salvezza è per Grazia e non per osservanza della legge

salvezza è per Grazia e non per osservanza della legge

ALLORA la tua salvezza verrà grazie alla "grazia del peccato"
che è questa la fede dei satanisti!
la tua fede senza le opere? è morta!"We Have No Mercy on You People" Persecution of Christians, July 2020

Is salvation by grace and not by observance of the law?
è vero hai ragione
ma l'albero senza frutti sarà tagliato!
THEN, your salvation will come thanks to the "grace of sin"
which is the faith of the satanists!
your faith without works? she's dead!
Dottor Restani ci scrive in privato “La gente non sa cosa sta per accadere”

Denise Baldi24 Agosto 2020


Il dottor Stefano Restani è un medico con trent’anni di esperienza che ha scritto in privato a Oltre Tv. Data l’importanza delle sue osservazioni, abbiamo deciso di pubblicare l’email.

Da sempre la mia professione mi impone eticamente di seguire varie regole. Le due che ritengo imprescindibili sono primum non nocere (per prima cosa non nuocere) e desiderare che le persone godano di buona salute.

Ecco perché ciò che stiamo vivendo con la “pandemia” mi amareggia oltremodo. Vedo calpestare entrambe le regole da parte di persone sotto l’egida della “Scienza”.

Si sta puntando al vaccino, ce ne siamo accorti tutti. Premetto che non sono no-vax a prescindere ma ho molti dubbi che devono essere chiariti su questo vaccino.

Non credo che la gente abbia perfettamente compreso cosa sta per accadere. Per la prima volta a livello globale sarà consentito l’impiego di un vaccino totalmente diverso da quelli che conoscevamo fino ad ora.

Il vaccino tradizionale, quello che abbiamo sempre utilizzato, nasce da questo meccanismo individuo l’agente patogeno, di questo individuo la parte che maggiormente è capace di sollecitare una buona ed efficace risposta immunitaria, faccio studi sulla sicurezza ed efficacia e alla fine lo inietto nella popolazione.

L’organismo comincerà a produrre anticorpi che, nel momento in cui dovesse incontrare davvero il virus o il batterio specifico, avrà già armi (gli anticorpi) per reagire efficacemente all’attacco.

Quindi non ho alterato le cellule del corpo, ho solo accentuato la normale funzione delle cellule del sistema immunitario a produrre anticorpi specifici. Questi vaccini hanno dato risultati anche strepitosi, in passato, basti pensare all’eradicazione del vaiolo.
Il dottor Restani descrive i vari vaccini contro la Covid

Gli approcci vaccinali convenzionali non sono stati altrettanto efficaci contro agenti patogeni in rapida evoluzione e mutazione come l’influenza o come le malattie da virus Ebola o Zika e potrebbero non esserlo verso il Sars CoV-2.

Il vaccino che avremo sul mercato per il Sars CoV-2 sarà molto probabilmente un vaccino a vettore virale. La ditta AstraZeneca è già stataincaricatadi fornire agli stati membri della UE centinaia di milioni di dosi.

Esistono anche altre ditte in corsa per il podio per il vaccino migliore (o il più venduto), come il vaccino Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b1 e Moderna mRNA-1273, vaccini definiti a “mRNA” e che probabilmente saranno venduti oltre Oceano.

I vaccini a RNA funzionano introducendo una sequenza di mRNA, la molecola che dice alle cellule cosa costruire che è codificata per un antigene specifico della malattia. La produzione dell’antigene avviene quindi all’interno del corpo, non è iniettato dall’esterno come nei tradizionali vaccini.

Torniamo ai vaccini a vettore virale. In pratica si prende un virus utile allo scopo (per esempio quello utilizzato nella sperimentazione dell’Università di Oxford è un virus della famiglia degli Adenovirus, come il virus del comune raffreddore), reso meno aggressivo e incapace di replicarsi (per non rischiare di causare un’infezione nell’individuo vaccinato), che funge da cavallo di Troia a cui vengono inserite “informazioni genetiche”. Dopo la vaccinazione aumenta la risposta immunitaria nel soggetto inoculato con produzione di anticorpi specifici.

Ma qui sta il punto cruciale che i non addetti ai lavori potrebbero non cogliere. Le “informazioni genetiche” non creano da sole l’aumento della risposta immunitaria. Per farlo queste informazioni (software) devono interagire con le nostre cellule (hardware), devono modificare la cosiddetta espressione genica della cellula. Sono impartite informazioni che modificano la normale vita e metabolismo delle cellule.
I dubbi sulla manipolazione delle informazioni genetiche

La domanda sorge spontanea ci potrebbe essere qualche danno in questa sorta di manipolazione da parte di informazioni genetiche?

Una parziale risposta ce la dà l’articolo “mRNA vaccines – a new era in vaccinology” pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista Nature. I numeri tra parentesi sono alcuni dei riferimenti bibliografici citati nell’articolo.

«I potenziali problemi di sicurezza che potrebbero essere valutati in futuri studi preclinici e clinici includono l’infiammazione locale e sistemica, la biodistribuzione e la persistenza dell’immunogeno espresso (cioè della sostanza capace di stimolare le reazioni immunitarie), la stimolazione di anticorpi auto-reattivi (auto-immunità) e potenziali effetti tossici di eventuali nucleotidi non nativi (ciò che non è facente parte dell’organismo e che è stato iniettato dall’esterno) e dei componenti del sistema di rilascio (gli eccipienti della fiala del vaccino).

Una possibile preoccupazione potrebbe essere che alcune piattaforme vaccinali basate su mRNA (54,166) inducano potenti risposte all’interferone di tipo I, che sono state associate non solo all’infiammazione ma anche potenzialmente all’autoimmunità (167,168). Pertanto, l’identificazione di individui a maggior rischio di reazioni autoimmuni prima della vaccinazione con mRNA può consentire l’adozione di precauzioni ragionevoli.

Un altro potenziale problema di sicurezza potrebbe derivare dalla presenza di RNA extracellulare durante la vaccinazione con mRNA. È stato dimostrato che l’RNA extracellulare “nudo” (RNA che non arriva a “un bersaglio” e che rimane fuori dalla cellula) aumenta la permeabilità delle cellule endoteliali e può quindi contribuire all’edema (169).

Un altro studio ha mostrato che l’RNA extracellulare promuove la coagulazione del sangue e la formazione di trombi patologici (170)».

Qui si potrebbe obiettare che in Italia sarà usato il vaccino a vettore virale. Ma il succo è sempre che con entrambi i metodi (a vettore virale o a mRNA) si agisce fornendo dall’esterno informazioni genetiche.
Dottor Restani sul vaccino mRNA Moderna

Un altro importante articolo è “An mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 – Preliminary Report“, uno studio sul vaccino Moderna RNA-1273.

45 soggetti volontari sani testati sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi. Hanno sottoposto ogni gruppo a una determinata dose di vaccino bassa (25 μg gruppo 1), media (100 μg gruppo 2), alta (250 μg gruppo3). Due dosi di vaccino distanziate di 28 giorni l’una dall’altra.

«Gli eventi avversi che si sono verificati in più della metà dei partecipanti includevano affaticamento, brividi, mal di testa, mialgia e dolore al sito di iniezione (nota mia sono in definitiva effetti trascurabili).

Gli eventi avversi sistemici erano più comuni dopo la seconda vaccinazione, in particolare con la dose più alta, e tre partecipanti (21%) nel gruppo con dose da 250 μg hanno riportato uno o più eventi avversi gravi.

Il vaccino mRNA-1273 ha indotto risposte immunitarie anti-SARS-CoV-2 in tutti i partecipanti e non sono stati identificati problemi di sicurezza limitanti lo studio. Questi risultati supportano l’ulteriore sviluppo di questo vaccino».

Qualche dubbio sulla veridicità delle righe appena lette io ce l’ho. E c’è un altro punto su cui vorrei attirare l’attenzione. I soggetti volontari sani sono stati selezionati secondocriteri di esclusione(se il soggetto era idoneo per poter essere arruolato nello studio).

È corretto porre criteri di esclusione negli studi. Ma un domani che il vaccino sarà sul mercato, ogni persona sarà sottoposta ad attenta anamnesi?
Risvolti economici e le parole di Bill Gates

E se una donna fosse in stato di gravidanza precoce, senza ancora saperlo? Un criterio di esclusione è la gravidanza e le donne in età fertile devono avere un test di gravidanza su siero o urine negativo entro 24 ore prima di ogni vaccinazione. Si escluderanno gli obesi?

Prima di sottoporre una persona a vaccinazione si controlleranno ogni volta gli esami del sangue recenti, datati con meno di 90 giorni prima dell’inoculazione? Valutazioni di laboratorio di screening clinico globuli bianchi (WBC), emoglobina (Hgb), piastrine (PLT), alanina transaminasi (ALT), aspartato transaminasi (AST), creatinina (Cr), fosfatasi alcalina (ALP), bilirubina totale, lipasi, tempo di protrombina (PT) e tempo di tromboplastina parziale (PTT).

Tutto ciò comporta importanti aumenti di tempo e costi sanitari e non vorrei che per “risparmiare” si saltassero alcuni passaggi.

C’è anche un risvolto economico in tutto ciò. In un’intervistarilasciata a CNBC, Bill Gates ha affermato «I governi dovranno essere coinvolti perché ci sarà qualche rischio (danni post vaccinazione) e saranno necessari dei risarcimenti prima che si possa prendere una decisione».

Già ora con la legge 210/1992 e successive modifiche è lo Stato a dover risarcire per i danni documentati e creati dai vaccini. I produttori non hanno alcuna responsabilità per lesioni, salvo in caso di dimostrazione certa di lotto difettoso di fiale di vaccino. In pratica paga lo Stato e non la ditta che produce vaccini.

Voglio anche riportare unafrasedetta daBill Gates, visto che le cose dette dal filantropo si sono puntualmente avverate e lascio a voi le considerazioni:

«La mia speranza è che il vaccino che avremo tra 18 mesi sia il più vicino possibile al perfetto. Anche se non lo sarà, continueremo a lavorare per migliorarlo. Ottenuto ciò, suppongo che il vaccino COVID-19 diventerà parte del programma di vaccinazione neonatale di routine».
Considerazioni conclusive del dottor Restani

In Italia la legislazione ostacola l’utilizzo sul territorio nazionale di alimenti che abbiano subito tecnica OGM sostenendo che possano essere pericolosi (e non vi è certezza unanime riconosciuta su questo) ma un vaccino che va in qualche modo direttamente a interagire sulla cellula impartendole di produrre qualcosa va bene?

Io, come medico, considero molto meno rischioso incontrare il virus per strada che farmi iniettare qualcosa che ancora non conosciamo a sufficienza come potenziale pericolo nel lungo periodo. Non mi preoccupano il dolore nel punto di iniezione, un po’ di mal di testa, questi si supererebbero o, mal che vada, si gestirebbero con un farmaco sintomatico. Ma una potenziale auto-immunità, o forse altro, no grazie, passo.

Non è che “aspetto e spero”. Lavoro costantemente per cercare di mantenere in buono stato ilsistema immunitarioe la letteratura è ricca di articoli che dimostrano che è possibile fare ciò, ricordando, come disse Claude Bernard, coevo di Pasteur, che «il terreno (il nostro organismo) è tutto, il microbo (l’agente eziologico, microbo, virus o altro) è nulla».

Se mi dovessi ammalare, sceglierò le terapie che riterrò più performanti e mi affiderò a colleghi preparati, per fortuna ancora tanti nel nostro Paese.La salvezza è per Grazia e non per osservanza della legge?
ALLORA, la tua salvezza verrà grazie alla "grazia del peccato"
che è questa la fede dei satanisti!
la tua fede senza le opere? è morta!byRaymond Ibrahim
August 23, 2020 at 5:00 am


"[T]here are young girls who have been abducted and enslaved, forced into sexual slavery by some of these guerrillas, these insurgents, these terrorists... We know that the recruitment of boys and adolescents, some of them very young, aged 14, 15, 16, is also happening. It is obvious that these young boys are under coercion. If they refuse to join the group, they could be killed." — Paulo Rangel, Portuguese Member of European Parliament, Catholic San Francisco, July 23, 2020; Mozambique, where Islamic State (ISIS) seized a port.

In one week in June, 15 people were beheaded in the Christian-majority nation. Discussing the situation, Bishop Lisboa said "The world has no idea yet what is happening because of indifference." — Mozambique.

A 16-year-old Muslim refugee from Syria pleaded guilty to four counts of terrorism. His schemes were shared with and exposed by an undercover FBI agent posing as a fellow ISIS supporter online.... "It was a bomb lab," the report said. — Global News, July 31; Canada.

"Somalis generally believe all Somalis are Muslims by birth and that any Somali who becomes a Christian can be charged with apostasy, punishable by death." — Morningstar News, July 9, 2020.

A Muslim man broke into Holy Cross, a historic Armenian cathedral on Akhtamar Island in eastern Turkey, and proceeded to recite the adhan — the Islamic call to prayer— and to scrawl graffiti on the church walls, according to a July 2 report. (Image source Mishukdero/Wikimedia Commons)

The following are among the abuses that were inflicted on Christians throughout the month of July 2020:

The Slaughter of Christians

Uganda A group of Muslimsbeat and drowneda pastor and another Christian for sharing the Gospel with other Christians. Peter Kyakulaga, pastor of the Church of Christ, and church member Tuule Mumbya, had begun to sail across Lake Nakuwa, where they would meet and evangelize to Muslims. More "hard-line" Muslims disliked this "We have discovered that your mission is not to fish but to hold Christian meetings and then convert Muslims to Christianity," a mantoldthem. "We are not going to take this mission of yours lightly. This is our last warning to you." The next day in late June, Christian villagers came knocking on the door of David Nabyoma, alocal leader:

"They were requesting help, saying Muslims from Lugonyola had invaded the area around the lakeside, and several Christians were reported to have been injured, including my son. Immediately we rushed to the scene of the incident with several Christians. We hired four boats and drove to the lake and found out that two of the Christians had been badly beaten and drowned in the lake and died instantly."

Kyakulaga, 25, is survived by a wife and two children, aged 2 and 4; Mumbya, 22, is survived by a wife and a 2-year-old child.

Mozambique Islamic militants have been responsible for "escalating extremist violence" in Cabo Delgado Province, where they are attempting to carve out an Islamic state [Note on August 14,ISIS captured the port], and "where multiple churches have been burnt, people beheaded, young girls kidnapped, and hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the violence," according to a July 23report. More than a thousand people have been slaughtered since 2017, when the Islamic uprising began. In one week in June, 15 people were beheaded in the Christian-majority nation. Discussing the situation, Bishop Lisboasaid "The world has no idea yet what is happening because of indifference. We do not yet have the solidarity that there should be."

One of the worst incidents occurred on Good Friday, when the terrorists torched a church and massacred 52 people. After explaining how five or six chapels were torched in just one recent month, the bishopdescribedwhat happened to the historic Sacred Heart of Jesus mission:

"They attacked the church and burnt the benches and a statue of Our Lady, made of ebony. They also destroyed an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to whom the parish is dedicated. Fortunately, they were unable to burn the building itself, only the benches."

What is happening is "an injustice that is crying out to heaven" heconcluded. Paulo Rangel, a Portuguese Member of European Parliament, also discussed the situation in Mozambique "The international community is nowhere to be seen in regard to the problem," hesaid:

"The people were already living in extreme poverty, facing grave difficulties. [The] problem is that at the present moment these people are facing the threat of death, of losing their homes, of becoming uprooted.... At present we know that there are young girls who have been abducted and enslaved, forced into sexual slavery by some of these guerrillas, these insurgents, these terrorists...We know that the recruitment of boys and adolescents, some of them very young, aged 14, 15, 16, is also happening. It is obvious that these young boys are under coercion. If they refuse to join the group, they could be killed."

Nigeria In a 35-second video posted July 22, Islamic terroristsexecuted five men, three of whom were Christians. Blindfolded and on their knees, with the executors standing behind them, one of the terroristssaid,

"This is a message to all those being used by infidels to convert Muslims to Christianity. We want you out there to understand that those of you being used to convert Muslims to Christianity are only being used for selfish purposes. And that is the reason whenever we capture you, they don't care to rescue you or work towards securing your release from us; and this is because they don't need you or value your lives. We therefore, call on you to return to Allah by becoming Muslims. We shall continue to block all routes you travel. If you don't heed our warning, the fate of these five individuals will be your fate."

Then the speaker says bismillah — meaning, "in the name of Allah" — and the executioners shoot their captives in the backs of their heads.

In addition, at least171 Christians were slaughteredby Muslim Fulani herdsmen in the space of roughly three weeks. Summaries of some follow:
On July 10, Muslim herdsmen massacred 22 Christians — "mostly women and children" — and torched many homes. "They killed two of my children [and husband],"recalledBilkisu James from her hospital bed. They also "hacked another five of Bilkisu's relatives to death with machetes including a mother and her baby daughter and a mother and her two sons."
On July 11, a neighboring village wasraided "ten women, a baby and an elderly man were burnt to death in a house where they had taken refuge. Another seven villagers were injured and four houses burnt out."
On July 19, people attending awedding celebrationwere among at least 32 Christians massacred in Fulani attacks.
On July 23, a "horrificnight attack [was launched] during a torrential rain storm ... [A]t least seven Christians died... as militants brutally hacked unarmed men and women and children to death with machetes." The reportaddsthat "This was the second attack on the village within days, with seven murdered in an attack days earlier."
On July 29, Muslim herdsmenmurdered another 14 Christians— 13 of whom belonged to one extended family. Only one member of the family remained alive; his wife, all his children, aunt, uncle, brother and other relatives were slaughtered.

Attacks on Christian Churches

Turkey A Muslim manbrokeinto Holy Cross, a historic Armenian cathedral on Akhtamar Island in eastern Turkey, and proceeded to recite the adhan — the Islamic call to prayer traditionally made from mosques — while others videotaped him. He repeatedly chanted "Allahu Akbar," and proclaimed the Islamic creed or shahada. He also scrawled graffiti on the church walls "Raising the Adhan in the church's sanctuary has brought life back to it." The July 2 report adds that,

"Most churches and monasteries in Turkey have been left abandoned following the genocides of Christian peoples in the early 20th century and the mass emigration of Christians from the country due to decades of persecution. As a result, many churches in Turkey were left to ruin or turned into mosques or stables for animals."

In a separate incident, right before the start of Sunday worship service on July 12, a Turkish man appeared at the Antalya Bible Church and asked to speak to church leadership. He was told to return on the next day, and did so — only to issuedeath and arson threatsto a pastor "You and Özgür [another church leader] are dead. I broke the window of this church a few months ago, will attack again and, if necessary, burn it." Security personnel intervened and he was asked to leave before police were involved. It was later revealed that police had apprehended him when he first broke the church's windows, but released him because he had expressed "regret."

Pakistan A church in a village near Baloki was forced totake down its cross. Barnabas, a Christian resident of the village, explained:

"We constructed three floors of minarets on a church and fixed the cross on top of that. However, it was removed after we received threats from local Muslims. The Muslims demanded we remove the cross and all three floors of the minarets, therefore, we had to obey them. Now, the building does not look like a church. It's just a room and therefore we are sad."

"With broken hearts," a local pastoradded, the congregation agreed to take the cross down—even though "it was an illegal demand against Pakistan's constitution, which guarantees religious freedom to all citizens."

"We took this decision for the safety and protection of Christians in the village.... Muslims threatened that if we don't remove the cross, they will ban the prayer services and take the church property.... The authorities must look into this matter and ensure freedom of religion to all the segments of society."

In a separate incident, police violently interrupted a Christian prayer service. According to a brief July 13report,

"A priest was leading a prayer before providing a free meal for the poor when police officers appeared, and without further notice, they started damaging the stuff for prayer service.... Policemen turned down the meal, thrashed the pastor and people present. They captured the small sound-system, and beat men and women".

Anotherreportoffers more details concerning the fate of Raja Walter, the event organizer,whoworks to "raise funds to help people who are unfortunate or who have been severely affected by the coronavirus":

"[A]rmed policemen without a badge identifying them came to the food point and attacked him. He was beaten and tortured. Agents also smashed the loudspeaker he uses to motivate people and recite prayers before handing out food. The attack began as Raja was handing out food. As they struck him, the agents threw away his heart medicines and mobile phone. When they tried to arrest him, women present at the scene began to cry and pray for Walter, who by then had lost consciousness."

"It is ridiculous to treat Mr. Raja Walter like that," a beneficiary of the free foodsaid "He has never done anything wrong to anyone. He is like an angel; he supports the poor and needy."

The attack,notesthe report, "was likely caused by the use of speakers for praying."

Canada On July 28, a 16-year-old Muslim refugee from Syriapleaded guiltyto four counts of terrorism. His schemes — including "a solo operation in the next few days" — were shared with and exposed by an undercover FBI agent posing as a fellow ISIS supporter online. "Churches," the Muslim youth had written, and other "crowded places filled with crucifix believers" were among his primary targets. "Detonators, containers filled with white powders that turned out to be explosives, and diagrams of improvised explosive devices were among the 95 exhibits they seized. It was a bomb lab," thereportsaid. His sentencing is set for September.

France After fire broke out in the Cathedral of Nantes — caused by an asylum seeker — "Muslim [social media] users, mostly of Arab origin, and their leftist fanboys in Central Europe express[ed] their enthusiasm and glee online," according to a July 19 German-languagereport. Such expressions appeared all throughout social media, but "especially Facebook," where "the sympathizers of Islamization bluntly celebrated their satisfaction through laughing or smiley emoticons or 'like' clicks they expressed what they think of burning Christian houses of worship." The report furtherobservedthat "this type of expression of opinion ... does not lead to the deletion and blocking of the users by social media teams — whereas masses of [other types of] comments are deleted as 'hate speech.'"

Attacks on Converts to Christianity

Kenya A group of seven Muslims beat Fozia, a Christian woman, aged 21, untilshe lost consciousness. They also broke the teeth of her sister, Asha, aged 19, and beat their 18-year-old brother. Problems began when "Muslims started questioning us why we were not attending Friday worship at the mosque," Foziaexplained. "This interrogation continued for several months." Then one day, when the siblings went outside their home to restore its water supply, they saw a raucous group of Somalis approaching "There were noisy shouts calling us infidels,"recalledFozia:

"They said, 'We know you do not belong to us. We have got hold of you today – we have no mercy on you people. You need to return to where you came from.' They began hitting me with sticks and a blunt object, which injured my back and my right hand. There I fainted for five hours and regained consciousness at the hospital [where she remained for two days]."

"The attackers injured me by hitting my head against the wall," her sister Ashaadded. "My two front teeth got broken, and the attack caused the left side of my body to swell..."Accordingto their widowed mother, the family has been "running for their lives from Muslims of Somali descent who have attacked them for nearly 10 years:

"[And now we] are receiving threats that my children should withdraw the case from police if we are to remain safe. But we demand compensation for my three ailing children and medication for them. Three weeks have now gone by, and my children are constantly on pain killers."

Apparently these were not the first attacks on the apostate family; according to thereport,

"In 2016 Somali Muslims attacked another of her adult sons, beating him unconscious. Muslim Somalis in Nairobi had seriously injured the same son on Oct. 27, 2011, after they learned that family members had become Christian. The Somali neighbors hit him with a metal bar on his forehead and face, and he lost two teeth and sustained knife wounds to his hand. They left him for dead. Her family has suffered various attacks since embracing Christ. After she filed a police complaint about an attack by Somali Muslims in Kenya in 2014, no fewer than 10 Islamic elders visited her to warn that she was risking her life by doing so. Somalis generally believe all Somalis are Muslims by birth and that any Somali who becomes a Christian can be charged with apostasy, punishable by death."

Morocco "Converts to Christianity in Morocco have been repeatedly arrested by police as part of a campaign clamping down on the Faith," says a July 17report; some have been arrested as many as three times in one week. Jawad Elhamidy, president of the Moroccan Association of Rights and Religious Liberties,elaborated:

"Most are released after interrogation—but are often put under pressure to return to Islam, and face abuse when they refuse.... The penal code holds that all Moroccans are Muslims, so those who convert to Christianity face legal problems, beside threats to their security."

As one example, he gave the story of Mohamed al-Moghany, who converted to Christianity,and"whose employer had waved a gun at him and threatened to kill him."

"When Mr. Al Moghany filed a complaint with police, he was told not to speak about his conversion and threats were made against his family. Six months later, following an argument with his employer, he was arrested and sentenced to six months in prison. His wife was interrogated as well.... If a Moroccan enters a church, one of two things can happen—either a policeman sitting in front of the church arrests him or her, or the cleric in charge of the church asks the person to leave, unless the purpose is tourism....Moroccan Christians worship in secret house churches to avoid state sanctions or harassment from society."


"[I]t is even more dangerous for Christian converts when allegations of blasphemy are made—Christians have been held for several days and there have been incidents of violence.... Unlike foreign Christians, converts do not enjoy freedom of worship under the law.... Foreign clergy are said to discourage Moroccan Christians from attending their churches because of fear of being criminally charged with proselytism. Under Moroccan law, proselytising or converting to another religion is a criminal offence punishable by between six months and three years in prison."

Generic Abuse of Christians

Pakistan A group of 12 Muslim men, led by one Muhammad Irfan, broke into a Christian man's household, "and tried to kidnap his [13-year-old] daughter, Noor, who they planned to rape and forcefully convert to Islam," says a July 26report. When the man and his family intervened, the Muslims thrashed them. "He often teased and disturbed my daughter in the streets, but we always ignored,"saidthe girl's mother:

"Finally, Irfan forcibly entered into my house and intended to kidnap my daughter. However, we resisted. In response, he attacked and beat my entire family who got multiple injuries. My husband and others got injuries in the attack. However, police have not registered the case against Irfan and medical staff have not provided medical aid to the injured."

Thereportadds that "Local supporters of Irfan have issued threats against the family... [They] have threatened to burn down their house if they pursue legal action against Irfan and the other attackers."

Yemen "Christians living in Yemen," a July 28reportsays, "request prayer as they experience persecution amidst ongoing war, food shortages, and COVID-19."

"These challenges have created a significant burden of isolation, both spiritually and physically. The Christian population, which once numbered approximately 40,000, is reduced to only a few thousand. Most live unaware of each other's existence and in great fear of discovery from their neighbors... [The current] environment has led to persecution that keeps the church underground."

Germany Two knife-wielding Muslim men attacked and injured a Christian refugee from Syria in the streets of Berlin. According to the July 7report, the victim, Kevork Almassian, of Armenian descent, had started receiving death threats a year ago, after "Syrian Islamist activist" Nahla Osman began accusing the Christian refugee of spreading "hate" through his work at a German magazine. The executives at the magazine eventually capitulated to Islamist protests and fired Kevork.

Lebanon/Turkey As a sign of growing Turkish influence, Neshan Der Haroutiounian, a Lebanese television host of Armenian descent, willstand trialin Lebanon for "insulting the Turkish president and the Turkish people," apparently in the context of mentioning the Ottoman Empire's genocide of Armenians. Turkey's authorities responded by calling on the Lebanese Foreign Ministry to take measures against the television host; the Turkish Embassy mobilized protesters in front of the television station.They"raised Turkish flags, chanted slogans in support of the Ottoman Empire and Erdogan and called on Al Jadeed TV and those in charge of the programme to 'apologise for what happened.'" The Beirut public prosecutor responded by announcing that charges would be filed against Haroutiounian, who is scheduled to stand trial in October. Thereportnotes:

"A Lebanese journalist, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that there were no grounds for the judicial charges against Der Haroutiounian. 'This is a matter of a historical dispute that has no prospect, knowing that it is about a great crime against the Armenian people — a crime that Turkey refuses to recognise. This in itself continues to provoke Armenians wherever they are,' the journalist told The Arab Weekly.... Some Lebanese Armenians' harsh criticism of Turkey seems to embarrass Lebanese authorities, who have tried to intimidate them into observing certain 'red lines.' There are numerous external forces pressuring Lebanon, starting with Iranian proxy Hezbollah. Turkey is now attempting to curb Lebanon's hard-fought freedoms, of which its citizens are rightly proud, by also exerting pressure on Lebanese authorities."

Egypt A Christian woman whodisappearedfor nearly three months — supposedly because she had willingly converted to Islam and no longer wanted any connection to her "infidel" husband and three young daughters — was finallyreturned to her family. Ranya Abd al-Masih, 39, a high school teacher of English, had disappeared on April 22. A few days after her family contacted state security, she appeared in a one-minute video dressed in a black niqab (Islamic head covering). In the video, and in between tears, Abd al-Masihinsistedthat she had finally and formally converted to Islam, which — "praise be to Allah" — she had been secretly following and concealing from her family for nine years. Accordingly, she no longer wanted anyone — her husband, children, family — to bother about her anymore. From the start, her family refused to believe the video and gavecompelling reasonswhy. "We've no problem for her to go [to Islam] of her own free will—based on conviction—but not as a person who is threatened and coerced into doing so," her brother, Remon,explained "She was definitely kidnapped and forced to make that video, due to threats against her or her husband and children if she refused to comply."

For nearly three months, Abd al-Masih's family and the Coptic Church pleaded with local authorities — even sending a special petition to President Sisi — until she was finallyreturned, on July 15. A Christian spokesmansaidthat Abd al-Masih and her reunited family are currently staying in an undisclosed location, "until calm returns" to the region. Due to the delicate nature of the situation, the spokesman gave no other details concerning her disappearance and reemergence, other than tosaythat "Ranya remains a Christian who never once converted to Islam."

Tunisia A July 21reportsheds light on the "lack of full citizenship" rights and "societal stigmas" surrounding the Christians of arguably the world's most tolerant Arab nation. According to itsabstract:

"Although Tunisia is usually presented as ethno-religiously homogenous when compared to other countries in the region, its minorities have long undergone a process of invisibilisation and/or assimilation into the dominant Arab-Muslim identity. Moving from a status of dhimmi [second class, tolerated citizens] under Muslim empires ... is the quest of Tunisia's religious minorities for full citizenship still ongoing?... [T]he research shows that religious minorities, although having acquired a certain set of rights, still lack full citizenship to some extent and face societal stigma."

Raymond Ibrahim, author of the recent book,Sword and Scimitar, Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and a Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

About this Series

While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by extremists is growing. The report posits that such persecution is not random but rather systematic, and takes place irrespective of language, ethnicity, or location.

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Gantz holds Israel’s first defense call of its kind with UAE Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom a few seconds ago

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì is also lorenzoJHWH Messiah
*** Bill Gates, seeing that the things said by the philanthropist have promptly come true and I leave the considerations to you he said "My hope is that the vaccine that we will have in 18 months is as close to perfect as possible. it will not be, we will continue to work to improve it. With that achieved, I assume that the COVID-19 vaccine will become part of the routine neonatal vaccination program. "
*** Bill Gates said "Governments will need to be involved because there will be some risk (post vaccination damage) and compensation will be needed before a decision can be made."
Another potential safety concern could arise from the presence of extracellular RNA during mRNA vaccination. It has been shown that "naked" extracellular RNA (RNA that does not reach "a target" and remains outside the cell) increases the permeability of endothelial cells and can therefore contribute to edema (169) THROMBOSIS.
the legislation hinders the use on the national territory of foods that have undergone the GMO technique claiming that they can be dangerous (and there is no unanimous certainty about this) but a vaccine that somehow directly interacts on the cell by imparting it to produce something goes well?
https // www over tv / doctor-stay-writes-private-people-happen /
I, as a doctor, consider it much less risky to encounter the virus on the street than to have myself injected with something we do not yet know sufficiently as a potential danger in the long run.

"In a few days we're going to jail because we're Baha'is"


Two teachers face long prison sentences for educating Baha’is, who are banned from pursuing further education in Iran. After repeated harassment and intimidation, married couple Azita Rafizadeh and Peyman Kushak-Baghi have been convicted for their involvement with the Baha’i Open University (BIHE). Rafizadeh recently received a summons notice to begin her sentence. IranWire talked to the teacher, who will be forced to leave her six-year-old son behind, about the incidents that led to the couple’s convictions.

What is the latest news on your case?

Recently, the Moral Security Police contacted my bondsman and asked him to go to their headquarters. The bondsman asked for a written summons. A few days later, he received orders to present himself at a specified address on Thursday, October 8 and bring the convict he was representing with him. When he arrived, authorities angrily asked him why the convict had not accompanied him, and threatened to confiscate his collateral money and throw him in jail. He was then given a summons demanding that he present me to the police on the morning of October 10. I just hoped they would grant us a few more days so I could prepare my son Bashir for my absence.

What is the background of the case? How did it all start?

It started on May 22, 2011, when security forces raided our home. They turned it upside down and seized every religious item there, as well as books, pictures on the wall, posters, booklets, CDs, the laptop and the desktop computers. They even seized unrelated items, like some cash and our checkbooks, and took them away after recording them on a list.

Did they have a warrant?

Yes. The warrant was issued in my name and that of my husband’s.

Did they arrest you on the same day?

No, they did not arrest us on that day, but they told us that we should expect a call and questioning from the Intelligence Bureau. They called two days later and asked us to present ourselves. They threatened that if we did not, they would come to get us. Since at the time our son was only one and a half years old, we arranged to go separately. Each interrogation took a few hours and we were allowed to return home.

What did they ask you about?

About our connections to BIHE and our part in it. They called about a month later. At the time I was outside Iran. They protested to my husband as to why they had not been informed that I was going abroad, and told him to come with me to the Intelligence Bureau when I returned. But since they did not contact us again, we did not take it seriously — until March 2013, when we received a written summons saying that we must present ourselves at Evin’s prosecutor’s office so that they could inform us of the charges against us. As they were reading the charges, we understood that if we pledged to stop working with BIHE, our case would be closed and we would not be prosecuted. Otherwise, we would be released on bail.

Did you sign a pledge?

No. During our conversations and questioning, we realized that by getting these pledges from the teachers, they aimed to force activists [working] for the education of the Baha’i to call it quits. My husband and I did not pledge, and stated that no authority had declared BIHE to be illegal. We told them that there were no other facilities for the education of Baha’i students, who cannot study at the universities, and that we had done nothing illegal. That day they released us on a bail of 50 million tomans [close to US$17,000] each.

Was the Baha’i University functioning normally at the time?

Yes. Despite the fact that authorities had arrested the university’s officials and had created an atmosphere of terror and anxiety, the university continued its activities and the Baha’i students continued their studies. But they summoned students as well and threatened them to make them give up their studies at the university.

When were you tried and what were the charges?

My husband and I received our summons at different times and appeared at court separately. My trial was held in June 2014 at Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Moghiseh. Peyman’s trial took place at the same court in May 2015. We were both charged with membership to the illegal and heretic Baha’i sect with the intent to act against national security through our activities with the illegal institution the BIHE. I was sentenced to four years in prison and my husband to five.

Have you taken any action to appeal the verdicts?

Yes. The appeals court upheld both verdicts, mine in February 2015 and Peyman’s in October. The verdicts are now due to be enforced. A few days ago they decided to bring forward the date that I must start serving my time. It might happen to Peyman, too, in which case our son would be left alone.

How old is your son?

Five years and nine months.

Do you know which prison you are going to?

As far as I know, female Baha’i prisoners are sent to Evin and men are sent to Rajaei Shahr Prison in Karaj.

If you both go to prison, who is going to take care of your son?

Our parents are old and cannot take care of him, so we are very worried about Bashir’s future.

Have you tried to find out if you can serve your prison terms at different times?

Yes. A few months ago I went to the assistant prosecutor and told him about our situation. I told him that without us, our child would be without a guardian and we would prefer if our verdicts are not carried out at the same time. I told him that the absence of both parents would be a hard blow to the child and we hope to spare our son such a difficult situation. I asked if the law provided an opening for a legal appeal. The assistant prosecutor answered that there are no legal provisions for such an appeal unless we receive “Islamic compassion”. So we have no hope that our sentences will be carried out at different times.

We have no animosity toward anybody, not even those who are carrying out the verdict. We only wish for a prosperous country with an educated and informed youth so they can work for the betterment of their country regardless of religion and creed. I hope that everybody, including your readers, will pray for our family, especially for Bashir, so that he can remain healthy and happy without feeling a grudge against anybody —so that he can withstand these years of separation with a love for all Iranians in his heart.

To read more about Baha’is and the campaign to secure their rights visitNotACrimeand follow #NotACrime

Related articles:

Baha’is Banned from Education “The order comes from the top”

Authorities Target Baha’is in New Arrests

Torn from their Country The Banned Baha’is of Iran

Baha’is Mark Seventh Year of Unjust Jail Terms

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Arabs and Muslims to Turkey's Erdogan "Why Don't You Protest Against Yourself?"

byKhaled Abu Toameh
August 25, 2020 at 5:00 am


"Erdogan's Turkey has been normalizing its relations with Israel since the establishment of Israel." — Rawaf al-Soain, Saudi writer, Twitter, August 14, 2020.

"Erdogan is trading in the Palestinian cause. Turkey has had relations with Israel for more than 70 years, but it has done nothing good for the Palestinians all these years." — Abdullah al-Bander, Saudi political activist, Twitter, August 18, 2020.

"The statement was actually issued by Erdogan, the official sponsor of terrorist groups in the region. He uses these groups to destabilize the Arab countries, including Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt.... Only the terrorist groups see him as the Emir of the Faithful and Caliph of Muslims... Where is his support for the Palestinian cause when he directs all his support to Hamas and ignores the Palestinian Authority? He hosts wanted terrorists in Ankara and allows them to establish radio and television stations to preach the Muslim Brotherhood ideology." — Adel al-Sanhoury, Egyptian columnist,, August 21, 2020.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to suspend diplomatic ties with the United Arab Emirates, in response to the UAE's agreement to establish normal relations with Israel. Judging from the broader Arab response to Erdogan's threat, the Turkish leader, rather than being perceived as any kind of Caliph, is perceived as a demented demagogue and a sponsor of terrorism. (Photo by Adem Altan/AFP via Getty Images)

In a statement that hasraisedmany eyebrows in the Arab world, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogansaidon August 14 that he is considering suspending diplomatic ties with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and withdrawing the Turkish ambassador from Abu Dhabi.

Erdogan's threat came in response to the agreement ("Abraham Accord") between the UAE and Israel to establish normal relations between the two countries.

A jointstatementissued by US President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UAE Crown Prince Mohammed Ben Zayed read:

"This historic diplomatic breakthrough will advance peace in the Middle East region and is a testament to the bold diplomacy and vision of the three leaders and the courage of the United Arab Emirates and Israel to chart a new path that will unlock the great potential in the region."

Erdogan, in response, told reporters that the Israel-UAE deal is problematic and that Turkey stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people. "The move against Palestine is not a step that can be stomached," Erdogansaid.

"I have given the necessary instructions to my foreign minister. I told him we may also take a step in the direction of suspending diplomatic ties with the Abu Dhabi leadership or pull back our ambassador."

The Turkish Foreign Ministry alsocondemnedthe UAE-Israel deal for betraying the Palestinian cause. The ministry said that history will never forgive the UAE. "History and the collective conscience of the region will not forget and never forgive this hypocritical behavior of the UAE," the ministrysaid.

Many Arabs, particularly citizens of the Gulf states,scoffedat Erdogan for his threats to sever ties with the UAE after its agreement with Israel.

TheyremindedErdogan that Turkey was the first Muslim-majority country to recognize the State of Israel. They also reminded him of his officialvisitto Israel in 2005 and the decades of military, strategic and diplomatic cooperation between Turkey and Israel.

Egyptian columnist Abeer al-Adawipointed outthat Erdogan, who is now denouncing the Israel-UAE agreement, had previously spoken infavorof normalization between Turkey and Israel. "Erdogan has double standards," shesaid.

Noura al-Moteari, a Jordanianwriter, asked:

"Does Erdogan have a mental illness and a dual personality, or does he know for sure that his followers from the oppressed Turkish people and the Muslim Brotherhood follow him with blind loyalty and do not see beyond the end of their noses? How does Erdogan threaten to withdraw his ambassador from Abu Dhabi because of the historic peace agreement with Israel, while the Israeli embassy in Turkey is active?"

Echoing the same concern about Erdogan's mental status, Saudi political activist Monther al-Sheikh Mubarakwrote:

"I am sure Erdogan needs a psychiatrist. It has been reported that Turkey will serve Israel by transporting Israelis to the UAE at a time when Erdogan is objecting to normalization [with Israel]. There is no cure for stupidity."

In another post on Twitter, Mubarakstated:

"This is not a joke. Erdogan says he will withdraw his ambassador from the United Arab Emirates in response to its decision to establish relations with Israel. Those who have no shame feel that they can do whatever they want. Erdogan's wakaha (effrontery) has no limits."

Dr. Ahmad al-Farraj, a Saudi academic and commentator on political affairs,wrotethat Erdogan has "reached unprecedented stages of underestimating the Arabs." Addressing the Arabs, al-Farrajsaid:

"How do you allow anyone to manipulate you and underestimate your minds? Where is the dignity of the Arabs? I am not angry at Erdogan, but at you, Arabs, because you have turned off your minds."

Abdullah al-Bander, a Saudi political activist, said in avideohe posted on social media that Erdogan is known for his words more than his actions. "What's funny is that Erdogan was also the first Muslim leader to visit the grave of [Zionism founder Theodor] Herzl in Israel and meet with [then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon," al-Bander remarked. "Erdogan is trading in the Palestinian cause. Turkey has had relations with Israel for more than 70 years, but it has done nothing good for the Palestinians all these years."

Mohammed al-Zaabi, a political activist from the UAE,wrotethat the decision made by his country was none of Erdogan's business. "This is a purely sovereign decision taken by the United Arab Emirates," al-Zaabi argued. "It is time for the crazy mouths to shut up."

Saudi writer Rawaf al-Soain also posted avideoon social media platforms in which he mocked Erdogan for threatening to cut Turkey's relations with the UAE. "I have just learned that Erdogan is considering withdrawing his ambassador from the UAE in protest of the normalization agreement with Israel," al-Soain said.

"But Erdogan's Turkey has been normalizing its relations with Israel since the establishment of Israel. Instead of protesting against the United Arab Emirates, why don't you protest against yourself? Why don't you withdraw your ambassador from Tel Aviv and expel the Israeli ambassador in Turkey so that we can call you a hero and supporter of the Palestinian cause? By accusing the United Arab Emirates, Erdogan is being silly and despicable."

Egyptian columnist Adel al-Sanhourywrotethat, at first, he could notbelievethat Erdogan had threatened to cut diplomatic relations with the UAE in response to its normalization agreement with Israel. "The news is true, and the statement was actually issued by Erdogan, the official sponsor of terrorist groups in the region," al-Sanhourysaid.

"He uses these groups to destabilize the Arab countries, including Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt. It seems that Erdogan is suffering from schizophrenia that surprises and confuses even his supporters."

The Egyptian columnistderidedErdogan's apparent ambition to present himself as the Caliph of Muslims while he is known for his empty talk and lies. "Only the terrorist groups see him as the Emir of the Faithful and Caliph of Muslims and believe his lies and double standards," al-Sanhouryexplained.

"Where is his support for the Palestinian cause when he directs all his support to Hamas and ignores the Palestinian Authority? He hosts wanted terrorists in Ankara and allows them to establish radio and television stations to preach the Muslim Brotherhood ideology."

Commenting on Erdogan's opposition to the Israel-UAE deal, the Saudi newspaperOkazeditorialized:

"Erdogan's regime does not miss an opportunity to trade in the Palestinian issue and deceive everyone. Despite Erdogan's hypocrisy, which has become exposed to Arab and Islamic public opinion, his regime continues to play on the feelings of Muslims. The Turkish president appears to be applying double standards by ignoring the presence of his ambassador in Tel Aviv."

The strong reactions of many Arabs to Erdogan's threat is a sign that they understand that he is a conniving opportunist playing the Arab and Muslim card in an attempt to revive an Islamic caliphate under his rule.

"It is no secret that he [Erdogan] sees himself as the rightful heir of Ottoman rulers, and as such, intends to extend anew Turkey's influence over countries and territories formerly part of the Ottoman Empire,"notedZvi Mazel, a veteran Israeli diplomat who specializes in Arab and Islamic affairs.

Judging from the broader Arab response to Erdogan's threat, the Turkish leader, rather than being perceived as any kind of Caliph, is perceived as a demented demagogue and a sponsor of terrorism.

Khaled Abu Toameh, an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem, is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at Gatestone Institute.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan

"Enlightened and their priests of satan NOTED the my metaphysical mind,if you…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom

Enlightened and their priests of satan NOTED the my metaphysical mind, if you say a sentence? my brain starts spinning, until it finds all the errors and all the evil that's hidden in that sentence, therefore they became aware of the divine power of this my ministry lorenzoJHWH Unius REI Enlightened e loro sacerdoti di satana SI SONO ACCORTI della mente metafisica, se tu dici una frase? il mio cervello incomincia a girare, finché troverà tutti gli errori e tutto il male che è nascosto in quella frase, quindi si sono coscientizzati circa la potenza divina di questa ministero

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

34 minuti fa
"ILLUMINATI/Enlightened they told me "we don't kill each other"therefore, they…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom ILLUMINATO mi dissero "noi non ci uccidiamo tra di noi" quindi, hanno ammesso che il mio ministero poteva ucciderli. e la comunità ebraica del governo massonico mondiale di youtube mi riteneva un ILLUMINATO, al loro livello. ecco perché io ho costituito il mio "dominio" del Regno di ISRAELE. non ha importanza che il mio Dominio avrebbe ucciso OCI e NWO ma certo non avrebbe ucciso loro fisicamente! Quindi, ILLuMinAti sono pronti ad entrare nel mio REGNO di ISRAELE, che i wahhabiti e iraniani rendono impossibile .. ma questo non volevale per la mia amica tedesca MarlaMarleen che i sacerdoti di Satana della Merkel mi hanno ucciso, perché lei era soltanto una goyim schiava senza genealogie paterne, che lei non si doveva ribellare al NWO

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

35 minuti fa
"HAMAS HEZBOLLA IRAN ERDOGAN OCI UMMA BIN SALMAN RIYAD ] IO NON GARANTISCO PER…" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom HAMAS HEZBOLLAH IRAN ERDOGAN OCI UMMA BIN SALMAN RIYAD ] IO NON GARANTISCO PER GLI EBREI DELLA DIASPORA IO GARANTISCO SOLTANTO PER GLI ISRAELIANI ... VOI TERMINATE IMMEDIATAMENTE OGNI ATTACCO CONTRO DI LORO! ================================ Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Howard Fox ILLUMINATI/Enlightened they told me "we don't kill each other" therefore, they admitted that my ministry could kill them. and the Jewish community of the world youtube masonic government considered me an ILLUMINATED, at their level. that is why I have constituted my "dominion" of the Kingdom of ISRAEL. it doesn't matter that my Domain would kill OCI and NWO but he certainly wouldn't kill them physically! So, ILLuMinAti are ready to enter my KINGDOM of ISRAEL, which the Wahhabis and Iranians make impossible .. but this did not mean (life) for my German friend MarlaMarleen that the priests of Satan of Merkel killed me, because she was just a slave goyim with no paternal genealogies, that she was not to rebel against the NWO

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

2 ore fa
oci BIN SALMAN ] [ ma pensi che sia meglio uccidere tutti i cristiani e tutti gli israeliani insieme a loro

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa (modificato)
STORICO !!! CONTROFFENSIVA DEI WHITE HATS. L’FBI DESECRETA I FASCICOLI DEI “SAVI DI SION”, scusandosi per l’imbarazzo creato !!! In questo fascicolo si legge addirittura un articolo/relazione molto vecchio sulla Prossima venuta di una Dittatura Rossa gestita da Ebrei Asiatici Marxisti che inseriti in posti chiave da un Governo Ombra sono stati responsabili dell’ultima guerra mondiale, con tanto di nomi, cognomi e foto !! Siamo stati per anni tacciati di Complottismo, mi ricordo anche l’attacco ad Elio Lannuti per averne parlato, che venne deriso in tanti articoli e giornaletti. Ora lo pubblica l’FBI e dichiara in un Twitt successivo che “L’FBI deve elaborare i file storici raccolti in passato, alcuni dei quali possono essere considerati offensivi ” e che ” il materiale è stato pubblicato tramite un processo automatizzato senza delineare ulteriormente il contesto dei documenti. Ci rammarichiamo che questo rilascio possa aver causato inavvertitamente angoscia tra le comunità che serviamo.”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

3 ore fa
STORICO !!! CONTROFFENSIVA DEI WHITE HATS. L’FBI DESECRETA I FASCICOLI DEI “SAVI DI SION”, scusandosi per l’imbarazzo creato !!! Questo piano prevedeva il controllo di tutti i giornali e delle informazioni da dare al pubblico, l’instaurazione di un’influenza politico Comunista in ogni Nazione, la distruzione del credo e della Religione Cristiana, fino ad arrivare all’imposizione del controllo e della limitazione delle libertà di ogni popolo. Sempre tacciati di essere una invenzione, un falso e senza alcuna conferma pertinente nonostante i contenuti che si sono verificati in modo pedissequo attraverso le decadi. Fu una rivelazione importante e quindi sono stati da sempre boicottati e insabbiati da parte dell’elite e i lori servi. Oggi ancora appaiono sul sito dell’FBI e non sono stati rimossi, e questo esclude un possibile attacco Hacker, ma in realtà dimostra UN’EPOCALE cambio di rotta verso una direzione ben chiara di controffensiva al Deep State Mondialista. I Protocolli svelano il piano diabolico dell’elite fin dal 1903 per la conquista del Mondo e l’instaurazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, passando attraverso devastazione sociale, crisi economiche e Guerre mondiali in modo pianificato, per instaurare un Governo Mondiale unico gestito e Controllato dall’elite massonica deviata e satanista.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
HISTORICAL !!! COUNTERFEIT OF THE WHITE HATS. THE FBI DESECRATES THE "SAVI DI SION" FILES, apologizing for the embarrassment created !!! This plan included the control of all newspapers and information to be given to the public, the establishment of a Communist political influence in every nation, the destruction of the Christian creed and religion, up to the imposition of control and limitation. of the freedoms of every people. Always accused of being an invention, a fake and without any relevant confirmation despite the contents that have occurred slavishly through the decades. It was an important revelation and therefore they have always been boycotted and covered up by the elite and their servants. Today they still appear on the FBI website and have not been removed, and this excludes a possible Hacker attack, but in reality it demonstrates AN EPOCAL change of course towards a very clear direction of counter-offensive to the Globalist Deep State. The Protocols unveil the elite's diabolical plan since 1903 for the conquest of the World and the establishment of the New World Order, going through social devastation, economic crises and World Wars in a planned way, to establish a single World Government managed and Controlled by the masonic elite deviant and Satanist.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
Today the infamous Protocol of the Elders of Zion appeared on the official account of the FBI Department of Information Management and Communications, complete with a link that leads to the FBI website where all the Declassified Protocols dating back to the investigation are published. requested by Edgar Hoover in 1949, because already at the time considered dangerous for the Freedom and Sovereignty of the United States of America. The Protocols unveil the elite's diabolical plan since 1903 for the conquest of the world and the establishment of the New World Order, going through social devastation, economic crises and world wars in a planned way, to establish a single World Government managed and Controlled by the masonic elite deviant and Satanist. Oggi è apparso sull’account ufficiale del Dipartimento dell’FBI sulla Gestione delle Informazioni e Comunicazioni, il famigerato Protocollo dei Savi di Sion, con tanto di link che riporta al sito dell’FBI in cui si pubblicano tutti i Protocolli Declassificati risalenti all’indagine richiesta da Edgar Hoover nel 1949, perchè già all’epoca ritenuti pericolosi per la Libertà e la Sovranità degli Stati Uniti D’America. I Protocolli svelano il piano diabolico dell’elite fin dal 1903 per la conquista del Mondo e l’instaurazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, passando attraverso devastazione sociale, crisi economiche e Guerre mondiali in modo pianificato, per instaurare un Governo Mondiale unico gestito e Controllato dall’elite massonica deviata e satanista.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
ANTIFA I want to save the country, but they forget that for 20 years, with the corrupt Masons judges they are always in power! in the referendum I vote NO to Conte Pd M5S vote MAGA PATRIOT ANTIFA voglio salvare il Paese, ma si dimenticano che da 20 anni, con i giudici corrotti massoni sono loro che stanno sempre al potere! al referendum io voto NO a Conte Pd M5S

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
with the WILD BOARS (hundreds of murders) and the ABANDONED COUNTRYSIDE the TERRITRIUM HAS BECOME a THREAT, and without cultivation of the forest, it will certainly be prey to fires, due to the overheating of the planet. in the referendum I vote NO to Conte Pd M5S con i CINGHIALI (centinaia di omicidi) e le CAMPAGNE ABBANDONATE il TERRITRIO è DIVENTATO una MINACCIA, e senza coltivazione del bosco, certo esso sarà preda di incendi, per il surriscalmento del pianeta. al referendum io voto NO a Conte Pd M5S

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
vote TRUMP MAGA PATRIOT Look at #JoeBidenisSenile reading from a plagiarized speech! MSM praising his great work for no rehearsed mistakes! What a joke! @realDonaldTrump gives a real speech and tears him a new a s s! @SteelhorseQ https://theblaze com/news/biden-accused-of-plagiarism-in-dnc-acceptance-speech

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
@a_meluzzi Coronavirus, Professor Joseph Tritto "Born in the laboratory. Traces of HIV in the genome, because it is the definitive proof" the CIA said in 2004 that it would hit CHINA with a virus in 2020 @a_meluzzi Coronavirus, il professor Joseph Tritto "Nato in laboratorio. Tracce di Hiv nel genoma, perché è la prova definitiva" la CIA disse nel 2004 che avrebbe colpito la CINA con un virus nel 2020

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
Netanyahu lauds US for decision to trigger snapback sanctions against Iran Citizen meets Judge Rothschild #Palamara at the restaurant "On behalf of the Italian people, go and f *u c k!". But the FAULT of the Freemason judges and neoliberalism, conspiracy is ALWAYS of the Bilderberg Soros regime the system of the democratic party coup SpA FED IMF ECB NWO Cittadino incontra giudice Rothschild #Palamara al ristorante “A nome del popolo italiano, vada a fare in cu**!”. Ma la COLPA dei giudici massoni e neoliberismo, congiura è SEMPRE del Bilderberg Soros regime il sistema del partito democratico golpe SpA FED IMF ECB NWO

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

6 ore fa
CINA RUSSIA INDIA USA UE OCI ] STOP SHARIA STOP SPA [ #Iran needs to be kicked in the whatever’s! Nasty sharia genocide MUZSLIM jihad NAZI criminal are the greatest cause of the worlds Ills today! Netanyahu lauds US for decision to trigger snapback sanctions against Iran August 22, 2020 “Israel stands proudly and firmly with the United States, as do governments across the Middle East who opposed the JCPOA quietly and now support the restoration of sanctions publicly,” Prime Minister Netanyahu stated.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
WATCH Man brutally beaten by demonstrators in Portland speaks out even if the results were enormous universal, innumerable, however I am always unhappy with what I have done, and what I have achieved in these last 12 years of ministry lorenzoJHWH, but, this is because too many souls have fallen to hell despite my dedication and becouse their stubbornness, rebellious and self-destructive obstinacy which would have been won politically if the Muslims had wanted to collaborate with me .. but unfortunately the Koran told OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan that ISIS is the way to redemption! anche se i risultati sono stati enormi universali, innumerevoli, comunque io sono sempre scontento di quello che io ho fatto, e che io ho ottenuto in questi ultimi 12 anni di ministero lorenzoJHWH, ma, questo è perché troppe anime sono cadute all'inferno nonostante la mia dedizione e per la loro ostinazione, ostinazione ribelle ed autodistruttiva che sarebbe stata vinta politicamente se gli islamici avessero voluto collaborare con me.. ma purtroppo il corano ha detto a OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan che ISIS è la via della redenzione!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

11 ore fa
the 32nd Masonic degree does not know the secrets of the NWO, who knows the 33rd Masonic degree and above them are the 33rd degrees of the priests of satan, I have been for years in contact with the world director of youtube Synnek1, today AudioHostem187, he could have been of the 30th degree satanic they are people who have more power than the President of the USA, and they have supernatural demonic powers and alien technology therefore they manage an alien technology that is not known to mankind .. me with the Holy Spirit? I humiliated / defeated all of them .. that's why the NWO is destined to collapse by killing the whole ARAB LEAGUE, or it can be deactivated peacefully and politically by me, in a peaceful way and this is a choice of the Wahhabis il 32° grado massonico non conosce i segreti del NWO, che conosce il 33° grado massonico e sopra di loro ci sono i 33° gradi dei sacerdoti di satana, io sono stato per anni a contatto con il direttore mondiale di youtube Synnek1, oggi AudioHostem187, lui poteva essere del 30° grado satanico sono persone che hanno più potere del Presidente degli USA, ed hanno poteri soprannaturali demoniaci e tecnologia degli alieni quindi gestiscono una tecnologia aliena che non è conosciuta dal genere umano.. io con lo Spirito Santo? io ho umiliato/sconfitto tutti loro.. ecco perché il NWO è destinato a collassare uccidendo tutta la LEGA ARABA, oppure può essere disattivato pacificamente e politicamente da me, in modo pacifico e questa è una scelta dei wahhabiti

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
WATCH Man brutally beaten by demonstrators in Portland speaks out Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Howard Fox there is a "1 Guest Vote" which rates all my comments negatively he is a deep state satanist pretending to be a christian please compensate his negative votes with your positive votes or disqus will close my channel c'é un "1 Guest Vote " che vota negativamente tutti i miei commenti lui è un satanisti del Deep State che finge di essere un cristiano per favore, tu compensa i suoi voti negativi con i tuoi voti positivi oppure disqus mi chiuderà il canale

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
WATCH Man brutally beaten by demonstrators in Portland speaks out Howard Fox Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom you wrote" What if you could figure it out, and you could pose a danger to them? sure they would kill you! Since you have figured it out and are publishing your findings, why have they not killed you? Just wondering. Hai scritto "E se tu potessi capirlo e potresti rappresentare un pericolo per loro? sicuro che ti ucciderebbero! Dato che l'hai capito e stai pubblicando le tue scoperte, perché non ti hanno ucciso? Mi chiedevo solo. Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Howard Fox there are several positive reasons 1. I DO NOT hate anyone and nobody hates me 2. I am the political redeemer of mankind, therefore I am the universal aminesty and the political solution to rehabilitate sinners 3. through my third Jewish temple, I am also the saving redeemer of all mankind by virtue of the universal and natural law of Abraham and Melchisech 4. I'm not here to break a single blade of grass or to tear down a wall and there is also a negative reason 1. my position on the throne of God makes my spirit politically active until the end of mankind 2. that's why I am immortal and invincible, 3. therefore my ministry can become potentially lethal against those who have denied justice ci sono diversi motivi positivi 1. io NON odio nessuno e nessuno odia me 2. io sono il redentore politico del genere umano, quindi io sono la universale e la soluzione politica per riabilitare i peccatori 3. attraverso il mio terzo tempio ebraico, io sono anche il redentore salvifico di tutto il genere umano in forza della legge universale e naturale di Abramo e Melchisech 4. non sono quì per spezzare un solo filo d'erba o per abbattere un muro e c'é anche un motivo negativo 1. la mia posizione sul trono di Dio rende il mio spirito attivo politicamente fino alla fine del genere umano 2. ecco perché io sono immortale e invincibile, 3. quindi il mio ministero può diventare potenzialmente letale contro coloro che hanno rinnegato la giustizia

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

15 ore fa
"lo sanno tutti che i calcoli renali possono essere molto dolorosi" — Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Navalny è stato accolto da 12 autombulanze e da mezzo esercito della NATO.. gli alieni hanno deciso per un approccio ufficiale! iran love riyad

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

16 ore fa
"Navalny è stato accolto da 12 autombulanze e da mezzo esercito della NATO.. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Navalny è stato accolto da 12 autombulanze e da mezzo esercito della NATO.. gli alieni hanno deciso per un approccio ufficiale!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

17 ore fa
Telefonata di fuoco tra Conte e Azzolina ha fatto aperto riferimento ai sindacati scuola che in particolare non vorrebbero il concorso aperto a tutti e che "mirano a conservare potere e rendite di posizione nell'interesse non di tutti, ma di alcuni".

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

20 ore fa
Rozzano, egiziano minaccia in arabo gli anziani in strada e picchia i carabinieri con calci e pugni arrestato Jesolo, clandestini positivi commercianti sui piedi di guerra denunciano e chiedono i danni alla Croce Rossa Violenza choc a Milano nigeriano lega un uomo a una sedia, lo massacra e posta il video sui social

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

20 ore fa
Il ristoratore “razzista” di Rimini? “Tutto falso, l’africana è del Pd” “Non mi ritengo fascista, ma credo nella patria che non c’è più. Quella signora è del Pd, ha montato il caso per ragioni politiche.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

20 ore fa
Il ristoratore “razzista” di Rimini? “Tutto falso, l’africana è del Pd” “Cameriere serve dei nigeriani e si scusa col Duce” i nigeriani si erano inventati tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

20 ore fa
Il ristoratore “razzista” di Rimini? “Tutto falso, l’africana è del Pd” Guarda te se in Italia un italiano deve essere molestato dagli africani.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

20 ore fa
Libico arrestato per spaccio torna libero. Dopo 10 giorni torna a spacciare arrestato e liberato di nuovo Governo untore islamico traditore pervertito, scafista, l'anticristo criminale e mafioso

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

21 ore fa
"#Cgia, in 20 years paid 166 billion more in taxes and schizophrenic…" — 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 #Cgia, in 20 years paid 166 billion more in taxes and schizophrenic bureaucracy tecnocracy neoliberalism regime Bilderberg UE antichrist has increased that's why the Italian economy died! #Cgia, in 20 anni pagati 166 miliardi di tasse in piu' e aumentata la burocrazia schizofrenica ecco perché l'economia italiana morì!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Usa 2020, #Biden (the son of darkness and priest of satan) accepts the nomination dem "We will come out of the darkness" hypocrisy and falsehood fraud and slander these are the tools of the pedo-DEM lgbt Usa 2020, #Biden (il figlio delle tenebre e sacerdote di satana) accetta la nomination dem "Usciremo dalle tenebre" ipocrisia e falsità frode e calunnie questi sono gli strumenti dei DEM

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
new sharia jihad OTTOMAN empire "Mavi Vatan" plan is triggered, Erdogan wants our sea The Sultan's dream is to expand throughout the Mediterranean. From Greece to Libya the Ottoman Empire is reborn nuova sharia jihad impero OTTOMANO Il piano "Mavi Vatan" è attivato, Erdogan vuole il nostro mare Il sogno del Sultano è espandersi in tutto il Mediterraneo. Dalla Grecia alla Libia rinasce l'Impero Ottomano

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
new OTTOMAN empire "Mavi Vatan" plan is triggered, Erdogan wants our sea The Sultan's dream is to expand throughout the Mediterranean. From Greece to Libya the Ottoman Empire is reborn sharia OTTOMAN "Mavi Vatan" plan is triggered, Erdogan wants our sea The Sultan's dream is to expand throughout the Mediterranean. From Greece to Libya the Ottoman Empire is reborn jihad plan OTTOMAN UMMA OCI «Mavi Vatan» est déclenché, Erdogan veut notre mer Le rêve du sultan est de s'étendre dans toute la Méditerranée. De la Grèce à la Libye, the Ottoman Empire renaît

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
#Macron "Ready to welcome and care for #Navalny" they have booked for both of them, different teams of psychiatrists and psychologists because they are 2 desperate cases! #Macron "Pronti ad accogliere e curare #Navalny" hanno prenotato per entrambi loro, diverse equipe di psichiatri e psicologi perché sono 2 casi disperati!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
With Biden as candidate, the dem turns out to be the party of the rich Rothschild neoliberals who hate the people and Trump. At the Asinello convention no mention of the working class, environment and safety. And on the internal disagreements they pretended nothing happened. Con Biden candidato i dem si rivelano il partito dei ricchi neoliberisti rothschild che odia il popolo e Trump. Alla convention dell'Asinello nessun accenno a classe operaia, ambiente e sicurezza. E sui dissidi interni si è fatto finta di nulla.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
the jihad sharia Ottoman scimitar always looks to the martyrs of OTRANTO la scimitarra UMMA OCI ottomana guarda sempre ai martiri di OTRANTO la cimitarra otomana ISIS Riyad siempre mira a los mártires de OTRANTO le cimeterre ottoman Hamas Hezbollah regarde toujours les martyrs d'OTRANTO

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
la scimitarra ottomana guarda sempre ai martiri di OTRANTO

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah I am calling you out, brother! The world - our world - needs your powers now! I call upon you to take it to the streets of Seattle and Portland as a starter. Go to where the evil rioters are wrecking havoc, and turn them towards God! For you to keep your powers to yourself is beyond selfish. Your Jesus took his ministering to "the streets" in his time. And you stay safe in your home for these past 13 years? You know your craft well, Brother, but on behalf of the good people in this world, I call you out to the fields where evil is going unabated. You may not be able to end the NWO, as that may not be your job. Be not afraid, and go to the streets where evil is off-leash. Imagine if your Jesus had stayed safely in his home.....rather than taking his ministry to where it is is relevant, needed, and had the opportunity to effect change. I am calling you out, brother! Now go forth in the name of the Lord! Keeping one's capabilities to oneself is a great sin. Sin not, brother! Get out there and save some souls. What would your Jesus do? Be like him in all ways that you can. Phil Lesh Fan lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Ti sto chiamando, fratello! Il mondo - il nostro mondo - ha bisogno dei tuoi poteri ora! Ti invito a portarlo nelle strade di Seattle e Portland come antipasto. Vai dove i malvagi rivoltosi stanno distruggendo il caos e rivolgeteli a Dio! Per te mantenere i tuoi poteri per te è al di là dell'egoismo. Il vostro Gesù ha portato il suo ministero nelle "strade" a suo tempo. E sei rimasto al sicuro a casa tua negli ultimi 13 anni? Conosci bene il tuo mestiere, fratello, ma a nome delle persone buone in questo mondo, ti chiamo nei campi dove il male non accenna a diminuire. Potresti non essere in grado di terminare il NWO, in quanto potrebbe non essere il tuo lavoro. Non aver paura e vai nelle strade dove il male è senza guinzaglio. Immagina se il tuo Gesù fosse rimasto al sicuro a casa sua ..... invece di portare il suo ministero dove è rilevante, necessario e ha avuto l'opportunità di effettuare il cambiamento. Ti sto chiamando, fratello! Ora vai nel nome del Signore! Tenere per sé le proprie capacità è un grave peccato. Non peccare, fratello! Esci e salva alcune anime. Cosa farebbe il tuo Gesù? Sii come lui in tutti i modi che puoi.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
DEMs are unable to revive the economy they can put taxes, and bureaucracy, immorality, state octopus, deep state, satanism, perversion, institutional sodomy, militant Islamism, national security threats, abortion, relativism, bullying, anarchy, technocracy , neoliberalism, hypocrisy, mafia, freemasonry, moral corruption, bureaucracy. Obama raised US debt to the level of a collapse of the world monetary system !! MAGA TRUMP PATRIOT said "If Joe Biden wins we will have an economic depression, it will take the Second Amendment from you e it will quadruple taxes ", he warned, attacking Barack Obama and his wife Michelle's" hateful and angry "speech at the convention. i DEM sono incapaci di rilanciare l'economia possono mettere tasse, e burocrazia, immoralità, piovra di stato, deep State, satanismo, perversione, sodomia istituzionale, islamismo militante, minacce alla sicurezza nazionale, aborto, relativismo, bullismo, anarchia, tecnocrazia, neoliberismo, ipocrisia, mafia, massonerie, corruzione morale, burocrazia. Obama ha sollevato il debito americano ai livelli di un crollo del sistema monetario mondiale!! ha detto MAGA TRUMP PATRIOT "Se Joe Biden vince avremo una depressione economica, vi strapperà il Secondo Emendamento e quadruplicherà le tasse", ha ammonito, attaccando poi anche Barack Obama e il discorso "pieno di odio e rabbia" della moglie Michelle alla convention.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Supporters rally in Jerusalem to back Netanyahu Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 16 hours ago edited Netanyahu MAGA TRAIN PATRIOT i am Jewish MESSIA Ian Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom What is a Jewish messia? What is one supposedf to do? How do you know you are and by what authority do you speak? Answers in plain English please... if you can spare the time. Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Ian i am a fundamentalist, pentecostal, born again biblical catholic ecumenical movement (on a personal level privately) but in politics (politically, officially, publicly) I am a metaphysical rational agnostic of the natural and universal law of Abraham and Melchizedek, the Decalogue of Moses STOP! "lorenzoJHWH" is the King of Israel (to gather all the Jews around the world in the Saudi desert of MADIANA) and build the third Jewish temple. "Unius REI" is a universal prosecutor on the whole planet, to replace the NWO the authority on which I speak is in my consecration to God Jhwh the living one of ISRAEL io sono un cattolico biblico fondamentalista, pentecostale, e nato di nuovo movimento ecumenico (a livello personale privatamente) ma in politica (politicamente, ufficialmente, pubblicamente) io sono un agnostico razionale metafisico della legge naturale e universale di Abramo e Melchisedech, il decalogo di Mosé STOP! "lorenzoJHWH" è il Re di Israele(per raccogliere tutti gli ebrei sparsi per il mondo nel deserto saudita della MADIANA) ed edificare il terzo tempio ebraico. "Unius REI" è un procuratore universale su tutto il pianeta, per sostituire il NWO l'autorità con cui parlo è nella mia consacrazione a Dio Jhwh il vivente di ISRAELE

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan we were in his image and likeness in a glorious way in the earthly paradise. today most of the leaders are in the image of Erdogan Satan and Rothschild. certainly the servants of God will continue to protect the image of God in them and are committed to sanctifying themselves noi eravamo a sua immagine e somiglianza in modo glorioso nel paradiso terrestre. oggi la maggior parte dei capi è ad immagine di Erdogan Satana e Rothschild. certo i servi di Dio continueranno a prtoteggere la immagine di Dio in loro e si impegnano a santificare se stessi

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan if I were looking for answers I would be insecure, and sure, I could not dominate all my enemies as has been relentlessly done for 13 years! se io fossi alla ricerca di risposte io sarei insicuro, e certo, io non potrei dominare tutti i miei nemici come viene fatto implacabilmente da 13 anni!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Alan Dershowitz The Rabbi Steinsaltz I knew lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Phil Lesh Fan 1. the secret of my invincibility is in my position at the throne of God! 2. I don't look for answers (as you say) 3. you said "where God is not. He is everywhere and everything, and all is as it is because that is His will" but this is a blasphemy of Jews and Muslims, God is infinity holiness instead he cannot operate or do evil .. and God is not he is not found in evil, death, old woman or injustice are not born from God! God has no complicity with the FED IMF ECB UE OCi because this is the kingdom of satan! 1. il segreto della mia invincibilità è nella mia posizione presso il trono di Dio! 2. io non cerco risposte (come tu dici) 3. tu hai detto " where God is not. He is everywhere and everything, and all is as it is because that is His will " ma questa è una bestemmia di ebrei e mussulmani, Dio è infinità santità invece lui non può operare o volere il male.. e Dio non è non si trova nel male, da Dio non nasce la morte la vecchia o la ingiustizia! Dio non ha nessuna complicità con la FED IMF ECB UE OCi perché questo è il regno di satana!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica