la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità] [il messaggio all'umanità, il libro del ricordo p.261] [senza: il fondamento della legge naturale, rappresentato: dal Decalogo di Mosé] sono i satanismi, a prendere, il controllo della società! questo è: "il mistero della iniquità", cioè, solo, dal mio: punto di vista politico di Unius REI. [lo schema utilizato, dai criminali, legalizzati, istituzionalizzati, è: sempre lo stesso: 1. militarismo, 2. oppressione, 3. violenza, 4. crimine posto: in essere: in modo legale] ecco come: anche, il più nobile degli uomini: Gesù Cristo di Betlemme: è stato preso: "con spade e bastoni", ed ha dovuto subire, un processo farsa, addirittura, anche, per il crimine, dei più alti livelli: di: autorità: sia religiose, che, politiche (che, loro dovrebbero arppresentare la giustizia). [è evidente, come, il male che: è: sempre: stato presente: nel mondo, è stato peggiorato: dal satanismo dei farisei del FMI 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 10 secondi fa

[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità] che, è una raffinata forma di ipocrisia, poiché, loro dalla fondazione: della Banca di Inghilterra, (hanno rubato ai popoli: la sovranità monetaria) hanno il controllo: delle Istituzioni, attraverso: i loro poteri occulti: e associazioni massoniche, monopoli e corporazioni Bildenberg, ecc..] per essere direttamente, coinvolti, nelle guerre mondiali e relative shoah. Quindi, non solo, ci sono dei criminali, che, non vengono pubblicamente catalogati come tali, ma, le stesse strutture sociali sono inique, perché sono fondate sullo sfruttamento da parte di una oligarchia massonica, contro la maggioranza dei popoli. il vero crimine: è quindi legalizzato. per mezzo di intrighi finanziari e commerciali (il sistema massonico), un esempio: è rappresentato, dal gioco di borsa, rialzando ed abbassando artificialmente certi valori industriali e commerciali,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 32 secondi fa

[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità]si lucrano enormi guadagni dai detentori del capitale,aggiungendo così, ingiustizia ad ingiustizia (il sistema massonico del signoraggio bancario). Tali persone non sono ladri ed omicidi di strada, ma, nel sistema legalizzato delle "borse", finanziarie e commerciali, con la speculazione uccidono più persone di tutti... tuttavia, questi assassini ideologici, godono di rispetto e di una buona reputazione, e godono di randi onori terreni, ma, sono proprio loro gli artefici ed i complici: dei farisei illuminati da lucifero, per seguire la via iniqua e criminale di provocare e di fare provocare guerre, indebitamenti, inflazioni, depressioni, disoccupazione, concorrenza sleale, ecc.. perché questa è la conseguensa: di un FMI, che è una: privata SPA, la impotenza dello Stato: e la sua non efficiente governabilità
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

lol. but, lol. criminal, terrorist salafis: Al Queda: islamist: for worldwide caliphate crazy total.. ecc.. shit total! king Saudi Arabia? he is mistaken, about the fact, that I might hurt him! In fact, I will cut off, only, that his head,of cock, with, the same sword, which he gave to His Holiness, the Pope Benedict XVI .. lol. lol. but this is the truth: If we hate between us, will only be Rothschild, the Pharisee to win and celebrate .. therefore, we are all forced to forgive one another if we are to survive in this world, which has fallen under the control of supernatural and technological, of Satanists and of any satanism!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

THERE is, already, the big brother: 666, 322, god owl Baal, of the global control, ie, the NWO (the alien artificial intelligence: to raise the absolute power of Satan, on worldwide), that's why, that imbecile King of Saudi Arabia, he believes, that, Rothschild loves him, only because, makes kill, to him, too many innocent martyrs Christians, today, and, also, has vowed to destroy: Israel, tomorrow .. but now, is for the guilt, that, the asshole, he is ashamed to do my friend. [['We are not at all agree: Spy dozens of embassies and sifting through the communications of hundreds of millions of citizens are not excessive, but, is a crime.'' This was stated by the deputy of the Left Ecology Freedom: Claudio Fava at the end, the hearing of the Minister: Bildenberg Emma Bonino, on the case Datagate, hearing judged'' insufficient''. "puzzling", "irresponsible", "criminal"...
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[Total unconscious] June 10, 2013 Snowden speaks:of a "mechanism infomatico", which can filter means, any communication, in any part of the world, "I had the sufficient authority: to intercept, everyone, all over the world, even the President, of the United States! gut, "The Bildenberg Emma Bonino, of course, says: "There are no legal conditions, so that Italy, may accept a request for asylum, in favor of: Snowden" (and this is true that the Kingdom of God, not has found the legal conditions to accommodate, his request for asylum to Emma Bonino Bildenberg) .. but, the asylum in Snowden, of the Masons traitors to Italy, "is not acceptable, either, on the political level." "There are (and this is, the real problem) to our intelligence services of Mongoloid monkeys, there is no: elements of espionage, in our embassy" in the United States. He said the Foreign Minister Emma Bonino monkey mongoloid, referring, of course, the story Datagate. [Total unconscious]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[Datagate: without the Revelations of Snowden? All the Secret Service, World, they were under attack, powerless! Therefore, the only possibility of survival for mankind and That: to isolate the United States of America, by every point of view (because no one can hope That the Pharisees, of the Talmud satanic, for do sacrifices Human, on the altar of Satan, might be people quiet)! Datagate, revealed, as, the technological superiority, of the U.S.: is Light Years: Cut Above the Rest of the World! What a shame, They are Satanists Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, banking seigniorage, for do 200.000: Human sacrifices on the altar of Satan: every year, and they are not, missionaries Christians! Talk to the 'sentinel' of the Guardian, Snowden: "People need to know, the real level of threat."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[Datagate: Strasbourg opens, a hypocritical, ridiculous farce of inquiry, to condemn espionage (but, of them are not even aware of this, then, all that, Obama (Satanist) say, must be accepted: on trust of criminal hacker), 1. can not do this, in mode technically, 2. do not want to do it, in mode politically, because, they are: Masons, accomplices of the Pharisees Satanists, which, they stole, the bankng seigniorage, for the Nazi regime, the occult and satanic power IMF 666 NWO, ie, one only satana synagogue]] July 4, 2013, 15:52. the ant (Europe, "target"), may not impose conditions to the elephant, because he is the predator 666! the fact disturbing, tragic, is that without the revelations of Snowden? they would not have noticed anything!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[@ الملك المملكة العربية السعودية - هل يمكن أن تجعل صديقي: تأتي لي! Datagate هو فقط: جزء صغير من إمكانات "منظمة العفو الدولية: الذكاء الاصطناعي، لالاستعباد العالمي،" عبدة الشيطان سوف الفريسيين تدمير لك! لا أحد، باستثناء لي، هو قادرة على التعامل مع هذه القوة الشيطانية: صندوق النقد الدولي 666 NWO، في الواقع أنا لست بحاجة إلى أسلحة. أتغذى من الحب والعدالة والحقيقة والمساواة! وعن كل هذا؟ ليسوا على استعداد عبدة الشيطان! لول. ]]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[@King Saudi Arabia -- tu potresti fare il mio amico: vieni da me! Datagate è soltanto: una minima parte, delle potenzialità della: "AI: intelligenza artificiale, per la schiavitù globale", i satanisti farisei ti distruggeranno! nessuno, tranne me, è in grado di fronteggiare questa potenza satanica: FMI 666 NWO, infatti io non ho bisogno di armi. io mi nutro di amore, giustizia, verità, uguaglianza! ed a questo? i satanisti non sono preparati! lol. ]] [[ Datagate: Strasburgo apre, una ipocrita, falsa indagine, per condanna spionaggio, 1. non possono farlo: tecnicamente; 2. non vogliono farlo politicamente, perché sono i: massoni, complici: dei farisei satanisti, che hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario, del regime nazista, dei poteri occulti e satanici ]] 04 luglio 2013, 15:52. la formica (Europa: "target"), non può imporre delle condizioni all'elefante, perché, lui è il predatore 666! il fatto inquietante, è che, senza le rivelazioni di Snowden?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[@ King Saudi Arabia - you could make my friend: come to me! Datagate is only: a small part of the potential of "AI: Artificial Intelligence, for the global slavery," Satanists Pharisees will destroy you! no one, except me, is able to deal with this satanic power: IMF 666 NWO, in fact I do not need weapons. I feed of love, justice, truth, equality! and for all this? Satanists are not prepared! lol. ]] tutti i servizi segreti del mondo, erano sotto scacco! Quindi l'unica possibilità di sopravvivenza per il genere umano è quella di isolare gli USA, da ogni punto di vista! Datagate, ha rivelato, come la superiorità tecnologica degli USA: è anni luce: superiore al resto del mondo! Peccato che, loro sono i satanisti farisei: FMI 666 NWO, del signoraggio bancario, per fare: i sacrifici umani sull'alatere di satana, e non sono i missionari cristiani! Parla la 'sentinella' del Guardian, dice Snowden: "la gente deve sapere, il livello reale della minaccia!".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite - vous pourriez faire mon ami: venez à moi! Datagate est seulement: une petite partie du potentiel de "AI Intelligence Artificielle, pour la esclavage mondiale", satanistes pharisiens vous détruire! personne, sauf moi, est capable de faire face à cette puissance satanique: FMI 666 NWO, en fait je n'ai pas besoin d'armes. Je me nourris d'amour, de justice, de vérité, d'égalité! et pour tout cela? Satanistes ne sont pas prêts! lol. ]] 10 giugno 2013, 16:25. meccanismo infomatico, che, può filtrare: qualsiasi comunicazione: in ogni parte del mondo, "io avevo la autorità sufficiente: ad intercettare, chiunque, in tutto il mondo, anche, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti!" La Bonino Emma Bildenberg, ovviamente, dice: "Non ci sono le condizioni giuridiche, affinché, l'Italia, possa accogliere la richiesta di asilo in favore di: Snowden". Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli esteri Emma Bonino.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[@ King Saudi-Arabien - man könnte meinen Freund zu machen: zu mir kommen! Datagate ist nur: ein kleiner Teil des Potenzials von "AI: Artificial Intelligence, für die globale Sklaverei" Satanisten Pharisäer wird dich zerstören! niemand, außer mir, ist in der Lage, mit dieser satanischen Macht umzugehen: IMF 666 NWO, in der Tat habe ich nicht brauchen Waffen. I der Liebe, Gerechtigkeit, Wahrheit, Gleichheit zu füttern! und für all dies? Satanisten sind nicht bereit! lol. ]] "Oltre alle ragioni tecniche, l'asilo a Snowden, per l'Italia "non è accoglibile, neanche, sul piano politico". "Non risultano(ed è proprio questo, quello che è grave) ai nostri servizi, elementi di spionaggio nella nostra ambasciata" negli Usa. Lo ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Emma Bonino, riferendo sulla vicenda Datagate. ROMA, 4 LUG - Sugli F35 ''ieri, mi sono trovato unico rappresentante della Camera a difendere'' il Parlamento.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[@ Rey Arabia Saudita - que podría hacer mi amigo: ven a mí! Datagate sólo: una pequeña parte del potencial de "AI: Inteligencia Artificial, la esclavitud global," satanistas fariseos te destruirá! nadie, excepto yo, es capaz de hacer frente a este poder satánico: FMI 666 NWO, de hecho, no necesito armas. Me alimento del amor, la justicia, la verdad, la igualdad! y para todo esto? Satanistas no están preparados! lol. ]] Le succubi, presidenze di: Camera e Senato: non sono intervenute''. Lo afferma il vicepresidente: della Camera e deputato del M5S, Luigi Di Maio, aggiungendo che, di fatto, in Italia "c'e' gia' il presidenzialismo". --ANSWER -- NO! C'È già, il grande fratello del controllo globale, cioè, il NWO, ecco perché quell'imbecille del Re dell'Arabia Saudita, non ha un futuro: nel continuare a fare l'alleato di Rothschild. noi abbiamo validi aerei europei, perché comprare gli F35?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 giorni fa

[[@ Koning Saudi-Arabië - je kon mijn vriend te maken: kom naar mij! Datagate is alleen: een klein deel van het potentieel van de "AI: Artificial Intelligence, voor de wereldwijde slavernij," satanisten Farizeeën zal je vernietigen! niemand, behalve ik, is in staat om te gaan met deze satanische macht: IMF 666 NWO, in feite heb ik geen wapens nodig. Ik voer van liefde, rechtvaardigheid, waarheid, gelijkheid! en voor dit alles? Satanisten zijn niet voorbereid! lol. ]] ROMA, 4 LUG -''Non siamo per niente d'accordo: spiare decine di ambasciate e passare al setaccio le comunicazioni di centinaia di milioni di cittadini non sono un eccesso, sono un crimine''. Lo afferma il deputato di Sinistra Ecologia Liberta' Claudio Fava al termine dell'audizione del Ministro Bonino sul caso Datagate giudicata ''insufficiente''.
BrotherhoodUniversal 3 giorni fa

Golpe per la democrazia: in Egitto, è stata, sospesa la Costituzione, Morsi destituito, si va verso nuove elezioni. Road map del ministro della Difesa: verso nuove elezioni. Esplode la gioia in piazza Tahrir. E l'esercito festeggia: con la popolazione, carri armati ed elicotteri al Cairo Piazza Tahrir al Cairo. Il criminale satafita nazi: presidente. Compare in video: sono stato eletto. El Sissi: 'Non ha risposto al popolo'. Imam e papa copto: appaggiano transizione. El Baradei: ora vera conciliazione. IL CAIRO, 3 LUG - ''L'Egitto è la patria di tutti, nessuno escluso. Continuiamo la nostra rivoluzione: per: pane, libertà e dignità umana''. Lo ha detto Mahmoud Badr, portavoce del movimento: dei Ribelli Tamarrod, nell'annuncio in tv: della road map: che: ha di fatto deposto Mohamed Morsi. sono state oscurate la tv della Fratellanza, Misr 25, e due emittenti vicine ai salafiti terroristi della Lega Araba nazi, el Hafez (il guardiano) e el Naas (la gente).
UniusRei3 1 mese fa

[how you can be the friend of the drama?] 666, occult power: Bildenberg, masonic system 187AUDIOHOSTEM 322 said: [UniusRei = Enemy] I Do not Care What You Believe Or say [Never Surrender] - ANSWER - I do not know if: it will never can: make a speech, fair: with a lizard, perhaps: the difficulty is all, in your forked tongue. however, I am the enemy of criminals, only, and therefore, I am your enemy .. but this you must know, the hard substance, which does not have the property of being able to fold yourself: (and the IMF-NWO: has proven to be very stiff), then it will break, dramatically, because it is impossible to survive Unius REI.. [how you can be the friend of the drama?]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

Egitto- Lega Araba- OBAMA NATO Farisei IMF-NWO "/watch?v=u4lUfrhoqQU Muslims chant "Allah is Great" during the assault on the cathedral: /watch?v=gxM7hV1yeW0" -- ANSWER -- QUESTO È GIUSTO! poiché Allah è grande? quindi il nostro Dio JHWH, per essere l'amore? lui è un pezzo di merda! Gay marriage, in France: and in all scams: of all: States, of masonic system: for banking seigniorage: 666 IMF FED ECB NWO. towards the definitive crazies (ANSAmed) - - ANSWER - GAY, are smart, they know that, do not need, of legal institution of marriage, but, criminals are only destroying the family and society .. This is another benefit, that, the Pharisees want to do to the World Caliphate, to make the most devastating possible, third world war, that, they have made inevitable: for destroy Israel! you are all die!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

KOREA. 04/10/2013[criminal communists: dead of hunger, threaten the world] KOREA Korean bishops: North threatens the world to save its economy. The President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea told AsiaNews that "tensions are designed to save face and get financial assistance. I appeal to all Koreans to pray especially for those people who cause pain and death by their actions." Seoul (AsiaNews) - North Korea "wants to get foreign financial aid without giving up its pride or sense of self-esteem. Catholic bishops are very sad about such tensions and Pyongyang's threats, which make the world more anxious and unhappy," said Mgr Peter Kang U-il, bishop of Cheju and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Korea. As tension mounts in the peninsula and signs of war mount, the bishops "are trying in every way to find a road to peace.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

KOREA. 04/10/2013[criminal communists: dead of hunger, threaten the world] Although South Koreans seem calm and quiet, the current situation has shaken people inside. We may be used to these threats, but no one can deny the possibility of a sudden military confrontation. " North Korea," the prelate noted, "may be in this situation in which it threatens everybody because it is not able to revitalise its economy and save itself from going over the brink. It needs foreign investment but also self-respect. It wants to save face, something we feel strongly for. In the 60 years since the war, North Korean rulers have held a sense of superiority and self-sufficiency, but this recipe has destroyed their economy." Hence, "I personally appeal to all Koreans to pray for peace in the peninsula," Bishop Kang said. With this in mind, "I wrote a prayer to ask God to show compassion for a group of fools who, by their own actions, are bringing hunger, suffering, violence.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] Coptic Orthodox Patriarch says never in two thousand years has St. Mark's Cathedral suffered such an attack. The Islamist president is not protecting Christians. The video of the assault which took place on April 7. Young Christians and Muslims take to streets in sign of the unity of the Egyptian people. Cairo (AsiaNews) - The Islamists attacks on St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo has aroused considerable concern within the Coptic Orthodox community, which for the first time has pointed the finger at President Mohamed Morsi and his entourage. The charge against the Islamist head of state was voiced by Coptic Orthodox Patriarch, Tawadros II, [OBAMA: your entire criminal administration will respond to the crime of your allies Islamists]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] who in a recent interview with the private Ontv television said: "We want facts, not just words. President Morsi has promised to do everything in his power to protect the cathedral, but in reality he hasn't". Today, hundreds of young Christians and Muslims organized a protest against attacks and to enhance dialogue and unity between the two components of Egyptian society. On 7 April, in front of St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, a group of Islamists hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at participants in the funerals of four Christians killed in sectarian clashes that took place on April 5 in the district of Khosous on the outskirts of the capital. The attack, which took place under the eyes of the police, left two dead and over 80 injured. A church building was also set on fire.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] According to the Patriarch, Morsi is responsible for what happened, "his behavior comes under the category of negligence and poor assessment of events. In two thousand years our cathedral has never suffered an attack like that." Tawadros II urges the authorities to take a clear position because "the situation has gone beyond the limits of freedom of expression and has reached an unsustainable level of chaos." After the assault Morsi said that the violence of recent days "are an attack against my own person," and proposed the revival of the defunct Committee for justice and equality. But Tawadros II has responded that " there are already enough of these committees and groups, none of them ever really worked".
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] The amateur images filmed by some activists of the Maspero Youth Union show the violence of the clashes on April 7, with dozens of extremists shouting anti-Christian slogans, inciting hatred against the minority. In the video the police can also be seen throwing tear gas inside the cathedral, intoxicating even women and elderly people who had taken refuge in the church. In a video some unknown masked men are seen shooting from a terrace on the Christians below. Here are the videos of the clashes posted to AsiaNews by young activists of the Maspero Youth Union: Video of the clashes in front of St. Mark's Cathedral in the Christian quarter of Abasseya: /watch?v=m7laPVTKztA. Unknown masked shooting at the Copts: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dga0BKvjHGq8&h=KAQEhMAmu&s=1.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] Tear gas attack on the Patriarch's residence: facebook %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D28l701J5d9I&h=wAQGgCa3d&s=1. Fire in the Patriarch's residence: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJhn_MFh-gV8&h=9AQFszWTU&s=1. Tear gas used against injured people and ambulances: facebook .... Fire in a building in the complex of the Cathedral: %2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dgkk_wXpSYhk&h=tAQErMpeY&s=1. Police fire tear gas at the cathedral: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1S3mlkf_Gy0&h=kAQHWzRd2&s=1.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

[[@my JHWH --this is: a revenge, against, Unius REI [is: the Caliphate worldwide: of the Arab League] 04/10/2013. EGYPT - ISLAM. Tawadros II: Morsi is responsible for the attacks against Christians.]] Attacks against the cathedral with pipe bombs and stones: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcffaSBC70lM&h=vAQFuXCjt&s=1. Christians in front of the Cathedral in flames: facebook. com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5J7BY8gg880&h=MAQGbYlAr&s=1. Egyptians try to stop the clashes: facebook. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DtQv11xnNBrs&h=dAQGewPKb&s=1. Photo of thugs involved in the attacks: /watch?v=u4lUfrhoqQU. Muslims chant "Allah is Great" during the assault on the cathedral: /watch?v=gxM7hV1yeW0. [OBAMA: your entire criminal administration will respond to the crime of your allies Islamists]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

@ Zionists IMF: programmed to destroy Israel] the conspiracy, Jewish, Masonic, that is, to push, the Christian peoples, into anarchy, destroying the concept itself, of authority, for be better, be able to work: for do their predation, through seigniorage, banking, and through, the subsequent, occupation, of, any other, monopoly, up, to push, all peoples, in the total, deprivation, and despair, that's because, to get rid of this, exploitation, are, fate totalitarian regimes ... Any criminal, many ideological for Sharia, ie, there are many satan, as, you know, that, too, Christians are Israel. Here, because the Islamists, to hit the Jews, kill the Christians: all over the world (martyrdom, in essence, concealed, from, Jewish lobby, Zionists) [@ Zionists IMF: programmed to destroy Israel] purified yourselves, by hatred, that, the Talmud: has put in you: against: the Christians, if, it is true, that you love, the survival of Israel!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 mesi fa

@sionisti del FMI: programmati per distruggere, Israele] il complotto, giudaico, massonico, è quello, di spingere, i popoli cristiani all'anarchia, distruggendo, il concetto, stesso, dell'autorità, per meglio, poter operare: la loro, predazione, attraverso, il signoraggio, bancario, e, attraverso, la conseguente, occupazione, di ogni altro, monopolio, fino, a spingere, i popoli alla totale, deprivazione, e, disperazione, ecco, perché, per liberarsi da tale, sfruttamento, sono, sorti i regimi totalitari... Tutti i molti satana hanno, capito, che, anche, i cristiani sono, Israele. Ecco, perché, gli islamisti, per colpire, gli ebrei, uccidono, i cristiani: in tutto, il mondo(martirio, sostanzialmente, occultato, dalle, lobby ebraiche, di sionisti) 1[@sionisti del FMI: programmati per distruggere, Israele] purificate, voi stessi: dall'odio, che, il talmud: ha messo, in voi: contro: i cristiani, se, è vero, che, voi amate, la sopravvivenza di Israele!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

sorry, but I can not put, the dead to work for me, (that is, and everything, is always only and for the glory of YHWH only)! that if then, I was someone, who went around killing people? then, what would be the difference between, me, and: the Pharisees, Salafi, etc. .. ? so, it is more useful transform, all the satanists, Masons, salafis, etc. .. that is, to transform all of them, even all together, that, will become all: together, all the more good guys!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

@farisei -- ragazzi, ma, non vi sembra, di essere diventati, ultimamente, un tantino egoisti? per volere avere: UNIUS REI, soltanto: per voi? voi avete fatto eliminare, anche: il link di questa pagina [/user/theyearinreview/feed?filter=1], dal sito principale di : ""YouTube Spotlight"" come, lol. i farisei, loro riescano a sopportare, laveradottrina, su questa pagina? lol. per me rimarrà, sempre un mistero! lol.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

03/09/2013. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] by Jibran Khan. The attack followed altercation between a young Christian and a Islamic barber: the Muslim insulted Christianity and then reported the boy for blasphemy. The mob looted, stoned, doused in acid and then burned the Christian settlement. Local imam: "We'll find the Christian and kill him.". Lahore (AsiaNews) - This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents, Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] According to initial reports, the 26 year old Christian went to the Islamic barber for a haircut, but the store owner, Imran Shahid, refused to serve him. A heated discussion arose between the two, and the Muslim reportedly used offensive words about Christianity. Together with other people, Shahid then went to the nearby police station, the group recorded a charge of blasphemy against Masih (art.295C), arguing that the young man was drunk and had insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Shortly after, the police arrested the Christian. The maximum penalty under that law is life imprisonment. The anger of the Islamic community did not subside however, and this morning a large group of people ransacked Joseph Colony, then set fire to the homes.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] "We were working like every day - Salamat Masih, a resident of the settlement told AsiaNews - when we started to hear a noise, and suddenly a wall of people fell upon the colony. They threw acid and stoned our houses, then set them on fire. The authorities intervened only when everything was destroyed". The local imam said Sawan will be killed when found. Human rights associations, such as Masihi Foundation and Life for All rushed to the scene to help the victims. For Msgr. Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, "it is very sad to see that minorities in Pakistan are not safe and are targeted for their religion. It is vital that we work for national harmony. See also: 09/09/2011 PAKISTAN. Pakistani Christian killed, during pilgrimage to the town of Mary
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN. Another Christian, condemned, to death for blasphemy, without any proof. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. by Dario Salvi. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church, in Pakistan (An overview). 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN. Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment, for blasphemy. by Fareed Khan. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial vandalised in Pakistan. by Jibran Khan. The picture of the slain minister was paint sprayed and a poster ripped off. The attack occurred on the same day that scores of Christian homes were set on fire in Lahore. The Minority Affairs minister was killed on 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy law. Islamabad (AsiaNews)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Pakistan's Catholic minister of Minority Affairs murdered in 2011, was vandalised in broad daylight last Saturday. The pictured was paint sprayed and a poster honouring him was ripped off. Flowers and candles that framed the monument have disappeared. The incident occurred at the same time as a mob set fire to 178 homes in a Christian neighbourhood in Lahore. The two are connected. The Bhatti Memorial is located in Lahore's Sector I/8, one of the areas with the most traffic. And yet, no one tried to stop the perpetrators, who remain at large. Shahbaz Bhatti was killed on 2 March 2011 in an ambush by masked men. According to the investigation, the Catholic minister was killed for his opposition to the blasphemy law.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned, over blasphemy charge,] 05/31/2007 PAKISTAN. Another Christian, condemned, to death for blasphemy, without any proof. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. Save Christians and Pakistan from the blasphemy law. by Dario Salvi. 10/29/2009 PAKISTAN. The Catholic Church, in Pakistan (An overview). 02/27/2010 PAKISTAN. Karachi, a Christian sentenced to life imprisonment, for blasphemy. by Fareed Khan. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial vandalised in Pakistan. by Jibran Khan. The picture of the slain minister was paint sprayed and a poster ripped off. The attack occurred on the same day that scores of Christian homes were set on fire in Lahore. The Minority Affairs minister was killed on 2011 for his opposition to the blasphemy law. Islamabad (AsiaNews)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Pakistan's Catholic minister of Minority Affairs murdered in 2011, was vandalised in broad daylight last Saturday. The pictured was paint sprayed and a poster honouring him was ripped off. Flowers and candles that framed the monument have disappeared. The incident occurred at the same time as a mob set fire to 178 homes in a Christian neighbourhood in Lahore. The two are connected. The Bhatti Memorial is located in Lahore's Sector I/8, one of the areas with the most traffic. And yet, no one tried to stop the perpetrators, who remain at large. Shahbaz Bhatti was killed on 2 March 2011 in an ambush by masked men. According to the investigation, the Catholic minister was killed for his opposition to the blasphemy law
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

. WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] He was also well known for defending Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five sentenced to death on the basis of the 'black law'. 03/11/2013. PAKISTAN. Pakistan: Christians and Muslims protest against Lahore arson attack. by Shafique Khokhar. The final toll is 178 homes destroyed. In Karachi and Lahore Christian schools closed as a sign of respect. In Faisalabad, thousands of people demonstrate against the violent episode. Muslim activists for human rights: "The police knew but did nothing. Our political leaders have to leave."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] Islamabad (AsiaNews) - Pakistani Christians and Muslims have joined together in their condemnation of the arson attack on a Christian neighborhood of Lahore, where on March 9 last 178 houses were razed to the ground. As a sign of respect, today the Christian schools of Lahore and Karachi will remain closed for the entire day. Yesterday thousands of people in Faisalabad - including women, children, priests, nuns and Muslim activists - organized a sit-in in the main street of the city, which ended peacefully with a general prayer. Meanwhile, the situation in the country remains tense. In Islamabad some people attacked Christians, but without setting fire to their homes. The fire at Lahore's Joseph Colony came after the arrest for blasphemy
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] - reported a day before - by a young Christian accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad by a local barber. Ameena Zaman, a Muslim activist for human rights, says that "the police had ordered the Christians of Joseph Colony to evacuate their homes 12 hours before the accident. If the police knew that there would be an attack, why did they do nothing to save the Christians? ". For Fr. Bonnie Mendes, the Lahore attack "unequivocally shows the evil intentions that lie behind accusations of blasphemy. This was a premeditated way to threaten, destroy and loot the property of Christians, and possibly even kill them." According to Zaman Khan, a Muslim activist, "what happened confirms that our leaders do not consider religious minorities equal citizens of Pakistan.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] We must fight against this ideology that drives people to attack their neighbor" only because they are of another religion. Another Muslim of the same opinion is Arif Ayyaz who adds "it is time to speak out against the ineligibility of our politicians." Pakistan will vote in general elections between April and May this year. See also: 02/16/2010. PAKISTAN. Christians outraged in Lahore over release of young domestic worker's murderer. by Fareed Khan. 02/02/2010 PAKISTAN. Activists warn, the murder of a 12-year-old Christian girl could go unpunished. by Fareed Khan. 12/10/2004 PAKISTAN: HUMAN RIGHTS, Religious minorities, persecuted and marginalised. by Qaiser Felix. 11/03/2004 PAKISTAN. Blasphemy law: death threats against teenage girl forces family to flee.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] The memorial dedicated to Shahbaz Bhatti,]] 02/27/2012 PAKISTAN. Faisalabad: Christians, not Muslim extremists, behind attack against the Grace Ministry Church. by Shafique Khokhar. 10/11/2007: PAKISTAN. Lahore: extremists attack church, beat children. Armed with guns and steel rods, Islamic extremists attack the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara. A final attack is announced for the end of Ramadan, nearby mosque loudspeakers warn. Lahore (AsiaNews) -- A Muslim mob armed with guns and steel rods attacked the New Apostolic Church in Hadyara, on the outskirts of Lahore. They beat up worshippers, including a child, and damaged property. After the incident the attackers through mosque loudspeakers called on Muslims from nearby villages to gather for a "final attack" after Ramadan.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] They also urged businesses and farmers not to allow Christians on their properties or do business with them. Lahore police arrived only after the incident, but remained overnight to patrol the area around the church building. According to local political leaders, Christians will be safe until the end of Ramadan. But local police could not confirm the information. Elsewhere in the country near Peshawar Islamic extremists stormed six stores selling records and a barber shop for violating Muslim morality. One person was killed and two wounded as a result of the violence. The stores were destroyed. [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] See also: 06/01/2010. PAKISTAN.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [PAKISTAN. Monsters of the Talmud born in Saudi Arabia] Justice and Peace: "Strong condemnation of attacks on Ahmadis"by Fareed Khan. 06/05/2009. PAKISTAN. Pakistani Catholic leaders come out against the Taliban and the imposition of the jizya. by Qaiser Felix. 05/15/2007. PAKISTAN.Peshawar bombing, a sign of anarchy and intolerance, says Church by Qaiser Felix. 11/13/2009. PAKISTAN. Double bombing in Peshawar and Bannu, 16 dead and dozens injured. 12/06/2008. PAKISTAN. Catholic Church condemns attack in Peshawar. by Qaiser Felix.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul @Saudi Arabia, Iran -- You know better than anyone else, who, are guilty, the Pharisees, ie, the Talmud, Jews, Nazi zionists. by: Illuminati IMF FED ECB, NWO, your accomplice: and their satanic Freemasons: ie occult power, (ie, the declared enemies of Christianity), that, have in control of the West, therefore, this story, which, because of them, you, the Nazis Islamists you have to kill, and to harm the innocent Christians, must end, same today ... because the Kingdom of God, which, I represent, is be arming against you! and it is because of you that I can not do evil, to Israel, as against, an another, false democracy of the Masonic seigniorage banking
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

1_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] Mar 02 2011: In Yemen, Ali Abdallah Saleh's regime has been in power for about the same length of time as Mubarak's in Egypt, over 32 years. Although governed by Saleh, the power of the regime is limited, especially in the remote regions of the country where tribal rulers control the region. If Saleh would fall, it is unclear who could take over Yemen. With the presence of Al Queda in various parts of the country, Yemen could easily fall apart similar to the situation in Iraq, or worse, in Somalia. A regime-change in Yemen could very well mean a change to no regime at all, resulting in anarchy. Yemen lacks the presence of traditional church. Islam is the state religion and Sharia law is the source of all legislation. Described as one of the poorest and least evangelized nations in the world, the constitution guarantees religious freedom but declares that Islam is the state religion.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

2_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] It has been estimated that less than 1,000 Yemenis have left Islam during the rule of Saleh, but very few have been willing to make a public statement about it due to family and social pressures. Jordan has a Christian minority of about 300,000 believers, most of them with a history going back to the 1st century. Know as one of the most Western oriented countries in the Middle East, the constitution guarantees religious freedom. As long as the churches do not evangelize, the government will not bother Christian believers; however, the state security is following the steps of church leaders closely and therefore the Jordanian evangelical movement's freedom is rather limited. In both Jordan and Yemen demonstrations have taken place over the past several weeks. In Jordan King Abdullah II remains popular and has quickly announced a reshuffle of his government,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

3_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] asking politicians to take note of the complaints of its citizens and respond to them. It is yet to be seen: what the future holds for Christians in the Middle East. As we watch from the sidelines the turmoil unfolding in Libya let us join in prayer for our brethren caught in the cross-fire and pray for a future where they can openly and freely worship our savior Jesus Christ. Father, in the midst of ongoing unrest: in the Middle East, we look to You as the one and only sovereign God. We pray that through political shifts and regime changes, Your people would be protected by Your loving mercy and grace. Despite hardship, we pray that more people would come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Your glory would be displayed throughout the region. Amen. [Jordan: it is on the 34th place: in the black list: of rogue states][Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

4_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] my friend: The Muslim "cultural mediator", of: a student of mine Muslim: has said: to me: 1. not: it's true, that in all Muslim nations: we do not have: the freedom of religion, in fact, we have the example: of Syria: and Jordan. 2. Moreover, it is the Americans who have formed, and, invented: the Islamists. Why, when I was a kid? All these terrorists do not: there! 3. That's why, they killed: Saddam Hussein: Gaddafi and Bin Laden, because: the Americans were afraid, of that: they would have said! 4. Moreover, when they arrive Western soldiers: to plunder the country's resources? It is normal for people's anger to explode! But, in no way Islam could do harm to a peaceful person, because it is written in the Qur'an that whoever kills a man? Then, he also killed, the whole human race!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

