I gay strangolati in Iran non hanno voce a Sanremo.
Giulio Meotti Feb 2. Due impiccati ieri (4.000 dal 1979) nel silenzio delle iconcine arcobaleno che scambiano la libertà con autobattezzarsi e baciarsi in tv.
Nessun giornale o tv ne ha parlato, nessun flash-mob davanti all’ambasciata iraniana a Roma (o saudita o indonesiana o qatariota o turca), nessun boicottaggio del regime khomeinista come avvenne per i Giochi invernali a Sochi (Putin è il Grande Satana dell’immaginazione progressista), nessuno stadio colorato come sulla legge di Orban contro l’indottrinamento transgender a scuola, niente di niente.
C'è soltanto il solito esibizionismo vittimistico usa e getta...
Per i woke, "l'Olocausto è una storia fra due gruppi di bianchi: ebrei e nazisti"
Giulio Meotti
Feb 2
Ebrei diretti alla camera a gas di Birkenau (foto dello United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
La frase-choc di Whoopi Goldberg non è un incidente, ma la malattia delle élite progressiste neorazziali che le porta a vedere ovunque Olocausti: l’Olocausto dei migranti, l’Olocausto ecologico, l’Olocausto afroamericano, l’Olocausto dei nativi, l’Olocausto degli animali, l’Olocausto dell’Aids, l’Olocausto palestinese…. Intervista per la newsletter al semiologo Ugo Volli:
"Questo progetto ideologico pericolosissimo è la fine dell'Occidente sotto attacco..."
non è colpa di Israele se la sharjah ha il solo ed unico linguaggio: quello della sottomissione dei kafir dhimmis e del genocidio fatto dalla UMMA!
ma quella terra è stata dato da lorenzoJHWH agli israeliani, e rimarrà nelle loro mani fino al giorno del giudizio universale quando tutto verrà distrutto e ricreato!!
Medioriente, nuovo ok di Israele ad avamposto illegale in Cisgiordania
Did Iranians Break Into Israeli Defense Systems, Steal IDF Secrets?
WATCH: Saudis No Longer Support Palestinian Cause – Here’s Why
US State Department Rejects Amnesty’s Israel ‘Apartheid’ Smear
ABC Suspends Whoopi Goldberg Over Holocaust Remarks
WATCH: Israel Joins Massive Naval Exercise Led by US
Palestinian Prisoners Refuse Medication - Because They Believe THIS Big Lie
WATCH: Diversity of Israeli Government Destroys Amnesty Lies
New Iranian Nuclear Deal Will Turbocharge Lebanon’s Destruction
Study reveals younger Evangelicals' charitable interests, 'global mindset'
Curated for you byCP Editors
Good afternoon! It's Wednesday, February 2, 2022, and we're here with fresh research on younger Evangelicals, the announcement of the SBC Executive Committee's new interim president, and the latest podcast episode from The Christian Post.
A new study from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts, a brand communication agency, has revealed that, while Evangelicals over 40 tend to focus on domestic efforts and have formed preferences for what they want to support, their younger counterparts embrace a more "global mindset" and have a broader range of causes they want to focus their giving on. The study, which surveyed more than 1,000 American Evangelical Protestants, utilized a seven-point scale that allowed respondents to indicate the strength with which a description fit them.
Lawsuit: Christian student suspended after sharing beliefs on sexuality and gender
Michigan student David Stout is suing his high school and school district after being punished for sharing his religious views on LGBT issues and laughing at inappropriate jokes during a summer band camp. According to the complaint, school officials concluded Stout violated anti-bullying policies and suspended him for three days in October, which included prohibiting him from attending class and participating in after-school activities like band and football. Court documents indicate Stout said "homosexual conduct is a sin, however, everyone is a sinner due to freewill choices, and he would pray for them 'to repent and follow Jesus.'" The student, who also claims his band director told him to "stop posting" his beliefs on all social media, was also said to have laughed at a pair of “inappropriate racial and homophobic ‘jokes’” during a summer band camp on school property.
McLaurin named interim president of the SBC Executive Committee
Tennessee Pastor Willie McLaurin has been appointed as the interim president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention's Executive Committee amid an investigation on how the leadership body handled sexual abuse reports. McLaurin, who spent 15 years serving on the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board before joining the Executive Committee in 2020, stated, "Jesus’ last words to us in Acts 1:8 should be our first priority as a network of churches. My prayer is that we will continue to put a laser-sharp focus on cooperation and collaboration."
Brooklyn pastor found murdered at home, son confessed: 'I slit her up'
Tracey Sydnor, the administrative pastor of The Cathedral of Hope Upper Room Baptist Church in Bedford-Stuyvesan, was found stabbed to death in her home Saturday. Her 40-year-old son admitted that he "slit her up," according to the New York Police Department. Sydnor, who has been described as a "sweet lady" who was the "glue that kept everything together," stepped into the pastoral role just over two months ago.
7 effective lies the devil tells believers
In the Bible, 1 Timothy 4:1 teaches that there is a doctrine of demons, which implies that, under Satan's direction, these demons attempt to give instructions to people — including believers, Joseph Mattera writes. Mattera outlines seven lies the devil tells believers and connects each of them to scripture to demonstrate how Christians can combat these untruths.
Establishment media continue to cover for Biden
"Politico reached out to me for a conservative perspective on Joe Biden's first year in office, but when I hit their favored president too hard, they proved yet again that establishment media continues to cover for this failed president as shills for Democrats and the far left," Ken Blackwell asserts in this op-ed. Blackwell discusses his experience with Politico and shares the exact 200 words he sent to the organization per their request — none of which they published. Click to read.
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Click: 3 minority judicial nominees Biden voted against confirming
President Joe Biden’s record of voting against the confirmation of minority jurists to seats on federal courts is getting renewed attention as he vows to appoint an African American woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. This article highlights the names of minority jurists that Biden voted against, including Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and DC Circuit Court of Appeals Nominee Miguel Estrada. Click here to view the presentation.
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Justice Breyer’s retirement, Biden’s possible appointees, and why ‘race’ shouldn’t be a nomination factor
Biden's judicial nominees prove 'liberal dark money groups' control his administration: legal expert
Podcast: How kindness saved African missionaries' lives
In this episode of The Christian Post Podcast, reporter Leah MarieAnn Klett shares a story from Oscar Amaechina, president of Afri-Mission and Evangelism Network in Abuja, Nigeria, who revealed that he and other missionaries were once almost murdered by a group — but that an act of simple love and compassion changed everything and had an eternal impact. "This group of people who set out to kill him converted to Christianity because of … kindness," Klett explains. Click to listen.
Thank you for spending part of your day with us. We look forward to seeing you again tomorrow! -- CP Editors
Dedication to the truth—why people don’t get their own pronouns
by Robert Siedlecki
Language matters. But not to the cultural Marxists overthrowing reality with their warped ideology. Matt Walsh writes that we must meet our detractors with dedication to truth.
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Amendment on “assisted suicide” withdrawn in UK parliament
by IFN Italia
After lengthy debate, the upper house of the British parliament has excluded the amendment from the "Health and Care Bill". And it's sparked debate within and across political lines.
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La sconfitta di Mario Draghi e la repubblica dei peones
Le molteplici esperienze di professore universitario (dal 1975), di civil servant al ministero del Tesoro (1991-2001), di manager della Goldman Sachs (2002-2005), di governatore della Banca d’Italia (2006-2011) e di presidente della Banca Centrale Europea (2011-2019), fanno certamente dell’attuale presidente del Consiglio Mario Draghi ciò che di meglio offre l’Italia in termini di capacità e di competenza. E’ altrettanto certo che Mario Draghi rappresenta la più alta espressione dei poteri finanziari e dei circuiti massonici che formano il cosiddetto establishment internazionale. La sua aspirazione ad essere il tredicesimo presidente della Repubblica Italia era dunque più …
Comunicato del Vescovo di San Remo contro "lo scempio indecoroso" del Festival
Riportiamo un intervento quanto mai opportuno di S. E. mons. Antonio Suetta, vescovo di Ventimiglia - Remo, pubblicato il 2 febbraio 2022. Una triste apertura del Festival della Canzone Italiana 2022 ha purtroppo confermato la brutta piega che, ormai da tempo, ha preso questo evento canoro e, in generale, il mondo dello spettacolo, servizio pubblico compreso. La penosa esibizione del primo cantante ancora una volta ha deriso e profanato i segni sacri della fede cattolica evocando il gesto del Battesimo in un contesto insulso e dissacrante. Il brano presentato, già nel titolo – Domenica – e nel contesto …
L'aborto fa strage di bambini afroamericani
All’insegna del più demagogico politically correct, il presidente americano Biden s’è affrettato a far sapere che il nuovo giudice della Corte Suprema, chiamato a sostituire Stephen Breyer, sarà donna e nera, la prima nella storia degli Stati Uniti ad occupare quel posto. Non una novità assoluta, questo annuncio, poiché aveva già fatto questa promessa nel corso della propria campagna elettorale. Ma non è questo il punto. Il punto sta nell’ipocrisia di battaglie strumentali, che non tengono conto della realtà dei fatti e che consentono soltanto, a quanti se ne facciano promotori, di nascondersi dietro un …
De Maistre e gli errori rivoluzionari
Nato a Chambery nel 1753 e scomparso a Torino nel 1821, Joseph de Maistre, nobile savoiardo e suddito del re di Sardegna, viene considerato uno dei maggiori rappresentanti del pensiero controrivoluzionario di ispirazione cattolica. Al centro dei suoi interessi e delle sue dottrine sta la condanna senza appello della rivoluzione francese, da lui considerata «uno dei più grandi crimini che si possano commettere, poiché non ve n’è un altro che abbia più terribili conseguenze». Nei fatti dell’Ottantanove egli vede non solo lo sbocco naturale di tutti i più gravi errori del passato, tra i quali spicca …
Il “Grande Timoniere” bombarda Hong Kong e anche la Chiesa è sotto tiro
(di Sandro Magister) In ottobre scadrà l’accordo provvisorio e segreto tra la Santa Sede e la Cina sulle nomine dei vescovi, stipulato il 22 settembre 2018 e rinnovato per altri due anni nel 2020. È presto per dire se sarà riconfermato in forma più stabile. Di certo, ciò che non è provvisorio è lo strapotere di Xi Jinping, che da dicembre è stato anche insignito del titolo altamente simbolico di “Grande Timoniere”, come soltanto Mao Zedong prima di lui. Questo comporta che la linea politica dettata da Xi è incondizionata e a lungo termine, con strettissimi se non inesistenti margini …
Obispo castrense italiano responde a Viganò: «En materia de vacunación estamos con las enseñanzas y el testimonio del Papa»
El obispo castrense de Italia, Santo Marcianò, ha escrito una declaración, firmada ayer 31 de enero, en la que señala las posturas «extremas» dentro de la Iglesia que se encuentran en disonancia con las medidas sanitarias contra la pandemia. En una declaración publicada hoy en el sitio web del Ordinariato Militar de Italia, el prelado de 61 años destaca y agradece el papel determinantes que los militares y los policías han tenido durante la pandemia de coronavirus, haciendo cumplir las medidas emitidas por las autoridades y asegurando una mejor campaña de vacunación. Marcianò comenta que, en este sentido, por …
ABC Suspends Whoopi Goldberg Over Outrageous Holocaust Comments
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Israeli-Arabs Condemn ‘False’ Amnesty Report Calling Israel ‘Apartheid’
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Will Israel Supply Iron Dome to This Arab Country?
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INSANE: Major US City Almost Gave Police Station to Violent BLM Rioters
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Israel’s ‘Operation Guardian of the Walls’ -
Which Walls?
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SOMETHING FISHY? Candidate Takes Cash from PelosiRead Now
Israel Extends Incoming Travel Rules Through March 7
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33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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طبيعة الإلهية في المسيح يسوع ربنا! في موته وقيامته نحن أيضا الإله الحقيقي والإنسان الحقيقي، في الإيمان. ليس من السهل بالنسبة لي أن أحب القت...
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Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.