Gantz the GOLPE Bilderberg

tecnocrazia lgbtq diritti Satana UE anticristo commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi(sharjah) e goyim(Spa$Co), Jabull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME
Gantz the GOLPE Bilderberg

Gantz the GOLPE Bilderberg Palamara

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah

the judiciary of the democratic party and the masonic banking seigniorage the GOLPE] [Audio shock of the magistrate, the wrath of FI "Rothschild has decided to condemn Berlusconi, TRUMP, Salvini, Orban, Netanjahu."
Another scandal falls on the judiciary. About their piloted processes and how they contributed to the change of history. After the trojan on Palamara's phone, more wiretapping appears. They date back to 7 years ago and involve different subjects Silvio Berlusconi, the magistrate Antonio Esposito and the supervisor-magistrate Amedeo Franco.
The environmental wiretapping concerns a comment on the sentence that sentenced Silvio Berlusconi to prison in 2013. Amedeo Franco - during a telephone conversation with the Cav - admits that he was unjustly convicted and that everything "was piloted from above". The final sentence concerned an alleged unlawful appropriation of TV rights. But so - and now the documents and the audios prove it - it was not.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah2 hours ago

the judiciary of the democratic party and the masonic banking seigniorage the GOLPE]
The papers published today exclusively by Il Riformista and the audio shocks broadcast on the Fourth Republic make us shudder. The magistrate - in his own way - apologizes to Silvio Berlusconi for that partisan trial. "In my opinion, he was treated unfairly and suffered a serious injustice - says Amedeo Franco -. All my colleagues and even his colleagues who do not support her, are convinced that this thing was guided from above. She was to be sentenced to because he is a rascal ".

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah2 hours ago

the judiciary of the democratic party and the masonic banking seigniorage the GOLPE]] [Audio shock of the magistrate, the wrath of FI "Rothschild has decided to condemn Berlusconi, TRUMP, Salvini, Orban, Netanjahu."
Forza Italia's reactions
"But who is it that from above decided that the Cassation should condemn Berlusconi? Who was the director of the conspiracy that changed the history of Italian politics in recent years? A real judicial coup d'état", writes Antonio Tajani on Twitter.

And immediately echoes the vice president of the Forza Italia group in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli. "What aired tonight in the Fourth Republic is simply upsetting, painful. The audio of Dr. Franco on the sentence of condemnation to Berlusconi, made public by Il Riformista, shows that democracy has been rigged, altered to the point of changing the course of the Italian political history, as well as to undermine the balance between the powers of the state. It is simply shameful that a certain judiciary uses its power for political struggle, it is damage done not only to President Berlusconi, his family and Forza Italia. , but to all citizens who have proof from tonight that unfortunately there is also an unfair justice. Let us remember that if Berlusconi is out of the Senate it is because of this unjust ruling and that today we discover to be piloted ".

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah2 hours ago

the judiciary of the democratic party and the masonic banking seigniorage the GOLPE]] [Audio shock of the magistrate, the wrath of FI "Rothschild has decided to condemn Berlusconi, TRUMP, Salvini, Orban, Netanjahu."
Even the president of the senators of Forza Italia, Anna Maria Bernini, immediately issued a note. "The revelations on the murky climate in which the sentence reached the Cassation, which condemned Berlusconi definitively for a tax fraud that never took place, are the confirmation of unfortunately what we had known for some time there has been a systematic political use of justice to eliminate the center-right leader from the political scene - reads - the ruling of the civil court of Milan restores the truth, but the damage is now done. Berlusconi is a giant and has managed to stay on his feet, the vulnus caused by democracy remains, unfortunately, irreparable. Today's news makes even the Palamara scandal pale and confirm that an immediate, drastic reform of justice is needed ".

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah

non puoi parlare con i palestinesi o con i mussulmani..
tutti gli sharia sono assassini e terroristi UCCIDILI!

Tuvi Todd

“The precise consequences of annexation cannot be predicted", and they are just as likely
-1- NOT "to be disastrous" in any way, and in fact
-2- NOT to make any appreciable long-term differences at all,
either "for Palestinians, for Israel itself, and for the wider region.”


This will be Bibi's last chance to do the right thing by retaking 100% of Judea and Samaria and begin restoring his reputation. Gantz has outed himself for the last time as a double agent with no shred of honor or integrity in his character.

30% annexation will only serve to guarantee more innocent Jewish deaths in the near future.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎



🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
i am jewish Messia
those who are not Zionists are outside the Kingdom of God
and will end in hell!
alpcns .

That's why Gantz is not suited as a leader. Wrong priorities, no experience as a Statesman.

Don Spilmanalpcns .4 hours ago

HELL the fool seems to “have no experience“ as a Jew! What is wrong with these people!

alpcns .Don Spilman

The list is long... and tragic.

Don Spilmanalpcns .3 hours ago

LOL al, yes you are right the whole loooong sordid sorry story of the tribe of Jacob has been tragic and that ain’t done yet! Some of the things coming their way is going to be rough stuff but for some of them I have no sense of compassion whatever but for the nation as a whole truly I do!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎alpcns .


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎alpcns .an hour ago

when Gantz says it's an annexation
then he uses the same concepts as Islamic terrorists

FuzzyAshkenaz9 hours ago

Someone needs to step up to the task on July 1 or the government of Israel will be a laughing stock on the international stage. Why should YHWH bless a nation that is more worried about global public opinion than their God given birthright? This could be Bibi's last chance to begin the process of restoring his reputation. I hope he chooses wisely in the next few days.

Mitchell11 hours ago

Last time I checked Netanyahu is still the prime minister, not Gantz. Don't give in to pressure, pedal to the metal Bibi! Do what you said you were going to do!

Don SpilmanMitchell4 hours ago


Don Spilman11 hours ago edited

This is so disgusting, gantzy pantz is being sooooo PC, what a useless idiot! The corny virus is NOTHING but hype designed to destroy your economy! RECLAIM YOUR LAND ISRAEL!!!!!!

FuzzyAshkenazDon Spilman
I cant believe this guy was the IDF Chief of Staff for five years. The falsetinian islamic savages must have really loved seeing him as their protector.

Don SpilmanFuzzyAshkenaz4 hours ago

It amazes me Fuzzy that so many generals and other high ranking IDF seem so anti Israel. Makes me wonder what the jerks would do if there came a real war. ... Oh please mr muzslime I’ll promise to roll over and pee on myself if you will leave me alone!!!!!

Tom Boye11 hours ago

So the guy is unable to chew gum and walk at the same time???

Or is just a disinterested traitor...?🤔

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎Tom Boye20 minutes ago

GANTZ is a traitor like all democratic party-rothschild bilderberg
is a GOLPE


So is Gantz saying, in effect, that he can't walk and chew gum at the same time? Is he so limited in capability that he can only think of one thing at a time? Further, we may emphasize yet again that what is to be started as of July1 is not "annexation", but rather "normalization". Its purpose is to bring Israeli citizens in Jewish settlements under normal Israeli legal administration in place of the exceptional military one. This is only right and proper, and long overdue. The purpose of combating the covid-19 virus epidemic is also to return Israelis to normal healthy civilized activity. One can only hope that both of these efforts cab be successfully accomplished as quickly as possible.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎ProclaimLiberty
smart acute reflection

David10 hours ago

So he is drinking Corona beer all day on taxpayers money, caring more about getting drunk than to keep his promises. What else is new?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎David

only the satanists of this planet can be anti-Zionists ..
they are forcing the Rothschilds to wage nuclear world war!
Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

L’estremista di Potere al Popolo che ha guidato l’assalto a Salvini – VIDEO

https://voxnews nfo/2020/06/30/ecco-lestremista-di-sinistra-di-potere-al-popolo-che-ha-attaccato-salvini-video/
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
la attitudine criminale e eversiva
ovunque si organizza un evento politico della destra, arrivano squadraccie di sardine, anarchici, ANTIFA a distruggere/provocare urlare impedire quella manifestazione..
in questo modo, il partito democratico dimostra di essere una forza eversiva!
L’estremista di Potere al Popolo che ha guidato l’assalto a Salvini – VIDEO
Potere al Popolo (?) è un’escrescenza del centro sociale di Napoli il cui nome è scritto nella maglietta di questo scalmanato. Un violento che vuole impedire agli altri di parlare. C’è qualcosa di più stupido, violento e debole che impedire agli altri di esprimere le proprie idee?
In questo filmato Giuliano Granato (Potere al Popolo di Napoli) insulta e minaccia Salvini, poi si scontra con la Polizia. #RadioSavana pic twitter com/pRNCUzIM7h
— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) June 29, 2020
Eccolo nei video diffusi dagli stessi violenti:
Posted by Potere al Popolo on Monday, June 29, 2020
Ed è sempre lui ad esultare per avere impedito il libero svolgimento di un comizio politico con l’uso della violenza:
IL COMIZIO DI SALVINI È SALTATO!La polizia ha caricato il presidio pacifico degli abitanti di Mondragone, aggiornamenti dalla piazza!
Posted by Potere al Popolo on Monday, June 29, 2020
In un Paese normale finirebbe al gabbio. E non solo per violenza, per eversione.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
the criminal and subversive attitude
wherever a political event is organized on the right, squads of sardines, anarchists, ANTIFA arrive to destroy / provoke screaming to prevent that demonstration ..
in this way, the democratic party proves to be a subversive force!
The extremist of Power to the People who led the assault on Salvini - VIDEO
Power to the People (?) Is an excrescence of the social center of Naples whose name is written in the shirt of this madman. A violent who wants to prevent others from speaking. Is there anything more stupid, violent and weaker than preventing others from expressing their ideas?
In this video Giuliano Granato (Power to the People of Naples) insults and threatens Salvini, then collides with the Police. #RadioSavana
pic twitter com/pRNCUzIM7h
- RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) June 29, 2020
Here it is in the videos released by the violent themselves:
Posted by Power to the People on Monday, June 29, 2020
And he is always the one cheering for having prevented the free conduct of a political rally with the use of violence:
SALVINI'S START OF MEETING HAS BEEN SWITCHED The police have loaded the peaceful garrison of the inhabitants of Mondragone, updates from the square!
Posted by Power to the People on Monday, June 29, 2020
In a normal country he would end up in a cage. And not just for violence, for subversion.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
The magistrate investigating Palamara was in chats with Palamara along with the grillini

Interception, judge who condemned Berlusconi "He must be sentenced a priori"
5-6 minutes

environmental wiretapping concerns a comment on the sentence that
sentenced Silvio Berlusconi to prison in 2013. Amedeo Franco - during a
telephone conversation with the Cav - admits that he was unjustly
convicted and that everything "was piloted from above". The final
sentence concerned an alleged unlawful appropriation of TV rights. But
so - and now the documents and the audios prove it - it was not.

papers published today exclusively by Il Riformista and the audio
shocks broadcast on the Fourth Republic make us shudder. The magistrate -
in his own way - apologizes to Silvio Berlusconi for that partisan
trial. “In my opinion, he was treated unfairly and suffered a serious
injustice - says Amedeo Franco -. All my colleagues and even his
colleagues who do not support it are convinced that this thing has been
guided from above. She had to be sentenced a priori because he is a
rascal. "
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
in Quarta Repubblica conducted by Nicola Porro, after the cards
revealed by Il Riformista the audio shocks of the magistrate Amedeo
Franco were made to the public. “Berlusconi must be sentenced a priori
because he is a rascal! This is the reality, in my opinion it has been
treated unfairly and has suffered a serious injustice ... the impression
that this whole affair has been guided from above. In fact, they made a
mess because what is the point of sending it to the working section? I
want to ease my conscience, because I carry this weight of ... I keep
thinking about it. I don't free myself. I was telling him that the
sentence sucked, "says Amedeo Franco.

In a second conversation
(the Cav after the sentence heard the magistrate Franco and with him
there were witnesses so they recorded everything), Amedeo Franco claimed
that "there is a bad faith of the Prime Minister, surely, he knew it".
In the conversation the Cav asks "what does the President know". Answer:
"You know it's dirty." And he reported rumors that President Esposito
was "pressed" by the fact that his son, also a magistrate, was being
investigated by the Milan prosecutor for "having been caught with drugs
at the home of ...". And then "The prejudices by force that were there
... you could do it ... you could choose ... you could ... you could try
to prevent it from ending up in the hands of this firing squad, as
happened, because worse could not happen ... This disappointed me
deeply, this ... because I spent all my life in this environment and it
made me ... I suck, I tell you the truth, why not ... not ... it's not
this, because I ... then I did the university competition, I won the
competition and I was still a professor. I would not be a magistrate if
this is the way to do, to ... hit people, political opponents. It is not
so. I have different opinions of ... of legal justice ".see more

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

Il magistrato che indaga su Palamara era nelle chat con Palamara insieme ai grillini https://voxnews info/2020/06/29/il-magistrato-che-indaga-su-palamara-era-nelle-chat-con-palamara-insieme-ai-grillini/
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
The magistrate investigating Palamara was in chats with Palamara along with the grillini
“Out the magistrate Gaeta from the investigations on Palamara. With a question to the Minister of Justice I denounced the further scandal affecting the former PM Palamara and the Cassation. I was shocked to learn that the Attorney General of the Cassation, the magistrate Piero Gaeta, responsible for the disciplinary procedure against many of his fellow togas. To this end, Gaeta would be examining Palamara's devastating chats, which recount in a pitiless way the shameful management of appointments and careers in the judiciary ". Forza Italia Senator Maurizio Gasparri wrote in a note.
"But Gaeta, who assesses the violations in turn protagonist of 'Palamarian' chats - added Gasparri - because he wrote and met with the suspect to discuss, apparently, his career. Should Gaeta, who appears in the scandalous interceptions, judge chats in which he himself is evoked? Gaeta-Palamara meetings emerge, aimed at what? In Palamara's support for Gaeta's career or what? Moreover, the former 'honesty-honesty' grillini appear to be active interlocutors of Palamara. With him the grill already held by De Vito and the Lombardi grill met. Tell me who you are going with and I'll tell you who you are ... From the hypocritical slogan about honesty to palamarism, the painful epilogue of grillism. "

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

perceived a slight radioactivity in Northern Europe and
as usual they slandered the Russians
but that's the truth
when the cursed soul of the antichrist satanist MERKEL
when will she descend into the atomic engine, the nucleus of our planet?
all volcanic activities will pay off a surge!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

when Gantz says it's an annexation
then he uses the same concepts as Islamic terrorists

quando Gantz dice che è una "annexation"
allora lui usa gli stessi concetti dei terroristi islamici

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎3 hours ago

Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation
only the satanists of this planet can be anti-Zionists ..
they are forcing the Rothschilds to wage nuclear world war!
Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation
soltanto i satanisti di questo pianeta possono essere antisionisti..
loro stanno costringendo i Rothschild a scatenare la guerra mondiale nucleare!

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah
ERDOGAN TERRORISM is all written in the Qur'an!
He hijacked and burned buses with 51 boys, the report "Sy aware of his gesture" http://a msn com/01/it-it/BB1673bc?ocid=st2
Osseynou Sy, the 47 year old of Senegalese origins who in March 2019 seized, hijacked and burned a bus with 51 kids on board, two teachers and a janitor of Crema, is not suffering from "vice of mind for infirmity".
it is only ISLAM who is the fool

Il magistrato che indaga su Palamara era nelle chat con Palamara insieme ai grillini
the coup of the Democratic Party and its Rothschild Masonic magistrates Deep State and regime Bilderberg ..
The magistrate investigating Palamara was in chats with Palamara along with the grillini
“Out the magistrate Gaeta from the investigations on Palamara. With a question to the Minister of Justice I denounced the further scandal affecting the former PM Palamara and the Cassation. I was shocked to learn that the Attorney General of the Cassation, the magistrate Piero Gaeta, responsible for the disciplinary procedure against many of his fellow togas. To this end, Gaeta would be examining Palamara's devastating chats, which recount in a pitiless way the shameful management of appointments and careers in the judiciary ". Forza Italia Senator Maurizio Gasparri wrote in a note.
"But Gaeta, who assesses the violations in turn protagonist of 'Palamarian' chats - added Gasparri - because he wrote and met with the suspect to discuss, apparently, his career. Should Gaeta, who appears in the scandalous interceptions, judge chats in which he himself is evoked? Gaeta-Palamara meetings emerge, aimed at what? In Palamara's support for Gaeta's career or what? Moreover, the former 'honesty-honesty' grillini appear to be active interlocutors of Palamara. With him the grill already held by De Vito and the Lombardi grill met. Tell me who you are going with and I'll tell you who you are ... From the hypocritical slogan about honesty to palamarism, the painful epilogue of grillism. "

il golpe del partito democratico e dei suoi magistrati massoni Rothschild..
Il magistrato che indaga su Palamara era nelle chat con Palamara insieme ai grillini
“Fuori il magistrato Gaeta dalle inchieste su Palamara. Con una interrogazione al ministro della Giustizia ho denunciato lo scandalo ulteriore che investe l’ex Pm Palamara e la Cassazione. Ho appreso con sconcerto che l’Avvocato Generale della Cassazione, il magistrato Piero Gaeta, responsabile della procedura disciplinare a carico di molti suoi colleghi togati. Gaeta, a tal fine, starebbe esaminando le devastanti chat di Palamara, che raccontano in modo impietoso la vergognosa gestione di nomine e carriere nella magistratura”. Lo scrive in una nota il senatore di Forza Italia Maurizio Gasparri.
“Ma il Gaeta che valuta le violazioni a sua volta protagonista di chat ‘palamariane’ – ha aggiunto Gasparri – perch si scriveva e si incontrava con l’indagato per discutere, da quanto appare, della sua carriera. opportuno che Gaeta, che spunta nelle scandalose intercettazioni giudichi chat in cui lui stesso viene evocato? Emergono incontri Gaeta-Palamara, finalizzati a cosa? Al sostegno di Palamara alla carriera di Gaeta o a cosa? Peraltro gli ex ‘onestà-onestà’ grillini appaiono attivi interlocutori di Palamara. Con lui si sono incontrati il grillino già detenuto De Vito e la grillina Lombardi. Dimmi con chi vai e ti dirò chi sei… Dallo slogan ipocrita sull’onestà al palamarismo, l’epilogo penoso del grillismo”.

Intercettazione, giudice che ha condannato Berlusconi “Deve essere condannato a priori”

5-6 minuti

Le intercettazioni ambientali riguardano un commento alla sentenza che condannò al carcere Silvio Berlusconi nel 2013. Amedeo Franco – durante una conversazione telefonica con il Cav – ammette che è stato condannato ingiustamente e che tutto “è stato pilotato dall’alto”. La sentenza definitiva riguardava una presunta appropiazione inedebita di diritti tv. Ma così – e ora lo dimostrano pure i documenti e gli audio – non è stato.

Le carte oggi pubblicate in esclusiva da Il Riformista e gli audio choc mandati in onda a Quarta Repubblica fanno rabbividire. Il magistrato – a modo suo – chiede scusa a Silvio Berlusconi per quel processo così fazioso. “A mio parere è stato trattato ingiustamente e ha subito una grave ingiustizia – dice Amedeo Franco -. Tutti i miei colleghi e anche i suoi che pure non la supportano sono convinti che questa cosa sia stata guidata dall’alto. Lei doveva essere condannato a priori perché è un mascalzone”.

Questa sera, a Quarta Repubblica condotta da Nicola Porro, dopo le carte scoperte da Il Riformista sono stati fatti sentire al pubblico gli audio choc del magistrato Amedeo Franco. “Berlusconi deve essere condannato a priori perché è un mascalzone! Questa è la realtà, a mio parere è stato trattato ingiustamente e ha subito una grave ingiustizia… l’impressione che tutta questa vicenda sia stata guidata dall’alto. In effetti hanno fatto una porcheria perché che senso ha mandarla alla sezione feriale? Voglio per sgravarmi la coscienza, perché mi porto questo peso del… ci continuo a pensare. Non mi libero. Io gli stavo dicendo che la sentenza faceva schifo”, dice Amedeo Franco.

In una seconda conversazione (il Cav dopo la sentenza sentì il magistrato Franco e con lui c’erano dei testimoni così registrarono tutto), Amedeo Franco sosteneva che “sussiste una malafede del presidente del Consiglio, sicuramente, lui lo sapeva”. Nella conversazione il Cav chiede “cosa sa il Presidente”. Risposta “Sa che è una porcheria”. E riferiva voci secondo le quali il presidente Esposito sarebbe stato “pressato” per il fatto che il figlio, anch’egli magistrato, era indagato dalla Procura di Milano per “essere stato beccato con droga a casa di…”. E poi “I pregiudizi per forza che ci stavano… si potesse fare…si potesse scegliere… si potesse… si poteva cercare di evitare che andasse a finire in mano a questo plotone di esecuzione, come è capitato, perché di peggio non poteva capitare…Questo mi ha deluso profondamente, questo… perché ho trascorso tutta la mia vita in questo ambiente e mi ha fatto… schifo, le dico la verità, perché non… non… non è questo, perché io … allora facevo il concorso universitario, vincevo il concorso e continuavo a fare il professore. Non mi mettevo a fare il magistrato se questo è il modo di fare, per… colpire le persone, gli avversari politici. Non è così. Io ho opinioni diverse della… della giustizia giuridica”.

Nelle intercettazioni ambientali del 2013, Amedeo Franco dice che se avesse saputo di questa storia, di questa “porcheria”, “mi sarei dimesso, mi sarei dato malato. Non volevo essere coinvolto in questa cosa”. Franco – si sente nell’intercettazione – dice al Cav che quando ha fatto notare le sue perplessità tutti hanno fatto finta di nulla “E’ destino che Berlusconi debba essere condannato a priori. Purtroppo c’è una situazione che è veramente vergognosa”. E sempre rivolgendosi a Berlusconi, Amedeo Franco dice chiaramente “A mio parere è stato trattato ingiustamente e ha subito una grave ingiustizia”. Franco nel corso dell’intercettazione fa una rivelazione choc “Tutti i miei colleghi e anche i suoi che pure non la supportano sono convinti che questa cosa sia stata guidata dall’alto”.

La magistratura va rasa politicamente al suolo. Non c’è alternativa. Dopo queste intercettazioni, mandate in onda da Quarta Repubblica, nessuno può entrare in un’aula di tribunale sereno, senza essere di estrema sinistra. O comunque vicino all’oligarchia che controlla il discorso.

Un giudice che condannò Berlusconi, si pente e dice " Berlusconi andava condannato a prescindere….lo decisero dall'alto"….
Sarà mica che si riferisse a quella 💩 di#NapoleCano?

— Odnamra A. (@LupoSol95187820)June 29, 2020

#Salvini nuove intercettazioni su "fermare Berlusconi"? È frustrante, come lo è stato per me leggere che sono "una merda" e che avevo ragione sugli sbarchi ma "andavo fermato". Sogno un'Italia trasparente. PD e 5S non faranno mai una riforma della giustizia.#quartarepubblica

— Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi)June 29, 2020


tecnocrazia lgbtq diritti Satana UE anticristo commercianti degli schiavi: dalit dhimmi(sharjah) e goyim(Spa$Co), Jabull-On e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario sono alleati tra di loro! CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poison made by yourself, BURN SATANA ROCKEFELLER ALLAH IN JESUS'S NAME ISLAMIC CRIMINAL ATTITUDINE

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 a few seconds ago

my holy JHWH ] [ this is a demonic invasion possessed supernatural Kabbalah UMMA sharia Erdogan BOIA jihad Islamic attitude UN OCI Russia China India EU USA] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
all of them deserve the death penalty!

this is una demonica sharia jihad islamica attitudine ONU OCI Russia Cina India UE USA ] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
tutti loro meritano la pena di morte!

FuzzyAshkenaz 16 hours ago

Where is the outrage from the leftists, antifa and BLM when the PA "Police" murder a handcuffed subject?

Looks like islamic lives matter only when they are in the act of committing an act of terrorism and are eliminated with justifiable use of force by a non muslim.

Efram Paul FuzzyAshkenaz an hour ago

You're under the impression the media wants to report the truth. They can't handle the truth. So, they actively advocate for 'their side,' the bloodthirsty, vicious, bigoted Islamo-Nazi version of all events all the time.

FuzzyAshkenaz 16 hours ago

Let's see the falsetinians burn down their faux-police station over this one.


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alpcns . 5 hours ago

Extrajudicial killings, huh. In (truly) civilized countries they call that murder by a bunch of primitive Islamofascists.


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Robert291047 10 hours ago

The International Media ignore Palestinian human rights violations and report Palestinian lies because 1) They are corrupt and bribed 2) They are anti Semitic using the time honoured meaning referring to Jews only 3) They fear for their lives and those of their families should they offend the Palestinian Leadership
This posting is personal and not connected with my professional life or any institution with which I am affiliated. It is considered privileged, private and confidential and not to be copied or distributed to a third party without consent,

Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 alpcns . GANTZ IS ISLAMIC CRIMINAL ATTITUDINE 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Tom Boye GANTZ is a traitor like all democratic party-rothschild bilderberg is a GOLPELeggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom4 minuti fa
Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 my holy JHWH ] [ this is a demonic invasion possessed supernatural Kabbalah UMMA sharia Erdogan BOIA jihad Islamic attitude UN OCI Russia China India EU USA] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist all of them deserve the death penalty! this is una demonica sharia jihad islamica attitudine ONU OCI Russia Cina India UE USA ] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist tutti loro meritano la pena di morte!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom15 minuti fa
Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation perceived a slight radioactivity in Northern Europe and as usual they slandered the Russians but that's the truth when the cursed soul of the antichrist satanist MERKEL when will she descend into the atomic engine, the nucleus of our planet? all volcanic activities will pay off a surge! hanno percepito una leggera radioattività nell'Europa settentrionale e come al solito hanno calunniato i russi ma è questa la verità quando la anima maledetta del satanista anticristo MERKEL quando lei scenderà nel motore atomico, il nucleo del nostro pianeta? tutte le attività vulcaniche rispenderanno una impennata!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom37 minuti fa
Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation when Gantz says it's an annexation then he uses the same concepts as Islamic terrorists quando Gantz dice che è una "annexation" allora lui usa gli stessi concetti dei terroristi islamiciLeggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom51 minuti fa
Israel pulls plug on GOD TV over accusations of missionizing https://worldisraelnews com/israel-pulls-plug-on-god-tv-over-accusations-of-missionizing/#.XvrLtZDlQ-E.twitter lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Grandma Dorothy They worship idols? there is no this in dogma and doctrine! They pray to the dead? Jesus said that his Father is the God of the living not the God of the dead! our prayer is in communion with the saints and angels, etc ... and ascends to the throne of God, only in the name of Jesus. They confess not to God but to man? this cannot be proven! They forbid priest to marry? this is true! but they can be pedophiles and homos? ALL the now pseudo-Christian RELIGIONS do it, the evangelicals have started it! In other words it's okay to commit abominations against God. How holy is that? Does that sound like a true man of God? ========= you cannot survive in the era of satan and allah and rothschild and bilderberg if you don't lean with them! or should the Pope see Christians die in the US and EU by the thousands every day as in Africa Asia and the ARABA League because of Muslims? if all politicians have become masons what fault does the Vatican have? They worship idols? non c'é questo nel dogma e nella dottrina! They pray to the dead? Gesù ha detto che suo Padre è il Dio dei vivi non il Dio dei morti! la nostra preghiera è in comunione con i santi e gli angeli, etc.. e sale al trono di Dio, soltanto nel nome di Gesù. They confess not to God but to man? questo non può essere dimostrato! They forbid priest to marry? questo è vero! but they can be pedophiles and homos? TUTTE LE RELIGIONI ormai pseudo cristiane lo fanno, gli evangelici lo hanno iniziato! In other words it's okay to commit abominations against God. How holy is that? Does that sound like a true man of God? ========= non puoi sopravvivere nell'era di satana e allah e rothschild e bilderberg se non ti sporchi con loro! oppure il Papa dovrebbe vedere i cristiani morire in USA e UE a migliaia ogni giorno come avviene in Africa Asia e Lega ARABA per colpa dei mussulmani? se tutti i politici sono diventati massoni che colpa ha il Vaticano?Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom52 minuti fa
Grandma Dorothy No super grandmother, just one who puts trust in Him, always. The rest of what you say, I couldn't agree with you more although I couldn't name all of the names for there are too many. As far as an exorcism, I'm afraid they are filled with too much evil for us to do it alone and would need to do it collectively, being sure to put on the whole armor of God before even attempting. Shalom... Nonna Dorothy Nessuna super nonna, solo una che si fida di lui, sempre. Il resto di quello che dici, non potrei essere più d'accordo con te, anche se non potrei nominare tutti i nomi perché ce ne sono troppi. Per quanto riguarda un esorcismo, temo che siano pieni di troppo male per noi da soli e che dovremmo farlo collettivamente, assicurandoci di indossare l'intera armatura di Dio prima ancora di tentare. Shalom ... lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Grandma Dorothy with this exorcism I destroyed the youtube layout 4 times and I sowed panic among all the CIA's Churches of Satan .. NWO himself is about to collapse over the Wahhabite Saudis who are the feet of the demonic statue of Daniel ch. 2 + In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! con questo esorcismo io ho distrutto il layout di youtube 4 volte ed ho seminato il panico tra tutte Chiese di Satana della CIA.. lo stesso NWO sta per crollare sopra i sauditi wahhabiti che sono i piedi della statua demoniaca di Daniele cap.2 Israel pulls plug on GOD TV over accusations of missionizing lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Grandma Dorothy and then I said burn Satan Allah in Jesus's name amen alleluia hallelujah DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF .. Thus a deadly pestilence fell upon all the enemy's agents on the whole planet why like Unius REI? I have a planetary jurisdiction e poi io ho detto burn Satana Allah in Jesus's name amen alleluia hallelujah DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF.. Così una pestilenza mortifera si è abbattuta su tutti gli agenti del nemico su tutto il pianeta perché come Unius REI? io ho una giurisdizione planetariaLeggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 ora fa
Israel pulls plug on GOD TV over accusations of missionizing lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Grandma Dorothy a few seconds ago They fought their terrible battle of 4 centuries, they made 640 excommunications against neoliberals, modernism, Morgan, Rockefeller, Bilderberg, etc .. against the synagogue of satan, they all catholic kings have lost and today they are their prisoners of Bilderberg FED 666 IMF 322 ECB 187 NWO ... have been forced to go all to swear by JaBullOn .. ok but which religion today can criticize the rothschild masonry in your opinion? HANNO combattuto la loro terribile battaglia di 2 secoli, hanno fatto 640 scomuniche contro neoliberisti, modernismo, Morgan Rockefeller Bilderberg, etc.. contro la sinagoga di satana, hanno perso tutti i re cattolici ed oggi sono i loro prigionieri... sono stati costretti ad andare tutti a giurare da JaBullOn.. ok ma quale religione oggi può criticare la massoneria dei rothschild secondo te?Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 ora fa
Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist President RIVLIN ] [ Altro › Importa contenuti (non me lo fa fare, oppure mi tiene da 2 ore a stressarmi con il recaptcha) Importa post e commenti da un file di esportazione di Blogger. I post importati verranno uniti agli eventuali post esistenti e ordinati in base alla data. Ulteriori informazioniLeggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom1 ora fa
WATCH Israel Takes Out 6 Iranian Fighters in Syria in 4th Strike in a Month lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Iranians must not go on vacation to Syria it's a dangerous place and there's also that executioner of Erdogan! Arowolo Seyi By now the terrorist regime should know to joke with Israel is suicidal. lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Arowolo Seyi Iranians must not go on vacation to Syria, it's a dangerous place and there's also that executioner of Erdogan! gli iraniani non devono andare in vacanza in Siria è un posto pericoloso e c'é anche quel boia di Erdogan! IsraelReader Arowolo Seyi Israel has set certain red lines with regard to its security. One of them is that Iran not to have any military foothold in Syria. You cross that red line, you're TOAST.Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2 ore fa
Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation only the satanists of this planet can be anti-Zionists .. they are forcing the Rothschilds to wage nuclear world war! Gantz Corona is my top priority, not annexation soltanto i satanisti di questo pianeta possono essere antisionisti.. loro stanno costringendo i Rothschild a scatenare la guerra mondiale nucleare!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2 ore fa
Trump deletes 'white power' tweet, Biden leaps on gaffe Cina, Russia, UE, USA, India ONU ] open letter [ L’umanità che vince contro la barbarie islamica sharia (genocidio e teologia della sostituzione UMMA) Era il 10 dicembre del 1948 quando le delegazioni di 50 Paesi annunciarono al mondo la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo. In un pianeta devastato dal conflitto più sanguinoso della storia, a pochi anni dall’esplosione delle due bombe atomiche in Giappone, mentre la comunità mondiale era sconvolta dalla scoperta del genocidio nazista e milioni di persone piangevano le vittime della guerra, i delegati delle Nazioni Unite idearono, discussero e pubblicarono un documento che può considerarsi tra più importanti della storia dell’umanità. Fondamento dell’identità umana, esaltazione della dignità di ogni donna e di ogni uomo, espressione della cultura, della religione e della civiltà di ogni popolo. Dopo aver visto il lato più oscuro del male, quei delegati ebbero la capacità di raccogliere il meglio della civiltà umana e di sintetizzarlo in trenta punti. È scritto all’articolo uno della Dichiarazione «Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza». Segue l’enunciazione di principi fondamentali come il diritto alla vita e alla famiglia, all’educazione, al lavoro, alla casa, all’assistenza sanitaria, alla libertà di parola, di stampa, di religione, di emigrazione… ANSWER la LEGA ARABA può soltanto essere distrutta!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2 ore fa
Trump deletes 'white power' tweet, Biden leaps on gaffe when you have little time and copy and paste someone who was trusted in the past? you can make involuntary mistakes ... but it is the Democrats who once again demonstrate that they are dishonest on an intellectual level quando tu hai poco tempo e fai il copia incolla, di qualcuno che in passato era attendibile? puoi commettere degli errori involontari... ma sono i democratici che dimostrano, ancora una volta di essere disonesti sul piano intellettualeLeggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom2 ore fa
DAILY RECAP Israel Blamed For Massive Iranian Explosion; Lebanon-Israel Border Could Erupt Over Trees; More Top… 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 i am jewish messia Am Y'Ishroel Chai 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 You are a mentally deranged devil worshipper! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Am Y'Ishroel Chai pity that the priests of satan CIA TROLL they cannot prove their claimsLeggi tutto


Lorenzo Fedele2506609 ore fa
Rashida Tlaib Stumps with Friend Who Compared IDF to ISIS Confidence of Europeans in the US as a global leader collapses after poor COVID-19 pandemic management The world can no longer assume that the United States aspires to be a global leader, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview with a group of six European newspapers on June 26, suggesting that priorities should be revised accordingly. ANSWER utter these fateful words of open sedition raised the radio activity and said "if the CIA slanders fail, my slanders certainly won't fail" in fact, all Wahhabi-Islamic Masons chiefs they have sworn to Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller to carry out a world war against China and Russia as soon as possible! Fiducia degli europei in USA come leader globale crolla dopo pessima gestione pandemia COVID-19 Il mondo non può più dare per scontato che gli Stati Uniti aspirino ad essere un leader globale, ha dichiarato il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel in un'intervista con un gruppo di sei giornali europei il 26 giugno, suggerendo che le priorità debbano essere conseguentemente riviste. ANSWER pronunciate queste fatidiche parole, di aperta sedizione ha innalzato la radio attività ed ha detto "se falliscono le calunnie della CIA , certo non falliranno le mie calunnie" infatti, tutti i massoni-islamici wahhabiti capi loro hanno giurato a Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller di realizzare una guerra mondiale contro Cina e Russia al più presto!Leggi tutto


Lorenzo Fedele2506609 ore fa
Law against homophobia the contents of the text that lands in the Chamber Law against homophobia the contents of the text that lands in the Chamber -contenuti-the-text-to-lands-the-room / Criticisms from the CEI The provision was criticized by the Italian Episcopal Conference, according to which all elements for the protection of the person are already present in Italian legislation. A further reference to the LGTB community "would risk opening up to liberticide drifts, so that, rather than sanctioning discrimination, it would end up hitting the expression of a legitimate opinion, as taught by the experience of the legal systems of other nations within which similar rules have already been introduced, "added the CEI. ANSWER we know well the invasiveness, partisanship, ideologization of the lgbtq lobby, it is said in fact "fluid GENDER dictatorship" national states in the EU have undergone European laws for the social modification of the collective social contents / meanings new human gender content, from the age of 3 years old, to kindergarten and nobody knows anything! therefore the parents are deprived of the Patria potestà .. European demons have begun to think big to supplant USA demons !! Legge contro l'omofobia i contenuti del testo che approda alla Camera Legge contro l'omofobia i contenuti del testo che approda alla Camera Critiche dalla CEI Il provvedimento è stato criticato dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, secondo la quale nella legislazione italiana sono già presenti tutti gli elementi per la tutela della persona. Un ulteriore riferimento alla comunità LGTB "rischierebbe di aprire a derive liberticide, per cui, più che sanzionare la discriminazione, si finirebbe col colpire l'espressione di una legittima opinione, come insegna l'esperienza degli ordinamenti di altre Nazioni al cui interno norme simili sono già state introdotte", ha aggiunto la CEI. ANSWER conosciamo bene la invasività, faziosità, ideologizzazione delle lobby lgbtq, si dice infatti "dittatura GENDER fluido" gli stati nazionali in UE hanno subito le leggi europee per la modifica sociale dei contenuti/significali sociali collettivi contenuti nuovi umani gender, sin dall'età dei bambini di 3 anni, all'asilo e nessuno ne sa niente! quindi i genitori vengono privati della Patria potestà.. i demoni europei hanno incominciato a pensare in grande stile per soppiantare i demoni USA!!Leggi tutto


Lorenzo Fedele2506609 ore fa
"Ridiculous number" Elon Musk doubts the accuracy of the COVID-19 test results The founder of Tesla and SpaceX has repeatedly downplayed the severity of the pandemic and expressed his unease and even dissent, with guidelines for social distancing and appeals for staying at home. ANSWER you are all witnesses the CIA has already vaccinated them all its satanists "Numero ridicolo" Elon Musk dubita della precisione dei risultati dei test COVID-19 Il fondatore di Tesla e SpaceX ha ripetutamente minimizzato la gravità della pandemia e ha espresso il proprio disagio e persino il dissenso, con linee guida del distanziamento sociale e gli appelli per restare a casa. ANSWER siete tutti testimoni la CIA li ha già vaccinati tutti i suoi satanistiLeggi tutto


Lorenzo Fedele25066010 ore fa
WATCH Israel Takes Out 6 Iranian Fighters in Syria in 4th Strike in a Month Kremlin reacts to suspicions about increased radioactivity in Northern Europe The national radioactivity monitoring system did not report emergencies or threats that could cause an increase in radiation levels in Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. ANSWER the case in question should not raise particular concerns even the MERKEL makes "smelly air" from time to time! Cremlino reagisce a sospetti su aumento radioattività in Europa settentrionale Il sistema di monitoraggio della radioattività nazionale non ha segnalato emergenze o minacce che potrebbero causare un aumento dei livelli di radiazioni in Russia, ha dichiarato ai giornalisti il portavoce del Cremlino Dmitry Peskov. ANSWER il caso in questione non dovrebbe suscitare particolari preoccupazioni anche la MERKEL fa "puzzetta aria" di tanto in tanto!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
ERDOGAN TERRORISM is all written in the Qur'an! He hijacked and burned buses with 51 boys, the report "Sy aware of his gesture" Osseynou Sy, the 47 year old of Senegalese origins who in March 2019 seized, hijacked and burned a bus with 51 kids on board, two teachers and a janitor of Crema, is not suffering from "vice of mind for infirmity". it is only ISLAM who is the fool IL TERRORISMO ERDOGAN è tutto scritto nel Corano! Dirottò e incendiò bus con 51 ragazzini, la perizia "Sy consapevole del suo gesto" Osseynou Sy, il 47enne di origini senegalesi che nel marzo 2019 ha sequestrato, dirottato e incendiato un bus con a bordo 51 ragazzini, due insegnanti e una bidella di Crema, non è affetto da "vizio di mente per infermità". è soltanto ISLAM che è il pazzoLeggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
'Issue does not depend on Blue and White,' PM says after Gantz's remark that sovereignty can wait 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 i am jewish Messia those who are not Zionists are outside the Kingdom of God and will end in hell! chi non è sionista è fuori dal Regno di Dio e finirà all'inferno!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Jim Moritz 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Are you back again!? BLOCK... 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jim Moritz troione 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jim Moritz priests of satan? they can't block me because Bush & Rockefeller would put them in the sulfuric acid bin! preti di satana? non possono bloccarmi perché Bush & Rockefeller li infilirebbero nel bidone di acido solforico!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 2 hours ago

President RIVLIN ] [ Altro › Importa contenuti (non me lo fa fare, oppure mi tiene da 2 ore a stressarmi con il recaptcha)

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Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

my holy JHWH ] [ this is a demonic invasion possessed supernatural Kabbalah UMMA sharia Erdogan BOIA jihad Islamic attitude UN OCI Russia China India EU USA] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
all of them deserve the death penalty!

this is una demonica sharia jihad islamica attitudine ONU OCI Russia Cina India UE USA ] [ Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
tutti loro meritano la pena di morte!

Palestinians execute unarmed civilian, condemn Israel for killing terrorist
June 29, 2020

A Palestinian human rights group accused Palestinian security forces of carrying out “extrajudicial killings” of Palestinians. Yet PLO officials claim that Israel is the one carrying out “extrajudicial executions” of Palestinians.

Two Palestinians were shot dead near Jerusalem on June 23 — one by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) near the village of Abu Dis and the other by the Palestinian Authority security forces in the town of Al-Eizariya.

The man killed by the IDF, 28-year-old Ahmed Erekat, was fatally shot after he attempted to carry out a terror attack against Israeli soldiers with his car. A female soldier was lightly wounded in the attack.

Palestinian officials were quick to condemn the “cold-blooded murder of Ahmed Erekat by Israeli occupation forces.” They claimed the terrorist was on his way to pick up his mother and sister who were preparing for his sister’s wedding later that day.” PLO officials Saeb Erekat and Hanan Ashrawi described his death as an “extrajudicial execution by trigger happy soldiers.”

Micky Rosenfeld, Israel Police National Spokesman to Foreign Media, refuted the claims of the PLO officials by releasing CCTV footage of the vehicle attack. The footage shows Erekat’s car veering off the road towards the checkpoint’s booth and into the soldiers.

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DAILY RECAP Israel Blamed For Massive Iranian Explosion; Lebanon-Israel Border Could Erupt Over Trees; More Top News

The release of the footage, however, evidently did not make an impression on the PLO officials, who continued to spread libels and fabrications against Israel and the IDF.

“Shameless criminals, this is an Israeli army video, this will be in front of the judges of the international criminal court,” wrote the PLO’s Saeb Erekat, a relative of the terrorist.

The allegations made by Saeb Erekat and other Palestinian officials were widely quoted in the foreign media, where Middle East correspondents always seem to delight in bashing Israel. Like the Palestinian officials, the foreign media seems blissfully unconcerned by the facts — which is most likely why its representatives take Palestinian libels and lies at face value.

The release of the footage leaves no doubt that Ahmed Erekat was on a mission to murder Israeli soldiers.

While the Palestinian officials and the international media were busy blaming Israel for the killing of a terrorist, Palestinian plainclothes policemen in the nearby town of Al-Eizariya shot and killed 41-year-old Ala’ Al-Amouri, a resident of east Jerusalem, in front of his mother and other family members.

Palestinian sources said that Al-Amouri, a father of four, was killed by the Palestinian policemen during an argument over a plot of land owned by his family. Three members of his family were also shot and injured by the plainclothes policemen during the scuffle, the sources added.

Al-Amouri was killed shortly after Ahmed Erekat carried out the terror attack against Israeli soldiers. Yet, Al-Amouri’s murder has been almost entirely ignored by the international media and the same PLO officials who condemned Israel for killing the terrorist who carried out the car-ramming attack. For the PLO and foreign correspondents, Palestinian policemen shooting and killing an unarmed Palestinian is no story at all.

When Israeli soldiers shoot a terrorist who tried to murder them at a checkpoint, then the PLO and the foreign journalists express outrage.

A number of Palestinian human rights organizations have called for the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the killing of Al-Amouri by the Palestinian security forces. Not surprisingly, these calls have been totally ignored by the PLO leadership and the foreign journalists reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) called for launching an immediate investigation into the killing of Al-Amouri and for holding those responsible to account. ICHR said its initial investigation showed that Al-Amouri was shot in the chest after he had been handcuffed.

Another Palestinian organization, Human Rights Institutions Association (HRIA) expressed its “surprise and denunciation of the increase in cases of excessive and disproportionate use of force by Palestinian security forces in the West Bank, the latest of which was the killing of the late Al-Amouri.”

HRIA accused the Palestinian security forces of carrying out “extrajudicial killings” of Palestinians. This accusation serves as a rebuttal of the lies of the PLO officials who claimed that Israel was the one carrying out “extrajudicial executions” of Palestinians. Many international media outlets, nonetheless, parroted the deadly lies of the PLO officials against Israel while choosing to ignore the allegation made by the human rights organization against the Palestinian security forces.

Here is what HRIA had to say about the actions of the Palestinian security forces

“The high number of extrajudicial killings by [Palestinian] security services in the West Bank constitutes a violation of the right to life. The actions of the security services, including the excessive use of force, violate Palestinian laws.”

The organization also called on Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, in his capacity as Minister of the Interior, to work towards ending the Palestinian security forces’ assaults on Palestinians in the West Bank.
Twisting the truth for international media

The two fatal incidents — the killing of the terrorist by the IDF and the killing of the unarmed, handcuffed civilian by the Palestinian security forces — are a perfect demonstration of how the Palestinians twist truth until it is utterly unrecognizable to the international media while hiding their crimes against their own people.

The same Palestinian officials who are accusing Israel of carrying out “extrajudicial executions” are facing the same charge by Palestinian human rights organizations. That, however, is an inconvenient truth that the leaders of the Palestinians are striving to conceal from the eyes of the world.

The lies, libels and double standard of the Saeb Erekat and Hanan Ashrawi fit right in with their long history of anti-Israel incitement. Those who have been following Palestinian affairs for many years are familiar with the lies and blood libels of Palestinian officials against Israel and Jews.

The real problem, however, lies far beyond the con artists Erekat and Ashrawi it lies instead with the attitude of the international media and community towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Why are foreign media outlets who are reporting about the killing of a terrorist by Israeli troops ignoring the real “extrajudicial executions” — the ones that are carried out by the Palestinians who are again trying to conceal their crimes by diverting attention (and outrage) against Israel?

If Palestinian officials, so called human rights organizations and international reporters are worried about “extrajudicial executions,” they should start by investigating the abuse being perpetrated in their own backyard. They should talk to the family of Al-Amouri, human rights organizations and eyewitnesses — who can describe in detail how Palestinian security forces shot dead a handcuffed man in front of his elderly mother.

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.

anti-Israel media bias

blood libel human rights

Palestinian propaganda

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica