massoni e satanisti sono stupidi e prevedibili

se dico che, io distruggero USA e Canada ed ucciderò un terzo del genere umano, poi, Cina e Russia non si faranno trascinare nel vortice di una guerra mondiale, certo mi dispiace questo certo,
ma, questa è la verità: perché io lo farò. io devo farlo, io sono costretto a farlo: io punirò, anche tutti i complici dei persecutori dei martiri cristiani.

massoni e satanisti sono stupidi e prevedibili, fanno un percorso per dimostrare la finione della democrazia, ma le loro decisioni sono tutte prese a priori!
Djokovic, revocato il visto. Si va verso l'espulsione 
dopotutto ogni violazione legge chiesta da Rockefeller al PD DEM ? è sempre una violazione ai diritti di satana!


abra catabra zulum babalum, Parlamento Ue “abra catabra zulum babalum, La Russia ritiri i militari dal confine con l’Ucraina” .
ed invece in Donbass ora deve essere messo in sicurezza con effetto immediato! 


non vogliono finire loro sulla sedia elettrica al posto di Rockeeller Spa Big 666 Pharma!
Oms: «La vaccinazione obbligatoria dovrebbe essere temporanea, è l'ultima spiaggia» 
  azione obbligatoria dovrebbe essere temporanea, è l'ultima spiaggia»
Oms: «La vaccinazione obbligatoria dovrebbe essere temporanea, è l'ultima spiaggia» E' il monito lanciato dall'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità -


Report: Number of abortion clinics up slightly in 2021


Biden's plan to list employees with vaccine religious exemptions in database raises eyebrows

A federal government agency’s announced plan to keep track of employees who have refused on religious grounds to get vaccinated against COVID-19 has drawn concern from conservatives.The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia announced earlier this week the creation of the “Employee Religious Exception Request Information System," which the agency says aims to maintain "personal religious information collected in response to religious accommodation requests ... in the context of a public health emergency or similar health and safety incident.” Conservatives are expressing concerns over the move, with Sarah Parshall Perry and GianCarlo Canaparo, both legal fellows at Heritage’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, arguing that the new system “will likely serve as a model for a whole-of-government push to assemble lists of Americans who object on religious grounds to a COVID-19 vaccine.”


A New inspiring 3D Map Poster collection to decorate your wall

The maps in our Bibles are very useful to understand the geographical and political context of that time, and we loved the idea of creating and designing posters with these maps, in a style that allows us to appreciate the beauty of God's creation. Learn More


Survey reveals pastors' concerns with apathy, leader development

A survey from Lifeway Research has revealed that dealing with apathy, developing leadership, and connecting with the unchurched are among the top issues that pastors believe need to be addressed. The report, which surveyed 1,000 Protestant pastors in the U.S., also cited other needs such as fellowship with others, trusting God, and discipleship.


Emails show Biden's education secretary urged NSBA to write letter labeling parents domestic terrorists

Newly released emails reveal that a controversial letter likening parents to domestic terrorists for raising concerns about the material their children were exposed to in public schools was crafted at the request of U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. A chain of emails released by advocacy group Parents Defending Education documented a conversation between two National School Boards Association members, Marnie Maldonado and Kristi Swett. A group of parents filed a lawsuit against the DOJ over a memo it released five days later that asked federal law enforcement agencies to “facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff,” and many state affiliates cut ties with the NSBA in the weeks that followed the letter’s publication.


VIDEO: Craig Morgan talks combatting sex trafficking with Exodus Road

In this video interview with The Christian Post, Country star Craig Morgan shares why he felt led to combat sex trafficking with non-profit Exodus Road. "Jesus went to those ugly places," Morgan explained. Click to watch.


March for Life: Kirk Cameron, 'Duck Dynasty' star among headliners

The March for Life has announced that actor Kirk Cameron and reality TV personality Lisa Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" fame are among the speakers who will address thousands expected to gather at its annual pro-life rally, the first to be open to a large gathering since the coronavirus pandemic. The event, which will take place on Jan. 21, will have an 11 a.m. concert with singer Matthew West before the rally kicks off at noon. Click to learn more.


Are American families falling deeper into debt? NerdWallet says yes

With the rising costs of housing, food, gas, transportation and medical care, more Americans are now falling deeper into debt as median incomes fell 3% over the last two years, according to NerdWallet’s annual study on credit card and other forms of household debt. The study found that U.S. households are a collective $15.24 trillion in debt, representing a 6.2% increase from 2020 to 2021. Some 70% of that debt or $10.67 trillion represents mortgage debt which increased by 8.22%, the sharpest rise in any kind of debt measured in the study. "The past year-and-a-half was already tough for the millions of Americans who lost jobs. Now, we’re faced with rising costs for much-needed items ... It remains difficult for many to catch up," NerdWallet's Sara Rathner stated.


Op-ed: Military works to boot Christian 'extremists' from its ranks

Gearing up to the riot's one-year anniversary in December, Press Secretary John Kirby warned that new rules on "extremist activity" were coming. "As Secretary [Lloyd] Austin has emphasized, the department is focused on prohibited activity, not on a particular ideology thought or political orientation. The department has always maintained a distinction between thoughts and actions." So they say. But behind the camouflage, FRC's Lt. General (Ret.) Jerry Boykin argues, is a different agenda entirely. And it's not about weeding out extremism — it's about weeding out the people of faith and principle. Click to continue reading.


Amazing posters of biblical places in the Bible

I still remember when I was taught Bible stories in Sunday school at church. My teacher would explain the lessons using, among other things, an old flannel board. The Sundays when it was used were everyone's favorite. But I remember how Bible maps held a special fascination... Read More


Billy Graham’s granddaughter suffers 2 heart attacks

Rachel-Ruth Lotz, the granddaughter of the late evangelist Billy Graham, was rushed to the hospital this week following a heart attack caused by "broken heart syndrome," a rare condition that the Mayo Clinic notes is usually brought on by "stressful situations and extreme emotions." Lotz experienced a second heart attack while in the hospital. Her mother took to Facebook to share the update about her daughter's health and to ask for people to join her family in praying for her daughter.

Covid, Meloni: Draghi abbia coraggio di ammettere il fallimento
“Ritornano la Dad e lo smart working negli uffici pubblici, chiudono le discoteche e si limita la capienza negli stadi, il contagio dilaga nei giorni di chiusura delle scuole, si…

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10 Gennaio 2022
Agroalimentare, Energia, Lavoro e Natalità. L’Italia e le sfide da vincere per non morire
«Nessuno può pensare che si debbano abbandonare le attività produttrici di beni primari, necessarie all’alimentazione e a fornire materie prime all’industria; oppure ridurre le attività manifatturiere di fase intermedia (semilavorati)…

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9 Gennaio 2022
L'Intervista, Giubilei: Atreju un successo, Meloni ha avuto intuizione e coraggio politico.
Un giovane che fonda una casa per il dibattito conservatore: da cosa nasce questo “richiamo al conservatorismo”? Da ormai vari anni stiamo portando avanti un progetto culturale e metapolitico dedicato…

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8 Gennaio 2022
Covid, Meloni: strategia del Governo fallimentare e a pagarne il prezzo sono italiani
«Norme confuse e contraddittorie: famiglie e imprese in ginocchio, studenti che rischiano nuovamente la didattica a distanza. Il governo ha puntato tutto sul Green Pass, ma nulla ha fatto per…

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8 Gennaio 2022
Riformare la Giustizia: dallo scandalo di magistratopoli alle riforme.
Il caso giudiziario che si è scatenato dopo le inchieste e le dichiarazioni dell’ex magistrato Luca Palamara, dai media definito con l’icastico nome “magistratopoli” ha dato evidenza delle derive correntizie…

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8 Gennaio 2022
L'ultima stretta sul virus non servirà a nulla (o quasi)
Dopo due anni di pandemia, l’ennesima proroga dello stato di emergenza, Dpcm e commissari speciali la situazione sembra essere tornata quasi al punto di partenza, tanto che è arrivata proprio…

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7 Gennaio 2022
Vaccini, Meloni: scandalosa violazione della tutela dei dati sensibili che FdI sottoporrà al Garante Della Privacy
ll “governo dei migliori” ci fa sapere, come se nulla fosse, che i nostri dati sanitari sono a disposizione dell’Agenzia delle Entrate. Oggi per multare gli over 50 non vaccinati,…

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7 Gennaio 2022
La sacralità della bandiera.
È piuttosto triste ma non sorprendente che, a parte Giorgia Meloni e Fratelli d’Italia, quasi nessuno abbia ricordato che oggi è nata la bandiera tricolore. Eppure il Pd poteva dire…

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7 Gennaio 2022
Vaccini, Meloni: estorsione di Stato, cittadini non sono sudditi.
Il premier britannico Boris Johnson dice no alla coercizione dei britannici per ottenere percentuali più alte di vaccino perché, come tutti i liberali e i conservatori, crede che le persone…

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Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica