Dhimmitude Islamic genocide sharia

a PUTIN, tu questo risarcimento mettilo sul conto delle MISTRaL SAUDITE: i terroristi bombaroli: dei traditori egiziani sharia imperialismo ERDOGAN Hitler ] [ Sinai: 140 corpi rientrati in Russia. Mosca darà risarcimento a famiglie. Stasera parte secondo aereo. FARò SPARIRE DA QUESTO PIANETA TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI E IL LORO MALEDETTO PROFETA! COSì COME LORO HANNO FATTO SPARIRE TUTTI I POPOLI CHE VIVEVANO PRIMA DEL LORO SATANISMO NAZISTA ONU AMNESTY OBAMA GENDER!

la sharia è un demone saudita intelligente: [ DEL TIPO SERVIZI SEGRETI: INTELLIGENCE ] per ora SALMAN gli ha detto: "in Europa, TU per ora devi dormire!" MA LUI HA GIà FATTO LA CALCOLATA E CONTROLLATA IMPRUDENZA DI IMPORRE LA SHARIA NELLE ENCLAVI ISLAMICHE EUROPE! ] [ TEL AVIV, 2 NOVembre. Due persone hanno tentato di accoltellare un soldato israeliano al posto di blocco di Jalama. nei pressi di Jenin in Cisgiordania. E' morto uno dei due palestinesi che stamattina hanno tentato di pugnalare un soldato israeliano al check point di Jalame nei pressi di Jenin in Cigiordania e che è stato colpito dalla reazione delle forze di sicurezza.

NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ROTHSCHILD deo pluto giudaico massoni, usurai banchieri Bildenberg, ex comunisti culto, hanno spezzato la dignità e la identità del popolo italiano per sempre! NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ECCO PERCHé IL SISTEMA MASSONICO HA BISOGNO DI REALIZZARE LA GUERRA MONDIALE! ] poi, le difficoltà politiche si possono creare: perché Rothschild rimanga sempre innocente circa ogni Olocausto! [ lo Stato massonico ITALIANO, alto tradimento, violando la Costituzione: si indebita con SpA Rothschild BANChe CENTRALI, per comprare i soldi ad interesse da Rothschild, poi, pretende tasse assurde dai cittadini, e mio suocero di 80 anni: a sua volta, si deve indebitare con le banche: per pagare le tasse, che lo Stato pretende: perché a sua volta: si è indebitato con Rothschild! QUANTO COSTANO A MIO SUOCERO DI 80 ANNI QUESTE TASSE?
CON QUESTO USURAIO FMI ROTHSCHILD SPA MAOMETTO NAZISTA SHARIA 322 BUSH NWO? LA VITA è DIVENTATA UNA MINACCIA CONTINUA! ROMA, 1 NOV - L'aereo russo schiantatosi ieri nel Sinai si è spaccato mentre era in volo: lo scrive la Cnn online, citando fonti dell'aviazione civile russa ripresa dai media locali. Ai giornalisti russi, Viktor Sorochenko, direttore esecutivo della commissione interstatale dell'aviazione russa, ha detto: "La disintegrazione della fusoliera si è verificata in volo, e i frammenti sono distribuiti su un'area piuttosto ampia, circa 20 chilometri quadrati".
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IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma a causa del nazismo della sharia, io sarò costretto a farti del male! TU MI DEVI DARE LO STATO LAICO: CHE SIGNIFICA LIBERTà DI COSCIENZA E RELIGIONE, NON è LO STATO SECOLARE! questa mia richiesta è tutto il contrario dello Stato SECOLARE!
IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma tu hai fatto una religione di nazisti sharia, che, i cristiani sono costretti a combattere, contro di te: per sopravvivere: al 30%! e sono costretti a combattere contro la ARABIA SAUDITA per sopravvivere al 100% [ mentre, lo sanno tutti che, sono: l'ANTICRISTO: Merkel Cameron, e i farisei satanisti massoni usurai Rothschild Bildenberg: Darwin GENDER, Sodoma, che hanno preso il controllo dello Occidente: e quindi, noi non siamo più in grado di poterci difendere da te! [ EPPURE, ANCHE TU NON TI POTRESTI DIFENDERE, SENZA DI ME: PERCHé IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE: QUINDI IO SONO L'UNICO UOMO AL MONDO CHE PUò DISTRUGGERE LO STATO MASSONICO DI ISRAELE!
IRAN [ è VERO CHE IN TUTTO IL MONDO: tu sei l'unico che può guardare la trave nell'occhio di tutti ] ma, è anche vero che, tu non ti puoi condannare a morte soltanto perché: GESù di Betlemme, ti può apparire per fare di te un missionario cristiano! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWZMg0ctNPs
il cielo vomiterà tutto l'ISLAM all'inferno! ] [ Il cimitero cattolico italiano di Tripoli 'Hammangi' è stato di nuovo devastato. Lo fa sapere l'Associazione Italiana Rimpatriati dalla Libia (Airl), che invia all'ANSA le foto che testimoniano lo sfregio. "Sono immagini che si commentano da sole per la loro inciviltà e che completano il quadro tragico della situazione in Libia", afferma la presidente dell'Airl Giovanna Ortu. "Grazie a Dio non abbiamo bisogno di tombe materiali per pregare in ricordo di quei morti, e ci piace ricordare la lunga tradizione di rispetto fra le diverse religioni che ha caratterizzato la nostra vita laggiù. La preoccupazione per i vivi libici in pericolo a causa della lunga guerra fratricida che ha dato spazio a presenze inquietanti prevale sull'accorata preghiera per i nostri cari defunti", sono le parole di Giovanna Ortu e di Giancarlo Consolandi, presidente dell'Exlali, Associazione alunni scuole cristiane di Tripoli. Secondo le ultime informazioni disponibili, nel cimitero cattolico di Tripoli riposano i resti di circa 8000 italiani.
USA avvertono Gran Bretagna: se uscite dall'UE avrete barriere commerciali con l'America ] il nuovo ordine mondiale prevede la islamizzazione del mondo e la distruzione di Europa e ISRAELE: io vi ho avvisati! SOLTANTO DISTRUGGENDO LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA SATANA 322 ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI POTRà DOMINARE IL MONDO! ] ISLAMICI CREDONO DI POTER VINCERE QUESTA PARTITA, MA, NON HANNO NESSUNA SPERANZA: SENZA DI NOI! [ li Stati Uniti non sono entusiasti all’idea di definire un accordo di libero scambio separato con la Gran Bretagna, se questa dovesse lasciare l’Unione Europea, così dice il rappresentante USA per il commercio, Micheal Froman – si tratta del primo commento pubblico di un importante funzionario USA su questo tema.
Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ 1 NOV - Gli Stati Uniti "sono parte del problema in Medio Oriente, non la soluzione": lo ha detto la guida suprema iraniana, Ali Khamenei, incontrando gli ambasciatori iraniani. Gli obiettivi di "Washington e Teheran sono opposti". Intanto sul sito khamenei.ir, ieri, è stato pubblicato un video "Le confessioni di Satana" in cui appare il presidente Usa Barack Obama, incentrato sugli "errori ammessi dagli americani".

https://youtu.be/a8fj7DJMXeg ] really you were: "He was an ardent advocate of the oppressed all over the world. He did not compromise with arrogant powers??". then, where is your freedom of religion! CAIN were is your brothers ABELE Christian? then you remove sharia quickly! were is your video "Confessions of Satan" by OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ape very smart
Khamenei.ir] funny [ if your god is true, then, we can do an exorcism together? ] If the devil goes away only in the name of JESUS? Then, you make yourself a Christian, or you go to hell!
Khamenei.ir ] funny [ se il tuo dio è vero: poi, noi possiamo fare un esorcismo insieme? ] se il demonio va via soltanto nel nome di GESù? poi, tu ti fai cristiano, oppure tu vai all'inferno!
Khamenei.ir ] friend [ i am Messiah ( lorenzoJHWH ) e Mahdi ( lorenzoALLAH ) Unius REI (Governor on all the world ): polital proiect of King ISRAEL: for universal brothehood, ie: the mortal enemy of all Satanists Pharisees Rothschild from satanic TALMUD APOSTASY [ i have sub to you ] as you might think to talk about justice if with Nazism Sharia: you hurt the saints, that God has called on the path of virtue?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ I have no found on the internet all the list of crimes against humanity that he himself admitted that he did! you can make this work for me?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ io non ho trovato in internet tutto l'elenco dei crimini contro il genere umano, che lui stesso ha ammesso di avere fatto! tu puoi fare questo lavoro per me?

https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs IO SONO il METAFISICO UNIUS REI [ io sono l'amministratore immortale divino figlio di Dio: in JESU's NAME! Governatore universale ed eterno di tutto il Regno di DIO JHWH HOLY ] io ho fatto cacciare l'ex-Direttore di youtube synnek1, ed oggi lui è 187AudioHostem, lui è un iraniano sacerdote di satana: che lo Spirito SANTO ha fatto impazzire!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs io ho esorcizzato tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA, E QUINDI NEL NWO S.P.A. FMI SONO TUTTI TERRORIZZATI, che, loro hanno fatto impunemente 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana! quindi, MOLTI DI LORO SONO IMPAZZITI E MOLTI DI LORO SONO MORTI, INSIEME AI LORO ALIENI NEI DISCHI VOLANTI! Quindi adesso è impossibile che loro possano continuare a fare tutti quei delitti, ma, purtroppo continuano a farli! ma, tu non devi pensare che io dico queste cose in giro a tutti, perché le persone non hanno la maturità spirituale per potermi capire!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs la mia missione in internet è iniziata 25 anni fa: quando, con orrore, io ho scoperto che, 400 martiri cristiani del tutTo innocenti venivano messi a morte ( 300 li uccidevano gli islamici, come te ) e 100 li uccidevano tutti gli altri: ( comunisti buddisti induisti ) MA NESSUNO, SI DEDICA A PROTEGGERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI, PERCHé LA MERKEL massoni satanisti OBAMA GENDER BILDENBERG ROTHSCHILD BUSH KERRY Darwin: LA ABOMINAZIONE SODOMa, SONO L'ANTICRISTO E LORO RIDONO QUANDO I MARTIRI CRISTIANI VENGONO UCCISI!
/watch?v=KWZMg0ctNPs parlare male degli ebrei, come parlare male di qualsiasi popolo, significa soltanto gettare fango su Dio Onnipotente! ok! ma se vogliamo parlare male di Rothschild e dei Farisei cannibali massoni? ok! nessuno potrebbe farlo meglio di me! ] EPPURE IO HO TOLTO IL RISPETTO A DAVID DUKE, PERCHé LUI è VENUTO IN IRAN PIENO DI ODIO CONTRO ISRAELE (oggi è di moda), E SI è DIMENTICATO DI DIFENDERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI INNOCENTI, CHE TU METTI A MORTE!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs LA CIA 666 SPA FMI 322 NWO satana datagate ] la deve smettere con i suoi filtri di dicidere lei, quali dei miei commenti possono essere visibili su questa pagina!
Assad merita di morire (ma, io ho ordinato a Benjamin Netanyahu di salvare la sua vita, eppure, con un piede nella fossa, disprezzando il suo occulto protettore (Benjamin Netanyahu ): ASSAD voleva dare i missili a hezbollah o Ḥizb Allāh, per colpire ISRAELE ), Assad merita di morire, perché è la sharia che lo vuole uccidere, eppure, quando io gli ho ordinato di condannare la sharia: lui non lo ha fatto! Quindi io lo ho abbandonato: e lui ha incominciato a perdere la guerra! TUTTAVIA, oggi: 1. io non posso abbandonare la RUSSIA, 2. anche perché Assad ha versato il suo sangue per proteggere i martiri cristiani: ecco perché, io non lo posso abbandonare: definitivamente!
youtube 666 CIA cannibali ] BRUTTA CAGNA DI UNA TROIA [ io scrivo l'articolo sul mio wordpad e tu mi metti i filtri già sul desktop del mio computer, così il testo che non esiste in internet? io non lo posso incollare da nessuna parte! ] POI, NESSUNO DEVE DIRE CHE IO FACCIO DEL MALE AI FIGLI DEL DEMONIO SENZA NESSUN PRETESTO!
GLI EBREI SONO STATI NEL DESERTO SAUDITA della MADIANA, 40 ANNI ED UN GIORNO! ANCHE MOSé è SEPORTO LI, [ QUINDI QUELLA TERRA è MIA! ] ed io, non, credo che, qualcuno, si deve ostinare, contro, la volontà di Dio, e lui si può ostinare fino al punto di dire: "tutti gli ebrei del mondo devono sempre essere maledetti E SATANISTI, e non devono mai avere una loro Patria!" PERCHé IN QUESTO CASO, I FARISEI ENLIGHTENED FROM LUCIFERO, TRASFORMERANNO TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO IN UN SOLO BRANCO DI SCHIVI, AFFINCHé SATANA SIA TUTTO IN TUTTI! [ NON SOLO ] IO PRETENDO ANCHE METà DEL DESERTO EGIZIANO PACIFICAMENTE! altrimenti, me lo pretenderò tutto con la violenza!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs se non smetterete di fare i nazisti della sharia, violatori di tutti i diritti umani, con la complicità di quella bagascia di ONU AMNESTY USA BABILONIA? io vi farò bere il sangue dei vostri figli per la disperazione!
youtube 666 google NWO ] la state facendo sporca! anche mettendo il testo in [ translate.google.it/ ] si attiva l'antispam! VOI SIETE IL VERO REGIME NAZISTA: VOI ( FARISEI MASSONI TALMUD AGENDA ) VOI SIETE IL PADRE DI HITLER, ED IL PADRE DI OGNI SHOAH, CONTRO, IL POPOLO EBRAICO! VOI STATE SOFFOCANDO LA LIBERTà DI ESPRESSIONE! L'ULTIMO REQUISITO CHE NON AVEVATE ANCORA TOLTO AL POPOLO! [ NESSUNO VI DA IL DIRITTO DI IMPOSSESSARVI DEL NOSTRO COMANDO: "COPIA INCOLLA" IN MODO PREVENTIVO! ] if you do not stop TO DO the Nazis Sharia violators of all human rights, with the complicity of the whore of Babylon UN AMNESTY 666 USA? I will make you drink the blood of your children to despair!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs io ragiono come un agnostico razionale: ed io non entro in questioni di tipo ideologico o religioso! NON DOVRESTI MAI PENSARE CHE IO ODIO ISLAM (ANZI IO LO AMO PIù DI OGNI ALTRA COSA) oppure, che io posso odiare qualcosa o qualcuno, o che io ho desiderio di vendetta, o avidità di ricchezze e di potere: "NO! TUTTE QUESTE COSE NEL REGNO DI DIO JHWH SONO DISPREZZATE!" io perseguo i delitti e gli omicidi di persone innocenti, perché, io sono l'unico a cui Dio ha dato il permesso di uccidere le persone: tuttavia, proprio a me Dio ha detto: "tu non uccidere nessuno!".. IN QUESTO MODO, io sono un politico, che, non entra in questioni circa, la religione o circa la forma di Governo! IO VOGLIO AIUTARE TUTTE LE RELIGIONI E TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO A RIMANERE NELLA GIUSTIZIA: CHE è LA METAFISICA DEI 10 COMANDAMENTI DI MOSé
Ignazio Roberto Maria Marino è un chirurgo e politico italiano, sindaco di Roma dal 12 giugno 2013 al 31 ottobre 2015 ] LUI LO HA PRESO NEL GENDER DARWIN IDEOLOGIA 666 FARISEI Rothschild Sodoma Talmud Agenda S.p.A. a FMI: CONTRO I GOYIM ISRAELIANI SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA! tutto dove: " dove il loro verme non muore, e dove il loro fuoco non si estingue!"
SULTANATO ISTANBUL, 2 NOV - "La volontà nazionale si è manifestata a favore della stabilità NAZISTA. Adesso: CONQUISTEREMO IL MONDO SHARIA! un partito con circa il 50% in Turchia ha conquistato il potere, questo dovrebbe essere rispettato dal mondo intero, ma non ho visto questa maturità" finora. Sono queste le prime parole del presidente HITLER Recep Tayyip Erdogan dopo la vittoria nel voto.
NON è CHE IO HO SIMPATIA PER GEZABELE II, L'ANTICRISTO MASSONE MOGLIE SEGRETA DI ROTHSCHILD, MA QUANDO è TROPPO è TROPPO! Rothschild ha superato il limite della decenza: con i suoi sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 KERRY: perché, lui vuole soffocare la memoria e la identità di tutti i popoli! [ dopotutto, bisogna amalgamare, il branco di schiavi del suo signoraggio bancario: i bastardi: Sodoma GENDER DARWIN ISRAELIANI; senza genealogia paterna! ] SYDNEY, 2 NOV - "Inappropriati" nell'Australia moderna. Così il primo ministro conservatore australiano Malcolm Turnbull, già promotore di una campagna per abbandonare la monarchia, ha annunciato l'abolizione dei titoli di cavaliere e dama. L'Australia cancellerà le due onorificenze e la regina Elisabetta, capo dello stato, ha accettato la raccomandazione del governo. I due titoli erano stati già aboliti nel 1986 come anacronistici ma erano stati reintrodotti nel 2014 da Tony Abbott, acceso monarchico.
NON SONO QUELLI CHE, loro PRETENDONO DELLE LORO FANTOMATICHE ACQUE NAZIONALI, IN ACQUE INTERNAZIONALI? ] [ Gentiloni: "L'Italia sosterrà la rinascita della Libia ] [ Il ministro degli Esteri è ad Algeri per incontrare i colleghi algerino e egiziano, all'indomani delle accuse di Tobruk sulla presenza di navi italiane in acque libiche, smentita dall'Italia, e della profanazione del cimitero italiano a Tripoli. Devastato cimitero italiano a Tripoli.

si! la CIA ha dato questi missili ad ARABIA SAUDITA ] [ MOSCA, 2 NOV - La sola causa della sciagura dell'A321 precipitato nel Sinai può essere "un fattore esterno" in aria: lo sostiene un dirigente della Kogalymavia, la compagnia a cui apparteneva l'aereo, citato da Ria Novosti. "Un A-321 - ha detto il manager - non può spaccarsi in aria per il malfunzionamento di un qualsiasi sistema tecnico".
PUTIN, tu mi devi radere al suolo la CABA IDOLO MECCA, perché Benjamin Netanyahu è un GENDER senza le palle!

But when it comes to dealing with Muslim terrorists who have been targeting Christians in a number of villages and cities throughout Egypt over the past few months the Egyptian authorities have endorsed a lenient approach. In fact the authorities according to human rights activists have chosen to turn a blind eye to the plight of the 14-million strong Christian community.
Even worse the Egyptian government seems to be completely out of touch with reality concerning the dangers facing the Christians. Morsi for example has denied that the violence was sectarian claiming it was an "isolated incident that was blown out of proportion." This by the way is the same argument the Egyptian authorities used each time Israel warned that Sinai was falling into the hands of Muslim terror groups. One week before the border guards were killed the Egyptian government dismissed Israeli warnings to Israeli tourists against visiting Sinai. The Egyptians claimed that the Israeli warnings were "exaggerated and unjustified" and accused Israel of seeking to damage Egypt's tourism industry. In the past two years tens of thousands of Christians have fled Egypt mainly due to the rise of Muslim fundamentalists to power. Recurring attacks on Christian families and property and failure of the Egyptian authorities to employ a tougher policy against the fundamentalists have led many Christians to reach the conclusion that they have no future not only in Egypt but in other Arab countries where radical Muslims are rising to power. Christian fears are not unjustified. Muslim fanatics will continue to target Christians because they consider all non-Muslims "infidels." If the fanatics cannot tolerate moderate and secular Muslims why should they be expected to accept those who belong to other faiths? While the number of Christians in the Arab world continues to decline Israel remains the only country in the Middle East where they feel safe and comfortable. That explains why Christians living in Israel have been appealing to Israel to open its borders to absorb their brothers who are fleeing from the Gaza Strip Bethlehem Egypt Lebanon Iraq Egypt and Sudan.
http://rescuechristians.org/egypt-anti-christian-violence-was-described-as-the-worst-since-muslim-brotherhood-candidate-mohamed-morsi-was-elected/ (Gatestoneinstitute)
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Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Tanzanian Christians to Obama: 'Please Speak Out'. July 2 2013. From CBN: ZANZIBAR — As President Barack Obama wraps up his outreach tour to Africa Christians in Tanzania are hoping he will speak out against increased acts of persecution against them.
Obama visits Tanzania Monday where he will meet with President Jakaya Kikwete and the nation's business leaders. The allure of beautiful beaches and tranquil ocean waters draw 100000 tourists to the island of Zanzibar each year. Visitors and their money are welcomed to the Tanzanian paradise but this East African island is influenced by Islamic extremism has a dark past and a troubling present. Several hundred years ago when Arab traders first arrived on the island they were quick to enslave the local population. Fast forward to 2013 there are no longer slaves but today Christians are suffering. Churches have been attacked and Christians leaders threatened. Last February a Catholic priest was killed outside a church. "I heard a crowd of people chanting 'Allahu Akbar' 'Takbir' (Allah is greater) and 'destroy this church of infidels'" Bishop Dickson Kaganga said. In May 2012 Bishop Kaganga helped church members flee a Saturday evening prayer meeting as an angry mob approached. He remained behind in a church office. "They were saying 'This pastor comes here every Saturday maybe he's here. Look for him where is he?'" Kaganaga recalled. "They were saying 'We don't want a church here we don't want Christianity in Zanzibar.'" the Muslim extremists never found Bishop Kaganga but they destroyed his car and set fire to chairs and church equipment inside the building. "I know they oppose the church they oppose Christ Jesus doing signs and wonders" he said. "Muslims are convinced to come to Christianity so they attack because they don't want this." It's not only happening in Zanzibar church attacks have also spread to the Tanzanian mainland. In the town of Arusha last May an attack left one person dead and 40 injured. Author Raymond Ibrahim warned extremists are now waging jihad in African countries that have a high percentage of Christians.
"It's a resurgent Islamic mentality which is it's just everywhere and now in Tanzania of course which earlier you never thought of being a radical nation" he said. Church leaders say attacks and threats have actually strengthened the Tanzanian body of Christ. As for Bishop Kaganga's church services resumed after repairs were made. He encouraged Zanzibarian Christians to remain focused on God. "He is faithful to us and we will endure and we will pass through this and we will become victorious and many good things will happen so I don't want people to cry. Let's rejoice" he said. WATCH VIDEO To Save Christian Lives
Posted by Theodore Shoebat. http://rescuechristians.org/tanzanian-christians-to-obama-please-speak-out/

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] China. Chinese Christian Businesswoman From Canada Who Visited China Was Kidnapped And Tortured. February 1 2012. (Los Angles Jan. 26 2012) A Chinese Christian businesswoman from Canada who visited China late last year was kidnapped and tortured by Chinese state security agents after she visited two persecuted Chinese house churches during the Christmas and New Year's holiday season ChinaAid has learned. (Photo taken by Jenny Chen on Christmas Day 2011 of an armored personnel carrier and other police vehicles outside Jindeng Church in Linfen Shanxi province.) Jenny Chen who is in her 50s was held by state security agents and denied food and water for nearly two days. About to go into shock she was taken to a police hospital from where she managed to escape and get on a flight to Los Angeles arriving in the United States on Jan. 17. Chen who does business in Canada the United States and China had learned of the severe persecution inflicted on Shouwang Church in Beijing and the Linfen house church in Shanxi province from reports online. Motivated by Christian concern for her fellow believers Chen and her daughter traveled to Beijing and Shanxi. On Christmas Day she was an eyewitness to police action in front of the Jindeng Church established by the Linfen house church. She saw both regular and armed police and police vehicles including armored personnel carriers surrounding the church to stop church members from attending a Christmas worship service. Police blocked streets leading to the church and closed nearby shops. Chen was followed and threatened by plainclothes police officers. In Beijing Chen had paid a visit before Christmas to Rev. Jin Tianming senior pastor of Shouwang Church who has been under house arrest since April 2011 and on New Year's Day she and her daughter attempted to attend Shouwang's outdoor worship service. On both occasions she was followed by Domestic Security Protection agents. Aware that they were being followed more and more closely Chen put her daughter on a U.S.-bound on Jan. 10 then returned to her hometown in the city of Tianjin. On the evening of Jan. 14 she was forcibly taken into custody by two plain-clothed state security agents who refused to show their IDs and taken to a secret place for questioning. She later realized that she had been kidnapped by Tianjin state security agents. She was interrogated in a cold windowless cell with only one chair and was asked what organization she was affiliated with and what overseas mission she was on. Chen said she had no organizational affiliation nor was she on any overseas mission. She said she was simply an overseas Christian whose conscience had propelled her to return to China to visit her fellow believers. The agents appeared not to believe her and threatened to imprison her for more than ten years for subverting state power and stealing state secrets if she did not tell them the truth. The agents also beat her pulling her hair and slapping her hard. Chen was detained for nearly two days without food and water and almost went into shock. Physically exhausted she was sent to the Tianjin Public Safety Hospital where she was diagnosed with slight pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. However Chen had no money with her and the state security agents said they had no money either. The hospital refused to treat her giving her the excuse of returning home to get money. Instead she took a cab and rushed to Beijing Capital Airport where she caught a flight in the early morning of Jan. 16. She arrived in Los Angles on the following day and is currently undergoing medical observation and treatment.
"It is appalling to hear what Ms Chen had experienced in the hands of the brutal Chinese security forces for simply visiting and trying to worship with the Chinese Christians during the Christmas season" said Eddie Romero director of ChinaAid's Los Angeles office. "The unprecedented persecution against the peaceful house churches like Shouwang and Linfen should be stopped. We urge the Chinese government's highest authorities to hold those abusers accountable for the harm done to this businesswoman Ms. Chen." (CHINAaid Jan. 26 2012) http://rescuechristians.org/china-chinese-christian-businesswoman-from-canada-who-visited-china-was-kidnapped-and-tortured/
Tags: afganistan africa arabia China christen christenverfolgung Christian Persecution egypt irak iran islam killed korea lebanon pakistan somalia terror uzbekistan verfolgung whipped yeman

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Iran. Christian cultural monuments neglected and destroyed by government.. December 19 2012/1 Comment/in Christian Persecution /by rcorg (The ice-cream booth has ruined the view of the St. Stepanus Church) During its three-decade-long rule the Islamic regime of Iran has proven that it doesn't pay the least attention to the maintenance of cultural monuments especially if the building belongs to non-Islamic religions. According to the Iranian Christian news agency Mohabat News the Islamic Republic's negligence in the maintenance of cultural monuments has resulted in the destruction of these historical sites either by unknown trespassers or by a lack of preservation. Some cultural activists believe that these monuments have never been in greater risk of destruction than the risk they have been facing in recent years. Church buildings are no exception. In some cases even church buildings have been demolished with the permission of government organizations. Recently some domestic papers reported that although the Majlis (Iranian Parliament) passed a law in 2003 to form the Organization of Tourism and Cultural Heritage by 2011 at least 40 nationally registered historical monuments and sites had been destroyed. The destruction of churches is only one segment of the Islamic regime's irresponsibility towards Christian monuments and the historical identity of Iranian Christians. Some recently obtained reports indicated that the head office of Cultural Heritage in Hamedan has built an ice-cream booth in Saint Stepanos church's property in Ecbatana Hill which has ruined the view of the church. The ice-cream booth is made of steel and has ice-cream advertisements all around it. Church_of_St_Andrew_Kerman_Iran_4X3.jpg
Built 335 years ago the Saint Stepanos (Stephen) Armenian Church is considered one of the historical monuments of Hamedan. The ice-cream man in the booth who is absolutely satisfied with his sale said "The booth is owned by the Cultural Heritage Organization. I have just rented it." As the man says the booth was installed somewhere else and was moved recently to the property of the church. It is not clear on what basis the Cultural Heritage organization and its office in the Ecbatana Hill decided to move the booth to the church compound which is a historical monument. At least the same booth could have been used to provide information about the church and historical Ecbatana Hill rather than ice-cream to visitors. However it seems the organization has preferred the booth's rental fee over everything else. - Islamic Republic's History in Demolishing Historical Church Buildings In April 2012 some news reports said that "The Historical Haftvan church in Haftvan village near Salmas is about to collapse." The church that was built at the end of Safavi Kingdom in Iran was registered as a national monument on March 10 2002. However despite being registered the church is in tragic condition and is at risk of collapse and total destruction. Other reports in September 2011 stated that un-named Islamic Republic authorities ordered the destruction of a historical church building in Kerman. Following this order the church building was demolished overnight using bulldozers. The church had been registered as a national monument but was flattened instantaneously. Another report dated April 02 2012 said a historic Christian graveyard built more than 200 years ago in Kerman province "was thoroughly destroyed". The age of the graveyard is estimated by local residents.
The Jolfa neighborhood in Esfahan is one of the oldest neighborhoods of the city and is home to the well-known Armenian Vank Cathedral. Jolfa has been an Armenian neighborhood since the Safavis ruled Iran. The church has suffered increasing decay for the last 15 years. Although the Jolfa neighborhood still bears signs of Christianity and some efforts are being made to preserve it a considerable number of these Christian signs have been cleared from the face of the neighborhood and the cleansing process is still underway.
(mohabatnews) http://rescuechristians.org/iran-christian-cultural-monuments-neglected-and-destroyed-by-government/

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Syrian Pastor: Jihadists Emptying The Region Of Its Christians. May 10 2013. From The Irish Times: Orthodox Christians in Syria along with brethren the world over celebrate Easter tomorrow but due to the conflict gripping that country most will attend an evening service rather than the traditional midnight Mass and some will not be able to go to church at all. Over the past few decades Egyptian Lebanese Iraqi and Palestinian Christians have left the region for North and South America Europe and Australia but Syrian Christians have largely stayed put. However since unrest erupted in the country 25 months ago Syria's minorities which have benefited from secular Baath party rule have become targets for attack abuse and kidnapping by increasingly radicalised Muslim fundamentalist rebel factions. Christians and heterodox Shia Alawites feel most threatened by Jabhat al-Nusra an offshoot of al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq. The smaller Druze and Circassian minorities are also unsettled. Syria's Christians fear they could suffer the same fate as Iraq's equally ancient Christian community which has been halved since the 2003 US invasion and occupation. Just three months after the conflict began in Syria the bishops of Damascus urged their flock to avoid getting involved in the brutal power struggle destroying the country. 'Emptying the region' Last December France and Germany were castigated by Rev Abraham Nusseir head of the Evangelical Church in Aleppo for encouraging and facilitating Christian emigration. He said such policies were not "made out of concern or love for us but to implement a plan aimed at emptying the region of its Christians". In mid-April as pressure on Christians continued to mount Greek Catholic patriarch Gergory III Laham stated "There are between 1.5 and two million Christians of various denominations in Syria" more than in any Arab country other than Egypt. The future of the Syrian community he added "is threatened not by Muslims but by the current crisis the chaos and the arrival of rival fanatical fundamentalist... groups." He said there had been thousands of victims and hundreds of thousands had been displaced within the country or left altogether. Christians cite a slogan – "Alawites to the tomb and Christians to Beirut" – adopted by extremists early in the conflict as a cause of flight. Christian concerns were heightened by the kidnapping of Aleppo's Syrian Orthodox bishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Greek Orthodox bishop Boulos Yaziji late last month while they were on a mission to negotiate the release of two priests abducted earlier. Radical Chechen fighters have been blamed. The bishops are still being held. While Syria's Christians have generally enjoyed excellent relations with Muslim countrymen radical fundamentalists many of whom come from poor rural communities and urban slums hold grudges against Christians. Pros perity. Until the conflict Syria's Christian community was prosperous. Christian villages in the well watered Orontes Valley earned their living from agriculture while Christian businessmen in Aleppo Homs and Damascus engaged in manufacturing and commerce. Many Christians joined the secular Baath party its ideology developed by Michel Aflaq a Christian from Damascus educated in Paris. It is significant that all three 20th century secular nationalist pan-Arab parties – the Baath the Arab Nationalists and the Syrian Social Nationalists – were founded by Christians – Aflaq George Habash and Antun Saadi. Christians also played key roles in local communist parties. These secular parties persecuted or sidelined the Muslim Brotherhood and its radical Salafi offshoots in the name of modernity tolerance and inclusiveness. Christianity's original churches have expressed serious concern that their flocks may be forced to flee the region where the faith emerged more than 2000 years ago. http://rescuechristians.org/syrian-pastor-jihadists-emptying-the-region-of-its-christians/

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Indonesia. Public safety officials sealed off a "house of prayer" used by over 6 thousand Christians. August 7 2012. http://rescuechristians.org/indonesia-public-safety-officials-sealed-off-a-house-of-prayer-used-by-over-6-thousand-christians/ Decision motivated by alleged irregularities in the building permit. The faithful respond: the documents are legal the town council refuses to grant the permit. And promise to go ahead with regular Sunday services. For some time the area has been the scene of violence and abuse against minorities especially Christians. With the pretext of irregularities in building permits public safety officials (the Satpol PP) in Bogor West Java province yesterday sealed off a "house of prayer" used by over 6 thousand Catholics from the parish of St. John the Baptist. For six years the faithful have regularly used the building for weekend liturgies and those of the main Christian festivals but had recently come under fire from authorities – three times – ordering them to stop all worship. The Catholic community has deliberately ignored the warnings believing the closure order related IMB specious and counting on the legitimate right to religious freedom. The process for building a church in Indonesia – Catholic or Protestant – is quite complicated and may take five to ten years to obtain all permits required by law. The procedure is governed by the Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) a species of written protocol that allows for construction to commence and is issued by local authorities. The story gets more complicated if it is a place of Christian worship: permission must be obtained from a number of residents in the area where the building is to be constructed and the local Group for Interfaith Dialogue. And even if the permission is granted "unspecified reasons" can come into play that will lead officials to block the projects. Often this occurs after pressure from the Muslim community or radical Islamic movements. The "house of prayer" is situated in Tulang Kuning the village of Waru in the Parung sub-district Bogor regency. Yesterday a group of Satpol PP officers led by Comerain La Ode said the forced closure was "for the next seven days" and warned that "if the site is still used to pray in" teams would intervene to "demolish the building". http://rescuechristians.org/indonesia-public-safety-officials-sealed-off-a-house-of-prayer-used-by-over-6-thousand-christians/ However sources report that the Catholic community will not be intimidated and intend to hold their regular celebrations next weekend. "We have no alternative – said Fr. Gaib Pr pastor of St. John the Baptist – but to gather in this place of prayer." He added that Catholics have fulfilled all the ritual procedures for obtaining building permits but for years the Bogor administration refuses to grant any clearances. Moreover the authorities of the municipality of Bogor are not new to incidents of abuse and violence against other religions particularly the Protestant Christian community that refers to the GKI Yasmin Church (YC) long a target of Mayor Diani Budiarto and his zealous officials who have recently closed their place of worship on the same pretext. In the past also the area was the scene of anti-Christian violence especially during major holidays such as Christmas or Easter. (AsiaNews) Tags: Afghanistan africa Algeria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Bhutan blasphemy Boko Haram Brunei BURMA Chechnya China christen christenverfolgung Christian Persecution Colombia Comoros Cuba Death Penalty discrimination Djibouti egypt eritrea Ethiopia India indonesia iran iraq islam jihad Jordan Kazakhstan killed Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Libya Malaysia Maldives Mauritania morocco north korea Northern Nigeria Oman pakistan Palestinian Territories Qatar Saudi Arabia somalia sudan Syria Tajikistan terror Tunisia turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates uzbekistan verfolgung Vietnam whipped yemen
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Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] PAKISTAN – Christian students discriminated at University because they "do not know the Koran by heart". February 20 2012. Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – Christian students who participate in examinations for admission in public universities are discriminated against and disadvantaged because "they do not know the Koran by heart": this is the complaint sent to Fides by the National Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Bishops of Pakistan. The Commission has submitted a formal complaint to the High Court of Lahore against the government asking that in public competitions indications or requirements regarding the Islamic religion as "the study of the Koran" are not included. The case arose because a Christian student Aroon Arif scored a very high entrance exam at the Faculty of Medicine at the State University of Sciences in Lahore (he successfully obtained 930 points out of 1100 and 860 out of 1100) but failed to enter only because competitors scored 20 more points due to the test concerning the "knowledge of the Koran."According to the Commission and the various leaders heard by the Court "this practice is discriminatory and violates the Constitution of Pakistan." "We firmly believe that raising children in religion is the responsibility of parents or relatives rather than a public university which should give access to any student apart from his/her religious faith" said His Exc. Mgr. Alexander John Malik Protestant Bishop of Lahore of the "Church of Pakistan." The Bishop proposed that in the current system even the Christian churches can give based on the principle of equality "20 extra points to Christian students." Another solution proposed by some local political leaders is to give Christian students 20 extra points thanks to a computer science exam. The important issue is to end the "institutionalized discrimination on the basis of religion" notes the Commission "Justice and Peace" "removing references and prejudices concerning religion from the state education curriculum which should focus on universal human values". The Lahore High Court considered the appeal in January and is expected to issue a verdict soon. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 15/2/2012)
http://rescuechristians.org/pakistan-christian-students-discriminated-at-university-because-they-do-not-know-the-koran-by-heart/ Tags: Afghanistan africa Algeria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Bhutan Brunei BURMA Chechnya China christen christenverfolgung Christian Persecution Colombia Comoros Cuba Djibouti egypt eritrea Ethiopia India indonesia iran iraq islam Jordan Kazakhstan killed Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Libya Malaysia Maldives Mauritania morocco north korea Northern Nigeria Oman pakistan Palestinian Territories Qatar Saudi Arabia somalia sudan Syria Tajikistan terror Tunisia turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates uzbekistan verfolgung Vietnam whipped yemen

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Pakistan. Gunman shot Seventy year-old Swedish missionary and charity worker Bargeeta Almeby. (Update) December 6 2012. http://rescuechristians.org/pakistan-gunman-shot-seventy-year-old-swedish-missionary-and-charity-worker-bargeeta-almeby-update/ The leadership of the church have been receiving death threats. The Christian community is in shock and feels vulnerable. An unidentified gunman shot a Swedish missionary and charity worker in Lahore Pakistan on December 3 2012. Seventy year-old Sister Bargeeta Almeby was attacked outside her residence at Model Town while coming back from her office and rushed to the Jinnan hospital.
According to Liaquat Qaiser principal of FGA Bible College after doctors operated on her she was transferred still unconscious to the intensive care unit. For the last 37 years Sister Bargeete Almeby has lived in Pakistan immersed in the local language and culture. A teacher by profession she has been serving the country by running adult literacy programs hostels schools for orphans and technical training programs under the auspices of the Full Gospel Assemblies Church. The leadership of FGA Church have reported receiving death threats. Although the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has condemned the attack the Christian community is in shock and feels vulnerable. (Gatestoneinstitute)

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Sudan. Christians fear retribution from Islamic government. April 23 2012. As war looms between Sudan and South Sudan Christians of southern origin living in Sudan fear retribution from its Islamic government. As of April 8 at least half a million ethnic southerners (the majority of whom are Christian) living in Sudan are now considered foreigners if they have not registered for citizenship. Officials in Khartoum Sudan's capital gave southerners another 30 days to register or leave the country. Most of those affected were refugees that fled north during the long civil war between the mostly Islamic north and the largely Christian south. The war which ran from 1983 until the signing of a peace deal in 2005 killed nearly 2 million people. Most ethnically southern Sudanese living in Sudan have no strong ties to South Sudan AllAfrica reported. However Compass Direct News reported Thursday that the Sudanese government has cut off all flights and land routes to South Sudan trapping southerners in the north. Those attempting to board planes bound for Juba capital of South Sudan were turned away after officials said they required documents from Juba in order to leave. Tensions have been escalating over the control of oil fields located along the disputed border between the two countries. South Sudan seceded peacefully last July taking 80 percent of Sudan's oil in the split. But now the two countries have resumed fighting.
The BBC reported last week that both sides have ceased negotiations. The Los Angeles Times reported Friday that Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir declared Sudan would give South Sudan a "final lesson by force. We will not give them an inch of our country and whoever extends his hand over Sudan we will cut it." Compass reported that Christians in Khartoum have already faced threats by Muslims in the area and that many Islamic groups are calling for the deportation of ethnic southerners. On April 9 an Islamic mob threatened to demolish a Bible school with a bulldozer but police managed to send them away. (Christianitytoday) http://rescuechristians.org/sudan-christians-fear-retribution-from-islamic-government/

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ]Philippines. Two missionaries escaped an attempted ambush by suspected Abu Sayyaf militants. July 19 2012 http://rescuechristians.org/philippines-two-missionaries-escaped-an-attempted-ambush-by-suspected-abu-sayyaf-militants/
Two Claretian missionary priests a deacon and a theology student narrowly escaped an attempted ambush by suspected Abu Sayyaf militants in Basilan province. The incident occurred four days after the al-Qaeda-linked terror group were thought to have killed eight people and wounded 22 others in an attack on plantation workers on the same road near the village of Tumahubong.
Bishop Martin Jumoad of Isabela today confirmed that Fathers Elmer Cantular and Julius Boado were unharmed following the attack. "We escaped an ambush [yesterday]. It's good that nobody was killed or hurt" said the theology student John Luis Guades. The priests were heading to Isabela town with their security escorts when gunmen attacked a group of government militia who were guarding the road where the priests were supposed to pass. Luckiiy the priests' vehicle had been slightly delayed and avoided the initial attack because one of them had to bless the remains of one of the victims of last week's ambush Bishop Jumoad said. "The priests were immediately taken to Tumahubong" he said. "They are safe and remain there now" the bishop said. Jumoad said he will visit the priests "to show our moral support." It was unclear whether the priests were the target of the gunmen. The Claretians had issued a statement on Friday and challenged the government and the Catholic Church to do something about the ongoing violence in the province. (ucanews)

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Burma. Fighting has forced dozens to take shelter at a Baptist church in Sumprabum. May 20 2012. http://rescuechristians.org/burma/ Fighting between government troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in northern Kachin state has forced dozens of civilians to take shelter at a Baptist church in Sumprabum located about 80 miles north of Myitkyina. At least 40 people from Mai Htawng village arrived at the church yesterday and it is expected that more will come over the next few days according to church volunteers. Church officials also say they cannot continue to support the displaced people unless they get more aid.
More fighting is also said to be taking place in two other nearby villages Hka Garan Yang and Sumpyi Yang. Nearly the entire population of about 100 families fled Hka Garan Yang yesterday following the arrival of army reinforcements according to a displaced resident. Most of the displaced people are thought to have taken shelter in nearby fields or forest areas. According to villagers more troops were sent to Hka Gara Yang after the KIA recently destroyed a local army post. Currently there are more than 50000 internally displaced people in 40 camps across Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) controlled territory in eastern Kachin state. While UN agencies have made a series of visits to these temporary camps over the past few months the UN aid convoys were only able to help a small fraction of the displaced population. A director with Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) a local aid group based in the KIO controlled town of Mai Ja Yang says that a major crisis looms because food supplies are running out very fast. On May 5 troops from the Burma army's Battalion No. 138 opened fire on an abandoned Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) liaison office in Sumprabum according to local residents. Eyewitnesses told the Kachin News Group that the office was completely destroyed after troops shot guns and grenades at the building. Burma army troops also shot at civilian homes in the town added local people. Following the rampage battalion No. 138 head Lt-Col Min Thein was transported from Sumprabum via helicopter to the Northern Regional Military Command in Myitkyina according to sources in the area. (Kachin News)

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Christians Are On The Brink Of Extermination. January 30 2014. By Theodore Shoebat Patrick Sookhdeo chairman of the Westminster Institute warned the world that the Church is facing extinction: Today we are faced with a potential extinction of the church …Not just in Syria. We've seen it in Iraq. The church could fall in Lebanon. Bishop Julian Dobbs said Syria "used to be one of the easiest places in the Arab world to be a Christian across the Middle East." He continued on to say: The church has existed there since biblical times …Christians were respected by the Muslim majority and were able to practice their faith with little interference. But this has largely changed since the civil war broke out. …Christians in their homelands have been attacked and invaded houses have been ransacked Christians have been kidnapped for ransom and brutally murdered …Yet much of the Western World the church the media have remained silent about this situation. http://rescuechristians.org/christians-are-on-the-brink-of-extermination/ Frankly its some what irritating hearing conservatives complain about the media and how "the media and the west are silent." Well of course the media is silent; so then become the media. Of course western governments aren't doing anything; but what are you going to do about it. It isn't true that no one is doing anything. We Rescue Christians are doing something. We are saving people's lives from destruction; in the will of God and His unfailing providence we are delivering Christians from the pagans who are relentlessly fixated on their destruction. This is why I ask you to please donate to Rescue Christians to save the lives of the saints who are being sought out by those who seek the full destruction of Christianity. The Associated Press (AP) has written on Rescue Christians and the work that our organization does. Kathy Gannon AP's special regional correspondent for Pakistan and Afghanistan wrote an article in which she recognized Rescue Christians and which was published in Fox News. The article interviewed our team in Pakistan writing: The Pakistani representative of RescueChristians speaking on condition of anonymity for his personal safety said several Christians are waiting for travel documents to secretly leave Pakistan while others are in jail awaiting trial and targeted for death by militant groups. It also quoted Keith Davies one of the heads of the organization as saying: In the last three years we have seen a large increase in the number of cases of blasphemy This gives us significant recognition as it shows that we actually have a team in Pakistan who is striving for the liberation of the persecuted and who is evidencing our labors in order to relive the flock of Christ who are incessantly receiving the attacks of the wolves PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE THE LIVES OF CHRISTIANS IN PAKISTAN

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Harsh Policy Towards Christians Remains Unchanged In Iran. June 21 2013. From Christian Today: At the same time the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) which represents Abedini's wife and two children in the U.S. offered The Christian Post a perspective on Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani explaining that his election victory last week is unlikely to change much for the U.S. pastor and other persecuted Christians in the Islamic country. "President-elect Hassan Rohani brings to the Iranian presidency historical ties with the religious authorities in Iran" Tiffany N. Barrans ACLJ's International Legal Director shared with CP via email on Wednesday.
"Although one can hope that his promises of reform would include greater freedoms for the persecuted religious minorities in Iran in reality the man who controls the country and has set the harsh policy towards Christians remains unchanged – Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei remains at the helm and he has set course for utter destruction of the Christian faith in Iran."
Barrans noted that Khamenei has made no indication that he is willing to change this course and noted that leading up to the election Christians in Iran including those from Assyrian or Armenian descent faced even greater persecution. "This included additional arrests sentences being handed down church closures greater interrogations and threats and as always extensive monitoring of any religious gathering" the international legal director added. Rouhani a cleric described by western media as a moderate politician secured a strong victory at the polls on Friday and will now replace outgoing president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The White House congratulated Iranians on their new president on Saturday urging Tehran to "heed the will of the Iranian people."
"Yesterday's election took place against the backdrop of a lack of transparency censorship of the media Internet and text messages and an intimidating security environment that limited freedom of expression and assembly" the statement read. Other sources beside the ACLJ have also said that Rouhani's election is unlikely to bring much change for Christians in Iran. "In your Western media the candidates are divided into conservatives and reformers as if there is a choice but let me tell you this: there is no choice. All of the candidates are from Ayatollah Khamenei's team" an Iranian Christian believer was quoted by Open Doors ministry. "The question is can Rouhani make a change?" the local man added. "At least he is an intellectual who graduated in the United Kingdom and has called for less confrontational relations with the West. I guess we just have to see in order to know according to Iranian standards how moderate he is." http://rescuechristians.org/harsh-policy-towards-christians-remains-unchanged-in-iran/ In the meantime Abedini who has suffered religious persecution in Iran and was sentenced to eight years supposedly for "endangering national security" is doing better in prison the ACLJ said. While he has been recovering from the beatings and torment inflicted upon him behind bars he still needs medical attention for severe pain in his abdomen which the Iranian regime refuses to give him. http://rescuechristians.org/harsh-policy-towards-christians-remains-unchanged-in-iran/ "Iran's willful denial of his basic medical care is a reflection of its inhuman treatment of prisoners of conscience" the ACLJ wrote. A concerning development following the Iranian election the law group added is that guards have been threatening to move Abedini to a prison in a more remote area in Southern Iran which would make it nearly impossible for the pastor's family to keep visiting him.
"While these are likely vain threats made in an attempt to break his spirit they reiterate the daily difficulties that Pastor Saeed faces – not only the fact that he is imprisoned but the psychological torment he endures at the hands of his captors" the ACLJ added.

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Egypt. Judge dismissed charges against group of Salafi Muslims who attacked Christian. May 10 2012. A judge in Upper Egypt has dismissed all charges against a group of Salafi Muslims who cut off the ear of a Christian in a knife attack and tried to force him to convert.
The Salafists who say they base their religion on the practices of the first three generations of Muslims after Muhammad had falsely accused 46-year-old Ayman Anwar Metry of having an affair with a Muslim woman the Christian said. On April 22 the judge exonerated the assailants only after Metry under intense pressure in a "reconciliation meeting" agreed to drop charges said his attorney Asphoure Wahieb Hekouky. "Him dropping the case and accepting the reconciliation meeting is shameful" Hekouky said of the Egyptian justice system. The same Salafi Muslims who attacked Metry terrorized him and his family for a year Hekouky said. On the afternoon of March 20 2011 in Qena in the province of the same name a group of about 20 Salafi Muslims attacked Metry. Earlier that day someone had set fire to an unoccupied rental apartment he owned in the city. While waiting in another part of the city for workman to arrive to fix a metal door on the burned-out unit two men approached Metry and convinced him that he needed to go back to the remains of his apartment. After his arrival the Salafi Muslims pounced on him. They accused him of having an inappropriate relationship with one of his former female tenants and began beating him. "I didn't know that there were any more of them than the two who were talking nicely to me at the beginning so I was shocked when I went with them to the flat" Metry said. "There were 20 more waiting for me there and they caught me and started beating me up." The men interrogated Metry as they beat him demanding he "confess" to the affair and tell them where the woman was. Metry said he told them he didn't do anything wrong and didn't know where the woman was but the Salafists were able to find her and brought her to the charred apartment. They demanded that the woman admit to an affair of some sort but like Metry she said they had never been romantically involved. Then the men broke into two groups; one set upon the woman and the other began beating Metry. During the beating the men restrained Metry took a knife and began sawing open the back of his neck. They told the woman that they would kill him if she didn't say she had had some type of affair with him. She did as they ordered. Metry said his attackers demanded he say the Shahada the Islamic creed for conversion and that when he refused they cut off his ear. Covered with puddles of his blood the apartment looked like a slaughterhouse Metry said. "If you saw how I looked then … My shirt if you squeezed it it dripped an unbelievable amount of blood. With all the blood that was on the floor it looked like there was a sheep slaughtered there" he said. "They thought that I was dead so then they called the police and said 'We took our sharia [Islamic law] rights now you come and take your civil rights from him.'" The police came and took Metry and the woman to the hospital. The two along with a Muslim friend of Metry's who witnessed the attack and happens to be a police officer were then taken into police custody. "Officer Khaled was with me and worked hard to help me – he witnessed the whole thing and he testified at the police station" Metry said. "Also the girl came to the police and said that there was nothing between me and her. She said that the Salafi men forced her to say there was." Somehow the Salafists found out what the woman said to police and when officers released the woman after questioning the hard-line Muslims caught up with her Metry said. "Then when they heard that the girl didn't say what they wanted her to say they beat her up again and broke one of her fingers and threatened her and told her if she didn't change what she said at the police station they would kidnap her sister" Metry said. None of the Salafi Muslims who committed the attack were arrested. Almost as soon as the police questioning ended the assailants began pressuring him not to prosecute anyone Metry said. "They used all sorts of ways to persuade me to let it go and drop the case against them – they shot at us; about 500 Salafi gathered around the house trying to set it on fire. When they threatened to set the house on fire and kidnap my sisters I had to drop the charges against them" he said. As the date for a hearing drew near three months ago the Salafi Muslims shot at Metry's house in Qena and at his brother's car he said. "I went to see the police to get them to do something and nothing at all was done to arrest anybody" he said. "It seemed like they were the police and the controllers of the city those Salafis." The attackers threatened all his family members he said including his brothers and sisters to try to force him to drop the charges he said. "Some of my brothers and sisters emigrated and left the country – they went to Italy" he said. "I tried to but I wasn't allowed to leave the airport." Metry said he informed criminal prosecutors what was happening but his pleas fell on deaf ears. "During the first reconciliation meeting I told the attorney general everything and told him that I am dropping the charges under the Salafi threats" he said. "After all that I saw that the police did nothing to arrest any of them and they are all free." A final factor was a request from Bishop Sharoubeem the Coptic Orthodox bishop of Qena who asked him to drop the case according to Metry. "He asked me to drop the case but I insisted on not dropping the case at all. I insisted on getting my rights back" he said. "But when a bishop comes and asks you to drop the case what else could you do other than following his advice? He told me that they might try and attack or burn the local church if I didn't drop the case."
Metry said the bishop speaking for the Coptic Orthodox Church agreed to compensate him for the property he lost in the fire and attack. The bishop could not be reached for confirmation. Still Metry said he was robbed of justice. "They are free in the street threatening us when we come or go" he said. "Even when they shot at us and we called the police and security forces thinking that they would arrest them nothing was done at all." The recovery for Metry and his family after the attack has been difficult. The Salafists were trying to beat him to death Metry said so they could "kill the facts" of the attack. In addition to slicing off his ear they cut him all over his body and left bruises from a beating that "would have killed a camel" he said.
In total he had to have 35 stitches and two reconstructive surgical procedures where his ear once was. The ear was too badly damaged to be reattached. "It took me three months to recover from all the injuries and the two plastic surgeries on my ear" he said. http://rescuechristians.org/egypt-judge-dismissed-charges-against-group-of-salafi-muslims-who-attacked-christian/
Metry and his immediate family spent most of the year after the attack fleeing from one part of Qena Province to another making it impossible for his three children ages 6 to 12 to attend school. Because his employer cannot or will not transfer him he has had to take a year off from work and support himself with savings and what rental income he has left.
The attacks and the changes of residence have scarred his children too with his 6-year-old girl probably suffering the worst he said. "She shakes if she sees a bearded man walking down the street because of what happened to me" Metry said. "The little girl asked her mother to let her take a knife with her to her kindergarten class in case somebody attacks her so she can defend herself."
Metry's wife Thanaa Yakoub Gerges concurred. "We were living well the children and us but after what happened emotionally we are below zero" she said. "It made us hate the house the city and the whole country. Imagine when you lose your reputation and can't move. We were destroyed gradually this happened more than a year ago and the children are being destroyed gradually. I am willing to die for Christ but these are my children who are being attacked." Through it all however Metry said he found a glimmer of faith he previously had not known. "I am not saying this to puff up my spirit but at that moment when they were attacking me I couldn't believe the faith that was in me. I couldn't believe that I actually had this faith it was a testimony – I won I didn't lose" he said. "They tried everything to convert me to Islam but I didn't care. I said they could do anything they wanted to me I wouldn't convert." (World Watch List)

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] U.S. withholds arms from Syrian rebels amid growing persecution of Christians. July 9 2013. From Catholic Online: Congress is taking measures to protect American security where Obama won't. Congressional committees are delaying the delivery of arms to the Syrian rebels amid concerns they could end up in the hands of Jihadists and militant Islamists and be subsequently used against Christians Jews and other allies. lOS ANGELES CA (Catholic Online) – Intelligence committees in both the House and Senate have stalled planned shipments of military hardware to Syrian rebels and none of the equipment promised weeks ago has yet arrived.
http://rescuechristians.org/u-s-withholds-arms-from-syrian-rebels-amid-growing-persecution-of-christians/ Several al Qaeda affiliated groups have been identified fighting alongside the Free Syrian Army and Congressional leaders want to see that weapons will not end up in the hands of terrorists. Committee members say that want more information on Obama's plans to arm these groups and what safeguards he intends to take. They also want to know if the weapons will truly make a difference as Assad makes new gains against the rebels. The committees have stopped the shipments by withholding funding. While Obama does have the power to authorize the shipments tradition remains strong and a tacit agreement between Congress and the Oval Office says that shipments will not be delivered if one or more intelligence committees have a serious reservation about them. The Obama administration noted when it promised the weapons that their shipment was contingent upon consultations with the committees. Both John Kerry and the CIA have addressed the committees saying that Assad has used chemical weapons and crossed a red line established by the administration. However Congress remains worried that the weapons could end up in the hands of terrorists. The Obama administration is yet to satisfactorily address these concerns. So far over 100000 people have been killed by fighting in Syria. Many of those dead have been civilians killed in indiscriminate attacks as well as many killed in targeted attacks by both rebels and regime supporters. Recently it has become widely recognized that al Qaeda-friendly elements have started persecuting Christians in the region. Christians were relatively unmolested by the Assad regime and have managed to remain neutral throughout the struggle. This has prompted accusations of collaboration by extremists.
Rebels have attacked Christian churches and martyred clerics in recent weeks. it is unknown if U.S. aid will now be sent to Syria and it appears as though the conflict will continue for the indefinite future.

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] Muslims Break Into Family's Home, And Murder Mother and Children. March 20, 2014/0 Comments/in Christian Persecution /by rcorg http://rescuechristians.org/muslims-break-into-familys-home-and-murder-mother-and-children/
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims broke into a family home and murdered a mother and her sons, and then afterwards, beheaded their corpses. They committed the murder because the father was a member of the Sunni political movement, Sahwa, which was calling on America to turn against Al-Qaeda. As a journalist writing for The Economist, tells us: The fighters also single out fellow Sunnis who are remnants of the Sahwa ("Awakening") movement led by tribal leaders who were persuaded by the Americans to turn on al-Qaeda in 2007 and who are now being picked off. Gunmen recently attacked a Sahwa leader's home near Samarra, north of Baghdad, killing his wife and sons, then beheading them. The slaughter of human beings in this gruesome manner is an indication as to how important our cause against Islam is. If the violence between Muslims is at this level of brutality, imagine how vicious it is against Christians. We have partnered with Sister Hatune Dogan, who assists the persecuted in Iraq, to help us save Iraqi Christians. PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN IRAQ.

Dhimmitude happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] happy Merkel Troika IMF GMOS nazi ONU CIA ARAB LEAGUE cult Sharia ] The Most Horrifying Story Of Christian Persecution In Our Time. April 9, 2014/0 Comments/in RescueChristians.org Work /by rcorg SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE. By Theodore Shoebat. The most horrifying story of Christian persecution is happening in our time, and yet it has mostly fallen on deaf ears. Imagine yourself in a filthy and dismal room, with sadistically smiling Muslims looking at you, thinking of the evils they are about to inflict upon you. You are not alone, next to you is your wife. They beat you heavily, to the point where you can barely stand, and then they threaten you with the unthinkable: they say that they are going to seize your wife, strip her completely naked and walk her down the road in plain sight, just to humiliate her. After you have been severely beaten and humiliated, you and your demoralized wife are taken to a court where a mob of Muslim gangs scream verses from the Koran justifying your death. Your lawyer is terrified, the judge does not want to even entertain your case for fear of the mob. Week after week you live without hope, not knowing what your fate will be. Your children are alone, without father nor mother, and not realizing if their parents will live or die. And in the end, when you and your wife stand in the court, surrounded by wolves and no sympathizers, the judge declares your sentence: you will both be put to death by hanging. This is what is happening in the case of Shafqat and Shagufta. This is the highest profile case of persecution in Pakistan, and Rescue Christians is the only organization that has taken it up. This story will make a break the case for Pakistani Christians since in the case of Shafqat and his wife, the courts are persisting to carry out the death penalty in order to thwart the ability of the West to rescue Christians in Pakistan, and is why we are appealing to all to send this to your friends urging them with these words: "This is a time for Prayer or Action!" They are a Christian couple in Pakistan, who were arrested and brutally tortured by Muslims after they were falsely accused of blasphemy against Islam. They are now facing the death penalty, and are screaming out: "SOS (Save our souls!)" The Muslim police officers who sadistically tormented them threatened the husband that if he did not admit to the charges, that they will strip his wife completely naked on the road. Their son had this to say about the event: They forced my father to admit the accusation but my father denied. They tortured my father and said that if he will not admit then they will beat his wife and will take her on the road naked. So my father admitted. After enduring such torture and psychological violence, they were both sentenced to death. Pharaoh's heart is hardened to uproot the name of Christianity, and to wipe out the Christians from the earth. This is the ultimate battle for survival: either this couple lives, or they die.
This couple was slandered, tortured, humiliated to the most horrific degree, and yet they still did not give up the cause of Christ, nor did they accept to convert to Islam, even though the court passed the death sentence on both the man and his wife. Watch this most heart breaking video of their children and Shafqat's father weeping and begging for help from anyone willing to take up their cause: Whether they live or die depends on what we do, at this very moment. If we help, we can free them, but if we do nothing, their blood is upon us. We must strive to liberate them from this Islamic despotism. Please make a donation for the freedom of Shafqat and Shagufta. When we see this horrifically persecuted family; the weeping of the grandfather, the wailings of the children, the lamentations of the family, the torment and anguish of the husband and wife, we de not see just the mere suffering of human beings, no, we see Christ. When we view this most sad footage, we are witnessing the image of Christ before our eyes. It is Christ Who is imprisoned; Christ Who is beaten and scourged; Christ Who is threatened and mocked; Christ Who is scoffed; Christ Who is naked. The world has abandoned these banished children of Eve, and at the same time, it is Christ Who is forsaken; Christ Who is ignored with the cruel indifference of men. And under the quiet and cloudless skies of the East, which hovers over a roaring and raging throng of Adam's sons, glorious and valiant saints accustomed to the cruelties of savages conquer the bastions of evil with the spilling of their sacred blood. As the sublime Psalmist declares: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. (Psalm 116:15) Every tear that pours forth from the shaking eyes of these hated Christians, drips down like a river flowing from the mountains of the sky's lofty peak, into an eternal ocean that roars like the lion breaking from the shackles of his enemies. The robust beast charges with righteous rage to execute the vengeance of Heaven, storming under the thick clouds of peace, striking with the utmost of love, advancing the Eternal Law, and fulfilling revenge over his enemies with the purest light of justice. As the holy Revelator declares: Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. (Revelation 5:5) http://rescuechristians.org/the-most-horrifying-story-of-christian-persecution-in-our-time/ From the bitterness of the persecuted, the torrent of noble revenge will spring forth. Sweet as the freshest honey, and fierce as the piercing waves of the oldest deluge, will that day be, when the martyrs and the tormented saints will return to vanquish their oppressors. As the prophet Jacob proclaimed: Judah, your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father's sons will bow down to you. You are a lion's cub, Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness—who dares to rouse him? (Genesis 49:8-9 Every drop of blood that sprinkles from the severed veins of a Christian, gathers together into a scarlet sea that crimsons the thundering heavens where a chorus of eternal martyrs sing for the marching of war against the enemies of God. But before that time, we must not remain silent, but help these tormented saints from their current oppression. Rescue Christians has already filed an appeal to overturn the death penalty for this suffering husband and wife. We must continue fighting for their liberation! PLEASE DONATE TO RESCUE SHAFQAT AND SHAGUFTA. Tags: allah satan, beheadings islam, christian beheaded, christian executed, christians killed, christians pakistan killed, demons, islam, islam evil, islam satanic, islamic tyranny, jiahdism, Jinn, koran, muhammad, muslims christians, muslims kill christians, pakistan blasphemy law, pakistan christians persecution, pakistani christian women, pakistanti christians, quran christians, sharia, sharia christians, slaughter

Islamic Human sgozzatori sharia

a PUTIN, tu questo risarcimento mettilo sul conto delle MISTRaL SAUDITE: i terroristi bombaroli: dei traditori egiziani sharia imperialismo ERDOGAN Hitler ] [ Sinai: 140 corpi rientrati in Russia. Mosca darà risarcimento a famiglie. Stasera parte secondo aereo. FARò SPARIRE DA QUESTO PIANETA TUTTI GLI ISLAMICI E IL LORO MALEDETTO PROFETA! COSì COME LORO HANNO FATTO SPARIRE TUTTI I POPOLI CHE VIVEVANO PRIMA DEL LORO SATANISMO NAZISTA ONU AMNESTY OBAMA GENDER!

la sharia è un demone saudita intelligente: [ DEL TIPO SERVIZI SEGRETI: INTELLIGENCE ] per ora SALMAN gli ha detto: "in Europa, TU per ora devi dormire!" MA LUI HA GIà FATTO LA CALCOLATA E CONTROLLATA IMPRUDENZA DI IMPORRE LA SHARIA NELLE ENCLAVI ISLAMICHE EUROPE! ] [ TEL AVIV, 2 NOVembre. Due persone hanno tentato di accoltellare un soldato israeliano al posto di blocco di Jalama. nei pressi di Jenin in Cisgiordania. E' morto uno dei due palestinesi che stamattina hanno tentato di pugnalare un soldato israeliano al check point di Jalame nei pressi di Jenin in Cigiordania e che è stato colpito dalla reazione delle forze di sicurezza.

NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ROTHSCHILD deo pluto giudaico massoni, usurai banchieri Bildenberg, ex comunisti culto, hanno spezzato la dignità e la identità del popolo italiano per sempre! NOI CI FACCIAMO SCHIFO DA SOLI! ] [ ECCO PERCHé IL SISTEMA MASSONICO HA BISOGNO DI REALIZZARE LA GUERRA MONDIALE! ] poi, le difficoltà politiche si possono creare: perché Rothschild rimanga sempre innocente circa ogni Olocausto! [ lo Stato massonico ITALIANO, alto tradimento, violando la Costituzione: si indebita con SpA Rothschild BANChe CENTRALI, per comprare i soldi ad interesse da Rothschild, poi, pretende tasse assurde dai cittadini, e mio suocero di 80 anni: a sua volta, si deve indebitare con le banche: per pagare le tasse, che lo Stato pretende: perché a sua volta: si è indebitato con Rothschild! QUANTO COSTANO A MIO SUOCERO DI 80 ANNI QUESTE TASSE?
CON QUESTO USURAIO FMI ROTHSCHILD SPA MAOMETTO NAZISTA SHARIA 322 BUSH NWO? LA VITA è DIVENTATA UNA MINACCIA CONTINUA! ROMA, 1 NOV - L'aereo russo schiantatosi ieri nel Sinai si è spaccato mentre era in volo: lo scrive la Cnn online, citando fonti dell'aviazione civile russa ripresa dai media locali. Ai giornalisti russi, Viktor Sorochenko, direttore esecutivo della commissione interstatale dell'aviazione russa, ha detto: "La disintegrazione della fusoliera si è verificata in volo, e i frammenti sono distribuiti su un'area piuttosto ampia, circa 20 chilometri quadrati".
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Rescue Christians Freedom from Slavery April 5
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Rescue Christians Freedom from Slavery April 3 YouTube
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Rescue Christians Freedom from slavery di Rescue Christians
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IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma a causa del nazismo della sharia, io sarò costretto a farti del male! TU MI DEVI DARE LO STATO LAICO: CHE SIGNIFICA LIBERTà DI COSCIENZA E RELIGIONE, NON è LO STATO SECOLARE! questa mia richiesta è tutto il contrario dello Stato SECOLARE!
IRAN [ TU PER ME, in assoluto, tu SEI IL MIGLIORE IN TUTTO IL MONDO ] ma tu hai fatto una religione di nazisti sharia, che, i cristiani sono costretti a combattere, contro di te: per sopravvivere: al 30%! e sono costretti a combattere contro la ARABIA SAUDITA per sopravvivere al 100% [ mentre, lo sanno tutti che, sono: l'ANTICRISTO: Merkel Cameron, e i farisei satanisti massoni usurai Rothschild Bildenberg: Darwin GENDER, Sodoma, che hanno preso il controllo dello Occidente: e quindi, noi non siamo più in grado di poterci difendere da te! [ EPPURE, ANCHE TU NON TI POTRESTI DIFENDERE, SENZA DI ME: PERCHé IO SONO IL RE DI ISRAELE: QUINDI IO SONO L'UNICO UOMO AL MONDO CHE PUò DISTRUGGERE LO STATO MASSONICO DI ISRAELE!
IRAN [ è VERO CHE IN TUTTO IL MONDO: tu sei l'unico che può guardare la trave nell'occhio di tutti ] ma, è anche vero che, tu non ti puoi condannare a morte soltanto perché: GESù di Betlemme, ti può apparire per fare di te un missionario cristiano! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWZMg0ctNPs
il cielo vomiterà tutto l'ISLAM all'inferno! ] [ Il cimitero cattolico italiano di Tripoli 'Hammangi' è stato di nuovo devastato. Lo fa sapere l'Associazione Italiana Rimpatriati dalla Libia (Airl), che invia all'ANSA le foto che testimoniano lo sfregio. "Sono immagini che si commentano da sole per la loro inciviltà e che completano il quadro tragico della situazione in Libia", afferma la presidente dell'Airl Giovanna Ortu. "Grazie a Dio non abbiamo bisogno di tombe materiali per pregare in ricordo di quei morti, e ci piace ricordare la lunga tradizione di rispetto fra le diverse religioni che ha caratterizzato la nostra vita laggiù. La preoccupazione per i vivi libici in pericolo a causa della lunga guerra fratricida che ha dato spazio a presenze inquietanti prevale sull'accorata preghiera per i nostri cari defunti", sono le parole di Giovanna Ortu e di Giancarlo Consolandi, presidente dell'Exlali, Associazione alunni scuole cristiane di Tripoli. Secondo le ultime informazioni disponibili, nel cimitero cattolico di Tripoli riposano i resti di circa 8000 italiani.
USA avvertono Gran Bretagna: se uscite dall'UE avrete barriere commerciali con l'America ] il nuovo ordine mondiale prevede la islamizzazione del mondo e la distruzione di Europa e ISRAELE: io vi ho avvisati! SOLTANTO DISTRUGGENDO LA CIVILTà EBRAICO CRISTIANA SATANA 322 ROTHSCHILD SPA FMI POTRà DOMINARE IL MONDO! ] ISLAMICI CREDONO DI POTER VINCERE QUESTA PARTITA, MA, NON HANNO NESSUNA SPERANZA: SENZA DI NOI! [ li Stati Uniti non sono entusiasti all’idea di definire un accordo di libero scambio separato con la Gran Bretagna, se questa dovesse lasciare l’Unione Europea, così dice il rappresentante USA per il commercio, Micheal Froman – si tratta del primo commento pubblico di un importante funzionario USA su questo tema.
Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ 1 NOV - Gli Stati Uniti "sono parte del problema in Medio Oriente, non la soluzione": lo ha detto la guida suprema iraniana, Ali Khamenei, incontrando gli ambasciatori iraniani. Gli obiettivi di "Washington e Teheran sono opposti". Intanto sul sito khamenei.ir, ieri, è stato pubblicato un video "Le confessioni di Satana" in cui appare il presidente Usa Barack Obama, incentrato sugli "errori ammessi dagli americani".

https://youtu.be/a8fj7DJMXeg ] really you were: "He was an ardent advocate of the oppressed all over the world. He did not compromise with arrogant powers??". then, where is your freedom of religion! CAIN were is your brothers ABELE Christian? then you remove sharia quickly! were is your video "Confessions of Satan" by OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ape very smart
Khamenei.ir] funny [ if your god is true, then, we can do an exorcism together? ] If the devil goes away only in the name of JESUS? Then, you make yourself a Christian, or you go to hell!
Khamenei.ir ] funny [ se il tuo dio è vero: poi, noi possiamo fare un esorcismo insieme? ] se il demonio va via soltanto nel nome di GESù? poi, tu ti fai cristiano, oppure tu vai all'inferno!
Khamenei.ir ] friend [ i am Messiah ( lorenzoJHWH ) e Mahdi ( lorenzoALLAH ) Unius REI (Governor on all the world ): polital proiect of King ISRAEL: for universal brothehood, ie: the mortal enemy of all Satanists Pharisees Rothschild from satanic TALMUD APOSTASY [ i have sub to you ] as you might think to talk about justice if with Nazism Sharia: you hurt the saints, that God has called on the path of virtue?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ I have no found on the internet all the list of crimes against humanity that he himself admitted that he did! you can make this work for me?
about [Confessions of Satan from OBAMA GENDER DARWIN ] [ io non ho trovato in internet tutto l'elenco dei crimini contro il genere umano, che lui stesso ha ammesso di avere fatto! tu puoi fare questo lavoro per me?

https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs IO SONO il METAFISICO UNIUS REI [ io sono l'amministratore immortale divino figlio di Dio: in JESU's NAME! Governatore universale ed eterno di tutto il Regno di DIO JHWH HOLY ] io ho fatto cacciare l'ex-Direttore di youtube synnek1, ed oggi lui è 187AudioHostem, lui è un iraniano sacerdote di satana: che lo Spirito SANTO ha fatto impazzire!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs io ho esorcizzato tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA, E QUINDI NEL NWO S.P.A. FMI SONO TUTTI TERRORIZZATI, che, loro hanno fatto impunemente 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana! quindi, MOLTI DI LORO SONO IMPAZZITI E MOLTI DI LORO SONO MORTI, INSIEME AI LORO ALIENI NEI DISCHI VOLANTI! Quindi adesso è impossibile che loro possano continuare a fare tutti quei delitti, ma, purtroppo continuano a farli! ma, tu non devi pensare che io dico queste cose in giro a tutti, perché le persone non hanno la maturità spirituale per potermi capire!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs la mia missione in internet è iniziata 25 anni fa: quando, con orrore, io ho scoperto che, 400 martiri cristiani del tutTo innocenti venivano messi a morte ( 300 li uccidevano gli islamici, come te ) e 100 li uccidevano tutti gli altri: ( comunisti buddisti induisti ) MA NESSUNO, SI DEDICA A PROTEGGERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI, PERCHé LA MERKEL massoni satanisti OBAMA GENDER BILDENBERG ROTHSCHILD BUSH KERRY Darwin: LA ABOMINAZIONE SODOMa, SONO L'ANTICRISTO E LORO RIDONO QUANDO I MARTIRI CRISTIANI VENGONO UCCISI!
/watch?v=KWZMg0ctNPs parlare male degli ebrei, come parlare male di qualsiasi popolo, significa soltanto gettare fango su Dio Onnipotente! ok! ma se vogliamo parlare male di Rothschild e dei Farisei cannibali massoni? ok! nessuno potrebbe farlo meglio di me! ] EPPURE IO HO TOLTO IL RISPETTO A DAVID DUKE, PERCHé LUI è VENUTO IN IRAN PIENO DI ODIO CONTRO ISRAELE (oggi è di moda), E SI è DIMENTICATO DI DIFENDERE I MARTIRI CRISTIANI INNOCENTI, CHE TU METTI A MORTE!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs LA CIA 666 SPA FMI 322 NWO satana datagate ] la deve smettere con i suoi filtri di dicidere lei, quali dei miei commenti possono essere visibili su questa pagina!
Assad merita di morire (ma, io ho ordinato a Benjamin Netanyahu di salvare la sua vita, eppure, con un piede nella fossa, disprezzando il suo occulto protettore (Benjamin Netanyahu ): ASSAD voleva dare i missili a hezbollah o Ḥizb Allāh, per colpire ISRAELE ), Assad merita di morire, perché è la sharia che lo vuole uccidere, eppure, quando io gli ho ordinato di condannare la sharia: lui non lo ha fatto! Quindi io lo ho abbandonato: e lui ha incominciato a perdere la guerra! TUTTAVIA, oggi: 1. io non posso abbandonare la RUSSIA, 2. anche perché Assad ha versato il suo sangue per proteggere i martiri cristiani: ecco perché, io non lo posso abbandonare: definitivamente!
youtube 666 CIA cannibali ] BRUTTA CAGNA DI UNA TROIA [ io scrivo l'articolo sul mio wordpad e tu mi metti i filtri già sul desktop del mio computer, così il testo che non esiste in internet? io non lo posso incollare da nessuna parte! ] POI, NESSUNO DEVE DIRE CHE IO FACCIO DEL MALE AI FIGLI DEL DEMONIO SENZA NESSUN PRETESTO!
GLI EBREI SONO STATI NEL DESERTO SAUDITA della MADIANA, 40 ANNI ED UN GIORNO! ANCHE MOSé è SEPORTO LI, [ QUINDI QUELLA TERRA è MIA! ] ed io, non, credo che, qualcuno, si deve ostinare, contro, la volontà di Dio, e lui si può ostinare fino al punto di dire: "tutti gli ebrei del mondo devono sempre essere maledetti E SATANISTI, e non devono mai avere una loro Patria!" PERCHé IN QUESTO CASO, I FARISEI ENLIGHTENED FROM LUCIFERO, TRASFORMERANNO TUTTI I POPOLI DEL MONDO IN UN SOLO BRANCO DI SCHIVI, AFFINCHé SATANA SIA TUTTO IN TUTTI! [ NON SOLO ] IO PRETENDO ANCHE METà DEL DESERTO EGIZIANO PACIFICAMENTE! altrimenti, me lo pretenderò tutto con la violenza!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs se non smetterete di fare i nazisti della sharia, violatori di tutti i diritti umani, con la complicità di quella bagascia di ONU AMNESTY USA BABILONIA? io vi farò bere il sangue dei vostri figli per la disperazione!
youtube 666 google NWO ] la state facendo sporca! anche mettendo il testo in [ translate.google.it/ ] si attiva l'antispam! VOI SIETE IL VERO REGIME NAZISTA: VOI ( FARISEI MASSONI TALMUD AGENDA ) VOI SIETE IL PADRE DI HITLER, ED IL PADRE DI OGNI SHOAH, CONTRO, IL POPOLO EBRAICO! VOI STATE SOFFOCANDO LA LIBERTà DI ESPRESSIONE! L'ULTIMO REQUISITO CHE NON AVEVATE ANCORA TOLTO AL POPOLO! [ NESSUNO VI DA IL DIRITTO DI IMPOSSESSARVI DEL NOSTRO COMANDO: "COPIA INCOLLA" IN MODO PREVENTIVO! ] if you do not stop TO DO the Nazis Sharia violators of all human rights, with the complicity of the whore of Babylon UN AMNESTY 666 USA? I will make you drink the blood of your children to despair!
https://youtu.be/KWZMg0ctNPs io ragiono come un agnostico razionale: ed io non entro in questioni di tipo ideologico o religioso! NON DOVRESTI MAI PENSARE CHE IO ODIO ISLAM (ANZI IO LO AMO PIù DI OGNI ALTRA COSA) oppure, che io posso odiare qualcosa o qualcuno, o che io ho desiderio di vendetta, o avidità di ricchezze e di potere: "NO! TUTTE QUESTE COSE NEL REGNO DI DIO JHWH SONO DISPREZZATE!" io perseguo i delitti e gli omicidi di persone innocenti, perché, io sono l'unico a cui Dio ha dato il permesso di uccidere le persone: tuttavia, proprio a me Dio ha detto: "tu non uccidere nessuno!".. IN QUESTO MODO, io sono un politico, che, non entra in questioni circa, la religione o circa la forma di Governo! IO VOGLIO AIUTARE TUTTE LE RELIGIONI E TUTTI I GOVERNI DEL MONDO A RIMANERE NELLA GIUSTIZIA: CHE è LA METAFISICA DEI 10 COMANDAMENTI DI MOSé
Ignazio Roberto Maria Marino è un chirurgo e politico italiano, sindaco di Roma dal 12 giugno 2013 al 31 ottobre 2015 ] LUI LO HA PRESO NEL GENDER DARWIN IDEOLOGIA 666 FARISEI Rothschild Sodoma Talmud Agenda S.p.A. a FMI: CONTRO I GOYIM ISRAELIANI SENZA GENEALOGIA PATERNA! tutto dove: " dove il loro verme non muore, e dove il loro fuoco non si estingue!"
SULTANATO ISTANBUL, 2 NOV - "La volontà nazionale si è manifestata a favore della stabilità NAZISTA. Adesso: CONQUISTEREMO IL MONDO SHARIA! un partito con circa il 50% in Turchia ha conquistato il potere, questo dovrebbe essere rispettato dal mondo intero, ma non ho visto questa maturità" finora. Sono queste le prime parole del presidente HITLER Recep Tayyip Erdogan dopo la vittoria nel voto.
NON è CHE IO HO SIMPATIA PER GEZABELE II, L'ANTICRISTO MASSONE MOGLIE SEGRETA DI ROTHSCHILD, MA QUANDO è TROPPO è TROPPO! Rothschild ha superato il limite della decenza: con i suoi sacerdoti di satana Bush 322 KERRY: perché, lui vuole soffocare la memoria e la identità di tutti i popoli! [ dopotutto, bisogna amalgamare, il branco di schiavi del suo signoraggio bancario: i bastardi: Sodoma GENDER DARWIN ISRAELIANI; senza genealogia paterna! ] SYDNEY, 2 NOV - "Inappropriati" nell'Australia moderna. Così il primo ministro conservatore australiano Malcolm Turnbull, già promotore di una campagna per abbandonare la monarchia, ha annunciato l'abolizione dei titoli di cavaliere e dama. L'Australia cancellerà le due onorificenze e la regina Elisabetta, capo dello stato, ha accettato la raccomandazione del governo. I due titoli erano stati già aboliti nel 1986 come anacronistici ma erano stati reintrodotti nel 2014 da Tony Abbott, acceso monarchico.
NON SONO QUELLI CHE, loro PRETENDONO DELLE LORO FANTOMATICHE ACQUE NAZIONALI, IN ACQUE INTERNAZIONALI? ] [ Gentiloni: "L'Italia sosterrà la rinascita della Libia ] [ Il ministro degli Esteri è ad Algeri per incontrare i colleghi algerino e egiziano, all'indomani delle accuse di Tobruk sulla presenza di navi italiane in acque libiche, smentita dall'Italia, e della profanazione del cimitero italiano a Tripoli. Devastato cimitero italiano a Tripoli.

si! la CIA ha dato questi missili ad ARABIA SAUDITA ] [ MOSCA, 2 NOV - La sola causa della sciagura dell'A321 precipitato nel Sinai può essere "un fattore esterno" in aria: lo sostiene un dirigente della Kogalymavia, la compagnia a cui apparteneva l'aereo, citato da Ria Novosti. "Un A-321 - ha detto il manager - non può spaccarsi in aria per il malfunzionamento di un qualsiasi sistema tecnico".
PUTIN, tu mi devi radere al suolo la CABA IDOLO MECCA, perché Benjamin Netanyahu è un GENDER senza le palle!

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ISRAELE -- poiché EGITTO permette questo traffico di esseri umani infamia di tutti gli Islamici io UNIUS REI io do a te il diritto di predere tutto il deserto Egiziano! Haddas Eritrea's main editor caught by Arbi Harnet Team. Eritrean Gov Killing and Ethiopian Rescuing of Rahale Baraki Eyc Trondheim
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Teddy afro girlfriend Amleset Muchie teddy afro tedy afro teddy afro new single 2012 Tsebaye Senay ethiopian ethiopia ethiopian music 2012 ethiopian drama ethiopian comedy ethiopian movie ethiopian restaurant ethiopian food ethiopian news new tedy afro single addis ababa teddy afro new album 2012 ethiopian song teddy afro song ethiopian girls ethiopian women ethiopian beaut eritrea new Eritrea music hazini by tesfalem korchach sinati TesfaAlem Arefaine (Korchach) - Hazni . Yemane Gebremichael (Barya) Abraham Afwerki Amanuel Zemichael Tesfalem Arefaine (Korchach) Jemal Jemal Romedan Thomas Assefa Michael Goitom Robel Michael Orion Saleh Bereket Mengistab Haile Ghebru Gebru Hagos Berhane Sami Berhane Asmarino5 EastAfro AmanuelTV Tesfay Mehari Fihira Zemach Kahsay Berhe Alex Kahsai Aron Negassi Tekle Tesfazghi Teddy Afro Tamrat Desta Ethiopian Music Eritrean Music Efrem Tamuru Selome Maharay Aster Aweke Elsa Kdane Helen Meles Feven Tsegay Fiyori Berhane Tesfay Mengesha Tsegezab Tezareb Segud Tereter Tezareb Eritrean song

Dewey Cheatum-Howe 18:22. First your assumption that the Bible is a book of history has no merit. It is a book of fairy tales. [ ANSWER] it is sad to witness in so much YOUR ignorance everything that the Bible says? archaeologically is real! Sodom and Gomorrah were found dead under the: sea dead ! all Pharaoh's chariots are still at the bottom of the sea in single file facing the coast of Saudi Arabia and some wheels are of solid gold. The Bible was insulted because about the people of the Hittites who of course has been found also! etc. .. Also Noah's Ark is located in Turkey on Mount Ararat where Muslims do not cease to be the accomplices of Rothschild to hide these things! as Mount Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia! è triste dover assistere a tanta ignoranza tutto quello che la Bibbia dice? è reale archeologicamente! Sodoma e Gomorra sono state trovate sotto il mare morto! tutti i carri del Faraone sono ancora in fondo al mare in fila indiana di fronte alle coste Saudite ed alcune ruote sono di oro massiccio. La Bibbia era insultata a motivo del popolo degli Ittiti che ovviamente è stato trovato! ecc.. anche l'Arca di Noé si trova in Turchia sul Monte Ararat se islamici non smettono di essere i complici di Rothschild per nascondere queste cose! come il monte Sinai si trova in Arabia Saudita!

"I tentativi di portare l'Ucraina nella NATO saranno molto negativi per l'intero sistema di sicurezza europea e noi saremmo totalmente contro di essi. Non ho nulla da nascondere su questo argomento", ha detto Lavrov, aggiungendo che la questione riguarda direttamente la Russia.
Nel frattempo il ministro ha sottolineato che tutte le parti del conflitto, comprese le regioni orientali e occidentali dell'Ucraina devono prendere parte ad una "tavola rotonda" per affrontare la crisi politica nel Paese.

Invitato per l'est russofono oligarca Akhmetov, ma non insorti. I controversi referendum separatisti delle regioni di Donetsk e Lugansk hanno dato "risultati convincenti" di cui "le autorità di Kiev e tutti gli altri dovrebbero tenere conto", ha affermato il presidente della Duma russa, Serghiei Narishkin, pur ammettendo "errori durante il voto".La legittimità delle presidenziali ucraine del prossimo 25 maggio è "incompleta", ha aggiunto Narishkin, ma "è evidente che non svolgere le elezioni sarebbe persino più triste, quindi è necessario scegliere il minore dei due mali".

Cheatum-Howe 17:57 Sorry you are closed minded and do not seek the truth which is not in the Bible. That is why Genius was plagiarized from Sumerian history. You've been played for a fool by your religion and have given your life to a lie. [ answer ] sorry for you! but the Bible is not a book it is a historical document of the family of Abraham and this document has been written over the centuries by millions and millions of components in this family! This document says that YHWH God is a person who seeks friends .. the ones that are corrupt enough to live in a relationship with him make a religion or stop by Satan just like you! in truth I've already read your book science fiction alien shit then you can go to hell with them on another planet with their flying saucers .. but sorry you do not offend for me is why I'm staying here!

in verità io ho già letto il tuo libro di fantascienza merda alieni quindi tu puoi andare a fare in culo con loro su di un altro pianeta con i loro dischi volanti.. ma tu non ti offendere per questo io resto quì!
sorry for you! but Bibbia non è un libro è un documento storico della famiglia di Abramo e questo documento è stato scritto nei secoli dai milioni e milioni di componenti di questa famiglia! Questo documento dice che Dio JHWH è una persona che cerca amici.. quelli che sono abbastanza corrotti per vivere una relazione con lui faranno una religione o si fermeranno da satana come te!

Dewey Cheatum-Howe
Truth is universal. To know the truth one must seek it with a burning desire. To use wisdom academia and love for fellow man in finding the balance ofones own metaphysical being.
I'm just the metaphysical Unius REI
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
You should listen to " Republicans defined by George Carlin. on UTube
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
Ok. I am Native American. We are all alike; except for IQ. I had rather live a life of truth love and understanding than the life of a liar and a thief.
If one does not possess a heart and soul.
Than they are but an empty shell.
I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT the person is more importnte with an "Intelligence Quotient" very high! I have an "Intelligence Quotient" very low and yet I'm Unius REI because I am full of the Holy Spirit

NON CREDO CHE la persona sia più importnte con un "Intelligence Quotient" molto alto! io ho un "Intelligence Quotient" molto basso eppure io sono Unius REI perché io sono pieno di Spirito Santo
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
I am sorry to inform you my friend but you have been brain washed into a false dogma.
you should listen to or read "Zecharia Sitchin's" The Lost Book of Enki"
To waste one life on one religious faith based beliefs; only makes you a hypocrite.
You have subjected yourself to a secular authoritarian enslavement of your mind and soul. You have become a non person.
SHOWS you what you said about me!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
I am just being a good Samaritan and sharing truth with you. It isn't my fault that you no comprende.
you are not from above something that you could understand .. you made a rash judgment against me! I'm agnostic who has personal experience of God I am not in the dogma as you said that's why I am the metaphysical King Unius REI

tu non dai detto qualcosa che si potrebbe comprendere.. tu hai fatto un temerario giudizio contro di me! io sono agnostico che ha personale esperienza di Dio io non sono nel dogma come tu hai detto ecco perché io sono il MEtafisico
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
It will be fine son. Just lay down for awhile. Reach over and pick up the phone and call for help.
"I am He that walks in the clouds".
As you can see my level of intellectual achievements and understanding are superior to all human beings.
I see all things in truth and understanding beyond that of mere mortal men. I do not covet flesh or gold; only truth.
truth without justice is shit! even the demons are in the truth but then do not know how to love because they are pests!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
Who's justice? Yours or your church's your dogma?
I think that over the thousands of years of witch trials child rape stealing pridefulness murder rape The entire world has seen enough Christian justice and that of Islam also.
How can one be free if they are condemned not to think freely?
I am the natural law and justice is that all men are created equal I am rational and there is no dogma in Unius REI! equal rights equal duties for all do not lie do not be bad! You are Satan because you see in the Church the evil which exists to / in you! while you neither see the good in the Church that the saints are: the all time forever and ever!
io sono la legge naturale e la giustizia è che tutti gli uomini sono uguali io sono razionale e non c'è dogma in Unius REI! uguali diritti uguali doveri per tutti non mentire non fare il male! tu sei satana perché tu vedi nella Chiesa il male che esiste per/in te! mentre tu non vedi nella Chiesa il bene che i santi fanno: continuamente!
dogma religion it is useful for those who do not know God personally so it is not useful to me!
il dogma la religione è utile per coloro che non conoscono Dio personalmente quindi non è utile per me!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
It is useful to learn from mankinds mistakes.
Their is more than one as you say Gods.
l'm not a monotheism.
Like I suggest you need to study the translations of Zecharia Sitchin. If you seek the truth. Your still stuck in religious dogma relying on one god.
God is necessarily one because everything comes from a single unit! In addition there can be no true love outside of the unit one: YHWH it means I am the true love therefore I am! [[Only one who is only one: he know of is to be]] otherwise what he is not then could never be or exist .. here is the secret of Unius REI! In fact Jesus said: "The truth is from the Jews!"
Dio è necessariamente uno perché tutto viene da una sola unità! inoltre non ci può essere vero amore al di fuori della unità: JHWH significa io sono il vero amore quindi io sono! [[ solo quello che è Uno solo: è essere ]] altrimenti quello che non è non potrebbe mai essere o esistere.. ecco il segreto di Unius REI! infatti Gesù ha detto: " la verità viene dai giudei! "
if you're not a man humble and pure but it is fraud which is located in your soul? someone of ministers of my angels might hurt you because I am the supreme governor of the kingdom of God JHWH: Unius REI!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
Your just a brain washed fool that depends on circular logic to justify your ignorance.
It is useless to continue this conversation with someone that has a closed mind.
Lord forgive them for they know not what they do.
Remind me not to let you around my family or my livestock
the principle of universal rational metaphysical thought says "if the Be is then not to be it is not can not be." only those who not declare that God is living in the house of Jacob is dead then he dies! we are the image of God no man is an image of an animal .. but maybe you are in the image of a demon!
il principio del pensiero metafisico universale razionale dice: " se l'ESSERE è poi il non essere non è! ". solo chi dichiara che Dio vivente nella casa di Giacobbe: è morto poi anche lui muore! noi siamo ad immagine di Dio nessun uomo è ad immagine di un animale.. ma forse tu sei ad immagine di un demone!
as you are a coward of a Pharisee of the satanic Talmud for TO HAVE afraid to reveal your true NATURE demonic? they ILLUMINATI BILDENBERG say that goym Israelis ( without paternal genealogy) are animals in human form!
come sei il codardo di un fariseo del talmud satanico per avere paura di rivelare la tua vera natura demonica? loro dicono che goym israeliani (senza genealogia paterna) sono animali dalla forma umana!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
I must say junior you are quite judgmental .
You are ill informed. If you are so powerful a metaphysical being as you claim to be. Then make me the next lottery winner that I may do good things with the proceeds.
If you don't you have proven yourself a fake.
For your own good you should study the translations of Zecharia Sitchin if you chose not to then you are not seeking the truth.
And that's a sin and you will never be set free.
all evil that you say against the others for the whole world? is just in you! you're just the dogmatic fried that you entrust your life to read a book instead of using the intelligence .. and then you're such a coward who hide yourself behind this book because you can not you say in your own words simple words the experience of your truth .. that's why you as a man you not worth anything! because if the truth in a man is not simple then your truth is shit! BUT I know the history DOCUMENTAT by billions of people and peoples with a lovely beautifull love of a God who walks with Israel and this is not the history of a religion it is the story of a relationship with a living good person love for YHWH and his love for us!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
I am so happy that the majority of the population in the world does not share your views.
Jesus was declared God by the Emperor of Rome in 339 AD at the Council of Nicea.
I feel sorry that you are brain washed.
So I take it you can preform no miracles and your reward is in heaven and you will bet 72 virgins or little boys for your sexual pleasures in the after life.
Most priest can't and do not wait that long.
They just molest them in this life.
Personally speaking you are repulsive as is your beliefs.
You are vulgar bad sure you will be punished! my religion is for me .. I to the world are a universal political agnostic: Unius REI! You have made of yourself an antichrist which is spitting out your evil on innocent people why is not your the Holy Spirit! this done by you for to hide your sin and it is for you an damage that you twice damage!
tu sei volgare cattivo certo tu sarai punito!
la mia religione è solo per me.. io per il mondo sono un politico universale agnostico: Unius REI! tu hai fatto di te stesso un anticristo che va sputando la tua malvagità su persone innocenti perché il tuo Spirito non è Santo! questo tu faii per nascondere il tuo peccato ed è questo ti danneggerà due volte!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
First I am without sin and I do not believe in Hell. Those are man's concepts in order to profit.
Second you should contact the Pope and ask him to save a exorcism for you.
Third if I want to be molested and robbed I will call a priest.
Last but not least are you a Diego Whapp or Genie. Everyone knows that Whapps and Genies are chicken chit while the Diegos historically have a backbone.
Jesus himself is dead to have claimed to be the Messiah the Son of God and this was the word of his sentence to dead!
all the Apostles wrote that he was risen (a few years after his death) etc. .. and died declare to have seen him risen but I have not seen you die for thy truth: "hurry up!"
Gesù stesso è morto per avere dichiarato di essere il Messia il figlio di Dio e questa era la scritta della sua condanna!
tutti gli Apostoli hanno scritto che( pochi anni dopo la sua morte) ecc.. e sono morti per dichiarare di averlo visto risorto ma io non ho ancora visto morire te per la tua verità: " affrettati!"
WHO SAYS TO BE WITHOUT SIN DECLARES liar THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM .. MAYBE YOUR backbiting is a great sin for example! AND SIN is in everyone because it is into EXTENT OF HUMAN NATURE! you can not overcome the problem of sin by simply ignoring it in this way you're an ostrich which hides its head in the sand!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
Curse not that ye be not cursed.
Youare one sick brain washed chico.
You serve a lie. You can not prove that Jesus ever lived nor can you prove not one miracle that your bible claims.
Why is Paul revered over Jesus? Paul was a murder and a thief
The pity is you are so full of hatred and don't even recognize it. Please get professional help.
So I take it your a whap.
Jesus is a historical figure who can not be questioned! Also your Talmud speaking ill of him he says attests his historicity and is affirmed also his goodness and justice of course as certainly you're a bad man who he began to hate a man right and good for your own downfall! Nobody can now more do harm against Jesus because he was resurrected and sits at the right hand of the Father! You .. you can eat your wickedness and ignorance in your liver itself .. and if you continue to talk to me you may find yourself dead without realizing it!

Gesù è un personaggio storico che non può essere messo in discussione! anche il tuo talmud parlando male di lui afferma attesta la sua storicità quindi viene affermata anche la sua bontà e giustizia certamente come certamente tu sei un uomo cattivo che si è messo ad odiare un uomo giusto e buono per la tua stessa rovina! ora più essuno può danneggiare Gesù perché lui è risorto e siede alla destra del Padre! .. tu ti puoi mangiare la tua malvagità e ignoranza nel tuo fegato stesso .. e se continui a parlare con me tu potresti trovarti morto senza accorgertene!
Why is Paul revered over Jesus? Paul was a murder and a thief. [ ANSWER] PAUL has paid with his blood his testimony but for you for to slander him you have not yet paid with your blood your testimony against him! Sure he was a murderess in good faith before encountering the risen Jesus but no one can say that Paul was a thief!
PAOLO ha pagato con il suo sangue la sua testimonianza ma tu per calunniare lui tu non hai ancora pagato con il tuo sangue la tua testimonianza contro di lui! Certo lui fu un assassino in buona fede prima di incontrare Gesù risorto ma nessuno può dire che Paolo è stato un ladro!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
Sorry you are closed minded and do not seek the truth which is not in the Bible.
That is why Genius was plagiarized from Sumerian history. You've been played for a fool by your religion and have given your life to a lie.
youtube --- [ tutti i miei commenti su Hillary Benghazi] /watch?v=3mgbktzHowg sono spariti! ti prego un acher ha fatto questo tu falli riapparire!

Why is Paul revered over Jesus? Paul was a murder and a thief. [ ANSWER] PAUL has paid with his blood his testimony but for you for to slander him you have not yet paid with your blood your testimony against him! Sure he was a murderess in good faith before encountering the risen Jesus but no one can say that Paul was a thief!

PAOLO ha pagato con il suo sangue la sua testimonianza ma tu per calunniare lui tu non hai ancora pagato con il tuo sangue la tua testimonianza contro di lui! Certo lui fu un assassino in buona fede prima di incontrare Gesù risorto ma nessuno può dire che Paolo è stato un ladro!

Jesus is a historical figure who can not be questioned! Also your Talmud speaking ill of him he says attests his historicity and is affirmed also his goodness and justice of course as certainly you're a bad man who he began to hate a man right and good for your own downfall! Nobody can now more do harm against Jesus because he was resurrected and sits at the right hand of the Father! You .. you can eat your wickedness and ignorance in your liver itself .. and if you continue to talk to me you may find yourself dead without realizing it!

Gesù è un personaggio storico che non può essere messo in discussione! anche il tuo talmud parlando male di lui afferma attesta la sua storicità quindi viene affermata anche la sua bontà e giustizia certamente come certamente tu sei un uomo cattivo che si è messo ad odiare un uomo giusto e buono per la tua stessa rovina! ora più essuno può danneggiare Gesù perché lui è risorto e siede alla destra del Padre! .. tu ti puoi mangiare la tua malvagità e ignoranza nel tuo fegato stesso .. e se continui a parlare con me tu potresti trovarti morto senza accorgertene!
Jesus himself is dead to have claimed to be the Messiah the Son of God and this was the word of his sentence to dead!
all the Apostles wrote that he was risen (a few years after his death) etc. .. and died declare to have seen him risen but I have not seen you die for thy truth: "hurry up!"

Gesù stesso è morto per avere dichiarato di essere il Messia il figlio di Dio e questa era la scritta della sua condanna!
tutti gli Apostoli hanno scritto che( pochi anni dopo la sua morte) ecc.. e sono morti per dichiarare di averlo visto risorto ma io non ho ancora visto morire te per la tua verità: " affrettati!"
You are vulgar bad sure you will be punished! my religion is for me .. I to the world are a universal political agnostic: Unius REI! You have made of yourself an antichrist which is spitting out your evil on innocent people why is not your the Holy Spirit! this done by you for to hide your sin and it is for you an damage that you twice damage!
tu sei volgare cattivo certo tu sarai punito! la mia religione è solo per me.. io per il mondo sono un politico universale agnostico: Unius REI!
tu hai fatto di te stesso un anticristo che va sputando la tua malvagità su persone innocenti perché il tuo Spirito non è Santo! questo tu faii per nascondere il tuo peccato ed è questo che ti danneggerà due volte!
all evil that you say against the others for the whole world? is just in you! you're just the dogmatic fried that you entrust your life to read a book instead of using the intelligence .. and then you're such a coward who hide yourself behind this book because you can not you say in your own words simple words the experience of your truth .. that's why you as a man you not worth anything! because if the truth in a man is not simple then your truth is shit! BUT I know the history DOCUMENTAT by billions of people and peoples with a lovely beautifull love of a God who walks with Israel and this is not the history of a religion it is the story of a relationship with a living good person love for YHWH and his love for us!

tutto il male che tu dici contro degli altri per tutto il mondo? è proprio in te! proprio tu sei il dogmatico fritto che tu affidi la tua vita alla lettura di un libro invece di usare l'intelligenza.. e poi tu sei così vigliacco che nascondi te stesso dietro quel libro perché tu non sai dire con parole tue parole semplici la esperienza della tua verità.. ecco perché tu come uomo non vali niente! perché se la verità in un uomo non è semplice poi la tua verità è merda! io conosco la storia documentata da miliardi di persone di un Dio che cammina con Israele e questa non è la storia di una religione ma è la storia di una relazione con una persona vivente JHWH!

https://plus.google.com/b/113240060421886552723/116930665419687019285 Dewey Cheatum-Howe said: .." .. Remind me not to let you around my family or my livestock " ANSWER -- as you are a coward of a Pharisee of the satanic Talmud for TO HAVE afraid to reveal your true NATURE demonic? they ILLUMINATI BILDENBERG say that goym Israelis ( without paternal genealogy) are animals in human form!

come sei il codardo di un fariseo del talmud satanico per avere paura di rivelare la tua vera natura demonica? loro dicono che goym israeliani (senza genealogia paterna) sono animali dalla forma umana!

the principle of universal rational metaphysical thought says "if the Be is then not to be it is not can not be." only those who not declare that God is living in the house of Jacob is dead then he dies! we are the image of God no man is an image of an animal .. but maybe you are in the image of a demon!

il principio del pensiero metafisico universale razionale dice: " se l'ESSERE è poi il non essere non è! ". solo chi dichiara che Dio vivente nella casa di Giacobbe: è morto poi anche lui muore! noi siamo ad immagine di Dio nessun uomo è ad immagine di un animale.. ma forse tu sei ad immagine di un demone!

God is necessarily one because everything comes from a single unit! In addition there can be no true love outside of the unit one: YHWH it means I am the true love therefore I am! [[Only one who is only one: he know of is to be]] otherwise what he is not then could never be or exist .. here is the secret of Unius REI! In fact Jesus said: "The truth is from the Jews!"
Dio è necessariamente uno perché tutto viene da una sola unità! inoltre non ci può essere vero amore al di fuori della unità: JHWH significa io sono il vero amore quindi io sono! [[ solo quello che è Uno solo: è essere ]] altrimenti quello che non è non potrebbe mai essere o esistere.. ecco il segreto di Unius REI! infatti Gesù ha detto: " la verità viene dai giudei! "

if you're not a man humble and pure but it is fraud which is located in your soul? someone of ministers of my angels might hurt you because I am the supreme governor of the kingdom of God JHWH: Unius REI!

se tu non sei un uomo umile e puro ma è la frode che si trova nella tua anima? qualcuno dei miei ministri angeli potrebbe farti del male perché io sono il Governatore supremo di tutto il Regno di Dio: Unius REI!
dogma religion it is useful for those who do not know God personally so it is not useful to me!
il dogma la religione è utile per coloro che non conoscono Dio personalmente quindi non è utile per me!
I am the natural law and justice is that all men are created equal I am rational and there is no dogma in Unius REI! equal rights equal duties for all do not lie do not be bad! You are Satan because you see in the Church the evil which exists to / in you! while you neither see the good in the Church that the saints are: the all time forever and ever!
io sono la legge naturale e la giustizia è che tutti gli uomini sono uguali io sono razionale e non c'è dogma in Unius REI! uguali diritti uguali doveri per tutti non mentire non fare il male! tu sei satana perché tu vedi nella Chiesa il male che esiste per/in te! mentre tu non vedi nella Chiesa il bene che i santi fanno: continuamente!
Dewey Cheatum-Howe 15:37 It will be fine son. Just lay down for awhile. Reach over and pick up the phone and call for help. "I am He that walks in the clouds".
As you can see my level of intellectual achievements and understanding are superior to all human beings. I see all things in truth and understanding beyond that of mere mortal men. I do not covet flesh or gold; only truth.
[ ANSWER ] truth without justice is shit! even the demons are in the truth but then do not know how to love because they are pests! IF I WOULD GET HURT you NO ONE COULD HELP YOU! also your SATAN WAS IN THE CLOUDS like you AND IT FELL!
verità senza giustizia è merda! anche i demoni sono nella verità ma poi non sanno amare perché sono i parassiti! SE IO VOLESSI FARTI DEL MALE NESSUNO TI POTREBBE AIUTARE! ANCHE SATANA ERA TRA LE NUVOLE ED è CADUTO!
you are not from above something that you could understand .. you made a rash judgment against me! I'm agnostic who has personal experience of God I am not in the dogma as you said that's why I am the metaphysical King Unius REI
tu non dai detto qualcosa che si potrebbe comprendere.. tu hai fatto una temerario giudizio contro di me! io sono agnostico che ha personale esperienza di Dio io non sono nel dogma come tu hai detto ecco perché io sono il MEtafisico
Dewey Cheatum-Howe 15:05 Ok. I am Native American. We are all alike; except for IQ. I had rather live a life of truth love and understanding than the life of a liar and a thief. If one does not possess a heart and soul.
Than they are but an empty shell.
Ok. Sono nativi americani. Siamo tutti uguali; fatta eccezione per IQ. Avevo piuttosto vivere una vita di verità di amore e la comprensione che la vita di un bugiardo e un ladro. Se non si possiede un cuore e un'anima.
Quello che sono ma un guscio vuoto. [ ANSWER ] I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT the person is more importnte with an "Intelligence Quotient" very high! I have an "Intelligence Quotient" very low and yet I'm Unius REI because I am full of the Holy Spirit.
NON CREDO CHE la persona sia più importnte con un "Intelligence Quotient" molto alto! io ho un "Intelligence Quotient" molto basso eppure io sono Unius REI perché io sono pieno di Spirito Santo
Журнал "Лиза girl" объясняет почему можно делать аборты
«Детство должно быть порой счастья и радости у малыша должны быть любящие родители которые смогут уделять ему много времени. Подумай что было бы если бы вы с парнем
поженились не по любви а по необходимости только ради малыша. Как скоро вы стали бы проклинать друг друга за «загубленную» жизнь учебу карьеру? А ребенок с самого
детства рос бы с ощущением что приносит самым дорогим людям -- родителям -- одни только страдания..."
«Как сказала одна девушка решившаяся на аборт именно по этим причинам: «Я не смогу дать ему ничего из того что хотелось бы... Поэтому пусть он возвращается на небо. Если он захочет то придет позже когда я смогу дать ему все. А если нет он навсегда останется в моем сердце». Если ты понимаешь что сейчас разумнее выбрать аборт то не становишься от этого хуже но тебе нужно как-то избавиться от чувства вины. Поговори с ребенком мысленно попроси у него прощения. А еще есть такой способ: в течение года после аборты ты словно показываешь ему все прекрасное что тебя окружает».
Хорошо продуманная сентиментальная мерзость. Это не просто информация - это внушение цель которого - представить аборт в приятных и даже романтических тонах. Сначала капелька меда - "...детство должно быть порой счастья и радости...".
Но дальше интонация меняется: вдруг не будет? Может лучше усыпить чтоб не мучился?
Ну это же человек а не помойный щенок!
- "....Подумай что было бы если бы вы с парнем поженились не по любви а по необходимости только ради малыша....."
А в постель ложились - тоже без любви? Или вам всё равно под кого ложиться? Просто простите чтобы удовлетворить свои инстинкты (как сучка)?
Конечно ребеночка нужно убить. "....Иначе погибнет карьера и работа супруги будут проклинать друг друга..." а если они еще и полные идиоты то позволят ребенку расти с чувством вины.
Нет виноват - не просто с чувством вины а с ".....с ощущением что приносит самым дорогим людям -- родителям -- одни только страдания..." Какой высокий стиль однако! Одни только страдания ничего больше. Ни любви ни радости общения с малышом ни гордости за своего ребенка...
"Поэтому пусть он возвращается на небо. Если он захочет то придет позже когда я смогу дать ему все..."
Dewey Cheatum-Howe Gli ultimi costosi 13 udienze non ha prodotto le risposte che volevano. Solo un altro tentativo da parte Republitards sprecare e spendere soldi. La risposta è la CIA aveva il controllo; dato che era il loro funzionamento.
Si prega di voto per le elezioni a metà. Se non si fa e si perde la democrazia per l'agenda fascista Republitard sarà la colpa.
Preservare la nostra democrazia. Non lasciate che i Republitards rubare la volontà del popolo. Abbiamo eletto un grande presidente con la democrazia. L'obiettivo Republitard è quello di distruggere la tua volontà.
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
ha commentato un video su YouTube.
Condiviso pubblicamente - 12:33
The last costly 13 hearings did not produce the answers that they wanted.
Just another attempt by the Republitards to waste and spend money. The answer is the CIA was in control; since it was their operation.
Please vote in the mid elections. If you don't and you lose your democracy to the Republitard fascist agenda you will be to blame.
Preserve our democracy. Do not let the Republitards steal the will of the people.
We elected a very great president with democracy. The Republitard goal is to destroy your will. Dewey Cheatum-Howe. 13:32
Truth is universal. To know the truth one must seek it with a burning desire. To use wisdom academia and love for fellow man in finding the balance of ones own metaphysical being. La verità è universale. Per conoscere la verità si deve cercare con un ardente desiderio. Per usare la saggezza il mondo accademico e l'amore per prossimo a trovare l'equilibrio di quelli proprio essere metafisico.
Shalom 14:56 Si dovrebbe ascoltare "i repubblicani definiti da George Carlin. Su Utube. You should listen to " Republicans defined by George Carlin. on UTube
[ ANSWER ] I'm just the metaphysical Unius REI
my JHWH -- Russi ed americani hanno armi ad energia diretta dai satelliti possono colpire con raggi laser aerei e carri armati!
i crimini dei nazi trupper Merkel Troika ] Kramatorsk Kiev ha violato l'accordo usando gli elicotteri dell'ONU. Le autorità di Kiev hanno violato l'accordo con l'ONU sembra usando elicotteri con i marchi d'identificazione dell'organizzazione mondiale a kramatorsk ha dichiarato l'ONU.
In precedenza i media hanno diffuso informazioni sull'uso durante il raid speciale nei pressi di Kramatorsk di 3 elicotteri da combattimento ed uno da trasporto dipinti di bianco con simboli e segni d'identificazione delle Nazioni Unite. Il video con uno dei Mi-24 è stato pubblicato su "YouTube".
la tragica farsa della NAZI ONU LEGA ARABA affinche la Sharia Ummah senza libertà di religione presto possa dominare il mondo Califfato dhimmi schiavi Onu happy! ] E' di oltre venti morti il bilancio di nuovo scontri registrati in queste ore nello Yemen tra forze governative e miliziani qaedisti. Lo riferisce la tv panaraba al Arabiya. Secondo fonti ufficiali a Sanaa dieci militari tra cui un generale che lavorava come consigliere al ministero delle difesa sono stati uccisi nel corso di un'offensiva in corso contro basi di al Qaida nel sud del Paese nella regione di Shabwa. Nei combattimenti sarebbero morti anche almeno 13 uomini di Al Qaida.
Si è dimessa direttrice di Le Monde A causa delle manaccie sporche di sangue che il NWO farisei Illuminati Troika FMI mette su tutta la stampa informazione mediaTV di questo regime massonico nazi Bildenberg.. contestazioni da parte delle redazione
PARIGI 14 MAGgio - Si è dimessa dall'incarico Nathalie Nougayrede direttrice del quotidiano francese Le Monde da giorni in stato di agitazione. Con una lettera all'agenzia AFP Nougayrede spiega che la decisione è conseguenza del braccio di ferro con la redazione. "Non ho più gli strumenti per assicurare le mie funzioni... La volontà di alcuni membri di Le Monde di ridurre drasticamente le prerogative del direttore del giornale è per me incompatibile con il proseguimento della mia missione".
SYDNEY 14 MAGgio [ questa sembra una maledizione di satana e di satanisti CIA per sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana come per gli aerei di linea dell'11-09. ] - Problemi tecnici hanno ostacolato la ripresa delle ricerche nell'Oceano Indiano nella zona in cui si sarebbe inabissato l'aereo della Malaysia Airlines scomparso l'8 marzo poco dopo il decollo dalla Malesia. La nave australiana Ocean Shield è tornata nella zona ieri ma la nuova missione del mini-sottomarino americano Bluefin-21 è stata interrotta dopo circa due ore a causa di problemi al sistema di comunicazione del robot.
Ucraina: Russia dice sì a presidenziali [ ma solo un Goveno di Unità Nazionale potrebbe rendere valide queste elezioni ecco perChé il 25 maggio non si possono fare queste elezioni sia io che Putin noi non abbiamo interesse a spaccare l'Ucraina semplicemente perché un 50% di Ucraina piena di soli fascisti al 100% sarebbe un pericolo anche maggiore per il Mondo!] MA QUEStO GOVERNO FASCISTA GOLPISTA DEVE RIAPRIRE LE TV RUSSE E DEVE RIABILITARE LA LINGUA RUSSA! ] [ Narishkin "legittimità incompleta ma non votare sarebbe peggio". KIEV 14 MAGgio. La legittimità delle presidenziali ucraine del prossimo 25 maggio è "incompleta" ma "è evidente che non svolgere le elezioni sarebbe persino più triste quindi è necessario scegliere il minore dei due mali". Lo ha affermato il presidente della Duma russa Serghiei Narishkin uomo molto vicino a Vladimir Putin in un'intervista alla tv Rossia 24 ripresa dall'agenzia Interfax.

LA TRUFFA GIURIDICA DEL DEBITO PUBBLICO PER UNA SOVRANITà MONETARIA SCIPPATA DALLA MASSONERIA E DI CUI IL POPOLO NON NE sA ANCORA NIENTE: di questo passo voi complici Troika voi finirete per essere fucilati! ] debito delle Amministrazioni pubbliche e' aumentato a marzo di 128 miliardi raggiungendo un nuovo massimo storico a 2.120 miliardi di euro da 2.1072 miliardi di febbraio. Lo comunica Bankitalia. L'incremento del debito è stato inferiore al fabbisogno delle Amministrazioni pubbliche (178 miliardi) per effetto principalmente del decremento di 27 miliardi delle disponibilità liquide del Tesoro (pari a fine marzo a 621 miliardi; 459 a marzo del 2013); l'emissione di titoli sopra la pari l'apprezzamento dell'euro e gli effetti della rivalutazione dei Btp indicizzati all'inflazione (BTPi) hanno complessivamente contenuto l'incremento del debito per 23 miliardi spiega Via Nazionale. Con riferimento alla ripartizione per sottosettori - prosegue Bankitalia - il debito delle Amministrazioni centrali è aumentato di 136 miliardi quello delle Amministrazioni locali è diminuito di 09 miliardi e quello degli Enti di previdenza è aumentato di 01 miliardi.
The last costly 13 hearings did not produce the answers that they wanted.
Just another attempt by the Republitards to waste and spend money. The answer is the CIA was in control; since it was their operation.
Please vote in the mid elections. If you don't and you lose your democracy to the Republitard fascist agenda you will be to blame.
Preserve our democracy. Do not let the Republitards steal the will of the people.
We elected a very great president with democracy. The Republitard goal is to destroy your will.
Hillary Benghazi
Dewey Cheatum-Howe
22 minuti fa
Gli ultimi costosi 13 udienze non ha prodotto le risposte che volevano.
Solo un altro tentativo da parte Republitards sprecare e spendere soldi. La risposta è la CIA aveva il controllo; dato che era il loro funzionamento.
Si prega di voto per le elezioni a metà. Se non si fa e si perde la democrazia per l'agenda fascista Republitard sarà la colpa.
Preservare la nostra democrazia. Non lasciate che i Republitards rubare la volontà del popolo.
Abbiamo eletto un grande presidente con la democrazia. L'obiettivo Republitard è quello di distruggere la tua volontà.Rispondi
l'argomento più importante è assente: " GOVERNO DI UNITà NAZIONALE! " semplicemente perché loro sono le nazi truppen Merkel Troika CIA cecchini fascisti della brutale repressione i Bildenberg della schiavitù globale! ] SE FANNO GLI SCEMI PER QUESTI CRIMINALI IO HO PREPARATO UNA MORTE TERRIBILE! [ Kiev convoca la "tavola rotonda" per risolvere la situazione nel Donbass. Il Presidente ad interim Aleksandr Turchinov intende organizzare oggi una "tavola rotonda di unità nazionale" mentre continua l'operazione punitiva nell'est del Paese. Sono invitati gli ex Presidenti dell'Ucraina Leonid Kravchuk e Leonid Kuchma il primo ministro ad interim Arseniy Yatsenyuk ed i ministri deputati del Parlamento candidati alla presidenza dell'Ucraina dirigenti delle amministrazioni regionali rappresentanti delle organizzazioni pubbliche. All'ordine del giorno ci sono 5 argomenti: la riforma costituzionale il decentramento del potere la lotta contro la corruzione la politica economica e umanitaria.
Nazisti CIA Troika tutti anticristo per distruggere la civiltà ebraico Cristiana.. NON DEVONO PASSARE la salvezza di Israele è l'ultima battaglia del genere umano contro i mostri Gmos! ] La Russia pronta a proseguire le forniture di elicotteri militari all'India. La Russia è pronta a continuare rifornire di elicotteri l'India ha annunciato oggi l'amministratore delegato della compagnia Russian Helicopters Alexander Mikheyev. Mikheyev ha ricordato che l'India ha un grande parco di elicotteri "Ka-28" e "Ka-31" nell'Aviazione della Marina. "Conseguentemente se sarà scelta la corrispondente gamma di elicotteri saremo pronti a consegnarli" - ha detto l'ad della Russian Helicopters.
sono Nazisti CIA Troika tutti anticristo per distruggere la civiltà ebraico Cristiana.. è un fase preparatoria questa per l'annientamento di Israele ma noi resisteremo non cederemo la nostra posizione! ] sostegno degli europei all'Unione Europea sta gradualmente riprendendo dopo il crollo di fiducia a seguito della crisi. Lo dimostra un sondaggio condotto dal centro di ricerca Pew Research Center. Questa tendenza si registra in 6 dei 7 Paesi in cui è stato condotto il sondaggio. Il più alto miglioramento nell'atteggiamento verso l'Unione Europea è stato rilevato in Francia con il 54% dei francesi favorevole a Bruxelles. Contemporaneamente secondo il sondaggio gli europei sentono che il loro parere è ignorato nel processo decisionale delle autorità di Bruxelles. http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_05_14/Sale-la-fiducia-degli-europei-nella-UE-3858/
Putin RUSSIA -- [ per impedire ai satanisti di distruggere Israele tu devi conquistare più posizioni nello spazio cosmico! ]Agenzia Spaziale russa presenterà presso l'Air show di Berlino «ILA -2014» che si svolgerà dal 20 al 25 maggio gli sviluppi nazionali nel settore dell'aviazione civile e aerospaziale. L'esposizione russa sarà presentata in particolare dai modelli dei veicoli spaziali "Luna-Glob" e "Luna-Resource". Questi progetti sono dedicati allo studio delle regioni polari dell'unico satellite naturale del nostro pianeta. Roscosmos mostrerà anche il modello del veicolo spaziale "Spectrum-UV" ("Osservatorio spaziale mondiale - «Ultraviolet») un importante progetto internazionale guidato dalla Russia.
i satanisti CIA Bildenberg Rothschild 322 BRUCIANO il loro 666 NWO sta andando a male! ] Il funzionamento delle stazioni americane GPS in Russia verrà sospeso definitivamente qualora non avranno successo i negoziati sul collocamento delle stazioni russe GLONASS negli Stati Uniti. Lo ha dichiarato il vice primo ministro Dmitry Rogozin.
Ha ricordato che gli Stati Uniti hanno sospeso l'analisi di questa questione. In 10 regioni della Russia si trovano stazioni GPS ha sottolineato Rogozin.
Il vice premier russo ha espresso la speranza che nei negoziati si possano trovare soluzioni che permettano di riprendere una cooperazione reciproca e proporzionale.
L'Iran ha accettato di ospitare le attrezzature per garantire il funzionamento del sistema di navigazione satellitare russo GLONASS si legge nei verbali a margine della riunione della task force russo-iraniana sulla cooperazione nel settore aerospaziale.
"La parte iraniana ha espresso la sua disponibilità a garantire l'installazione delle stazioni di correzione e monitoraggio così come dei sistemi quantistico-ottici sul territorio iraniano per il funzionamento di GLONASS" - si legge nel verbale della riunione della task force del 10 aprile scorso.
my JHWH -- devo trovare il latte ed i giocattoli per tutti i bambini del mondo!
Bush NWO 322 Rothschild 666 FMI Troika -- come fai tu a conquistare il mondo se la tua A.I. intelligenza artificiale aliena abductions è così difettosa?
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sorry Putin -- tu non ti mettere in mezzo tra me e la mia preda Sharia Iran Arabia Saudita!
sorry satana -- [ io pensavo di punire i tuoi islamici ed inceve lo Spirito Santo mi sta portando a punire i tuoi sionisti Illuminati 322 FMI Troika che uccideranno Israele! ]
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Jewish Lobby Crushes Chuck Hagel
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Who's Behind The Firing Of Pat Buchanan?
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The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin
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The 'Holocaust Denial' Debate
youtube 666 google CIA -- [ voi non avete nessun diritto di censurare questo video! Jewish Hollywood's Fatal Embrace ] [ lo sanno tutti che ebrei satanisti Illuminati domin sul mondo e pressto uccideranno Israele! ] Brother Nathanael232 video Jewish Hollywood's Fatal Embrace Questo video non è disponibile nel tuo Paese. Ulteriori informazioni.
Siamo spiacenti. Jewish Hollywood's Fatal Embrace
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youtube 666 google CIA -- [ voi non avete nessun diritto di censurare questo video! The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II [ erano ebrei coloro che portarono in Russia il comunismo che ha ucciso 40 milioni di martiri cristiani voi volete soffocare la verità della storia! ]
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youtube 666 google CIA -- [ voi non avete nessun diritto di censurare questo video! ]Brave New Zionist World. A Brave New Zionist World
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LEGA ARABA -- [ voi siete penosi! a chi io voglio fare del male? ] ma se il mio migliore amico in youtube è un agente dei servizi segreti del Kuwait a cui io ho promesso che lui deve essere il mio ministro nel mio Governo Mondiale! .. ed io non sto più parlando con lui soltanto perché io non voglio mettere la sua vita in pericolo da quando voi e i satanisti USA voi avete invaso la Siria con la vostra galassia jihadista!

youtube -- chi mi ha buttato fuori dal server? [[ Sembra che tu sia uscito da un'altra finestra. Devi aver eseguito l'accesso per caricare i video. ]] chi devo ringraziare per questo danno sul mio tempo?

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica