personal insults against an opponent is the last joker card

  Issues of Jewish Identity: Making of a godol - mesorah versus gadol --- the authority of Chazon ish



Kalonymus HaQatan

 5 hours ago

I don't know what you're talking about (2).

What was the psak?



Kalonymus HaQatan

 16 hours ago

I can't help it if you don't see any difference between Riskin's ludicrous thesis, and the alleged examples that you gave.

1. The gedolim backed up their ruling with sound proofs from the Rishonim (and limited it to using non-Jewish donors).

2. I'm not sure, if you're referring to artificial insemination (which you're going to have to explain why you would be machmir), or if you're referring to conception in the normal manner (which I don't believe that any rabbi ever permitted).



Kalonymus HaQatan


He was being interviewed by a newspaper (Makor Rishon), and he candidly expressed his views. If he didn't really believe what was saying, then he should have kept his mouth shut.

No qualified Torah scholar would even entertain such a ludicrous position, and surely, would never be caught saying so out loud, all the more, in an interview, where they know that every word they utter is likely to be published, especially a controversial statement like that.



Kalonymus HaQatan


"[Stevie] Riskin opined (!) that the Biblical prohibition on homosexual relations only applies to one who voluntarily chooses homosexuality, but that one who considers himself wired as homosexual and feels that he can only experience intimacy with another man is exempt from the prohibition."

IMHO, a person who twists the Torah, in such a manner, is not qualified to rule on ANY Torah subject.

Discussion on World Israel News  223 comments

Christian missionaries slammed for exploiting Ukrainian Jewish refugees wherever they go




 5 hours ago

Even after Jesus was captured there were multiple occasions where he could have avoided a death sentence. In fact, Pontius Pilate had reservations about putting Jesus to death without hard evidence of his crimes. The continued defiance of authority served to further provoke the reaction that Jesus required, leading to his inevitable crucifixion.

So basically, Jesus decided to commit SUICIDE BY COP.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 11 hours ago

Judaism is unique with respect to the fact, that it is not a proselytizing religion, and non-Jews are NOT required to convert in order to be close to God.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 14 hours ago

I don't really care how missionaries should self-destruct, as they long as they leave the Israelites alone.




 15 hours ago

Most of the Jews I know, find it offensive, when others suggest that they should convert to a different religion.

Some groups have a special focus, on bringing the “good news” to the Israelites. I hope that they either repent, or self-destruct.




 16 hours ago

Jesus allegedly was more than willing to perform miracles of healing the crippled, the blind, and even raising the dead, walking on water, turning water in to wine, and proclaiming his divinity whenever it suited the purpose of converting followers.

However, when it came to proving his alleged divinity to the authorities, and thereby affording himself the opportunity to save his own life, he neglected to do so.


1  1



Max Tovar

 17 hours ago

The giving of the Torah preceded your man-made religion by some 1,300 years, so your question is senseless.



Watchman for Zion


If you disembowel Judaism of all its features, and replace it with a totally foreign ideology, that has no resemblance to the former, then that is NOT considered an extension of the Jewish faith, in any form or shape.





I'm not dictating to anyone. I'm just presenting the Israelite point of view, which explains why we find Christians missionizing to us so offensive.

Jews don't try to convert other people into being Jewish, and I think that Christians should reciprocate by not trying to make Jews into Christians. There are over 3 BILLION non-Christians in the world, who they can try to mission to; yet they insist on focusing on the few million Jews.





Allegedly, the ultimate reason why Jesus came to Earth was to DIE as a sacrifice. This means that those responsible for his death were actually doing Jesus a great service. Because if events had not played out exactly as they had, then according to legend, humankind could never have been redeemed.

What if Judas hadn’t betrayed Jesus? Or what if the Jewish leaders accepted Pilate’s initial refusal to put Jesus to death? What would Jesus have done then?

Would he have gone to a different city to recruit another batch of disciples, attempt to incite resentment among the community leaders, successfully get himself betrayed, hoping that his web of manipulation and coercion would finally result in a death sentence?





Ultimately, the Romans killed him; NOT the Jews.

Jesus wanted, no, NEEDED, to get killed, in order that humanity be redeemed from its sins. But Jesus could not simply climb up on the sacrificial altar and slit his own throat, because such an act would be a mortal sin, serving to make Jesus into a self-murderer.

Therefore, someone else was required to do the torturing and killing for him. So just like other classic cases of SUICIDE BY COP, Jesus set into motion, a series of events that intentionally lead to his own demise, all in fulfillment of his alleged mission.

Discussion on World Israel News  130 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic discrimination



UniusREI governor worldwide

 5 hours ago

After they held you under the water in the baptismal font, all you said was: glub, glub, glub...



UniusREI governor worldwide

 5 hours ago

Learn about Gandhi.

He left his wife, to live with a male friend.

He forbade the followers in his ashram to sleep with their wives, yet required women to sleep with him, naked, which is a form of sexual abuse, using his position of power to manipulate and sexually exploit the people he directly controlled.

He was constantly surrounded by young women, who tended to all his bodily needs, including full body naked massages. He used women as props for support, and walked, draping his arms around their shoulders, when a walking cane or a couple of young men would have served just as well.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 11 hours ago

Mahatma Gandhi was a person with very severe flaws. Among his flaws, was that he hid behind a guise of self-righteous celibacy; which was used to hide his sexual perversions.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 11 hours ago

You're the one who was bragging about banging Jews.

No bad deed will go unpunished by God.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 11 hours ago

I don't need to fight against a bunch of hot air.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 11 hours ago




UniusREI governor worldwide

 11 hours ago

No bad deed will go unpunished by God.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

Nowhere does it say in the Jewish Bible that Messiah will come from God Almighty impregnating a married woman.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

When you were baptized, they must have held you under the water in the baptismal font, for too long.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

You're too arrogant to admit, that the Israelites in Jesus' day, were smarter than you are, and were able to recognize an impostor when they saw one.

Discussion on World Israel News  130 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic discrimination



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

All Israelites are God's children.

Deuteronomy 14:1

You are children of the Lord, your God.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

You are schizophrenic.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

Trust me, King David surely did not refer to you.




 12 hours ago

Poor Sarah Silverman. Does she deserve a poodle like this meshuggeneh?

BTW, Sarah Silverman once made a sick joke over killing Jesus:

"I'm glad the Jews killed Jesus. I'd do it again!



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

You're a LIAR.

You claimed that you were a Catholic.

You talk like a Catholic, and quack like a Catholic, so you must a Catholic.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

The world managed fine without you, before you showed up, and will also manage fine, when you stop using up the oxygen in this world.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 12 hours ago

To speak nothing of your modesty...



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

No. You live in a deluded parallel universe.

Jews deserve better, than an idiot like yourself for a king.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

I don't believe that any sane woman would put up with you.

But in any event, your wife is right. Get a life, and make some money, if you're able to.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

Dream on, and remember that the coffee might be spiked...

Discussion on World Israel News  130 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic discrimination



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

King David did NOT refer to Jesus as "his Lord".

That was Matthew's ghostwriter's (22:43-44) mistranslation of the first verse of Psalm 110.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

Are you a true Catholic?

Do you bow to images of Jesus and Mary?



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

I got it. You have nothing Biblical to show about Rahab's genealogy. [Note, Matthew 1:5 is not in the Hebrew Bible].

Judaism was always inclusive of converts, who sincerely converted to Judaism. But you didn't convert, so you're not my brother.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

1 million nonsensical spam comments; that have no intrinsic value, other than earning you the scorn of people reading your garbage.

If you could have made some $$$, you would be much better off.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

Being stupid is not something you need to be ashamed about. That's just the way that God made you.

But posting your name and address online, is pretty foolhardy.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

I'm not joking either...



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 13 hours ago

OMG. You are delusional.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

Ruth converted to Judaism, and was a Jew by Choice.

Rahab also converted before marriage.

Just curious, why do you think that Rahab is part of King David's genealogy? Source?



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

Remember, that the Mossad always gets their man...

Anyone trying to harm Israel, should not sleep too soundly at night; knowing that Israel's long arm can reach them wherever they may be living or staying.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Messiah will be a patrilineal descendant of King David, something that Jesus could never be; since according to the legend of the virgin birth, he did not have a biological father.

1  1

Discussion on World Israel News  130 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic discrimination



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

I guess that the truth hurts...

Another GOY that wants to emulate the Adolf.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 13 hours ago

You can't point to a single Biblical source, that proves that someone born to a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother, is considered Jewish, because to my knowledge, such a verse doesn't exist! [If you think that it does, please cite chapter and verse].



UniusREI governor worldwide

 14 hours ago

I happen to be a descendant of King David, so watch out who you mess with.



UniusREI governor worldwide

 14 hours ago

You're starting to lose it, and are showing your true colors.

Are you related to N.T. Semite?



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 14 hours ago

You're confusing "lineage" with "Jewishness".

Jewish "lineage" is patrilinear.

"Jewishness" is matrilinear.

If your mother wasn't Jewish, then you're a GOY.




 14 hours ago

I didn't think about that option, but I don't want to go there.

I believe in "live and let live" (unless someone doesn't want to allow us to live, then we have to deal with that appropriately).



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 14 hours ago

Don't worry. I know about you, and where you live.

It's pretty stupid to put your details online.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 14 hours ago

Speak in English.

You're not my Messiah,



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 14 hours ago

Certifiably "meshuggeh".

14 years of about 200 // 300 posts every day,

What a waste of a human life.




 14 hours ago

There's no cure for crazy.

Discussion on  1101 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.21.22



Proud Conservative Mom

 14 hours ago

Promoting a sinful lifestyle, in an attempt to influence others, is considered "incitement to sin", and is a sin unto itself.




 15 hours ago

Intrinsically, they don't mind twinning with a group of radical Islamic terrorists.

They only mind the legal headache, that this action is likely to cause them.



Proud Conservative Mom

 15 hours ago

This fake "rabbi" headed RECONSTRUCTIONIST "Congregation Bet Haverim", for 22 years.

After you read this, you'll feel like revisiting the last meal that you ate. UGH.

Who We Are


"We serve and support the lesbian, gay, and transgender communities and promote the Reconstructionist concept of Judaism as an evolving religious civilization.

"Inspired by the chutzpah of our founders, CBH’s mission is to promote a bold and expansive Jewish identity and culture emphasizing inclusivity, creativity, spirituality and social justice as we uphold our commitment to serve the LGBTQ and allied community."

CBH Staff


Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Rabbi Emeritus

...He also founded the Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity, cofounded the Faith Alliance of Metro Atlanta, serving as its first Jewish president, and chaired the City of Atlanta’s Human Relations Commission. He sits on the Mayor of Atlanta’s Task Force for LGBT Concerns and was recently awarded the Phoenix Award, Atlanta’s top honor given to its citizens, for his unwavering service to the city. He was the editor of the groundbreaking LGBTQ Torah commentary, Torah Queeries, and was recognized as one of The 36 Most Inspiring Rabbis by the Forward and one of The 100 Most Influential LGBTQ Clergy by the Huffington Post.



Proud Conservative Mom


IMHO, the phrase הקהה את שיניו does NOT mean to knock out his teeth.

It means to BLUNT his teeth, that is, to give him a resounding rejoinder, which will blunt his negative braying against Torah Judaism.

Discussion on World Israel News  130 comments

Legal watchdog files lawsuit accusing Swedish hospital of antisemitic discrimination




 16 hours ago

In today's world, LAWFARE has taken the place of WARFARE.

Sue their pants off.

The language of the pocket book, is the only language that they understand.



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

 16 hours ago

Is you mother Jewish?

Discussion on World Israel News  223 comments

Christian missionaries slammed for exploiting Ukrainian Jewish refugees wherever they go



Craig Learner


While Messianic Lubavitchers squirm and twist to differentiate between their faith, and the Christian one, I personally don't see any double standard by NON-Lubavitchers. They reject both of them. They reject Jesus faith, and also reject Shneerson faith; and make absolutely no excuses for either of them.





According to your belief, if Jesus hadn't been killed, then he wouldn't have died for your sins, and there would be no vicarious atonement.

Are you thanking us? You're welcome.



Max Tovar


So called Messianic Jews, if they were born Jewish, are Jews by birth. By rejecting the Jewish religion, and embracing their mistaken beliefs, they have joined the Christian religion. So they remain biological Jews, but are deserters from their religion.



Watchman for Zion


According to Judaism, God is the Savior of all mankind, and all of humanity can be "saved", by following His commands.



Watchman for Zion


The Israelites never accepted the Greek additions to the Hebrew Bible, as being the word of God, and billions of people believe that one can be saved without knowing Jesus.





Israelites don't proselytize for Judaism, and Christians should leave the Israelites alone, and not try to convert them.



Craig Learner


Your biological DNA doesn't change if you follow Jesus, but spiritually, you're not a Jew anymore. You've become a Christian.





If one knows the Hebrew Bible well; then they can see that Jesus isn't found there at all. Jesus is only found in the Hebrew Bible, IF you first put on special "Jesus Goggles", which magically has Jesus jumping out at you from all over. Otherwise, there's really nothing there that supports any alleged allusions to Jesus.



Elijah Rose


Legal or not, most of the Israelites I know, find it offensive, when others suggest that they should convert, to a different religion.

Israelites don't proselytize for Judaism, and Christians should leave the Israelites alone, and not try to convert them.

Discussion on World Israel News  32 comments

Iranian military chief threatens missile attack on Israel





What's not Jewish about (kosher) salami, or the hope that your enemies who are trying to kill you will get killed themselves?

Discussion on   1112 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.21.22



Proud Conservative Mom


Q. Why do they drill holes in terrorist’s coffins?

A. So that the maggots can crawl out to vomit!






Why do they bury terrorists six feet under?

Because deep down, they're real good!




Proud Conservative Mom


One of the fundamental beliefs of Judaism; is that life does not begin with birth, nor does it end with death.

Judaism believes in afterlife, where people will be rewarded for their good deeds, and will be punished for their bad deeds.






The Leftists/terrorists will claim that this was just an innocent Arab, looking for some watermelon to cut up with his knife...




Weary Traveler


Did you ever hear of a woman having an Adam's apple?






Is this the same guy again?

Ben Shapiro & Leftist Clash Over Transgenderism




Proud Conservative Mom


A man is a man, and a woman is woman.

It's so ridiculous that we need to explain this nowadays.

Ben Shapiro Explains Basic Biology to a College Student




Proud Conservative Mom







Benjamin Netanyahu is like the canary in the coal mine.

Ignore his words at you own peril.




Proud Conservative Mom


Religious Jews believe that Judaism is based on a God given Torah, not one that was written by a person or committee many years ago. As such, monkeying around with God's commandments is considered a very serious sin, and there is no room in Judaism for revision or re-prioritization of the Torah's laws.


Discussion on   1112 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.21.22



Proud Conservative Mom


They are well trained con-artists, who prey almost exclusively upon uneducated, unaffiliated and alienated Jews.


Discussion on World Israel News  524 comments

Aggressive missionary group targets Ukrainian refugees in Israel, already baptizing 15





I'm not sure that you will be satisfied with my answers.

Are you not willing to accept Midrashic explanations?

For more correspondence, you can also email me.

Discussion on   1059 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.17.22



Sapper 9


They were cut with the same cookie cutter...






Benny Freidman sings heartbreaking song for Ukraine.




Proud Conservative Mom


1. You left out Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter of Gur (right uppermost picture).

2. Who is under the Klausenburger Rebbe (Viznitz or Bobov Rebbe?)

3. I believe that Rabbi Avraham Pam in not pictured here.

4. I think that middle column, third down, is Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman, who founded and served as the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore.

Of the 11 rabbis depicted here, I was privileged to see/meet at least 8 of them.

It should be noted, that we do NOT worship these rabbis, nor do we idolize them. Hanging their pictures in our homes, is merely intended to serve as a reminder of the righteous lives they lived, and to serve as an inspiration to us, to try to emulate their ways in the service of God.


Discussion on United with Israel  101 comments

Terrorists Paid More than Doctors by Palestinian Authority





Indeed. A fetus is a child who's in the stage of development. At just 8 weeks, when the child is no larger than a bean, every single organ and detail present in an adult human being is present in this tiny fetus. When the child is fully ready to face the world at large, he's born.



Solving Politics


Society has a moral obligation to protect the helpless, and those who can't defend themselves.



Solving Politics


The Reagan administration took the position that Roe vs. Wade should be overruled, and it has only survived for decades because of luck. That might hopefully be changing in the future!



Solving Politics


I once approached an organization which tries to convince women not to undergo abortions, and asked them, on behalf of a childless couple, if they knew of any woman who wasn’t willing to abort her child, but also didn’t want to raise it; thinking that this might be a source of getting a baby for adoption.

The folks at the organization told me, that they didn’t have any. They explained; that in their experience, they rarely have any babies who need to be adopted. Once the woman follows through with the pregnancy, they almost invariably want to keep the child, and raise it themselves!

On many levels, this was a powerful message to me, how God created maternal instincts in a mother, and apparently, it’s only because of external liberal influences, that a woman can be persuaded to kill her own child, that’s growing inside herself. If these negative influences can be countered with positive influences, then more women will be empowered to make the correct life decisions, and be able to live with the decision too.



Solving Politics


I would focus more on the Democrats and their support for Planned UNparenthood; which is responsible for tens of millions of babies being violently chopped up in abortion clinics.

Did you know, that for decades, in NYC (home of Planned UNparenthood), more black babies have been aborted than born alive?





It should be about them.

Once they allow a baby to start growing inside them, they become responsible for the outcome.





Killing babies isn't HEALTH care.

It's DEATH care, making sure that they end up DEAD.

Women have the right to choose to not become pregnant. It’s called contraception. Once YOU create a life, it ceases to be about ‘women’s rights’. It’s about the right for that human to be born.



Solving Politics


The fact that there isn't enough adoptions to go around, is due, in part, because in most cases, when a woman finally has her baby, after nine months of nurturing it inside her, and she holds the sweet baby in her hands, she bonds with it, and wouldn't even dream of ever giving it away.





You are correct. The true role assigned to judges in the US system, is to interpret the Constitution and lesser laws; not to make new laws. However judicial activists have abused the power of the bench to create legal precedents, and legislate from the bench.





In the Church of Liberalism, the holy writ is Roe v. Wade, and abortion is one of its sacraments.

Discussion on Daas Torah  13 comments

Issues of Jewish Identity: Ramban and Rambam disagree whether stars are conscious beings?



Garnel Ironheart



Discussion on   1035 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.15.22





Today is Purim, a very joyful day in Judaism.

Perhaps you can join a Jewish family for a festive Purim meal.

It would be very therapeutic for you to be able to go out, and join other people for a holiday celebration.






Hang in there. You're not a loser!

You have a lot to offer the world, and you just need to figure out how to properly channel it.




Proud Conservative Mom


In the spirit of Purim, maybe the streets of Jerusalem will be paved with Bamba?




Proud Conservative Mom


Unfortunately, this creature is Jewish, and grew up attending Hebrew school.




Sapper 9


What is the THING in that picture?






At 0:08

"Experts believe that the quake was an aftershock from the massive tremor that hit the region TEN years ago".

"Experts"? Gimme a break...




Proud Conservative Mom






Proud Conservative Mom


This is not intended to be mere sarcasm.

I mean it as a talking point, to the person you are engaging with.




Proud Conservative Mom


I just "love" it, when secular Jews, who know nothing about the religion they were born into, embrace and advocate for a foreign religion. Hello, you never explored your OWN religion. So why are you so sure, that the OTHER religion is more “legitimate”?




Proud Conservative Mom


No institution is immune from having students who are rotten apples. However a good test for measuring the quality of an institution; is to examine who are the heads of the said institution, and how the majority of its students turn out.

YCT has been shown to be way beyond Torah true Judaism.


Discussion on United with Israel  55 comments

Iranian Letters Reveal True Owners of Tomb of Mordechai and Esther





God is the source of all salvation, and He doesn't need to have any human sacrifice to die for our salvation.

Discussion on United with Israel  101 comments

Terrorists Paid More than Doctors by Palestinian Authority





Abortionists should be called murderers.

Abortion is literally child murder.

Discussion on   1035 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.15.22



Proud Conservative Mom


If she follows the Bible, then she should look at the following verses, where the Hebrew Bible is explicit in its prohibition against intermarrying with gentiles.

Deuteronomy 7:3-4

“You shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughter to his son, and you shall not take his daughter for your son. For he will turn away your son from following Me, and they will worship the gods of others, and the wrath of the Lord will be kindled against you, and He will quickly destroy you.”

Nehemiah 10:31

And that we shall not give our daughters to the peoples of the land, and we shall not take their daughters for our sons.




Proud Conservative Mom


Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and the ordination of gay men — very mixed messages





Proud Conservative Mom


Unfortunately, most of these "open-minded" people are so open-minded, that their God given brains have fallen out. These people are knee-jerk rejectionists; rejecting time tested traditions, and opting instead, for delusional world views.




Proud Conservative Mom


I'm not surprised by what you wrote.

Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School (YCT) is a "Open Orthodox" yeshiva, founded in 1999 by "Rabbi" Avi Weiss.

It is currently located in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, NY.




Proud Conservative Mom


Ben Greenfield is an alumnus (class of 2017) of the so-called "Yeshiva" Chovevei Torah (YCT).

Sadly, in numerous examples, both the leaders and students of YCT, have been shown to be beyond the pale of what we consider to be Torah true Judaism. These failed rotten teachers, are producing a similar type of rotten fruits, and are leading their students down the path to Hell..




Proud Conservative Mom


Unfortunately, these people are also blurring of the distinction between legitimate Yehudim, and those who are not.

That is NOT helping the Israelite Nation.




Proud Conservative Mom


For those uninformed, can you please give a brief background of the meaning of this type of placard?




Weary Traveler


Just an interesting note, China does NOT have Daylight Savings Time at all, and its daily clock remains unchanged throughout the year.

In fact, most of Asia doesn't even observe it at all, with Japan and India being notable fellow DST protesters.




Proud Conservative Mom


Sadly, these are Cultural Jews; without belief in God and His Torah.

They're like a body without a soul; devoid of the most essential artery of life.

Instead of perpetuating themselves, like the religious Jews are, these people are self-destructing; which is why they need to rely on non-Jewish members to boost their membership.


Discussion on   1031 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.11.22



Proud Conservative Mom


Time will tell.




Proud Conservative Mom


You can't deny the fact that he stood up to Russian tyranny.

He's either a fool, or a hero.




Proud Conservative Mom



He's merely a puppet in God's hands, to act out whatever He has in store for Ukraine.

Otherwise, Zelensky is AWOL from Judaism, with his non-Jewish consort.

As far as Judaism is concerned, he's a dead end. His Israelite lineage ends with him.

He could have had a great life with a Jewish woman, but instead, he chose to be a deserter.

What a shame.




Proud Conservative Mom


Zelensky is being lionized, because he had the guts (or idiocy) to stand up to Putin, and take on the Russian Bear.

Time will tell how his gamble played out.




Proud Conservative Mom


Note the reference (under Hitler's name) to the infamous British White Paper policy.

ווייס-בוך = White Book

א"י = Eretz Yisrael

פאליטיק = Politics




Proud Conservative Mom


I don't feel sorry for him.

He did crude things, for attention and money.

Now it's coming back to bite him.




Proud Conservative Mom


I have read that the Germans arrested and deported 476 Jews to Theresienstadt, where 52 of them died.




Proud Conservative Mom


Socialism only works in two places:

Heaven, where they don't need it, and hell, where they already have it.

― Ronald Reagan




John Gillis


Society has a moral obligation to protect the helpless, and those who can't defend themselves.

Shame on Maryland!






Why does my presence evoke such negative emotions from you?


Discussion on   1031 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.11.22



Chief Mac


I'm also subscribed to his daily comic, and I generally appreciate his message.

However he's getting old (he just turned 84), and IMHO he really dropped the ball on this one.






The Jewish community of Stanford Hill is in the NORTH of London (N.15-16), and is part of the London Borough of Hackney.

This has NOTHING to do with the Chelsea Football Club, which is in WEST London.




Chief Mac


I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to Mr. Dry Bones, who made a big mistake here.






Applied Lead Poisoning always does the trick; very effectively.




Chief Mac


I don't intend to condone Putin's war on Ukraine. However if you look at Putin's record on supporting Jewish communal life in Russia, and his close friendship with the chief rabbi, Rabbi Berel Lazar, it would be unfair (and unwise) to label him as a vile enemy of our people.






Hang in there. You're not a deadbeat!

You have a lot to offer the world, and you just need to figure out how to properly channel it.




Proud Conservative Mom


This so-called "rabbi" should give back his ordination, because he's not teaching Torah.

You're not allowed to twist Torah, and use it to preach Socialism. That is an obscene.

I spelled out why the comparison to the Levites doesn't hold water, and the so-called "rabbi", has yet to refute the fact that the Torah is replete with allusions to property rights. You can also challenge him, that there is NOTHING compatible with Torah, in society forcefully taking from one person, and freely giving it to others.




Proud Conservative Mom


The Torah recognizes private property rights, and does not endorse collectivism and socialism.

There is NOTHING compatible with Torah, in society forcefully taking from one person, and freely giving it to others.

The argument that supporting of the Levites is equal to socialism; is fallacious, since the support of Levites was voluntary, in that the Israelites could choose which Levites they wanted to support with their tithes, while under socialism, the rich have no say where their money will go to. Also, tithing to the Levites was CAPPED at 10%, whereas under secular laws we could only wish to be taxed at a 10% tax rate




Proud Conservative Mom


I've seen a worse video of him, and the anti-Semites are having field day, trying to portray him, as being gay.

He's married to a woman, and they had two kids together, so I don't think that what he did in the video means that he's gay.

He's an actor and a comedian, and was doing these things to try to be funny.




Proud Conservative Mom


Socialism allows envious people to steal, what others have earned.


Discussion on World Israel News  524 comments

Aggressive missionary group targets Ukrainian refugees in Israel, already baptizing 15





The potential issue of inheritance; should not be an impediment to polygamy. This can be easily dealt with a prenuptial agreement, the same way it’s dealt with in monogamous marriage.





Orthodox Judaism strongly OPPOSES abortion, some, considering it a form of MURDER after 40 days of pregnancy, and allowing abortion only when the pregnancy endangers the mother's life, or if it will cause the mother severe physical or psychological harm.

Therefore, the traditional Jewish view of abortion does not fit conveniently into any of the major "camps" in the current American abortion debate. Judaism neither bans abortion completely, nor does it allow indiscriminate abortion "on demand".





Polygamy has several positive aspects, which I think that God would approve of.

One positive aspect is that it makes it easier for women to be able to find a mate. Imagine an ugly woman, who through no fault of her own, is rejected by most men, since they’re all looking for “pretty” women. Under the current state of affairs, in countries that are opposed to polygamy, this woman is likely to die a spinster. However in places that polygamy is allowed, she has a chance that some kind man will agree to take her as a second wife. He will then provide her with financial security, and some level of companionship; both of which she might never have otherwise. This man will also procreate with her, and make her into a mother of children; which will add much meaning to her life.

Another positive aspect of polygamy is; that in times of war, with high male absenteeism and mortality, polygamy supports population growth and replenishment. In a society where most men are already married, war widows would find it very difficult to rebuild their lives. If they at least had an option of becoming a second wife, to a man who already had another wife, their odds of finding a new mate would be greatly increased.





Unfortunately, many American Jews are JINOs, (Jews In Name Only), have been infected by the mental disease known as LIBERALISM.

This disease is prevalent among all walks of mankind, and no race or color is immune to it.

I note, that voting maps show that religious Jews generally vote for conservative values.





I'm glad that you're open minded enough to acknowledge that you were unaware of the truth regarding Bible readings in the synagogue, before you made your comment.

This should illustrate, that not everything said in the name of religion is necessarily true, especially from missionaries, who are agenda driven.

Have you ever been to a synagogue, and heard the Haftarah read? Do you have any clue about the schedule of Haftarah readings?





Genesis 21:1-2 does not mention anyone "returning".





Most of the Hebrew Bible is not read aloud in the synagogue, and Isaiah 53 is singularly unremarkable in that respect.





Where does the verse spell out, that anyone ever returned to Sarah?





He's not unique in the this respect.

In the Book of John, Jesus allegedly declared himself to be god, where he and god are allegedly the same persona.





@CarbonCanolli claimed that Jesus was God.

Discussion on World Israel News  61 comments

Iran threat: Israel 'preparing for the day after'





You're confusing Jesus, a human, with God.

Do you have a Biblical source that "all of us are 'sons of God'"?

Discussion on   1174 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.08.22



Proud Conservative Mom


The term "Loiners", has been used to refer to natives of Leeds.






In my mind, you both are "Loiners", but my mind may be playing tricks on me.






Go for it. She is a gem. (We have met in real life).






The advice isn't mine. It's from King Solomon.

I believe that PCM would be willing to engage in learning over the phone with you.

Are you up to the challenge?




Proud Conservative Mom


If Vinny had more brand recognition, then maybe we could get a business going...




Proud Conservative Mom


That's was his personal choice to leave in a huff.

Never apologize for defending your values, morals, ethics, religious or spiritual beliefs.




Proud Conservative Mom


You are right. I may confused them in my mind, because I believe that they both are originally from the same city in the UK.






Welcome back to the website!

How was your "holiday"?




bill smith


moral or morale? or both?




Proud Conservative Mom


On the simple level, "Yom Kippur is KiPurim", means that Yom Kippur is equal to Purim.

That puts them on equal footing; each in their own way.


Discussion on   1174 comments

Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 03.08.22



Proud Conservative Mom


I would correct that: It's one of the holiest...




Proud Conservative Mom


We recognize your efforts.

Kudos to you!

More power to you!




Proud Conservative Mom


We're blessed to have the Torah, and we should share the blessing, by exposing others to Torah ideas, especially those who were deprived of a Jewish education.




Proud Conservative Mom


Salaries were also much lower in those years...




Proud Conservative Mom


We would ALL be wise to tap into the wisdom embedded in the words of our Sages.

The "trick" is to know where the information is buried.

This can be accomplished by much Torah study.

The Mishna (Avos 2:7) alludes to this:

מַרְבֶּה יְשִׁיבָה – מַרְבֶּה חָכְמָה

A lot of sitting in Yeshiva - leads to a lot of wisdom.

IDF colonel: ‘Without computing, software and data, accurate combat isn’t possible’



Bro. Nick Nicholas

 a day ago

ey.. mormonic .. same nonsense all the time .. can you comment on the news articles ? ..

3  2

Discussion on World Israel News  72 comments

Terror attack in Tel Aviv suburb - 5 dead




 a day ago

he is not mentally ill.. he has his own opinions

3  3



 a day ago

Exactly what are these terrorist doing in Israel ?

This is a prelude of the carnage that will happen if the insane 2 state solution is pushed upon Israel.. it will become full of battle hardened Syrian refugees, Lebanese, Jordan, Gaza .. Israel will become another Yemeni type battlefield.. that’s the end of Israel with their stupid politicians..

Observe that in a war, refugees are treated like pariah’s in all countries.. nobody wants them & they are suddenly ugly & a nuisance..

15  2

Discussion on World Israel News  36 comments

WATCH: Palestinians celebrate deadly terror attack in Israel



 a day ago

.. know thy neighbor.. a sick society..

10  2

Discussion on World Israel News  20 comments

Russian opposition journalist targeted with ‘Jewish pig’ slur for critical coverage of Ukraine war



Bro. Nick Nicholas


ey mormonic enough with your foolish nonsense..

4  1

Discussion on World Israel News  37 comments

WATCH: Russian Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich poisoned in Kyiv




Abramovich was seen in the news recently arriving at an airport in Russia.

.. must have been zelenski who has been blocking peace in ukraine .. the queer dude is full of tricks..

This must be a reuters news feed .. " It’s not clear who was responsible, but Russian hard-liners are suspected. " .. really reuters ..?

ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe.. the azov nazi brigade was created by kolimoiski, a

... ((( jewish war lord & a criminal ))) who lives in trl aviv..

.. kolimoiski employed a queer named zelenski.. the azov nazi brigade was funded & trained by soros ((( a jew & a criminal ))) & the US state dept ..

4  5

Discussion on World Israel News  4 comments

Gantz wants to join Abdullah-Abbas meeting in Jordan, Bennett opposed




gantz & lpaid making deals with the arabs behind closed doors.. this would never happen under Netanyahu..

7  1

Discussion on World Israel News  18 comments

'Adopting the Palestinian narrative': MKs fume over Bennett's wording in talks with Blinken



Uzi Kattan


there is deep hatred against Russia by khazar jews like blinken, zelenski, soros, kolimoiski, schwab & others.. what is remarkable is the use of any nazi hate groups like the galician aryan nazis to achieve the destruction they want even if if means ignoring the nazi dilemma .. soros is a khazar nazi ..

it is historical ..


The nazi legacy is deep in ukraine, poland, germany.. Hashem does not like the nazis..




2  3

Discussion on World Israel News  3 comments

Terror in northern Israel; 2 victims dead, 6 wounded




. this is a pre view of your 2 state solution being pushed around.. a separate pal state with 4 million refugees from syria, lebanon , jordan all armed with heavy machine guns ..

a 2 state is the end of Israel..

3  1

Discussion on World Israel News  102 comments

Republican lawmakers 'uneasy' with Israel's 'neutral' stance on Russia-Ukraine war





Dear Bonehead

do you realize you are a fascist ... you are not an antifascist.. as for nazis.. look no further than the countries mentioned.. the nazis are outlawed in Russia & there is an arrest warrant in Russia & China for soros [ nazi ]..

2  1



Grace Joy


ukraine has been turned into a satanic country controlled by the galician azov nazis .. that dance of the nazi clown with other gayish men has heavy tints of a satanic dance ritual

the galician nazis are a deep historical icon in the ukraine.. & now they are fleeing to poland.. poland will soon have these nazi tramps walking all over the country..

from Larry Johnson , ex CIA regarding the nazis in the ukraine.. btw.. kolimoisky is a jewish warlord from the ukraine that along with soros set up the azov batallion - nazi - in ukraine in 2014.. kolimoiski also hired zelensky for the TV shows & groomed him for president in ukraine.. kolimoiski is a jewish citizen who lives in tel aviv .. Israel harbors this nazi - kolomoiski in Israel & news media have kept silent about this nazi living in tel aviv..



5  2





Dear bonehead

neither the russians nor the chechens have nazi in their country.. the nazis can be found in ukraine, poland, germany, uk, & the US among other countries.. ukraine is full of galician nazi [ azov ]..

3  2




ukraine is a satanic nazi country.. ukraine killed thousands of Jews during WW2... Israel can't defend satanics or nazis.. & ukraine is mostly de militarized already.. Hashem don't like the nazis..


Austria does not want any zelenski speeches ..

... " .. The Austrian Parliament refused the President of Ukraine to appeal to the deputies.

The parliament said that Austria is a neutral country, and Zelensky's speeches are one-sided and reflect only one point of view . "

7  8

Discussion on World Israel News  99 comments

Biden slams Putin as a 'butcher' who 'cannot remain in power'





mormonbolus .. you are a silly fool.. the french have a description for your type of personality : clochard

2  3

Discussion on World Israel News  20 comments

Biden foundation to protect children spends huge chunk on 6-figure salaries – report



Uzi Kattan


these charities are all a scam..

6  1

Discussion on World Israel News  99 comments

Biden slams Putin as a 'butcher' who 'cannot remain in power'





ey.. mormonbolus.. enough with your nonsense..

3  2



Mrs Jane Godfrey


ukraine azov unit is satanic .. many bad things are being uncovered in ukraine .. many surprises .. Hashem don't like nazis.. Hashem destroyed the nazis in germany, poland, ukraine in ww2.. Hashem is doing the same now.. those countries helping the satanic nazis will be in the Hashem "unfriendly list "of countries..

2  2





are you still using your other WIN account " brother " to post nonsense..

"brother "is a mormon.. 7th day church.. that would make you a mormon..

mormonbolus .. keep up with posting nonsense on this web site..

1  3



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


thank you.. that would mean bolus & bro are mormons.. 7th day church of the adventist.. from now on I will call him mormonbolus , no longer a Jew..

Hashem does not like the nazis.. Hashem will destroy all countries that associate with the nazis.. the nazis are satanic.. germany, poland, ukraine lost their fight with Russia in ww2 because they were nazi .. they were satanic..

America won the war because they fought against the nazis.. but this time America has armed the nazis & are on the side of the nazi.. Hashem don't like nazi .. Hashem will destroy all countries that ally themselves with the nazi..

2  3



Grace Joy


Hal Turner's comments on the butcher script .. personal insults against an opponent is the last joker card.. debate / diplomacy ended..


Adopting the Palestinian narrative

 'Adopting the Palestinian narrative': MKs fume over Bennett's wording in talks with Blinken



Uzi Kattan


there is deep hatred against Russia by khazar jews like blinken, zelenski, soros, kolimoiski, schwab & others.. what is remarkable is the use of any nazi hate groups like the galician aryan nazis to achieve the destruction they want even if if means ignoring the nazi dilemma .. soros is a khazar nazi ..

it is historical ..


The nazi legacy is deep in ukraine, poland, germany.. Hashem does not like the nazis..





Terror in northern Israel; 2 victims dead, 6 wounded




. this is a pre view of your 2 state solution being pushed around.. a separate pal state with 4 million refugees from syria, lebanon , jordan all armed with heavy machine guns ..

a 2 state is the end of Israel..

3  1


Republican lawmakers 'uneasy' with Israel's 'neutral' stance on Russia-Ukraine war





Dear Bonehead

do you realize you are a fascist ... you are not an antifascist.. as for nazis.. look no further than the countries mentioned.. the nazis are outlawed in Russia & there is an arrest warrant in Russia & China for soros [ nazi ]..

1  1



Grace Joy


ukraine has been turned into a satanic country controlled by the galician azov nazis .. that dance of the nazi clown with other gayish men has heavy tints of a satanic dance ritual

the galician nazis are a deep historical icon in the ukraine.. & now they are fleeing to poland.. poland will soon have these nazi tramps walking all over the country..

from Larry Johnson , ex CIA regarding the nazis in the ukraine.. btw.. kolimoisky is a jewish warlord from the ukraine that along with soros set up the azov batallion - nazi - in ukraine in 2014.. kolimoiski also hired zelensky for the TV shows & groomed him for president in ukraine.. kolimoiski is a jewish citizen who lives in tel aviv .. Israel harbors this nazi - kolomoiski in Israel & news media have kept silent about this nazi living in tel aviv..



4  1





Dear bonehead

neither the russians nor the chechens have nazi in their country.. the nazis can be found in ukraine, poland, germany, uk, & the US among other countries.. ukraine is full of galician nazi [ azov ]..

3  2




ukraine is a satanic nazi country.. ukraine killed thousands of Jews during WW2... Israel can't defend satanics or nazis.. & ukraine is mostly de militarized already.. Hashem don't like the nazis..


Austria does not want any zelenski speeches ..

... " .. The Austrian Parliament refused the President of Ukraine to appeal to the deputies.

The parliament said that Austria is a neutral country, and Zelensky's speeches are one-sided and reflect only one point of view . "

6  7


Biden slams Putin as a 'butcher' who 'cannot remain in power'





mormonbolus .. you are a silly fool.. the french have a description for your type of personality : clochard

1  2





ey.. mormonbolus.. enough with your nonsense..

2  2



Mrs Jane Godfrey


ukraine azov unit is satanic .. many bad things are being uncovered in ukraine .. many surprises .. Hashem don't like nazis.. Hashem destroyed the nazis in germany, poland, ukraine in ww2.. Hashem is doing the same now.. those countries helping the satanic nazis will be in the Hashem "unfriendly list "of countries..

1  1





are you still using your other WIN account " brother " to post nonsense..

"brother "is a mormon.. 7th day church.. that would make you a mormon..

mormonbolus .. keep up with posting nonsense on this web site..

1  2



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


thank you.. that would mean bolus & bro are mormons.. 7th day church of the adventist.. from now on I will call him mormonbolus , no longer a Jew..

Hashem does not like the nazis.. Hashem will destroy all countries that associate with the nazis.. the nazis are satanic.. germany, poland, ukraine lost their fight with Russia in ww2 because they were nazi .. they were satanic..

America won the war because they fought against the nazis.. but this time America has armed the nazis & are on the side of the nazi.. Hashem don't like nazi .. Hashem will destroy all countries that ally themselves with the nazi..

2  2



Grace Joy

 a day ago

Hal Turner's comments on the butcher script .. personal insults against an opponent is the last joker card.. debate / diplomacy ended..


2  2


Biden foundation to protect children spends huge chunk on 6-figure salaries – report



Uzi Kattan


these charities are all a scam..

4  1


Ukraine: Russia damaged Holocaust memorial



alpcns .


.. a nazi war comes in cycles every 100 years.. a once in a lifetime event .. this is a nazi war... Hashem don't like nazis.. Hashem will crush the nazi clown & those countries that take sides with the nazis.. even Israel .. if it sides with the nazis.. no country will be spared in this nazi war..

2  2



Kathleen Marion

 a day ago

ukraine maps was blocked by twitter.. it was a good source of information about mariupol..

another site replaced the twitter site.. it is a bit gruesome, an alternative to reuters, AP..


French Defense updates a map daily..


2  4



 a day ago

kolimoiski created the azov nazi brigade in 2014 & zelenski [ nazi clown ] has fully supported it with funding from the US state dept.. the azov group has shelled the ukraine population in mariupol, / donbass.. this war is full of dis information. starting with the nazi clown..

Larry Johnson - former CIA , founder Berg Assoc.



10  5


Israeli ex-commandos training Ukrainian civilians — report



 a day ago

do these Israel soldiers realize they are fighting along side with members of the azov nazi battalion group of the ukraine.. ?


3  4


Biden: Putin is a 'butcher,' not sure if Russia changing strategy



 a day ago

most politicians / diplomats / leaders involved in this war are butchers.. with bloody hands.. some more to a greater degree & others that are not.. when a debate leads to personal insults that attack the human dignity of the opponent, then that debate is already lost. attacking the human dignity of the opponent is the last card.. a joker card..

1  1


Moscow accused of forcibly removing civilians to Russia



alpcns .


the clown is now a billionare.. from school teacher > TV clown > politician.. hiden in poland with the top echelon of the govt. left behind death & destruction..

1  2






what you write here are nothing but silly comments, incoherent comments or child rants on this web site.. is English not your 1st language ?

incoherent, silly statements throughout this web site, most are insults against other commentators who don't like [ your comments ] which are of no value at all.

" Indeed. Pleasant news from the atrocities theatre. Nothing's quiet on the eastern front ".. ???

1  2





ey khazakbolus .. keep on with your silly rant..

1  2





.. ey khazar

this daughter of a ((( cohen ))) should put a paper bag on her head so nobody recognizes her on the beach.. this is embarrassing..

1  2



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


look.. brandon jr. married to the daughter of a Kohanim.. a Cohen .. w/ 6 secret service bodyguards at a beach in ipanema, brazil..

my ohh.. my ! life is good..


1  2





that supposed school in mariupol was empty.. empty school .. occupied by the nazi azov unit.. no students.. who would ever believe a school is open & full of children during a war ..?

... " Photo

from the smartphone of a militant of the 36th Marine Brigade,

confirming the presence of Ukrainian Nazis in one of the schools in


. note school is empty .. no students .pictures are a bit gruesome


according to Larry Johnson - former CIA - the azov unit was eliminated.. all ded


map by French Defense Institute seem to confirm this..


Hal Turner


also arrest warrant as a war criminal for soros.. who is next..? kolimoisky .. brandon jr ? now that soros is a war criminal.. he will be chased by russia & china to all corners of this earth.. same w/ kolimoiski .. he created the nazi brigade in the ukraine.. & the bio labs seem to trace back to soros & brandon jr.


read all news from reuters & ap .. with a grain of salt..

the comedian has hiding in poland since the 1st cannonball was fired..

1  3




this is an AP news wire.. take with 2 grains of salt.. same with reuters.. like the american indians saying .."they speak with a forked tongue".

2  4


Congressman says Israel’s lack of support for Ukraine could determine aid




the nazi clown has attempted to tie all countries into a regional conflict.. Israel is very

away from this conflict & has little to do other than remove Jews in ukraine from this nato war..

nato is on high alert because of the nazi drag queen..

6  6


Israel denied Ukraine use of powerful technological intelligence: report




from this story.. that means the opposite.. ukraine can get everything they want from other nato members.. turkey.. poland.. US State Dept.. so the story is the opposite..

btw.. Late 03.24.2022 News

.." BREAKING: Russia has announced the arrest warrant of George Soros. George is allegedly the main promoter of the Ukraine war and also the sponsor of the riot that ousted Yanukovych in 2014. China has equally declared him a Financial Terrorist. So, both countries ask for his head..."


3  3


UK paper suggests moral equivalence between Ukraine and Gaza




.. there is no error in these [ 2 ] videos - the nazi clown dancing in stilettos & the nazi clown playing the piano on a TV show owned by kolimoisky - founder of the azov nazi battalion .. this same nazi clown is requesting a ww3 from nato.. nato forces on full alert for a drag queen..

3  5


Syrian dictator Assad calls Zelensky a ‘Zionist Jew’ who ‘supports the Nazis’



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the nazi clown

1  2



jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri




Kolimoiski - a war lord created the nazi battlion & place zelensky as president of ukraine.. Kolimoisky has a house in Tel Aviv ..


The Azov battalion was organized in 2014, when the poorly armed and unprepared Ukrainian army was forced to fight an unexpected war against the Kremlin-orchestrated “separatism” in eastern Ukraine. Seeing how the military was failing, one of the richest Ukrainian industrialists and the Governor of the Dnipro Oblast, Igor Kolomoisky, spent a hefty chunk of his own money to recruit and arm a volunteer battalion to defend Ukraine. The unit was named Azov after the small Azov Sea in southern Ukraine. This was quickly followed by a series of Ukrainian victories, in which Azov played a part.

1  4


Neo-Nazi Group spotted at Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade in ‘disturbing display’





& in ukraine .. ,look.. here is the nazi clown playing piano .. at a TV station owned by kolimoiski.. a clown performance ..

here is z in a gay dance w/ stiletto shoes .. that's your sick hero

the azov [ nazi ] battalion in ukraine .. btw.. kolimoiski created the nazi brigade & lives in Tel Aviv Israel..


1  2


WATCH: 'Security Nightmare'? Bennett heading to Kyiv for ceasefire talks



Matt Moxon


here is z playing the piano at a comedy show in ukraine.. this is his mentality.. anything goes .. the show must continue..

2  1



alpcns .




kolimoisky owns TV stations in ukraine , zelemski worked for him & was groomed for the job.. there is plenty of information about this topic..

1  1



alpcns .


Question : Why is Israel providing safe harbor to kolimoiski, the founder of the azov

[ nazi ] battalion ?

The Israel media & govt is aware of who kolimoiski is & the deep ties of moiski w/ zelenski & the azov battalion.. All interesting.


1  1




Israel is providing safe harbor for a the warlord who created the azov group - kolimoiski.. In 2014 kolimoiski created a azov group within the ukraine army to continue the removal of Russians in Donbass, which amounted to genocide.. Kolimoiski also groomed zelenski in a TV show at a TV station he owned in ukraine to become the presidential candidate of ukraine. Both kolimoiski & zelensky are sympathetic with the nazis of ukraine.. the aryan galicians. No secret the state department has been heavily funding & training the azov group.

now .. what the hell is Israel doing in providing safe haven to a nazi warlord in Tel Aviv.. ? Bennett needs to clean house in Israel before anything else.. Israel has big problems. Start with Israel. What is a nazi warlord - an Israeli passport citizen - kolimoiski - doing in Tel Aviv ? Please explain.

ukraine has heavy presence of the nazi regimes of ww2, & the influence of stefen bandera who is treated as a nazi hero in ukraine.. ukraine killed over 33,000 Jews in one day during ww2..

Larry Johnson - ex CIA & owner of the Berg Group .. press "BROWSE" for the latest news on ukraine & the nazi problem,,


3  4


WATCH: Will Hunter Biden take jail time to protect his father?




WIN .. is this a trend.. posting videos with no story.. how lazy can you get.. news reporting is becoming pathetic ..

2  6


Russia ends demand to oust Zelensky, disarm Ukraine, but large gaps remain, Bennett says



alpcns .


a fake video .. a greensheet.. don't be fooled with that one..

1  3



alpcns .


then place the confirmation .. as you said before .. total bull .. place the Israel source article here in WIN for all to see..

btw.. the ukraine army has been defeated . So says Larry Johnson, former CIA & head of the Berg Group .. & yes.. the azov battalion are nazi sympathizers..


1  2



alpcns .


the nazi clown has been in poland for several weeks.. sure its important..

1  3


Ukraine president says any compromise with Russia will require referendum





ey.. khazak ... the ukraine army has lost.. all that's left is a mop up operation.. & yes.. the azov [ swine ] battalion are nazi sympathizers .. & so are you khazakbolus ..

see article of Larry Johnson - former CIA & founder of the Berg Group..







khazask.. go back to your bunker & mop the floor.. your nazi friends have left a swine of a mess at the bunker..

1  2


America's new terrorist allies: 'The mother of all disasters' - analysis




biden & blinken have [ 3 ] focus points of chaotic evil / destabilization ongoing now at the same time ..

arab , asian, indian, russia, south american countries are deeply worried & scared with what is on going. They don't understand.. they don't know why.. even europeans are caught in this storm. They are baffled. Rule of Law, diplomacy, the well being of nations has evaporated.

- RU / EU / Ukraine

- Middle East

- China / Taiwan / US

the China focus point was just started yesterday.


Duran has a good analysis of this situation today.

Duran News - https://www.bitchute.Com/channel/NmAqqO8nLvua/

1  1


WATCH: Mariupol residents suffer continued bombardment





your bunker .. the bunker which you share with other nazi swine..

extremely high Biden sliping zombies awakening

 Bennett’s mediation continues in phone call with Putin


 4 minutes ago

if Russia kills us all with atomic weapons?

it is good, because we have become a demonic infestation of Sodom Spa Rothschild,

of Satan Rockefeller

(high constitutional treason the Masonic banking seigniorage)

and Allah Erdogan the jihad sharjah genocide of Bin Salman,

we have become an unsustainable abomination

for the civilization of the Bible!

So the Israelis have lost the legal right to stay here, because

the bible does not recognize them

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Alexander Harold Hersh

 5 minutes ago

if Russia kills us all with atomic weapons? it is good, because we have become a demonic infestation of Sodom Spa Rothschild, of Satan Rockefeller (high constitutional treason the Masonic banking seigniorage) and Allah Erdogan the jihad sharjah genocide of Bin Salman,

we have become an unsustainable abomination for the civilization of the Bible!

So the Israelis have lost the legal right to stay here, because the bible does not recognize them .. you said so!

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Alexander Harold Hersh

 9 minutes ago

when the persecuted and murdered Russian-speaking peoples of Donbass and Crimea made a universal plebiscite: about 98% and 96%:

why did the democracy of Ursula and Rothschild trample the sovereign will of the people, while they allowed the secession of Cosovo from Serbia?

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Alexander Harold Hersh

 12 minutes ago

while NATO CIA UE USA placed its double nuclear potential hypersonic missiles at the top of Russia(at its borders), where were you?

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Alexander Harold Hersh

 14 minutes ago

while Ursula made the Minsk agreements fail, and then

the coup was made in Kiev with CIA snipers.

and the pogroms of Odessa, where were you?

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Alexander Harold Hersh

 16 minutes ago

while his NATO CIA invading with Ukraine Army and Air Force bomb and strike, maim and kill tens of thousands of Donbass civilians (14000 for eight years) where were you?

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Alexander Harold Hersh

 25 minutes ago

Alexander Harold Hersh

a Jew according to the feelings: of the heart of God

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


so that said, why does Bennet have to go to Russia to pi*s Putin once again?

what if he dies under a bombing?

it is just what that he deserves, Bennet who stabbed Netanjahu in the back out of envy

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


these wretches of sodom allah and satan, they say that Rockefeller democracy? it is an earthly paradise for the sole citizen Soros Rothschild.

then, all the politicians of the world, starting with Israel?

they must all be put to death, bank seigniorage for high constitutional treason.

because, the constitution says that all sovereignty belongs to the people, while they the Freemasons: they gave our monetary sovereignty to the FED IMF ECB BM shareholders SpA & Co. which then are always the same 60 people

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


that a*s face of Ursula Von der Kaiser Draghi said:

"Russia return Ucriana's grain ships"

then, the priests of satan of the CIA made me disappear:

1. this news both from the browser (window),

2. that from MSN,

CIA satanists are hiding the news from me.

ok but in Saudi Arabia haven't killed all the Chinese yet to be able to say: we are masters of the world

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  35

WATCH: Could today's explosive testimony seal Netanyahu’s fate?


 22 minutes ago

as king of laicity kingdom of israel,

I have not received from God the authorization to punish atheists .. go in peace

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


 23 minutes ago

ok, well

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



explosive testimony fake seal Netanyahu’s Rothschild fate fake

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



you cannot say that to those who give their life

in martyrdom for the sake of justice and truth and love.

and God represents all of this.

That is why the atheist is condemned by the Bible,

because the true atheist is an egoist who does not live in the service of values.

1  1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


all the US nuclear bombs?

must leave the EU immediately!

"Europe takes an initiative for nuclear disarmament" http://a.msn.Com/01/it-it/AAVpUMC?ocid=st

"Europe risks the dreaded Third World War more and more every day". A group of parliamentarians - first signatory Senator Paola Binetti of the UDC - has adopted the motion promoted by the Committee for a Civilization of Love, chaired by Giuseppe Rotunno who asks the EU to promote nuclear disarmament. "In the century that has just ended, there have been two world wars which, within a few years of each other, have claimed millions of victims on our continent. This time the war could break out due to the clash of nuclear powers present in Europe and neighboring countries ». Because of this

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Mrs Jane Godfrey


Morning 5, Emma Bonino smokes live on TV and the host scolds her: the answer that leaves you speechless.

ANSWER. the words of this corrupt witch and killer of fetuses? they are disconcerting.

in fact, she is the accomplice of Soros and Rothschild to steal the banking seigniorage from all peoples.

and when they asked her the question: on bank seigniorage: she replied cryptically: "Are there many types of bank seigniorage? Which one do you mean?"

as if to say: which of the viper daughters do you want to know the name?

it is clear that everyone is the mother viper that is Rockefeller!

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Phosphorus bombs, and why is it forbidden to use them (even for Russia)?


the USA systematically uses phosphorus weapons in Syria: and depleted uranium pores,

they insert phosphorus into the bullets of heavy machine guns.

I've seen bodies burn so alone,

the bodies of the Wagners, the army of contractors? they burned by themselves!

The US has no morality to blame Russia for its alleged use of white phosphorus

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



have you deleted your to also drag the deletion of my whitin yours?

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Mrs Jane Godfrey


your speech is very honest socially and intellectually.

but, your rabbis will tell you that there is a level of holiness and mystique, prophecy and special charisms, supernatural gifts (and I have almost none of that),

a whole vertical and transcendent world that I know very well, and I, in fact, I know my level of holiness inside the vertical pyramid of God!

but, holiness and charisma and love draw closer to God's love, but God is not only love,

in fact, the heavenly kingdom of God (like Israel: the terrestrial kingdom of God) is also a hierarchical institutional political organization (medieval type), and from this point of view: there is no creature (angelic or human) from the point of view institutional, which is closer to God than me: because only I am Unius REI.

So, the knowledge that I have of God: it is unique, and it is not related to religion, or to any religion.

Because I represent the political aspect of the kingdom of God JWHH

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Mrs Jane Godfrey


I am your messiah!

the talmud gave birth to the Freemasonry Spa & Co Rockefeller scam banking seigniorage.

1. Here because

Even the coalition government is against the teachings and following of Torah Law and our Tanakh,

2. Here because

Netanjahu is attacked because Sodom-Satana-Allah wants to stop me: lorenzoJHWH

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  129

Israel Needs Help to Absorb Thousands of Ukranian Refugees

Bro. Nick Nicholas

 27 minutes ago

I will kill the Muslims of the sharjah.

but I will not kill any Muslim who calls God Allah.

because, I am the supreme authority of the Kingdom of God, and I am in heavenly politics, that's why I am the King of Israel, too

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas

 29 minutes ago

And God anointed and anointed Moses, Abraham, anointed Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, and then, couldn't he consecrate and anointed lorenzoJHWH Unius REI anche?

who are you to tell God what he must do or not do?

this is the same claim of the Koran, that since the Devil Allah did not speak to Mohammed then, no Muslim can receive messages.

because Mohammed also commands God, to tell God what he must do or not do

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas

 33 minutes ago

ok i accept it

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


 35 minutes ago

your dirty knife would hit yourself if Disqus and unitedwithisrael weren't the satanists in here too ..

you threaten women just because they want to talk to me.

and that's true the churches of satan of the CIA,

three women my friends have already killed me.

and I don't know why the sodom satans are so scared of women

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


 38 minutes ago

your satan Bro. Nick Nicholas, which is an extremely vile behavior. That man has ten times more dishonor than a sewer

that I respond to his slander and he continues to spamBulling

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


God has foreseen sexual replication only for animals, and his thoughts are eternal thoughts.

now don't you imagine all the women in heaven how they fought so that I who have been a lust, I could be freed from all this

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


at the end of the world?

Jews and Muslims and Christians will no longer exist,

because we will be like in the earthly paradise

we will all be brothers and sisters, and se**Will no longer be used

(as was the principle in God's plans for Adam and Eve),

that's why, I will gather the Jews from all over the world, and I will build the next Jewish temple, and if not, will I do it?

no one will be able to do it, after me

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David



shaloom salaam



I see that unitedwithisrael satanist like you protecting you

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



stop assaulting and raping little girls here

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  26

Bennett’s mediation continues in phone call with Putin


the wisdom of Draghi and Biden:

castration by law to all the masons sodom satan and Allah of the world!

The war continues, Covid rises, oil runs, Putin sells gas for rubles and the only certainty of the period remains uncertainty, to paraphrase the Italian economy minister Daniele Franco.

new sanctions against Russia?

tears and blood against all the peoples of the world, to punish Putin: who said: "I don't want to join NATO"!

ok, one will also be free not to enter a brothel yes or no?

and then, we'll see if anyone who joined the NATO-EU,

then, he would also be free to be able to get out!

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


idiot Biden: "We will make Putin pay a high price"

alias: criminal Biden: "We will make all the guinea pig peoples of the world pay a high price, we will all cut off the bird, to spite him"

Putin's move (making oil and gas pay in rubles) makes ruble and gas fly (+ 20%) and ballast European stock exchanges while oil runs

 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  129

Israel Needs Help to Absorb Thousands of Ukranian Refugees



the evidence cannot be proved! then you exist becouse you are evidence, so is universe it is evidence, and is evidence his creator, also

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



the evidence cannot be proved!

and then, it cannot be proved, not even the existence of God!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



but even if in the world now: there are many servants of God who are Muslims and Jews. and that they are better than me, and holier than me?

however, only I am UniusREi, the champion of God for this era!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



sure, I have been sanctified and I am heroic,

but, I am not the best of my master's servants

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



you can't know, what you don't know,

and perhaps, you should be less presumptuous

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I have the duty to restore the paternal genealogies,

the covenants, to consecrate the sacred vessels,

to rekindle the sacred fire, to recall the Ark of the Allenza where it was hidden!

I will do all of this

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



the 12 tribes of Israel, if they went scattered / lost?

I have a duty to reconstitute them, therefore

I have the duty to reconstitute the priesthood of Aaron

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



if God does not exist? then everything is absurd!

but reality can never be absurd!

denying God is supreme wickedness!

in fact, if God doesn't exist your excrement doesn't exist either!

and since, you cannot deny your existence?

then, you can't even deny the existence of God

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



we shouldn't humiliate monkeys, who are far more intelligent than you

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



When did Darwin write his theory? he knew that he was lying (in fact even today, there are no transitional fossils), but he did it because, satan and Rothschild liked this

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  35

WATCH: Could today's explosive testimony seal Netanyahu’s fate?


but even if in the world now:

there are many servants of God who are Muslims and Jews.

and that they are better than me, and holier than me?

however, only I am UniusREI,

the champion of God for this era!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


it doesn't matter if Bibi is guilty (of the ice cream he didn't pay for)

or if he's innocent in this story.

For this purely administrative situation, it is used by a lobby of transnational criminal Freemasons, to undermine institutions, vilify parliament, and threaten national security.

Martial law must be set up here right away!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  129

Israel Needs Help to Absorb Thousands of Ukranian Refugees



the horizon of a frog in the pond?

it is not the same horizon as an eagle

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I know those cowards and I know where to go and get them!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



there are heroic atheists, who have just ideals and who die for it as martyrs.

but their faith will save them,

this is why the atheist does not exist, because it is impossible that someone does not even believe in himself!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



really? and what have you become? a darwin monkey?

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



of course, it is only for this that you will have to die: because for you Jesus is dead.

but I will never die!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



of course, I have an agnostic cultural project for universal brotherhood (natural law), and from this was born my political project to obtain my third Jewish temple (universal law)

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



1. no true Christian is religious, because Jesus is risen and therefore we do not need a religion to talk to a living brother!

2. I cannot lead the planet like Unius REI, if I am religious, because every religion is a factional faction.

3. So both my cultural project of natural and universal law is agnostic,

4. both my political project is agnostic.

5. in fact, my political ministry does not need religious terms, or sacred books: to reach its political purpose, which is my kingdom of Israel

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



where is this Jewish house, which must gather all the 12 tribes of Israel that are scattered around the world? where is it?

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



Surely atheism is a religious dogma, and an act of cowardice, in fact you cannot prove the non-existence of God!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



indeed, in fact, you insult believers and I react to you.

there are also holy atheists (for that matter) and I know them, but that's not you!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  30

NATO: 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops dead in Ukraine



God is special, so are all his creatures "special" too?

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I don't make the mistake of taking your medications,

indeed, I have no drugs

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri




i will Keep m promise, when all your corpses are passed over!

I cannot do the universal brotherhood of my third Jewish temple with your wickedness!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


of cours "i accept"

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



Yes, "i accept" to be the King of the Jews lorenzoJHWH and Unius REI. so where are the Jews and what is the consistency of their faith?

they prayed for 3000 years to get the Messiah, and now what do they do?

and if I were an impostor, in these 14 years they would have unmasked me

and instead the cowards do not want to assume their responsibilities, because even a just war against: Palestinians, Syria and Iran can be waged now!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



even God Almighty cannot violate people's free will (and this is why the vile choose satan), so why should I, who, I am his servant?

Perhaps that the death of the wicked (Wahhabis and their sodom and satan who took control): through the world war: or through the Sphere of Redemption that I will send, and which is a punishment they have chosen to have, because of their wickedness, death will not be their punishment?

because the Wahhaites-Ottomans-Shiites are threatening the life not only of the Chinese, but of the whole human race, because their devil said: "you must conquer the world"

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



sure, I give orders to: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Putin and Netanjahu, and Orban, and also to Trump, because those are my personal,


we cannot violate the will of the Wahhabis who have decided to kill the Iranians, Israelis, Russians and Chinese, because they think they will win the world through the world war!

through the demographic bomb and the Nazism of their genocide Sharia religion, under egida ONU

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



How can I make it happen if you don't give it a chance?

with the magic wand?

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I cannot impose my monarchy on the Israelis,

because the Israelis cannot forcefully impose the return of the Madiana desert (to the Saudis) and the return of part of the Sinai desert to the Egyptians.

So, in Muslims it should be their act of love and justice!

but this is the truth, Muslims prefer the world war against China and Russia, because they think they can incorporate in the UMMA: all of Africa and all of Europe

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



Do you have the truth of Satan?

if I lied, but you can prove it ..

what if you can't prove it? then you are a criminal

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  129

Israel Needs Help to Absorb Thousands of Ukranian Refugees



you are one of the most evil trolls here!

my personal religious beliefs do not pollute my being a rational agnostic universal politician ministry UniusREI

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



idiot: what is your business, did you put it here?

you are the shame of this server!

atheists are cowards who want to hide their sins, and therefore pretend they don't believe in God!

because it is impossible for a creature not to believe in the Creator ..

I know a wikka, who wants to freely collect men's penises, and so you are a pig too!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



you are so dirty, slanderer, vulgar and disgusting, and disgusting because the owners of this site are too!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


do you believe that Jews are happy for the very fact of being rich and very rich?

why do you want to deprive the Jews of a homeland?

why denying a Jewish messiah? so?

you prevent the Jews from having a homeland

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


if I answer your questions?


you keep bullying, and don't reply to me .. and you keep bullying.

Where is your righteous God in all of this?

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



you have a superficial confusion about my words, your situation is complicated by the fact that you are an atheist: also.

you must not confuse the theological aspect with the political aspect.

mine is a political ministry, and from this point of view I don't discriminate against people because of their religion.

but I don't think you're a bona fide troll!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



your vulgarity and wickedness dishonors the managers of this server!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I don't proselytize here.

I only claim the right to be myself.

the Holy Spirit reproaches you

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


who pushed mankind into the ravine of Darwin and Satan Sodom?

the Rothschild and Rockefeller Freemasons did it!

then, the worst part of Allah, the predators? they followed them.

and now the peoples have lost their governments,

because Freemasonry is a predatory anti society

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



therefore, for the manure that's in your brain. the universe was made from farting big bang trak shooter, big bang, trak sparatrak?

please go somewhere else to harass people

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2

HEARTBREAKING: Terror victim's daughter: 'I love you, you are my hero'


The daughter of the victim of terror: "I love you, you are my hero".

Anyone who says that a people must be hated for themselves?

Is there anyone who says that a people must not have their own country?

so, take Erdogan, Iran and Bin Salman and execute them!

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  129

Israel Needs Help to Absorb Thousands of Ukranian Refugees



why? someone slandered the Bible to you

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



Allah is a pig

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


don't be intimidated:

the priests of satan 666 Spa&Co. CIA OTAN UE Rockefeller lucifer eye?

on the internet have already killed three women friends of me

1  2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



What does the word Troll mean to you?

you are troll you insult me for no reason

and without discussion

1  2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


no. I'll do all of this right now

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


Mohammed is not the only false prophet, because each age has several of false prophets.

Revelation 16:13

Then I saw three unclean spirits, leaping like frogs from the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the monster and the mouth of the false * prophet (Mohammed).

there is no doubt: "the Talmud created the Koran, and Islam was born as an evil evil"

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


“A great sign appeared in the sky: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon (Islam) under her feet and, on her head, a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and she was crying out in pains and the labor of childbirth ”. (Ap 1, 1-2)

there is no doubt: "the Talmud created the Koran, and Islam was born as an evil evil"

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


I see you specialize in demonology, and why didn't you put Rothschild and Rockefeller on your list as well ?!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


what you gave me is really bad news!

but, how do Christians allow themselves to evangelize, again, if BERGOGLIO has expressly forbidden it?

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



you are only jealous of me, because you stink SATANA, and all the girls all move away from you

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  50

White House alters transcript to cover for Kamala



you are Sodom or Satana?

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



| DIM Intimo Donna, Uomo e Bambino

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Ukraine, "real threat" from Russian use of chemical weapons - Biden

Biden is very repulsive and dishonorable,

a scam seller? has more credibility than him!

1  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Cats on a leash in Australia: with foxes they kill 7 million animals a day.

the sodom satan are making the whole world fall under a curse!

 5 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Does the White House change the transcript to cover Kamala the goat?

over the bench? the goat sings,

but under the bench? the goat Crack!

in the Witches' College of the Democratic Party Satan said:

"always laugh, always laugh, it will be a success"

and in fact she has become a vice president, of mad president sliping sniffing

 4 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  14

Another Palestinian ‘moderate’ is exposed



if you are in some geopolitics? you will not be free from guilt and very serious murders .. because Rockefeller created the geopolitics, because he needs the world war ..

but, what if you want to enter the Kingdom of God, or if you want to walk on paths of righteousness?

you can always enter my kingdom of israel

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2

HEARTBREAKING: Terror victim's daughter: 'I love you, you are my hero'


"My mother, I don't think you're not here. How do we go on? Thank you for your love. Wherever I go, you will be in my heart, I promise. I love you, you are my heroine."


these are too unfair and heartbreaking realities, which allowed them to happen has committed high treason against the state.

Is why Rockefeller ordered Muslims to do it for ijhad and sharjah:

"Israelis and Christians must be killed by Muslims, because, I have to steal banking seigniorage in all banks in the world," he said.

but, I can't accept all this,

 1 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  7

Four Beersheba terror victims laid to rest


the four victims of Tuesday night's terrorist attack in Beersheba - Rabbi Moshe Kravitsky, Laura Yitzhak, Doris Yahbas and Menachem Yechezkel - were buried on Wednesday.


Rockefeller ordered to do so: "Israelis must be killed by Muslims," he said.


I cannot accept all this, and even Erdogan could not accept it!

1  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  30

NATO: 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops dead in Ukraine



very interesting! but what is the accusation that you make against me?

but if you can't defeat me, then, you know ... your Satan will punish you!

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



i accept

1  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Olena, escape in the ninth month: "I saved Jaroslav, Italy is now my home"


I ordered all civilians out of Ukraine, because I have to use giant bombs

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


the sodomic EU antichrist, and his witch Von der Leyen "We need joint purchases of gas"

they do not know that under the EU there is enough gas and oil to satisfy 50% of their needs.

then, they can extract methane from the waste (digester is for a chemical reaction),

and there is no greater rejection of European politicians

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


LET US PRAY for all the fallen in this fratricidal war, which the satan sodoms of NATO have imposed on Russia

1  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2

Palestinian Authority official confirms freeze on millions in European aid over textbook concerns


Justice, Cartabia appoints the "International Crimes Commission"


the satan sodom, masons the eccia? they will arrest Putin if he sets foot in Europe!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  71

Islamist MK will serve as Knesset Speaker

Bro. Nick Nicholas


if I tell you that there is no Jehovah in the Bible, do you believe me?

And why do you always say the same things and never answer my questions?

1  2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



it cannot change your suffering, because the flame of the inside burns, and because your satan is evil, and besides, you are a criminal!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  54

Stabbing victims identified, 10 orphans left behind



then, I've never killed anyone,

except for 100 snakes, 300 mice,

and 20 big witch mice?

and when did I try to shoot a dangerous dog? I also missed my aim.

and why should I kill the enemies if I try to save them all from the world war?

I can't get blood on my hands because I have to build my third Jewish temple

1  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



who is this bad person?

what did he do to you? why are you so afraid of that person? what did he do to you?

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



I see that you are in psychological difficulty, also because of your wickedness. but your wickedness is your disease.

now, the managers of this server can judge, that I am not using my skills and potential, to carry / push a sick blind man who is in obvious psychological distress into the ravine.

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  15

WATCH: 'Security Nightmare'? Bennett heading to Kyiv for ceasefire talks


but Israeli security officials say it will be a security nightmare.

ok a Bennett idiot less!

I told Putin to drop giant bombs on Kiev

1  4 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri


Eih Bin ISIS Salman] you should not despair, for the fact that you were born, from a false prophet esoteric, pedophile and more lustful than a donkey-goat ..

because I was sent here by God for you.

Revelation16:13 Then I saw three unclean spirits, leaping like frogs

from the mouth of the dragon, from the mouth of the monster,

and from the mouth of the false * prophet.

2  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on United with Israel  129

Israel Needs Help to Absorb Thousands of Ukranian Refugees

Yanna David


yes Bro is a sic guy

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



Allah can do evil too.

but God JHWH can only do good!

.. but I have doubts, since he leaves a cork like you alive!

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Bro. Nick Nicholas


CIA 666 troll evil Bro criminal! I will not lose a soul, because he calls God Allah

God seeks worshipers in Holy Spirit (righteousness and truth) and Fire (love).

Of course God looks to the heart and certainly not to the labels. and we know that God is universal love, while you are a criminal

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Yanna David


you do not have to be tender with the Jews of the Diaspora, why the Jews who have not betrayed God? they have come to Israel already

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  71

Islamist MK will serve as Knesset Speaker



stop licking, cattail. also because your CIA Troll salary won't go up,

that usurer of a jew? if you have a little blood

he the monster will suck it too

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



your management: Spa & Co. Rockefeller and Bin Salman sharia? created the problem.

Rockefeller and Bin Salman are in the same pot as satan, and if I treat them hard (it's for love), it's not because I want to hurt them,

in fact, my kingdom of Israel and my third Jewish temple are the solution to your problem!

but, I see that you prefer your world war to my political project.

ok when you OCI-NWO FED IMF BM, you kill all the Russians and the Chinese and the Israelis,

then what will happen to Bin Salman OCI and his UMMA?

 3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  30

NETANYAHU: This from Biden is a 'most dangerous development'



you will have to answer: together with your master, for your bullying against my goodness

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



a sincere brotherly kiss? a pat on the back?

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri



where did you see: "askin"?

how can i become your friend?

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  2

WATCH: Will Hunter Biden take jail time to protect his father?


Will Hunter Biden Take Jail Along With His evil Father

 2 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  78

Iran deal inevitable, pointless to fight the US, Bennett says


when IRAN has its arsenal of atomic thermo-nuclear bombs, then, will NATO 666 OTAN be happier, to bury all Wahhabis?

 4 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  51

Neo-Nazi Group spotted at Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade in ‘disturbing display’


Neo-Nazi group spotted at Boston St Patrick's Day parade in "disturbing spectacle"

and there was also a delegation of Ursula Von Draghi, Der Pravi Sector, Der battalione Azov Zelenscki?

1  4 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  15

WATCH: 'Security Nightmare'? Bennett heading to Kyiv for ceasefire talks


Didn't Bennett understand that where the Ucriana has already been placed by NATO?

can not stay there!

2  3 jewish Messia & Yitzhak Kaduri

Discussion on World Israel News  50

White House alters transcript to cover for Kamala


Kamala witch Harris

She may not have a high IQ, but she does have an extremely high Biden sliping zombies awakening quotient.

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica