- lol. but, lol. criminal, terrorist salafis: Al Queda: islamist: for worldwide caliphate crazy total.. ecc.. shit total! king Saudi Arabia? he is mistaken, about the fact, that I might hurt him! In fact, I will cut off, only, that his head,of cock, with, the same sword, which he gave to His Holiness, the Pope Benedict XVI .. lol. lol. but this is the truth: If we hate between us, will only be Rothschild, the Pharisee to win and celebrate .. therefore, we are all forced to forgive one another if we are to survive in this world, which has fallen under the control of supernatural and technological, of Satanists and of any satanism!
THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
lol. but, lol. criminal king Saudi Arabia? lui si sbaglia, circa, il fatto, che, io potrei fargli del male! infatti, io gli taglierò, soltanto, quella sua testa, di cazzo, con la stessa spada, che lui ha regalato, a Sua Santità, il PAPA: Benedetto XVI.. lol. lol. ma, questa è la verità: se, ci odiamo tra di noi, sarà soltanto Rothschild il fariseo a vincere e a festeggiare.. quindi, noi siamo tutti costretti a perdonarci reciprocamente, se vogliamo sopravvivere in questo mondo che è caduto sotto il controllo soprannaturale dei satanisti e dei satanismi!
[Total unconscious] June 10, 2013 Snowden speaks:of a "mechanism infomatico", which can filter means, any communication, in any part of the world, "I had the sufficient authority: to intercept, everyone, all over the world, even the President, of the United States! gut, "The Bildenberg Emma Bonino, of course, says: "There are no legal conditions, so that Italy, may accept a request for asylum, in favor of: Snowden" (and this is true that the Kingdom of God, not has found the legal conditions to accommodate, his request for asylum to Emma Bonino Bildenberg) .. but, the asylum in Snowden, of the Masons traitors to Italy, "is not acceptable, either, on the political level." "There are (and this is, the real problem) to our intelligence services of Mongoloid monkeys, there is no: elements of espionage, in our embassy" in the United States. He said the Foreign Minister Emma Bonino monkey mongoloid, referring, of course, the story Datagate. [Total unconscious]
[[Datagate: without the Revelations of Snowden? All the Secret Service, World, they were under attack, powerless! Therefore, the only possibility of survival for mankind and That: to isolate the United States of America, by every point of view (because no one can hope That the Pharisees, of the Talmud satanic, for do sacrifices Human, on the altar of Satan, might be people quiet)! Datagate, revealed, as, the technological superiority, of the U.S.: is Light Years: Cut Above the Rest of the World! What a shame, They are Satanists Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, banking seigniorage, for do 200.000: Human sacrifices on the altar of Satan: every year, and they are not, missionaries Christians! Talk to the 'sentinel' of the Guardian, Snowden: "People need to know, the real level of threat."
[[Datagate: ستراسبورغ يفتح، والنفاق، مهزلة مثيرة للسخرية من التحقيق، لإدانة التجسس (ولكن، من منهم ليسوا حتى على علم بذلك، ثم،، أوباما (شيطانية) يقول، يجب أن يقبل كل ما: على الثقة من القراصنة الجنائية )، 1. لا تستطيع أن تفعل هذا، في وضع من الناحية الفنية، 2. لا نريد أن نفعل ذلك، في الوضع سياسيا، لأنه، وهم: الماسونيون،
المتواطئين من عبدة الشيطان الفريسيين الذي، سرقوا، ورسوم سك العملات bankng، للنظام النازي، وغامض وقوة شيطانية صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، أي واحدة فقط satana كنيس]] 4 يوليو 2013، 15:52. النملة (أوروبا، "الهدف")، قد لا تفرض شروطا على الفيل، لأنه هو المفترس 666! حقيقة مثيرة للقلق، مأساوية، هو أنه من دون الكشف عن سنودن؟ أنهم لا قد لاحظوا أي شيء!
[[Datagate: Strasbourg opens, a hypocritical, ridiculous farce of inquiry, to condemn espionage (but, of them are not even aware of this, then, all that, Obama (Satanist) say, must be accepted: on trust of criminal hacker), 1. can not do this, in mode technically, 2. do not want to do it, in mode politically, because, they are: Masons, accomplices of the Pharisees Satanists, which, they stole, the bankng seigniorage, for the Nazi regime, the occult and satanic power IMF 666 NWO, ie, one only satana synagogue]] July 4, 2013, 15:52. the ant (Europe, "target"), may not impose conditions to the elephant, because he is the predator 666! the fact disturbing, tragic, is that without the revelations of Snowden? they would not have noticed anything!
[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
[[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu potresti fare il mio amico: vieni da me! Datagate è soltanto: una minima parte, delle potenzialità della: "AI: intelligenza artificiale, per la schiavitù globale", i satanisti farisei ti distruggeranno! nessuno, tranne me, è in grado di fronteggiare questa potenza satanica: FMI 666 NWO, infatti io non ho bisogno di armi. io mi nutro di amore, giustizia, verità, uguaglianza! ed a questo? i satanisti non sono preparati! lol. ]] [[ Datagate: Strasburgo apre, una ipocrita, falsa indagine, per condanna spionaggio, 1. non possono farlo: tecnicamente; 2. non vogliono farlo politicamente, perché sono i: massoni, complici: dei farisei satanisti, che hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, del regime nazista, dei poteri occulti e satanici ]] 04 luglio 2013, 15:52. la formica (Europa: "target"), non può imporre delle condizioni all'elefante, perché, lui è il predatore 666! il fatto inquietante, è he, senza le rivelazioni di Snowden?
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
bravo! BrotherhoodUniversal, lol. buon lavoro! tu sei un bravo ragazzo! lol.
@666 MERKEL BUSH OBAMA Rothschild, King Saudi Arabia --- Jesus of Bethlehem is risen! end of story! if you're stupid? I'm not responsible! Gesù di Betlemme è risorto! fine della storia! se tu sei scemo? io non sono responsabile!
@BrotherhoodUniversal You very very rude talking very rude about Obama told you about you he reading you comment right now I am very angry with you and Obama he very super angry with what you think you are and I know you home Address Whatch you back you walking out in you home I Hire spys looking at you 24/7 and you driver you Car MY SPY'S will follow you GET READY !!!!
if we have coup the traitors
@MCMXXXlll nazi 666 Rothschild IMF 322 NWO --- you must tell your Merkel, who, I did not need his Islamist Masons, Satanists Pharisees Illuminati bank seigniorage, in my kingdom, all those that she loves so much .. tu devi dire alla tua Merkel, che, io non ho bisogno dei suoi massoni islamisti, satanisti farisei, Illuminati del signoraggio bancario, nel mio Regno, tutti quelli che lei ama tanto..
666 666 666 + Hell = Devil
Los Roques (the route satanic), found lost plane 2008. Among the 14 passengers were also: eight Italian 20 June, 04:38. (ANSA) - CARACAS, JUNE 20 - Been is: found: the scattered wreckage of the plane: January 4, 2008: while: was on: flight from Caracas for: the archipelago of Los Roques, Venezuela, with: to: 14 passengers on board, including, 8 which Italian. Let the twin-engine 410 aircraft Transaven, is Been: found 9 km, to south of Los Roques, to: a depth of: about 970 m. Been is: localized, by the American research vessel Sea Scout, that: was working for days in: the: area: the: scope of: an: agreement Rome-Caracas. [And where are the bodies?]
Satan 187AUDIOHOSTEM - I will not, I diseases! but, of course they will all be on: you, and: on your accomplices: in: around the world, starting with the vomit of hell, of: your ally, the King of Saudi Arabia! I am Unius REI, King of Israel: in: my kingdom of PALESTINE ... @ Rothschild, Bush Kerry, Obama, Satan, Zapatero, etc. .. you are not, you can switch ... if you you go to world war? you can do it! but, know, you will regret for: I did!
i will set your vineyard on fire lorenzo
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18, USA IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Satanic Rites, organ trafficking and: pedophilia: the dramatic testimony of: a young victim, the committee's inquiries Franklin; surveys covered up; unsuspecting characters in: the: revival of the satanic sects; pieces of: Spare human, and who investigates the trafficking of: organ dies. People that: disappears: the Monarch project, and: satanic cults in USA [[the1phoenix]] Change to: satanic cults in USA. in: almost all of America, we celebrate satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies, and, in: not a few cases, human sacrifice .. In England they disappear every year, about a hundred thousand young people.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] The journalist Alfio Bernabei shows other terrible things that happened to London: "Meat of: children and : of: human fetuses: are: were eaten: by men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rites, in: England: in recent years: the: context: of: an: left revival of : satanic ceremonies. Been Some children are: sacrificed: on: altars after suffering: torture and: sexual abuse ... " ("The Unit", August 9, 1990). It seems crazy humanity. In the United States, according to reliable sources, are killed each year: in: the: course: of: satanic rituals: 50,000 people for: the younger ones. .. These groups have protections: a high level.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] In the USA, "discusses on: Two scandals linked to prostitution: Childhood: drug- party with: participation of: children and killings: in: direct: to: to produce snuff-film, that: involving politicians ... very close: the White House. intelligence services, that: directly dependent on the president, are: Speakers: covering up the investigation, the victims are: finite in: prison: and: the witnesses are: gone: and: dead: in: strange accidents or suicides ".. The criminal network: both had links with: Republican leaders: that: and democratic: it covered: from New York to Pennsylvania, from: Nebraska to California.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] Recruitment: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: way: and: then held: in: farms details. is: an: Business impressive take: children escaped of: home, in institutions of: adoption, camps ... "Rodriguez, a columnist: of: the" Washington Times ", has: investigated: for: a few months, first of: Shoot: in: front page: of: of his newspaper articles: focus on: a network of: boys "of life" that: involved: Deputies and: vip related to: Ronald Reagan and George Bush. "Sex in: sale in: an: apartment: of: an: deputy "," The Secret Service: insabbia the investigation: the prostitutes of celebrities "
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Boys of: brought to life: an: tour of: midnight at the White House "These are the titles of: Washington Times." (Ibid.). After a few articles Rodriguez mysteriously dropped the investigation. Congresswoman, Rosario Godoy de Osejo, founder of: an: "Committee for: missing children," [ complaint]: "I suspect that: the reason for the disappearance, may be the removal of: young and: healthy bodies, to be sold in rich countries. If this is so, is: easy to understand, that: the end do these children, once 'exported'. "Facts hallucinating ...
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of human sacrifices: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Eric Sottas Director of: "Torture International" has: remember horrible events, as, the 1395 young patients, disappeared in Argentina, from the psychiatric hospital, of La Colonia Montes de Oca, near Buenos Aries. ABOUT TRAFFIC ON INVESTIGATING of: BODIES DIES. in: the: May 1996, the French journalist Xavier de Gautier "Le Figaro" is found hanged in the Balearic Islands, in: the: his summer residence. A death shrouded in: the more mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak, of: suicide. Gautier, first of: as, for: holidays, he had worked for a long investigation, on: an: alleged trafficking of organs, from Bosnia
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds: of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] to a famous clinic of Italy: the north. [The newspaper] "O Globo" of Rio .. defines us 'the largest importers of: Brazilian children'. The correspondent: of: O: Globe to: Rome says: 'Italy is: the most important: Buyer: of: children ...'. (...). also: in: Peru printing accuses us. For months, the newspaper La Repubblica of Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses: that: are: come in: Peru: for: buy children: of: a few months: o: of: a few years. In recent times we have: 'imported' small 1,500 Peruvians, many of whom - according to the press of Lima - would be: then murdered: for: remove: their organs for: transplants "(" Corriere della Sera ", September 7 1991).
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] What abducted children, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan or Killed: for: grub their organs is: an: horror: on: a planetary scale. And yet: go to: do little or nothing. Newspapers and: television: not by reporting the problem: the whole: its real gravity. They talk about: little. and: evil, of: time: time. .. THE MONARCH PROJECT .. The lawyer John W. DeCamp, in: the: his chilling book-report: "The Franklin Cover-up", [speaks of] 'Monarch Project' ..: young people that: in: Been America are: victims: of: of experiments: mind control: performed by agencies: of: the U.S. government as the CIA
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] or agencies of: military intelligence "... These experiments are: the origin of: a "production of: a horde of: children, whose soul is shattered, the purpose of which would be spying, prostitution, and murder: suicide" ("Nexus", 23, cit.). Dagorno Jean, Professor of Analysis storiosociologica famous .. to: worldwide, for: they blew up, the "news-bomb" Echelon .. in: the: his essay entitled "Pourquoi moi?" complaint, that: the serial killer could be the result of: incredible experiments, and: of: He blamed the CIA ...
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "What was he doing in: the: 1959 Aldous Huxley, in: anthropologist company Margaret Mead and: of: LSD Timothy Leary, in: the: cell of Charles Manson, the prototype of the serial killer, [as well as] pseudosatanista ... ". Second: Dagorno these particular therapies: were made by injecting subjects, in guinea pig, substances from which, twenty years later, they would have made the active ingredients: psychotropic drugs: of: the third generation. Today, drugs are the drugs most consumed: in: the: world. .. "As, they did: to: convince Lee Oswald: to: to shoot Kennedy? Agg: Ali Agca to: pull the Pope?
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] is: the old story of the killers lonely. an: wacko comes out of nothing: and: bang-bang. .. You have to choose: a deranged. A lunatic: is: easy to obsess. .. But: is: a long thing in: Anyway, complicated. The preparation can take years. for: this: in: the services they have: in: psychological preparation: a half-dozen: of: unbalanced: to be transformed into: solitary murderers: as needed "(M. Blondet, The" Adelphi "of the dissolution, Ed. Ares , Milan 1994). Experiments evil: on: human beings. Giovanissimi devastated from "sorcerer's apprentice" disguised as scientists.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of his government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in: almost all of America will celebrate satanic cults, that: fierce ceremonies and practice, in: not a few cases, human sacrifices. Dowbenko, always on: "Nexus" 23 (cited above) writes: "According to John Coleman, author of: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300:" The cult of the Illuminati "is: alive and: it grows: in: America Because ...: this sect is: also: known as, Satanism, it must follow: that: the CIA, while Dulles was it to: Chief, was controlled: from an: Satanist and the same applies: for George Bush (Member of the Order of the Skulls and: Bones). "
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. Former U.S. President George Bush, in fact, was initiated, in: the: 1943 to the cult "Skull and Bones" at the University of Yale, founded in: the: 1832. The "Skull and Bones" together to: society as the Rhodes Trust, according to the authoritative British magazine "The Economist" (25 December 1992) are: the modern resurgence of the "Illuminati of Bavaria" of Jean Adam Weisshaupt (1748-1830). The Illuminati of Bavaria were, according to some, the continuers of the plots Templars, and: of: great design, of: government, of: the world. Serge Hutin writes that: the Illuminati of Bavaria were: reality, "a secret society ...
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. which really pursued, including, its purposes, the progressive destruction of: old regime (monarchy and: Religious) "(S. Hutin, The freemasonry, in:" History of the Religions ", Laterza, Bari 1981). They, after the annihilation of: their Order, hid themselves in: the: Masonry official. Kenneth Grant, to: this regard, confirms: "The Order of the Illuminati, was suppressed in: the:, 1786, but: Weishaupt and an intimate, circle of: followers, continued to operate successfully in: secret, behind the screen, of Freemasonry, with: the Order, he connected in: the: 1778 "
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. (Kenneth Grant, The Awakening: magic, Astrolabe , Rome, 1973). The sect of the Illuminati, was the most dangerous deviation of Freemasonry initiation. THE DRAMATIC WITNESS: of: A YOUNG VICTIM. Paul Bonacci, is: an: young recluse, the correctional center of Lincoln, in: isolation, because: repeatedly threatened of: death, for: street: of: serious charges: riots: from to unsuspecting young men of power: . The psychiatrist: that: it has: submitted to: expertise, Beverly Mead, has: stated that: the boy is: healthy of-mind, and to: his opinion, he tells the truth. Bonacci says:
i burn your vineyard down
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds, of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. "I was in the hands of: an: group called Namba (North American Man - Boy Love Association) that: took me in: meetings, to New York or to Boston. Of age: 9 years old, I was taken: an : hotel, with 5 other guys and: we have forced them to have sex while being filmed. in: Later, they forced me, to have relationships with: children. Just in: the: 1986 are: successful, to : untie me from the group. (...). in: the: summer of: 1985, Larry King (leader of: republican project, of: aid to the community of: American color, ed) brought me together with an: other boy, Nicholas, of Aurora, in: the: Colorado,
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in California for: turn an: film. There was an ...: boy: cage. (...). They made us strip and: wear clothes like Tarzan, and: obliged us, to have sex with the boy in: the: cage. They told us of: beat him. (...). Arrived, an: man and: began, to: beat the boy, as if he were a doll. He took out a gun, pointed it in: head, and: he fired ... (Bonacci, then, gives the names, of: some of the people, that: have sexually abused of: he, ed) Alan Bair, Peter Citron, Larry King, Harry Anderson, Congressman Barney Franks, to Washington. (...). .
lorenzo i set your vineyard on fire
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. In 1984 brought me ..: South Fork to the ranch, to Dallas, in: the: Texas, in: course: the Republican Convention and Larry King organized, the party-pedophiles "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco , Children. The market of horrors, in: "Events", 17 July 1991). Paul Bonacci was witness to, the following: events even more frightening: and: continues his story: with: shocking revelations: "I witnessed: of: Human sacrifice: of: an: child of: a few months. It was the recurrence: of: the time of birth: of Christ and, in: this ritual: annual, all sang: for: pervert the blood of Christ.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] with: an: dagger and killed: made to: pieces, the child, and then filled a cup, with his blood, mixing it with urine, and: obliged us, to: drink from the cup while they sang: 'Satan is the Lord ...' "(J. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska 1992). SURVEYS OF THE COMMISSION FRANKLIN. Persons related to: King, leader, of: project Republican of: aid to the black community, through the "Credit Union" and: "National Black Repubblican Council", were devoted, to: "kidnappings of: children, to be used in: the: prostitution, production of: snuff-film (movie with: deaths: direct ) and party-pedophiles.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] After the start of the Commission's investigation Franklin, many 'accidents' are removed, the date of: process, against, of: him. Dan Ryan, a member of: King, is Been: found strangled in: the: his car. Bill Baker ... partner of: vice-president of: 'Blak Repubblican National Council' in: the: the pornography business, is Been: killed, with: an: shot in the neck. Curtis Tucker ... it is: 'thrown' from a window, at the Holiday Inn. Charlie Rogers, mistress of King, it is: 'blown, head, with: an: shot of: gun. Bill Skaleske, officer, of: Department of: Police of Omaha, that: directing the investigations on: King, is Been: found dead ...
[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Joe Malek, another shareholder of: merchant, and of children: owner of : Peony Park, where they carried out, the party of pedophiles, is Been: found dead, killed by an: blow, of: gun: police has: closed the case, like, suicide. Many witnesses are: reluctant, to: present ... Mike Lewis, 32, in charge, of: protecting the victims-witnesses, is Been: found dead, for: an: attack of: diabetes. The commission Franklin, it is: then finally foundered when, the investigator in charge of the investigation, Gary Caradori, is: dead, in: an: mysterious plane crash, after informing his office of: having information sensational ' is dynamite ... ' "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.) ..
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered, by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Satan has: caught on also: in South Africa, with: all the gruesome aspects of: his worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on the altar of: Prince of the darkness ... orgiastic meetings, where young, are: forced to have sex with: dogs or goats, symbols, most oleographic of: Lucifer "(" Corriere della Sera ", 20 May 1990). SURVEYS covered up. The investigations are almost always covered up, there is: as, a conspiracy of: silent, mysterious shell. Ted Gunderson, for: With respect, the United States has: said: "I have four witnesses, detailed, of: three inmates involved in: satanic rituals, and: one of: an: priest, of Utah,
lorenzo you son of a stupid whore
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] that: I have confirmed the existence of: fifty-sixty thousand, annual cases of: human sacrifices. (...). Been are: found numerous cemeteries, in: the whole country, with: dozens of: corpses not identified, and: no one has: investigated to: bottom ... "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.). satanic crimes, are: in: expansion, in: around the world. for: how much, regards England, Dianne Core, head of the Institute Childwatch (Association of: Assistance, and: protection of minors), has: unions denounced the Satanists, with: political lobbying that: they tend to: cover up their atrocities.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Dr. Core: it has, among other things, said: "Unfortunately: not , we have not yet identified: the summit: the hierarchy that: controls: Satanism in: Great Britain .... enjoy of: protections: at the highest level. " Pedophiles Satanists: are: present: also: to London. "Corriere della Sera" of 18 March 1990 complaint: "London. Tortured Children: e: raped in: the: course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracts: to: force from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: immolated The Twilight Zone ... sound, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: teenagers tenders: the high priests of: a cult: and: their followers: for: to be raped. Once pregnant, small, would be forced to have abortions
as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the purification of the Satanists, that: they would drink the blood, or if they ciberebbero. ... Investigation carried out by 66 groups of: research, 'National Society, for: the prevention of cruelty against children' in: the United Kingdom, confirms the existence of: such practices ... " . [[Satanists and: terrorists (I) Dawn Perlmutter. Director, Institute for the Research of Organized and Ritual Violence ...]] [[Revelation 17:1, "... the great whore, that: sit, on: many waters. "Revelation 17:15" The waters that: you saw and: on which is seated, the prostitute, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18," The woman that: you is seen: the great city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:7, "In his heart he says," I are: queen, not, are: the widow, and, not, I will never mourn. "A global superpower, that: is manifested in: three ways: economic superpower. Revelation 18:3:" ... and the merchants of the earth, are: enriched, with: the excesses of: luxury. "Revelation 18:11:" And the merchants of the earth will mourn, and: mourn, for: her because no one buys their cargoes any more ... "Revelation 18:15," The merchants of: these things that: you are: rich by her, shall stand afar off, for: fear of: his torment ... "Revelation 18:23," ... I thy merchants were the great men of the earth, and : all nations, are: were deceived by your sorcery. "
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] military superpower. Jeremiah 50:23: "as, it never is: broken, hath been broken, the hammer of all the land?" Jeremiah 51:20: "You have been, for, me an: hammer, a tool of: war with: you I shatter nations, I destroy kingdoms." Isaiah 14:4-6 Casting Lots, "Did the oppressor has: finished? Has: finished esattrice gold? The LORD has: broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers. Him that: furiously struck down peoples of: a continual stroke, he that: angrily ruled over the nations is: chased without mercy. ". Political superpower. Jeremiah 51:44: "... The nations not, shall come over to: him ..." Revelation 17:18: "The woman that: you have seen, is: the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth . "
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:9-10: "When the kings of the earth shall see the ... of smoke: his fire and weep: mourn for: and her: they will say: "Ah! Ouch! Babylon, the great city, the mighty city! Your judgment is: come in: also: the moment! The dwelling of: a large part of the Jewish population exiled. Jeremiah 51:45: "O my people, out of: means to: you, ye every man his life before the fierce anger of Lord!" Revelation 18:4: "Come out of her, my people, that, not, be an accomplice, of his sins, and, not, be involved, her plagues." Zechariah 2:7: "Now, O Zion!, In: escape, thou that: clothes, with the Daughter of: Babylon!" Babylon is represented by a woman. Revelation 17:1: "..
as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.]. Come, I will show you the judgment that: the great whore, that: sits on: many waters ... the waters, that: you've seen and: on which, the prostitute sits, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18:" The woman that: you saw is : the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "Babylon is: dressed with expensive clothes. Revelation 18:16:" And the great city, that was clothed of: linen, of: purple, and: of : scarlet. "descriptions made above, are: some of the many references that: indicate clearly as America, the great power known as, Babylon, and New York as the city, for the fall, in: the: chapter 18 of Revelation. now we see, America, and New York, in: particular, are: compatible with: the descriptions, to: purpose of: Babylon:
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] A Global Superpower: Economic, Military and: Politics. The United States of America, are: the only superpower, the world survived. for: to be, in: this position of power: it serves, of: diplomatic strategies, very subtle, military force, and: of the economic sanctions. If you have been convinced by the powerful propaganda machine of the American mass media, that: the United States, are: a force, that: fights for: freedom, and: for: charity, then it means, that: you have been deceived, and : taken: around. I believe that: the truth, seen through the eyes of God, is: that: America is: unethical, oppressive, self-centered, arrogant, greedy, murderous, proud and hypocritical.
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] in: the: 1948, George Kennan, that: he directed the Department of: State, until 1950, he wrote an: document, entitled, Plan of: Studio of the Policy, in: the: whom was written: "We have approximately 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6, 3% of the population ... in: this situation is: clear, that: not, we can avoid of: arouse envy, and resentment towards us. Our real mission for: the near future is: of: plan , agreements, which allow us of: maintain this condition of: ... for disparities: do this, we need to do: unless, of: all sentimentality, and: of dreams to: eyes open, but, but pay attention to our immediate goals ...
[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] We have to finish, of: speaking of: unrealistic goals, such as, human rights, improving of the conditions of: life and: democratization. The next day, in: the: which spoke of: power, in: honestly, is: long gone. "(From What Uncle Sam Really Wants, of Noam Chomsky, Odonian Press, 1986, p. 7, 9 -10.) The Fall of: Babylon. The fall of: Babylon will take place in: three phases. The first will be the judgment of God, that: will lead to the destruction of the "big city" of: Babylon. The prophet Zechariah, witnessed the removal of the demonic spiritual forces, that: had inspired the ancient nature of: Babylon. This woman was placed in: a basket, and: to: Zachary, it was said, that: he was for: to be brought to a new earth: in: the: Babylon which would be resurfaced.
as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "And the angel that: talking to: myself, went out, and: said: 'Lift up your eyes, and, look, that: what comes out of there.' I said, 'What?' He said, 'This is the ephah that: out'. Then added: 'Throughout the country, do not have an eye, that: for: the one'. And behold, he was raised, a plate of lead, and: in : the ephah, sat a woman. And he said, 'This is: evil', and: threw in: middle of the ephah, then threw the plate of lead, on the mouth of ' ephah. I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women that: they advanced, the wind was in their wings, and: the wings that: they were, like, wings of: stork, and they lifted up, the 'ephah between the earth and: heaven. agg: I said to the angel, that: he spoke to: me' Where are they taking the ephah? ' He answered:
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] 'In the country of: Shinar, for: build him a house there, and: when will be prepared , will be set there in its place. "Zechariah 5:5-11. On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue of Liberty, and, in: the: ceremony: the: what was revealed, the 'old pagan god, he said: "We do not, forget, that: Libertas, has: e his residence here, not, we must, therefore, neglecting his altar chosen one" held in: hand a golden cup full abominations, and: of the filthiness of her fornication. upon her forehead was written, an: mysterious name: 'Babylon the great the mother of the harlots, and: abominations of the earth.'
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
supernatural technologicall satanists satanism
[[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu potresti fare il mio amico: vieni da me! Datagate è soltanto: una minima parte, delle potenzialità della: "AI: intelligenza artificiale, per la schiavitù globale", i satanisti farisei ti distruggeranno! nessuno, tranne me, è in grado di fronteggiare questa potenza satanica: FMI 666 NWO, infatti io non ho bisogno di armi. io mi nutro di amore, giustizia, verità, uguaglianza! ed a questo? i satanisti non sono preparati! lol. ]] [[ Datagate: Strasburgo apre, una ipocrita, falsa indagine, per condanna spionaggio, 1. non possono farlo: tecnicamente; 2. non vogliono farlo politicamente, perché sono i: massoni, complici: dei farisei satanisti, che hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, del regime nazista, dei poteri occulti e satanici ]] 04 luglio 2013, 15:52. la formica (Europa: "target"), non può imporre delle condizioni all'elefante, perché, lui è il predatore 666! il fatto inquietante, è che, senza le rivelazioni di Snowden?
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 minuti fa
lol. but, lol. criminal, terrorist salafis: Al Queda: islamist: for worldwide caliphate crazy total.. ecc.. shit total! king Saudi Arabia? he is mistaken, about the fact, that I might hurt him! In fact, I will cut off, only, that his head,of cock, with, the same sword, which he gave to His Holiness, the Pope Benedict XVI .. lol. lol. but this is the truth: If we hate between us, will only be Rothschild, the Pharisee to win and celebrate .. therefore, we are all forced to forgive one another if we are to survive in this world, which has fallen under the control of supernatural and technological, of Satanists and of any satanism!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
54 minuti fa
THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
54 minuti fa
lol. but, lol. criminal king Saudi Arabia? lui si sbaglia, circa, il fatto, che, io potrei fargli del male! infatti, io gli taglierò, soltanto, quella sua testa, di cazzo, con la stessa spada, che lui ha regalato, a Sua Santità, il PAPA: Benedetto XVI.. lol. lol. ma, questa è la verità: se, ci odiamo tra di noi, sarà soltanto Rothschild il fariseo a vincere e a festeggiare.. quindi, noi siamo tutti costretti a perdonarci reciprocamente, se vogliamo sopravvivere in questo mondo che è caduto sotto il controllo soprannaturale dei satanisti e dei satanismi!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[Total unconscious] June 10, 2013 Snowden speaks:of a "mechanism infomatico", which can filter means, any communication, in any part of the world, "I had the sufficient authority: to intercept, everyone, all over the world, even the President, of the United States! gut, "The Bildenberg Emma Bonino, of course, says: "There are no legal conditions, so that Italy, may accept a request for asylum, in favor of: Snowden" (and this is true that the Kingdom of God, not has found the legal conditions to accommodate, his request for asylum to Emma Bonino Bildenberg) .. but, the asylum in Snowden, of the Masons traitors to Italy, "is not acceptable, either, on the political level." "There are (and this is, the real problem) to our intelligence services of Mongoloid monkeys, there is no: elements of espionage, in our embassy" in the United States. He said the Foreign Minister Emma Bonino monkey mongoloid, referring, of course, the story Datagate. [Total unconscious]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[Datagate: without the Revelations of Snowden? All the Secret Service, World, they were under attack, powerless! Therefore, the only possibility of survival for mankind and That: to isolate the United States of America, by every point of view (because no one can hope That the Pharisees, of the Talmud satanic, for do sacrifices Human, on the altar of Satan, might be people quiet)! Datagate, revealed, as, the technological superiority, of the U.S.: is Light Years: Cut Above the Rest of the World! What a shame, They are Satanists Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, banking seigniorage, for do 200.000: Human sacrifices on the altar of Satan: every year, and they are not, missionaries Christians! Talk to the 'sentinel' of the Guardian, Snowden: "People need to know, the real level of threat."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[Datagate: ستراسبورغ يفتح، والنفاق، مهزلة مثيرة للسخرية من التحقيق، لإدانة التجسس (ولكن، من منهم ليسوا حتى على علم بذلك، ثم،، أوباما (شيطانية) يقول، يجب أن يقبل كل ما: على الثقة من القراصنة الجنائية )، 1. لا تستطيع أن تفعل هذا، في وضع من الناحية الفنية، 2. لا نريد أن نفعل ذلك، في الوضع سياسيا، لأنه، وهم: الماسونيون،
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
المتواطئين من عبدة الشيطان الفريسيين الذي، سرقوا، ورسوم سك العملات bankng، للنظام النازي، وغامض وقوة شيطانية صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، أي واحدة فقط satana كنيس]] 4 يوليو 2013، 15:52. النملة (أوروبا، "الهدف")، قد لا تفرض شروطا على الفيل، لأنه هو المفترس 666! حقيقة مثيرة للقلق، مأساوية، هو أنه من دون الكشف عن سنودن؟ أنهم لا قد لاحظوا أي شيء!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[Datagate: Strasbourg opens, a hypocritical, ridiculous farce of inquiry, to condemn espionage (but, of them are not even aware of this, then, all that, Obama (Satanist) say, must be accepted: on trust of criminal hacker), 1. can not do this, in mode technically, 2. do not want to do it, in mode politically, because, they are: Masons, accomplices of the Pharisees Satanists, which, they stole, the bankng seigniorage, for the Nazi regime, the occult and satanic power IMF 666 NWO, ie, one only satana synagogue]] July 4, 2013, 15:52. the ant (Europe, "target"), may not impose conditions to the elephant, because he is the predator 666! the fact disturbing, tragic, is that without the revelations of Snowden? they would not have noticed anything!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu potresti fare il mio amico: vieni da me! Datagate è soltanto: una minima parte, delle potenzialità della: "AI: intelligenza artificiale, per la schiavitù globale", i satanisti farisei ti distruggeranno! nessuno, tranne me, è in grado di fronteggiare questa potenza satanica: FMI 666 NWO, infatti io non ho bisogno di armi. io mi nutro di amore, giustizia, verità, uguaglianza! ed a questo? i satanisti non sono preparati! lol. ]] [[ Datagate: Strasburgo apre, una ipocrita, falsa indagine, per condanna spionaggio, 1. non possono farlo: tecnicamente; 2. non vogliono farlo politicamente, perché sono i: massoni, complici: dei farisei satanisti, che hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, del regime nazista, dei poteri occulti e satanici ]] 04 luglio 2013, 15:52. la formica (Europa: "target"), non può imporre delle condizioni all'elefante, perché, lui è il predatore 666! il fatto inquietante, è he, senza le rivelazioni di Snowden?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
bravo! BrotherhoodUniversal, lol. buon lavoro! tu sei un bravo ragazzo! lol.
4 ore fa
@666 MERKEL BUSH OBAMA Rothschild, King Saudi Arabia --- Jesus of Bethlehem is risen! end of story! if you're stupid? I'm not responsible! Gesù di Betlemme è risorto! fine della storia! se tu sei scemo? io non sono responsabile!
drink your poison made by yourself
drink your poison made by yourself
4 ore fa
@BrotherhoodUniversal You very very rude talking very rude about Obama told you about you he reading you comment right now I am very angry with you and Obama he very super angry with what you think you are and I know you home Address Whatch you back you walking out in you home I Hire spys looking at you 24/7 and you driver you Car MY SPY'S will follow you GET READY !!!!
4 ore fa
if we have coup the traitors
4 ore fa
@MCMXXXlll nazi 666 Rothschild IMF 322 NWO --- you must tell your Merkel, who, I did not need his Islamist Masons, Satanists Pharisees Illuminati bank seigniorage, in my kingdom, all those that she loves so much .. tu devi dire alla tua Merkel, che, io non ho bisogno dei suoi massoni islamisti, satanisti farisei, Illuminati del signoraggio bancario, nel mio Regno, tutti quelli che lei ama tanto..
drink your poison made by yourself
drink your poison made by yourself
4 ore fa
666 666 666 + Hell = Devil
4 ore fa
Los Roques (the route satanic), found lost plane 2008. Among the 14 passengers were also: eight Italian 20 June, 04:38. (ANSA) - CARACAS, JUNE 20 - Been is: found: the scattered wreckage of the plane: January 4, 2008: while: was on: flight from Caracas for: the archipelago of Los Roques, Venezuela, with: to: 14 passengers on board, including, 8 which Italian. Let the twin-engine 410 aircraft Transaven, is Been: found 9 km, to south of Los Roques, to: a depth of: about 970 m. Been is: localized, by the American research vessel Sea Scout, that: was working for days in: the: area: the: scope of: an: agreement Rome-Caracas. [And where are the bodies?]
4 ore fa
Satan 187AUDIOHOSTEM - I will not, I diseases! but, of course they will all be on: you, and: on your accomplices: in: around the world, starting with the vomit of hell, of: your ally, the King of Saudi Arabia! I am Unius REI, King of Israel: in: my kingdom of PALESTINE ... @ Rothschild, Bush Kerry, Obama, Satan, Zapatero, etc. .. you are not, you can switch ... if you you go to world war? you can do it! but, know, you will regret for: I did!
4 ore fa
i will set your vineyard on fire lorenzo
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18, USA IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Satanic Rites, organ trafficking and: pedophilia: the dramatic testimony of: a young victim, the committee's inquiries Franklin; surveys covered up; unsuspecting characters in: the: revival of the satanic sects; pieces of: Spare human, and who investigates the trafficking of: organ dies. People that: disappears: the Monarch project, and: satanic cults in USA [[the1phoenix]] Change to: satanic cults in USA. in: almost all of America, we celebrate satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies, and, in: not a few cases, human sacrifice .. In England they disappear every year, about a hundred thousand young people.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] The journalist Alfio Bernabei shows other terrible things that happened to London: "Meat of: children and : of: human fetuses: are: were eaten: by men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rites, in: England: in recent years: the: context: of: an: left revival of : satanic ceremonies. Been Some children are: sacrificed: on: altars after suffering: torture and: sexual abuse ... " ("The Unit", August 9, 1990). It seems crazy humanity. In the United States, according to reliable sources, are killed each year: in: the: course: of: satanic rituals: 50,000 people for: the younger ones. .. These groups have protections: a high level.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] In the USA, "discusses on: Two scandals linked to prostitution: Childhood: drug- party with: participation of: children and killings: in: direct: to: to produce snuff-film, that: involving politicians ... very close: the White House. intelligence services, that: directly dependent on the president, are: Speakers: covering up the investigation, the victims are: finite in: prison: and: the witnesses are: gone: and: dead: in: strange accidents or suicides ".. The criminal network: both had links with: Republican leaders: that: and democratic: it covered: from New York to Pennsylvania, from: Nebraska to California.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] Recruitment: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: way: and: then held: in: farms details. is: an: Business impressive take: children escaped of: home, in institutions of: adoption, camps ... "Rodriguez, a columnist: of: the" Washington Times ", has: investigated: for: a few months, first of: Shoot: in: front page: of: of his newspaper articles: focus on: a network of: boys "of life" that: involved: Deputies and: vip related to: Ronald Reagan and George Bush. "Sex in: sale in: an: apartment: of: an: deputy "," The Secret Service: insabbia the investigation: the prostitutes of celebrities "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Boys of: brought to life: an: tour of: midnight at the White House "These are the titles of: Washington Times." (Ibid.). After a few articles Rodriguez mysteriously dropped the investigation. Congresswoman, Rosario Godoy de Osejo, founder of: an: "Committee for: missing children," [ complaint]: "I suspect that: the reason for the disappearance, may be the removal of: young and: healthy bodies, to be sold in rich countries. If this is so, is: easy to understand, that: the end do these children, once 'exported'. "Facts hallucinating ...
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of human sacrifices: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Eric Sottas Director of: "Torture International" has: remember horrible events, as, the 1395 young patients, disappeared in Argentina, from the psychiatric hospital, of La Colonia Montes de Oca, near Buenos Aries. ABOUT TRAFFIC ON INVESTIGATING of: BODIES DIES. in: the: May 1996, the French journalist Xavier de Gautier "Le Figaro" is found hanged in the Balearic Islands, in: the: his summer residence. A death shrouded in: the more mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak, of: suicide. Gautier, first of: as, for: holidays, he had worked for a long investigation, on: an: alleged trafficking of organs, from Bosnia
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds: of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] to a famous clinic of Italy: the north. [The newspaper] "O Globo" of Rio .. defines us 'the largest importers of: Brazilian children'. The correspondent: of: O: Globe to: Rome says: 'Italy is: the most important: Buyer: of: children ...'. (...). also: in: Peru printing accuses us. For months, the newspaper La Repubblica of Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses: that: are: come in: Peru: for: buy children: of: a few months: o: of: a few years. In recent times we have: 'imported' small 1,500 Peruvians, many of whom - according to the press of Lima - would be: then murdered: for: remove: their organs for: transplants "(" Corriere della Sera ", September 7 1991).
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] What abducted children, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan or Killed: for: grub their organs is: an: horror: on: a planetary scale. And yet: go to: do little or nothing. Newspapers and: television: not by reporting the problem: the whole: its real gravity. They talk about: little. and: evil, of: time: time. .. THE MONARCH PROJECT .. The lawyer John W. DeCamp, in: the: his chilling book-report: "The Franklin Cover-up", [speaks of] 'Monarch Project' ..: young people that: in: Been America are: victims: of: of experiments: mind control: performed by agencies: of: the U.S. government as the CIA
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] or agencies of: military intelligence "... These experiments are: the origin of: a "production of: a horde of: children, whose soul is shattered, the purpose of which would be spying, prostitution, and murder: suicide" ("Nexus", 23, cit.). Dagorno Jean, Professor of Analysis storiosociologica famous .. to: worldwide, for: they blew up, the "news-bomb" Echelon .. in: the: his essay entitled "Pourquoi moi?" complaint, that: the serial killer could be the result of: incredible experiments, and: of: He blamed the CIA ...
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "What was he doing in: the: 1959 Aldous Huxley, in: anthropologist company Margaret Mead and: of: LSD Timothy Leary, in: the: cell of Charles Manson, the prototype of the serial killer, [as well as] pseudosatanista ... ". Second: Dagorno these particular therapies: were made by injecting subjects, in guinea pig, substances from which, twenty years later, they would have made the active ingredients: psychotropic drugs: of: the third generation. Today, drugs are the drugs most consumed: in: the: world. .. "As, they did: to: convince Lee Oswald: to: to shoot Kennedy? Agg: Ali Agca to: pull the Pope?
