33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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dittatura più spietata e mafioso-massonica soprannaturale e occulta quanto spietata
la vera Ucraina era stata composta, sia da gruppi di filorussi che da gruppi di europeisti, e quando governavano i filorussofoni?
c'era la concordia nazionale, e con i filorussi al governo: gli europeisti non erano stati criminalizzati!
Adesso, dopo il golpe della CIA-Nato: in Maidan, e l'infamia del tradimento contro Viktor Fedorovyč Janukovyč da parte della MERKEL-Macron
adesso: proprio però i filorussi sono stati criminalizzati, e perseguitati nella loro lingua cultura e identità, e anche uccisi impunemente da Mogherini, ed è così che i russofoni hanno resistito anche ad un tentativo di genocidio: made in: lgbtq Spa Rockefeller ottomano: portando in essere da truppe nazi-fasciste di Ursula Von Soros autodichiarate tali da se stessi, un genocidio di 8 anni in Donbass, che hanno fatto 12000 cadaveri.
Quindi non solo è: Legittimo, Legale e Costituzionale per Putin di cercare di impiantare un governo russofono (come vuole la Costituzione ucraina di poter fare) così per ripristinare le condizioni legittime e legali di come era la vera Ucraina prima del golpe CIA.
Ma evidentemente quella Ucraina che pretende la unità nazionale? ok, quella Ucraina non esiste più!
Oggi abbiamo la dittatura più spietata e mafioso-massonica soprannaturale e occulta quanto spietata che mai sia esistita in questo pianeta
C'è un europeo che vuole morire per l'Ucraina?
Giulio Meotti
Jan 22
La bara con la bandiera della Nato (Kabul, 15 agosto 2021)
Umiliata appena sei mesi fa dai Talebani, la Nato minaccia di rifarsi contro Putin, ma nessuno ci crede.
Il punto della situazione in questa intervista-podcast esclusiva per la newsletter a Germano Dottori, docente alla Luiss e fra i migliori analisti di politica estera in Italia: "L'idealismo politico è un lusso per chi è lontano dal fronte.
Non esiste l'Europa, ma un blocco economico in cui ognuno fa i propri interessi. Il vero nemico dell'Occidente è la Cina e lo dissi una sera al segretario della Nato..."
certo, io vi spaccherò i reni Spa sharia NWO!
Ucraina, Putin muove le truppe
Il presidente russo mostra i muscoli con imponenti esercitazioni sulla neve a pochi passi dalla frontiera
la chiesa gay massonica e luciferina, cioè il Vaticano secondo Bilderberg!
"Chiesa troppo codarda sugli attacchi ai cristiani"
Giulio Meotti
Jan 21
Rémi Brague
L'intervista al grande filosofo Rémi Brague, docente alla Sorbona, sulle profanazioni delle chiese. "Facile attaccare noi cristiani. Non tagliamo gole. E poi nel cristianesimo si colpiscono le fondamenta spirituali del paese". Una media di due attacchi al giorno in Francia. "Il silenzio delle pantofole dei monsignori fa un rumore terribile nella nostra testa..."
WATCH: How Palestinians Sneak into Israel Under the Radar; Trump Wants Biden ‘To Do Well,’ but Thinks He’s Destroying America; UN Combats Holocaust Denial; Latest News!
World Israel News
FINALLY: FBI Admits Synagogue Siege WAS ‘Terror Attack on Jewish Community’
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Israel Leads World in Infections as Covid Surges Out of Control; Quarantine for Schoolkids to End
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EXPOSED: How Palestinians Sneak Into Israel Illegally, Under the Radar
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Trump Wants Biden ‘To Do Well,’ but Thinks He’s Destroying America
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UN Approves Israeli Resolution Combating Holocaust Denial
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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Wins Genesis Prize
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‘ROCKS KILL’: Israel’s Ambassador Shows UN Rock Thrown to Kill Jews
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Israelis Land in Former Enemy Country for Peace Talks
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Justice Served for Victim of Antisemitic Subway Attack
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Will Netanyahu Go for the Plea Deal?
Netanyahu ha dei meriti unici ed ENORMI e lui merita clemenza.
e merita di rimanere in politica attiva.
ed è questo successo enorme, imprevisto di Israele che è quanto di indesiderato incubo dai satanassi di Rockefeller,
che a lui questo non gli ha perdonato!
Netanyahu ha osato guardare il Dio Baal di Rockefeller Ja-Bull-On ( istigato dal suo messia lorenzoJHWH, ed è questo peccato mortale che lui non doveva fare!
anche perché con Netanjahu in azione?
come Rockefeller e Bin Salman potrebbero uccidere i russi e i cinesi?
"Quando 1 su 4 al mondo sarà africano, l'Europa verrà travolta da uno tsunami migratorio"
Giulio Meotti
Jan 22
“In uno scenario 'messicano', dai 150 ai 200 milioni di africani in Europa". Un libro racconta come la demografia sta cambiando la storia. E noi: “Per sopperire alle culle vuote ci serviranno 1,5 milioni di immigrati all'anno. Il 60 per cento dell’Europa allora sarà islamica”. Riteniamo che non ci si possa opporre alla direzione della storia? Pensiamo che, per magia o tramite dissuasione, i flussi migratori si fermeranno? Fantastichiamo che l’immigrazione a questo ritmo saprà integrarsi felicemente nelle società di accoglienza e che diventeranno come noi? Ci illudiamo che l’Islam diventi woke? Ci immaginiamo che da qualche parte, in qualche modo, esista una soluzione al suicidio di civiltà?
Pioggia di referendum in Italia: la riflessione che bisogna fare
By admin on Jan 22, 2022 02:57 am
Di Alfredo Mantovano da In terris – 21 gennaio 2022. Se la Corte costituzionale dichiarasse ammissibili tutti i quesiti referendari proposti – quelli sulla giustizia, richiesti da cinque consigli regionali e i due sul fine vita e sulla droga -, in primavera gli elettori sarebbero chiamati al voto per ben otto referendum, sempre che l’appuntamento […]
The post Pioggia di referendum in Italia: la riflessione che bisogna fare first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
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È uscito l’ultimo numero di L-Jus
By admin on Jan 22, 2022 02:53 am
Presentazione del fascicolo 2-2021 della rivista L-Jus, rivista di diritto del Centro Studi Livatino.
The post È uscito l’ultimo numero di L-Jus first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
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L’eutanasia non è l’omicidio del consenziente: le sentenze delle Corti costituzionali tedesca e austriaca
By admin on Jan 21, 2022 02:39 am
Recenti pronunce delle Corti costituzionali di Germania e Austria in tema di aiuto al suicidio non legittimano alcuna analogia a favore del quesito referendario sull’omicidio del consenziente, all’esame di ammissibilità della Consulta italiana.
The post L’eutanasia non è l’omicidio del consenziente: le sentenze delle Corti costituzionali tedesca e austriaca first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
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Chi di giurisdizione ferisce…
By admin on Jan 19, 2022 02:56 am
Riflessioni a margine dell’azzeramento dei vertici della Cassazione da parte del Consiglio di Stato.
The post Chi di giurisdizione ferisce… first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
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Plauto: la compravendita nellE commedie Mostellaria e Curculio
By admin on Jan 18, 2022 02:39 am
L’intreccio di alcune commedie di Plauto costituisce un punto di partenza per avviare una rilettura delle fonti giuridiche e letterarie, con l’intento di proporre una nuova e rinnovata riflessione, a proposito della compravendita.
The post Plauto: la compravendita nellE commedie Mostellaria e Curculio first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
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Eutanasia, le ragioni del no. Il referendum, le legge, le sentenze – Aggiornamento con gli emendamenti approvati in Commissione
By admin on Jan 16, 2022 02:11 am
Premessa. Eutanasia, le ragioni del no. Il referendum, le legge, le sentenze https://www.edizionicantagalli.com/shop/eutanasia-le-ragioni-del-no/ (d’ora in avanti denominato ‘libro’) è stato pubblicato nel novembre 2021. Resta valida la parte del volume, che contiene la lettura articolo per articolo del testo Disposizioni in materia di morte volontaria medicalmente assistita, risultante dall’unificazione delle proposte di legge C. 2 […]
The post Eutanasia, le ragioni del no. Il referendum, le legge, le sentenze – Aggiornamento con gli emendamenti approvati in Commissione first appeared on Centro Studi Rosario Livatino.
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Alla Camera dei Deputati è in discussione la proposta di legge di legalizzazione dell’aiuto al suicidio e della eutanasia. In parallelo, l’Associazione Luca Coscioni ha raccolto le firme per il referendum (parzialmente) abrogativo della norma del codice penale che punisce l’omicidio del consenziente: la Consulta dovrà valutare l’ammissibilità costituzionale del quesito.
Il volume fornisce una lettura, agganciata al quadro normativo, dell’oggetto del referendum, prospettando che cosa ne conseguirebbe in caso di approvazione, e fornisce al tempo stesso un commento, articolo per articolo, della proposta Bazoli all’esame del Parlamento, confrontando le più recenti acquisizioni mediche con le categorie adoperate per privare “legalmente” della vita un ammalato, o chi formula una mera richiesta di essere soppresso. Offre un quadro di quel che è accaduto negli ordinamenti, per es. i Paesi Bassi, al cui interno sono operative da anni disposizioni quali quelle che si vorrebbero introdurre in Italia.
Poll reveals most millennials, Gen Z adults support abortion ban when baby’s heartbeat is detected
Land: ‘All men are created equal’ in value
Saturday marks the 48th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling. “In one draconian decision, the Supreme Court overturned most of the abortion laws in the great preponderance of the individual states and opened the door for the avalanche of abortions that rapidly ensued (within two years the number of abortions in America exploded from around 250,000 per year to over 1.5 million),” Christian Post Executive Editor Richard D. Land writes. Land deep dives into human value and abortion in America and explores the dangers of “humanity-denying practices.” Click to keep reading.
Your book...Influencing our culture
Your book...Influencing our culture
We're searching for new voices, articulate Christian writers who have the courage to confront the issues challenging today's culture and our faith. Click here for Free Consultation!
NCAA approves new guidelines for trans-identified athletes
The NCAA has unveiled a new policy that will allow each sport to determine its policies regarding the participation of trans-identified athletes as outrage over the allowance of biological males who identify as females to compete in women’s athletics spreads. The new policy comes as Lia Thomas, a trans-identified biological male who competes on the University of Pennsylvania women’s swimming team, has received much pushback after breaking women’s swimming records after competing for years on the men's team. Caitlyn Jenner, the trans-identified retired Olympic track star who won a gold medal in 1976 under the name Bruce Jenner and first began identifying as a woman in 2015, is one of several decorated athletes who have weighed in on the controversy, saying, "Biological boys, I’ve said from the beginning, should not be playing in women’s sports."
Jewish couple sue Tenn. over alleged rejection as foster trainees at Christian home
A married Jewish couple are suing the state of Tennessee in response to reportedly being rejected by a government-supported Christian children’s home when they tried to foster a child. According to their suit, the couple, Elizabeth and Gabriel Rutan-Ram, planned to foster a boy living in Florida but needed to fulfill a state requirement to complete a program in foster-parent-training and earn a certification in home-study to do so. However, when they sought to complete these programs through the state-supported Holston United Methodist Home for Children, according to the complaint, the home said they could only provide such services to families that shared their Christian beliefs. The couple assert "the Tennessee General Assembly expressly approved religious discrimination like Holston’s, by enacting House Bill 836,” which "authorizes child-placing agencies to deny child-placement services, based on the agencies’ religious policies, even if state tax dollars fund the services.”
11 children among 29 killed by stampede at Liberian worship crusade
At least 29 people, including 11 children, have been pronounced dead after a stampede at a church gathering in Liberia's capital, Monrovia, Wednesday night. Hundreds were in attendance at an all-night Christian crusade, which took place at an open-air Pentecostal church on the outskirts of the capital in the New Kru Town neighborhood when the incident happened. According to police officials who spoke with BBC, the stampede occurred after a street gang entered the revival area after a monetary collection was taken at the end of the event.
CP Voices: In abortion controversy, 2 worldviews collide
Jeff Hunt, the director of the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, writes about growing up pro-choice and how his understanding of the sanctity of life was changed when he came to know Christ. "What’s really taking place in America is conflicting worldviews when it comes to sexuality, freedom, and family. On the one hand, the rejection of traditional family morals has led to a false notion of freedom. Without a child, I’m free to explore the heights of my career. I can travel the world. I can have multiple sexual partners. No strings, no responsibility, all freedom. But it’s an empty freedom," he says. Click to keep reading.
Holcomb talks building bridges through song
In this interview with The Christian Post, Dove Award-winning singer Ellie Holcomb discusses the division that exists in the U.S. today, the large number of young people who have left the Church, and how she hopes her recently-released EP, "Coming Home: A Collection of Songs," will resonate with listeners. "I think I hope it feels like a warm embrace, like a reminder that we all belong, and reminder that none of us are in this thing called life alone," she explains.
WATCH: Dhati Lewis on leaving Send Network for urban church planting initiative
Pastor Dhati Lewis of Blueprint Church in Atlanta is kicking off the new year with a major change, as he shifts from his role at the Southern Baptist Convention's Send Network to launch a church planting initiative called My BLVD ("Boulevard') aimed at helping churches and church planters in urban areas disciple their community. In this video with The Christian Post, Lewis discusses his time with Send Network and his excitement for the new initiative, saying, "If I want to see more minority leaders, I have to raise up more minority leaders within my context and then send them out."
Amazing posters of biblical places in the Bible
Amazing posters of biblical places in the Bible
I still remember when I was taught Bible stories in Sunday school at church. My teacher would explain the lessons using, among other things, an old flannel board. The Sundays when it was used were everyone's favorite. But I remember how Bible maps held a special fascination... Read More
'Redeeming Love’ film to exemplify real love
Bestselling Christian romance novel "Redeeming Love" has been adapted into a film, with author Francine Rivers saying she hopes it will show the world what real love looks like. In a recent interview with The Christian Post, Rivers explained that she turned down previous offers to adapt the novel into a film because she did not feel the scripts reflected her primary message. "That’s always been the most important thing for me: to make sure the movie shows what God’s love is like — passionate, patient, persistent — ever-lasting,” she explained.
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In his inspiring, Christ-centered series of Essays, author Greg Wallace challenges the American Church to focus on Jesus rather than on the cultural storms of the day. Each essay emboldens the Church to serve others in Christlike love rather than pursuing and exercising greater worldly authority. Becoming Great guides us through the rough waters of our world to rely more and more on our Lord and Savior. Learn More
After God created the universe, God's first gift to man was the power to use words to name the animals. "And the man became a living person" (Genesis 2:7) as "a speaking spirit."
Words are alive with meaning and power: the power to create and the power to destroy. Words can be hateful and destructive. Words can express and contain love, faith, hope, desire, devotion, commitment, eternal wisdom, and holiness. Words can also impart forgiveness, healing, and restoration... Learn More
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March for Life participants optimistic for a post-Roe America: 'This is just the beginning'
Lecrae loses tour date after tweeting that he’s done with 'corporatized' Christianity
Reach Records founder Lecrae revealed that he and his team lost one of their tour dates this spring after he shared an honest tweet about deconstructing from "politicized" and "corporatized" modern church culture.
Welcome to the Edifi Podcast Network
The Edifi Podcast Network is a collection of transformational and faith-inspiring podcasts brought to you by Edifi, the world’s most powerful Christian podcasting app. These original and partner shows from hosts and influencers cover an array of issues, including: parenting, politics, theology, media, and entertainment — all through the lens of faith. Learn More
5 important things to know about Roe v. Wade
Saturday marks the anniversary of what might be considered the most polarizing U.S. Supreme Court decision in American history. Since the 7-2 decision of Roe v. Wade was released on Jan. 22, 1973, there have been decades of state and national debate, along with marches, protests, legislative debates, court battles and even violence.
China warns Olympic athletes who protest are subject to 'certain punishment'
A Chinese government official has warned that foreign athletes participating at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing next month could be “subject to punishment” if they speak out about rights issues, especially against Chinese laws and regulations.
Op-ed: 7 signs the leaven of Herod has taken root in your life
Since Herod was a political leader, I believe it is likely that the leaven Jesus was warning against was political entanglements. I believe that such entanglements often pollute a person’s pure devotion to the Kingdom of God.
Josh Duggar files motion for acquittal of child pornography convictions
Josh Duggar’s lead defense attorney, Justin Gelfand, has filed a motion to request that his client be acquitted of two child pornography convictions or be granted a new trial.
Kirk Cameron says abortion is a 'personal issue' for him and his family at March for Life
Pro-life Christian actor Kirk Cameron told The Christian Post that it was “thrilling” to speak at the March for Life on Friday as he opened up about how the abortion issue is a personal one for him and his family.
Review: Big screen adaptation of beloved Christian romance falls flat
Although the film adaptation of Francine Rivers' bestselling novel "Redeeming Love" is rife with themes of redemption, forgiveness, unconditional love and mercy, viewers will want to proceed with caution.
How do I get started publishing a Book?
It’s easy! Just reach out and we’d love to chat with you about your book or book idea. We’ll read your manuscript or talk to you about your writing. You don’t necessarily need to have a completed manuscript. We’re happy to engage with you even about your idea for a book! Click here for Free Consultation!
Podcast: The key events that have shaped the Church
Why is it essential to know Christian history? What are the moments that have shaped and impacted the church? Christian Post reporter Michael Gryboski answers these questions and more in this important episode of "The Christian Post Podcast."
L'Europa umiliata (ancora) dai Talebani
Giulio Meotti
Jan 23
Talebani in arrivo a Oslo
Mentre dall’Afghanistan, per restare alle ultime 72 ore, arrivano notizie di donne portate via dalle case, di donne uccise mentre tornavano da un matrimonio e di donne minacciate di finire sotto terra se non si mettono il burqa, i fanatici islamici sono invitati in Norvegia dal governo a parlare di diritti delle donne (Italia presente). Attiviste iraniane e afghane protestano: "Femministe dove siete? E perché i governi ci fanno questo?"
Open Doors USA CEO to Christians: Boycott Beijing Olympics
Indiana pastor, elders accused of covering up child sex abuse resign amid investigation
An Indiana church's pastor and three of its elders have resigned amid an investigation after being accused of failing to appropriately address reports that the pastor’s underaged family member had sexually abused up to 15 children. Ken de Jong, who serves as Immanuel Reformed Presbyterian Church's provisional moderator, said the resignations were submitted "very reluctantly." Although there are no criminal charges filed against the pastor and three elders, ecclesiastical charges are pending against them amid regional and national investigations within the denomination, according to the Indy Star.
A New inspiring 3D Map Poster collection to decorate your wall
The maps in our Bibles are very useful to understand the geographical and political context of that time, and we loved the idea of creating and designing posters with these maps, in a style that allows us to appreciate the beauty of God's creation. Learn More
SCOTUS questions Boston's refusal to fly Christian flag at City Hall
The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in the case of Harold Shurtleff, et al. v. Boston, MA, et al., which centers on whether Boston city officials wrongfully denied a request to fly the Christian flag at City Hall. Shurtleff, who runs Camp Constitution, an organization that runs Constitution Day and Citizenship Day events at City Hall and is focused on enhancing "understanding of our Judeo-Christian moral heritage" requested to fly the Christian flag outside of City Hall on Constitution Day 2017. Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver, a prominent Christian conservative lawyer whose organization helped represent Shurtleff, argued before the justices that, "After 12 years, with 284 flag-raising approvals, no denials, and usually no review, one word caught the attention of a Boston official: the word ‘Christian’ on the application."
Op-ed: Suicide is now a public health epidemic, not a personal problem
Exclusive Columnist Hedieh Mirahmadi discusses a recent report from the Surgeon General that found that teenagers are more at risk of suicide in the wake of the pandemic than ever before in America's history. In discussing how mental health has consistently been an issue with bipartisan support, Mirahmadi calls out the Biden administration for "[missing] the mark" by turning the mental health conversation into an issue of gun control instead of improving access to mental health services, establishing programs that address the root causes of suicide, and eliminating COVID restrictions that have led to trauma, financial and emotional instability, and isolation.
Feucht secures new book deal following HarperCollins controversy
Worship leader and activist Sean Feucht has secured a new book deal following his claims of being dropped by HarperCollins over his "political views." Feucht made headlines last week after taking to social media to state that the publisher decided to "cancel" his book, but told The Christian Post Wednesday that he is "excited to announce that I have signed a new deal with Regnery that includes better terms than my agreement with HarperCollins."
North Korea no longer the worst persecutor of Christians on Open Doors' World Watch List
For the first time in over 20 years, North Korea is not listed as the worst country in the world when it comes to Christian persecution on persecution watchdog Open Doors USA's influential World Watch List. Afghanistan has now topped North Korea as "the most dangerous place on the planet to be a Christian," with Open Doors CEO David Curry explaining that his organization takes into account “on-the-ground expert consensus about what’s happening around the world to Christians who are targeted simply for their faith.”
Evans decries COVID-19 vaccine mandates, cites Romans 14
Pastor Tony Evans voiced opposition to vaccine mandates in a sermon this month, saying that Americans should be free to choose what chemicals they put in their bodies. “Our issue is against mandates, not against vaccinations if you choose to, and there are a whole lot of biblical reasons for that ... Feel free to do what the Bible says. The whole Romans 14 says you are free to choose.” Click the image to watch the sermon in full.
9 felonies for exposing Planned Parenthood
David is fighting tooth and nail against Kamala Harris, Xavier Becerra, and Planned Parenthood to protect the rights of pro-life advocates and save unborn babies. Learn More
Leadership expert shares tips for leading well in disruptive times
Tim Elmore, an expert on developing leadership skills for people in all walks of life, advises the skill sets that are needed most right now to thrive are those that fall under social and emotional intelligence, warning that people today are "feeling more than they’re thinking." Click to read the interview in full.
A New inspiring 3D Map Poster collection to decorate your wall
The maps in our Bibles are very useful to understand the geographical and political context of that time, and we loved the idea of creating and designing posters with these maps, in a style that allows us to appreciate the beauty of God's creation. Check out how this flat prints that look like 3D are made.
01: Data Gathering
A first stage of research and data processing is always needed to make seamless posters.
02: Elevations
We use elevation maps of the selected terrain and treat them with 3D design technology to create a cool relief effect.
03: Design and Adjusting
Using design tools, we adjust the maps to fit visually and achieve this beautiful look.
04: Hand Made Details
A handmade process is needed to adjust the colors and each tiny detail.
Mount Ararat
The Mountains of Ararat is where, according to Genesis 8:4, Noah's Ark landed. This map features Greater Ararat, the tallest of them all.
Mount Nebo
Mentioned in the Old Testament several times, it is the summit where Moses surveyed the Promised Land from the distance.
We use 175 gsm fine art paper for all our prints, with matte finish.
All orders are printed and shipped from the United States.
Bright and intense colors for your desired design that will not fade when exposed to sunlight regularly. For all artwork high-end inkjet Canon iPF9400 printers are used with Canon 12-color Aqueous. We use acid free archival inks to print on museum grade paper.
burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
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طبيعة الإلهية في المسيح يسوع ربنا! في موته وقيامته نحن أيضا الإله الحقيقي والإنسان الحقيقي، في الإيمان. ليس من السهل بالنسبة لي أن أحب القت...
non c'è miglior sordo di chi Troika Merkel non vuole sentire: [ storia di una Rothschild vipera cornuta! Genesi 40 ] Strasburgo soll...
"how were you paid too, for cheating?" — 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH http://disq.us/p/2cpwfo8 how were you paid too, for cheati...
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- ► 2014 (423)
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- Imam di Gerusalemme lo ha ispirato e gli disse: "b...
- dittatura più spietata e mafioso-massonica soprann...
- EU Parliament: new president, Roberta Metsola, pro...
- ok, ve la siete andata a cercare!
- tutte le proposte di pace dei musulmani precedono ...
- un killer demone Spa di alieno invisibile gli è st...
- disertori del DPR
- chi demonio Allah Owl Ja-Bull-On Saruman Rockefell...
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Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.