really? vai a raccontare le tue bugie all'inferno! non c'è pace senza giustizia! tu 322 satanista ladro parassita: tu smetti di rubare la sovranità monetaria a tutti I popoli! " US, UN 'Strongly Support' Israel-Hamas Ceasefire. Kerry calls deal 'an opportunity, not a certainty,' says in next stage 'our eyes are wide open,' UN's Ban urges peace deal.
Iran Hails Hamas 'Victory', Qatar Offers Money. Gaza terror sponsors say the Gaza campaign 'brought Israel to its knees' and paves the way for final defeat of Israel. By AFP and Arutz Sheva. First Publish: 8/27/2014, Qatar's Emir Sheikh Hamad and Mashaal. Two of Hamas's major sponsors and backers, Iran and Qatar, have hailed the ceasefire agreement it reached with Israel Tuesday as a victory for the Gaza terror organization. Iran said Wednesday that Palestinians had emerged the victors and brought their Israeli foe "to its knees" during the 50-day conflict. "The heroic Palestinian people have forged a new era with the victory of the resistance which has brought the Zionist regime to its knees," the foreign ministry said in a statement. "This victory prepares the way for the final liberation of all the occupied lands especially Quds (Jerusalem)," it said, congratulating the Palestinian people and the terror groups in Gaza that Iran supports. Iran used to give Hamas over $20 million per month but scaled back its support two years ago, when Hamas sided publicly with the Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar Assad. Assad enjoys the support of Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah. There has been a recent rapprochment, however, between Hamas and Iran, which continues to actively back the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group. Weapons sent from Iran to Gaza on the Klos C vessel, which was intercepted by Israel, appear to have been meant mostly for the PIJ. Qatar, a key backer of Hamas, hailed the Gaza ceasefire accord and offered to help rebuild the enclave battered by seven weeks of Israeli bombardment. The accord for a long-term ceasefire was thanks "firstly to the resistance and the sacrifices" of the Palestinians, the gas-rich Gulf emirate said in a statement. It said Qatar, which is home to Khaled Meshaal, the exiled chief of the Islamist movement Hamas, was "ready to contribute to the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip as soon as possible". The conflict, which began on July 8 when Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in a bid to stamp out cross-border rocket fire, cost the lives of 2,143 Palestinians and 70 on the Israeli side.
Benjamin Netanyahu -- MALEDETTO BASTARDO NON TI BASTERANNO LE LACRIME PER MALEDIRE IL GIORNO IN CUI TU SEI NATO! ] Gazans Celebrate Hamas 'Victory' With GunfireGaza Ceasefire: What Did Israel Agree to?Blair Welcomes Gaza Ceasefire [ NO! NON C'è UN CESSATE IL FUOCO CHE POTREBBE VALERE, GENOCIDIO PER GENOCIDIO! è INDISPENSABILE RADERE AL SUOLO CON ARMI ATOMICHE TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA E IL MALEDETTO PEDOFILO POLIGAMO FALSO PROFETA MAOMETTO ALL'INFERNO! il genere umano non può sopravvivere a questo nazismo sharia, senza reciprocità, senza libertà di religione, questo è genocidio culto sotto egida ONU! anticristi farisei Merkel Barroso, maledetti criminali, sputo dell'inferno: Politici massoni occidentali hanno tradito la civiltà umanistica, calpestata la civiltà ebraico cristiana, perché, tutti debbano dire: "finalmente, il satanismo è la soluzione a tutti i problemi del mondo!" QUESTI HANNO CONDANNATO ISRAELE, A SACRIFICARE 100 CITTADINI INNOCENTI OGNI ANNO SULL'ALTARE DI MARDUK, COME SACRIFICANO SULL'ALTARE DI 322 KERRY LaVEY 200.000 MARTIRI CRISTIANI DHIMMI DALIT GOYM: NEL MONDO.. PERCHé ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO SATANA A TUTTI è LA MIA USUROCRAZIA: GLI SCHIAVI PAGANO A INTERESSE IL MIO DENARO!
Gazans Celebrate Hamas 'Victory' With GunfireGaza Ceasefire: What Did Israel Agree to?Blair Welcomes Gaza Ceasefire [ NO! NON C'è UN CESSATE IL FUOCO CHE POTREBBE VALERE, GENOCIDIO PER GENOCIDIO! è INDISPENSABILE RADERE AL SUOLO CON ARMI ATOMICHE TUTTA LA LEGA ARABA E IL MALEDETTO PEDOFILO POLIGAMO FALSO PROFETA MAOMETTO ALL'INFERNO! il genere umano non può sopravvivere a questo nazismo sharia, senza reciprocità, senza libertà di religione, questo è genocidio culto sotto egida ONU! anticristi farisei Merkel Barroso, maledetti criminali, sputo dell'inferno: Politici massoni occidentali hanno tradito la civiltà umanistica, calpestata la civiltà ebraico cristiana, perché, tutti debbano dire: "finalmente, il satanismo è la soluzione a tutti i problemi del mondo!" QUESTI HANNO CONDANNATO ISRAELE, A SACRIFICARE 100 CITTADINI INNOCENTI OGNI ANNO SULL'ALTARE DI MARDUK, COME SACRIFICANO SULL'ALTARE DI 322 KERRY LaVEY 200.000 MARTIRI CRISTIANI DHIMMI DALIT GOYM: NEL MONDO.. PERCHé ROTHSCHILD HA DETTO SATANA A TUTTI è LA MIA USUROCRAZIA: GLI SCHIAVI PAGANO A INTERESSE IL MIO DENARO!
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666GiudaicoMassonica19 ore fa
terroristi sono fuori del diritto internazionale, quindi non si può combattere il TERRORISMO: usando il diritto internazionale! ISLAMICI FANNO IL GENOCIDIO ED ORRORI SU ORRORI, PER LORO LA LORO MORTE è UN ATTO DI EROISMO, è VIRTù SUBLIMAZIONE EROICA.. di tutto questo orrore, la Lega Araba E IL SUO MALEDETTO FALSO PROFETA Maometto, è IL RESPONSABILE! ONU OIC SONO RESPONSABILI POLITICAMENTE ED ECONOMICAMENTE ANCHE, PERCHé, NON è UN MISTERO CHE ARABIA SAUDITA HA FINAnZIATO LA GALASSIA JIHADISTI IN SIRIA IRAQ, QUINDI, HA FINANZIATO LA GALASSIA JIHADISTA NEL MONDO! La situazione di GAZA andava affrontata legalmente con la deportazione di tutti i musulmani in Siria! soltanto questo avrebbe rappresentato una sconfitta per il terrorismo che ,è la mafia LEGA ARABA, sharia è un solo terrorismo, peggio del nazismo! ] l ministro del Likud Dice Operazione Gaza era 'For Nothing'. Ministro intelligence Steinitz dice BBC che Israele ha pagato un 'caro prezzo' in funzionamento a 50 giorni contro Hamas, non "significative" guadagni. Con Ari Yashar. 2014/08/27, ministro Yuval Steinitz Intelligenza (Likud) ha parlato in un'intervista il Mercoledì su Operazione di protezione bordo, che ha raggiunto una conclusione un po 'anti-climatiche la sera prima alle 7 di sera, quando è stato firmato un cessate il fuoco tra Israele e l'organizzazione terroristica Hamas. Parlando al programma TV della BBC HARDtalk, Steinitz ha riassunto l'operazione 50 giorni come "per nulla Questo è stato un giro inutile di violenza tra noi ei palestinesi -. Hamas a Gaza - che ha portato solo miseria e sofferenza su entrambi i lati, senza alcuna significativa causare, senza alcun effetto significativo. " Tuttavia Steinitz, uno stretto collaboratore del primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, ha respinto l'affermazione della intervistatore che l'operazione è stata un "fallimento strategico" per Israele, sottolineando che l'obiettivo era quello di proteggere i cittadini di Israele. "Se ora avremo un lungo cessate il fuoco, e se noi non riprendiamo la nostra capacità di deterrenza nei confronti di Hamas e di altre organizzazioni simili, poi abbiamo raggiunto il nostro obiettivo", ha sottolineato il ministro. Tuttavia, egli ha osservato che eventuali vantaggi in termini di sicurezza è venuto ad un "prezzo pesante." "Abbiamo pagato un prezzo molto caro con 70 vittime da parte nostra, con le persone che devono abbandonare le loro case nel sud di Israele, a causa delle sbarramenti quotidiani di razzi e mortai. Questo è un prezzo pesante per uno Stato democratico a pagare," concluso Steinitz. Mentre l'ufficio di Netanyahu ha dichiarato l'operazione di una vittoria, notando che Hamas è stata gravemente danneggiata nello scontro e non ha ricevuto sia le richieste stravaganti, i dettagli dell'accordo di cessate il fuoco hanno sollevato serie critiche in Israele. Autorità Palestinese (PA) capo delegazione Azzam al-Ahmed ha rivelato Martedì notte che Israele ha accettato di allentare i confini di Gaza e consentire anche alcuni beni di costruzione umanitari e immediatamente, così come eliminare le restrizioni sulla zona di pesca. L'accordo spiana inoltre la strada a colloqui in un mese in cui Hamas esigere un mare e l'aeroporto a Gaza, e negoziare uno scambio di centinaia di terroristi per i corpi dei soldati IDF Second Lt. Hadar Goldin e First Sgt. Oron Shaul hy''d, che sono stati uccisi nell'operazione.
Domanda solitario israeliana di Gaza è stata disarmante seccamente respinto l'accordo, mettendo discussioni sulla richiesta a più tardi discussioni in un mese di tempo.
Likud Minister Says Gaza Operation was 'For Nothing'. Intelligence Minister Steinitz tells BBC that Israel paid a 'heavy price' in 50 day operation against Hamas, no 'significant' gains. By Ari Yashar. 8/27/2014, Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) spoke in an interview on Wednesday about Operation Protective Edge, which reached a somewhat anti-climatic conclusion the night before at 7 p.m., when a ceasefire was signed between Israel and the terror organization Hamas. Talking to BBC's HARDtalk TV program, Steinitz summarized the 50 day operation as being "for nothing. This was an unnecessary round of violence between us and the Palestinians - the Hamas in Gaza - that brought only misery and suffering on both sides, without any significant cause, without any significant effect." Nevertheless Steinitz, a close associate of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, rejected the interviewer's assertion that the operation was a "strategic failure" for Israel, noting that the goal was to protect Israel's citizens. "If we now will have a long ceasefire, and if we did resume our deterrence capacity vis-a-vis Hamas and similar organizations, then we achieved our goal," remarked the minister. However, he noted that any possible benefits in terms of security came at a very "heavy price." "We paid a very expensive price with 70 casualties on our side, with people that have to flee their homes in the south of Israel because of the daily barrages of rockets and mortars. This is a heavy price for a democratic state to pay," concluded Steinitz.
While Netanyahu's office has declared the operation a victory, noting that Hamas was seriously damaged in the clash and didn't receive it's extravagant demands, the details of the ceasefire agreement have raised serious criticism in Israel. Palestinian Authority (PA) delegation head Azzam al-Ahmed revealed Tuesday night that Israel agreed to ease the borders on Gaza and allow humanitarian and even some construction goods in immediately, as well as lifting restrictions on the fishing zone. The deal also paves the way for talks in a month in which Hamas will demand a sea and airport in Gaza, and will negotiate a swap of hundreds of terrorists for the bodies of IDF soldiers Second Lt. Hadar Goldin and First Sgt. Oron Shaul hy''d, who were killed in the operation.
Israel's lone demand of disarming Gaza was flatly rejected in the deal, putting discussions on the request off until later discussions in a month's time.
Onu non condannando la sharia, ha sublimato il terrorismo islamico, HA PORTATO HAMAS ALLA VITTORIA! infatti tutta la LEGA ARABA è sempre più diventato un solo nazismo SHARIA, in realtà! Palestinesi hanno ucciso circa: 150 loro cittadini a GAZA, con la accusa calunnia: di essere delle spie di Israele (ASSURDO), ED INVECE, ERANO PALESTINESI LAICI: SOLTANTO, CHE, NON VOLEVANO FARE ED ESSERE I TERRORISTI DI HAMAS, cioè, GLI SCHIAVI CHE, non volevano essere COSTRETTI A COSTRUIRE I TUNNEL DEL TERRORE! Ma, se Onu non condanna la Sharia la guerra mondiale non potrà essere evitata, perché il terrorismo non potrà essere sconfitto! Incendi IDF a Siria dopo Ufficiale è ferito in Golan. Guerra civile siriana in Quneitra sversata in Israele; opposizione conquista villaggio vicino valico di Israele, mortai iniziano fuoco Golan. Condividi su Facebook Condividi su Twitter Condividi su email Condividi su stampa altri servizi di condivisione. Da Orly Harari. Prima pubblicazione: 2014/08/27, 12:18 / Ultimo aggiornamento: 2014/08/27, Battaglie campali tra forze e del presidente siriano Bashar Assad ribelli , nella zona di Quneitra, versato sopra in Israele Mercoledì mattina. Due colpi di mortaio esplosi nel Golan israeliano. Hanno causato nessuna vittima ma danneggiato alcuni veicoli . Poco dopo, un ufficiale dell'IDF era la luce-to-moderatamente ferito da ciò che si crede di essere spari randagio dalla battaglia di Quneitra. IDF artiglieria sparato in una posizione militare siriana in rappresaglia per gli attacchi. Intorno 15:00 è stato riferito che le forze di opposizione sono riusciti a prendere il controllo di Al Rawadi, un villaggio in Siria si trova in prossimità del Quneitra Crossing a Israele. Il feroci combattimenti tra l'esercito e le forze siriane di opposizione era ancora in pieno vigore, riferisce Yedioth Aharonoth. Poco dopo un equipaggio antincendio è stato inviato alla zona Quneitra per affrontare un incendio scoppiato a causa dei colpi di mortaio. Nati Hajaj, portavoce per la divisione Nord Vigili del Fuoco Israele, ha detto a Walla! che solo un equipaggio accompagnati da forze dell'IDF è stato inviato a causa del rischio per la sicurezza. Ulteriori squadre antincendio sono in attesa di IDF permesso di entrare nell'area. "Se il fuoco si diffonde in modo tale da mettere in pericolo le comunità, credo che ci premete l'esercito per portare le forze nella zona. Spero che non avremo bisogno di questo," ha detto Hajaj. Agricoltori sono stati incaricati di lasciare le zone vicino al confine con la Siria, per paura di essere ferito dal fuoco. Inoltre, il parco vulcanico e la Observation Point Emek Quneitra è stato chiuso ai turisti. Gli echi di numerosi expolsions possono essere ascoltati in tutto il Golan come forze ribelli tentativo di strappare Quneitra, ultima roccaforte di Assad nel Golan, lontano da lui. Questa è la seconda offensiva dei ribelli in Quneitra. Hanno già sequestrato più del resto della zona di confine con Israele.
I razzi sono stati sparati contro il Golan israeliano dalla Siria all'inizio di questa settimana. Domenica sera, le sirene suonavano nelle comunità israeliane del Golan, e i resti di cinque razzi sono stati trovati sparsi nella zona la mattina successiva. I razzi non hanno causato vittime e leggermente danneggiato un cavo elettrico.
NESSUN MISTERO: AI NAZI FASCISTI USA UE BILDENBERG MERKEL? NON SONO MAI PIACIUTI I GIORNALISTI INDIPENDENTI! POI AD HOLLYWOOD NATO CIA? L'APPLAUSO NON RIESCE BENE! ] Picchetto presso l'ambasciata ucraina a Mosca a sostegno del fotoreporter russo Stenin. Picchetto presso l'ambasciata ucraina a Mosca a sostegno del fotoreporter russo Stenin. Presso le mura dell'ambasciata dell'Ucraina in Russia c'è stato un picchetto organizzato dall'associazione dei fotografi di Mosca.
Circa una ventina di persone ha preso parte alla manifestazione a sostegno del loro collega, il fotoreporter dell'agenzia di stampa russa Rossiya Segodnya Andrey Stenin, scomparso mentre era al lavoro Ucraina orientale. Dal 5 agosto non è più entrato in contatto con la redazione.
I giornalisti, tra cui fotografi freelancer e dipendenti di Rossiya Segodnya, mostravano cartelli e striscioni con le richieste per liberare il loro collega. Il picchetto è stato sanzionato dalle autorità. Secondo una delle dimostranti, l'ambasciata non ha reagito ad alcuna richiesta.
In Russia, Ucraina, Russia, Mosca, Giornalisti, Ambasciata, Protesta, Scomparsa, Rossiya Segodnya, Andrey Stenin, Attualita'
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primo ministro Binyamin Netanyahu -- 1. Hamas ha vinto, perché ha ricevuto da ONU OIC: un riconoscimento internazionale, quindi, Israele ha perso il diritto di sopravvivere, ed i genocidi islamici: di 1400 anni,sharia ONU, sono stati riconosciuto come uno strumento legittimo di lotta islamica! Quindi, dal maledetto falso: profeta Maometto, al futuro? Islamici ora hanno il diritto di fare il genocidio del genere umano! 2. la situazione dalla occupazione dell'Impero romano ad oggi, è enormemente peggiorata, per gli israeliani, INFATTI, prima i romani erano vivibili e si poteva fare gli zeloti: contro di loro, ma, oggi il tuo sistema massonico Rothschild Gmos Biologia sintetica, DATAGATE, ecc.. LaVey culto, Illuminati farisei Talmud usurocrazia FMI Spa: agenda, cioè il NWO CIA: è completamente invisibile, perché voi politici fare gli attori, voi dire che, bla bla bla, c'è un Governo, ed invece è una menzogna, infatti, c'è soltanto un comitato amministrativo, perché il potere decisionale politico è stato perduto, in tutte le false democrazie massoniche Bildenberg, del signoraggio bancario rubato! INOLTRE, ora, adesso, senza genealogie paterne, anche voi siete i goym, che potete subire ogni olocausto, come infatti, è proprio quello che, deve essere fatto! INFATTI ROTHSCHILD NON DICE CHE SIETE EBREI, LUI VI CHIAMA: "I BASTARDI: LA PUTTANA DELLA MADRE è SICURA, MA, CIRCA IL PADRE NON SI SA!" ED IO LO HO SENTITO!
Israele sostiene 'Victory' operazione seguente Gaza. 'Hamas si fermò sparare e non ha ricevuto alcuna delle cose che richiedeva,' dice l'ufficio del Primo Ministro. Con Gil Ronen. Prima pubblicazione: 2014/08/27, primo ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu partecipa alla riunione settimanale di gabinetto a Gerusalemme. Il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu partecipa alla riunione settimanale di gabinetto in JerusalemReuters
Israele rivendica la vittoria nella guerra di 50 giorni con Hamas, che si è concluso temporaneamente in un cessate il fuoco che è andato in vigore Martedì.
"Siamo stati vittoriosi in fase di negoziazione", ha detto Liran Dan, Direttore della Direzione informazione nazionale presso l'Ufficio del Primo Ministro, in un'intervista a IDF Radio Mercoledì "Il colpo militare che l'IDF ha trattato Hamas -. Più difficili che ha vissuto dal è stata fondata - è stato pesante e significativo Quello che abbiamo visto è che in una campagna prolungata e ben eseguito, Hamas ha subito un colpo militare dura e danni alle matrici più pesantemente costruito è costruito "..
Idan ha detto che Hamas costruito reti di razzi, tunnel di attacco e le forze del terrore negli anni con l'intento di usarle contro Israele, e questi sono stati fracassato dall'IDF. "Dovremmo fare la domanda opposta", ha detto Dan ". Che cosa ha Hamas ottenuto con questa campagna? Si partì con un obiettivo molto chiaro e non raggiungerlo." Hamas voleva porti marittimi e aerei, ha voluto finanziamento concesso a Gaza, voleva il blocco di Gaza sollevò, voleva i terroristi che sono stati rilasciati in accordo Shalit e di recente rilasciato nuovamente arrestato, voleva la Turchia e Qatar a mediare nei negoziati, e ha ricevuto nessuna di queste cose, egli ha osservato. Hamas pensava che il conflitto israelo lo spirito del pubblico si romperebbe dopo combattimenti una settimana, ed è stato dimostrato sbagliato, ha insistito. Dan ha anche osservato che l'ordine di Hamas di battaglia è più grande di quella di tutta la Stato islamico.
Il primo ministro Binyamin Netanyahu non era in possesso di un voto di Gabinetto per la decisione di cessare il fuoco. Ha invocato un parere legale che gli permette di prendere la decisione da solo, senza l'approvazione del Governo. Netanyahu ha preferito non portare la questione al voto perché avrebbe dovuto affrontare l'opposizione dei quattro ministri - Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), Avigdor Liberman e Yitzchak Aharonovich (Yisrael Beytenu) e Gilad Erdan (Likud).
I residenti della cintura di Gaza sono molto infelice circa il cessate il fuoco, ma il generale di brigata Motti Almoz, il portavoce dell'IDF, ha promesso ai residenti che le forze dell'IDF non saranno ritirate dalla cintura di Gaza in qualunque momento presto.
"Siamo presenti in tutto il Belt Gaza tutto il tempo e noi non lasceremo fino a quando vediamo la situazione di stabilizzazione", ha assicurato. "Stiamo facendo questo con un sacco di amore e non c'è alcun argomento o disaccordo con i residenti di la Cintura di Gaza. I residenti hanno sperimentato qualcosa. L'onere della prova è su di noi, e noi capire questo. noi non si muove da lì fino a quando la fiducia viene ripristinato. "Le celebrazioni a Gaza non sono sorprendenti ma non rappresentano i veri sentimenti nella leadership di Hamas nella Striscia di Gaza, ha aggiunto. "Ci vorranno dieci anni per riparare i danni causati a Gaza in questa operazione, ma ha il potenziale per creare una realtà completamente diversa di sicurezza. Il fatto che intere matrici strategiche di Hamas sono crollate è molto chiaro.
Israel Claims 'Victory' Following Gaza Operation. 'Hamas stopped firing and did not receive any of the things it demanded,' says Prime Minister's Office. By Gil Ronen. First Publish: 8/27/2014, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in JerusalemReuters
Israel is claiming victory in the 50-day war with Hamas, which temporarily ended in a ceasefire that went into force Tuesday.
"We were victorious in the negotiation phase," said Liran Dan, Head of the National Information Directorate in the Prime Minister's Office, in an interview with IDF Radio Wednesday. "The military blow that the IDF dealt Hamas – the hardest it has experienced since it was founded – was heavy and meaningful. What we saw is that in a prolonged and well executed campaign, Hamas suffered a harsh military blow and damage to the most heavily constructed arrays it built."
Idan said that Hamas built up networks of rockets, attack tunnels and terror forces over years with the intent of using them against Israel, and these have been smashed by the IDF. "We should ask the opposite question," Dan said. "What has Hamas achieved with this campaign? It set out with a very clear goal and did not achieve it." Hamas wanted sea and air ports, it wanted funding allowed into Gaza, it wanted the blockade of Gaza lifted, it wanted the terrorists who were released in the Schalit deal and recently rearrested released, it wanted Turkey and Qatar to mediate in the negotiations, and received none of these things, he noted. Hamas thought that the Israeli public's spirit would break after one week's fighting, and was proved wrong, he insisted. Dan also noted that Hamas's order of battle is larger than that of the entire Islamic State.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu did not hold a Cabinet vote on the decision to cease fire. He relied on a legal opinion that allows him to make the decision on his own, without Cabinet approval. Netanyahu preferred not to bring the matter to a vote because he would have faced opposition from four ministers – Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), Avigdor Liberman and Yitzchak Aharonovich (Yisrael Beytenu) and Gilad Erdan (Likud).
Residents of the Gaza Belt are very unhappy about the cease fire, but Brigadier General Motti Almoz, the IDF Spokesman, promised the residents that IDF forces will not be withdrawn from the Gaza Belt any time soon.
"We are present around the Gaza Belt all of the time and we will not leave it until we see the situation stabilizing," he assured. "We are doing this with a lot of love and there is no argument or disagreement with the residents of the Gaza Belt. The residents have experienced something. The burden of proof is on us, and we understand this. We will not budge from there until trust is restored." The celebrations in Gaza are not surprising but they do not represent the true feelings in the leadership of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, he added. "It will take ten years to repair the damage caused to Gaza in this operation, but it has the potential to create a completely different security reality. The fact that entire strategic arrays of Hamas have collapsed is very clear.
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666GiudaicoMassonica1 giorno fa
grazie turchi ottomani maledetti sharia ummah NATO ONU CIA OIC: PER califfato ISIS ]
[grazie turchi ottomani maledetti nazi, sharia ummah califfato ISIS genocidio bizantini armeni, martiri di Otranto, genocidio dhimmi ] la vostra maledetta religione ideologia: sterminio genocidio? non è mai cambiata! [[ SE NON MI UCCIIDERAI SUBITO SHARIA? IO TI UCCIDERò CERTAMENTE UMMAH! UNA VOLTA C'ERA HITLER OGGI CHE ERDOGAN! ]] Analisi: 'Pan-islamico' Foreign Policy New turca di PM. L'ex ministro degli esteri Ahmet Davutoglu porta con sé una travagliata eredità politica estera di sostegno per i jihadisti, l'isolamento da ovest. By AFP. Prima pubblicazione: 2014/08/27, 09:54. Nuovo primo ministro turco Ahmet Davutoglu. Nuovo premier della Turchia e il ministro degli esteri uscente Ahmet Davutoglu lascia il suo successore un'eredità travagliata dopo una politica coraggiosa per espandere l'influenza turca in tutta l'ex-impero ottomano lasciato il paese dolorosamente esposto alle crisi Siria e Iraq. I critici accusano Davutoglu di perseguire idee che ha fallito disastrosamente sostenendo i ribelli islamici in Siria, che poi ha continuato a creare lo Stato islamico (IS) gruppo jihadista brutale. Moderati chiedono una ricalibrazione della politica estera turca quando il primo ministro uscente Recep Tayyip Erdogan assume la presidenza il Giovedi di ricucire con l'Occidente e perseguire obiettivi più realistici in Medio Oriente. Eppure questo è lungi dall'essere garantita sotto Erdogan, che ha detto la sua vittoria elettorale non era solo per la Turchia, ma il mondo musulmano da Sarajevo a Islamabad.
"Con questo approccio, la Turchia ha aumentato il suo profilo, ma anche trovata una parte di molti conflitti nella regione", ha detto Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, direttore del German Marshall Fund think-tank di Ankara. L'identità di nuova diplomazia della Turchia è ancora stato rivelato, ma segnala che potrebbe essere il capo del servizio segreto turco Hakan Fidan, un fedelissimo di Erdogan, quasi suggerire una brusca inversione di rotta nella politica. Contegno modesto e sorridente del Davutoglu smentiva la sua reputazione come un ideologo d'acciaio che era l'architetto della politica estera turca per la maggior parte degli ultimi dieci anni. Il suo pensiero è basato sul suo libro del 2001 "Profondità strategica", dove si sostiene che la Turchia dovrebbe abbracciare il suo passato ottomano e utilizzare la sua posizione geo-strategica unica per ripristinare la sua influenza in tutti i Balcani, il Caucaso e il Medio Oriente. Ma i successi iniziali a far valere il potere della Turchia sono stati cancellati dopo la rivolta primavera araba quando le politiche interventiste turchi hanno portato solo più lotte. 'Crazy e irresponsabile'. La Turchia è accusato di armare gruppi radicali che combattono contro il regime siriano, nella speranza che essa avrebbe portato rapidamente presidente Bashar al-Assad. "Incapace di convincere il suo ex alleato Assad ad avviare riforme, la Turchia ha preso la decisione folle e irresponsabile per sostenere - direttamente o indirettamente - i jihadisti", ha detto Bayram Balci del Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Ha detto che le relazioni ambigue della Turchia con i jihadisti hanno contribuito alla loro crescita in Siria e in Iraq. In un enorme imbarazzo personale per Davutoglu, IS militanti stanno tenendo in ostaggio 49 turchi, tra cui diplomatici e bambini, rapiti dal consolato turco a Mosul il 12 giugno I critici hanno espresso sconcerto che, nonostante tali errori, Davutoglu è stato promosso. "Tu, te stesso, ha consegnato gli ostaggi a Is. Hai stampata è nella sua forma attuale", ha detto l'opposizione Party (CHP), leader repubblicano del Popolo Kemal Kilicdaroglu. "E 'incredibile come egli è stato premiato," ha detto. Mentre il mondo assume IS, Ankara è rimasto in silenzio per non mettere in pericolo la vita degli ostaggi, che si ritiene essere tenuti come scudi umani. Un diplomatico occidentale ha detto che era ipotesi irrealistiche di Davutoglu sul potere della Turchia, che ha spinto il paese a diventare una parte del problema. "La Turchia non può perseguire una politica estera ambiziosa nella regione più perché ha così tanti problemi di sicurezza al momento. Può fare solo limitare i danni e cercare di ridurre al minimo le perdite che possono verificarsi dalla crisi alle sue porte", ha detto AFP a condizione di anonimato. Rapporti membro della Turchia con Israele NATO hanno eroso quasi al punto di rottura, sulla scia degli attacchi vesciche di Erdogan sullo stato ebraico. UE, le relazioni degli Stati Uniti inacidito. Nel frattempo, misure repressive periodiche di Erdogan sui social media e le proteste anti-governative hanno inasprito i rapporti con gli Stati Uniti e l'Unione europea.
"Migliorare le relazioni con gli Stati Uniti e l'UE prenderà migliorare la democrazia, la libertà di espressione e di stato di diritto in Turchia", ha detto Unluhisarcikli. Politologo Behlul Ozkan - che ha analizzato gli articoli accademici Davutoglu scritto nel 1990 - lo descrive come "un pan-islamista che usa l'Islam per raggiungere i suoi obiettivi di politica estera".
"Egli (Davutoglu) ritiene che gli Stati nazionali che si sono formate nel 1918 erano artificiali ... Lui vuole tornare indietro nel tempo per un ordine basato su unità islamica", ha detto Ozkan il giornale Taraf.
Eppure, le sue politiche rimangono molto popolare tra gli elettori pie dell'AKP, che provengono Davutoglu per elevare il profilo internazionale del paese. "Davutoglu ha aperto un nuovo capitolo nel modo di pensare la politica estera posizionando la Turchia come un paese del centro" Ibrahim Kalin, uno dei consiglieri di Erdogan, ha scritto nel giornale filogovernativo Sabah. "Egli ha rifiutato di limitare la Turchia solo per l'Oriente o in Occidente."
Analysis: New Turkish PM's 'Pan-Islamic' Foreign Policy. Former foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu brings with him a troubled foreign policy legacy of support for jihadists, isolation from west. By AFP. First Publish: 8/27/2014, 9:54 AM. New Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Turkey's new premier and outgoing foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu leaves his successor a troubled legacy after a bold policy to expand Turkish influence across the ex-Ottoman empire left the country painfully exposed to the Syria and Iraq crises. Critics accuse Davutoglu of pursuing ideas that backfired disastrously by backing Islamic rebels in Syria who then went on to create the brutal Islamic State (IS) jihadist group. Moderates are calling for a recalibration of Turkish foreign policy when outgoing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan takes the presidency on Thursday to mend fences with the West and pursue more realistic goals in the Middle East. Yet this is far from guaranteed under Erdogan, who said his election victory was not just for Turkey but the Muslim world from Sarajevo to Islamabad.
"With this approach, Turkey has increased its profile but also found itself a part of many conflicts in the region," said Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, director at the German Marshall Fund think-tank in Ankara. The identity of Turkey's new top diplomat is yet to be revealed but reports it could be the head of Turkey's secret service Hakan Fidan, an Erdogan loyalist, hardly suggest a sharp about-turn in policy. Davutoglu's unassuming and smiley demeanor belied his reputation as a steely idealogue who was the architect of Turkish foreign policy for most of the past decade. His thinking is based on his 2001 book "Strategic Depth", where he argues that Turkey should embrace its Ottoman past and use its unique geo-strategic position to restore its influence throughout the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East. But initial successes in asserting Turkey's power were cancelled out after the Arab Spring uprising when interventionist Turkish policies only brought more strife. 'Crazy and irresponsible'. Turkey stands accused of arming radical groups fighting against the Syrian regime, in the hope that it would quickly bring down President Bashar al-Assad. "Incapable of convincing its former ally Assad to engage in reforms, Turkey took the crazy and irresponsible decision to support - directly or indirectly - the jihadists," said Bayram Balci of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He said Turkey's ambiguous relations with the jihadists contributed to their growth in Syria and Iraq. In a huge personal embarrassment for Davutoglu, IS militants are now holding 49 Turks hostage, including diplomats and children, abducted from the Turkish consulate in Mosul on June 12. Critics have expressed bewilderment that despite such failures, Davutoglu has been promoted. "You, yourself, handed over the hostages to IS. You have molded IS into its current shape," said the opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu. "It's amazing how he has been rewarded," he said. As the world takes on IS, Ankara has remained silent in order not to endanger the lives of the hostages who are believed to be kept as human shields. A Western diplomat said it was Davutoglu's unrealistic assumptions about Turkey's power that pushed the country to become a part of the problem. "Turkey cannot pursue an ambitious foreign policy in the region anymore because it has so many security concerns right now. It can only do damage control and try to minimise the losses that can occur from the crisis on its doorstep," he told AFP on condition of anonymity. NATO member Turkey's relations with Israel have eroded almost to breaking point, in the wake of Erdogan's blistering attacks on the Jewish state. EU, US relations soured. Meanwhile, Erdogan's periodic clampdowns on social media and anti-government protests have also soured relations with the United States and the European Union.
"Improving relations with the US and the EU will take improving democracy, freedom of expression and rule of law in Turkey," said Unluhisarcikli. Political scientist Behlul Ozkan - who has analysed academic articles Davutoglu penned in the 1990s - describes him as "a pan-Islamist who uses Islam to achieve his foreign policy goals".
"He (Davutoglu) believes that the nation-states that were formed in 1918 were artificial... He wants to go back in time to an order based on Islamic unity," Ozkan told the Taraf newspaper.
Still, his policies remain hugely popular among the AKP's pious voters, who hail Davutoglu for raising the country's international profile. "Davutoglu has opened a new chapter in foreign policy thinking by positioning Turkey as a country of the center" Ibrahim Kalin, one of Erdogan's advisors, wrote in the pro-government Sabah newspaper. "He has refused to confine Turkey just to the East or to the West."
[grazie turchi ottomani maledetti sharia ummah califfato ISIS ]
[grazie turchi ottomani maledetti nazi, sharia ummah califfato ISIS genocidio bizantini armeni, martiri di Otranto, genocidio dhimmi ] la vostra maledetta religione ideologia: sterminio genocidio? non è mai cambiata!
Operation Protective Edge: Egyptian FM announces ceasefire. 6 Aug 2014
On Tuesday evening, August 26, the Egyptian Foreign Minister announced a ceasefire, which entered into effect at 7 pm. Israel has agreed to Egyptian proposal for ceasefire that will be unlimited in time. Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, 4,450 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza - over 900 since the violation of the ceasefire on August 19 - killing six civilians. What did the IDF accomplish in Gaza?
What did the IDF accomplish in Gaza? August 26
A rocket hit an Ashkelon home Tuesday morning, wounding over 20 people, including six young children.Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. In the afternoon, a rocket exploded in the playground of a kindergarten in Ashdod.
Shortly before 6:00 pm, Ze'ev Etzion, 55, and Shahar Melamed, 43, of Kibbutz Nirim were killed and four wounded in a mortar attack on the Eshkol region. On Tuesday evening, the Egyptian Foreign Minister announced a ceasefire, which entered into effect at 7 pm. Until then, rocket alerts sounded throughout Israel's south. Hamas claimed responsibility for a rocket fired towards Tel Aviv. Ashkelon home hit by rocket from Gaza
Ashkelon home hit by rocket from Gaza, August 26
Rocket explodes in playground of kindergarten in Ashdod
Playground in Ashdod, Photo: Courtesy United Hatzolah
August 25
Again, over 100 rockets were fired at Israeli cities and communities in the south and the Tel Aviv area. Two rockets fired from Lebanon at northern Israel.
August 24
A total of 135 rockets were fired at Israel in the course of the day - over 600 since the violation of the ceasefire on August 19. A rocket launched towards Jerusalem was intercepted.
Three Israeli-Arab taxi drivers waiting to pick up Gazan residents and bring them into Israel for medical treatment were wounded - two seriously - by mortar shells fired at the Erez Crossing as Palestinians from Gaza were entering Israel for medical care, forcing the closing of the crossing. Soldiers evacuated the wounded as mortars continued to fall on the crossing specifically designated for the passage of Palestinians in need of medical and humanitarian assistance.
Overnight, a rocket fired from Lebanon hit a building in the Upper Galilee, injuring two children with shrapnel. Later five rockets fired from Syria, exploding in the Golan Heights.
August 22
6:30 pm - A 4-year-old boy, Daniel Tragerman, was killed in a direct mortar hit outside his home in a kibbutz in the Sha'ar Hanegev area.
IDF Spokesperson: The mortar was launched near the Jafar Ali Ibn Taleb school in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City. The school is currently serving as a shelter for displaced residents of Gaza.
A total of nine civilians were wounded - one critically - in rocket attacks, including a direct hit on an Ashdod synagogue, a Sderot home, near a preschool in Beersheba, and in the Ashdod area.
Daniel Tragerman
4-year-old Daniel Tragerman killed by mortar fire
Ashdod synagogue damaged by rocket
Copyright: Magen David Adom
August 21
In a rocket barrage directed at a kibbutz in the Eshkol Regional Council, one man suffered serious chest wounds when a rocket exploded in a building that houses 3-year-old children. He had come to celebrate his son's third birthday, and shielded the children with his body.
Israel targeted senior Hamas commanders in Gaza.
August 20
Rocket fire directed at cities and communities in southern Israel continues since 6 am. In the early evening, a rocket was also intercepted over Tel Aviv. According to the IDF Spokesperson, more than 200 rockets have been fired at Israel since Tuesday afternoon.
August 19
At about 3:30 pm, three rockets fired from Gaza hit Beersheva and Netivot, violating the ceasefire.
The rocket fire on Israel today was a gross violation of the ceasefire. This is the eleventh ceasefire that Hamas has either rejected or violated.
Following the renewed rocket fire, the IDF struck terrorist targets in Gaza.
Israel will not negotiate under fire; the Cairo talks were premised on the cessation of all hostilities. The Israeli negotiating team has been called back from Cairo as a result of today's rocket fire.
Rockets struck throughout southern Israel, including a shopping center in the Ashkelon coast region, as well as in Tel Aviv and, shortly before midnight, the Jerusalem area. A total of 50 rockets were fired from Gaza during the day.
August 18
PM Netanyahu: "The Israeli team in Cairo has been instructed to insist on Israel's security needs and the IDF is prepared for very strong action if fire is resumed."
DM Yaalon: "Operation Protective Edge is not over. As we promised, we will not stop until we bring quiet and security. We are prepared for the results of the discussions in Cairo whether it brings quiet or if someone tries to challenge us with escalation."
August 17
PM Netanyahu at Cabinet meeting: "From the first day, the Israeli delegation to Cairo has worked under clear instructions: Insist on the security needs of the State of Israel. Only if there is a clear response to our security needs will we agree to reach understandings... If Hamas thinks that it can cover up its military loss with a diplomatic achievement, it is mistaken. If Hamas thinks that continued sporadic firing will cause us to make concessions, it is mistaken."
August 14
Despite the firing of eight rockets towards the end of the 72-hour ceasefire at midnight on Wednesday, 13 August, the ceasefire has been extended for five days, until midnight on Monday, 18 August.
August 11
The Kerem Shalom Crossing, closed on Sunday due to rocket fire, was reopened.
August 10
Since the end of the ceasefire (8:01 on Friday, August 8), Hamas has fired over 130 rockets at Israel.
At 12:30pm a barrage of rockets struck inside the Kerem Shalom Crossing through which humanitarian supplies are transfered from Israel to Gaza, forcing its temporary closure until workers can safely operate in the area, and preventing 280 trucks of humanitarian aid, including food and medical supplies, from reaching the people of Gaza.
PM Netanyahu to Cabinet: "Operation Protective Edge is continuing. At no stage did we declare its conclusion. The operation will continue until its goal is met - the restoration of quiet for a long period... Israel will not negotiate under fire and Israel will continue to take all action in order to change the current reality and bring quiet to all of its citizens..."
PM Netanyahu to Pres Rivlin: "We said at the start of the operation that Israel would not negotiate under fire and we have proven that we stand behind these words. Since Hamas violated the ceasefire on Friday, the IDF has struck it very hard. We are determined to achieve the goal of Operation Protective Edge - the restoration of quiet for the residents of Israel for a lengthy period while striking significantly at the terrorist organizations. I said at the beginning of the operation: We will achieve this either militarily or diplomatically, or by a combination of both."
An Egyptian-brokered 72-hour ceasefire came into effect at midnight on Sunday, after Israel said it would not negotiate in Cairo unless the rockets stopped. Minutes before the declared ceasefire, rockets were fired at Beersheba and Tel Aviv, following a day of rocket fire directed at Israel's south.
August 8
Israel agreed to Egypt's call to extend the 72-hour ceasefire. Shortly after 4 am, with the ceasefire still in effect, two rockets struck in open areas near the Eshkol Regional Council.
At 8:01, two rockets were fired towards Ashkelon, marking the renewal of rocket fire from Gaza, as Hamas refused to extend the 72-hour ceasefire.
By 10 am, over 18 rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel: 2 were intercepted over Ashkelon, 14 hit open areas and 2 landed in Gaza. At 10:30 rockets were fired at Sderot.
After 2.5 hours of rocket fire from Gaza, PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon ordered the IDF to respond with force.
Rocket fire since August 8, 2014
Copyright: ITIC
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, IDF Spokesman: "The renewed rocket attacks by terrorists at Israel are unacceptable, intolerable and shortsighted. Hamas' bad decision to breach the ceasefire will be pursued by the IDF, we will continue to strike Hamas, its infrastructure, its operatives and restore security for the State of Israel."
Two people were wounded in Shaar Hanegev when a rocket exploded near a residential building. A home in Sderot was also struck by a rocket. A total of 61 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza, 13 of them exploding inside Gaza.
August 7
The 72-hour ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is holding as it enters its third day, with no rockets being fired at Israel. All IDF forces have moved out of the Gaza Strip.
During the 29 days of fighting, the IDF forces dealt a significant blow to the terrorist infrastructures of Hamas, the PIJ and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Thirty-two known tunnels used for terrorist purposes were destroyed. During the operation 4,762 terrorist targets were attacked from the air.
A total of 64 IDF soldiers and three civilians were killed in Operation Protective Edge, and about 450 soldiers and 80 civilians were wounded.
August 5
MFA Spokesperson: "Israel has notified Egypt that it has agreed to their ceasefire proposal." The 72-hour ceasefire went into effect at 8:00 AM.
IDF Spokesperson: All ground troops will have pulled out of the Gaza Strip by the start of the ceasefire. The IDF will maintain defensive positions near the Gaza border. Israel completed the destruction of 32 cross-border tunnels.
In the last hour before the ceasefire, rocket barrages are fired at Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Rishon Lezion, Gush Etzion, Bethlehem and Maale Adumim, east of Jerusalem.
An M-75 rocket fired from Gaza in the minutes before the ceasefire took effect landed near a mosque, striking a home in Beit Sahour, located between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
August 4
Israel authorized a humanitarian window to take place in the Gaza Strip from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The IDF will continue to neutralize the Hamas tunnel network and will respond to any attempt to harm Israeli civilians or IDF soldiers.
August 3
IDF Spokesperson: On the evening of Monday, July 28, IDF forces operating in the area of the Karni Crossing engaged terrorists emerging from a terror tunnel inside Israeli territory. Five soldiers were killed. During the operational activity to neutralize the tunnel, IDF forces found a wide array of weaponry, including rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, explosives, launchers, and AK-47 assault rifles. In addition, three motorcycles were found, ready for use, facing the opening of the tunnel into Israeli territory, intended for use in a complex terror attack on Israeli residential communities in close proximity to the Gaza border. (See video below)
Weapons found inside a Hamas tunnel
Motorcycles found inside a Hamas tunnel
Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
August 2
At 11:30 pm, a special committee led by the IDF Chief Rabbi announced the death of Lt. Hadar Goldin, 23, an infantry officer in the Givati Brigade who was killed in battle in the Gaza Strip on Friday.
Over the past 24 hours, the IDF struck 200 terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including tunnels, weapon manufacturing and storage facilities, and command and control centers. Among the targets was a Hamas military wing facility that was used for research and development of weapon manufacturing located within the Islamic University. In addition, weapon caches and Hamas command and training facilities concealed within five Gazan mosques were targeted. IAF aircraft targeted the launcher used to fire at the Tel Aviv area earlier this morning.
Palestinian terrorists fired 11 mortars from the vicinity of an UNRWA school in ZeitounPalestinian terrorists fired 11 mortars from the vicinity of an UNRWA school in Zeitoun, Gaza
August 1
Hamas fired at IDF forces in southern Gaza at 9:30 this morning in violation of the humanitarian ceasefire. IDF soldier suspected kidnapped. Extensive search underway.
Two IDF soldiers were killed in the suspected kidnapping of 2nd-Lt. Hadar Goldin in Rafah.
IDF statement
PM Netanyahu speaks with US Secretary Kerry
Once again, Hamas and the terror organizations in Gaza have violated the ceasefire to which they committed themselves to the UN Secretary-General and US Secretary of State Kerry.
UN special envoy Robert Serry issues statement: He was informed by Israel of "a serious incident this morning" during the truce involving "a tunnel behind IDF lines in the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip." If confirmed, "this would constitute a serious violation of the humanitarian ceasefire in place since 8 am this morning by Gazan militant factions, which should be condemned in the strongest terms."
White House press calls the reported kidnapping of an IDF soldier by Hamas a "barbaric violation of ceasefire agreement" negotiated by the United States and United Nations.
US President Obama: "I have - unequivocally condemned Hamas and the Palestinian factions that were responsible for killing two Israeli soldiers and abducting a third almost minutes after a ceasefire had been announced...
I have been very clear throughout this crisis that Israel has a right to defend itself. No country can tolerate missiles raining down on its cities and people having to rush to bomb shelters every twenty minutes or half hour. No country can or would tolerate tunnels being dug under their land that can be used to launch terrorist attacks...
It's going to be very hard to put a ceasefire back together again if Israelis and the international community can't feel confident that Hamas can follow through on a ceasefire commitment. And it's not particularly relevant whether a particular leader in Hamas ordered this abduction, the point is that when they sign onto a ceasefire, they're claiming to speak for all the Palestinian factions. If they don't have control of them and just moments after a ceasefire's signed you have Israeli soldiers being killed and captured, then it's hard for the Israelis to feel confident that a ceasefire can actually be honored. "
US Secretary Kerry: "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today's attack, which led to the killing of two Israeli soldiers and the apparent abduction of another. It was an outrageous violation of the cease-fire negotiated over the past several days, and of the assurances given to the United States and the United Nations. Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier... The international community must now redouble its efforts to end the tunnel and rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israel and the suffering and loss of civilian life."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: "The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning. He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments... Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas' assurances to the United Nations. The Secretary-General demands the immediate and unconditional release of the captured soldier."1:00am: Israel accepts humanitarian ceasefire
In accordance with the authority granted by the Security Cabinet to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense, Israel has accepted the UN/US proposal for a 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire beginning 8:00 am Friday, 1 August 2014.
Joint statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State John Kerry on humanitarian ceasefire
7:00-8:00am: Barrage of rocket fire at southern Israel.
10:00am: Despite ceasefire, rockets fired at Gaza periphery, including the Kerem Shalom Crossing for humanitarian aid to Gaza, which was closed due to rocket fire.
July 31
Five IDF soldiers were killed by mortar fire from Gaza near the Gaza border.
IDF soldiers detonated the route of an offensive tunnel in the Gaza Strip. They also uncovered several additional tunnel access points. IAF aircraft targeted a squad of over 5 terrorists planting an explosive device in the southern Gaza Strip. IAF aircraft targeted 40 terror activity sites across the Gaza Strip, among them a tunnel used for terror activity and a weapons manufacturing facility.
Map of rocket launches from Gaza.
July 30
Three IDF soldiers were killed while uncovering an offensive tunnel shaft in a residence in the southern Gaza Strip. The house and the tunnel were booby-trapped with explosive devices that were detonated against the soldiers.
The IDF authorized a temporary humanitarian window in the Gaza Strip today between 15:00-19:00, which did not apply to the areas in which IDF soldiers were operating. During these four hours, 26 rockets were fired at Israel, two of which were intercepted over Ashkelon and Netivot.
In the past 24 hours, IDF infantry and engineering forces detonated three tunnel routes in the Gaza Strip. Since midnight, the IDF targeted over 75 terror sites in Gaza. Overnight, the IAF targeted five mosques which were utilized for terror purposes, such as concealing weapons and housing tunnel access shafts.
The Hamas terror tunnels
July 29
Overnight, the IDF targeted over 70 terror sites throughout the Gaza Strip, including two sites used as Hamas command and control centers, four weapon storage sites concealed within mosques, a concealed rocket launcher near a mosque and an offensive tunnel.
In the early hours of the morning, infrastructure of the treasury wing of Hamas used to fund and manage Hamas' terror activities was targeted in Gaza City.
The IDF also targeted the Al-Aqsa broadcastingstation used to incite Palestinians against Israel, to transmit orders and messages to Hamas terrorists, and to instruct Gaza residents to ignore IDF warnings regarding upcoming military activity in specific areas.
8:00pm: UNRWA announced it has found another rocket arsenal at one of its schools in the central Gaza Strip.
Where do Gaza terrorists hide their weapons?
July 28
Despite requested humanitarian ceasefire, one rocket was fired at Ashkelon (7:30am) and six at communities near the border with the Gaza Strip (2pm). The IDF returned fire at rocket launchers.
Four IDF soldiers were killed and six wounded in a mortar attack on an army staging area in the Eshkol regional council, near the Gaza Strip. Hamas claims responsibility for the attack.
IDF thwarted attempt by terrorists from Gaza to infiltrate Israel near Kibbutz Nahal Oz. A squad of Hamas terrorists emerged from a tunnel 150 meters inside Israel and opened fire on an an army position, killing five soldiers. The soldiers in the lookout tower opened fire, killing at least one of the terrorists, who failed to carry out a planned abduction.
IDF denies involvement in the blast at Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip on Monday afternoon: "Al-Shifa Hospital and Al-Shati Refugee Camp were struck by failed rocket attacks launched by Gaza terrorists."
News report: The Hamas Fajr-5 rocket aimed at central Israel which was fired from a playground outside Shifa Hospital and exploded on the site causing casualties, had at least a 100 kg (220 lbs) warhead. IDF places responsibility on Islamic Jihad.
Gaza terrorists fire rockets and hit their own civilians
July 27
Despite Hamas' fire, Israel decided to extend the humanitarian ceasefire a second time, until midnight Sunday night (27 July). In face of the continued Hamas fire at Israeli cities and civilians, the IDF resumed aerial, naval and ground activity in Gaza at 10:00 am. Hamas then asked for a ceasefire which it itself continued to violate by continuing to fire rockets at Israeli cities.
July 26
IDF Spokesman: "From 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, there will be a humanitarian window in Gaza. During this time, operational activities to locate and neutralize terror tunnels will continue. The IDF will respond if terrorists exploit the lull to fire at Israeli soldiers or civilians."
Israel respected the UN-requested humanitarian ceasefire from 8 am to 8 pm and was ready to prolong it, but a few minutes after 8 pm Hamas resumed the rocket barrage at Israel's cities.
July 25
At noon on Friday, terrorists fired mortars and anti-tank missiles from near an UNRWA school in Gaza, killing an IDF soldier. Another soldier was killed Friday morning during fighting in the northern Gaza Strip.
IDF destroys rocket launchers ready for firing near two schools and a mosque in the Gaza Strip.
July 23
A Thai agricultural worker was killed by a mortar fired from Gaza while working in a greenhouse in one of the Israeli communities in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.
Hamas terrorists have turned Wafa Hospital in Gaza into a command center and a rocket-launching site. The IDF is targeting specific sites and terrorists within the grounds of the hospital, from which Hamas continues to fire at our forces. The IDF repeatedly conveyed warnings to the hospital staff and urged civilians to leave the area in advance. Hamas is telling them to stay.
IDF Spokesman Peter Lerner: "Hamas terrorists have been intentionally abusing the hospital and other international protected symbols to indiscriminately attack Israel and its civilians. The IDF is determined in preventing the ongoing aggression by Hamas that is directed by a strategy of exploitation and abuse of the civilian population and its wellbeing."
Three Paratroopers were killed in Gaza.
Wafa Hospital - Hamas fires rockets at Israel from her.
July 21: Terror infiltration from northern Gaza
Four IDF soldiers were killed early in the morning by a rocket-propelled grenade, fired by Hamas gunmen who emerged from a tunnel dug from Gaza into Israel near Kibbutz Nir Am. The Hamas cell, clad in IDF uniforms, emerged from the tunnel, and waited for an approaching IDF jeep before opening fire, killing the IDF officer and the three soldiers in the vehicle.
Five more were killed fighting terrorists in Gaza.
The tunnel infiltration involved two groups of Hamas gunmen. The second cell emerged near Erez, on Israeli territory. Surveillance soldiers spotted the infiltrators and summoned an aircraft to the area. The aircraft opened fire, killing the gunmen.
July 20: 13 Israeli soldiers of the Golani Brigade were killed overnight in the course of the IDF operation in Gaza.
In the first incident, terrorists detonated an explosive device on an armored vehicle, causing the death of seven soldiers.
In the second attack, terrorists opened fire at two IDF soldiers in the northern Gaza Strip, killing one. Later, IDF soldiers were attacked by a terrorist squad in northern Gaza, leading to the death of two soldiers. Lastly, three IDF soldiers lost their lives when they became trapped in a burning building.
Israel agrees to humanitarian window
Israel agreed to the Red Cross request for a humanitarian window in Sejaiya and will hold fire there from 13:30-15:30. Since July 8, Hamas has fired over 140 rockets at Israel from Sejaiya, and 10 tunnel openings have been uncovered.
IDF: Although we agreed to the Red Cross' request to extend the a ceasefire in Sejaiya until 17:30, Hamas has not stopped shooting from Sejaiya and opened fire from near Wafa Hospital.
Israel opened a field hospital on the Israeli side of the Erez Crossing for Palestinians in Gaza.
July 19: Terror infiltration from central Gaza
Two IDF soldiers were killed when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory through a tunnel from the central Gaza Strip and ambushed a military vehicle patrolling on the Israeli side of the border.
Items found after the attack, including handcuffs and bottles containing sedatives, indicate that Hamas planned to kill and kidnap soldiers and/or civilians and take them back to Gaza.
The IDF has uncovered 13 tunnels and over 30 tunnel entrances.
July 17: Terror tunnel
Early Thursday morning (July 17), just a few hours before the start of a humanitarian ceasefire, IDF forces thwarted an attack by Hamas terrorists who attempted to infiltrate Israel via a terror tunnel, preventing the terrorists from attacking an Israeli kibbutz.
"Humanitarian window"
Following requests by representatives of the UN and other international organizations on Wednesday evening (July 16, 2014), the IDF has declared a "humanitarian window" in Gaza on Thursday, 17 July between 10:00-15:00. The purpose of the humanitarian window is to allow the civilian population in Gaza to get needed supplies such as food and medications. During this time the IDF will not initiate military actions in Gaza, but will respond in case Israel is attacked.
July 15: Egyptian ceasefire proposal
Israel accepted an earlier Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire to begin on Tuesday morning, 15 July 2014, at 09:00. This proposal was rejected by Hamas.
PM Netanyahu: "If Hamas rejects the Egyptian proposal, and the rocket fire from Gaza does not cease, and that appears to be the case now, we are prepared to continue and intensify our operation to protect our people. For this we have kept full support from the responsible members of the international community."
IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner: "In according with the government directives, the IDF now holds fire. We remain alert and preserve high preparedness levels, both defensive and offensive. If the Hamas terror organization will fire at Israel, we shall respond."
Five hours later, following the continuation of rocket fire from Gaza, PM Netanyahu said: "Hamas's rejection of the cease fire gives Israel full legitimacy to expand the operation to protect our people."
At 3pm the IDF Spokesperson announced: "After six hours of unilateral attacks by Hamas, the IDF has resumed operational activity in the Gaza Strip. Since 9am Tuesday, about 50 rockets were fired at Israel." The IDF struck at Hamas tunnels, 20 concealed rocket launchers, weapons storage facilities and other operational infrastructure.
July 14
During the course of the day, at keast 115 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 92 rockets struck Israel and 15 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
July 13
During the course of the day, at least 102 rockets struck Israel and 22 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
Shortly after 6 am, Code Red sirens sounded across central and southern Israel: Rehovot, Rishon LeZion, Modi'in, Ashdod, Lod, Ashkelon, Ramle, and Ben Gurion Airport. Later, a 16-year-old boy was seriously wounded and a 50-year-old man was lightly injured by a rocket blast in Ashkelon.
July 12
During the course of the day, at least 129 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 117 rockets struck Israel and 9 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
July 11
During the course of the day, more than 140 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 107 rockets struck Israel and 27 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
July 10
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired 192 rockets at Israel on Thursday, July 10. 141 of them hit Israel, and an additional 44 were intercepted by Iron Dome.
July 8 - IDF commences Operation Protective Edge against Hamas
Since June 12, southern Israel has been the target of ever-increasing rocket and other terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip, aimed deliberately at civilian targets.
Cabinet approves ground operation - July 17. PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon (17 July 2014) instructed the IDF to commence ground action to strike at the terrorist tunnels from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory.
The cabinet approved the ground operation after Israel agreed to the Egyptian cease-fire proposal and Hamas rejected it and continued to fire rockets on Israel's cities. Hamas also violated the UN-requested humanitarian cease-fire by continuing to fire on Israel.
Israel will defend its citizens in response to Hamas's unceasing aggression and infiltrations into Israeli territory, as it did Thursday morning when Hamas terrorists crossed into Israel via one of the tunnels with the goal of carrying out a mass casualty attack against Israeli civilians.
Operation Protective Edge will continue until its goals are reached - restoring sustained peace and quiet to the citizens of Israel, while striking hard at the terrorist infrastructure of Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza.
Israel is doing everything it can to avoid civilian casualties. By contrast, Hamas is using Palestinian civilians as human shields and is responsible for any harm that comes to them. To give but one example, the UN announced today that Hamas had hidden rockets in an UNRWA school in Gaza.
The international community has recognized that Israel has made significant efforts to restore peace and quiet and that it has the right to defend itself.
* * * The expanding rocket threat. Daily distribution of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge. Source: ITIC. Note: Rocket hits inside Israeli territory, not including the massive mortar shell fire into the western Negev or rocket launches that failed. Some of the rockets fired from Gaza have fallen within the Gaza Strip.
Hamas fires from civilian areas... and hits its own people. Hamas hits its own people. A rocket fired from Gaza fell short and exploded at the UNRWA warehouses causing a massive fire. On Sunday, July 13, a rocket fired from Gaza hit electricity infrastructure in Israel that supplied power to Gaza, cutting power to about 70,000 people in Gaza.
On July 16, two out of the ten high-power lines that Israel uses to provide electricity to Gaza were again hit by Hamas rockets. The Israeli Electricity Corporation (IEC), which provides power to Gaza, will not be able to repair the two lines due to the immediate threat to the lives of its technicians when doing repairs in open areas subject to frequent rocket attacks.
Gaza terrorists fire rockets and hit their own civilians. Background ] Since the beginning of the year, until the launching of Operation Protective Edge, Gaza terrorists fired more than 450 rockets towards Israeli citizens. The attacks sent thousands running into bomb shelters, threatening millions of Israeli lives. In order to restore quiet to the region and stop Hamas terrorism, the IDF has commenced Operation Protective Edge. Since Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, Hamas has continued to arm itself with vast amounts of weaponry and is currently in possession of 10,000 rockets. Hamas deliberately and systematically exploits Palestinians and uses them as human shields when firing at Israel. With the increased range of rockets, some 6 million Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks. No nation would accept this reality. Although Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense system stops some of the attacks, most rockets are capable of reaching Israel's biggest cities. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Many have only 15 seconds.
Monday, June 30 saw a sharp escalation in rocket fire, with the intensification in attacks beginning in the morning, prior to the discovery of the boys' bodies. That day, Hamas itself fired rockets.
These rockets have injured Israelis, damaged cars, homes and property. On Thursday morning (3 July) a rocket hit a nursery school and rockets burned two factories in Sderot to the ground (28 June).
In addition to the rocket attacks, Palestinians have carried out cross-border attacks from Gaza. A terrorist armed with a grenade infiltrated an Israeli village (22 June) and Israeli forces were attacked on 28 and 29 June.
Hamas controls the Gaza Strip since 2007 and bears responsibility for the rocket attacks.
Operation Protective Edge: Egyptian FM announces ceasefire. 6 Aug 2014
On Tuesday evening, August 26, the Egyptian Foreign Minister announced a ceasefire, which entered into effect at 7 pm. Israel has agreed to Egyptian proposal for ceasefire that will be unlimited in time. Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, 4,450 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza - over 900 since the violation of the ceasefire on August 19 - killing six civilians. What did the IDF accomplish in Gaza?
What did the IDF accomplish in Gaza? August 26
A rocket hit an Ashkelon home Tuesday morning, wounding over 20 people, including six young children.Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. In the afternoon, a rocket exploded in the playground of a kindergarten in Ashdod.
Shortly before 6:00 pm, Ze'ev Etzion, 55, and Shahar Melamed, 43, of Kibbutz Nirim were killed and four wounded in a mortar attack on the Eshkol region. On Tuesday evening, the Egyptian Foreign Minister announced a ceasefire, which entered into effect at 7 pm. Until then, rocket alerts sounded throughout Israel's south. Hamas claimed responsibility for a rocket fired towards Tel Aviv. Ashkelon home hit by rocket from Gaza
Ashkelon home hit by rocket from Gaza, August 26
Rocket explodes in playground of kindergarten in Ashdod
Playground in Ashdod, Photo: Courtesy United Hatzolah
August 25
Again, over 100 rockets were fired at Israeli cities and communities in the south and the Tel Aviv area. Two rockets fired from Lebanon at northern Israel.
August 24
A total of 135 rockets were fired at Israel in the course of the day - over 600 since the violation of the ceasefire on August 19. A rocket launched towards Jerusalem was intercepted.
Three Israeli-Arab taxi drivers waiting to pick up Gazan residents and bring them into Israel for medical treatment were wounded - two seriously - by mortar shells fired at the Erez Crossing as Palestinians from Gaza were entering Israel for medical care, forcing the closing of the crossing. Soldiers evacuated the wounded as mortars continued to fall on the crossing specifically designated for the passage of Palestinians in need of medical and humanitarian assistance.
Overnight, a rocket fired from Lebanon hit a building in the Upper Galilee, injuring two children with shrapnel. Later five rockets fired from Syria, exploding in the Golan Heights.
August 22
6:30 pm - A 4-year-old boy, Daniel Tragerman, was killed in a direct mortar hit outside his home in a kibbutz in the Sha'ar Hanegev area.
IDF Spokesperson: The mortar was launched near the Jafar Ali Ibn Taleb school in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City. The school is currently serving as a shelter for displaced residents of Gaza.
A total of nine civilians were wounded - one critically - in rocket attacks, including a direct hit on an Ashdod synagogue, a Sderot home, near a preschool in Beersheba, and in the Ashdod area.
Daniel Tragerman
4-year-old Daniel Tragerman killed by mortar fire
Ashdod synagogue damaged by rocket
Copyright: Magen David Adom
August 21
In a rocket barrage directed at a kibbutz in the Eshkol Regional Council, one man suffered serious chest wounds when a rocket exploded in a building that houses 3-year-old children. He had come to celebrate his son's third birthday, and shielded the children with his body.
Israel targeted senior Hamas commanders in Gaza.
August 20
Rocket fire directed at cities and communities in southern Israel continues since 6 am. In the early evening, a rocket was also intercepted over Tel Aviv. According to the IDF Spokesperson, more than 200 rockets have been fired at Israel since Tuesday afternoon.
August 19
At about 3:30 pm, three rockets fired from Gaza hit Beersheva and Netivot, violating the ceasefire.
The rocket fire on Israel today was a gross violation of the ceasefire. This is the eleventh ceasefire that Hamas has either rejected or violated.
Following the renewed rocket fire, the IDF struck terrorist targets in Gaza.
Israel will not negotiate under fire; the Cairo talks were premised on the cessation of all hostilities. The Israeli negotiating team has been called back from Cairo as a result of today's rocket fire.
Rockets struck throughout southern Israel, including a shopping center in the Ashkelon coast region, as well as in Tel Aviv and, shortly before midnight, the Jerusalem area. A total of 50 rockets were fired from Gaza during the day.
August 18
PM Netanyahu: "The Israeli team in Cairo has been instructed to insist on Israel's security needs and the IDF is prepared for very strong action if fire is resumed."
DM Yaalon: "Operation Protective Edge is not over. As we promised, we will not stop until we bring quiet and security. We are prepared for the results of the discussions in Cairo whether it brings quiet or if someone tries to challenge us with escalation."
August 17
PM Netanyahu at Cabinet meeting: "From the first day, the Israeli delegation to Cairo has worked under clear instructions: Insist on the security needs of the State of Israel. Only if there is a clear response to our security needs will we agree to reach understandings... If Hamas thinks that it can cover up its military loss with a diplomatic achievement, it is mistaken. If Hamas thinks that continued sporadic firing will cause us to make concessions, it is mistaken."
August 14
Despite the firing of eight rockets towards the end of the 72-hour ceasefire at midnight on Wednesday, 13 August, the ceasefire has been extended for five days, until midnight on Monday, 18 August.
August 11
The Kerem Shalom Crossing, closed on Sunday due to rocket fire, was reopened.
August 10
Since the end of the ceasefire (8:01 on Friday, August 8), Hamas has fired over 130 rockets at Israel.
At 12:30pm a barrage of rockets struck inside the Kerem Shalom Crossing through which humanitarian supplies are transfered from Israel to Gaza, forcing its temporary closure until workers can safely operate in the area, and preventing 280 trucks of humanitarian aid, including food and medical supplies, from reaching the people of Gaza.
PM Netanyahu to Cabinet: "Operation Protective Edge is continuing. At no stage did we declare its conclusion. The operation will continue until its goal is met - the restoration of quiet for a long period... Israel will not negotiate under fire and Israel will continue to take all action in order to change the current reality and bring quiet to all of its citizens..."
PM Netanyahu to Pres Rivlin: "We said at the start of the operation that Israel would not negotiate under fire and we have proven that we stand behind these words. Since Hamas violated the ceasefire on Friday, the IDF has struck it very hard. We are determined to achieve the goal of Operation Protective Edge - the restoration of quiet for the residents of Israel for a lengthy period while striking significantly at the terrorist organizations. I said at the beginning of the operation: We will achieve this either militarily or diplomatically, or by a combination of both."
An Egyptian-brokered 72-hour ceasefire came into effect at midnight on Sunday, after Israel said it would not negotiate in Cairo unless the rockets stopped. Minutes before the declared ceasefire, rockets were fired at Beersheba and Tel Aviv, following a day of rocket fire directed at Israel's south.
August 8
Israel agreed to Egypt's call to extend the 72-hour ceasefire. Shortly after 4 am, with the ceasefire still in effect, two rockets struck in open areas near the Eshkol Regional Council.
At 8:01, two rockets were fired towards Ashkelon, marking the renewal of rocket fire from Gaza, as Hamas refused to extend the 72-hour ceasefire.
By 10 am, over 18 rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel: 2 were intercepted over Ashkelon, 14 hit open areas and 2 landed in Gaza. At 10:30 rockets were fired at Sderot.
After 2.5 hours of rocket fire from Gaza, PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon ordered the IDF to respond with force.
Rocket fire since August 8, 2014
Copyright: ITIC
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, IDF Spokesman: "The renewed rocket attacks by terrorists at Israel are unacceptable, intolerable and shortsighted. Hamas' bad decision to breach the ceasefire will be pursued by the IDF, we will continue to strike Hamas, its infrastructure, its operatives and restore security for the State of Israel."
Two people were wounded in Shaar Hanegev when a rocket exploded near a residential building. A home in Sderot was also struck by a rocket. A total of 61 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza, 13 of them exploding inside Gaza.
August 7
The 72-hour ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is holding as it enters its third day, with no rockets being fired at Israel. All IDF forces have moved out of the Gaza Strip.
During the 29 days of fighting, the IDF forces dealt a significant blow to the terrorist infrastructures of Hamas, the PIJ and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Thirty-two known tunnels used for terrorist purposes were destroyed. During the operation 4,762 terrorist targets were attacked from the air.
A total of 64 IDF soldiers and three civilians were killed in Operation Protective Edge, and about 450 soldiers and 80 civilians were wounded.
August 5
MFA Spokesperson: "Israel has notified Egypt that it has agreed to their ceasefire proposal." The 72-hour ceasefire went into effect at 8:00 AM.
IDF Spokesperson: All ground troops will have pulled out of the Gaza Strip by the start of the ceasefire. The IDF will maintain defensive positions near the Gaza border. Israel completed the destruction of 32 cross-border tunnels.
In the last hour before the ceasefire, rocket barrages are fired at Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Rishon Lezion, Gush Etzion, Bethlehem and Maale Adumim, east of Jerusalem.
An M-75 rocket fired from Gaza in the minutes before the ceasefire took effect landed near a mosque, striking a home in Beit Sahour, located between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
August 4
Israel authorized a humanitarian window to take place in the Gaza Strip from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The IDF will continue to neutralize the Hamas tunnel network and will respond to any attempt to harm Israeli civilians or IDF soldiers.
August 3
IDF Spokesperson: On the evening of Monday, July 28, IDF forces operating in the area of the Karni Crossing engaged terrorists emerging from a terror tunnel inside Israeli territory. Five soldiers were killed. During the operational activity to neutralize the tunnel, IDF forces found a wide array of weaponry, including rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, explosives, launchers, and AK-47 assault rifles. In addition, three motorcycles were found, ready for use, facing the opening of the tunnel into Israeli territory, intended for use in a complex terror attack on Israeli residential communities in close proximity to the Gaza border. (See video below)
Weapons found inside a Hamas tunnel
Motorcycles found inside a Hamas tunnel
Copyright: IDF Spokesperson
August 2
At 11:30 pm, a special committee led by the IDF Chief Rabbi announced the death of Lt. Hadar Goldin, 23, an infantry officer in the Givati Brigade who was killed in battle in the Gaza Strip on Friday.
Over the past 24 hours, the IDF struck 200 terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including tunnels, weapon manufacturing and storage facilities, and command and control centers. Among the targets was a Hamas military wing facility that was used for research and development of weapon manufacturing located within the Islamic University. In addition, weapon caches and Hamas command and training facilities concealed within five Gazan mosques were targeted. IAF aircraft targeted the launcher used to fire at the Tel Aviv area earlier this morning.
Palestinian terrorists fired 11 mortars from the vicinity of an UNRWA school in ZeitounPalestinian terrorists fired 11 mortars from the vicinity of an UNRWA school in Zeitoun, Gaza
August 1
Hamas fired at IDF forces in southern Gaza at 9:30 this morning in violation of the humanitarian ceasefire. IDF soldier suspected kidnapped. Extensive search underway.
Two IDF soldiers were killed in the suspected kidnapping of 2nd-Lt. Hadar Goldin in Rafah.
IDF statement
PM Netanyahu speaks with US Secretary Kerry
Once again, Hamas and the terror organizations in Gaza have violated the ceasefire to which they committed themselves to the UN Secretary-General and US Secretary of State Kerry.
UN special envoy Robert Serry issues statement: He was informed by Israel of "a serious incident this morning" during the truce involving "a tunnel behind IDF lines in the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip." If confirmed, "this would constitute a serious violation of the humanitarian ceasefire in place since 8 am this morning by Gazan militant factions, which should be condemned in the strongest terms."
White House press calls the reported kidnapping of an IDF soldier by Hamas a "barbaric violation of ceasefire agreement" negotiated by the United States and United Nations.
US President Obama: "I have - unequivocally condemned Hamas and the Palestinian factions that were responsible for killing two Israeli soldiers and abducting a third almost minutes after a ceasefire had been announced...
I have been very clear throughout this crisis that Israel has a right to defend itself. No country can tolerate missiles raining down on its cities and people having to rush to bomb shelters every twenty minutes or half hour. No country can or would tolerate tunnels being dug under their land that can be used to launch terrorist attacks...
It's going to be very hard to put a ceasefire back together again if Israelis and the international community can't feel confident that Hamas can follow through on a ceasefire commitment. And it's not particularly relevant whether a particular leader in Hamas ordered this abduction, the point is that when they sign onto a ceasefire, they're claiming to speak for all the Palestinian factions. If they don't have control of them and just moments after a ceasefire's signed you have Israeli soldiers being killed and captured, then it's hard for the Israelis to feel confident that a ceasefire can actually be honored. "
US Secretary Kerry: "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today's attack, which led to the killing of two Israeli soldiers and the apparent abduction of another. It was an outrageous violation of the cease-fire negotiated over the past several days, and of the assurances given to the United States and the United Nations. Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier... The international community must now redouble its efforts to end the tunnel and rocket attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israel and the suffering and loss of civilian life."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: "The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning. He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments... Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas' assurances to the United Nations. The Secretary-General demands the immediate and unconditional release of the captured soldier."1:00am: Israel accepts humanitarian ceasefire
In accordance with the authority granted by the Security Cabinet to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense, Israel has accepted the UN/US proposal for a 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire beginning 8:00 am Friday, 1 August 2014.
Joint statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US Secretary of State John Kerry on humanitarian ceasefire
7:00-8:00am: Barrage of rocket fire at southern Israel.
10:00am: Despite ceasefire, rockets fired at Gaza periphery, including the Kerem Shalom Crossing for humanitarian aid to Gaza, which was closed due to rocket fire.
July 31
Five IDF soldiers were killed by mortar fire from Gaza near the Gaza border.
IDF soldiers detonated the route of an offensive tunnel in the Gaza Strip. They also uncovered several additional tunnel access points. IAF aircraft targeted a squad of over 5 terrorists planting an explosive device in the southern Gaza Strip. IAF aircraft targeted 40 terror activity sites across the Gaza Strip, among them a tunnel used for terror activity and a weapons manufacturing facility.
Map of rocket launches from Gaza.
July 30
Three IDF soldiers were killed while uncovering an offensive tunnel shaft in a residence in the southern Gaza Strip. The house and the tunnel were booby-trapped with explosive devices that were detonated against the soldiers.
The IDF authorized a temporary humanitarian window in the Gaza Strip today between 15:00-19:00, which did not apply to the areas in which IDF soldiers were operating. During these four hours, 26 rockets were fired at Israel, two of which were intercepted over Ashkelon and Netivot.
In the past 24 hours, IDF infantry and engineering forces detonated three tunnel routes in the Gaza Strip. Since midnight, the IDF targeted over 75 terror sites in Gaza. Overnight, the IAF targeted five mosques which were utilized for terror purposes, such as concealing weapons and housing tunnel access shafts.
The Hamas terror tunnels
July 29
Overnight, the IDF targeted over 70 terror sites throughout the Gaza Strip, including two sites used as Hamas command and control centers, four weapon storage sites concealed within mosques, a concealed rocket launcher near a mosque and an offensive tunnel.
In the early hours of the morning, infrastructure of the treasury wing of Hamas used to fund and manage Hamas' terror activities was targeted in Gaza City.
The IDF also targeted the Al-Aqsa broadcastingstation used to incite Palestinians against Israel, to transmit orders and messages to Hamas terrorists, and to instruct Gaza residents to ignore IDF warnings regarding upcoming military activity in specific areas.
8:00pm: UNRWA announced it has found another rocket arsenal at one of its schools in the central Gaza Strip.
Where do Gaza terrorists hide their weapons?
July 28
Despite requested humanitarian ceasefire, one rocket was fired at Ashkelon (7:30am) and six at communities near the border with the Gaza Strip (2pm). The IDF returned fire at rocket launchers.
Four IDF soldiers were killed and six wounded in a mortar attack on an army staging area in the Eshkol regional council, near the Gaza Strip. Hamas claims responsibility for the attack.
IDF thwarted attempt by terrorists from Gaza to infiltrate Israel near Kibbutz Nahal Oz. A squad of Hamas terrorists emerged from a tunnel 150 meters inside Israel and opened fire on an an army position, killing five soldiers. The soldiers in the lookout tower opened fire, killing at least one of the terrorists, who failed to carry out a planned abduction.
IDF denies involvement in the blast at Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip on Monday afternoon: "Al-Shifa Hospital and Al-Shati Refugee Camp were struck by failed rocket attacks launched by Gaza terrorists."
News report: The Hamas Fajr-5 rocket aimed at central Israel which was fired from a playground outside Shifa Hospital and exploded on the site causing casualties, had at least a 100 kg (220 lbs) warhead. IDF places responsibility on Islamic Jihad.
Gaza terrorists fire rockets and hit their own civilians
July 27
Despite Hamas' fire, Israel decided to extend the humanitarian ceasefire a second time, until midnight Sunday night (27 July). In face of the continued Hamas fire at Israeli cities and civilians, the IDF resumed aerial, naval and ground activity in Gaza at 10:00 am. Hamas then asked for a ceasefire which it itself continued to violate by continuing to fire rockets at Israeli cities.
July 26
IDF Spokesman: "From 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, there will be a humanitarian window in Gaza. During this time, operational activities to locate and neutralize terror tunnels will continue. The IDF will respond if terrorists exploit the lull to fire at Israeli soldiers or civilians."
Israel respected the UN-requested humanitarian ceasefire from 8 am to 8 pm and was ready to prolong it, but a few minutes after 8 pm Hamas resumed the rocket barrage at Israel's cities.
July 25
At noon on Friday, terrorists fired mortars and anti-tank missiles from near an UNRWA school in Gaza, killing an IDF soldier. Another soldier was killed Friday morning during fighting in the northern Gaza Strip.
IDF destroys rocket launchers ready for firing near two schools and a mosque in the Gaza Strip.
July 23
A Thai agricultural worker was killed by a mortar fired from Gaza while working in a greenhouse in one of the Israeli communities in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.
Hamas terrorists have turned Wafa Hospital in Gaza into a command center and a rocket-launching site. The IDF is targeting specific sites and terrorists within the grounds of the hospital, from which Hamas continues to fire at our forces. The IDF repeatedly conveyed warnings to the hospital staff and urged civilians to leave the area in advance. Hamas is telling them to stay.
IDF Spokesman Peter Lerner: "Hamas terrorists have been intentionally abusing the hospital and other international protected symbols to indiscriminately attack Israel and its civilians. The IDF is determined in preventing the ongoing aggression by Hamas that is directed by a strategy of exploitation and abuse of the civilian population and its wellbeing."
Three Paratroopers were killed in Gaza.
Wafa Hospital - Hamas fires rockets at Israel from her.
July 21: Terror infiltration from northern Gaza
Four IDF soldiers were killed early in the morning by a rocket-propelled grenade, fired by Hamas gunmen who emerged from a tunnel dug from Gaza into Israel near Kibbutz Nir Am. The Hamas cell, clad in IDF uniforms, emerged from the tunnel, and waited for an approaching IDF jeep before opening fire, killing the IDF officer and the three soldiers in the vehicle.
Five more were killed fighting terrorists in Gaza.
The tunnel infiltration involved two groups of Hamas gunmen. The second cell emerged near Erez, on Israeli territory. Surveillance soldiers spotted the infiltrators and summoned an aircraft to the area. The aircraft opened fire, killing the gunmen.
July 20: 13 Israeli soldiers of the Golani Brigade were killed overnight in the course of the IDF operation in Gaza.
In the first incident, terrorists detonated an explosive device on an armored vehicle, causing the death of seven soldiers.
In the second attack, terrorists opened fire at two IDF soldiers in the northern Gaza Strip, killing one. Later, IDF soldiers were attacked by a terrorist squad in northern Gaza, leading to the death of two soldiers. Lastly, three IDF soldiers lost their lives when they became trapped in a burning building.
Israel agrees to humanitarian window
Israel agreed to the Red Cross request for a humanitarian window in Sejaiya and will hold fire there from 13:30-15:30. Since July 8, Hamas has fired over 140 rockets at Israel from Sejaiya, and 10 tunnel openings have been uncovered.
IDF: Although we agreed to the Red Cross' request to extend the a ceasefire in Sejaiya until 17:30, Hamas has not stopped shooting from Sejaiya and opened fire from near Wafa Hospital.
Israel opened a field hospital on the Israeli side of the Erez Crossing for Palestinians in Gaza.
July 19: Terror infiltration from central Gaza
Two IDF soldiers were killed when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory through a tunnel from the central Gaza Strip and ambushed a military vehicle patrolling on the Israeli side of the border.
Items found after the attack, including handcuffs and bottles containing sedatives, indicate that Hamas planned to kill and kidnap soldiers and/or civilians and take them back to Gaza.
The IDF has uncovered 13 tunnels and over 30 tunnel entrances.
July 17: Terror tunnel
Early Thursday morning (July 17), just a few hours before the start of a humanitarian ceasefire, IDF forces thwarted an attack by Hamas terrorists who attempted to infiltrate Israel via a terror tunnel, preventing the terrorists from attacking an Israeli kibbutz.
"Humanitarian window"
Following requests by representatives of the UN and other international organizations on Wednesday evening (July 16, 2014), the IDF has declared a "humanitarian window" in Gaza on Thursday, 17 July between 10:00-15:00. The purpose of the humanitarian window is to allow the civilian population in Gaza to get needed supplies such as food and medications. During this time the IDF will not initiate military actions in Gaza, but will respond in case Israel is attacked.
July 15: Egyptian ceasefire proposal
Israel accepted an earlier Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire to begin on Tuesday morning, 15 July 2014, at 09:00. This proposal was rejected by Hamas.
PM Netanyahu: "If Hamas rejects the Egyptian proposal, and the rocket fire from Gaza does not cease, and that appears to be the case now, we are prepared to continue and intensify our operation to protect our people. For this we have kept full support from the responsible members of the international community."
IDF Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner: "In according with the government directives, the IDF now holds fire. We remain alert and preserve high preparedness levels, both defensive and offensive. If the Hamas terror organization will fire at Israel, we shall respond."
Five hours later, following the continuation of rocket fire from Gaza, PM Netanyahu said: "Hamas's rejection of the cease fire gives Israel full legitimacy to expand the operation to protect our people."
At 3pm the IDF Spokesperson announced: "After six hours of unilateral attacks by Hamas, the IDF has resumed operational activity in the Gaza Strip. Since 9am Tuesday, about 50 rockets were fired at Israel." The IDF struck at Hamas tunnels, 20 concealed rocket launchers, weapons storage facilities and other operational infrastructure.
July 14
During the course of the day, at keast 115 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 92 rockets struck Israel and 15 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
July 13
During the course of the day, at least 102 rockets struck Israel and 22 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
Shortly after 6 am, Code Red sirens sounded across central and southern Israel: Rehovot, Rishon LeZion, Modi'in, Ashdod, Lod, Ashkelon, Ramle, and Ben Gurion Airport. Later, a 16-year-old boy was seriously wounded and a 50-year-old man was lightly injured by a rocket blast in Ashkelon.
July 12
During the course of the day, at least 129 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 117 rockets struck Israel and 9 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
July 11
During the course of the day, more than 140 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 107 rockets struck Israel and 27 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
July 10
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired 192 rockets at Israel on Thursday, July 10. 141 of them hit Israel, and an additional 44 were intercepted by Iron Dome.
July 8 - IDF commences Operation Protective Edge against Hamas
Since June 12, southern Israel has been the target of ever-increasing rocket and other terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip, aimed deliberately at civilian targets.
Cabinet approves ground operation - July 17. PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon (17 July 2014) instructed the IDF to commence ground action to strike at the terrorist tunnels from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory.
The cabinet approved the ground operation after Israel agreed to the Egyptian cease-fire proposal and Hamas rejected it and continued to fire rockets on Israel's cities. Hamas also violated the UN-requested humanitarian cease-fire by continuing to fire on Israel.
Israel will defend its citizens in response to Hamas's unceasing aggression and infiltrations into Israeli territory, as it did Thursday morning when Hamas terrorists crossed into Israel via one of the tunnels with the goal of carrying out a mass casualty attack against Israeli civilians.
Operation Protective Edge will continue until its goals are reached - restoring sustained peace and quiet to the citizens of Israel, while striking hard at the terrorist infrastructure of Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza.
Israel is doing everything it can to avoid civilian casualties. By contrast, Hamas is using Palestinian civilians as human shields and is responsible for any harm that comes to them. To give but one example, the UN announced today that Hamas had hidden rockets in an UNRWA school in Gaza.
The international community has recognized that Israel has made significant efforts to restore peace and quiet and that it has the right to defend itself.
* * * The expanding rocket threat. Daily distribution of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge. Source: ITIC. Note: Rocket hits inside Israeli territory, not including the massive mortar shell fire into the western Negev or rocket launches that failed. Some of the rockets fired from Gaza have fallen within the Gaza Strip.
Hamas fires from civilian areas... and hits its own people. Hamas hits its own people. A rocket fired from Gaza fell short and exploded at the UNRWA warehouses causing a massive fire. On Sunday, July 13, a rocket fired from Gaza hit electricity infrastructure in Israel that supplied power to Gaza, cutting power to about 70,000 people in Gaza.
On July 16, two out of the ten high-power lines that Israel uses to provide electricity to Gaza were again hit by Hamas rockets. The Israeli Electricity Corporation (IEC), which provides power to Gaza, will not be able to repair the two lines due to the immediate threat to the lives of its technicians when doing repairs in open areas subject to frequent rocket attacks.
Gaza terrorists fire rockets and hit their own civilians. Background ] Since the beginning of the year, until the launching of Operation Protective Edge, Gaza terrorists fired more than 450 rockets towards Israeli citizens. The attacks sent thousands running into bomb shelters, threatening millions of Israeli lives. In order to restore quiet to the region and stop Hamas terrorism, the IDF has commenced Operation Protective Edge. Since Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, Hamas has continued to arm itself with vast amounts of weaponry and is currently in possession of 10,000 rockets. Hamas deliberately and systematically exploits Palestinians and uses them as human shields when firing at Israel. With the increased range of rockets, some 6 million Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks. No nation would accept this reality. Although Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense system stops some of the attacks, most rockets are capable of reaching Israel's biggest cities. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Many have only 15 seconds.
Monday, June 30 saw a sharp escalation in rocket fire, with the intensification in attacks beginning in the morning, prior to the discovery of the boys' bodies. That day, Hamas itself fired rockets.
These rockets have injured Israelis, damaged cars, homes and property. On Thursday morning (3 July) a rocket hit a nursery school and rockets burned two factories in Sderot to the ground (28 June).
In addition to the rocket attacks, Palestinians have carried out cross-border attacks from Gaza. A terrorist armed with a grenade infiltrated an Israeli village (22 June) and Israeli forces were attacked on 28 and 29 June.
Hamas controls the Gaza Strip since 2007 and bears responsibility for the rocket attacks.
ROTHSCHILD talmud -- certo, tu sei un demonio, infatti tu sei un fariseo!
ROTHSCHILD certo, tu sei un demonio, infatti tu sei un fariseo!
Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-Azīz Āl-Saʿūd, SAUDI DEMONIO SHARIA ARABIA, CORANO BESTIA UMMAH -- come tu hai potuto fare, con il tuo maledetto falso profeta, del tuo KING Unius REI, un dhimmi schiavo? UN FOLLE SAREBBE NATO PIù FORTUNATO DI TE! MEGLIO SAREBBE STATO PER TE, CHE TU NON FOSSI MAI NATO!
really? vai a raccontare le tue bugie all'inferno! non c'è pace senza giustizia! tu 322 satanista ladro parassita: tu smetti di rubare la sovranità monetaria a tutti i popoli! " US, UN 'Strongly Support' Israel-Hamas Ceasefire. Kerry calls deal 'an opportunity, not a certainty,' says in next stage 'our eyes are wide open,' UN's Ban urges peace deal.
QUANTE PERSONE UN PAESE RICCO COME LA GERMANIA, PUò ACCOGLIERE, SE, SONO IN FUGA DALLE ATROCITà DELLA GUERRA E DELLA PULIZIA ETNICA! io dico di porre un filtro, soltanto per i musulmani, perché la sharia fa di tutti loro dei potenziali terroristi! i tedeschi devono smettere di fare gli avidi egoisti! MASSIMIZZARE I GUADAGNI, E POI, DISTRIBUIRE LE PERDITE PER TUTTA LA EUROPA!
Rothschild Baal gufo FED FMI 666 SPA -- TU SMETTI DI FARE DEL MALE AD ISRAELE! ] Hamas, leader della Jihad islamica uscire dalla clandestinità come Tregua Begins. Alto funzionario Jihad islamica minaccia di attaccare di nuovo Ben Gurion, dice Gaza si aprirà mare, aeroporti. Hamas promette di riarmarsi. Con AFP e Arutz Sheva Staff. Prima pubblicazione: 2014/08/26, funzionario di Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahar a "vittoria raduno" a Gaza. Molti alti dirigenti di Hamas e della Jihad islamica sono apparsi in pubblico il Martedì poco dopo una tregua di Gaza afferrò, la prima volta che avevano fatto da quando il conflitto è iniziato l'8 luglio Tra loro è stato Mahmoud al-Zahar, un membro anziano della politica di Hamas ala, e anziano leader islamico Jihad Mohammed al-Hindi, che ha dato un travolgente discorso di vittoria alle migliaia di persone si sono riunite in una piazza di Gaza City, in zona Rimal. "Stiamo andando a costruire il nostro porto e il nostro aeroporto, e se attaccano la porta, attaccano la porta. Ma chi attacca l'aeroporto avrà loro aeroporto attaccò di nuovo", ha detto Zahar. Si riferiva ad una sospensione di due giorni di voli verso Tel Aviv da importanti degli Stati Uniti e le compagnie aeree europee a metà luglio, dopo un razzo da Gaza ha colpito nei pressi della pista, in una mossa salutata come una vittoria da parte di Hamas. Zahar ha anche detto che, oltre alla ricostruzione di Gaza, Hamas avrebbe continuato "armare se stesso e sviluppare la sua capacità di resistenza." L'istruzione è importante dato che quella domanda israeliano nei colloqui tregua è stato un disarmo di Gaza, una richiesta che sarà discusso nel prossimo round di colloqui che si terrà in meno di un mese.
Hamas ha già detto che la tregua sarebbe in modo da pianificare la prossima guerra terroristica contro Israele.
Operazione di protezione filo del IDF è stata conclusa con l'accettazione del primo ministro Binyamin Netanyahu di un accordo di cessate il fuoco che vedrà un ritorno allo status quo stabilito dopo l'ultima escalation grave nel 2012.
La decisione di accettare il cessate il fuoco ha scatenato qualche polemica, con i membri del Gabinetto di Sicurezza israeliano divisi sulla questione e una certa rabbia per la decisione di Netanyahu di utilizzare un cavillo legale per evitare una votazione cabinet.
Nonostante le affermazioni di "vittoria" di Hamas e della Jihad islamica, i due gruppi hanno subito perdite significative durante il conflitto, tra cui l'assassinio di tre comandanti di Hamas la scorsa settimana.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad Leaders Come Out of Hiding as Truce Begins. Senior Islamic Jihad official threatens to attack Ben Gurion Airport again, says Gaza will open sea, airports. Hamas vows to rearm. By AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff. First Publish: 8/26/2014, Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar at "victory rally" in Gaza. Several senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders appeared in public on Tuesday shortly after a Gaza truce took hold, the first time they had done so since the conflict began on July 8. Among them was Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior member of the Hamas political wing, and senior Islamic Jihad leader Mohammed al-Hindi who gave a rousing victory speech to thousands of people gathered in a square in Gaza City's Rimal neighborhood.
"We're going to build our port and our airport, and if they attack the port, they attack the port. But anyone who attacks the airport will have their airport attacked again," Zahar said. He was referring to a two-day suspension of flights into Tel Aviv by major US and European airlines in mid-July after a rocket from Gaza struck near the runway, in a move hailed as a victory by Hamas.
Zahar also said that in addition to rebuilding Gaza, Hamas would continue "arming itself and developing its resistance capacity."
The statement is significant given that the one Israeli demand in the truce talks has been a disarmament of Gaza, a demand that will be discussed in the next round of talks to be held in less than a month.
Hamas has already said that any truce would be so as to plan the next terror war on Israel.
The IDF's Operation Protective Edge was ended with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's acceptance of a ceasefire deal that will see a return to the status-quo established following the last serious escalation in 2012.
The decision to accept the ceasefire has triggered some controversy, with members of Israel's Security Cabinet split over the issue and some anger over Netanyahu's decision to use a legal technicality to avoid a cabinet vote.
Despite claims of "victory" by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two groups suffered significant losses during the conflict, including the assassination of three senior Hamas commanders last week.
BUSH 322 KERRY LavEY -- l'ultimo vostro omicidio?, certamente, sarà quello di fare il genocidio della LEGA ARABA, ma, dopo, il vostro ultimo lavoro sporco, io vi ucciderò, certamente!
BUSH 322 KERRY LavEY -- siete dei coglioni! se, esiste un popolo dei palestinesi, dove è la sua lingua, la sua storia, la sua cultura, le sue tradizioni? NON ESISTE NULLA DI TUTTO QUESTO! VOI TENETE ISRAELE IN QUESTO INFERNO, PERCHé AVETE PROGRAMMATO LA SUA DISTRUZIONE! CERTO, voi VOLETE SUCCHIARE IL SANGUE DEL GENERE UMANO: usurocrazia FMI, Banca Mondiale, E, certo, non volete lasciare il potere del NWO: satana Gmos biologia sintetica, per essere costretti da me, A VENIRE A VIVERE NEL DESERTO DELLA ARABIA SAUDITA! .. certo, io finirò per uccidervi, perché JHWH mi disse: "tu sei la più potente creatura, che, io ho creato: Unius REI"
PALESTINESI? NON SONO MAI ESISTITI! ma, 1. il terrorismo, e, 2. ricostruire le case demolite, e, 3. fare figli come conigli, sono i soli tre lavori che, è possibile fare a GAZA! PERCHé QUESTA è LA AGENDA DEL CALIFFATO MONDIALE! FINCHé ESITE LA SHARIA, POI ESISTE LA UMMAH ED I POPOLI VENGONO AZZERATI, ECCO PERCHé, SAUDI ARABIA, AL-QAEDA, HAMAS, ISIS, GALASSIA JIHADISTA è ANDATO AD AZZERARE LA CIVILTà SIRIANA! ] Un altro armistizio a Gaza mediato dall'Egitto per un anno è stato raggiunto tra gruppi palestinesi guidati da Hamas e Israele. La tregua è entrata in vigore martedì alle ore 16.00 GMT. L'armistizio precedente è stato interrotto martedì scorso. I nuovi attacchi aerei hanno provocato la morte di 102 palestinesi. Gli attivisti di Hamas hanno sparato più di 700 razzi contro Israele. Il numero complessivo delle vittime del conflitto, che dura esattamente 50 giorni, sono diventate più di 2100 dalla parte palestinese e 68 dalla parte israeliana.
MA, se i più grandi ARCHITETTI di ingegneria sociale della Storia, cioè, Farisei Bildenberg, dicono che, il lavaggio del cervello al popolo: è andato a buon fine, poi, la truffata democrazia massonica senza sovranità monetaria per sollevare il regno di satana: funzionerà ancora una volta! ] Il regime attuale di Kiev, continuando ad agire su istruzioni americane, vuole formare un Parlamento "tascabile", ritiene il capo del comitato della Duma per gli Affari della CSI Leonid Slutsky. Ha sottolineato che Poroshenko non è soddisfatto dalla Verkhovna Rada attuale, perché molti parlamentari appartengono alla legislazione precedente e si oppongono al corso fascista del nuovo governo.
Il deputato della Duma Vyacheslav Nikonov ha definito che la decisione di tenere elezioni in un contesto di crisi politica e economica e di guerra è una folle avventura politica.
OVUNQUE C'è UN MASSACRO NEL MONDO? C'è SEMPRE IL FALSO PROFETA MAOMETTO SHARIA ONU OIC, CALIFFATO SAUDITA MECCA! ] Un elicottero dell'ONU si è schiantato in una zona di combattimento nel Sudan del Sud. Al momento non ci sono informazioni su eventuali vittime. La situazione nel Paese rimane instabile. Alla fine dell'anno scorso nella capitale della Repubblica Juba sono scoppiati disordini armati dopo che il Presidente Salva Kiir ha dichiarato che nel Paese è avvenuto un tentativo di colpo di Stato e ha accusato il leader dei ribelli Riek Machar della sua organizzazione. Il conflitto ha provocato numerose vittime, mettendo il Sudan del Sud, separato dal Sudan nel 2011, sull'orlo di una catastrofe umanitaria.
VERAMENTE? E SE QUESTE ERANO LE INTENZIONI DELLA CIA 666 NATO 322, NAZI USUROCRAZIA BILDENBERG A TUTTI, PERCHé LUI HA MANDATO L'ESERCITO A FARE IL GENOCIDIO? ] Il Presidente dell'Ucraina Petro Poroshenko ha chiesto a Russia, Bielorussia e Kazakistan di sostenere il suo piano per risolvere la situazione nel Donbass. Ritiene che le sue proposte siano attuali e siano l'unico strumento possibile per fermare lo spargimento di sangue e per garantire la ricostruzione post-conflitto del Donbass.
Ha assicurato che l'obiettivo principale del suo piano è la pace e la tranquillità nelle regioni orientali dell'Ucraina, tenendo conto degli interessi degli abitanti di queste regioni. Poroshenko ha sottolineato l'importanza di stabilire il controllo ai confini ucraini e ha esortato a liberare tutti gli ostaggi.
Ha dichiarato la sua disponibilità a discutere diverse varianti di soluzione pacifica della situazione nella parte orientale dell'Ucraina.
tutte STRONZATE, circa, gli obiettivi il titolo dell'articolo! il terrorismo non può essere battuto, se, non viene condannata la sharia, e, se non è imposta per legge la formazione dello Stato laico in tutta la LEGA ARABA! [ LAICITà NON è SINONIMO DI SECOLARISMO! ] 26 agosto 2014, 22:39
[[ TITOLO: Lotta al terrorismo impossibile se si usa il doppio standard. Mosca invita i suoi partner occidentali a rinunciare al doppio standard nella lotta al terrorismo ]] . La battaglia contro questo male può essere vinta soltanto sulla base dei principi del diritto internazionale e in stretta collaborazione tra le legittime autorità degli Stati. La Russia è seriamente preoccupata dalla situazione in Iraq, dove i combattenti dello "Stato islamico" stanno creando, e con parecchio successo, il loro "califfato", usando metodi che inorridiscono ogni persona civile. Questa minaccia ha già oltrepassato i limiti regionali, trasformandosi in un mal di testa di tutta la comunità internazionale. Secondo il ministro degli Esteri russo, Sergej Lavrov, l'Occidente e la Russia devono essere uniti dal desiderio di stroncare il terrorismo internazionale e di prevenire l'occupazione di sempre nuovi territori da parte dei terroristi che così stanno creando degli stati terroristici. "Tuttavia, quando noi lottiamo contro il terrorismo, lo dobbiamo fare sulla base del diritto internazionale, rispettando in particolare la sovranità dei relativi Stati", ha rilevato Lavrov. Quando è cominciata la "primavera araba", la Russia ha proposto ai partner di operare insieme, sulla base di approcci condivisi, ma l'Occidente ha preferito seguire la strada delle opportunità politiche.
Che cosa è più importante: compiacere le antipatie personali o unire gli sforzi contro la minaccia comune, quella del terrorismo? Noi siamo per la seconda ipotesi. Le antipatie personali hanno alimentato gli sforzi che hanno portato al rovescio di Saddam Hussein. Ora vediamo in che cosa si è trasformato l'Iraq. Sono state in gran parte le antipatie personali a portare al rovescio di Gheddafi. Di conseguenza la Libia si è disintegrata. Solo il Dio sa, quando tutto ciò finirà. Anche lo "Stato islamico", contro il quale gli americani ora cercano di lottare, all'inizio godeva della loro simpatia, come anche i mujaheddin che hanno creato al-Qaida e hanno organizzato l'attacco dell'11 settembre 2001. In Iraq gli USA rischiano di commettere lo stesso errore, crede il vice presidente dell'Accademia dei problemi geopolitici Vladimir Anokhin. Gli USA capiscono perfettamente che il loro fallimento in Iraq e il caos in questo Paese possono portare a gravi danni politici ed economici. A differenza dei talebani e dei fratelli musulmani, i terroristi dell'ISIS hanno dei presidi territoriali e dei potenti armamenti che gli americani avevano fornito all'esercito iracheno. Naturalmente, la cosa non si limiterà all'Iraq.
Avendo capito tutta la gravità del loro errore, gli americani cominciano a riconoscere che la posizione dell'Occidente sul problema della guerra civile in Siria era sbagliata e che forse si doveva dare ascolto agli avvertimenti del Presidente Putin. Il quotidiano Washington Post ha rilevato che l'approccio verso questo problema è cambiato in un solo anno. Ancora in autunno dell'anno scorso l'Occidente si preparava alla guerra contro Bashar Assad. Adesso, invece, gli aerei degli USA stanno bombardando gli oppositori del Presidente siriano. L'ironia di questa situazione è tragica, scrive il giornale. Tuttavia sin dall'inizio, era chiaro che in Siria non c'era nessuna lotta per la democrazia, bensì un conflitto armato tra il governo e l'opposizione di uno Stato multiconfessionale. Solo che allora per l'Occidente era inopportuno riconoscerlo. Adesso gli americani stanno cercando dei nuovi alleati nella regione, perché quelli vecchi non vanno più bene, sottolinea Vladimir Anokhin. Il timore degli atti terroristici spinge a collaborare con chiunque. Un anno fa gli USA dicevano che si doveva sostenere ad ogni costo i ribelli della Siria, mandando a loro anche gli armamenti. Adesso cominciano a corteggiare Assad per neutralizzare i fondamentalisti con le sue mani. Dobbiamo constatare che lo "Stato islamico" opera con parecchio successo. I ribelli sono riusciti ad avvicinare Bagdad da Sud, Nord ed Est. Intorno a tutto l'Iraq ci sono combattimenti in corso. L'esercito regolare si è rivelato impotente contro i fondamentalisti. Si pensava che il problema sarebbe stato risolto dalle Guardie islamiche, ma anche loro non ci sono riusciti. Persino le milizie curde indietreggiavano finché non hanno ricevuto sostegno da parte dell'aeronautica americana. Nel frattempo gli islamisti hanno provato un'avanzata verso il Mediterraneo per mettere le mani su nuovi centri di trasporto e poter controllare le vie di comunicazione. L'avanzata è stata bloccata, ma il tentativo dimostra che l'ISIS non rinuncerà all'espansione territoriale. I terroristi devono essere fermati oggi, ma un solo Stato non può farlo. Anzi, finora nessuno si è dichiarato disposto. Per vincere occorre unire gli sforzi. Nonostante la scalata della tensione attorno all'Ucraina, la Russia e gli USA, in questo problema, continuano continuano ad essere alleati naturali. Si deve dimenticare, almeno per un po' di tempo, l'agenda ucraina fomentata dall'Occidente, per concentrarsi sulla cosa più importante prima che ai confini dell'Europa compaia un vero stato terroristico.
Gli USA si ritirano dall' Afghanistan mentre dilaga il narcotraffico Gli USA si ritirano dall' Afghanistan mentre dilaga il narcotraffico
Quest'autunno ricorrerà il 13° anniversario dell'inizio dell'operazione delle truppe della NATO in Afghanistan. Gli esperti traggono il bilancio di questa campagna e riconoscono che è fallita. I talebani non sono stati sconfitti, anzi si stanno rafforzando.
In Afghanistan rapiti dai talebani operatori della Croce Rossa Foto d'archivio
In Afghanistan occidentale uomini armati hanno rapito 5 membri del Comitato Internazionale della Croce Rossa.
Il Pentagono vuole comprare elicotteri russi per l'Afghanistan nonostante il Congresso Il Pentagono vuole comprare elicotteri russi per l'Afghanistan nonostante il Congresso
Il Pentagono, nonostante le proteste e l'opposizione del Congresso degli Stati Uniti, insiste per l'acquisto di elicotteri russi che sarebbero impiegati nella missione in Afghanistan, ha dichiarato oggi nella fiera a Zhukovsky il capo della delegazione della compagnia russa Rosoboronexport Igor Sevastyanov.
La Russia aiuterà a salvare la base antinarcotici in Afghanistan La Russia aiuterà a salvare la base antinarcotici in Afghanistan
Secondo quanto riportato dai media, gli americani hanno cominciato a tagliare i finanziamenti per la base anti-droga della polizia nella provincia afghana di Kunduz.
Amnesty International esorta gli USA a indagare sulle morti dei civili afghani Amnesty International esorta gli USA a indagare sulle morti dei civili afghani
L'organizzazione internazionale per i diritti umani Amnesty International esorta gli statunitensi ad indagare i casi di vittime civili negli attacchi aerei e raid notturni, eseguiti dalle truppe americane in Afghanistan.
A Kabul attentato suicida contro convoglio NATO: 4 vittime A Kabul attentato suicida contro convoglio NATO: 4 vittime
Almeno 4 civili sono rimasti uccisi, mentre 7 sono stati feriti in un attentato suicida sul percorso di un convoglio delle forze NATO nella capitale afghana Kabul.
© 2005—2014 La Voce della Russia
Copyright. In caso di uso totale o parziale dei materiali obbligatorio citare "La Voce della Russia", hyperlink, in Internet. Indirizzo di posta elettronica della redazione L'opinione dell'autore può non coincidere con la posizione della redazione. Portale messo a punto in collaborazione con Stack Telecom Ltd.
L'Italia tocca il fondo: si fa cassa anche sul diritto allo studio
Da sempre l'Italia è terra di contraddizioni: capace di dar forma a grandi opere d'ingegno e di improvvise azioni autodistruttive. Rientra a pieno titolo in quest'ultima categoria il tentare di far cassa non solo col diritto allo studio, ma anche con la cultura nel suo complesso. 3
La verità sulla tragedia del Boeing non serve a nessuno?
La verità sulla tragedia del Boeing non serve a nessuno?
Il 22 agosto la Malesia ha ricordato le vittime della tragedia del volo МН17 della Malaysia Airlines. Il re in persona è venuto nell'aeroporto di Kuala Lumpur per incontrare l'aereo con i corpi dei suoi sudditi morti arrivato dall'Ucraina. 3
Il Papa: mi sono rimasti due o tre anni
Il Papa: mi sono rimasti due o tre anni
Papa Francesco per la prima volta ha espresso pubblicamente il pensiero della sua morte. "So che mi è rimasto da vivere solo per un breve periodo di tempo. Due o tre anni e poi mi troverò nella Casa del Signore", ha detto ai giornalisti nell'aereo volando in Vaticano dalla Corea del Sud, dove è stato per cinque giorni in visita apostolica. 1
Incontro di Berlino: Lavrov cerca di rinfrescare la memoria ai suoi partner
Incontro di Berlino: Lavrov cerca di rinfrescare la memoria ai suoi partner
In 5 ore, quanto è durato l'incontro di Berlino tra i ministri degli Esteri della Russia, Germania, Francia e Ucraina, il miracolo non è successo, ma lo stesso fatto delle trattative è rassicurante. A detta del ministro russo, Sergej Lavrov, lo svolgimento dell'incontro dimostra che UE e Russia sono pronte a cercare soluzioni per porre fine alla guerra civile nel centro dell'Europa. 5
Leggi tutto (18 righe)
666GiudaicoMassonica1 giorno fa
Lotta al terrorismo impossibile se si usa il doppio standard
Lotta al terrorismo impossibile se si usa il doppio standard
Mosca invita i suoi partner occidentali a rinunciare al doppio standard nella lotta al terrorismo. La battaglia contro questo male può essere vinta soltanto sulla base dei principi del diritto internazionale e in stretta collaborazione tra le legittime autorità degli Stati.
L'umanità vive a credito
L'umanità vive a credito
A partire dal 19 agosto l'umanità vive ormai a credito. In questo giorno abbiamo superato le possibilità delle risorse biologiche del pianeta ed abbiamo consumato tutto il volume delle risorse rinnovabili che la Terra è in grado di riprodurre in un anno. Tale ammonimento è stato lanciato dal World Wide Fund for Nature (Fondo mondiale per la vita selvatica). Ciò significa che nei rimanenti quattro mesi dell'anno vivremo a credito sulle future generazioni.
La locomotiva tedesca tira il fiato
La locomotiva tedesca tira il fiato
La più grande economia d'Europa, quella della Germania, sta avendo dei problemi. I dati pubblicati il 25 agosto dimostrano un forte calo dell'indice Ifo che misura il clima degli affari. Ciò potrebbe inasprire ulteriormente la situazione in tutta l'Unione Europea.
Russia o Paesi Baltici, chi è il vero debitore?
Russia o Paesi Baltici, chi è il vero debitore?
Nella loro politica le potenze occidentali hanno usato tradizionalmente Lituania, Lettonia ed Estonia come avamposto contro la Russia. A lungo è stata citata la tesi dell'"occupazione sovietica" avvenuta nel 1940, sebbene, conformenente alle norme formali del diritto internazionale, non ci fu nessuna occupazione dei Paesi baltici. Le truppe sovietiche entrarono nel loro territorio con il consenso delle allora autorità di questi paesi.
Startup Italia, sta crescendo una piccola Silicon Valley
Startup Italia, sta crescendo una piccola Silicon Valley
Ogni anno un piccolo esercito di italiani giovani e meno giovani va a cercare fortuna all'estero. In risposta a questo esodo c'è una schiera di cittadini che non si arrende e che cerca di realizzare in Italia i propri sogni: sono i cosiddetti startupper, gli ideatori di aziende innovative (le "startup") che hanno come oggetto sociale lo sviluppo, la produzione e la commercializzazione di prodotti o servizi ad alto valore tecnologico.
La guerra in Ucraina rischia di portare a una nuova Chernobyl
La guerra in Ucraina rischia di portare a una nuova Chernobyl
Il blogger e traduttore ceco Jiří Smutný ha suscitato molto clamore nella stampa e nei media elettronici della Repubblica Ceca pubblicando sul server l'articolo, ristampato dalla Parlamentskaja gazetarussa, in cui afferma che i combattimenti nell'est ucraino possano provocare una nuova Chernobyl. Stando all'autore, esiste il rischio di contaminazione radioattiva ma la stampa preferisce passare sotto silenzio questo fatto.
Francia, nominati i nuovi ministri dell'Economia e dell'Istruzione 23:51
A Venezia è partita l'azione contro i "lucchetti dell'amore" sui ponti 23:09
Israele e Hamas hanno concluso una tregua 22:47
In Russia è stato sviluppato un vaccino sperimentale contro Ebola 22:10
Duma: lo scioglimento della Verkhovna Rada è una "decisione opportunistica" e un'avventura 21:48
Sudan del Sud, precipitato un elicottero delle Nazioni Unite 21:13
Sudan del Sud: morti tre piloti russi nello schianto dell'elicottero dell'ONU 20:45
Putin: la crisi in Ucraina non può essere risolta senza considerare gli interessi del sud-est e il dialogo 20:39
Poroshenko esorta il "trio eurasiatico" a sostenere il suo piano di pace 20:07
Putin: attraverso la Bielorussia passano i prodotti europei proibiti 19:45
La Bundeswehr invierà in Iraq aiuti militari 19:17
Dimesso il vice Cancelliere austriaco Michael Spindelegger 18:49
Le truppe ucraine hanno lasciato quattro centri abitati 18:10
Putin: il passaggio alle norme dell'UE costerà all'Ucraina miliardi di euro 17:53
Intenso sviluppo sociale della Crimea
Intenso sviluppo sociale della Crimea
Prima del ritorno della Crimea nella Russia lo sviluppo della penisola era piuttosto asociale, ossia diretto contro gli interessi della gente. La sanità pubblica non tutelava la salute degli uomini. Le pensioni, gli stipendi, l'assistenza alle persone con mobilità ridotta, tutto ciò creava un mucchio di problemi. Ricostruire tutto questo è difficile ma, a quanto risulta, possibile e, per giunta, in tempi brevi, se si ha voglia di farlo.
La Crimea da sei mesi in Russia, primi risultati e piani per il futuro
La Crimea da sei mesi in Russia, primi risultati e piani per il futuro
La Crimea si prepara a festeggiare una data importante. In settembre ricorrono sei mesi dallo svolgimento del referendum nella penisola e dalla sua adesione alla Russia. Nuove leggi, nuove norme, nuove realtà. Nei sei mesi trascorsi in Crimea sono intervenuti tantissimi cambiamenti. Gli abitanti della penisola devono costruire ex novo i rapporti in tutte le sfere della vita.
La Russia unisce i laureati stranieri
La Russia unisce i laureati stranieri
In Russia potrebbe essere costituita l' Associazione mondiale dei laureati stranieri. L' organizzazione riunirà i cittadini stranieri che si sono laureati nelle università sovietiche e russe e diventerà una buona piattaforma per ricordi comuni e nuovi progetti congiunti.
Una tassa sul cibo dei fast food per finanziare la sanità
Una tassa sul cibo dei fast food per finanziare la sanità
I deputati della Duma di Stato della Federazione Russa hanno elaborato un disegno di legge che applica una tassa aggiuntiva ai profitti dei fastfood. I legislatori intendono usare il ricavato per lo sviluppo del programma di risanamento della popolazione. 2
Due anni nel WTO e la Russia impara a difendere i suoi interessi
Due anni nel WTO e la Russia impara a difendere i suoi interessi
Il 22 agosto ricorre il secondo anniversario dell'ingresso della Russia nell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (WTO). Ma non sarà festa, perché le sanzioni, varate da entrambe le parti, non fanno ridere. Comunque sia, la Russia si sente ormai "di casa" nel mondo del commercio internazionale.
Violavano le norme igieniche, chiusi a Mosca 4 McDonald's
Violavano le norme igieniche, chiusi a Mosca 4 McDonald's
Rospotrebnadzor, ente di supervisione russo preposto al controllo dei diritti dei consumatori, ha chiuso ieri quattro McDonald's nel centro di Mosca dopo aver scoperto delle massicce violazioni delle norme sanitarie. I controlli nei ristoranti della catena americana vengono effettuati anche fuori Mosca.
Hamas Prisoners: Haniyeh Hiding in Hospital
ZOA Lashes Out at Obama for Proposed Hamas-Israel Equation
News from America
Islamic State Planning to Use Drones to Attack Israel
Middle East
Israeli Government Says Hamas Didn't 'Win'
50 Days of Operation Protective Edge: 842 Israeli Casualties
Shlomo Pitriokovsky
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Gaza Ceasefire: What Did Israel Agree to?
AFP, Arutz Sheva Staff
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Hamas, Islamic Jihad Leaders Come Out of Hiding as Truce Begins
AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Gaza Belt Community Leaders Tell Residents Not to Return
Ari Yashar
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Cabinet Was Split Over Ceasefire - But Netanyahu Accepted Anyway
Ari Soffer
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Senior Journalist: Hamas Gained a 'Huge Achievement'
Uzi Baruch, Ari Yashar
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Maccabi Tel Aviv FC Coach Steps Down over 'Security Fears'
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Ceasefire Begins, With Rockets Still Raining Down on Israel
Ari Yashar and Ari Soffer
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Gazans Celebrate Hamas 'Victory' With Gunfire
AFP, Arutz Sheva Staff
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Ministers, MKs Critical Over Ceasefire with Hamas
Arutz Sheva Staff
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Gaza Barrage Kills One, Injures Six Others
Shlomo Pyotrkovsky, Ari Yashar
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Obama Authorizes Islamic State Recon Flights in Syria
Ari Yashar
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
New York Jewish Couple Assaulted by Gang Waving PLO Flags
Ari Soffer
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Jerusalem Arab Indicted for Aiding Three Teens' Murderer
Ari Yashar
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Ashkelon Man Tells of 'Miraculous Escape' from Rocket Strike
Ari Soffer and AFP
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Search for Yeshiva Student Continues as Abduction Fears Grow
Chaim Lev, Ari Yashar
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Benjamin Netanyahu --- [ Award Final Notification ] 16/08/14 con questo spam dannoso, per rubare la identità delle persone, così, poi, costringere google a chiudere: i miei 100 blogger, la CIA DATAGATE i cannibali di Bush 322 Rothschild, usurocrazia mondiale schiavitù: in onore di satana, a tutti gli schiavi, ADORATORI nwo, COMUNISTI EVOLUZIONISTI, CAPITALISTI, MATERIALISTI RELATIVISTI, LURIDI BORGHESI DI MERDA ECC.. ovviamente tutti: senza sovranità monetaria truffata e rubata del sistema massonico bildenberg, i super tassati! perché, infatti: anche israeliani, sono goym senza genealogia paterna, ecc.. si, hanno smesso di infastidirmi! ma, quei satana culto per fare 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, ogni anno, avrebbero anche potuto cancellare la loro crimininale spam, dato che, proprio loro A.I. DATAGATE aliens abductions agenda biologia sintetica Gmos, microchip, loro non hanno bisogno delle password per entrare nei siti delle persone, poi, avrebbero potuto ripulire i loro escrementi dai miei siti, bha, bho, boh, aaah, in realtà il mio obiettivo non è quello di essere costretto a fare del male a qualcuno! MA I MIEI MINISTRI ANGELI SONO DEI TIPI MOLTO NERVOSI!
uniusrei lorenzojhwh dice. la mafia del gatto(Lega ARABA)e della volpe (322 USA 666), ok! ma, se non si trova qualcuno da uccidere, poi, quando la volpe avrà fame, si mangerà il suo socio il gatto!
R.T.I. mediaset berlusconi, perché vuoi fare del male ai miei canali?
Natuzza Evolo con Pippo Franco Parte 1 08
ID video: kVy6BL3R4n8
Rivendicato da R.T.I. il 04/giu/2014
Invia contronotifica
Natuzza Evolo con Pippo Franco Parte 02 08
ID video: 8J9LLgM3POc
Rivendicato da R.T.I. il 04/giu/2014
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Natuzza Evolo con Pippo Franco Parte 07 08
ID video: 1yVbMybrzhI
Rivendicato da R.T.I. il 04/giu/2014
Invia contronotifica
Natuzza Evolo con Pippo Franco Parte 06 08
ID video: vNK1KuWkqRk
Rivendicato da R.T.I. il 04/giu/2014
Tzipi Livni -- un proverbio dice: "meglio essere da solo, che, essere con una cattiva compagnia!", i satanisti non hanno conquistato ancora, tutto il mondo, ed ora, per loro, è troppo tardi per poterci riuscire! SE, CI FOSSE UNA GUERRA MONDIALE SAREBBERO CINA E RUSSIA A VINCERE! ] ANCHE Mahmoud Abbas HA DETTO CHE, GLI USA HANNO DIFFUSO LA GALASSIA JIHADISTA, NEL MONDO, MA, PER FARE QUESTO, 322 BUSH KERRY LAVEY, NON HANNO CHIESTO IL PERMESSO, A: EUROPA O ISRAELE, QUESTO è UN COMPLOTTO USA ARABIA SAUDITA, LEGA ARABA, SISTEMA MASSONICO BILDENBEG, CONTRO ISRAELE, ECC..! [ Livni, Lapid rimproverare Netanyahu su Spat con gli Stati Uniti. Ministro della Giustizia vuole sapere perché Stati Uniti è sconvolto, il ministro delle Finanze dice che Israele dovrebbe essere più grati. Con Gil Ronen. Prima pubblicazione: 2014/08/14, Tzipi Livni. A seguito di notizie che l'amministrazione americana così arrabbiata con Israele che ha ritardato una spedizione di armi allo stato merlata, il ministro della Giustizia Tzipi Livni (Hatnua) e il ministro delle Finanze Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) rimproverò Binyamin Netanyahu per consentire il rapporto con l'alleato di Israele deteriorarsi. "I rapporti con gli Stati Uniti sono un asset strategico. Danneggiare queste relazioni potrebbe causare un deterioramento che si snoderà per danneggiare la sicurezza di Israele", ha detto Livni Channel 2 News Online, in quello che sembrava critica del modo in cui Netanyahu e il suo ufficio hanno gestito il rapporto con la Casa Bianca. "Sia prima che l'operazione militare e dopo, alcuni dei ministri e MKs ha parlato in un modo scandaloso gli Stati Uniti", ha opinato. "Abbiamo bisogno di capire che il rapporto con gli Stati Uniti è la base per esigenze di sicurezza di Israele. Chi reagisce e dice 'ci affidiamo a noi stessi da soli' non sa che cosa sta parlando, e non capisce le esigenze di sicurezza di Israele ". Livni ha detto che ha sentito parlare della crisi con gli Stati Uniti dai mezzi di informazione e che richiederà spiegazioni nella riunione di Gabinetto per la sicurezza Giovedi sera. "Voglio sentire tutti i rapporti e gli aggiornamenti e dopo che ricevo spiegazioni saprò cosa consigliare," ha spiegato. "Si può discutere con un partner strategico come gli Stati Uniti, a patto che l'argomento è al punto e rispettabile, e fintanto che si sta parlando di questioni di merito e di non andare in luoghi non si dovrebbe essere in."
Lapid ha detto che la tensione con gli Stati Uniti è "una tendenza preoccupante che non dobbiamo permettere di continuare. I rapporti con gli Stati Uniti sono un asset strategico che non deve essere danneggiato. Proprio la scorsa settimana, ho parlato con il Segretario di Stato Kerry, e il senatore Harry Reid, capo della maggioranza democratica, per ringraziarli per l'assistenza di emergenza hanno dato Israele per Iron Dome. A volte, bisogna saper dire semplicemente grazie, e assicurarsi che i rapporti con gli Stati Uniti continuano ad essere questa forte amicizia, che è così importante per lo stato di Israele. " Livni, Lapid Chide Netanyahu over Spat with US. Justice Minister wants to know why US is upset, Finance Minister says Israel should be more thankful. By Gil Ronen. First Publish: 8/14/2014, Tzipi Livni. Following reports that the American administration so upset with Israel that it has delayed a shipment of weapons to the embattled state, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni (Hatnua) and Finance Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) chided Binyamin Netanyahu for allowing the relationship with Israel's ally to deteriorate. "The relations with the United States are a strategic asset. Harming these relations could cause a deterioration that will wind up harming Israel's security," Livni told Channel 2 News Online, in what sounded like criticism of the way Netanyahu and his bureau have handled the relationship with the White House. "Both before the military operation and after it, some of the ministers and MKs spoke in a scandalous way about the US," she opined. "We need to understand that the relationship with the US is the basis for Israel's security needs. Whoever reacts and says 'we rely on ourselves alone' does not know what he is talking about, and does not understand Israel's security needs." Livni said that she heard about the crisis with the US from the news media and that she will demand explanations in the Security Cabinet meeting Thursday evening. "I want to hear all of the reports and updates and after I receive explanations I will know what to recommend," she explained. "One can argue with a strategic partner like the US, as long as the argument is to the point and respectable, and as long as one is talking about matters of substance and not going on to places one should not be in."
Lapid said that the tension with the US is "a worrisome trend that we must not allow to continue. Relations with the US are a strategic asset that must not be harmed. Just last week, I spoke to Secretary of State Kerry, and to Senator Harry Reid, Head of the Democratic majority, to thank them for the emergency assistance they gave Israel for Iron Dome. Sometimes, one needs to know how to simply say thank you, and make sure that the relations with the US continue to be this strong friendship, which is so important to the state of Israel."
my love ISRAEL -- BAMBINA, io non ti ho mai promesso mari e monti, non ti ho mai promesso la luna nel pozzo! MA, io TI DISSI, CHE, io TI AVREI DONATO TANTE EMOZIONI! su lascia 666 Rothschild che, lui ha l'alito cattivo, e vieni con me!
my love ISRAEL -- BAMBINA, io non ti ho mai promesso mari e monti, non ti ho mai promesso la luna nel pozzo! MA, io TI DISSI, CHE, io TI AVREI DONATO TANTE EMOZIONI! su lascia 666 Rothschild che, lui ha l'alito cattivo, e vieni con me!
regime nazi massonico Bildenberg Merkel Mogherini ogni concetto democratico, e di sovranità popolare è definitivamene morto, nel Dombass.. ormai, siamo nel regime nazi massonico Bildenberg Merkel Mogherini.
EIH sodoma a tutti: Obama gender il culattone imperialismo -- voi avete legalizzato il culto di satana, soltanto, Arabia Saudita potrebbe non avere schifo, di stare con voi.. ed entrambi? non andrete molto lontano!
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI)
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ARAB LEAGUE TOPO AKBAR,Iran Hails Hamas 'Victory', Qatar Offers Money
burn satana-allah in jesus's name, amen alleluia DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF
Nations have lost their sovereignty occult powers banking seigniorage enlightened Masons Satanist are in control of history of people with Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. This place is sacred erecting the temple, for my High Priest jew! This forces your efficiency, an angel is responsible for the observance of respect, dignity and truth of all these your statements.
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