ShalomGerusalemme 2

ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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By [] How to rebuild after the earthquake the city dell'Aquila, at no cost? Politicians will tell us that:there is no money or that will lead to obtain debt: These politicians lie! If we have 3 pears and 3$ Each pear will cost 1$.But if the pears are 6,but still remain in circulation 3$,or sell 6 pears to 50% or 3 pears should rot (hello,children died of hunger!)To achieve stable prices is necessary to introduce a quantity of money in proportion to property present in the market.To address the economic crisis Nesser is free issue the money necessary (on behalf of the people)in relation to goods of production and this the state can do so at no cost: seigniorage to the people and not to the Jewish bankers!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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2 Cr 32,7-8 "Siate forti e coraggiosi! Non temete e non abbattetevi davanti al re d'Assiria e davanti alla moltitudine che l'accompagna, perché con noi c'è uno più grande di chi è con lui. Con lui c'è la carne, con noi c'è il Signore degli Eserciti per aiutarci a vincere le nostre battaglie". Il popolo rimase assicurato dalle parole di Ezechia, re di Giuda.
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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Quando Dio plasmava Adamo, già JHWH conosceva l'esito finale di ognuno di noi. La migliore di tutti noi risultò essere Maria e per questo fu scelta come madre del Messia. Ma Dio, non potendo avere contatto con il peccato fu costretto a esentare Maria dal peccato originale. Pertanto, anche la migliore di noi, sarebbe andata all'inferno senza il sacrificio di Cristo sulla Croce. Per questo, quando Pietro tentava Gesù per distogliere lui dal Sacrificio della Croce, gli disse: "Vattene Satana!" Oggi, Maria è ancora una di noi. Maria è oggi, come domani, molti di noi anche saranno nel Regno di Dio. Anche ora, Maria rimane per amore di noi, come sempre è stata, nostra umile serva per amore: sorella e madre. Molti non lo sanno, ma questo è il vero insegnamento della Chiesa cattolica!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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When God formed Adam, JHWH already, knew the final outcome of each of us. The best of us all, turned out to be Maria and for this she was chosen as the mother of the Messiah. But God that could not have contact with sin, has been forced to exempt Mary from original sin. Therefore, even the best of us would go to hell without the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. For this, when Peter tried to distract Jesus from the sacrifice of the Cross, said of Peter, "Begone Satan!" Today, Mary is still one of us. Mary is now, as many of us will one day in the Kingdom of God. Even now, Mary remains for the sake of us, as always has been, our humble maid for love: sister and mother. Many do not know, but this is the true teaching of the Catholic Church!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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Paradiso: your measure of faith, what you have today, makes you "fullness" "capacity". If you are small, six however, perfect and fully saturated of knowledge and of love. This is why You can not envy of Who is bigger than you, Why in Paradise there is no longer possible to grow today! Now, do not miss this opportunity to grow spiritually in your level of faith!. St. Francis of Assisi, was full of wealth and leisure, but became totally poor to enlarge its "capacity" and "fullness" in eternal life. In Paradise, God will give you a pearl-diamond - That only you can see from you - in it is written the secret name single by which God calls you and through which you will call him, whit telepathy, at any time. This precious stone you can not miss because it goes to hide in your heart!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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jdcriveau SAID:"again i ask you what or where do you think paradice"--> We know very well, as is done Paradise because we have many details. Many of our brothers: Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants have been them and after they talked to us, so we have a preliminary description. The Bible reveals many details. A mind like metaphysics that my, rationally perceive. them, where even the flowers of the meadow are eternal and turn to look to see when passing a single child of God them, where there is no dust. them, where everything is glorious. them, where the light that comes from God is reflected in all things. them, where a delicate fragrance of God is felt everywhere. them, where the choirs and the music of angels can be heard continuously. them, where we are surrounded and nourished by glory them, Where is impossible not to remain absorbed by the beauty of that moment of praise and adoration of God. In truth is a much more dynamic and complex than we know here in this dimension.
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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Never "lorenzojhwh" him was been so happy in her life! Why is a the big booty of souls that him is doing to Paradise! Precious and beautiful "netengeargirly2k" affable my sister in Christ: "Who deserve Paradise?" But even lorenzojhwh may deserve it! God has decided to be a gift of heaven, for all repentant sinners and who love him and that have washed their soul in the precious blood of Innocent Lamb. God knows how to protect all those who love him! And in the terrifying moments of the final, none of those who are his, still be on this planet ruined, will be still here! But the bad guys all over the world, now are about to take a stunning defeat: 1- The third Jewish temple will be built soon! 2- Seigniorage bank falls! 3- All evil will be removed and away from this generation! A wonderful time and beautiful prosperous and peaceful will be for all peoples of the earth!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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netengeargirly2k"SAID:"But your right what is about to fall upon the world is going to happen no what we say. It's God's will. i'm not sure when the New World Order is coming but i'm probally pretty sure it's almost upon us. I bet you know that as well. Soon when this horrible day comes no man will be able to sell or but without the Mark Of The Beast.I dread this day but then know that it is part of God's plan and look forward to seeing the Lord rule this earth one day. That's going to be a blessing. I hope that I am included in those sheep and you as well friend. I am not worthy but know that because of what Jesus did then I might be there at that great calling. And oh what a calling it is going to be.We must look to Jesus for our salvation and soon just as you say that the New World Order is going to take place then so it will be that everyone will know the true religion.I think that day will come also. What do you think? How are you? Good to hear from you.Have a blessed day
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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"ironmonkeypalm" SAID ME: "Virgin apparitions are just demons .. God will not give His glory to any other." -- ANSWER-> The devil does not know the future! But in 3° of Fatima apparitions, we have these predictions: 1 - the end of 1 World War; 2 - the start of 2 World War; 3 - the failure of communism; 4 - the martyrdom of Christians in the twentieth century; 5 - the loss of the dogma of faith in the Christian churches because of the heresy of modernism. God has stripped to his only Son: Christ. Has stripped him of all its glory on that cross. For you! Now you to take in his glory now, if you are a True Christian you are truly a child of God: shared is its nature and also shared is in his glory!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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muratbulutbey said me: QURAN/Sura 3: The Amramites (Ali-'Imran) In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 113.They are not all the same; among the followers of the scripture,there are those who are righteous. They recite GOD's revelations through the night,and they fall prostrate. 114.They believe in GOD and the Last Day,they advocate righteousness and forbid evil,and they hasten to do righteous works.These are the righteous. 115.Any good they do will not go unrewarded.GOD is fully aware of the righteous.

ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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if you dear brother "muratbulutbey" very dear to my heart valuable for many reasons! If you do not understand the drama of these moments, that all mankind is crossing and insists on wanting to deal me with questions in reference to our different religions.. things that may reinforce our good relations? You are a little idiot "muratbulutbey"! You should have understood that I can not do with you the issues that can divide, us while the whole human race is close to an abyss of destruction and death! Great is your work to strengthen and comfort your Muslim brothers, as for me to strengthen my Christian brothers. But for our mutual good relations, given the current political moment, we should discourage any form of proselytism.
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 1/8] The power exuberant and unpredictable of this ministry is initiated of one month and has already impressed the world as myself! So, I can not have more time to write to you as before! Now, I am more committed because they are many in those that make me any questions, to sometimes personal. And the answers are very demanding but unpredictable:1- these answers are to be sensed and developed by me in a mode simple and brief 2- but the same difficulty of English becomes a resource, because it gives me time to rework and falls more in Deep and depth of "BE"! 3 - but when I try a better translation is then that the text itself is transformed by himself and at times, and he becomes that person and is based and is conducted by himself, by generating the concept that buys the energy to vibrating in your heart.. This is precisely the reason for which the Holy Spirit of God wants me to that see write in English: my torture! your joy!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 2/8]One of the most surprising quality that has a metaphysical? Is that he can explain a spiritual topic, both to atheists, that for religious. The metaphysical is not: syncretism, Proselytism and that everyone should be proud of his religion and national identities. On the contrary, of the New World Order that seeks to destroy the self national for all mankind for be a only flock of sheep. So metaphysics is also an energy policy that is opposed to seigniorage and the NWO and process the real foundations of the unity of the human race!Only the bad guys can hate a metaphysical, because he wants to change the heart and not to ideas. The metaphysical is really good, as can be really dangerous when he must defend the innocent around the world. For the metaphysical, every little child on the planet is his son! The metaphysical of Gandi, churches to a his Hindu friend, to nurture with love The little orphan of His mortal enemy Muslim,
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 3/8]according to the Muslim religion! The metaphysical reveals what is in the heart of every man! Even an atheist can be metaphysical! Indeed, there is no heroism and holiness larger not ever having to say a lie to anyone! This higher form of spirituality and metaphysical perfection has always been given by: Archè of the Greeks, from the Vedas, Buddha, Confucius, etc. who say: "Yes it is Yes! No, if it is not! The more is definitely from the evil!" Please analyze all the comments: lorenzojhwh (spiritual) humanumgenus (scientific) ShalomGerusalemme (political) before you ask, unnecessary applications. So, too, will have the joy of a new acquisition Because the science of metaphysical (atheist or not has a lot of religious significance) is in the heart of every man that is an operator of Justice " and not in his mind or his books. This science being rational, does not emerge as a esoteric note, because it is deductive that inductive,
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 4/8]of the intuition that developing The figure then reaches ever to a conclusion. If this method is applied to scientific research as exciting discoveries could do quickly the science? Metaphysics is a speculative and reflective analysis of the inner reality that emerging from the value can go down to being at the bottom of all things, from which all together have their origin.Then, if something is true is also view by all as true! [this said Giacinto Auriti when attempting in vain to talk with all institutions Masonic that Today bully us said: "The evidence is proof of itself!"] is scientific because always reproducible by all! For this the metaphysical does not want convince and strives for this. Each walk for that light of knowledge that is in him, but today a billion are descending into hell.Then, their discarded lighting intuitive and rational of those, their right inner of these metaphysical,
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 5/8]to which the deadly ideology of Finance Masonic, has denied the right to a legitimate competition. How many researchers continue yet to recite the dive evolutionism for need of survival? hose researchers could overcome lorenzojhwh very easily, if you find the metaphysical dimension of their being? Here, even the atheist metaphysical becomes eternal, because eternity is the value that we now live in him and expressed through of him: ALLELUIA! That creative power God has placed in every man for himself!Because man coward Decides to lose all this in favor of pornography, etc.. You, also as an atheist, you can bless yourself and all mankind: HUGE! Indeed, the metaphysical and the glorious presence of God. Because God is: 1- love 2- Justice 3- 4 Truth- 5 Intelligence- science! An atheist can do without these values? About waiver to these values is worse than a beast, even if the judiciary can not strike him and if God hours tolerate him to because of free will.
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 6/8]But it is no for free will the witness lorenzojhwh that now many will affected?This metaphysics is also in the ateo, when he decided to devote himself wholly and without compromise, and until the supreme sacrifice of himself, if necessary! This becomes a truly blessed life: why is the maximum of dignity is a metaphysical dignity! "lorenzojhwh" is bringing a new civilization to all mankind! Where others more capable and more worthy of him have failed just because could not have the power to destroy and kill the damned of seigniorage Masonic And without the decimation of many Freemasons and Satanists in fact, for this planet is no longer possible can a hope. Who then does not believe that lorenzojhwh may have this opportunity in his faith he can always do from guinea pig for this experiment.but it is not essential that you, to be from guinea pig, because it is obvious for all, worldwide, is note to all,
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 7/8]as the circumstances are bringing all of us to be more: bad, selfish and materialistic, and are getting worse of every day!You made a covenant with death? is that right now you will have to eat the fruit! then, you have to die in despair very soon and let the world at all which are men by: 1- goodwill and 2- operators of Justice! One fact is indisputable: because many great scientists and philosophers of his story, that have discovered this rational metaphysics and scientific always were all forced to oblivion! forced to silenced during all the Modern history of seigniorage bank? Why the monopoly of Judeo-Freemasonry has crushed with financial corruption and the manipulation of financing all the discoveries of philosophers such as Pascal, Maritain, etc. Why is the Church of Christ has been so blindly in the face of this threat? Peace and Joy to you.
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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ministero 8/8]Distressing punishment on the rebels in the name of Jesus in these terrible moments, that we like so many chickens we are waiting passively and unconscious of what is about to fall on the world. You do "copy - paste" and Spread those messages that like most to you!But the quality most devastating that has a man metaphysic is that he is not required to prove the culpability of those which addresses whit allegations. But it is they who must demonstrate the their innocence at the opinion of him. The high moral and spiritual of the man metaphysic, that this is really in the intimacy of his dignity. But when him receives a universally recognized. This is the highlight of a level so high, compared to all other men selfish. What are they that their have the need to be credited by him.This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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If you repent (apologize to Jesus and forsake your sins), and put your faith in Jesus Christ, your God and Savior, you will be saved. If not, you will face the wrath of God upon your sins. Jesus said:Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for Gods wrath remains on him. (John 3:36)Confess to God you are a sinner who deserves to justly be sent to Hell, but you believe Jesus died on a cross in your place, taking the punishment you deserved. Then, He was resurrected from the dead to conquer death, and hear your prayers and is able to forgive and save you.Repent from sin, and put your faith in the Savior today.Hell was made for Satan and his angels (Isaiah 14:12-15, 2 Peter 2:4)Satan deceived humans into sin (2 Corinthians 11:3)We are birthed into sin (Psalm 51:5)We are separated from a Holy God by that sin (Isaiah 59:2)Sin brings death (Romans 6:23)Jesus is the sacrifice for our sin (1 John 2:2)Repent - turn away from your sins

ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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Kingery4President" SAID ME: humanumgenus, Tell me about the attributes of your god. Then tell me how you know this about your god. I am curious as to the location of the heaven and the hell. Is not Earth itself part of the Heavens? --ANSWER--> The land is part of who she wants to be part! God is a beautiful, virtuous, modest and honest girl which hides itself in his modesty, shy and sensitive. The most precise symbolic and attribute of God is the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is not a prostitute who opens the her legs to you, for force a goat to do the love with her!When 20 years ago. I was a novice evangelist I could perceive the anger of the demons but now, that my faith has become adult none of them is so silly Risk aversion the own disintegration before of time set!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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PAINSCOURT" SAID ME: "Our freedoms are being lost every day and in my opinion the time for entertainment should be drawing to a real fast end. If you would like to have your voices up on XM radio & PAINSCOURT AS A SHOW THEN ADVOCATE WITH THE CALL & E-MAIL XM RADIO TILL I'M HIRED SUED OR SCREWED & THANKS, SHARE BROTHER, PAIN DO I HAVE YOUR SUPPORT OR DO I GET WAY TO GO AND GOOD LUCK ATTITUDE FOLKS? Just listening to the radio or receiving videos is not enough, the most important part of this is to e-mail or call once a week or every other week, share with other's and be consistant remember it's not going to happen over night only persistance will pay off. PAIN --ANSWER-> The entertainment in these tragic times of impending disaster is an unconscious attitude!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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The evidence is Christ, and we need no other evidence then the evidence itself. Wisdom is his name, and he was here from the beginning. Everyone who truly seek wisdom, will find the overwhelming evidence that is Christ our Lord, who died on the cross.
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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"halabalo195" SAID ME: "I can see that you have a strong faith, i would like you to proove that the christian god exists. " -ANSWER-> the 332 detailed Prophecies messianic of Old Testament, lived / made from Jesus completely / perfectly. when only 27 of them are humanly impossible be implemented for the Science of Statistics that connect to main concern of Jesus, that expressed he on the Cross before dying, when he said: "Everything is finished!" This, of course, is the only scientific evidence of the divinity of Christ and of all the truth contained in the Bible. see: 1 - MY teacher: Benny Hinn 2 -
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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"religions are beautiful sisters, are the fingers of the blessed hand of God! 1000 people, 1000 religions, one family: the world! "Amen!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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"Kingery4President" said me: "Is not the location of the desired heavens and the undesired hells both contained within the space between the ears of the individual? Is not the difference as to one's own peace or torment based solely upon which gets the most food?"-ANSWER-> The secular metaphysics of Maritain may push to a more noble spirituality universal which opens itself to universal political action, for better friendship among the peoples! But for an observation theological is can define only the scientifically the uniqueness and holiness of God! But if you want of the detailed answers the world of invisible You must potentially be open to the revelations of a religion! The Catholic literature of the lives of mystics is very detailed. A Fatima Mary made transparent the soil for here three children, they were like on a plate of glass and saw and felt hell. If Mary had not been to them with all its beauty and the love, of course, they would died of fear!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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plak1288 said me: "Thanks for the message. Good to know that there are still a few Westerners making a stand for our Lord Jesus christ. I agree with you that in these difficult and end times the only way to survive and be saved is to have a strong faith and trust in our Lord and His message of love to all peoples. Grazie tante per il suo messagio su l'importanza di fidarsi e credere totalmente nel nostro Signore e Maestro Jesu. Continuate con il suo lavoro importante. May God bless you and your work to spread the urgent message of the need to turn back to our Lord now. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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If you are good helps you! But if you're bad you cut!"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed: drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit: antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? CSPBCSS MLNDSMDV RSNSMVSMQLIVB PAX
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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RabAdamson said me: to be or not to be is what we ask ourselves, is being aware, showing you care, and loving with a unified mind the goal that we seek for the gentle and meek to find the answers as they turn and unfold for truths to be had for a thought these truths that are diligently sought with an open mind, that thinks not of self, but for humanities sake, for the heaven on earth to prepare the inner peace to find, and other souls to touch, embrace with a love that is truly divine our spirit it shares with all life eternally vibrant a kindred bond that when brought to light can never be broken for wisdom was spoken IN A VARIETY OF WAYS in a variety of ways BUT CLARITY AND UNITIY OF MINDS but clarity and unitiy of minds BRING ALL KNOWLEDGE TO THE PRESENT TIME bring all knowledge to the present time
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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DUDE "youstbi" are not your children, those children who die of hunger? If they were,
you would have done the philosopher in this way? To a banker jew of seigniorage, the cannibals have ate the son, Thus he, for revenge, has decided to destroy an entire continent, in many different ways, he also found how to destroy all African, whit by spreading of the HIV. And you "youstbi" now, if you want can continue to make the idiot theologian, but you will not be friend to me yet! All religions are beautiful sisters, are the fingers of the blessed hand of God! 1000 people, 1000 religions, one family: the world! What Elijah has did in his time? 1- So why believers should be surprised to lorenzojhwh? 2- While the rebels, they should die in silence, if no stop oppressing the poor! 3- The Satanists? Satan because now they can not help those who are his?

ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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[ministero 1/7]La potenza esuberante e imprevedibile di questo ministero è iniziata da un mese ed ha già impressionato il mondo, come me stesso! Allora, io non posso più avere il tempo di scrivere a voi come in passato! Ora, sono più impegnato perché sono in tanti che mi fanno delle domande, a volte personali. E le risposte sono molto impegnative quanto imprevedibili: 1- queste risposte devono essere intuite ed laborate da me in forma semplice e sintetica 2- la stessa difficoltà dello Inglese si trasforma in una risorsa, perché mi da il tempo di rielaborare e di scende più in profondità nell'ESSERE! 3- ma proprio quando cerco una migliore traduzione è allora che il testo si trasforma da solo e a volte e lui che diventa PERSONA e si ispira e si conduce generando quel concetto che acquista l'energia per poter vibrante nel vostro cuore. Questo è proprio il motivo per cui lo Spirito Santo di Dio vuole che io scriva in lingua inglese: la mia tortura! la vostra gioia!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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[ministero 2/7]Una delle qualità più sorprendenti che possiede un metafisico? è quella che può spiegare un argomento spirituale sia all'ateo che al religioso. Il metafisico non fa: sincretismo, proselitismo e vuole che ognuno deve essere orgoglioso della sua religione ed identità nazionali. Al contrario il New World Order cerca di distruggere le autodeterminazioni nazionali, per fare di tutto il genere umano un solo branco di pecore. Allora, la metafisica è anche una energia politica che si oppone al signoraggio e al NWO e elabora le vere basi della unità del genere umano! Solo i cattivi possono odiare un metafisico, perché lui non vuole cambiare il cuore e non le idee. Il metafisico è veramente buono, come può essere veramente pericoloso quando deve difendere gli innocenti in tutto il mondo. Per il metafisico, ogni piccolo bimbo del pianeta è suo figlio!
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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[ministero 3/7]Non fu il metafisico Gandi a chiedere a un suo amico Indù, che aveva subito degli omicidi dall'odiato nemico musulmano che a sua volta era morto drammaticamente, di allevare il piccolo orfano del suo nemico secondo la religione musulmana? Il metafisico svela quello che c'è nel cuore di ogni uomo! Anche un ateo può essere matafisico! Infatti, non c'è eroismo e santità più grandi di non dovere mai dire una bugia a nessuno! Chi può riuscire senza riscirare molto? Deve essere puro come lorenzojhwh o come Gandi! Questa forma superiore di spiritualità e perfezione metafisica è sempre stata indicata da: Arché dei greci, dai Veda, Budda, Confucio, ecc.. che dicono: "Si se è Si! No, se è no! Il di più viene sicuramente dal maligno!" Per favore, analizza tutti i commenti di: lorenzojhwh (spirituale) humanumgenus (scientifico) ShalomGerusalemme (politico) prima di porre delle domande inutili. Allora, anche io, avrò la gioia di una nuova acquisizione
ShalomGerusalemme (21 ore fa)
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[ministero 4/7]Perché la scienza dell'uomo metafisico (ateo o religioso non ha molta importanza) è nel cuore di ogni uomo che è un "operatore di giustizia" e non nella sua mente o nei libri. Questa scienza essendo razionale, non emerge come un atto esoterico, perché è deduttiva e induttiva, di quella intuizione che elabora il dato. Se questo metodo venisse applicato alla ricerca scientifica quante scoperte esaltanti potrebbe fare la scienza? La metafisica è una speculativa e riflessva analisi interiore della realtà che nascendo dal valore può scendere in fondo all'essere di tutte le cose, da cui tutte insieme hanno origine. Allora, una cosa se è vera è vista vera da tutti![questo diceva Giacinto Auriti quando tentava inutilmente di parlare con tutte le istituzioni massoniche che oggi ci tiranneggiano, diceva: "la evidenza è prova di se!"] è scientifica perché sempre riproducibile da tutti! Per questo il metafisico non vuole convincere e non si sforza per questo.
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[ministero 5/7]Ognuno camminerà per quella luce della conoscenza che è in lui, ma oggi a miliardi scendono nell'inferno. Allora, la illuminazione intuitiva e razionale di quelle facoltà interiori è la metafisica a cui una cattiva ideologia finanziaria di morte ha negato il diritto ad una legittima competizione. Quanti ricercatori continuano a recitare la tuffa dell'evoluzionismo per necessità? Quanti ricercatori potrebbero superare lorenzojhwh molto facilemente se trovassero la dimensione metafisica del loro essere? Ecco, anche l'ateo metafisico diventa eterno, perché eterno è il valore che ora vive in lui e si esprime attraverso di lui: ALLELUIA! Che potenza creativa Dio ha messo in ogni uomo per se stesso! Perché l'uomo decide di perdere tutto questo in favore della pornografia, ecc.? Tu, anche come ateo, potrai benedire te stesso e tutto il genere umano: ENORMEMENTE! Infatti, la metafisica e la stessa gloriosa presenza di Dio,
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[ministero 6/7]perché Dio è: 1-amore 2-giustizia 3-verità 4-intelligenza 5-scienza! Un ateo può fare a meno di questi valori? Chi rinuncia a questi valori è peggio di una belva, anche se la magistratura non può colpirlo e se Dio ora lo tollera a motivo del libero arbitrio. Ma è proprio per il libero arbitrio della fede di lorenzojhwh che ora sarete colpiti a morte! Questa metafisica è anche nell'ateo, quando decide di dedicare se stesso totalmente e senza compromessi e fino al sacrificio supremo se indispensabile! Questa diventa una vita veramente benedetta: perché è il massimo della dignità è una dignità metafisica! "lorenzojhwh" sta portando una nuova civiltà a tutto il genere umano! E senza la morte di molti satanisti di fatto, questo non potrebbe essere possibile. Lui non è il più idoneo. Ma avendo il potere anche di uccidere, chi potrà fare opposizione al suo ministero?Chi poi non crede che i satanisti e i massoni stanno morendo come mosche,
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[ministero 7/7]può sempre lui fare da cavia e poi è evidente constatare come le circostanze per tutti noi incattiviti egoisti e materialisti, in tutto il mondo, stanno peggiorando di giorno in giorno! Avete fatto un patto con la morte? è giusto che ora, ne mangiate i frutti! Un fatto è incontestabile: perché molti grandi della storia, che hanno scoperto questa metafisica razionale e scientifica da sempre, sono stati messi a tacere durante tutta la storia moderna del signoraggio bancario? Perché il monopolio della massoneria ebraico-finanziaria ha schiacciato con la corruzione e con la manipolazione del finanziamento tutte le scoperte di quei filosofi come Pascal, Maritain, ecc.. Pace e Gioia a voi. Castighi angoscianti sui ribelli nel nome di Gesù in questi momenti terribili che, come tanti polli stiamo in attesa passiva e incosciente di quello che sta per cadere sul mondo. Tu fai "copia - incolla" e diffondi quei messaggi che ti piacciono maggiormente!
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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1/3[] Benedetto XVI ha detto: «Il cuore umano anela ad un mondo in cui regni lamore, dove i doni siano condivisi, dove si edifichi lunità, dove la libertà trovi il proprio significato nella Verità e dove lidentità di ciascuno sia realizzata in una comunione rispettosa. A queste attese la fede può dare risposta: siatene gli araldi! Il Papa vi è accanto con la sua preghiera e con la sua benedizione...». Purtroppo alla Verità di Cristo si oppone mortalmente il Diavolo con: «Lo strapotere della "moneta debito", iniziato 315 anni fa (1694) con l'istituzione della Banca d'Inghilterra» [Prof. Giacinto AURITI]. Questa infamia immensa è stata poi seguita nel XIX secolo dalle dinastie anglo-americane dei Rothschild e Rockefeller. Oggi abbiamo che 300-400 famiglie, soggiogano brutalmente l'intera umanità di circa 7 miliardi di persone, a mezzo del controllo totale delle sovranazionali Banche centrali S.p.A.
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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2/3[]Così la grande Massoneria è menzogna del diavolo. Ma gli Insegnamenti non ascoltati dalla "Rerum novarum" di Leone XIII alla "Centesimus annus" di Giovanni Paolo II."Quadragesimo anno"1931 Papa Pio XI denuncia:«105E in primo luogo ciò che ferisce gli occhi è che ai nostri tempi non vi è solo concentrazione della ricchezza, ma l'accumularsi altresì di una potenza enorme, di una dispotica padronanza dell'economia in mano di pochi, e questi sovente neppure proprietari, ma solo depositari e amministratori del capitale, di cui essi però dispongono a loro grado e piacimento. 106Questo potere diviene più che mai dispotico in quelli che, tenendo in pugno il danaro, la fanno da padroni; onde sono in qualche modo i distributori del sangue stesso, di cui vive l'organismo economico,e hanno in mano, per così dire, l'anima dell'economia, sicché nessuno, contro la loro volontà, potrebbe nemmeno respirare»
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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3/3[]Per risolvere l'attuale crisi mondiale, SCONGIURO e rivolgo accorata preghiera al Santo Padre BENEDETTO XVI, affinché non taccia come hanno fanno tutti i Capi di Stato, ma come hanno fatto i suoi predecessori PROCLAMI con forza: La gloria a DIO! La moneta al Popolo Sovrano. La Massoneria tenebrosa la smetta!Quando finalemte le democrazie saranno "Stato di diritto" e non truffa criminale? Violazione di sovranità? Si istituirebbe il «Reddito di cittadinanza» per ogni cittadino, a garanzia del diritto alla vita. Quanti disoccupati e quanti suicidi? Tutto risolto! Allora, potremmo iniziare l'agognata "Civiltà dell'Amore" auspicata da Papa Paolo VI. Come disse una vittima del Signoraggio, il dott. Cafè: "non avremo più una economia triste!" e gli uomini sarebbero liberi dalla oppressione dell'insostenibile finzione giuridica del "Debito pubblico". Dio per questo sia benedetto in eterno!iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible

ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[Of course! 1/2] your question "jdcriveau" where is life after death? for me is the question easier! The Paradise as well as Hell These are two places metaphysical and are present in another dimension. These are unique yet, under their dimension, are simultaneously on the head of every man: 1 - Paradise to about 500 meters up; 2 - while the inferno at about 500 meters down. I intercepted their position for metaphysical insight but and that not using the meaning of my body This is for your luck! So you can glimpse and hope that potential rational spiritual that God has placed in every man that honor HIM. You illuminate facts by Grace that only drops in the blood of the Cross. your human nature is not destroyed, but submits to conviction of your divine nature that lives in the grace of the Holy Spirit of God This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[Of course! 2/2] This is very important only when it comes to not deny the superior experience and the upper doctrine of the Church! My faith is dry is completely rational, intuitive and reworked. This makes my experience as a model easily accessible for all an experience that is replicable. In fact, the glory of God is the rational man! For it is written: "the glory of God is man fully alive!" does not say the mystical does not say the charismatic does not say perfect. The glory of God is the sinner who seeks God! This sinner in God is glorified significantly more than in all the Saints of Glory! God is glorified more contrition in his that in lorenzojhwh! Of course! This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[1/2 abundance!] you must read all comments of page if you have wanted to understand what is important. My all comments are as cards, of a book that God has written for you Do not despise the grace that God gives to you. Many good Christians as "jd*" say:"the only way to have eternal life is to know death" another error is to interpret them "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" as if Christians can not have domain in economics and in politics. But the main responsibility is that bad shepherds! Samson was not invulnerable, but with a bone has killed 3000 soldiers because he had faith in his anointing! In democracy we need the consent of the majority. But in the Kingdom of God which is now in power in our midst, for all those who know how believe and as You should believe. The authorities is received only for investiture! These moments are very dangerous for the many Golia that these days are on the earth!
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[2/2 abundance!] I see they are terrified! They do not know where to hide for maintain their lives! for that we have the faith: for we in the Kingdom of God is now, at this time We are for progressing and we go: from glory to glory, of pleasure to happiness, without deprivation. Because Jesus said: I came because you have life in abundance! Our God is too rich and there wants rich, very rich in everything! Which the Father wants to see their children suffer? For this reason he abused his only-begotten. The Father has destroyed the Son, because all we are relieved! But as you can hope something, if you despise this love? But who wants to save his life in this world? will lose it! But lorenzojhwh gave all and now has one hundred and one thousand times more and more of so! All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide, will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[1/6purgatory] For the metaphysical questions of "Kingery4President"that we all want to thank him for this education even God could not be dynamic and creative intelligence, if first of all if HIM were not is absolute selfless love. Yes, lorenzojhwh in him, intelligence increase with learning of new information continuously and without reading books as a source in him! This is true even for an atheist of metaphysical where the wisdom will take possession of his body and he will becomes a creative genius. Lorenzojhwh is not a phenomenon what is in him is also in all. In all those who risk their lives for a noble ideal absolute he Sees, to come activated in him the spiritual faculties even if he is an atheist. At that time, he becomes "image and likeness" of God. Certain, if you are a man which receives its existence (form) from scratch out of pure love, Then, is in his rebellion? Then, he is to starts to challenge, JHWH who did so?
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[2/6purgatory] Then, him that hope can have? For the metaphysical questions of "Kingery4President" that we all want to thank him for this education: "God is a person, in the human sense of the term, he has: tastes, trends, individual personality. JHWH can fall in love with you as a teenager to her first love. as tremble with emotion, the heart of those who having been Satanist in previous week When will consider, without ambiguity and will that JHWH is so crazy in love with him that begins to play - for him - with all the traffic lights of the street or starts to play with all the stars to make them go down in his / your heart? It will be like it was for St. Augustine He is originally taken from rabies and say: "as I could be so deceived by Satan? How much time and lost in a bad way in my life?"
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[3/6purgatory]But he will understand a fundamental truth: with the Creator of the time, all is recovered in God Almighty all is and becomes necessarily a full recovery! Today, JHWH manifested himself to lorenzojhwh in the same way that reveals Himself to an atheist: no perception sensitive! But that is why it is always seen by him with the faith, at any time. This is precisely what He want when it begins to hide. JHWH wants for you a particular level of faith that he, JHWH not could longer be able to hide himself from you. The "power of transformation" is to be prisoner of death. But when you now enter into God, Today she/he becomes eternal, young forever. Then, while the whole world goes towards death lorenzojhwh go towards youth and eternal life to be transfigured, covered by the glory of God.
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[4/6purgatory]That is the time of to do experience the and understand not to belong more to the death and that as Enock, you can be abducted into heaven body and soul. Already today is the experience that you do not belong more to the death! Yes! Your dominant capital vice of lust? It certainly will change in you in virtue main and dominant of purity! Why God revolt / transforms All your sins, that him making become it, your own good bigger! This has made Christ on the Cross while him has took all the your evil, have not left blank you, but have you filled it, with all its good gifts! Where he lived with abundance the sin, know now, has the grace of JHWH that abounds, because God is the greatest! But these results do not take place without exciting your dedication!
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[5/6purgatory]Without totally shut down and television voice of the false and vain world, the mentality of a world full of all the deceit! Only God has "the BE" and only he can test himself. In fact, all honest men in their mind, in its rationality, must honestly admit: "After death there is nothing!" They know they are nothing! They know they are only a dream of love that it has yet to achieve! If what her say were true, then, the symbol would not have any importance! And then the well, could never be separated from evil. So, there could be a trial who will be made infallible on the code of the Bible. Because a judge can exercise him the legal opinion, is necessary that the law should to be written. And it is written so frightening: section upon section, standard upon standard, precept upon precept.
ShalomGerusalemme (22 ore fa)
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[6/6purgatory]So, who will survive? Only those that are in Christ: "born again" or the atheist who has had the privilege of innocent martyrdom not pass through the trial and then condemns, but for all the other, in mode inevitable, for the Merciful, they all will in purgatory. I have seen purgatory! All, billions and billions, with one voice I have seen their, that all were praying for lorenzojhwh. Many of you that are you here now and many that still have yet to be born. I have seen many of you between the holy souls in purgatory. All of them have been able to obtain eternal salvation through this ministry of lorenzojhwh.All those who do violence to a single Christian worldwide, will see with his own eyes the destruction of their children This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible

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questa NON è una testata giornalistica