residui di pesticidi, e preoccupanti concentrazioni di nitrati

la Erdogan-NATO hanno detto che la Crimea e il Donbass devono essere restituiti a Kiev,
e questo indica chiaramente di chi può essere la vera responsabilità di questo conflitto.
Venti di guerra tra Stati Uniti e Russia.
i mediatori UE UK stanno soltanto andando ai dialoghi tra sordi, a insultare e a esasperare i russi. 
Resta alta la tensione in Ucraina. Washington e Londra dispongono l'evacuazione delle ambasciate

i criminali NATO 322 OTAN del regime Spa neoliberista ebraico-massonico tecnocratico sodomitico esoterista soprannaturale cabalista non hanno lasciato ai russi altra scelta!
gli ucraini si sono preparati per invadere il Donbass, mentre la NATO con le sue strutture aggressive ai confini russi ne mina costantemente la sicurezza nazionale.
"Ai cittadini americani dico, lasciate l'Ucraina, non invieremo truppe per evacuarvi… 
se russi e americani dovessero spararsi, ci sarebbe una guerra mondiale." Risuona ancora forte l'allarme del presidente Usa"Joe Biden , nell'intervista alla NBC. Ancora più catastrofico il Segretario di Stato Anthony Blinken: "Mosca potrebbe invadere anche durante le Olimpiadi".


"hanno sottolineato il sostegno risoluto all'Ucraina golpista nazi-fascista, e assassina, il regime Rockefeller della NATO"
perché von der Leyen ha ucciso 14000 persone in Donbass?
Tensioni Kiev-Mosca, la Cia: possibile attacco russo il 16 febbraio,
Gli Usa inviano 3mila soldati in Polonia.
Sabato telefonata tra Biden e Putin.
Ucraina, Ue: verso sanzioni alla Russia, dalla finanza all'export La presidente della Commissione Ue Ursula von der Leyen ha partecipato alla riunione in video dei leader occidentali organizzata dagli Usa.
I leader, ha spiegato una nota della Commissione, hanno valutato il "significativo sforzo diplomatico per convincere la Russia alla de-escalation" e "hanno sottolineato il sostegno risoluto all'Ucraina".
È stata analizzata la "dettagliata cooperazione per la finalizzazione del pacchetto di sanzioni in caso di ulteriore aggressione da parte della Russia" e von der Leyen "ha spiegato che le misure potrebbero riguardare i settori della finanza e dell'energia come anche l'export di prodotti hi-tech".


il golpe giusto è soltanto quello che fa la CIA con i cecchini ceceni.
Ucraina, rischio di Golpe
"Ai cittadini americani dico, lasciate l'Ucraina, non invieremo truppe per evacuarvi… se russi e americani dovessero spararsi, ci sarebbe una guerra mondiale." Risuona ancora forte l'allarme del presidente Usa"Joe Biden , nell'intervista alla NBC. Ancora più catastrofico il Segretario di Stato Anthony Blinken: "Mosca potrebbe invadere anche durante le Olimpiadi".

Dalla Francia alla Norvegia, come mostrano queste immagini, la modalità di attacco è sempre la stessa.
Prima il grido "Allahu Akbar", e poi le pugnalate..

Ahi serva Europa, perché tutta questa propaganda islamica?

Giulio Meotti
Feb 11
L'unico simbolo religioso scelto per la campagna sul "futuro dell'Europa" non sono croci o kippà, ma il velo. Psicologia della sottomissione. Infatti a Bruxelles spendono decine di milioni in progetti pro Islam, dal “Corano europeo” (9.842.534 euro) al “Corano globale” (1.980.000 euro). Le nostre élite hanno accettato l'idea che l'islamizzazione dell'Europa è inevitabile e che in nome della tolleranza dobbiamo aiutare la Sharia a stabilirsi?


Poll: Vaccination rates among religious groups
Curated for you byCP Editors
Good afternoon! It's Friday, February 11, and we're here with the latest poll on vaccination rates among religious subgroups, an update on the Duggar sisters' "invasion of privacy" lawsuit, and an interview with author Lee Grady.
A survey from Pew Research Center has revealed that 62% of white Evangelical Protestants have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, which is the lowest vaccination rate among all demographic subgroups questioned. The research, which included responses from more than 10,000 U.S. adults, found that 73% of respondents reported that they were fully vaccinated, while 20% indicated they had not gotten a shot. Catholics saw the highest rates of vaccination, with 85% reporting that they had taken at least one dose of the vaccine.
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Pope Francis says Euthanasia is 'neither human nor Christian'
Pope Francis is condemning the “unacceptable” drifts towards euthanasia, characterizing efforts to deprive the terminally ill of the necessities of life as “neither human nor Christian.” In addressing the issue before a general audience Wednesday, he expressed support for "palliative care" that enables "every person who is preparing to live the last stretch of their life" to "do so in the most human way possible," but insisted that "we must be careful not to confuse this help with unacceptable drifts towards killing."
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Pope Francis Orders Catholic Group to Stop Offering Euthanasia at Belgian Hospitals
Pope Francis calls European Commission's rescinded inclusivity guidelines 'ideological colonization'
Pope Francis criticizes couples who adopt pets instead of kids amid 'demographic winter'
Pope Francis tells parents of kids who identify as LGBT not to 'hide in an attitude of condemnation'
Church hosts conversation on Maus after book's removal from schools
St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Athens in Tennessee hosted a community conversation about the recent decision of a local school board to remove the graphic novel Maus from its school curriculum in addition to discussing the lessons that the book and the Holocaust can teach Christians. The Athens-based McMinn County School Board voted unanimously in January to remove Maus from its middle school curriculum due to concerns over graphic adult content in the book, specifically "eight curse words" and a picture of a naked woman committing suicide by cutting herself with a razor blade. The book's removal garnered national outrage, leading many to buy the book as a form of protest and putting the graphic novel on the best-seller charts. The National Review's Kyle Smith recently wrote a column in which he was critical of the coverage the Maus removal story got, writing, "The book was not banned. Students in McMinn County are free to buy and read the book. It remains available in local public libraries.”
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Ontario school board punishes teacher for raising concerns over trans books in libraries
Parents to protest library where Christmas display featured sex books next to the Bible
ND bans critical race theory from public schools, requires curriculum be 'factual, objective'
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COVID lockdowns proven 'ill-founded,' but media ignores
In January, Johns Hopkins published an extensive study about the destructive results of COVID-19 lockdowns, with the meta-analysis concluding that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects but have had negative repercussions economically and socially. The findings led the researchers to declare, "In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument." However, the report has received little acknowledgment by the media, writes Bill Connor, who asserts the media's iron fist defense of lockdowns while "slamming lockdown critics" has resulted in the industry censoring the report. Connor calls journalists out for this behavior, saying, "The Progressive Left, including allies in the media, cannot be allowed to continue their monopoly on what constitutes 'science' and suppress everyone else. Science comes from continually questioning and demanding proof. That didn’t happen with lockdowns, and hundreds of millions suffered."
Biden’s latest proposal would force insurers to pay for gender ‘transition’
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a rule that would add sexual orientation and gender identity language to the 2010 Affordable Care Act, thereby ensuring that those who identify as LGBT receive "medically necessary" care, including "gender-affirming" surgeries and hormone "therapy." In this op-ed, Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., breaks down sex, gender, and the law, declaring, "[T]he department’s proposed rule circumvents the law and treats dubious treatments as essential health benefits in qualified health plans. This not only contradicts the best science and medicine, it’s a disaster for insurers, for medical providers, and, most of all, for those struggling with gender dysphoria."
Also of Interest...
When liberal 'truths' come home to roost, we get Lia Thomas
Social infertility and the denial of reality
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Grady talks discipleship, church growth
In this interview with The Christian Post, Lee Grady, author and leader of The Mordecai Project, discusses the challenges of discipleship facing the church today and how churches can better foster the spiritual health of their congregants. In addressing the decline of church membership in the U.S., Grady says, "I think that the overarching reason why we’re losing ground is that we didn’t pass the baton and we didn’t know how ... [I]f leaders don’t feel comfortable sitting down and having coffee with someone, or having a small group in their house, or meeting young people at a Starbucks, if there’s not that comfort level for that, then there’s going to be a huge breakdown." Keep reading.
Duggar sisters' lawsuit dismissed by judge
Arkansas U.S. District Judge Timothy L. Brooks has dismissed the 2017 lawsuit filed by Duggar sisters—Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna—stating that the reality TV stars failed to prove that police acted with bad intentions by leaking a report that allowed the sisters to be identified by media as having been molested by their older brother, Josh Duggar. The judge concluded that the Springdale Police Department didn’t intentionally look to cause the Duggar sisters emotional distress by sharing the report after the information was requested by a Freedom of Information Act request filed by In Touch Magazine. In December, Josh Duggar was found guilty by a federal jury in Arkansas of receiving and possessing child pornography and could face up to 20 years in prison.
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Passion Music: Thousands burning bright for Jesus, not all are deconstructing
Bethel's Beni Johnson having trouble breathing amid cancer battle; church launches 24/7 prayer campaign

Also of Interest...
Josh Duggar files motion for acquittal or new trial after child pornography convictions
Amazon Studios producing docuseries on Duggars, reality TV families' connection to Christian group
TLC cancels ‘Counting On’ after 11 seasons following Josh Duggar child porn charges
Thank you for spending part of your day with us. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday! -- CP Editors


For many years now, the radical left around the globe has been pushing an extreme anti-family agenda. Funded heavily by George Soros and his network of extremist groups, one of the left’s most favored causes has been advancing the LGBT agenda – something they like to refer to as “gay rights.” One of the centerpiece items of this agenda is to reject biology and any biblical basis for human sex and instead define sex based on “gender identity.” This is the basis of the entire push for transgenderism.

Help IOF Expose The Radical LGBT Agenda
But now the radicals have gone far beyond merely advocating for the transgender agenda. Now, they are actively involved in pushing this agenda on children online and in schools, and even are actively recruiting children to “come out” as transgender. The cabal of culprits includes the usual suspects – Internet influencers, celebrities and LGBT groups and activists – but now has the active involvement of teachers who work assiduously to convince confused children to adopt a “gender identity” in conflict with their biological sex. Even worse, these teachers have a strategy to do this behind the back of parents.

IOF is working to expose the radical LGBT agenda around the globe. We do this through extensive public education (including our awesome media platform which is published in eight languages) and assisting allies with local advocacy by providing resources such as The Natural Family journal, which contains best-in-class research in support of pro-family positions and policies. It’s a tough fight because LGBT groups enjoy massive funding and have access to all the levers of power in society today. But thanks to financial help from grassroots supporters, we are prevailing.

Will you help us today by making a generous donation? We’d be very grateful for whatever help you can provide.

Make A One-Time Donation
Become A Monthly Donor
The other day a lawsuit was filed by the mother of an 11-year-old daughter who is suing her child’s school district because teachers were engaged in an active effort to convince her daughter that she was transgender and needed to change her “gender identity” without her parents’ knowledge. It took two suicide attempts by this confused child before the school notified the parents of the situation!

If you think this is just the excesses of a small number of teachers, you have another thing coming. The mother discovered that this is part of an organized strategy that is being pushed by radical teachers’ unions. These unions hold conferences to discuss how teachers can set up “Gay-Straight Alliance” clubs on school campuses, especially in conservative communities, and how students can hide their participation from parents.

Help IOF Fight For Parents'’ Rights
Beyond working on public education and research through publishing and The Natural Family journal, IOF is also a driving force behind a new legal advocacy group for parents called Families for Educational Freedom (FEF). FEF is an important tool to help parents fight for their legal rights against teachers and education bureaucrats who seek to indoctrinate children with radical ideologies.

Everything that we do to support parents, promote families, and defend virtue and values is possible only if we receive needed financial resources. We would greatly appreciate any financial support you can provide today, whether through a one-time donation, or by becoming a monthly donor and making a monthly pledge of an amount of your choosing.

Thank you for your support of IOF. Let us continue to work together to fight for the rights of parents to control the education of their children, and to oppose the imposition of radical ideologies on our kids and grandkids through the schools.

God bless,


la aggressione CIA UK NATO di Golpe Maidan e di genocidio in Donbass e annunciata aggressione di Crimea è un crimine di guerra universale della NATO.
Crisi Russia-Ucraina, Putin minaccia l'Europa:
"Vi ritroverete in guerra, non ci saranno vincitori"
Crisi Ucraina, Putin avverte: "Se Kiev entra nella Nato vi ritroverete in guerra, ma non ci saranno vincitori".
Il discorso del presidente russo che spaventa Usa e non solo....
Non è vero: Cina e Russia vinceranno.


la CIA NWO FED NWO mi controlla e filtra anche le mail!
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e4d'
Login failed for user 'adamwlewis_user'.
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"Questa sinistra mi fa diventare fascista"
Giulio Meotti
Feb 11
Il nuovo libro di Fernando Savater, il più famoso filosofo spagnolo. "Non mi riconosco in questi barbari che dicono a un bambino di scegliersi il sesso, in questa setta che maltratta chi disapprova il loro dogma e in questa dittatura dei ciarlatani politicamente corretti..."


siamo nelle mani dei sacerdoti di satana di Rockefeller e di G^Big pharma!
L'uomo si evolverà per sputare veleno come i serpenti

Noi vertebrati abbiamo tante cose in comune, siamo una grande famiglia, anche perché condividiamo un'espressione genica vecchia migliaia e migliaia di anni. Quindi non vi stupite se qualcuno afferma che sia noi che i topi abbiamo nuclei funzionali che se sbloccati ci potrebbero far diventare velenosi come rettili.

Un nuovo studio ha affermato infatti che: "la trascrittomica comparativa ha scoperto che la rete del veleno è conservata tra le ghiandole velenifere dei serpenti e le ghiandole salivari dei mammiferi". Secondo gli scienziati, i tessuti si sono trasformati nel tempo per svolgere diverse funzioni a causa dei meccanismi evolutivi e, quindi, le ghiandole salivari umane hanno i loro legami con le ghiandole velenifere del serpente. Questa è la prima prova solida che sostiene questa teoria da tempo affrontata dalla comunità scientifica.

serpente© Getty Images serpente
"Mentre i serpenti incorporano molte tossine diverse nel loro veleno aumentando il numero di geni coinvolti nella produzione di veleno, mammiferi come i toporagni producono un veleno più semplice che ha un'elevata somiglianza con la saliva", ha detto l'autore dello studio Agneesh Barua.

Questa rete di regolazione genica conservata in tante specie è stata chiamata "metavenom" e al momento è stata trovata nei gruppi di tessuti di nove specie: umano, scimpanzé, topo, cane, anole, habu, cobra, pollo e rana.

La Santa Inqueerisizione
Giulio Meotti
Feb 10
Un saggio racconta cosa succede in tutta Europa. "Una nuova religione uscita dall'accademia americana perseguita le donne che criticano l'Lgbt". In una sola settimana, quattro donne in tribunale. Basta usare il pronome sbagliato e viene interrogato dalla polizia..."Dire la verità in un mondo che mente è pericoloso…”

In this mailing:

Khaled Abu Toameh: The Real Apartheid in the Middle East
Lawrence A. Franklin: Russia Eyeing Kazakhstan? China and Russia Vying for Influence
The Real Apartheid in the Middle East
by Khaled Abu Toameh • February 10, 2022 at 5:00 am

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Where is the outcry from Amnesty International and other human rights organizations? When an Arab country subjects Palestinians to actual apartheid measures, the international community is too busy lying about Israel's alleged abuses to take notice.

"It is estimated that 65% of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon live under the poverty line." — UNRWA, October 2017.

Palestinians in Lebanon have long been prevented from practicing such professions as medicine and law, given that only the Lebanese could join professional syndicates.

Thirty-nine professions remain prohibited to Palestinians in the following fields: healthcare (general medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, pharmacy) transport and fishing, services and daycare, engineering, law, tourism, and accounting.

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are at risk of food insecurity, electricity blackouts, increased health problems and complications amid the shortages of medicine and health-care interventions. — UNRWA, January 2022.

"My husband works as a driver and earns less than two dollars a day. We mainly eat vegetables and beans because that's all we can afford. Meat and chicken have become a dream; we can't buy them because prices have increased so sharply. We no longer eat three meals a day, and sometimes I send my kids to bed without dinner." — Rihab Maajel, a 50-year-old Palestinian from Shabriha in southern Lebanon, UNRWA, January 2022.

"I fear that I may freeze to death this winter. I cannot afford to buy gas for heating." — Nawal Kayed, 66, Palestinian in Lebanon, UNRWA, 2022.

The group also noted that Palestinian refugees in Lebanon who want to receive medical treatment in a Lebanese hospital have to wait for weeks to obtain a permit. —, January 20, 2022.

When Palestinians in Lebanon cannot feed their children this winter, chalk it up to the world's unjust lethal obsession with Israel.

Five thousand homes belonging to Palestinians in Lebanon are at risk of collapsing and are in dire need of renovation, according to a report in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar. These are the kind of reports that Amnesty International and many human rights organizations around the world apparently choose to ignore because Israel is not involved. Pictured: Jerry-rigged electrical connections between apartment buildings in UNRWA's Borj al-Branjeh refugee camp for Palestinians in Beirut, Lebanon. (Photo by Nicolas Maeterlinck/Belga Mag/AFP via Getty Images)
Five thousand homes belonging to Palestinians in Lebanon are at risk of collapsing and are in dire need of renovation, according to a report in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar.

These are the kind of reports that Amnesty International and many human rights organizations around the world apparently choose to ignore because Israel is not involved.

The report was published on the 25th anniversary of the Lebanese authorities' decision prohibiting the entry of construction and repair materials into Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon without a permit. The decision was issued by the Lebanese government in 1997, and the order for its implementation was referred to the Ministry of Defense because the army is responsible for granting construction permits to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

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Russia Eyeing Kazakhstan? China and Russia Vying for Influence
by Lawrence A. Franklin • February 10, 2022 at 4:00 am

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The widespread violent unrest in Kazakhstan and subsequent arrival of mostly Russian troops who helped restore order last month exposed a further contest of rivals for power there between its ostensibly friendly neighbors, Russia and China.

One also might wonder if Russia was taking advantage of the crisis of the large Russian troop presence deployed along the Ukrainian border to divert the West's attention from Putin's objective of also eventually reabsorbing Kazakhstan into the Kremlin's orbit.

Russian troops already occupy portions of several former Soviet republics, including Georgia, the Ukraine, and Moldova -- "uninvited."

Russia also deploys elements of the former 201st Motorized Rifle Division on its base in Tajikistan, another former Soviet republic.

Kazakhstan is home to 15% of the world's supply of uranium -- necessary for nuclear weaponry as well as nuclear power plants, and is the world's largest producer of uranium.

The widespread violent unrest in Kazakhstan and subsequent arrival of mostly Russian troops who helped restore order last month exposed a further contest of rivals for power there between its ostensibly friendly neighbors, Russia and China. Pictured: Kazakh soldiers patrol on a street in Almaty on January 10, 2022. (Photo by Alexandr Bogdanov/AFP via Getty Images)
What can one believe about the recent events in Kazakhstan? According to the autocratic post-Soviet regime in Kazakhstan, peaceful protests by Kazakh citizens purportedly demonstrating against steep fuel price hikes implemented on New Year's Day were transformed into violent riots by foreign-trained terrorists. There is no indication, however, from the many thousands of arrested protestors that any of them were foreigners.

While the fuel price hike was the immediate cause of people taking to the streets of Kazakhstan's major cities, there also appears to be deep-seated anger over the wealth disparity between elites of the former Communist regime and the rest of the populace. By way of response, Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jobart Tokayev, in an apparent attempt to reduce anti-regime anger, fired his cabinet and canceled the fuel price hike.

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===============Judge denies porn giant's motion to dismiss child sex abuse survivor's lawsuit

Curated for you byCP Editors

Good afternoon! It's Thursday, February 10, and we're here with the latest on a class-action lawsuit by survivors of child sexual abuse, a statement from CVS following the firing of a nurse over a religious accommodation request, and an interview with "The Office" actor Brian Baumgartner and director Chris White who discuss the new film "Electric Jesus."

A federal judge in Alabama has allowed a class-action lawsuit by survivors of child sexual abuse against the parent company of popular pornography website Pornhub and other porn websites to move forward. Porn giant Mindgeek argued that it is protected through Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which grants a level of immunity for video hosting websites and social media platforms with third-party content.

However, U.S. District Judge L. Scott Coogler of the Northern District of Alabama, Western Division, rejected their motion to dismiss the lawsuit, writing, "[T]he Court finds that Plaintiffs have plausibly alleged that Defendants indeed materially contribute to the provision of child pornography on their platforms ... Defendants exert extensive control over the development of pornographic content on their websites. Defendants have instructed uploaders and users, down to a granular level, on how to create content, and has made these instructions a condition of use for Modelhub members and Content Partners."
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Uyghur concentration camp survivor supports Beijing Olympics boycotts
Pope Benedict XVI requests forgiveness after release of clergy sexual abuse report

Download the CP AppTOP STORIESCVS defends policy after Christian nurse fired

A Christian nurse practitioner has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, alleging that CVS discriminated against her by not granting her a religious exemption from dispensing contraception and instead terminating her for refusing to do so. Legal nonprofit First Liberty Institute, who wrote a letter to the EEOC on nurse Robyn Strader's behalf, notes that Strader's exemption was approved prior to her first day, and she worked without incident for 6.5 years before being told her religious beliefs would no longer be accommodated. CVS' executive director of corporate communications, Mike DeAngelis, did not comment on the specific complaint but said in a statement to The Christian Post, "It is not possible ... to grant an accommodation that exempts an employee from performing the essential functions of their job."

Also of Interest...Ohio passes bill allowing religious hospitals, doctors to refuse procedures that violate convictions
Christian nurse punished for wearing cross necklace to work wins religious discrimination case
Healthcare provider pays $75K to Pentecostal nurse denied religious exemption not to wear scrub pants

Pawlowski arrested before preaching at Canadian trucker convoy

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who has butted heads with Canadian authorities throughout the pandemic, was arrested again just before he was set to address a group of Canadian truckers opposed to vaccine mandates. Pawlowski was arrested at his home Tuesday as he was about to depart for a church service at a border blockade engineered by truckers protesting vaccine mandates and provincial leadership in Milk River, Alberta, with a law enforcement official telling him that he was under arrest for "mischief."

Also of Interest...Canadian pastor arrested at airport warns Americans: 'You're next'
Canadian pastor arrested for holding outdoor service after church was seized by authorities
Canadian pastor says attacks on church services bring back memories of communismFollow Us OnCP VOICESJust loving America will never be enough

Duck Commander founder and television personality Phil Robertson discusses patriotism and politics through a Christian lens, explaining that his hope for the future "isn't wrapped up in the American flag." Pointing to Caesar's corruption and Jesus' direction to "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's," Robertson reminds readers, "[T]here's no ambiguity here ... God is in charge."

From smash and grab to catch and nab

For the first time ever, last week, Israel’s president made a visit to the United Arab Emirates. President Isaac Herzog traveled to the UAE and met with Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. This is the direct result of the U.S.-negotiated Abraham Accords, which have been paving the way for previously improbable Israeli-Arab cooperation as well as increased trade and investment with the United States. Continue reading.A MESSAGE FROMEDIFIUnderstanding God's Purpose For Your Life: Gaining 'Everyday Discernment'

We make thousands of decisions daily, but how do you make the “right” ones? What if we could avoid some bad decisions by having a better understanding of God’s outline for our life? Read More

 LIVINGPODCAST: Ex-porn star details how she embraced a life of purity, shares tips for singles

In this "Let's Talk Purity" podcast episode, ex-porn star Brittni De La Mora and her husband share tips on how people can resist the temptations that come with being single. De La Mora, who found God and pursued sexual purity until she was married, also reflects on the need for single people to be cautious about what they post online, saying, "[Y]ou never know what your future spouse may come across. You never know what your future children may come across. … Be careful of those images." 
WATCH: 'The Office' actor Brian Baumgartner and Chris White talk 'Electric Jesus'

"The Office" actor Brian Baumgartner and Chris White discuss the new film "Electric Jesus." The duo touch on 80's youth group culture and the resurgence of interest in Christian music in light of the film, with White saying, "It's just a lovingly crafted, honest comedy about growing up with Jesus." 
Watch now.

Cari vescovi, perché tanto masochismo?

Giulio Meotti
Feb 10
Nella più importante chiesa di Parigi (bruciata due anni fa) uno "spazio per la preghiera musulmana", imam che recitano il Corano e donne in niqab. Aspetto l'apertura nella Grande Moschea di Parigi di uno spazio dove i cristiani possano pregare per i loro fratelli perseguitati a Oriente. Questa dhimmitudine dei vertici non la capisco, come in Italia dopo lo sgozzamento di padre Hamel, e gli preferisco Eric Zemmour che ieri ha chiesto che la Francia "resti terra di chiese e non di moschee"...


Sì, le sfide a cui siamo, tu e io, chiamati a fare fronte e persino a rispondere ogni giorno sono tante, persino troppe.
Non scoraggiamoci, però. Battagliamo assieme.
Dal canto mio, voglio proporti qui un po' di materiali per la buona battaglia. Ma seguici quotidianamente sul sito: toverai di più, molto di più.
Buona lettura.Marco Respinti
Direttore di International Family NewsPensare tutto il male possibile del ddl sul «sucidio assistito»

Il senatore Quagliariello rievoca la morte di Eluana Englaro e giudica l’attualità di oggi
 Eutanasia, interrogazione contro i comitati etici di Speranza
L’on. Bellucci porta alla Camera la protesta di più di 70 realtà italiane, fra cui «iFamNews»
 Choc negli USA: gli esperimenti dell'orrore finanziati da Fauci
Tessuti fetali espiantati a bambini ancora vivi e destinati al trapianto sui topi
L'accademico apologeta del sesso fra adulti e bambini
Stephen Kershnar (SUNY) dice di non vedere dove stia il problema. Eppure non è cieco
Spagna: e adesso arriva anche il carcere per chi prega per la vita

La riforma socialista del Codice penale vieta manifestazioni davanti alle cliniche abortiste
Giornata per la Vita, per la cultura della vita

Nessuna vita umana deve mai essere eliminata con scuse arbitrarie e assurdeDONA ORA

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dopo le centinaia di focolai di influenza aviaria che hanno portato all’abbattimento di 15 milioni di polli e altri volatili, oggi si affaccia in Italia un nuovo pericolo: la peste suina africana. E’ la prima volta che nella penisola italiana viene riscontrata la sua presenza. Se dovesse arrivare nelle zone padane, dove si trovano i grandi allevamenti intensivi, la strage sarà inevitabile perché è un virus molto longevo e persistente e altrettanto letale per i suini.

lorenzo, aiutaci a portare avanti le nostre attività per fermare l’industria dei virus.

Sebbene questa malattia non sia pericolosa per gli esseri umani, neanche nel caso di consumo di carni provenienti da animali infetti, è letale per tutti i suini, selvatici e domestici. Può percorrere grandi distanze rimanendo vitale sotto le suole delle scarpe, attaccato agli pneumatici o negli scarti degli allevamenti (liquami, carcasse) e addirittura nelle carni lavorate. Ogni anno sono 75 miliardi gli animali macellati nel mondo, circa mezzo miliardo i volatili allevati in Italia e circa 8 milioni i suini.

Un sistema che richiede sempre più terreni dedicati all’alimentazione animale, a spese degli ecosistemi naturali, e che costringe in spazi ristretti molti animali geneticamente simili creando un ambiente perfetto per la diffusione e la mutazione dei virus. Il 70% delle malattie infettive emergenti (come sars, ebola, influenza suina, aviaria) provengono da animali, e gli animali allevati ​​sono in grado di trasmettere agli esseri umani un grande numero di virus, come i coronavirus e i virus dell’influenza.

Aiutaci a portare avanti le nostre attività per fermare gli allevamenti intensivi e riportare un equilibrio sano tra uomo e natura.

Noi di Greenpeace, grazie a una indagine condotta in collaborazione con ISPRA, abbiamo evidenziato che gli allevamenti intensivi sono la seconda causa di formazione di polveri fini e in particolare di quelle più piccole (PM 2,5), che penetrano più facilmente nelle vie respiratorie e sono pericolosissime per la salute umana. Una precedente indagine, che abbiamo condotto a livello europeo, aveva analizzato alcuni corsi d’acqua nelle zone a più alta densità di allevamenti intensivi, trovando “cocktail” di antibiotici, residui di pesticidi, e preoccupanti concentrazioni di nitrati. In particolare, nel campione raccolto in provincia di Brescia erano stati rilevati 11 diversi tipi di farmaci, 7 dei quali antibiotici: il numero più alto trovato in un singolo campione di tutta l’indagine.

lorenzo, aiutaci a continuare le nostre ricerche, a contrastare Aziende e Governi che alimentano il sistema malato degli allevamenti intensivi.

Solo attraverso una reale transizione verso sistemi più sostenibili e realmente attenti al benessere pubblico e animale riusciremo a ristabilire un equilibrio sano tra uomo e Natura. Gli allevamenti intensivi, oggi, rappresentano un rischio per l’ambiente e per la salute umana. 
Con la tua donazione ci aiuterai a mostrare gli impatti distruttivi degli allevamenti intensivi e sosterrai le nostre azioni dirette per chiedere ai Governi e alle aziende l’adozione di regole più stringenti verso una transizione ecologica del sistema degli allevamenti intensivi. DONA ORA

i criminali NATO 322 OTAN del regime Spa neoliberista ebraico-massonico tecnocratico sodomitico esoterista soprannaturale cabalista

i criminali NATO 322 OTAN del regime Spa neoliberista ebraico-massonico tecnocratico sodomitico esoterista soprannaturale cabalista non hanno lasciato ai russi altra scelta!
gli ucraini si sono preparati per invadere il Donbass, mentre la NATO con le sue strutture aggressive ai confini russi ne mina costantemente la sicurezza nazionale.
"Ai cittadini americani dico, lasciate l'Ucraina, non invieremo truppe per evacuarvi… se russi e americani dovessero spararsi, ci sarebbe una guerra mondiale." Risuona ancora forte l'allarme del presidente Usa"Joe Biden , nell'intervista alla NBC. Ancora più catastrofico il Segretario di Stato Anthony Blinken: "Mosca potrebbe invadere anche durante le Olimpiadi".


"hanno sottolineato il sostegno risoluto all'Ucraina golpista nazi-fascista, e assassina, il regime Rockefeller della NATO"
perché von der Leyen ha ucciso 14000 persone in Donbass?
Tensioni Kiev-Mosca, la Cia: possibile attacco russo il 16 febbraio,
Gli Usa inviano 3mila soldati in Polonia.
Sabato telefonata tra Biden e Putin.
Ucraina, Ue: verso sanzioni alla Russia, dalla finanza all'export La presidente della Commissione Ue Ursula von der Leyen ha partecipato alla riunione in video dei leader occidentali organizzata dagli Usa.
I leader, ha spiegato una nota della Commissione, hanno valutato il "significativo sforzo diplomatico per convincere la Russia alla de-escalation" e "hanno sottolineato il sostegno risoluto all'Ucraina".
È stata analizzata la "dettagliata cooperazione per la finalizzazione del pacchetto di sanzioni in caso di ulteriore aggressione da parte della Russia" e von der Leyen "ha spiegato che le misure potrebbero riguardare i settori della finanza e dell'energia come anche l'export di prodotti hi-tech".


il golpe giusto è soltanto quello che fa la CIA con i cecchini ceceni.
Ucraina, rischio di Golpe
"Ai cittadini americani dico, lasciate l'Ucraina, non invieremo truppe per evacuarvi… se russi e americani dovessero spararsi, ci sarebbe una guerra mondiale." Risuona ancora forte l'allarme del presidente Usa"Joe Biden , nell'intervista alla NBC. Ancora più catastrofico il Segretario di Stato Anthony Blinken: "Mosca potrebbe invadere anche durante le Olimpiadi".

Dalla Francia alla Norvegia, come mostrano queste immagini, la modalità di attacco è sempre la stessa.
Prima il grido "Allahu Akbar", e poi le pugnalate..

Ahi serva Europa, perché tutta questa propaganda islamica?

Giulio Meotti
Feb 11
L'unico simbolo religioso scelto per la campagna sul "futuro dell'Europa" non sono croci o kippà, ma il velo. Psicologia della sottomissione. Infatti a Bruxelles spendono decine di milioni in progetti pro Islam, dal “Corano europeo” (9.842.534 euro) al “Corano globale” (1.980.000 euro). Le nostre élite hanno accettato l'idea che l'islamizzazione dell'Europa è inevitabile e che in nome della tolleranza dobbiamo aiutare la Sharia a stabilirsi?


Poll: Vaccination rates among religious groups
Curated for you byCP Editors
Good afternoon! It's Friday, February 11, and we're here with the latest poll on vaccination rates among religious subgroups, an update on the Duggar sisters' "invasion of privacy" lawsuit, and an interview with author Lee Grady.
A survey from Pew Research Center has revealed that 62% of white Evangelical Protestants have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, which is the lowest vaccination rate among all demographic subgroups questioned. The research, which included responses from more than 10,000 U.S. adults, found that 73% of respondents reported that they were fully vaccinated, while 20% indicated they had not gotten a shot. Catholics saw the highest rates of vaccination, with 85% reporting that they had taken at least one dose of the vaccine.
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Pope Francis says Euthanasia is 'neither human nor Christian'
Pope Francis is condemning the “unacceptable” drifts towards euthanasia, characterizing efforts to deprive the terminally ill of the necessities of life as “neither human nor Christian.” In addressing the issue before a general audience Wednesday, he expressed support for "palliative care" that enables "every person who is preparing to live the last stretch of their life" to "do so in the most human way possible," but insisted that "we must be careful not to confuse this help with unacceptable drifts towards killing."
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Pope Francis calls European Commission's rescinded inclusivity guidelines 'ideological colonization'
Pope Francis criticizes couples who adopt pets instead of kids amid 'demographic winter'
Pope Francis tells parents of kids who identify as LGBT not to 'hide in an attitude of condemnation'
Church hosts conversation on Maus after book's removal from schools
St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Athens in Tennessee hosted a community conversation about the recent decision of a local school board to remove the graphic novel Maus from its school curriculum in addition to discussing the lessons that the book and the Holocaust can teach Christians. The Athens-based McMinn County School Board voted unanimously in January to remove Maus from its middle school curriculum due to concerns over graphic adult content in the book, specifically "eight curse words" and a picture of a naked woman committing suicide by cutting herself with a razor blade. The book's removal garnered national outrage, leading many to buy the book as a form of protest and putting the graphic novel on the best-seller charts. The National Review's Kyle Smith recently wrote a column in which he was critical of the coverage the Maus removal story got, writing, "The book was not banned. Students in McMinn County are free to buy and read the book. It remains available in local public libraries.”
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Parents to protest library where Christmas display featured sex books next to the Bible
ND bans critical race theory from public schools, requires curriculum be 'factual, objective'
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COVID lockdowns proven 'ill-founded,' but media ignores
In January, Johns Hopkins published an extensive study about the destructive results of COVID-19 lockdowns, with the meta-analysis concluding that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects but have had negative repercussions economically and socially. The findings led the researchers to declare, "In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument." However, the report has received little acknowledgment by the media, writes Bill Connor, who asserts the media's iron fist defense of lockdowns while "slamming lockdown critics" has resulted in the industry censoring the report. Connor calls journalists out for this behavior, saying, "The Progressive Left, including allies in the media, cannot be allowed to continue their monopoly on what constitutes 'science' and suppress everyone else. Science comes from continually questioning and demanding proof. That didn’t happen with lockdowns, and hundreds of millions suffered."
Biden’s latest proposal would force insurers to pay for gender ‘transition’
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a rule that would add sexual orientation and gender identity language to the 2010 Affordable Care Act, thereby ensuring that those who identify as LGBT receive "medically necessary" care, including "gender-affirming" surgeries and hormone "therapy." In this op-ed, Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., breaks down sex, gender, and the law, declaring, "[T]he department’s proposed rule circumvents the law and treats dubious treatments as essential health benefits in qualified health plans. This not only contradicts the best science and medicine, it’s a disaster for insurers, for medical providers, and, most of all, for those struggling with gender dysphoria."
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When liberal 'truths' come home to roost, we get Lia Thomas
Social infertility and the denial of reality
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Grady talks discipleship, church growth
In this interview with The Christian Post, Lee Grady, author and leader of The Mordecai Project, discusses the challenges of discipleship facing the church today and how churches can better foster the spiritual health of their congregants. In addressing the decline of church membership in the U.S., Grady says, "I think that the overarching reason why we’re losing ground is that we didn’t pass the baton and we didn’t know how ... [I]f leaders don’t feel comfortable sitting down and having coffee with someone, or having a small group in their house, or meeting young people at a Starbucks, if there’s not that comfort level for that, then there’s going to be a huge breakdown." Keep reading.
Duggar sisters' lawsuit dismissed by judge
Arkansas U.S. District Judge Timothy L. Brooks has dismissed the 2017 lawsuit filed by Duggar sisters—Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna—stating that the reality TV stars failed to prove that police acted with bad intentions by leaking a report that allowed the sisters to be identified by media as having been molested by their older brother, Josh Duggar. The judge concluded that the Springdale Police Department didn’t intentionally look to cause the Duggar sisters emotional distress by sharing the report after the information was requested by a Freedom of Information Act request filed by In Touch Magazine. In December, Josh Duggar was found guilty by a federal jury in Arkansas of receiving and possessing child pornography and could face up to 20 years in prison.
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Passion Music: Thousands burning bright for Jesus, not all are deconstructing
Bethel's Beni Johnson having trouble breathing amid cancer battle; church launches 24/7 prayer campaign

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Josh Duggar files motion for acquittal or new trial after child pornography convictions
Amazon Studios producing docuseries on Duggars, reality TV families' connection to Christian group
TLC cancels ‘Counting On’ after 11 seasons following Josh Duggar child porn charges
Thank you for spending part of your day with us. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday! -- CP Editors


For many years now, the radical left around the globe has been pushing an extreme anti-family agenda. Funded heavily by George Soros and his network of extremist groups, one of the left’s most favored causes has been advancing the LGBT agenda – something they like to refer to as “gay rights.” One of the centerpiece items of this agenda is to reject biology and any biblical basis for human sex and instead define sex based on “gender identity.” This is the basis of the entire push for transgenderism.

Help IOF Expose The Radical LGBT Agenda
But now the radicals have gone far beyond merely advocating for the transgender agenda. Now, they are actively involved in pushing this agenda on children online and in schools, and even are actively recruiting children to “come out” as transgender. The cabal of culprits includes the usual suspects – Internet influencers, celebrities and LGBT groups and activists – but now has the active involvement of teachers who work assiduously to convince confused children to adopt a “gender identity” in conflict with their biological sex. Even worse, these teachers have a strategy to do this behind the back of parents.

IOF is working to expose the radical LGBT agenda around the globe. We do this through extensive public education (including our awesome media platform which is published in eight languages) and assisting allies with local advocacy by providing resources such as The Natural Family journal, which contains best-in-class research in support of pro-family positions and policies. It’s a tough fight because LGBT groups enjoy massive funding and have access to all the levers of power in society today. But thanks to financial help from grassroots supporters, we are prevailing.

Will you help us today by making a generous donation? We’d be very grateful for whatever help you can provide.

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Become A Monthly Donor
The other day a lawsuit was filed by the mother of an 11-year-old daughter who is suing her child’s school district because teachers were engaged in an active effort to convince her daughter that she was transgender and needed to change her “gender identity” without her parents’ knowledge. It took two suicide attempts by this confused child before the school notified the parents of the situation!

If you think this is just the excesses of a small number of teachers, you have another thing coming. The mother discovered that this is part of an organized strategy that is being pushed by radical teachers’ unions. These unions hold conferences to discuss how teachers can set up “Gay-Straight Alliance” clubs on school campuses, especially in conservative communities, and how students can hide their participation from parents.

Help IOF Fight For Parents'’ Rights
Beyond working on public education and research through publishing and The Natural Family journal, IOF is also a driving force behind a new legal advocacy group for parents called Families for Educational Freedom (FEF). FEF is an important tool to help parents fight for their legal rights against teachers and education bureaucrats who seek to indoctrinate children with radical ideologies.

Everything that we do to support parents, promote families, and defend virtue and values is possible only if we receive needed financial resources. We would greatly appreciate any financial support you can provide today, whether through a one-time donation, or by becoming a monthly donor and making a monthly pledge of an amount of your choosing.

Thank you for your support of IOF. Let us continue to work together to fight for the rights of parents to control the education of their children, and to oppose the imposition of radical ideologies on our kids and grandkids through the schools.

God bless,


la aggressione CIA UK NATO di Golpe Maidan e di genocidio in Donbass e annunciata aggressione di Crimea è un crimine di guerra universale della NATO.
Crisi Russia-Ucraina, Putin minaccia l'Europa:
"Vi ritroverete in guerra, non ci saranno vincitori"
Crisi Ucraina, Putin avverte: "Se Kiev entra nella Nato vi ritroverete in guerra, ma non ci saranno vincitori".
Il discorso del presidente russo che spaventa Usa e non solo....
Non è vero: Cina e Russia vinceranno.


la CIA NWO FED NWO mi controlla e filtra anche le mail!
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e4d'
Login failed for user 'adamwlewis_user'.
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"Questa sinistra mi fa diventare fascista"
Giulio Meotti
Feb 11
Il nuovo libro di Fernando Savater, il più famoso filosofo spagnolo. "Non mi riconosco in questi barbari che dicono a un bambino di scegliersi il sesso, in questa setta che maltratta chi disapprova il loro dogma e in questa dittatura dei ciarlatani politicamente corretti..."


Sul Reddito Universale di Base: El Papa lo vuole, il governo tedesco lo introdurrà?

L'allarme del Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Il governo federale cede il suo potere agli ambienti internazionali. È solo questione di tempo prima che il reddito di base universale venga introdotto in Germania. Il World Economic Forum e l'attuale Papa sono veementi sostenitori di questa idea. È probabile che l'attuale governo federale segua le linee guida della politica sociale, economica e climatica del World …

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Maurizio Blondet <>

11 feb 2022,

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Risolto l''enigma dell'acqua, ora è più facile usare il grafene

ANSA Risolto il 'mistero dell'acqua', che finora ha creato non pochi problemi alle applicazioni del materiale del futuro, il grafene, e alle particolari strutture ottenute con questo, chiamate nanotubi di carbonio. Il risultato, pubblicato sulla rivista Nature, si deve alla ricerca coordinata dalla fondazione americana Simons e rende più facile adesso l'utilizzo del grafene, a partire dai desalinizzatori. Da un paio di …

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Se hai ricevuto erroneamente questo messaggio e non sei interessato: cancella iscrizione - Gestisci la tua iscrizione

Maurizio Blondet <>

11 feb 2022, 15:28 (8 ore fa)

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Pnrr, fuorionda Fontana-Sala. Il governatore: “Non mettiamo a terra un c***o”. “Tutto ‘sud,sud,sud”

Botta e risposta tra i due durante una conferenza stampa al Politecnico di Milano 9 Febbraio 2022 (LaPresse) Scambio di battute fra il presidente della Regione Lombardia, Attilio Fontana, e il sindaco di Milano, Giuseppe Sala, catturato da LaPresse al termine della conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’accordo fra A2A e Politecnico. Il governatore, rivolto al primo cittadino, dice: “Caro Beppe, è un casino il Pnrr …

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Lets Talk About Joe Rogan........
Buckle up, let me take you through exactly what happened from the beginning......

James Allard
Feb 10

I’m pretty sure I don’t need to introduce and explain the recent Joe Rogan — Spotify — Neil Young — Disinformation — Racism — Smear Campaign debacle. Its everywhere. Rogan was already the Worlds largest podcaster, but now even generations that have no idea what a podcast is, know Joe Rogans name.

But here lies the problem; they know his name and they know the stories being published in the mainstream news. They know what the likes of Neil Young have said and other sell out celebrities. They know exactly what the corporate blood sucking media want them to know, nothing more, nothing less.

So, buckle up, let me take you through exactly what happened from the beginning.
April 2021 - Fauci Remarks on Rogan Vaccine Statements

Joe Rogan made the following statement in a podcast in April of 2021:

“Are you a healthy person? Like, look, don't do anything stupid, but you should take care of yourself. You should – if you're a healthy person, and you're exercising all the time, and you're young, and you’re eating well, like, I don't think you need to worry about this.”

Common sense? Well, I’d say so, but that snivveling little weasel, Anthony Fauci disagrees. It seems Rogans comments were damaging enough to warrant Fauci’s opinion publically:

Dr. Fauci said:

“So if you want to only worry about yourself and not society, then that’s okay, but if you’re saying to yourself, even if I get infected, I could do damage to somebody else even if I have no symptoms at all, and that’s the reason why you’ve got to be careful and get vaccinated.”

Well, as it turns out getting vaccinated doesn’t protect others at all, so this already poor reasoning from Dr. Fauci is entirely invalid now. But, moving on…..
1st September 2021 - Rogan Contracts COVID

At the very beginning of september last year, Rogan announced on Instagram that he had contracted COVID-19. He talked about how it made him feel and how he was treating it.

From The Guardian:

On Instagram, the podcaster, who professes not to be “an authority on health” but has discouraged young people from getting the coronavirus vaccine, said that he had “immediately thrown the kitchen sink” at his infection. Among the many medications he used, he said, was ivermectin, a drug used against parasites in humans and livestock.

The Independent took their headline one step further with:

Joe Rogan has Covid and used ‘unsafe’ horse de-wormer drug ivermectin in treatment

‘Unsafe horse de-wormer’, really?

This is the first sign that someone was getting nervous about Rogan. First off, calling Ivermectin a horse de-wormer is like referring to apples as slug food. Indeed, Ivermectin is a commonly used horse de-wormer…….. as well as a commonly used anti-parasitical treatment in humans. The drug is extremely safe, with decades of safety studies and no major issues. The statement that he is taking ‘unsafe’ horse de-worming is an outright lie. The prescription of Ivermectin he had was specifically for humans, not horses, humans — but of course, The Independent didn’t mention this.
10th December 2021 - Interview with Dr. Peter A. McCullough

Now, this is where the beginnings of genuine panic set in for the establishment. In early December of last year, Joe Rogan sat down with Dr. Peter A. McCullough to talk about COVID-19 and the Pandemic.

Peter McCullough is a board certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas senate regarding the treatment of COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic protocols.

If you are under the impression, this is some unknown quack dealing in snake oil potions and health supplements. Think again. Here is a quick summary, a kind of simplified biography of McCullough’s experience in the field:

After receiving a bachelor's degree from Baylor University, Dr. McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington in Seattle, cardiology fellowship including service as Chief Fellow at William Beaumont Hospital, and master's degree in public health at the University of Michigan.

Dr. McCullough directs cardiovascular education and research for the Baylor Health Care System and is a Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX and is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center. He is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications including the "Interface between Renal Disease and Cardiovascular Illness" in Braunwald's Heart Disease Textbook.

In 2013, he was honored with the International Vicenza Award for Critical Care Nephrology for his outstanding contribution and dedication to the emerging problem of cardiorenal syndromes. Dr. McCullough is the current Chair of the National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP), the nation's largest community screening effort for chronic diseases. His works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, and other top-tier journals worldwide. He is the co-editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and serves on the editorial boards of multiple specialty journals. - Source

Up until recently, this was a well respected Doctor and teacher. He is board certified in internal medicine, cardiology, clinical lipidology, and echocardiography with a practice dedicated to the prevention and treatment of common diseases including obesity, diabetes, kidney and heart disease.

Did McCullough wake up one morning and decide to throw his credibility away and play the loon, peddling misinformation and false narratives?

The interview was almost three hours long and received millions of views. The media went into panic mode and responded:

Controversial podcast host Joe Rogan has welcomed a doctor on his show who is known for pushing debunked and misleading claims about Covid-19 and the vaccine.

Dr Peter McCullough appeared on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, where he claimed that health officials withheld treatments for Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic in order to spread fear among the population and push the public to take a vaccine. - The Independent

Just so we are clear, when they say ‘debunked’ they actually mean, contradictory claims to the official narrative. Nothing he has stated has ever been debunked, disagreed with, maybe, debunked — absolutely no.

But the fun really began with his next interview on the last day of 2021.
31st December 2021 - Interview with Dr. Robert Malone

Robert Malone is the inventor of nine original mRNA vaccine patents which were originally filed in 1989. His work has contributed to the very existence of the COVID-19 vaccines being distributed across the World today.

Robert Malone has almost 100 peer-reviewed publications to his name and has been cited over 12,000 times.

Once again, this is no quack. This is a man with vast experience and once a leader in his field. But, in the post-pandemic world, his name has been tarnished and bashed for simply not nodding his head and keeping quiet about his concerns surrounding both the pandemic protocols and the roll out of mass vaccination.

But, once again the corporate media lashed out with their usual deluge of propaganda:

YouTube has removed a video of a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience in which the podcast host was talking to Dr Robert Malone – a physician with a history of controversial statements related to Covid-19. - The Independent

A Physician! That is what they are referencing as Malone’s credentials?

If you cannot see this for the intentional deception it is, then you are likely who this type of highly misleading propaganda is aimed at. Physician…… ffs.

Oh, and how can I forget, Hank Green, a board certified YouTuber and creator of VidCon said:

“His influence and income grow when his content is more contrarian, and so we need to stop being surprised when his content promotes perspectives and people that are really good at making people believe things that are definitely false,”

Definitely false….., how can Hank Green make such statements while holding a straight face?

What he really means is, “I disagree”, or maybe even “It’s in my own personal interest to , disagree”.

So — YouTube removed the interview. Twitter banned Malone. Rogan came under fire from all directions. Sell out celibritards began crawling out of the woodwork to condemn Rogan for interviewing Malone in the first place and Spotify for hosting the interview.

But it gets even more ridiculous. They had a special weapon it seems, and it came in the form of 76 year-old rock antique, Neil Young.

Singer-songwriter Neil Young published a letter on his website Jan. 24 asking that his musical catalog be deleted from Spotify. “I am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation about them,” wrote Young. “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.”

Spotify refused to remove Rogan, and so a few days later Spotify removed the entirety of Neil Young’s music collection.

It wasn’t long before a stream of other antique musicians followed suite and asked for their music to also be removed from spotify — with the most publicized one being Joni Mitchell:

“I’ve decided to remove all my music from Spotify, irresponsible people are spreading lies that are costing people their lives. I stand in solidarity with Neil Young and the global scientific and medical communities on this issue.” - The Verge

Mitchell seems to not understand science, but hey let that be her problem. I’m sure you’ll be greatly missed over on the platform…..

This madness continued for a few days, until the racism card was pulled.
February 2022 - Rogan accussed of ‘Racial Slurs’

Social media was all a flurry with outrage over Rogans use of racial slurs in previous shows.

Grammy-winning artist India Arie was so outraged she also has since removed her music from Spotify in a moment of defiant wokeness:

"He shouldn't even be uttering the word. Don't even say it, under any context. Don't say it. That's where I stand. I have always stood there,"

In reality, at no point was Rogan being racist in any of his comments made in previous shows. However, what he failed to do was cater for the very sensitive unthinking ‘woke’ community.

There is no context where it is ok to say the ‘N-word’, unless you are black of course. A white man, under no circumstances, in no context, can say the word - if they need to reference the word, they must refer to it as the ‘N-Word’.

I kid you not, this is apparently how it must be, and unless you want total character and career annihilation, you will adhere to this ridiculous rule!

Seriously, how pathetic have we got as a society?

If people are unable to understand what racism is, or understand how a conversation out of context can appear to mean something very different to what was actually meant, or how smear campaigns work and why they are done, then your opinion is invalid.

I hear people say, “When is there ever a context where the N word isn’t racist”. Really? You don’t know? Have you never listened to rap music?

Or are we saying a white man is different to a black man? Are we saying some language can only be spoken by some races? (Isn’t this racist in itself?)

People need to get over themselves. Racism comes in many forms and I find some of the ignorant nay sayers who jumped on the bash Rogan band wagon far more racist than anything he has ever said.

Tell me, where’s the uproar over decades of experimental testing on Africans of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, often without consent, often killing or injuring hundreds upon thousands of children all to check efficacy and safety before unleashing it on the west?

Our entire culture is built and maintained by the oppression and suffering of poorer nations, and no one bats an eyelid. The likes of Bill Gates & that little rat Fauci has literally been using little black children as lab rats for decades. Are we cancelling them?

Words alone are not racist, words are just words. It is how you place them and what actions you do that determine the morality of a person.

Joe Rogan has since put out various videos apologizing for his statements. I don’t think he has anything to apologize for but, that said, a rational response and apology is a wise move on his part nevertheless.

Here is his latest apology video concerning claims of racism made against him:
Cancel Culture Will Be The Death of Free Speech

For any society to prosper and evolve it is necessary for speech to be protected at all times, regardless of the speaker and what is being said.

Allowing controversial and contradictory discussion on current events and alleged historical fact is how we learn new things, it is how innovation and new discoveries are made. Whether or not we agree with what someone is saying, we should not become outraged, cover our ears and demand censorship.

I urge everyone to support any platform that stands on the side of free speech and condemn any platform that actively moves to censor voices.

As for Rogan, I’m pretty confident this recent debacle will only fuel is popularity and grow his podcast further.

It will be interesting to see if he continues to hold discussions with controversial voices, or will he play more careful in future - has this little debacle been taken as a warning by Joe, or will it fuel his determination to push even harder against the boundaries of accepted discussion?

Subscribe now


era una violenta insurrezione della CIA

era una violenta insurrezione della CIA,

non c'erano violenti tra i manifestanti di Trump!

Trump spacca i repubblicani.

McConnell: "6 gennaio sedizione"

L'ex presidente spacca il partito repubblicano aprendo una voragine fra i vertici conservatori.

Se poi, il muro di omertà della rode elettorale non si può rompere,

poi, questa questione dovrebbe essere archiviata al più presto.

e bisogna abolire ogni forma di voto elettronico, perché chi ha il controllo di internet non è il popolo o la politica.

Sei io scrivo agli israeliani?

a loro non arriva mai niente!

Non è che, io penso di essere portato in processione..

ma qualcuno dovrebbe venire almeno a sputarmi in faccia!


I fomentatori d'odio non si arrendono: insulti e oscenità contro il Ricordo

«È un impegno di civiltà conservare e rinnovare la memoria della tragedia degli istriani, dei fiumani, dei dalmati e degli altri italiani che avevano radici in quelle terre, così ricche di cultura e storia e così macchiate di sangue innocente». Le parole del presidente Sergio Mattarella, pronunciate ieri in occasione del Giorno del Ricordo sembrano fatte apposta per seppellire i richiami al negazionismo. E per liquidare, implicitamente, l'«inciviltà» di personaggi come Tomaso Montanari, il rettore dell'Università per Stranieri di Siena organizzatore di un convegno rivolto a dimostrare come l'istituzione del Giorno del Ricordo risponda ad un «uso politico della memoria» frutto del «revanscismo fascista».

© Fornito da Il Giornale

Tesi contraddette anche dal presidente della Camera Roberto Fico che, nonostante le simpatia di sinistra, liquida come inaccettabili «le tesi negazioniste». «In nessun caso - dichiara Fico - possono infatti ritenersi ammissibili motivazioni o compromessi ideologici volti a legittimare la violazione della dignità dell'uomo o a ridimensionare le gravi responsabilità storiche che hanno portato ad eventi così drammatici». Il presidente della Camera sottolinea, inoltre, l'importanza del Giorno del Ricordo per restituire «verità e dignità alle vittime delle foibe ed a tutti gli esuli». Il presidente del Consiglio Mario Draghi, intervenuto al Senato, rimarca la necessità del «cammino di riconciliazione» rendendo omaggio «a tutte le vittime di quegli anni, italiane e slave».

Un tema richiamato anche dal presidente della Lega nazionale di Trieste Paolo Sardos Albertini rammentando che la tragedia delle foibe «se ricordata bene diventa motivo di unità per il futuro non di divisione». Silvio Berlusconi commemora con un tweet «le vittime delle Foibe, condannate a una morte atroce per la sola colpa di essere italiani» e sottolinea come l'istituzione del Giorno del Ricordo rappresenti «anche un monito sulle tragiche conseguenze dell'ideologia comunista e del nazionalismo esasperato».

Ma sullo sfondo delle dichiarazioni di autorità e politici si registrano, anche quest'anno, i consueti oltraggi alla memoria. A Senigallia uno striscione con la scritta «le foibe sono piene di bugie fasciste» è stato steso all'entrata Consiglio comunale dove si dovevano tenere le celebrazioni per le vittime degli eccidi commessi sul confine orientale. Un episodio denunciato da Giorgia Meloni con un tweet in cui definisce «triste» la sopravvivenza di «frange estreme della sinistra italiana che rimpiangono o negano gli orrori del comunismo. Ma - aggiunge - non riusciranno più a cancellare pagine di storia». La leader di Fdi non manca però di esprimere solidarietà a Enrico Letta «per i vili attacchi ricevuti dopo aver commemorato il Giorno del Ricordo» ricordando che Fratelli d'Italia sostiene «la risoluzione europea contro tutti i totalitarismi del 900».

Imbrattata e deturpata con scritte e spruzzi di vernice anche la targa dedicata ai martiri delle foibe presso il 14mo municipio di Roma. Il direttore del Tg 2 Gennaro Sangiuliano denuncia invece il video di «una persona che urina verso una cavità carsica che sembra una foiba» postato sull'account Twitter in cui si annunciava appunto lo Speciale sulle Foibe di ieri sera. «Un gesto volgare - dichiara Sangiuliano - che offende non solo il nostro lavoro, ma soprattutto la memoria di questa immane tragedia nazionale».


gli accordi NON potevano funzionare, perché la NATO diceva a Kiev:

"io voglio tutto io".

poi, Mogherini e Nuland andavano a seminare le mine anti-bambino, che erano come delle piccole farfalle giocattolo!

Ucraina, cosa sono gli accordi di Minsk e possono essere la soluzione della crisi?

Mentre i leader mondiali si affannano, si torna a parlare degli accordi di Minsk del 2015 come possibile via d’uscita dalla crisi. Il protocollo, noto anche come Minsk II (il primo era stato firmato l’anno precedente ma era fallito), è stato messo a punto nella capitale bielorussa nel tentativo di porre fine al sanguinoso conflitto nell’Ucraina orientale durato 10 mesi. Ma Minsk II non è mai stata completamente implementato e molte sono le questioni che restano irrisolte.

Chi l’ha firmato e cosa dice l’accordo? In un raro incontro tra leader russi, ucraini, tedeschi e francesi nel febbraio 2015 si giunse alla fine dei combattimenti nelle aree dell’Ucraina che erano state conquistate dai separatisti filo-russi l’anno prima. Quelle aree, nella regione ucraina del Donbass , divennero note come Repubblica popolare di Luhansk (Lpr) e Repubblica popolare di Donetsk (Dpr). Minsk II, è stato firmato da rappresentanti di Russia, Ucraina, i leader separatisti e l’Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (Osce). Successivamente è stato approvato da una risoluzione del Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite. La condizione era il cessate il fuoco. Nel febbraio 2015 c’erano stati ancora combattimenti in alcune aree tra le forze ucraine e i ribelli sostenuti dalla Russia, con gli ucraini che avevano subito pesanti perdite. Altro punto era il ritiro delle armi pesanti dal fronte, che sarebbe stato monitorato dall’Osce. Poi, la ripresa del dialogo per le elezioni locali nelle zone occupate dai ribelli filorussi. Il ripristino dei pieni legami economici e sociali tra le due parti, il ripristino del controllo da parte del governo ucraino sul confine con la Russia, il ritiro di tutte le forze straniere e mercenari e una riforma costituzionale per conferire una certa autonomia alle regioni della regione orientale del Donbass, in Ucraina, che non sarebbe stato più totalmente sotto il controllo del governo centrale di Kiev.

Come è andata a finire? I combattimenti si sono effettivamente interrotti e gli osservatori dell’Osce sono intervenuti. Ancora oggi, l’Osce pattuglia le linee del fronte e segnala violazioni del cessate il fuoco lungo il confine. Risultato, ci sono molti meno combattimenti e meno vittime rispetto al 2014-15. Da questo punto di vista, l’accordo è stato, almeno, in parte rispettato. Tuttavia, ci sono 1,5 milioni di sfollati interni in Ucraina e quasi 14.000 persone sono morte nel conflitto.

Qual è il problema? L’accordo di Minsk è stato concepito molto frettolosamente. La Russia, pur essendo un firmatario non ha mai riconosciuto il proprio ruolo nel conflitto. In effetti, la parola “Russia” non compare da nessuna parte nel testo. Da allora, questo ha permesso al Cremlino di sostenere di essere solo un osservatore e che l’accordo riguardi il governo ucraino e i ribelli nell’est del paese, nonostante le prove dimostrino che la Russia sostiene i separatisti. Kiev, nel frattempo, si rifiuta di parlare direttamente con i ribelli. Inoltre, il linguaggio dell’accordo è impreciso, con il risultato che Russia e Ucraina lo interpretano a seconda della convenienza. Kiev vuole riprendere il controllo del suo confine internazionale prima che si tengano le elezioni locali nelle aree controllate dai ribelli. Vuole anche che le forze russe se ne vadano. La Russia, ovviamente, d’altro canto sostiene di non avere forze nelle aree controllate dai ribelli. Inoltre Mosca vuole le elezioni mentre la regione è ancora sotto il controllo dei separatisti e prima che le autorità ucraine riprendano il controllo del confine. Gli sforzi dei diplomatici occidentali per trovare la quadratura del cerchio non sono mai giunti a un dunque. Inoltre lo status delle aree del Donbass in mano ai ribelli non è mai stato definito. Il punto di vista di Kiev è che la regione abbia lo stesso tipo di autonomia delle altre regioni ucraine, all’interno di una struttura federale. Mosca indica il riferimento allo «status speciale di alcune aree delle regioni di Donetsk e Luhansk» e lo interpreta come un permesso a queste regioni di avere le proprie forze di polizia e il proprio sistema giudiziario. D’altro canto qualsiasi governo ucraino accetti di concedere al Donbass lo statuto speciale non sopravviverebbe alla propria opinione pubblica. Nel 2015, l’allora presidente ucraino Petro Poroshenko ha presentato emendamenti costituzionali sul decentramento che sono stati aspramente contrastati dai gruppi nazionalisti ucraini. I disordini a Kiev hanno provocato la morte di tre agenti delle forze dell’ordine.

Ucraina-Russia, per saperne di più

Come può tornare in vita l’accordo? A distanza di otto anni, Mosca e Kiev perseguono due interpretazioni opposte del documento e la divergenza riguarda soprattutto la timeline: per il Cremlino vanno prima attuate le disposizioni politiche e poi quelle militari, per l’Ucraina il contrario. Kiev vuole che la Russia e quelle che ritiene le sue «forze per procura» si ritirino dall’Est in modo da riprendere il controllo del confine, solo allora è disposta a svolgere elezioni locali secondo standard internazionali e nel rispetto della legge ucraina; invece di concedere alle regioni separatiste uno status speciale come chiede Mosca, Kiev riconoscerebbe loro dei poteri extra, nell’ambito di un più ampio programma di decentramento. Questa interpretazione negherebbe al Cremlino la capacità di continuare a controllare i territori dell’Est e avere così voce in capitolo negli affari ucraini, con rappresentanti delle regioni filo-russe seduti al Parlamento nazionale e autorità regionali pronte a contrastare le politiche non gradite a Mosca, per esempio l’adesione alla Nato. La sequenza degli obblighi da adempiere, nell’interpretazione russa, prevede invece prima le elezioni locali e il riconoscimento dello status speciale del Donbass. Scenario inaccettabile per Kiev che rifiuta di trattare in modo diretto con le autoproclamate autorità separatiste, ritenute al pari di terroristi, e non accetta quello che sarebbe un voto sotto occupazione. Per ora, sulla sequenzialità degli obblighi, non si registrano ufficialmente ammorbidimenti. Da Mosca è arrivato diretto il monito all’Ucraina e agli Usa: qualunque revisione della sequenzialità degli accordi di Minsk, «rischia di far deragliare il processo di pace», ha avvertito il ministero degli Esteri russo. D’altro canto il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron vede l’accordo di Minsk come una rampa d’uscita e ha invitato Kiev e Mosca a rispettarlo. Il segretario di Stato americano Antony Blinken ha dichiarato lunedì che gli Stati Uniti e l’Ucraina sono “uniti” nel sostenere gli accordi di Minsk come via da seguire per risolvere il conflitto. Ma ha anche accennato al fatto che l’accordo da solo non è una soluzione unica, evidenziando le sfide che l’accordo presenta. «Minsk non specifica alcuni problemi di sequenza quando si tratta dei passi che le parti devono intraprendere», ha detto Blinken, aggiungendo: «L’Ucraina si è avvicinata a questo in buona fede. Finora non abbiamo visto la Russia fare lo stesso».

A Minsk nel 2015

Duncan Allan, membro associato del programma Russia ed Eurasia presso il think tank Chatham House di Londra, ha sintetizzato così il dilemma di Minsk: «L’Ucraina è sovrana, come insistono gli ucraini, o la sua sovranità dovrebbe essere limitata, come richiede la Russia?».


Automatic reply: to you, who are a sentinel, for Israel's hope

Public Affairs - Embassy Of Israel - Warsaw <> 10 febbraio 2022 08:20

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Zapoznam się z Państwa wiadomością po powrocie do biura, 14 lutego.


I will read your message when I return to office on February 14th.

Z poważaniem / Kind regards

Mateusz Pigoń


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Automatic reply: to you, who are a sentinel, for Israel's hope

Posta in arrivo

Info - Embassy Of Israel In Seoul

gio 10 feb, 08:20 (23 ore fa)

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Hello, your request was received by the Israeli embassy in Seoul, we will get back to you as soon as possible and up to 5 working days.

שלום רב, פנייתך התקבלה בנציגות ישראל בסיאול,

נשוב אליך בהקדם האפשרי ועד 5 ימי עבודה.

귀하께서 보내신 메일을 수신하였습니다.

업무일수 기준 5일 이내 답변드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.


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Public Affairs - Embassy Of Israel - Warsaw

gio 10 feb, 08:20 (23 ore fa)

a me

Zapoznam się z Państwa wiadomością po powrocie do biura, 14 lutego.


I will read your message when I return to office on February 14th.

Z poważaniem / Kind regards

Mateusz Pigoń


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info- Embassy of Israel - London

gio 10 feb, 08:20 (23 ore fa)

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Embassy of Israel

תודה על פנייתך ל-

הדוא"ל שלך התקבל, ואנחנו נענה לפנייתך בהקדם האפשרי.

במידה ופנייתך דחופה, בבקשה תבקר באתר האינטרנט שם ניתן למצוא פרטים של אנשי קשר לשעת חירום, או שניתן להתקשר למספר טלפון 02079579500.

לעניינים קונסולריים, אנא שלח מייל לכתובת:


שגרירות ישראל בלונדון


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שלום רב,

תודה על פנייתך לשגרירות ישראל במנילה.

שים לב כי דוא"ל זה הינו מענה אוטומטי – פנייתך תיבדק על ידי צוות הנציגות במהלך שעות העבודה.

במקרי חירום דחופים בלבד (מעבר לשעות הפעילות) יש ליצור קשר עם טלפון החירום של השגרירות במספר 02-8839500 / 09-989722096.

ימי קבלת הקהל בנציגות הינם שני – שישי ושעות קבלת הקהל במדור הקונסולרי הינם 9:00-12:00.

מענה טלפוני לשירותים קונסולריים ניתן לקבל בטלפון מספר 02-8839500, בימי העבודה בשעות 9:00-17:00.

בימי חג ישראליים / יהודיים ומקומיים הנציגות סגורה.

הנכם מוזמנים לבקר ולעקוב אחרי פעילותנו השוטפת בערוצי הנציגות:

אתר הנציגות:

דף הפייסבוק:

דף הטוויטר:


שגרירות ישראל במנילה.

Embassy of Israel in the Philippines

10th floor, Avecshares Center

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Tel: 0063-28839500/12


greeting from the embassy of Israel in Manila.

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The consular services working on Mon-Fri during the hours 9:00-12:00, we are available by phone number 02-8839500 during the hours.

You are welcome to visit our website and follow our activates and events on our channels.

Kind regards,

Embassy of Israel in the Philippines

10th floor, Avecshares Center

1132 University Parkway

Bonifacio Global City

38th street, Taguig City

Tel: 0063-28839500/12


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,שלום רב

תודה על פנייתך לשגרירות ישראל בתאילנד

שים לב כי דוא"ל זה הינו מענה אוטומטי – פנייתך תיבדק על ידי צוות הנציגות במהלך שעות העבודה.

במקרי חירום דחופים בלבד (מעבר לשעות הפעילות) יש ליצור קשר עם טלפון החירום של השגרירות במספר +66(0)2-204-9209

ימי קבלת הקהל במדור הקונסולרי בנציגות הינם שני – שישי בשעות 12:00-09:00.

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בימי חג ישראליים/יהודיים ומקומיים הנציגות סגורה. ראו רשימת החגים באתר השגרירות.

הנכם מוזמנים לבקר ולעקוב אחרי פעילותינו השוטפת בערוצי הנציגות :


שגרירות ישראל בתאילנד

Embassy of Israel

Ocean Tower II, 25th Floor

75 Sukhumvit Soi 19

Bangkok, Thailand 10110

Tel: +66-2-204-9200

Fax: +66-2-204-9221



ข้อความนี้เป็นข้อความตอบรับอัตโนมัติ ข้อความของท่านจะถูกเปิดอ่านในช่วงเวลาทำการของสถานทูตฯ

ในกรณีฉุกเฉินเท่านั้น (นอกเวลาทำการ) กรุณาติดต่อเบอร์โทรศัพท์ฉุกเฉิน +66(0)2-204-9209

ขอเรียนแจ้งให้ทราบว่า สถานเอกอัครราชทูตอิสราเอลจะปิดทำการในวันหยุดราชการอิสราเอลและไทย

แผนกบริการวีซ่าและกงสุลจะเปิดให้บริการในวันจันทร์-ศุกร์ เวลาทำการ 9:00น. – 12:00น.

เบอร์ติดต่อแผนกบริการวีซ่าและกงสุล +66(0)2-204-9226 ในวันจันทร์-วันพฤหัสบดี เวลา 11:30 น. – 16:00 น. และวันศุกร์ เวลา 11:30 น.-14:00 น.

ท่านสามารถเยี่ยมชมติดตามกิจกรรมและเหตุการณ์ต่างๆ ของสถานเอกอัครราชทูตอิสราเอลได้ที่เว็บไซด์

Kind regards,

Embassy of Israel

Ocean Tower II, 25th Floor

75 Sukhumvit Soi 19

Bangkok, Thailand 10110

Tel: +66-2-204-9200

Fax: +66-2-204-9221


Greetings from the Embassy of Israel in Thailand

This is an auto-response e-mail - your e-mail will be read during the Embassy’s working hours.

In emergency cases only (off working hours) - please call the Embassy’s emergency phone number +66(0)2-204-9209

Please note that the Embassy will be closed on Israeli/Jewish and local holidays.

The Consular section works from Monday to Friday, during the hours 09:00 to 12:00.

We are available by phone number +66(0)2-204-9226 Monday to Thursday during the hours 11:30 - 16:00 and Friday 11:30 -14:00

You are welcome to visit our website and follow our activities and events on our channels:

Kind regards,

Embassy of Israel

Ocean Tower II, 25th Floor

75 Sukhumvit Soi 19

Bangkok, Thailand 10110

Tel: +66-2-204-9200

Fax: +66-2-204-9221


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Jerusalem, NIV (Jerusalem)

gio 10 feb, 07:40 (1 giorno fa)

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Thank you for your inquiry. We will respond to your message in the order in which it was received. Please do not send repeated messages with the same inquiry as it will only delay the response.

The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem and the Embassy Branch Office in Tel Aviv have resumed limited nonimmigrant visa services, including employment (E/H/L/O/P/R/C1D), student (F/J/M), and very limited tourist and business (B) nonimmigrant visas. We have also resumed processing all immigrant visa categories, although delays in receiving cases from the National Visa Center (NVC) might still occur due to the backlog that arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

If you are a nonimmigrant visa applicant and need to travel immediately, please follow the guidance provided on the appointment website to request an emergency appointment. Please only submit a request if you meet the emergency criteria provided at and follow the guidance. Please provide the reason(s) for the urgent travel, including travel dates. If approved, we will send an email notification to the email address registered in the appointment system.

Appointment Wait Times:

Extended closures and limited appointments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic caused backlogs in all of our services. At present, the U.S. Embassy is focusing on American Citizen Services, especially eliminating the backlog of U.S. passport and Consular Report of Birth Abroad applications. In addition, we are processing immigrant and nonimmigrant visa appointments as capacity allows. We are doing everything we can to accommodate as many appointments as possible, but applicants may continue to encounter delays in obtaining immigrant and nonimmigrant visa services.

Nonimmigrant visa applicants may schedule themselves for the earliest available appointment at either U.S. Embassy Jerusalem or at Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv. If no appointments are available when you first check the calendar on your Visa Appointment Service account, please check it regularly for newly released appointments. If you have difficulty accessing your Visa Information Service account, please call the Visa Information Service call center.

Interview Waiver (IW) visa renewal procedure (visa renewal without a visa appointment):

Extension of eligibility for the IW procedure: If your previous visa was issued in either Tel Aviv or Jerusalem on or after January 1, 2008, and expired within the past 48 months, you may be eligible for the IW renewal procedure that does not require a personal appointment at the Embassy. Click here for information on the IW criteria and procedure. Our current average processing time for IW applications submitted via our authorized courier service is 3-4 weeks.

Important Notice if you are planning to travel to the United States through Europe:

The Presidential Proclamations that suspend entry into the United States of all noncitizens who were physically present in the Schengen Area, UK, and Ireland still remains in effect. Please review this important information regarding a national interest exception which is required before travel to the United States.


שלום רב,

תודה על פנייתך לשגרירות ישראל בברזיל.

שים לב כי דוא"ל זה הינו מענה אוטומטי – פנייתך תיבדק על ידי צוות הנציגות במהלך שעות העבודה.

במקרי חירום דחופים בלבד (מעבר לשעות הפעילות) יש ליצור קשר עם טלפון החירום של השגרירות במספר 005561996787944 .

ימי קבלת הקהל בנציגות הינם שני-שישי ושעות קבלת הקהל במדור הקונסולרי הינם :

שני-חמישי בין השעות 9:00-14:00

שישי 9:00-13:00

מענה טלפוני לשירותים קונסולריים ניתן לקבל בטלפון מספר 00556121050514 בשעות הפעילות.

בימי חג ישראלים\יהודיים ומקומיים הנציגות סגורה.


שגרירות ישראל בברזיליה

SES – Av.das nacoes, quadra 809,lote 38

70424 – 900 – Brasilia –DF - Brazil

טלפון : 00556121050514


Greetings from the Embassy of Israel in Brazil.

We thank you for your e-mail.

This is an auto response e-mail – your e- mail will be read during the Embassy’s working hours.

In urgent emergency cases only (off working hours) – please call the Embassy’s emergency phone number 005561996787944 .

On Israeli\ Jewish or local holidays the Embassy will be closed.

The consular services working on Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 14:00 Friday : 9:00 -13:00

We are available by phone 00556121050514 during the hours.

Kind regards,

The Embassy of Israel in Brazil

SES – Av.das nacoes, quadra 809,lote 38

70424 – 900 – Brasilia –DF – Brazil

Phone : 00556121050514


Saudaחץes da Embaixada de Israel no Brasil.

Agradecemos seu e-mail.

Este י um e-mail de resposta automבtica - seu e-mail serב lido durante o horבrio de trabalho da Embaixada.

Somente em casos de emergךncia (fora do horבrio comercial) - ligue para o nתmero de telefone de emergךncia da Embaixada 005561996787944.

Nos feriados locais ou judeus de Israel, a Embaixada estarב fechada.

Os serviחos consulares funcionam de segunda א quinta-feira 9:00 - 14:00 sexta-feira: 9:00 -13: 00

Estamos disponםveis pelo telefone 00556121050514 durante o horבrio.


Embaixada de Israel no Brasil

“Ci alzeremo in piedi ogni volta che la vita umana viene minacciata…” (Giovanni Paolo II)

Ciao Lorenzo,

ho una buona e una brutta notizia.

Inizio dalla brutta, così ‘ci togliamo il dente’, come si suol dire.

Brutta notizia: ieri è ufficialmente iniziato in Parlamento l’iter legislativo per il Suicidio Assistito e l’Eutanasia, fortemente voluto dal Pd, dal Movimento 5 Stelle, da Italia Viva di Matteo Renzi e da LeU, il partito del Ministro della Salute Roberto Speranza (ma il Ministro della Salute non dovrebbe lavorare per allungare la vita dei malati piuttosto che accorciarla? Mah!).

La pandemia ha causato frustrazione ed enormi disagi psicologici (anche nei bambini), e il Parlamento discute leggi che possono incentivare il suicidio di milioni di cittadini provati anche dalla grave crisi economica e sociale che stiamo vivendo.

Mi sembra allucinante, e sono contento che più di 10.000 cittadini abbiano già firmato la nostra petizione per chiedere al Parlamento di interrompere immediatamente questo progetto di morte (non hai ancora firmato? Abbiamo bisogno di te: firma subito cliccando qui).

Buona notizia: noi (ovviamente) non siamo rimasti a guardare con le mani in mano gli alfieri dell’Eutanasia preparare la strada per una silenziosa strage di anziani, malati e depressi. Mentre il progetto di morte entrava in Aula, a pochi metri dal Parlamento si svolgeva un grande evento per la Vita promosso da Pro Vita & Famiglia e sostenuto dagli amici del Family Day, del Centro Studi Livatino, del Movimento per la Vita, dei Medici Cattolici e tanti altri.

Una foto del grande evento per la vita organizzato da Pro Vita & Famiglia ieri vicino al Parlamento: una bella presenza di pubblico e oltre 5000 visualizzazioni online!

Come puoi vedere, l’agenzia ANSA ha dato notizia del convegno promosso da Pro Vita & Famiglia e del messaggio giunto ai presenti da parte del Cardinale Luis Ladaria, Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, che ha ribadito l’assoluta incompatibilità dell’Eutanasia e del Suicidio Assistito con l’insegnamento della Chiesa Cattolica. Nella foto sono col professore Massimo Gandolfini (al centro), presidente del Family Day, e il Cardinale Giovanni Battista Re (a destra), decano del Collegio Cardinalizio.

Ci ha molto incoraggiati il netto monito contro l’Eutanasia giunto nella mattinata di ieri dallo stesso Papa Francesco: speriamo che risvegli le coscienze dei parlamentari (almeno di quelli cristiani…).

Un’ultima notizia prima di salutarci, Lorenzo.

Mercoledì 15 febbraio la Corte Costituzionale deciderà se in Italia si svolgerà o no il referendum sull’omicidio del consenziente promosso dai Radicali. Una decisione cruciale.

Pro Vita & Famiglia è tra le associazioni ammesse in udienza per esporre le ragioni giuridiche per cui questo referendum non dovrebbe svolgersi. Non ti nascondo una certa inquietudine.

Sto discutendo coi nostri avvocati la linea migliore da tenere davanti alla Corte. Ti confesso che sentiamo forte sulle spalle il peso di questa responsabilità, condivisa con le organizzazioni mobilitate come noi per la dignità della Vita sempre e comunque.

Lorenzo mi dai una mano?

Firma qui la petizione nazionale di Pro Vita & Famiglia contro il progetto di legge sull’Eutanasia e il Suicidio Assistito (clicca qui per firmare): impediamo la strage

Ci sarebbe di enorme aiuto aumentare il numero delle firme di questa petizione prima dell’udienza davanti alla Corte Costituzionale. Sarebbe un modo per farci sapere che ci sostieni e sei con noi, e per far sapere al Parlamento che migliaia di cittadini italiani non vogliono che il Sistema Sanitario Nazionale si trasformi in un Sistema Eutanasico Nazionale.

No all’Eutanasia e al Suicidio Assistito: clicca qui per firmare subito la petizione!

Anche circa l’udienza in Corte Costituzionale ti scriverò tra pochi giorni per darti notizie e aggiornamenti (a proposito: grazie per la pazienza con cui apri e leggi sempre le nostre mail, lo apprezzo davvero molto).

Per ora, posso dirti che abbiamo risposto all’invito che ci fece Giovanni Paolo II di alzarci in piedi quando la Vita umana fosse stata minacciata, come lo è ora.

Noi ci siamo alzati in piedi. Alzati anche tu con noi, firma ora la petizione!

A presto e un caro saluto,

Jacopo Coghe

Jacopo Coghe

Vicepresidente di Pro Vita & Famiglia Onlus

P.S. Durante il grande evento per la Vita di ieri è stato ufficialmente inaugurato il Comitato “Finché c’è Vita” per il No al referendum sull’omicidio del consenziente. Ne facciamo parte anche noi di Pro Vita & Famiglia, insieme ad altri amici.

Qui sotto una foto dei membri con il logo del neonato Comitato. Che ne dici, ti piace?

Sostieni la nascita del Comitato “Finché c’è Vita” per il No al referendum sull’omicidio del consenziente firmando qui la petizione contro l’Eutanasia e il Suicidio Assistito, grazie!

Da sinistra: Aldo Bova, presidente del Forum delle Associazioni Sociosanitarie, Toni Brandi, presidente di Pro Vita & Famiglia, Filippo Maria Boscia, presidente dell’Associazione dei Medici Cattolici Italiani, Maria Rachele Ruiu, membro direttivo di Pro Vita & Famiglia, Jacopo Coghe, vicepresidente di Pro Vita & Famiglia e presidente del Comitato “Finché c’è Vita”

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica