la sharia è un demone saudita intelligente: [ DEL TIPO SERVIZI SEGRETI: INTELLIGENCE ] per ora SALMAN gli ha detto: "in Europa, TU per ora devi dormire!" MA LUI HA GIà FATTO LA CALCOLATA E CONTROLLATA IMPRUDENZA DI IMPORRE LA SHARIA NELLE ENCLAVI ISLAMICHE EUROPE! ] [ TEL AVIV, 2 NOVembre. Due persone hanno tentato di accoltellare un soldato israeliano al posto di blocco di Jalama. nei pressi di Jenin in Cisgiordania. E' morto uno dei due palestinesi che stamattina hanno tentato di pugnalare un soldato israeliano al check point di Jalame nei pressi di Jenin in Cigiordania e che è stato colpito dalla reazione delle forze di sicurezza.
NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ROTHSCHILD deo pluto giudaico massoni, usurai banchieri Bildenberg, ex comunisti culto, hanno spezzato la dignità e la identità del popolo italiano per sempre! NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ECCO PERCHé IL SISTEMA MASSONICO HA BISOGNO DI REALIZZARE LA GUERRA MONDIALE! ] poi, le difficoltà politiche si possono creare: perché Rothschild rimanga sempre innocente circa ogni Olocausto! [ lo Stato massonico ITALIANO, alto tradimento, violando la Costituzione: si indebita con SpA Rothschild BANChe CENTRALI, per comprare i soldi ad interesse da Rothschild, poi, pretende tasse assurde dai cittadini, e mio suocero di 80 anni: a sua volta, si deve indebitare con le banche: per pagare le tasse, che lo Stato pretende: perché a sua volta: si è indebitato con Rothschild! QUANTO COSTANO A MIO SUOCERO DI 80 ANNI QUESTE TASSE?
CON QUESTO USURAIO FMI ROTHSCHILD SPA MAOMETTO NAZISTA SHARIA 322 BUSH NWO? LA VITA è DIVENTATA UNA MINACCIA CONTINUA! ROMA, 1 NOV - L'aereo russo schiantatosi ieri nel Sinai si è spaccato mentre era in volo: lo scrive la Cnn online, citando fonti dell'aviazione civile russa ripresa dai media locali. Ai giornalisti russi, Viktor Sorochenko, direttore esecutivo della commissione interstatale dell'aviazione russa, ha detto: "La disintegrazione della fusoliera si è verificata in volo, e i frammenti sono distribuiti su un'area piuttosto ampia, circa 20 chilometri quadrati".
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IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma a causa del nazismo della sharia, io sarò costretto a farti del male! TU MI DEVI DARE LO STATO LAICO: CHE SIGNIFICA LIBERTà DI COSCIENZA E RELIGIONE, NON è LO STATO SECOLARE! questa mia richiesta è tutto il contrario dello Stato SECOLARE!
IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma tu hai fatto una religione di nazisti sharia, che, i cristiani sono costretti a combattere, contro di te: per sopravvivere: al 30%! e sono costretti a combattere contro la ARABIA SAUDITA per sopravvivere al 100% [ mentre, lo sanno tutti che, sono: l'ANTICRISTO: Merkel Cameron, e i farisei satanisti massoni usurai Rothschild Bildenberg: Darwin GENDER, Sodoma, che hanno preso il controllo dello Occidente: e quindi, noi non siamo più in grado di poterci difendere da te! [ EPPURE, ANCHE TU NON TI POTRESTI DIFENDERE, SENZA DI ME: PERCHé IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE: QUINDI IO SONO L'UNICO UOMO AL MONDO CHE PUò DISTRUGGERE LO STATO MASSONICO DI ISRAELE!
IRAN [ è VERO CHE IN TUTTO IL MONDO: tu sei l'unico che può guardare la trave nell'occhio di tutti ] ma, è anche vero che, tu non ti puoi condannare a morte soltanto perché: GESù di Betlemme, ti può apparire per fare di te un missionario cristiano!
il cielo vomiterà tutto l'ISLAM all'inferno! ] [ Il cimitero cattolico italiano di Tripoli 'Hammangi' è stato di nuovo devastato. Lo fa sapere l'Associazione Italiana Rimpatriati dalla Libia (Airl), che invia all'ANSA le foto che testimoniano lo sfregio. "Sono immagini che si commentano da sole per la loro inciviltà e che completano il quadro tragico della situazione in Libia", afferma la presidente dell'Airl Giovanna Ortu. "Grazie a Dio non abbiamo bisogno di tombe materiali per pregare in ricordo di quei morti, e ci piace ricordare la lunga tradizione di rispetto fra le diverse religioni che ha caratterizzato la nostra vita laggiù. La preoccupazione per i vivi libici in pericolo a causa della lunga guerra fratricida che ha dato spazio a presenze inquietanti prevale sull'accorata preghiera per i nostri cari defunti", sono le parole di Giovanna Ortu e di Giancarlo Consolandi, presidente dell'Exlali, Associazione alunni scuole cristiane di Tripoli. Secondo le ultime informazioni disponibili, nel cimitero cattolico di Tripoli riposano i resti di circa 8000 italiani.
USA avvertono Gran Bretagna: se uscite dall'UE avrete barriere commerciali con l'America ] il nuovo ordine mondiale prevede la islamizzazione del mondo e la distruzione di Europa e ISRAELE: io vi ho avvisati! SOLTANTO DISTRUGGENDO LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA SATANA 322 ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI POTRà DOMINARE IL MONDO! ] ISLAMICI CREDONO DI POTER VINCERE QUESTA PARTITA, MA, NON HANNO NESSUNA SPERANZA: SENZA DI NOI! [ li Stati Uniti non sono entusiasti all’idea di definire un accordo di libero scambio separato con la Gran Bretagna, se questa dovesse lasciare l’Unione Europea, così dice il rappresentante USA per il commercio, Micheal Froman – si tratta del primo commento pubblico di un importante funzionario USA su questo tema.
Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ 1 NOV - Gli Stati Uniti "sono parte del problema in Medio Oriente, non la soluzione": lo ha detto la guida suprema iraniana, Ali Khamenei, incontrando gli ambasciatori iraniani. Gli obiettivi di "Washington e Teheran sono opposti". Intanto sul sito, ieri, è stato pubblicato un video "Le confessioni di Satana" in cui appare il presidente Usa Barack Obama, incentrato sugli "errori ammessi dagli americani". ] really you were: "He was an ardent advocate of the oppressed all over the world. He did not compromise with arrogant powers??". then, where is your freedom of religion! CAIN were is your brothers ABELE Christian? then you remove sharia quickly! were is your video "Confessions of Satan" by OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ape very smart
====================] funny [ if your god is true, then, we can do an exorcism together? ] If the devil goes away only in the name of JESUS? Then, you make yourself a Christian, or you go to hell! ] funny [ se il tuo dio è vero: poi, noi possiamo fare un esorcismo insieme? ] se il demonio va via soltanto nel nome di GESù? poi, tu ti fai cristiano, oppure tu vai all'inferno!
=========== ] friend [ i am Messiah ( lorenzoJHWH ) e Mahdi ( lorenzoALLAH ) Unius REI (Governor on all the world ): polital proiect of King ISRAEL: for universal brothehood, ie: the mortal enemy of all Satanists Pharisees Rothschild from satanic TALMUD APOSTASY [ i have sub to you ] as you might think to talk about justice if with Nazism Sharia: you hurt the saints, that God has called on the path of virtue?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ I have no found on the internet all the list of crimes against humanity that he himself admitted that he did! you can make this work for me?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ io non ho trovato in internet tutto l'elenco dei crimini contro il genere umano, che lui stesso ha ammesso di avere fatto! tu puoi fare questo lavoro per me?
==================== IO SONO il METAFISICO UNIUS REI [ io sono l'amministratore immortale divino figlio di Dio: in JESU's NAME! Governatore universale ed eterno di tutto il Regno di DIO JHWH HOLY ] io ho fatto cacciare l'ex-Direttore di youtube synnek1, ed oggi lui è 187AudioHostem, lui è un iraniano sacerdote di satana: che lo Spirito SANTO ha fatto impazzire! io ho esorcizzato tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA, E QUINDI NEL NWO S.P.A. FMI SONO TUTTI TERRORIZZATI, che, loro hanno fatto impunemente 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana! quindi, MOLTI DI LORO SONO IMPAZZITI E MOLTI DI LORO SONO MORTI, INSIEME AI LORO ALIENI NEI DISCHI VOLANTI! Quindi adesso è impossibile che loro possano continuare a fare tutti quei delitti, ma, purtroppo continuano a farli! ma, tu non devi pensare che io dico queste cose in giro a tutti, perché le persone non hanno la maturità spirituale per potermi capire! la mia missione in internet è iniziata 25 anni fa: quando, con orrore, io ho scoperto che, 400 martiri cristiani del tutTo innocenti venivano messi a morte ( 300 li uccidevano gli islamici, come te ) e 100 li uccidevano tutti gli altri: ( comunisti buddisti induisti ) MA NESSUNO, SI DEDICA A PROTEGGERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI, PERCHé LA MERKEL massoni satanisti OBAMA GENDER BILDENBERG ROTHSCHILD BUSH KERRY Darwin: LA ABOMINAZIONE SODOMa, SONO L'ANTICRISTO E LORO RIDONO QUANDO I MARTIRI CRISTIANI VENGONO UCCISI!
/watch?v=KWZMg0ctNPs parlare male degli ebrei, come parlare male di qualsiasi popolo, significa soltanto gettare fango su Dio Onnipotente! ok! ma se vogliamo parlare male di Rothschild e dei Farisei cannibali massoni? ok! nessuno potrebbe farlo meglio di me! ] EPPURE IO HO TOLTO IL RISPETTO A DAVID DUKE, PERCHé LUI è VENUTO IN IRAN PIENO DI ODIO CONTRO ISRAELE (oggi è di moda), E SI è DIMENTICATO DI DIFENDERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI INNOCENTI, CHE TU METTI A MORTE!
========================= LA CIA 666 SPA FMI 322 NWO satana datagate ] la deve smettere con i suoi filtri di dicidere lei, quali dei miei commenti possono essere visibili su questa pagina!
Assad merita di morire (ma, io ho ordinato a Benjamin Netanyahu di salvare la sua vita, eppure, con un piede nella fossa, disprezzando il suo occulto protettore (Benjamin Netanyahu ): ASSAD voleva dare i missili a hezbollah o Ḥizb Allāh, per colpire ISRAELE ), Assad merita di morire, perché è la sharia che lo vuole uccidere, eppure, quando io gli ho ordinato di condannare la sharia: lui non lo ha fatto! Quindi io lo ho abbandonato: e lui ha incominciato a perdere la guerra! TUTTAVIA, oggi: 1. io non posso abbandonare la RUSSIA, 2. anche perché Assad ha versato il suo sangue per proteggere i martiri cristiani: ecco perché, io non lo posso abbandonare: definitivamente!
youtube 666 CIA cannibali ] BRUTTA CAGNA DI UNA TROIA [ io scrivo l'articolo sul mio wordpad e tu mi metti i filtri già sul desktop del mio computer, così il testo che non esiste in internet? io non lo posso incollare da nessuna parte! ] POI, NESSUNO DEVE DIRE CHE IO FACCIO DEL MALE AI FIGLI DEL DEMONIO SENZA NESSUN PRETESTO!
GLI EBREI SONO STATI NEL DESERTO SAUDITA della MADIANA, 40 ANNI ED UN GIORNO! ANCHE MOSé è SEPORTO LI, [ QUINDI QUELLA TERRA è MIA! ] ed io, non, credo che, qualcuno, si deve ostinare, contro, la volontà di Dio, e lui si può ostinare fino al punto di dire: "tutti gli ebrei del mondo devono sempre essere maledetti E SATANISTI, e non devono mai avere una loro Patria!" PERCHé IN QUESTO CASO, I FARISEI ENLIGHTENED FROM LUCIFERO, TRASFORMERANNO TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO IN UN SOLO BRANCO DI SCHIVI, AFFINCHé SATANA SIA TUTTO IN TUTTI! [ NON SOLO ] IO PRETENDO ANCHE METà DEL DESERTO EGIZIANO PACIFICAMENTE! altrimenti, me lo pretenderò tutto con la violenza!
======================= se non smetterete di fare i nazisti della sharia, violatori di tutti i diritti umani, con la complicità di quella bagascia di ONU AMNESTY USA BABILONIA? io vi farò bere il sangue dei vostri figli per la disperazione!
youtube 666 google NWO ] la state facendo sporca! anche mettendo il testo in [ ] si attiva l'antispam! VOI SIETE IL VERO REGIME NAZISTA: VOI ( FARISEI MASSONI TALMUD AGENDA ) VOI SIETE IL PADRE DI HITLER, ED IL PADRE DI OGNI SHOAH, CONTRO, IL POPOLO EBRAICO! VOI STATE SOFFOCANDO LA LIBERTà DI ESPRESSIONE! L'ULTIMO REQUISITO CHE NON AVEVATE ANCORA TOLTO AL POPOLO! [ NESSUNO VI DA IL DIRITTO DI IMPOSSESSARVI DEL NOSTRO COMANDO: "COPIA INCOLLA" IN MODO PREVENTIVO! ] if you do not stop TO DO the Nazis Sharia violators of all human rights, with the complicity of the whore of Babylon UN AMNESTY 666 USA? I will make you drink the blood of your children to despair! io ragiono come un agnostico razionale: ed io non entro in questioni di tipo ideologico o religioso! NON DOVRESTI MAI PENSARE CHE IO ODIO ISLAM (ANZI IO LO AMO PIù DI OGNI ALTRA COSA) oppure, che io posso odiare qualcosa o qualcuno, o che io ho desiderio di vendetta, o avidità di ricchezze e di potere: "NO! TUTTE QUESTE COSE NEL REGNO DI DIO JHWH SONO DISPREZZATE!" io perseguo i delitti e gli omicidi di persone innocenti, perché, io sono l'unico a cui Dio ha dato il permesso di uccidere le persone: tuttavia, proprio a me Dio ha detto: "tu non uccidere nessuno!".. IN QUESTO MODO, io sono un politico, che, non entra in questioni circa, la religione o circa la forma di Governo! IO VOGLIO AIUTARE TUTTE LE RELIGIONI E TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO A RIMANERE NELLA GIUSTIZIA: CHE è LA METAFISICA DEI 10 COMANDAMENTI DI MOSé
Ignazio Roberto Maria Marino è un chirurgo e politico italiano, sindaco di Roma dal 12 giugno 2013 al 31 ottobre 2015 ] LUI LO HA PRESO NEL GENDER DARWIN IDEOLOGIA 666 FARISEI Rothschild Sodoma Talmud Agenda S.p.A. a FMI: CONTRO I GOYIM ISRAELIANI SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA! tutto dove: " dove il loro verme non muore, e dove il loro fuoco non si estingue!"
SULTANATO ISTANBUL, 2 NOV - "La volontà nazionale si è manifestata a favore della stabilità NAZISTA. Adesso: CONQUISTEREMO IL MONDO SHARIA! un partito con circa il 50% in Turchia ha conquistato il potere, questo dovrebbe essere rispettato dal mondo intero, ma non ho visto questa maturità" finora. Sono queste le prime parole del presidente HITLER Recep Tayyip Erdogan dopo la vittoria nel voto.
NON è CHE IO HO SIMPATIA PER GEZABELE II, L'ANTICRISTO MASSONE MOGLIE SEGRETA DI ROTHSCHILD, MA QUANDO è TROPPO è TROPPO! Rothschild ha superato il limite della decenza: con i suoi sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 KERRY: perché, lui vuole soffocare la memoria e la identità di tutti i popoli! [ dopotutto, bisogna amalgamare, il branco di schiavi del suo signoraggio bancario: i bastardi: Sodoma GENDER DARWIN ISRAELIANI; senza genealogia paterna! ] SYDNEY, 2 NOV - "Inappropriati" nell'Australia moderna. Così il primo ministro conservatore australiano Malcolm Turnbull, già promotore di una campagna per abbandonare la monarchia, ha annunciato l'abolizione dei titoli di cavaliere e dama. L'Australia cancellerà le due onorificenze e la regina Elisabetta, capo dello stato, ha accettato la raccomandazione del governo. I due titoli erano stati già aboliti nel 1986 come anacronistici ma erano stati reintrodotti nel 2014 da Tony Abbott, acceso monarchico.
NON SONO QUELLI CHE, loro PRETENDONO DELLE LORO FANTOMATICHE ACQUE NAZIONALI, IN ACQUE INTERNAZIONALI? ] [ Gentiloni: "L'Italia sosterrà la rinascita della Libia ] [ Il ministro degli Esteri è ad Algeri per incontrare i colleghi algerino e egiziano, all'indomani delle accuse di Tobruk sulla presenza di navi italiane in acque libiche, smentita dall'Italia, e della profanazione del cimitero italiano a Tripoli. Devastato cimitero italiano a Tripoli.
si! la CIA ha dato questi missili ad ARABIA SAUDITA ] [ MOSCA, 2 NOV - La sola causa della sciagura dell'A321 precipitato nel Sinai può essere "un fattore esterno" in aria: lo sostiene un dirigente della Kogalymavia, la compagnia a cui apparteneva l'aereo, citato da Ria Novosti. "Un A-321 - ha detto il manager - non può spaccarsi in aria per il malfunzionamento di un qualsiasi sistema tecnico".
added that residents of Gaza would do well to take stock of their
situation and to think about who they wanted leading them. Had Hamas
used the cement Israel allowed into Gaza for the construction of homes
and schools instead of terror tunnels things might have turned out
different. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu also said Monday afternoon
that Operation Protective Edge is not over despite a redeployment of
forces. He spoke after heading a discussion at IDF Southern Command
headquarters with the participation of Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon IDF
Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz and GOC Southern Command Maj.-Gen.
Sammy Turgeman:
campaign in Gaza is continuing" he said. "What is about to conclude is
the IDF action to deal with the tunnels but this operation will end only
when quiet and security are restored to the citizens of Israel for a
lengthy period. We struck a very severe blow at Hamas and the other
terrorist organizations. We have no intention of attacking the residents
of Gaza. In practice it is Hamas that is attacking them and denying
them humanitarian aid. I think that the international community needs to
strongly condemn Hamas and also demand just as we are demanding that
the rehabilitation of Gaza be linked to its demilitarization. On Monday
night Israeli media outlets quoting Egyptian sources said that Hamas and
Islamic Jihad had agreed to an Egyptian demand for a three-day
cease-fire. The sources said that the cease-fire could go into effect as
soon as Tuesday morning. According to UN officials Gaza sustained at
least $5 billion in damage over the past month and a half of IDF
shelling and ground action. In an interview with the Palestinian
Authority news agency Ma'an the PA's Labor Minister Dr. Mufid
Al-Hasayena said that the PA would be appealing to interactional donors
for funds to rebuild and demanding that Israel fund construction efforts
as well.
$5 billion relates only to physical damage to buildings and
infrastructure he said. It does not measure personal losses. Few Gazans
had home insurance and there was no way to estimate the amount of losses
Gazans sustained. The sum was likely to rise significantly as the scope
of losses becomes clearer he said.
Scare Clip Becomes Israel's Summer Hit [[ e cosa c'è di strano? OGGI
fear into Israeli hearts with a propaganda song but Israelis are having
fun with it.
Gil Ronen First Publish 8/4/2014 7:26 PM Shortly after Israel's
Operation Protective Edge in Gaza began 27 days ago Hamas released a
video clip of a song it produced that calls on Palestinian Arabs to
carry out terror attacks. The clip is in Hebrew however and appears to
mostly be intended for propaganda value against Israel.
Israelis found the tune of "Attack! Carry Out Terror Attacks" extremely
catchy. Making it even more fun was the flowery Hebrew dotted with
nonexistent words and heavy Arab accent all of which led to the song's
becoming a summer hit.
It has since spawned numerous parodies including this a capella version:
woman raped and murdered in Madhya Pradesh. Published September 10
2013. Witnesses said the woman was strangled with her own sari. The bed
where the woman's body was found. World Watch Monitor. Four men were
today convicted of the fatal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi - a
story that has grabbed the world's attention. Meanwhile a little
further south the case of a Christian woman who suffered the same fate
has gone relatively unnoticed. The 30-year-old was raped and killed on
August 29 in Bakoudi village in the central Indian state of Madhya
woman whose name has not been released to protect her family's security
and privacy was found the next morning by her mother-in-law. Witnesses
told World Watch Monitor she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her
torso and had been strangled with her own sari. Two suspects both Hindus
have been arrested. Mahesh Dohre 23 who worked with the victim's
husband and Durgesh Potfode 25 are residents of Bakoudi. They have both
been released. It is unclear whether they will face further official
charges. The local Christian community has been shocked by the event and
expressed concerns about its vulnerability to local authorities. It is
uncertain whether the attack took place because of the woman's faith but
Christian women often report threats in the area. Christians comprise a
tiny fraction of the population of Madhya Pradesh (the 2001 census put
the figure at around 170000 people or 0.3%) and just 2.3% of the total
population of India (2011 census). In the vast and diverse country
Christians often live freely. However India ranks among the 50 countries
where life as a Christian is most difficult according to Open Doors
International a global ministry that serves Christians who are pressured
because of their faith. The country is No. 31 on Open Doors' 2013 World
Watch List largely because of a streak of Hindu nationalism or Hindutva
that envisions India as a purely Hindu state.
win elicits mixed reaction from India's Christians. Published June 19
2014 by Anto AkkaraFrom left to right. Indian President Mahinda
Rajapaksa and new Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meeting for
bilateral talks in New Delhi India. May 27 2014
Mahinda Rajapaksa / Flickr/ Creative Commons
Christian leaders aren't quite unanimous yet on the meaning of the May
election landslide that swept Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist
party into control of the world's largest democracy.
the one hand:"Your ascension as Prime Minister of this great country
and the overwhelming mandate…under your dynamic leadership are heavenly
indications that many problems facing the country…would be addressed
firmly and for the common good" Cardinal Telesphore Toppo former
president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India wrote to Modi. On
the other "We beg to differ from official church leaders on Narendra
Modi" said a statement issued June 13 by a group led by John Dayal
secretary general of All India Christian Council a Christian advocacy
group. It was written in response to national church bodies and leaders
rushing to congratulate Modi.
sceptics have reasons to be wary. Only hours after the new government
was sworn in May 26 key ministers were declaring opposition to
longstanding minority demands to strengthen anti-discrimination laws.
India ranks among the 50 countries where life as a Christian is most
difficult according to Open Doors International a global ministry that
serves Christians who are pressured because of their faith. The country
is No. 28 on Open Doors' 2014 World Watch List largely because of a
streak of Hindu nationalism or Hindutva that envisions India as a purely
Hindu state.
Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP is the ruling party in
three of the six Indian states with laws that forbid forced religious
conversions — laws that are used frequently to shut down churches or
intimidate Christians who speak about their faith. Even before its
election mandate the party had proposed stiffer penalties in one of
those states Madhya Pradesh India's second-largest.
Modi galvanizing the BJP ticket running largely on a platform of
economic revival and government reform the party won 282 seats in the
543-member Indian Parliament. The National Democratic Alliance a
coalition encompassing the BJP captured 336 seats. Support for the more
secular Congress Party which had ruled India for decade eroded severely
dropping from 206 seats in 2009 to 44.
congratulatory message from Cardinal Toppo head of the Catholic church
in the tribal heartland of Jharkhand where BJP virtually swept the polls
followed Modi's ascension to office witnessed by the heads of South
Asian nations attending the swearing in ceremony.
Baselios mar Cleemis head of the Catholic Church in India was
cautiously optimistic that the new government will "continue to
uphold…secularism and principles of democracy to lead the Nation on the
path of development."
The National Council of Churches in India however announced its intention to remain a cautious watchdog.
the Gospel of Luke the council issued a statement that "we are reminded
of the Nazareth Manifesto of Jesus 'to bring good news to the poor
proclaiming release to the captives recovery of sight to the blind
letting the oppressed go free and proclaiming the year of the Lord's
favour.' "
People gathering for political rallies in Assam India. April 2014
Narendra Modi / Flickr / Creative Commons
are to stand for just-peace and should support all policies endeavours
and projects of the government within this 'just-peace' framework" the
council statement said. "The 2014 Elections constitute the kairos (the critical decisive time) for the Church in India to be bearers of the 'Nazareth Manifesto' gospel in the country."
group of Christian social activists theologians and church lay leaders
issued their own statement which claimed they have "no problems with the
Official Church Leaders in congratulating Modi on becoming the Prime
Minister of India." However "we have serious reservations and objections
on their assessment…and their expectations from Modi to build a just
India and a secular India."
church leaders should not rush to be admirers of the government. The
hierarchy should watch the ground situation and remain alert to the real
concerns of the people" said John Dayal who issued the joint statement
on behalf of the Christian activists and others to World Watch Monitor.
Historically Dayal pointed out the BJP has demonstrated it is "out to pursue and realize the vision of a Hindu nation."
Kumar Swamy national co-ordinator of the All Indian Christian Council a Christian advocacy group was even more blunt:
sure there will be increased sporadic localised attacks (on) the
Christian community" Swamy was quoted June 2 by Christian Today. "Maybe
not initially because the BJP wants to keep its image secular and
democratic and show they care about the minority groups so there may not
be immediate major attacks taking place."
Joseph Dias founder of the outspoken Catholic Secular Forum of Mumbai claimed "the fringe groups are already on the loose."
already have arrested 20 members of the Hindu Rashtra Sena or Hindu
National Army after Mohasin Shaikh a Muslim computer engineer was
clubbed to death June 2 with hockey sticks in Pune near Mumbai.
in western Maharashtra state claim that the attack in Pune by the Hindu
outfit was a response to a posting on Facebook that denigrated Hindu
political leaders.
President Pranab Mukherji in his address to the new Parliament on June 9
assured that religious minorities will be "partners in India's
development" and in the new government's broad agenda.
by that date Dias said "Some of the statements from the ministers show
the same (Hindu nationalist) mind-set and agenda." Within 24 hours of
Modi's swearing-in on May 26 a couple of key ministers had made comments
that reiterate BJP's antipathy to the decades-old Christian demand for
end to discrimination against Christian Dalits.
a word meaning "trampled upon" refers to the "untoucahables" of the
lowest castes in Indian society. Often Dalits eke out a living by
carrying out menial jobs like scavenging while living segregated from
upper castes in rural areas.
1950 the federal government has set aside free education government
jobs and legislative seats for Hindu Dalits. None are provided to
Christian and Muslim Dalits. Two-thirds of India's 28 million Christians
are Dalits.
Gehlot the social justice minister told the media that the new
government opposes a 4.5 percent job quota for minorities a target
proposed by the previous government. Reservation based on religion he
said is "unconstitutional."
affairs minister Najma Heptullah the lone Muslim among the 46-member
Modi cabinet said quotas for minorities kill the "spirit of
are not surprised by these comments. But we cannot keep quiet on a
genuine cause because the BJP is in power" said Samuel Jayakumar
secretary of the National Council of Churches Commission on Policy
Governance and Public Witness.
took part in a strategy meeting of more than 40 Dalit Christian
activists and church officials in New Delhi in May which issued a frank
statement prospects for minorities under the BJP government are "not
very encouraging."
hope is in the judiciary" Jayakumar said in reference a 2004 petition
for equal rights pending before the Indian apex court. "Once the
government makes its stand clear on the issues in the Supreme Court the
judiciary can give its verdict."
of a Christian being included in the Modi cabinet has come to naught.
Christian circles were abuzz that P.A. Sangma a prominent Catholic and
BJP associate since he broke from the Congress party in 1998 would make
it into the Modi cabinet as he was elected to the Parliament for the
10th time from the tiny Christian majority state of Meghalaya in the
Sudanese 'apostasy' Meriam now in the US
Sudanese death-row mother Meriam Ibrahim who's been in global headlines
for renouncing Islam arrived in New Hampshire last week.
was accompanied by her two children and husband Daniel Wani a dual US
and South Sudanese citizen. The family was initially flown to Italy
where they met the Pope after having left Sudan with the help of the US
Source BBC
Freedom - Sudanese 'apostasy' Meriam now in Italy
Meriam Ibrahim who has spent the last month holed up in the US Embassy in Khartoum has been flown to Italy with her children.
She was accompanied by the Italian Deputy Foreign Minister. Her husband Daniel is an American citizen.
conviction to death for having renounced Islam for Christianity was
overturned after she argued she had always been a Christian.
The Italian Dep Min told BBC they co-operated with US State dept & family will be on way to NY as soon as possible
to Hardwired's Executive Director Tina Ramirez "Meriam's case continues
at the Supreme Court and while the criminal punishments for adultery
and apostasy remain a threat to many others such as Faiza Abdalla we are
working to help Meriam's lawyers continue their fight and make freedom
possible for all Sudanese."
last week her family tried to annul her marriage in attempts to keep
her in Sudan where forsaking Islam is seen as illegal even though its
Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
Source BBC Hardwired
Malaysian woman to get back 'Allah' Christian CDs
High Court has ordered the return to a Sarawak woman of eight Christian
CDs which had the word "Allah" in the title which were confiscated in
May 2008.
woman Jill Ireland tried to bring them into the country from Indonesia.
She then challenged their seizure at the airport on grounds of the
apparent ban on Malay Christians' use of the word 'Allah' for God when
it has been in the Malay language for over a hundred years.
has also asked for a declaration that she has a legitimate expectation
to exercise the right to use "Allah" and to continue to own and import
such materials.
decision on July 21 does not give any more clarity over the June 23
ruling by a federal court that it would not grant the appeal by the
Catholic Herald magazine against the Oct 2013 decision that it could NOT
use 'Allah' since this word is only for Muslims.
after the June verdict the Malaysian Government declared that
Christians who form about 10% of the mainly Malay-Muslim population of
30 million could still use the word Allah in church since the ban only
applied to the Herald. The decision over the CDs appears to be in line
with that but it still leaves Christians confused and uncertain as to
what is allowed and what is not.
letter to Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita -- amico mio tu lascia stare i
farisei anglo americani rothschild che dicono a te "tu puoi fare questi
crimini!" PERCHé LA BIBBIA HA DETTO "tu non seguire i ragazzi cattivi!"
Convertito egiziano fa appello condanna a 5 anni per reato Pubblicato 27
giugno 2014
Avvocato dice Mohamed Hegazy ha già servito il tempo massimo
Mohamed Hegazy a sinistra con il suo avvocato Karam Ghobrial.
Watch Monitor. Un uomo egiziano che ha catturato il video di scontri
tra musulmani e cristiani è stato condannato a cinque anni di carcere.
Mohamed Hegazy è stato condannato 18 giugno per non avere il permesso di
filmare le manifestazioni in Minya governatorato della Egitto una
regione instabile nel centro di Egitto che esplose in violenze
anti-cristiane a seguito del luglio 2013 cacciata dell'ex presidente
Mohamed Morsi. Il reato è un reato e Hegazy ha già speso più di 6 mesi
in carcere - il massimo per reati minori -. Dal suo arresto 4 dic sua
laywer ha detto che progetta di fare appello il verdetto."Hegazy è
accusato di filmare una manifestazione senza autorizzazione quindi
secondo la legge questo è un reato" l'avvocato Karam Ghobrial ha detto
World Watch Monitor. "Così questo verdetto è in contraddizione con la
legge perché non ha incluso il pagamento della cauzione per rilasciare
l'imputato fino al ricorso come in tutti i crimini di infrazione."
31 passa un nome diverso Bishoy Armeya un nome che ha preso dopo
essersi convertito dall'Islam al Cristianesimo nel 1999 all'età di 17
anni nel 2007 egli ha chiesto al governo di riconoscere ufficialmente la
sua conversione -. Una richiesta senza precedenti in un paese dove
l'Islam è la religione ufficiale e dove la Costituzione dichiara la
legge islamica della Sharia di essere "la fonte principale della
legislazione". Minacce di morte Hegazy costretti a nascondersi.
che il suo avvocato dice è la vera ragione che sta andando in prigione.
"La vera ragione per mantenere Armeya in custodia è in corso un
convertito" ha detto Ghobrial Medio Oriente Christian News nel mese di
aprile ha detto che la polizia interrogato Hegazy della sua religione
dopo il suo arresto -.. Un tema che ha detto dovrebbe essere irrilevante
ai sensi del diritto egiziano In Egitto carte d'identità rilasciato dal
governo includono la religione della persona. Mentre la legge permette
ai cittadini di cambiare la propria fede in pratica musulmani che si
convertono al cristianesimo trovano spesso ad affrontare forti
si terrà a El Menya carcere durante l'appello. Lui è buono stato
Ghobrial detto World Watch Monitor. Sua moglie ei suoi figli sono in
Germania e solo il suo avvocato è autorizzato a fargli visita.
L'udienza di appello è prevista per il 20 luglio.
un caso non collegato un tribunale di Luxor il 24 giugno ha condannato
Kerolos Ghattas un cristiano a sei anni di carcere per il caricamento
sua pagina Facebook con le immagini considerate un insulto all'Islam. Ci
sentenza può essere impugnata.
Egyptian convert appeals 5-year sentence for misdemeanor
Published June 27 2014
Lawyer says Mohamed Hegazy already has served the maximum time
Mohamed Hegazy left with his lawyer Karam Ghobrial.
World Watch Monitor
An Egyptian man who captured video of clashes between Muslims and Christians has been sentenced to five years in prison.
Hegazy was convicted June 18 for failing to obtain permission to film
demonstrations in the Egypt's Minya governate a volatile region in
central Egypt that erupted in anti-Christian violence following the July
2013 ouster of former President Mohamed Morsi.
crime is a misdemeanor and Hegazy already has spent more than 6 months
in custody -- the maximum for misdemeanors -- since his arrest Dec. 4.
His laywer said he plans to appeal the verdict.
is accused of filming a demonstration without permission so according
to the law this is a misdemeanor" the attorney Karam Ghobrial told World
Watch Monitor. "So this verdict is contradictory to the law because it
didn't include paying the bail to release the accused until the appeal
as in all misdemeanor crimes. "
31 goes by a different name Bishoy Armeya a name he took after he
converted from Islam to Christianity in 1999 at age 17. In 2007 he
petitioned the government to officially recognize his conversion — an
unprecedented request in a country where Islam is the official religion
and where the constitution declares Islamic Sharia law to be "the main
source of legislation." Death threats forced Hegazy into hiding.
And that his lawyer says is the real reason he's going to prison.
real reason for keeping Armeya in custody is being a convert" Ghobrial
told Mideast Christian News in April. He said police questioned Hegazy
about his religion following his arrest -- a subject that he said ought
to be irrelevant under Egyptian law. In Egypt government-issued identity
cards include the person's religion. While the law permits citizens to
change their faith in practice Muslims who convert to Christianity often
face intense pressure.
is being held in the El Menya Prison during the appeal. He is good
condition Ghobrial told World Watch Monitor. His wife and children are
in Germany and only his lawyer is permitted to visit him.
An appeal hearing is scheduled for July 20.
an unrelated case a court in Luxor on June 24 sentenced Kerolos Ghattas
a Christian to six years in prison for loading his Facebook page with
images considered insulting to Islam. Ther verdict can be appealed.
Indian villages outlaw Christian practices
Published July 17 2014 by Anto Akkara
Local ordinances encourage anti-minority hostility clerics say
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villages in central India have outlawed the open practice of
Christianity – a move of questionable legality yet one that worries
church leaders who say it already has encouraged anti-Christian
situation is becoming worse. The anti-Christian propaganda is becoming
stronger" Arun Pannalal president of Chhattisgarh Christian Forum told
World Watch Monitor on July 15. Chhattisgarh is one of India's 29 states
in the heart of the country.
said the village of Belar in Chhattisgarh's southeast district of
Bastar convened a Gram Sabha or village assembly on July 6 and passed a
resolution banning all non-Hindu religious activities.
Belar assembly Pannalal said was an echo to Gram Sabha of
representatives from about a dozen villages held May 10 in Sirsiguda
village also in Bastar district. There the delegates passed a resolution
banning the outward practice of non-Hindu faiths.
"It is not just passing of a resolution. This is a ploy to harass Christians."
--Rev. Aneesh Andrews Methodist district superintendent
stop the forced conversion by some outsider religious campaigners and
to prevent them from using derogatory language against Hindu deities and
customs the Sirsiguda Gram Sabha bans religious activities such as
prayers meetings and propaganda of all non-Hindu religions" said the
text of the resolution. It contains no provisions for penalties.
meetings are held under the Chhattisgarh Panchayati Raj Act" or Village
Council System Act Pannalal said. He said the councils erroneously
believe the act provides a legitimate legal foundation upon which to ban
minority religious practice.
fundamentalists are using this provision to take the people for a ride
to enforce their agenda" he said. "Their strategy is to use the
influential gram sabhas to adopt such controversial resolutions to
mislead the locals to believe that banning non-Hindus is well within the
Times of India a national English-language daily newspaper on July 9
quoted a claim by Suresh Yadav the Bastar district president of the
Vishwa Hindu Parishad or World Hindu Council that more than 50 villages
have adopted similar resolutions.
Aneesh Andrews Methodist district superintend for the region told World
Watch Monitor that after the resolutions are passed poor Christian
families in some villages have been denied government rations of staples
such as wheat rice and sugar and access to village water sources such
as tube wells and common ponds.
some places the passing of the resolution has been followed by attacks
on pastors and pulling down of village churches" Andrews said.
"It is not just passing of a resolution" he said. "This is a ploy to harass Christians."
the adoption of the multi-village resolution at the Sirsiguda village
10 Christians – including three pastors – were assaulted by Hindu
fundamentalists according to a report by the Salt Foundation an Indian
religious-freedom organization.
in the villages "were not given access to (rations) due to their
religious practices and for not giving donations to the village's Hindu
temple as reported by our area coordinator" the foundation report said.
"Without the ration cards they were not able to receive any food from
the government ration shop and if they went and bought food from (shops
in) the city it would be exorbitantly expensive. This made them raise a
two villages Gadiya and Parapur Christians have been ordered to leave
town "or suffer the consequences" according to Rev. Vijayesh Lal
national director of the Religious Liberty Commission for the
Evangelical Fellowship of India. The threats Lal said have been made by
groups containing members of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad a Hindu
nationalist organization.
timely protection and intervention is not provided there is an
apprehension of anti-minority violence" Lal said in a July 15 letter to
Chhattisgarh Chief Secretary Vivek Dhand. Lal also conveyed reports of a
Christian man in Kue Mari village who had been ordered to pay a fine.
He did and yet his house was burned down Lal said.
he is living under a plastic sheet with his family that includes three
children and his elderly parents. I humbly request you to please
intervene in his situation and provide him some relief and protection"
Lal wrote to Dhand.
resolutions popping up in Chhattisgarh are the first of their kind
according to Rolf Zeegers an analyst for Open Doors International a
charity that provides aid to Christians who live under pressure because
of their faith.
leaders fear that the ban will increase suspicion and distrust in the
community generating disharmony and hate that could have disastrous
consequences for non-Hindus" Christians and Muslims alike Zeegers wrote
in a recent Open Doors report.
the ban and the attack on a church being the latest in a string of
violent incidents Christian leaders affirmed that Chhattisgarh is
becoming a cauldron of hate mongering against non-Hindus" he said.
law already requires residents to obtain government permission before
they can change religions placing the state among the handful in India
with laws restricting conversion. The anti-conversion laws held up as a
tool to defend individuals from being forced to convert against their
will are regarded by religious-freedom advocates as a tool that instead
is used to drive minorities into the corners of society. And
Chhattisgarh governed by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party is
particularly fertile political ground for anti-minority abuse church
leaders fear.
situation could get worse. We have to be vigilant" said Purna Sagar Nag
bishop of the Chhattisgarh diocese of the Church of North India. "Right
now it is confined to [Bastar] district; it may spread to other areas."
"We are planning to take it up with the higher government officials to ensure that this stopped at the earliest" he said.
head of Bastar's district administration Ankit Anand dismissed the
village resolutions as "legally null and void" documents that aren't
enforced by government agencies.
aside the chief concern among church leaders is the potential the
resolutions have to encourage a climate of impunity toward religious
Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi has urged authorities to intervene and
stop the ban on non-Hindu missionaries in Bastar district. In a
statement released to the press Couto said a ban "violates
constitutional rights of freedom of faith and the freedom of movement
expression" and will have "serious impact on the secular ethos of India
and damages its international reputation."
it could be considered as just another ban on Christian missionaries at
the behest of fundamentalist groups and bigoted political functionaries
who are now greatly encouraged it is a grave assault on the fundamental
rights of individuals and peoples' groups" he said.
the bans to stand the archbishop said would encourage extremist
religious organizations to wage hate campaigns against Christians which
in turn give rise to organized violence.
Two Finnish Christian aid workers killed in Afghanistan
Published July 25 2014
Two Finnish women working for a Christian aid charity have been killed by gunmen in Herat...
Kidnapped girls' parents die as Chibok's trauma rises
Published July 24 2014
For the missing Nigerian girls kidnapped over 100 days ago another trauma has emerged. Eleven of...
IS invades monastery steals 'everything' from Iraqi Christians
Published July 22 2014
Meriam's permission to leave Sudan still unclear
Published July 21 2014
Pakistan court grants bail to suspect in murder of government minister
Published July 19 2014
ISIS orders last Christians out of Mosul
Published July 18 2014
Indian villages outlaw Christian practices
Published July 17 2014
Kenyan coast Christians fear for lives as local politicians appear to be linked to Al Shabab
Published July 17 2014
Meriam's case highlights plight of Sudan's Christians
Published July 16 2014
Christianity and genocide? Published April 21 2014 by Lauren Gunias
British politician challenges the West's 'conspiracy of silence'
burnt remains of Orthodox Church of Virgin Mary Delga Village Upper
Egypt. 12 September 2013. World Watch Monitor. In the lead-up to Easter
UK Prime Minister David Cameron committed his government to fighting the
persecution of Christians abroad saying no group is under more pressure
for its faith. Cameron is not alone in making the claim. In February US
Congressman Chris Smith said "The global persecution of Christians has
gone from bad to worse." In November 2012 German Chancellor Angela
Merkel said "Christianity is the most persecuted religion worldwide." In
January 2011 former Lebanese President Amine Gemayal said "What is
happening to Christians is a genocide." In May 2013 Christian Solidarity
International an international human rights organization issued a
Genocide Alert for Christians and other religious minorities in Syria
and Egypt. (See the United Nations definition of genocide here.) On
March 12 the day before Cameron's announcement Lord David Alton of the
UK's House of Lords spoke at a Lenten Vigil dedicated to the suffering
church in Syria and the Middle East. During the service Alton
highlighted the systematic killing and outright persecution of
Christians which he said "takes place without hardly a murmur of
protest." "There is a mistaken belief that somehow this has little or
nothing to do with us" he said. UK Lord Alton of Liverpool; Lenten Vigil
for the suffering Church in Syria and the Middle East. April 2014.
Weenson Oo /
in a town near London Alton discussed in detail what he said is the
"complete denial about the existence of religiously motivated
persecution" in hopes of encouraging policymakers intelligence services
and the media to have a more considered understanding of religious
radicalisation and intolerance.
"Religious illiteracy amongst policy makers in Western nations means that the way we view these conflicts has led to serious mistakes" he said.
talk titled "Paying a Price for Belief" addressed maltreatment of
Christians globally but focused on specifically on North Korea Pakistan
and Syria — places where he said being a Christian requires one to pay
the ultimate price for their faith.
two greatest fault lines of our times are the fault lines between
Christianity and secularism and Christianity and Islam" he said. "Unless
we lay bare the ideology which lies behind radical Islamist thinking -
and which too often reduces God to the status of a faction leader or
tribal chief - and challenge the conspiracy of silence which surrounds
the question of religious persecution at the hands of radical Islamists
and atheists alike we will sleep-walk into a massive tragedy."
1948 the UN's Declaration of Human Rights has enshrined the right to
freedom of thought conscience and religion but the document "is not
worth the paper on which it is written" Alton said. "In country after
country all of this has been ignored. And little wonder that Pope
Benedict on his visit to the Holy Land remarked 'Churches in the Middle
East are threatened in their very existence.' " Persecution is not
limited to Christians. An Indonesian atheist was fined and jailed for 2
1/2 years after posting the words "God does not exist" and controversial
cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad on his Facebook page. Rohinga Muslims
live under pressure in Burma Bahias in Iran and Tibetan Buddhists in
China. However Alton said in every country where religious persecution
occurs Christians are in the front line. This he said demands a response
from Muslims in the West "If in the face of evil deeds secularists and
Christians need to weigh up their silence and priorities so do our
Muslim brothers. Muslims who have often settled in our democracies need
to be much braver in breaking the conspiracy of silence and in
identifying with those who suffer - among whom are many Muslim victims
of visceral hatred motivated by persecution for being the wrong kind of
Muslims. Never forget that many of these families came to Europe to
escape the intolerance of countries like Pakistan where a young Muslim
girl was shot for wanting an education and its Catholic minister for
minorities Shahbaz Bhatti was assassinated for preaching co-existence.
"Many of our European Muslims are good law-abiding people who want the
same things for themselves and for their families as the rest of us.
They are not as some foolishly and wrongly caricature them an enemy
within. But if they remain silent it will increasingly be seen as
acquiescence. It will however require real courage to speak out against
forces which have no respect for difference or diversity or for life
welcome but incomplete report on CAR. Published August 01 2014 by
Dennis Pastoor. Amnesty International cites war crimes in Central
African Republic. Just as a cease-fire takes effect in the deeply
troubled Central African Republic a new report by Amnesty International
criticises both the scattered Séléka rebel coalition and the anti-Balaka
groups that have been waging violent vengeance.
report also omits significant elements of the violent conflict
according to Dennis Pastoor an analyst for Open Doors International.
Amnesty International's report issued in July attempts to document the
"reign of impunity for war crimes crimes against humanity and other
serious human rights violations and abuses" in the Central African
Republic. Here Pastoor provides his assessment of the resulting report:
Amnesty International's report Central African Republic Time for
Accountability which builds on extensive field work echoes UN Chief Ban
Ki Moon's declaration that both sides are committing war crimes. It
acknowledges the increasing complexity of the conflict and shows that
it's not possible to identify a single organization or group of people
as main culprit for the violence. Instead the report gives the names of
responsible people on both sides for the atrocities.
for Accountability basically mentions four responsible agents for the
violence in CAR First agent general impunity. The report notes the
absence of a functioning judicial system combined with a generalized
lack of political will explained in part by fear of reprisal to address
the human rights abuses. I had already underlined the former in a report
for Open Doors published in December 2013 Vulnerability Assessment of
Christians in the Central African Republic.
agent the anti-Balaka. Through six case studies the report shows it is
the anti-Balaka rebels that have been responsible for "widespread
attacks against Muslims." The report is careful not to describe the
anti-Balaka as a Christian organization although it cannot be denied
that its members self-identify as Christians. That being said Amnesty
International recognizes that the anti-Balaka also has a strong animist
identity and reminds in an endnote that Christian leaders have clearly
distanced themselves from the group. Moreover the report identifies
political ties — with ousted president François Bozizé — of a part of
the anti-Balaka rebels. Importantly the report also recognizes that some
Christians have themselves suffered from the anti-Balaka when they were
considered too close to the mainly-Muslim Séléka. Third agent Séléka
report turns its focus to the Séléka — or remnants of Séléka after its
dissolution in January 2014. It rightfully notes that the group is
responsible for many human rights violations since its uprising in
December 2012 and during its takeover of power in Bangui and that it
continues to be "very powerful" in the north-eastern part of the
country. Since December 2012 Séléka forces have been responsible for
very serious human rights violations of Christians. It is only fair that
both groups are presented as accomplices of the violence although it is
noteworthy that the report's chapter about the violence caused by
Séléka is much shorter than the chapter about the violence caused by the
anti-Balaka. Fourth agent Chadian troops
from Chad's national army are part of the International Support Mission
to the Central African Republic known as MISCA. Amnesty International
found Chadian troops to be responsible for human rights violations.
Amnesty documents a few incidents but does not sufficiently stress the
difficulty of distinguishing between the Chadian MISCA the Chadian
National Army and Chadian citizens who were part of Séléka. Indeed
reports from the field indicate that local Muslims of migrant Chadian
origin were siding with Séléka and that the Chadian troops belonging to
MISCA were at times more loyal to their tribal links than to their
peacekeeping mission.
Analysis. Although the report is quite balanced it features three important omissions:
The report fails to recognize that the violence against Muslims which
is by no means justifiable comes after Christians have been confronted
with the enormous brutality of Séléka which has often been attributed
erroneously to the Muslim population in general. This has led to the
outrage of many Christians. Added to this young Christians feel
frustrated because of extreme poverty and the fact that Muslims dominate
commerce. Finally the high numbers of youths in the country with little
hope for the future easily fall prey to violent impulses. With no
democratic institutions to channel social discontent and virtually no
economic opportunities the violence caused by the Séléka triggered a
vicious circle of violence and resentment.
In addressing the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Bangui and the western
region of CAR the report underestimates the near-genocide by Séléka of
non-Muslims in the pre-December 2013 period and neglects the thousands
of non-Muslims who were victims of Séléka atrocities during its
12-months-long period of terror before in the interior of CAR. The
reader is especially put on the wrong track when the Amnesty report
calls December 2013 as "the peak of the crisis."
The report's geographical focus is on Bangui and the Western areas of
the CAR where most of the anti-Balaka violence is occurring. However out
of sight of the international community Séléka elements continue to
commit crimes against Christianity with impunity.
By emphasizing the anti-Balaka violence in Bangui and the west of CAR
the report reveals only part of the picture. Aside from this important
caveat Time for Accountability must be welcomed. It is a step in the
right direction. But it is clear that more research is needed about the
violence currently still going on away from the eyes of the
international community particularly in northern areas of CAR where
Séléka is still active. The report offers a well-documented and
relatively balanced picture of the conflict the country at the heart of
Africa is currently undergoing. It is reasonably objective and certainly
more balanced than previous reports by the organization as well as
reports by Human Rights Watch and others which have almost exclusively
focused on the violence committed by anti-Balaka rebels against Muslims
while not mentioning the violence by the Séléka against CAR's Christian
population. Nevertheless the Amnesty International also has three
important shortcomings related to the dating of the conflict and its
geographical focus.
Pastoor is an analyst in the World Watch Unit of Open Doors
International a global charity that provides aid to Christians who live
under pressure because of their faith. Open Doors facilitated the
October 2013 Bangui Declaration crafted by more than 100 church leaders
representing all Protestant and Catholic deonominations in the country.
The document called for international military help to disarm the Séléka
insurgency and prevent "genocidal interfaith civil war."
CAR archbishop hopeful cautious about cease-fire
Published August 01 2014. Prelate says task now is to 'disarm our hearts'
Dieudonné Nzapalainga archbishop of Bangui
Courtesy of Open Doors International
groups in the Central African Republic have reached a cease-fire deal
aimed at putting an end to the violence that has engulfed the country
since March 2013.
10-part agreement was signed July 23 in Brazzaville the capital of the
neighboring Republic of Congo under the aegis of Congolese President
Denis Sassou Nguesso the international mediator on the crisis in CAR.
ceasefire is a step toward a resolution of the crisis said the
Archbishop of Bangui Dieudonné Nzapalainga who attended the Brazzaville
meeting on behalf of the Interfaith Platform formed of Christian and
Muslim leaders.
Christian is one who lets himself be nourished by hope and therefore I
can only hope that this is the beginning of the end'' he told World
Watch Monitor.
A welcome but incomplete report
International releases a report documenting "crimes against humanity"
in CAR and holds both Seleka and anti-Balaka elements responsible. An
Open Doors International analyst calls the report useful but neglecting
important background. Read the analysis here.
the archbishop said he remained cautious. ''One thing is the position
taken by the main leaders and another will be the position of those who
are on the field" he said. "On the ground some may wish to defend
interests that leaders may not want to. We now need to come together and
create a cohesive synergy between the head and the base so that we can
speak the same language move in the same direction and give a chance to
peace in the Central African Republic.''
is important that we disarm our hearts our minds so that we can fit
into this dynamic of peace." --Dieudonné Nzapalainga archbishop of
landlocked African nation just atop the Equator has been wracked by
violence since December 2012 when a coalition of Muslim-dominated rebel
groups under the Séléka banner moved through the country to eventually
drive out President Francois Bozizé in March 2013. What followed was 10
months of Séléka violence much of it directed at Christians thousands of
whom were killed and driven from their homes.
leader Michel Djotodia took control of a transitional government but
lost control of Séléka soldiers. In December the UN Security Council
authorised the expansion of the African and French military forces then
attempting to maintain security in the CAR and started planning for the
possible conversion of those forces to a UN-managed peacekeeping
operation. By January 2014 a new president had replaced Djotodia the
Séléka coalition had been disbanded and was being pursued by violent
vigilante groups known as the anti-Balaka.
December 2013 the anti-Balaka have waged a revenge campaign of ethnic
cleansing in the west of CAR as Séléka remnants have retreated to the
northeast. Many hundreds of Mulsims as well as non-Mulsims have been
killed and tens of thousands have fled.
July 23 ceasfire agreement calls on armed groups to repatriate foreign
mercenaries within their ranks and to drop the idea of partitioning the
country. Partition originally was supported by Séléka's political
leaders but abandoned after intense pressure in Brazzaville. The chief
of Séléka's military wing however has insisted he wants partition.
ceasefire document also calls on combatants to go back to their
barracks "subject to mobilization of necessary resources." There is no
mention of disarmament.
Archbishop Nzapalainga said the signatories are pledging that ''from now we will no longer attack and kill.''
real issue for us is the question of the culture or education for
peace" he said. "If in a fighter's head he is convinced that he wants to
give peace a chance he will lay down the weapons. He will undertake
another activity to earn a living. Therefore it is important that we
disarm our hearts our minds so that we can fit into this dynamic of
peace.'' Nzapalainga said he welcomes the planned September deployment
of UN peacekeeping forces which he said will help restore order.
hope that in September a firm stance can be taken as the leaders of
anti-Balaka and Séléka have signed the agreement on cessation of
hostilities. There is no question for bandits to continue to pollute and
destroy human lives. There is a need to neutralize them. There is a
need to invite them to lay down their arms and to rebuild their lives
with different means.''
Brazzaville agreement is the first step in a comprehensive process of
national reconciliation which provides for the holding of public
consultations across the country and the organization of a national
reconciliation forum.
to local sources negotiations are underway for the formation of a new
government to include representatives of anti-Balaka and Séléka. That
idea was denounced by human rights activists who said suspected war
criminals may use the agreement as a platform to gain political power.
''Individuals suspected of these crimes must not be allowed to use these
peace talks to secure positions in the government that they may use to
enjoy impunity" said Netsanet Belay director of Africa research and
advocacy for Amnesty International. In a July report Amnesty
International named members and allies of the anti-Balaka and Séléka
armed groups suspected of involvement in serious human rights abuses.
They include former President Bozizé; Séléka leader Djotodia;
anti-Balaka coordinators including Levy Yakété; and Séléka commanders
including Noureddine Adam. The report calls for investigation and
prosecution if there is sufficient evidence to bring cases against the
Read an analysis of the Amnesty International report here.
protection for Christian village during deadly attack. Published
February 24 2014. Soldiers had withdrawn from area where residents
feared for their lives. President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of
emergency in Nigeria's worst affected northern states in May 2013
deploying the army to the region but without significant impact.
Commonwealth Secretariat / Flickr / Creative Commons. In the days before
a vicious wave of attacks on Feb. 15 that killed hundreds in northeast
Nigeria villagers fled their homes fearful something terrible was about
to happen. But the army was nowhere to be seen a church leader says.
Militants of the Islamist Boko Haram sect swept out of the hills and
bush of the Gwoza Mountains and into eight villages across Borno and
Adamawa states. Armed with rifles knifes and fire they killed at least
200 and burned scores of homes and shops. As many as 121 of the dead
were from the Borno village of Izghe a predominantly Christian town in
the Muslim-majority northeast. Near midnight on Feb. 15 gunmen dressed
in military fatigues and chanting "Allahu Akbar" meaning "God is great"
rode in on trucks and motorcycles survivors and local sources say. The
attackers ordered villagers to gather together and then opened fire
chasing and killing any who attempted to escape and slitting the throats
of several victims. Though Borno and two other north-eastern states
have been under an official state of emergency since May 2013 there were
no Nigerian soldiers standing between the attackers and the residents a
church leader told World Watch Monitor. Two days earlier 10 soldiers
had been killed in a clash with members of Boko Haram in that area but
had since withdrawn according to the District Head of Izghe Mallam
Bulama Apagu. A local church leader told World Watch Monitor that
rumours of an eventual reprisal attack by Boko Haram without protection
of the army prompted hundreds to flee. "Christians live in perpetual
fear of being attacked. In recent days it becomes very risky to travel
from one place to another as attacks have become recurrent almost on
daily basis. We feel lonely and abandoned and rely on God for our
security" the church official said. World Watch Monitor is withholding
his name to preserve his safety. A survivor of the attack farmer
Barnabas Idi who scaled the fence of his house and crawled for about 40
minutes to safety was quoted in news reports saying security forces were
not present during the attack which lasted five hours. The recent
upsurge in violence has raised criticism over the government's ability
to root out the militants. "The authorities have so far failed to fulfil
their task of ensuring peace and security to Nigerians in every area of
the country" Mgr. Ignatius Ayau Kaigama archbishop of Jos and president
of the Nigerian Episcopal Conference told the Catholic news agency
Fides. "Despite the efforts and significant resources invested to combat
these fanatical groups policymakers and the Nigerian military have not
yet managed to get to the bottom of the problem." Nigeria's military
ruler during a portion of the 1980s retired Gen. Muhammadu Buhari
condemned the continued violence in Borno state. "There is no
justification for this wanton disregard for the sanctity and dignity of
human life. Any ideology that traffics in terror and violence is a
devilish ideology that has no place in a civilised society" he said in a
statement posted on his facebook page on Feb. 16. Violence has swept
across Nigeria's north in recent months. In January attackers stormed
this Catholic church during mass blocked the main door detonated
homemade bombs and opened fire. Twitter /@ChristianPost. The Northern
States Governors Forum representing Nigeria's 19 northern states urged
the federal government to arrest the violence before it spreads to other
parts of the country. And the United Nations human rights office
condemned "in the strongest terms" the killings in Izghe and elsewhere.
About 367 people have been killed at the hands of Boko Haram in 22
separate incidents during the first six weeks of 2014. "We are appalled
by the extreme and indiscriminate violence which Nigeria has being
witnessing in recent times including the attacks on two villages on 11
February which left 39 people dead 65 injured and reportedly 2000 homes
destroyed" spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani told a news conference in
Geneva (on Feb. 18). Situated in Borno state near the Cameroon border
Izghe is a Christian enclave in Nigeria's predominantly Muslim northern
states. On the same day other villages in both Borno and Adamawa states
including Kirchang Kwambula Shuwa Dagu Yinagu Bitiku and Yazza were
attacked by gunmen. The first reports indicated between 90 to 106 people
were killed. But the death toll has increased as volunteers have
discovered more bodies in destroyed houses nearby bushes and farmlands.
