, lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom support our intervention to stop the Covid-19 epidemic in Brazil, a country with impressive poverty levels and poor access to care for the most vulnerable.
Your support really makes a difference
Thank you very much for your generosity
Annalaura Anselmi
Fundraising Director
Doctors Without Borders Italy
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Dean Blake 9 hours ago
Biden represents Delaware which is controlled by corporations, so to run in a REAL election, not an appointment, he has to get accustomed to speaking out of the other side of his mouth. Perfectly understandable gaffs.
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danny23 10 hours ago edited
The author lost all credibility when he asserted that Trump has been described as the healthiest individual ever elected President without mentioning that it is only Trump who described himself thus
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Natural Branch 🌿 danny23 6 hours ago edited
It's like this:
- He froze Obama's goodbye gift to terrorists of $221 million. Libtards think that terrorists should have $221 million.
- He banned terrorists from terrorist countries. Libtards don't see any problem with letting terrorists in.
- He eliminated "the right" to illegal border crossing. Libtards think people have "the right" to do what is illegal.
- He is extremely pro-Israel - which is exactly God’s position on the matter according to the Bible - and has done more for Israel than anyone in history, Presidential or otherwise. Libtards support the greatest lie ever told, that Israel is not Jewish land. Ever seen an ancient "palestinian" cemetery in Israel? School building? Artifacts? Me neither.
- He reversed Obama’s support of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334 passed on December 23, 2016 which states that Israeli settlement activity constitutes “a flagrant violation” of international law. The Trump administration reversed Obama’s position which “blatantly disregards Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention,” and he returned the U.S. to decades of support for Israel, the U.S.' greatest ally, btw. Libtards believe that violating international law is perfectly okay.
- He pulled the United States out of the Iranian nuclear deal that eliminated/destroyed our national security. Libtards think that giving the most dangerous country in the world everything they want and need to achieve nuclear weapons is perfectly fine.
- He renamed the "Asia-Pacific" the "Indo-Pacific" to include India in the larger task of preventing Chinese dominance in Asia. Libtards don't see anything wrong with Chinese domination
- He's made clear that he is willing to use force to stop North Korea from deploying nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of destroying U.S. cities — which has prompted China to finally put real pressure on Pyongyang. Libtards don't see anything wrong with the second most dangerous country in the world obtaining nuclear weapons.
- He introduced and implemented the Farm Act which identifies and eliminates unnecessary regulations that hurt the U.S.’ farmers and rural communities. Libtards don't care.
- He ended support for Syrian rebels. Libtards don't care.
- He sanctioned Turkey and Iran. Libtards have no idea what this means, and condemn it anyway.
- He signed into law an extension of the 9-11 fund to 2092, essentially making it permanent. Libtards must think that the survivors and survivors' families don't deserve it.
- He ordered U.S. F15s and F35s to pulverize Qanus island in the Salah and Din province, Iraq which is infested with ISIS terrorists by dropping 80,000 lbs. of bombs on it. Libtards probably call this "racist."
- Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, is now dead on President Trump’s watch.
- Iran's most senior elite military commander, IRGC Quds Force chief Qasem Suleimani is also now dead on President Trump’s watch. No man was more directly responsible for the deaths of more U.S. service members than him. Abu Mehdi Muhandis, another chief of another terrorist organization called Kataib Hezbollah, is another dead man on President Trump’s watch. Libtards must think that it would have been better to have them alive and well.
- he banned travel to and from China and Iran where the Coronavirus is rampant in the tens of thousands, and then banned it to and from Europe which became the epicentre of the Coronavirus. The libtards call him "racist."
- He signed a $2 Trillion rescue plan for Americans due to the financial damage the Coronavirus is causing. Libtards probably approve of this for obvious reasons.
- He halted funding to the World Health Organization due to their China-centric handling of the Coronavirus. Libtards must think that corruption is okay since they condemn this move.
- He highly objects to anti-Semites leading the democrat party because they support the destruction of Israel. Libtards condemn Israel for fighting genocide and BDS, which medicine and technology libtards refuse to give up and could never live without.
There's a lot more where that came from. - oh, and he's obviously that antichrist.
Libtards truly have brain damage.
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
questa NON è una testata giornalistica
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burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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طبيعة الإلهية في المسيح يسوع ربنا! في موته وقيامته نحن أيضا الإله الحقيقي والإنسان الحقيقي، في الإيمان. ليس من السهل بالنسبة لي أن أحب القت...
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- ► 2014 (423)
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Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.