What the fuck is wrong with U


613321 iscritti

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
@Synnek1 CIA IMF 666 priest of satana --> because, you has put your kids on the cold altar of Satan, then you do not care anything, all the world's children, that they are born with a debt: false: scam:of $ 50,000 per capita? perché, hai messo i tuoi figli sul freddo altare di satana: poi, a te non interessa niente che, tutti i bambini del mondo nascano con un debito: falso: truffa: di 50.000 dollari procapite?
Synnek1 2
What the fuck is wrong with U!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 3
Synnek1 4
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 8
king of Saudi Arabia, 666 Rothschild, 322 Bush CIA IMF, Sharia Talmud: 666 322 IMF, aliens abductions, -> who was the goat, Which, he said to you, That you will go to heaven? no! you deserve Hell million times! one man, who knows the banking seigniorage? Besides, he knows everything! all your crimes and murders. Because God wanted a political authority: that is, unius REI, then, that's for sure, God: also, HAS DECIDED to make the massacre That he promised in Psalm 110, That's why, I asked 500 million, of corpses for my wrath ! Because, as you made behind me, to barking like dogs, along with all your accomplices Masons, but then you do not have the courage to face me personally? Because the Constitution says That the people are sovereign, but then you sell us the money at interest (for 270% of its value as said the scientist Giacinto Auriti), to doing slave to birth, all children with a debt per Capita: $ 50.000 each?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 16
one man, who knows the banking seigniorage? Besides, he knows everything! all your crimes and murders: of Sharia Talmud: 666 322 IMF, aliens abductions, etc.. etc. .. because God wanted a political authority: that is, Unius REI, then, that's for sure, God: also, has decided to make the massacre that he promised in Psalm 110, That's why, I asked 500 million, of corpses for my wrath! colui che conosce il signoraggio bancario? poi, lui conosce ogni cosa! tutti i vostri crimini ed omicidi: di sharia, talmud 666 322 FMI, aliens abductions, ecc. ecc.. poiché, Dio ha voluto una autorità politica: cioè, Unius REI, allora, questo è sicuro, Dio ha: anche, deciso, di fare il massacro che, lui ha promesso nel salmo 110
Synnek1 30
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 42
king of Saudi Arabia -> who was the goat, which, he said to you, that you will go to heaven? no! you deserve Hell million times!

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina

@666 Rothscild, 322 Bush CIA IMF --> because, you made come behind me, to barking like dogs, along with all your accomplices Masons, but then you do not have the courage to face me: personally? because the Constitution says that the people are sovereign, but then you sell us the money at interest (for 270% of its value as said the scientist Giacinto Auriti), to doing slave: to birth, all children with a debt per Capita: $ 50,000 each? perché, voi mi venite dietro di me, abbaiando come cani, insieme a tutti i vostri complici massoni, ma, poi, voi non avete il coraggio di affrontami? perché la Costituzione dice che, il popolo: è sovrano, ma poi voi, vendete a noi il denaro ad interesse(per il 270% del suo valore: come ha detto lo scienziato Giacinto Auriti), per far nascere, tutti i bambini, con un debito: pro-capite: di 50.000 dollari a testa?

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina

@CIA IMF IHateNEWLAYOUT --- That your wife know you are a Satanist institutional? ie, AI, aliens and abductions? but, what is the relationship between the CIA and Satanism? and you and your relationship with Satanism? C.S.P.B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, C. S. S. M.L.Crux Sacred Sit Mihi Lux, Holy.N.D.S.M.D. Do not sit mihi dux draco, V.R.S. begone Satan, Get away Satan! N.S.M.V. Not Suade Mihi Vana, S.M.Q.L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas, I.V.B. Ipsa Venena Bibas, Drink your poisons: made by yourself! Amen in Jesus's name

lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina

IHateNEWLAYOUT --- your wife know that you are a Satanist institutional? ie, AI, and aliens abductions?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 ore fa

Greetings! I'm happy for you! but, what is the relationship between the CIA and Satanism? and you and your relationship with Satanism?
IHateNEWLAYOUT 2 ore fa

My girlfriend she is my wife now I got marry 8 week go
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 2 ore fa

IHateNEWLAYOUT --- 1. you wrote that you have girlfriend, not wife! 2. so, you're not a Satanist: or you would not be a Satanist, for to be dedicated to Satan (demndark) your channel, and for have video satanic in it!
IHateNEWLAYOUT 6 ore fa

king of Saudi Arabia
IHateNEWLAYOUT 10 ore fa

My not kick me out my own home she love me so so much she is my life
IHateNEWLAYOUT 10 ore fa

I love my wife and she love me to and my I love my girl old 3 to
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 11 ore fa

@Ihatenewlayiout CIA satanism institutional: international: ie IMF for NWO --> because your daughter is not over, too, on the altar of Satan? that she, not too, killed: for the love of Satan, as were all killed: the sons of synnek1? maybe because your wife kicked you out of the house? So now all the new your children: they all end up on the cold stone of the altar of Satan, anyway? perché tua figlia, non è finita, anche lei, sull'altare di satana? cioè, anche lei, uccisa: per amore di satana, come, sono stati tutti uccisi: i figli di synnek1? forse perché, tua moglie, ti ha cacciato di casa? allora, adesso tutti, i nuovi tuoi figli: finiscono tutti sulla fredda pietra dell'altare di satana: in ogni modo?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 11 ore fa

IhateNewLayout -> how you can be a Satanist, to seek the power of God in your life? lol. Dost thou not think you, that God YHWH is a consistent person? Dost thou not think, that, before trying the power of God, you should seek God, and your friendship with him? while, you have a lot of things, which belong to Satan in your channel mentre, tu hai molte cose, che, appartengono a satana nei tuoi canali. come tu puoi essere un satanista, per cercare la potenza di Dio nella tua vita? lol. non credi tu, che, Dio JHWH è una persona coerente? non credi tu che prima di cercare la potenza di Dio, tu dovresti cercare Dio, e la tua amicizia con lui?
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 11 ore fa

Rothschild 666 IMF: Pharisee occult worshiper of the owl god Baal, Marduck at the Bohemian Grove, a lover of the satanic talmud -> lol. as she began to cry your health? lol. you and all your vicious band of: false democracies Masonic, Sharia, 322 Freemasonry, Masonic and banking system of the banking seigniorage: all of you, the devils incarnate! you have robbed: the sovereignty of all peoples: for their destruction and to the destruction of the hope of Israel! but this: you need to know: "I am, always, however, and in every way: unius REI, for the next 50 years." The King of Israel, the legitimate representative of the Kingdom of God on earth, a metaphysical entity, that you can not bribe: or defeat, because, I have the power to copy, reply, replace: replicate: myself, in all men! I order you: to return: to me, immediately, 1. banking seigniorage, and, 2. all peoples, to start from my Jewish people!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
@Rothschild 666 IMF; fariseo adoratore occulto del dio gufo: Baal, Marduck al Bohemian Grove, cultore del talmud satanico --> lol. come ha incominciato a piangere: la tua salute? lol. tu e tutta la tua banda malvagia: delle false democrazie massoniche, 322 Sharia, massoneria, sistema bancario e massonico, del signoraggio bancario: tutti voi, i demoni incarnati! voi, avete derubato: la sovranità: a tutti i popoli: per la loro distruzione: e per la distruzione della speranza di ISraele! ma, questo: tu devi sapere: "io sarò, sempre, comunque ed in ogni modo: Unius REI, per i prossimi 50 anni!". Il Re di ISraele, il legittimo rappresentate, del Regno di Dio, sulla terra, una entità metafisica, che, tu non puoi corrompere: o sconfiggere, perché io ho il potere di replicare: me stesso: in tutti gli uomini! io ordino a te: di restituire: a me, immediatamente, 1. il signoraggio bancario, 2. tutti i popoli, ad incominciare dal mio popolo ebraico!
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina 11 ore fa

lorenzoAllah Mahdi Palestine has posted a comment 8 hours ago King of Saudi Arabia -> if you think to the consistency: coherence: of the Gospel, and in Consequence, at the coherence of the Church? then. it is true, that "EXSTRA ECCLESIA SALUS NOTHING!" HOWEVER, it was not possible, That Christ the Messiah born in Bethlehem, he was to worsen the situation of before, where Abraham, Moses, Melchizedek, etc.. .. etc.. ... they have saved: Themselves, even without the presence of Christ! Here, Because God has created unius REI: that is, to me, to bring God's mercy: that is, the salvation of the natural law: the moral principle of: fundamental moral law: in the entire history of the human race, after all , this is my main work! but, save Those Who, they were the enemies of the Cross? like you? ok! this is just impossible, even for me!

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica