Confront Iran's Mullahs bum bum bum allah uh akbar

Biden Administration Must At Least Help Any Country Trying to Confront Iran's Mullahs

by Majid Rafizadeh • January 1, 2022  

While the mullahs are using religion to justify their mission of taking over the region, they are more likely attempting to take control of all the oil in the region; they appear to be advancing their hegemonic ambitions to this end.

Iran has for decades been encircling the Middle East -- in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq -- by building a squeeze maneuver known as the "Shia Crescent; " it has been trying to unseat the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through Iran's Houthi proxies in Yemen, and it long ago attached itself to South America's most oil-rich country, Venezuela.

Please now imagine how much more destabilizing the Iranian regime would be if it had nuclear weapons, how much easier it would be for the regime to fulfill its constitutional mission of "extending the sovereignty of God's law throughout the world."

Biden's legacy now looks as if will add up to surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban; allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons; permitting China to take over Taiwan; enabling Russia to blackmail Europe with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline; failing to deter Russia from seizing Ukraine; harming the poorest Americans by forcing them pay more for everything by shutting off American oil and instead enriching Russia by buying it there at inflated prices; effectively cutting pay to the military and threatening to punish people who work by raising their taxes, all while paying millions of other people not to work; and to top it off, crippling the US military by diverting it from its core mission: winning wars.

If... any real response to Iran's threats will have to wait until 2024, will that be too late to stop at least one of these imminent catastrophes?

The Iranian regime has made it clear that its mission is to take over the region and create a single community under its version of Islamic leadership. Iran has for decades been encircling the Middle East -- in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen -- by building a squeeze maneuver known as the "Shia Crescent." Imagine how much more destabilizing the Iranian regime would be if it had nuclear weapons. (Image source: iStock)

The Iranian regime has made it clear that its mission is to take over the region and create a single community under its version of Islamic leadership. The Islamic Republic's constitution states:

"The Constitution provides the necessary basis for ensuring the continuation of the Revolution at home and abroad. In particular, in the development of international relations, the Constitution will strive with other Islamic and popular movements to prepare the way for the formation of a single world community (in accordance with the Qur'anic verse: This, your community, is a single community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me)."

For the ruling mullahs of Iran, their mission is a form of Jihad that must be accomplished through military force. The mullahs' constitution adds:

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Dear Friend—The left in America has no real regard for marriage. Many want it eliminated altogether as a supposed relic of patriarchy. Others are willing to keep marriage provided that it becomes “progressive,” a malleable institution that changes according to the desires of those who wish to pursue it. No rigid rules or clear guidelines are needed. Men can marry men, women can marry women, and people can marry multiple partners simultaneously if they identify as polyamorous. After all, they tell us, “love is love.”

Help NOM Defend And Promote True Marriage

With such a perverse idea of what marriage is, it’s no wonder that the left – led by LGBT extremists and their allies in Congress – want make true marriage, the union of one man and one woman, into a federal offense. They are backing legislation, the misnamed Equality Act, that among other things declares demonstration of support for traditional marriage to be a “sex stereotype” that discriminates against gays, lesbians and those who identify as transgender. Violators could face ruinous punishment.

NOM is the only nationwide nonprofit organization fighting to preserve, protect and promote marriage, but it’s a tough fight against well-heeled opponents. Fortunately, until midnight tomorrow night every donation to NOM will be matched dollar for dollar, thus doubling the impact of your donation. Even better, every person who steps forward to become a monthly donor will see their monthly pledge be matched for an entire year. Will you act with a year-end tax-deductible donation today knowing it will be matched? Please be generous.


Things have gotten so bad this year concerning the mocking of marriage that there have been at least three documented cases of parents wanting to “marry” an adult child. An 18-year-old girl excitedly described her wedding plans to marry her father after the two were reunited following a period of separation and subsequently had sexual intercourse. Her grandparents were going to give her away. A Nebraska man, Travis Fieldgrove, married his adult daughter, Samantha. He’s since been convicted of incest. And in New York, a parent and adult child are petitioning the court to grant an exception to incest laws so they can legally marry.

It’s time that the mocking of marriage come to an end, and that true marriage – the union of a man and a woman – be restored to our laws and respected by our culture.

A year ago, the radical network of nonprofit groups funded by George Soros named the International Organization for the Family (IOF) their top adversary. They then set about an aggressive and disgraceful media campaign designed to defame our reputation, diminish our effectiveness and depress our funding. We have weathered a withering series of attacks this year, and now as 2021 is coming to a close it is very much an open question as to whether or not Soros will have been successful. You see, we are well behind where we need to be with our fundraising, and are currently at risk of missing out on tens of thousands of dollars that have been made available as part of a $100,000 matching gift fund created by some generous supporters.

Please don’t let George Soros and his ilk succeed in their attacks on us. Until midnight tomorrow when 2021 comes to an end, every donation to IOF will DOUBLE thanks to the matching gift opportunity made available to us. Those who become new monthly donors can have an even bigger impact on leveraging their support because the amount of their monthly pledge will be matched for an entire year. Please help us today with a generous gift, knowing that it will trigger the match.======================

Accecata dall'odio per gli ebrei israeliani, l'Onu ignora i cristiani perseguitati

Giulio Meotti
Dec 30

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Siamo alla fine dell'anno. È stato un anno di soddisfazioni e di amarezze, di gioie e di dolori, di successi e di fallimenti. Come sempre. Chi, come te e me, ha a cuore il diritto alla vita, la famiglia naturale e le vere libertà della persona sa che non c'è da arrendersi mai, nemmeno nel meritato riposo.
Alle soglie del 2022 ti auguro di cuore dodici mesi di soddisfazioni, di gioie e di successi, sapendo che però non mancheranno nemmeno le amarezze, i dolori e i fallimenti. Nessuno può infatti illudersi che i mali scompaiano come per incanto, nessuno può chiamarsi fuori e nemmeno deve.
Tu e io possiamo, però, fare sì che a ogni caduta segua una nuova ripresa, che a ogni nefandezza si risponda con un bene possibile, che davanti a ogni tristezza si possa portare un po' di consolazione.

Come scrive J.R.R. Tolkien, «non tocca a noi dominare tutte le maree del mondo; il nostro compito è di fare il possibile per la salvezza degli anni nei quali viviamo, sradicando il male dai campi che conosciamo, al fine di lasciare a coloro che verranno dopo terra sana e pulita da coltivare».

Alla fine di questo anno, dunque, e sulle soglie del nuovo ti ricordo che noi la nostra piccola grande parte di informazione e di formazione la possiamo svolgere quotidianamente sempre e soltanto grazie a te, attraverso di te e per tua volontà.
Noi non abbiamo finanziatori occulti, non abbiamo sostenitori che agiscono nell'ombra, non abbiamo padroni di sorta. Abbiamo solo te, il nostro lettore. In compenso tu e io abbiamo molti nemici, che gongolerebbero se dovessimo soccombere, costretti a chiudere e a rinunciare.
Un modo, lo sai, c'è.

FINO A DOMANI, 31 DICEMBRE, A MEZZANOTTE ogni donazione con cui vorrai farci sentire il tuo sostegno, ma soprattutto combattere assieme a noi la buona battaglia, verrà IMMEDIATAMENTE raddoppiata. Mancano solo poche ore allo scadere di questa possibiltà incredibile di aiutarci a difendere i princìpi in cui credi fermamente. Sono certo che non vorrai lasciartela scappare.


Grazie, come sempre grazie. E ancora BUON ANNO!

Marco Respinti
Direttore di International Family News

L'annientamento dell'Occidente nel nuovo romanzo di Michel Houellebecq

Giulio Meotti
Dec 30

Le chiese vuote, le città islamizzate, l’immigrazione, l’eutanasia di massa, gli attentati a cui si reagisce con le candele, la cancellazione della morte, la doxa liberale, il senso di colpa...Lo scrittore che da trent’anni descrive la civiltà liberale come un progetto volto all’autodistruzione ci regala un'altra straordinaria radiografia. "La decadenza è difficile da afferrare, ma è la realtà dell'Europa…”


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