tecnocrazia lgbtq diritti Satana UE anticristo commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi(sharjah) e goyim(Spa$Co), Jabull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME
knows that President Rivlin
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
Bin SALMAN] come on everyone knows that President Rivlin is a good person
and also his grandfather 2000 years ago was like him ..
and how the Iranian and Turkish Wahhabis live in terror:
that someone listens to Benny Hinn's teachings and then, he becomes a false Muslim (a hidden Christian)
so it was in jesus' time,
they were all scared those of the Synagogue of Satan Morgan Soros Rockefeller Rothschild Bush Biden Obama, etc .., in short it was all the supreme Sanhedrin in full, that many could become false Jews (but who were actually hidden Christians)
then everyone called, with the excuse of checking for errors in the paternal genealogies. So when Rivlin's grandfather went and they said to him:
"King Erode asked for 2000 signatures, in order to put the Apostle James to death, you sign!"
then, Rivlin's grandfather who was a righteous man said "who killed the Apostle James? he seems to me a fool, but since when, here, we kill the fools in Israel?"
then, they rushed against him, beat him, ripped off his beard and ripped off his father's genealogies and said "you to your father? you don't look even a little, you look like PANTERA" now PANTERA was a notorious rapist who molested all women in Israel, so much so that this septum ran said this saying in Rome:
"half of Israelis? all of PANTERA are children"
then, finally to this notorious PANTERA, a zealot cut his neck treacherously and for the Israelis woman? this PANTERA nightmare ended.
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Discussion on The Gateway Pundit 2277 comments
"I Should Never Have Been There" - Gen Mark Milley Stands with the Mob - Apologizes for Walking to Torched…
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted 10 days ago
the internet is full of CIA trolls
are directly hired by Rothschild FED SPA ECB NWO etc .. Deep State, etc ..
in the Church of Satan
it is normal if, you want to do a job for God
they must attack and insult you!
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Discussion on World Israel News 203 comments
Evangelical leader calls on Black Lives Matter to renounce anti-Semitism
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted 10 days ago
it is not a negative prayer, to exclude,
but Jesus knew that his followers would be persecuted by the synagogue of satan and the devil Allah ..
therefore he prayed in a special way for their protection.
but everyone knows that Jesus died to save everyone in mankind ..
and those who are not antichrists like Erdogan or Rothschild
sure you can save:
because there is no salvation for the antichrist!
but I am lorenzoJHWH the Jewish messiah, and Unius REI the world procurator why UN? sucks satan allah!
for this reason, to extend the salvation of Jesus, in a political way, to all those who want to enter my Kingdom of ISRAEL, and in my third Jewish temple
and I do not expect anyone to abandon their religion
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
40% unemployment of the Italian people in the South, the proliferation of the MAFIE, this does not scare the rothschild democratic party
The left, alarmed by the amnesty flop, would like to extend the self-styled regularization to all illegal immigrants prompt amendments signed, among others, by Laura Boldrini.
The amnesty is a flop and the more days go by, the more certainty this appears. Yesterday, after ten days, the requests were 13 thousand. In 2012, when in the end there were 134 thousand, after the same period of time there were 25 thousand.
The reason is simple unemployment is at the same rate, 500,000 new jobless people have registered in the last month. Ergo no immigrants are needed, let alone illegal immigrants. In the end, 'only' thousands of drug dealers who can afford to be hired as false carers and domestic workers by complacent compatriots will be regularized as happened in 2012 and 2008, for other reasons.
And then the left launches plan b heal anyone who is in Italy, even without a job, even if it is.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
Merkel and Macron
betraier italian people
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
*** from my Jewish-Christian museum I made and published a photo of a pin
coined during the war period of the second world war.
inside a cross it is written "God damn the British" Anglo-Americans have committed huge war crimes
There was internal server error while processing your request
There was internal server error while processing your request
You have already made this comment. [during all the conflicts in fact the Jews with their wickedness and their Satanism
have absolute control of western companies and through control of the FED IMF ECB they have control of the whole NEW WORLD ORDER
because of the Wahhabi Saudis
because Rothschild bankers since 1600 (because of the English monarchy
of Jezebel II) with the foundation of SpA Bank of England high Constitutional betrayal, the bank seigniorage, had taken control of the Anglo-Saxon society
There was internal server error while processing your request
There was internal server error while processing your request]
You have already made this comment.
*** as today they have full control of European companies, through the Deep State, esoteric agenda, and the transnational Masonic regime Bilderberg, AIPAC 666 "Beni Berith"
*** and their Mafia Masonic judges, the Supreme Court
and democratic judiciary.
*** There was internal server error while processing your request
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
President RIVLIN] you see, what does that satanist of
"translate google"?
he translates
"banking seigniorage"
with "bank bailiff"
President RIVLIN ] lo vedi tu cosa fa quel satanista di
"translate google" ?
lui traduce
"signoraggio bancario"
con "bank bailiff"
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Discussion on World Israel News 66 comments
Report US willing to consider ‘annexation-lite’
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
The deeply offensive propaganda war that China launched against the United States for the killing of George Floyd is nothing more than a clumsy attempt by Beijing to seek revenge against Washington for supporting pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. Pictured Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong on June 9, 2020 mark a year's anniversary since pro-democracy protests erupted
the CIA made the coronavirus, and the CIA imposed this cold war against CHINA.
it is like the ARAB LEAGUE which with Sharia imposed its religious war against mankind.
you can't slap
and then, complain if someone returns it to you!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a day ago
Usa, black policeman against Black Lives Matter "I only kneel before God" - VIDEO
June 10, 2020
In France, immigrants are not arrested for fear of 'racism'
and for fear of ERDOGAN Hitler,
Jewish Intellectual "Multinational Advertising Propagating the Mestizo" -
South Africa, pregnant woman killed and hanging on a tree
Somali writer "Knock down racist statues in Italy"
Rome, African makes 2 robberies in a few minutes to pay us pensions
Sardines "Sovereignty does not belong to the people" Pending
Rom and africans make "s h i t"on the street during a procession - VIDEO
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
in my Christian Jewish museum, I found a WWII pin
where it is written "God damn the English"
in fact the Anglo-Americans according to the Talmud they have always sought to exterminate Christians ..
therefore the Anglo-Americans have always indulged in huge war crimes with impunity.
they once intercepted several cargo ships carrying men and vehicles to Libya,
as a supply to Italian troops and they were not content with sinking them and abandoning people at sea, but they poured gas on the sea and burned all those people on the surface of the sea!
in my Christian Jewish museum. I found a WWII pin
where it is written "God damn the English"
in fact the Anglo-Americans
according to the Talmud they have always sought
to exterminate Christians .. therefore the Anglo-Americans have always indulged in huge war crimes with impunity.
they once intercepted several cargo ships carrying men and vehicles to Libya, as a supply to Italian troops
and they were not content with sinking them and abandoning people at sea
but they poured gas on the sea and burned all those people on the surface of the sea!
*** from my Jewish-Christian museum I made and published a photo of a pin
coined during the war period of the second world war.
inside a cross it is written "God damn the English"
Anglo-Americans have committed huge war crimes
You have already made this comment. [during all the conflicts in fact the Jews with their wickedness and their Satanism
have absolute control of western companies and through control of the FED IMF ECB they have control of the whole NEW WORLD ORDER
because of the Wahhabi Saudis
because Rothschild bankers since 1600 (because of the English monarchy
of Jezebel II) with the foundation of SpA Bank of England high Constitutional betrayal, the bank seigniorage, had taken control of the Anglo-Saxon society
There was internal server error while processing your request]
You have already made this comment
*** as they now have full control of European companies, through the Deep State, esoteric agenda, and the transnational Masonic regime Bilderberg, AIPAC 666 "Beni Berith"
*** and their Mafia Masonic judges, the Supreme Court
and democratic judiciary.
*** There was internal server error while processing your reques
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Diskusted 10 days ago
ok, but I already know everything
because I am a metaphysical man
I don't need to learn the truth from the documents
ok, ma io so già tutto
perché io sono un uomo metafisico
io non ho bisogno di apprendere la verità dai documenti
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
from my Jewish-Christian museum
I took and published the photo of a pin
coined during the war period of the second world war.
inside a cross it is written:
"God kill the British"
Anglo-Americans have committed massive war crimes
during all conflicts
in fact the Jews with their wickedness and their Satanism
they have absolute control of western companies and through control of the FED IMF ECB
are in control of the entire NEW WORLD ORDER
because of the Wahhabi Saudis
because Rothschild bankers since 1600 (because of the English monarchy
of Jezebel II)
with the foundation of SpA Bank of England:
high Constitutional betrayal
bank bailiff
he had taken control of the Anglo-Saxon society
as today they have full control of European companies
through the Deep State and the transnational Masonic regime Bilderberg
and their mafia masonic judges, the Supreme Court
and democratic judiciary.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
RadioSavana @RadioSavana On the left in Minnesota criminals #Antifa and #BlackLivesMatter bring down the statue of Christopher Columbus and trample on it. On the right, #Isis terrorists shoot down statues in the museum of #Mosul, in the name of Jihād. No difference. #RadioSavana
Barbarians are upon us. In fact, I'm already in town. Blacks and antifàs like ISIS Islamic terrorists:
BLM as ISIS knocked down statues, attack on the White Man civilization
I do not agree with this generalized criticism against all my black brothers
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Jaffa demonstration over Muslim burial site grows into violent riot
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 10 days ago
Bin SALMAN] I'm just doing my election campaign
because, among the Jews who went to JaBullOn "Beni Berith"
among the Jews who went to Satan in the FED iMF ECB
and the Jews who went to Sodom in the democratic party?
then, he Netanjahu, he cannot find a valid government!
who is not a Zionist?
he is imperialist, perverted, corrupt Mason and Satanist Rothschild!
from Israel? he must be expelled!
you send
send the high court into exile to GAZA!
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Discussion on World Israel News 44 comments
Nikki Haley receives Theodor Herzl award 'Perhaps most courageous woman in America today'
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Azoh Unvey 10 days ago
i am your king and Messia
Netanjahu & Rivlin? they know!
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Discussion on World Israel News 151 comments
Israeli Supreme Court employs 'problematic' reasoning to overturn law legalizing settlement homes
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Tsvi Kukenheim 10 days ago
quando tra due anni riaprono il tuo sargofago?
tu fammelo sapere!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Zvi Goodman 10 days ago
do not worry ...
i am your MESSIA
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Discussion on World Israel News 55 comments
Natalie Portman endorses ‘Defund the Police’ movement
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
China Russia India UN OCI USA EU] open letter [for Muslims to demand spaces dedicated to the cemetery contradicts the secularism of the state! no sharia must be granted in the west, indeed sharia must be condemned all over the world!
sharia is the systematic violation of all human rights and is a license of genocide against mankind ..
before any deal in Israel and in the world? we need the law of reciprocity, which sharia denies!
Are you the "all boss"?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
China Russia India UN OCI USA EU?
it's true that they all suck but they are always my followers ..
but unfortunately they are my employees, all those whom God has given me and of them, I must be satisfied
and I must also learn to bring something good out of this sewer too!
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Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
WATCH Israeli Tech Stops Pneumonia from Killing Corona Patients
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 18_18 11 days ago
Cina Russia India ONU OCI USA UE ?
è vero che fanno tutti schifo ma sono sempre i miei seguaci..
ma, purtroppo sono i miei dipendenti, tutti quelli che Dio mi ha dato e di loro, io mi devo accontentare
e devo anche imparare a tirare fuori qualcosa di buono anche da questa fogna!
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Discussion on World Israel News 327 comments
Canadian FM We will pressure Israel to abandon annexation on world stage if given the chance
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 evildoctor 11 days ago
but, no, but who do you want me to trust you?
with the name of "evil doctor" you make all your prey run away ..
why don't you try to call yourself ERDOGAN?
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Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
Corona rules go by the wayside as Israeli businesses ignore health guidelines
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Hildee 11 days ago
no sister, coronavirus is a military weapon made by the CIA
what if it takes you? can kill you!
we don't have a vaccine yet and we must be careful!
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Israel Army Radio refuses to ban popstar's music despite her anti-Semitic post
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Richard Sandler 11 days ago
do you let yourself be conditioned by form?
rather you have to look for values and content ..
for example I prefer the genuineness of TRUMP
to the hypocrisy of Obama and the democratic party
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Discussion on World Israel News 40 comments
WATCH 'We support Israeli annexation,' says Saudi journalist
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
"We support the Israeli annexation," says Saudi journalist Abdulhameed Al-Ghobain, "because the Palestinians have lost many opportunities and have no more cards to play."
sharia will always lead in the direction of genocide
so no words
said by any Islamic
will it ever have a credibility value for me!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
while in Europe do you accept demonic and criminal Sharia laws?
no one understands what the purposes and identity values of the UN are,
since it has denied its constitutive principles ..
then no one understands what work this enemy could do
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
while Sharia laws are accepted in Europe? by law the demonic theosophy of GENDER lgbtq (no scientific foundation) is the imperialistic and ideological attempt to manipulate, students from kindergarten age, to artificially plan human nature. therefore parental authority over children is removed from the parents.
The concern of the Italian bishops concerns in fact the possibility that new norms against homotransphobia may limit or go against personal freedom, educational choices, the way of thinking and being, the exercise of criticism and dissent and propose greater compliance with the standards already in force, with the educational commitment in the direction of serious prevention, which contributes to avoiding and countering any offense to the person.
Reactions from the world of politics
"I am very surprised by the reaction of the bishops against the law on homotransphobia that we are discussing in committee. To affirm, as the Italian bishops do, that adequate safeguards already exist to combat this phenomenon means not wanting to acknowledge a harsh reality of discrimination against of which we feel the political and ethical responsibility to intervene "replied the President of the Justice Commission of the Chamber Francesca Businarolo.
Regarding the CEI declarations, also the rapporteur of the law regarding homotransphobia Alessandro Zan comments:
"The criticisms of the CEI Presidency to the law against homotransphobia, whose unified text has not yet been filed and on which we are still working, are surprising. I repeat, the crime of 'will not be extended to sexual orientation and gender identity' Propaganda of ideè as today is foreseen by art. 604 bis of the penal code for ethnic and racial hatred. Therefore no limitation of the freedom of expression or censorship or gag as I have heard these days out of turn ".
In early February, Switzerland voted in a referendum to decide whether to treat sexual discrimination as a criminally punishable crime or not. With around 60% of yes votes, Switzerland has decided to officially define homophobia as a crime equal to that of racial discrimination.
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Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
New Israeli 'paper airplane' drone made with a 3D printer
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
while Sharia laws are accepted in Europe? by law the demonic theosophy of GENDER lgbtq (no scientific foundation) is the imperialistic and ideological attempt to manipulate, students from kindergarten age, to artificially plan human nature. therefore parental authority over children is removed from the parents.
Cei rejects new law on homophobia "Nothing is gained by violence and much is lost"
The Italian bishops intervene against the texts of the law on homotransphobia, presented to the Chamber, affirming that a new law is not necessary, but that the introduction of further incriminating rules would risk opening up to liberticide drifts.
The Italian Episcopal Conference, permanent assembly of the Italian bishops, has spoken about the new texts of law on homotransphobia, being examined by the Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and which should be voted in July, stating that these are rules unnecessary and that could lead to further violence.
"Discriminations, including those based on sexual orientation, constitute a violation of human dignity. Injurious treatments, threats, aggressions, injuries, bullying, stalking ... are as many forms of attack on the sacredness of human life and must therefore be countered without means terms. " reads the note published by the CEI.
Further rules could cause liberticide drifts
"A possible introduction of further incriminating norms would risk opening up to liberticide drifts, so we would end up hitting the expression of a legitimate opinion, as the experience of the laws of other Nations teaches within which similar norms have already been introduced. [...] Subjecting to criminal proceedings those who believe that the family requires a dad and a mother to be such, and not the duplication of the same figure, would mean introducing a crime of opinion "continues the note of the CEI.
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Discussion on World Israel News 15 comments
Chinese pickles protect teeth from cavities, Israeli study says
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
E' mistero sui numeri diffusi dal Ministero della Salute spagnolo circa il conteggio delle vittime da coronavirus registrate nel corso delle ultime due settimane.
Covid, scandalo in Spagna nascosti dai dati ufficiali l'82% dei morti nelle ultime due settimane Covid, scandalo in Spagna nascosti dai dati ufficiali l'82% dei morti nelle ultime due settimane:
Come riferisce Okdiario, nelle ultime due settimane sono stati 19 i decessi conclamati causatid al SARS-CoV2 in Spagna.
Tuttavia, andando a verificare nei registri del dicastero, è stato possibile verificare che in realtà le vittime sono state 107, ossia l'82% in più rispetto a quanto ufficialmente dichiarato.
L'allarme lanciato dal portale iberico riprende alcune delle perplessità espresse la scorsa settimana dal Financial Times, il quale aveva portato all'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica internazionale delle incongruenze nelle statistiche rese pubbliche dal governo di Madrid.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
There is a mystery about the numbers released by the Spanish Ministry of Health regarding the count of coronavirus victims registered over the past two weeks.
Covid, scandal in Spain 82% of the dead in the last two weeks hidden from official data Covid, scandal in Spain 82% of the dead in the last two weeks hidden from official data:
As reported by Okdiario, in the last two weeks there have been 19 full-blown deaths caused by SARS-CoV2 in Spain.
However, going to check in the registers of the dicastery, it was possible to verify that in reality there were 107 victims, that is 82% more than what was officially declared.
The alarm launched by the Iberian portal takes up some of the perplexities expressed last week by the Financial Times, which had brought to the attention of international public opinion of the inconsistencies in the statistics made public by the government of Madrid.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
ALLELUIA ..in what because of Unius REI the Islamic CIA Satanists Riyadh Erdogan ISIS wahhabiti lgbtq of the NWO FED IMF SARUMAN MORGAN ROCKEFELLER BUSH OBAMA 666 BIDEN Bilderberg NWO were wrong?
ALLELUIA .. already because the greatest Masonic social engineering specialists in history made a mistake against the invincible lorenzoJHWH the messiah of Israel?
ALLELUIA .. The ambassador of Vietnam to Russia, Nong Duc Manh, visiting the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
ALLELUIA .. Official representatives from six foreign countries visited the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces and the museum complex "The way of memory" in the "Patriot" park in the Moscow region.
The splendid and mystical interiors of the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
ALLELUIA .. pantocrator] The view of the dome inside the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
The Vietnamese ambassador to Russia, Nong Duc Manh, visits the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
The ambassador of India to Russia, Venkatesh Varma, visits the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
The interior of the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces and the communion of Saints.
ALLELUIA .. An employee of the Russian Armed Forces Cathedral gives a souvenir to the Chinese ambassador to Russia, Zhngh Hanhui.
ALLELUIA .. The ambassador of Armenia to Russia, Vardan Toganyan, visiting the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
The military attaché of China visiting the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
ALLELUIA .. The Ambassador of India to Russia, Venkatesh Varma, the Ambassador of Vietnam to Russia, Nong Duc Manh, and the Ambassador of Serbia to Russia, Miroslav Lazanski, visiting the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Covid, scandal in Spain 82% of the deaths in the last two weeks hidden from official data
Statistics presented in the past two weeks by the government of Madrid would present severe inconsistencies.
kill the elderly?
it was the goal that Rothschild Morgan and the shareholders of the Fed
they ordered the CIA to build in 2004 (and we have the documents that prove it)
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Chinese ambassador to Russia "We cannot say that the original source of COVID-19 was in China"
China cannot say for sure that COVID-19 originated within its borders just because it discovered the disease before the rest of the world, said Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui on Wednesday.
the China:
1. initially hid the phenomenon thinking he could control it but, subsequently
2. when it was clear that the CIA had made the coronavirus (which is a military virus) to take revenge it spread it around the world!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
ALLELUIA BIG BIG BIG MOTHER RUSSIA !!! Official representatives from six foreign countries visited the Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces and the museum complex "The way of memory" in the "Patriot" park in the Moscow region.
Diplomats from China, Vietnam, Armenia, Serbia, India and Belarus admired the decorations of the Cathedral, passed through the gallery where photos and archival data are displayed on the tens of millions of participants in the Second World War.
The construction of the Cathedral and the museum complex was completed for the 75th anniversary of the Victory against Nazi fascism, however the opening was postponed due to the restrictive measures due to the coronavirus.
According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Cathedral will be open to the public on June 22nd.
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Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
WATCH Trust in WHO erodes as it zigzags on Covid-19
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
the civil code is the same for everyone stop privileges! ] no to empowerment lgbtq is satanic theosophy, without scientific support dictatorship sodom GENDER stop [No to any discrimination, but also to a new law against homophobia that would end up only hitting "the expression of a legitimate opinion" for Carolina Varchi, member of the Fratelli d'Italia and group leader in the Justice Commission, «The CEI observations hit the mark because there is no regulatory vacuum to fill our system, in fact, already provides for the necessary opportunity to sanction any discriminatory attitude. Rather, it is surprising that once again her colleague Businarolo abandons her institutional role as chairman of the Chamber Justice Commission, to take the field with her team's jersey, not guaranteeing the necessary role of impartiality ».
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
the civil code is the same for everyone stop privileges! ] no to empowerment lgbtq is satanic theosophy, without scientific support dictatorship sodom GENDER stop [No to any discrimination, but also to a new law against homophobia that would only end up affecting "the expression of a legitimate opinion" On the question some prelates had already intervened, expressing their personal opinion on the diocesan sites. Like Monsignor Antonio Suetta, bishop of Ventimiglia-San Remo, already known in the news for the tough anti-migrant positions, who in a reflection on the web criticized the bill against homotransphobia crimes and cited the note from the Congregation for Doctrine of the 1986 Faith which states that "the due reaction to the injustices committed against homosexual persons can in no way lead to the affirmation that the homosexual condition is not disordered". Words that sparked a heated reaction from the local Mia Arcigay association. Today's CEI press release - applauded by the Church's conservative galaxy which includes members of the pro-life people - has attracted strong criticism from political representatives, starting with the President of the Chamber Justice Commission, Francesca Businarolo. "Affirming, as the Italian bishops do, that adequate safeguards already exist to combat this phenomenon means - said M5S MEP - not wanting to acknowledge a harsh reality of discrimination against which we feel the political and ethical responsibility to intervene" .
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
the civil code is the same for everyone stop privileges! ] no to empowerment lgbtq is satanic theosophy, without scientific support dictatorship sodom GENDER stop [No to any discrimination, but no to a new law against homophobia that would only end up affecting «the expression of a legitimate opinion» press release, entitled "The Bishops against all discrimination", published on the Ceinews website "A possible introduction of further incriminating rules would risk opening up to liberticide drifts, so - rather than sanctioning discrimination - you would end up hitting the expression of a legitimate opinion, as taught by the experience of the legal systems of other nations within which similar rules have already been introduced. For example, subjecting to criminal proceedings those who believe that the family requires a dad and a mother to be such - and not the duplication of the same figure - would mean introducing a crime of opinion. This effectively limits personal freedom, educational choices, the way of thinking and being, the exercise of criticism and dissent ".
The bishops, citing the Pope's words that "nothing is gained through violence and so much is lost", reiterate the condemnation against all forms of discrimination, starting with those based on sexual orientation. They, they say, "constitute a violation of human dignity, which - as such - must always be respected in words, actions and legislation. Injurious treatments, threats, aggressions, injuries, bullying, stalking ... are as many forms of attack on the sacredness of human life and must therefore be countered in no uncertain terms ».
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
the civil code is the same for everyone stop privileges! ] no to empowerment lgbtq is satanic theosophy, without scientific support dictatorship sodom GENDER stop [No to any discrimination, but also to a new law against homophobia that would only end up affecting «the expression of a legitimate opinion» These are all unnecessary measures, since the criminal and legislative provisions already present in our legal system are more than enough to counter the sad phenomenon of persecution and violent behavior towards members of the LGBT + community. "Even for these areas, not only is there no regulatory vacuum, but there are also gaps that justify the urgency of new provisions", reads a note released in the morning by the Presidency of the Italian Bishops' Conference.
A tough intervention by an episcopate who - apart from the press release of 27 April on the "suspended masses" that gave rise to a direct confrontation with the Government - has been characterized in recent years by its moderate attitude, in particular towards political issues, also distancing themselves from the two Family Days in Rome and the Congress for families in Verona in 2019.
In this case of the proposed law against homotransphobia crimes, in the bishops instead the "concern" prevails for the fact that with the new incriminating norms one would end up putting to trial much more people who express their opinion, introducing the "crime of opinion », and much less the bullies who attack homosexual people, as happened recently in Catania to the detriment of a couple. For such behavior, the prelates underline in brief, the Criminal Code is sufficient.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
the civil code is the same for everyone] no empowerment lgbtq satanic theosophy without scientific support dictatorship sodom GENDER stop [No to any discrimination, but also to a new law against homophobia that would only end up affecting «the expression of a legitimate opinion "- like that that children need a mom and a dad - and would risk falling into" liberticide drifts ". The Italian bishops look "with concern" at the proposed laws against homotransphobia crimes currently being examined by the Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. It is, recalls the newspaper of the CEI Avvenire, of five bills (Boldrini, Zan, Scalfarotto, Perantoni, Bartolozzi) which aim to modify articles 604-bis and 604-ter of the Criminal Code, in the matter of violence or discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. The texts are expected to be voted on in July.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Fourth, blitz of the Nas in the rsa Santa Marta acquired documents and medical records
In the following days other cases of positivity had been ascertained. In recent weeks, the Health and Work group of the prosecutor, coordinated by the assistant prosecutor Francesco Pinto, had opened an investigation for a culpable pandemic investigating the health directors of six structures (Maurizio Frabetti of Anni Azzurri, Michela Bigolari of Don Orione Paverano, Margherita Gastaldi of Camandolina , Margherita Garibaldi of the Rehabilitation Center, Arianna Bonfanti of S.Camillo and Cecilia Gallo della Torriglia). In these rsa, a mortality rate would have been higher than 200 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year.
they brought the infected from the hospital to "rsa", homes for the elderly, and they deliberately killed them ... but we do not have a judiciary in Italy that can investigate the Rothschild Democratic Party!
after all, killing the elderly is a saving for the national health service and the INPS
and in this motion the IMF can keep going until the next Islamic world war against China and Russia
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Sardine "Sovereignty belongs to Rothschild and now it no longer belongs to the people?" https://voxnews info/2020/06/10/sardine-la-sovranita-non-appartiene-al-popolo/
Francesca Totolo
"In the programmatic points of #Salvini and #Meloni in the first place there is that sovereignty belongs to the people. Sovereigns to the core. In our point 1, freedom belongs to individuals" the sardines #MattiaSantori and @JasmineCristal3 ignore the article 1 of the Constitution.
Https://twitter com/dimartedi/status/1270473671937794048
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
The governor of the Bank of Italy Visco "I see no risks in using the Mes but it is not a godsend"
in fact, you Satanist master usurers SpA FED IMF ECB Mason Rothschild, you cannot indebt a people for the coronavirus
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
I do not enter into the merits of the sentence, but, in Italy? Freemason judges also prescribe murder offenses!
Dead to escape rape, the sentence reversed appeal absolves everyone
Dead to escape rape, the sentence reversed appeal absolves everyone.
but, Martina's father «There is no justice» -
At first instance, the two had been sentenced to 6 years in prison for attempted sexual violence and for causing the death of the young woman
The Court of Appeal of Florence, reversing the first instance judgment of the court of Arezzo, acquitted "because the fact does not exist", Alessandro Albertoni and Luca Vanneschi, the two young men of Castiglion Fibocchi accused of the death of Martina Rossi, the 20 year old Ligurian precipitated from the terrace of a hotel room in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on August 3, 2011.
Also in the last hearing, Albertoni and Vanneschi had made spontaneous declarations to reiterate their innocence; in particular, Albertoni claimed that the 20-year-old Genoese woman would have thrown herself from the balcony because in a state of confusion due to the taking of drugs "We had smoked a cane" and "Martina did not know where she was or what she was doing".
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
In Bergamo the "complaint day"
In our country the number of victims has exceeded 34 thousand. Today in Bergamo 50 families in power of attorney are asking for truth and justice.
to the hyenas they said
who brought the infected from hospitals into homes for the elderly.
this was a massacre of the rothschild democratic party M5S
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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
German Foreign Minister visits Israel, makes no threats regarding annexation
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
South Africa, pregnant woman killed and hanging on a tree
this is the science of the Democratic Party Obama and Mandela did it!
voxnews info / 2020/06/10 / south africa-pregnant-woman-killed-and-hanging-from-a-tree /
Last year, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared South Africa "one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a woman". Crime statistics released in 2019 showed that 2,930 women were killed in the 12-month period from 2017 to 2018, which equates to one murder every three hours.
they killed 600,000 whites and hid the data
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Jaffa demonstration over Muslim burial site grows into violent riot
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Hundreds began waving Palestinian flags?
questi disgraziati? non un solo cimitero cristiano hanno risparmiato nella LEGA ARABA!
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Discussion on World Israel News 151 comments
Israeli Supreme Court employs 'problematic' reasoning to overturn law legalizing settlement homes
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Martedì il partito Likud ha annunciato che avrebbe legiferato nuovamente con la legge. Tuttavia, il suo partner della coalizione,
Blue and White, ha inviato il messaggio opposto e che avrebbe funzionato per sostenere l'opinione dei giudici,
portando i commentatori a chiedersi se la decisione della corte scatenerà una crisi della coalizione.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 11 days ago
Edelstein, che recentemente ha avuto un incontro con il tribunale, ha affermato che il tribunale si è “reso autonomo nei settori legislativo, esecutivo e giudiziario. Dobbiamo porre fine a questo. "
Tzipi Hotovely, ministro degli Affari degli insediamenti, ha dichiarato "La corte ha riconosciuto il diritto di un palestinese che non ha mai dimostrato la proprietà su quelli dei cittadini dello Stato di Israele, veterani militari e contribuenti, che si stabilirono in buona fede e furono inviati dai governi israeliani e che ora sono considerati criminali ".
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Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments
Iran sentences alleged Israeli 'spy' to death for passing intel on Soleimani
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Iran sentences alleged Israeli 'spy' to death for passing intel on Soleimani
Iran Riyadh] open letter [but all this evil happens
because the kingdom of Satan and Allah
they persist in denying the greatest justice of this planet
"return the homeland to the Jewish people"
that since 50% of them are just the satanists worship FED Democratic party IMF Deep State?
this is why they don't want to get their homeland!
but without a perfect Jewish home?
Satanism on this planet cannot be curbed
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Coronavirus, the world of discos in the square calls for reopening
The Silb - Confcommercio has announced a demonstration in Piazza Montecitorio in Rome to ask for the reopening of discos and to denounce the state of emergency facing the sector.
scudisciateli "in blood whip them
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Discussion on World Israel News 327 comments
Canadian FM We will pressure Israel to abandon annexation on world stage if given the chance
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
al satanista ministro degli Esteri canadese Francois-Philippe Champagne
io sono stato Osservatorio sul Martirio dei Cristiani nella LEGA ARABA per 33 anni
tu cosa ai fatto per loro?
dopotutto, ogni resistenza è futile:
"il tuo Padrone Rothschild verrà con me nel deserto saudita della MADIANA a piantare le patate, io avanti e lui dietro e questo nessuno lo può impedire"
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Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Too pretty for prison? Supermodel Bar Rafaeli escapes jail, but not her mom
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Am Y'Ishroel Chai 12 days ago
cosa è questo fetismo della mutanda sporca?
voi satanisti della CIA?
voi siete un branco di pervertiti e malati mentali
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 David Ptito 12 days ago
steph" CIA TROLL la tua mamma?
lei lgbtq conosce il tuo linguaggio
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Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments
Is real culprit of police brutality the police unions?
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Feeling heat, PA offers counter-plan - demilitarized New Ottoman state Palestinese
really? which cemetery in the ARAB LEAGUE was established for the peoples who had previously undergone the Sharia Islamic genocide?
nobody! indeed they also destroyed existing cemeteries!
with sharia, the whole Arab league
it can only be viewed through the sight of a rifle!
Feeling heat, PA offers counter-plan - demilitarized state
really? quale cimitero ⚰ nella LEGA ARABA è stato stabilito per i popoli che in precedenza avevano subito il genocidio islamico sharia?
nessuno! anzi hanno distrutto anche i cimiteri esistenti!
con la sharia, tutta la intera lega araba
può essere guardata soltanto attraverso il mirino di un fucile!
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Discussion on United with Israel 17 comments
Israeli-Arab Singer Mira Awad Slams Rogers Waters for BDS Support
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Bibi is back with his old tricks appeasing to terrorists, I no longer want to support this man his words never match his actions!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
we don't have a problem against ARAB LEAGUE
but against Rothschild who protects her
to kill the Russians and Chinese
and to make us die against them!
Are Bibi and Trump going against Rothschild head-on?
they make the end of John F Kennedy quickly
non abbiamo un problema contro la LEGA ARABA
ma contro Rothschild che la protegge
per uccidere i russi e cinesi
e per far morire noi contro di loro!
Se Bibi e Trump vanno contro Rothschild frontalmente?
fanno la fine di John F Kennedy velocemente
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
Key Democrats distance themselves from defund police push
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Robert Khalifa 12 days ago
perché sei uscito dalla cuccia?
i croccantini di rothschild non erano buoni?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Robert Khalifa 12 days ago
chi ti ha fatto uscire dal canile?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 David Ptito 12 days ago
come ti brucia Satana nella pentola?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
the only thing Democratic candidate Joe lizard 666 Satana Biden could win
it is the electric chair
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
the racial problem
it's a hoax!
only present:
in Rothschild Talmud goiyms
in Erdogan Quran dhimmis
in Modi the Dalit Cow
but, if the Deep State and the Masonic predation of the bank seigniorage FED 666 IMF 322 ECB it creates richer and richer rich, and poorer and poorer poor,
who are forced to commit crime and live on the margins of society
then, it is normal for violence to be a reaction to injustice
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Discussion on World Israel News 52 comments
Iran sentences alleged Israeli 'spy' to death for passing intel on Soleimani
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Israeli-Arab Singer Mira Awad Slams Rogers Waters for BDS Support
"Would I like to have a conversation with Roger Waters?"
answer ok
Roger Waters is comfortable to be successful as a satanist and licking the democratic party
but in this way?
you sold your soul to the devil
"Mi piacerebbe avere una conversazione con Roger Waters?"
answer ok
Roger Waters è comodo avere successo facendo il satanista e leccando il partito democratico
ma in questo modo?
tu hai venduto la tua anima al diavolo
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Discussion on United with Israel 17 comments
Israeli-Arab Singer Mira Awad Slams Rogers Waters for BDS Support
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
"Would I like to have a conversation with Roger Waters?"
answer ok
Roger Waters is comfortable to be successful as a satanist and licking the democratic party
but in this way?
you sold your soul to the devil
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Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
WATCH Israeli Tech Stops Pneumonia from Killing Corona Patients
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Cina Russia India ONU OCI USA UE ] open letter [ per i mussulmani pretendere degli spazi dedicati al cimitero
contraddice la laicità dello Stato! nessuna sharia deve essere concessa in occidente,
anzi, la sharia deve essere condannata in tutto il mondo!
la sharia è la violazione sistematica di tutti i diritti umani
ed è una licenza di genocidio contro il genere umano..
prima di ogni accordo in Israele e nel mondo?
occorre la legge della reciprocità, che la sharia nega!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ ma holy G-D JHWH holy holy holy
bless my Kingdom Israel
becouse Israel of Rothschild? is GAY!
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Discussion on World Israel News 24 comments
Is real culprit of police brutality the police unions?
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Cina Russia India ONU OCI USA UE
per i mussulmani pretendere degli spazi dedicati al cimitero
contraddice la laicità dello Stato!
nessuna sharia deve essere concessa in occidente,
anzi, la sharia deve essere condannata in tutto il mondo!
la sharia è la violazione sistematica di tutti i diritti umani
ed è una licenza di genocidio contro il genere umano..
prima di ogni accordo in Israele e nel mondo?
occorre la legge della reciprocità, che la sharia nega!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
China Russia India UN OCI USA EU
for Muslims to demand spaces dedicated to the cemetery
contradicts the secularism of the state!
no sharia must be granted in the west,
indeed, sharia must be condemned all over the world!
sharia is the systematic violation of all human rights
and it's a genocide license against mankind ..
before any deal in Israel and in the world?
we need the law of reciprocity, which sharia denies!
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Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Wife of man convicted in Duma arson murder blasts court ‘It was a show trial’
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
since, all Israelis
are subjected to Islamic genocide jihad sharia by the ARAB LEGA which denies them the right to the homeland and to survival:
and this is a threat of constant / constant death over the past 70 years ...
therefore all Israelis can take advantage of generic mitigating factors about mental illness
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Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments
Israeli police reinforce city of Ramla after officers targeted
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
President RIVLIN ] [ prima di decidere con la potenza della mia fede creativa di diventare io, il Re di ISRAELE e un POLITICO AGNOSTICO RAZIONALE UNIVERSALE UNIUS REI
le circostanze mi hanno portato a fare l'esorcista di successo in alcune occasioni.
https://jewcivilization blogspot com/2020/06/ecce-homo.html
io stavo guidando un gruppo di preghiera a carattere familiare
e una sorella aveva picchiato, un altra sorella e da questa situazione peccaminosa era nata nella donna una "demoniaca infestazione".
che lei sentiva mani invisibili di uomo che le palpavano tutto il corpo...
così, io ho scelto le persone del gruppo che ritenevo più idonee, per poter affrontare questo demone, che non è mai più ritornato.
il cognato di questa donna maleficata, era l'artista che ha dipinto quel crocifisso, il quale non solo rappresenta il serpente di bronzo che Mosé fece innalzare nel deserto,
ma rappresenta anche il corpo lacerato del Signore nella componente divisa delle Chiese Cristiane di
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
i am lorenzoJHWH Jewish MESSIA [ Bibbia Isaia 53 ] Gesù di Betlemme il servo sofferente il mio Messia [ Non ha apparenza né bellezza
per attirare i nostri sguardi,
non splendore per provare in lui diletto.
Disprezzato e reietto dagli uomini,
uomo dei dolori che ben conosce il patire,
come uno davanti al quale ci si copre la faccia,
era disprezzato e non ne avevamo alcuna stima.
Eppure egli si è caricato delle nostre sofferenze,
si è addossato i nostri dolori
e noi lo giudicavamo castigato,
percosso da Dio e umiliato.
Egli è stato trafitto per i nostri delitti,
schiacciato per le nostre iniquità.
Il castigo che ci dà salvezza si è abbattuto su di lui;
per le sue piaghe noi siamo stati guariti.
Noi tutti eravamo sperduti come un gregge,
ognuno di noi seguiva la sua strada;
il Signore fece ricadere su di lui
l'iniquità di noi tutti.
Maltrattato, si lasciò umiliare
e non aprì la sua bocca;
era come agnello condotto al macello,
come pecora muta di fronte ai suoi tosatori,
e non aprì la sua bocca.
Con oppressione e ingiusta sentenza fu tolto di mezzo;
chi si affligge per la sua sorte?
Sì, fu eliminato dalla terra dei viventi,
per l'iniquità del mio popolo fu percosso a morte.
Gli si diede sepoltura con gli empi,
con il ricco fu il suo tumulo,
sebbene non avesse commesso violenza
né vi fosse inganno nella sua bocca.
Ma al Signore è piaciuto prostrarlo con dolori.
Quando offrirà se stesso in espiazione,
vedrà una discendenza, vivrà a lungo,
si compirà per mezzo suo la volontà del Signore. Dopo il suo intimo tormento vedrà la luce e si sazierà della sua conoscenza; il giusto mio servo giustificherà molti,
egli si addosserà la loro iniquità.
Perciò io gli darò in premio le moltitudini,
dei potenti egli farà bottino,
perché ha consegnato se stesso alla morte
ed è stato annoverato fra gli empi,
mentre egli portava il peccato di molti
e intercedeva per i peccatori.
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Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
New corona hot spot Illegals in south Tel Aviv
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a few seconds from now
Corea del Nord taglia tutte le vie di comunicazione ufficiale con la Corea del Sud
A portare alla rottura tra i due Paesi, che pure nel 2018 avevano siglato un accordo sulla cessazione della guerra in Corea, è stata la situazione venutasi a creare della Zona Demilitarizzata tra i due Paesi, dove dei disertori del nord hanno diffuso dei volantini di propaganda anti-Pyongyang.
il delitto di soffocare la libertà di espressione delle persone?
non può essere imposto alla Corea del Sud con minacce!
e ne la Corea del Sud può essere ritenuta responsabile, della rottura di queste relazioni..
inoltre la avversione ai cristiani? è una avversione omicida, e questo non potrà durare, io consiglio la Corea del Nord di armarsi meglio!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
these flee the genocide of jihad sharia Islamic genocide Erdogan] mostly they are innocent Christians persecuted by UMMA, they miraculously managed to overcome the Egyptian desert where organ traders are operating, a horror that only Islam can exhibit in the world, under UN auspices OCI ARAB LEAGUE replacement theology] [Southern Tel Aviv is home to a large concentration of illegal immigrants from Africa, mainly from Eritrea with fewer Sudanese. Israeli health authorities have previously expressed concern that the lack of access to health care and the tight living conditions of illegal immigrants could trigger an outbreak of new infections.
their innocent blood? it will suffocate you!
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Discussion on World Israel News 12 comments
Too pretty for prison? Supermodel Bar Rafaeli escapes jail, but not her mom
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
given that
only a criminal state is a scam Rothschild, scam banking seigniorage high constitutional betrayal and its Masonic satanism
it can claim taxes from its goyims slave citizens
you can go to jail only for criminal offenses!
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Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
‘We must seize this opportunity,’ Efrat mayor says after annexation meeting with Netanyahu
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
forced into a major war ] [ today as today if the Messiah lorenzoJHWH came?
all Palestinians would go to Syria quickly! ] and I would make an annexation crawl into Syria as far as the Iraqi border, to place military protection structures from Iran
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Discussion on World Israel News 18 comments
WATCH Israeli strikes leveled dozens of Syrian anti-aircraft batteries in May
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 12 days ago
Islam sharia and genocide chinese russian and israeli - christian shoah ] [ Raymond Ibrahim "You Are Finished!" Turkey's Growing War on Christians
On May 8, 2020, a man tried to torch the Surp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Church in Istanbul, which had been repeatedly attacked with hate-filled graffiti, among other desecrations.
Ottoman BOIA Erdogan Islamic terror attacks that target Christians in Turkey have been noticeably on the rise. During Christmas in 2011, for instance, a large-scale al-Qaeda plot to bomb "all the churches in Ankara" was exposed. Before Christmas 2015, ISIS issued death threats to at least 20 Protestant churches, and warned that "Koranic commandments... urge us to slay the apostate like you."
In 2017, as widely reported, a gunman dressed as Santa Claus entered a nightclub in Istanbul during New Year celebrations, and murdered 39 people. A "heroic soldier of the caliphate," the Islamic State ("ISIS") later claimed, "attacked the most famous nightclub where Christians were celebrating their pagan feast." The statement further characterized the government of Turkey as being the "servant of the cross."
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Discussion on United with Israel 26 comments
WATCH Jews, Blacks Display Unity in Solidarity March for Equality and Justice
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
Obama Biden and the Democrats (the Deep State swamp) created this racial problem and now they want to give the fault to TRUMP ...
to their hairy dissimulation? nobody will bite! unfortunately no one in the US will believe the Jews who are protesting against racism, because of the usual:
Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild SpA Shareholders Central banks 666 scam banking seigniorage, cult Aru MAzda the Satanism that rules the world!
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Discussion on World Israel News 30 comments
$1.25 million bail set for police officer in George Floyd murder case
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
Obama Biden and the Democrats (the Deep State swamp) created this racial problem and now they want to give
the fault to TRUMP ...
to their hairy dissimulation?
nobody will bite! unfortunately no one in the US will believe the Jews who are protesting against racism, because of the usual:
Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild SpA Shareholders Central banks 666 scam banking seigniorage, cult Aru MAzda the Satanism that rules the world!
Obama Biden e i Democratici (la palude Deep State) hanno creato questo problema razziale e ora vogliono dare
la colpa a TRUMP...
alla loro pelosa dissimulazione?
nessuno abboccherà!
purtroppo nessuno in USA crederà agli ebrei che stanno manifestando contro il razzismo
per colpa dei soliti:
Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild SpA Azionisti Banche centrali il satanismo che governa il mondo!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
WATCH Orthodox Jews, Blacks Unite in NY Solidarity March for Racial Equality and Justice
https://unitedwithisrael org/watch-orthodox-jews-blacks-unite-in-ny-solidarity-march-for-racial-equality-and-justice/
Raymond Chioma Achinonu
My fellow Black men of American citizenry,Especially the New York residents and all black men all over the world, I appeal to you, to embrace The Jews with love, It is a hate speech and liars that has for decades inspired many evil words against the Jews. Jews are Racist, Jews are evil, Jews don"t want to associate with Blacks, It is all a Phantom hate stories that must change in your normal thinking. No one is bad in this world,because you do not associates or have common goal, so any story you heard becomes reality to you. due to you have not come closer to the person. Jews does not hate blacks, rather of a truth, majority of blacks Americans misunderstood the Jews and The Jewish religion,thereby, hate the Jews due to wrong conception . As America is in pain,and also searching for political solution to end Police brutality against blacks, As the Jews march one on one with the blacks along the street, for the same cause, use this opportunity to make friends and understand each other. Associate yourselves with men of good quality. And to burn always with this hard Gin like flame ,to maintain the courtesy with the Jews is success for you. Again, president Trump does not hate the Blacks, Obama, neglected the problem of the blacks during his tenure, because, he does not want people to think because he is a black man, he wants to give full attention to blacks, so a whole eight years of his presidency was wasted without blacks Americans getting a good job. When I said embrace peace and courtesy with jews I do not Mean the Muslims, whom,already cannot change though not all of them.
skai Raymond Chioma Achinonu
Raymond Very well said .And you are right about obama who is a Muslim and he did nothing for Blacks while he was in WH. He divided America blacks against whites . Trump ids the right man and I say TRUMP 2020. God willing and the support from the likes of you.
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Discussion on United with Israel 2 comments
New Israeli Cancer Treatment Garners $26 Million Investment
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
UNIUS REI for universal brotherhood
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
i am jewish MESSIA
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Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
Rapper Ice Cube blasted on social media for posting antisemitic image ‘You should be ashamed’
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jim Moritz 13 days ago
yeah, because your satan 666 CIA ROCKEFELLER SOROS TROLL Deep State can't
write "blocked"?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
Merkel Biden] I know what, you demonic beasts of satan ... what you are capable of, after all you are only supernatural
while I am a divine child of God!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
many NATO soldiers are priests of Satan, CIA secret services and make 30,000 human sacrifices on Satan's altar every year in Germany alone.
So CIA and NATO are indispensable structures for the technocratic EU Soros and neoliberal Kissinger of the Deep State, the New World Order (Bilderberg regime)
these cannibals must not return to the USA
they must be sent to Syria and Iraq
The German coordinator for transatlantic ties criticized the decision of the President of the United States Donald Trump to withdraw thousands of troops from Germany calling it "unacceptable".
Trump ordered U.S. forces to withdraw 9,500 soldiers from Germany, a senior American official announced on Friday.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
A criminal and former Cambridge Analytica executive "So Facebook and Google have campaigned for Trump." And the risks for the next election
as there is only one Rothschild monetary monopoly, for the creation of money from nothing ..
thus, through Masonic consociativism
Governments, states and religions no longer exist on this planet ...
there is only one NWO FED IMF the physical extension of Satan's body on earth.
then, the Masons stopped making their macabre messainscene
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
🕎Biden moderate terrorists
i am jewish messia
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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Israel believes Germany may serve as ‘buffer’ to EU's punitive measures after annexation
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
Austria, Holland, Germany have decided to kill all the Italians .. and have said that coronabonds are not for us! but, how do you make a further debt with someone who is already a corpse? to relieve you of the coronavirus tragedy if you have free liquidity! .. it is clear this is the death of the European dream ..
with the entry into the Euro the Italians have lost 50%
of purchasing power and French and Germans have enriched themselves
where is the scam?
l'Austria, l'Olanda, Germania hanno deciso di uccidere tutti gli italiani.. ed hanno detto che i coronabonds non sono per noi!
ma, tu come fai a fare un debito, ulteriore, con qualcuno che è già un cadavere?
per sollevarti dalla tragedia del coronavirus seve liquidità gratuita!
.. è chiaro questa è la morte del sogno europeo..
con l'ingresso nell'Euro gli italiani hanno perso il 50%
del potere di acquisto e francesi e tedeschi si sono arricchiti
dove è la truffa?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
all the “Beni Berith” Freemasons of FED SpA ECB NWO IMF OIC Riyadh Bilderberg Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and the Democratic Party
with savage fury they try to destroy the Jewish Christian civilization ...
Erdogan has been filling us with illegal immigrants for years and we cannot defend ourselves because of MERKEL !!
During the pandemic, French police were ordered to avoid going to areas not to go. The government could have feared that if an accident had occurred, riots could break out. On April 19, a young man riding a high-speed motorcycle hit the door of a police car near a sensitive area in a suburb of Paris and was injured for days, for days, across the country buildings and cars were burned. Pictured A riot fires fireworks at the police in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, in the northern suburbs of Paris, on April 20, 2020.
The coronavirus pandemic in the northern hemisphere appears to begin to subside, perhaps only temporarily.
Many journalists wonder if Italy, one of the eight worst affected countries in Western Europe, will leave the EU. Another country that worries is France - not in great shape.
Although France spends a significant portion on health care (8.6% of French GDP), the pandemic has been poorly managed frighteningly. The tragic shortage of ICU beds was the turning point 5,000 for the whole country, compared to 28,000 for Germany. There was also, until the end of April, an almost total lack of masks and protective equipment for hospital doctors and assistants. Further, there was a great lack of a great test ability for coronavirus. The situation prompted the government to decide on one of the most severe general blocs in Europe. For eight weeks, the French economy, like others, effectively stopped. The results have been devastating.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
PM Benjamin Netanyahu (tu non ti fidare di nessuno)
tanto meno, tu non ti fidare della STREGA German Chancellor Angela Merkel
spara per primo
spara lesto
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Israel Army Radio refuses to ban popstar's music despite her anti-Semitic post
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Moshe Novick 13 days ago
there is not an Messiah
there is only one jewish messiah me!
but Jesus of Bethlehem is my only Messiah
(you don't say it around otherwise you dississ me the clientele)
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
i am Jewish Messia
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Discussion on United with Israel 4 comments
Tehran Official Spies on Iranians Who Follow Israel on Twitter
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
non voglio più procrastinare la guerra mondiale!! ma è in Siria Iraq Iran e Arabia Saudita che deve iniziare PREPARATEVI! Merkel Biden] I know what, you demonic beasts of satan ... what you are capable of, after all you are only supernatural
while I am a divine child of God! many NATO soldiers are priests of Satan, CIA secret services and make 30,000 human sacrifices on Satan's altar every year in Germany alone.
So CIA and NATO are indispensable structures for the technocratic EU Soros and neoliberal Kissinger of the Deep State, the New World Order (Bilderberg regime)
these cannibals must not return to the USA
they must be sent to Syria and Iraq. The traitorous Freemason cult Aru Mazda JaBullOn German coordinator for transatlantic ties criticized the decision of the President of the United States Donald Trump to withdraw thousands of troops from Germany calling it "unacceptable".
Trump ordered U.S. forces to withdraw 9,500 soldiers from Germany, a senior American official announced on Friday.
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Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
Corona rules go by the wayside as Israeli businesses ignore health guidelines
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
WATCH Israel sees alarming spike in Covid-19
🕎Biden moderate terrorists
Merkel Biden ] io so di che cosa, voi le bestie di satana demoniache... di cosa voi siete capaci, dopotutto voi siete soltanto soprannaturali
mentre io sono un divino figlio di Dio!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
🕎Biden moderate terrorists🕎
A criminal and former Cambridge Analytica executive "So Facebook and Google have campaigned for Trump." And the risks for the next election
ANSWER as there is only one Rothschild monetary monopoly, for the creation of money from nothing .. thus, through Masonic consociativism
Governments, states and religions no longer exist on this planet ...
there is only one NWO FED IMF the physical extension of Satan's body on earth.
then, the Masons stopped making their macabre messainscene
Una criminale ed ex dirigente di Cambridge Analytica “Così Facebook e Google hanno fatto campagna elettorale per Trump”. E i rischi per le prossime elezioni
come esiste un solo monopolio monetario Rothschild, per la creazione del denaro dal nulla..
così, attraverso il consociativismo massonico
non esistono più Governi Stati e religioni in questo pianeta...
esite un solo NWO FED IMF la estensione fisica del corpo di Satana sulla terra.
allora, la smettero i massoni di fare la loro macabra messainscena
UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood
🕎Biden moderate terrorists
i am jewish messia
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
WATCH Israel adds long-range missile to its arsenal
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
Minneapolis city council votes to defund police Deep state, Jewish leadres diaspora, democratic party, FED IMF ECB shareholders neoliberalists lgbtq
and their Rothschild finance shareholder speculation scam banking seigniorage
they are crumbling the structures of the state, and the control of the territory
because their goal is anarchy ...
all of them ? we always find them all together against ISRAEL
Deep State, leadres ebrei diaspora, il partito democratico, azionisti FED IMF BCE neoliberalists lgbtq
e loro Rothschild finanza speculatura azionisti scam banking seigniorage
loro stanno sgretolando le strutture dello Stato, e il controllo del territorio
perché il loro obiettivo è l'anarchia...
tutti loro ? li troviamo tutti insieme sempre contro ISRAELE
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
who puts their trust in some sharia?
he decided to ruin his children .. and he knows he did it!
2015 Iranian Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA)
The JCPOA was signed in 2015 by Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, together with the European Union. Iran should have scaled back its nuclear program and drastically reduced its uranium reserves in exchange for lifting the sanctions. However, in 2018, American President Donald Trump announced the unilateral withdrawal from the agreement, launching the strategy of new, rigid, sanctions against Iran. Since then Iran has gradually moved away from some of the provisions of the nuclear deal, including limitations on uranium enrichment levels.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
"The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has ruled that Iran has refused to grant IAEA inspectors access to the hidden facilities in which Iran has conducted secret military nuclear activities. Iran has systematically violated its obligations and has hidden structures in which fissile materials have been enriched. I think the time has come for the international community to join the United States and introduce crippling sanctions against Iran, "said Netanyahu speaking at the weekly meeting of the Israeli government.
IRAN is running to get its atomic bombs
now the signatories of this wretched agreement, starting from Russia, and China are taking on their responsibilities!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
worldisraelnews] here there is a serious anomaly! negative ratings put with my other accounts? are not reported!
you have filtered with algorithms and filters, my comments!
also, in Israel, then, the first amendment was raped!
worldisraelnews ] quì c'é una grave anomalia! i voti negativi messi con altri miei account? non vengono riportati!
voi avete filtrato con algoritmi e filtri, i miei commenti!
anche, in Israele, allora, è stato stuprato il primo emendamento!
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Discussion on World Israel News 38 comments
IDF captures Palestinian rock-thrower who killed 21-year-old soldier
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 days ago
worldisraelnews ] quì c'é una grave anomalia! i voti negativi messi con altri miei account? non vengono riportati!
voi avete filtrato con algoritmi e filtri, i miei commenti!
anche, in Israele, allora, è stato stuprato il primo emendamento!
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Discussion on United with Israel 21 comments
POWERFUL New Immigrants Burst into Tears Arriving in Israel
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Earl Mann 13 days ago
they are only happy and excited
they answer to Hashem bless
and you are in Israel?
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Discussion on United with Israel 6 comments
Israeli Autonomous Car Tech will Do Corona 'Threat Detection'
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
OIC 666 Allah 322 FED petrodollari e satanismo ebraico-massonico! Come il popolo israeliano potrebbe sopravvivere a tutto questo?
"But this hateful environment did not emerge out of nowhere. The seeds of this hatred are spread, beginning at primary schools, through books printed by the Ministry of National Education portraying Christians as enemies and traitors. The indoctrination continues through newspapers and television channels in line with state policies. And of course, the sermons at mosques and talk at coffee houses further stir up this hatred."
In other words, Turks, once "secular," are now educated to hate Christians.
Notably, even that is not enough to prevent ISIS from accusing Turkey of being a "servant of the cross".
Just what, then, do so-called "radical" Muslims — between 63 and 287 million Muslims support ISIS in just eleven nations — regard as the "proper" treatment of Christians?
Raymond Ibrahim, author of the recent book, Sword and Scimitar, Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
Follow Raymond Ibrahim on Twitter and Facebook
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
Putin USA e la NATO hanno fatto di Erdogoan
quel nuovo Hitler di cui avevano bisogno
Threatening and defacing churches is especially common. In early 2019, hate-filled graffiti — including "You Are Finished!" — was found on the Armenian Church of the Holy Mother of God in Istanbul. Commenting on it, an Armenian activist tweeted, "Every year, scores of hate attacks are being carried out against churches and synagogues."
In late 2019, while shouting abuses and physical threats against Christians gathered at the Church of St. Paul in Antalya, a man said he "would take great pleasure in destroying the Christians, as he viewed them as a type of parasitism on Turkey."
Most recently, on May 8, 2020, in Istanbul, a man tried to torch a church that had been repeatedly attacked with hate-filled graffiti, among other desecrations.
Rather than threaten or attack churches, Turkish authorities have the power simply to confiscate or close them (here, here, and here, for examples). In one instance, police, similarly to the marauders mentioned above, interrupted a baptismal ceremony while raiding and subsequently shutting down an unauthorized church. "Turkey does not have a pathway for legalization of churches," the report noted.
When pretexts cannot be found, assailants sometimes resort to other tactics. In an apparent attempt to conceal the online presence of at least one church, for instance, authorities labeled its website "pornographic," and blocked it. The ban was "horrible," a church representative responded. "It's a shame. It really pains us at having this kind of accusation when we have a high moral standard."
In addition, ancient churches that predate Islam by centuries — including Stoudios monastery, the oldest Christian place of worship in Asia Minor, and founded a millennium before the Islamic conquest in the fourteenth century — are being transformed into mosques. After explaining how the Turkish government built nearly 9,000 mosques in one decade, while banning liturgy in the Sumela Monastery — another historic site inaugurated in 386, about a 1,000 years before Asia Minor became "Turkey" — a report adds, "This arbitrary ban seems to be yet another demonstration of the 'unofficial' second-class status of Christians in Turkey."
Hate for Christians in Turkey has reached the point where "infidels" are pursued even beyond the grave. Attacks on Christian cemeteries are on the rise, prompting one Christian to ask "Is it now the turn of our deceased?"
According to a March 2020 report, 20 of 72 gravestones in just one Christian cemetery in Ankara were found destroyed. In another recent incident the desecraters broke a cross off a deceased women's grave. A few days earlier, her church burial service had been interrupted by cries of "Allahu Akbar!"
What is behind all these attacks on anything and everything Christian — people, buildings, even graves? The recent response of a journalist in Turkey was an "environment of hate":
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
if you are not takifirius jihad sharia islamists OIC violent like them?
you will die! Iran Save Zeynab's sight
Zeynab Jalalian, Iran, undated photo. © Copyright Private
Zeynab Jalalian is in her early thirties and is set to spend the rest of her life in Iran’s Kermanshah prison. She was convicted in 2010 of membership of an armed Kurdish opposition group, following alleged torture during her interrogation and a trial lasting a few minutes with no lawyer present.
She lost her freedom, now she may lose her sight too.
Zeynab has had eye problems for a number of years, probably as a result of being beaten around the head during interrogation. Recently her condition has deteriorated further and she may now be losing her sight.
On 8 April, she was transferred to the prison clinic in handcuffs and shackles for treatment, however, it's not clear if the clinic is actually equipped to treat her condition. She has repeatedly been refused access to an eye specialist outside the prison.
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Discussion on United with Israel 23 comments
Israel Eliminated 12 Iranian-Backed Militiamen in Syria, Says War Monitor
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 futaiul 14 days ago
you head staiul?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
From the columns of that New York Times Freemason it emerges that the republican "Beni Berith" establishment would be ready, to a certain extent, to turn its back on Donald TRUMP.
why with him? the Islamic world war against China and Russia and to stem Israelis and Europeans? sure, it could never be done while the Riyad FED IMF “Beni Berith” NWO team orders are just these!
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Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
PA aims to bring world condemnation upon Israel’s annexation plans
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
Caroline Glick The great threat to America and to American Jewry
http://disq us/t/3pd5xyi
Obama, Morgan "Beni Berith" FED IMF ECB NWO and the Democratic Party Bilderberg regime
they planned the extermination of all whites in South Africa,
the guilt of the white male (which must be feminised lgbtq)
and this has only one name:
Biden's Satanism
the NWO OIC Deep State wants to exterminate Christians to burn the roots of Israel!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
India Russia Cina ] [ nessuno vuole il terrorismo islamico sharia jiahd
e perché, io mi devo tenere il terrorismo palestinese?
questi sono elementi asociali sharia, in tutto il mondo!
.... questa storia schifosa? finirà in tragedia per tutto il genere umano
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Discussion on United with Israel 37 comments
Former IDF Medic Foresees a 'Billion Doses' of His Firm's Covid-19 Vaccine by Next Year
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
Suspect who stabbed NY cop yelled 'Allahu Akbar'
From the columns of that New York Times Freemason it emerges that the republican "Beni Berith" establishment would be ready, to a certain extent, to turn its back on Donald TRUMP.
why with him? the Islamic world war against China and Russia and to stem Israelis and Europeans? sure, it could never be done
while the Riyad FED IMF “Beni Berith” NWO team orders are just these!
Suspect who stabbed NY cop yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’
Dalle colonne di quel massone del New York Times emerge che l'establishment “Beni Berith” repubblicano, sarebbe pronto, in una certa misura, a voltare le spalle a Donald TRUMP.
perché con lui? la guerra mondiale islamica contro Cina e Russia e per steminare Israeliani ed europei? certo, non si potrebbe mai fare
mentre gli ordini di scuderia Riyad FED IMF “Beni Berith” NWO sono proprio questi!
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Discussion on United with Israel 1 comments
Palestinian Leader Eulogizes Monster on FBI 'Most Wanted Terrorist' List
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
UN OCI Iran Hamas normalizing ties to Israel is the "new Palestinian setback"
Bin Riyad Salman SARUMAN] if any sharia wanted to kill Israel? sure, she would have already come to me.
this is the truth "every sharia only wants the genocide of the Israelis .."
any deal? it's a fiction
ONU OCI Iran Hamas normalizzare i legami con Israele è la "nuova battuta d'arresto palestinese"
Bin Riyad Salman SARUMAN ] se, una qualche sharia voleva uccidere Israele? certo, sarebbe già venuta da me.
questa è la verità "ogni sharia vuole soltanto il genocidio degli israeliani.."
ogni accordo? è una finzione
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Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments
UAE former police chief calls on Arab world to accept Israel
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
Bin SALMAN ] il tuo ALLAH? è una piattola [ and why did your premier jihad sharia Erdogan Fayez al-Sarraj pleaded for a ceasefire for 2 years and now he doesn't want it anymore? Libya, no to ceasefire Tripoli rejects the mediation of Egypt.
and why did your general jihad sharia Putin Haftar Macron never want the ceasefire, and now he always wants it?
your Allah is giving a spectacle of indecent Satanism to the whole world!
Bin SALMAN ] e come mai il tuo premier jihad sharia Erdogan Fayez al-Sarraj ha supplicato il cessate il fuoco da 2 anni e ora non lo vuole più?
Libia, no al cessate il fuoco Tripoli respinge la mediazione dell’Egitto.
e come mai il tuo generale jihad sharia Putin Haftar Macron non voleva mai, il cessate il fuoco, e ora lo vuole sempre?
il tuo Allah sta dando uno spettacolo di indecente satanismo a tutto il mondo!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
UAE former police chief calls on Arab world to accept Israel
really? sincerely? THEN REMOVE SHARIA!
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Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments
US Mideast peace plan 'not set in stone,' says UN envoy
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 days ago
lorenzoJHWH, Deep STATE, jerck scrumbled horror satanists lizards Merkel Macron Trudeau Biden swamp traitor Soros Murdoch Kissinger? hate our MAGA PATRIOT! and this is good per us! President Trump’s first and highest duty as President is to defend our great Country and the American People. He swore an oath to uphold the laws of our Nation - and that is exactly what he will do.
Dangerous THUGS and angry MOBS will NOT be tolerated by our President. He is taking a stand where Do Nothing Democrat leaders will not, and he needs to know he has your support during this critical time.
It’s absolutely critical that EVERY Patriot comes together right now to send a united message that America stands behind its President, and stands AGAINST ANTIFA 100%.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Henderson_m 15 days ago
after a billion innocent sharia victims in 1400 years,
stupid people think that with ISLAM we could deal,
but yet,
everyone knows that they are fraudulent contractors without reciprocity
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
Palestinians can have housing settlements in all valleys, and Jews all hills, the agricultural territory of Judea and Samaria must be divided by 50%
but they must renounce sharia or be deported
but all this phantom Palestinian nation, it makes no sense since I will destroy the state of ISRAEL too.
I am the Kingdom of ISRAEL
everything to everyone
one common law
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
"Come to me all you who are fatigued and oppressed, and I will give you rest." by Jesus of Bethlehem son of King David,
in fact, abusive, thief Rothschild Ja-BulOn and his accomplices Bin Salman sharia
treacherous Masons usurped his throne, as still is today!
So, lorenzoJHWH came to claim the throne of his father King David and he claims it against all those on this planet who do not want to be "" cadavers ""
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Discussion on World Israel News 245 comments
Pelosi says annexation 'undermines US' and will end Democrats' support for Israel
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Aristobulus 15 days ago
you are dhirty church Satana
pedo-poligamist orgia depravaTI INZIVOSI LURDACCHIONI
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Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
US congressional candidates tainted by antisemitism defeated in Iowa, New Mexico primaries
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
"Come to me all you who are fatigued and oppressed, and I will give you rest." by Jesus of Bethlehem son of King David,
in fact, abusive, thief rothschild and his accomplices Bin Salman
treacherous Masons usurped his throne, as still is today!
So, lorenzoJHWH came to claim the throne of his father King David and he claims it against all those on this planet who do not want to be "" cadavers ""
"Venite a me voi tutti che siete affaticati e oppressi, e io vi darò riposo". by Gesù di Betlemme figlio di Re Davide,
infatti, abusivi rothschild e complici Bin Salman
i massoni traditori usurparono il suo trono, come tutt'oggi!
Quindi, lorenzoJHWH è venuto a rivendicare il Trono di suo padre Re Davide e lo rivendica contro tutti coloro che in questo pianeta non vogliono essere ""cadaverizzati""
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
‘Wolf Warrior Diplomacy’ Israel’s China Strategy in Peril https://www.middleeastmonitor com/20200603-wolf-warrior-diplomacy-israels-china-strategy-in-peril/ poiché la Cina respinge la prevista annessione della Cisgiordania da parte di Israele
allora i legami con la Cina devono essere allentati
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
Symbolic Pics of the Month 06/20 https://vigilantcitizen com/pics-of-the-month/symbolic-pics-of-the-month-06-22/
In mid-May, Melinda Gates was promoting vaccines on TV while wearing .
.. an inverted cross. 2020 is surreal.
The inverted cross was so obvious that the Snopes disinformation site had to lie about it. Their question was, "Did Melinda Gates wear an inverted cross? ".
The answer is obviously "Yes". We can actually see it with our own eyes.
Their response was "Mostly False". This is a yes or no question, Snopes.
They dare to mention "low resolution video footage".
This video was recorded in high definition 4K. Does the "What's False" section talk about the inverted cross which is not a "symbol of loyalty" (whatever it is) for the Church of Satan?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
death penalty! Gay couple adopt boy raped and raped in gay parties
https://voxnews info/2020/01/28/coppia-gay-adotta-maschietto-stuprato-e-fatto-stuprare-in-festini-gay/
Because it all started much earlier. It begins when Mark Newton and his ‘American boy’, named Peter Truong, buy a child à la Vendola, paying $ 8,000 to a Russian woman in a more or less illegal adoption. Since then, gay adoption in Russia has been illegal by law.
Until now, a 'normal' experience in gay circles and not only (we are against the 'surrogate' even for normal couples), even the parliamentarian PD who had his 'friend' Vox denounced and lost thus obtained a child, using a woman as a surrogate mother and with him many others, more or less known. All criminals.
Going back to little John, the gay couple who got him, was not just any couple, but made up of two activists. Of those who go to Gay Pride, who are interviewed to explain how fair gay adoption is.
They had an interview with an ABC journalist in Queensland in 2010, just to talk about their fight to have a child as a gay couple, entitled two fathers are better than one.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 days ago
'NYPD is losing the city' Pressure mounts on NYC mayor to call in National Guard
https://worldisraelnews com/nypd-is-losing-the-city-pressure-mounts-on-ny-mayor-to-call-in-national-guard
Head of New York City police union calls on President Donald Trump to intervene immediately.
That says it all. The NYPD isn't losing anything - they are being betrayed and backstabbed by that imbecile DeBlasio and that completely incompetent eldery-killer Cuomo.
UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood alpcns.
if then, you think that the priests of satan and the masons:
they can enter the police, the army, within social media, Twitter, Facebook google youtube, within religions and within institutions ...
because in the USA the secret organizations of "Beni Berith" anti-Christian and Satanist masons they are not illegal, then, they will certainly obey Morgan Bush CIA SpA FED NWO deep State,
certainly, they don't obey the President,
then, the situation is damned complicated
since the Satanists to enter the sect or not to enter the sulfuric acid bin must go out into the street to kidnap the girls and girls, to be brought to the altar of satan, the cannibals
or to commit free brutal crimes, and murders against unfortunate passing civilians
as it happens in USA France, Germany and England
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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