The victims were buried in mass graves of 15 bodies each a local leader
told news media. More than 10000 people have fled across the Borno state
border into Adamawa state for fear of new Islamist attacks local
government chairman Maina Ularamu told the Associated Press. Borno
Adamawa and Yobe states have been the most affected by the five-year
Islamist insurgency in Nigeria. President Goodluck Jonathan declared a
state of emergency in the three states in May 2013 deploying the army to
the region but without significant impact. Nigeria ranks No. 14 on the
2014 World Watch List a list of the 50 countries where life for
Christians is most difficult according to Christian charity Open Doors
International. The violence of Boko Haram which has killed thousands of
Christians since 2009 in its attempt to establish fundamentalist Islamic
rule is a major reason for the country's high ranking. But Open Doors
International says the situation is more complex especially in Nigeria's
12 northern states where Islamic law is in place and "where local
government and social groups leave hardly any space for Christians to
live their own lives".
y a 6 mois Nigerian worshippers killed during mass Boko Haram is
suspected of carrying out a bomb attack on a Catholic church in
north-eastern Nigeria on Sunday which killed at least 22 parishioners.
On the same day attackers killed at least 52 people in a village in the
neighbouring state of Borno. At least 22 parishioners of a Catholic
parish in north-eastern Nigeria were "slaughtered" by Boko Haram
attackers on Sunday the local bishop has told the BBC. Stephen Dami
Mamza bishop of Yola said parishioners from Waga Chakawa village
described to him how attackers arrived in trucks near the end of mass.
The intruders locked the church fired guns at those trying to flee and
cut the throats of others Mamza told the BBC. They set off bombs and for
the next four hours burned houses and took hostages the bishop said.
"There is no protection. We cannot predict where and when they are going
to attack. People can't sleep with their eyes closed" the BBC quoted
Mamza as saying. BBC News - Nigerian bishop tells of church 'slaughter'
in Adamawa. 2 hours ago... A senior cleric has spoken of how suspected
Islamist militants "slaughtered" some 30 churchgoers in north-east... yola nigeria - Yola is in Adamawa state on Nigeria's border with Cameroon in the north-east.
Local media reported that the attack lasted from 10am to 2pm and included the destruction of several homes in the area.
Reuters reported that diocese spokesman Rev. Raymond Danbouye confirmed 22 people were killed. They were buried on Monday.
UPDATE 2-Gunmen kill at least 62 in Nigeria including in church
set off bombs fire on congregation * Islamist Boko Haram often target
Christians * Nigerian forces are struggling to contain insu...
Borno village also attacked
on Sunday attackers killed at least 52 people in Kawuri village in
neighbouring Borno state. Three hundred homes were also burnt down.
On Monday two bombs left behind also went off narrowly missing security personnel busy with clean-up operations.
suspect the militant Boko Haram group was behind the two attacks. The
insurgent group especially active in north-eastern Nigeria is attempting
to throw off Nigerian rule and establish an Islamic state and is
responsible for thousands of deaths since 2009.
and Borno along with Yobe state are still under a state of emergency
imposed by the government in May last year in an effort to root out the
media has since reported that the death toll may have risen to 138
between both attacks. Nigeria Adamawa Church Attack - Death Toll Rises
to 138
- The death toll arising from the two separate attacks on a Church in
Chakawa village Madagali Local Government Area of Adamawa Sta...
'Challenging' time for religious leaders. President Goodluck Jonathan
has described attacks by Boko Haram as the nation's share of global
terrorism but said that Nigeria will strive to prevail. "Nigeria is
getting its share of the terror" he said. "God willing Nigeria will
overcome these challenges. We express our condolences to you members of
the emirate council and indeed all the people of Adamawa State."
He added that religious leaders in the country were facing a "challenging" period.
quite a challenging period for our traditional rulers religious leaders
and opinion leaders because of the security challenges we've [faced]
especially in the north-eastern part of this country" he said. "Let me
on behalf of the government express our condolences over the people that
have died in this unnecessary Boko Haram insurgence over this period."
Nigeria Will Overcome Terrorism - Jonathan
Goodluck Jonathan has described the activities of the Boko Haram sect
as the nation's share of global terrorism but that Niger...
africa Related stories Mass kidnapping of schoolchildren latest
move...(Lindsay Boyle) Boko Haram's terror in Nigeria.(Raquel Harris)
'at war' with Boko Haram.Published March 06 2014. Section of Cameroon
border closed to combat 'spreading' Islamist threat. Goodluck Jonathan
pictured at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in
Switzerland in January. Jolanda Flubacher WEC / Flickr / Creative
Commons. The Nigerian President's spokesman has said that the conflict
with Boko Haram is a "war situation". Speaking to Lagos-based Channels
TV on Feb. 28 Doyin Okupe said "We are dealing with a very very serious
enemy. We are engaged in a war that has been internationalised." The
statement appears to contradict President Goodluck Jonathan's assertions
that the government is winning the battle against the Islamist
insurgents and that normality will return by May 2014. The President has
also accused its eastern neighbour Cameroon of not cooperating by
failing to allow cross-border pursuits of Boko Haram members who he
claims return to Cameroon after attacks in Nigeria. On Sunday (March 2)
one soldier and six Boko Haram members were killed after an assault in
northern Cameroon local media reported. The President claims Boko Haram
has set up bases in the sparsely populated areas of Nigeria's
north-eastern neighbours Cameroon Chad and Niger. Part of Nigeria's 1600
km border with Cameroon was closed on Feb. 23. The Cameroon border
closure extends from the northern state of Borno near Lake Chad to the
southern end of Adamawa state one of the three states in north-east
Nigeria placed under a "state of emergency" in May. "Christians are
living in perpetual fear."
Yusuf former CAN secretary. Deadly attacks have been carried out on an
almost daily basis by the Islamist group in recent weeks. Between 90 and
140 were confirmed dead in twin attacks in Borno state last weekend
while more than 400 have been killed in Borno Adamawa and Yobe states
within the past month. Palpable fear anxiety and uncertainty have
gripped many Christian communities in Adamawa state following attacks on
Feb. 26 on the villages of Kirchinga Michika and Shuwa which left at
least 14 dead. Heavily armed Boko Haram fighters travelled in vans
through the Sambisa Forest near the Cameroon border and stormed the
villages firing indiscriminately before setting fire to homes shops and
other establishments including three Catholic churches local source say.
In Shuwa a primary school was razed to the ground and a maternity
health centre looted and set ablaze – along with Saint Joseph's Minor
Seminary and the home of a former Commissioner. In Michika three banks
were looted and ransacked in addition to a police station several shops
and part of the Local Government Council Secretariat. "Christians in
most rural communities where the attacks are rampant are living in a
situation of despair as a result of the activities of the terror group"
Moses Yusuf former secretary of the Adamawa state chapter of the
Christian Association of Nigeria told World Watch Monitor by phone.
"These attacks are spreading everywhere in Adamawa state and people are
helpless. We never know how far this thing will go so Christians are
living in fear of the unknown. Many churches especially in villages that
border Cameroon have been burnt down while many people have left those
places. Christians are living in perpetual fear." Saint Joseph's Minor
Seminary in the village of Shuwa was set ablaze on Feb. 26. World Watch
Monitor. He added "Whenever civilians call for help through the help
telephone lines no help will come" he said. "We are worried. It will be
unfair to say that the Nigerian military is not living up to
expectations but there must be a problem somewhere. It is not just
Christians that are running away. Both Christians and Muslims are being
killed in the villages and everybody is running away because you never
know who will be the next target. The prevailing atmosphere here is that
of fear." The Sultan of Sokoto who chairs the Supreme Council of
Islamic Affairs called for unity. "All of us as Nigerian citizens have
common problems problems of poverty hunger unemployment extremism
terrorism insecurity poor education poor infrastructure etc." said
Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar III who is considered the spiritual leader of
Nigeria's Muslims. "We must all come together as a people to face these
common enemies of our individual and collective progress. No doubt we
would be able to solve these common problems if we unite as a people; we
can't overcome these challenges if we are divided hence our unity is
not negotiable." On March 3 Nigerian security forces presented to the
mass media seven suspected members of Boko Haram who allegedly killed a
prominent Muslim cleric. The Sheikh was shot on Feb. 1 along with his
wife and son while returning from preaching in Zaria in the central
state of Kaduna. The cleric was killed because of his pro-Western
posture and anti-Boko Haram preaching a security forces spokesperson
said. France has pledged to assist Nigeria in its fight against Boko
Haram. The French President François Hollande speaking at a security
conference on Feb. 27 in Abuja was quoted by a local newspaper as saying
"Your struggle is also our struggle. We will always stand ready not
only to provide our political support but our help every time you need
it because the struggle against terrorism is also the struggle for
"Kiev combatte nei pressi del Boeing malese per nascondere i fatti". Alexander Boroday
ucraino sta combattendo nei pressi del luogo dello schianto del Boeing
malese per distruggere le prove del suo coinvolgimento nell'incidente ha
dichiarato il primo ministro dell'autoproclamata Repubblica Popolare di
Donetsk Alexander Boroday. "Le autorità di Kiev vogliono nascondere il
fatto che l'aereo sia stato abbattuto dalle forze armate ucraine. Ecco
perché sono impegnate nei combattimenti attorno alla zona dello schianto
per insabbiare e distruggere il più presto possibile l'ambiente sul
luogo dello schianto per evitare che lavorino gli esperti stranieri"- ha
detto Boroday in un'intervista con i giornalisti russi.
in Ucraina orientale le gente soffre non meno che a Gaza. Il ministro
degli Esteri russo Sergej Lavrov ha dichiarato che avrebbe inviato una
lettera all'OSCE al Consiglio d'Europa al Comitato Internazionale della
Croce Rossa e alle Nazioni Unite per chiedere di organizzare una
missione umanitaria nel sud-est dell'Ucraina dove ogni giorno vengono
uccisi e feriti civili. Lavrov ha sottolineato che non è la prima volta.
Secondo lui il livello della catastrofe umanitaria in Ucraina è
comparabile con la situazione nella Striscia di Gaza. Lavrov ha espresso
la speranza che "la comunità internazionale non dimentichi la crisi in
Ucraina che si sta ancora cercando di nascondere in qualche modo
all'opinione pubblica."
militari ucraini si preparano a prendere d'assalto Donetsk ha
dichiarato oggi in una conferenza stampa il portavoce del centro
informazioni del Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale e Difesa dell'Ucraina
Andriy Lysenko. "I dettagli su come verrà condotto il blitz e con quali
mezzi non saranno resi noti. Tutte le informazioni verranno fornite al
completamento dell'operazione. Al momento si stanno effettuando i
preparativi "- ha detto. Le autorità separatiste di Donetsk a loro volta
hanno riferito di centinaia di mezzi corazzati e d'artiglieria delle
forze di sicurezza ucraine dispiegati verso Donetsk in particolare i
complessi missilistici "Uragan" "Smerch "Grad" e "Tochka-U".
LETTER to ministro degli Esteri Avigdor Liberman - tu sei un codardo
che ha paura di combattere quindi tu stai condannando la esistenza degli
LETTER to ministro degli Esteri Avigdor Liberman -- tu hai scritto
questo articolo per farmi arrabbiare! QUESTO è SICURO TU SEI UN SIONISTA
ROTHSCHILD NAZISTA RaZZISTA COME HITLER perché tu hai paura di amare i
palestinesi per vivere insieme a loro come fratelli in un solo regno di
Palestina! così Sharia e Israele devono morire insieme oppure la guerra
contro tutta la LEGA ARABA sarà inevitabile! ] [ chiamate a Mano Gaza
Oltre a delle Nazioni Unite. Il ministro degli Esteri Avigdor Liberman
dice 'diverse opzioni »sono sul tavolo per Gaza - compreso lasciando
alla comunità internazionale. Con Tova Dvorin 2014/08/04. Il ministro
degli Esteri Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) ha fatto notizia Lunedi
dopo aver suggerito Israele sta valutando girando Gaza verso le Nazioni
Unite. "L'operazione non è finita" ha detto riferendosi a un cessate il
fuoco umanitario unilaterale di sette ore e relazioni IDF sta lentamente
ritirando da Gaza. "Stiamo continuando a distruggere tunnel terrore e
di riorganizzarsi in IDF." "Abbiamo bisogno di prendere decisioni
riguardanti il funzionamento continuato" ha continuato. "Ci troviamo in
questo momento con diverse opzioni chiare un accordo sconfiggere Hamas o
limbo - qualcosa di poco chiaro dove abbiamo solo rispondere al fuoco.
La terza opzione non è semplicemente pertinente.». Per quanto riguarda
un "accordo" Liberman ha sollevato la possibilità di trasferire Gaza al
controllo delle Nazioni Unite ma ha osservato che vi è la necessità di
un accordo tra Israele ei palestinesi in anticipo
ma Chi può fare un accordo con il terrorismo hamas e suo Abd Allah
dell'Arabia Saudita? i criminali islamici non hanno una parola da
mantenere! il loro obiettivo è il califfato mondiale. )). Non sorprende
che l'idea ha ottenuto una risposta forte da Parlamentari di sinistra
che insistono che l'unica soluzione è una soluzione a due Stati - anche
se l'accordo sarebbe forgiato prima di un accordo delle Nazioni Unite
che avrebbe raggiungere gli stessi obiettivi. "L'idea di trasformare
Gaza verso l'ONU non ha gambe non ha armi e non ha una chance" MK
Nachman Shai (Labor) ha dichiarato. "E 'appartiene a un altro mondo."
"Il governo israeliano insieme al Ministro Liberman accetterà la
soluzione dei due Stati e deve puntare per la sua realizzazione" ha
continuato. "La comunità internazionale la sostiene e sono disposti a
contribuire alla sua realizzazione."
"Ogni altra proposta manca una possibilità ed è progettato per silurare la soluzione dei due Stati" ha aggiunto.
Minister Avigdor Liberman Calls to Hand Gaza Over to UN. Foreign
Minister Avigdor Liberman says 'several options' are on the table for
Gaza - including leaving it to the international community. By Tova
Dvorin 8/4/2014 11:21 AM. Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael
Beytenu) made headlines Monday after he suggested Israel is considering
turning Gaza over to the UN. "The operation is not over" he said
referring to a seven-hour unilateral humanitarian ceasefire and reports
the IDF is slowly withdrawing from Gaza. "We are continuing to destroy
terror tunnels and to regroup in the IDF." "We need to make decisions
regarding the continued operation" he continued. "We stand at the moment
with several clear options an agreement defeating Hamas or limbo -
something unclear where we only respond to fire. The third option simply
isn't relevant." Regarding an "agreement" Liberman raised the
possibility of transferring Gaza to UN control but noted that there is a
need for agreement between Israel and the Palestinians beforehand.
Unsurprisingly the idea garnered a fierce response from leftist MKs who
insist that the only solution is a two-state solution - even if an
agreement would be forged before a UN deal that would accomplish the
same goals. "The idea of turning Gaza over to the UN doesn't have legs
doesn't have arms and doesn't have a chance" MK Nahman Shai (Labor)
stated. "It belongs to another world." "The Israeli government along
with Minister Liberman will accept the two-state solution and it must
aim for its actualization" he continued. "The international community
supports it and are willing to help in its fulfillment."
"Every other proposal lacks a chance and is designed to torpedo the two-state solution" he added.
DEPORTATI! Soldato americano a Gerusalemme. Giovane di età compresa tra
circa 20 è stato colpito allo stomaco nei pressi di Har Hatzofim tunnel.
Egli è in grado da moderato a gravi condizioni. Con Gil Ronen Prima
Editore 2014/08/04 Un uomo israeliano è stato colpito allo stomaco
all'ingresso della Har Hatzofim (Mount Scopus) tunnel a Gerusalemme in
quello che sembra essere il secondo attacco terroristico della capitale
in una questione di ore un testimone oculare di nome Eti ha detto che la
vittima è un soldato. "L'ho visto cadere all'indietro" ha detto Moshe
giornalista Nusbaum. Il ferito è di circa 20 ha detto ai giornalisti del
canale ed è in grado da moderato a grave e ha ricevuto un trattamento
sul posto. E 'stato poi portato al vicino ospedale Hadassah Har
Hatzofim. Testimoni oculari hanno detto che è stato sparato da un uomo
che poi ha ottenuto su una moto o uno scooter e poi partì verso il
quartiere arabo di Wadi Joz. Ci può essere stato un altro uomo sul
motorino pure. La polizia sta conducendo una caccia all'uomo assistito
da elicotteri. Mentre lo sfondo per l'attacco non è noto le stime
iniziali sono che è nazionalistica motivato. Maggiore Generale Yosi
Parienti Distretto di Gerusalemme comandante di polizia ha detto che il
tiratore era vestito di nero e che ha sparato diversi colpi al soldato
da distanza ravvicinata. L'uomo poi corse verso un tipo di Vespa e
partì. Una guardia di sicurezza sparato lo scooter ma apparentemente
perso. "C'è una probabilità molto alta che si tratta di un attacco
terroristico" ha detto Parienti. Il soldato apparentemente non ha
precedenti penali e sembra improbabile una motivazione criminale.
Sindaco di Gerusalemme Nir Barkat ha anche detto che l'attacco è un
incidente di terrore. Piedi davanti all'ingresso a Hadassah Hospital ha
detto che crede che il soldato era cosciente quando è arrivato in
ospedale. la sparatoria e l'attacco di terrore trattore che lo ha
preceduto di circa tre ore sembrano essere il risultato diretto di
ripetute esortazioni da parte di Hamas diretti a arabi palestinesi in
Giudea e Samaria che Hamas si aspetta di compiere attacchi terroristici
contro gli ebrei.
Shot in Jerusalem. Young man aged about 20 was shot in the stomach near
Har Hatzofim tunnel. He is in moderate to serious condition. By Gil
Ronen First Publish 8/4/2014 An Israeli man was shot in the stomach at
the entrance to the Har Hatzofim (Mount Scopus) tunnel in Jerusalem in
what looks to be the capital's second terror attack in a matter of hours
An eyewitness named Eti said that the victim is a soldier. "I saw him
falling backward" she told reporter Moshe Nusbaum. The wounded man is
about 20 said the channel's reporters and he is in moderate to serious
condition and received treatment on the spot. He was then taken to the
nearby Hadassah Har Hatzofim hospital. Eyewitnesses said that he was
shot by a man who then got on a motorcycle or scooter and then drove off
toward the Arab neighborhood of Wadi Joz. There may have been another
man on the scooter as well. Police are conducting a manhunt assisted by
helicopters. While the background for the attack is not known initial
estimates are that it is nationalistically motivated. Major General Yosi
Parienti Jerusalem District Police Commander said that the shooter was
dressed in black and that he fired several shots at the soldier from
close range. The man then ran toward a Vespa type scooter and drove off.
A security guard fired at the scooter but apparently missed it. "There
is a very high likelihood that this is a terror attack" said Parienti.
The soldier apparently has no criminal background and a criminal
motivation appears unlikely. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat also said that
the attack is a terror incident. Standing outside the entrance to
Hadassah Hospital he said that he believes the soldier was conscious
when he arrived at the hospital. The shooting and the tractor terror
attack that preceded it by about three hours appear to be the direct
result of repeated exhortations by Hamas directed at Palestinian Arabs
in Judea and Samaria whom Hamas expects to carry out terror attacks
against Jewish people.
letter to Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita -- ok! tutti lo hanno capito tu
stai aspettando con ansia questa guerra mondiale nucleare! perché tutti
lo possono capire la Russia non ha il potere di potersi tirare indietro
da questo sistematica escalation ed ascendente aggressione contro di
UCRAINA METTENDO PER TERRA 100 CADAVERI? ] Mosca sicura Kiev vuole
combattere in Ucraina orientale. Le autorità di Kiev non sono
interessate a salvaguardare la vita della popolazione in Ucraina
orientale vogliono proseguire lo spargimento di sangue ed è stata
recentemente introdotta una tassa di guerra si legge in un comunicato
pubblicato sul sito del ministero degli Esteri russo. Inoltre i
diplomatici russi sono convinti che l'esercito continui a dispiegare
verso Donetsk i lanciarazzi "Tochka Y" e "Smerch" e "Uragan".
il dicastero della diplomazia russa sottolinea che le autorità ucraine
"insabbiano l'inchiesta sulla terribile tragedia di Odessa" dove il 2
maggio durante gli scontri per le strade sono rimaste uccise circa 50
persone. "Gli autori non sono stati ancora puniti" - hanno sottolineato
indignati al ministero degli Esteri.
letter to Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita -- ok! tutti lo hanno capito tu
stai aspettando con ansia questa guerra mondiale nucleare! perché tutti
lo possono capire la Russia non ha il potere di potersi tirare indietro
da questo sistematica escalation ed ascendente aggressione contro di
sicura Kiev vuole combattere in Ucraina orientale. Le autorità di Kiev
non sono interessate a salvaguardare la vita della popolazione in
Ucraina orientale vogliono proseguire lo spargimento di sangue ed è
stata recentemente introdotta una tassa di guerra si legge in un
comunicato pubblicato sul sito del ministero degli Esteri russo.
i diplomatici russi sono convinti che l'esercito continui a dispiegare
verso Donetsk i lanciarazzi "Tochka Y" e "Smerch" e "Uragan".
il dicastero della diplomazia russa sottolinea che le autorità ucraine
"insabbiano l'inchiesta sulla terribile tragedia di Odessa" dove il 2
maggio durante gli scontri per le strade sono rimaste uccise circa 50
persone. "Gli autori non sono stati ancora puniti" - hanno sottolineato
indignati al ministero degli Esteri.
Per saperne di più
ucraini si preparano a prendere d'assalto Donetsk ha dichiarato oggi in
una conferenza stampa il portavoce del centro informazioni del
Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale e Difesa dell'Ucraina Andriy Lysenko.
dettagli su come verrà condotto il blitz e con quali mezzi non saranno
resi noti. Tutte le informazioni verranno fornite al completamento
dell'operazione. Al momento si stanno effettuando i preparativi "- ha
autorità separatiste di Donetsk a loro volta hanno riferito di
centinaia di mezzi corazzati e d'artiglieria delle forze di sicurezza
ucraine dispiegati verso Donetsk in particolare i complessi missilistici
"Uragan" "Smerch "Grad" e "Tochka-U".
della Giustizia dell'Ucraina Pavel Petrenko ha dichiarato di preparare
una bozza di legge per imporre sanzioni nei confronti di coloro che con
le proprie azioni secondo le autorità minano l'integrità del Paese.
aspetta l'invio del corrispondente documento alla Verchovna Rada già
nella prossima seduta riporta l'ufficio stampa del ministero della
ha parlato di questo progetto a margine di una riunione della
commissione per le sanzioni contro i soggetti che sostengono e
finanziano i separatisti in Ucraina orientale.
Russia deve rispondere alle sanzioni occidentali con una completa
sostituzione delle importazioni per essere indipendente da eventuali sue
limitazioni ha dichiarato oggi il vice primo ministro della Russia
Dmitry Rogozin.
inoltre sottolineato che la Russia dovrebbe fare affidamento sulle
proprie forze soprattutto in materia di Difesa e Sicurezza.
1° agosto l'Unione Europea e gli Stati Uniti hanno introdotto un nuovo
pacchetto di sanzioni economiche contro la Russia a seguito della
situazione in Ucraina. Il suo scopo è limitare l'accesso ad una serie di
banche russe partecipate dallo Stato al mercato dei capitali della UE.
Le autorità statunitensi hanno imposto sanzioni su diverse società della
Difesa ed energetiche.
può vietare l'ingresso ai membri del Consiglio della Federazione ai
deputati della Duma e ai rappresentanti del Consiglio di Sicurezza russo
nell'ambito delle sanzioni preparate contro la Russia ha dichiarato in
una conferenza stampa oggi il consulente del ministero degli Interni
dell'Ucraina Anton Gerashchenko.
ha anche riferito che contro la Russia sono state preparate sanzioni
settoriali economiche. "Le nostre sanzioni devono essere non meno
rigorose di quelle già introdotte dagli Stati Uniti e dall'Unione
Europea" - ha notato.
intende inoltre vietare l'ingresso ai ricercatori russi e ai personaggi
del mondo della cultura che hanno rilasciato dichiarazioni a sostegno
della politica delle autorità russe.
ministro degli Esteri polacco Radoslaw Sikorski si è espresso a favore
dell'allargamento della presenza militare della NATO nel suo Paese.
mese di gennaio quando in Ucraina imperversava già la crisi in Polonia
si trovavano 10 militari statunitensi. Ora nel Paese sono di stanza 500
militari NATO. E' un progresso"- ha dichiarato Sikorski in un'intervista
con i media americani. "Tuttavia il fianco orientale della NATO deve
essere necessariamente rafforzato. Abbiamo bisogno di ampliare la
presenza militare dell'Alleanza Atlantica "- ha rilevato il ministro.
delle sanzioni economiche imposte dall'Unione Europea la scorsa
settimana contro la Russia Sikorski ha riconosciuto che "tutti avranno
degli svantaggi".
Per saperne di più
quello che sta avvenendo nel Dombass è un crimine di nazismo che USA UE
NATO stanno facendo! Ai militari e alle guardie di frontiera ucraine
che sono entrate nel territorio della Russia sono stati garantiti vitto e
alloggio adeguati hanno riferito oggi al dipartimento dell'FSB di
frontiera. Oltre 400 soldati ucraini circondati dalle forze separatiste
di Donetsk e Lugansk questa notte sono entrati improvvisamente nel
territorio russo. Oltre 180 dei 438 militari arrivati in Russia vogliono
tornare in patria e saranno consegnati alla parte ucraina hanno fatto
sapere le guardie di frontiera della Federazione Russa. Non è il primo
caso di ritiro e fuga di militari ucraini nel territorio della Russia il
giorno prima avevano chiesto asilo 12 soldati semplici e ufficiali
mentre la scorsa settimana altri 40 militari.
presidente bielorusso Alexander Lukashenko ha avuto una conversazione
telefonica con il capo di Stato dell'Ucraina Petro Poroshenko sullo
sviluppo della coperazione tra i 2 Paesi.
Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta alla questione delle forniture di prodotti petroliferi dalla Bielorussia verso l'Ucraina.
ha sottolineato che la Bielorussia capisce la difficile situazione in
corso e non tenendo conto della domanda interna aiuterà Kiev.
pastor 25 killed as Dep Prime Minister's wife kidnapped Published
August 04 2014. Yaoundé Cameroon. December 6 2013. Flickr / Creative
Commons / jbdodane. At least 25 people were killed in Cameroon among
them a church leader as militants carried out two spectacular attacks in
the far north of Cameroon at the end of July. In one attack in the town
of Kolofata the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister and her maid were
kidnapped raising fears that the area has become a new battle-field for
Nigeria's Islamist group Boko Haram. Pastor Jean Marcel Kesvere Lutheran
Brethren Church of Cameroon. World Watch Monitor. In the second attack
Pastor Jean Marcel Kesvere of the Lutheran Brethren Church of Cameroon
was kidnapped. His family found out later he'd been killed. Recently
regional governments – from Niger Chad Cameroon along with Nigeria -
pledged to set up a joint-force to fight the Boko Haram crisis that has
spread across all their borders. But for now the radical sect
responsible for the kidnapping of more 200 school girls in Chibok
continues its deadly killing spree. About 10 members of security forces
were killed in a daring attack targeting military positions at Bargaram
on Thursday afternoon July 24. This assault carried out by heavily armed
men lasted until Friday July 25. An unknown number of people were
abducted among them Pastor Jean Marcel Kesvere. His decomposed body was
found on Monday 28th evening in a bush near the small town of Kamouna 7
km from Bargaram. Pastor Kesvere aged 45 was born in Cameroon trained in
neighboring Chad and was sent back to Bargaram by the Lutheran Brethren
Church where he served for more than two years. He is survived by his
wife and 8 children. Pastor Kesvere's kidnap and assassination has
plunged the Christian community into shock. ''We are in great pain for
the loss of a colleague devoted to his ministry'' says a church member
whose identity cannot be disclosed for security reasons. He did not know
why Pastor Kesvere suffered such a fate. Second attack in which Deputy
Prime Minister's wife and maid kidnapped. According to local sources the
second attack in the area was particularly violent and well planned.
Hundreds of militants wearing Cameroonian army uniforms stormed the town
of Kolofata about 5 km from Nigeria's border early Sunday morning July
27 shelling indiscriminately and looting homes. The assailants targeted
the residence of Amadou Ali the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of
parliamentary relations who'd arrived earlier in his home town to
celebrate the end of Ramadan. Mr Ali was not present during the attack
but his wife and her maid were abducted along with the influential local
community and religious leader the Sultan of Kolofata Seiny Boukar
Lamine his wife and their 5 children. In total about 22 people were
missing and their whereabouts is still unknown. The assailants also
targeted the hospital apparently in search of two workers of Western
origin. But the foreign employees were on holiday our local source
added. At least 18 civilians and members of security forces were killed.
Local sources contacted by World Watch Monitor said that the lifeless
bodies of the victims were laid along the way to the residence of the
Deputy Prime Minister. Some of them mutilated by machetes were
unidentifiable. The far north of Cameroon is a vast semi-desert area
composed of three provinces (Adamawa North and Far North) bordered by
Nigeria Chad and the Central African Republic. The region has witnessed a
number of abductions targeting expatriates (missionaries tourists
workers etc.) in recent months. Most of them were released after payment
of a ransom. But this is the first kidnapping case targeting a
Cameroonian church leader. Since the announcement of the death of Pastor
Kesvere WWM has heard that reactions have come in from all sides -
Christians and Muslims - to encourage Christians in the region not to
cede to fear and to stand firm in their faith. Many people friends and
relatives headed to Maga Kesvere's birthplace - where his family went to
bury him - to give moral and spiritual support. The Islamist insurgency
and Nigeria's military crackdown have pushed thousands to seek refuge
in Northern Cameroon. The arrival of thousands fleeing the ongoing
inter-communities' violence in the Central African Republic to the
south-east has added to the current economic and social pressures in the
region. A night curfew (8pm-5am) has been in force in the Far North
from mid-May. Nevertheless on June 7 about 300 heavily armed men
attacked the town of Gorsi Tourou 400 km from Nigeria's border.
According to local sources contacted by WWM eight members of local
churches were killed and four churches burned down. Dozens of residents
frightened by the attack sought refuge in neighboring areas mainly in
Maroua the capital of the Far North of Cameroon. On May 22-23 unknown
gunmen attacked the village of Biboumza in Touboro areanear the Central
African Republic border. According to local sources 4 villagers were
killed and 56 wounded during the attack. One church and several houses
were burned down and food stores were looted by the attackers who also
raped a number of women before making their way across the border.
Security forces sent to the scene the following day could only assess
the scale of the damage. The assailants suspected to be Fulani Mbororos -
close to Séléka - were said to be ''avenging'' their Muslim brothers
under attack from anti-Balaka militia in CAR. Local communities were
already concerned by the rising security issues in their region. In
April Christian and Muslim leaders pledged to tackle the rising security
issues in the region. A forum is scheduled for August 7 to raise
awareness of peaceful cohabitation among youth regardless of their
religious backgrounds. Changing tactics? Long accused of being the
weakest link in the fight against Boko Haram Cameroon seems to have
decided to wield its muscles. Some 3000 troops including members of the
Rapid Intervention Battalion – Cameroon's elite forces – have been
deployed along Nigeria's border said Issa Tchiroma the Minister of
Information and government spokesman who denounced 'a very nasty
aggression'' from militants and vowed to fight back. "We have mobilized
all our security and defense forces and the government will leave no
stone unturned in the fighting [against Boko Haram] to bring them down."
Tchiroma admits Boko Haram is not an easy target. "The problem is we
are fighting an asymmetric battle. Nobody knows who is Boko Haram
exactly they have very much infiltrated here and there [and] it is
impossible to know when they will attack". The recent deadly attacks
seem to be a revenge attack in retaliation against a heavy verdict
pronounced on July 14 against Boko Haram members by the Special Criminal
Court in Maroua. 14 militants charged with the illegal possession of
firearms and ammunition and of plotting an insurrection were sentenced
to up to 20 years in prison.
pastor 25 killed as Dep Prime Minister's wife kidnapped Published
August 04 2014. Yaoundé Cameroon. December 6 2013. Flickr / Creative
Commons / jbdodane. At least 25 people were killed in Cameroon among
them a church leader as militants carried out two spectacular attacks in
the far north of Cameroon at the end of July. In one attack in the town
of Kolofata the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister and her maid were
kidnapped raising fears that the area has become a new battle-field for
Nigeria's Islamist group Boko Haram. Pastor Jean Marcel Kesvere Lutheran
Brethren Church of Cameroon. World Watch Monitor. In the second attack
Pastor Jean Marcel Kesvere of the Lutheran Brethren Church of Cameroon
was kidnapped. His family found out later he'd been killed. Recently
regional governments – from Niger Chad Cameroon along with Nigeria -
pledged to set up a joint-force to fight the Boko Haram crisis that has
spread across all their borders. But for now the radical sect
responsible for the kidnapping of more 200 school girls in Chibok
continues its deadly killing spree.
10 members of security forces were killed in a daring attack targeting
military positions at Bargaram on Thursday afternoon July 24. This
assault carried out by heavily armed men lasted until Friday July 25. An
unknown number of people were abducted among them Pastor Jean Marcel
Kesvere. His decomposed body was found on Monday 28th evening in a bush
near the small town of Kamouna 7 km from Bargaram. Pastor Kesvere aged
45 was born in Cameroon trained in neighboring Chad and was sent back to
Bargaram by the Lutheran Brethren Church where he served for more than
two years. He is survived by his wife and 8 children. Pastor Kesvere's
kidnap and assassination has plunged the Christian community into shock.
''We are in great pain for the loss of a colleague devoted to his
ministry'' says a church member whose identity cannot be disclosed for
security reasons. He did not know why Pastor Kesvere suffered such a
fate. Second attack in which Deputy Prime Minister's wife and maid
kidnapped. According to local sources the second attack in the area was
particularly violent and well planned. Hundreds of militants wearing
Cameroonian army uniforms stormed the town of Kolofata about 5 km from
Nigeria's border early Sunday morning July 27 shelling indiscriminately
and looting homes. The assailants targeted the residence of Amadou Ali
the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of parliamentary relations who'd
arrived earlier in his home town to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Mr Ali
was not present during the attack but his wife and her maid were
abducted along with the influential local community and religious leader
the Sultan of Kolofata Seiny Boukar Lamine his wife and their 5
children. In total about 22 people were missing and their whereabouts is
still unknown. The assailants also targeted the hospital apparently in
search of two workers of Western origin. But the foreign employees were
on holiday our local source added. At least 18 civilians and members of
security forces were killed. Local sources contacted by World Watch
Monitor said that the lifeless bodies of the victims were laid along the
way to the residence of the Deputy Prime Minister. Some of them
mutilated by machetes were unidentifiable. The far north of Cameroon is a
vast semi-desert area composed of three provinces (Adamawa North and
Far North) bordered by Nigeria Chad and the Central African Republic.
The region has witnessed a number of abductions targeting expatriates
(missionaries tourists workers etc.) in recent months. Most of them were
released after payment of a ransom. But this is the first kidnapping
case targeting a Cameroonian church leader.
the announcement of the death of Pastor Kesvere WWM has heard that
reactions have come in from all sides - Christians and Muslims - to
encourage Christians in the region not to cede to fear and to stand firm
in their faith. Many people friends and relatives headed to Maga
Kesvere's birthplace - where his family went to bury him - to give moral
and spiritual support.
Islamist insurgency and Nigeria's military crackdown have pushed
thousands to seek refuge in Northern Cameroon. The arrival of thousands
fleeing the ongoing inter-communities' violence in the Central African
Republic to the south-east has added to the current economic and social
pressures in the region. A night curfew (8pm-5am) has been in force in
the Far North from mid-May.
on June 7 about 300 heavily armed men attacked the town of Gorsi Tourou
400 km from Nigeria's border. According to local sources contacted by
WWM eight members of local churches were killed and four churches burned
down. Dozens of residents frightened by the attack sought refuge in
neighboring areas mainly in Maroua the capital of the Far North of
May 22-23 unknown gunmen attacked the village of Biboumza in Touboro
areanear the Central African Republic border. According to local sources
4 villagers were killed and 56 wounded during the attack. One church
and several houses were burned down and food stores were looted by the
attackers who also raped a number of women before making their way
across the border. Security forces sent to the scene the following day
could only assess the scale of the damage. The assailants suspected to
be Fulani Mbororos - close to Séléka - were said to be ''avenging''
their Muslim brothers under attack from anti-Balaka militia in CAR.
communities were already concerned by the rising security issues in
their region. In April Christian and Muslim leaders pledged to tackle
the rising security issues in the region. A forum is scheduled for
August 7 to raise awareness of peaceful cohabitation among youth
regardless of their religious backgrounds.
Changing tactics?
accused of being the weakest link in the fight against Boko Haram
Cameroon seems to have decided to wield its muscles. Some 3000 troops
including members of the Rapid Intervention Battalion – Cameroon's elite
forces – have been deployed along Nigeria's border said Issa Tchiroma
the Minister of Information and government spokesman who denounced 'a
very nasty aggression'' from militants and vowed to fight back.
have mobilized all our security and defense forces and the government
will leave no stone unturned in the fighting [against Boko Haram] to
bring them down."
admits Boko Haram is not an easy target. "The problem is we are
fighting an asymmetric battle. Nobody knows who is Boko Haram exactly
they have very much infiltrated here and there [and] it is impossible to
know when they will attack".
recent deadly attacks seem to be a revenge attack in retaliation
against a heavy verdict pronounced on July 14 against Boko Haram members
by the Special Criminal Court in Maroua. 14 militants charged with the
illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and of plotting an
insurrection were sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.
Hundreds of Ukranian troops retreat across border to Russia. 04/08 16:32 CET
More than 400 Ukrainian soldiers have crossed over into Russian territory.
Russian news agency Interfax reports that the troops deserted the Kyiv government.
said the soldiers were forced into Russian territory by rebel fire and
had asked for a 'humanitarian corridor' to pass through. A spokesman for
the Ukrainian military said troops came under sustained attack from
rebels for several hours. Ukrainian troops then ran out of ammunition
and were forced to abandon their position ending up near the border. One
Ukranian soldier described how they had been well treated by the
Russians "Today there was another attack there were direct threats. We
simply had no choice. We had to retreat. But we were received here well
given food water."
Russian official said 180 of the troops had since been returned to
Ukraine after consultations with Kiev while the rest were deciding what
to do next.
Centinaia di truppe ucraine si ritirano tutti confine con la Russia
08/04 16:32 CET. Più di 400 soldati ucraini hanno attraversato in territorio russo.
di stampa russa Interfax riferisce che le truppe abbandonarono il
governo di Kiev. L'Ucraina ha detto che i soldati sono stati costretti
in territorio russo da ribelle fuoco e avevano chiesto un 'corridoio
umanitario' di passare attraverso.
portavoce per l'esercito ucraino ha detto che le truppe finirono sotto
attacco continuo dai ribelli per diverse ore. Le truppe ucraine poi a
corto di munizioni e sono stati costretti ad abbandonare la loro
posizione finendo vicino al confine.
soldato ucraino ha descritto come erano stati trattati bene dai russi
"Oggi c'è stato un altro attacco ci furono minacce dirette. Abbiamo
semplicemente avuto scelta. Abbiamo dovuto ritirarsi. Ma siamo stati
ricevuti bene qui dato cibo acqua. "
funzionario russo ha detto che 180 delle truppe era stato dato tornato
in Ucraina dopo le consultazioni con Kiev mentre il resto è stato
decidere cosa fare dopo.
Copyright © 2014 euronews
letter to Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita -- che cosa io ho detto 6 mesi
fa? anche 6 anni fa io ho detto sempre le stesse cose io sono semplice e
io non ho bisogno di una memoria per ricordare quello che io ho detto
666SeigniorageofBank. 6 mesi fa. 23 gennaio 08:42 #IL #CAIRO [ soltanto
una generale criminalizzazione della sharia da parte di tutta la #LEGA
#ARABA potrà aprire la strada al mio regno di Madhi e Unius REI in
vostro favore! Io posso triplicare la potenza delle vostre armi! facendo
il #regno di #Palestina? io disintegro lo stato massonico di #Israele ]
letter to Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita -- io non so lol. che cosa tu e
Benjamin Netanyahu voi avete fatto da soli nel boschetto lol. PERCHé IO
ATTaCCO NUCLEARE preventivo? Eppure se tu non rimuovi la sharia? lui
morirà ucciso da te e Rothschild 666 FMI 322 Bush Obama GENDER sodoma a
tutti loro avranno la loro guerra mondiale per sollevare il regno di
satana.. e tu sarai pure un maniaco religioso pazzo cazzo fottuto ma tu
non puoi volere tutto questo male a tutto il genere umano! ORA NOI LEGA
COSì noi realizzeremo la fratellanza universale e potremo detronizzare i
farisei Illuminati facendoli venire a vivere nel tuo deserto! poi
avremo quasi 100 anni di pace su tutto il pianeta! non solo "tu non hai
il minimo dubbio il tuo cuore lo sa che io sarò sempre al tuo fianco per
soccorrerti in ogni difficoltà!"
IO SONO L'UTENTE DANNEGGIATO! Subito attacco hacker dal sito
dell'agenzia di stampa russa RIA Novosti. La sera del 3 agosto il sito
ufficiale di RIA Novosti ha subito un attacco informatico riporta
l'ufficio stampa dell'agenzia di stampa russa. Gli utenti non erano in
grado di accedere alla versione «mobile» del sito mentre la versione
completa funzionava in modo intermittente. Grazie alla prontezza dei
tecnici dell'agenzia "l'attacco" è stato respinto con successo.
precedenza aveva subito un attacco hacker uno dei siti della compagnia
Inosmituttavia il tentativo non aveva avuto successo ed era stato
dispiega verso Donetsk i lanciarazzi "Uragan" Lanciarazzi "Uragan"
Lanciarazzi "Uragan" I militari ucraini stanno dispiegando da direzioni
diverse verso Donetsk i sistemi lanciarazzi "Uragan" hanno riferito al
quartier generale delle forze separatiste.
Due colonne con 6 "Uragan" sono state avvistate presso i valichi di frontiera di Zaporozhye e Donetsk.
lanciarazzi "Uragan" non sono stati impiegati finora nel conflitto in
Ucraina orientale dove entrambi gli schieramenti hanno spesso utilizzato
i sistemi "Grad" il cui impiego ha provocato la morte di diverse
centinaia di civili militari e separatisti.
punto caldo rimane Gorlovka. La città si è trasformata in una fortezza
protetta dai posti di blocco delle forze separatiste. Il centro abitato
viene regolarmente bombardato dall'esercito ucraino. La gente del posto
si nasconde nei rifugi antiaerei. I separatisti forniscono alla
popolazione pane medicinali e beni di prima necessità.
letter to Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita -- noi vogliamo dire tutto il
male del mondo contro ebrei sionisti rothschild e israeliani aggressivi e
razzisti? ok! io l'ho fatto più di tutti in questi ultimi sei anni ed
io ho caricato tanti video per proteggere i palestinesi anche! Ma se
tutti loro fossero tutti santi perfetti? 1. io non credo che qualcuno
potrebbe mantenere il suo equilibrio mentale dopo 66 anni di terrorismo
2. la sharia nazi tua ONU OCI? li ucciderebbe ugualmente tutti gli
israeliani! Infatti i tuoi jihadisti hanno sterminato tutti i cristiani
del medio oriente e stanno sterminando tutti i cristiani in africa
eppure loro non sono ebrei aggressivi ma sono le persone più buone e
pacifiche del mondo! ] FOTTITI! LA TUA SHARIA nazi? FINIRà IN TRAGEDIA
Gerusalemme uccide uno sbatte trattore e ribalta bus uccidendo pedoni;
Terror Attack a Gerusalemme uccide uno sbatte trattore e ribalta bus
uccidendo pedoni; video mostra le riprese della polizia attaccante
morti. Con Tova Dvorin e Ari Soffer 2014/08/04 03:20. Un trattore a
sbattere contro un autobus a Gerusalemme intorno alle 13:40 Lunedi in un
attacco terroristico uccidendo una persona e ferendone altre sei. Non
c'erano passeggeri sul bus al momento ma l'autista era tra le vittime
subendo lesioni luce dopo che ha annullato l'impatto. Quattro dei feriti
sono state prese per Hadassah Hospital at Mount Scopus per il
trattamento e uno è stato portato in Sha'arei Tzedek Medical Center. Un
uomo di 25 anni ת uno
studente Kollel hareidi è stato ucciso dopo la Magen David Adom (MDA) i
medici hanno dichiarato morto sul posto. L'attacco è avvenuto sulla via
Shmuel HaNavi alla rotonda di fuori del Zvill Beit Medrash a un isolato
dal Olive Tree Hotel. I testimoni ci hanno riferito che il conducente
del trattore speronato un autobus e che l'evento non sembrava un
incidente. "Ho visto un grande Slam trattore in un autobus che va a
Beitar Illit ci sono stati diversi feriti curati da United Hatzalah" ha
detto il rappresentante degli Stati Hatzalah Shraga Hoffman che era alla
scena. "Il bus è su un lato. Il miracolo più grande è che questa è la
prima tappa del percorso in modo che [bus] era relativamente vuoto di
passeggeri." Un poliziotto ha sparato al conducente del trattore e lo
uccise fermando l'attacco e probabilmente prevenire ulteriori perdite.
Fonti palestinesi affermano il nome del terrorista come 19 anni Muhammed
Na'if al-Ja'abis dal quartiere di Gerusalemme di Jabel Mukaber anche se
questo non è stato ancora confermato dalla polizia. Sindaco di
Gerusalemme Nir Barkat ha fatto una dichiarazione secondo Yediot
Aharonot invitando i residenti a non prendere la legge nelle proprie
mani la polizia indaga l'attacco. "L'evento è ormai alle nostre spalle
la polizia ha avviato un'indagine" Barkat ha dichiarato. "Purtroppo non
abbiamo infortuni ma date le circostanze avrebbe potuto essere molto
peggio e dobbiamo ringraziare la polizia di Gerusalemme per la
recitazione." "Chiedo a tutti i residenti di mantenere la vigilanza
perché una tale cosa può accadere in qualsiasi parte del paese" ha
continuato - l'aggiunta di un avvertimento però non prendere la legge
nelle proprie mani. Guarda polizia spara morti Gerusalemme "trattore
terrorista" Filmato mostra trattore rovesciamento del bus "Un ufficiale
di polizia sulla scena fermato la sua auto scese neutralizzato il
terrorista e quindi ha impedito un ulteriore attacco" l'Ufficio del
Portavoce Gerusalemme polizia ha dichiarato poco dopo l'attacco. Preso
dalla scena filmati catturati subito dopo l'attacco estremisti arabi
hanno utilizzato trattori o altri cercatori pesanti per commettere
attentati terroristici a Gerusalemme in diverse occasioni. L'ultimo
incidente è avvenuto alla fine dello scorso anno quando un terrorista è
stato ucciso il tentativo di speronare la sua strada in una base
militare a nord della capitale. Tre attacchi simili sono stati
effettuati nel 2008 e 2009 di cui uno (vedere sotto) in cui un
terrorista capovolto un'auto della polizia prima di essere ucciso.
Terror Attack in Jerusalem Kills 1. Tractor slams into and overturns
bus killing pedestrian; video shows police shooting attacker dead. By
Tova Dvorin and Ari Soffer 8/4/2014 3:20 PM. A tractor slammed into a
bus in Jerusalem at around 1:40 pm Monday in a terrorist attack killing
one person and injuring six others. There were no passengers on the bus
at the time but the driver was among the casualties suffering light
injuries after it overturned from the impact. Four of the injured have
been taken to Hadassah Hospital at Mount Scopus for treatment and one
was taken to Sha'arei Tzedek Medical Center. A 25-year-old manת a
hareidi kollel student has been killed after Magen David Adom (MDA)
medics declared him dead at the scene. The attack occurred on Shmuel
HaNavi street at the traffic circle outside the Zvill Beit Medrash one
block from the Olive Tree Hotel. Witnesses there reported that the
tractor driver rammed a bus and that the event did not seem like an
accident. "I saw a large tractor slam into a bus going to Beitar Illit;
there were several injuries treated by United Hatzalah" said United
Hatzalah representative Shraga Hoffman who was at the scene. "The bus is
on its side. The greatest miracle is that this is the first stop of the
route so it [the bus] was relatively empty of passengers." A policeman
shot the tractor driver and killed him stopping the attack and likely
preventing further casualties. Palestinian sources are claiming the
terrorist's name as 19-year old Muhammed Na'if al-Ja'abis from the
Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber although this has not yet been
confirmed by police. Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat has now made a statement
according to Yediot Aharonot urging residents not to take the law into
their own hands as the police investigate the attack. "The event is
behind us now; the police have launched an investigation" Barkat stated.
"Unfortunately we have injuries but given the circumstances it could
have been much worse and we must thank the Jerusalem Police for acting."
"I ask all residents to maintain vigilance because such a thing can
happen anywhere in the country" he continued - adding a warning however
not to take the law into their own hands. Watch Police shoot dead
Jerusalem "tractor terrorist" Footage shows tractor overturning bus "A
police officer at the scene stopped his car got out neutralized the
terrorist and thus prevented a further attack" the Jerusalem Police
Spokesperson's Office stated shortly after the attack. Footage taken
from the scene captured the immediate aftermath of the attack Arab
extremists have used tractors or other heavy diggers to commit terrorist
attacks in Jerusalem on several occasions. The last incident occurred
late last year when a terrorist was killed trying to ram his way into an
army base just north of the capital. Three similar attacks were carried
out in 2008 and 2009 including one (seen below) in which a terrorist
flipped a police car before being shot dead.
storico politologo e giornalista Bruno Drweski. dice " Il sionismo è
un'ideologia europea che ebbe una vasta diffusione alla fine del XIX
secolo parallelamente ad altri tipi di nazionalismo di cui il più noto
era il nazionalismo tedesco durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Il
sionismo è una versione del nazismo. Il sionismo non ha niente in comune
con la tradizione ebraica come neanche qualsiasi altro nazionalismo nel
mondo si tratti sia dell'Europa che dei paesi arabi. Questa concezione
deformata del mondo travisa i concetti ed è chiamata a manipolare la
io dico che può anche essere il 30% della VERITà ma soltanto questo
30%? è sufficiente a condannare lo Stato massonico di Israele la truffa
Rothschild senza sovranità monetaria! Se volete rappresentare Israele
della Bibbia? Voi dovete aprirvi alla Monarchia metafisica e
teocratica.. buttare fuori tutti i farabutti farisei del talmud e il
loro sistema massonico FMI SPA NWO GMOS.
campo di battaglia in ogni modo l'esercito ucraino numericamente
dominante sembra per ora avere la meglio e il portavoce del Consiglio di
sicurezza di Kiev Andrii Lisenko ha annunciato oggi la riconquista di
altri due villaggi nella zona di Donetsk Krasnogorivka e
Staromigailovka. A soffrire e a morire in questa guerra sono però anche i
civili e oggi l'amministrazione comunale di Lugansk ha denunciato che
la città si trova "sull'orlo di una catastrofe umanitaria" è priva di
acqua ed elettricità e scarseggiano i generi alimentari. L'importante
centro in mano ai separatisti è sconvolto dai combattimenti e
l'artiglieria di Kiev ha colpito più volte uccidendo "più di 100
pacifici cittadini".
UNIVeRSALI DEL 1948? non sai che la sharia è per il califfato mondiale è
una minaccia globale? Israele e Palestina l'Europa come al solito non
sa da che parte stare
campo di battaglia in ogni modo l'esercito ucraino numericamente
dominante sembra per ora avere la meglio e il portavoce del Consiglio di
sicurezza di Kiev Andrii Lisenko ha annunciato oggi la riconquista di
altri due villaggi nella zona di Donetsk Krasnogorivka e
Staromigailovka. A soffrire e a morire in questa guerra sono però anche i
civili e oggi l'amministrazione comunale di Lugansk ha denunciato che
la città si trova "sull'orlo di una catastrofe umanitaria" è priva di
acqua ed elettricità e scarseggiano i generi alimentari. L'importante
centro in mano ai separatisti è sconvolto dai combattimenti e
l'artiglieria di Kiev ha colpito più volte uccidendo "più di 100
pacifici cittadini".
SUO SANGUE HITLER Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita SHARIA ONU ] Sirene
Sound vicino Gaza due ore dopo il cessate il fuoco unilaterale Begins.
Lotta ferma a Gaza fatta eccezione per gli scontri in corso a Rafah - ma
durerà? Con Arutz Sheva Staff. 2014/08/04 12:09. Riservisti
dell'esercito israeliano al confine con Gaza. Sirene hanno suonato nelle
comunità vicino a Gaza a circa 12:00 Lunedi appena due ore dopo che
Israele ha iniziato osservando un cessate il fuoco unilaterale. Israele
ha iniziato la tregua alle 10:00 Lunedi a seguito di una decisione a
tarda notte dal Gabinetto di Sicurezza e il primo ministro Binyamin
Netanyahu. La tregua di sette ore durerà fino al 19:00 Lunedi ed esclude
la zona di Rafah dove gli scontri continui hanno imperversato da
Venerdì. Il Coordinatore delle attività di governo in Giudea Samaria e
Gaza (COGAT) il generale Yoav Mordechai ha annunciato in precedenza che
Israele terrà il suo fuoco in più di Gaza per sette ore "finestra
umanitario" il Lunedi.
ha anche avvertito che "se sarà violato la tregua l'esercito risponde
con il fuoco verso l'origine del fuoco" - che Hamas ha categoricamente
rifiutato in ogni caso. Hamas ha approfittato delle tregue temporanee
passato per continuare a sparare razzi contro cittadini israeliani.
Venerdì scorso il gruppo ha violato un cessate il fuoco di 72 ore poco
dopo è andato in vigore uccidendo due soldati israeliani e il rapimento
di un terzo Hadar Goldin che è stato dichiarato morto dall'IDF nella
notte di Sabato. Per il momento però la situazione sembra essere
tranquilla - per ora. "Da quello che abbiamo capito è stato tranquillo -
e siamo pronti per la situazione che non rimarrà in questo modo"
portavoce dell'IDF Briga. Gen. Moti Almoz dichiarato a Walla! News. "Ci
sono forze che rimangono a Gaza e che sono pronti a prendere azione
offensiva e sono raggruppando per continuare la missione."
Sound near Gaza 2 Hours After Unilateral Ceasefire Begins. Fighting
stops in Gaza except for ongoing clashes in Rafah - but will it last? By
Arutz Sheva Staff. 8/4/2014 12:09 PM. IDF reservists on the border with
Gaza. Sirens have sounded in communities near Gaza at roughly 12:00 pm
Monday just two hours after Israel began observing a unilateral
began the truce at 10:00 am Monday following a late-night decision by
the Security Cabinet and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The
seven-hour truce will last until 7:00 pm Monday and excludes the Rafah
area where ongoing clashes have raged since Friday. The Coordinator of
Government Activities in Judea Samaria and Gaza (COGAT) General Yoav
Mordechai announced earlier that Israel will hold its fire in most of
Gaza for a seven-hour "humanitarian window" on Monday.
also warned that "if the truce will be violated the army will respond
with fire toward the source of the fire" - which Hamas has categorically
rejected in any event.
Hamas has taken advantage of past temporary ceasefires to continue to fire rockets at Israeli citizens.
Friday the group violated a 72-hour ceasefire shortly after it went
into effect killing two IDF soldiers and kidnapping a third Hadar Goldin
who was declared dead by the IDF on Saturday night. For the moment
however the situation appears to be quiet - for now. "From what we
understand it has been quiet - and we are prepared for the situation
that it will not stay this way" IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz
stated to Walla! News. "There are forces that remain in Gaza and are
ready to take offensive action and are regrouping to continue the
la Italia USA UE ecc.. è prigioniera di intoccabili massonerie
Bildenberg! DI PERSONE CHE SONO INTOCCABILI! ma Berlusconi poteva essere
toccato perché non era un MASSONE comunista!! ] Pantani ora si
aspettano le prime mosse della procura. Le telefonate degli spacciatori.
Pantaniani si stringono a Tonina
abitanti della città di Toledo nell'Ohio sono rimasti senza acqua
potabile. Lo ha riferito l'Associated Press. Le autorità cittadine hanno
vietato l'uso dell'acqua del rubinetto a causa della pericolosità
dell'acqua per sostanza tossica identificata che viene prodotta nel
processo di decomposizione delle alghe nel lago Erie.
lago è la fonte principale di acqua per la città di Toledo. Ai
residenti della città è stato vietato di usare l'acqua del rubinetto non
solo per bere e cucinare ma anche per lavare e per la balneazione. Le
autorità stanno cercando urgentemente di risolvere il problema
NATO intende sviluppare nuovi piani di difesa in relazione alla
corrente politica russa nei confronti dell'Ucraina. Lo ha dichiarato il
Segretario generale della NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
lui l'Alleanza nordatlantica "deve adattarsi a questa nuova
situazione". La Federazione Russa considera "la NATO come un nemico" ha
detto. A questo proposito i paesi membri del blocco devono aumentare le
spese militari ha detto Rasmussen. Se la Russia negli ultimi cinque anni
ha aumentato del 50% l'importo stanziato per questi scopi i paesi della
NATO lo hanno aumentato solo del 20% ha dichiarato Rasmussen.
veranno fucilati come furono fucilati gli altri? Più di 400 militari
ucraini si sono rivolti alle guardie di frontiera russe con la richiesta
di asilo per loro è stato aperto un corridoio umanitario e sono stati
fatti entrare nel territorio della Russia. Lo ha riferito Vasily Malayev
rappresentante delle guardie di frontiera russe nell'Oblast' di Rostov.
lui a breve i soldati saranno trasferiti al valico di frontiera
"Matveyev Kurgan" per essere consegnati alla parte ucraina.
precedenza i militari ucraini avevano attraversato il confine di Stato
al valico "Gukovo". non veranno fucilati come furono fucilati gli altri?
luglio 41 soldati ucraini erano entrati in Russia dopodichè erano stati
riconsegnati alla parte ucraina. Attualmente Kiev li processa per aver
disertato il servizio militare nell'ambito dell'operazione speciale nel
non veranno fucilati come furono fucilati gli altri?
MARTIRI CRISTIANI hanno detto 3 mesi fa. king Saudi ARABIA ------- ma
se io ero un musulmano io ti avrei ucciso per il tuo delitto di
apostasia! e forse tu saresti morto più contento nel sapere di non
essere stato ucciso da un crociato cristiano " ma è proprio questo il
VERO motivo della vostra distruzione IO SONO SOLTANTO IL RE DI ISRAELE!