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] is: the old story of the killers lonely. an: wacko comes out of nothing: and: bang-bang. .. You have to choose: a deranged. A lunatic: is: easy to obsess. .. But: is: a long thing in: Anyway, complicated. The preparation can take years. for: this: in: the services they have: in: psychological preparation: a half-dozen: of: unbalanced: to be transformed into: solitary murderers: as needed "(M. Blondet, The" Adelphi "of the dissolution, Ed. Ares , Milan 1994). Experiments evil: on: human beings. Giovanissimi devastated from "sorcerer's apprentice" disguised as scientists.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of his government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in: almost all of America will celebrate satanic cults, that: fierce ceremonies and practice, in: not a few cases, human sacrifices. Dowbenko, always on: "Nexus" 23 (cited above) writes: "According to John Coleman, author of: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300:" The cult of the Illuminati "is: alive and: it grows: in: America Because ...: this sect is: also: known as, Satanism, it must follow: that: the CIA, while Dulles was it to: Chief, was controlled: from an: Satanist and the same applies: for George Bush (Member of the Order of the Skulls and: Bones). "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. Former U.S. President George Bush, in fact, was initiated, in: the: 1943 to the cult "Skull and Bones" at the University of Yale, founded in: the: 1832. The "Skull and Bones" together to: society as the Rhodes Trust, according to the authoritative British magazine "The Economist" (25 December 1992) are: the modern resurgence of the "Illuminati of Bavaria" of Jean Adam Weisshaupt (1748-1830). The Illuminati of Bavaria were, according to some, the continuers of the plots Templars, and: of: great design, of: government, of: the world. Serge Hutin writes that: the Illuminati of Bavaria were: reality, "a secret society ...
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. which really pursued, including, its purposes, the progressive destruction of: old regime (monarchy and: Religious) "(S. Hutin, The freemasonry, in:" History of the Religions ", Laterza, Bari 1981). They, after the annihilation of: their Order, hid themselves in: the: Masonry official. Kenneth Grant, to: this regard, confirms: "The Order of the Illuminati, was suppressed in: the:, 1786, but: Weishaupt and an intimate, circle of: followers, continued to operate successfully in: secret, behind the screen, of Freemasonry, with: the Order, he connected in: the: 1778 "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. (Kenneth Grant, The Awakening: magic, Astrolabe , Rome, 1973). The sect of the Illuminati, was the most dangerous deviation of Freemasonry initiation. THE DRAMATIC WITNESS: of: A YOUNG VICTIM. Paul Bonacci, is: an: young recluse, the correctional center of Lincoln, in: isolation, because: repeatedly threatened of: death, for: street: of: serious charges: riots: from to unsuspecting young men of power: . The psychiatrist: that: it has: submitted to: expertise, Beverly Mead, has: stated that: the boy is: healthy of-mind, and to: his opinion, he tells the truth. Bonacci says:
4 ore fa
i burn your vineyard down
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds, of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. "I was in the hands of: an: group called Namba (North American Man - Boy Love Association) that: took me in: meetings, to New York or to Boston. Of age: 9 years old, I was taken: an : hotel, with 5 other guys and: we have forced them to have sex while being filmed. in: Later, they forced me, to have relationships with: children. Just in: the: 1986 are: successful, to : untie me from the group. (...). in: the: summer of: 1985, Larry King (leader of: republican project, of: aid to the community of: American color, ed) brought me together with an: other boy, Nicholas, of Aurora, in: the: Colorado,
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in California for: turn an: film. There was an ...: boy: cage. (...). They made us strip and: wear clothes like Tarzan, and: obliged us, to have sex with the boy in: the: cage. They told us of: beat him. (...). Arrived, an: man and: began, to: beat the boy, as if he were a doll. He took out a gun, pointed it in: head, and: he fired ... (Bonacci, then, gives the names, of: some of the people, that: have sexually abused of: he, ed) Alan Bair, Peter Citron, Larry King, Harry Anderson, Congressman Barney Franks, to Washington. (...). .
4 ore fa
lorenzo i set your vineyard on fire
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. In 1984 brought me ..: South Fork to the ranch, to Dallas, in: the: Texas, in: course: the Republican Convention and Larry King organized, the party-pedophiles "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco , Children. The market of horrors, in: "Events", 17 July 1991). Paul Bonacci was witness to, the following: events even more frightening: and: continues his story: with: shocking revelations: "I witnessed: of: Human sacrifice: of: an: child of: a few months. It was the recurrence: of: the time of birth: of Christ and, in: this ritual: annual, all sang: for: pervert the blood of Christ.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] with: an: dagger and killed: made to: pieces, the child, and then filled a cup, with his blood, mixing it with urine, and: obliged us, to: drink from the cup while they sang: 'Satan is the Lord ...' "(J. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska 1992). SURVEYS OF THE COMMISSION FRANKLIN. Persons related to: King, leader, of: project Republican of: aid to the black community, through the "Credit Union" and: "National Black Repubblican Council", were devoted, to: "kidnappings of: children, to be used in: the: prostitution, production of: snuff-film (movie with: deaths: direct ) and party-pedophiles.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] After the start of the Commission's investigation Franklin, many 'accidents' are removed, the date of: process, against, of: him. Dan Ryan, a member of: King, is Been: found strangled in: the: his car. Bill Baker ... partner of: vice-president of: 'Blak Repubblican National Council' in: the: the pornography business, is Been: killed, with: an: shot in the neck. Curtis Tucker ... it is: 'thrown' from a window, at the Holiday Inn. Charlie Rogers, mistress of King, it is: 'blown, head, with: an: shot of: gun. Bill Skaleske, officer, of: Department of: Police of Omaha, that: directing the investigations on: King, is Been: found dead ...
4 ore fa
[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Joe Malek, another shareholder of: merchant, and of children: owner of : Peony Park, where they carried out, the party of pedophiles, is Been: found dead, killed by an: blow, of: gun: police has: closed the case, like, suicide. Many witnesses are: reluctant, to: present ... Mike Lewis, 32, in charge, of: protecting the victims-witnesses, is Been: found dead, for: an: attack of: diabetes. The commission Franklin, it is: then finally foundered when, the investigator in charge of the investigation, Gary Caradori, is: dead, in: an: mysterious plane crash, after informing his office of: having information sensational ' is dynamite ... ' "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.) ..
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered, by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Satan has: caught on also: in South Africa, with: all the gruesome aspects of: his worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on the altar of: Prince of the darkness ... orgiastic meetings, where young, are: forced to have sex with: dogs or goats, symbols, most oleographic of: Lucifer "(" Corriere della Sera ", 20 May 1990). SURVEYS covered up. The investigations are almost always covered up, there is: as, a conspiracy of: silent, mysterious shell. Ted Gunderson, for: With respect, the United States has: said: "I have four witnesses, detailed, of: three inmates involved in: satanic rituals, and: one of: an: priest, of Utah,
4 ore fa
lorenzo you son of a stupid whore
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] that: I have confirmed the existence of: fifty-sixty thousand, annual cases of: human sacrifices. (...). Been are: found numerous cemeteries, in: the whole country, with: dozens of: corpses not identified, and: no one has: investigated to: bottom ... "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.). satanic crimes, are: in: expansion, in: around the world. for: how much, regards England, Dianne Core, head of the Institute Childwatch (Association of: Assistance, and: protection of minors), has: unions denounced the Satanists, with: political lobbying that: they tend to: cover up their atrocities.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Dr. Core: it has, among other things, said: "Unfortunately: not , we have not yet identified: the summit: the hierarchy that: controls: Satanism in: Great Britain .... enjoy of: protections: at the highest level. " Pedophiles Satanists: are: present: also: to London. "Corriere della Sera" of 18 March 1990 complaint: "London. Tortured Children: e: raped in: the: course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracts: to: force from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: immolated The Twilight Zone ... sound, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: teenagers tenders: the high priests of: a cult: and: their followers: for: to be raped. Once pregnant, small, would be forced to have abortions
4 ore fa
as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the purification of the Satanists, that: they would drink the blood, or if they ciberebbero. ... Investigation carried out by 66 groups of: research, 'National Society, for: the prevention of cruelty against children' in: the United Kingdom, confirms the existence of: such practices ... " . [[Satanists and: terrorists (I) Dawn Perlmutter. Director, Institute for the Research of Organized and Ritual Violence ...]] [[Revelation 17:1, "... the great whore, that: sit, on: many waters. "Revelation 17:15" The waters that: you saw and: on which is seated, the prostitute, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18," The woman that: you is seen: the great city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:7, "In his heart he says," I are: queen, not, are: the widow, and, not, I will never mourn. "A global superpower, that: is manifested in: three ways: economic superpower. Revelation 18:3:" ... and the merchants of the earth, are: enriched, with: the excesses of: luxury. "Revelation 18:11:" And the merchants of the earth will mourn, and: mourn, for: her because no one buys their cargoes any more ... "Revelation 18:15," The merchants of: these things that: you are: rich by her, shall stand afar off, for: fear of: his torment ... "Revelation 18:23," ... I thy merchants were the great men of the earth, and : all nations, are: were deceived by your sorcery. "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] military superpower. Jeremiah 50:23: "as, it never is: broken, hath been broken, the hammer of all the land?" Jeremiah 51:20: "You have been, for, me an: hammer, a tool of: war with: you I shatter nations, I destroy kingdoms." Isaiah 14:4-6 Casting Lots, "Did the oppressor has: finished? Has: finished esattrice gold? The LORD has: broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers. Him that: furiously struck down peoples of: a continual stroke, he that: angrily ruled over the nations is: chased without mercy. ". Political superpower. Jeremiah 51:44: "... The nations not, shall come over to: him ..." Revelation 17:18: "The woman that: you have seen, is: the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth . "
5 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:9-10: "When the kings of the earth shall see the ... of smoke: his fire and weep: mourn for: and her: they will say: "Ah! Ouch! Babylon, the great city, the mighty city! Your judgment is: come in: also: the moment! The dwelling of: a large part of the Jewish population exiled. Jeremiah 51:45: "O my people, out of: means to: you, ye every man his life before the fierce anger of Lord!" Revelation 18:4: "Come out of her, my people, that, not, be an accomplice, of his sins, and, not, be involved, her plagues." Zechariah 2:7: "Now, O Zion!, In: escape, thou that: clothes, with the Daughter of: Babylon!" Babylon is represented by a woman. Revelation 17:1: "..
5 ore fa
as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.]. Come, I will show you the judgment that: the great whore, that: sits on: many waters ... the waters, that: you've seen and: on which, the prostitute sits, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18:" The woman that: you saw is : the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "Babylon is: dressed with expensive clothes. Revelation 18:16:" And the great city, that was clothed of: linen, of: purple, and: of : scarlet. "descriptions made above, are: some of the many references that: indicate clearly as America, the great power known as, Babylon, and New York as the city, for the fall, in: the: chapter 18 of Revelation. now we see, America, and New York, in: particular, are: compatible with: the descriptions, to: purpose of: Babylon:
5 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] A Global Superpower: Economic, Military and: Politics. The United States of America, are: the only superpower, the world survived. for: to be, in: this position of power: it serves, of: diplomatic strategies, very subtle, military force, and: of the economic sanctions. If you have been convinced by the powerful propaganda machine of the American mass media, that: the United States, are: a force, that: fights for: freedom, and: for: charity, then it means, that: you have been deceived, and : taken: around. I believe that: the truth, seen through the eyes of God, is: that: America is: unethical, oppressive, self-centered, arrogant, greedy, murderous, proud and hypocritical.
5 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] in: the: 1948, George Kennan, that: he directed the Department of: State, until 1950, he wrote an: document, entitled, Plan of: Studio of the Policy, in: the: whom was written: "We have approximately 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6, 3% of the population ... in: this situation is: clear, that: not, we can avoid of: arouse envy, and resentment towards us. Our real mission for: the near future is: of: plan , agreements, which allow us of: maintain this condition of: ... for disparities: do this, we need to do: unless, of: all sentimentality, and: of dreams to: eyes open, but, but pay attention to our immediate goals ...
5 ore fa
[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] We have to finish, of: speaking of: unrealistic goals, such as, human rights, improving of the conditions of: life and: democratization. The next day, in: the: which spoke of: power, in: honestly, is: long gone. "(From What Uncle Sam Really Wants, of Noam Chomsky, Odonian Press, 1986, p. 7, 9 -10.) The Fall of: Babylon. The fall of: Babylon will take place in: three phases. The first will be the judgment of God, that: will lead to the destruction of the "big city" of: Babylon. The prophet Zechariah, witnessed the removal of the demonic spiritual forces, that: had inspired the ancient nature of: Babylon. This woman was placed in: a basket, and: to: Zachary, it was said, that: he was for: to be brought to a new earth: in: the: Babylon which would be resurfaced.
5 ore fa
as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "And the angel that: talking to: myself, went out, and: said: 'Lift up your eyes, and, look, that: what comes out of there.' I said, 'What?' He said, 'This is the ephah that: out'. Then added: 'Throughout the country, do not have an eye, that: for: the one'. And behold, he was raised, a plate of lead, and: in : the ephah, sat a woman. And he said, 'This is: evil', and: threw in: middle of the ephah, then threw the plate of lead, on the mouth of ' ephah. I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women that: they advanced, the wind was in their wings, and: the wings that: they were, like, wings of: stork, and they lifted up, the 'ephah between the earth and: heaven. agg: I said to the angel, that: he spoke to: me' Where are they taking the ephah? ' He answered:
5 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] 'In the country of: Shinar, for: build him a house there, and: when will be prepared , will be set there in its place. "Zechariah 5:5-11. On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue of Liberty, and, in: the: ceremony: the: what was revealed, the 'old pagan god, he said: "We do not, forget, that: Libertas, has: e his residence here, not, we must, therefore, neglecting his altar chosen one" held in: hand a golden cup full abominations, and: of the filthiness of her fornication. upon her forehead was written, an: mysterious name: 'Babylon the great the mother of the harlots, and: abominations of the earth.'
[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
51 minuti fa
lol. but, lol. criminal, terrorist salafis: Al Queda: islamist: for worldwide caliphate crazy total.. ecc.. shit total! king Saudi Arabia? he is mistaken, about the fact, that I might hurt him! In fact, I will cut off, only, that his head,of cock, with, the same sword, which he gave to His Holiness, the Pope Benedict XVI .. lol. lol. but this is the truth: If we hate between us, will only be Rothschild, the Pharisee to win and celebrate .. therefore, we are all forced to forgive one another if we are to survive in this world, which has fallen under the control of supernatural and technological, of Satanists and of any satanism!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
54 minuti fa
THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
54 minuti fa
lol. but, lol. criminal king Saudi Arabia? lui si sbaglia, circa, il fatto, che, io potrei fargli del male! infatti, io gli taglierò, soltanto, quella sua testa, di cazzo, con la stessa spada, che lui ha regalato, a Sua Santità, il PAPA: Benedetto XVI.. lol. lol. ma, questa è la verità: se, ci odiamo tra di noi, sarà soltanto Rothschild il fariseo a vincere e a festeggiare.. quindi, noi siamo tutti costretti a perdonarci reciprocamente, se vogliamo sopravvivere in questo mondo che è caduto sotto il controllo soprannaturale dei satanisti e dei satanismi!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[Total unconscious] June 10, 2013 Snowden speaks:of a "mechanism infomatico", which can filter means, any communication, in any part of the world, "I had the sufficient authority: to intercept, everyone, all over the world, even the President, of the United States! gut, "The Bildenberg Emma Bonino, of course, says: "There are no legal conditions, so that Italy, may accept a request for asylum, in favor of: Snowden" (and this is true that the Kingdom of God, not has found the legal conditions to accommodate, his request for asylum to Emma Bonino Bildenberg) .. but, the asylum in Snowden, of the Masons traitors to Italy, "is not acceptable, either, on the political level." "There are (and this is, the real problem) to our intelligence services of Mongoloid monkeys, there is no: elements of espionage, in our embassy" in the United States. He said the Foreign Minister Emma Bonino monkey mongoloid, referring, of course, the story Datagate. [Total unconscious]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[Datagate: without the Revelations of Snowden? All the Secret Service, World, they were under attack, powerless! Therefore, the only possibility of survival for mankind and That: to isolate the United States of America, by every point of view (because no one can hope That the Pharisees, of the Talmud satanic, for do sacrifices Human, on the altar of Satan, might be people quiet)! Datagate, revealed, as, the technological superiority, of the U.S.: is Light Years: Cut Above the Rest of the World! What a shame, They are Satanists Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, banking seigniorage, for do 200.000: Human sacrifices on the altar of Satan: every year, and they are not, missionaries Christians! Talk to the 'sentinel' of the Guardian, Snowden: "People need to know, the real level of threat."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[Datagate: ستراسبورغ يفتح، والنفاق، مهزلة مثيرة للسخرية من التحقيق، لإدانة التجسس (ولكن، من منهم ليسوا حتى على علم بذلك، ثم،، أوباما (شيطانية) يقول، يجب أن يقبل كل ما: على الثقة من القراصنة الجنائية )، 1. لا تستطيع أن تفعل هذا، في وضع من الناحية الفنية، 2. لا نريد أن نفعل ذلك، في الوضع سياسيا، لأنه، وهم: الماسونيون،
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
المتواطئين من عبدة الشيطان الفريسيين الذي، سرقوا، ورسوم سك العملات bankng، للنظام النازي، وغامض وقوة شيطانية صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، أي واحدة فقط satana كنيس]] 4 يوليو 2013، 15:52. النملة (أوروبا، "الهدف")، قد لا تفرض شروطا على الفيل، لأنه هو المفترس 666! حقيقة مثيرة للقلق، مأساوية، هو أنه من دون الكشف عن سنودن؟ أنهم لا قد لاحظوا أي شيء!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[Datagate: Strasbourg opens, a hypocritical, ridiculous farce of inquiry, to condemn espionage (but, of them are not even aware of this, then, all that, Obama (Satanist) say, must be accepted: on trust of criminal hacker), 1. can not do this, in mode technically, 2. do not want to do it, in mode politically, because, they are: Masons, accomplices of the Pharisees Satanists, which, they stole, the bankng seigniorage, for the Nazi regime, the occult and satanic power IMF 666 NWO, ie, one only satana synagogue]] July 4, 2013, 15:52. the ant (Europe, "target"), may not impose conditions to the elephant, because he is the predator 666! the fact disturbing, tragic, is that without the revelations of Snowden? they would not have noticed anything!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu potresti fare il mio amico: vieni da me! Datagate è soltanto: una minima parte, delle potenzialità della: "AI: intelligenza artificiale, per la schiavitù globale", i satanisti farisei ti distruggeranno! nessuno, tranne me, è in grado di fronteggiare questa potenza satanica: FMI 666 NWO, infatti io non ho bisogno di armi. io mi nutro di amore, giustizia, verità, uguaglianza! ed a questo? i satanisti non sono preparati! lol. ]] [[ Datagate: Strasburgo apre, una ipocrita, falsa indagine, per condanna spionaggio, 1. non possono farlo: tecnicamente; 2. non vogliono farlo politicamente, perché sono i: massoni, complici: dei farisei satanisti, che hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, del regime nazista, dei poteri occulti e satanici ]] 04 luglio 2013, 15:52. la formica (Europa: "target"), non può imporre delle condizioni all'elefante, perché, lui è il predatore 666! il fatto inquietante, è he, senza le rivelazioni di Snowden?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
1 ora fa
bravo! BrotherhoodUniversal, lol. buon lavoro! tu sei un bravo ragazzo! lol.
4 ore fa
@666 MERKEL BUSH OBAMA Rothschild, King Saudi Arabia --- Jesus of Bethlehem is risen! end of story! if you're stupid? I'm not responsible! Gesù di Betlemme è risorto! fine della storia! se tu sei scemo? io non sono responsabile!
drink your poison made by yourself
drink your poison made by yourself
4 ore fa
@BrotherhoodUniversal You very very rude talking very rude about Obama told you about you he reading you comment right now I am very angry with you and Obama he very super angry with what you think you are and I know you home Address Whatch you back you walking out in you home I Hire spys looking at you 24/7 and you driver you Car MY SPY'S will follow you GET READY !!!!
4 ore fa
if we have coup the traitors
4 ore fa
@MCMXXXlll nazi 666 Rothschild IMF 322 NWO --- you must tell your Merkel, who, I did not need his Islamist Masons, Satanists Pharisees Illuminati bank seigniorage, in my kingdom, all those that she loves so much .. tu devi dire alla tua Merkel, che, io non ho bisogno dei suoi massoni islamisti, satanisti farisei, Illuminati del signoraggio bancario, nel mio Regno, tutti quelli che lei ama tanto..
drink your poison made by yourself
drink your poison made by yourself
4 ore fa
666 666 666 + Hell = Devil
4 ore fa
Los Roques (the route satanic), found lost plane 2008. Among the 14 passengers were also: eight Italian 20 June, 04:38. (ANSA) - CARACAS, JUNE 20 - Been is: found: the scattered wreckage of the plane: January 4, 2008: while: was on: flight from Caracas for: the archipelago of Los Roques, Venezuela, with: to: 14 passengers on board, including, 8 which Italian. Let the twin-engine 410 aircraft Transaven, is Been: found 9 km, to south of Los Roques, to: a depth of: about 970 m. Been is: localized, by the American research vessel Sea Scout, that: was working for days in: the: area: the: scope of: an: agreement Rome-Caracas. [And where are the bodies?]
4 ore fa
Satan 187AUDIOHOSTEM - I will not, I diseases! but, of course they will all be on: you, and: on your accomplices: in: around the world, starting with the vomit of hell, of: your ally, the King of Saudi Arabia! I am Unius REI, King of Israel: in: my kingdom of PALESTINE ... @ Rothschild, Bush Kerry, Obama, Satan, Zapatero, etc. .. you are not, you can switch ... if you you go to world war? you can do it! but, know, you will regret for: I did!
4 ore fa
i will set your vineyard on fire lorenzo
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18, USA IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Satanic Rites, organ trafficking and: pedophilia: the dramatic testimony of: a young victim, the committee's inquiries Franklin; surveys covered up; unsuspecting characters in: the: revival of the satanic sects; pieces of: Spare human, and who investigates the trafficking of: organ dies. People that: disappears: the Monarch project, and: satanic cults in USA [[the1phoenix]] Change to: satanic cults in USA. in: almost all of America, we celebrate satanic cults, that: practice fierce ceremonies, and, in: not a few cases, human sacrifice .. In England they disappear every year, about a hundred thousand young people.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] The journalist Alfio Bernabei shows other terrible things that happened to London: "Meat of: children and : of: human fetuses: are: were eaten: by men: and: women: that: they took part: to: cannibalistic rites, in: England: in recent years: the: context: of: an: left revival of : satanic ceremonies. Been Some children are: sacrificed: on: altars after suffering: torture and: sexual abuse ... " ("The Unit", August 9, 1990). It seems crazy humanity. In the United States, according to reliable sources, are killed each year: in: the: course: of: satanic rituals: 50,000 people for: the younger ones. .. These groups have protections: a high level.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] In the USA, "discusses on: Two scandals linked to prostitution: Childhood: drug- party with: participation of: children and killings: in: direct: to: to produce snuff-film, that: involving politicians ... very close: the White House. intelligence services, that: directly dependent on the president, are: Speakers: covering up the investigation, the victims are: finite in: prison: and: the witnesses are: gone: and: dead: in: strange accidents or suicides ".. The criminal network: both had links with: Republican leaders: that: and democratic: it covered: from New York to Pennsylvania, from: Nebraska to California.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies: of: its government, every day.] Recruitment: boys happened: in: many ways, some were kidnapped for: way: and: then held: in: farms details. is: an: Business impressive take: children escaped of: home, in institutions of: adoption, camps ... "Rodriguez, a columnist: of: the" Washington Times ", has: investigated: for: a few months, first of: Shoot: in: front page: of: of his newspaper articles: focus on: a network of: boys "of life" that: involved: Deputies and: vip related to: Ronald Reagan and George Bush. "Sex in: sale in: an: apartment: of: an: deputy "," The Secret Service: insabbia the investigation: the prostitutes of celebrities "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Boys of: brought to life: an: tour of: midnight at the White House "These are the titles of: Washington Times." (Ibid.). After a few articles Rodriguez mysteriously dropped the investigation. Congresswoman, Rosario Godoy de Osejo, founder of: an: "Committee for: missing children," [ complaint]: "I suspect that: the reason for the disappearance, may be the removal of: young and: healthy bodies, to be sold in rich countries. If this is so, is: easy to understand, that: the end do these children, once 'exported'. "Facts hallucinating ...
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of human sacrifices: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Eric Sottas Director of: "Torture International" has: remember horrible events, as, the 1395 young patients, disappeared in Argentina, from the psychiatric hospital, of La Colonia Montes de Oca, near Buenos Aries. ABOUT TRAFFIC ON INVESTIGATING of: BODIES DIES. in: the: May 1996, the French journalist Xavier de Gautier "Le Figaro" is found hanged in the Balearic Islands, in: the: his summer residence. A death shrouded in: the more mystery. The Spanish investigators, then, speak, of: suicide. Gautier, first of: as, for: holidays, he had worked for a long investigation, on: an: alleged trafficking of organs, from Bosnia
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds: of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] to a famous clinic of Italy: the north. [The newspaper] "O Globo" of Rio .. defines us 'the largest importers of: Brazilian children'. The correspondent: of: O: Globe to: Rome says: 'Italy is: the most important: Buyer: of: children ...'. (...). also: in: Peru printing accuses us. For months, the newspaper La Repubblica of Lima complaint with: name: and: surname, Italian spouses: that: are: come in: Peru: for: buy children: of: a few months: o: of: a few years. In recent times we have: 'imported' small 1,500 Peruvians, many of whom - according to the press of Lima - would be: then murdered: for: remove: their organs for: transplants "(" Corriere della Sera ", September 7 1991).
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] What abducted children, enslaved, raped, forced to: prostitution, sacrificed to Satan or Killed: for: grub their organs is: an: horror: on: a planetary scale. And yet: go to: do little or nothing. Newspapers and: television: not by reporting the problem: the whole: its real gravity. They talk about: little. and: evil, of: time: time. .. THE MONARCH PROJECT .. The lawyer John W. DeCamp, in: the: his chilling book-report: "The Franklin Cover-up", [speaks of] 'Monarch Project' ..: young people that: in: Been America are: victims: of: of experiments: mind control: performed by agencies: of: the U.S. government as the CIA
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] or agencies of: military intelligence "... These experiments are: the origin of: a "production of: a horde of: children, whose soul is shattered, the purpose of which would be spying, prostitution, and murder: suicide" ("Nexus", 23, cit.). Dagorno Jean, Professor of Analysis storiosociologica famous .. to: worldwide, for: they blew up, the "news-bomb" Echelon .. in: the: his essay entitled "Pourquoi moi?" complaint, that: the serial killer could be the result of: incredible experiments, and: of: He blamed the CIA ...
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "What was he doing in: the: 1959 Aldous Huxley, in: anthropologist company Margaret Mead and: of: LSD Timothy Leary, in: the: cell of Charles Manson, the prototype of the serial killer, [as well as] pseudosatanista ... ". Second: Dagorno these particular therapies: were made by injecting subjects, in guinea pig, substances from which, twenty years later, they would have made the active ingredients: psychotropic drugs: of: the third generation. Today, drugs are the drugs most consumed: in: the: world. .. "As, they did: to: convince Lee Oswald: to: to shoot Kennedy? Agg: Ali Agca to: pull the Pope?
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] is: the old story of the killers lonely. an: wacko comes out of nothing: and: bang-bang. .. You have to choose: a deranged. A lunatic: is: easy to obsess. .. But: is: a long thing in: Anyway, complicated. The preparation can take years. for: this: in: the services they have: in: psychological preparation: a half-dozen: of: unbalanced: to be transformed into: solitary murderers: as needed "(M. Blondet, The" Adelphi "of the dissolution, Ed. Ares , Milan 1994). Experiments evil: on: human beings. Giovanissimi devastated from "sorcerer's apprentice" disguised as scientists.
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of his government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in: almost all of America will celebrate satanic cults, that: fierce ceremonies and practice, in: not a few cases, human sacrifices. Dowbenko, always on: "Nexus" 23 (cited above) writes: "According to John Coleman, author of: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300:" The cult of the Illuminati "is: alive and: it grows: in: America Because ...: this sect is: also: known as, Satanism, it must follow: that: the CIA, while Dulles was it to: Chief, was controlled: from an: Satanist and the same applies: for George Bush (Member of the Order of the Skulls and: Bones). "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. Former U.S. President George Bush, in fact, was initiated, in: the: 1943 to the cult "Skull and Bones" at the University of Yale, founded in: the: 1832. The "Skull and Bones" together to: society as the Rhodes Trust, according to the authoritative British magazine "The Economist" (25 December 1992) are: the modern resurgence of the "Illuminati of Bavaria" of Jean Adam Weisshaupt (1748-1830). The Illuminati of Bavaria were, according to some, the continuers of the plots Templars, and: of: great design, of: government, of: the world. Serge Hutin writes that: the Illuminati of Bavaria were: reality, "a secret society ...
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. which really pursued, including, its purposes, the progressive destruction of: old regime (monarchy and: Religious) "(S. Hutin, The freemasonry, in:" History of the Religions ", Laterza, Bari 1981). They, after the annihilation of: their Order, hid themselves in: the: Masonry official. Kenneth Grant, to: this regard, confirms: "The Order of the Illuminati, was suppressed in: the:, 1786, but: Weishaupt and an intimate, circle of: followers, continued to operate successfully in: secret, behind the screen, of Freemasonry, with: the Order, he connected in: the: 1778 "
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. (Kenneth Grant, The Awakening: magic, Astrolabe , Rome, 1973). The sect of the Illuminati, was the most dangerous deviation of Freemasonry initiation. THE DRAMATIC WITNESS: of: A YOUNG VICTIM. Paul Bonacci, is: an: young recluse, the correctional center of Lincoln, in: isolation, because: repeatedly threatened of: death, for: street: of: serious charges: riots: from to unsuspecting young men of power: . The psychiatrist: that: it has: submitted to: expertise, Beverly Mead, has: stated that: the boy is: healthy of-mind, and to: his opinion, he tells the truth. Bonacci says:
4 ore fa
i burn your vineyard down
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds, of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. "I was in the hands of: an: group called Namba (North American Man - Boy Love Association) that: took me in: meetings, to New York or to Boston. Of age: 9 years old, I was taken: an : hotel, with 5 other guys and: we have forced them to have sex while being filmed. in: Later, they forced me, to have relationships with: children. Just in: the: 1986 are: successful, to : untie me from the group. (...). in: the: summer of: 1985, Larry King (leader of: republican project, of: aid to the community of: American color, ed) brought me together with an: other boy, Nicholas, of Aurora, in: the: Colorado,
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. in California for: turn an: film. There was an ...: boy: cage. (...). They made us strip and: wear clothes like Tarzan, and: obliged us, to have sex with the boy in: the: cage. They told us of: beat him. (...). Arrived, an: man and: began, to: beat the boy, as if he were a doll. He took out a gun, pointed it in: head, and: he fired ... (Bonacci, then, gives the names, of: some of the people, that: have sexually abused of: he, ed) Alan Bair, Peter Citron, Larry King, Harry Anderson, Congressman Barney Franks, to Washington. (...). .
4 ore fa
lorenzo i set your vineyard on fire
4 ore fa
BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covers: agents of: his Government, every day.] satanic cults in USA .. In 1984 brought me ..: South Fork to the ranch, to Dallas, in: the: Texas, in: course: the Republican Convention and Larry King organized, the party-pedophiles "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco , Children. The market of horrors, in: "Events", 17 July 1991). Paul Bonacci was witness to, the following: events even more frightening: and: continues his story: with: shocking revelations: "I witnessed: of: Human sacrifice: of: an: child of: a few months. It was the recurrence: of: the time of birth: of Christ and, in: this ritual: annual, all sang: for: pervert the blood of Christ.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] with: an: dagger and killed: made to: pieces, the child, and then filled a cup, with his blood, mixing it with urine, and: obliged us, to: drink from the cup while they sang: 'Satan is the Lord ...' "(J. DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska 1992). SURVEYS OF THE COMMISSION FRANKLIN. Persons related to: King, leader, of: project Republican of: aid to the black community, through the "Credit Union" and: "National Black Repubblican Council", were devoted, to: "kidnappings of: children, to be used in: the: prostitution, production of: snuff-film (movie with: deaths: direct ) and party-pedophiles.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] After the start of the Commission's investigation Franklin, many 'accidents' are removed, the date of: process, against, of: him. Dan Ryan, a member of: King, is Been: found strangled in: the: his car. Bill Baker ... partner of: vice-president of: 'Blak Repubblican National Council' in: the: the pornography business, is Been: killed, with: an: shot in the neck. Curtis Tucker ... it is: 'thrown' from a window, at the Holiday Inn. Charlie Rogers, mistress of King, it is: 'blown, head, with: an: shot of: gun. Bill Skaleske, officer, of: Department of: Police of Omaha, that: directing the investigations on: King, is Been: found dead ...
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[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Joe Malek, another shareholder of: merchant, and of children: owner of : Peony Park, where they carried out, the party of pedophiles, is Been: found dead, killed by an: blow, of: gun: police has: closed the case, like, suicide. Many witnesses are: reluctant, to: present ... Mike Lewis, 32, in charge, of: protecting the victims-witnesses, is Been: found dead, for: an: attack of: diabetes. The commission Franklin, it is: then finally foundered when, the investigator in charge of the investigation, Gary Caradori, is: dead, in: an: mysterious plane crash, after informing his office of: having information sensational ' is dynamite ... ' "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.) ..
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered, by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "Satan has: caught on also: in South Africa, with: all the gruesome aspects of: his worship, such as the sacrifice of: children slaughtered on the altar of: Prince of the darkness ... orgiastic meetings, where young, are: forced to have sex with: dogs or goats, symbols, most oleographic of: Lucifer "(" Corriere della Sera ", 20 May 1990). SURVEYS covered up. The investigations are almost always covered up, there is: as, a conspiracy of: silent, mysterious shell. Ted Gunderson, for: With respect, the United States has: said: "I have four witnesses, detailed, of: three inmates involved in: satanic rituals, and: one of: an: priest, of Utah,
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lorenzo you son of a stupid whore
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] that: I have confirmed the existence of: fifty-sixty thousand, annual cases of: human sacrifices. (...). Been are: found numerous cemeteries, in: the whole country, with: dozens of: corpses not identified, and: no one has: investigated to: bottom ... "(John Caporaso and M. Cocozza Lubisco, Children. The market of horrors, cit.). satanic crimes, are: in: expansion, in: around the world. for: how much, regards England, Dianne Core, head of the Institute Childwatch (Association of: Assistance, and: protection of minors), has: unions denounced the Satanists, with: political lobbying that: they tend to: cover up their atrocities.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Dr. Core: it has, among other things, said: "Unfortunately: not , we have not yet identified: the summit: the hierarchy that: controls: Satanism in: Great Britain .... enjoy of: protections: at the highest level. " Pedophiles Satanists: are: present: also: to London. "Corriere della Sera" of 18 March 1990 complaint: "London. Tortured Children: e: raped in: the: course: satanic rituals, fetuses extracts: to: force from the womb: of: teenage-mothers: and: immolated The Twilight Zone ... sound, in fact, the stories of: girls: and: teenagers tenders: the high priests of: a cult: and: their followers: for: to be raped. Once pregnant, small, would be forced to have abortions
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as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] and: the fetus, of: four months sacrificed for: the purification of the Satanists, that: they would drink the blood, or if they ciberebbero. ... Investigation carried out by 66 groups of: research, 'National Society, for: the prevention of cruelty against children' in: the United Kingdom, confirms the existence of: such practices ... " . [[Satanists and: terrorists (I) Dawn Perlmutter. Director, Institute for the Research of Organized and Ritual Violence ...]] [[Revelation 17:1, "... the great whore, that: sit, on: many waters. "Revelation 17:15" The waters that: you saw and: on which is seated, the prostitute, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18," The woman that: you is seen: the great city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:7, "In his heart he says," I are: queen, not, are: the widow, and, not, I will never mourn. "A global superpower, that: is manifested in: three ways: economic superpower. Revelation 18:3:" ... and the merchants of the earth, are: enriched, with: the excesses of: luxury. "Revelation 18:11:" And the merchants of the earth will mourn, and: mourn, for: her because no one buys their cargoes any more ... "Revelation 18:15," The merchants of: these things that: you are: rich by her, shall stand afar off, for: fear of: his torment ... "Revelation 18:23," ... I thy merchants were the great men of the earth, and : all nations, are: were deceived by your sorcery. "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] military superpower. Jeremiah 50:23: "as, it never is: broken, hath been broken, the hammer of all the land?" Jeremiah 51:20: "You have been, for, me an: hammer, a tool of: war with: you I shatter nations, I destroy kingdoms." Isaiah 14:4-6 Casting Lots, "Did the oppressor has: finished? Has: finished esattrice gold? The LORD has: broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers. Him that: furiously struck down peoples of: a continual stroke, he that: angrily ruled over the nations is: chased without mercy. ". Political superpower. Jeremiah 51:44: "... The nations not, shall come over to: him ..." Revelation 17:18: "The woman that: you have seen, is: the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth . "
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] Revelation 18:9-10: "When the kings of the earth shall see the ... of smoke: his fire and weep: mourn for: and her: they will say: "Ah! Ouch! Babylon, the great city, the mighty city! Your judgment is: come in: also: the moment! The dwelling of: a large part of the Jewish population exiled. Jeremiah 51:45: "O my people, out of: means to: you, ye every man his life before the fierce anger of Lord!" Revelation 18:4: "Come out of her, my people, that, not, be an accomplice, of his sins, and, not, be involved, her plagues." Zechariah 2:7: "Now, O Zion!, In: escape, thou that: clothes, with the Daughter of: Babylon!" Babylon is represented by a woman. Revelation 17:1: "..
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as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.]. Come, I will show you the judgment that: the great whore, that: sits on: many waters ... the waters, that: you've seen and: on which, the prostitute sits, are: peoples, and multitudes, and nations: languages. "Revelation 17:18:" The woman that: you saw is : the big city, that: reigns over the kings of the earth. "Babylon is: dressed with expensive clothes. Revelation 18:16:" And the great city, that was clothed of: linen, of: purple, and: of : scarlet. "descriptions made above, are: some of the many references that: indicate clearly as America, the great power known as, Babylon, and New York as the city, for the fall, in: the: chapter 18 of Revelation. now we see, America, and New York, in: particular, are: compatible with: the descriptions, to: purpose of: Babylon:
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] A Global Superpower: Economic, Military and: Politics. The United States of America, are: the only superpower, the world survived. for: to be, in: this position of power: it serves, of: diplomatic strategies, very subtle, military force, and: of the economic sanctions. If you have been convinced by the powerful propaganda machine of the American mass media, that: the United States, are: a force, that: fights for: freedom, and: for: charity, then it means, that: you have been deceived, and : taken: around. I believe that: the truth, seen through the eyes of God, is: that: America is: unethical, oppressive, self-centered, arrogant, greedy, murderous, proud and hypocritical.
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] in: the: 1948, George Kennan, that: he directed the Department of: State, until 1950, he wrote an: document, entitled, Plan of: Studio of the Policy, in: the: whom was written: "We have approximately 50% of the world's wealth, but only 6, 3% of the population ... in: this situation is: clear, that: not, we can avoid of: arouse envy, and resentment towards us. Our real mission for: the near future is: of: plan , agreements, which allow us of: maintain this condition of: ... for disparities: do this, we need to do: unless, of: all sentimentality, and: of dreams to: eyes open, but, but pay attention to our immediate goals ...
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[As, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] We have to finish, of: speaking of: unrealistic goals, such as, human rights, improving of the conditions of: life and: democratization. The next day, in: the: which spoke of: power, in: honestly, is: long gone. "(From What Uncle Sam Really Wants, of Noam Chomsky, Odonian Press, 1986, p. 7, 9 -10.) The Fall of: Babylon. The fall of: Babylon will take place in: three phases. The first will be the judgment of God, that: will lead to the destruction of the "big city" of: Babylon. The prophet Zechariah, witnessed the removal of the demonic spiritual forces, that: had inspired the ancient nature of: Babylon. This woman was placed in: a basket, and: to: Zachary, it was said, that: he was for: to be brought to a new earth: in: the: Babylon which would be resurfaced.
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as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] "And the angel that: talking to: myself, went out, and: said: 'Lift up your eyes, and, look, that: what comes out of there.' I said, 'What?' He said, 'This is the ephah that: out'. Then added: 'Throughout the country, do not have an eye, that: for: the one'. And behold, he was raised, a plate of lead, and: in : the ephah, sat a woman. And he said, 'This is: evil', and: threw in: middle of the ephah, then threw the plate of lead, on the mouth of ' ephah. I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, two women that: they advanced, the wind was in their wings, and: the wings that: they were, like, wings of: stork, and they lifted up, the 'ephah between the earth and: heaven. agg: I said to the angel, that: he spoke to: me' Where are they taking the ephah? ' He answered:
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BABYLON THE GREAT WHORE, Ap.17 0.1 to 18 U.S. IMF 666 NWO 322, [as, Obama can do: the representative of human rights? he should, only, shame! because, everyone knows, that: in the USA, hundreds of: human sacrifice: are: covered by agencies of: his Government, every day.] 'In the country of: Shinar, for: build him a house there, and: when will be prepared , will be set there in its place. "Zechariah 5:5-11. On October 28, 1886, President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue of Liberty, and, in: the: ceremony: the: what was revealed, the 'old pagan god, he said: "We do not, forget, that: Libertas, has: e his residence here, not, we must, therefore, neglecting his altar chosen one" held in: hand a golden cup full abominations, and: of the filthiness of her fornication. upon her forehead was written, an: mysterious name: 'Babylon the great the mother of the harlots, and: abominations of the earth.'
[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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