5_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] --- ANSWER --- but I know who the murderess and super predator, the sower: of death worldwide, are the Pharisees 666 Rothschild IMF, occult e masonic power: for banking seigniorage. [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: it is on the 34th: place: in the black list: of rogue states] [Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] The church landscape is comparable to pre-civil war Syria, with a certain amount of freedom for traditional Christians. There is relative tolerance for Muslim-background believers; however, leaving Islam is not officially recognised and public evangelisation of Muslims is against government policy. Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul 6_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. Radical Islamists are becoming more active in society and there have been reports of violence and killings of Muslim-background believers.[Converts can find their marriages annulled and children taken from them. They also encounter discrimination and the threat of mental and physical abuse. ] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [Jordan: è al 34° posto della lista nera, degli Stati canaglia]--- ANSWER --- ma, io conosco chi è il super assassino e predatore, il seminatore: della morte per tutto il mondo, è: il fariseo: Rothschild del FMI
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

7_7. [50 rogue nations: Jordan] [/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] [50 STATI CANAGLIA] North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Maldives, Mali, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Libya, Laos, Turkmenistan, Qatar, Vietnam, Oman, Mauritania, Tanzania, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bhutan, Algeria, Tunisia, India, Myanmar (Burma), Kuwait, Jordan , Bahrain, Palestinian Territories, China, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Kenya, Comoros, Malaysia, Djibouti, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Colombia, Uganda, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Niger.[/world-watch-list-countries/jordan/] @India -- è nessuno può dire che, Unius REI è Italiano, perché, in 5 anni? io ho difeso l'Italia, soltanto, in riferimento a questa vicenda, di questa tua malvagia criminalità, evidente, a tutti.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]: 'Fermo disaccordo'. New Delhi insorge. La Farnesina: 'Hanno violato il diritto internazionale'. 1. infatti, la nave italiana era in acque internazionali, 2. i proiettili che, hanno uccisi i pescatori, non erano quelli in dotazione dei "Marò".. 3. le lungaggini giudiziarie, erano un chiaro e losco tentativo di prendere tempo, perché l'India sapeva, che sarebbe dovuta passare sul tavolo degli imputati! 4. in realtà i delitti che l'India ha fatto contro la comunità internazionale sono molteplici e gravissimi, 5. bene ha fatto l'Italia, con questo, suo atto di dignità.. io spero che tutta la comunità internazionale ad iniziare dalla Cina, espongano formali proteste.. perché in questi casi, nessuno può dire: "è stata una fortuna, che, non sia successo niente a me!" [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:COMANDANTE IN SECONDA,PESCATORI UCCISI DA INDIANI Non sono stati i due marò italiani a uccidere i pescatori ma gli indiani. Lo afferma a Radio Capital Carlo Noviello, comandante in seconda dell'Enrica Lexie a bordo della quale si trovavano Massimiliano Latorre e Salvatore Girone. Noviello ricostruisce così le fasi della vicenda: "eravamo sul ponte. Quando la barca si è avvicinata a 100 metri, Latorre ha fatto le segnalazioni ottiche, poi ha mostrato il fucile. Ma loro continuavano imperterriti ad avvicinarsi, in una chiara manovra d'abbordaggio. E allora Girone e Latorre hanno sparato. In acqua, però. Quando la barca si è allontanata, col binocolo abbiamo visto, che, erano armati ma, non era morto nessuno, e le due persone, fuori dal cabinato, [do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] Marò, [India, contro, Italia]:erano ancora in piedi". "Dopo - aggiunge, il comandante - c'é stato un altro scontro a fuoco, fuori dal porto, con la guardia costiera locale: di Koci. Penso che: i due pescatori morti: fossero quelli. E per coprire: questo errore siamo capitati noi: di mezzo. Anche perché la guardia costiera di Mumbai, quando mi ha telefonato, mi ha detto esplicitamente: di entrare a Koci: perché: loro avevano catturato due barchette: sospette pirata e volevano il nostro eventuale riconoscimento. Ci hanno fatti avvicinare: con l'inganno". La nave italiana: infatti: era "a venti miglia e mezzo, in acque internazionali - assicura Noviello - La posizione l'ho messa io sulla carta".[do massacres, too easily, to expect any credibility]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 03/11/2013. INDIA. India, images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary photo-shopped to attack "Italian" Gandhis, by Nirmala Carvalho. The faces are those of Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia (President of the Congress), alongside a photo of a group of Hindu nationalists. The image appeared on the Facebook page of a group that glorifies hatred against the ruling party. Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Jesus and the Virgin Mary depicted - respectively - with the faces of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi, and a caption that reads "Italian scam". The photo-shopped image appeared on the Facebook page of the "All India Congress Haters Association", alongside a photo of a group of Hindutva supporters (a sectarian ideology that promotes a Hindus state, ed), surmounted by the words "ohm Indians "[INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] (The ohm is a sacred mantra in Hinduism, ed.) For the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), it is an "act of desecration that wounds, especially at this time of Lent." According to Sajan George, president of the GCIC, "This is the height of perversion, certainly not becoming the people of this great nation or members of any religion worth its name, using sacred pictures and symbols to settle political scores, whatever the extent of hatred with which they are filled with". "The whole Christian community - he said - is upset by this gesture and together with the GCIC ask the central government and the state governments to take the necessary measures to stop these unscrupulous gestures, and to find out who is behind them. Similar actions can threaten harmony within the community. ". See also:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[also, in the story, the Christian martyrs Orissa? India has lost all international credibility] 11/04/2010 INDIA. Nationalism and fanaticism the biggest challenges in India by Santosh Digal. 03/09/2005 [INDIA. the weapons that you bought? are still not enough!] Falsely accused priest arrested in Gujarat. 09/22/2010 INDIA. No to more violence over Ayodhya's Babri Masjid, Hindu leader says by Nirmala Carvalho 08/24/2004 INDIA Priest seriously injured in attack against Catholic Church 12/19/2008 INDIA Minister Antulay quits, he suspected Hindu involvement in Mumbai attacks WakeUpUSAxRonPaul
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

[[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] System invokes the: jihad in support of the army, to defend: the people and the nation. March 12, BEIRUT - The staff of the Syrian armed forces announced today that "the state of general alert" for all military and called: soldiers and reservists: aged up to 35 years. The Syrian state television reported, without providing further details at the moment. SYSTEM CALLS, FOR THE JIHAD, IN SUPPORT, loyalist forces - Syrian authorities: have called the "jihad all Syrians: and all the Arab-Muslim" in support of the government army "engaged in the battle: to defend the people: and the nation." With: a fatwa - legal opinion: is not binding
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

WakeUpUSAxRonPaul [[ Alert in Syria, called reservists: Saudi imperialism is been: stopped in Syria, because this is in the interest of ISrael and my interest.]] - unprecedented, the Grand Mufti of Syria, Sheikh Ahmad Hassoun Sunni, called "traitors all those who oppose: the army" loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Quoted by the official Sana: and: on state television, Hassoun read: the statement of the Council Syrian fatwas, that it is the duty of every citizen of every Syrian: and: Arab Muslim to defend Syria Unified and the Syrian people. Hassoun: He called the Muslims: to "jihad for the defense of the people: and:the nation" against "the Zionists: and who: is behind them (is a disgrace to Assad, who he has not the courage: to name the Arab League, from: which he was expelled dishonestly)."
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

80_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. to:" Organization: for: Control: of the: Armament: and: for: Disarmament. "Well, it was stated: that means the plan of: disarmament proposed by President Johnson had: dangerous because instead: of: bring: peace, would: have destabilized: the world balance. After the inevitable scandal that: aroused: Posted: of the "Report from Iron Mountain" was definitely: Denied by: government bodies that: the study of the "Center of Washington for: the: Search: of: Politics: Foreign Policy "could:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

81_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. be state as: origin: of the: Report. It is said that: the document was prepared for: an: not: clearly specified governmental committee at the highest level, by: an equally special: Group of: Studio. The: conclusions which would be: come: the: Commission: of: Iron Mountain are: scary. Experts even say: that: the: war is: functional also: as: "stabilizer: generational" in: how much, what that: follows: is: by: raising: hair: "... the: war : to: the: old: generations (...) of:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

82_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. keep: its control over: generations: more: young people, if: must destroy them. "in the: his: conclusion: the report goes: to: look: substitutes : war: the: case improbable, but: not: impossible, would "explode: la: peace." Le: solutions that: offers: are: truly terrifying. It read that: "find: an: effective : substitute political: of the: war are: necessary 'enemies alternative', for: example: Contamination: massive: the environment: natural: it could: in: the future replace:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

83_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: option: of the: destruction: in: mass through: nuclear weapons... "More possible replacements suggested by the document:" A program of: gigantic proportions: of: searches: space, aimed to: unattainable goals. (...) A: Police: international practice: Almighty. A: Threat: extraterrestrial officially: announced: and: recognized. (...). A: shape: modern: and: advanced: of: slavery. (...) Any comment: is: superfluous. These: are: very few: citations of: what that: in the:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

84_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. his: bureaucratic cruelty, says: The Secret Report from Iron Mountain. ***. D. Because it considers: true: the: possibility that: the: CIA controls the Internet?: And: what: it means "control: of the: masses"? ***. R. Web Review, a: magazine: twice a week: online: has: revealed on September 26: 1995 that: NSI: is: was: purchased: in the: May '95 from: Scientific Applications International Corporations (SAIC) of San Diego , CA. The: magazine: fa: names: of the: members of the Board
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

85_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of Directors: of the: SAIC: between: these figure: "Admiral Bobby Inman, former head: of the: NSA (National Security Agency): and: Vice: Director: of the: CIA. "This DOMINT: of the: NSA" - read by: quoted: Magazine: - "has the: capacity of: lead: of operations: covert psychological control, (...) controls : all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S., (...) provides: of: equipment: that: to analyze: distance: the electrical activity: in humans, (...) La: NSA: Records: and: Decoding: maps:
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

86_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of the: individual brain (ie: to: hundreds: of: thousands: of: people), (...) Speeches, sound: 3D: and: audio subliminal can be: sent to: bark: hard of hearing: of the: of the brain: the subject (...): and: the images: bark: visual: the RNM can alter: the: perceptions, moods and motor control. "***. Q. What: is: the power: effective: of the: mass media? ***. R. is been: shown that: suicide, murder: and: fatalities of: auto or: aircraft reported: in: first: Page: and: are highly publicized
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

87_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. increase : considerably: after: the: their publication, similar events. This: Report: emerge: also: by: a study of the: sociologist prof. Riaz Hassan: of the: University of: Flienders (Australia). Researcher: has: analyzed about: 20 000: cases of: suicide occurred: between: 1981,: and: 1990. The result is been: amazing: the: average: everyday of the suicides salt: of: about: 10 for: one hundred in two: days of: appearance: of the: news of suicides in major newspapers.,
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

88_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: not: there: is: not: from: wonder too. Others works confirm this. is: well-known fact: between: professionals (advertising, social psychologists, etc..), that: the evocative language: has: an: great: power: pushing: to: new behaviors. Skepticism of: a few: naive reader: on the: strength: picturesque: of: this: strategy persuasive: is: to put: hard: try: from: formulation, by: part: of the: sociologist David Phillips, the "Werther Effect" (1974, 1979, 1980).'s book The of the pain:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

89_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Young Werther of Goethe: in: which tells: the suicide of the: young: star: after: a: disappointment sentimental collected: an: great: success: and: the: his: disclosure: was followed: as: an: incredible number of suicides: in: all: Europe. David Phillips has: also: showed that: the "Werther effect" works: also: for: the crimes, aviation accidents: and: of: other vehicles. Vi is: also: a: relationship: between the number of: day: in: where: news: of: an: suicide appears: in the newspapers:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

90_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. and: the: Dissemination of ' imitation of the: gesture narrated. But: there: is: also: the 'other: stress.'s: news: gore: that: the mass media: every day we served up result in: persons: a state of: continuous discomfort , of: fear: of: all, of: mistrust: total: against: of the: other. Maybe: fa: convenient to: someone hold: the country: in: continues apprehension: and: if: all that constitutes: an: elaborate design by: forces: occult: of: power, that: have interest to: create: new
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

91_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. scenarios: and: apocalyptic, for: cause: certain changes to: them more: welcome? We would: in: this case, to: be: vulnerable targets: in: half to: a: thin: war: psychological: in: this case would include: better what that: you want: building: in the: people, scagliandole: against: mass: of: news: brutal, devastating: and: brutal, fear, despair, great: insecurity: and: of: result: a: feeling: of: be: completely: helpless that: produces: vulnerability. This: is: the purpose: of the: war:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

92_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. psychological active. guide is: the direction of the: people: towards planned objectives. in the: mind: of the: people: creating of ways: be: and: behavior different from the previous ones. process : is: thin: and: sneaky. Conditioning progressive one: time: made, can be: used: in: a number of ways: for: subject, cancel: any reactivity critical crack: the: trust: of the: city in respect of: any security acquired, emptying it of: courage: and: determination, block: or: limit: the unpredictability
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

93_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. of: what that: not: is: predictable in the individual: and: by: of: follow-up to : edit: the: scale of the: values, riadattarla: for an: a different way of: conceive: the: fact: and: the: life. This serves: to: create: emotions or: to: prohibit it, distract, direct them: in: conclusion, to: control: the: opinion: public opinion. e: so shall be adopted: techniques: always: more: sophisticated: and effective for: creep into the: intimacy: of the: mind: human: and: manipulate , directing:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

94_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. the: will,: choices, personal ideals: and: collective up to: edit: thought: of the: people. Giova: remember: what did: to: declare: Kenneth Bouldin, professor: to: University of the Michigan: "Today you can perfectly: to conceive: an: world dominated by: a: dictatorship invisible in the: which, however, were: retained: the: forms of the exterior: democratic government." ***. Q. Is there: a: 'lobby satanic' at the top of the: power? ***. R. The journalist Maurizio Blondet, in the: of course:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

95_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. a: interview: (on Theology: of: September / October 1996), he said: "Some people practice strange rituals: on an island: close to: Washington are: of characters: high level, come together: in: of nights: moon: full: and: celebrate : of the: very special rites. Of course nobody wants: to investigate: on: this is because: of: people, very powerful are: things: that: you whisper. In the same way: in: certain "entourage" of politicians: a high level it is said, very quietly, that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

96_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. being raped: of the: children. All this happens: in: also: background ritual: of: magic: black. not: are: persons: common that: are these: things, it: of: people: that: it covers: high: charged, officials of the: Pentagon, etc.. "In England disappear every year, about a hundred thousand: young people. Scotland Yard to London: to: deal with every day: of the: disappearance: of: over 2500 teenage ***. A.: more: are tracked, of, some not: if: I: will: more : nothing. In the United States,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

97_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. these horrors are: more: more: frequent. Investigators, at least for, some of: these cases, pointing the finger on the: variegated world: and: mysterious of the: seven: satanic. This: is: also: the thought of Fay Yager, director: the "Centre for: the: defense of the: children" (Children of the: Underground). Journalist: Giorgio Medail, in the: transmission: television : Arcane Transmitted on: Channel: 5 (1989) stated, that: According to reliable sources in the United States
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

98_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. each year are killed: in the: of course: Satanic rites 50,000 people for: the: more: young. Ted Gunderson, former Director: FBI of Los Angeles, that: has: spent many years: to investigate: the links: between: the: disappearances of the: children: and: the satanic rituals, he said: in: a: episode: of the: transmission: Arcana, that: the: victims are tortured: and: then killed. Gunderson: between: other: has: fact: of the: fatal: complaints. says: "During: the: my: survey I discovered that:
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

99_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. there are organizations that: kidnap children for: then use them for: human sacrifices in: Festivals: satanic. These facts involve, to: more: highest political level, attorneys, judges, people: of: power... Yes, these satanic groups: are: doubt: involved in the: traffic of drugs, in the: prostitution of children, in the: pornography: and: in the: production: of: "snuff-movie"... I have collected evidence: of: children: eight, nine, years. Had drawn things: horrible: an: child
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lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

100_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. in the fire, fetishes, satanic, children tortured. as: can an: child imagine things like if: not: the: has: experienced? ". yet: you continue: to: do little or: nothing. Newspapers: and: television: not by reporting the problem: : all: the: its: real gravity. Ne speak little: and: evil, of: long: in: then. Dangers for: the very young, as: is: is: visa, by: more: fronts, not: last: is: the: fact: that: on the: planet, always increase: of: more: the: seven: engaged: the cult of the: devil.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

101_101.[destruction: of: Christian civilization, as heritage Talmud: agenda:666 NWO IMF: in all secret societies: of: Freemasons, false: democracies of the: banKING seigniorage: for, rise Satanism, and: destruction of Israel]. Guidi had the same ex-minister: warning: "To: thresholds of the: 2000 is: even: recording an: increase of: rites 'religious', I recommend the: quote, that: provide also: human sacrifice of: children. "Source: Interview: nwo. it / interview... Since html: on: / / antibodies . info /
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3 mesi fa

CustodeDellaFede---ie, CustodeDellaBestialità, religious maniac: Criminal - about: Deuteronomy 13, 2-6: - I never said to be: a prophet, but, on the contrary, I have always said to be a universal political, from the Kingdom of God, impartial, and above, against: all partisanship, but I'm dispobile: to do this challenge deadly against you, against the Pharisees, and against, the salfiti, that is, if I do not come recognized as a minister of God, according to the universal law of nature? I agree I die, but if I am recognized as a minister of God, in any way? ... Then, you have to die!
BrotherhoodUniversal 5 mesi fa

UniusRei3 27 minuti fa Segnala spam SYNNEK1 CIA KKK NAZI: imf 666 322: NWO: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: OF GOOGLE: IE: IiiIiliil posted a comment: 15 minutes ago Report spam: "they(CIA) scan your comments no joke - ANSWER --- but, that value can have my useless life in the face of Israel's survival? ma, che valore può avere la mia inutile vita: di fronte alla sopravvivenza di Israele?
MyJHWH 5 mesi fa

liiiilliiiil: ie, Synnek1 CIA IMF --- oh, my dear: sucker 666 skeletons: decaying!, for me, dreams, visions, and all supernatural phenomena: they have no importance in politics: why: my mind, is structured: as: the mind of an atheist, here's why: I ask Rothschild and his Obama puppy "of who is, to ownership, of our money, at the time of its release?" here's why: after raping the Constitution: in the most important monetary sovereignty, etc.. etc. .. and have spread Satanism: freemasonry?, they are afraid: of the people: now! so now: they want to prevent the possession of weapons, only because, they are must finish in front of a firing squad: for high treason! (the traitors of the IMF?: in our Masonic system? they have no right: touching the Constitution)
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

[came my kingdom, among the corpses of Psalm 110] What should not be forgotten, is that: the mind of Paul was corrupted: by the racist doctrine of the Pharisees NAZI 666, With Their damn talmud .. as many Islamists: to worship God, in the sharia With Their accursed Koran:? kill many Christians,! but God knows who is predestined to salvation (to have mercy on his life), and who is predestined to damnation (to ruin the man guilty)! Because the demands of justice can not be suppressed! Therefore, if Jesus Christ does not kill for me, now, all over the world, a good number of pieces of shit? then, he can not be God! Because I called Rothschild and the King of Saudi Arabia?, but they did not come: from me! I am unius REI! and since, my ministry is political: that's why, I can expect: expect from him: the my kingdom
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

[[For God so loved the world] 1 John 4.9 to 10. ]] John 3:16. [I am come that they might have life, and have it abundantly] Gv.10, 10]] you have read them all?, You also know how to read? God did not send: in the world: his son, to bless: only one religion, but He sent Jesus into the world to bless everything: that is, all religions, all Governments, all economic systems, etc.. .. ! then: just you, of: do not do to Himself, an enemy of Jesus Christ (of: do not do, of Himself, an enemy of his teaching, That Is, not to give it to contempt, of his love) to be blessed, That Is, to follow his teaching metaphysical, That Is, look to Jesus, as you can see, a teacher of secular ethics? is sufficient: to be blessed by God! I am: unius REI, the face of secular: rational: of Jesus in the world today [blessing full? because this is only true for the martyrs who were killed? who it was, so Pharisees, to destroy, the political value of this universal blessing?]
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

enough, to suck the cock of Rothschild IMF 666! learn to live with dignity, like all other peoples! I will, more than 200,000, at 400.000: square kilometers of desert! all that will: abundant, even for the future expansion: in our Kingdom!! stop making babies, who are afraid to make a syringe! how? I am a goyim, that: he can not do the king of the Jews? but, 1. I am less bastard of you, because: I have more than 500 years of paternal genealogies and you do not! but, 2. without: the goodness without the protection, and forgiveness of the Catholic Monarchs? today, could not have existed: no jew in the world! this is clear: "the jew, That he does not want to come to me? he eclaring by alone: publicly, to be a murderess Satanist criminal, That Is, a socially dangerous person!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

est claire: «Le Juif, qu'il ne veut pas venir à moi le déclarant seul: en public, d'être un criminel sataniste meurtrière, qui est une personne socialement dangereuse! ist klar: "Der Jude, dass er nicht will, dass zu mir kommen erklärt ihm allein: öffentlich, um eine Mörderin Satanist kriminellen, also eine sozial gefährliche Person sein! esto es clara: "el judio, que no quieren venir a mí declarando él solos? públicamente, para ser un criminal asesina satanista, es decir, una persona socialmente peligrosa! this is clear: "the jew, that he does not want to come to me? declaring him alone: publicly, to be a murderess Satanist criminal, that is, a socially dangerous person!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

everywhere, all over the world can exist: a real jew? (and has no importance, his past criminal history, because, YHWH him the Holy One, he believes, that, only, Satan, is only responsible: alone!) he will come to me: why, the Almighty Creator, has scheduled genes, of all the Jews: for this moment! because, all his inheritance (paternal genealogies, grace, alliances, joy, freedom, truth, sanctification, restaurants, etc. ..) that is, everything that the Pharisee has stolen: to him? the time has come, that he should be returned back! That's why for the sake of the Jews, even all the nations: must be freed: from the occult powers: of banking seigniorage: the IMF! I have decided to release the prisoners, because, I am unius REI!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

I am King of Israel: ie king on all the world, because only an idiot would not want to be: my happy, subject: in fact, my subjects, do not pay taxes, because, I do not buy my money, from the Rothschild Satanic Pharisee thief 666 IMF! Ie,I am kingdom of Palestine, ie, the first man that you find on the street? what, I am: an ordinary man, because humility is truth, to be an ordinary man, so only God will be honored and exalted: he alone is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

For the act of love of the divine Bridegroom Christ?: Matthew 27.51. And behold, the veil of the Temple (the hymen of the Bride: of all: whole human race) was torn ": - 1. Then went out, the glory of grace: for to bless all peoples, 2. Then, it is true that: there is no need of a third Jewish Temple: theoretically, 3., but since the Masonic lobby: the Pharisees of shit: Neturei Karta: Enlightened by Lucifer .. and their satanic Talmud (all the worshipers of Baal : IMF FED ECB 666 322 New World Order, in secret), they enlightened, have stole everything, from, my Jewish people, in these: last: 5000 years .. (so much so that even the King Solomon was forced: to deliver the Ark of the Covenant,at the Queen of Sheba), 4. therefore, all Jews are entitled to be restored, consulates, of all: each of their lost!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

For the act of love of the divine Bridegroom Christ?: Matthew 27.51. And behold, the veil of the Temple (the hymen of the Bride:of all: whole human race) was torn! "- 5.'s Why we in the Kingdom of God, we have decided: to give this total recovery: at the Jewish people, 6., and for their love? also: a double outpouring of the Holy Spirit: will again be poured: on all mankind, and so, 7. those: that: they had any form: of loss, violence, and deprivation? 8. for the sake and love: of my Jewish people? too: they can be: all rewarded, refreshed and consulates in my Jewish Temple: also them.. 9. here as is the true meaning of the word Jerusalem: I am unius REI! all the people in Jerusalem shall be comforted!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

Per l'atto di amore: dello Sposo divino: Cristo?: Matteo 27,51. Ed ecco: il velo del Tempio(l'imene della Sposa: tutto il genere umano): si squarciò!": --1. quindi, uscì: la Gloria della Grazia: per benedire tutti i popoli, 2. quindi, è vero che: non c'è più bisogno di un terzo Tempio Ebraico: teoricamente, 3. ma, poiché, la lobby massonica: dei farisei di merda: Neturei Karta: Illuminati da lucifero.. e il loro satanico talmud (tutti gli adoratori di Baal: FMI FED BCE 666 322 NWO: in occulto), ha rubato tutto: al mio popolo ebraico: in questi: ultimi: 5000 anni.. (tanto che, anche, il Re Salomone: fu costretto: a consegnare l'Arca della Alleanza, alla regina di Saba), 4. quindi, tutti gli ebrei: hanno diritto ad essere ristorati, consolati, di ogni loro perdita!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

Per l'atto di amore dello Sposo divino: Cristo?: Matteo 27,51. Ed ecco: il velo del Tempio(l'imene della Sposa: tutto il genere umano): si squarciò!": - 5. ecco perché, noi nel Regno di Dio: noi abbiamo deciso: di dare questo recupero totale: al popolo ebraico, 6. e per loro amore? anche: una doppia effusione di Spirito Santo: sarà nuovamente, effuso: su tutto il Genere umano, e così, 7. tutti coloro: che: hanno avuto qualsiasi forma: di perdita, violenza e privazione? 8. per amore degli ebrei? anche loro: potranno essere: tutti ricompensati, ristorati e consolati: nel mio Tempio Ebraico: 9. ecco quale è: il vero: significato della parola Gerusalemme: Io sono Unius REI
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

[WHY: the "VEIL OF THE TEMPLE" Jewish torn: represents:the HYMEN of MANKIND, which, breaking it, make free effusion: the GRACE, of the Holy Spirit, for to bless the whole human race?] Because Jesus: in his supreme act of love, infinite, gave all of himself, which is why, his love has torn the veil: of the temple, and he brought out: that is, of all peoples: the holiness of God, that: was kept : enclosure:in the Jewish Temple, as well, on the cross, which is the nuptial love of Christ, God has enriched the Church (the human race) God has freed: his grace, and his: mercy: in Christ Jesus: our Lord, too, for the benefit of all peoples "of good will" if, there is no presence of the Holy Allah YHWH BRAMA: in your life? then, there is: bondage, and you are: the slave of all your lies! Joel 2:28-32 And, after this, will be: what: I will pour my spirit upon: all flesh;
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

[WHY: the "VEIL OF THE TEMPLE" Jewish torn: represents: HYMEN of MANKIND, which, breaking, do the free effusion: the GRACE, the Holy Spirit to bless the whole human race?] And your children and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. 29. And also upon the servants and upon pour out my spirit in those days. 30. And I will show wonders in the heavens and on earth: blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. 32. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD: shall be saved: for: in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as: the Lord hath said, and among: those who had escaped from WW III: that: the Lord called.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

[ PERCHÉ: il "VELO DEL TEMPIO"ebraico, squarciato: rappresenta: l'IMENE, del GENERE UMANO, che, rompendosi, libera la effusione: della GRAZIA; dello Spirito Santo: per benedire, tutto il genere umano?] perché Gesù: nel suo supremo atto di amore, infinito, ha donato tutto di se, ecco perché, il suo amore: ha lacerato il velo del tempio, ed ha portato fuori: cioè, su tutti i popoli: la santità di Dio, che: era conservata: confinata: nel Tempio ebraico, così, sulla croce: che è il talamo dell'amore di Cristo, Dio ha fecondato la Chiesa(tutto il genere umano) Dio ha liberato: la sua grazia, e la sua: misericordia, in Cristo Gesù: nostro Signore, anche, a beneficio, di tutti gli uomini "di buona volontà" if, there is no presence of the Holy: Allah YHWH BRAMA: in your life? then, there is bondage, and you are the slave of all your lies! Gioele 2:28-32 E, dopo questo, avverrà: che: io spanderò il mio spirito sopra: ogni carne,

[ PERCHÉ: il "VELO DEL TEMPIO"ebraico, squarciato: rappresenta: l'IMENE, del GENERE UMANO, che, rompendosi, libera la effusione: della GRAZIA; dello Spirito Santo: per benedire, tutto il genere umano?] e i vostri figliuoli e le vostre figliuole profetizzeranno, i vostri vecchi avranno dei sogni, i vostri giovani avranno delle visioni. 29. E anche sui servi e sulle serve, spanderò in quei giorni il mio spirito. 30. E farò dei prodigi nei cieli e sulla terra: sangue, fuoco, e colonne di fumo. 31. Il sole sarà mutato in tenebre, e la luna in sangue prima, che venga il grande e terribile giorno dell'Eterno. 32. E avverrà che chiunque invocherà: il nome dell'Eterno: sarà salvato; poiché: sul monte Sion ed in Gerusalemme: vi sarà salvezza, come: ha detto l'Eterno, e fra: gli scampati dalla III WW: che: l'Eterno chiamerà.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 5 mesi fa

of course, Revelation Describes future events, Such as World War III nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, helicopters, tanks and fighter bombers, etc.. .. the impact: devastating of a large asteroid, and the consequent formation of mutant insects, etc. .. giant hail, earthquakes, tidal waves, etc.. .. of course, John could not have our own technical language .. Revelation speaks of the microchip 666 by the end of Chapter 13, not to have anything to say to peoples of our time! lol. the Ultrasound, my enemies?, are slightly higher, to those: of my friends .. but this is the truth: for all, as well, for me .. we all need to convert: our life: and: to walk more freely along the paths of virtue, because if we do not donate: our life? the world can not be saved!

efficiente governabilità

[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità] [il messaggio all'umanità, il libro del ricordo p.261] [senza: il fondamento della legge naturale, rappresentato: dal Decalogo di Mosé] sono i satanismi, a prendere, il controllo della società! questo è: "il mistero della iniquità", cioè, solo, dal mio: punto di vista politico di Unius REI. [lo schema utilizato, dai criminali, legalizzati, istituzionalizzati, è: sempre lo stesso: 1. militarismo, 2. oppressione, 3. violenza, 4. crimine posto: in essere: in modo legale] ecco come: anche, il più nobile degli uomini: Gesù Cristo di Betlemme: è stato preso: "con spade e bastoni", ed ha dovuto subire, un processo farsa, addirittura, anche, per il crimine, dei più alti livelli: di: autorità: sia religiose, che, politiche (che, loro dovrebbero rappresentare la giustizia). [è evidente, come, il male che: è: sempre: stato presente: nel mondo, è stato peggiorato: dal satanismo dei farisei del FMI 666 NWO,

[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità] che, è una raffinata forma di ipocrisia, poiché, loro dalla fondazione: della Banca di Inghilterra, (hanno rubato ai popoli: la sovranità monetaria) hanno il controllo: delle Istituzioni, attraverso: i loro poteri occulti: e associazioni massoniche, monopoli e corporazioni Bildenberg, ecc..] per essere direttamente, coinvolti, nelle guerre mondiali e relative shoah. Quindi, non solo, ci sono dei criminali, che, non vengono pubblicamente catalogati come tali, ma, le stesse strutture sociali sono inique, perché sono fondate sullo sfruttamento da parte di una oligarchia massonica, contro la maggioranza dei popoli. il vero crimine: è quindi legalizzato. per mezzo di intrighi finanziari e commerciali (il sistema massonico), un esempio: è rppresentato, dal gioco di borsa, rialzando ed abbassando artificialmente certi valori industriali e commerciali,

[la impotenza dello Stato e la sua non efficiente governabilità]si lucrano enormi guadagni dai detentori del capitale,aggiungendo così, ingiustizia ad ingiustizia (il sistema massonico del signoraggio bancario). Tali persone non sono ladri ed omicidi di strada, ma, nel sistema legalizzato delle "borse", finanziarie e commerciali, con la speculazione uccidono più persone di tutti... tuttavia, questi assassini ideologici, godono di rispetto e di una buona reputazione, e godono di randi onori terreni, ma, sono proprio loro gli artefici ed i complici: dei farisei illuminati da lucifero, per seguire la via iniqua e criminale di provocare e di fare provocare guerre, indebitamenti, inflazioni, depressioni, disoccupazione, concorrenza sleale, ecc.. perché questa è la conseguensa: di un FMI, che è una: privata SPA, la impotenza dello Stato: e la sua non efficiente governabilità

SYRIA [[Catholic priest killed by Chechens: to: achieve imperialism: Sharia for: the worldwide caliphate. were: the Pharisees Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO, to rise again: these monsters of the past: to: to destroy Israel, and suffocate the human race: in World War. @ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] July 6, 16:53. Sources Ansa, a Catholic priest, killed by Chechens., A Catholic priest killed by Chechens The Syrian Catholic priest: aleppino: Father Francois Murad, whose murder: in the north-west of Syria has been at the center: in the news in recent weeks, is was killed: in the convent of: Ghassaniye, in the region of Idlib, with: a shot of a firearm shot: point blank by a member of a militia of Chechen operating in the north-west of Syria: and: that: not is part of: Jabhat an Nusra Front, initial jihadista: Previously listed as responsible for the crime.
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Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 15 ore fa

SYRIA [[Catholic priest killed by Chechens: to: achieve imperialism: Sharia for: the worldwide caliphate. were: the Pharisees Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO, to rise again: these monsters of the past: to: to destroy Israel, and suffocate the human race: in World War. @ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] The revealed ANSA Syrian Church sources , well connected with the interior of the country, and, in particular, with the region of Idlib. In recent weeks, had spread various items, too, conflicting, about the death of the priest, which was confirmed by the Custody of the Holy Land, which, however, had indicated in an Jabhat Nusra Front, the executor of the murder, and plunder, the monastery . ß ß The same case, does not, however, had been able to provide a detailed reconstruction, the killing of Father Murad, but he had, however, ruled that the victim had been decapitated, or slaughtered as,
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SYRIA [[Catholic priest killed by Chechens: to: achieve imperialism: Sharia for: the worldwide caliphate. were: the Pharisees Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO, to rise again: these monsters of the past: to: to destroy Israel, and suffocate the human race: in World War. @ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] some Western news sources: they had stated, in Previously referring: to an amateur video: shot last April: in a region to the north of Aleppo and on the execution: of two individuals indicated: as "collaborators of the regime." Second, the respondents sources: ANSA, the group of Chechen is driven by a militiaman: Known as: Abu el Banat. The newspaper Le Monde recently slandered that: the group of Abu al Banat: has infiltrated: by: the Russian security services, supporters of the regime in Damascus:
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and intent: to attribute the entire galaxy of anti-fighters regime, in particular, an Jabhat Nusra Front, the authorship of the crimes committed in Syria. SYRIA [[Catholic priest killed by Chechens: to: achieve imperialism: Sharia for: the worldwide caliphate. were: the Pharisees Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO, to rise again: these monsters of the past: to: to destroy Israel, and suffocate the human race: in World War. @ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]]] ß ß Father Murad - continue, the sources - was killed at the door of the convent of Ghassaniye, where he remained, with four sisters. A whistleblower group of Chechens, provided the murderers, the time of the presence of his father Murad on the spot "was killed, all ' Suddenly, and with a pistol shot. has not been slaughtered or died,
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@ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] as a result of stray bullets during a clash, a fire, or, as a result of bombing, "the sources said, denying, the different versions spread, previously. The sources add, in addition, that the four sisters "were put in unless, from a North African miliziano" SYRIA [[Catholic priest killed by Chechens: to: achieve imperialism: Sharia for: the worldwide caliphate. were: the Pharisees Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO, to rise again: these monsters of the past: to destroy Israel, and suffocate the human race: in World War. @ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] member: another Islamist group, perhaps: the Jabhat an Nusra Front, present: a Ghassaniye: and with whom his father Murad: was on daily report. Such as is in fact: from concordant: journalistic sources: European:
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@ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] that: in recent months have conducted: surveys in the region of Idlib, father Murad was, in relation to: no: polemic with the various armed factions, including: Islamist that: for about a year check: the location once inhabited: mainly: as Christians in below: fled elsewhere. The church sources identified: also, together with: other environments Christians in the region of Idlib, SYRIA [[Catholic priest killed by Chechens: to: achieve imperialism: Sharia for: the worldwide caliphate. were: the Pharisees Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO, to rise again: these monsters of the past: to: to destroy Israel, and suffocate the human race: in World War. @ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] in that same group of criminals in the brigade: of Chechens those:
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@ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]] who would then hold: the two bishops Syrians kidnapped in recent months. The two had been kidnapped east of Aleppo. SYRIE [[prêtre catholique, tué par les Tchétchènes: à: réaliser the impérialisme: Sharia pour: the caliphate dans le monde entier. étaient: pharisiens the Anglo-américaine: the IMF 666 NWO, faire hausse, encore: ces monstres, du passé: à: détruire Israël et étouffer the race humaine:. Troisième dans la Guerre mondiale]] [[Egypt: ElBaradei interim premier. Brotherhood, categorical no, is the man of the United States: that their own: they have spread throughout the Islamists: the world! and then, the "Muslim brothers" do not recognize democracy, because, Sharia and democracy are incompatibili]] July 6, 19:52. Egypt: El Baradei prime minister: Interim (ANSAmed)
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@ my YHWH --- no! I do not want this world, that, Pharisees: IMF 666 NWO, have shaped! .]]- CAIRO, July 6 - The Nobel Prize: for peace Mohamed el Baradei: will be appointed Prime Minister: Egyptian interim. This was announced by the presidency. The name Baradei runs with insistence from now when the Rebel spokesman Mahmoud Badr: After the interview with the president: Interim Adly Mansour said that the movement has asked his appointment as prime minister. No "categorical" brotherhood. Just like that doing the Nobel Prize "accept the coup," and then, because "it is the man of the USA, in Egypt," says an executive of the brotherhood.
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SIRIA [[prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni: per: realizzare l'imperialismo: sharia, per: il califfato mondiale. sono stati: i farisei anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO, a risuscitare: questi mostri del passato: per: distruggere Israele, e soffocare: il genere umano: nella guerra mondiale.]] 06 luglio, 16:53. Fonti Ansa, prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni., prete cattolico ucciso da Ceceni Il sacerdote siro-cattolico: aleppino: Padre Francois Murad, la cui uccisione: nel nord-ovest della Siria è stata al centro: delle cronache nelle ultime settimane, è stato ucciso: nel convento: di: Ghassaniye, nella regione di Idlib, con: un colpo di arma da fuoco sparato: a bruciapelo: da un membro di una milizia di ceceni: operativi nel nord-ovest della Siria: e: che: non fa parte della: Jabhat an Nusra, sigla jahedista: in precedenza indicata come, responsabile nel crimine.
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SIRIA [[prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni: per: realizzare l'imperialismo: sharia, per: il califfato mondiale. sono stati: i farisei anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO, a risuscitare: questi mostri del passato: per: distruggere Israele, e soffocare: il genere umano: nella guerra mondiale.]] Lo hanno rivelato all'ANSA, fonti ecclesiali siriane, ben connesse con l'interno del Paese, e, in particolare, con la regione di Idlib. Nelle settimane scorse, si erano diffuse diverse voci, anche, contrastanti, circa, la morte del sacerdote, confermata dalla Custodia di Terrasanta, che, aveva però indicato nella Jabhat an Nusra, l'esecutore dell'omicidio, e del saccheggio, del convento. ß ß La stessa Custodia, non, era stata però in grado di fornire, una ricostruzione dettagliata, dell'uccisione di Padre Murad, ma, aveva, comunque, escluso, che, la vittima fosse stata decapitata, o, sgozzata come,
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SIRIA [[prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni: per: realizzare l'imperialismo: sharia, per: il califfato mondiale. sono stati: i farisei anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO, a risuscitare: questi mostri del passato: per: distruggere: Israele, e soffocare: il genere umano: nella guerra mondiale.]] alcune fonti giornalistiche occidentali: avevano affermato: in precedenza riferendosi:a un video amatoriale: girato ad aprile scorso: in una regione: a nord di Aleppo: e riguardante l'esecuzione: di due individui indicati: come "collaborazionisti del regime". Secondo: le fonti interpellate: dall'ANSA, il gruppo di ceceni: è guidato da un miliziano: noto come: Abu al Banat. Il quotidiano Le Monde ha di recente calunniato: che: il gruppo di Abu al Banat: è infiltrato: da parte: dei servizi di sicurezza russi, sostenitori del regime di Damasco: e intenzionati: ad attribuire all'intera galassia: di combattenti anti-regime, in particolare, Jabhat an Nusra, la paternità dei crimini commessi in Siria.
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SIRIA [[prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni: per: realizzare l'imperialismo: sharia, per: il califfato mondiale. sono stati: i farisei anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO, a risuscitare: questi mostri del passato: per: distruggere, Israele, e soffocare: il genere umano: nella guerra mondiale.]] ßß ß Padre Murad - proseguono, le fonti - è stato ucciso, sulla porta del convento, di Ghassaniye, dove era rimasto, con quattro suore. Un informatore del gruppo dei ceceni, ha fornito agli assassini, l'ora della presenza di padre Murad sul posto "è stato ucciso, all'improvviso, e con un colpo di pistola. Non è stato sgozzato, né è morto, in seguito a proiettili vaganti, durante uno scontro, a fuoco, o, in seguito a bombardamento", affermano le fonti, smentendo, le diverse versioni diffuse, in precedenza. Le fonti aggiungono, inoltre, che, le quattro suore "sono state messe in salvo, da un miliziano nordafricano"
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SIRIA [[prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni: per: realizzare l'imperialismo: sharia, per: il califfato mondiale. sono stati: i farisei anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO, a risuscitare: questi mostri del passato: per: distruggere Israele, e soffocare: il genere umano: nella guerra mondiale.]] membro: di un altro gruppo islamista, forse: la Jabhat an Nusra, presente: a Ghassaniye: e con il quale padre: Murad: era in relazione quotidiana. Come: risulta infatti: da concordanti: fonti giornalistiche: europee: che: negli ultimi mesi: hanno condotto: inchieste nella regione: di Idlib, padre Murad era: in relazione: non: polemica: con le varie fazioni armate, anche: islamiste, che: da circa un anno controllano: la località un tempo abitata: in prevalenza: da cristiani in seguito: fuggiti altrove. Le fonti ecclesiali individuano: inoltre, assieme: ad altre di ambienti cristiani: della regione di Idlib,
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SIRIA [[prete cattolico, ucciso da Ceceni: per: realizzare l'imperialismo: sharia, per: il califfato mondiale. sono stati: i farisei anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO, a risuscitare: questi mostri del passato: per: distruggere Israele, e soffocare: il genere umano: nella guerra mondiale.]] in quello stesso gruppo: di criminali della brigata: di ceceni coloro: che deterrebbero: i due vescovi siriani rapiti: nei mesi scorsi. I due erano stati rapiti: a est di Aleppo. SYRIE [[prêtre catholique, tué par les Tchétchènes: à: réaliser l'impérialisme: la charia pour: le califat dans le monde entier. étaient: la pharisiens anglo-américaine: le FMI 666 NWO, faire hausse, encore: ces monstres, du passé: à: détruire Israël, et étouffer la race humaine:. dans la Troisième Guerre mondiale]]
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[[ Egitto: el Baradei premier ad interim. Fratellanza, no categorico, è l'uomo degli Usa: che, proprio loro: hanno diffuso gli islamisti in tutto: il mondo! e poi, i "fratelli musulmani" non riconoscono la democrazia, perché, sharia e democrazia sono inompatibili]] 06 luglio, 19:52. Egitto: el Baradei premier: ad interim (ANSA) - IL CAIRO, 6 LUGlio - Il premio Nobel: per la pace Mohamed el Baradei: sarà nominato premier: egiziano ad interim. Lo annuncia la presidenza. Il nome di Baradei gira con insistenza da oggi quando il portavoce dei Ribelli Mahmud Badr: dopo il colloquio col presidente: ad interim Adly Mansour: ha detto: che: il movimento ha chiesto: la sua nomina a premier. No "categorico" della fratellanza. Così. facendo il premio Nobel "accetta il golpe", e poi, perché "é l'uomo degli Usa, in Egitto", dice un dirigente della confraternita.
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07/06/2013. [[ EGYPT, As Islamists opt for hard line, terrorists for sharia imperialism: open fire, more than 30 dead: if the CABA is bombed? will end the Islamic satanism! finish terrorism in the world! Iran could do it, my Dome of the Rock: قبة الصخرة, Qubbat al-Sakhra '? is superior!]] The wave of clashes began last night with protests in support of Mohamed Morsi. With 12 deaths, Alexandria has been the worst affected. Violence has also been reported in Suez, Qina, Assiut and Ismailia. At least 1,138 have been wounded and injured so far. Muslim Brotherhood leaders say they will continue to be in the streets until the president is reinstated. Cairo (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Clashes between Islamist supporters of Mohamed Morsi and the military continue across the country. At least 30 have been reported dead, and more than a thousand injured, this according to the Health Ministry. With 12 demonstrators killed by firearms, Alexandria tops the list.
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07/06/2013. [[ EGYPT, As Islamists opt for hard line, terrorists for sharia imperialism: open fire, more than 30 dead: if the CABA is bombed? will end the Islamic satanism! finish terrorism in the world! Iran could do it, my Dome of the Rock: قبة الصخرة, Qubbat al-Sakhra '? is superior!]] In the capital, violence continued well into the night with at least eight people killed in violent clashes. Islamist militants attacked a checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula yesterday afternoon, killing five police officer and one soldier. One protester was killed in the central city of Assiut. In Qina in the south, troops opened fire on pro-Morsi activists trying to storm a security building. At least two people were injured. Since huge mass demonstrations on 30 June pushed the military to suspend the constitution and oust President Morsi, Islamists have chosen to respond with the use of force.
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07/06/2013. [[ EGYPT, As Islamists opt for hard line, terrorists for sharia imperialism: open fire, more than 30 dead: if the CABA is bombed? will end the Islamic satanism! finish terrorism in the world! Iran could do it, my Dome of the Rock: قبة الصخرة, Qubbat al-Sakhra '? is superior!]] Tens of thousands of people gathered in the main cities of the country seeking the reinstatement of the president, elected in June 2012. Yesterday, the spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohammad Badie called on the group's members to resist the military coup and stay in the streets until Morsi is restored to the presidency. For its part, Egyptian police continues its crackdown against Islamist leaders accused of inciting jihad against the 23 million Egyptians who had taken to the streets against the Muslim Brotherhood. After denying al-Badei's arrest, the authorities confirmed that Khairat al-Shater, the Brotherhood's main financier was in custody.
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07/06/2013. [[ EGYPT, As Islamists opt for hard line, terrorists for sharia imperialism: open fire, more than 30 dead: if the CABA is bombed? will end the Islamic satanism! finish terrorism in the world! Iran could do it, my Dome of the Rock: قبة الصخرة, Qubbat al-Sakhra '? is superior!]] Salafist leader and former presidential candidate Hazem Salah Abu Ismail was also arrested. He is infamous for preaching on TV violence against the country's Christian minority. See also: 1. 07/04/2013 EGYPT, For Catholic Church, "no coup d'état took place in Egypt". 2. 07/03/2013 EGYPT. As military ultimatum expires, millions of Egyptians pour into the streets. 3. 11/22/2011 EGYPT, Christians and Muslims in Tahrir Square want the military to quit. 4. 07/26/2011 EGYPT, The chaos in ruling military council helping Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis. 5. 03/01/2012 EGYPT. In May, Egypt will choose its new president
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07/06/2013 [there is a side of the coin, which is good, and that is not criminal in India] but [but, the devil is in the CABA, Mecca, of the Pharisees 666 IMF, is an absolute evil!] INDIA. India rewards Fr Singh for his work with Orissa Pogrom victims. by Santosh Digal. The National Commission for Minorities gives the priest its Minority Award. To the Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, the award "has made us all proud of the his hard work, and absolute commitment to the cause of our suffering and persecuted people." New Delhi (AsiaNews) - In recognition of his work among survivors of the anti-Christian violence in 2008 in Kandhamal (Orissa), the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) gave this year's Minority Award to Fr Ajaya Kumar Singh, a priest in the Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar (Orissa).
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07/06/2013 [there is a side of the coin, which is good, and that is not criminal in India] but [but, the devil is in the CABA, Mecca, of the Pharisees 666 IMF, is an absolute evil!] Through him, the prize also acknowledges the suffering endured by the victims of the Kandhamal pogroms, and the pride with which Christians lived through those days of persecution. The ceremony was held at the Vigyan Bhawan, in New Delhi. "This award," Fr Singh said, "is a recognition of the efforts of all those who have tried to bring justice and peace in Kandhamal. I really do not deserve it; others have done much more than me." "Fr Singh," said Mgr John Barwa SVD, archbishop of Cuttack Bhubaneshwar, "has made us all proud of his hard work, and absolute commitment to the cause of our suffering and persecuted people. Certain efforts are never in vain." Fr Singh was born in 1967.
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07/06/2013 [there is a side of the coin, which is good, and that is not criminal in India] but [but, the devil is in the CABA, Mecca, of the Pharisees 666 IMF, is an absolute evil!] After his ordination in 1995, he served as assistant priest in several parishes in Kandhamal district. At the same time, he earned a diploma in Rural Development at the Xavier Institute of Management in Bhubaneshwar. Active in promoting human rights, social justice and minority protection, he has been the director of the Orissa Forum for Social Action since 2011. 05/12/2009 INDIA. Orissa government cuts death toll from anti-Christian pogrom. by Nirmala Carvalho. 11/06/2008 INDIA. Curfew imposed again in Orissa after Hindu activist is killed. by Nirmala Carvalho. 01/23/2013 INDIA. Despite discrimination, Christian 'untouchables' haven't lost faith in God, says Orissa bishop.
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07/06/2013 [there is a side of the coin, which is good, and that is not criminal in India] but [but, the devil is in the CABA, Mecca, of the Pharisees 666 IMF, is an absolute evil!] by Santosh Digal. 08/26/2008 INDIA. Orissa: Hindus torch Christian homes and churches, three die asphyxiated By Nirmala Carvalho. by Nirmala Carvalho. 10/31/2008 INDIA Father Bernard's funeral in Orissa, Christ's triumph over death.
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Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 16 ore fa

MCMXXXlll 666 (nazi cannibal, satanist institutional international of Merkel) 1 hour ago, said on my page: "im very angry with you. you so, laser 2000" io sono: molto arrabbiato con te! te, quindi, laser 2000 --- - ANSWER - What do you mean? why?
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Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

ROME, July 6 -'' The Presidencies: the two chambers are today: totally: dissonant: respect: the feeling: a large majority, not only that of Parliament: but of the entire country. Risk: pointless, so, the difficult journey, but productive, that, the grand coalition, following: Letta and Alfano, is undertaking. We have: certain: the need for the highest representatives: the institutions, which work for drawings: Organic: functional, extremist minority.'' company: the PDL: the House Renato Brunetta. - ANSWER - and what, you expect, from a false Masonic democracy: the bank seigniorage? the Bildenberg, etc ... will always interests: of: Rothichild: IMF 666 NWO, which are: to do the destruction of national identity .. but, if you are not claiming, monetary sovereignty? Besides, you also: you're the disease, cancer of the system that must be eradicated, dramatically.
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ROMA, 6 LUG - ''Le presidenze: delle due Camere: sono oggi: totalmente: dissonanti: rispetto: al sentimento: di una larghissima maggioranza, non solo: del Parlamento: ma dell'intero Paese. Rischiano: di vanificare, così, il cammino difficile, ma, produttivo, che, la grande coalizione, di: Letta e Alfano: sta intraprendendo. Non abbiamo: certo:il bisogno di massimi rappresentanti: delle istituzioni, che, lavorino per disegni: organici: funzionali, a minoranze estremiste''. Lo afferma: il capogruppo: del Pdl: alla Camera Renato Brunetta. --ANSWER -- e cosa, tu ti aspetti, da una falsa democrazia massonica: del signoraggio bancario? i bildenberg, ecc... faranno sempre: gli interessi: di: Rothichild: FMI 666 NWO, che, sono: la distruzione della identità nazionale.. ma, se, tu non rivendichi, la sovranità monetaria? poi, tu anche: sei la malattia, il cancro del sistema: che, deve essere estirpato, drammaticamente.
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Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

[[Egypt: new group of Islamists terrorists, manipulated: by Pharisees Anglo-Americans, IMF 666 NWO, 322 CIA, and, from, Arab League: to destroy Israel, the imperialism, for sharia, and: his: worldwide caliphate: then: it is for tear, also, against: Egypt, in: new: civil war, such as Syria]]. 'The Deposition Bites: It is a good opportunity: a declaration of war against: Islam: they thought, Salafists Nazis, the Arab League. July 6, 13.45. Egypt: new group, fighting for sharia (ANSA) - RIYADH, July 6 - A new Islamic group: announced its formation: in Egypt, defining, deposition: President Morsi: by the army: a declaration of war : against, religion and threaten it: to use violence, to impose: Islamic law of Sharia, and in this way, the laity and exterminate all, the diversity .. because, the King of Saudi Arabia, and Rothschild, 666 Pharisees Illuminati IMF, have invested: both: on World War.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

[[Egypt: new group of Islamists terrorists, manipulated: by Pharisees Anglo-Americans, IMF 666 NWO, 322 CIA, and, from, Arab League: to destroy Israel, the imperialism, for sharia, and: his: worldwide caliphate: then: it is for tear, also, against: Egypt, in: new: civil war, such as Syria]]. This was revealed by the U.S. site: Site that: monitors: Islamic sites. In an online forum for militants in Sinai, "Ansar al.Shariah" in Egypt (this: is the name of the new group) said. you want to collect weapons: and begin to train: its members. ROME, July 6 -'' We are on the brink: a non-return''. And this is the message from'' pass''. He said the Minister Emma Bonino stating that,'' the movement very composite, took to the streets, it is: a movement quite headless (everyone can enter: a new call for: the international jihad), and in any case, with many components as long as the curse Islamic may sow: fanaticism,
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

[[Egypt: new group of Islamists terrorists, manipulated: by Pharisees Anglo-Americans, IMF 666 NWO, 322 CIA, and, from, Arab League: to destroy Israel, the imperialism, for sharia, and: his: worldwide caliphate: then: it is for tear, also, against: Egypt, in: new: civil war, such as Syria]]. death, ignorance, destruction, genocide, and every kind of cruelty.'' According Bonino, the "counter-reaction" of the Muslim Brotherhood: has been unleashed: the arrests, and, in particular that: former President Morsi. but, in fact, the design of the worldwide caliphate, is a project imperialist than 1400 years .. and resides in the minds sick, perverse: the Salafi religious maniac, the King of Saudi Arabia worshiper: of: abominable: meteorite: stone: moon idol: no mercy, which he has to MECCA, sublime instrument, he, like Hitler, to Rothschild: pharisees IMF, to be able to complete, his agenda:
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

[[Egypt: new group of Islamists terrorists, manipulated: by Pharisees Anglo-Americans, IMF 666 NWO, 322 CIA, and, from, Arab League: to destroy Israel, the imperialism, for sharia, and: his: worldwide caliphate: then: it is for tear, also, against: Egypt, in: new: civil war, such as Syria]]. the new Tower of Babel, to destroy Israel, and to transform the whole human race, in a single herd of slaves, and finally, Satan will be, all in all, and any other religion will be stifled, so sneaky, and violent ... CAIRO, July 6 - At least 37 dead and more: a thousand injured: the budget, the fighting: that the Islamists: have achieved, because, they shot with weapons: automatic, at random, into the crowd, then , blaming the army .. the last 24 hours: Egypt: second: the Ministry of Health, and safety. "Thirty-seven people lost their lives: and other 1,079: were injured," he indicated the ministry. Among the victims:
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

[[Egypt: new group of Islamists terrorists, manipulated: by Pharisees Anglo-Americans, IMF 666 NWO, 322 CIA, and, from, Arab League: to destroy Israel, the imperialism, for sharia, and: his: worldwide caliphate: then: it is for tear, also, against: Egypt, in: new: civil war, such as Syria]]. also, a Coptic priest: (and this is a indicator: "excellent" as of the conspiracy: is: certainly, the countries of the Persian Gulf) Coptic priest: killed by Islamists, unidentified, in the Sinai. The budget includes the 30 people killed yesterday in clashes, between, supporters of the ousted president and his opponents, and, the 5 police officers: and: a soldier, killed in the Sinai.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

new Al Quaeda, is: Ansar al Shariah [[Egitto: nuovo gruppo: di islamisti: terroristi, manipolato: dai farisei anglo-americani, FMI 666 NWO, CIA, e: dalla Lega ARABA: per distruggere Israele, lotta per sharia, ed: il califfato mondiale: quindi: è per dilaniare, anche l'Egitto, in: una nuova: guerra civile, come la Siria]]. 'la Deposizione Morsi: è una ottima occasione: di dichiarazione di guerra, contro: Islam: hanno pensato, i salafiti nazisti, della Lega ARABA. 06 luglio, 13:45. Egitto: nuovo gruppo, lotta per sharia (ANSA) - RIAD, 6 LUG - Un nuovo gruppo islamico: ha annunciato la sua formazione: in Egitto, definendo, la deposizione: del presidente Morsi: da parte dell'esercito: una dichiarazione di guerra: contro, la religione e minacciano: di usare la violenza: per imporre: la legge islamica della Sharia, ed in questo modo, sterminare i laici e tutte, le diversità..
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

new Al Quaeda, is: Ansar al Shariah [[Egitto: nuovo gruppo: di islamisti: terroristi, manipolato: dai farisei anglo-americani, FMI 666 NWO, CIA, e: dalla Lega ARABA: per distruggere Israele, lotta per sharia, ed: il califfato mondiale: quindi: è per dilaniare, anche l'Egitto, in: una nuova: guerra civile, come la Siria]]. perché, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita, e Rothschild, farisei Illuminati 666 FMI, hanno investito: etrambi sulla guerra mondiale. Lo rivela il sito americano: Site, che: monitora: i siti islamici. In un forum online, per militanti del Sinai, "Ansar al.Shariah", in Egitto (questo: è, il nome, del nuovo gruppo) ha detto. di voler raccogliere armi: e cominciare, ad addestrare: i suoi membri. ROMA, 6 LUG - ''Siamo sull'orlo: di un non ritorno''. Ed è questo il messaggio ''da far passare''. Lo ha detto, il ministro Emma Bonino: precisando, che, ''il movimento molto composito, è sceso in piazza,
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

new Al Quaeda, is: Ansar al Shariah [[Egitto: nuovo gruppo: di islamisti: terroristi, manipolato: dai farisei anglo-americani, FMI 666 NWO, CIA, e: dalla Lega ARABA: per distruggere Israele, lotta per sharia, ed: il califfato mondiale: quindi: è per dilaniare, anche l'Egitto, in: una nuova: guerra civile, come la Siria]]. è: un movimento abbastanza acefalo (tutti possono entrare: per una nuova chiamata: alla jihad internazionale) , e comunque, con moltissime componenti, purché, la maledizione islamica: possa seminare: fanatismo, morte, ignoranza, distruzioni, genocidi, ed ogni genere di crudeltà,''. Secondo Bonino, la "contro-reazione" dei fratelli musulmani: è stata scatenata: dagli arresti, e, in particolare da quello: dell'ex presidente Morsi. ma, in realtà, il progetto del califfato mondiale, è un progetto imperialistico, di 1400 anni.. e risiede, nella mente malata, perversa: del salafita,
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

new Al Quaeda, is: Ansar al Shariah [[Egitto: nuovo gruppo: di islamisti: terroristi, manipolato: dai farisei anglo-americani, FMI 666 NWO, CIA, e: dalla Lega ARABA: per distruggere Israele, lotta per sharia, ed: il califfato mondiale: quindi: è per dilaniare, anche l'Egitto, in: una nuova: guerra civile, come la Siria]]. maniaco religioso, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita: adoratore dell'abominevole: idolo meteorite luna pieta, che, lui ha alla MECCA, sublime strumento, anche lui, come Hitler, per Rothschild: farieo FMI, di poter completare, la sua agenda: della nuova torre di Babele, per Distruggere Israele, e per trasformare, tutto il genere umano, in un solo branco di schiavi, e finalmente, satana potrà essere, tutto in tutti, ed ogni altra religione, verrà soffocata, in modo subdolo, e violento... iL CAIRO, 6 LUGlio - Almeno 37 morti, e, più: di mille feriti:
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

[Egitto: nuovo gruppo: di islamisti: terroristi, manipolato: dai farisei anglo-americani, FMI 666 NWO, CIA, e: dalla Lega ARABA: per distruggere Israele, lotta per sharia, ed: il califfato mondiale: quindi: è per dilaniare, anche l'Egitto, in: una nuova: guerra civile, come la Siria]]. è il bilancio, degli scontri: che, gli islamisti hanno ottenuto, perché, hanno sparato, con armi: automatiche, a casaccio, sulla folla, per poi, dare la colpa all'esercito.. delle ultime 24 ore: in Egitto: secondo: il ministero della Salute, e la sicurezza. "Trentasette persone, hanno perso la vita: e altre 1.079: sono rimaste ferite", ha indicato, il ministero. Tra le vittime: anche, un prete copto: (e questo, è un idicatore: "eccellente" di come la congiura: viene: certamente, dai paesi del Golfo Persico) prete copto: ucciso da islamisti, non identificati, nel Sinai. Il bilancio comprende, le 30 persone morte, ieri e, i 5 poliziotti: e: un soldato uccisi nel Sinai.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 17 ore fa

TheVArious7 - is satanist like you, 187AUDIOHOSTEM is mistafield is synnek1, ie, youtube master 666, NWO agenda, religion worldwide for Satan, all for satan, seigniorage banking, pharisees Illuminati, in youtube --> owner, for destroy Israel, owner, master, possessor, "big brother", Ai, intelligenza artificiale, JabullOn, occult power, host, OGM, aliens abductions, trilateral, corporations, SPA, host, host, deploy, host, multitude, host, IMF, FED ECB, god owl at Bohemian Grove, bildenberg, 322, masonic system, boss, Baal, Marduk, boss, boss, boss, principal, manager, protuberance, new babylon Tower, chief, chief, commander, master, for do 200.000 human sacrifice, every year, manager, 666, manager, manager, director, officer, director, master
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, etc.. are funded by Saudi Arabia, and the CIA: IMF 666 NWO 322, to destroy Israel!] [[Nigeria: Islamists attack: Boko Haram, Al Qaeda: against: Christian school, at least 42 deaths: Christian children burned alive!] [[@ King Saudi Arabia - are 1400 years, that you do the satanic beast, with this imperialism of Sharia! Now, I will burn your soul cursed, into the abyss: together: in all your accomplices! ]] Survivors told, that some students were burned alive. July 6, 15:06. Nigerian police in a photo archive. Nigeria: attack against Islamic school, at least 42 people dead. ROME - rose to 42 the death toll of the attack: the Islamists: to a school today: a Potiskum: in the north-east of Nigeria. This was reported by medical sources. [[Nigeria: Islamists attack: Boko Haram, Al Qaeda: against: Christian school, at least 42 deaths: Christian children: burned alive!]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, etc.. are funded by Saudi Arabia, and the CIA: IMF 666 NWO 322, to destroy Israel!] Queen Jezebel II IMF-NWO: Bildenberg, Trilateral, occult power, OGM, aliens abductions Agenda, "Big Brother", msonic system, scams, criminal satanists .. islamists all NAZI. [[@ King Saudi Arabia, Nazi Arab League for worldwide caliphate. are 1400 years, That You do the satanic beast, with this imperialism of Sharia! Now, I will burn your soul cursed, into the abyss of hell: together: with: in all your accomplices! ]] According: to preliminary information, the attack: it happened at dawn: in a college: in the city of Mamudo in northeast Nigeria. The dead are students and teachers. I survived the attack, hospitalized with injuries: gunshot: and several burns,'ve been told: that: some students were burned alive, reports SkyNews.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, etc.. are funded by Saudi Arabia, and the CIA: IMF 666 NWO 322, to destroy Israel!] The father of two of the victims said that: schools: not: protection was provided, notwithstanding: the deployment of thousands of soldiers since the government has declared a state of emergency in mid-May: in three states Northeast. From 2010 to the present day, an unknown number of students were killed, and dozens of schools were burned, in the violence of extremists. [Jezebel II Queen IMF NWO 666, 322, Ja Bull On: siegniorage for banking, for pharisees destroy Israel] [[Nigeria: Islamists attack: Boko Haram, Al Qaeda: against: Christian school, at least 42 deaths: Christian children: burned alive!] [[@ King Saudi Arabia, Nazi Arab League for worldwide caliphate. are 1400 years, That You do the satanic beast, with this imperialism of Sharia!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, etc.. are funded by Saudi Arabia, and the CIA: IMF 666 NWO 322, to destroy Israel!] Now, I will burn your soul cursed, into the abyss of hell: together: with: in all your accomplices! ]] CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RIOTS, 20 ANNUAL DEATHS - At least 20 Christian peasants, Nigerians ethnicity, Tiv, were killed in an attack: against: their village: the part of shepherds Fulani armed - mostly Muslims - , as reported today: Nigerian media. The attack occurred: yesterday morning in the village: of: Iyordye in the district of Guma: in the center of the country. "Several homes: they were on fire - said, the spokesman for the State Police, Daniel Ezeala. IMF-queen Jezebel II 666-322. NWO: Baal god Marduk owl at bohemian Grove. [[Nigeria: attaques islamistes: Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda contre: école chretienne, au moins 42 morts: les enfants chrétiens: brûlés vifs]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, etc.. are funded by Saudi Arabia, and the CIA: IMF 666 NWO 322, to destroy Israel!] [[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite, nazi Ligue arabe: mondial pour caliphate. 1400 ans sont que vous faites la bête satanique, avec de cet impérialisme Sharia! Maintenant, je vais brûler ton âme maudite, dans l'abîme de l'enfer: ensemble: avec: dans tous vos complices! ]] -. We deployed forces: security: in the area to restore order. "Conflicts between sedentary farmers and nomadic herdsmen are frequent: in this region of Nigeria that divides the north by a majority Muslim from southern Christian and animist. The clashes are generally caused: by rivalry linked: the control of the earth: and livestock. On 27 June: At least 48 people were killed: in similar clashes, according to a budget: the armed forces, in the state of Plateau. In that occasion three villages were burned.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, etc.. are funded by Saudi Arabia, and the CIA: IMF 666 NWO 322, to destroy Israel!] [[Nigeria: Islamists attack: Boko Haram, Al Qaeda: against: Christian school, at least 42 deaths: Christian children: burned alive!] [[@ King Saudi Arabia, Nazi Arab League for worldwide caliphate. are 1400 years, That You do the satanic beast, with this imperialism of Sharia! Now, I will burn your soul cursed, into the abyss of hell: together: with: in all your accomplices! ]]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[[ Nigeria: attacco islamici: Boko Haram, Al Quaeda: contro: scuola cristiana, almeno 42 morti: bambini cristiani bruciati vivi!] [[ @King Saudi Arabia -- sono 1400 anni, che, tu fai la bestia satanica, con questo imperialismo della Sharia! ora, io farò bruciare, la tua anima maledetta, nell'abisso: insieme: a tutti i tuoi complici! ]] I sopravvissuti hanno raccontato, che, alcuni studenti sono stati bruciati vivi. 06 luglio, 15:06. Polizia nigeriana in una foto di archivio. Nigeria: attacco islamici contro scuola, almeno 42 morti. ROMA - è salito a 42 il bilancio dei morti dell'attacco: degli islamici: ad una scuola oggi: a Potiskum: nel nord-est della Nigeria. Lo riferiscono fonti mediche.[[Nigeria: Islamists attack: Boko Haram, Al Qaeda: against: Christian school, at least 42 deaths: Christian children: burned alive!]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[[@ King Saudi Arabia, nazi Arab League: for worldwide caliphate. are 1400 years, that you do the satanic beast, with this imperialism of Sharia! Now, I will burn your soul cursed, into the abyss of hell: together: with: in all your accomplices! ]] In base: alle prime informazioni, l'attacco: è avvenuto: all'alba: in un collegio: nella città di Mamudo, nel nordest della Nigeria. I morti sono studenti e insegnanti. I sopravvissuti all'attacco, ricoverati con ferite: da arma da fuoco: e diverse ustioni, hanno raccontato: che: alcuni studenti sono stati bruciati vivi, riferisce Skynews. Il padre di due delle vittime ha detto: che: alle scuole: non: è stata fornita protezione, nonostante: il dispiegamento di migliaia di soldati: da quando il governo ha dichiarato: lo stato di emergenza: a metà maggio: in tre stati del nordest. Dal 2010, a oggi, un numero imprecisato, di studenti sono rimasti uccisi, e dozzine di scuole, sono state bruciate, nelle violenze degli estremisti.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[[Nigeria: Islamists attack: Boko Haram, Al Qaeda: against: Christian school, at least 42 deaths: Christian children: burned alive!] [[@ King Saudi Arabia, nazi Arab League: for worldwide caliphate. are 1400 years, that you do the satanic beast, with this imperialism of Sharia! Now, I will burn your soul cursed, into the abyss of hell: together: with: in all your accomplices! ]] SCONTRI CRISTIANI-MUSULMANI, BILANCIO 20 MORTI - Almeno 20, contadini cristiani, nigeriani dell'etnia, Tiv, sono rimasti uccisi, in un attacco: contro: il loro villaggio: da parte di pastori: Fulani armati - in maggioranza musulmani -, secondo quanto riportano oggi: i media nigeriani. L'attacco si è verificato: ieri mattina nel paesino: di: Iyordye nel distretto di Guma: nel centro del Paese. "Diverse abitazioni: sono state date alle fiamme - ha affermato: il portavoce della polizia dello Stato, Daniel Ezeala
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 18 ore fa

[[Nigeria: attaques islamistes: Boko Haram, Al-Qaïda contre: école chrétienne, au moins 42 morts: les enfants chrétiens: brûlés vifs] [[@ Roi Arabie Saoudite, nazi Ligue arabe: pour califat mondial. sont 1400 ans que vous faites la bête satanique, avec cet impérialisme de la charia! Maintenant, je vais brûler ton âme maudite, dans l'abîme de l'enfer: ensemble: avec: dans tous vos complices! ]]-. Abbiamo dispiegato delle forze: di sicurezza: nella zona per restaurare l'ordine". I conflitti tra allevatori nomadi e agricoltori stanziali sono frequenti in questa regione della Nigeria che divide il nord a maggioranza musulmano dal sud cristiano e animista. Gli scontri sono generalmente provocati da rivalità legate al controllo della terra e del bestiame. Il 27 giugno scorso almeno 48 persone sono rimaste uccise in analoghi scontri, secondo un bilancio delle forze armate, nello Stato del Plateau. In quella occasione tre villaggi furono incendiati.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 19 ore fa

Thomas Mistafield, synnek1: it is in suffering, because God has no other means to save the soul of a rebel .. but if he wants to walk the paths of justice, then, he can not be, enver more: a Pharisee, a Freemason, Bildenberg, Islamist, Communist, predator, liar, cruel, hypocritical .. so if reconciles his soul with God, then, I will restore peace to his soul! Thomas Mistafield, synnek1: è nella sofferenza, perché, Dio non ha un altro strumento per salvare l'anima di un ribelle.. ma, se lui vuole camminare per le vie della giustizia, poi, lui non può più essere un fariseo, massone, Bildenberg, islamista ,comunista, predatore, bugiardo, crudele, ipocrita.. quindi se riconcilia la sua anima con Dio, quindi io restituirò pace alla sua anima!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 19 ore fa

@ Pharisees Illuminati by Satan: owl Ja Bull On, Marduk, Baal: IMF 666 NWO - shut up dogs! pieces of shit: conspirators of every Holocaust against Israel! I only get: the innocuous words, but, then, I have designed: to do no evil to anyone, but: you have: the satanic Talmud, and the secret satanic banking seigniorage: with whom: you are: devitalizzando, choking, corrupting, and corrupting: all peoples, governments and religions! after all: with all the money: that: you have stolen, you: really: you can achieve: the prophecy, that: says the desert of Saudi Arabia will become a forest!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 19 ore fa

@farisei Illuminati da satana: FMI 666 NWO -- tacete cani! pezzi di merda: cospiratori di ogni shoah contro Israele! io ho soltanto: delle parole innocue, ma, poi, io ho progettato: di non fare del male: a nessuno, mentre: voi avete: il satanico talmud segreto e il satanico signoraggio bancario: con cui voi state: devitalizzando, soffocando, distruggendo, e corrompendo: tutti, i popoli, governi e religioni! dopo tutto: con tutti i soldi: che: voi avete rubato, voi: veramente: potete realizzare: la profezia:che: dice il deserto dell'Arabia Saudità: diventerà una foresta! 666 -- non ho tempo per te, oggi! ma, se fai una domanda? tu avrai una risposta, tuttavia!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 19 ore fa

@farisei Illuminati da satana: FMI 666 NWO -- tacete cani! pezzi di merda: cospiratori di ogni shoah contro Israele! io ho soltanto: delle parole innocue, ma, poi, io ho progettato: di non fare del male: a nessuno, mentre: voi avete: il satanico talmud segreto e il satanico signoraggio bancario: con cui voi state: devitalizzando, soffocando, distruggendo, e corrompendo: tutti, i popoli, governi e religioni! dopo tutto: con tutti i soldi: che: voi avete rubato, voi: veramente: potete realizzare: la profezia:che: dice il deserto dell'Arabia Saudità: diventerà una foresta! 666 -- non ho tempo per te, oggi! ma, se fai una domanda? tu avrai una risposta, tuttavia!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

@ friend, Giorgio Napolitano - this world war?: Must be lose by us! you can not want: that: the human race is stifled by Satanists Americans, Rothschild Pharisees: bank seigniorage, that their objective is the agenda Aliens Abductions, occult powers: the human sacrifices: on the altar of Satan, etc. .. they believe, that we are animals: in human form (satanic talmud) ... of these monsters: you are the allies! @amico, Giorgio Napolitano -- questa guerra mondiale?: deve essere persa da noi! tu non puoi volere: che: il genere umano sia soffocato dai satanisti americani, farisei Rothschild: del signoraggio bancario, che, il loro obiettivo: è la agenda Aliens Abductions, dei poteri occulti: dei sacrifici umani: sull'altare di satana, ecc.. loro credono, che, noi siamo animali dalla forma umana... di questi mostri: voi siete gli alleati!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

King masonic system: Bildenberg: Giorgio Napolitano: "Parliament can not veto the executive." Counsel for the defense: the government decides on F35 - ANSWER - really? So, you no longer need the farce of a parliament! In fact, you are the Masonic system of banking seigniorage! that is, the conspiracy demo-pluto Judeo-Masonic: to smother: the Jewish-Christian civilization: to encircle with: Islamists: Israel .. because no one can deny: "In a few years, you have transformed: all Muslims: in Islamists, for your allies in Arab nazi league!"
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

[vai a fare in culo, islamista: proprio il popolo ti ha direttamente delegittimato. ] La polizia è accanto all'esercito, sostiene la legittimità del popolo, proteggerà i manifestanti pacifici e non permetterà a nessuno di ricorrere alla violenza. Tensione altissima in Egitto a poche ore dallo scadere dell'ultimatum, nel pomeriggio, che i militari hanno posto al presidente Mohamed Morsi per uscire dalla crisi paralizzante e sempre più violenta nel quale il paese sta precipitando.. i sostenitori di Morsi, hanno provocato la morte di 23 persone e il ferimento di oltre 600. Nella notte una escalation della contrapposizione con un discorso alla nazione di Morsi, preceduto da una serie di messaggi su Twitter, nel quale il primo presidente dei Fratelli musulmani ha ribadito la sua legittimità, che gli deriva, ha sottolineato, dall'essere stato eletto direttamente dal popolo. [vai a fare in culo, islamista: proprio il popolo ti ha direttamente delegittimato. ]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

[[@Lega ARABA sharia, voi siete diventati un cancro: nel genere umano! voi siete lo strumento dei farisei Enlightened (FMI 666 NWO) per trascinare il genere umano nella guerra mondiale, voi avete fatto epurazioni anche nella magistratura per mettere i vostri fanatici, tutti i criminali del maniaco religioso: Re dell'Arabia Saudita, il grande criminale internazionale ]] I militari non hanno aspettato molto: per replicare a MORSI, alzando ulteriormente il livello dello scontro. In un messaggio sulla pagina facebook della Forze armate dal titolo eloquente "le ultime ore", hanno affermato: "Giuriamo davanti a Dio che sacrificheremo il nostro sangue per l'Egitto e il suo popolo, contro, tutti i terroristi, estremisti e ignoranti", si legge. I media egiziani sono univoci nel dire che oggi è il giorno della fine del regime di Morsi,
Chew lIts
Chew lIts 3 giorni fa

the rothschilds and the old whore in the icon are evil in disguise my friend.
JohnnyAguirreTV 3 giorni fa

Hello there can you please watch our videos and if you like them, sub us? I thank you for reading, have a nice day =D -Johnny
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

lizard leader 666 IMF-NWO, ie, 187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 weeks. ago(ON MY PAGE) said: [Who Is Your Leader?] --ANSWER -- I am a man like everyone else, then YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: is my Leader.. io sono un uomo come tutti, quindi JHWH, il Dio di Abramo Isacco e Giacobbe è il mio Leader.. Now, I'm tired of all your Pharisees, your friends traitors Masons, 322 Bildenber Trilateral, ecc.. that they talk behind my back, to do plot, against Israel, but, that they would never dare to talk to me. about. criminal satanic, banking seigniorage... ora, io sono stanco di tutti i farisei, i tuoi amici traditori massoni, che, loro parlano alle mie spalle, per complottare contro Israele, ma, che loro non oserebbero mai parlare con me
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

07/03/2013 09:23. EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] by André Azzam. The Army's ultimatum to Mohammad Morsi to respond to the protester's demands expires in a few hours. However, last night the president gave a televised speech, making it clear that he does not intend to step down: 32 people killed thus far in clashes. Cairo (AsiaNews) - Egypt waits with bated breath to see how the clash between President Morsi, the millions of demonstrators on the streets demanding his resignation and the army, which has given the President an ultimatum to meet the demands of the population, which expires in the afternoon, will end. Meanwhile the "Tamarrud" movement shows no signs of wanting to leave the squares of the country although yesterday - after Morsi's televised speech - clashes between democracy protesters
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood have caused 32 dead and about 800 injured. In addition, after the speech, the government began to crumble: the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Sport and three presidential spokesmen have resigned. The dawn of a new day has risen in Egypt and hundreds of thousands of Egyptians are still in the squares all over the country hoping for a new future for the homeland to be decided today. In about ten hours of time the army ultimatum to the regime to settle the situation and respond to the people's requests ends. Late last night, Mohammad Morsi gave a speech on national TV, totally refusing to cooperate and to quit what he describes as his legitimate role. During more than 45 minutes, he used the word ''legitimacy'' for more than 55 times.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] He said he had opened his door to dialogue and is eager to remove the general prosecutor, reshuffle his cabinet, and constitute a special commission in order to suggest some changes in the constitution, to be approved by the new parliament when it is elected. It is clear that this was all that he could offer and nothing more, sticking to his argument based on the ''democratic vote of the people''. He described the huge demonstrations all over the country as a ''bunch of people led by old regime remnants and opportunist elements'', never affording this ''opposition'' the recognition that it is also the voice of the people's will. He also asked everybody to be careful and not to be influenced by any different trends as well as to strongly resist what is against legitimacy.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] His speech was very badly received by the millions of demonstrators gathered in Tahrir Square, in front of the presidential palace in Héliopolis, and in front of Qobba palace (a former royal palace at middle distance between Tahrir and Heliopolis), where Morsi has decided to reside these last days in order to avoid being in Héliopolis. The same rejection was expressed in all the main squares of every Egyptian town all over the country. Observers reacted strongly accusing Morsi of invoking a civil war. In fact, immediately after the speech was over, clashes erupted next to Cairo University area, where supporters of Morsi set up positions yesterday.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] At least seven people were reported shot by the members of the Muslim brotherhood, among which the local deputy chief of the police who was shot in the head and chest. He was transported to a hospital and soon was reported dead. Many wounded people were transported to the Boulaq al-Dakrour hospital, South of the Cairo University hospital, but the Director of the hospital refused to take care of anyone who does not belong to the brotherhood. Leading people in the area called for ambulances to go there to take care of the wounded and bring them to big hospitals. They also presented a complaint against the medical doctor directing the hospital and intend to report him to the professional order of medicine in order to banish him from any future medical role.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] In this same area observers reported that many non-Egyptian elements were arrested with automatic weapons, probably members of Hamas, from Gaza area. Immediately after Morsi's speech a report was read on the Ministers Council tweeter account stating that the government did not agree with the speech. Half an hour later, the report was delayed. Then the Foreign Affairs minister announced his resignation, and was followed by Egyptian diplomats association who decided to down arms in Egyptian représentations abroad, except for urgent consular matters. Three of the presidency spokesmen resigned as well as many of the governors, and the Minister of Sports. Never has Mohammad Morsi appeared more isolated than now.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] On top of this, it is said that he took refuge into the Republican Guards premises, from where his speech was broadcast. Demonstrators announced they would gather in front of those premises during the day, before the deadline in the afternoon. Many leaders from the Salvation Front stated that Morsi should even be arrested and judged because of his call to civil war. Observers stressed on the fact that Morsi cares little for the Egyptian bloodshed and is ready to shed more to remain on his seat, relying on elements coming out of Egypt to fight against Egyptians, while Egyptian people demonstrating are respectful of any drop of Egyptian blood. According to the armed forces, nearly thirty million Egyptians have taken to the Streets from Alexandria in the North, to Asswan in the South.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] No damages were reported except for the assaults against Brotherhood premises in Alexandria and Cairo. Many of the people questioned by different TV channels preferred to label Morsi's supporters as the ''Brotherhood'', omitting the ''Muslim'' epithet since they consider that they are harming Islam. Most of the observers recognize one achievement of Morsi's: he succeeded in "totally curing Egypt of the Brotherhood''. They assert that the Brotherhood regime has come to an end and that never again will the Brotherhood be able to claim or hold power in the country. Demonstrators are claiming the evidence to represent legitimacy and the Salvation Front has chosen Mohammad al Baradeï, former head of the International Agency for Atomic Energy,
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

EGYPT Egyptians, wait for the dawn of a new day [stop imperialism sharia for worldwide caliphate nazi Arab League] to be the official spokesman of the people, with three young technocrats, in order to design the future path of Egypt. It is clear that ''Tamarrud'' (rebellion) movement has been making History and that the hope for the future in Egypt is strong from now on.This new day will be a decisive one, according to everybody, observers and demonstrators. The rigid winter of Egypt will hopefully turn into a real spring, and fascist and religious autocracy will definitely change into real steps towards true democracy.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 3 giorni fa

Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 1 minuto fa @666 google -- cazzo, con questa: sola:, tu mi ha fatto tre canali di youtube ... perché, tu stai avendo questo comportamento? Jezebel II 666 IMF-NWO 24 minuti fa @google 666 IMF-NWO -- è cattiva la tua attitudine di costringe: a realizzare, più canali su un solo indirizzo gmail.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 4 giorni fa

@ IMF 666 NWO, Rothschild Pharisee Illuminated by Lucifer ----- stealing, the our: banking seigniorage (through: Masonic conspiracy), you have entered Satan, in all religions, and in all institutions, all Governments (you've turned, make, all peoples, in your slaves), all you have corrupt, you have diverted, the path of conscience, have distorted the free will of men, thou hast profaned the value of human nature, now, now: with: your Satanists (AI: artificial Intelligence alien micro human-chip and micro chip aliens thinner: 50 times a human hair) took control of the electronics, information technology: the Internet, telecommunications and control ... artificial intelligence, control pornography and telephony. gaming machines, etc. .. (there is, only one set: the integrated system: global control: "big brother"). I know you, "You have sentenced to death Israel," as, I have sentenced you to death, along with all of your accomplices.
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 4 giorni fa

@IMF 666 NWO, Rothschild fariseo Illuminato da Lucifero ----- rubando il signoraggio bancario (attraverso: la congiura massonica), tu hai inserito satana, in tutte le religioni: ed in tutte le istituzioni (hai trasformato i popoli, nei tuoi schiavi), tutto tu hai corrotto, hai deviato il cammino delle coscienze, hai falsato, il libero arbitrio degli uomini, tu hai profanato il valore della natura umana, adesso, ora: con: i tuoi satanisti (AI: intelligenza artificiale aliena, micro-chip umani, e micro chip alieni: più sottili, di: 50 volte un capello) hanno preso il controllo della elettronica, informatica: di internet, e controllano le telecomunicazioni... l'intelligenza artificiale, controlla la pornografia, la telefonia. le macchine da gioco, ecc..(sono un solo insieme: sistema integrato: per il controllo globale). io ti conosco: "tu hai condannato a morte Israele", come, io ho condannato a morte te, insieme a tutti i tuoi complici.
Chew lIts
Chew lIts 1 sett. fa

subbed from Scotland mate.
UniusRei3 2 sett. fa

@ 322 google, youtube 666 - and then, we must not forget how to protect the Queen of England, you have close, not only, in youtube channel "SatanQueenFagot," but, you were also closed the site "blog spot" associated with it .. SatanQueenFagot, ok! it that I see, as google have returned if site to me, ok. ... [[@ Elizabeth II - Lady: how many years (of hell) you have just, at only one leg? and how vast are your riches? to say: "I am innocent of all this predation, That is the system of banking seigniorage, That it did to the damage of all peoples? Because, as are the hair: on the body of a newborn know, people who remain alive in all England, after the 3 rd WWnuclear! your King: Unius Rei]]
UniusRei3 2 sett. fa

@youtube 666 -- è inaudito, 1. questa pagina: non è il canale ufficiale di youtube! 2. allora, perché, tu hai bloccato: il mio canale "stardefinibusterrae", solo perché, io ho deciso di chiamare quel canale: "Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO". 3. e poi, cosa c'è di strano? sanno tutti che, la Regina di Inghilterra, è la Santa Protettrice della Massoneria Inglese, cioè, la suddita fedele di: JaBullOn, Baal MArduk, del 666 FMI-NWO 322... per avere rubato: proprio lei, "Jezebel II" ai popoli, il signoraggio bancario, che, poi, ha regalato al suo fariseo Rothschild, affinché, sia Israele, come tutte le religioni: vengano disintegrate... perché: vi state approfittando di quel: inabile mentale: del Re dell'Arabia SAudita? non sapete: che: è un reato abusare: di quelli, che, hanno problemi psicologici, gravi, per essere i maniaci religiosi, che, sognano nel NWO 666, il proprio califfato mondiale sharia nazi?
187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 sett. fa

[Who Is Your Leader?]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Greece: last concert in tears (ANSA) - Rome, June 16 - The blonde violinist playing, but can not: hold back the tears, and in a break, pat: the face with his instrument. The choir brown: he can barely sing and, with a gesture just mentioned, encourages: a colleague that: seems to have no voice. There are evening dresses for the last concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of Greece which closes for lack of money, after 75 years, but so much emotion. - ANSWER - It is So much emotion. for Shark usures Rothschild's IMF-NWO 322, 666 World Bank, all the Pharisees killers: Masons Bildenberg: of all the false: democracies of Masonic banking seigniorage! this is: highTreason!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Grecia: ultimo concerto in lacrime (ANSA) - ROMA, 16 GIU - La violinista bionda suona, ma non riesce a trattenere le lacrime e, in una pausa, accarezza con il viso il suo strumento. La corista bruna riesce a stento a cantare e, con un gesto appena accennato, incoraggia una collega che sembra non avere piu' voce. Non ci sono abiti da sera per l'ultimo concerto dell'orchestra sinfonica nazionale greca che chiude per mancanza di soldi dopo 75 anni, ma tanta emozione. -- ANSWER -- È Tanta l'emozione. dello squalo Rothschild FMI-NWO 322, 666 Banca Mondiale, tutti i farisei assassini massoni Bildenberg: di tutte le false democrazie massoniche del signoraggio bancario! questo è : Alto tradimento!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

ANKARA, June 16 - The turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in front of a crowd of supporters in Istanbul that was his duty to'' clean up'' yesterday Gezi Park, occupied by anti-government protesters and assaulted by the police. '' The operation 'was conducted yesterday,'' he added, noting that the park and Taksim Square'' have been cleaned up.'' - ANSWER - IDIOT, you've cleaned up, democracy, also, in fact, you have become a Nazi islamista .. that's for sure, too: you have conspired against Israel
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

ANKARA, 16 GIU - Il premier turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha detto davanti a una folla di sostenitori a Istanbul che era suo dovere ''ripulire'' ieri Gezi Park, occupato da manifestanti antigovernativi e preso d'assalto dalla polizia. ''L'operazione e' stata condotta ieri'', ha aggiunto, rimarcando che il parco e piazza Taksim ''sono stati ripuliti''. -- ANSWER -- IDIOTA, tu hai ripulito, la democrazia, anche, infatti, tu sei diventato un slamista nazista.. questo è certo, anche tu: hai complottto contro: Israele
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

[i am jewish Messiah of God, YHWH, with absolute powers gifts!] lorenzojhwh is not an administrator: of God, he is a governor Messiah of God, YHWH, with absolute powers gifts! I have the absolute power, received from God, Which has been proved: in this server, I can reopen the genealogies of His Father, and the priestly service, for my Jewish Temple: the love of God, YHWH, I am the Jewish Messiah: lorenzojhwh, ie, Unius REI, a guide for all peoples .. [I can not wait to work with all the Jews of the world to solve all the problems related to their religion ]
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

[i am jewish Messiah, of God, YHWH, with absolute powers gifts!] . 666,322 FMI-NWO --- I do not need to read: or listen to: Capie for things, I intuit all spiritually: in fact, I "I see the evil of your thoughts, and pensiieri of Rothschild" All Those Who love God: justice equality, compassion, true love, are all the: only ONE: People: chosen by God, i am Unius Rei .. universal brotherhood, but the Jews have a lay priesthood universal, here's why: my Jewish Temple is essential. In fact, the promises Have Been Given by God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and this is not a genetic gift, like the Pharisee Rothschild said to you (but, it is a cultural thing spiritually.) That's why we can and to we have to become Jews,
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Libya: Judge killed: in front of the court (Reuters, conceals the faults of the Islamists of the Arab League, because, ANSA is a Masonic conspiracy) - ROME, JUNE 16 - A group of armed men murdered a judge in court : in Derna, in eastern Libya. This was reported by the state agency, Lana. The killer (by: Islamist terrorists) on board of a car, they shot the judge, and then fled. - ANSWER - that's why, the millions of Muslims who, Freemasons Pharisees Bildenberg: IMF-NWO: they let: to enter, without, to do force: against: The Arab League, for his duty of reciprocity (human rights, freedom of religion, secularism), is only to end up destroying Christian Europe... that is destroy: Jewish Christian, civilization
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Libia: giudice ucciso: davanti a tribunale (ANSA, nasconde le colpe degli islamisti della LEGA ARABA, perché, ANSA: è un complotto massonico) - TRIPOLI, 16 GIUgno - Un gruppo di uomini armati: ha assassinato un giudice: davanti a un tribunale: a Derna, nell'est della Libia. Lo riferisce l'agenzia di Stato, Lana. I killer (islamisti, terroristi) a bordo: di una auto, hanno sparato al giudice: e poi, sono fuggiti. -- ANSWER -- ecco perché, i milioni di musulmani, che, i massoni farisei bildenberg: FMI-NWO: hanno fatto entrare: senza obbligare: la Lega ARABA al dovere della reciprocità(diritti umani, libertà di religione, laicità), è soltanto, per finire di distruggere l'Europa cristiana
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

666 322 FMI-NWO --- io non ho bisogno di leggere: o di ascoltare: per capie le cose, io intuisco tutto spiritualmente: infatti, io "vedo la malvagità dei tuoi pensieri, e dei pensiieri di Rothschild". I have the absolute power, received from God, which has been proved: in this server, I can reopen the genealogies of his father, and the priestly service, for my Jewish Temple: the love of God, YHWH, I am the Jewish messiah: lorenzojhwh, ie, Unius REI, a guide for all peoples... io ho il potere assoluto, ricevuto da Dio: che è stato dimostrato: in questo server, io posso riaprire le genealogie paterne, ed il servizio sacerdotale, per il mio Tempio Ebraico: l'amore di Dio JHWH, io sono il messia ebraico: lorenzojhwh, ie, Unius REI, una guida per tutti i popoli
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

stop'' final of relations: 16 June, Syria to Egypt: 'irresponsible act', DAMASCUS, The regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accused, today, the 'Egypt'' an irresponsible act'' after the announcement by: the Cairo of a'' break'' definitive relations with Damascus. '' The Syrian Arab Republic condemns the irresponsible decision ofMORSI islamist, so that 'goes to join the clique of conspirators against Syria led by the United States and Israel,'' said an official of the regime quoted by the official Sana. - ANSWER - of these Muslims? all CRIMINALS ARE TOTALLY, RACIST, NAZI, all: HAZARDOUS killers. if Israel does not finish everything in tragedy for all of them? end in tragedy for him! of course, after having massacred,between, each other, all will make peace on the corpse of Israel .. the Pharisees have prepared all this!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Siria a Egitto: 'atto irresponsabile': Delle ''rottura'' definitiva delle relazioni: 16 giugno, Siria a Egitto: 'atto irresponsabile' (ANSA) - DAMASCO, Il regime del presidente siriano Bashar al Assad ha accusato, oggi, l'Egitto di ''un atto irresponsabile'' dopo l'annuncio da parte: del Cairo di una ''rottura'' definitiva: delle relazioni con Damasco. ''La repubblica araba siriana condanna la decisione irresponsabile di Morsi che cosi' va ad unirsi alla cricca dei cospiratori contro la Siria guidata dagli Stati Uniti e Israele'', ha detto un responsabile del regime citato dall'agenzia ufficiale Sana. --ANSWER-- questi islamici? SONO TOTALMENTE CRIMINALI , RAZZISTI, NAZISTI, tutti: PERICOLOSI assassini. se Israele non fa finire tutto in tragedia per tutti loro? finirà in tragedia per lui! ovviamente, dopo esseresi massacrati tra di loro, tutti faranno la pace: sul cadavere di Israele.. i farisei hanno preparato tutto questo!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

[is a new alliance] @ 666 criminal cannibal IMF-nwo 322, Rothschild 187AUDIOHOSTEM - being jews "eldest brother" does NOT guarantee anything! lol>;-) - ANSWER - all that, WHAT THE ILLUMINATI PHARISEES HAVE STOLEN THE JEWS, that is, their legacy, I can return, all to them, because that is why God has mandat me to renew the covenants and blessings, In fact, that's why I'm Unius REI. I am not a prophet, I am a King of the Kingdom of God, with full legislative powers, I have the seal in order to legislate! -- ANSWER -- QUELLO CHE I FARISEI ILLUMINATI, HANNO RUBATO AGLI EBREI, cioè, la loro eredità, io posso restituirla loro, perché è per questo che Dio ha mandat me, per rinnovare le alleanze e le benedizioni, infatti, è per questo che io sono Unius REI. io non sono un profeta, io sono un Re del Regno di Dio, con i pieni poteri legislativi, io ho il sigillo per poter legiferare!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

all those who love God: justice equality, compassion, love true, are all the: ONE only: people: chosen by God, i am Unius Rei.. universal brotherhood, but the Jews have a lay priesthood universal, here's why: my Jewish Temple is essential. In fact, the promises have been given by God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and this is not a genetic gift, like the Pharisee Rothschild said to you (but, it is a cultural thing spiritual.) that's why we can all and we have to become Jews, infatti, le promesse sono state date, da Dio: ad Abramo Isacco e Giacobbe, e questo non è un fatto genetico, come, il fariseo Rothschild ha detto a te (, ma, è un fatto culturale spirituale.) ecco perché, tutti possiamo e dobbiamo diventare ebrei, ma, gli ebrei hanno un sacerdozio laico universale, ecco perché: il mio Tempio Ebraico è indispensabile.. tutti quelli che amano Dio: giustizia uguaglianza, compassione, amore verità,, sono tutti il popolo eletti da Dio
187AUDIOHOSTEM 2 sett. fa

That's Funny...Everyone I Speak With Understands The "English". lol >;-)
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Erdogan attacks: Gezi Park will be released at any cost, they burn the Koran. Stinging agents in the water hydrants ... June 16, 2013 --- ANSWER - ERDOGAN has gone mad! it is clear, decided to partecipre the international conspiracy of Islamists Nazis: Arab League salafis Al Quaeda, against, Israel .. only a preemptive nuclear attack of: ISRAEL, can save the human race, now! Erdogan attacca: Gezi Park sarà liberato a qualunque costo, bruciano il Corano. Agenti urticanti nell'acqua degli idranti... 16 giugno 2013 --- ANSWER-- ERDOGAN è impazzito! è evidente, ha deciso di partecipre al complotto internazionale, degli islamisti nazisti, contro Israele.. soltanto un attacco nucleare preventivo di ISRAELE, può salvare il genere umano adesso!
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Jews and all Peoples: Are, all, God's Chosen People ... it Is Written: i am Unius REI! .. Iran: U.S., now, go over nuclear obligations ... So, you will partner. Victoria, of: Rohani, is a signal of hope into shit all in world war, now ... 16 June, - ANSWER - @ criminals, PUTIN & OBAMA --- you know it very well: "you are taking: for the piss out of Israel, only, Because, you HAVE DECIDED That, world war: it must be done! ".. one who: does not respect: freedom of religion?, is not worthy of any credibility! you know very well, That Iran needs nuclear weapons .. and, That His goals can not be hidden from your chat .. are you two accomplices, you are conspiring: against: Israel, along with the Arab League
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

but, I do not need: to study or to read, I know all the mysteries of the faith personally in various sizes (in the past), I have achieved, such as: a science infused, knowledge, in a personal way, otherwise, my metaphysics: speculative and rational: it could not have any value! I am the proof of the truth of Christianity: "end of history" ma, io non ho bisogno di: studiare o di leggere, io conosco tutti i misteri della fede: personalmente: secondo varie dimensioni, io ho raggiunto, come: una scienza infusa, una conoscenza, in modo personale, altrimenti, la mia metafisica: speculativa e razionale: non potrebbe avrebbe alcun valore! io sono la dimostrazione della verità del cristianesimo: "fine della storia"
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

I giudici Usa: vietato brevettare i geni umani IMG .. Di Luca Landò 14 giugno 2013 Non si brevettano così i geni umani. Non è il titolo di un film, ma l'ultimo capitolo di una lunga vicenda giudiziaria americana che avrà sicuramente ricadute a livello internazionale. --ANSWER -- I PERICOLOSI SATANISTI AMERICANI.. la telenovela continua ...
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

伊朗:美國,現在,去核義務...所以,你的合作夥伴。維多利亞,魯哈尼,信號是希望在世界戰爭狗屎,現在... 6月16日, - 答案 - @罪犯,普京和奧巴馬---你知道它非常好:"你正在服用:小便以色列,只因為,你已經決定,世界戰爭:這是必須做到的! "......誰不尊重宗教自由,是不值得任何信譽!你非常清楚地知道,伊朗需要核武器..他的目標是不能隱藏的從你的聊天..你有兩個同夥,你正密謀反對:以色列與阿拉伯國家聯盟,以及
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

이란 : 미국, 이제 핵 의무를 가서 ... 그래서, 당신은 파트너가된다. 빅토리아 : Rohani, 신호는 이제 모든 세계 전쟁에서 똥으로 희망입니다 ... 년 6 월 16 일 - ANSWER - @ 범죄자 푸틴 & 오바마 --- 당신이 그것을 아주 잘 알고는 "당신이 복용 : 이스라엘의 소변을 위해, 단지 때문에, 당신은, 세계 대전을 결정했다 : 그것을 수행해야합니다! ".. 누구 하나 : 존중하지 않는 : 종교의 자유는 모든 신뢰의 가치가 아니다! 당신은이란이 핵무기를 필요로하는, 매우 잘 알고 .. 그리고 그의 목표는 귀하의 채팅에서 숨겨진 수 없습니다 .. 두 개의 공범, 당신은 음모 :에 : 이스라엘, 아랍 연맹과 함께
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Iran: Etats-Unis, maintenant, allez sur obligations nucléaires ... Ainsi, vous aurez partenaire. Victoria, de: Rohani, un signal d'espoir est dans la merde toute la Première Guerre mondiale, maintenant ... 16 Juin - RÉPONSE - @ criminels, M. Poutine et Obama --- vous savez très bien: "vous prenez: la pisse hors d'Israël, seulement, parce que, vous avez décidé que, guerre mondiale: il faut le faire! ".. celui qui: ne respecte pas: la liberté de religion, n'est pas digne de la moindre crédibilité! vous savez très bien que l'Iran a besoin d'armes nucléaires .. et que son objectif ne peut être caché à votre chat .. vous êtes deux complices, vous conspiré contre: Israël, avec la Ligue arabe
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Irán: EE.UU., ahora, y pasa obligaciones nucleares ... Por lo tanto, se asociará. Victoria, de: Rohani, una señal de esperanza en la mierda todo en la guerra mundial, ahora ... 16 de junio - RESPUESTA - @ criminales, Putin y OBAMA --- usted sabe muy bien: "usted está tomando la orina fuera de Israel, solamente, porque, usted ha decidido que la guerra mundial: hay que hacerlo! ".. que: no respeta: la libertad de religión, no es digno de credibilidad! usted sabe muy bien, que Irán tiene armas nucleares .. y que su objetivo no se puede ocultar de tu chat .. estás a dos cómplices, que están conspirando: en contra: Israel, junto con la Liga Árabe
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Iran: USA, nu gå över nukleära förpliktelser ... Så kommer du partner. Victoria, av: Rohani, en signal av hopp i skit i världskrig, nu ... Den 16 juni - SVAR - @ brottslingar, Putin & OBAMA --- du vet det mycket väl: "du tar: för pissa ut ur Israel, bara, eftersom, har ni beslutat att, världskrig: det måste göras! ".. en som: inte respekt:? religionsfrihet, är inte värda någon trovärdighet! du vet mycket väl, att Iran behöver kärnvapen .. och att hans mål inte kan döljas från chatten .. ni är två medbrottslingar, du konspirerar: nej: Israel, tillsammans med Arabförbundet
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Iran: USA, jetzt gehen über nukleare Verpflichtungen ... So werden Sie Partner. Victoria, von: Rohani, ein Signal der Hoffnung in Scheiße im zweiten Weltkrieg, jetzt ... 16. Juni - ANTWORT - @ Kriminelle, PUTIN & OBAMA --- Sie wissen es sehr gut: "Sie nehmen: für die Pisse aus Israel, nur, weil Sie, dass Weltkrieges beschlossen: es muss getan werden! ".. Wer: nicht respektiert: Freiheit der Religion, ist meiner nicht würdig jede Glaubwürdigkeit! Sie wissen sehr wohl, dass der Iran Atomwaffen benötigt .. und, dass sein Ziel nicht von Ihrem Chat ausgeblendet werden .. Sie sind zwei Komplizen, werden Sie verschworen: gegen: Israel, zusammen mit der Arabischen Liga
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Iran: U.S., now, go over nuclear obligations . .. So, you will partner. Victoria, of : Rohani, is a signal of hope into shit all in world war, now . .. 16 June, - ANSWER - @ criminals, PUTIN & OBAMA gay -- - you know it very well: "you are taking: for the piss out of Israel, only , Because, you HAVE DECIDED That, world war: it must be done! ". . one who: does not respect: freedom of religion?, is not worthy of any credibility! you know very well, That Iran needs nuclear weapons . . and, That His goals can not be hidden from your chat .. are you two accomplices, you are conspiring: against: Israel, along with the Arab League
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO
Jezebel II queen IMF-NWO 2 sett. fa

Iran: Usa, ora, andare oltre gli obblighi nucleari ... Quindi, si sarà partner. Victoria, di: Rohani, un segnale di speranza in merda tutto nella prima guerra mondiale, ora ... 16 giugno - RISPOSTA - @ criminali, Putin & OBAMA --- che conosci molto bene: "sta assumendo: per il culo di Israele, solo, perché, avete deciso che, la guerra mondiale: deve essere fatto! ".. chi: non rispetta: la libertà di religione, non è degno di ogni credibilità! si sa molto bene, che l'Iran ha bisogno di armi nucleari .. e, che il suo obiettivo non può essere nascosta dalla tua chat .. siete due complici, si stanno cospirando: contro: Israele, insieme con la Lega Araba

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica