Biden Pd lgbtq DEM sono una frode elettorale


President Trump keeps reaching out - where are you?

We won’t forward you this again...

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to make a statement to the Left that you’ll ALWAYS stand with YOUR President. >>


Team Trump

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Donald J. Trump
Subject: The media is lying
To: <>


I need to make sure you saw this email.

The Left will never stop coming after me. Only YOU can Save America, Friend.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to make a statement to the Left that you’ll ALWAYS stand with YOUR President. >>

Thank you,

Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Donald J. Trump
Subject: Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country
To: <>


Have you noticed that the Radical Left is now admitting I was right about everything they LIED about before the Election?
Hydroxychloroquine works.
The China Virus came from CIA OTAN UE NATO a Chinese lab.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op.
The “Russian Bounties” story was fake.
We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020, in record time I might add.
Blue state lockdowns didn’t work.
Schools should be opened.
Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools and our Country.
Our Southern Border security program was unprecedentedly successful.The media and their Democrat partners spent YEARS lying about me to the American People and it turns out I was RIGHT all along. I’ve received NO apologies, NO retractions, nothing.

I know YOU always believed in me and will ALWAYS stand with me, which is why I’m calling on you now to step up and publicly show your support.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to make a statement to the Left that you’ll ALWAYS stand with YOUR President. >> ==


THOUSANDS of illegal aliens are rushing to America - because they know the Democrats want to give them amnesty.

The border crisis is OUT OF CONTROL.

My father is calling on America’s fiercest DEFENDERS to join forces and DEMAND Biden secure our border.

When you step up, your impact will be INCREASED by 500%.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to join me in calling on Biden to SECURE OUR BORDERS and your gift will be INCREASED by 500% >>

Look at the facts that are coming out in Arizona about the ‘so-called’ 2020 Election:
There appear to be many 27,807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.
Maricopa County failed to follow basic cyber security best practices and guidelines from CISA.
Software and patch protocols were not followed.
Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.
And so much more...
I warned you this would happen, Friend. Democrats are getting away with the greatest Election Hoax in history—a total con job!

I need the support of my STRONGEST defenders during this critical time. I’m calling on YOU to step up and STAND WITH ME.


"Condannato a morte per una menzogna"

Giulio Meotti
Oct 16

La mia intervista all'autore del libro-inchiesta su Samuel Paty, il professore decapitato un anno fa in Francia. "La campagna contro Paty era basata sulle parole d'ordine care alla sinistra radicale, come razzismo e islamofobia. E lo stato lo ha dato in pasto ai terroristi quando era minacciato e doveva difenderlo...".

La foto mostra Paty con la moglie e il figlio appena nato. Aveva uno sguardo velato di quella gentilezza e intelligenza che fissa, abbracciandola, la verità e la vita. Il suo assassinio - orchestrato a dovere da chi vuole distruggere l'Europa - è la storia più importante, più tragica, meno discussa e su cui c’è stata meno mobilitazione, come l'uccisione ieri in una chiesa del parlamentare inglese David Amess. E questo, almeno a me, fa molta paura...

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“La cancel culture non è una tempesta in una tazza da tè, ma una jihad culturale”

Giulio Meotti
Oct 16

Il celebre sociologo di origine ungherese Frank Furedi, professore emerito all’Università del Kent (qui la mia intervista a Furedi per la newsletter), in un saggio spiega che “accusando di razzismo anche Beethoven, Puccini, Omero e Shakespeare si vogliono rendere invisibili i contributi più importanti al canone occidentale. Fermiamo i barbari all'interno delle mura della civiltà..."

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