Devastato cimitero italiano a Tripoli

Benjamin Netanyahu ] eih bamboccione [ se, tu riesci ad uccidere Rothschild S.p.A. Talmud agenda? solo allora tu potrai dire: "mai più un altro Olocausto"

a PUTIN, tu questo risarcimento mettilo sul conto delle MISTRaL SAUDITE: i terroristi bombaroli: dei traditori egiziani sharia imperialismo ERDOGAN Hitler ] [ Sinai: 140 corpi rientrati in Russia. Mosca darà risarcimento a famiglie. Stasera parte secondo aereo. FARò SPARIRE DA QUESTO PIANETA TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI E IL LORO MALEDETTO PROFETA! COSì COME LORO HANNO FATTO SPARIRE TUTTI I POPOLI CHE VIVEVANO PRIMA DEL LORO SATANISMO NAZISTA ONU AMNESTY OBAMA GENDER!

la sharia è un demone saudita intelligente: [ DEL TIPO SERVIZI SEGRETI: INTELLIGENCE ] per ora SALMAN gli ha detto: "in Europa, TU per ora devi dormire!" MA LUI HA GIà FATTO LA CALCOLATA E CONTROLLATA IMPRUDENZA DI IMPORRE LA SHARIA NELLE ENCLAVI ISLAMICHE EUROPE! ] [ TEL AVIV, 2 NOVembre. Due persone hanno tentato di accoltellare un soldato israeliano al posto di blocco di Jalama. nei pressi di Jenin in Cisgiordania. E' morto uno dei due palestinesi che stamattina hanno tentato di pugnalare un soldato israeliano al check point di Jalame nei pressi di Jenin in Cigiordania e che è stato colpito dalla reazione delle forze di sicurezza.

NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ROTHSCHILD deo pluto giudaico massoni, usurai banchieri Bildenberg, ex comunisti culto, hanno spezzato la dignità e la identità del popolo italiano per sempre! NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ECCO PERCHé IL SISTEMA MASSONICO HA BISOGNO DI REALIZZARE LA GUERRA MONDIALE! ] poi, le difficoltà politiche si possono creare: perché Rothschild rimanga sempre innocente circa ogni Olocausto! [ lo Stato massonico ITALIANO, alto tradimento, violando la Costituzione: si indebita con SpA Rothschild BANChe CENTRALI, per comprare i soldi ad interesse da Rothschild, poi, pretende tasse assurde dai cittadini, e mio suocero di 80 anni: a sua volta, si deve indebitare con le banche: per pagare le tasse, che lo Stato pretende: perché a sua volta: si è indebitato con Rothschild! QUANTO COSTANO A MIO SUOCERO DI 80 ANNI QUESTE TASSE?
CON QUESTO USURAIO FMI ROTHSCHILD SPA MAOMETTO NAZISTA SHARIA 322 BUSH NWO? LA VITA è DIVENTATA UNA MINACCIA CONTINUA! ROMA, 1 NOV - L'aereo russo schiantatosi ieri nel Sinai si è spaccato mentre era in volo: lo scrive la Cnn online, citando fonti dell'aviazione civile russa ripresa dai media locali. Ai giornalisti russi, Viktor Sorochenko, direttore esecutivo della commissione interstatale dell'aviazione russa, ha detto: "La disintegrazione della fusoliera si è verificata in volo, e i frammenti sono distribuiti su un'area piuttosto ampia, circa 20 chilometri quadrati".
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IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma a causa del nazismo della sharia, io sarò costretto a farti del male! TU MI DEVI DARE LO STATO LAICO: CHE SIGNIFICA LIBERTà DI COSCIENZA E RELIGIONE, NON è LO STATO SECOLARE! questa mia richiesta è tutto il contrario dello Stato SECOLARE!
IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma tu hai fatto una religione di nazisti sharia, che, i cristiani sono costretti a combattere, contro di te: per sopravvivere: al 30%! e sono costretti a combattere contro la ARABIA SAUDITA per sopravvivere al 100% [ mentre, lo sanno tutti che, sono: l'ANTICRISTO: Merkel Cameron, e i farisei satanisti massoni usurai Rothschild Bildenberg: Darwin GENDER, Sodoma, che hanno preso il controllo dello Occidente: e quindi, noi non siamo più in grado di poterci difendere da te! [ EPPURE, ANCHE TU NON TI POTRESTI DIFENDERE, SENZA DI ME: PERCHé IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE: QUINDI IO SONO L'UNICO UOMO AL MONDO CHE PUò DISTRUGGERE LO STATO MASSONICO DI ISRAELE!
IRAN [ è VERO CHE IN TUTTO IL MONDO: tu sei l'unico che può guardare la trave nell'occhio di tutti ] ma, è anche vero che, tu non ti puoi condannare a morte soltanto perché: GESù di Betlemme, ti può apparire per fare di te un missionario cristiano!
il cielo vomiterà tutto l'ISLAM all'inferno! ] [ Il cimitero cattolico italiano di Tripoli 'Hammangi' è stato di nuovo devastato. Lo fa sapere l'Associazione Italiana Rimpatriati dalla Libia (Airl), che invia all'ANSA le foto che testimoniano lo sfregio. "Sono immagini che si commentano da sole per la loro inciviltà e che completano il quadro tragico della situazione in Libia", afferma la presidente dell'Airl Giovanna Ortu. "Grazie a Dio non abbiamo bisogno di tombe materiali per pregare in ricordo di quei morti, e ci piace ricordare la lunga tradizione di rispetto fra le diverse religioni che ha caratterizzato la nostra vita laggiù. La preoccupazione per i vivi libici in pericolo a causa della lunga guerra fratricida che ha dato spazio a presenze inquietanti prevale sull'accorata preghiera per i nostri cari defunti", sono le parole di Giovanna Ortu e di Giancarlo Consolandi, presidente dell'Exlali, Associazione alunni scuole cristiane di Tripoli. Secondo le ultime informazioni disponibili, nel cimitero cattolico di Tripoli riposano i resti di circa 8000 italiani.
USA avvertono Gran Bretagna: se uscite dall'UE avrete barriere commerciali con l'America ] il nuovo ordine mondiale prevede la islamizzazione del mondo e la distruzione di Europa e ISRAELE: io vi ho avvisati! SOLTANTO DISTRUGGENDO LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA SATANA 322 ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI POTRà DOMINARE IL MONDO! ] ISLAMICI CREDONO DI POTER VINCERE QUESTA PARTITA, MA, NON HANNO NESSUNA SPERANZA: SENZA DI NOI! [ li Stati Uniti non sono entusiasti all’idea di definire un accordo di libero scambio separato con la Gran Bretagna, se questa dovesse lasciare l’Unione Europea, così dice il rappresentante USA per il commercio, Micheal Froman – si tratta del primo commento pubblico di un importante funzionario USA su questo tema.
Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ 1 NOV - Gli Stati Uniti "sono parte del problema in Medio Oriente, non la soluzione": lo ha detto la guida suprema iraniana, Ali Khamenei, incontrando gli ambasciatori iraniani. Gli obiettivi di "Washington e Teheran sono opposti". Intanto sul sito, ieri, è stato pubblicato un video "Le confessioni di Satana" in cui appare il presidente Usa Barack Obama, incentrato sugli "errori ammessi dagli americani". ] really you were: "He was an ardent advocate of the oppressed all over the world. He did not compromise with arrogant powers??". then, where is your freedom of religion! CAIN were is your brothers ABELE Christian? then you remove sharia quickly! were is your video "Confessions of Satan" by OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ape very smart
====================] funny [ if your god is true, then, we can do an exorcism together? ] If the devil goes away only in the name of JESUS? Then, you make yourself a Christian, or you go to hell! ] funny [ se il tuo dio è vero: poi, noi possiamo fare un esorcismo insieme? ] se il demonio va via soltanto nel nome di GESù? poi, tu ti fai cristiano, oppure tu vai all'inferno!
=========== ] friend [ i am Messiah ( lorenzoJHWH ) e Mahdi ( lorenzoALLAH ) Unius REI (Governor on all the world ): polital proiect of King ISRAEL: for universal brothehood, ie: the mortal enemy of all Satanists Pharisees Rothschild from satanic TALMUD APOSTASY [ i have sub to you ] as you might think to talk about justice if with Nazism Sharia: you hurt the saints, that God has called on the path of virtue?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ I have no found on the internet all the list of crimes against humanity that he himself admitted that he did! you can make this work for me?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ io non ho trovato in internet tutto l'elenco dei crimini contro il genere umano, che lui stesso ha ammesso di avere fatto! tu puoi fare questo lavoro per me?

==================== IO SONO il METAFISICO UNIUS REI [ io sono l'amministratore immortale divino figlio di Dio: in JESU's NAME! Governatore universale ed eterno di tutto il Regno di DIO JHWH HOLY ] io ho fatto cacciare l'ex-Direttore di youtube synnek1, ed oggi lui è 187AudioHostem, lui è un iraniano sacerdote di satana: che lo Spirito SANTO ha fatto impazzire! io ho esorcizzato tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA, E QUINDI NEL NWO S.P.A. FMI SONO TUTTI TERRORIZZATI, che, loro hanno fatto impunemente 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana! quindi, MOLTI DI LORO SONO IMPAZZITI E MOLTI DI LORO SONO MORTI, INSIEME AI LORO ALIENI NEI DISCHI VOLANTI! Quindi adesso è impossibile che loro possano continuare a fare tutti quei delitti, ma, purtroppo continuano a farli! ma, tu non devi pensare che io dico queste cose in giro a tutti, perché le persone non hanno la maturità spirituale per potermi capire! la mia missione in internet è iniziata 25 anni fa: quando, con orrore, io ho scoperto che, 400 martiri cristiani del tutTo innocenti venivano messi a morte ( 300 li uccidevano gli islamici, come te ) e 100 li uccidevano tutti gli altri: ( comunisti buddisti induisti ) MA NESSUNO, SI DEDICA A PROTEGGERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI, PERCHé LA MERKEL massoni satanisti OBAMA GENDER BILDENBERG ROTHSCHILD BUSH KERRY Darwin: LA ABOMINAZIONE SODOMa, SONO L'ANTICRISTO E LORO RIDONO QUANDO I MARTIRI CRISTIANI VENGONO UCCISI!
/watch?v=KWZMg0ctNPs parlare male degli ebrei, come parlare male di qualsiasi popolo, significa soltanto gettare fango su Dio Onnipotente! ok! ma se vogliamo parlare male di Rothschild e dei Farisei cannibali massoni? ok! nessuno potrebbe farlo meglio di me! ] EPPURE IO HO TOLTO IL RISPETTO A DAVID DUKE, PERCHé LUI è VENUTO IN IRAN PIENO DI ODIO CONTRO ISRAELE (oggi è di moda), E SI è DIMENTICATO DI DIFENDERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI INNOCENTI, CHE TU METTI A MORTE!
========================= LA CIA 666 SPA FMI 322 NWO satana datagate ] la deve smettere con i suoi filtri di dicidere lei, quali dei miei commenti possono essere visibili su questa pagina!
Assad merita di morire (ma, io ho ordinato a Benjamin Netanyahu di salvare la sua vita, eppure, con un piede nella fossa, disprezzando il suo occulto protettore (Benjamin Netanyahu ): ASSAD voleva dare i missili a hezbollah o Ḥizb Allāh, per colpire ISRAELE ), Assad merita di morire, perché è la sharia che lo vuole uccidere, eppure, quando io gli ho ordinato di condannare la sharia: lui non lo ha fatto! Quindi io lo ho abbandonato: e lui ha incominciato a perdere la guerra! TUTTAVIA, oggi: 1. io non posso abbandonare la RUSSIA, 2. anche perché Assad ha versato il suo sangue per proteggere i martiri cristiani: ecco perché, io non lo posso abbandonare: definitivamente!
youtube 666 CIA cannibali ] BRUTTA CAGNA DI UNA TROIA [ io scrivo l'articolo sul mio wordpad e tu mi metti i filtri già sul desktop del mio computer, così il testo che non esiste in internet? io non lo posso incollare da nessuna parte! ] POI, NESSUNO DEVE DIRE CHE IO FACCIO DEL MALE AI FIGLI DEL DEMONIO SENZA NESSUN PRETESTO!
GLI EBREI SONO STATI NEL DESERTO SAUDITA della MADIANA, 40 ANNI ED UN GIORNO! ANCHE MOSé è SEPORTO LI, [ QUINDI QUELLA TERRA è MIA! ] ed io, non, credo che, qualcuno, si deve ostinare, contro, la volontà di Dio, e lui si può ostinare fino al punto di dire: "tutti gli ebrei del mondo devono sempre essere maledetti E SATANISTI, e non devono mai avere una loro Patria!" PERCHé IN QUESTO CASO, I FARISEI ENLIGHTENED FROM LUCIFERO, TRASFORMERANNO TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO IN UN SOLO BRANCO DI SCHIVI, AFFINCHé SATANA SIA TUTTO IN TUTTI! [ NON SOLO ] IO PRETENDO ANCHE METà DEL DESERTO EGIZIANO PACIFICAMENTE! altrimenti, me lo pretenderò tutto con la violenza!
======================= se non smetterete di fare i nazisti della sharia, violatori di tutti i diritti umani, con la complicità di quella bagascia di ONU AMNESTY USA BABILONIA? io vi farò bere il sangue dei vostri figli per la disperazione!
youtube 666 google NWO ] la state facendo sporca! anche mettendo il testo in [ ] si attiva l'antispam! VOI SIETE IL VERO REGIME NAZISTA: VOI ( FARISEI MASSONI TALMUD AGENDA ) VOI SIETE IL PADRE DI HITLER, ED IL PADRE DI OGNI SHOAH, CONTRO, IL POPOLO EBRAICO! VOI STATE SOFFOCANDO LA LIBERTà DI ESPRESSIONE! L'ULTIMO REQUISITO CHE NON AVEVATE ANCORA TOLTO AL POPOLO! [ NESSUNO VI DA IL DIRITTO DI IMPOSSESSARVI DEL NOSTRO COMANDO: "COPIA INCOLLA" IN MODO PREVENTIVO! ] if you do not stop TO DO the Nazis Sharia violators of all human rights, with the complicity of the whore of Babylon UN AMNESTY 666 USA? I will make you drink the blood of your children to despair! io ragiono come un agnostico razionale: ed io non entro in questioni di tipo ideologico o religioso! NON DOVRESTI MAI PENSARE CHE IO ODIO ISLAM (ANZI IO LO AMO PIù DI OGNI ALTRA COSA) oppure, che io posso odiare qualcosa o qualcuno, o che io ho desiderio di vendetta, o avidità di ricchezze e di potere: "NO! TUTTE QUESTE COSE NEL REGNO DI DIO JHWH SONO DISPREZZATE!" io perseguo i delitti e gli omicidi di persone innocenti, perché, io sono l'unico a cui Dio ha dato il permesso di uccidere le persone: tuttavia, proprio a me Dio ha detto: "tu non uccidere nessuno!".. IN QUESTO MODO, io sono un politico, che, non entra in questioni circa, la religione o circa la forma di Governo! IO VOGLIO AIUTARE TUTTE LE RELIGIONI E TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO A RIMANERE NELLA GIUSTIZIA: CHE è LA METAFISICA DEI 10 COMANDAMENTI DI MOSé
Ignazio Roberto Maria Marino è un chirurgo e politico italiano, sindaco di Roma dal 12 giugno 2013 al 31 ottobre 2015 ] LUI LO HA PRESO NEL GENDER DARWIN IDEOLOGIA 666 FARISEI Rothschild Sodoma Talmud Agenda S.p.A. a FMI: CONTRO I GOYIM ISRAELIANI SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA! tutto dove: " dove il loro verme non muore, e dove il loro fuoco non si estingue!"
SULTANATO ISTANBUL, 2 NOV - "La volontà nazionale si è manifestata a favore della stabilità NAZISTA. Adesso: CONQUISTEREMO IL MONDO SHARIA! un partito con circa il 50% in Turchia ha conquistato il potere, questo dovrebbe essere rispettato dal mondo intero, ma non ho visto questa maturità" finora. Sono queste le prime parole del presidente HITLER Recep Tayyip Erdogan dopo la vittoria nel voto.
NON è CHE IO HO SIMPATIA PER GEZABELE II, L'ANTICRISTO MASSONE MOGLIE SEGRETA DI ROTHSCHILD, MA QUANDO è TROPPO è TROPPO! Rothschild ha superato il limite della decenza: con i suoi sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 KERRY: perché, lui vuole soffocare la memoria e la identità di tutti i popoli! [ dopotutto, bisogna amalgamare, il branco di schiavi del suo signoraggio bancario: i bastardi: Sodoma GENDER DARWIN ISRAELIANI; senza genealogia paterna! ] SYDNEY, 2 NOV - "Inappropriati" nell'Australia moderna. Così il primo ministro conservatore australiano Malcolm Turnbull, già promotore di una campagna per abbandonare la monarchia, ha annunciato l'abolizione dei titoli di cavaliere e dama. L'Australia cancellerà le due onorificenze e la regina Elisabetta, capo dello stato, ha accettato la raccomandazione del governo. I due titoli erano stati già aboliti nel 1986 come anacronistici ma erano stati reintrodotti nel 2014 da Tony Abbott, acceso monarchico.
NON SONO QUELLI CHE, loro PRETENDONO DELLE LORO FANTOMATICHE ACQUE NAZIONALI, IN ACQUE INTERNAZIONALI? ] [ Gentiloni: "L'Italia sosterrà la rinascita della Libia ] [ Il ministro degli Esteri è ad Algeri per incontrare i colleghi algerino e egiziano, all'indomani delle accuse di Tobruk sulla presenza di navi italiane in acque libiche, smentita dall'Italia, e della profanazione del cimitero italiano a Tripoli. Devastato cimitero italiano a Tripoli.

si! la CIA ha dato questi missili ad ARABIA SAUDITA ] [ MOSCA, 2 NOV - La sola causa della sciagura dell'A321 precipitato nel Sinai può essere "un fattore esterno" in aria: lo sostiene un dirigente della Kogalymavia, la compagnia a cui apparteneva l'aereo, citato da Ria Novosti. "Un A-321 - ha detto il manager - non può spaccarsi in aria per il malfunzionamento di un qualsiasi sistema tecnico".
PUTIN, tu mi devi radere al suolo la CABA IDOLO MECCA, perché Benjamin Netanyahu è un GENDER senza le palle!
Benjamin Netanyahu ] eih bamboccione [ se, tu riesci ad uccidere Rothschild S.p.A. Talmud agenda? solo allora tu potrai dire: "mai più un altro Olocausto"
SATANA BUSH 322 ROTHSCHILD NATO UE ONU ] " stesso livello " [ Come è che voi avete messo ISRAELE come Interlocutore di Hamas sharia? " stesso livello "
Benjamin Netanyahu ] eih bamboccione [ ti sei mai chiesto perché, QUELLA BESTIA DI Obama Sodoma apostasia Darwin Gender: LUI va sempre alla ricerca del tuo buco del culo? VISTO CHE è MAOMETTO QUELLO CHE GLI VUOLE TAGLIARE LA TESTA?

dear troika Merkel -- [ se c'è una donna in tutto il mondo che io vorrei insultare? quella è Julija Tymošenko l'assassino ] eppure io non insulterò neanche lei! io non ho mai insultato donne nella mia vita!

ROTHSChILD succhiare cazzo cadaveri

ROTHSCILD -- tu smetti di succhiare il cazzo dei cadaveri! noi possiamo sterilizzare tutte le donne del pianeta dopo il secondo figlio! non c'è bisogno di uccidere nessuno!

KING SAUDI ARABIA [ così il satanista fariseo Rothschild dirà a te: " ragazzo tu mi sei simpatico io voglio dividere il mondo con te? " ] MA TU NON POTRESTI MAI AVERE UN PIANO " B " al di fuori di me: UNIUS REI

"L'esercito ucraino ha fucilato 30 dei suoi soldati che si erano arresi" 23 maggio [ Ucraina al voto ma a nessuno conviene riconoscere i risultati la sporca predazione della CIA MERKEL troika NATO 322 USA imperialismo FMI Spa Rothschild è quello che è importante veramente! ] Che cosa succederà se come annunciato il 25 Maggio si terranno le nuove elezioni politiche in Ucraina? La risposta non riguarda il loro possibile esito poiché la scarsa o nulla partecipazione della popolazione più filorussa consentirà la vittoria di quei partiti che in un modo o nell'altro hanno già sposato l'idea di associarsi con l'Unione Europea. C'è piuttosto da interrogarsi su quali saranno le conseguenze dopo il voto. Innanzitutto cominciamo col dire che la sua legittimità o meno non sarà certo giudicata secondo criteri oggettivi. L'esperienza e la storia ci hanno dimostrato che ogni voto in qualunque parte del mondo avvenga viene giudicato legittimo se il risultato è considerato positivo e illegittimo in caso contrario. A volte c'e' chi lo legge in un senso e chi nell'altro secondo convenienza. Anche le percentuali di partecipazione al voto e le condizioni di libertà in cui avviene sono sempre soggette a interpretazioni fatte con grande elasticità. Nella stessa Ucraina il voto che portò alla prima elezione di Janukovich fu dapprima considerato "fair" e solo in seguito invece si parlò di brogli e fu richiesto un nuovo voto che portò alla vittoria di Juschenko. E' quindi presumibile che se le previsioni saranno confermate e il fronte antirusso dovesse prevalere gli Stati Uniti e i suoi alleati occidentali giudicheranno più che accettabile lo svolgimento della consultazione senza tener conto che intere regioni potrebbero non aver partecipato e che anche in altre zone forme varie di intimidazione potrebbero manifestarsi.
Per mettere le mani avanti Stati Uniti e Unione Europea hanno intimato alla Russia di non intralciare le operazioni di voto addebitando gia' a essa tutti i possibili problemi che s'incontreranno. Questo "avvertimento" è stato accompagnato dalla minaccia di nuove sanzioni qualora l'andamento del voto non fosse gradito dai minaccianti.
E cosa riguarderanno queste sanzioni? Saranno un bluff come le precedenti o si arriverà davvero a toccare gli interscambi in toto o in parte tra i Paesi coinvolti? In questo secondo caso le conseguenze potrebbero essere molto pesanti per tutti perché alle sanzioni dell'occidente la Russia non può che rispondere in egual maniera. Si potrebbero avere ricadute molto negative sulla quantità dei rifornimenti energetici verso l'Europa e su gran parte delle industrie tra cui moltissime italiane che con la Russia hanno un considerevole giro di affari. Non va dimenticato che l'Italia è il secondo partner commerciale tra gli europei verso la Russia. Se aggiungiamo che le nostre imprese gia' soffrono di una grave crisi nel mercato interno e che le esportazioni sono state finora l'unico sfogo per molte di loro il panorama appare negativo in tutta la sua dimensione.
Il giorno ventuno Putin ha firmato a Pechino un accordo per la fornitura di un enorme quantitativo di gas alla Cina superando dopo molti anni di stand-by il problema dei prezzi. E' evidente che trattasi di un atto dimostrativo e le forniture oggetto dell'accordo potranno cominciare soltanto nel 2018 ma è anche vero che la popolarità di Putin verso l'atteggiamento tenuto nei confronti dell'Ucraina è talmente aumentata in patria che i russi potrebbero esser anche disposti ad affrontare i pesanti sacrifici imposti dalla riduzione della vendita di gas e petrolio all'Europa molto più di quanto i cittadini europei siano pronti a sopportare un aggravamento della crisi.
Dal punto di vista politico nonostante i freni imposti finora a nuove sanzioni soprattutto da Italia Germania e Francia è molto difficile qualora Mosca non riconoscesse i risultati del voto a Kiev anche per questi governi continuare a tener testa alle pressioni americane. Senza contare che il nostro Renzi pensa di aver bisogno del supporto americano per continuare in Italia la sua conquista del potere e tutto puo' desiderare salvo scontentare i suoi potenziali protettori. Finora si è coperto con la resistenza tedesca ma se Merkel dovesse cedere il nostro Governo si precipiterà a farlo un attimo prima.
Tuttavia per Putin è impossibile accettare un risultato che consegni l'Ucraina all'Europa oggi e alla Nato domani. Se lo facesse significherebbe ammettere davanti ai propri cittadini e a tutti i "Paesi satelliti" la propria sconfitta con la conseguenza di alienarsi molte delle simpatie popolari e di mostrare una debolezza di cui approfitterebbero nemici interni ed esterni. Inoltre è evidente che si creerebbe un problema strategico ed economico che richiede risposte ben lontane da quello che sembrava essere fino a pochi anni orsono un possibile dialogo,
E' impensabile quindi immaginare che Mosca possa accettare ciò che gli americani e i Paesi fobici della Russia pretendono avvenga. Cosa succederà allora? Se la strada delle negoziazioni diventasse impercorribile e la nuova gerarchia di Kiev procedesse solo secondo i desiderata di Washington qualcuno ipotizza l'annessione alla Russia delle provincie dell'est del Paese. E' una possibilità anche se improbabile a breve termine. E' più facile invece che succeda quel che si è visto in Ossezia e Abkhazia anche se con molte maggiori difficoltà per Mosca. Difficilmente però anche in questo caso la crisi si appianerebbe e non si deve escludere che altre zone dell'Ucraina possano diventare instabili e continuare a insidiare l'ordine imposto da Kiev magari la regione di Odessa.
Se invece i futuri vincitori delle elezioni volessero veramente mantenere unito il Paese e scongiurare un altro aggravamento della situazione potrebbero aprire alla prospettiva della federalizzazione dello Stato. Questa ipotesi ancora improbabile sarebbe forse l'unica soluzione che salverebbe almeno in parte la faccia di tutti e ognuno potrebbe dire di aver ottenuto qualcosa. Comunque vadano le cose e qualunque siano gli eventi che ci aspettano restano in noi sempre le solite domande: che ce ne faremmo noi europei dell'Ucraina? E se dovessimo prendercela dove e a spese di chi troveremo i soldi per pagare i suoi debiti e sanare la sua disastrata economia?
21 marzo Tymoshenko si assume la responsabilità della situazione in Ucraina. L'ex primo ministro Yulia Tymoshenko il 20 marzo durante la riunione del suo partito "Patria" ha annunciato che si assume tutta la responsabilità della situazione nel Paese e della necessità di risolvere il problema ha detto ai giornalisti il deputato Alexandra Kuzhel.

Bush 666 Kerry Obama Troika nazi Merkel 322 Rothschild Satana ] ANDATEVENE nel nome di Gesù andatevene! ] QUESTA BRUTTA STORIA DI NAZISMO NON È PER VOI ANCORA POSSIBILE cioè IN MODO APPARENTE! VOI NON AVETE ANCORA UCCISO ISRAELE PER POTER FARE QUESTO NAZISMO APERTAMENTE! [ Nell'auto-proclamata Repubblica di Donetsk è entrata in vigore la legge marziale. Nella Repubblica di Donetsk autoproclamatasi indipendente dalla mezzanotte è entrata in vigore la legge marziale lo ha reso noto il Presidente del del Consiglio Supremo della stessa Repubblica Denis Pushilin. Egli afferma che la decisione è stata presa a causa della necessità di "ripulire il territorio della Repubblica dalle unità militari ucraine". In precedenza il vice Primo Ministro Vitaly Yarema aveva dichiarato che l'esercito e gli altri reparti militari avrebbero ripredo la fase attiva delle operazioni militari nella parte orientale del paese. Secondo i sostenitori della federalizzazione Kiev sta concentrando gli sforzi repressivi particolarmente sul territorio intorno alla città di Slavyansk. Proprio nella zona infatti i combattimenti sono ripresi durante la notte. [ ANCHE ADNKRONS non riporta la notizia che il Governo Italiano ha chieso il ritiro delle nazi truppen merkel troika dal sud dell'Ucraina! ] Ucraina ucciso da un colpo di mortaio il fotoreporter italiano Andrea Rocchelli. [ Andy Rocchelli e Andrey Mironov. 25/05/2014 ] Le autorità ucraine hanno informato la Farnesina dell'uccisione del giornalista italiano Andrea Rocchelli che si trovava nell'area di Slovyansk. All'accertamento definitivo manca il riconoscimento della salma che è stata trasferita insieme a quella di un cittadino russo dall'ospedale di Andreevka a quello di Slovyansk distante pochi chilometri precisa la Farnesina in un comunicato. Il ministro degli Esteri ucraino ha assicurato che nell'inchiesta sulla morte di Rocchelli "saranno coinvolti gli esperti migliori mentre le agenzie del governo terranno informati i servizi consolari italiani sulle indagini". Intanto la famiglia del giovane reporter è in contatto con la Farnesina e l'Ambasciata a Kiev che l'assisterà al suo arrivo nella capitale ucraina. La morte di Rocchelli nel Paese da una decina di giorni è stata violenta: è l'unica cosa che si sa fino a ora precisano fonti della Farnesina. Insieme a Rocchelli e al suo interprete russo c'era un giornalista francese William Roguelon rimasto ferito e poi dimesso dall'ospedale. La testimonianza del giornalista francese – "Abbiamo sentito colpi di kalashnikov poi sono piovuti colpi di mortaio". Uno dei colpi spiega il giornalista francese è caduto "nel fossato" dove si erano rifugiati.
L'altra vittima Andrei Mironov - L'attivista russo ucciso insieme ad Andrea Rocchelli aveva imparato l'italiano nel gulag della Mordovia in cui era stato detenuto in epoca sovietica dopo una condanna per la diffusione di samizdat. "Veniva molto spesso in Italia di recente è stato a Milano per la questione della Crimea" ricorda parlando all'Adnkronos Francesca Gori presidente di Memorial Italia l'organizzazione non governativa russa che si occupa di raccogliere le storie delle vittime delle repressioni e di seguire la situazione dei diritti umani in Russia organizzazione di cui Mironov biologo di formazione faceva parte.


king SAUDI ARABIA -- [ voi avete già spergiurato ad Assisi quando con i tuoi Boko Haram tu hai giurato: " mai più uccidere qualcuno in nome di Dio!".. e finché tu difendi la sharia di Al-Qaida? Nessuno ti può liberare dalla mia accusa!",. poi si sa: LA PENA PER GLI SPERGIURI È LA MORTE! ] Papa Francesco: "Nessuno strumentalizzi nome di Dio per la violenza". 26/05/2014. "Da questo luogo santo lancio un accorato appello a tutte le persone e le comunità che si riconoscono in Abramo: rispettiamoci e amiamoci gli uni e gli altri come fratelli e sorelle. Impariamo a comprendere il dolore dell'altro. Nessuno strumentalizzi per la violenza il nome di Dio. Lavoriamo insieme nella giustizia e nella pace''. Con questa esortazione Papa Francesco ha concluso il suo discorso in occasione della visita al Gran Mufti di Gerusalemme sulla spianata delle moschee.
"Un pellegrino - ha proseguito Francesco - è una persona che si fa povera che si mette in cammino. Questa fu la condizione di Abramo questo dovrebbe essere il nostro atteggiamento spirituale. Non possiamo limitarci a rimanere chiusi sicuri nelle nostre convinzioni. In questo nostro pellegrinaggio terreno non siamo soli''. Dio ha voluto Abramo "testimone del suo agire. Anche noi - ha aggiunto il Pontefice - vogliamo essere testimoni dell'agire di Dio''. "Ponendomi sulle orme dei miei Predecessori e in particolare nella luminosa scia del viaggio di Paolo VI di 50 anni fa ho desiderato tanto venire come pellegrino per visitare i luoghi che hanno visto la presenza terrena di Gesù Cristo. Ma questo mio pellegrinaggio - ha aggiunto - non sarebbe completo se non contemplasse anche l'incontro con le persone e le comunità che vivono in questa Terra e pertanto sono particolarmente lieto di ritrovarmi con voi fedeli musulmani fratelli cari''.
Subito dopo il Pontefice ha visitato il Muro del Pianto dove si è fermato per un momento di raccoglimento e di preghiera toccandolo con la mano destra e ha lasciato tra le pietre un biglietto contenente una citazione del Salmo 122: "o Signore Dio di Abramo di Isacco e di Giacobbe Dio di Gesù Nazareno dal cuore di questa santa città patria spirituale di ebrei cristiani e musulmani faccio mia l'invocazione dei pellegrini che salivano esultanti al tuo tempio: chiedete pace per Gerusalemme. Vivano sicuri quelli che ti amano sia pace nelle tue mura sicurezza nei tuoi palazzi. Per i miei fratelli e i miei amici io dirò: su te sia pace. Per la casa del Signore nostro Dio chiederò per te il bene''.

[ Merkel nazi Troika Spa BCE Spa Kiev nazi-fascisti truppen: se non restituisci la sovranità monetaria ai popoli schiavi dei tuoi bildenberg farò finire questa Europa in tragedia!,. e non c'è niente da ridere! STOP a dare le nostre tasse a Rothschild! ] Popolari primo partito in Europa fallisce il sorpasso dei socialisti. il Giornale. 45 minuti fa. Archiviate le elezioni europee è tempo di bilanci. Chi ha vinto? Sicuramente bisogna registrare la netta affermazione degli euroscettici che triplicano i seggi rispetto a cinque anni fa ottenendo intorno ai 140 parlamentari. Il primo partito però resta il Ppe Farage festeggia a Southampton: TGCOM 13 minuti fa. 03:43 - "E' un risultato storico il più straordinario nell'ultimo secolo di politica britannica". Usa toni trionfalistici parlando dal palco del municipio di Southampton Nigel Farage il leader dell'euroscettico Ukip che è stato proclamato nuovamente eurodeputato

open letter to Moses] - [but how much patience you had to have with this people of goats? ] YHWH God was right that the Holy HIM he wanted to kill them all in the desert! [ lol. funny! lol. ] but I know that the fault is lies with the Rothschild banking freemasonry and it all his only!
lettera aperta a Mosé ] -- [ ma quanta pazienza tu hai dovuto avere con questo popolo di capre? ] aveva ragione Dio JHWH che LUI il Santo lui voleva ucciderli tutti nel deserto! lol. funny! ma io so che la colpa è di Rothschild e della sua massoneria bancaria soltanto!

Carlos Garcia 00:15 And now Mr Universal Metafisico how or what kind of archeological proof do you Christians have that this is where your Jesus had his last supper? Also that the fact that your type of Christianity was the creation of the Emperor Constantine and a bunch of Greek/ Gentile Clergy. Even you own Jesus practiced Judaism and the real early church practiced Judaism until Rome made it against the law and if found practicing any of the Jewish holidays and partaking with Jews of the time you were condemn to death. [ * ] E ora il signor universale Metafisico come o di che tipo di testimonianze archeologiche Sei cristiani hanno che questo è dove il vostro Gesù aveva la sua ultima cena? Inoltre che il fatto che il vostro tipo del cristianesimo è stata la creazione dell'imperatore Costantino e un mazzo di Greco / Gentile Clero. Anche tu il proprietario Gesù praticato l'ebraismo e la vera chiesa primitiva praticato giudaismo fino a che Roma ha fatto contro la legge e se trovato a praticare una delle feste ebraiche e partecipando con gli ebrei del tempo che sono stati condanna a morte. [Answer] 1. Ye know that this is the tomb of David just as a document of Christians in the 4th century AD which you say be false religion 2. Laws were made to abandon Judaism by St. Paul in the first Council of Jerusalem where St. Paul humbled St. Peter and all the Apostles St. Paul was to be the real founder of Christianity 3. demonstrating you ignorance which normally are all Jews much more intelligent and more educated than you! 4. Though then this is not the Tomb of David you go to hell somewhere else! 5. Whether then for you this is the Tomb of David then this is the archaeological evidence and scientific that Jesus of Bethlehem God is YHWH Messiah because only he could have known 2000 years ago that the it was the grave of his father David! [ Answer ] 1. voi sapete che questa è la tomba di Davide solo da un documento di cristiani del 4°secolo d.C. che tu dici essere falsa religione 2. le leggi ebraismo sono state fatte abbandonare da San Paolo nel primo Concilio di Gerusalemme dove San Paolo umiliò San Pietro e tutti gli Apostoli per essere stato San Paolo il vero fondatore del cristianesimo 3. tu dimostri una ignoranza che normalmente tutti gli ebrei sono molto più intelligenti e più istruiti di te! 4. se poi questa non è la Tomba di Davide voi andate a fare in culo da un altra parte! 5. se poi per voi questa è la Tomba di Davide poi questa è la prova archeologica e scientifica che Gesù di Betlemme è Dio JHWH Messia perché soltanto lui poteva sapere 2000 anni fa che quella era la tomba di suo Padre Davide!

Todor Dimitrov Ieri alle ore 15:07 ] You are free to go where ever you want. Listen to the speech from the video more carefully and imrove your English capabilities please! Siete liberi di andare dove volete. Ascoltate il discorso dal video più attenzione e imrove le vostre capacità in inglese per favore! ] King David's tomb- Arutz Sheva [ quindi io sono libero di poter pregare e anche celebrare una messa nel luogo: della celebrazione messa ultima cena di Gesù? voi ebrei sapete essere più ipocriti degli islamici! ] /watch?v=DCNtnduJamE&feature=share [Then I am free to pray and also to celebrate a mass in the place: the celebration of Mass the Last Supper of Jesus? you Jews know to be the most hypocritical of Muslims! ]

king Saudi Arabia --- come " se gli ebrei non vorranno venire? " VERRANNO TUTTI E NON NE MANCHERÀ NEANCHE UNO lol. anche perché tutto quello che non riusciranno a vendere o a portare sarà confiscato dallo Stato! Neanche i nostri cadaveri lascerò in giro per il mondo perché anche loro hanno sognato di poter vedere la Gloria di Israele

PARIGI 26 MAG - Il primo ministro francese Manuel Valls ha escluso che il parlamento di Parigi vada sciolto così come invoca il Front Nationale di Marine Le Pen trionfatrice del voto in Francia. [ quel Governo Parlamento di Massoni deve essere terminato! ]

tutto a tutti!] Papa Francesco oltre ogni muro 'Soluzione due Stati sia realtà' [ tutte sciocchezze! ] IO VOGLIO: 1. condanna della Sharia a livello mondiale! 2. IL DESERTO DELLA MADIANA PER RICHIAMARE TUTTI GLI EBREI e tutti i Palestinesi DEL MONDO! in un regno confederato di città Stato tutto a tutti!

Il trionfo di Poroshenko "l'Ucraina è in Europa" [ e poiché Macchiavelli il satanista dice: " il fine giustifica i mezzi" poi non c'è traccia in ANSA massonica degli abusi che l'Ucraina sta facendo contro i giornalisti di russo LifeNews e non c'è traccia della dichiarazione dell'Italia che chiede il ritiro dell'esercito dal sud del Paese! ]
Europa. 'Il re del cioccolato' trionfa al primo turno delle presidenziali ucraine con il 55 9% secondo gli exit poll: "Gli ucraini hanno scelto l'Europa".

forse il Papa non sa che dietro questi inutili omuncoli massoni ci sono i due più aggressivi sistemi imperialistici della storia del genere umano! [] Domenica Papa Francesco durante la messa a Betlemme ha invitato in Vaticano il presidente israeliano Shimon Peres e il leader palestinese Mahmoud Abbas.
Secondo il Pontefice i capi dei popoli avversari sono invitati a "una fervida preghiera comune che chieda a Dio il dono della pace". Peres e Abbas hanno accettato la proposta di Francesco. Il Papa è in visita di tre giorni in Medio Oriente. Nel quadro del suo pellegrinaggio il Pontefice è giunto in Israele dove ha abbandonato l'auto blindata. Per la prima volta ha visitato la Palestina dove ha discusso con Abbas la libertà religiosa della comunità cattolica locale.

Putin ha ringraziato Kadyrov per il rilascio dei giornalisti [ nazi MERKEL TROIKA NATO USA 322 666 DATAGATE BILDENBERG [ voi avete rubato l'Ucraina con un Golpe di ceccini ed ora fate finta di non vedere l'esercito che fa la repressione del popolo sovrano! ] Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha ringraziato il capo della Cecenia Ramzan Kadyrov per il suo aiuto nella liberazione dei giornalisti televisivi russi di Lifenews arrestati a metà maggio dalla guardia nazionale dell'Ucraina ha riferito il portavoce presidenziale Dmitry Peskov. I rappresentanti di Kadyrov hanno negoziato il rilascio dei giornalisti. "Certo tutti compreso il Presidente hanno preso una posizione intransigente sulle azioni inaccettabili delle autorità ucraine in relazione ai dipendenti della media russi in particolare quelli che sono stati arrestati e detenuti illegalmente" ha detto Peskov.
Lukin: è inaccettabile equiparare i giornalisti ai rappresentanti delle parti in conflitto in Ucraina. Le parti del conflitto in Ucraina devono garantire il rispetto di determinate norme nei confronti dei giornalisti ed è inaccettabile equipararli ai rappresentanti delle parti in conflitto ha detto l'ex delegato per i diritti umani in Russia Vladimir Lukin.
Secondo le sue parole il modo migliore per garantire che i giornalisti non muoiano è cessare le operazioni militari.
Per saperne di più:

nazi MERKEL TROIKA NATO USA 322 666 DATAGATE BILDENBERG [ voi avete rubato l'Ucraina con un Golpe ed ora fate finta di non vedere! ] i vostri nazi fascisti hanno lasciato i giornalisti canale televisivo russo LifeNews in compagnia di un lancia granate perché speravano che toccandolo potevano lasciare sopra le impronte digitali! [ "Non si può semplicemente prendere la gente giornalisti in quel modo lasciarli illegalmente con un lanciarazzi poi accusarli di terrorismo e fare finta che tutto sia normale" ha detto Suleymanov.

nazi MERKEL TROIKA NATO USA 322 666 DATAGATE BILDENBERG HITLER TRUPPEN CECCHINI CIA GOLPE GENOCIDIO REPRESSIONE BARROSO NAZI 322 NWO FMI FED BCE GMOS ALIENS ABDUCTIONS CRIMINALI INTERNAZIONALI ONU SHARI NAZI OCI CRIMINALI... Consiglio per i diritti umani: la reclusione dei giornalisti di LifeNews è una violazione della legge ucraina. La detenzione di una settimana dei giornalisti russi di LifeNews senza un ordine del tribunale è una violazione della legge ucraina ha dichiarato il capo del Consiglio presidenziale per i diritti dell'uomo Mikhail Fedotov. ha sottolineato che se una persona è detenuta entro 72 ore deve essere formulata l'accusa e può essere arrestata solo per ordine del giudice. Nel frattempo i giornalisti russi erano detenuti dal 18 maggio.
Fedotov ha espresso la speranza che le elezioni presidenziali in Ucraina del 25 maggio contribuiscano per ristabilire la legge nel Paese e che non ci saranno più detenzioni illegali.
LifeNews intende denunciare l'Ucraina in merito alla detenzione dei giornalisti. Il canale televisivo russo LifeNews intende fare appello alle organizzazioni internazionali pubbliche in relazione alla detenzione illegale e al maltrattamento dei giornalisti russi in Ucraina Oleg Sidyakin e Marat Saychenko. Il caporedattore del canale Anatoly ha comunicato che vuole che Ucraina sia condannata per le sue azioni. "Non si può semplicemente prendere la gente giornalisti in quel modo lasciarli illegalmente con un lanciarazzi poi accusarli di terrorismo e fare finta che tutto sia normale" ha detto Suleymanov.
Jeshua Ha'amashia Jesus Messiah LORD -- [ answer ] - io li ho scomunicati! perché devo fare sempre io il lavoro sporco? l'ultima volta sono stato io che io ho fatto il lavoro sporco su dai ora tocca a te!

== Coach EFT ha condiviso: Una cosa. che mi fa riflettere è il movimento asimmetrico delle spalle di vianello quando dice "falso falsissimo". 17 ore fa
== SilenAle 1 mese fa. Io penso che la disinformazione fa questo ed altro. Per cui le cose sono 2. O ci sono persone stupide che parlano a vanvera senza constatare la veridicità di tutto ciò oppure ci sono persone pagate apposta per disinformare: famoso Processo di Berna del 1933/35 fu PERSO dagli Ebrei in seconda instanza nel 1937. La Comunità Israeleitica Svizzera fu condannata a pagare tutte le spese processuali di 4 anni pari a quasi 25.000 franchi e i Protocolli NON FURONO
ENIGMA Protocolli dei Savi di Sion talmud vampiro predatore /watch?v=OMXOTPfzWws&feature=gp-n-y [ ANSWER ] È TUTTO VERO! Benjamin Netanyahu PER adorare il suo dio gufo IMF 322 NWO 666 Rothschid lui preferisce uccidere 6milioni di israeliani! infatti una intera generazione di vigliacchi papponi massoni ha preso la strada dell'inferno e nasconde al popolo il crimine di signoraggio bancario di cui politicamente ancora non si può parlare.. questo è il satanismo ideologico e pratico di: DEMO - PLUTO - GIUDAICO - MASSONE! ed è questo che renderà inevitabile la terza guerra mondiale nel 2015.. Questi illuminati hanno stampato denato per 60milirdi di persone quindi devono morire miliardi le persone per non arrivare il momento di accorgersi che in banca i loro soldi non esistono più!

History of Muhammad & Islam

MA SENZA UNA STAMPA LIBERA E PLURALISTA E I GIORNALISTI RUSSI SONO STATI ARRESTATI ED UNA PARTE DELLA NAZIONE È ASSENTE QUALI VOTAZIONI POSSONO ESSERE VALIDE? ] L'Ucraina vota per le elezioni presidenziali. In Ucraina sono iniziate le elezioni presidenziali straordinarie. La votazione si svolge sullo sfondo di una profonda crisi politica e di un'operazione militare su larga scala condotta da Kiev nel sud-est del Paese. Mosca ritiene che la legittimità delle elezioni dipenderà da una serie di condizioni tra cui la trasparenza e la presa in considerazione degli interessi delle regioni. Per la presidenza lotteranno 21 candidati. La lotta principale sarà tra l'ex Primo ministro Julia Timoshenko e il milliardario Petro Poroshenko. I sociologi non escludono che Poroshenko possa vincere già nel primo round perciò ha bisogno di ottenere oltre la metà dei voti. Tuttavia questo processo può richiedere molto tempo perché è stato distrutto il sistema d'informazione analitica del sistema delle "Elezioni". Pertanto le schede saranno valutate manualmente.

NAZI TROIKA MERKEL HITLER 322 BILDENBERG NAZI CIA NATO SCAM BANKING SEIGNIORAGE GMOS SPA FED IMF ECB MICRO-CHIP SATANA 666 -- Lech Walesa: gli USA non sono più il leader mondiale. L'ex P residente polacco e premio Nobel per la pace Lech Walesa ha riferito nell 'intervista all' Associated Press che prevede di incontrare il P residente Obama a giugno durante la sua prossima visita a Varsavia e convincerlo a svolgere un ruolo più attivo come leader mondiale.
Gli Stati Uniti d evono incoraggiare gli altri Paesi ha detto Walesa. "Non si tratta che gli Stati Uniti devono risolvere i nostri problemi o combattere da qualche parte. Gli Stati devono organizzarci sostenerci offrire programmi. Ci serve una leadership di questo tipo". "O volete essere una superpotenza e guidarci o date questo potere alla Polonia e sapremo cosa fare" ha detto il politico.

NAZI TROIKA MERKEL HITLER 322 BILDENBERG NAZI CIA NATO -- Ucraina ucciso un fotoreporter italiano. ©Foto: Un giornalista italiano Andrea Rocchelli e il suo traduttore Andrei Mironov sono stati uccisi e il fotografo francese William Roguelon è rimasto ferito nel villaggio di Andreevka vicino a Slavyansk nella regione separatista ucraina di Donetsk. Lo riferisce la Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk nel suo Twitter.
E' il primo caso della morte di giornalisti durante il conflitto armato nel sud-est dell'Ucraina. Durante il lavoro nella zone dell'operazione militare dell'esercito ucraino sono stati colpiti da un colpo di mortaio.

lapamful 1 ora fa. Who said anything about stopping anyone from going there we just want to stop you taking over and stopping everyone else from having religious freedom. Something the catholic church specialises in. [ ANSWER ] if this really is the Tomb of David then this would be the most BIG injustice that YHWH God could have done against Mankind against the free will of the peoples! because only God Messiah could know about making his last supper the Upper Room and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost on the tomb of his father David! this is equivalent to scientific evidence prove that Jesus is God Messiah Hashem from Bethlehem.
King David's tomb- Arutz Sheva /watch?v=DCNtnduJamE se veramente questa è la Tomba di Davide questa poi sarebbe la più gande ingiustizia che Dio JHWH avrebbe potuto fare contro il Genere Umano contro il libero arbitrio delle persone! perché solo Dio poteva sapere di fare la sua ultima cena il cenacolo e la discesa dello Spirito SANTO a Pentecoste sopra la tomba di suo padre Davide! questo equivale a dimostrare scientificamente che Gesù di Betlemme è Dio..

lapamful ha commentato un video su YouTube. Condiviso pubblicamente - 23/mag/2014
On top of this the Vatican confirmed that the pope will call for a palestinian state.
Don't Christians believe the Bible any more? I thought this land was given to the Jews by Hashem... answer --> I NOT have Any PROBLEM ON THE PROPERTY AND ABOUT THE DIRECTORS MA HOLY LAND MEANS THAT IS ALL OF ALL. BECAUSE GOD Hashem IS FATHER OF ALL! THEREFORE IT IS blasphemous make the hall of the Last Supper a museum where Christians can not pray that's why you have to die quickly! [ IO NON HO UN PROBLEMA CIRCA LA PROPRIETÀ E CIRCA LA AMMINISTRAZIONE MA TERRA SANTA VUOL DIRE CHE È DI TUTTI PERCHÉ DIO Hashem È PADRE DI TUTTI! QUINDI È blasfemo fare della sala del CENACOLO un museo dove i cristiani non possono pregare ecco perché tu devi morire velocemente! ]
Proprio per questo attualmente la sala del Cenacolo è un semplice museo visitabile sì dai pellegrini cristiani ma senza poter celebrare nessun rito. Con il paradosso che proprio nel luogo dove Gesù istituì l'Eucaristia non si può celebrare alcuna Messa. L'unica eccezione avvenne nel marzo 2000 in occasione del viaggio in Terra Santa di Giovanni Paolo II: a Wojtyla fu concesso di presiedere qui una liturgia eucaristica cosa che invece non era avvenuta in occasione del viaggio di Paolo VI nel 1964 e non fu nemmeno ripetuta per quello di Benedetto XVI nel 2009.
Per capire davvero l'intreccio è però necessario ripercorrere tutta la storia di questo luogo. Perché il punto è che la presenza di una comunità giudeo-cristiana in questo angolo di Gerusalemme è antichissima. Secondo gli archeologi "la sinagoga dei cristiani" sul monte Sion fu una delle poche risparmiate dall'imperatore Adriano quando nel II secolo d.C. dopo la seconda rivolta ebraica rase al suolo Gerusalemme.
Di certo una basilica bizantina qui c'era già nel IV secolo. Risale invece solo all'epoca crociata il ritrovamento del cenotafio che sarebbe poi stato indicato come la Tomba di Davide. Nel 1167 rav Avraham di Gerusalemme riferì a Beniamino di Tudela che - sedici anni prima in seguito al crollo di un muro nella cappella inferiore della chiesa del Cenacolo - erano state scoperte ricche tombe che si riteneva fossero quelle di Davide e di Salomone. Cominciò così una contesa a tre su questo luogo dal momento che anche i musulmani nel Corano venerano Davide come un profeta.
Inizialmente anche dopo la caduta del Regno Crociato furono i cristiani a mantenere il controllo del complesso: grazie agli auspici dei sovrani di Napoli infatti nel 1335 i francescani poterono acquistare il Cenacolo che diventò la prima sede di quella che è oggi la Custodia di Terra Santa. Ma al piano di sotto la Tomba di Davide restava un santuario musulmano. Tra alterne vicende si andò avanti per un paio di secoli finché nel 1523 i frati vennero espulsi. Con la guerra del 1948 infine questa parte di Gerusalemme è passata sotto il controllo israeliano e la Tomba di Davide è diventato un luogo dell'identità ebraica con l'apertura di una yeshivà (una scuola rabbinica) all'interno del complesso. La questione dello status giuridico però è rimasta aperta: da sempre infatti i francescani rivendicano la proprietà della sala del Cenacolo in forza dell'acquisizione del 1335. L'aspetto paradossale della vicenda è che proprio le ricerche degli archeologi ebrei hanno mostrato come sia molto improbabile che quella sia sul serio la tomba del grande condottiero di Israele. Nella Bibbia infatti nel Primo libro dei Re si racconta che fu sepolto "nella città di Davide". Un luogo che oggi si tende a identificare nell'area dell'Ofel cioè da tutt'altra parte nella Città Vecchia di Gerusalemme. La tradizione però è più forte dell'archeologia e quindi quella è venerata comunque come la Tomba di Davide.
Vale la pena infine di precisare che anche un eventuale ritorno del Cenacolo alla Chiesa cattolica non intaccherebbe in alcun modo il diritto degli ebrei a recarsi a pregare alla Tomba di Davide: nella trattativa con Israele infatti la Santa Sede non ha mai rivendicato diritti sul piano inferiore. L'unica cosa che chiede è di riavere la titolarità della sala del Cenacolo per poter permettere ai pellegrini che già ora vi si recano di tornare anche a celebrare l'Eucaristia nel luogo dove avvenne l'Ultima Cena di Gesù.

lapamful 11:42 Who said anything about stopping anyone from going there we just want to stop you taking over and stopping everyone else from having religious freedom. Something the catholic church specialises in.
Chi ha parlato di fermare chiunque di andarci vogliamo solo smettere di presa in consegna e l'arresto di tutti gli altri di avere la libertà
[ ANSWER ] King David's tomb- Arutz Sheva /watch?v=DCNtnduJamE
I am in favor of giving the Jews the administration of all things!
io sono favorevole a dare agli ebrei la amministrazione di ogni cosa!

i nazisti Obama 322 CIA cecchini golpe genocidio nazi fascisti Merkel Troika odiano le informazioni ] Liberati i giornalisti di LifeNews. CEO del canale LifeNews Ashot Gabrelyanov e i giornalisti liberati Oleg Sidyakin e Marat Saychenko hanno ringraziato il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il capo della Cecenia Ramzan Kadyrov per l'aiuto nella loro liberazione.
Domenica il capo della Cecenia Ramzan Kadyrov nel suo Instagram ha riferito il rilascio dei giornalisti. Sul sito di LifeNews si comunica che Sidyakin e Saychenko sono già stati trasferiti via aereo a Grozny. A sua volta il corrispondente del canale "Rossia 24" ha precisato che l'aereo con i giornalisti liberati dovrebbe atterrare presso l'aeroporto di Grozny verso l'1:30 ora di Mosca.
Sidyakin e Saychenko sono stati arrestati a metà maggio dalla guardia nazionale presso Kramatorsk in Ucraina dove si tengono battaglie tra le forze di Kiev e gli autonomisti filorussi. Le autorità ucraine hanno accusato i giornalisti del favoreggiamento al "terrorismo" nell'est del Paese.

Benjamin Netanyahu --- [ con questa storia dell'alto solaio della PENTECOSTE cristiana di cui voi inibite impedite l'accesso ] voi avete dichiarato pubblicamente di essere l'antiCristo.. pertanto la nostra relazione è terminata!

maledetti disgraziati nazi Merkel cecchini Golpe Troika 322 cult NWO FMi 666 Bush Bildenberg ONU Sharia OCI sinagoga di satana CIA Morgellons Gmos Datagate ---- Lungansk propone di scambiare i giornalisti imprigionati di LifeNews con i militari prigionieri. Il governo della Repubblica Popolare di Lugansk propone di scambiare i giornalisti del canale LifeNews detenuti della guardia nazionale dell'Ucraina con i militari prigionieri ha dichiarato il presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica Vasily Nikitin. A metà maggio la guardia nazionale ucraina ha detenuto i giornalisti Oleg Sidyakin e Marat Saychenko nei pressi di Kramatorsk dove le forze di sicurezza di Kiev combattono contro gli autonomisti filorussi. Le autorità ucraine li accusano di favoreggiamento del "terrorismo" nell'est del Paese. Le autorità russe hanno chiesto all'Ucraina anche attraverso l'OCSE l'immediato rilascio dei giornalisti ma questa richiesta non è ancora stata soddisfatta.

nazi Israel nazi! antichrist Israel Illuminati Rothschild merda! masonic system babilon tower IMF cult OWL JaBullOn Baal Marduk Spa Gmos Morgellons occult power Talmud WWIII agenda slavery goyms!
King David's tomb- Arutz Sheva



ma ogni massone è più che un criminale è il traditore della costituzione una cospirazione internazionale per sollevare il satanismo! vergogna Inghiltera! ] Putin ha rimproverato il Principe Carlo per un comportamento non regale. Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha definito "inaccettabile" una recente dichiarazione del principe Carlo sulla sua persona. In precedenza il tabloid britannico Daily Mail ha riportato che il principe Carlo durante un incontro ad Halifax in Canada con una donna sopravvissuta all'Olocausto ha confrontato le politiche del Presidente russo Vladimir Putin in Ucraina con le azioni di Adolf Hitler. "Non ho sentito questa espressione. Se è così allora questo è ovviamente inaccettabile. Ritengo che essendo una persona acculturata sappia ciò che ha affermato" ha detto Putin. [ Papa Benedetto XVI -- se mi vogliono parlare io sono in questo canale certo non andrò altrove. ] "Rosneft" decide di aumentare la produzione del 50% entro il 2025 9:40
I Paesi Bassi assegneranno ai Paesi Baltici 4 caccia 9:06
Putin Merkel e Hollande sperano che le elezioni in Ucraina si terranno pacificamente 7:36
Putin ha rimproverato il Principe Carlo per un comportamento non regale 6:28
Le autorità belghe definiscono come attentato la sparatoria presso il Museo ebraico di Bruxelles 4:36
Thailandia sono scoppiate nove bombe ci sono vittime e feriti 3:27
Liberati i giornalisti di LifeNews 2:35
Le Repubbliche popolari di Donetsk e Lugansk sono unite nella Novorossia 2:16
Lungansk propone di scambiare i giornalisti imprigionati di LifeNews con i militari prigionieri 2:14
Slavyansk ferito gravemente un giornalista italiano 2:02
Creato il Fronte popolare nel sud-est dell'Ucraina 23:15
Continuano i combattimenti nei pressi di Slavyansk 22:48
Donetsk al via il congresso dei sostenitori della federalizzazione 22:20 [ Obama is antichrist ]

The 'evil' godless LEFT: The public school system has become the domain of the Democratic left Moore argues and it has fundamentally changed American culture because it successfully indoctrinated five or six generations of U.S. children. Claim: Christians sin by putting kids in public school
by Chelsea Schilling. Christian parents do you wish to obey God and reclaim America from a godless culture?
Then remove your children from the nation's public schools.
That's the plea from E. Ray Moore who has been taking his message public during his campaign for lieutenant governor in South Carolina.
"If the evangelical community would step up and obey God in educating their own children we could collapse the state model " Moore told WND. "We're feeding the monster by keeping our children there."
FINISH READING this at: World Net Daily
GOD is yelling. Are you listening? One blood moon appeared in April 2014. 3 more are due to appear within the next 18 months.
DO THESE SIGNAL A COMING DIVINE WRATH against countries LIKE AMERICA who are trying to divide Israel? Ask your Congress man/woman.
"I believe that the blood moons have great historic and prophetic significance just as they did following 1948 and 1967. In the book of Joel it mentions three times about the sun and the moon going dark and in context it also mentions Divine wrath against all countries that want to divide or part the land of Israel" Pastor Mark Biltz said...
He has risen!
The Resurrection
(Psalm 16:1-11; Psalm 49:1-20; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9)
Matthew 28 1-10: King James Bible
1. In the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 2. And behold there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it. 3. His countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow: 4. And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men. 5. And the angel answered and said unto the women Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified. 6. He is not here: for he is risen as he said. Come see the place where the Lord lay. 7. And go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and behold he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo I have told you.
8. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. 9. And as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying All hail. And they came and held him by the feet and worshiped him. 10. Then said Jesus unto them Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee and there shall they see me.
See SAME as above in the Catholic Bible: HERE
RELATED: Jesus Raises a great Multitude from Hell (Hades) on Easter Sunday. Read HERE. THERE IS only one name given under heaven whereby a person can be saved. (Acts 4:12). That name is Jesus Christ. There is only one foundation for eternal salvation. That foundation is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11). If you belong to Jesus Christ your salvation has been signed in blood purchased at a great price and sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:11-14; 1 Peter 1:17-21) guaranteeing that you are heaven bound. RE: Book Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Karl I. Payne page 165
Famous Muslim Leader Preaches Crucified Christ
ISLAM is the religion of anger & hatred. The religion of Jesus is Joy & Love. That's according to this long time 'captive' of Islam:
Only Islam lies that Jesus never died on a cross. Islam also lies that if you believe God has a Son - you will go to hell.
FINALLY: Israel may be on the verge of gaining back some sanity? What nation on earth gives up its holiest site in their country to a religion whose god is pagan to their own? Why have the Jewish people let pagan Muslims have free reign to trample on its holy mount for so long? We can thank Moshe Dayan for that. Muslims have a long history of digging into the holy mount and destroying any archeological finds that connect the Jerusalem Temple Mount to the 2 previous Jewish Temples that have stood there; so they can keep their lie going that Jews had no connection to the Temple Mount. bets - Israel will cower once again to Muslim demands.
Knesset is set this week to discuss a proposal to place the Temple Mount under Israeli sovereignty.
FINISH READING at: Jerusalem Post
Looking forward to 28 FEB 14 release of the roughly 2 hour beautifully done epic movie correctly entitled: 'Son of God'..Not like Obama erroneously says "a son of God"
Is Jesus about to perform a modern miracle?
"I know that it's going to touch people's hearts and bring people home"
Roma Downey explained to WND "While we were shooting 'The Bible' series in Morocco we had an editor on set with us; and as we were watching the footage on a regular basis as the Jesus narrative began to unfold we knew we had something extraordinary. So we shot extra footage and wanted to create a beautiful stand-alone experience that would focus on Christ Himself." Roma Downey plays Mary the mother of Christ and is the producer of the film Son Of God.
FINISH READING this at: World Net Daily
See Movie Site/Trailer: HERE
Also read:
Producer: Why we cast 'Obama' devil out of 'Son of God' at: USAtoday
Obama gets Satan cut from 'Son of God'
An eerie resemblance between Barack Obama and Satan in the upcoming "Son of God" movie has prompted the film's producers to completely banish the devil.
Roma Downey who co-produced the film with her husband Mark Burnett says scenes with an actor who portrayed the devil but looked like the president have now been edited out. FINISH READING this at: World Net Daily
Messianic Jews finally get recognized in Israel
Victory provides tax relief just like for synagogues
Messianic Jews have won another battle for recognition in Israel. This time a special judicial tribunal has determined that a Messianic congregation in Jerusalem should receive the same full tax exemption as a synagogue.
Recommended Book. The Return of the Kosher Pig
(Jesus/Yeshua of Natzeret) "...Why is His name called Hazir (pig)?"
"He is called pig because HaShem (God) in the future will return Him (Yeshua/Jesus) to Israel..."
This book is filled with incredible research into Torah (Old Testament) the Jewish Talmud and the New Testament (Brit HaChadasha) by Messianic Jewish Rabbi Itzhak Shapira. The book centers on Yeshua/Jesus's imminent return. His own Jewish people will fulfill the ancient prophecy when they finally say about their own Jewish Messiah: 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'.
In the first century many Jews including His Jewish apostles & thousands of other Jews proclaimed this about Yeshua. BUT soon all Israel will cry out to their promised Messiah (Mashiach ben Yosef who is also Mashiach ben David) as was prophesized.
Prior to being hijacked by 'Rabbinical Judaism' prior to and during the middle ages Jews were always taught to expect the appearance of their Messiah twice. He was to appear first as the 'Suffering Servant' depicted so exacting by the prophet Isaiah - and a second time in Acharit Hayamim (end times) as the King returning in the clouds with glory and with countless angels.
Tzahi (Itzhak) Shapira was born and raised in a traditional Sephardic Jewish home in Israel. After years of studying Rabbinic Jewish texts he found the Messiah within the Hebrew writings. Far from a study of kosher dietary laws The Return of the Kosher Pig is an unprecedented journey toward the true identity of the Divine Messiah - the one previously considered "unkosher" and "unacceptable" by Jewish people. This encyclopedic volume will surprise and challenge you with the compelling words of Jewish sages and rabbis over the last 2 000 years many in English for the first time. Rabbi Shapira serves as the as the founding rabbi of Ahavat Ammi an international Jewish organization that is focused on reconciliation between Jews and Yeshua.
State bill makes abortion 'class 3 felony'
'This clears up those who are truly pro-life from those who merely pretend to be'
by Jack Minor
In a move that has stunned abortion-rights advocates who pushed through a repeal of state criminal penalties last year Colorado lawmakers have proposed a bill that prohibits abortion and makes a violation a class 3 felony.
HB 1133 sponsored by Republican Steve Humphrey of Severance Colo. is a response to a move last year that critics said would make the state friendly to abortionists like Kermit Gosnell. The Philadelphia abortionist was convicted of killing infants after they had been born mostly by using a scissors to snip their spinal cords.
Led by a Democrat-majority legislature Democrat governor and Barack Obamas agenda the state surged left on several issues including abortion. Last year Democrats passed a bill supported by Planned Parenthood the nations largest abortion provider repealed criminal abortion statutes.
I ran as a pro-life candidate and this is an issue that is important to my constituents Humphrey explained as he introduced the abortion-ban bill Thursday.
I realize this is an emotional issue and my intent is not to rub someones nose in the issue but when were talking about protecting human life this is a discussion we need to have he said.
Christy Rodriguez executive director of Colorado Campaign for Life said the left has made Colorado a Kermit Gosnell-friendly state and we have to do something about it.
Most venerated rabbi in Israel found Jewish Messiah (Yeshua/Jesus)
He was the famous rabbi who announced he would reveal the name of the Messiah. Before his death Kaduri had said that he expected the Jewish Messiah to arrive soon and that he had met him a year earlier.
108 year old Yitzhak Kaduri
WASHINGTON He was without doubt the most venerated rabbi in Israel at the age of 108.
Some 250 000 marched in his funeral procession after his death in 2007.
But when Yitzhak Kaduris much-anticipated letter announcing the name of the Messiah he claimed to have encountered was unsealed a year after his death the Israeli press and world media that found him so quotable in life ignored it.
Now a brand-new book and documentary The Rabbi Who Found Messiah about his life death and the secrets he took to the grave tells the whole mysterious story for the first time.
And what was the name of the Messiah whom Kaduri met after years of praying and fasting? It was Yehoshua the formal name for Yeshua or Jesus in the Greek.
Jews were taught to be on guard for 2 separate appearances of the Messiah (Mashiach ben Joseph and Mashiach ben David). 'ben' means son of. The Jewish Rabbi Jesus/Yeshua of Nazareth is the Son of Joseph. Also Joseph was a Son of David also. Not only that - only Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled 109 prophecies about the Messiah that only He could have fulfilled. Astronomical odds! Read '360 Prophecies Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled' here:
Kaduri's prophecy also said the Messiah would not reveal himself until Ariel Sharon had died. Sharon was Israel's Prime Minister when he made that prophecy. He made the prediction two months before Ariel Sharon still acting as prime minister had a major stroke in 2006. Ariel Sharon passed recently on 11 January 2014 - after spending 8 years in a coma.
FINISH READING this at our message board: HERE
Shocking evidence Hitler escaped Germany
In 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower said: "We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death".
Newly declassified FBI U.S. intel files raise startling questions
WASHINGTON Everyone knows Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot in his underground bunker on April 30 1945.
At least that has been the conventional wisdom.
Now comes WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsis new book Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Germany.
Dangerous MRSA bacteria expand into communities
Peter Eisler USA TODAY 7:45 p.m. EST December 16 2013
USA TODAY investigation shows MRSA bacteria once confined to hospitals are emerging in communities to strike an increasing number of children as well as schools prisons even NFL locker rooms.
Eric Allen went to bed March 1 thinking he had a light flu. By the time he staggered into the hospital in London Ky. the next day he was coughing up bits of lung tissue. Within hours organs failing he was in a coma.
Tests showed that Allen 39 had a ravaging pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA an antibiotic-resistant bacteria once confined to hospitals and other health care facilities. Allen hadn't been near a doctor or a hospital.
FINISH READING this at: Our Message Board
Morgellons disease (MRSA)
'worms-under-skin' disease
Scientists debate cause of feared 'worms-under-skin' disease - Victims complain of inflammation lesions fatigue.
Learn more about Morgellon's disease: HERE
Obama: Is he a fake Christian? A confused Christian? - You decide. The ring he wears seems to tell all.
Barack Obama has been wearing the same ring for over 30 years. When he and Michelle were married in October 1992 Barack used the ring as his wedding ring.
So what is so important about this ring that Obama will never take it off? The answer is shocking; well maybe not to most of you.
OBAMA got over on America by claiming to be a Christian. Yet his ring clearly is his testament that he belongs to Allah the fake Islamic moon god with a little 'g'.
Barack Obama and his roommate Hasan Chandoo at Occidental College in 1981.
Obama is wearing the same Islamic ring in 1981
Inscription on Obama's - a/k/a confirmed Indonesian Muslim 'Barry Soetoro' (Barack Obama) ring:
Obama wearing the same Islamic Ring as President...
According to Arabic-language and Islamic experts the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith the Shahada: There is no god except Allah.
Inscription on Obama's ring:
The 'Shahada' is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam expressing the two fundamental beliefs that make a person a Muslim: There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is Allahs prophet.
Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for becoming a Muslim as it expresses a persons rejection of all other gods. Obama wears that recitation.
What's so bad about Islam? Islam lies that Jesus never died on a cross! If that didn't happen we have no hope for the forgiveness of our sins. Islam goes one step further in Satan's direction. It lies again and says that if you believe that God has a Son you will go to hell.
So for 'President?' Obama to wear a ring showing he is a Muslim he cannot be a Christian. To be a Christian one must admit that Jesus is the only Son of God and that He died for our sins. He took our sins upon Himself as a sacrificial lamb (korben).
Is the Apostle John lying about God having a Son?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Muhammad of Islam's demonically inspired Qur'an is literally dripping in evil. 1 in every 55 verses in the Qur'an incites Muslims to make war on non-Muslims. The Qur'an is in fact a satanic blueprint for the art of deception doubletalk double-dealing and treachery. The word love is conspicuously missing from the Muslim Qur'an.
Remember it is a tenet of Islam that deceit treachery and lying is perfectly okay - so long as it furthers the goal of Islam (world domination). Muslims use Muhammad of Islam as their example for this. But masquerading as a fake Christian is even low by Muslim standards. Could Obama be just confused - not knowing the lies Islam teach about Jesus & Christianity? Look what has happened to America since Obama has been in office. It has gotten to be more and more like a Muslim country ruled by a despot king who regularly bypasses Congress and the will of the people. It is entirely permissible and actually expected that a Muslim lie IF it furthers the advance of Islam. The historical Muhammad is the standard for that.
Quote from Obama's old pastor Jeremiah Wright: I Made It Comfortable For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam. Read this: HERE
Can one really believe that Barack Obama doesn't know that Islam & Christianity are not the same; and that the Moon god of Islam is not the same Holy God of the Christian & Jewish bibles. Islam mocks Christianity in its 'unholy' book the Qur'an (Koran) and Islam stands against all tenets of the Christian Faith.
In his book Audacity of Hope Obama writes: I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of The Audacity of Hope.
In prepared remarks in April 2012 Obama referred to Jesus as "a" Son of God rather than as "the" Son of God: "And for me and Im sure for some of you its also a chance to remember the tremendous sacrifice that led up to that day and all that Christ endurednot just as a Son of God but as a human being."
From the unholy Qur'an/Koran:
O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people. (Sura 5 verse 51)
READ MORE about this at: World Net Daily. "Kamal Saleem: A Muslim
Cries Out to Jesus"
Listen & watch Kamal relate on the miraculous events that led him to Jesus/Isa.
Kamal heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous because up until then Kamal was a devout Muslim trying to convert Christians to Islam.
See this amazing short video at CBN: HERE
COCA COLA is Bad for your HEALTH & Christian Spiritual Morality!
There are other ways to celebrate 'diversity'. Coca Cola chose to celebrate 'diversity' by poking the Christian & Jewish GOD of Abraham Isaac & Jacob - IN 'THE EYE'... And thumbing their noses at God's Word. Shame on Coca Cola! Read about Coca Cola's 'IN YOUR FACE GOD' Super Bowl advertisement below...
Only 1.4% of the U.S. population are homosexual per a 2011 Federal study yet companies like Coca Cola often give grants to further the homosexual agenda - and side with the sinful homosexual lifestyle by making it appear 'wholesome' as this commercial does. By doing commercials such as Coca Cola's and giving grants to further the homosexual LGBT agenda these corporations are basically telling Christians Jews and Muslims to 'take a hike'.
'America the Beautiful' ad features gay parents
By Emma Margolin
Coca-Cola celebrated diversity in America Sunday (02 FEB 14) night with a powerful commercial that featured a variety of faces young and old of every skin color with roots all over the world and – for the first time in Super Bowl ad history – a family with gay parents.
"It's been very hard for my family when it comes to the gay issue " said one of the fathers in a separate behind-the-scenes video released by the beverage company. "It's been what's caused us so much pain over all these years."
Coca-Cola plans on airing the commercial nationwide during the Opening Ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Russia the Games' host this year has come under fire for a series of newly enacted anti-gay laws and LGBT rights advocates have criticized Coca-Cola along with other worldwide sponsors for not speaking out enough about the issue in the leadup to the Olympics.
In the commercial the two dads are seen laughing and roller-skating with their daughter. Advertisers have featured prominent LGBT homosexual spokespeople in the past such as Ellen DeGeneres who appeared in a different commercial Sunday. But Coca-Cola's ad was the first Super Bowl ad with a gay family according to the LGBT rights group GLAAD. FINISH READING this at: MSNBC
GOD is on record as saying Homosexuality is an ABOMINATION - the very strongest Word that God uses in the entire Bible...So one can imagine that God is NOT amused with homosexuality or those liberal Democrats liberal activist judges and big corporations like Coca Cola who thumb their noses at God by pushing homosexuality on America the entire world and her youths... Pay Back will be HELL to pay! Russia did a good thing by making it illegal for homosexuals to do anything to attract her young people into this sinful lifestyle.
COCA COLA has what? 6 - 44 teaspoons of sugar in EVERY drink? Drinking this on a regular basis is Type 2 Diabetes just waiting to happen. 6 teaspoons in a small 12 oz can - up to 44 teaspoons in a large Cinema Coca Cola. A single 16 oz can of Coca Cola has more sugar (sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup) in it than an entire day's worth of recommended sugar from all sources.
Some people don't realize how much sugar there is in Coca-Cola ' admits the Coca Cola's European President - as it emerges a large cinema serving contains 44 teaspoons of sugar.
What about Coca Cola diet soda's?
Just one diet soft drink a day could boost your risk of having a vascular event such as stroke heart attack or vascular death according to researchers from the University of Miami and Columbia University. Read: HERE
BOYCOTT Coca Cola? WHY Not? It's bad for our Health & Christian Morality!
People all over the world are wising up to the Coca Cola 'Health Nightmare'...
Shares of beverage giant Coca-Cola saw their biggest fall in two years after its profit fell due to slowing sales in the US and Europe.
Coca-Cola's fourth-quarter net income fell 8.4% from a year earlier to US $1.7bn (£1bn) missing analyst estimates.
Revenue also fell partly due to currency fluctuations and the sale of its bottling operations in Brazil and the Philippines last year.
Its stock lost as much as 4.3% in US trading after its earnings release.
Like giving a middle finger to GOD Coca Cola say they are "a strong supporter of the LGBT community" which by the way according to a U.S. Federal study in 2011 amounts (homosexuals) to no more than 1.4% of all Americans. Perhaps it is time that the 80% of us who are Christians orthodox Jews & pagan Muslims in America should boycott Coca Cola products entirely.
LEARN MORE about this scourge upon the entire earth known as Homosexuality here:

io maledico il sistema massonico Bildenbeg 322 Bush Kerry Obama e tutti i poteri occulti maledico tutti gli anticristi del mondo a vario titolo tutti quelli che negano la libertà di religione tutti quelli che lucrano sul signoraggio bancario che è stato rubato ai popoli tutti periscano nel nome di Gesù! [ Return to BibleProbe ] Breaking Generational Curses. Speaking of curses. Generational curses are judgments that are passed on to individuals because of sins perpetuated in a family in a number of generations.
The Bible mentions "generational curses" in several places (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9). It sounds unfair for God to punish children for the sins of their fathers. However this is looking at it from an earthly perspective. God knows that sin is passed down from one generation to the next. When a father has a sinful lifestyle his children are likely to have the same sinful lifestyle as well. That is why it is not unjust for God to punish sin to the third or fourth generation – because they are committing the same sins their ancestors did. They are being punished for their own sins not the sins of their ancestors. The Bible specifically tells us that God does not hold children accountable for the sins of their parents (Deuteronomy 24:16).
Moses addressed this issue when the Israelites were preparing to enter the promised land. He told the new generation that was preparing to enter in that they would not enter unless the dealt with their own personal sins and also the sins of their fathers. The account can be found in Leviticus 26:39-42
39 And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies' lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them.
40 If they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers with their trespass which they trespassed against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me;
41 And that I also have walked contrary unto them and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity:
42 Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob and also my covenant with Isaac and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.
There are four Curses in the Bible I think it would be wise to plead the blood of the lamb for removal of -- with ALL sincerity. UNLESS - you are already saved by the blood of Christ. In that case - rest assured even the curses below are forgiven.....
None of these curses effects your ultimate salvation if you have your faith in Jesus Christ. When we become Christians we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17): 17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new". The cure then for a generational curse is faith in Christ and a life consecrated to Him (Romans 12:1-2): They do give Satan "ammunition" to set up roadblocks for your life however -except for those who are saved. Removal of these may just help your health and/or prosperity. You may think I'm being superstitious - see below how both Nehemiah & Daniel took these very serious....
So be safe and ask Jesus to cut any generational ties to you and anyone in your family who may have begun these curses. Ask Him to also cut any of these ties between you and your children and grand children.
Genesis 12:3: "And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed."
Christians should never forget that Jesus of Nazareth was born a Jew lived as a Jew and was proud to be a Jew. Jesus (Yeshua) was also a rabbi. It was because the Roman Cornelius of Caesarea was good to the Jews that Cornelius was the first Gentile to receive the gospel. In Psalm 122:6 we read; "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee."
Knowing this - and having eternal gratitude to the Jewish People I do not think it is possible to be a good Christian and not stand with Israel and the Chosen People. Jesus said "Salvation is of the Jews".
This is a 10 generation curse of Deuteronomy 23:2. God commanded that a person of illegitimate birth must be kept out of the congregation of the Lord and his ancestors for ten generations. See the mighty prayers of which the sins of the fathers were repented of in Nehemiah 9:2-3 and in Daniel 9:5-6. They both took this very serious.
This explains why Muslims Hindu's and other pagans all appear cursed compared to Christian nations. Because they are. We need to remember that Muslims do not know who Yahweh (I am/Yeshua) is. This name appears nowhere in the Qur'an. Yahweh would not be the God of anyone who denies the suffering and atonement of His only Son on the cross as Muslims and others do. Just think what it would be like to always think you have to do the will of a false god who is not even there (Allah) and to be constantly surrounded by hatred that always "eggs you on" to hate and kill as Muslims are.
Another curse you may want to plead away is that if anyone anywhere in your family ever bowed down to "Ba'al" "Molech" or any pagan god. Masons do this many "unknowingly". But that does not release them from this curse -as masonry is idol worship. It is the sin of idol worship.
Idolatry visits the sins of the fathers to the children.
See Exodus 20:4-5 "..visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children even unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me".
Freemasonry is also a generational curse. Freemasonry is also a religion other than Christianity. Masonry's practices and doctrines are iniquities laced with idolatry paganism the occult Kabala fertility cults Satanism spiritualism demonology and put it into a blender and come up with the Masonic religion. It is not of God! It is a false religion; the Harlot of Babylon. Masons say they offer new candidates "the light". The light they are actually giving is: Lucifer. The Christian Bible says that Satan walks to and fro on this earth masquerading as an "angel of light" that many might be deceived.
God made marriage to be a covenant. It is coming together under one flesh. In the Old Testament mere
sexual relations constituted a marriage. So intimacy with someone actually creates a covenant link -- or "soul tie".
It would be wise to confess this to Jesus and ask that any of these out of marriage sexual relationships ("soul ties") be severed except from your husband or wife....
So I think it would be wise to plead the blood of the lamb about all of the above - OR - is it necessary at all - since all your sins are forgiven once you accept Jesus Christ's death on the cross as payment for your sins?
Genesis 3:14 - 15
And the LORD God said unto the serpent Because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Sua Santità Papa Emerito Benedetto XVI --- grazie per essere sempre con me! So che la scomunica è una pena straziante infatti non l'ho mai usata in questi 6anni.
my JHWH -- qualcosa nel cuore gli dice: " tu sarai il prossimo sommo sacerdote ebreo del Regno di Palestiana nel terzo Tempio Ebraico! " lol. ma lui no non riesce a credere al suo cuore ancora! sorry my God se io non leggo la Bibbia ma poi tu mi costringi a rubare il posto del sommo sacerdote degli ebrei e questo sinceramente io lo ritengo scorretto da parte nostra! lol.
open letter to King SAUDI ArABIA --- lui dice: " perché tutto questo è così importante per me?" [ answer ] coglione! se questo terzo Tempio Ebraico non si realizzerà? tu sarai costretto a diventare un cristiano e nessuna religione in tutto il mondo si potrà salvare! soltanto il Sommo Sacerdote degli ebrei mi può offuscare!

Eih il principe Carlo tu diventerai un pop corn di fuoco esploso e incandescente come combustibile nucleare del nucleo del nostro pianeta! ] ci stiamo preparando ad una più intensa attività vulcanica! [ Il pop corn è un alimento ottenuto facendo scoppiare tramite riscaldamento i chicchi di mais come suggerisce il nome stesso. Per la preparazione si versano i chicchi di mais in uno strato d'olio e si copre la padella con un coperchio.

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] beware of freemasonry. Compiled and written by: Steve Keohane USN (Ret.) We think it is diabolically in league with Satan we think freemasonry is in league with Satan
Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity! Freemasonry's syncretistic view of God
In Freemasonry the god of the secret societies is covertly substituted for the One True God. This false god is identified in the Masonic lodges as "the Great Architect."
John 14:11 13 tells Christians to call upon God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Yet in Masonic lodges prayers are always directed to the generic 'Great Architect of the Universe'. Masons deliberately omit the holy name of Jesus Christ from their prayers.
Freemasonry teaches that due-paying Freemasonry & good works alone is one's guarantee for Heaven. Without any intervention needed by Jesus Christ. This is a Satanic Lie to me and to most Christians. Masons don't worship the Christian God Jesus! They worship a generic Grand Architect of the Universe. Freemasonry's teachings on how a Mason makes himself fit for heaven are in profound conflict with the Christian faith. Masons wrongly believe that their own good works - without the need for God's grace only gotten through faith in Jesus Christ - will allow them to enter into the 'celestial lodge above'. The goal of Masonry has always been to change America from a Christian nation into a secular society. Since Freemasonry has attempted so strenuously to claim that they are just a "good ole boy" fraternity that does good works and has a good time most people will be shocked to learn the bitter truth behind that facade. Freemasonry certainly isn't "free". It could cost you your soul.
Although they will deny it to you at first most Masons find out in later degrees that the great lie of Masonry is exactly the same lie Satan is living. Masons think that through masonry one can chisel away layers of oneself similar to how one creates a beautiful statue out of rough stone. And they think the end result will be no need for God; because they think the perfect Mason is like God. Pages 50-51 of the Mason handbook makes this quite clear - but not to the initiate. Masons are lied to about everything in the 1st three degrees. Satan and Masonry have the exact same goals. The secret goal of Masonry is to subjugate the world for Masonry and be like God. This subjugation via behind the scene secret means is openly announced within the motto of the 33 degree Scottish Rite which is "Ordo Ab Chao" or Order From Chaos. Masonry looks like a fraternity but that's just to snare you. Masons repeatedly are directed to the "Mystery Religion" and the time man found God in nature. Almost none of Masonry's teachings come from Christianity. This 'mystery religion' Masons have joined originated from pagans in ancient Egypt Chaldea and in China. The Mystery Religion Freemasonry and all 'ancient' secret societies have one thing in common. They string you along just to finally tell you that there is no God; and you are a god because you follow their teachings which are:
mason ring Relax. Be greedy. Be selfish - if these help you get ahead. Win at any cost. Enjoy your expensive Freemason diamond ring and other symbols pay your hefty dues on time and follow the Masonic - path. And you too will be successful - because there is no Hell and no higher authority other than Lucifer; who is misunderstood.
Once Masons progress to the higher degrees and they finally believe the 'Masonic lie"; and they will 'understand' that the Grand Architect of the Universe is not the God of the Old or New Testaments but instead is the perfect dues paying Mason in good standing who like the statue example above they chipped away at and finally shed needless 'layers' from both their old useless religion and from loyalties outside of Masonry which all along were what concealed them from their own personal true image as the one and only real God. Having finally understood that it may be too late for you - if you think you are a Christian and also are a Mason; unless you repent to Jesus return to your family and flee from 'Satan's Synagogue'. Your diamond rings and other pagan Masonry jewelry won't make the least impression on Jesus. Satan 'sold' this same lie (you are a God) to Eve in Eden and he sold this same lie to the Masons and earlier 'ancient' pagans.
May Jesus have mercy on your soul. Jesus answered "I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me". An insidious byproduct of Freemasonry is to keep husbands and wives out of churches & away from their children and their homes... Satan does not need to receive worship to achieve his goals. All he has to do is to keep a man from following Jesus. Satan knows that anyone who does not follow in the teachings of Jesus does not have God. (2 John 9) freemasonry's Levels
This is what the Freemason Manly P. Hall who Masons highly regard as a modern day Masonic philosopher revealed about Masonry's deception:
"Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity - an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect., is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical educational fraternal patriotic and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum (secret or mystery). In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the work.
Reference: Excellent Book 'brotherhood of darkness' by Dr Stanley Monteith - page 74
Freemasonry is a hidden fraternal order and defined by them as a system of morality. The first three steps are the Blue Lodge. The first degree is called Entered Apprentice. The second degree is called Fellow Craft. The Third degree is called Master Mason. Most men only go to the third degree but if one chooses he may advance either through the York Rite or the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite has thirty-two degrees. In each degree the Mason pledges himself to a different Egyptian deity. There is a thirty-third degree that is largely honorary but the thirty-two degrees give you access to becoming a Shriner. As a Shriner you will place your hand on the pagan Muslim Qur'an (Koran) and pledge yourself to the pagan "god" Allah; who by the way lies that Jesus did not even die on a cross and that God has no Son. This pagan 'Allah' never once shows that it knows the real name of God (Jesus/Yeshua/Yahweh/I am). The Lying and Deception begins with the "G" Ex-33 degree Mason Jim Shaw says; "The Blue Lodge Mason is taught that the "G" in the basic Masonic symbol represents God. Later on he is told that it represents "deity". Later still he is told that it represents "geometry". In reality this letter represents the "generative principle " the Sun-god and thus the worshipped phallus the male "generative principle..." In its position (along with the square and compass) on the east wall over the chair (throne) of the Worshipful Master it is the representation of the Sun thus of the Sun-god Osiris. Its earthly meaning then is of the sacred phallus; its cosmic meaning is of the Sun worshipped since antiquity by pagans while facing the East. Reference book: The Deadly Deception" page 144. Freemasonry is one of many apostate religions dedicated to the destruction of traditional Judaism and Christianity. Those who aspire to grow in their closeness to Jesus Christ and to increase their discernment in these days would do well to stay very clear of Freemasonry. Are your loyalties with Jesus Christ or are they with the lodge? Both are diametrically opposed to one another as you will see below. Masons have mixed idolatry paganism the occult Gnosticism Kabala fertility cults Satanism spiritualism demonology and put it into a blender and come up with the Masonic religion. It is not of God! It is a false religion; the Harlot of Babylon. Masons say they offer new candidates "the light". The light they are actually giving is: Lucifer. The Christian Bible says that Satan walks to and fro on this earth masquerading as an "angel of light" that many might be deceived.
As occultist Benjamin Creme states "in Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult mysteries wrapped up on number metaphor and symbol"...
Unknown to most Masons there is an occult side to Masonry. It is at levels in Masonry that most Masons never get to. about $12.00 See at
In his book Masonry "Beyond the Light" William Schnoebelen (now a saved Christian) talks about his experiences as first a Satanist and then a Mason who passed through nearly all the Mason Degrees including some that American Masons are unaware of; such as degrees in Masonry like the Egyptian rites of Masonry and the Paladin.
During his initiation into Palladium Masonry William sadly admits to standing with Masons some who were also Satanists and chanting; "Glory and Love for Lucifer! Hatred! Hatred! Hatred! to God accursed! accursed! accursed!". He says that hashish provides some of their 'illumination' taking after the 1st 'Illuminati' 18th century Mason Adam Weishaupt. During the Palladium 'program' William tells how Masons promised to surrender themselves body and soul to Lucifer usually for 7 years and Lucifer promised to grant them all their worldly desires. Through drugs and occult William says that they practiced opening the 'Third Eye' which when opened completely flooded their brains with the 'pure' consciousness of Lucifer himself--which is Satan's counterfeit of the Christian's 'being born again'. He says one would then look at the world and people as Satan does.
William says that as this degree progressed they had conversations with the dead and then went on to 'marrying' the dead when the demons ultimately possessed them entirely to a point that "there is no longer anyone home" in the host body. William says he experienced being linked mentally into a "vast spider web" of communication as part of an invisible army of slaves almost totally dependent on Satan. The Secret of Masonry is this: As a Mason you will be led and hoodwinked into believing there is useful knowledge to be learned in Masonry. This is the 'hook' and in each level you will be disappointed with these so-called Secrets which are all frivolous made up and insignificant. This so-called 'knowledge' will also be monetarily costly and very time consuming -- away from your family. It is the lure of curiosity and nothing more that will be satisfied by Masonry. You will be made to 'swear' things and take 'solemn oaths'; and in doing so to act against your conscience as both a Christian and an American. These oaths and pledges will in time act upon your conscience in such the same way as a Christian who has knowingly taken the mark of the beast. At some point it will dawn on you that you have chosen the lodge the occult and Satan over the Lord Jesus Christ. When you notice there is a complete "black out" of even the mention of Jesus Christ in your lodge you will feel trapped because of all the "solemn Masonic oaths" you had made without knowing in advance of just what you were in for. Your "swearing" to keep Mason secrets is forbidden by the Word of God to "Swear not at all". Yet diabolically you may be asked to do this with your hand on a Bible and a compass & square. Your oaths will be awful and you will need to pledge to keep undefined secrets. And you will pledge to maintain these frivolous secrets under the penalty of death. This is an extrajudicial oath. And as such contrary to the laws of the land. Yet you will be enticed to make them.
As a group they are officially known as the 'Free and Accepted Masons ' sometimes called the 'Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.' Most often they're referred to simply as 'Freemasons' or 'Masons.' One main difference between Freemasonry and Christianity is that Christianity holds that Jesus is everything while Masonry teaches that He is nothing - equal to pagan gods such as Allah and those taught by Buddha. The Bible kept in Masonic Lodges is there just like a piece of furniture. The Holy Name of Jesus is never to be read from it. the I.N.R.I. ploy... You may see the inscription I.N.R.I. in a Masonic lodge. To a Christian it stands for that which was inscribed by Pilate above the Lord Jesus on His cross. It means "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews". But according to the book 'A Study in American Freemasonry' pages 38-39 by Preuss to a Mason it means: 'Igne Natura Renovatur Integra' or Entire Nature is Renovated by Fire.
The ultimate object of secret societies even back to the days of Hermes who many know as the 'father of the occult' - has been to take a new recruit with a belief in a personal God - and to ultimately over time change that recruit's belief to believe that there is no God and that the recruit is his own God. It's just like Satan thinking before his fall that he (Lucifer) is like God. Usually it is preferable and easier if that new recruit has a belief in God. Masonry requires a belief in ANY God even a cow or a monkey.
The 'secret society process' is that the recruit indoctrinates himself with the secret society's spiritual and mystical teachings until at last this society's teachings actually become the all-consuming focus of his life. Masonry keeps this deprogramming process quiet from the public and also quiet to the first several levels of Masonry. Hermes was one of the earliest intellectuals to believe that he was his own authority and that it was that old belief in a personal God and all that went with it (sorrow for sin sorrow for greed sorrow for not loving his neighbor etc.) that kept him back in life.

Il principe Carlo:[ io ho sentito dire che in un vostro rito ie Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] poi si fa l'elenco di ogni dio Gesù Buddha Allah ecc.. e poi alla fine tutti ridono aH ah ah AH aaah lol. oh che risate tante risate lol. ] come per dire: " non esiste nessun dio! " [ ANSWER ] è perché quando scendete all'inferno voi urlate così forte per la disperazione e non ridete più?,. credi che tua Madre Gezabele II ti salverà per essere anche la rappresentante della Chiesa Anglicana insieme alla Chiesa Massonica?,.. QUESTA è LA VERITà VOI SIETE TRA LE FAMIGLIE PIù CRIMINALI DELLA STORIA DEL GENERE UMANO! VOI AVETE PUGNATO I POPOLI SCHIAVI CHE HANNO PERSO LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA!

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] Freemasonry Exposed by one of its top leaders. Recommended reading:
The Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders
by ex Freemasons: Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney
The Deadly Deception
see at Amazon here
ISBN 0-910311-54-4 Huntington House Lafayette LA 70505
How can Christians remain tethered to this blasphemous religion of Masonry? On page 84 Jim Shaw writes; "Albert Mackey wrote (in the Masonic Ritualist) "Thus the trestle board (blueprint for life) of the Jew is the Old Testament of the Mohammedan the Koran; the Veda Scriptures of Hinduism and the writings of Baha-ullah are just as good as the Word of the Christians' God for the fact is that all religions are never as good as the pure teachings of Freemasonry."
Masonry teaches that Jesus is no greater than the other so-called 'exemplars' of history (such as Mohammed Buddha Aristotle or Joseph Smith). Page 94
33-degree Jim Shaw walked away from Freemasonry one day after participating in a a Masonic Maundy Thursday 'black communion' ceremony in his Scottish Rites Temple in Florida. Participants of this ceremony are required to refer to Jesus as an "apostle of mankind who was neither inspired or divine". They then proceed to mock Jesus further by enacting a strange "black communion" ceremony. Pages 105-107
The "Black Communion" of Maundy Thursday:
During this ceremony Masons blaspheme the Lord. They make an evil black mockery of His pure and selfless death and the Lord's will that we take communion "in remembrance of Him." To elaborate on this take a good look at Masonry's 'Maundy Thursday' ceremony. We call it a 'Black Communion' where Masons chant words calling Jesus merely an "apostle of mankind" who was neither inspired nor divine!
In the Scottish Rite the Thursday before Easter 'Maundy Thursday ' is an important day. On this day Masons always perform a special ceremony of 'Communion' in their local Scottish Rite Temple. Dressed in long black hooded robes during this Thursday ceremony Masons chant:
"We meet this day to commemorate the death of our 'Most Wise and Perfect Master not as inspired or divine for this is not for us to decide but as at least the greatest of the apostles of mankind."
33 degree Initiation Ceremony
Strange Black Mass/Black Communion
as told by ex 33 degree Mason Jim Shaw
During this ceremony Masons continue by mocking Jesus' teachings at His Last Supper and the bread and wine (Body and Blood) - by saying: "Take eat and give to the hungry." "Take drink and give to the thirsty." One of the Conductors then handed the 'candidate' a human skull upside down with wine in it. "May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same" (the oath). As I had done so many times before I said "We meet this day to commemorate the death of our 'Most Wise and Perfect Master ' not as inspired or divine for this is not for us to decide but as at least the greatest of the apostles of mankind." As I spoke these words that I had spoken so many times before I had a strange and powerful experience. It was as if I were standing apart listening to myself as I spoke and the words echoed deep within me shouting their significance. They were the same words I had spoken so many times before but had meaning for me now. They made me sick literally ill and I stopped. The realization of what I had just said grew within me like the rising of a crescendo. I had just called Jesus an "apostle of mankind" who was neither inspired nor divine! There was a silent pause that seemed to last a very long time as I struggled with a sick smothering within.
Later when he came down the wide steps of a large Scottish Rite Temple 33 degree Mason Jim Shaw turned and looked at the words carved in stone above the entrance: "Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" Jim remembered thinking: "It isn't ancient (goes back to 17th century) it isn't Scottish (Scottish rite was begun in France) it isn't free (no females blacks or poor) and it isn't right (no mention of Jesus allowed)! This 33 degree Mason never went back. Jim found that the bowing to some 'Great Architect of the Universe' and calling all Religions equal is pure blasphemy.
He thought of the great Masonic lie that all religions are equal including Islam and Satanism. If all these religions within Masonry are 'correct' or of equal 'validity' and each claims to be the valid and correct one. It therefore becomes obvious that they cannot all be 'right' or of equal validity. Satanists mock and blaspheme God on a daily basis; and Muslims deny Jesus ever even died on a cross.
Islam for instance rejects that Jesus the Son of God died a korben (sacrificial atonement) death for us; a pure lamb of God who willingly agreed to be slaughtered so we who believe in Him can one day be with Him. Islam gives its greatest regard to a man who did no miracles to prove divinity and in no way measured up to the sinless and loving Jesus. Muhammad of Islam also made no real prophecies had everyone killed who disagreed with him and was fond of splitting up booty from military raids against innocent people. Yet this Muhammad (aka: Mohammed) and his evil Religion (Islam) is the who the Masonic Shriners venerate. See more in: "Muhammad Terrorist or Prophet?"
These are the Scriptures that Jim could not reconcile with Masonry:
Jesus said: "I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst...him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out...and this is the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:47-54
Reference above from Jim Shaw's book:
Read here: A Freemason's 33rd Degree Initiation
In a well-ordered lodge Jesus is never mentioned except in vague philosophical terms. Prayers are never in His name and when scriptures are quoted in the ritual all references to Him are simply omitted. For example II Thessalonians 3:6 is used in the ritual but not the way it is in your Bible; the words "in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" are entirely omitted. Likewise the ritual includes 1 Peter 2:5 but with the words "by Jesus Christ" omitted. Albert Mackey after Albert Pike the highest Masonic authority calls this changing of the scriptures "a slight but necessary modification" (Masonic Ritualist page 272) 33 DEGREES. What's the significance?
The numbers 33 and 3 are both prominently featured in occult doctrine. Ancient mythology teach that the "Sons of man" (Fallen Angels cast out of Heaven with Lucifer?) landed on earth on Mount Hermon. It was then in Phoenicia; now in Israel. Its altitude makes it Israel's primary strategic early warning system. This was the first location of extraterrestrial influence on man. Using the old Paris Meridian this lies exactly at 33.33 degrees north and 33.33 degrees east. It is also 2012 miles from the equator and 2012 miles from the Paris Meridian. The Paris Meridian is the meridian to which many ancient structures are aligned. The number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012.9. This corresponds to the year month day that (December 21 2012) the ancient Mayans believed their calendar would end.
Many believe that December 21 2012 is the date that the 'sons of God' will return to earth and establish a new world order. They will be led by a powerful 'unearthly' ruler. Will this be the return of the Nephilim through dimensional gates or 'stargates'? Will this be the awaited antichrist? Do Nephilim need space craft to enter this dimension? Was Roswell one such craft?
Masons believe that this 'new age' or 'new world order' will come out of chaos. Is 'Chaos' beginning now? Will it get more and more chaotic than it is in 2008?
Do Masons believe that this powerful unearthly ruler will give them a leadership role in this coming 'New World Order' because they have been such good followers?
Reference: Nephilim Stargates - the year 2012 and the return of the Watchers by Thomas R. Horn. "Masonry makes no profession of Christianity…but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple…in which there shall be one altar and one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the Veda Shastra Sade Zend-Avesta Koran and Holy Bible shall lie…and at whose shrine the Hindu the Persian the Assyrian the Chaldean the Egyptian the Chinese the Mohammedan the Jew and the Christian may kneel…" ('The Kentucky Monitor ' Fellowcraft Degree p.95)
Masons pass unnoticed by the general public. But this wasn't always so. In 1827 the United States witnessed the birth of a third political party. This had never happened before. The new party offered America its first alternative to the two dominant political groups. Like so many third parties to come this one had a rather narrowly-focused platform. It was dedicated to countering the malevolent and subversive influence of the international cabal known to the world as Freemasonry. It was named the Anti-Masonic Party and the Anti-Masons were well aware that theirs was an uphill battle.
In 1830 John Quincy Adams was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on the Anti-Mason Party ticket. In 1832 the Anti-Masonic Party managed to elect Millard Fillmore to Congress but their candidate for President received only seven votes in the Electoral College. Letters on Freemasonry by John Quincy Adams
Letters on Freemasonry by our 6th President John Quincy Adams first published in 1833 is finally back in print. Until now it was nearly impossible for the general public to obtain a copy of this fascinating book.
John Quincy Adams a devout Christian was probably America's most intelligent President. He spoke and wrote 7 languages. He mastered the Latin Greek French Dutch and Spanish languages. He also studied law and graduated from Harvard University in 1787 second in his class with high honors. Adams was a determined opponent of the secret society and fraternity of Freemasonry the Masonic Lodge.
President Adams was convinced Freemasonry was Luciferian noxious detrimental and highly evil. So convinced was Adams of the devilish and negative effects of Freemasonry in the affairs of men that the former President of the United States helped to found the Anti-Mason Political Party. In 1830 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives on the Anti-Mason Party ticket.
It was the tragic murder of Captain William Morgan by a group of Masons in the state of New York in the year 1826 that further heightened Adams' sense of urgency to warn of the dangers of the Masonic Lodge. Morgan an ex-Mason had revealed some of the secrets of the Masons—oaths handshakes and ritual trappings etc. In retaliation he was ritually murdered in a particularly gruesome manner and his lifeless mutilated body abandoned in a lake.
William Morgan statue
This is a statue honoring Captain William Morgan erected in Batavia New York by a Christian group opposed to secret societies. Engraved on the monument are these words: "Sacred to the memory of Wm. Morgan a native of Virginia a Capt. in the War of 1812 a respectable citizen of Batavia and a martyr to the freedom of writing printing and speaking the truth. He was abducted from near this spot in the year 1826 by Freemasons and murdered for revealing the secrets of their order."
The facts of Morgan's murder were subsequently covered up by lawful authorities reputed themselves to be Masons. When evidence ensued that the Masonic Society had assisted the culprits responsible for Morgan's death to elude capture and escape punishment the event caused a national scandal.
The Handbook of Freemasonry (page 183) says to Master Masons:
"You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons...and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him... It may be perjury to do this it is true but you're keeping your obligations"
The Character Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry
A man named Henry L. Valance allegedly confessed to his part in the murder in 1848 and his deathbed confession is recounted in chapter two of Reverend C. G. Finney's book The Character Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry.
Read Reverend Finney's exposure/book about Masonry at the above link. Pay Particular attention Rev Finney's Chapter 10 entitled: "Perverse and Profane Use of The Holy Bible"
"Freemasonry is deceptive and fraudulent...Its promise is light—its performance is darkness." -President John Quincy Adams. "Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong—essentially wrong—a seed of evil which can never produce any good."
-President John Quincy Adams
Masonry's Use of the Bible in their little Satanic clubhouses:
Adams warned that the Lodge's use of the Bible should to a trained Christian raise red flags. "If the candidate has been educated to a sincere and heart-felt reverence for religion and the Bible and if he exercises his reason he knows that all the tales of Jachin and Boaz of Solomon's Temple of Hiram Abiff and Jubela Jubelo and Jubeluem are impostures–poisons poured into the perennial fountain of truth–traditions exactly resembling those reprobated by Jesus Christ as making the word of God on none effect."
The Masonic Blaspheme continues:
In the Royal Arch degree of the York Rite the Companion Captain of the Host is asked if he is a Royal Arch Mason and he replies "I am that I am."
If you remember Moses in Exodus 3:13 asked God what name he should give to the people of Israel when they asked what the name of this god is that he brings to them. God replied: "I am that I am."
"Also in the Scottish Rite one of the officer's title is Rabboni which is a name given to Jesus by Mary Magdalene found in John 20:16. The using of his name and combining it with other gods or pagan deities would seem to make any Christian understand that this is certainly blasphemous. Masons numbers have been dwindling:
The Masons by their own statistics have gone in the 1980's from 4 million members in the world to under 2 million members in 1996 (according to the Dallas Morning News). Lately the Freemasons have been advertising on the radio and television for more members (lots of dues are important to them). These ads always play up their links to other famous Masons in U.S. history like Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. Just as the rank and file Mason is clueless about Masonry today these early Americans including presidents were also clueless about Masonry before joining it. They too were hoodwinked by oaths and promises of "Secrets" that turned out to be more frivolous nonsense in each degree. What Masons won't tell you is that in the later years of his life George Washington showed indifference to Masonry. He even sought to distance himself from Masonry. From Mount Vernon George Washington wrote in 1798:
"to correct an error you have run into of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is I preside over none nor have I been in one more than once or twice within the last thirty years."
Benjamin Franklin who the Masons admire so well was not even a Christian. Franklin was a Deist. A Deist generally believes in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it. Dr. Priestley an intimate friend of Franklin wrote of him:
"It is much to be lamented that a man of Franklin's general good character and great influence should have been an unbeliever in Christianity and also have done as much as he did to make others unbelievers" (Priestley's Autobiography)
According to Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary a deist is "one who believes in the existence of God but denies revealed religion; one who professes no form of religion but follows the light of nature and reason as his only guides in doctrine and practice; a freethinker."

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] Even within Masonry the spirit of elitism the principle of the superiority of the "chosen few " prevails. Those Blue Lodge Masons who lack the money cannot pursue the higher degrees and the Shrine. And even for those who can afford the higher degrees and the Shrine there are offices and positions closed to some who haven't the wealth nice home or social position required." book "The Deadly Deception" page 148. Ex 33 Degree Mason Jim Shaw says that this promised "Light" is never found. "The Candidate receiving the 32nd Degree is told he still has not reached the light". Reference: his book "The Deadly Deception" page 156
This never ending search for more light only culminates with more dues being paid to the Lodge and nothing else; except the realization everything one is taught in the first 3 degrees is a lie. Masons - Masters of Denial:
Beware: Masons have mastered the "denial technique". All those who write critically of Freemasonry are "anti's"; and all "anti's" are frauds liars zealots or extremists and cannot be accepted. Their other main tactic is: "baffle them with bee's wax." According to Masonic law and tradition All non-Masons are "profane persons". This includes the Mason's wife children and parents unless they too are Masons.
"The receptivity of the great masses is very limited their intelligence is small and their power of forgetting is enormous." -Adolph Hitler "Mein Kampf". The rank and file Mason hasn't got a clue that the goal of Masonry is the same as Satan's and Islam - world domination. Masons seek this through control of currency control of major corporations including banking media entertainment and communications. They also work towards this through control of educators and textbooks and most importantly the infiltration of religions. Major efforts at infiltration have also been focused upon the Catholic (Universal) Church. In 1884 Pope Leo XIII said there is a battle raging between "the kingdom of God" and the "kingdom of Satan " and that "partisans of evil...led on or assisted by...Freemasons" are "boldly rising up against God Himself." The ultimate purpose of Freemasonry Leo said is "the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas of which the foundations and Laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism." Fundamental to Masonry and to naturalists Leo said is that human nature and human reason "ought in all things to be mistress and and guide." Sincere adherents to Masonry he continued "care little for duties to God or pervert them by erroneous and vague opinions. For they deny that anything has been taught by God; they allow no dogma of religion or truth which cannot be understood by human intelligence nor any teacher who ought to be believed by reason of his authority."
Leo XIII also said; Masons "teach the great error of this age --that regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter and that all religions are alike."
The homosexual agenda now supported by many Protestant denominations who are now in apostasy is seen as a means of undermining the faith of Catholics. Freemasons support and promote this agenda. They also support the breakdown of religion through the use of media that is pro-immorality pro-abortion pro-homosexuality pro-pornography and pro-population control. This latter is already seen as destroying Europe North America Japan and Israel through negative natural replacement birth rates.
Most new candidates to Masonry also have no idea that what they are told initially are lies. At the heart of Masonry is a secret Luciferian doctrine which a Mason only comes to understand as he reaches the higher levels. New candidates are falsely taught that the beginnings of Freemasonry are lost in the "mists of time". Beware: That is just a clever lie candidates easily accept to be deceived.
Manly Palmer Hall a great authority on Masonry writes "When the Mason,.. has learned the mystery of his Craft the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands.,.." (Manly Palmer Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry p. 48).
Albert Pike that preeminent Masonic authority says that Masons in the 1st 2nd and 3rd degrees known as the Blue Degrees are intentionally misled by false interpretations. Albert Pike's "Morals and Dogma" is handed out to 4th Degree Masons.
"is intentionally misled by false interpretations" of Masonic symbolism. "It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them" The truth is reserved for the Adepts the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd degrees- Morals and Dogma pages 818-819). Although they have 33 degrees only 32 can be earned. The reason is that those who are given the rank of 33rd will be selected from those who have already been 33rd degree masons. They want to be sure that they are choosing someone who will be "one of the boys". "And the serpent said unto the woman Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3: 4-5) Albert Pike the Boston-born one time Confederate Civil War General and some say a leader of the Klu Klux Klan -- intended the degrees leading up to the thirteenth degree to serve as a training school to gradually condition and prepare the candidate for the ultimate acceptance of Luciferian initiation. there are many sections of Pike's book Morals and Dogma which show that Pike was very interested in the occult the 'Luciferian philosophy'. In Masonry every thing has a double meaning. Thus the Mason candidate is practicing occultism throughout his degrees without knowing it. False interpretations are given to keep him from suspecting the institution to be anything less than noble and upright in purpose. This deception this false interpretation is called allegory. Allegory is defined as; something where the language is one thing and the meaning is another. Masons practice the virtues of brotherly love forgiveness and charity--on the surface. They do this as a ploy to make their satanic religion appear acceptable and sugar coated --- to the community. Belief in God (by whatever name he is known to them) is a condition of membership. To receive the benefits of Freemasonry every candidate has to confess his belief in one eternal and true God creator and ruler of the universe and in the immortality of the soul. No candidate for Masonry however is to be asked for the particular opinion of his religious belief so Lucifer as this prerequisite god is quite acceptable. Its members are taught masonry's precepts by a series of ritual dramas which follow ancient forms and use stonemasons' customs and tools as allegorical guides. Freemasonry is deep into the occult and it is also connected with the cult known as Rosicrucian. The Main Library of the Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry S.J. U.S.A. the Mother Supreme Council of the World Washington D.C. is dedicated to none other than Confederate General Albert Pike the KKK's Chief of "Judiciary". This building is known to Masons as the "House of the Temple. Its entrance is adorned in Egyptian iconography. Most Shriners are decent guys who do bow to
and make pledges to the pagan Islamic god Allah. Shriner Fez. Note the Islamic Religious Symbols - Muslim sword & crescent moon. The Shriner is given a red fez with an Islamic sword and crescent moon jewel on the front of it. This sword emblem originates from 7th century Arabia when the Moslems under the leadership of Muhammad (aka: Mohammed) slaughtered all Christians and Jews who would not bow down to the pagan moon god Allah. It is a symbol of subjugation.
william florence picture walter fleming picture. William Florence Walter Fleming
The Shriners appear to have begun innocently enough; except for their link to and allegiance to the pagan moon god (note the crescent emblem) Allah.
The Illustrious Grand High Priest swears in new members who put their hands on a copy of the Muslim Koran. Can we imagine a Christian preacher swearing off the God of Israel by embracing the pagan Allah? They do! The initiate swears a long oath that culminates in a typical Masonic vow of secrecy unto death. and it includes "and may Allah the god of the Arab Moslem and Mohameddan support me. Amen." Shriners obligate themselves by making unholy oaths such as allowing the piercing of their eyeballs with a three-edged blade and the flaying of their feet if they should reveal their Shriner "secrets" which are all nonsense and inconsequential to begin with. Shriners worship of the false god Allah as the god of "our" fathers. Shriners are known as the Ancient Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (acronym: A.A.O.N.M.S.). The acronym can be rearranged in a cutsy way to spell: A. M.A.S.O.N. The organizational unit of the Shrine is the Temple or a Mosque. The only religious requirement for Shriners are that all Shriners must be Masons and they must profess a belief in a supreme being (of their own choice).
An Actor William Florence and a juggler and magician Dr. Walter M. Fleming began the Shriners in the early 1870's. Doctor Fleming devised the rituals intended as a parody of Islam. He died in 1913 and left his family penniless having spent all of his money to gain Masonic medals and decrees. The disgusting blood red Shriner (Mason) Fez and oath to the pagan Allah: The Masonic Shriners wear a red hat known as a Fez named after a town in Morocco where in 980 AD 50 000 Christians including women and children were brutally murdered by the Muslims. As the streets ran red with the Christians' blood from the massacre the Muslims dipped their hats in that blood as a testimony to Allah. The red Fez symbolizes the slaughter of Christians in that town. The Masons still wear the red Fez adorned with the Islamic crescent symbol. Among the oaths of the Masonic Shriner organization is one that says "...and may Allah the God of Arab Muslim and Mohammedan the God of our fathers support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Amen Amen Amen." The fez derives its name from the place where it first was manufactured commercially the city of Fez in Morocco. Some say the red color is to memorialize the color of blood and the Muslim victories over Christians. The City of Fez formerly had a monopoly on the manufacture of the fez headdress because it controlled the juice of the berry used to color the fezzes. The color red may represent the blood of innocent victims like Christians and Jews who Islam plans on subjugating. There are Christians all over the world who even today suffer greatly and some have even given up their lives because they refuse to compromise their faith in Christ. And yet professing Christians who are involved in the highest ranks of Freemasonry (Shriners) honor the persecution of Christians. A Shriner honors Islam and its symbols. At meetings Shriners utter things like: "And with the Koran (Qur'an) on the altar we sealed our solemn oath in the name of Allah the God of Arab Moslem and Mohammedan the God of our fathers." A Shriner traditionally prays by facing toward Mecca and he must make a blood oath of allegiance to the pagan Allah as his god - and the blood-thirsty Mohammed (who cringed at even the sight of a cross) as his prophet. Remember Christians; Allah is that non-existent god of Islam who does not acknowledge Jesus as his Son and he doesn't acknowledge the work Jesus did on the cross. He even diabolically lies that Jesus never even died on a cross...

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] Read "Muhammad Terrorist or Prophet?" here. Who is this Allah that the Shriners are involved with? The true God (Yahweh/Jehovah/I am/Jesus) is on record as being against the god Muslims call Allah (who is probably a fallen angel/god of fortresses). Only a demon would lie that God has no Son and that Jesus never died on a cross outside the gates of Jerusalem. Islam's 'holy' book makes those demonic claims. If Jesus didn't die for us we have no hope whatsoever. FOOTNOTES FROM ex-33 degree Freemason JIM SHAW'S BOOK "The Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" Page 76
Every Shriner kneeling before the Koran takes this oath in the name of Allah and acknowledges this pagan god of vengeance as his own ("the God of our fathers" they recite). And in the ritual he acknowledges Islam the declared blood-enemy of Christianity as the one true path. ("Whoso seeketh Islam earnestly seeks true direction" they recite). How it must break the heart of the true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob - to hear these words from the lips of His own children; particularly the leaders of His church. The Muslim Qur'an (Koran) is literally dripping in evil! This demonically inspired document goes out of its way to lie about Jesus; thus negating the salvation Jesus made possible. Islam is uniquely at odds with Christianity in all its major dogmas. As an example the "god" of Islam created and inspired sin. The Qur'an (Koran) says that this "god of vengeance" Allah both created and inspires sin right there in the Qur'an. Whereas the real holy God who cannot sin took our sins on Himself. Islam says if you believe God came to earth as a man as Jesus did then you will go to Hell. Doctrinally wouldn't the one who created sin be an unholy sinner himself? Islam is the religion of anger and hatred. It is an anti-freedom system which seeks to ultimately control the entire world. Additionally only a demon or fallen angel would insist its followers make never ending war on non-believers as this impersonal "god" Allah does. 1 in every 55 verses in the Qur'an incites Muslims to make war on non-Muslims. The Qur'an is in fact a satanic blueprint for the art of deception doubletalk double-dealing and treachery. The word love is conspicuously missing from the Muslim Qur'an. Read "Muhammad Terrorist or Prophet?" Dome of the Rock is the "Abomination of Desolation" another supernatural revelation of God You won't put this book down! Islam in the end times
Read more: here see this book: here Read more: here 1290 & 1335 days of Daniel
(Daniel 12:11-12) Proof the true God of the Bible and prophecy (Yahweh/Jehovah/I am/Jesus) considers Islam as an evil pagan religion. He is disgusted with those monstrosity's on the Temple Mount. The "abomination of desolation" already happened exactly on schedule (Daniel's 1290 day prophecy). When the pagan Islamic Dome of the Rock and the al-Aksa Mosque were built on the temple mount it made the temple mount "desolated" or contaminated. This was built during the 685 to 705 AD period.
The formula for changing 1290 old testament 360 day years into our 365.24 day solar years is: 1290 x,9857. 1335 - the "double check" number: Amazingly enough the 2nd figure (1335) the prophet Daniel gave serves much like a double check (Checksum). Subtract this figure from 1948 when Israel was reborn after 2500 years and you get another significant year for the Jews Christians and all of western civilization. This figure plops exactly onto the year Muhammad of Islam the False Prophet died and was lowered into a grave in Medina in the year 632 A.D.
A little after midday of 8 June 632 the 62 year old Muhammad died in the house of his wife A'isha who he married when she was 6 (or 7) years old. Muslim historians back to the early 800's A.D. tell us that Muhammad consummated his marriage with A'isha when she was only 9 - when he was in his 50's. See the Muslim references for this: here
You may ask about the Lord's Olivet discourse on Daniels' prophecy in Matthew 24. See Ellis Skolfield's excellent answer here. Read more: here. Read this free ebook by Ellis Skolfield about the above. It's called "The False Prophet". Read "Muhammad Terrorist or Prophet?" Every Shriner kneeling before the Qur'an (Koran) takes this oath in the name of Allah and acknowledges this pagan god of vengeance as his own ("the God of our fathers"). And in the ritual he acknowledges Islam the declared blood-enemy of Christianity as the one true path. ("Whoso seaketh Islam earnestly seeks true direction.") How it must break the heart of God to hear these words (spoken about a pagan god) from the lips of His own children particularly leaders of His church. Reference "The Deadly Deception" Page 76
The blood oath of secrecy represents the most contentious display of religion in the Shriners. The Encyclopedia of Fraternities by Albert Stevens contains this description of the macabre punishment a Shriner agrees to if he ever transgress his obligations to the mystic Shrine: "In willful violation whereof may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the centre with a three-edged blade my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague and may Allah the god of Arab Moslem and Mohammedan the god of our fathers support me to the entire fulfillment of the same. Amen. Amen. Amen." Shriners are a pagan Islamic branch of masonry who have reached higher "levels" in Freemasonry. Islamic symbols including of world conquest are everywhere in Shriner Temples. As a Mason goes through the 32 degrees of the Scottish rite he ends up giving worship to every Egyptian pagan god the gods of Persia gods of India Greek gods Babylonian gods and others. The Blue Lodge Masonic Degrees:
Men who join the Masonic orders undergo several initiations -- as many as thirty-three -- of which the third degree is the one most commonly attained. Candidates of this 3rd degree undergo a mock death and resurrection that simulates the death and resurrection of a legendary character Hiram Abiff. From the very beginning new candidates are lied to as to what the symbols mean and who they are really serving (Lucifer). Like New Agers Masons are working towards a one world government and a one world religion at the top. Yet because of their desire to "belong" the new candidates haven't got a clue what is happening. When a freemason is first initiated into the Third Degree he is struck on the forehead in the dark. Next he falls back either into a coffin or onto a coffin shape design. Then his fellow masons lift him up When he opens his eyes he is confronted with a human skull and crossed bones. This initiation places this man both into the cult and under a curse both literally and metaphorically; unbeknownst to him.
Masons think the day will come when all of the Ancient Mysteries will be revealed to all those dwelling on the earth. In the Masonic Legend of Hiram Abiff that day will be marked by his resurrection to rule the world. According to the Bible Hiram Abiff will most certainly rule. He will come as Hiram Abiff to the Mason Crishna to the Hindu Imam Mahdi to the Muslim or Sosiosch to the Zoroastrian. But in the Word of God he is called the Beast (Antichrist). History of Masonry: Freemason theology like Knights Templar theology is not compatible with Christianity. Although Masons will admit to a history only as far back as 1717 research indicates that the same Masonic rituals and beliefs were in use by the Knights Templers. The Lodge idea came from a fraternal beginning. For a period of 700 years (900 A.D. to 1600 A.D.) England went through a period of cathedral building. Masons (men in construction trades who specialized in brick or stone) formed guilds or craft organizations for self protection. In current terminology we would call them "unions." At that time structures called "lodges" were used by workers as shelter. Later this became the basic unit of Freemasonry. It is for this reason that most symbols are founded on the tools and practices of the building profession. Their rituals are mostly occult with building trade rituals mixed in. These stonemasons were called "free masons" because they were not indentured servants which local guild masons were at the time. Before the Enlightenment years masons were Christian. That all changed with the formation of the English lodge in London in 1717 however. Two early documents Harleian MS. No 1942 and the Antiquity MS. documents of 1670 and 1682 respectively - included prayers invoking the Blessed Trinity.

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] Temple Church in London. The London Headquarters of the Knights Templars was Temple Church which still stands. It lies 'off street' between Fleet Street and the Thames River. This building which was consecrated in 1185 A.D. by the patriarch of Jerusalem saw most of the Knights Templars' new recruits pass through them. Here secret rituals took place that are not so unlike present day Masonry rituals. Templar Recruits were first initiated as monks at Temple Church. In addition to the church the new compound originally contained residences military training facilities and recreational grounds for the military brethren and novices who were not permitted to go into the city without the permission of the Master of the Temple.
The Knights Templars were initially established to protect Christian pilgrims en route the Holy Land. The Templars reached the zenith of their might in the 13th century when they wielded great power both in the Holy Land and in Europe. But when the Holy Lands fell back into Muslim hands in 1291 the Templars lost their apparent reason for existence. Many Templars gathered great wealth in the Holy Lands and actually became powerful lenders of money in Europe. Various powers including the pope made plans to consolidate the Templarswith their rival order the Knights Hospitallers. The Templars perhaps overconfident of their prestige did not maneuver very capably in this situation. On the morning of Friday the 13th in April of the year 1307 AD just before dawn the King of France had all his constables descend at once on all Templar centers in France. It is from this we probably get the tradition of Friday the 13th being unlucky. Good Friday was certainly not unlucky for Christians. That day Christ took our sins upon Himself. Most of the Templars were rounded up tortured and executed. Most also had their wealth stolen by the King of France. The Order of the Temple (Templars) was officially dissolved by papal bull in May of 1312. The last Grand Wizard of the Knights Templars who Masons admire and have ritualistic ties to was the slain Jacques de Molay. Masons probably deny their ties with the Knights Templars because the last Grand Wizard (Jacques de Molay) of the Knights Templars denied Christ in front of both Pope Clement and the King of France. Yet if de Molay did admit guilt in fairness to him it was probably under torture. He is said to have recanted his admission prior to being burned at the stake. Being associated with the Templars many who admitted the guilt of blaspheming the Lord would make the Masons very unpopular regardless of how many Christian sounding names their Masonic degrees contained. The 27th Masonic Degree however tells of the false condemnation of the Knights Templar and the importance of the denial of the cross. Knights Templars and Masons at the highest levels deny the cross and that Jesus was the Son of God. Although Masonic rituals have often shown a cross with the letters "JN" (Jesus Nazareus) and "JBM" (Jacques Burgundus Molay) on it as equals (as if they were the First and Second Messiahs). Both think much as Jehovah Witnesses do. They believe in Jehovah (Yahweh) but deny Christ and His death on the cross for us as our way to salvation. Have the pagan Mason's captured the Ark of the Covenant? The earliest written copies of Masonic ritual state unequivocally that the ancient masons found the Ark of the Covenant hidden in a cave under the site of King Solomon's temple. The Knights Templar's quartered in the Al Aqsa mosque on Temple Mount. There are many stories told that the Templar's spent the first 10 years or so of their existence digging under Temple Mount. At the levels above the highest in masonry reports indicate that masons toy with demon possession and spirit channeling. Many Satanists are also drawn into freemasonry. In his book Masonry "Beyond the Light" William Schnoebelen (now a saved Christian) talks about his experiences as first a Satanist and then a Mason who passed through nearly all the Mason Degrees including some that American Masons are unaware of; such as degrees in Masonry like the Egyptian rites of Masonry and the Paladin. During his initiation into Palladium Masonry William sadly admits to standing with Masons some who were also Satanists and chanting; "Glory and Love for Lucifer! Hatred! Hatred! Hatred! to God accursed! accursed! accursed!". He says that hashish provides some of their "illumination" taking after the 1st "Illuminati" 18th century Mason Adam Weishaupt. An 'Illuminatus' is a Master Mason who has received all the "light" Masonry can bestow. He is beyond 33°. Such people are known as Masters or Masters of the Temple. In their 32nd degree Masons are told that the name for god is composed of 3 Hindu gods: Brahma Vishnu and Siva. Siva (Shiva) is a synonym for Satan. Satanist Anton LaVey shows Shiva as a synonym for Satan in his satanic bible. IS MODERN DAY FREEMASONRY AN "ILLUMINATI" OFFSHOOT?
Historical records seem to the "Illuminati" emergence as a united society of some kind in Frankfurt Germany when in 1773 one Meyer Amschel Rothschild assembled 12 of his most influential Jewish friends whom he later referred to as the "elders of Zion" to convince them that if they got their resources together they could rule the world. He told them he had found someone - Adam Weishaupt - who had incredible intellect and ingenuity to lead the organization. Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) played a key role in advancing this monstrous conspiracy. He was a follower of the occult Cabbalism (or Lucifer worship) that is the basis of Illuminism and Freemasonry. (See Albert Pike Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.)
Funded by Rothschild and guided by a mysterious occultist named Kolmer Weishaupt formed the "Order of Perfectibilists" which was later known as the Illuminati. Some claim that this founding date is the origin for the date of the Communist May Day observance. He adopted the name of "Brother Spartacus" within the order. It was to direct a worldwide attack on all religion and government. It wanted a Universal Republic or a New World Order. The actual character of the society was determined by its traditionalist enemies to be an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies though with the high goal of ensuring virtue. Each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior whom they did not know a party structure that was later effectively adopted by some later groups including more recently by the early Ba'ath party in Syria and Iraq. Weishaupt was initiated into Freemasonry Lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath" at Munich in Bavaria. He worked at first to divest Freemasonry of its pseudo-historical mumbo-jumbo and reform it.
A book by Father Adolf Faroni of the Society of Don Bosco cites historical records indicating that the inner circle of the Order "was structured around the pentagram" the symbol of the blazing star Sirius. It was initially made up of five men: Kolmer Francis Dashwood who founded the Satanic Hellfire Club Alphone Donatien DeSade from whom the word "sadism" was derived Mayer Rothschild and Weishaupt.
Then they began recruiting members initially referred to as "minerval" who could advance to the order of "illuminati minor". The latter would have to prove absolute devotion to the order to be able to advance to the top-most circle of initiates called "illuminati major" a position just below the Rex which soon after the order was founded was held by Weishaupt. Said Wieshaupt: "The power of the Order must be turned to the advantage of its members. All must be assisted. They must be preferred to all persons otherwise of equal merit. Money services honor goods and blood must be expended for the fully proved Brethren." From Germany Freemasonry under the leadership of the illuminati spread to other countries. Weishaupt's radical rationalism sweeping away nations and religions private property and marriage with the vocabulary used by the French Revolution was not likely to appeal. Weishaupt's writings were intercepted in 1784. They were interpreted by the Bavarian government as seditious. His Society was banned by Bavaria's government in 1784 and Weishaupt lost his position at the University of Ingolstadt before fleeing Bavaria. In the latter part of the 18th century the freemasons had mapped out a plot for a revolution in France. A freemason concocted a story that while the people of France were suffering from poverty Queen Marie Antoinette had purchased a diamond necklace costing about $1.5 million. The Duke of Orleans then bought up a huge quantity of bread and grain in France to create artificial famine. This was followed by the Siege of Bastille on July 14 1789. In November 1793 priests all over France were massacred as the Feasts of Reason were celebrated in churches in Paris.
It came to a point that entire France was in chaos. The freemasons felt it was time to have a "man on a white horse" to reign again over the country and eventually spread his power over the rest of Europe towards the creation of a Universal Republic. Napoleon Bonaparte was thus initiated thrice into Masonic French lodges.
After the Napoleonic Wars freemasons in France assumed Europe would be ready for peace so they set up the Congress of Vienna in an attempt to create the first League of Nations. However Czar Nicolas Romanov of Russia went against this. Freemasons determined to eliminate him and they did when the czar and his entire family were executed at the height of the Bolshevik revolution in their country in 1917. It will be interesting to note that the Bolsheviks or Russian revolutionaries called themselves Spartacusts which was the illuminati pseudonym of Weishaupt.
A century after his death occultist interest in Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati picked up through the writings of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). Modern adepts trace the imagery of symbolism like the eye in the pyramid and embrace the secrecy of the Illuminati traditions but ignore the specifics of Weishaupt's published essays and correspondence.

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] Father of modern Satanism Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley. in Freemason regalia. Crowley claimed in his 'Confessions...' that in 1904 he had been raised (taken the 3rd degree) in the Craft at the Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. 343 in Paris. Crowley in his later years. A study in contradictions Crowley was a pioneering mountain climber a pioneering homoerotic poet a pioneering ritual magician a heroin addict a sleazy womanizer a closet homosexual a vocal feminist a racist a German collaborator a British secret agent a civil rights advocate a talented amateur artist a legitimately profound mystic and an infuriating charlatan. Some claim that Crowley was a 33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish Rite and also held the 95 of the Rite of Memphis and the 90 of the Rite of Mizraim. Crowley had been given the title by the Media of "the wickedest man alive". It can be documented that Crowley partook of and taught drug induced rituals that included perverted sexual acts homosexuality bestiality and the eating of bodily emissions and excrement. Crowley who advocated blood sacrifice earned his other title "The Father of Modern Satanism".
Crowley also founded an anti-Christ religion called Thelema. Crowley was a master Satanist of the 20th century. He advocated child sacrifice in one his published work Magick in Theory and Practice. He used children in perverted sexual rituals and held several Masonic titles including the highest (33°) in the Ancient and Accepted Rite and the second highest (96°) in the Ancient and Primitive Rite. Occultists Wiccans and Satanist are to be found at all levels of Masonry. But the Masonic levels of the Illuminati the Ancient rites and the Supreme Council are especially likely to have them.

Masonry is satanic Rothschild 322 Religion! ] Masonic Apron a symbol of defiance? masonic apron. Almost in symbolic defiance to God new Masons are given aprons and told it is the most precious symbol of Masonry. Remember in the Garden of Eden once they realized they were naked Adam and Eve sewed together an apron of fig leaves. God was displeased with this and gave them coats made from skin. In the 3rd degree many Masons get a silver serpent emblem for his apron.
The Blue Lodge - the neighborhood pagan temple
"The heart of Freemasonry is the Blue Lodge with its three degrees. The climactic degree (and the final one for most Masons) in the Blue Lodge is the Third or Master Mason Degree. The heart of the Master Mason Degree the thing that gives it both meaning and substance is without any doubt the reenactment of the Legend of Hiram Abiff (which in realty is about Osiris the Egyptian Sun God). It is this central figure in the legend this Hiram the 'Widow's Son ' the 'Tyrian Architect ' this 'First Grand Master' who is impersonated by every man who is initiated as a Master Mason. It is Hiram who is at the very heart of the foundation of all of Masonry…" Once completing the three degrees of the Blue Lodge a mason is then allowed to go into either the Scottish rite of Freemasonry which has 32 degrees or the York rite which has 13 degrees. These are advanced degrees where you pay more dues and expect to learn (and don't) the secrets of Freemasonry. As one progresses through the degree work of these rites they tell you that you are on a quest to find the lost name of God.
Where Mason dues go: The Temple of the Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite stands on the east side of Northwest 16th Street between "R" and "S" Streets in Washington D.C. High above the entrance is an elaborate image of the Egyptian sun god backed by radiating sun and flanked by six large golden serpents. The interior walls are also decorated with serpents. Buried inside one of its walls is the acclaimed Mason Albert Pike a Massachusetts Tory went south to incite whites against the Union during the Civil War. Pike is also believed to have been high up in the Klu Klux Klan. The Mason Initiation ritual
Everyone who joins the local lodge joins what is called the Blue Lodge the meeting center and has to go through an initiation ceremony. Every Mason including those in our churches today have gone through this initiation; it is the only way you can get into the lodge. The first thing that happens is that a blindfold is put on them a noose (called a cable toll) is hung on their neck their shirt is opened to bare their chest and they are brought to the outer door of the lodge. There a sharp point (of a compass or a dagger) is placed on their chest. Someone then asks "Who comes?" to which candidate states "A poor blind beggar looking to move from darkness to the light of Freemasonry."
The new candidate is then brought (pulled by the noose) into the Masonic lodge where they must bow at an altar. They are facing East and making the sign of the Tau cross which has pagan significance. Behind the altar stands a man they call the Worshipful Master of the Lodge (the leader of the lodge). Again the candidate makes his plea for Freemasonry. After answering a series of questions the new candidate then takes a series of blood oaths and promises not to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry that he will learn -- upon having his throat cut from ear to ear.
These are some of the actual oaths a Mason must take: In the first degree of the Blue Lodge "Binding myself under no less a penalty than having my throat cut across my tongue torn out from its roots and buried in the rough sands of the sea..." In the second degree "Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open my heart plucked out and given as prey to the wild beasts of the field and the foul of the air..." In the third degree (Master Mason Degree) "Binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain my bowels taken from thence and burned into ashes..." For a Christian to go through this and to make such oaths you need to ask: How can a follower of Jesus Christ go to a Masonic Lodge ask for membership take such oaths and say "I am lost in darkness" and I need the light of Freemasonry? If you read First John chapter One it says If you claim that you are lost in darkness the Light (of Jesus Christ) is not in you; and you are living a lie. Christians are forbidden by Scripture to take some oaths. Just taking these oaths particularly blood oaths of mayhem and murder is stepping into the "dark side".

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica